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Young Talent BSN 1st Professional

Subject Microbiology

Made By M Kashif


*Asslam o alikum to all For microbiology use Levinson book and try to do 1-13 chapter
exercise MCQs and Prepare theory 1,2,3, and 5(Table) , 7pathogens(steps and endo
and exo difference) wi kijye ga 13 (Sterilization and it’s agents)chapter bi krna theory
kilye (aur 59,65 selective krna in mn sy hypersensitivity and immunity and there
types)aur in k MCQs aur disease(ascariasis ,Tetanus, Measles,TB, Influenza) Definition
causative agent, sign and symptoms route of tramsmission and treatment aur ye jo
slides bhji hi ye krna enough hi*

Pasturization and tynderlization ka difference

Physical methods of sterilization

Diffrence b/w sterilization and disinfection

Gram postive and gram negative

Classification on the basis of nutrition


Cell wall


Toxin production

Spores formation


Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Medical asepsis

Hypersensitivity reactions unki antibodies

Innate and aquired immunity

Biomedical implications of spores

Active passive immunity

Types of antibodies

Types of vaccine with examples

Pathogenisis and virulence

Stages of bacterial infection

Chain of infection

Types of isolation

Types of grafts

MHC 1 and 2

Primary and secondary immune response

Cell mediated and antibody mediated immunity

Biomedical importance of some fungi


*For any query available for your help*

*Best of luck for Microbiology*

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