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Motion: TH, as Filipino Gen Z, would not enter into a romantic relationship with a person who
has a different political ideology.
Prime Minister – 76 Leader of Opposition – 76
Context: People have different stances and Rebuttals:
different political ideologies which people  Healthy environment is having a
thinks theirs are better than the other. unified and political ideology. It does
Definitions: not promote progress because there is
 Political ideologies – detrimental and no benefit of disagreements. Liberalist
a standard. have evidence and data that can
 Filipino Gen Z – empowered support their life decisions.
intellectual people who are thinking Disagreement provides better
critically; more exposed in political decision-making system.
arena and social issues.  Sustainable relationships consider
 Romantic relationship – settling different dimensions and not
down with these people until death. limiting only to political ideologies.
Problem: There is no progressive change Arguments:
because your partner does not support you. 1. There is an idea of not inducing
How should they cater the interest of the negativity. Not sacrificing
Filipino Gen Z? relationship because of political
Arguments: ideologies. The survival of
1. People have different stances. relationship does not depend only on
People become more conscious of the political ideologies.
their actions. It hinders the interest of 2. It promotes capacity to empathize
the Filipino Gen Z. in the mass population. Insights can
2. It puts at stake the trust in the better be understood because of
people. There is no reliance with the presenting perceptions. It catered the
partner. idea of having a competency in terms
3. It can affect the future. Instilling of diversity in political ideologies. We
ideology to the children will be become socially connected.
4. There will be a stigma around the
people. When there are two different
environments, it becomes problematic
because of peer pressure who have the
same ideology backlashing your
5. There is no genuine action for an
individual. Actions can become
Deputy Prime Minister – 75 Deputy Leader of Opposition – 72
Re-contextualization: Being with someone Rebuttals:
means incentivizing with the relationship and  Not because there are different
the society that they have. How can there be political ideologies don’t mean that
good relationship if people marry someone the couples don’t have a better future.
with different views and opinions. It’s normal to have conflicts in
Re-definition: relationships. Relationships are not
 Gen Z are choosing the whole world just about happiness.
rather than themselves. Very
aggressive in advocating their
Comparative analysis:
 Different political ideologies who
are in a romantic relationship – a lot
of disagreements will be there. Gen Zs
are progressives, thus how can they
actualize the thing they want if they
have unhealthy environment they
have. The cruciality is there if you
have different political ideology.
 Same political ideologies who are in
a romantic relationship – there is
satisfaction in both couples.
Government Whip – 74.5 Opposition Whip - 74
Rebuttals: Rebuttals:
 We are leaning on the idea that our 
political ideologies are products of Comparative Analysis:
values and personal beliefs. Our  Different political ideologies who
political ideologies would always are in a romantic relationship –
differ because it is innate in the people will know how to handle
society. conflict.
 The more they disagree, the more  Same political ideologies who are in
they foster unhealthy relationships. a romantic relationship – the
There is a facilitation of healthier and relationship can be harmonious, but
safer environment. when there is a conflict, they can
Crystallization: possibly withdraw the relationship
 Romantic relationships are personal to because they aren’t immune to
/the people. (Late/New Matter) conflicts.
 If a woman is a liberalist and her Crystallization:
partner is a conservative. The woman  Differences matter. We tend to
may suffer. (Late/New Matter) understand our partner, because we
choose our partner over our
disagreements. It is not only about
 Political ideologies do not manifest
your whole personality. (Late/New
 The relationship is stagnant. It will
become stagnant. People who have
different perspectives is immune to
much problem.
1. Elaborate to us in the long run that
you would choose your partner.
Prove to us that you understand
differences if you both disagree.
Answer: Equilibrium matters.

Which issues are more important?

What are the logical links?

 The Government
 No proper contextualization of how Gen Zs approach romantic relationships.
 No analysis on how political ideologies solve filial and marital disputes.
 Over-definition of Gen Z. Debaters tend to dwell too much on what Filipino Gen Zs
looks like.
What is the mutually exclusive idea between the two houses?

Government 3
Opposition 2

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