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Class – VIII Sub : Biology

Work Sheet – I (2024 – 25)

Name: __________________ Section: _______ Roll No: ______ Subject: Biology

I. Answer to who am I & very short answer type questions:

1) I am the process of losing and returning of the soil and because of me soil will get
sufficient moistureness. Who am I?
2) The depth at which seeds are planted is important? Give reason?
3) It is advisable to wash fruits and vegetables before using them? Why
4) Do Weedicides have any effect on the person handling the various side is sprayers. Give
5) I am huge area, people prefer me to secure and preserve seats for the future generation.
Name the place?
II. Answer to the given questions; any 3 from given questions:
1) A farmer wants to have a good crop yield mention at least four
measures he should adopt for achieving this ? Analyse and answer?
2) a) The instrument used to remove weeds.
b) The substance which are added to the soil in the form of nutrients for the healthy
growth of your plants ?
c) An appropriate distance between the seeds is a very important to avoid overcrowding
of a plants, why it's necessary to avoid overcrowding ?
3) Before sowing seeds,one of the important task is to know about the tool used for sowing
a seeds. Mention the uses for it?
a) If wheat is down in kharif season, What would happen? Discuss?
b) Sprinkler system is useful to the plants to get sufficient water, think and give answer ?
4) Write a paragraph in your own words on each of the following
a) Crop Rotation b)Using traditional tools c) Agriculture implements
III. Informative based questions :
1) Observe the given picture and answer to the given questions:

a) Which glass short better growth of plants? Why?

b) Did plants in all the glasses grow at the same pace? Analyse?
c) In which glass was the growth fast ? Mention the reason

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Class – VIII Sub : Biology

IV. Application based questions:

1) Chameli lives in Hyderabad. In Hyderabad the people, for growing a crop they are
using modern methods, to enjoy the summer holidays she went to her grandfather’s
village, she saw her grandfather is using old process to irrigate the soil. If you are in
the Chameli’s place what suggestion you wants to give to your grandfather regarding
V. Drawing :
1) Draw any two lable diagram of
a) Sickle b) Hoe c) Shovel d) Plough.
VI. Answer to the case study type of subjective questions;
1. Rajan felt worried about the condition of water scarcity in his village during the
cropping season. He went to Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare of his area to
get the solution of this problem. There he came to know about effective method of
irrigation and drought resistant varieties of crop.
He requested the head of department of the ministry to arrange some workshop on this
topic to educate the farmers in these methods.
a) Name modern methods of irrigation that help us to use water economically.
b) Write the drought resistant varieties of crop? Can you name some crops that require
less amount of water?
c) Did you learn any value of Raj an is shown here ?

a) Vitamin d is very important for our bones, from which type of management we are
getting such kind of source?
b) From above information did we get any type of organic fertilizers, are they useful for
plants , Write your opinion?
c) Write the type of food and the sources we are getting from the animals in a table format?

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Class – VIII Sub : Biology

VII. Objectives;
1) Before sowing the seeds, it is necessary to break soil to the size of grains to get better
yield. The main tools used for such are ( )
a) Tractor, Hoe, Seed drill b) Bullock, tiller, tractor
c) Plough, Hoe ,Cultivator d) Plough, Seed drill, Tractor
2) Growing different crops alternatively on the same land is technically called ( )
a) Crop alternation b) Crop revolution c) Crop rotation d) Crop change
3) The ideal months of harvesting the kharif crops are ( )
a) June/July b) September/October
c) November/December d) August/September
4) Which of the following nutrients reply replenishes the after soil after growing
leguminous plants. ( )
a) Nitrogen b) Phosphorus c) Oxygen d) Potassium
5) Combines are used for. ( )
a) Sowing of seeds b) Harvesting the crops
c) Threshing d) Both harvesting and threshing
6) Take a beaker and fill half of it with water. Put some wheat seeds in it, stir it and wait
for some time. Which of the following holds true regarding the observation and
inference of this experiment?
a) Healthy seeds being lighter float on the surface of water.
b) Damaged seeds being lighter float on the surface of water.
c) Some healthy seeds and some damaged seeds float on the surface of water.
d) Damaged seeds being heavier settle down at the bottom.
VIII. Awareness based questions;
1) People are from rural areas they are using fertilizers to get quick crop growth but they
don't know because of the using fertilizers soil losses its fertility. To improve the
fertility in a soil what measures they need to take?

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