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Class –VIII Sub : English Grammar

Worksheet – 1 (2024 – 25)

Name: _______________ Section: _____ Roll No: _____ Subject: English Grammar

I. Exercise 1 – Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronouns

Read the following sentences and use the appropriate pronouns.
1. Murat is a good boy. __ always listens to__ teacher.
2. Amit and Sumit are twin brothers. ___ take the same bag to school.
3. Milly and I are very good friends. ___ have known each other since childhood.
4. The mangoes are very sour. Where did you buy ___?
5. I love watching Tom and Jerry. __ reminds me of my childhood days.
6. I bought this book for my sister. __ often read it together.
7. This is Steve. Do you know __?
8. There are many windows here. But all of ___ are jammed.
9. The army has reached __ destination.
10. My aunt and uncle live in Delhi. ___ often visit ___.
11. While playing basketball, I hurt ____.
12. The children locked ___ up in the cupboard while playing hide and seek.
13. I bought __ flowers for my anniversary.
14. All the boys participated in the race and ___ one of them got a prize.
15. ___ of the witnesses were present in the court.
16. I met Peter ___ just returned from Belgium.
17. Raju set for ___, a target which was difficult to achieve.
18. The criminals ___ admitted their crime.
19. This is the girl __ identified the burglar.
20. The book is Anne’s. It is __ favourite book.
 Exercise 2 – Use the correct form of pronouns
Choose the correct pronoun and use it in the sentence.
1. (Me/I) feel like taking a short trip to the Maldives
2. (I/me) think you should participate in the debate.
3. Wuthering Heights is (her/hers) favourite book.
4. Those papers are (mine/my).
5. The box was lying around. Is (it/its) yours?
6. The dog almost choked (himself/itself).
7. Natasha was all by (yourselves/herself)

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Class –VIII Sub : English Grammar

8. I got (me/myself) all wet.

9. (That/this) book lying here is mine.
10. (Each/neither) of us were given a gift hamper.
11. Do you want (that/it) pen?
12. I lost the toy you gave (me/myself)
13. This house is (ours/our).
14. It was (their/theirs) car.
15. Do you know (his/him)?
16. ________ did you see there? (who/whom)
17. They wished to avenge ________, on their enemy. (themselves/their selves)
18. _______ do you trust the most? (who/whom)
19. The two brothers help __________ in their business. (each other/one another)
20. Time and tide will wait for ________. (no man/none)
21. I know the person ______ you suspect. (who/whom)
22. ____ being a naughty girl, was often whipped by my mother. (I/me)
23. ________ of my friends gave me a present. (each / every)
24. Where is the person ________ you wanted to see. (which/whom)
25. Her house is situated opposite to _______. (me/mine)
26. Only ______who are intelligent, will pass the test. (they/those)
27. One should not waste ______ time in idle talks. (his / one’s)
28. This is their house and the one at the end of the street is also ______. (their/theirs)
29. His appointment is in the morning; _______ is in the evening. (her/hers)
30. There is no one but _____. (I/me)
31. He is not more industrious than ______. (me/I am)
32. Your met _______ of those three friends. (neither / none)
33. He was displeased at _____ going there. (my/me)
34. I am one of those who cannot describe what ____ do not see. (I/they)
35. I think you should stay faithful to the person whom you are married / the person you
are married to.
36. He is your good friend. / He is a good friend of yours.
37. Being a pleasant day / it being a pleasant day, we went out for a walk.
38. Being a man of social habits / he being a man of social habits, is liked by everyone.
39. Whosoever does best he will / whosoever does best, will a get a prize.
40. A dispute has arisen between me and him / him and me.
41. I thought it was _____. (he/him)

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42. He told me his address _________ I wrote down in a note-book. (where/which)

43. _____ was very kind of you to come to the party. (this/it)
44. He is the very man ________ we want. (which /whom)
45. This is the same mistake _______ you made before. (as/that)
 Answer the following questions:
1. What are determiners?
Determiners are those words that precede a noun to refer to something
particular/specific. For example, “Those books are old.” Here, ‘those’ is a determiner as
it refers to something specific, i.e. the ‘books’.
2. Do articles come under determiners?
3. Yes, the articles (a/an/the) are considered to be determiners.
Determiners are words that ae used to introduce and modify nouns in a context just like
adjectives do. Getting yourself thorough with its use can be done by working out some
exercises on determiners. Check out the exercises given in the article to check your
understanding of the same.
 Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the right determiners.
Complete the sentences given below with the suitable determiners given in brackets.

1. Meg used ___ sketch pens to complete her project. (this/these)

2. I had ___ rice today. (enough/all)

3. ___ picture was painted by Picasso. (that/those)

4. The book belongs to ___. (her/hers)

5. Can you give me ___ notebook? (the/an)

6. Sam stood ____ in the class. (first/one)

7. Mave is ___ honest man. (a/an)

8. ___ students were called to the principal’s office. (any/some)

9. Do you know ___ scarf this is? (whose/their)
10. ___ Qutub Minar belongs to the Sultanate Period in India. (an/the)
11. __ box of chocolates belongs to Rachel. (these/that)
12. Is there ___ food left in the fridge? (many/any)
13. Can I get ___ hot bowl of soup? (a/an)
14. There aren’t ___ boys in the park. (some/any)
15. Freya got ___ beautiful souvenir from Paris. (a/an)

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 Exercise 2: Fill the blanks with right determiners

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners.
Once upon __ time, there lived __ king who was known for __ judgements. One day ___
women came holding __ baby, and both claimed they were __ mothers. Both women were
crying hard for __ baby, and __ king was finding it difficult to believe who was saying ___
truth. So ___ king asked ___ guards to cut ___ baby in half and give ___ half to both ___
women. ___ woman who was holding __ baby accepted ___ decision whereas ___ other
woman started begging ___ king to give ___ baby to the other woman. Seeing ___, the
king immediately understood who __ real mother was. The king said that __ real mother
would never let __ harm befall on __ child, and that is why the second woman asked to
give away the child to the first woman. She did not want any harm on __ child and would
rather give the baby away to someone else. Finally __ king gave __ baby to __ real mother.

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