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GOA-Base Task Scheduler for Dynamic Load Balancing in CloudIoT

Today, resource allocation in the CloudIoT has become a progressive challenge; among the
techniques reinforcing this challenge is load balancing; either static or dynamic. Various cloud task-
scheduling algorithms based on meta-heuristic algorithms have been studied such as scheduling
algorithms based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Genetic Algorithm
(GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO). In this paper, we
propose a new task scheduling approach based on the Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA)
for dynamic load balancing in the CloudIoT. SGOA is a scheduler inspired by the behavior of
grasshoppers; which live and nourish in a limited space to obtain a global optimization and avoid the
trap in the local optimum. SGOA is simulated on CloudSim and compared with two recent
approaches and the results obtained showed a considerable improvement in dynamic load balancing
in the CloudIoT .

Keywords: CloudIoT, Dynamic load balancing, GOA, Task Scheduler.


IoT is a new technology that makes it possible to transform real-world objects into smart objects[2];
which share their data, their situations and their interactions with other interconnected objects.

• IoT are characterized by their limited storage and processing capacity, which is why a merger with
Cloud Computing has become a necessity to benefit from the unlimited capacities of the Cloud.

• CloudIoT, is the new paradigm that was born following this merger, it has now become the
foundation of smart cities, smart homes, etc.

• The amount of data shared, processed and controlled on this paradigm has become in the order of
meta ; of smart cities, smart homes, etc.

• Load balancing is one of the techniques used to improve resource allocation; there is a static
balancing and a dynamic one.

Much scientific research on load balancing in Cloud Computing has focused on the task allocation
parameter. Each scheduling algorithm is based on one or more parameters. The most used
objectives are time, cost, and resource utilization (which also indicates quality of service (QoS))[3].

1. Several task scheduling algorithms based on meta-heuristic algorithms, such as BGA, HGOW-ABC
algorithms have been developed for cloud load balancing.

2. In this paper, we used one of the heuristic task scheduling algorithms for dynamic load balancing in
the CloudIoT; based on the behaviors of grasshoppers

3. Grasshoppers live and feed in a limited space, which allows them to group together on the target
(food) in a short time and with maximum use of shared abilities.

4. The simulation is performed on three parameters (makespan, throughput and resource utilization
rate), and it showed that the proposed approach outperforms the most recent task scheduling
approaches: BGA and HGOW-ABC.
‫كيف تستعمل البيانات الضخمة من قبل شركات الهاتف؟‬

‫مؤخرا أصبحنا نسمع كثيرا عن مصطلح البيانات الضخمة وسرعة انتش اره ع بر ك ل بق اع‬
‫الع الم‪ ،‬وأص بحت ه ذه الخ يرة هي العام ل المش ترك بين الش ركات الكب يرة والناش ئة وفي‬
‫الجامعات والمراكز البحثية‪ ،‬فقد اصبحت الهوات ف المحمول ة أك ثر ش يوعا حيث يس تخدمها‬
‫الناس في ك ل ش يء من التس وق والتواص ل والخ دمات‪ .‬البنكي ة والتعليم عن بع د ‪ ....‬الخ‪،‬‬
‫فتستخدم البيانات الضخمة بالخصوص للتحكم في هذه األجهزة‪.‬‬
‫ومنه فالسؤال المطروح هو كي ف تس تعمل البيان ات الض خمة وكي ف تس تفيد منه ا ش ركات‬

‫تعريف البيانات الضخمة‬

‫البيانات الضخمة هي مجموعة من المعلومات هائلة الحجم وال تي تتول د بس رعة غ ير ثابت ة‬
‫وتزداد وتنمو بشكل كبير وس ريع بم رور ال وقت‪ ،‬حيث يص عب التعام ل م ع ه ذه البيان ات‬
‫ومعالجته ا وتخزينه ا باس تخدام االجه زة التقليدي ة‪ ،‬ويرج ع الس بب في ه ذا إلى ان مص در‬
‫البيانات ينتج كمية كبيرة جدا من المعلومات بشكل مستمر‪.‬‬
‫البيانات الضخمة عب ارة عن مجموع ة ض خمة ومعق دة من المعلوم ات ال تي تتطلب ب رامج‬
‫مختلفة عما اعتدنا عليه‪ ،‬تطبيقات البيانات الضخمة التي تساعد المستخدم على كميات هائل ة‬
‫من المعلومات بشكل أسرع كثيرا النها صنعت خصيصا لهذا العرض‪.‬‬

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