A_CEOs_Contract (1)

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A CEO’s Contract

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at http://archiveofourown.org/works/45969088.

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga)
Relationship: Gojo Satoru/Original Male Character(s)
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Nanami Kento, Fushiguro Megumi, Itadori
Yuuji, Fushiguro Toji, Kugisaki Nobara
Additional Tags: golden retriever/ black cat, Fluff and Angst, Fake/Pretend Relationship,
Office Sex, Alternate Universe - Office, Office Romance, Top Gojo
Satoru, Gojo is whipped, Power Bottom, love interest who loves money
& gojo who never runs out of it, impulsively starting another fic,
Possessive Gojo Satoru, Masochist Gojo Satoru, Gojo Satoru is a Little
Shit, Gojo Satoru whimpers, Boss/Employee Relationship, personal
assistant, Threesome - M/M/M, Eventual Romance
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-24 Completed: 2024-01-21 Words: 48,998 Chapters:
A CEO’s Contract
by tinfoil_hat


‘Not even a little bit flustered?’

‘A pay raise might make me blush a little.’

gojo satoru, an overly flirtatious chairman that’s secretly head over heels for his personal
assistant who’s unaffected by his charms.

p.s. first few chapters written in 1st pov then changed to 3rd

See the end of the work for notes

It was half past midnight, exactly seven and a half hours after my shift have ended and yet I
found myself in the middle of sweaty bodies, loud ear crushing music and the smell of sex
that was clustered in the air.

Some of the people automatically moved away from me once they made eye contact though
the others made no effort to avoid bumping into my suit with their sweaty skin.

I wanted to quit.

Weaving my way through the crowd I climbed up the stairs near the back of this exclusive
club. It was a place I would never step foot into without a reason.

The sound of chatter can be heard as I emerged on the top of the stairs, there was a long
hallway that lead to a dark red door at the back, other doors lined up on either side of the
walls with security guarding every other door along the way.

I halted before the door at the end of the hallway, the security lowering his head slightly
before opening the door. From here, the sound of the music was slightly faded, each room
having a speaker of their own.

I walked into the room, the door closing behind me as my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit
space. There was a bar at the far end, a bartender mixing drinks at a rapid speed and at the
opposite wall was a window that panned widely, showcasing the sight of the city that lit up
like little fireflies in the dark.

My eyes dragged themselves back to the center of the room, where a certain white haired
man stood out from the rest.

Gojo Satoru was seated on a long, velvet couch. Both women and men flocked to his sides,
his arms filled with perfumed drenched individuals who laughed at everything he said,
blinded by his charming smile.

Bright blue eyes found mine, widening as he perked up, back straightening like that of a dog
recognizing its owner.

‘Kenjiro!’ My boss called, detaching himself from the tangled bodies on the cough.

I walked closer, keeping my hands clasped behind me to not touch anything in this room as a
risk of contamination. This was not the sort of night I would let myself loose.

‘Madam called, it seems that she has gotten news of your absence at home, sir-’

In the middle of my sentence, he had grabbed a hold of my arm, pulling me closer and
forcing me to lean over , a hand on the back of the couch to keep my balance.
He was grinning like a Cheshire, a drunken haze in his eyes from all the alcohol that’s been

‘What was that? The music is too loud.’ The man asked, feigning ignorance. This part of the
club was far enough so that the sound of the music would be dimmed, though logic has never
stopped him from testing my patience.

Bright blue eyes stared into mine, waiting for a reaction he knows I will never give. I stared
back into his gaze, my face unamused.

‘Madam called.’ I repeated once more, going along with his schemes. ‘It seems that she has
gotten news of your absence at home, President.’

‘So grandmother’s still watching me, I see.’

‘You are quite hard to miss.’ I responded before straightening myself and creating distance in
between the couch and I.

‘Satoru, are you leaving?’ One of the girls spoke up, clinging onto his sides tighter as my
boss flashed a charming smile in her direction.

‘Unfortunately, ladies, it would be quite hard for me to deny this one.’

The woman looked dazed, as if she wasn’t registering any of his words at all, despite clinging
onto the sound of his voice.

‘It’s not even that late-‘

It is ten minutes till one o clock in the morning, that leaves me exactly ten minutes and five
hours of sleep before I will yet again have to be back at work, not counting the time it would
take to drive back to my place.

‘-and you promised to stay the night.’

‘I am truly sorry.’ Gojo apologized as he rises to his full height. He turned, taking one of the
women’s hands in his before bending and planting a gentle kiss on the back of hers. ‘I will
definitely make it up to you next time.’

Giggles and sounds of adoration burst through the group as he properly straightened himself
once more, winking at the other before finally turning and walking towards me.

‘That was smooth, wasn’t it?’

I gave him a blank stare before turning, making my way back out the door which were pulled
opened automatically once I neared.

‘Hey! Come on, Kenjiro-‘ My boss whined, catching up as I went down the stairs before
smiling and greeting everyone we passed.
Calling him a sociable man would be an insult to actual extroverts, he was more like a living
breathing magnet. Wherever he went, people followed.

I kept my eyes up ahead as we walked through the crowd that parted like the red sea unlike
before, when I was alone. Perhaps it was his unusual features, or the way he always towers
over everyone else wherever he went, as people seemed to bend at his mere presence.

It has been three years ever since I had started to work as his personal assistant and never
once have I seen him get visually upset or raise his voice. It was a part of Satoru’s charm, I
suppose, the ability to always keep up face.

‘I am flattered, Kenjiro.’ Satoru started, finally catching up as we walk into the chilly air of
the night. The garage was lit up dimly, packed with cars all lined up neatly on each side.

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants, leaning down slightly so we could be eye
level despite our heights barely being any different. ‘To think you’d come all the way here to
get me, and without a paycheck waiting?’ He exclaimed dramatically before lowering his
voice. ‘Are you worried about me?’

‘I am worried about my job, sir.’

‘It’s just the two of us, you know. No one would see the slip in your mysterious image if you
were to confess your undying love for me.’

I gave him a blank stare, taking out the car keys from my pocket before clicking the button
and hearing the familiar beep of my car as we neared.

His smile widened. ‘Too much?’

I ignored him, opening the car door on the passenger side as I gestured for him to get in.

‘I am sure you’re tired, sir. It would be best if we get enough sleep before the office

Sighing in defeat at the lack of response my boss slid into the passenger side. Closing the
door I walked over to the driver’s side of the car, opening the door and sliding in myself.

The smell of alcohol was already taking over my senses as I started the engine, turning on the
AC as an attempt to lessen the unpleasant scent.

‘Was that all grandma said?’ Satoru started as I drove out of the garage and into the nearly
empty highway.

‘She also expressed her concerns over your behavior-‘

’Scolded you and proceeded to curse at me about my clubbing habits, I see.’

‘-before asking me if you were perhaps, staying over time at the office and have forgotten the
‘So she gave me the benefit of the doubt, hoping i was being the boring, well behaved
grandson she wanted me to be.’

‘-then she sighed, very heavily before asking me if I could perhaps take care of you in fear of
anything happening.’

‘You mean she ordered you to come get me because in her eyes, you’re the only one she can

‘I am sure her worries are sincere, sir.’

Satoru huffed at my words in amusement as I waited for the light to turn green before tuning
and driving down the road towards my apartment.

His house was an hour away from the office, as he liked to be away from the commotion and
my apartment was a mere fifteen minutes from the building. It was clear which was the best
choice if I wanted to actually get some rest.

That seemed to snap him out of his thoughts as he looked out the window, recognizing the

‘Where are we going?’

‘To my apartment, sir.’

‘You’re apartment?’ He repeated with a tone in his voice I did not recognized.

I didn’t spare him a glance.

‘There is now approximately three hours and thirty minutes of sleep left possible before you
are called into work, sir. Per madam’s request I will be taking the most efficient route to
ensure you’re at you’re absolute best by morning.’

In other words, your damn family have wasted my time over trivial matters. Therefore, not
only do I have three hours and thirty minutes left of my sleep but I will then be forced to go
back to working despite already working over time.

‘The Kenjiro Rin is inviting me over? Am I really that drunk or are we about to have a

‘I am merely letting you stay over for the night considering the lack of time we have.’

‘So a sleepover, then. And you said you weren’t worried about me.’

‘I wouldn’t necessarily call it being worried-‘

‘And yet you’re inviting me over for a sleepover.’

‘It’s just a temporary stay.’

‘A sleep over.’

’It’s the quickest solution I could think of.’

‘Which is having me, in your home, in the dead of the night? Are you trying to take
advantage of my drunken state?’

I turned the steering wheel roughly, the tires squeaking against the floor as I drove through
the entrance of the apartment building. Satoru yelped out in surprise, gripping his seat as his
body swerved along with the vehicle.

The underground parking lot was silent as I drove in and so was the white haired man.
Parking the car in my usual spot near the entrance I turned towards my boss with an overly
soft expression on my face.

‘I am sure you’re tired, shall we head up now, sir?’

The grin was back on his face in seconds.

I really, really should have quit.

Pay Raise

There were dark circles under my eyes the next morning, though not as prominent as the ones
I had when I first started working as his personal attendant.

Unfortunately, I have gotten used to his frantic schedule not to mention making urgent calls
to foreign companies and apologising in my boss’s stead.

Turning off the sink I dried my face with the small towel that hung nearby. I had gotten
exactly three hours of sleep, which is plenty considering I only needed two to properly

I pulled the hair tie from my wrist, biting it between my teeth before gathering my shoulder
length hair at the back of my neck, the strands that were too short hanging loosely around my
face as I tied my hair back.

Grabbing my phone off of the counter I walked out of the bedroom, already checking the
emails that had piled up over night.

‘And here I thought I’d get to see you with your hair down.’

I didn’t spare him a glance. Gojo was yawning by the window, stretching out his muscles as
he commented on my appearance.

He had insisted on sleeping shirtless last night, complaining about the heat despite my AC
being on 20 celsius.

‘Coffee, sir?’ I asked instead, placing down my phone on the tea table once I had deleted all
the emails I deemed unnecessary.
My apartment wasn’t small by any means, though it was still a child’s playground compared
to my boss’s penthouse. There was a decent size living room that greeted guests once they
walk through the doors, my bedroom to the right where my personal office also resided in
and the kitchen that was separated from the living room with a counter. Not to mention the
two bathrooms, one in my bedroom, and one outside.

My couch was covered in a pile of blankets that were used by my boss, a pillow propped up
on one of its arms.

‘Yes, please.’ Satoru finally answered me, his eyes trailing after my figure as I made my way
into the kitchen.

‘Are you still upset?’

‘Is that a rhetorical question?’

‘I am asking this because I really can’t tell what you’re thinking, Rin.’

I placed the cup under the coffee brewer, taking out another one for my own as I laid out a
bento to pack my lunch.

‘According to my contract I believe I am obligated to say no, sir.’

Which was true. I was not upset, I was annoyed. There were very few things that could ever
get on my nerves, loud places and working overtime being two on that list and he had
managed to nail it all in one night.

Satoru walked around the couch, placing his elbows on the counter as he leaned in with an
apologetic smile.

‘How about dinner today, I promise I’ll make it worthwhile.’

‘I would rather not work overtime two days in a row, sir.’

‘It wouldn’t be working-‘ He paused, averting his gaze when I glanced up curtly. ‘-it’ll be, a
treat, of sorts.’

‘I am perfectly capable of buying myself meals.’

Satoru sighed, looking back and opening his mouth to retort before I placed his coffee cup in
front of him, sliding it towards his direction as I started working on my bento while my own
coffee brewed.

‘There is a meeting with FushiguroTech this morning at 8:30, followed by a luncheon with
the madam and a meeting with the human resources department at 14:00 sharp.’ I stated
instead as he sipped the coffee, scrunching up his face slightly at the taste.

‘You didn’t put sugar in this?’

‘I apologise, there were no specific instructions, sir.’ I lied.

People would call my actions petty, though not putting sugar in your boss’s coffee could
barely be considered a crime compared to being forced to baby sit your boss by his overly
protective grandmother.

He raised one pale brow, knowing fully well I was aware of how he liked his drinks made.

Overly sweet, fast and served with a smile.

I gave it to him without a glance, had it made bitterly though at least it was fast.
‘Add a reservation at Narisawa at approximately 8 pm.’

I continued preparing my bento, adding triangular shaped rice balls into the mix before
closing and securing the two layered boxes together.

‘With whom, sir?’


‘I would have to politely decline.’

‘Nothing about you is polite.’

I unplugged the coffee brewer, not adding sugar into mine either as I took a few sips. His
statement wasn’t wrong, though the results of my work makes up for my lack of respect.

It’s not like I was rude, either.

‘What would you like instead, then?’ He asked, cocking his head to the side.

‘A pay raise.’

He hummed at that, twirling the coffee in his hands before finishing its contents.

‘Not a paid vacation?’

I perked up, glancing up and meeting his eyes fully for the first time this morning and as if I
had fallen into his trap, the man smiled, bright blue eyes curling.

‘Yes.’ I replied immediately and he laughed, placing down the cup before walking towards
the balcony where the drier was drying his clothes.

‘So easy to please.’ He commented, sliding open the screen door and stepping outside.

I sigh, taking both of the cups and putting them into the sink, washing all of the utensils that
have been used immediately.

There was an hour left before we had to be at the office. I had to put on a suit and get ready in

Unlimited Void was busy, as it usually was though nonetheless the crowd still parted as
Satoru walked by, a smile on his face as he pushed his rounded sunglasses back up onto the
bridge of his nose.

The suit and rounded sunglasses would have been an odd combination on anyone else,
though because it was him, I doubt anyone would dare to judge.

‘Mr. Kenjiro.’ Maki Zenin, an employee from the management department walked up,
handing me a tablet which I automatically took, already scrolling through the schedule she
had updated for the day. ‘FushiguroTech has requested to move their meeting from eight
thirty to eight am sharp, the madam will be here an hour early before the luncheon, though
she requested I kept that information private.’

‘Woah Maki.’ Satoru commented as he cane to stand beside us, slowing down his steps and
looking over my shoulder at the neatly organised schedule. ‘Good work.’
‘President.’ Maki acknowledged, lowering her head slightly though the boss merely
dismissed it with a wave of his hand.

She was one of my favourite employees. Never talking nonsense and always straight to the
point without ever beating around the bush or using any form of flattery.

‘Inform me when Gramma arrives.’ He spoke, hitting the button on the elevator and I passed
the tablet back to her.

‘And prepare green macha tea for her, mildly sweet and some newspaper, keep her occupied
until the luncheon happens.’ I added once the elevator opened, indicating its arrival with a
small ping.

‘Of course.’ Maki bowed as I followed Satoru into the elevator, holding my suitcase in front
of me.

The elevator was silent for all but three seconds.

‘Perhaps you could join me for the luncheon.’

‘I am afraid there are a lot of emails I must tend to, sir.’ I responded immediately, knowing
his ulterior motives.

Madam was the one person that could truly unsettle the boss. With her unyielding personality
and cruel words, doubled with her old age it was hard for most to deny anything she’d ever

‘You’re really going to leave me alone with that woman?’

‘I am not obligated to work on my lunch hours, Im afraid.’

‘But she likes you, Rin, she treats you better than her own grandson.’

‘Im sure that isn’t the case.’

Satoru hung his head in defeat, already dreading the meeting with madam and though it was
true that she was much more gentler whenever I was involved, it was merely because in her
gaze I am like a well behaved grandson she’d never have.

‘You are one cruel man, Kenjiro.’

The elevator door opened and I waited for him to step out before following closely behind.

‘Would you like me to cancel the luncheon with madam?’ I asked. Despite all of the things I
have said and the relentless teasing Satoru had given, he was still my boss. One word from
him and I wouldn’t hesitate to deny her entry.

The white haired man seemed to ponder the thought for a moment as we walked down the
marble hallway, the white walls broken into sections with windows looking into each office.

‘No.’ He finally sighed, giving into madam’s request. ‘The consequences would be worse if I
were to ignore her any longer.’

‘I will book a reservation right away.’

Satoru pushed opened the see through glass door to his office and I halted near my desk
which was stationed right outside, always on standby to deal with whatever complaints or
request that was thrown his way.
‘Once again, I’ll be in your care.’ He smiled, giving me a wink and I returned his amusement
with an unamused blank stare.

‘There are approximately twenty minutes until the meeting with FushiguroTech.’

Satoru’s smile dropped, cursing as he walked into his room, shutting the door behind him and
running a hand through his hair.

In all my years of working as his assistant, Unlimited Void has never gotten along with
FushiguroTech no matter how civil they try to be.

I sat down on my seat, starting up my computer to scan through the context of the meeting.

Once again, I may have to work as a moderator between the two.

When the meeting was over, I’ll remind him of the pay raise once more.

‘It was a pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Naoya.’ Satoru smiled brightly, offering his
hand for a shake despite the obvious scowl on the FushiguroTech’s representative.

The meeting had gone just as I had expected, with the two clashing against one another,
refusing to compromise before Satoru would offer a deal that is irresistible due to his
standing in the market.

People call him a marketing genius, for consistently coming out victorious (the most
benefitted) in every meeting. I call it an abuse of power.

Naoya Zenin glared down at his hand, his own clenched into fists at his sides before stiffly-
and roughly-clasped my boss hands in a passive aggressive handshake.

‘Unpleasant, as always.’ The slitted eyes man scowled.

I watched him from behind Satoru, holding the binder in front of me. FushiguroTech was
owned by a big family, it was once called ZeninTech though it had changed ever since a child
was pronounced to be the next chairman once he had come of age.

Megumi Fushiguro, if I remember correctly. He was the sole reason Unlimited Void and
FushiguroTech even became partners in the first place. His father, who had never made an
official public appearance, had married a descendant from the Gojo clan.

Though she had died shortly after giving birth, the madam had taken it upon herself to secure
the position of the chairman for the young child-in return for a partnership with Unlimited

This, of course, was an irresistible offer no matter what company you were from.
Roughly pulling his hands away from Gojo’s grasp Naoya Zenin turned his snake like eyes
towards mine. His gaze narrowing in disgust as he walked by, quick to get out of our

Satoru’s smile widened at his clear display of anger.

‘Does he still think you’re a woman?’

‘It seems so.’

Apart from the man having a bad temper, he was also a raging sexist. Ever since our first
meeting he had expressed his disappointment to Satoru for having a “woman by his side in a
professional environment”.

It had taken my boss exactly ten seconds to realise he had mistaken me for a woman before
bursting out laughing in the representative’s face. Though neither of us bothered correcting
his assumptions.

‘People in power will never not disappoint me with their lack of intelligence.’ Gojo sighed,
combing his hand through his hair before sliding his glasses up onto his head.

‘I agree.’ I replied, keeping my eyes on his to send a subtly message.

His smile dropped slightly and I turned, making my way towards the door now that my
message has been received.

‘Hey!’ Satoru called, keeping up with me and pushing the door opened just as I reached it,
holding it there until I had walked through. ‘Come on now, that was uncalled for.’

‘I was merely agreeing with your statement.’

‘Yes but that statement wasn’t about me. You and I both know the flaws that I have are next
to none.’

‘Lack of self awareness, for one.’ I replied instantly, ignoring the other employees who
lowered their heads when we walk by.

The big smile never left his face as he shoved his hands into his pockets, long legs easily
keeping up with mine.

I glanced down at my clock, it was exactly eleven AM.

‘The madam should arrive soon, I had booked a reservation at Narisawa at approximately
eleven thirty.’

The madam would arrive at the company itself any minute now. By booking a reservation at a
restaurant it would give Gojo an excuse to avoid her before the luncheon begins.

My boss had a small pout on his face.

‘But I wanted to go there with you.’

‘You are going there with me.’

Gojo perked up at that, wide blue eyes looking at me expectantly.

‘You’re joining lunch?’ He repeated before his face scrunched up a little in distaste. ‘But that
old hag’s gonna be there and ruin the mood.’
‘There is no mood to begin with.’

I clicked the downward arrow button, waiting for the elevator as Gojo crossed his arms,
leaning his side against the wall to my right.

‘When are you going to stop rejecting me so coldly?’

‘Whenever you grasp the concept of professionalism, sir.’

The man smiled, leaning down slightly with a small smile on his face. His lids lowered, gaze
flicking down to my lips before returning to hold my own.

‘In my opinion, I excel at it.’ He started, voice soft and gentle with the familiar tone of
seduction I had heard him use many times before. ‘Professional misconduct, that is.’

I stayed rooted in my spot, keeping eye contact as silence stretched between us. He was so
close that I could feel the faint breeze of his breath on my neck.

‘May I report this as harassment to the HR, sir?’

The door to the elevator opened and I stepped in as Gojo hung his head low in defeat, sighing
and following my steps. Rubbing a hand down his face he pressed for the lobby button, the
door slowly closing and caging me in this small space.

‘Not even a little bit flustered?’ The man asked, referring to his poor attempts at flirting.

‘A pay raise might make me blush a little.’

He smiled at that, shaking his head as we fell into comfortable silence.

It was not that I didn’t find Satoru attractive, I wasn’t blind. With his broad shoulders and tall
build paired with his bright blue eyes and pretty face I had always thought he was handsome,
as inappropriate as that may be.

Though seeing him flirt with anything on two legs have dulled my senses when it came to his
attractiveness, it seems.

The elevator door dinged opened just as my phone buzzed. Taking it out I read the message
that Maki had sent.

‘The Madam had arri-‘ I halted mid sentence as big, warm hands grabbed a hold of my
shoulders. Stopping me in my tracks and pulling me back into the elevator against a very
broad, hard chest.

Gojo leaned over, peeking out of the elevator as he turned his head left and right.

The employees walking passed never spared us a glance, already used to the unsual behavior
of their boss.

‘The coast is clear, come on go go go!’

He kept a hand on my lower back, pushing me forward as he quickly tip toed across the
lobby as if the mere sounds of his footsteps would summon the nightmare known as his

I sighed, following my boss at a normal pace from behind, I would definitely be needing a
stress reliever tonight.

The restaurant had reserved a big room at the back for lunch. Its walls were a darkish red
decorated with historical paintings that were personally painted onto the walls itself. The
tables and chair a dark brown with the golden chandelier hanging from the top.

Standing in the doorway was a women in her mid sixties. With grey hair tied into a neat bun,
wearing a fitted suit and a permanent glare on her face.

The Madam was furious, which was an ongoing occurrence whenever someone were to be in
Gojo’s presence.

‘I could not believe you would leave me at the company without a word-‘ She took a pause,
one hand on her cane which was used as a weapon more often than for support. ‘-that is just
like you, when will you grow up?’

Gojo gave her his most charming smile. ‘I’ve grown plenty, not to mention my healthy

The cane came at him faster than one could blink though he managed to dodge it, infuriating
the Madam even further as she continued to swing her cane back and fourth, trying to land a
hit on her grandson.

I stepped back, keeping my back towards the wall to stay out of the way of her attacks.

‘Dammit, old hag! That hurts!’ Gojo cursed as the Madam used her purse to hit him in the

Though if he wanted to, he could’ve dodged that easily even with his eyes closed. They both
had a unique way of showing each other affection.

‘I am your elder!’ She continued, hitting his head with every word. ‘You ought to show me
‘Alright, alright!’

She huffed, stepping back and ceasing her attacks as Gojo straightened himself, running his
hand through his now messy hair.

‘You poor thing.’ The Madam started, turning towards me with pity in her eyes. ‘It must be
so hard, having to deal with him every second.’

I softened my features as best as I could, letting the fatigue show through on my expression.

‘It is alright….madam’ I started, Gojo’s eyes widening once he realised what I was doing.
‘The pay is enough for me to live day by day, he is a generous boss.’

‘Oh my child.’ She cooed, walking over and wrapping me in a hug. I laid my hands on her
back, eyes meeting his that were filled with disbelief. ‘Call me grandmother.’ She says,
falling straight for my trap.

‘You ought to give this lad a pay raise.’ Madam continued as she finally stepped back,
pointing at Gojo with the end of her cane.

‘You are one cunning man, Kenjiro.’ Gojo commented softly, staring at me in amusement.

‘Thank you, sir.’

The Madam walked between us, urging her grandson to take a seat at the table.

‘Hurry up, I am hungry.’ She grumbled.

I walked forward as Gojo sat himself on one side of the table, pulling out the opposite chair
for Madam to sit. She huffs as she does so.

‘Enjoy your meal, Madam.’ I bowed, one arm across my waist before turning to my boss.

‘What? No, sit, child. We have much to discuss.’

My eyes opened, looking back at the Madam in surprise. She has never once invited me to
any of the meetings with her grandson, though that could also be because whenever she
arrived I would be neck deep buried in documents as an excuse to not be involved.

‘Yes.’ Gojo agreed, eyes sparkling mischievously as he leaned against his chair. ‘Join us,

I glanced at their mirrored faces filled with expectation. Sighing, I walked around the table
just as Gojo pulled out the chair next to him, sitting down and giving into their request.

At once, waiters started filling in with plates of food. Before arriving, I had already called
ahead, ordering all the food I knew Gojo and the Madam would like.

‘Excuse me.’ I say, stopping the waiter as he placed my cup down, filling it with macha tea.
‘May I have a bowl of miso soup?’

The waiter nodded, walking away to comply with my request immediately.

‘You eat like an old hag.’ Gojo commented, smiling slightly at my choice of food.

‘It’s my comfort food.’

Miso soup, tempura and rice.

‘Are you stressed?’

I gave him a blank stare in which he ignored, continuing to smile innocently at me.

‘Stop pestering the poor lad.’

Gojo ignored her, keeping his eyes on mine and I turned away, putting my energy into getting
some rice in my bowl instead.

The two started talking amongst themselves in between bites. Gojo giving his grandmother-
the previous chairwoman-updates on the company, changes and complications (there were
none, according to him as the company is “as flawless as he is”).

‘FushiguroTech has been pestering you into giving them 40% of your share in the new launch
of Purple Hollow, I hear.’

‘The Zenin family, specifically.’ Gojo agreed, already eating a second bowl of rice.

‘Greedy bastards, it won’t be long before Megumi takes over the company. When the time
comes, the partnership would run much more smoothly. He’s quite mature for his age, that

‘Are his father’s whereabouts still unknown?’

‘Bastard comes in and out of the company but other than that no one knows where he usually
goes. He barely even spare a glance at his own child.’
Gojo hummed at that, lost in thought.

‘That’s why I need you to settle down, Gojo.’ Madam continued, her face void of any
playfulness. ‘If you marry a good woman from a decent family, you could take Megumi in as
your own.’

My hands stilled at that. Asking Gojo to marry was one thing, asking him to take in a child.

The Zenin family would riot.

I glanced over at the white haired man. He had leaned forward, arms propped against the
table with his fingers intertwined. He was actually thinking about this.

‘Toji would allow it. Despite the care he has for the child, him alone wouldn’t be enough to
protect Megumi from the snakes in the Zenin family.’

‘I’ll think about it.’ Came Gojo’s response. The Madam sighed before she continued
finishing her meal, the conversation falling short at his subtle hint to change the subject.

I kept my silence, finishing my miso soup on the side as they dived into another discussion
concerning the upcoming fundraising event.
Stress Reliever
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The car came to a slow halt in the parking lot behind the bar that was currently humming
with life. I shifted, parking the car fully in between the other vehicles.

It was currently eleven pm, not late enough to disturb my sleeping schedule nor was it too
early for my goal. Adjusting the rear mirror I glanced at my appearance.

The silver necklace sat nicely, shining through the v neck of the silky black buttoned up that I
have left slightly unbuttoned. My hair was kept in a low ponytail for convenience.

Pulling out my car keys I halted my movements, unbuttoning one more button so that the
shirt would flutter at certain angles, giving some a short lived view of what was hidden

The air outside was chilly but incredibly soothing as I walked towards the back entrance of
the Rustic. The bar itself was always dimly lit, red velvet couches perched on every corner
with blinds to separate them from the main area.

It was packed, as it always was most nights. Men of all status gathering in this sinful place to
enjoy a short escape from their busy lives.

I made my way towards the end of the club where the bar was, Panda smiling widely as he
mixed drinks with inhuman speed, chatting away with all the customers.

He was a big man, three times my size and bigger than Satoru himself. With a permanent yet
genuine smile on his face coupled with his easy going personality he was one of the big
reasons the club was a huge success.

Sliding onto the stool Panda turned towards my presence, eyes widening with recognition as
he walked over immediately. A white hair band holding back his dark hair from his face.

‘Kenji!’ He called, settling down a glass in front of a nearby customer and pouring pink
liquid inside before coming to stand before me.

I gave him a sharp glare at the use of my name and he smiled sheepishly.

‘Sorry, it’s been awhile so I was surprised to see you. Thought you found another place to be

‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ I replied, leaning on the palm of my hand as I laid my elbow on the bar

‘Toge—fetch me some pure vodka would you?’ Panda ordered the smaller man behind him
who simply nodded before going off to get the drink requested.
‘You got a new one?’ I asked, looking at the white haired man.

He nodded, smiling at me like a proud father. ‘Signed up two weeks ago, he’s quiet and is
extremely good at his job. Plus-‘ The big man leaned in, glancing behind him as I followed
his gaze. ‘He’s easy on the eyes, attracts customers, you know?’

I hummed, trailing my eyes down his figure. He was slim, shorter than I was though from
what I could tell from just looking at him, he was a man of a few words. Those, were the best

‘Oi, don’t even think about it.’ Panda scolded, cutting through my thought process.

‘I was just giving it a thought.’ I replied, the edge of my lips lifting slightly at his wary tone.

‘People you play with end up turning into some broken puppy. He’s a good lad, Ken.’

‘So am I.’

Panda snorted at that, rolling his eyes at my words. Though it was true, I had never done
anything before laying out the rules for whoever it was that I had chosen.

‘Vodka.’ A voice chimed in. Toge, the new bartender placed down a glass in front of me,
giving me a nod before turning and continuing his other mundane tasks.

‘So? What happened to the last one? Nagi, wasn’t it? Kept coming back here asking for your

‘Got too clingy.’ I responded, taking a sip of the drink and relishing the way my throat

‘Thought so.’ Panda tsked as he remained in front of me, Toge moving around the bar and
taking in orders instead.

‘You know, you’ve changed a whole lot in the last three years.’ Panda started, another smile
etching onto his face. ‘You’ve become sorta…tamed.’

‘I’ve been busy with my job.’

‘Well your job is saving a whole lotta men from you.’

‘You make me sound like some sort of man eater.’

He gave me a stare and I felt my lips lift behind the glass. Panda and I had met back in
university and we had been friends ever since. He had chosen to sit next to me in one of the
lectures, preaching about how no one should ever have to suffer through a boring lecture

After that, he had never left me alone since. Always pestering me during lunch, packing a
whole set of bento just for me. It was free food, so of course I had never complained and
despite his constant chatting, he was actually quite smart.
‘Well? What made you visit all of a sudden, pretty boy boss of yours stressing you out?’

Blue eyes invaded my thoughts at his words and I took a bigger gulp of the drink. His
constant flirting, his calls and texts throughout the night, trouble that seemed to turn his way
wherever he went. I couldn’t even deny that I was drained.

‘Just rich people, in general.’

Panda snorted once again, wiping down a glass as he shook his head.

‘If you ever want to quit, I got a spot for you behind the bar.’ His hands halted, eyes glancing
up at me and narrowing playfully. ‘Though you’d have to stop fucking the customers.’

I made a dramatic sigh, setting my glass down on the counter. ‘I am afraid I’d have to

He gave a laugh at that, passing the now dried and clean glass to Toge who was walking pass
behind him to tend to the next customer.

‘Is that why you’re here? Getting back into the market again?’

‘It’s only been a month, Panda.’

‘For you that’s like an eternity.’

Grabbing my drink I brought it up to my lips once more, taking another sip of the strong
vodka inside. It was true that I’d normally visit the bar weekly, though lately I had been so
busy it hadn’t even crossed my mind.

‘And here I thought you came here because you missed me.’ He continued, pretending to be
upset as he crossed his arms.

‘I can see you anytime though.’

‘You could also sleep with anyone anywhere, though.’

‘And risk getting stoned? I’ll pass.’ I replied, looking behind my shoulder at the mingled
bodies swaying across the dance floor. ‘Im quite picky with who I sleep with.’

‘Do I meet those standards?’ A raspy, deep voice interrupted our conversation and I turned
back towards the stool on my left.

The owner of the voice had a small, sly smile on his face as he twirled his drink, keeping his
dark eyes on mine. He was in a tight, black compression shirt with white sweatpants, strands
of his hair falling messily over his eyes.

‘Well?’ He encouraged when I continued to stay silent. There was a downward scar on one
side of his mouth.
Panda gave me a knowing smile, patting the space on the counter in front of me to signalize
his exit as he left me alone with this stranger, moving onto the other customers.

‘Have you been listening this whole time?’ I asked, cocking my head to the side slightly.

The man was big, almost as big as Panda was.

‘Afraid I’d hear something I shouldn’t?’ He asked back, smile widening mischievously.

He was the troublesome cocky kind, though men like him rarely ever get clingy. They get

‘How old are you?’

‘Thirty one.’

I glanced towards the clock on the wall, it was thirty minutes till midnight. If I were to
decline him now and find another partner, that could take me hours.

Just one night, then.

Placing a few bills under the now empty glass I slid off of the stool, the man’s eyes watching
my every move like a predator waiting in the night. I felt a chill down my spine as I walked
towards him. It had been long since I’ve done this, way too long.

‘Follow me.’

‘Just like that?’ The man asked, brow raised though he seemed almost amused at my actions.

’Is there a reason for me to wait?’

He hummed, satisfied with my reply as he slid off of his own stool. I walked through the
crowd, gulping as I could feel his heat radiating against my back. Even now, it felt as if I’ve
been cornered with just his presence behind me.

Reaching one of the corners with the red velvet couches I lifted the dark grey curtains apart to
step through. The place was hidden enough from the rest of the bar though if someone were
to walk through, there would be nothing to stop them.

A hand grabbed my waist, turning me and pulling me flushed against a hard chest. I wasn’t
given a second before his lips crashed onto mine in a rough kiss.

My shoulders sagged as I trailed my hands up his arms, returning his kiss just as fiercely. His
muscles bulged under my touch as the man stepped forward, guiding me back towards the

Just as I was about to hit it, warm hands snaked around my thighs, picking me up as easily as
one would a weightless doll. I wrapped my legs around his waist, feeling the slight pressure
against my stomach from his growing arousal.
He turned, sitting down on the couch as I stayed straddled on his lap.

Breaking the kiss briefly I made quick work of pulling his shirt off of his body. He grunted as
my hands trailed over his naked torso, shivering slightly from the coldness of my palms.

‘Are you not gonna tell me your name?’ He asked breathlessly in between kisses.

Big greedy hands moved down my back, grabbing a handful of my behind before guiding me
up and down his lap, grinding on his now very hard length.

‘No names.’ I mumbled, combing my hands through his hair as a strained groan escape his
lips when I pushed my hips down roughly onto his lap. ‘And no questions.’

‘So demanding.’ The man whispered before suddenly thrusting his hips upwards, hands
holding my waist in place and I moaned at the sudden friction, the hold on his hair tightening
making him hiss.

This, was exactly what I needed to clear my head.

Chapter End Notes


our man is just a little bit of a slut that's all. ehe.

man, im gonna make gojo suffer sm in this fic I donnt know if I hate him or love him.

p.s. can you tell who that was though? B) i can already smell the drama.
Shared Habits
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The driver slowed to a stop in the underground parking lot for the condominium. Not wasting
my time thanking him I wordlessly exited the vehicle, closing the door gently before walking
through the double glass doors that slid apart upon my arrival.

‘Good morning, Mr. Kenjiro.’ The receptionist greeted me behind her shiny black counter in
the middle of the lobby.

The lobby was ginormous, bigger than necessary with every nook and corner scrubbed down,
rid of dust. There was a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling, most of the walls being
made out of bulletproof glass with cream coloured couches stationed around multiple tea

‘Morning.’ I replied curtly. ‘Two coffees to go please, an expresso with double shots and a
matcha latte with extra sugar.’ I ordered as she nodded, picking up the phone to ring the

Walking past her towards the elevators that lined up beside each other in a corner I pressed
the button, not having to wait as they weren’t many people around at six in the morning. I
walked in, taking out the spare penthouse card from my pocket and lining it up against the
scanner before the elevator began to move towards the top floor

I moved back, leaning against the wall and resting my sore back from the short walk. That
stranger from last night, whoever he was, had drained me.

Though not that I was complaining. As rough as it was, I enjoyed every moment of it.

The elevator let out a ding, interrupting my thoughts as it opened its doors to my boss’s
penthouse. I was met by three huge dark grey couches places around a black table, all facing
the TV screen that could be compared to a mini cinema screen. The wall behind it was also
completely made out of glass, showcasing the views of the mountains behind.

I would never understand the rich’s obsession with windows.

Gojo’s penthouse wasn’t as wide as it was tall. Being two floors with a private pool on the
balcony it was the apartment many would die to visit. For various reasons.

Just as I had walked out of the elevator two women had rushed down the stairs, fixing their
dresses and giggling along the way.

‘Do visit us often, ladies.’ A familiar voice that I hadn’t heard in awhile called after them as
the women rushed past me into the elevator.

I glanced down at an object that had dropped from one of their grasps, it was the sponge that
belonged to the inside of a bra. Bending I picked up the soft material before turning and
reaching it out to the duo.

‘I believe this is yours, ma’am.’

To my surprise, the woman blushed dark red, reaching out and taking the sponge from my
hands as she kept eye contact with me shyly.

‘Thank you.’ She mumbled, lingering in front of me as if she wanted to speak.

‘Dammit, Suguru, are there gone?’ Gojo fussed from the second floor as two sets of footsteps
rushed towards the stairs.

That seemed to have snapped her out of her trance as she quickly pulled her hand away,
going into the elevator and closing its doors just as Getou Suguru, the lead singer of a rising
rock band, stepped down the stairs.
‘Why are you being so fussy this morning?’ He grumbled towards his friend, oblivious to my

I had last seen him three months ago, before he went on a tour with his band though now that
he was back, my workload would surely lessen.

His long black hair was untied, yawning as he scratched his chest under the grey long sleeve
he wore. Getou blinked sleepily, his footsteps halted as his eyes found mine, eyes widening.

‘Kenjiro!’ He exclaimed, coming down the stairs as Gojo appeared behind him looking just
as dishevelled as his friend was. He had his suit on, tie hanging loosely around his shoulders
as he frantically buttoned up the shirt underneath.

The white haired man cursed and Getou turned to him with a smug smirk on his face.

‘So this is why you were chasing them away at the crack of dawn.’ The man joked, making
Gojo groaned as he sat on the stairways, face buried in his hands.

I stared at his shameful form blankly. ‘There’s no reason to be embarrassed now, I’ve grown
quite used to your shared habits.’

Gojo’s shoulders tensed before he rubbed his hand down his face, sighing deeply.

His friend gave a loud laugh at my words, reaching me and pulling me into a big hug I did
not consent to. Crushing my frame in between his arms.

‘It’s been awhile, Im glad you’re still around.’

I frowned. ‘As you can see Im quite alive and healthy.’

‘I was wondered he’d suck you dry.’ Getou joked, letting go and smiling down at me

That was the one thing these two had in common-apart from their asshole like
personalities-.The wolfish smile of a teenage boy that would send any mother’s alarm bell on

‘He’s the one sucking me dry.’ Gojo commented from the stairways as he stood, walking
down and scratching the back of his neck. ‘He’s been getting a pay raise out of me every
other month for the past year.’

‘Im merely taking advantage of my resources.’

A playful smile brightened his face. ‘So you are taking advantage of me.’


Getou snorted before plopping himself down on the couch, switching on the big monitor and
spreading himself out comfortably.

‘Yeah sure, make yourself comfortable.’ Gojo grumbled, walking towards me as he twisted
his tie, focused on the task.

‘Will do.’ Getou retorted before leaning forward and grabbing an unfinished box of leftover

My boss stared at his friend, eyeing the cheese that stretched from the pizza as his friend ate.
‘Don’t you have work to do? Get out of my house.’
‘And you have a meeting in forty minutes.’ I reminded him, cutting him off as I walked
forwards towards the man.

Blue starry eyes watched me, hands halting in place as I stopped mere inches away, reaching
up and taking the tie away from his hands.

Gojo stayed frozen in his spot, eyes glued to my face as his breath hitched when I tightened
the tie. I glanced up at him, feeling him tense under my touch at the mere action.

‘Too tight?’ I mumbled, the man blinking down, dumbfounded.

‘N-‘ He cleared his throat, shaking his head. ‘No, it’s alright.’

A snort can be heard in the distant though Satoru seemed too occupied to care.

Once satisfied with how his tie looked I stepped back, giving a small bow towards Getou’s
direction in which he waved at me dismissively.

‘We’re friends, Kenjiro, stop treating me like a boss.’

‘Im in my working hours.’

‘Will you treat me normally if you weren’t, then?’


Getou merely smiled.

I answered honestly. No one in their right minds would want to see their boss and superior
during their free time.

I turned my back on them just as Gojo threw his friend a rude gesture, following me into the

‘Will you be free this weekend?’ He started in the silence as the elevator door closed, hands
shoved deep in his pockets as he stood beside me.

‘That depends.’

I could hear the smile in his voice. ‘Im not going to ask you out. I wanted you to meet
Megumi, since I will be taking him in sooner or later.’

My brows raise, looking towards him at the news. I had thought he was just humouring the
idea, not that he would actually commit to it.

‘You’re adopting a child.’

‘I am adopting a child.’

This, was going to go horribly wrong.

‘Why should I meet him when he’s going to be your son?’

‘Not my son, legally.’ Satoru corrected, taking out a pair of sunglasses from the pockets of
his pants.

There were squared ones today.

‘After meeting with his father, which might take some time considering nobody knows where
he is. I would be taking Megumi under me for protection purposes, just until his father-and
megumi himself-solidifies their position in the Zenin clan.’

‘He’s the sole reason this partnership happened isn’t he? Is that not a solidifying enough?’

He shook his head, turning to face me before leaning his back against the wall.

‘Now that deals and projects have been made, they could easily take him out of the picture.‘

‘They would kill a child.’ I spoke, trying to clarify the under meaning of his words.

‘Without hesitation.’

Sighing, I waited for Gojo to walk out of the elevator as it reached the lobby before following
him closely behind.

There was a waiter standing by the exit, a tray in hand with two coffee in to-go cups. Gojo
grabbed both, offering the man a smile before walking out into the parking lot.

The car started immediately, coming out of its parking spot nearby as it drove towards us.

‘Im free on Saturday.’ I replied just as the car slowed. I opened the door, Gojo sliding in
before I followed his stead.

‘I’ll pick you up Saturday afternoon, then.’ He smiled at me, satisfied with my answer as he
reached out the darker coloured cup of coffee.
I took it silently, immediately sipping the caffeine into my system. The moment Megumi
comes under his protection, the Zenin clan would become a constant nuisance in either trying
to get him back, or gain more influence amongst themselves in his absence.

It was currently Tuesday, which mean I had three days before my workload increases.

‘How are you so sure you’d find him in three days?’ I asked, referring to the child’s dad.

Nobody has been able to find him, no matter how hard they looked, not even madam.

Gojo hummed, crossing his legs on the seat as he plopped his arm on the back, hand resting
against the back of my seat.

‘I’ll find him.’ Was all he said.

My head throbbed at the thought and I leaned against the carseat, closing my eyes and
pushing away the thoughts of what would happen, leaving the future for me to worry about

‘Does you head hurt?’ Gojo’s voice sliced through, breaking the solitude as his hand
suddenly landed on my head, carefully massaging it. ‘Do you want me to massage it? Is it

I opened my mouth, about to retort back though as his fingers worked through my hair I felt
the words fade on my tongue.

My back was aching, sitting was uncomfortable and a headache was starting to form. The
least he could do as the root of all my problems was try to soothe the ache in my mind.

I kept my silence, sub consciously leaning towards his hand and enjoying the way his touch
had managed to release some of the tension kept there.
At least I had Sunday to visit the Rustic.

Chapter End Notes

im enjoying these two sm

Six Months

Not that I’d ever admit it out loud, though lunchtime at the Unlimited Void was something I
always looked forward to daily.

Stretching my legs under my desk I let out a satisfied sigh before putting my bento onto the
desk, unwrapping the cloth tied around it.

My stomach was already rumbling, hungry for the sashimi I had packed this morning.

The whole floor was silent now, all of the other employees have gone down to the cafeteria
leaving me to my solitude. Though I couldn’t have asked for more, it was the perfect
environment to enjoy a delicious meal.

Sliding the chopsticks out of their sockets I began to eat without a moment of hesitation.
According to Gojo, he had already found traces of Megumi’s father, in the very city we were
in. It had made the work progress all the more easier, though the workload had definitely

If the search kept going at this pace, they’d meet by the end of the week and seal my fate to a
mountain load of calls and emails filled with complaints or paparazzi fishing for news.

Hopefully, my boss would have the mind to keep matters like these private.

Dipping the sashimi in soy sauce I made up my mind to visit the Rustic once more before the
week ends, since I’d probably have to take yet another break.

No, let’s relax for now.

I hummed, continuing to devour my meal in the peaceful silence. It has been long since I had
managed to enjoy myself so.

‘Kenjiro!’ My boss’s voice rang out, interrupting my solitude as he burst through the elevator
doors. Satoru spotted me immediately, rushing over in an instant.

He was in such a hurry that his glasses were slipping down his nose.

‘Come with me, now!’

I stared at him blankly, placing the piece of fish back into the bento.

‘I apologise, sir. But I am quite occupied-‘

‘Satoru you brat!’ Another, more eerie voice yelled throughout the empty hallway. It was the
voice of an elderly woman.

The madam.

This time, both of us tensed, a chill going down our spines. If she finds me now, no doubt she
would drag me into whatever it is that is transpiring between the two of them.

Before I could make up my mind a hand had grabbed a hold of my arm, pulling me up from
my chair and I barely had the time to grab my bento, taking it with me.

Satoru opened up the door to a small storage room nearby, quickly pushing the both of us into
the small space as he shut the door behind him, halting his breath like a runaway criminal.
I kept quiet, slowly picking up a piece of sashimi and eating it without making any noise. I
chewed, picking up some rice next.

I had forgotten my soy sauce.

‘Does your sashimi hold more value over our lives, Rin?’ Satoru asked quietly, staring down
in amusement as I continued to eat in his critical condition.

‘Of course.’ I mumbled, dipping the sashimi onto the few droplets of soy sauce that had
dripped into the bento. ‘Would you like to have some, sir? They’re good for stress.’ I offered,
holding up a piece in which his lips lifted in turn.

To my displeasure the white haired man leaned down, taking a bite of the soy dipped sashimi
I had offered. Letting out a soft sound of appreciation he nodded, using his thumb to wipe his

‘I might need you to start preparing me one from now on, that was delicious.’ He licked his
lips, eyeing my bento greedily.

‘Fortunately, being a personal chef isn’t quite on the to-do list of my contract.’

‘A contract’s contents can always be added.’

‘If both partners consent to it, that is.’

Satoru’s smirk annoyingly, cocking his head as he observed my unchanging expression.

Though whatever he saw seemed to have amused him even further.

‘You don’t look all too happy that I took a bite.’

‘You weren’t supposed to.’

‘You offered it though?’

I sighed through my nose, closing my bento now that I had lost all my desire to eat.

‘When someone offers you food. Nine out of ten times it is done out of manners, sir, not
because they were genuinely sharing.’

‘Guess this means I owe you a meal.’ He replied slyly, blue eyes already scheming behind
those shades of his.

‘Where in the world is he?’ Her voice rang out, cutting the conversation short. ‘What is he, a
jujutsu master? How can someone just disappear like that!’ The Madam asked frustratingly,
the sound slightly muffled through the door.

Satoru held a finger up in front of his smiling lips, keeping himself in between the door and I.
I stared at him blankly. He would have lost his mind if he thought I’d go out to face her wrath

‘Perhaps he is in the lobby, Madam.’ A voice I knew too well replied.

Her bodyguard, Nanami Kento. Though he rarely appears, keeping watch from a safe
distance it was times like these where she was in a fit would he be around. Calming her down
with his unflinching personality.

Their footsteps echoed on the floor as they left, retreating back down the hall to continue
their search.

‘They’re gone.’ He whispered, straining to hear any signs of their presence though the area
remained as dead as the night.
I watched as he slowly pulled opened the door, peeking from left to right before sneaking out
of the storage room. I followed, making sure my bento is shut tight.

‘Why is the Madam here? I don’t recall her ever calling in for a luncheon.’

‘That’s because she’s not supposed to be here.’ Satoru sighed, rubbing a hand through his

‘You aren’t supposed to be here either.’

My boss let out a yelp, turning around just as I flinched, following his lead at the sudden
monotoned voice.

Nanami Kento was standing at the end of the hallway, a raging grandmother behind him.
They never left in the first place.

‘You!’ The madam accused, pointing a figure in my boss’s direction. Satoru cursed as the
short woman stomped towards us, furious at her grandson.

‘Do you know how much work I went through to set this up?’ She seethed, making Satoru
take a step behind me as he raised his hands in a defensive stance.

‘We’ve been over this, old hag. Im not going on those dates-‘

‘These aren’t dates.’ The madam corrected, stopping right in front of me as I once again, was
used as a shield from her wrath. ‘These, you brat, are marriage candidates. It’ll be days until
you get Megumi under your wing, do you think those snake bastards would let it slide
knowing you’re single and hopping around from bar to bar? They’d win the child back in an
‘Im not hopping around from bar to bar-‘

‘Alright. You bring those whores to your house. Think I don’t know what you and that long
haired brat are up to?’

I could feel the annoyance vibrating off of him in waves. Though, what she said was true. If
he were to seriously adopt a child, legal or not while having an unstable life the Zenin Clan
would seize that opportunity and take him to court.

‘You damn old hag-‘

‘Silence! If you don’t start behaving, I’ll sign off on your marriage myself.’

The madam glared at him above my head, hand gripping her cane and I kept my eyes on it for
any signs that it might come swinging my way.

‘I already have a partner.’

My brain halted, mind stopping in its process as his word’s registered in my ears. The Madam
seemed to have frozen. Even Nanami reacted, raising a doubtful brow.


‘That’s right.’ Satoru repeated slowly in a tone I knew all too well. It was the tone he’d use
whenever he was coming up with a plan on the spot. Whatever it may be, I wanted none of it.

The madam scoffed, coming back to her senses. ‘As if I would believe that non sense-‘
‘Oh you would.’ Warm hands suddenly snaked around my waist, arms circling around as
Satoru pulled me back against his chest. He held me close, grip firm as if afraid I might run,
or more realistically yet, turn around and sock him in the face.

‘Because he’s right here.’

The madam’s eyes widened, eyes glancing down towards me and at that moment, I cursed
my stoic expression.

He leaned down, chin resting on top of my head as he smiled down at his bewildered

‘Kenjiro and I are dating.’


My bento slipped from my hands, dropping against the floor in the silence.

All of the curtains in his office had been pulled, blocking the other employees from looking

With little to no persuasion, the madam was guided out of the company looking dazed like a
man high on drugs. Which led us to this moment, in his office which I had dragged him into
the moment we were out of sight.

Satoru was seated on his leather chair, hands clasped on his lap with his head hung low as he
waited in silence.
I kept my stance in front of him, hands clasped behind me to maintain my professionalism
that had threatened to spill with every second that passed.

Kenjiro and I are dating.

‘What kind of absolute nonsese-’

‘You were the only person I could think of.’ Came his response. I opened my mouth to speak
before closing it once more, sighing as my head throbbed.

‘To date? I am the least believable candidate there is! You could’ve picked anyone and they
would’ve agreed in a blink of an eye.’

‘No I could not.’ His reply was instant, vibrant eyes glancing up at mine before he himself
sighed, pushing his glasses up to his head as if he wasn’t the one who had caused this mess.
‘You were the only possible one.’

‘How so?’ I asked blankly, doubt clear in my voice.

Satoru was silent for a moment before he spoke, jaw clenching. ‘If I had brought in an
unknown person, she would’ve dismissed it right away. She knows you, Kenjiro. She knows
your character and that makes it all the more believable when you didn’t deny it.’

‘I wasn’t exactly given the chance to explain myself.’

The man was silent at that though something changed in his gaze. They were no longer filled
with guilt, but determination.

‘It doesn’t have to be a lie.’


‘It doesn’t have to be a lie. And it doesn’t have to be long term.’ Satoru started slowly, his
voice low as if to not provoke an aggressive feline. ‘Think of the benefits. I would no longer
be pestered with this topic, the Zenin clan wouldn’t object to it and the madam would stop
visiting the company so often.’

I stared at him as if he had grown ten heads. He was actually considering it.

‘I fail to see how this would benefit me in any way.’

His jaw ticked. ‘We could…write a contract.’ He finished, voice strained.

‘A contract.’

‘Yes.’ He nodded, already getting out a notepad and a pen. ‘Everything I have would also be
yours for time we stay together. Therefore we would both be benefiting from this

I perked up at that. Satoru was one of the richest man in the country, not to mention his
influence on many things.

I scolded myself mentally. For me to consider a relationship with my boss who doesn’t know
how to go a day without flirting of all people, all because of money, was a new low.

Not like you’re any different.

His hand was moving across the notepad, already writing down a couple points as I walked
forward, reading the words on the paper.
1. The contractee would have access to most of the contractor’s belongings. This
includes credit cards and basic needs.

2. The contractee and contractor are allowed to add to the content anytime as long as
both parties consent.

3. The contractor will not be allowed to go back on his word.

4. The contractee must act the role of a lover whenever they are present to the public.

The pen stopped as he turned the notepad towards me, watching me silently as I finished
reading its contents.

This, was incredibly cliche, no matter how you look at it. I was a loyal and dedicated
employee though this was beyond that line. This, would no longer just be a boss and
employee relationship.

But he’s a billionaire.

I reread the first line, picking up the pen and bending as I added a few of my own.

5. The contract would last for six months, in which the contractee would be free to end
the relationship without any disagreements.

I glanced up at him, noticing the way his face fell slightly as he read over my condition.
Satoru might have wished to use me as an escape from his grandmother for longer, though I
had no plans to fall into his schemes.

Six months of living in luxury, then I could go back to drowning neck deep in paper work.

You’ve lost your mind. I mentally scolded myself, blaming my impulsiveness on the
overwhelming paper work I have had.
‘Six months, and no more.’ I spoke as he looked up at me from his seat.

This was not an actual relationship, I reminded myself, keeping his gaze, this was different. It
would be easier than one with romance when he merely wanted this for his benefits.

‘Six months.’ Satoru repeated, not taking his eyes off of me as he signed his name onto the
small piece of paper.

And no more.
The Deal
Chapter Notes

IM SO SORRY IVE BEEN GONE. I went through the most HORRIBLE writers block
and legit could not write anythign without deleting the whole paragraph. but now im
back!! ehe. hopefully ya'll enjoyed this.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

I am in a relationship with my boss.

Sub consciously pulling my tie together I stared back at the dark circles that were forming
under my eyes through the mirror. Last night, whenever I had closed my eyes to try and sleep
the sound of my boss’s cocky laugh and madam’s constant nagging would jolt me awake like
a constant nightmare.

It was enough that I was his secretary, constantly apologizing and mending the relationships
between companies that he’d intentionally sabotage just by being himself in meetings.
Though now, now I would have to be with him on a personal level.

At least, when there were eyes on us.

I turned from the mirror once the coffee machine stopped its whirring, picking up the cup and
drowning the caffeine down in a few gulps to keep me awake and alerted.

It was odd, the way Satoru had hastily left the office yesterday after proposing such an
outrages deal. He didn’t even spare me a glance, though I could see why he might be
embarrassed. If it were me, I'd vanish from the fact of the earth. No, I'd never propose such
an idiotic idea in the first place.

Just as I set the now empty cup in the sink, the doorbell to my home rang throughout the
living room.

I made sure to lessen the dead expression on my face to a more approachable one before
making my way towards the door and twisting the knob, pulling it open.

My headache exploded tenfold at the sight of a white haired man standing in front of my
door, a slightly apologetic expression on his face which to his credit—was quite a rare sight.

Bright blue eyes peeked at me from under his sunglasses, the sight of them enough to sour
my mood as I opened my mouth to spew out a few inappropriate choices of words.

A red shopping bag was thrusted in front of my face, the word Cartier can be seen written in
cursive on it. I closed my mouth, ceasing my line of offensive words and narrowing my eyes
as Satoru lowered the bag with a knowing grin on his face.

‘Good morning to you too.’ He greeted as he offered the bag to me. I took it from him
without hesitation.

With the salary I get each month from him, I could easily buy one of these myself. Though
who says I wouldn’t accept the free luxurious gifts that could be sent my way.

Little by little, I was starting to see the benefits of this contract.

‘Good morning, sir.’ I replied, taking out the square box inside and hanging the shopping bag
around my arm. Carefully pushing it opened my brows raised at the sight of a black, chic yet
elegant watch that laid inside, the latest version of its kind.

I closed the box immediately, putting it back into the bag before stepping aside to let my boss
through. His grin widened as he strolled into my apartment, dropping himself onto the couch
with a small grunt, spreading his legs and taking up unnecessary space.

I placed the luxurious bag onto the coffee table, walking over to start making extra sweet
coffee for my boss as he made himself at home.

‘Is this what they call a gold digger?’ Satoru commented, watching me move around the
kitchen in amusement.

‘I am simply doing what a good secretary should.’

He hummed at that, running his hands through his hair just as the coffee finished brewing. I
added in the extra sugar and milk as I waited for him to speak.

’The old hag’s gonna come over for lunch. Seems like she didn’t buy into our little

‘You mean your performance that I was not made aware of beforehand. Even a blind man
could see that something was wrong.’

’I’d say the chemistry between us would make a blindman blush.’

‘I don’t think that daily harassment would count as chemistry, sir.’ I replied calmly, placing
the sweetened coffee in front of him before sitting down and crossing my legs on the couch
across from where he sat.

The man sighed dramatically, holding a hand to his heart as he leaned over, faking a pained

‘You wound me daily, you know that?’

I gave him a blank stare. ‘Your coffee’s getting cold, sir.’

Fortunately for me, that was the end of his tactics as he sipped his coffee in satisfaction.
Letting out a small noise of appreciation at the sugary taste.

If the Madam was coming over, it was obvious it was to interrogate and find the possible lies
in Satoru's claims. It would be hard to fool her, considering how well she knew her grandson.
How well she knew me, even.

‘How exactly are you planning to fool the madam?’

‘With a story, of course.’ He replied, setting down the cup of coffee. ‘How about, ever since
you joined the company, I have had a crush on you. After months of nonstop courting you
finally gave in and gave me a chance, leading to you also falling in love with me. Though
because of our work relationship, we had decided to keep it a secret, until now, that is.’
Satoru finished, leaning back proudly as he laid an arm on the back of the couch. 'It's pretty
cute if you ask me.'

‘I doubt sleeping with a bunch of men and women every other night would be considered as
courting, sir.’

He had the self awareness to flinch slightly at my words, though there was a flicker of a
foreign emotion on his face. Gone too fast for me to decipher.

‘I’ll…come up with something.’

I sighed, reaching over for the Cartier bag as I pulled the box out of it. ‘Right. And when you
are invited to gatherings or events. Am I supposed to accompany you as your partner, or your



‘Only a few would know about the “true nature” of our relationship, though to others, you’d
still be my secretary.’ Satoru corrected, leaning over as he supported his weight by laying his
arms on his legs. ’Think you can fool the old bastards?’

I took a moment, going through a list of potential threats that may see through my acting.
Though, when it came to deception through action, it would be a lie to say I’d struggle with
it. Especially if it came to physical contact between partners who were supposed to be
romantically involved.

‘Of course.’ I replied, wrapping the watch around my wrist. The cold material was almost
calming, the watch fitting perfectly in my size. ‘I am your secretary, after all.’

I lied.

This, arguably, was harder than mending the relationship between Unlimited Void and an
international buyer when Gojo had slept with the CEO’s son the night after contracts had
been signed.

At least then, I could use his unlimited stacks of cash and fame as a bribe to keep the
customer from going to the news and potentially ruining the company’s image. Something
the Boss had never cared for.

“Why do I need to care about what they think. No matter what I do, they always end up
buying from me anyways” Was what he said once I had brought up the issue. Ever since then,
I merely resulted in bribing potential threats instead of trying to solve the problem at its

Draining his bank account was easier than trying to talk some sense into this egotistic boss of

‘So, when did you two become….official?’ The madam asked, bringing me back to the
present as she kept a hawk like stare on us above her tea cup.

Nanami was standing behind her, staring at me with a disappointed expression on his face.
He, unlike the others, had never, and will never believe that I had walked into this willingly.

After all, we both serve the Satoru Clan. There was no chance anyone sane would willingly
get personally involve with any of them.

Perhaps all these years I spent working as his secretary was slowly eating away at my sanity.
That would explain how I ended up in this situation in the first place.

‘It started a year ago, took me two whole years to finally get through that cold, ruthless
exterior of his.’ Satoru replied, munching on his salmon sushi without a care in the world.

The madam was silent at this, deep in thought and I realised with a start that she might
actually believe this ridiculous grandson of hers.

’Hmm…yes, it would definitely take years for someone like you to actually be of value to

I forced my jaw closed, not letting it hang open in amazement as she fed into this delusion.

Satoru merely snorted, taking another plate of sushi that was recently placed by the waiter
who had hurriedly left the room at the awkward atmosphere. ‘Says the one who is constantly
rejected by him whenever you come by.’

The Madam seethed. ‘I was never rejected, he was just always busy because of all the damn
work you give him!’

'Or he just finds you a bother.' The man had the audacity to smirk.

We had settled at a five star restaurant nearby the company, seeing as how the private room
was the smallest one, the madam must’ve booked it first thing this morning. Hell bent on
having this interrogation no matter the cost.
‘Kenjiro, child.’ The madam spoke softly, turning to me. ‘Whatever do you see in this man?’

I waited, expecting Satoru to intervene when his name was being so clearly slandered though
as the silence stretched I glanced towards his direction. He was still eating, focused on his
meal though he was silent, listening.

‘Well.’ I started, going through the words that popped up into my mind whenever my boss
was involved. He was nosy, incredibly impulsive, cocky beyond his looks and incredibly
flirty to the point where it became normal. Though he was also ‘-intelligent.’ I continued, the
corners of my lips lifting slightly when his hand halted, still holding the chopsticks in a firm

‘He’s intelligent, even though most of the time it’s shadowed by his..confident personality.
Despite what others may think, he can also be incredibly kind, in his own way. There is also
his wit and ability to get out of any situation he is put in.’ His hands were still halted, in fact,
I doubt he was even breathing as he listened.

Was Satoru Gojo nervous?

The madam had a surprised look on her face, though there was something else—relief,
maybe, that I was not one of those materialistic people constantly chasing after her grandson.

Unfortunately for her I was not chasing, though I definitely was materialistic.

‘Of course, there’s also his face and money.’ I added, making her relax at the playful tone as
she waved at me dismissively.

‘Enough of this..this cheesiness.’ She grumbled, returning back to her meal.

‘Of course, madam.’

I glanced over to the man when he remained silent. Satoru had started to move, though his
mind seemed to be elsewhere as he picked aimlessly at his food. I cocked my head slightly,
reaching out under the table and lightly touching his leg with the tip of my fingers.

He jolted, knee hitting the table in surprise as his eyes widened, the madam letting out a yelp
at the sudden ovement as the table tilted.. A glass of water had spilled all over his lap.

’Satoru Gojo! Mind your table manners!.’ She scolded, balancing her water before it could
spill onto her dress.

‘Excuse me.’ I called the waiter over as Satoru cursed by my side, taking the table
handkerchief to attempt to dry the mess. I grabbed the notepad and pen from him, writing
down Maki’s number before handing it back to the confused man. ‘Call this number and tell
her that I need a new pair of suit in ten minutes max, give her the address as well, please. Just
say it’s from Kenjiro.’

‘Ah yes, of course.’ He replied, hurriedly carrying my orders out the door as I turned back
towards the scene. I could feel the madam’s stare at me without even having to look her way.
His lover. I was supposed to be his lover.

Taking the handkerchief on my lap I walked over to where my boss sat, crouching down next
to his lap as I placed on hand on his knee.


Satoru cut off mid sentence as I placed the handkerchief on his thigh, gently rubbing the area
that was drenched in water as his muscle tensed under my touch.

‘What are you doing?’ He asked, voiced oddly strained.

I glanced up from where I was on my knees, halting my hand slightly at the almost pained
expression on his face.

‘Drying you. Are you hurt somewhere?’ I asked, frowning when he lets out a frustrated
groan, sliding a hand down his face and leaning back against his chair.

‘No. Get up, Rin, the new suit would come in ten minutes anyway.’

I ignored his instructions, moving upwards slightly to dry the splashes that managed to get
onto his lap. Though before I could, Satoru had reached down, grabbing a hold of my wrist

‘That’s enough.’

‘It’s going to be uncomfortable just leaving it like this-‘

‘Kenjiro.’ He tried once more, tightening his grip on my wrist enough so that I couldn’t
move. For someone so shameless in creating messes wherever he went, he was oddly
defensive about me cleaning up this one. Defeated, I stood, sighing as I went back to sit next
to him.

I was sure I hadn’t crossed the line, couples help each other in embarrassing situations all the
time. I had seen it many times during my visits to the Rustic. Perhaps he was also as new to
this as I was.

The sound of soft laughter caught my ears and I glanced up to see the madam covering her
mouth, shaking slightly in amusement at the sight of Gojo who was now covering his face in
embarrassment, head tilted back against the chair.

I frowned, turning towards Nanami for some sort of guidance though he merely sighed at the
sight of my oblivious face, shaking his head in disappointment while making no moves to
help me get a hold of what was happening.

Acting like a lover might be harder than I thought it’d be.

Chapter End Notes

you know whats cute. The reason why madam is gonna believe this whole ordeal even
though she could always see right through Gojo is because he really is in love with Rin.
kicking my feet rn.
Careless Mistake
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Panda’s laughter was so loud that some of the customers have turned their body just to
witness his amusement, smiling at the sight though I was far from being entertained.

‘That’s enough.’ I mumbled, taking another shot of vodka.

The Rustic was as active as ever, with every corner packed with gay men grinding, laughter
and dancing with one another, music blasted loud enough that I could feel the vibrations
through my body.

It did nothing to distract my mind from the annoying image of a certain white haired man and
his family, not to mention the additional child that I would now have to be even more
personally involved in taking care of.

‘Ah man, that was good.’ Panda chuckled, finally coming back to his senses as he wiped his
eyes off of the remaining tears. He picked up a glass, wiping it down with the cloth in his
hands. ‘Out of all the men capable of locking you down, it just had to be your boss.’

‘I am not locked down. This is a beneficial contract.’

‘Right, where he gets to stare at your ass while you drain his bank account.’ The man scoffed,
placing the now clean glass down just as Inumaki swooped in, taking it from right under his
nose. ‘You know that’s like, how every cliche office romance starts right? This is literally a

‘Unfortunately for you, this is very much reality.’ I scolded, taking another big gulp before
slamming the glass down. ‘Besides, he stares at every ass that swings. There’s barely a

Panda halted, cloth in hand as he down up at me with wide eyes filled with expectation and
the hunger for drama. ‘Have you slept with him?’


‘Holy shit.’

I sighed ‘No, Pan-‘

‘Holy shit!’

‘I have not!’

‘And why the hell not?’ He asked, throwing his hands into the air in frustration. ‘From what
I’ve heard, he’s one hell of a player and a damn good looker. Isn’t that perfect? Both of you
are emotionally unavailable, ya’ll are actually meant to be.’

‘I think you’re forgetting that I see his face every single day and that he’s my boss.’ I pointed
out, sliding the now empty glass of vodka away from me just as Inumaki once again swoops
in out of no where, taking it to wash.

I stared after his back, turning back towards Panda with a raised brow. ‘Shouldn’t you be
working more, you’ve been in the same spot ever since I arrived.’

‘What’s the point in hiring an employee if not to give them tasks.’

I stared at him blankly which he ignored, leaning over with mischief glinting in his eyes.

‘Im telling you now, you got that boss of yours wrapped around your pretty little fingers.’

‘You’ve never even met him.’ I huffed, dismissing the thought as soon as it came. This was
Satoru we were talking about. I had never seen him go three days without having someone
over in his bed. Not to mention the amount of love letters and calls I’d get in his stead
whenever his past “partners” would show up at the company.

He ran through women and men faster than I do documents.

And I am extremely skilled at what I do.

Panda merely shrugged, that knowing smile still edged onto his face. ‘Im telling you, if he
actually had no time for relationships, he wouldn’t have bothered getting into one with you
just because of his grandmother’s nagging. The man’s got a plan and I gotta admit, it might
just work.’

‘And that plan of his would be to get into a mutual contract?’

‘It’s an excuse for forced intimacy.’ Panda sighed, looking up with non existent tears as he
lowered his voice dramatically. ‘And now all he has to do is slowly prove to you how good
he is. Honestly, this is just peak romance.’

‘Right.’ I replied, sliding my wallet out of my pocket and handing over a few bills, unamused
by his absurd theory. ‘Im leaving.’

‘But we’re getting to the good part!’

I sighed once Panda refused to take the money, leaning my elbow on the table and letting the
bills hang between my fingers instead as I waited. In just a few moments, Inumaki appeared,
gracefully accepting the cash from my fingers.

‘Money.’ He spoke, voice raspy.

‘Yes, now I leave.’ I confirmed, giving Panda a look before sliding off of my stool.

‘Keep me updated on this love affair!’ I heard Panda yelled as I walked through the crowd
towards the back exit. The music was getting too loud, the crowd too tight and I knew it
wouldn’t be long before the uncomfortable feeling in my chest turned into anger.

With the thought of my comfortable bed I pushed the back door opened, the music fading
into a muffled background noise as I let it slam close behind me.

The moon was already high in the starless light, a constant breeze providing me shelter from
the usual heat that haunts the city. At times like this I preferred the quiet, the solitude without
the constant noise of society.

‘Leaving already?’

My eyes moved from the moon, glancing towards the back exit-no, to the person leaning
against the wall beside it. The scarred stranger had his feet crossed as he stood, hands in his
pockets with a cigarette hanging in between his lips.

His dark eyes gleamed as they met mine and I found myself rooted in the spot, slightly tensed
from his attention.

‘Are you stalking me?’ I asked sarcastically.

‘Don’t flatter yourself.’ The man huffed out the smoke, using his fingers to hold the cigarette
as he took it away from his mouth. ‘I just got here, it was you who suddenly barged into my
peaceful silence.’

The man smiled then, flicking the cigarette onto the floor and stomping it out with his foot.
‘Not that I mind.’

I stared at him wordlessly. Before, I had come here with the hope of a distraction, some sort
of stress relief though when that didn’t work I was going to head straight home. Now that he
was here..

The man was dangerous, that much I knew. From his scar, to the way he carried himself and
the mere size of his body. He could very well be someone in the line of illegal work.

My gaze flickered up to his once more, noticing the way his eyes had travelled down my
body, lingering on the unbuttoned part of my shirt for longer than needed.

Just one more night wouldn’t hurt.

‘Are you going in?’ I asked, making my question vague though it seemed as if he already
knew where I was headed with the way that crooked smile appeared on his lips.

‘Not sure, I think I might enjoy the night out here a bit more.’ The man replied, his grin
widening and I slid my car key out of my pocket, unlocking my car at his response.

‘Wanna go for a ride?’

The car window had been tinted ever so slightly, blocking those outside from seeing in
though one look at these windows and one could easily tell what was going on in the vehicle.

Since I never got my windows professionally tinted in the first place. At least, not with fog.

The stranger grunted, leg jolting as I grind my hips down once more, coming down from my
high. He was seated on the backseat of my car, legs spread, both of his hands on my ass with
his nails digging into the flesh.

His face was flushed as he stared down at where we were connected, a low rumble leaving
his chest at the slight bulge on my stomach as I kept myself firmly on his lap. Savoring the
feeling of the warmth inside.

My chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath, loosening my hold on his throat ever so
slightly but still keeping my hand there as I felt some of my strength leave my body. The man
coughed when he could finally breathe properly, leaning his head back against the seat with
strands of his hair falling down against his eyes.

‘You know when we first met, I never took you for a sadist.’ He joked, dark eyes staring at
me though I found myself glancing down at the reddening mark on his neck from my hand.

Withdrawing it my shoulders relaxed when I realised the mark would soon fade. I never leave
a permanent mark of mine on any of the men, ever. It would only be a pain later if one were
to interpret it in the wrong way. Not to mention the endless teasing I could get from Panda.

Ignoring his words I lifted myself off of him, the both of us sighing at the feeling as his
length slid out of me—fortunately still covered in a condom.

‘When exactly are you going to let me be on top?’ He asked mindlessly as he pulled the
rubber off, tying it up before putting it in a bag I’d definitely be forcing him to take later.

I flipped, sitting onto the seat beside his as I reached down for my briefs that had fallen onto
the floor.

‘Never.’ I responded, finally being able to find them in the dark though before I could put
them on, the sound of my ringtone filled the vehicle.

I glanced towards the screen attached to the front of the car, the words “SATORU” flashing
on the it as Kim Petras continued to play on the speakers.

Not bothering to put on my briefs I reached over, pressing the “accept” button on the screen
before his familiar voice filled the speakers—cutting off the music.

‘Eh? You’re not asleep?’

I leaned over the front seat, picking up my phone and disconnecting the bluetooth from the
vehicle before this boss of mine could say anything unnecessary for my guest to hear.

‘Are you implying that you called with the intention of disturbing my night, sir.’ I mumbled,
reaching off to turn off the car’s bluetooth in case they accidentally reconnect without my

I sat back, keeping the phone in between my shoulder and cheek as I started to tug my briefs
up on my legs. The stranger beside me was oddly quiet, despite his straight forward

I glanced over, seeing him watching me with an almost curious yet stunned expression. I
raised a brow, pointing at the car door as a silent invitation for him to leave.

‘I would never.’ Satoru spoke through the phone, I could hear the smile in his face as he
continued. ‘I was just wondering what exactly a goodie two shoes like you could be doing
this late into the night.’

‘A bit of self care and stress relieving.’ I replied, narrowing my eyes into a glare at the
stranger though instead of leaving, he merely took my hand into his, kissing my opened palm
while keeping his dark eyes on mine.

‘That’s…cute.’ Came my boss’s reply.

‘Cute.’ I repeated, using my other hand to hold the phone against my ear now that the man
had travelled up to my arm. I suppressed a shiver as he softly kissed my collarbone, pushing
me back down onto the seat as he did so.

‘Yes, cute. Im just imagining you in face masks, one of those bunny head bands on in a
bathtub with colorful bath bombs.’

‘I do not own bath bombs.’

I would die before admitting to owning the rest.

My thought process halted as he kissed my neck, one hand sneaking under my shirt and
trailing on my skin. My breathing hitched when his finger traced my nipple, body jolting
from the sensitivity.

‘Kenjiro?’ Satoru’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts, bringing me back to the present
and I roughly grabbed the stranger by his hair, pulling on it and forcing his head up. The man
winced, yet there was a smug smile on his face as he glanced down at me.

‘Yes, sir. My apologies, did you say something?’

‘It doesn’t matter, are you alright?’ He asked, concern laced in his tone and I made sure to
hold the stranger still. He seemed to have gotten the message as his hand on my chest halted.

‘Yes, I am fine. Is there a reason why you called tonight?’ I asked, eager for this call to end.

‘Cold as ever I see.’

I stayed silent, hearing the fait sound of his sigh through the line. ‘That old hag seemed to
have believed our little play. She finally stopped setting up nightly dates, she even took a
small vacation to the beach house.’
A part of me was relived to hear it. I had thought I had messed up somehow during the
luncheon when the madam was shaking with laughter, though it seemed that I had misread
the whole situation.

Not that it mattered, since she would’ve had to accept it one way or another.

‘That’s wonderful news, is that all, sir?’

There was a moment before he spoke again, voice laced with defeat.

‘Yes, that is all.’ Satoru sighed, voice softening slightly. ‘Goodnight, Kenjiro.’

‘Goodnight, sir.’

Hanging up the phone I glared at the man above me, pushing him back before sitting up right
on the seat.

‘That your boss?’ The stranger asked, looking smug. Fortunately, it didn’t seem like he had
heard my name.

‘None of your business, now get out.’

‘Not even a goodnight kiss?’

I picked up my pants from the floor, grabbing the car key in its pocket and unlocking the car.

‘Get out.’ I repeated, not in the mood to deal with him now that he was starting to show
interest in my personal life.

‘Alright, alright, I’ll go.’ The man brought up both of his arms in a harmless like stance
before opening the door and sliding himself out of my car.

Just as I thought I had gotten rid of the nuisance he bent, peeking in with a smile.

‘See you soon, then.’

I stared at the now closed door as he disappeared, already certain that even if I saw him
again, that would be the extent of our interactions.

It would only be foolish to get even more involved than I already was.

Chapter End Notes

its coming!! Gojo's finally gonna see how Kenjiro actually is.

also, tysm for leaving comments, no matter how short they are, they really motivate me
to keep updating ;-; so dont be shy!!
hope you enjoyed this <3
Rule Number 6
Chapter Notes

DISCLAIMER : i will now be continuing this fic in a 3rd pov.

I tried writing in third pov for the first time a few days ago and i was able to write and
express so much more than when i did first pov, so i will be doing that from now on!
hope yall dont mind xx .

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Silently opening the door to his boss’s office Kenjiro walked through, holding the bag of
extra sweetened iced coffee in his hand.

‘Your coffee, sir.’

Satoru glanced up at him hearing his words, shrugging off his suit jacket and placing it over
the black office chair. It was only eight in the morning and as usual, his secretary had arrived
much earlier than he.

‘You know me so well.’ He joked as Kenjiro sets down the cup of coffee on his desk.

Just like any other day, he couldn’t help but stare at the man’s beauty. HIs lashes were long,
covering his dark eyes and his hair was tied up in a ponytail at the back of his head.

He had the decency to feel slightly ashamed after having thought of how Rin would look with
his hair loose, flowing down his neck. Of how soft it would feel to run his fingers through

The sound of a cell phone ringing snapped him out of his very inappropriate thoughts.
Immediately he looked down, reaching for the coffee obliviously as Rin took his phone out to
accept whoever was trying to reach him.
‘Kenjiro.’ Rin spoke, answering the phone with his last name and the familiar sound of Maki
rang out from the other side.

‘We have a small issue, sir.’ She spoke, not at all sounding nervous despite her words.

Turning his back on his boss Kenjiro made his way back towards the door to take care of
whatever issue this may be.

Maki herself was an efficient skilled worker, if she had called him instead of handling this
issue herself, it was definitely urgent.

‘What is it?’

‘Mr. Fushiguro called.’

He frowned, confused at her answer. If that Fushiguro child has called, it was hardly an issue
as it would only be normal. They had made reservations for a luncheon this weekend after all,
perhaps he had called to alter the plans for his convenience.

‘The child? Is there a problem with this Saturday’s luncheon?’ Kenjiro asked through the

Maki was one of the few workers who knew that he and Satoru would be meeting with the
sole heir of the Zenin clan. Though what they did not know, was that Kenjiro would be
accompanying his boss as his lover.

‘No, sir.’

‘Then what is the issue?’

‘It’s his father who called, sir. Mr. Toji Fushiguro.’

Kenjiro halted at that, hand on the door handle at her words. For the past two weeks the
company had been doing their very best to search for this man’s whereabouts and despite
Satoru’s confidence, they had never gotten close to having an actual location.


And to think that the man would just appear, now of all times?

‘Yes, he called this morning, requesting a meeting with the chairman as soon as possible.’

He pinched the bridge of his nose. There were already a stack of meetings the chairman
needed to attend.

‘Alright, I’ll schedule one right away and inform the chairman.’

There was a pause.

‘There’s a slightly bigger problem, sir.’

‘What is it.’

‘Toji Fushiguro had just walked into the building.’

There was one thing he hated more than working overtime, and that was rich men abusing
their authority and abandoning basic mannerisms to do whatever they please.
‘Hold him there.’ He ordered, not waiting for a response as he ended the call swiftly.

Kenjiro turned back towards his boss who was now seated behind the desk, his laptop prompt
opened and his fingers flying over the keyboard as he started his work.

‘Is there a problem, Kenjiro?’

‘Toji Fushiguro is in the lobby.’

That seemed to have gained his interest immediately. His fingers halted over the keys, blue
eyes snapping upwards as he silently looked over at his secretary.

Rin could practically hear the gears turning in Satoru’s head.

‘He’s requesting a meeting as soon as possible, sir.’

By showing up unannounced and demanding entrance, it seems.

‘He hasn’t changed a single bit.’ Satoru commented, a sly smiling stretching on his lips as he
rose from his seat. Grabbing his suit jacket he tugged it on.

‘Time to act as lovers, honey.’ He joked, grin widening in which Rin responded with an
unamused stare. ‘Bring him up, let’s see what he has to say.’

‘Right away, sir.’

Rin walked out, sending a quick text to Maki’s phone and letting her know she no longer
needed to keep him hostage in the lobby anymore. He walked back towards his desk which
was stationed near Satoru’s office, quickly going to his computer as he clicked opened the
file he had on Megumi’s father.

But as he last saw it, there were barely any useful tips he had that could help convince the
man that he and Satoru were actually partners. Though because they had never met, in a way,
it would be much easier than trying to convince the madam.

That at least, gave him some sort relief before the elevator door rang out, indicating his

The door opened and he gave a small nod at Maki who nodded back in return. The big,
muscular man behind her stepped out leisurely, taking his time as he walked towards Rin and
as their eyes met, he felt his face pale at the realization.

The man never bothered to put on a formal attire, still in his grey sweatpants, a tight black
compressed shirt hugging his figure.

A few of the employees on this floor stopped their work to stare, both curious and intrigued
by the strange man’s appearance though Rin was rooted on his spot for an entirely different

Toji Fushiguro smiled, the scar on his mouth stretching slightly.

‘You’re his secretary?’ He spoke, almost as if he couldn’t believe his luck.

The phone call, Satoru’s name on the screen, the short moment where his voice was on the
car’s speaker. He had heard it all.

‘This…is much better than I thought it would’ve been.’ As he walked forward Rin cursed
himself mentally for not listening to his instincts.
He knew the man was dangerous, though now that he knew the reason why, it would be more
accurate to call him an annoyance.

He had fucked Megumi’s father.

‘Though according to Naoya…isn’t he dating his secretary?’

HIs mind whirled, too lost in his thoughts to realised that those who were seated near enough
could hear, their mouths hanging open in shock at the news.

He had experience dealing with clingy partners, even borderline stalkers that would threaten
his security but this. Getting caught in an affair that doesn’t even exist considering his whole
relationship with Satoru was a contract, this, was not on his area of expertise.

Out of the corner of his eyes he could see Satoru standing from his seat, sensing the tension
outside of his office and before things could get even more out of hand, Kenjiro faced the
man that had been groaning under him a mere twelve hours before, gesturing him towards
Satoru’s office.

‘Mr. Fushiguro.’ He greeted professionally. ‘We have been expecting you, this way, please.’

Not bothering to hear Toji’s reply he turned, walking off and pushing the door to Satoru’s

Once inside he reached over to pressed a button near the door, all the blinds simultaneously
rolling down over the windows to block them from the prying eyes of the other employees.

It was the first time Satoru had ever seen Kenjiro flustered, even if to others the change
wouldn’t have been noticeable.
‘Ah, Gojo, long time no see.’ The scarred man smiled, there was a glint of smugness in his
expression that Satoru didn’t like.

‘You weren’t exactly easy to find.’ He replied, putting on a charming smile himself. ‘A lot of
things had changed since you were last in the Zenin residence.’

‘I can tell.’ Toji’s eyes slid to the secretary standing by the door, avoiding his gaze. ‘I heard
you finally started settling down.’

Satoru followed his gaze, landing on Rin and without either of them noticing his smile
softened, became more genuine. ‘I’ve been meaning to for awhile now.’

‘Doesn’t look like it’s going too well.’

Kenjiro tried his best not to scowl. It was obvious where this was going, though there was
nothing he could do about the consequences of his actions.

Panda would chew his ear off when he hears of this.

Gojo was silent, head cocked slightly at the statement as he waited for an explanation Toji
was oh so eager to give.

‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean.’ Toji started, plopping himself down on one of the grey couches in front of the desk,
spreading his legs with a heavy sigh.

‘That your relationship with pretty boy here couldn’t be going well if he had to find comfort

‘I was not finding comfort.’ Kenjiro spoke up, his voice low as a warning that Toji ignored.
The scar on his lips lifted. ‘So what, you just wanted a quick fuck?’


‘What are you talking about.’ Gojo cut in, glancing between the two men. He had heard what
Toji said clearly, though he had to have misheard, he had to.

There was no way Kenjiro had—

Satoru stopped himself, not even willing to finish entertaining the thought. Kenjiro was
asexual, was he not? As emotionless as he was never had Satoru thought he would ever have
the sexual urge to sleep with another, let alone the one person he genuinely couldnt stand.

‘Im saying, that I had your little boyfriend swaying his hips on my lap till he saw stars.’

Satoru couldn’t breathe. Sure, there was always a possibility that Kenjiro would have fallen
for another when he consistently hesitated on revealing his feelings. He knew that. Though
on some basis, he never acknowledged it till now.

His hands curled into fists on his desk. His chest burned with jealousy as images of Kenjiro
filled his mind, vulnerable, face flushed on top of another.

‘Enough.’ Kenjiro spoke, directing a sharp glare towards the guest. ‘We had a fight, and I
made a mistake.’

‘A mistake.’ Satoru mumbled under his breath.

‘That surely wasn’t what it looked like when you were gasping in m-‘
‘Being used as a temporary stress relief merely for my pleasure isn’t exactly something you
should be proud of.’ With a composed expression Rin walked forward. He wanted to leave, to
terminate the contract and never show his face again though he needed to see things through.

‘Damn, is that how he treats you?’ Toji shamelessly joked, turning back towards the frozen

‘We are here to talk about your son, Mr. Fushiguro.’ Kenjiro reminded the man, picking up
the left over folder on the coffee desk from other short meetings the chairman had with other
people of power. ‘Not of your private life.’

The man snorted. ‘Kinda hard to do that when the person supposedly in charge of my son is
whoring around-‘

A harsh smack echoed through the room, Toji’s head whipping to the side from the impact of
being slapped. Rin had the folder in his hand, having smacked some sense into him with it.

He was furious.

Satoru watched in stunned silence as Toji chuckled, wiping his cheek as he rolled his jaw
slightly from the sting.

‘That how you treat your guests, Mr. secretary?’

‘You’re talking to me not as Satoru’s employee, but his lover.’ Kenjiro spoke, his tone was
eerily calm. ‘I will treat you with the same respect you’ve shown me.’

He turned his gaze towards the chairman, stood frozen near his desk.
‘Apologies, sir, but it’ll be best if I don’t participate.’

Without a chance for the chairman to gather his thoughts Kenjiro turned, storming out of the
office before the fool’s provocative words could fuel his anger even more.

Being a lover was definitely not in his area of expertise.

The meeting went longer than it should have. There were no doubt that Toji would agree to
Satoru’s terms. He was a shitty man, but a caring father to a certain extent.

He had so much on his mind that Kenjiro failed to notice the subtle glances his co-workers
were sending his way.

They had obviously heard what had transpired between Toji and him before he had gotten
into the office. It had only left them with more questions than answers.

By now, the whole department would have learnt of the information. No one would have
foreseen their boss, who was known for his notorious ways, to get with the emotionless
secretary he had been chasing for years.

None of the workers were dumb, they had seen the glances Satoru would subtly make
whenever Rin was in sight.Or the look in his eyes whenever he would try and flirt with the
secretary knowing fully well it would be to no vail.

Especially Maki. She, just like many others at the receptionists table would have to deal with
the multiple women and men who would walk in, hoping to catch the chairman’s eyes after
their passionate night.
After a few of them, she had started to notice that little by little, they all resembled a certain
cold hearted man.

Bets were passed around the employees, some groaning at their lost while others grinned
smugly at their win in estimating how long it would take for Kenjiro to finally caved.

The man in question having his head in his hands, a headache already forming from the mess
he had made.

Go out and explore, Panda had said, it would be fun, he said.

It turned out to be career suicide.

Finally, the doors to the chairman’s office opened, a silence falling over the floor as Toji

The man glanced over at him, an amused smirk on his lips though to Kenjiro’s surprise, went
on his way towards the elevator without another word.

He didn’t even have to look, Kenjiro felt Gojo’s burning gaze at the side of his head. With a
sigh, he stood, deciding to deal with whatever was coming now better than later.

Quietly, he walked back into the office, closing the door behind him once more and cutting
off the other employee’s view of the drama.

Gojo sat behind his desk, fingers drumming on the hard wood as he continued to stare. Rin
was growing uncomfortable with the silence by the minute.

‘You slept with him.’ The man finally spoke, merely stating a fact as he watches Kenjiro for a
‘Yes, I did. Though I did not know who he was.’

‘Did he approach you?’ Satoru asked. He had all the chances to interrogate Toji about their
relationship, but he would rather hear it from Kenjiro’s mouth. If Toji had approached him
with the ill intentions, he would not let him be.

‘Well, yes, but I doubt he knew who I was either. We were at a gay bar after all.’


Kenjiro gave Satoru a blank stare at his dumbfounded expression.

‘We met at a gay bar.’

‘You went to a gay bar? You?’

There was a slight tug of annoyance in his chest at his boss’s tone.

‘Yes, I did. Do you have a problem with that?’

Satoru was quick to deny it, shaking his head as he tried to imagine his expressionless
secretary in a bar of all place. ‘No, of course not. It’s just—why?’

‘Why.’ Kenjiro repeated his question, unsure of how to answer as it was already obvious why
one would visit such place. When Satoru continued to sit in silence, waiting for an
explanation he sighed. ‘I wanted some stress relief.’
‘Stress relief. You use sex as stress relief?’

‘Yes. Contrary to your beliefs, I quite enjoy such activities.’

Satoru choked on air. In all the years they had worked together, never in his life would he had
guessed that Rin was sexually active, and that he also liked men at that.

How many nights had he visited the bar? Exposing himself to other men?

Satoru realised with a start, the conversation they have had last night springing up in his

“A bit of self care and stress relieving.” Kenjiro had said when asked what he was doing up
so late.

Satoru glanced up at his secretary, his words caught in his throat at the possibility.

‘Last night when I called.’ He forced out, not being able to finish the rest.

Kenjiro replied without a blink of an eye, oblivious to the man’s silent suffering.

‘I was with him, yes. Mr. Fushiguro must have heard your voice over the phone and realised
who I worked for.’

‘Who your lover is.’

‘My contractual lover, yes.’

Satoru groaned, sliding a hand over his face in frustration. He didn’t know what was worse,
the fact that the two have slept together—multiple times at that or the fact that he was stuck
in another professional relationship with Kenjiro, unable to express his feelings.

Opening the cabinet in his desk Satoru pulled out the notepad that had the contract’s contents
scribbled down. The list of rules being written by both parties could be seen on it as he
slammed it onto the table.

‘Rule number six, this relationship is to remain completely exclusive by both parties.
Reducing the risk of contract termination if one were to be found out by outsiders.’

Kenjiro couldn’t believe his ears. ‘What?’

Blue eyes met his, determined to see this proposal through as his boss grabbed a nearby pen,
already writing the additional rule down.

‘Whether it be sexual or romantic, both parties are to not engage with anyone else.’

‘Are you telling me to not have sex?’

‘I am telling you to not have sex with anyone else.’

For the first time since the two had met, Kenjiro’s eyes widened in disbelief, his mouth
opening slightly at the hidden meaning of Gojo’s words.

‘Did you just ask me to have sex with you.’

‘If that is what you heard.’

‘You’ve lost your mind.’

Satoru placed the pen down, glancing up at his secretary as he gulped slightly at the
thunderous expression on the usual calm man’s face.

He had to choose his words very carefully.

‘I am not telling you to have sex with me. I am merely asking you to keep this relationship
exclusive’ He started, talking slowly as he gauged for any signs of Kenjiro suddenly
attacking him for this outrageous proposal. ‘…but if there’s trouble with that. I…wouldn’t
mind…offering a hand.’

‘Offering a hand are you out of your mind.’ Kenjiro hissed before pinching the bridge of his
nose. ‘Im not even sure why this is an issue. You jump around other’s beds like it’s nothing,
why am I being restricted in this?’

‘If that’s the problem. I’d like you to know that I haven’t invited anyone over ever since this
relationship started.’

‘That’s not the point!’ Kenjiro took a breath, calming himself down. ‘You are my boss.’


‘I see you every day.’

‘Just sounds like easier access to me.’

He wanted to haul a chair across the room at his boss.

Taking a deep breath he opened his eyes once more, glaring at the white haired man. Satoru
was determined to see this through, and though Kenjiro wasn’t a man of ethics when it came
to his sexual life, sleeping with someone who he’d see most moment of his life doesn’t
exactly sound comfortable.

Easier access.

Kenjiro’s eyes flickered up to Satoru’s face, trailing over the details of his features before
slowly glancing down his broad shoulders and arms. The man was tall, and if he wasn’t his
boss, Rin would have already made a move on him.

But is he really ready to take such a risk?

Satoru sat as still as a statue as Kenjiro’s eyes ran all over his figure. His body felt hot, neck
tingling at how obvious his usually cold secretary was being in checking him out.

He was actually considering it.

He felt his heart beat loudly in his chest as he gulped, waiting for the man’s evaluation to end.
Not being able to help it, Satoru subtly flexed his arms, pride filling his chest when Kenjiro’s
eyes flickered in their direction.

And to his utter disbelief, Kenjiro’s lips lifted into a sly smirk. It was subtle and barely there
—but he caught it nonetheless.

‘Easier access…’ The man mumbled, walking forward and Satoru’s heart almost lunged out
of his chest when Rin leaned over his desk.

Though to his embarrassment—Rin merely picked up the pen, signing his signature under the
newest rule. ‘You won’t be able to go back on your words, you know.’
Never in a million years would he ever go back on his words on this.

‘I won’t’ Satoru confirmed, his voice slightly rough. That detail didn’t go unnoticed by
Kenjiro as he glanced up at his boss with amusement.

Just from eye contact alone, Satoru felt himself hardened like a virgin.

‘Your next meeting will be in two hours, sir.’ Kenjiro informed him, he knew the man was
slightly aroused. After all, he was a sex maniac himself though Rin wanted him to suffer for
the all the headaches he had induced. ‘I will see you then.’

With that, he turned, walking out towards the door and leaving his boss who hung his head
low in slight shame, the tip of his ears pink.

Chapter End Notes

AHAHAHAH man i love writing pathetic gojo.

p.s. i started a levi/reader fic

Public Announcement
Chapter Notes

IM ALIVE. I have just been suffering from the worse case of writers block known to
mankind though im here!! I hope you guys are still here to and to celebrate gojo's return,
here's a new chapter.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

‘Are you sick?’ Kenjiro asked, eyeing his boss who sat stiffly at the far corner of the car. It
was a question he had been asking often lately, considering his boss’s strange behavior over
the past few days.

Ever since the ridiculous purpose he had been given, Satoru had taken it upon himself to be
even more unusual than ever. Or should he say, the white haired man had finally become

There were no more inappropriate jokes made during his work hours. His boss had stopped
calling him to tend to his drunken nights and whenever Rin were to go over to his penthouse,
there would be nobody over except for the man in question and Getou, his close friend.

He should be grateful for the change in behavior, he knew that, it was all he ever wanted. But
all he felt was the uneasiness that something had gone wrong.

‘I am not sick.’ Satoru answered, leaned back against the car seat with his legs crossed, eyes
idly staring out the window.

‘Nervous then? Is this your first time interacting with a child?’

‘I know very well how to interact with children.’ Satoru defended, finally turning to face his
secretary only to tense up at the mere eye contact, turning back around swiftly. ‘I am fine.’

Unfortunately for his boss, Kenjiro did not miss the way his body had tensed when their eyes
met, nor did he miss the way Satoru’s blue eyes had averted his two seconds into making eye
contact. It was a feeling he knew all too well, a feeling he had experienced many times before
at the Rustic. He squinted slightly.

‘Am I making you nervous?’


The answer was instant, too quick to have been genuine. If it were any other day, Satoru
would have given him the all too familiar smile, delivering a flirty pick up like just for the
question alone.
Kenjiro felt the amusement behind his gaze as he hummed in response. All this time, the odd
behaviours were all a product of his embarrassment, which made sense, considering how
absurd the proposal was.

Though that didn’t change the fact that he had made Gojo Satoru nervous.

‘Sir.’ The driver spoke up, interrupting his thoughts as the car slowly pulled to a stop in front
of the restaurant’s entrance. Taking this chance to escape the soon to be interrogation Satoru
pushed opened the door, not waiting for the driver to open it as he emerged into the night air.

Kenjiro rose a brow before following suit, deciding against mentioning his behavior for the
sake of his boss.

The restaurant was packed, filled with people as the two made their way into the front
entrance. Kenjiro towered them all, easily looking over their heads though Satoru was even
taller than he was, walking in nonchalantly as if he owned the restaurant itself.

‘Mr. Satoru, sir.’ A waiter called, walking up to the two as he bowed slightly in respect. ‘Mr.
Fushiguro is waiting in the private gardens.’

‘Lead the way.’

The waiter bowed once more before turning and walking towards the hallway that was on the
opposite side of the main dining hall. It was a hallway that would lead to the many private
rooms, the garden room being the furthest at the back, a table set in the middle of a

‘This way, sir.’

Kenjiro walked down the wooden hallway, observing the glass doors on each side that they
passed, curtains hung up on the inside so that the customers would be granted privacy for
their meal.

Soon, they reached the end, the waiter sliding opened the door to the greenhouse and as they
both stepped out into the garden Kenjiro felt his insides froze at the sight.

Megumi was not the only fushiguro present.

Toji smiled widely at the sight of him, standing from his seat as he walked over to the two
who was currently frozen near the door. Kenjiro risked a glance towards his boss, Satoru’s
face being completely void of all emotions.

For someone who was always so expressive, that was never a good sign.

‘It is so nice seeing both of you again, really.’ Toji spoke as he reached the two, reaching out
to take Kenjiro’s hand who immediately pulled his hand out of the grasp before the man
could try and kiss it.

Even if the relationship between him and his boss was purely contractual, flirting with a
person that his boss did not get along with would be a foolish move. Kenjiro took a hold of
one of Satoru's arms, oblivious to the way Satoru had tensed as he wrapped his own around it
to keep it out of Toji’s reach.

‘I was hoping we’d never meet again.’

‘As cold as ever’ Toji commented before turning his grin on the white haired man beside
him. ‘I see you’re still together.’

‘Why wouldn’t we be?’ Satoru responded, his voice calm without a single indication that he
was genuinely upset. Which, to Kenjiro, made him more alerted.

‘Why this one here has got quite the sexual appetite. Seeing as he visited the bar multiple
times a week you must not be that satisfying to him huh?’

‘You must’ve been lacking as well considering how he abandoned you in a moment.’

Kenjiro sighed, his head throbbing at the childish arguments. Tugging on Satoru’s arm he
started to walk towards the table without entertaining the man’s nonsense any longer.

‘Come on, Rin, I wasn’t done!’

‘He calls you Rin?’

‘He calls me nothing.’ Kenjiro snapped, putting on a softer face as he turned towards

‘It’s very nice to meet you, Megumi.’ Rin started as he sat down across from the young teen
who was currently staring at him with an expressionless face, unfazed from earlier events.

‘Nice to meet you too.’ The child responded in a monotoned voice before his father arrived,
sitting down at the table and spreading his legs as he leaned back.

‘Now then, shall we begin the luncheon?’

Kenjiro was never going to have a one night stand again.

The luncheon was as awkward as he had anticipated it to be. For the whole lunch, Toji would
throw subtle jabs at him, in which Satoru would respond in full sarcasm to his tone, not an
ounce of shame or dignity in his boss’s body for the father of the child he was going to
supposedly take in.

Kenjiro did his best to ignore the two grown adults who were bickering like children, instead,
focusing his attention on the teenager who was suddenly caught up in this scandal.

‘So, Megumi, has school been going well?’

‘Yes.’ Came the short, monotoned reply and Kenjiro held in an urge to scowl. Apart from the
two man child Megumi Fushiguro was no better at socializing than his father was. Only ever
answering with short, precise words without offering any other further explanations.

Though to his credit, Megumi looked as drained as Kenjiro was being seated at this table.

‘It’s obvious why you haven’t settled down all this time, unlike you, I actually have a
personality outside of my ego.’ Toji smiled though on his face, it looked almost like a sneer.

Gojo’s lips twitched ‘Yeah? That why your wife left you?’

‘I think we should get the rest to go, Megumi, what do you think?’ Kenjiro turned back to the
child abruptly without sparing the other two another glance.

‘I think that is a wonderful idea, Mr. Kenjiro.’ The child responded, his face as serious as
Rin’s was in escaping this awful luncheon.

Quickly, he had called a waiter over, ordering for all of the leftovers to be taken to the
fushiguro’s residence as he reached over into his bag to grab the wallet when a hand halted
his own, grabbing his wrist.

Kenjiro glanced up, meeting his boss’s gaze as Satoru slipped out his credit card from his
pant pockets, placing it in front of his secretary. He had finally taken a break from the useless
bickering, cocking his head slightly as he stared.

‘You weren’t planning on paying are you?’

‘Well considering you were so busy discussing with your soon to be adopted son’s father
about my personal life I was just going to pay and have you add it to my paycheck later.’

His boss had the nerve to smile, amused by his constant money earning tactics as Kenjiro
ignored him, taking the offered card and giving it to the waiter.

‘Ah, that’s why you’re with him, he’s loaded.’ Toji lazily commented from the side and
Megumi quickly turned from the conversation, reaching over for his banana shake as Kenjiro
felt his patience snapped.

Turning over to the scarred man he met their amused stare with one of his own unimpressed

‘Would you finally be satisfied if I told you I am with him because his dick is bigger than

The sound of Megumi choking on his drink can be heard as the teen coughed, hitting his
chest with a fist just as Satoru was stunned to silence at the vulgar words that had just left his
secretary’s mouth.

Toji’s brows shot up to his hairline, shocked that he had actually gotten some sort of reaction
from the usual emotionless man. But Kenjiro was far from done.

‘I am with him because I know him better than you, he doesn’t go around causing petty
problems for me and most importantly, he is simply just better looking than you are.’ Kenjiro
finished just as the waiter arrived at the table.

Ignoring their stunned looks he turned towards Megumi, grabbing one of the packed
blueberry cheesecakes before standing up.

‘You’re saying all that in front of a child? Do you think Im going to be comfortable knowing
that he’ll be left with a bad influence like you?’ Toji spoke up though by the amused
expression on his face he was far from offended.

‘Megumi lives under the same roof as you do, I am just this is one of the tamest encounters
he’d ever had.’ Rin spoke, turning back towards the child in question. ‘It was nice meeting
you, Megumi, I am looking forward to working together in the near future.’

‘I..I am looking forward to that as well.’ Came the child’s response before Kenjiro turned,
walking away from the table and towards the entrance to go back into the restaurant.

He barely registered the sound of a chair scraping backwards as Satoru hurried to follow his
lead, catching up to him with a slight jog once he had gotten his card back from the waiter.

‘Did you mean it?’ Gojo asked once they emerged back into the wooden hallway.

He looked down at the bag, checking if the cake have been damaged. ‘Mean what?’

‘That I am better looking than he is.’

‘That is what you’re concerned about?’

‘No I know I am better looking than he is, I just want to know if you also agree.’

Kenjiro closed his eyes, gathering the small ounce of patience before he looked up towards
his boss whose eyes were already trained on him. Blue eyes almost sparkling with

‘Yes, sir. I think you do look better than he does.’

That was all it took for the smug, cocky smile to spread his lips once more. Satoru looked
forward, satisfied with the answer as his shoulders relaxed slightly.

‘Right? I definitely am.’

Kenjiro cocked his head, he had been next to his boss for many years, so now, as he watched
Satoru walk by his side he could tell that something was still on his mind.

‘What is it?’

‘What is what?’ Satoru feigned ignorance, giving a small smile towards the receptionist as a
silent thank you as they walked out of the restaurant and into the streets beyond.

‘You have that look on your face where something you think shouldn’t bother you is
bothering you.’
‘I don’t know what you mean.’

Kenjiro’s stare burned against the side of his boss’s face and soon, he could see him start to
crack under the silent pressure. He knew exactly what needed to be done.


The reaction was instant as Gojo’s head whipped to the side, eyes wide as he stared at his
secretary. Even after all these years, Satoru himself wouldn’t have been able to count how
many times Rin had called him by name on one hand.

Kenjiro’s face morphed into that of amusement by his boss’s reaction. As they waited outside
in front of the restaurant for the driver to come over, he walked closer, maintaining eye

‘What’s bothering you?’

He could see the inner struggle in his boss’s eyes as he tried to come up with an excuse
before sighing, averting his gaze to stare out at the open road.

‘Are you still visiting the Rustic?’ Satoru finally asked, not meeting his eyes.

‘This again? I have already signed the contract stating that we’d be exclusive.’

‘I know that I just-‘ The man paused, locking his jaw as he tried to word his emotions
without sounding like a jealous lover. Though in Kenjiro’s eyes, his wariness was completely
understandable. If his boss’s supposedly partner was spotted at a gay bar without him, the
backlash and negative attention the company would get from the press would be a huge

No amount of words could get rid of the possibilities that he could have gone back to the
Rustic behind his back, that much Kenjiro was aware of. He knew that better than anyone.

Movement caught his eye as Kenjiro glanced back over his shoulder towards the restaurant.
There was a small group of people that had gathered near the glass, their phones out as they
recorded the back of the famous womanizer chairman.

An idea entered his mind and he turned back towards his boss, there was only one thing he
could do to solidify his position.



Kenjiro had grabbed a hold of his boss’s tie the moment his head had turned, pulling the
white haired man down to his level before connecting their lips together in a soft kiss.

He could feel the other’s body going rigid against his in surprise, Satoru’s hands still frozen
in his pockets as his eyes widened, heart racing against his chest. Kenjiro had his eyes closed,
letting their lips connect for a second more before pulling back, keeping their faces merely
inches away.

‘Would that be convincing enough, sir?’ Rin murmured, lashes fluttering as he glanced
upwards towards his boss.

What he did not expect, was for his boss to reach out, grabbing a hold of his waist before
pulling Rin back in for another kiss. A small yelp of surprised escaped his lips before they
were met with Satoru’s soft ones. His hands landed on their firm chest in an attempt to push
himself away but to no vail as that one made the hold on his waist tightened.

This, was nothing like a small kiss for show as Satoru moved his lips against Rin and despite
his best efforts, he found his hands weakening, his eyes fluttering close against the tingling
feeling of such an unexpected kiss.

Satoru groaned as Rin started to kiss him back, his other hand coming up to gently cup his

Out in the open Kenjiro was lost to his lips, the gentleness of his touch was making alarm
bells ring through his mind though he was far too lost in pleasure to truly pay attention to it.
Only when the sound of a car pulling to a stop beside them did he regained his control,
roughly pushing Satoru away and finally managing to gain some distance between them.

From here, he could not hear the murmurs that had exploded in the restaurant though what he
could see from the side of his eye was that the group that had formed before had grown by a

‘We’re going to be in the headlines, sir.’ Kenjiro finally breathed out, trying to wrap his head
around the fact that he was just tongue fucking his boss in public.

Satoru kept his hand on his secretary’s jaw, gently pulling their face together as he laid his
forehead against the other. His familiar cocky, playful smile stretching on his lips but this
time it was wider, more genuine.


Chapter End Notes

P.S. this fic will be the most unserious thing you've ever read (with some scenes of
tension) so if you aren't okay with that here's your warning!
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Kenjiro tightened the tie around his collar, checking his reflection through the bathroom
mirror. It was another usual day where he woke up to get ready for work. That is, except for
the loud yells coming from all the news reporters stationed outside of his apartment.

His face was on the news, everywhere.

‘Oh my god i can hear them through the phone.’ Came Panda’s amused voice as he lets out a
chuckle of disbelief. ‘Seriously, what did you think would happened when you kissed him
like that in public?’

‘Some media coverage.’ Rin responded, grabbing his phone as he walked out of the bathroom
while shrugging on his suit jacket. ‘But not this, honestly i still don’t see what the big deal

He was lying, of course. His mind had plagued his memory of Satoru’s expression ever since
he was dropped back home. The sheer desperation, the look of want and need that had been
on his boss’s face as they kissed was more than troubling.

So, just like any other problem, Rin had decided to ignore it.

Walking towards his living room he passed his couch, going behind the kitchen counter to
start mixing his coffee before he had to unavoidably deal with the media downstairs.

‘Rin, you kissed the Gojo Satoru. The one known for never settling down? The man that
never took a single one of his partner’s out for the public to see? The womanizer of the media
world? You kissed him after going on a cute little date for all to see-‘
‘It wasn’t a date.’

‘-And he pulled you in for seconds. Do you even know what the comments are saying?
They’re going insane over you two right now. Especially his hand placements-‘

‘I really don’t have time for this.’

‘-I mean, the way that man was holding onto you? I would have thought you were some
otherworldly treasure he was afraid to let slip between his fingers.’

‘Alright, enough from you and your delusions. I am going to work.’

Kenjiro sighed, pouring his coffee into a mug before slowly stirring the drink and taking a
small, tasting sip to welcome the bitterness down his throat.

The noises outside suddenly erupted, causing him to turn his head towards the window
though he couldn’t spot anything unusual. The paparazzis were still crowded around the
entrance of the apartment, their cameras flashing at the door and with a small frown he
walked forward, trying to see what exactly had caught their attention.

It was a mistake, Kenjiro realised as he made eye contact with one of the men only for him to
yell for the others. Flashes suddenly erupting in his direction causing him to quickly shut the
curtains to keep his privacy.

‘Gonna go see that pretty little boyfriend of yours?’

He closed his eyes, walking back towards the kitchen. ‘Panda.’

‘I’ll call you some other time.’

Without further consideration he hung up the phone, slipping it into the back pocket of his
suit pants.

A simple peck on the lips was enough to attract this much attention from the world. If
someone were to find out that their whole relationship was based off of a contract it would
surely be the end of his career.

Drinking the rest of his coffee he placed the mug on the sink before washing his hands.
Perhaps this contract was really more than what he had bargained for.

Now, there was no way he would be able to sneak back into the Rustic without causing a

Walking over the counter to grab his suitcase Kenjiro barely made it to the door before rough,
frequent knocks pounded against the frame. Kenjiro halted, his first thought being that the
media had gotten through the security, somehow getting to his floor and if that was the case,
his rising anger was going to give them a run for show.


The familiar voice of his boss made him halt, fisted hands relaxing as he hurried towards the
door, throwing it opened. And there his boss stood, in all his white haired glory.

Satoru had looked down at his secretary, his white hair slightly messy from the many times
he had run his hand through them in frustration. He knew Kenjiro was a private person and
the moment the news outlet stationed themselves outside his house all he could think about
was whether or not Kenjiro would be able to handle such publicity.

Whether or not he would regret his decision and leave. Leave him.
Running his eyes down Kenjiro’s frame his tensed shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.

‘You’re going to work?’

Kenjiro frowned up at his boss. ‘Yes, it’s a weekday, where else would I be?’ He blinked,
wondering why Satoru had showed up looking so dishevelled at his door. ‘Did you think the
paparazzi would stop me?’

Satoru had the nerve to look slightly ashamed. ‘I thought you would’ve quit.’

Before he could reply, a new voice interrupted the two as a familiar long, black haired figure
walked into the frame. Suguru gave him a wolfish grin as he leaned against the doorframe,
intruding his friend’s personal space.

‘If you love birds have finished making up its best if we start going now before even more
show up when they get a hold of Satoru being in this building.’

Kenjiro frowned again, eyes glancing towards the other tall man. ‘Making up?-‘

‘We were just finishing, thank you.’ Satoru cut in, sending a sharp glare towards his friend to
keep whatever they have discussed before coming here private though it seems that Suguru
had other plans.

‘Or..’ The band leader trailed off, wiggling his brows. ‘You both can take time off of work,
lay low, stay hidden from the media and spend your day in this very room. I am sure some
privacy would do you well right now.’

‘There is a mountain of documents slapped onto my desk at this time and if I leave Zenin to
all this work she would undoubtedly quit the very next day which-‘ Kenjiro paused, shoving
his way through the two men who were blocking his exit. ‘Is something that I would rather
avoid at all cost.’

Hurrying to run after his secretary Satoru closed the door to his apartment, ignoring the
knowing look Suguru threw his way as he jogged slightly to keep up.

Much to his dismay, he had found a tiny part of him wishing that Kenjiro really would have
invited him in to stay the night, have a break from work where it was just them

‘Why are you here?’ Kenjiro mindlessly asked Suguru as he slowed when they neared the
elevator, not even having to lift a finger as his boss have already beaten him to it, pushing in
the buttons.

‘I am here as your driver.’

‘My driver?’

‘Yes.’ Satoru chimed in, putting his hands into his pockets as he waited for the elevator to
arrived. ‘I wanted to come and pick you up when I realised your house would be swarming
with paparazzis.’

‘You couldn’t drive yourself here?’

The man’s lips lifted. ‘Why should I?’

Kenjiro didn’t even have it in him to be surprised at how shameless his boss’s answer was.
Kenjiro frowned slightly, cocking his hear to the side as he eyed the number on the elevator.

‘Do you even have your driver’s license?’

Satoru had the decency to look slightly offended. ‘Of course I do, you know it hurts, seeing
that you’d think I wouldn’t be able to do such mundane tasks.’

‘Considering I’ve never seen you do such tasks. My question was valid.’

‘Do you actually have your license?’

Satoru rose an unamused brow in his friend’s direction, ignoring the wolfish grin on Suguru’s

Before the two could continue their usual bicker that Kenjiro had no patience for, the elevator
dinged opened, granting a quick escape. Seeing Kenjiro move the two men hurried after,
squishing between the elevator doors before settling behind him with matching grins.

‘Are you sure you’re ready to go to work?’ Satoru asked once more. Kenjiro could feel the
other’s heat radiating off onto his back from how close he was. Sighing, he turned, glancing
back over his shoulder to meet his boss’s slightly concerned gaze.

‘I told you, I’ll be fine.’

He was in fact, not fine.

If the paparazzis outside of Kenjiro’s apartment was considered bad, the news outlet hovering
around the front entrance to the company was much, much worse.

In a flash, cameras was pointed at their car, reporters already yelling questions with their
mics directed onto his face behind the car’s window.
It didn’t take long before a team of security came rushing in, pushing back the reporters in an
attempt to control the hectic crowd.

‘You look like you were just forced to eat a whole lemon raw.’ Suguru chuckled from the
driver’s seat, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Kenjiro was used to attention. Ever since he was young he had the tendency to seek it out, to
be the center of it, to thrive off of it. Even now that he had grown older, more mature, he
would still find himself drunk on the gazes he would receive whenever he visited the Rustic.
Addicted to the power he held over some of the men he had met in the past.

But this, this type of attention was different. The reporters were staring at the car window as
if they were wild dogs waiting for its next meal.

‘Rin.’ Came Satoru’s voice, snapping him back to the present. His boss sat beside him,
observing every single little change in his body language. ‘Wanna go back home?’

That alone steeled his spine. With a huff he started to gather his belongings, getting ready to
face the crowd.

‘Im not a child, Satoru.’ He responded. ‘Let’s go, we’re going to be late.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ Satoru’s lips twitched slightly, opening his side of the car door before sliding
out and shutting it behind him.

All at once shutters went off, questions being yelled louder, the security straining to block
and keep the reporters at bay. Kenjiro sighed once more and just as he grabbed the car handle,
it was pulled out of his hold, the door opening to reveal Satoru standing out there, stepping
aside to let him through.

‘After you.’ The man commented. Kenjiro gave him one of his infamous deadpanned stares
before lifting himself out of the car.
The lights were blinding, coming at him from all angles and just as he squinted, barely being
able to see what was two feet in front of him a large figure stepped into view, blocking some
of the flashes.

Satoru turned towards him sideways, offering a hand with the same cocky smirk he had
become oh so familiar with over the years.


‘Again.’ Kenjiro started, begrudgingly accepting the offered hand as they started to walk
towards the company’s entrance, ignoring all the questions thrown their way. ‘Not a child.’

Satoru merely chuckled, keeping himself in front of Kenjiro as he weaved his way through
the tightening crowd, tugging Kenjiro close by with a tight, steady grip on his hand.

If this was going to be the new normal in his life, perhaps he would need to add some more
ground rules to their hidden contract.

Chapter End Notes

SO I WAS THINKING about writing a draco malfroy x ravenclaw reader but I

PROMISE. i promise i wont start until ive finished this one. just a thought.
Special Chapter 1
Chapter Notes

Weird things have been happening ever since Kenjiro met Gojo, especially when hes

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Kenjiro was dreaming. At least that was what he believed as he walked down the familiar
streets of Tokyo.

Ever since the day his life was altered (the day he became a secretary) he would have these
repetitive dreams where he would be strolling down a street, doing nothing but observing the
scenery. Although lately, the dreams have been more frequent, longer than he remembered.

And weirder.

Kenjiro halted as he turned, staring at the weird creature before him that was slithering up the
light pole before him. It had one huge eye in the middle of its forehead, and four little eyes on
each side of its head accompanied with two sets of little wings near where its temple should

Despite having wings, its legs and foot looked like those of a gecko. Rin couldn’t help but
wince slightly at the sight, face scrunching up in disgust. Whatever the creature was, nobody
else could see it, not one other pedestrian bothering to look up at where the creature was.

Rin stopped in his tracks completely when he got closer, an unpleasant feeling crawling up
his spine. It was the feeling of anger, in which he was familiar with though why he was
feeling it even he couldn’t figure out.

Having stared at it for too long the creature finally felt a human’s gaze on its back. Twisting
its neck swiftly downwards its pitch black googly eyes stared into his own and once he didn’t
look away, the creature smiled, mouth filled with sharp fangs that made a shiver run down his
neck. Kenjiro took a cautious step back and that was all the creature needed to lunge forward
onto the ground, the wings at its face beating violently.

Rin yelled out in surprise as he flinched back. This, the people seemed to have heard as a
couple jolted from the sound of his alarm. The woman cursed at him, hurriedly pulling her
man away while mumbling about the abuse of drug use though Kenjiro paid them no mind.
The gecko was licking its lips as it started to crawl towards him.

This is a dream. He thought, comforting himself, It isn’t real.

Letting out a shriek the creature opened its mouth, shooting a ball of green smoke right at his
face. Kenjiro panicked, feet stuck in place in a frozen frenzy as his arms lifted up to protect
his face instinctively and to his surprise the smoke seemed to go right around him, not
touching his skin as if there was a thin barrier protecting his body.

The gas smelled of toxins, making Rin cough as he glance up at the creature with a burn
down his throat.

He could feel pain, the creature was very much real.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Kenjiro broke off into a run, turning and
bolting away as fast as he could when the gecko took chase behind him, screeching out more
balls of fire. Rin took a sharp turn, looking back towards the creature chasing him every other
second in hopes that when he did, the creature would be long gone and he would have woken
up from whatever nightmare this was.

Though everytime he turned, the creature was still there. Slithering on the floor with its
mouth gaping towards its human meal.

“Always the fucking ugly ones.” Kenjiro mumbled, cursing from the pent up frustration he
had accumulated from working overtime. Before he knew it, he was running towards what
looked like stone stairs, leading up to some sort of temple hidden in the mountains. It was
exactly what he needed. If this hell like creature was real, there was no saying in the myth
that temples would dispel such evils.
Climbing two steps at once he grunted, pushing himself further as long strands of hair fell
from its ponytail at the back of his neck, falling over his eyes and ears. Spotting a loose stone
on one of the steps he bent as he ran, picking it up before turning back towards the lizard and
throwing it at the creature in a futile attempt to fight back.

What he did not expect was for the creature to stretch its tail forward, wrapping the stone in
its length before curling it back and hurtling it right back towards his head.

Kenjiro yelled, leg lifting as he cradled his head only for the stone to once again bounce off
of the invisible force wrapping around his body. Eyes widening as he spotted the lizard
almost reaching him Kenjiro turned, desperately climbing the last of the steps before a large
weight clashed onto his back.

He fell with a scream, elbows scraping against the stone ground as the lizard got on top of
him. Curling into himself Kenjiro felt the sensation of anger from before returned to him
tenfold though he could do not but lay there curled like a ball, shaking as he hears the lizard’s
screech above him. It was sickening, the feeling of its weight hovering over him yet not
touching him directly. It seemed as if the lizard was growing frustrated too as it opened its
mouth, ready to dissolve Rin into bits with its acid but before it could, the weight hovering
above him suddenly disappreared.

Kenjiro opened his eyes with a start, finding the sudden silent eerie as he looked around
frantically for what might have scared away the lizard though no matter how much he looked,
no trace of the lizard was left. All he felt was the fading sensation of anger and the grey dusts
falling around him from where the creature once was.

“I thought for once my senses had been wrong.” A familiar voice spoke up and Kenjiro could
not help the sag of relief. For once, hearing his boss’s voice was like a breath of fresh air.

“Sir-“ He turned, the words dying in his mouth as he looked up at the white haired man
before him. Satoru stood over where he sat, looking down at him with his hands in his
pockets though where his blue eyes once shine, these were covered with a black cloth
wrapped around his head. This, was not the boss he knew, Kenjiro realised as the hairs on his
neck stood.
This man was dangerous.

“Interesting.” Satoru hummed, crouching down until they were at eye level as he stretched
out a hand. Before his finger could come into contact with Kenjiro’s skin, it was halted,
blocked by the same unknown force thats been saving him since the start. Satoru cocked his
head to the side. “How is it that I can feel my energy on you?”

Chapter End Notes

There it is!! This will be an ongoing series within this book. A special chapter about
what happens when Kenjiro’s soul gets transported into a parallel universe whenever he
sleeps! (Well, not always when he sleeps.)
A New Deal

There were a few things Kenjiro didn’t understand in this world. The purposes of mosquitos,
a healthy relationship, sweet coffee and the world’s obsession with his Boss.

“Has Zenin cancelled their meeting?” Kenjiro asked, staring down at the tablet in hand as he
set his briefcase onto his desk (The one stationed outside of the CEO’s office). Satoru, instead
of going into his own office stood behind his secretary’s chair, pulling it out for the man to sit
before leaning over to read what was on the screen.

Both of them were completely oblivious to Maki’s stare of disbelief.

“Maki?” Rin asked once the answer never came, shaking the woman out of her thoughts.
Maki cleared her throat, straightening her spine and blocking out all of her own thoughts as
she returned to the professional employee she is known to be.

‘Yes, sir. No signs of rescheduling either.”

“Afraid of the gays, I bet.” Satoru chimed in, the tips of his lips lifting in amusement.

“Call them after noon, give it a few hours and see if their answer changes.”

“Yes, sir.” Maki replied right away, already filing Rin’s order into her mind to follow them

“Talking about Noon…” Satoru trailed off, leaning down even further to try and catch
Kenjiro’s attention (in which he failed). Again, unknowingly to the secretary the small action
from his boss drew the attention from all of the employees nearby. “Would you like to grab a
bite with me?”

It wasn’t as if his Boss ever refrained from flirting with him. But now, his flirtations had a
deeper meaning, a much more dramatic meaning to the world.

Satoru, of course was completely aware of the effects he had though he didn’t care in the

The usual rejection was on the tip of Rin’s tongue before he stopped himself, eyes flicking up
towards the office room and sure enough, the heads that had been turned their way whipped
back to their monitors with swiftness, afraid of Rin’s wrath if he were to catch them staring.

Now that the world believed they were dating, rejecting him in public would surely bring
unwanted drama.

Rin looked up, blue eyes already sparkling with expectation down at him and Kenjiro’s gaze
narrowed in annoyance when he noticed the ever so cocky grin on his boss’s face.

Satoru had trapped him.

“It would depend on my work load.” Kenjiro said, deciding on a safe answer that would
allow him to reject the man later.

Satoru’s grin never faded, blazing blue eyes glancing towards the documents on his desk and
with a swoop of his arm, he had half of Rin’s workload cradled against his chest.

“Sir!“ Rin halted, spinning back to face his boss in disbelief though before he could finish his
string of very professional curses, Satoru was already walking away, throwing a wink back
over his shoulders.

“I’ll see you at lunch!”

He could already see it in the headlines. ‘Office Romance Blooms between the Notorious
CEO and his secretary-‘

With a sigh, Rin scrunched his face, shoving those thoughts out of his mind before turning
back and spotting Maki still standing in front of his desk, wearing an expression of pity.

“Not a word.”

“I just never thought you would accept his confession, seriously, you lost me a lot of money

Kenjiro couldn’t believe his ears, staring at Maki who he had believed he knew to be
professional. “Were you making bets on me?”

Maki had the nerve to raise her brow accusingly, as if her losing her money was somehow his
fault. “Yes, and I betted that you would never accept his confession. With all due respect sir
you could do much better than him.”

“You made a bet. With what, the other employees?”

“Almost everyone was in on it. We weren’t blind, you know.”

“Blind to what?” Kenjiro hissed, leaning over his desk slightly before catching himself and
clearing his throat, sitting back down behind his desk. If what Maki was saying was in fact
true, he would have to be even more careful with his actions.

“To the Boss’s affection towards you. He’s been practically head over heels ever since you
started to work here.”

Rin held his tongue, holding in the comments about his boss being ‘Head over heels’ with
practically everything pretty that walks. It wouldn’t be very boyfriend of him to bring up a
hobby like that. Instead, he took a deep breath before looking up at Maki with a gentle look.

“It seems that tall, dumb and blonde may be my type.”

Because of his boss stealing half of his workload, Kenjiro had found himself being free of his
duties thirty minutes before lunchbreak even started. Rin was currently sat at his desk, typing
furiously as Panda continued to send him links to every tweet he could find about Rin’s

At first, he didn’t care. Not until he found a picture of two girls taking a selfie in front of his
apartment room.

‘Kenjiro Rin is my neighbor! Should I try being friends with him?’ The caption had read.

Ever since then, he was starting to take these link tweets a little more seriously. It was bad
enough that his face was all over the news, as much as he liked the attention, it meant that he
could no longer take advantage of said attention and use it at The Rustic. Now that they had
spread his address, his freedom was more than limited.

If Kenjiro came face to face with these people in his apartment, the company would be in
ruins for what he’d do.

Sighing, Rin stood, making up his mind as he walked towards the door to the CEO’s office.
He could hear the muffled sound of talking though he knocked anyway, waiting for a

There was a pause before Satoru called him in from the inside, and with a twist of the
doorknob Rin walked in, closing the door behind him and blocking the other nosy employees
from the new deal he was about to propose.

Satoru had just placed his phone down face first, ending whatever call he was on as he turned
to his secretary with a big smile.

“Rin, missed me already?”

“I’d like to live at your penthouse until the day our contact terminates.”

Gojo was choking on air, smile wiped off of his face in an instant as he tried to regain his
voice by coughing and clearing his throat. The man looked up at him in disbelief, blue eyes
as round as golf balls.


“I’d like to receive temporary residency at your-“

“No no no, I got that.” His boss stood, brows furrowing slightly in worry as he walked
towards Kenjiro with cautious, careful steps. “Are you okay, Rin?”

“Yes, I am perfectly fine.”

Two pale fingers held up in his face.

“How many fingers?”

“I am not concussed, sir. I was merely requesting and addition to our contract.”

Satoru was staring at his face, eyes squinting slightly as if he was trying to find a clue as to
what was happening.

“By living….in my house.”


There were three fingers this time.

“How many-“

Rin grabbed a hold of Satoru’s hand, staring at his boss blankly as he laced their fingers
together. That small, subtle act was enough for Satoru to lose his train of thought, eyes
fluttering slightly as he gulped as Rin slowly pulled his boss closer to where he stood.

“Can I stay over, sir?”


Kenjiro leaned back against the door leisurely, stopping Satoru merely inches away from his
body with his thigh against his boss’s. Ron’s expression never altered as he deliberately
glanced down towards Satoru’s lips and his boss’s free hand twitched as if it wanted to lunge
forward and grab ahold of him.

“I don’t have to pay rent, then?” Kenjiro mumbled, looking back up into blue eyes.

“Huh?” He could tell Satoru didn’t hear a word he said as the man’s eyes were still glued to
his lips. With subtlety Rin unlaced their fingers, trailing his index finger down his boss’s
palm while keeping a gentle hold on the other’s wrist.

“I can stay as I please? With all my expenses covered?”

“What are we talking about?” Satoru repeated, voice slightly scratchier than it was before and
Kenjiro couldn’t help the edges of his lips turning upwards.

Satoru’s eyes widened at the action, flickering up to meet his gaze once more in surprise at
the sight of his smile. Rin was quick to make sure the situation didn’t go to waste.


“Yes.” Satoru breathed out, closing his hand around his secretary’s smaller palm as the man
started to lean forward.

It was then that Kenjiro moved, leaning forward faster than his boss and landing a soft, gentle
kiss on the notorious heartbreaker’s cheek.

“Thank you, sir. I’ll see you at lunch.” With a turn, Rin went back out of the CEO’s office
without another word or glance back at the frozen state of Gojo Satoru who continued to stare
at his secretary’s retreating back, eyes wide and still slightly leaned forward expectantly.
Moving In
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The day went by in a blur. Satoru had continued to attend his meetings, answer his emails and
phone calls while also throughly checking the documents and proposals sent by other
companies. He had done them all on autopilot.

Even during lunch, a time he was greatly anticipating since Kenjiro was joining him. Satoru
found that his mind simply could not focus on any of the words his secretary was saying.

Not that Rin even spoke much, he merely talked about work, or ordered his food while
making sure Satoru was also present enough to order his.

At the end, Satoru didn’t even notice himself as he slid his black card towards his secretary
(Who in turned ordered an extra dish and dessert to go) before walking to his car, both of
them separating to get back to work.

After that, his day became a sped up blur.

“Sir?” Kenjiro’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts and Satoru looked down to see that
they were already in the elevator of his penthouse. “You’ve been out of it all day, are you

“Im perfect.” Satoru responded, clearing his throat as he gave the elevator his finger print, the
lift now moving upwards once he had been registered.

Rin merely squinted at his reply, not buying a single thing he had said. “Right”

Satoru noticed now that Rin was carrying a small bag by his shoulder, a black bag most
travellers use to go on board. He certainly did not remember going to Kenjiro’s house, which
he must have considering that Rin had only proposed the idea to him at work this morning.

Or perhaps Rin had already thought of moving in together ever since their kiss. Satoru
gulped, facing the elevator’s closed doors.

They were moving in together.

“Here-“ Satoru started, gently taking the black strap off of Rin’s shoulder. His secretary
looked up at him, not objecting as he easily let Satoru did what he wanted, scrunching him
his shoulders lightly once the bag was off of his weight.

Satoru tried not to smile, swinging the light bag over his shoulder as the door to the elevator
finally opened.

HIs penthouse looked the same, with its high ceiling and wide panned window that showed
the small sized jacuzzi out in the balcony it was a home many would kill to live in. Though
now, with Kenjiro stepping in with the intention of living in it, Satoru felt it was all too small
for his secretary, too mediocre.

God. He thought, he was getting self conscious of his own home.


Just like that, his fantasy was shattered as the elevator door closed behind them. Suguru had
rounded out of the kitchen, carrying a small bowl of freshly cooked soup in his hand. His
long time friend was wearing nothing but his briefs, long hair messily tied up in a bun with
strands spilling from its side and at once Satoru felt all the five stages of grief squeeze at his

The fantasies of Rin and him eating breakfast together, sharing late movie nights as they
cuddle under the blanket while smiling and kissing under the moonlight had evaporated faster
than his will to live.

Satoru had to share Kenjiro’s space, with him.

“Rin.” Suguru spoke, halting with his eyes widening slightly as he took in the state of the
secretary who was still in his work suit. “Are you here for a meeting?”

“Is that dinner?” Kenjiro responded without a hint of disturbance for Suguru’s near
nakedness. Instead, Satoru watched as his crush walked over and leaned closer to his
roommate, enjoying the aroma that started to drift up from the bowl. “Because I’m

“Eh-“ Suguru started, slightly speechless with Rin’s casualness before his questioning gaze
flickered up towards the white haired man. Upon seeing Satoru’s displeased glare however
Suguru’s lips lifted into a gentle, sly smile before turning back to the smaller man at hand.
“Yes, it is. Would you like to taste some?”

Satoru watched in horror as Suguru picked up the spoon, watching Rin with amusement as he
tried to feed Satoru’s secretary and with swiftness he found himself moving towards Rin,
grabbing both of his shoulders and pulling him back before he could even think about tasting
Suguru’s meal.

“Why don’t I show you to your room, Rin?”


The two of them froze at the small sound of appreciation. Satoru, being the first to break his
stare looked down only to see that his hold was all in vain. Kenjiro had leaned forward,
mouth closed around Suguru’s offered spoon as he swallowed.

“I didn’t know you cooked.” Rin commented, licking his lips and Suguru had the nerve to
smile, quickly looking away as if he could hide his shaky laughter.

“I am glad you liked it.”

“I like soup” Rin replied, not yet sensing any of the tension between the two men. “Do save
me some.”

“Save us some.” Satoru hissed, making Suguru laugh harder as he used the grip on Rin’s
shoulders to turn them both away from his bastard of a friend. “You could’ve told me you
liked home cooked meals.”

Rin merely raised a brow. “And what? Would you start taking chef classes?”

Satoru was silent at that, already forming a plan in his head while they started to walk up the
stairs towards the bedrooms. There were a total of three bedrooms in the house. His,
Suguru’s, and the guest, but Kenjiro didn’t have to know that.

Satoru was going to be a gentleman. He had sworn to himself that he wouldn’t take the
opportunity to benefit himself, not when he was the main reason Kenjiro had to move out in
the first place though now that he was rudely reminded that they would not have as much
privacy as he liked, Satoru was going to grab all he could.

Gently steering Kenjiro away from the guest bedroom he walked right towards his, using his
free hand to push open the doors and subtly push his secretary in before questions could be

Rin blinked. “Isn’t this your room?”

Satoru carefully placed the black bag on the ground, looking up and around the room as he
glanced back at Rin. Other than the white king sized ben in the middle that had a small
plushie of himself, nothing else in the room indicated that it was his, since he was barely ever
in it enough to decorate it.

“Was it that obvious?”

“It smells like you.”

It was a small comment, said without a thought as Rin walked further into the room but it
was enough to make Satoru’s mouth run dry.

“I smell?”

“Oh it’s not a bad thing.” Kenjiro reassured as he rounded the white fluffy bed, amusement
shone in his eyes once they landed on the small sized plushie. “I quite like it.”

Satoru needed to get laid, and fast.

“Is there a reason we’re in your room?”

He blinked once, brown eyes staring at him as Rin sat himself onto Satoru’s bed and for once,
he was thankful for his sneaky ways of thinking.

“Well, your request was quite sudden so I didn’t have the time to tidy up any other room.”
Satoru spoke casually, busying himself as he loosened up his tie. A movement that seemed to
have caught Rin’s gaze.

Satoru halted his fingers, staring at the other male before he finally slid his tie off of his
collar, reaching back up to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt.

Rin turned away, feigning interest at the walls. “That makes sense, I’ll meet you at dinner

Satoru watched as his secretary stood, heart beating in his chest as Rin walked towards the
bathroom without another look back at him. It was only a brief movement, but while Rin was
staring at him, Satoru could’ve sword he saw the lust reciprocated in his eyes.

Chapter End Notes

I KNOW THE CHAPTERS ARE SHORT--but so is my attention span. Anyway im

getting more and more into this fic so i might update more often. xoxo.

“It’s a good opportunity.” Kenjiro heard Suguru speak as the sound of plates being placed on
the tables echo throughout the penthouse.

“He wouldn’t like that.” Satoru’s voice was quiet, as if afraid he’d be heard and Rin did his
best to keep his footsteps soft on the carpeted stairs. “He’s a private person. Besides-“ there
was a short pause. “This is only business.”

Rin continued to rub his damp, loose hair with the small towel as he rounded the corner into
the kitchen where the two men immediately stopped talking at his arrival.

Suguru was stood, putting the food into a big bowl as Satoru sat with his back facing his
secretary, legs spread with his chin supported by his palm in silence.

“How natural.” Rin commented, walking up and sliding into the stool besides his boss.

“I take it the shower was to your liking?” Satoru spoke, turning towards his secretary with a
small grin on his face.

It was the grin Rin was familiar with, the same smile he used whenever he had things to

“What is it?”

“What is what?”

“Whatever it is that you’re trying to hide.”

“There’s nothing I would hide from you, Rin, surely you know this.”

Suguru snorted at the stove.

Kenjiro dropped his eyes towards the Satoru’s other hand which was resting on the island, a
lit up phone in his hand and just as the thought clicked in his mind he could see Satoru’s eyes
widening, already sensing what he was about to do but it was too late.

Rin was faster as he grabbed the phone out of his boss hand just as Satoru was about to yank
it out of his grip.

“Rin-“ Satoru spoke as his secretary started to read the email that was shown on his phone.
His boss leaned closer with the intent to retrieve his now stolen phone but at the slight feeling
of Rin’s hand against his chest, he halted.

“I was already going to decline the offer, and every other one that comes after that.”

Kenjiro scrolled, making sure he was reading everything as his brows rose in slight surprise.

They were being offered a modelling gig at one of the three most famous fashion companies.
According to the email, they had wanted the two new “lovers” to be on the next cover of their
Vogue magazine.

“There are more than one?” Kenjiro questioned, finally looking up at his boss who looked a
tad bit nervous than he should be.

“…yes. They started offering ever since our kiss made the headline.”

“For modelling?”
“And interviews.”

Rin hummed, removing his hand from Satoru’s chest and the moment the feeling of his palm
was gone his boss had snatched the phone out of his hold.

“In my opinion, this isn’t a bad thing even if your relationship’s fake.” Suguru commented
which earned him a scow from his friend as he set the bowl of pasta in the middle for all to
take. “Not only would you get good money, but the media coverage would last even after the
contract ends.”

Getou made a show of checking him out, a sly smile coming onto the man’s face. “I doubt a
face like yours would go unnoticed in the beauty industry.”

“Suguru.” Satoru warned, though his friend paid him no mind, only giving Rin a smile before
he started to take some of the pasta into his own plate. His boss turned towards him, eyes

“You don’t have to worry about that. Even when the contract ends, I’ll make sure none of the
media gets to you.”

“And how exactly would you do so?”

“We can make up a story, I’ll be the one at fault.”

Kenjiro sighed, turning towards his boss with one brow raised. “You’ll jeopardise the state of
your company that way.”

Satoru had opened his mouth, the stubborn expression on his face already clear as to what he
was about to say though Rin beat him to it, holding up a hand.

“I never had the intention to decline.”

That, seemed to have shut his boss up completely as Satoru stared at Rin as if he was actually
seeing him in a new light.

Or well, seeing a bit of who he really was.

“You want to model?” Satoru asked slowly as if making sure that Rin was actually
understanding his own words.


“Are you sure?”

“He’s got the face and the height for it.” Suguru chimed in, already digging into his food
without sparing a glance at the other two.

Kenjiro pointed towards the long haired singer as if to agree with his point. “Besides,” he
continued, leaning over to look at the phone screen in Satoru’s hand once more.

“The pay is enormous.”

His boss stared down at him, lips twitching at the mention of money. Satoru closed his phone,
placing it on the counter and reaching over to grab Rin’s plate without another word,
grabbing some pasta and putting them on.

“I should’ve known that was your ultimate goal.”

“Why else would I want to pose for hours on end.” Kenjiro mumbled, staring at the piling
pasta on his plate. “I’m not eating all that.”
Satoru didn’t pause, placing the now very full plate onto the table as he started to get his

“Yes, you are.”

“No I am not, I’d die.”

“It isn’t even that much, you need to eat as much as you can while you’re here, Rin.”

“Is this your indirect way of body shaming me?”

Satoru’s lip twitched, placing down his plate before he started to eat. “No, it’s my way of
taking care of you.”

“You aren’t my dad.”

“Well.” Satoru spoke, not elaborating as his grinned widened when Suguru started to laugh,
almost choking on his pasta and even Kenjiro couldn’t help but feel slightly amused.

“Is that what you’re into?”

“I’m into whatever you’re into.”

“Help us all.” Suguru complained, still smiling as he passed over two glasses of water. “Do
my ears a favour and stop flirting in front of me, will you? It’s very odd not seeing your usual
“It’s very hard to glare when im offered a luxurious lifestyle free of charge.”

Suguru smiled, shaking his head as Satoru turned towards Rin, pushing his own plate closer.



Unlike his apartment, Satoru’s penthouse grew cold as the sky grew dark.

Kenjiro was seated on the edge of the bed, looking out of the window and onto the colourful
lights of the city as the muffled sound of running water ran through in the background.

Everything had happened to fast, the past week had went by in a blur and the chaotic life he
thought couldn’t get worse had gotten even messier.

He had fucked a member of the Zenin clan, got into a contractual relationship with his boss,
met the son of the man he fucked and practically ran from, then kissed his boss and quite
literally made the news.

Panda was going to give him an earful when the man learned of his living situation.

Kenjiro couldn’t help it, he was slowly beginning to enjoy the life in the eyes of the media.
At first, he was skeptical, considering the fact that he had a long history from the Rustic he
would rather keep hidden though as time went by and nothing had seemed to pop up, his
worries were beginning to fade.

He basically had a new house, a good job plus extra income and now he was even going to
start modelling.

More and more money.

Kenjiro was so lost in thought that he hadn’t realised the shower turning off and his boss
stepping back into the bedroom.

At the sound of the door opening he turned on instinct, not at all ready for the sight that
greeted him.

Satoru walked out, rubbing the towel onto his hair as it hung in front of his eyes. Water
droplets dripping from his wet hair down to his expose chest, his very, sculptured chest.

Wearing a suite his boss had looked tall and lean though now that he could see skin, Kenjiro
realised that the man was quite built.

Toned muscles lined down his body, defined all the way to the white trail that led down in the
middle of two very visible V lines, disappearing into the towel.

The towel that was wrapped very lowly around his waist.

Kenjiro felt his mouth ran dry.

When was it since he last visited the Rustic? He didn’t know if it was because of his recent
lack of physical touch or just the weakness he had always had towards men of beauty, but
unprofessional thoughts started to pop into his mind.

He did say to keep their relationship exclusive.

Quickly, Kenjiro flicked his eyes away, meeting Satoru’s blue gaze that looked as smug as he
ever saw them.

“I forgot my clothes.

The bastard had done it on purpose.

Kenjiro remained silent, turning away as Satoru walked deeper into the room to finally cover
himself up.

“So, what had you thinking so hard?” Satoru started and he could hear the sound of clothes
rustling as the towel hit the marble floor.


There was a small sigh. “Rin.”

Kenjiro stared out at the window, shoulders relaxing as he leaned his palms against the bed.
“Just the way my life had done a hundred eighty turn before I could even blink.”

There was a small pause as Satoru wriggled into whatever piece of clothing he was tugging
on before the bed on the opposite side dipped.

“Is that..positive?”

Rin turned, glancing over his back and there his boss was, sitting on the edge as he avoided
eye contact, busying himself with drying his hair.

“It’s not negative.”

There was a ghost of a smile on Satoru’s face.

“You should buy a heater.” Rin mumbled, changing the subject as he flipped the blanket
opened to slide himself in. The material was soft, fluffier than any blanket he had ever touch
and he hurried to get settled under it’s covers.

“Are you cold?” Satoru asked, dropping the arm that had been drying his hair.


The bed lifted as he stood and Kenjiro cuddled up into his covers, closing his eyes and
enjoying the warmth that was slowly building. He could feel the sleep taking over him, about
to fall into its temptation before a weight was gently placed on top of him.

Opening his eyes, Satoru was towering over him, putting a second blanket over his already
wrapped body.

Kenjiro looked down. It was a dark nano blanket, only big enough to cover his side of the bed
though the moment he was covered, the warmth overtook him immediately.

“Goodnight, Rin.” Satoru mumbled with a smile.

Rin didn’t think, he just went with his impulse.

Sitting up slightly he quickly grabbed a hold of Satoru’s collar, pulling him down towards the
bed as their lips connected for the first time since their first kiss.

Kenjiro’s body relaxed as he felt Satoru’s lips against his, body humming softly with
satisfaction at the final touch of another’s warmth before he slowly pulled away.

That night, Satoru had slept a total of two hours.

Chapter Notes

Since i havent updated in AWHILE, heres a long chapter

Kenjiro’s morning was warmer than usual, his pillow firm and soft under his cheek. He
sighed, body slack against the soft mattress as his arm tightened around the pillow, breathing
in the faint scent of faded soap and the familiar fabric softener he usually smells at work.

He opened his eyes instantly, the thing under his cheek was not a pillow.

“Good sleep?” Satoru spoke softly, a hint of a smile in his voice and Rin sighed before
looking up towards his boss.

Blue eyes greeted him from above as Satoru’s cocky smile widened at the sight of a
disheveled, sleepy Rin. The white haired man had an arm wrapped around Rin’s waist, the
other supporting the back of his head as he leisurely laid in bed like a man without worries.

Kenjiro didn’t bother answering his boss. Instead, he slowly started to lift himself up,
removing the arm he had wrapped around his boss’s suspiciously slim waist. He didn’t even
manage to straightened his arm fully before Satoru had pulled him back down again, mushing
his face back into a very firm chest.

“I already called in for work today, we’re taking the day off to go for the shoot.”

“Wonderful news.” Kenjiro mumbled, trying to get back up again only for the arm around his
body to tighten. “Sir.”
“Sir?” Satoru repeated, leaning down slightly. “With how you used my body last night I
would have guessed we would be on a first name basis by now.”

Rin gave his boss a deadpanned stare.

“Nothing happened.”

“Yet you clung to me like a baby koala all night long.”

A vein in his forehead throbbed.

After much struggling he had finally managed to untangle himself from the insufferable man
under him, quickly rolling over to the side and off of the bed before Satoru had a chance to
grab at him.

“I’d have to email the day’s workload to Maki, then.” Rin thought out loud as he went
towards the only bag he had brought over, bending to take out another identical suit. “When
are we leaving?”

Kenjiro asked, rummaging through the pile of clothes and skincare products he had thrown in
the day before. He picked up some of the cleansers, determined to properly follow his routine

His question hung in the air and as the silence stretched by, Rin turned back towards his

Satoru was now sat up in his bed, having the white blanket pulled up to cover his naked

“What is it?”
“I feel so used.”

Kenjiro squeezed his eyes shut, stood straight from the ground and walked into the bathroom
with his skincare in hand.

“The shoot is at one in the afternoon!” Satoru yelled after him, the door closing with a small

They arrived at approximately twelve thirty in the afternoon.

The modeling company seem to have wanted to be kept on their good side, considering how
there were no paparazzis to be found. The director had welcomed the two with opened arms
and big smiles, gushing about how their relationship had been all over the media and how
this photoshoot was going to be a big hit.

Satoru hadn’t even bothered listening, Rin could tell as his Boss trailed beside him with his
hands lazily tucked into his pant pockets though Kenjiro was listening to the director’s every

“I was thinking mostly couple shots with two or three solos of you.” The old man spoke, eyes
twinkling as he watched a vision Rin failed to see.

“Solos of me?”

The director turned towards him, eyes widening in anticipation. “Yes, you. Unlike Satoru
who had been in the eyes of the media since birth. Nobody knows anything about you.” The
man paused, placing his hand on Kenjiro’s shoulder with a grin. “Then one day you just
popped up and tamed the infamous womanizer of all. I’d say its one of the top ten most
unexpected turn of events this year.”

“It wasn’t truly out of no where.” Satoru chimed in, putting his arm around Rin’s shoulder
and not so subtly pushing the director’s touch aside. “I’ve had my eyes on him for years.”

Kenjiro resisted the urge to narrow his eyes at the cheesy line, turning towards the director
instead with a polite expression on his face.

“Thank you, director. I’d gladly take you up on that offer.”

The director beamed, glancing between the two of you before he signaled over another
worker with his finger. “The world is going to be obsessed with you two.”

“Let’s get started, shall we?”

Kenjiro had accompanied his boss to photoshoots like this before many times, though it
doesn’t even compare to being in the spotlight himself.

“A little to the right!” The director called and Rin complied, angling his face a little more to
the right which was met with a sound of approval before more flashes went out.

They had put him in a fit almost identical to the ones we wore to the Rustic Rin was even
getting a little skeptical of the stylist’s specifics.

He was in expensive silk black pants, paired with suit shoes and an unbuttoned black long
sleeve shirt that showed his slender stomach. Unlike his outfits, however, this one came with
a lot of accessories.
The director had replaced his mediocre black orb piercings with gold hoops, adding on a
simple minimalistic gold necklace that had a rose at its centre.

Kenjiro changed poses, sitting back against the couch and crossing his legs as he stared at the
camera and the director broke off into a grin.

“That’s it! You’re a natural at this!” The camera took a few mote clicks, the director beaming
at whatever outcome was shown on screen. “Where have you been hiding all this time?”

“With me.” Came a voice from the back door that caused Rin to turn.

Satoru had returned from his solo shoot, wearing the same matching outfit Kenjiro currently
had on except there were no hoops and his necklace was silver. His boss’s eyes glanced down
at Rin from behind as he walked forward, a small smile on his face.

“And I’d like to keep him hidden that way.”

Rin rose a brow, turning his head away and missing the way Satoru’s eyes drank up the sight
of his chest peeking through the shirt.

“Is that all, director?” He asked, ending the conversation before Satoru had the chance to
speak more.

The director smiled, eyes moving from Rin to his boss as he walked forward.

“Well, there is an idea I would like to try.”

Kenjiro stayed quiet, letting the man speak his mind as a firm hand came to gently lay on his
shoulder. Satoru standing behind him like a bodyguard.
“Yes?” Rin spoke up when the Director continued to stare at him nervously.

“We have a new piece.” He started, actively avoiding Satoru’s piercing gaze. “And after the
photo shoot we just had, you have the perfect body type for it, Kenjiro. Not only are you tall,
but you are lean and I was wondering if you’d be willing to promote our new product in your
couple shoot.”

Kenjiro nodded, frowning slightly at how nervous the man still looked. “If it’s just changing
clothes, I don’t mind.”

The director brightened up immediately, looking at Rin excitedly. Without another word he
turned, signalling to one of his assistants who immediately went out of the room to retrieve
said product. “That’s wonderful! We should get started right away. Thankfully, your makeup
would suit the green piece so there are no need to make any big changes-“

“What’s the catch?”

Both the direct and Rin looked up, Kenjiro glancing over his shoulder to see his boss staring
at the director with the same casual yet calculative gaze. “You wouldn’t be so nervous if this
was just any clothing change.”

The director gave a smile, scratching the back of his neck. “You really do catch on fast.” He
cleared his throat, glancing back at Rin with determination.

“The piece is a dress.”

The strapped dress was a beautiful emerald, flowing down Kenjiro’s body while hanging to
his slight curves as it went over his waist.

“The director’s eyes are never wrong.” The stylist mumbled behind him as she got on her tip
toes, securing the emerald necklace around his neck. “You look beautiful.”

And he did.

Kenjiro never wore a dress, the thought never crossed his mind though now, he was finding it
to be more and more appealing.

The neckline was deep, stopping mid chest and exposing the smooth skin underneath though
because of that, the paleness of his body made the deep emerald dress shine even more. His
hair was down now, one strand of it on the right braided back to keep a side of his face
exposed as the rest was left to flow down his neck.

If only he had gone to the Rustic in a dress.

“And…we’re ready!” The stylist behind him exclaimed, stepping back to give Kenjiro space
to observe his new look.

Rin turned slightly, the dark black heels clicking on the ground as he did so and the man
almost stumbled, catching himself just as the stylist tried to move and stable him.

“I never knew they were so difficult.” Kenjiro mumbled, glaring at his heels. The stylist
merely laughed, walking around him to the front as she reached up to settle some loose
strands of his hair.

“You’ll get used to it, now get going, the director was basically bouncing with excitement
when you had agreed to the dress.”
Rin huffed the smell of powder away from his nose before straightening up and turning from
the stylist, walking out of the changing room and into the bustling shoot. There were more
cameras this time, lights shining from two sides of the set and sitting in the middle of the
room was Satoru himself, draped over the couch.

The director had already begun testing out some poses as he continued to fuss and boss
people around, giving Satoru some instructions here and there.

Glancing down at the heels Kenjiro steeled himself to steady as he walked deeper into the
room. Without them, he was already used to towering over people though now, he could
literally see past the heads of those in the room. It made him wonder if this was what his boss
sees on a daily basis.

No wonder the man was so self centered.

“Ah, Kenjiro!” The director exclaimed, spreading his arms as he turned towards the man in
the dress. “Wonderful! I knew you could pull it off!” He continued, quickly abandoning his
notepad as he hurried over to Rin. “My, you’ve got hips for days!”

Kenjiro stared at the assistant who fumbled as they grabbed a hold of the notepad before it
hits the ground, sending a frustrated stare towards his boss that Rin himself was familiar

“If the promotion goes well, what do you say about me being able to keep the dress?” Kenjiro
asked, looking back at the director who was clearly still excited over him.

“The dress is yours! Now come, to the couch, both of you. Do you mind an intimate shoot?
You don’t, do you? From the surprise kiss you left with the press the other week, we’ll have
to bump it up if we’re to surpass its numbers.” The director rambled as he continued to push
Kenjiro forward towards the couch in the middle of the room. In these heels, the director
merely reached his nose.

“What do you mean by intimate-“ Kenjiro broke off, voice muffled as he bumped into a solid
body. On instinct, the man before him placed his hands on Rin’s hips, pulling him closer and
away from the director’s touch.

Deep blue eyes met his as Satoru gulped, gaze flickering down to the deep v line that exposed
his chest as if he couldn’t help himself. Even in these heels, the top of Rin’s head had
managed to only reach the man’s eyes.

“Not so opposed to the idea now, are you?” Kenjiro mumbled, watching with amusement as
Satoru forced his eyes upwards.

“I’ve never been opposed to the idea, Rin.” Satoru spoke, throat bobbing as his hand slid over
Kenjiro’s hips. “Just the place.”

He couldn’t help but raised a brow at the pervert. “Are you saying you’d like it in the
bedroom? I didn’t know crossdressing was your taste.”

“Me neither.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“I think the problem is it’s you in a dress.”

Kenjiro’s eyes lowered at the look in his boss’s gaze. Satoru’s hands have tightened slightly,
causing the dress by his hips to crumble underneath his hold and his eyes almost shined at the

“You’re turned on.”

Satoru opened his mouth to respond but before he could speak, a blinding light flashed at
them as the camera took its first shot.
“Just like that! Marvelous!” The director exclaimed, for some reason holding a handkerchief
on his right. “The chemistry is practically oozing off of your skin. Now change positions,
onto the couch you go.”

Satoru’s jaw locked in annoyance before he turned towards the director, his previous look of
dissatisfaction replaced with a cocky smile. “I didn’t know you were so demanding,

“One of the many things you two have in common.”

Blue eyes flipped to him at once. “I am not demanding! In fact, I would say I’ve always ever
been very lenient when it comes to you.”

Kenjiro gave a slight push against his boss’s chest, Satoru complying immediately as he
released the hold on Rin’s hips, sitting down on the couch behind them. The man looked up
with a grin, adjusting his position as he spread his legs slightly to make room.

“I’d say you’re the demanding one.”

Kenjiro hummed, staring down at his boss as he tried to figure out how to make the shoot
intimate. He could hear the crew mumbling behind him, getting themselves ready for the next
shot while observing the previous for any changes and with a huff, Rin made up his mind

He was just going to go with his own definition of intimacy.

Satoru’s brain practically froze when Rin moved, putting one knee on his left while swinging
his other over his lap. Without even a speck of consideration his secretary lowered himself,
sitting firmly on his lap. More precisely, on his-

Satoru was going to die.

His long term crush had just settled himself on his lap, in a dress no less and for the first time
in awhile Satoru genuinely didn’t know how to act. Or where to put his hands.

“Kenjiro-“ He started though the man above him had already glanced over his shoulder,
looking back at the camera crew.

“Is this okay?”

The director was basically staring with his mouth opened.


“This is perfect! My, where have you been in all of my careers? We must have a talk after this
shoot. A contract, Mery, go prepare a contract. Now Kenjiro just look back slightly as you are
now, lower your eyes a little, yes!”

“Rin.” Satoru hissed, hands returning to their spot on the man’s hips. Kenjiro made no move
of acknowledging him though he knew he had his secretary’s attention. “Move down.”

Satoru swore he saw Rin’s lip twitch.


“That’s it! Satoru, do you mind wrapping one arm around his waist instead? Perhaps even
have the other one support his back. Just having the whites of your hair peeking above his
shoulder would be the absolute icing on the cake.” The ever annoying director interrupted.

Finally, Kenjiro turned to meet his gaze. “Well?”

Satoru could feel his face heat up, sliding one arm across the man’s waist as he was told
which in turn, pulled Kenjiro closer than he already was. Satoru could smell the subtle
perfume they had sprayed on him, mixed with the scent of his shampoo that Rin had used
earlier. Reminding himself that this is a professional photoshoot Satoru slid the other hand
from Rin’s hip up to his back. That was when his composure started to slip.

The damn dress was backless.

Kenjiro readjusted himself on top of him, moving his hip slightly so that Satoru’s hair could
be seen by the camera and he couldn’t help but twitch slightly when he felt the outline of
Rin’s safety shorts rubbing against his crotch.

“God-“ Satoru slipped out, hold tightening on the other’s body. “Stay still.”

“You’re hard.” Kenjiro pointed out quietly, looking back and posing as he’s been instructed to
do. “And big.”

“Are you seriously mentally taking notes right now?”

“I am your secretary, it’s my job to point out the details.”


“Perfect!” The director exclaimed, staring at the back of the camera with glee. “Now we can
change, what if you turn back, Kenjiro? Sit between his legs and cross yours.” There was a
slight pause. “Does anyone have a wine glass prop? Get one with fake wine in it!” The
director yelled and Satoru took in a sharp breath when Rin once again moved on top of him.

“What are you doing?”

“Following instructions.” Came his relaxed voice.

Satoru could do nothing but watch as Rin removed himself from his lap and he realised with
dread how much worse his condition was. Satoru was practically announcing his pent up
sexual urges.

Quickly, he stood from the couch, earning a questioning glance from his secretary but he paid
it no mind. If he was going to get through this shoot, he’d have to calm himself down, and

“Bathroom.” Satoru spoke, answering the questioning gaze as he quickly turned away from
potential prying eyes.

Perhaps Kenjiro had gone a bit too far with his teasing. He thought as he sat on the couch,
eyes flickering towards the bathroom door that still remained closed.

“Ah yes, this!” The director’s voice made him turn. An assistant had come back with a filled
win glass prop, handing over to the director with a small nod. “Now we can really start—
eh?” The man said when he noticed the absence of a certain white haired CEO.

“Where’s Satoru?”

Kenjiro wordlessly pointed hiss thumb towards the bathroom. It hasn’t been long, but it has
been longer than usual. He just had to hope that nobody on set would’ve caught onto what the
man was doing.

“Ah, I see.” The director said, looking down at his watch with a small frown. “Is he alright?”

“From what I can see, yes.” Rin answered, flicking his eyes towards the door once again. His
finger drummed on his knee, cocking his head to the side as he thought. “Maybe he’s having
trouble with his clothes, I’ll check up on him.”

Rin didn’t wait when the director called for him, already approaching the bathroom floor.
From where he stood, there were no noise.

“Sir?” Kenjiro tried, giving it a slight knock. “We’re about to start the next shoot.”

More silence.

Kenjiro sighed, knocking again as he gave the door knob an experimental twist, it was
locked. “Sir, you’re going to be late.”

There was a pause before a strained voice could be heard. “Give me a minute.”

Rin looked back towards the crew, the people chatting away while some stared at him with
concerned gazes. With his mind made up, he knocked again.

“Sir, let me in.”


“Let me in or I’ll tell the director exactly why you’re stuck in the bathroom.”

The door opened in a flash, an arm shooting out and pulling him in before Kenjiro could even
let out a sound of surprise. In a blink, he was pushed against the door, two arms on either side
of his head as Satoru leaned over him.

“What part of give me a minute do you not understand?”

Kenjiro stared up at his boss in surprise. He couldn’t help it, it was a side of Satoru he had
never seen before. The man before him was no longer confident, or cocky. His face was
flushed, eyes hazy with lingering lust as Satoru stared back at him. His boss had discarded
the suit jacket elsewhere, the white shirt underneath completely unbuttoned, showing the
defined muscles underneath.

Kenjiro’s eyes trailed down towards the white trail that started below his belly button and Rin
blinked when he realised that Satoru’s pants were unbuttoned as well, the grey briefs
underneath having been pulled up in a hurry.

“You’re still hard.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Satoru cursed, pushing himself off of the wall as he rubbed a hand
down his face. “Yes, Rin, I am still hard. If you were kind enough to have listened to me
when I had asked you to stay still. Then perhaps we wouldn’t be in this-“

Satoru stopped, almost choking on his words when he had looked down. Amongst his
rambling, his secretary had lowered himself onto the floor, supported by his knees as Kenjiro
grabbed a hold of his waistband.

His dick throbbed.

“Wouldn’t be in this?” The man spoke up as if Satoru’s heart wasn’t beating out of his chest.
Coming to his senses when Kenjiro was beginning to pull down his pants (and briefs) Satoru
quickly halted the man with a hold on his wrists.

“You’re not about to- we’re not- what are you doing?” Satoru rushed out, gulping when
Kenjiro looked up from below him.

“Isn’t obvious?” Rin questioned, trying to pull down his pants once more despite Satoru’s
hold on his wrists.
“Kenjiro, we can’t-“ Satoru breathed in sharply when his secretary had used the moment his
hands weakened to firmly pull his pants down, pulling it firmly below his ass. Instinctively,
Satoru covered his face with his hands as his very erect hard on jerked upwards before his

He had never been shy, especially not when it came to sex but with Kenjiro kneeling before
him, Satoru very much wanted to bury himself alive. He had wanted their first (of anything)
to be romantic, to be better than this. There were so many steps that were skipped, so many
things that were wrong with this and yet Satoru couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him when
a pair of soft lips kissed the under side of his sensitive self.

“Just your hands.” Satoru breathed out, his hands shooting down to grab a hold of Rin’s wrist
instead which was a terrible mistake. Kenjiro was on his knees, between Satoru’s legs with
his wrists held, lips still placed on his length. From this angle, Satoru could see down Rin’s
dress. “Just your hands are enough.”

“But I want you in my mouth.”

He wasn’t given any time to prepare himself as Kenjiro suddenly wrapped his lips around the
head of his erection. Satoru jolted, a hand coming to cup his secretary’s jaw though no matter
how much he knew he should, Satoru couldn’t push him away.

Teasingly, Kenjiro continued to take Satoru into his mouth, tongue sliding against Gojo’s
heated skin as he kept eye contact until the base of his erection was pressed firmly against
Rin’s soft lips. Satoru let out a shaky moan, shivering as he felt himself completely wrapped
by Rin’s mouth.


Kenjiro hummed, the sound vibrating through Satoru’s erection and his head leaned back
involuntarily, thudding slightly against the wall as his hips pushed forward.
“Are you guys okay?” The sound of the director’s voice knocked Satoru back into his senses.
Eyes opening he looked at the door as the old man knocked once more, concern clearly laced
in his tone.

“We’re okay!” Satoru quickly responded, realising too late how hoarse his voice sounded.

Rin took the short moment as a cue to move as he slid back up Satoru’s length only to take
him in once more, sliding far past his throat and Satoru groaned, quickly muffling his voice
with his hand though Kenjiro didn’t stop. Instead, the man started to bob his head, sucking
him in whenever Satoru reached his throat and as his knee buckled, Satoru knew he wasn’t
going to last.

“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” The director asked once more but Satoru was
already far gone.

His head leaning against the wall, eyes rolled back as his hips uncontrollably started to thrust
into Kenjiro’s mouth Satoru’s body was shivering with every touch.

“Im close.” Satoru panted, voice trembling and Kenjiro merely moaned, twirling his tongue
around Satoru’s length.

He was going to need more than the director’s help if he was going to survive his secretary’s
Date night
Chapter Notes

This is NOT edited !

Satoru was acting weird.

The next morning, Kenjiro had woken up to breakfast in bed. There was an unsweetened
coffee on the tray on the bedside table, homemade french toast and some sliced fruits.

The man himself was also no where to be seen, his side of the bed already made and tidied up
as if he was never there. Rin’s work clothes were also taken out of the closet, ironed and
folded perfectly for him at the foot of the bed along with a plain black tie.

Not thinking much of it, he had walked down after getting dressed, greeted Suguru who was
hungover on the couch and tried to find his boss so that they could get to work.

His boss, which was acting oddly gentleman like had surprised him by already being down at
the lobby, holding onto his keys with no driver in sight.

Satoru drove the two of them to work that day.

“Edit this part out, the green is unpolished and way too bright. We don’t want to take the
focus away from the main product.” Kenjiro advised as Maki quickly wrote down his words
onto her small notepad. He stared at her, slightly amused.

“You know you could also go to your supervisor for this.”

Maki briefly glanced up at him as if he had lost his mind.

“You and I both know he has the reasoning and temper of a child. I am surprised he even got
a place at the company.”

Kenjiro shrugged, looking back at his laptop as a new notification popped up on his mail.
“The Zenin sent him, there’s nothing we could do about that.”

“The Zenin sent me.”

“Technically, you ran from them all on your own.”

Maki huffed, a small smile on her face as she straightened, gathering the things in which she
had dumped onto his desk in one place. “So, you and the boss? How’s that going?”

Rin held in a sigh from escaping his lips, he could tell that the question had been bouncing on
the edge of her tongue ever since their kiss had aired on the news though now, perhaps it was
time he started feeding crumbs to the public.

“He’s sweet.” Kenjiro answered simply, making Maki’s eyebrows shoot upwards to her


He thought back to their time together. It has been two months ever since they had gotten
together and if he was being honest, Satoru was surprisingly being loyal. Never once had he
stepped foot into a bar, nor has he secretly brought anyone home or sneak out of the house
under Suguru’s radar.

“Yes, sweet. As surprisingly as that may be, I am pretty much getting spoiled on a daily
Maki’s mouth formed an ‘O’ as she nodded slowly, trying to imagine the notorious boss
acting like an actual gentleman.

“You know at first I thought it was some sort of contract.”

Kenjiro almost choked on air. His co worker, oblivious to the fact that she had hit the nail on
its head went on as she scooped her belongings back into her arms.

“Because there was no way you’d actually go out with him.” She continued. “Not with all
those years of you avoiding his clear advances.”

Rin didn’t meet her eyes, wary that his co worker could catch onto his schemes after all these
years of working side by side.

“He grew on me.”

There was a short pause in which he could feel Maki’s stare at the side of his head. Acting
oblivious, Kenjiro clicked on the new unopened email, starting to type away.

There was a short chuckle by his side. “As long as he’s treating you well, then.”

“I am dating a billionaire.” Rin replied, a slight smug tone to his voice. “How could I not

Maki laughed shortly, either in disbelief or amusement before she finally left him in peace,
returning to her desk once the other employees had started to stretch and stand from their
chairs, preparing themselves to go out for lunch.
The secretary however didn’t even budge from his place, continuing to work as he always
had. Kenjiro was so immersed in his work that he couldn’t even notice a pair of blue eyes
nervously watching him from across the room.

There was a sound of a door opening nearby, muffled by the chatter of the employees and
before he knew it, a shadow had loomed over his desk.

“Hey.” Satoru started, hands hiding behind his back and making Kenjiro pause with a
suspicious look in his eyes.

The secretary glanced down towards where his hands were hidden, only to make his boss
shuffle on his feet.

“Is there something I can help you with?”

Like a robot triggered back to life, Satoru quickly pulled his hands out, holding out a neatly
wrapped bento as he stared down at his secretary nervously.

Kenjiro didn’t even blink.

“What is this?”



Satoru cleared his throat, setting the bento down on Rin’s desk as he nodded. Rin remained
quiet, watching curiously when his boss walked around his desk to stop by his side. His
brows rose, eyes flicking up in surprise when Satoru reached down and started to open up the
bento like some personal maid.
“I made this for you this morning. There’s miso soup, rice and shrimp tempura. I also added a
little bit of soy sauce on the side but I’m not sure how much you actually like soy sauce. If
you want wasabi, we can order it-“

“You made this?”

Kenjiro looked down at the opened bento in front of him. There was a section where the soup
was stored, alongside of it some rice sprinkled with garlic powder and pieces of shrimp
tempura to the side. The soy sauces were packaged, what one would get after ordering from a
restaurant and there was only a speck of wasabi, carefully put into a corner.

“Yes.” There was a short pause. “Well-I made the miso soup and rice.”

“Why?” He turned towards his boss, noticing the slight nervous and guilty expression on the
man’s face. Realisation drawn on him immediately.

Kenjiro sighed, placing the cover back onto the bento as he spoke. “If this is about yesterday,
I fully wanted to suck you off so you didnt have to do this for me out of some guilty
conscious. It’s just sex-“

Before he could finish his sentence, his chair was spun to the side, causing him to let out a
yelp in surprise when Satoru gripped the armchair steady, leaning over ever so slightly. Gone
was the nervous, guilty look that was edged onto his face. It was now replace with a look of
slight desperation, his eyes lowered and stern.

In all his years, Kenjiro has never ever seen his boss so serious.

“It isn’t just sex, Rin.” Came his reply, Satoru’s voice low and quiet. As if he was afraid that
Kenjiro would truly hear what he was saying. Seeing the unchanging expression on his
secretary’s face Gojo hung his head low with a sigh, both hands still caging him onto his
chair. “Damn it, just eat the food.”
“Is this part of the contract?”


Kenjiro nodded slowly, blinking as he looked towards the carefully made bento.

“I see.”

“I am also taking you out tonight.”


“A date.” Satoru repeated as he pushed himself off of Rin’s chair, readjusting his sleeves.
“Let me treat you to dinner.”


Satoru sighed, closing his eyes for a brief moment before turning back to his secretary. He
reached out a hand, lightly touching the loose strands of Rin’s hair before the act made him
blush, reminding the man of his exact actions yesterday—only they were much less
wholesome with their intent.

“We’ve been going at it all wrong, Rin. I’ve been going at it wrong. Give me a chance to start
over, yeah?”

Kenjiro looked up at his boss. The gentle, affectionate look he could see in Satoru’s eyes
making his chest tighten, an inkling feeling in the back of his mind sounding alarm bells
though he ignored it all, quickly turning away and refocusing his attention back onto the
bento given.
“I might have to work overtime, though. Yesterday’s documents piled up.”

Satoru smiled, breathing out when the immediate rejection he feared for didn’t come.

“Send some to me, I’ll look them over.”

Just as Kenjiro had expected, he was once again taken to a fancy restaurant on top of a

The view was breathtaking to say the least, the sky was clear, covered in pitch black which
made the city lights shined even more beneath them. Satoru had reserved the whole restaurant
for the two of them, servers were lined up on the side as the chefs each presented their meals
with a detailed explanation on each exotic ingredient that was used. The tables around them
which would have been filled with guests have all been emptied, only a candle on their table
were lit, casting a cozy atmosphere in the restaurant that was anything but.

“Is the food alright?” Satoru asked, eyeing his date from across the table and Kenjiro merely
hummed, taking another spoonful.

The food was delicious, a meal many wouldn’t be able to afford but that was pretty much it.

Ever since they had walked into the restaurant, Kenjiro was as stiff as a board and as quiet as
a mouse. He never was a man of many words, but this was a bit much, even for him.

Even though he was a materialistic person, Kenjiro was much more used to a chaotic, loud
and packed atmosphere like The Rustic. A place where he could be himself without all the
eyes solely on him, a place where everyone is on equal standing.
This, he was not used to and even though he could feel how much Satoru was twisting to ask
what was wrong, he couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.

An hour into their date and Kenjiro was starting to hate it.

He wasn’t one of Satoru’s play things that he needed to impress with money. Rin knew better
than anyone just how loaded the man opposite of him really was, there was no need to
physically boast about it.

Truly, if all Satoru wanted was to get sucked off again, he could’ve just asked.

“It’s really good.” Kenjiro decided to say when his boss looked as if he was about to shoot
himself in the face if he didn’t speak up.

Though his words did anything but soothe the man’s nerve. Satoru cleared his throat, eyes
roaming on the table before he spotted a silver cup with a scoop of peach flavoured ice cream
on it.

“Here.” He spoke, grabbing the cup and placing it in front of Rin. “Try this, I heard that the
peach here is imported from China. It’s one of my favorites you know.”

Kenjiro stared at it before digging a spoon into the soft creamy dessert, placing it into his

Satoru was like a dog awaiting its treat as he watched.

“It’s really good.”

He wanted to kill himself.

Kenjiro couldn’t help it as he felt the many eyes of the servers on him. Sure he was used to
attention, but he was used to attention from the gays and the drunken lust filled queers. Not
from customer service employees.

Closing his eyes briefly, Satoru’s shoulders sagged in defeat as he aimlessly waved over one
of the servers who scrambled to get on her way as fast as possible.

“Yes? How may I be of service-“

“Check.” Satoru spoke, voice heavy and Kenjiro casted his eyes down towards his finished

As quick as the customer service of a five star dining restaurant should be, the server
reappeared with the bill and Satoru merely gave her his card before returning his gaze onto
his date.

“Did you want anything to take home?” He asked, Kenjiro doing a quick sweep of the table.

“We should take all the left over’s home, they’re pretty good afterall.”

Satoru nodded tightly before relaying the message onto the server and Rin couldn’t help but
sigh, looking out at the skyline. It wasn’t as if he blamed his boss for this awful, plain date.
They just simply belonged to two different class.

He winced, remembering the gentle yet longing look that was hidden deep within Satoru’s
eyes. It was the same kind of look he saw when they’d first kiss all those weeks ago.

Kenjiro wasn’t dumb, and neither was his boss. If things didn’t work out now, it would be
better for them both if he’d made things clear before any real feelings could develop.
After all, it didn’t seem as if Satoru had hated their little bathroom adventure at the shoot. If
the contract was a problem, then they could simply continued to be Co workers..with

Kenjiro wanted to groan, already hearing Panda’s laughter ringing in his head.


Snapping out of his thoughts, Rin looked up to see Satoru already stood beside his chair, a
paper bag in hand filled with their left overs and he quickly cleared his throat, rising from his


Satoru smiled softly. “Tired?” He offered, trying to not let the awkwardness affect their night
as the two of them made their way out of the empty restaurant.

It would continue to be empty for the whole night, oblivious to Kenjiro since his boss had
booked it for a full five hours.

“No, I’m just full. Thank you for the meal though.”

Satoru nodded, seeming as if he wanted to say more but thought better of it, clenching his
jaw as the two made their way down the building in silence.

Once down at the ground floor, Satoru pulled the car keys out of his pockets, unlocking the
only car parked in the parking lot. He quickened his pace slightly, getting to the passenger
seat before Kenjiro could reach it and as he opened its doors, Satoru made a show of bowing
slightly, gesturing for him to take a seat.
Rin raised a brow, feeling the tension ease off of him slightly now that they were away from
prying eyes.

“What a gentleman.”

“I try my best.”

With an unimpressed huff, Rin slid into the passenger seat, settling in right as Satoru gentle
closed the door, making his way to the driver’s side.

“Where to?” Satoru asked aimlessly once he sat down, starting the car with a push to its

Rin glanced towards his boss. “Are we not going home?”

The man beside him avoided his question, tugging at the bottom of his lip as he thought of
any excuse to not end the night on such a horrible note. Satoru glanced at the clock before
looking at Kenjiro’s face and quickly looking away once more.

“Do you want to go home?”

Kenjiro opened his mouth, the answer was on the tip of his tongue.

“Let’s go to the arcade.”

He closed his mouth immediately, frowning at the sudden suggestion before blurting out a
question. “What?”
Blue eyes glanced at his direction, nervous and eager to turn this night for the better. “Let’s
go to the arcade, winner gets total dominance over the other for a week. Work relations

Kenjiro narrowed his eyes, reaching for the seatbelt as Satoru’s grin widened hopefully at the
action. Moving the car into drive mode.


Surprisingly, the man didn’t rent out the whole arcade this time.

He learns fast. Kenjiro thought as they walked into the bustling building. Purple and pink
lights flashed in all directions, dimming the surroundings and in turn naturally disguising the
two amongst the crowd.

Satoru kept himself close, keeping one hand on the lower back of his secretary as they moved
through the crowd towards the loud yet inviting gaming machines.

Kenjiro glanced over to his boss. The CEO was currently staring down at his other hand,
counting the bright pink coins he now had in possession with a serious expression on his
face, Rin watched in amusement when Satoru looked up at some of the machines, noting
down how much each one cost before returning back to counting the coins on his hand again.

“You know we’re not actually going to play all the machines here, right?”

“Why not?” Came the cocky man’s reply, a smirk forming on his lips. “Scared you’d lose?”

“Sir, we’d be here all night.”

The hand on his lower back snaked around, laying on Rin’s hip instead and pulling him
closer towards his boss’s side when a group of teenagers walked too close, too busy giggling
to notice.

“We’re on a date, Rin. I’m sure we’re well past formalities now.”

Kenjiro looked up at his boss, eyes narrowing slightly at the excited smile on his face. Satoru
was hopeful, that much he could tell. The moment they had arrived at the arcade the man had
practically been bouncing around like a puppy, the sight of his genuine joy made Kenjiro’s
chest uncomfortably nervous and he turned, looking away before the other could catch on.

“Win me a toy, then.”


Rin gestured towards one of the crane games lined up on the side, glancing at his boss
smugly. “Win me the biggest toy in there, and I’ll call you by your name.”

He could practically see a white tail wagging.

“Which one, that?” Satoru repeated, pointing to the one he mentioned earlier. “You’re a
Pokémon fan?”

Rin huffed, crossing his arms as they made their way towards the crane game filled with Evee
evolution toys. “Is there a problem with that?”

His boss laughed lightly, shaking his head with a smile as he combed a hand through his hair.
“No, not at all. I just didn’t expect you to be…cute.”

“I mean, you are cute. I just didn’t expect you to have cute qualities-“

Kenjiro glared up at the amused man, pushing him forward in the direction of the game as
Satoru held his hands up in a surrending position.

“Just win me a toy.”

Satoru grinned, leaning down and inserting two coins as the machine beeped to life. “As you

Satoru was failing, badly.

Kenjiro watched in amusement as another toy dropped from the crane’s grasps, causing
Satoru to groan in frustration as he bumped his head against the glass.

Truthfully, he had known this would happen. With the way his boss was Kenjiro doubted the
man had ever seriously played in any arcade game that didn’t involve intense

Jerking upwards, Satoru huffed, digging into his pockets for more coins as he narrowed his
eyes in determination.

“Just give up.” Rin spoke, raising his brow when the man stubbornly inserted two more
coins. “The game is rigged, sir. You’re not going to win it.”
“Yes I am.” Satoru spoke, leaning over the machine as he clenched his jaw in concentration.
“Im gonna get that gigantic evee plushie, and you’re gonna have the best sleep of your life
with it. Im winning this.”

The crane moved, the lights on the machine flashing as Satoru carefully placed it over the big
plushie with precision. With his blue eyes narrowed, he lowered his head to try and measure
if the crane was directly over the plushie before taking a deep breath and pressing the
downward button.

The two of them watched, breath hitched as the crane moved down and opened its claw
above the evee plushie. It wrapped its claws around the plushie’s head and Satoru’s face lit up
against the machine’s lights.

“I did it!” He exclaimed, pointing at the doll with a smile. “I won-“

The claw lifted, the doll barely rising above ground before it dropped back against the other

Letting out a whine of defeat the man crouched down in front of the machine, dropping his
head in his hands.

Kenjiro felt a laugh escaped his lips and quickly muffled it with his hand at the pitiful sight.

“I told you.” Rin spoke, cooling his face as Satoru looked over his shoulder.

“But I had it in the claws.”

Sighing, Kenjiro glanced between the rigged machine and the defeated figure of his boss on
the floor in front of it. He crossed his arms, looking side to side to see that everybody around
them were currently occupied in their own little world. Nibbling on the side of his cheek he
turned back, looking down at the man.
“Get up, I’ll help you.”

Satoru’s head jerked up at the attention. “Help me? How?”

Satoru stood, straightening as Kenjiro approached him and he watched as the man snatched
the coins right out of his hands, inserting it into the machine and hearing that god awful tune
for the twentieth time this night.

“There’s always a way to cheat at these games, you just have to use your head.”

Missing the hidden insult completely, Satoru felt his heart hammering against his chest when
Kenjiro reached for his hands, placing them back onto the game controls. He wasn’t even
watching how he moved as Rin placed his own hands over his boss, controlling his
movements with ease.

“See the collar on Eevee’s neck? You just gotta hook one of the claws in there, it’ll make it
harder for the crane to drop it.” Dark eyes met his and Satoru immediately snapped out of his
trance, looking back at the machine with the lack of concentration.

“That collar?” He asked, gulping when Rin moved closer to angle the controller more to the

From here, Satoru could smell his secretary’s shampoo or rather—his shampoo mixed with
the subtle scent of citrus scented soap. He gulped, gripping the controller harder than
necessary when Kenjiro’s arm brushed against his chest.

“Mm. Now press it.”

Complying to his secretary’s words, Satoru pressed the downwards and watched as the crane
stretched down once more.
This time, instead of being directly above the plushie, the crane was slightly to the side,
hooking one of its claws into the collar of the doll.

Satoru felt genuine joy rushed through his body when the crane lifted and the doll—
miraculously—followed up into the air without dropping down once more. His eyes widened,
body stiff as if one movement could send the damn Pokémon falling down as he waited for
the crane to move towards the hole in the machine.

It felt like forever as the crane creaked along its hinges, moving sideways until finally, it
stopped above the hole.

Satoru held his breath as it dropped the doll straight down the drain, the plushie rolling out
from under the machine and the man’s mouth opened in slight awe.

“I did it-holy shit I got the doll-“ He rushed out, bending to get his prize.

Satoru grabbed the soft plushie in a hurry, scared the machine would suck it back up after all
his hard work and as he turned towards his secretary, all the nerves he had momentarily
forgotten rushed back into his body.

Kenjiro was leaning against the machine, his expression almost soft as he looked up at his
boss and Satoru gulped.

Wordlessly, he gently placed the doll against his secretary’s chest.

“Here.” Satoru rushed out, licking his lips. “I know you helped, but technically it’s still my
money that went into the machine so I’m still the winner-“ he paused, looking away when
Kenjiro continued to stare up into his eyes.

“I won.” Satoru repeated, slower this time.

The silence stretched between them and with each second past, he could feel the nerves
stinging at his chest. Without having the look, he felt Rin wrap his hand around the doll,
taking it from Satoru’s hands.

He sighed.

“You don’t have to-“


The surroundings blurred. Kenjiro’s voice was soft, his name rolling out much more kinder
than he always thought it would be. He could feel his heart in his ears.

Blue eyes turned back towards him. Surprise, shock, longing mixed in all at once and Kenjiro
forced himself not to turn away.

Or this time, he didn’t really want to.

The words he wanted to say, the boundaries he wanted to create before was no longer in his
mind as he stared back at the man who had tried so hard to make the night enjoyable. There
was an unfamiliar warmth in his chest he wasn’t aware of.

“Thank you, for tonight. I had a lot fun with you.”

“Say it again.”

Rin raised a brow at him, a teasing reply on his tongue but what came out instead was
anything but.
Satoru watched in disbelief as Kenjiro’s lips formed into an amused smile, softening his
usually sharp features in an instant.

“You’re getting greedy, Satoru.”

It was almost instinct. He couldn’t help himself as he leaned down, gently meeting Kenjiro’s
lips with his own and despite his full belief that the man would pull away, he found himself
being pulled in, two hands reaching up to grasp a hold on his shirt.

Rin kissed him back softly, letting Satoru fully process the situation as he pushed him back,
hands reaching out to hold onto the machine behind the man before him.

“Not here.” Kenjiro murmured against his lips, tapping at his chest when he was shortly
allowed to take a breath.

“Then where?” Satoru asked, leaning in once more and the bright foreign sound of Kenjiro’s
laughter reached his ears. It made his chest tightened.

“Preferably not another bathroom.”

“Home it is, then.” Satoru grinned, looking down at his secretary who nodded.

“Home it is.”
Drunken Rambles
Chapter Notes

I wasnt gonna update for awhile but then I got a funny comment asking me to so hear I
am! Hope you enjoy the short (im still semi in a writers block) sweet chapter

The music was blasting in the background, the bass thumping into his veins and heightening
the already growing anxiety in his heart though to Kenjiro, it was all but white noise. He
couldnt be oblivious forever.

“I mean, from what you’ve told me he’s practically head over heels for you isn’t he?” Panda
started, repeating his thoughts out loud as he continued to shake the can of alcohol in his

Kenjiro didn’t even try to hide his distraught. Brows slightly furrowed as his hand lightly
held the cocktail glass. Gently twirling while trying to organise his thoughts. He had clearly
felt it.

The slight flutter in his stomach, the excitement that came along with his high school self
when he had first snuck up onto the roof with his first boyfriend. He hadn’t felt like this in
years and the thought of it becoming a reality made him nauseous.

Kenjiro had a crush.

The frown on his forehead deepened, glaring down at his drink before swiftly lifting it up to
his lips and taking a large gulp of the alcohol inside.

“Woah there, relax. What’s lover boy gonna think seeing you hammered after having your
first successful date?”
He let out a huge sigh, wiping his mouth before setting the glass down with a thud. “I made
sure he was asleep before sneaking out.”

Panda gave a small laugh, putting down the can of alcohol just as Inumaki swept it from
under his hold. “You haven’t ‘snuck out’ since you were seventeen, closeted in your mother’s
house. Is the thought of having a crush that bad?”

Kenjiro made a face and Panda threw his head back in a laugh.

“Don’t word it like that.”

The big bartender smiled, “Like what?”

“Like-like that.”

“That you have a crush?”

Kenjiro glared up at the man, huffing before turning his body to the side. Before this, Rin
couldn’t exactly say that he regretted his actions. It was almost as if he was high on
adrenaline, on some sort of emotion that had been awakened after being dormant for so long.

What he did know however, was that he shouldn’t have kissed Satoru like that. Shouldn’t
have made it so raw, so personal. The man was a notorious player, if one date was enough to
have made Rin so vulnerable, what’s to say after a week of dating, or a month? How hurt
would he be then if Satoru had decided the chase was fun while it lasted?

“Hey.” Panda started, recognising the worried look on his childhood friend’s face as the man
reached over. Cupping Kenjiro’s face with both hands Panda forced the stressed man to look
up, squinting at the clearly drunken look on his face. “It’s okay to want to pursue something
for once.”
Kenjiro looked convinced for all but two seconds. “We are in a business relationship, Panda.
Bound by a contract.”

“And what’s to say he hasn’t liked you all this time? I mean, the man’s been going after you
for years.”

It could have been the alcohol, or the raw emotion that’s been swirling in his stomach since
the kiss. Whatever it was, it made Kenjiro honest about his feelings for once as he frowned.
“Then why has he been sleeping with countless men and women for those same years?”

To this, Panda didn’t know what to say as he stared back, sighing before finally dropping his

“You’re gonna have to ask him that yourself.”


The boss’s house was as quiet and dark as when Kenjiro first left it. Suguru sleeping soundly
in his room while Satoru was presumedly where Rin had left him, on his own bed.

Rin shuffled in, tripping slightly over his own foot as he closed the door behind him, leaning
a shoulder on the wall for support. He blinked slowly, looking down at his shoes in distaste. It
was instinct, really. Once Panda had suggested he come home and ask his boss about his true
feeelings, Kenjiro had drowned his drink in one big gulp, not even paying before dashing
back to his car.

It was a miracle he made it back alive, considering how drunk he actually was. Once sober,
he’d have to give Panda a big scolding for letting him do such a thing.

Rin groaned, squeezing his eyes shut when a sudden rush of dizziness swirled around his
head. Nevermind scolding Panda for his own actions, he was never going back to the Rustic
again. At least, not anytime soon.
Wrapped in his own thoughts Kenjiro didn’t even notice the urgent footsteps that had come
down the stairs before softening once Rin had came into his view. It wasn’t until a certain
white head entered his line of vision did he realise he was no longer alone, and when he felt
the slight pressure on his foot, he realised that the figure before him was untying his shoes.

Kenjiro didn’t speak. Just silently watched as Satoru shifted on his knees before untying his
other shoe and gently pulled them off of his feet. The sigh that escaped him was soft and Rin
gave his toes a wiggle once they landed on the carpeted floor.

“Why did you suddenly run?” His voice was low, barely there as Satoru stood to his full
height once more, towering over his secretary.

To Satoru’s surprise however, there were no straight forward responses. He watched, slightly
confused and concerned as Kenjiro let out a small hum, leaning his head on the wall now as
well, eyes blinking sleepily.

When he had gone to sleep, Gojo was on cloud nine. Excitement and anxiety filling his chest
at the possibility of his secretary finally acknowledging his feelings. It took him years to
finally understand his one sided crush. Though aloof and straight forward, Kenjiro could be
very sensitive when it came to his own personal space. He’d learn this after having crossed it
himself one day, getting overly flirtatious around his employee and receiving the nastiest side
glance he’d ever had in his life.

It had made him realise that not everyone in this world would fall victim to his beauty. It was
also then that Satoru tried other methods to see which would please his stoned face secretary.
It took many failed attempts of gifts and corny jokes but after months, he had finally figured
it out.

Money. The man before him wasn’t weak to his charms, but his wealth.

Breaking away from his thoughts Satoru grabbed a gentle hold of his secretary’s jaw, turning
his head slowly towards him. Kenjiro was different than usual, his head was much more loose
on his shoulders and his stance was not as refined as they always were. The biggest change
however, was the way Rin was looking at his boss. The man was glaring fiercely up towards

Satoru couldn’t help his lips from twitching in slight amusement. Even while drunk, it was so
much like him to do so.

“Have I done something?” Satoru asked softly, watching Rin’s eyes narrow as they try to pin
point an answer. Finally, he seemed to have come to a conclusion.

“You.” Rin started, pulling his face back from Satoru’s hold. His blue eyes widening when
instead of swinging at him his usually composed secretary tripped. Satoru reached out,
steadying the man before him with a hold on his waist. “You messed up everything.”

He couldn’t even make sense of what he was hearing. “Me?”

Kenjiro nodded as he steadied himself, gripping onto the bigger male’s arm for support. “Yes,
you. Did you not say that this relationship was strictly business?”

Satoru gave a hesitant nod and Rin frowned immediately, he paused. “Then what is-“
violently gesturing towards the space between the two of them Rin continued, “This?”

“Kenjiro, you’re drunk.”

“No.” Rin said once more, shaking his head before glaring at the empty space in front of him.
“I am thinking.”

Now, Satoru couldn’t help but smile widely as he made sure to hold onto the drunk secretary
in his arms. Slowly, he started to walk backwards, taking Rin with him as they made their
way towards the big living room sofa.

“Yeah? What were you thinking about?”

The man either didn’t notice or he merely just didn’t care as Satoru continued to pull him
forward. Blinking slowly as he tried to fight off the urge to sleep to talk. “I told Panda that
you aren’t just my boss anymore.”

With that, Satoru stopped shortly in his tracks, not even sure of what he was hearing himself.
He gulped before looking down, trying to catch Rin’s eyes and see if this was another one of
his cruel jokes. “What am I to you, then?” Satoru asked, holding his breath though the reply
that he wanted never came.

Anxious, he reached forward to grab a hold of the other’s jaw once more, angling their face
upwards only to find that Kenjiro had completely fallen asleep in his arms, half standing and
half leaning on his boss’s arms.

Satoru sighed loudly, looking up at the ceiling as he wiped a hand down his face in
exhaustion. It was either his pent up sexual frustration or the years long romantic edging that
was going to be his last breaking point.

Looking down once more and attempting to wake up the male by slightly shaking his face,
Satoru wanted to groan.

You aren’t just my boss anymore.

His chest tightened both excitedly and anxiously. That was a good sign, he was sure of it.

But Rin is drunk.

Blue eyes glanced down at his secretary’s sleeping face for full second before he turned
away, his face flaming red.
“Satoru, that you?” The tired, sleepy voice of his best friend called from the hallway,
successfully snapping him out of his thoughts.

Gojo quickly scooped Kenjiro up into his arms with ease, turning to see if his friend had seen
anything but so far, Suguru wasn’t even paying attention, yawning with a large open mouth
on the edge of the stairs.

“Yeah, just needed a drink.” He called back in which Suguru mumbled inaudibly in return.
He waited for a few seconds before hearing the doors closed, turning and walking up the
stairs with Kenjiro in his arms and a determination for a sober confession in his mind.
Subtle Hints

“As you may all know, this company strives on honesty and transparency. Without it, there is
no teamwork, no success.”

Kenjiro held in the urge to burrow his head under the building’s cement as his boss’s eyes
glanced towards him for the fifth time in a span of ten minutes.

He had remembered everything.

From the way he had idiotically opened his heart up to Panda in the middle of a packed gay
bar, to the way he had stumbled home and practically fallen into his boss’s arms while not so
subtly declaring his feelings.

“For honesty is how we grow-“

The sound of Satoru’s voice made Kenjiro’s head throbbed. Even Maki had long stopped
taking notes on the subject, along with all the other employees present.

It first started when Kenjiro came down for breakfast. Satoru had the TV on full blast,
looping on a ridiculous horoscopes channel with the day’s headline being “the truth will set
you free” as Suguru continued to cook breakfast without a care in the world.

Though he had given Kenjiro an extra shot of coffee, casting an amused glance his way. So
he was sure Suguru had an inkling as to what was going on as well.

Then it moved onto their ride towards the company. Satoru had subtly (not) started a
conversation with their lost and confused driver about her first confession and how it went.
How and if she ever kept her crush a secret, and how it could have impacted their

That was when Rin fully realised what his boss was trying to do. The idiot was trying to
make Kenjiro confess first.

Absolutely not.

“So for this meeting,” Satoru continued, his voice breaking Kenjiro out of his thoughts as the
man clasped his hands on the desk in front of him. The CEO was looking the very bit of
serious this meeting was not. “I would very like us to reflect and really explore ourselves,
what we could do and say to make our lives and the lives of others around us improve.”

Maki raised her brow his way and Kenjiro had the unbearable desire to end his life.

“Meeting dismissed.”

He was up and out of his seat in seconds. Kenjiro folded his untouched papers, scooping
them into his arms as he turned and headed out of the meeting hall just in time to hear the
sound of the CEO’s chair squeaking back behind him.
Never in his life would he had predict this outcome. That he’d actually have fallen for his
boss and for worse, that his boss would have realised his feelings and try to coax it out of him
while believing his methods to be subtle.

Kenjiro closed his eyes, silently praying for patience to make it through the day.

“Rin!” Satoru called, quickly catching up with his annoyingly long legs and Kenjiro found
himself speeding up to create distance between them. It made no difference. “Have you
brought your lunch today? I was wondering if we could eat together-“ Gojo paused, looking
away and having the audacity to feel shy. “-there are some things I’d like to discuss.”

He was quick in his refusal. “I don’t think I’ll be free today.” Rin spoke, trying to busy
himself as the two walked down the hall towards the elevator. “I was planning on asking
Maki to go down to the company cafe.”

“Oh.” He could practically see the ears dropping as Satoru’s shoulders slumped slightly. The
white haired man recovered quickly, giving his secretary a reassuring smile. “Alright then,
maybe next time.”

Kenjiro felt his chest tightened as his boss subtly widened the distance between them,
probably catching on to Ron’s avoidance and he turned away, holding his folders closer to his

It wasn’t as if he had done anything wrong, Kenjiro just needed time, that’s all. He just
needed a moment to think or better yet, a moment to forget any of this had ever happened.
Satoru might be genuinely interested in him now, though what is to say that said interest
would last.

The sound of the elevator doors opening caught his attention, pulling him out of his thoughts
and without another word exchanged between them the two made their way inside as the
other employees filled the rest of the space in the small box.

Kenjiro wanted to curse as he was involuntarily pushed back every time another employee
had excused themselves, squeezing inside the elevator as much as it could hold. He had tried
to use his height to his advantage, standing firm though to no vail.

With a grunt Rin was shoved right into his boss’s chest.

Of course.

Of fucking course.

Satoru stumbled slightly due to surprise as Rin was pushed up against him, one hand bracing
himself on his boss’s broad chest as the other kept a tight hold on their folders.

“Sorry.” Rin mumbled, shuffling on his feet to try and create space. Just as he had so
blatantly rejected his boss the universe had sent him spiraling down another cliche
Satoru mumbled something in response making him frown, looking up to see that his boss
had turned his head to the side, avoiding Rin’s eyes as his cheeks dusted pink.

“You’re blushing.” Rin whispered, causing Satoru to clear his throat.



“Too close.” Satoru murmured again, clearer this time and Kenjiro couldn’t help but stare at
him in amusement, his defensiveness from earlier slowly fading away.

“What are you, a teenage boy?”

“Last I checked, it’s pretty normal to get flustered like this around your crush.”

Rin opened his mouth to retort but his words were clogged in his throat, unable to make a

Your crush.

Satoru had always flirted with him, had been so for the past years they’d been working
together but his attempts no longer felt casual, light without any meaning. After last night,
Kenjiro couldn’t help but also feel his face warmed.

After awhile without any sarcastic remarks blue eyes glanced down towards him, wondering
what had caused such a delay in response. As Satoru noticed the faint blush on Rin’s face,
brows widening in surprise Kenjiro quickly looked down, hiding his face with his forehead
against his boss’s chest just as he gave out a laugh of disbelief.

“Kenjiro-“ Gojo started, a smile evident in his voice.

“You have two meetings before lunch.” HIs secretary interrupted, not letting him finish the
sentence. “One with the Human Resources department, the other with the PR team.”

Gojo’s smile only widened, hands reaching up in an attempt to cup the other male’s jaw.
“Yes, but-“

“I’ll meet you back in your office for lunch.” Rin spoke again in an attempt to bribe his boss
out of speaking up about his flustered appearance.

Satoru’s hand halted in the air, his smile softening as he circled his arm around his secretary’s
waist instead, pulling him closer and distancing both of them from the other employees in
this elevator.

Half way through their second morning meeting Kenjiro had excused himself out when
staying in that enclosed space had become borderline overwhelming.
Nothing was goin this way. He combed his hand through his hair in slight annoyance.

“I can’t focus at all.”

The voice that answered him from the phone was laced with sarcasm. “Yeah, no shit. You
haven’t felt a flicker of romance in years.”

Kenjiro sighed, turning on the sink in the bathroom he had locked himself in as he distracted
himself by washing his hands for the third time. “Yes but this is different, this is Satoru.”

“Your hot, single, experienced boyfriend?”

“He is not my boyfriend.”

“The world believes otherwise.”

“Fuck the world. Panda-“ Rin cursed, shutting off the tap and putting his phone on its counter
as he closed his eyes. “You’re not helping.”

“Course I am, like I told you. Just get your ass up and talk to him properly about your

‘You want me to bring it up first? Absolutely not.”

He could practically imagine his friend pinching the bridge of his nose. “This isn’t a
competition, Rin. Nobody wins or loses by bringing up the topic.”

“Easy for you to say, you’re not exactly dealing with a notorious player who’s known to fuck
around break people’s hearts.”

“Talkin’ bout’ yourself, or your boss?”

“Hilarious.” He glanced down at his watch, he had been in this bathroom for far too long. “I
am serious, Panda. If this continues, I might have to quit.”

“What and leave your six digits job because your itty bitty feelings?”

“Those itty bitty feelings are lowering my work efficiency. I might even get fired before I
have the chance to leave.”

Kenjiro glanced at his own reflection once more. Some of the strands had escaped his hair tie
from the amount of times he had combed his hand through his hair. The man quickly untied
his hair, keeping his band between his teeth as he gathered up the strands.

“I am telling you now, betting on it even, that boss of yours would sooner call an end to this
contract bull than let you willingly walk out those company doors.”

Rin was silent as he tied his hair back into a bun down at his nape, chest tightening at the
“Perhaps that’ll be the best for me.” Without explaining further he quickly ended the call,
sliding his phone back into his back pockets.

It would be easy to get another job similar to this. After all, he was working as the secretary
to on elf the most famous men in the world, so getting another job was definitely not the
concern that was weighing down his mind.

The concern, was whether or not Panda’s words had any actual meaning to it. Kenjiro
couldn’t help but sighed once more, lifting his hand in an attempt to comb it through his own
hair before forcing himself to stop. It was useless to ponder about things that haven’t
happened yet, he decided, putting his hand down and grabbing the doorknob instead.

First, he’d go to this lunch and see was his boss wanted to say, then he could decide for
himself whether he wanted to stay or not.

Making up his mind, Kenjiro twisted opened the doorknob and pulled it opened just to be
stopped by the sight of that very same boss looming right outside the bathroom door.

Kenjiro’s heart skipped in his chest, Satoru did not look happy. “Sir-“

HIs boss stopped him before he could speak, walking forward and forcing Kenjiro to step
back as he entered the bathroom, closing the door shut and locking it behind him.

Satoru spoke first. “You’re quitting?”

He heard.

Rin released a breath, blinking as he tried to form a response. How much had he heard? Just
bits? Everything? “No, I haven’t decided-“

“Why are you leaving?” Another step forward, another step back.

“Sir.” “Rin started, putting his hands out in between them when Satoru continued to take
small steps, cornering him between his boss and the wall. “I told you, I haven’t decided. It
was just said in the heat of the moment.”

“Why?” He asked once more, voice softer this time. “Is it because I am a notorious player?”

Kenjiro stopped his excuses, jaw locking when he realised his boss had heard everything.
Taking a deep breath, he turned away, keeping his voice leveled. “This isn’t how I wanted
this conversation to go.”

“This isn’t how I wanted anything to go.” Satoru retorted back and before he could reply,
large hands grabbed a hold of his jaw, turning him back until dark blue eyes were staring
down at him once more. “Do you know why I bring company into my home, Rin?”

Kenjiro held still, finding his words stuck in his throat for the second time that day at the
intense gaze. Gone was the playful, flirtatious asshole he had grown to know. This version of
him was one he had never seen, was one that was kept hidden from him.
“It’s because for the past three years, you have been plaguing my mind. Every time you
walked into my house, into a meeting, you are all I can think about” He whispered, slowly
leaning down as Satoru placed his hands on either side of his secretary’s head. “You own me,
and you haven’t even lifted a single finger. Do you know how scary that is?”

“Satoru.” Kenjiro started, but there was nothing he could say.

Their faces were closer now, inches apart. “Say it again.”

Rin kept his mouth shut, eyes glancing down towards his boss’s lips. The same lips he had
kissed many times before though now, merely the thought of it had managed to send his heart

“Give me a chance.”

A whisper, a plea, and Rin found himself leaning up on his toes, grabbing Satoru by his tie as
he pushed his lips against the man he’d swore not to fall for.
Emotions? Emotions.
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

There were certain lines even Kenjiro would not cross, and that was mixing pleasure with his
work. Though as Satoru groaned into his mouth, hands coming down to grab a tight,
desperate hold on his hips, the secretary found himself not quite caring for work ethics.

With strength Rin had momentarily forgotten his boss had, Satoru seated him on top of the
small bathroom sink, stepping in and forcing his thighs to part as Kenjiro made a small sound
of protest. A sound that perhaps his boss didn’t even register. Gojo circled his arm around
Rin’s waist, pulling his secretary’s slim body closer while the other caressed the back of his
head, as gentle as a lover’s touch and a starting contrast to the sheer demand his kiss had

“Sir.“ Kenjiro gasped, back arching when he could feel the naked skin of his boss’s hand
under his shirt. “We’re at work-“



“Satoru.” Gojo mumbled again, his thumb gently holding Rin’s face in place. “Say my

Rin said nothing.

“Of all the years I’ve known you, you’ve barely ever said my name. Why?”

Because you are my boss. Kenjiro thought, but it wasn’t entirely true. It had started out that
way, a clear wall drawn between them both out of professionalism and respect but over time,
that wall had started to crumble, replaced by something else. Something much, much more
intimate. Kenjiro had realised it early on that his boss was more trouble than it’s worth, that if
he wasn’t careful, he’d simply end up becoming one of the victims of the infamous player. So
he started simple, started subtly ignoring Gojo’s presence.

Slight pain jabbed at his lower lip, snapping Rin out of his thoughts as Satoru demanded his
attention. Kenjiro jolted as the man moved from his lips down to his jaw, eager to have more,
to devour.

Or perhaps to give Rin a chance to actually respond.

“It’s not exactly professional to call your boss by his name.”

Teeth scrapped against his neck as Satoru bit down, undoutedly marking his skin and Rin
released a shuddered sigh at the sensation. Hands coming to grip onto the suit jacket of that
same boss.
“Is that what I am?” Satoru’s voice revealed nothing, an arm still slung around Rin’s waist to
prevent his escape. “Just your boss?”

The rejection was on the tip of his tongue, his lips already parted to deliver the much needed
harsh words but it seems his boss knew him better than he did. Satoru grabbed onto Rin’s
jaw, turning his head so that he was forced to look into his eyes and in that moment, the
words died on his tongue.

Satoru did not look smug, his eyes were not clouded with the lust he had come to familiarize
himself with every time he had to visit late at night to save his boss from yet another scandal.
There was no trace of the boss he knew. The Satoru in front of him looked utterly
heartbroken, as if Satoru had heard the words despite them having died on his tongue. His
eyes was filed such intimate longing that Rin had found it hard to keep staring at them, hands
holding themselves onto the other’s wrist and yet, he made no move to pry them off.

The silence stretched, Kenjiro opened his mouth to try and say something, anything but with
all the emotions coiled in his chest Rin was simply at a loss for words. How can he deny
Satoru? How can he find a way to end this and harder yet, how can he accept this? To throw
away his instincts and follow his heart?

Kenjiro saw all the people he had seen leave his boss’s apartment. All the blondes, brunettes,
the women and the men. The cocky grin, arms spread behind seats filled with people eager to
please. The empty flirtation, the tears and screams he have dealt with at the counter after his
boss had decided to move onto the next.

Satoru’s eyes flickered down to where his neck is, slowly letting go of his jaw as his knuckles
came to brush the forming bruise on his skin. He spoke so softly.

“I am sorry.”

“For what?” Rin wanted to yank the words right back in when blue eyes met his again.
Instead, he willed himself still. Satoru’s eyes fluttered, arms tightening around his waist.

The two jolted simultaneously when harsh knocks suddenly sounded at the door, a muffled
voice behind angrily asking when the stall would be available had Rin jumping off of the sink
counter with haste, Satoru hurrying to steady him when he wobbled.

He glanced up, body stiffing in a move to dash and he might have ran if not for the iron like
grip Satoru had on his wrists. Kenjiro felt the overwhelming need to escape heighten.

“Lunch is almost over you twat!” The unknown angry voice called once more, fist banging
against the door and Kenjiro gulped.

“I’ll be waiting by the second gate.” He spoke instead, hating the hope that immediately
filled his boss’s gaze. “Don’t be late.”

Kenjiro barely saw his boss after that. Only seeing a glimpse of his white hair whenever he
was forced into the CEO’s office with a stack of finished reports or trailing after the towering
man’s back into the various meetings they had.

He found himself feeling a bit grateful for the space given. Rin forced himself to relax as his
fingers came to a stop on the keyboard, letting out a long sigh and leaning back into his
cushioned chair. It was half past five, thirty minutes after his work had ended and an hour
since he’d seen Satoru walk out of his office.

The floor was almost empty, filled with only a few workers who were forced to stay behind
and finish whatever assignments they were given and some who were just blindly too
enthusiastic about their job. Rin made sure to save the document he was working on before
closing his computer, neatly putting it back into his suitcase along with some other things.

Moving abnormally slow and undoubtedly buying time for his own sake Kenjiro made his
way to the elevator and pressed the ground floor’s button, standing impossibly still until the
door opened and he had to force his legs to move again.

His own place was still out of question. With what had happened with the swarm of
paparazzis and not to mention if he went back now, the media were sure to read too much
into his actions.

Passing the ground floor mindlessly where workers were cleaning up their stations, Kenjiro
turned left towards the underground parking lot. It was dimly lit, and mostly empty except for
a few parked cars and one vehicle that was parked right outside the building’s doors, its
engine running.

Its windows were tinted though Rin didn’t need to check to know who it was. The doors
made a soft clicking noise as it unlocked just as he grabbed onto the handle and pulled it
opened, sliding into the passenger seat.

“I ordered takeout to the house.” Satoru started, not letting the silence hang on for too long as
he put the car in drive. “I didn’t know what you’d want, so I got a couple of things.” He
spoke carefully, like Rin was a wild animal that would lunge at him at any given moment.
Purposefully avoiding the tension that hung heavily in the air.

Kenjiro spared him a glance as he drove and Rin could’ve sworn he saw Satoru stiffen when
his eyes landed on him. “Anything is fine.”

“I got Miso soup, too.”

Kenjiro let out a satisfied huff at that, not noticing the way his boss’s shoulders slumped in
relief at the sound.

The drive was pitched into silence as they rolled out into the main street, bright lights of all
colors illuminating off of the busy roads and Kenjiro made it his mission to look everywhere
but to his right.
For someone who barely touched his own cars, Satoru was flawless behind the wheels, just
like he was with everything else. Rin relaxed into the chair, eyes growing slightly drowsy
from the muffled sounds of the city.

“You don’t have to put in your two weeks notice.”

And just like that, Kenjiro’s eyes were wide opened, body tight with alertness as he whipped
his head towards his boss in silence. Satoru kept his eyes on the road as he continued. Voice
carefully neutral and void of anything he might be feeling.

“Maki will start calling for potential secretaries starting tomorrow, I trust you to be the ones
holding the interviews. By the end of this week, you’ll be free with full pay. I’ve already sent
Maki a list of potentials, if you’d like to contact her in order to go over it tonight that’s fine
with me.”

He couldn’t keep the surprise from his voice. “With full pay and no notice?”

“Maki could handle the rest of your work you haven’t finished, knowing you I doubt it’s a
lot. If it bothers you, you could stay and train the new secretary for a few days. Oversee how
they do things and leave once you’re satisfied, I’ll be sure to write it in your resume.”

Kenjiro couldn’t believe what he was hearing, couldn’t believe how easy it was. He narrowed
his eyes skeptically. “Why?”

Now, Satoru finally looked at him. Coming to a stop at the red light as he turned his head.
“It’s because I am your boss, isn’t it? That’s what is making you uncomfortable with our deal.
You’d be free to stay in the penthouse, I’ll give you a card for everything you need. If you
want to work some place else, it won’t interfere with the contract in any way.”

Kenjiro blinked, chest squeezing as he realised what Satoru was trying to say. “Sir, not being
your secretary wouldn’t fix everything-“

“Then what?” Gojo spoke, cutting him off as his voice betrayed him. “What do I have to do
to keep you by my side, Rin? What’s the issue?”

You. Kenjiro wanted to say. “There isn’t an issue. I’ll continue playing my part of the contract
for six months. If you’re worried I won’t keep my word we could go through the legal route
and I’ll contact my lawyers first thing in the morning.”

“Your lawyers.”

“Would you rather be yours?”

The piercing stare he received almost made him squirm in his seat. Kenjiro was very familiar
with being the center of his boss’s attention, but never like this. Never when his eyes held so
much emotion.

“Do not try to ignore my feelings, Kenjiro.”

God, Kenjiro wanted to run. He turned his head away sharply, looking out into the road as
Satoru continued, revealing things he had always subconsciously been aware of.

Satoru, however, was far from finishing as his voice dropped into a softer tone. "This
relationship may have started off based on a professional front but you’ve never been just a
contract to me.”

“I suppose to sea of weekly visitors to your penthouses were, then?”

Satoru let out a rough laugh. “Is that why you’re angry with me, Rin? Because of my one
night stands?”

“You speak of your feelings for me as though they’ve been genuine for a very long time, I’m
just pointing out the flaws in your words.”

“My feelings for you have always been genuine.”

“Then what, those people were just to fulfill what you couldn’t get at the time? Because if
that’s the case then your ‘feelings’ don’t mean shit.”

“I didn’t think I ever had a chance to begin with. You’re not being fair, Rin. If you’ve ever
spared me a glance, showed me any sign that you cared.” He stopped himself, waiting for
Kenjiro to say anything, to confirm what he was hoping in his mind.

Instead his secretary turned stared at him icily. “And what? Believed you’d suddenly change
your lifestyle just because I smiled at a joke you made?”

“I wasn’t the only one who fucked around.”

Rin raised a brow. “You had me followed?”

“Fushiguro was a wonderful story teller.”

“What, and you believed him?”

“Was he wrong?”

“What I had done is irrelevant to the issue at hand.”

“Oh and what I did isn’t?”

“No.” Rin spoke, narrowing his eyes. He knew this argument was childish, he himself knew
better than anyone that the real issue was deeply rooted in his inability to stay by anyone’s
side. His lack of trust and commitment. And yet when the images of all the men and women
who walked themselves out of the penthouse, smiling with their skin glowing, giggling as if
they had won the lottery Kenjiro simply couldn’t help himself.

“I haven’t once stepped foot in a club or invited anyone back to my home ever since you
agreed to the contract, Rin, you know that.”
He did, and still the slowly building frustration in his heart didn’t cease. “We’ve barely been
together, how would i know you wouldn’t go back to how you were?”

Satoru sighed roughly, running his hand down his face as he cast another desperate look
towards his secretary. “Just give me a chance to prove myself. If it mattered this much to you,
why haven’t you said anything in all these years?”

“Because it didn’t matter.”

“Yes, it clearly did.”

“No, it didn’t”

“If it didn’t matter as much you wouldn’t be torturing me like this.”

“It didn’t matter.” Kenjiro snapped, making Satoru flinched at the unfamiliar hostility. “It
wouldn’t have mattered even if we went back in time and I had to pick you up from the
fucking bars because I didn’t care. And if you’d use your fucking brain maybe you’d figure
out that maybe I am so reluctant to fucking trust you because instead of showing your
genuine intentions you spent every waking moment making useless, weightless, flirtatious

Satoru stared back at him, wide eyed as his secretary showed more emotion in a span of thirty
seconds than he had ever seen in the span of three years and Kenjiro thought for a moment
that maybe he had crossed a line. As frustrated as he was, the man before him was still his
boss, still someone who held much more power than he does in society.

But then the bastard grinned.

Kenjiro frowned.

“You didn’t care?” Satoru asked, and Rin had a feeling he was falling into one of the
notorious player’s traps.


The grin widened. “Past tense?”

Dread filled his stomach right when the traffic light turned green. The car lunged forward,
Kenjiro grabbing onto his seatbelt and whipping his head towards his boss as the car turned
left instead of right towards their usual penthouse.

“Where are you going?” He asked hurriedly, Satoru was still smiling.

“I’d figure we’d need a little privacy to discuss exactly why ‘I didn’t care’ had become a
sentence of past tense.”

“We could discuss it just fine with Suguru in the vicinity. In fact, I would rather not discuss it
at all.”
“As your boss, I’d like a full report.”

“That’s an abuse of power.”

Satoru let out a chuckle. “We both know who holds the power in this relationship.”

“There is no relationship.”

“The contract says otherwise.”

“Then I’d like to add another rule to this contract.”

Satoru was quiet for a moment, thinking and Kenjiro almost felt as if he had won. Finally, his
boss’s gaze flickered towards his own, determination brimming in those blue eyes he had
come to like.

“One second thought.” Gojo drawled out, smile widening at the expression on his secretary’s
face. “Fuck the contract.”

Chapter End Notes

Happy New Years! Im determined to finish this book early this year, so bare with me <3
tysm for reading, i hope you like it.
Employer and Employee
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

The city lights had all faded when Satoru slowed down his vehicle. They had driven out of
town, into a rural neighborhood filled with big houses with even bigger yards and pools
around them. Kenjiro looked around in slight awe, the lights around here weren’t blinding, in
fact there were barely any cars. The only signs of life being the subtle street light lining both
sides and the flicker of warm orange lamps behind the curtains and windows as they passed

His mind quietened, the panicked thoughts swarming around before of what he should say
once his boss had taken him to wherever he had in mind disappearing with the silence.

“Where are we?”

Satoru never took his eyes from the road though a small smile played on his lips. “My

“You have two penthouses in the city.”

“Those are merely for work purposes.”

A dark modern stoned house loomed in the distance, pitch black gates slowly sliding open as
they neared and even from the outside Rin spotted what looked like a large swimming pool.

The car drove slowly into the home and Satoru glanced with anticipation towards his
secretary, gauging Kenjiro’s reaction to it all.

“I bought it awhile ago before you started to work for me. I usually come here to escape all
the chaos and media.”

Rin was still looking around, eyeing the pool in the back with much interest. “You cause all
the chaos and media. Which I end up having to clear or cover.”

“What will I ever do without you.”

Rin turned a blank stare onto his boss who gave him an excited smile. The car came to a slow
stop before Satoru slid out of the driver’s seat, walking over and opening the door for him
like a gentleman would. Though there was nothing gentleman like in his case.

Kenjiro stared down at the hand offered before reluctantly accepting the offer, sliding out of
the car and shivering slightly in the night’s cool air. A much larger suit jacket was gently
placed over his shoulders and Rin stiffened slightly, refusing to meet the blue gaze he was
sure was on him.
“I didn’t bring any clothes.” Kenjiro decided to say and Satoru leaned down slightly, strands
of white hair covering his eyes as he kept his hand on his secretary’s lower back, subtly
ushering him towards the house.

“Plan to sleep over?” Satoru teased, not moving his hand even as he worked on the door’s
passcode and Rin simply looked away with a scowl.

The door gave away with a soft beep and the two of them walked in, taking off their shoes
near the entrance and Rin relished in the coldness that seeped into his feet from the stoned
floors. The house was utterly silent and as Satoru walked in deeper, the lights turned on
themselves. Tall, curved lamps and other small ones that have been stationed in every room
lighting up the place with a warmth glow despite the coldness of its built.

Kenjiro eyed his boss and followed in gingerly, eyes scattering from one furniture to the
other. Everything had been kept clean and unused, the only signs of life being the blankets
and pillows scattered on the big L shaped couch near the ridiculously big screen centered in
the middle above a virtual fire place.

There was a sound of dishes clanking against one another and Rin turned, spotting Satoru in
the kitchen. The man had rolled up his sleeves, tie loosened in comfort as he laid out a bowl
on the counter before grabbing a few ingredients off of the shelves. Without meaning to,
Kenjiro’s eyes lowered towards his boss’s arms, or to be more specific, the muscles that
moved and bulged with every movement.

“Not going to wear an apron?” Kenjiro spoke, just because the unusual silence from the
talkative man was unnerving him with every passing second. Satoru raised a brow as he
placed a pot on the stove before opening the rice cooker beside it.

“Are you into that?”


A flirty smile flashed his way. “I’ll put in an order.”

“Are you cooking right now?”

“Yes, make yourself at home, I’ll be done in a few minutes.”

“That’s not why I am asking. Sir, why are you cooking?”

Satoru didn’t answer, starting to stir something in the pot as he spoke. “Sit down, Rin.”

Not knowing whether he should turn and bolt from the house from nerves or stay and take
responsibility like an adult Rin fisted the suit jacket around him closer, abruptly turning from
his boss and sitting down on the couch.

He curled himself on the corner of the L shaped furniture, bringing his knees up to his chest
and in this position, the suit jacket had completely wrapped his whole body from view.
Experimentally Rin rubbed his hands against the couch’s surface, it was the softest couch
he’d ever touch.
“You didn’t care?”


“Past tense?”

His hands curled into fists, his chest tightening uncomfortably as he replayed his own words
in his head. Rin’s feelings for his boss went far beyond that of an employer and an employee,
this was a fact. Though was it strong enough to be considered like? a slight interest was more
like it. Then why was he so uncomfortable at the thought of Satoru’s former partners?


Kenjiro yanked his hands back onto his lap, blinking, face still blank as his thoughts whirled.
He wasn’t even sure he could trust in Satoru’s “pure” intentions, and he was less sure if
Satoru should even trust him.

Too lost in his own thoughts to have noticed the sound of soft footsteps on the floor Rin
jolted when Satoru came into view. His boss was holding a tray in his hands, two bowls of
food sat atop of it and beside it was a deep curved spoon.

Kenjiro recognized the scent even before Satoru had set the place carefully and slowly down
in front of him, retreating to sit at a certain distance away.

It was miso soup and rice.

Silence stretched between them, his boss not saying a word as Satoru stared in anticipation
and finally, after glaring at the bowl of soup for what felt like forever Kenjiro uncurled
himself from the couch, grabbing for the tray of his favorite comfort food before settling it
onto his lap.

Rin sniffed at the miso soup before taking the spoon and sipping at it. Satoru couldn’t help
the twitch to his lips when his secretary’s stiffed shoulders relaxed almost instantly once he
had a sip of his meal. The scowl and hardened look from his eyes were softened as he started
to dig into his rice.

“You can stay here for as long as you need. Take a break from the media, from my
grandmother, from work.”

Kenjiro was no longer guarded as he continued to sip on his soup, this time, bringing the
bowl to his lips. “Maki would collapse in my absence.”

“It’ll make finding a new secretary that much more important for her.” Satoru paused, trying
to gouge a reaction, anything that could tell him what was going on in the stoic man’s mind.
“If, you decide to leave.”

For such a tall, scary man Kenjiro looked incredibly small in that moment. Hands curled
against the warm bowl of soup, Satoru’s own jacket covering his whole body, sitting on his
couch in his own home. Gojo’s hands tightened slightly on the back of the couch, looking
away with a clenched jaw.
Shamefully, he knew that if Kenjiro were to leave, he wouldn’t be able to just simply shred
the contact if it meant having Rin by his side, even for a few more months.

“I don’t know if I like you.” Rin started and Satoru’s breath hitched. “And I am even less sure
if you genuinely like me.”

Satoru opened his mouth, quick to defend but at the sharp glare on his secretary’s face he
wisely kept it shut. They were two emotionally unavailable men, known for their ways in bed
trying to express their feelings without the aide of physical touch. Rin sipped his soup once

“Words can’t convince me of that, I’ve seen too much of you to just simply blindly trust what
you say.” Rin continued, staring straight at his bowl of Miso. “But..I can-“ He frowned
slightly, forcing the words out. “Try. I can try us out.”

Kenjiro never said he liked him back, hell, this was probably the worst confession he has ever
heard in his life and yet Satoru felt his heart squeezed painfully, finger twitching when the
urge to yell out in victory became overwhelming.

Satoru gulped, composing himself. “Yeah?”

Rin glanced up behind his lashes, there was no scowl on his face, no glare and alarmingly,
Satoru realised that the man before him looked shy.


A wide stupid grin spread on Satoru’s lips before he could help it and Kenjiro immediately
looked down, shoving a spoonful of rice into his mouth while his boss turned the other way, a
hand coming up to cover the smile on his face.

Satoru cleared his throat, still smiling as he kept his eyes towards the windowed wall before
them. “Your room is on the left, second floor opposite of mine.”

This, made Kenjiro snap his eyes upwards, blinking in surprise. “You’re not going to fuck

His boss choked on nothing, coughing rapidly as his hand came to clutch his own chest. Wide
blue eyes turning on him in alarm. “What?” Satoru managed out, trying to steady his

“We’ve been together for almost two months. You just asked me out, so we’re dating, aren’t

“Well-yes, we’re dating.” The tip of Satoru’s ears warmed at the words. “But I had no
intentions of-“

“No?” Kenjiro cut in, cocking his head to the side. “You’ve never gone a week without a
body before, don’t you want to?”
“Damn it, Rin.” Satoru slid his hand down his face, turning away so that he’s properly seated
and facing the wall. “I am trying to be a gentleman here.”

“You do realised I’ve had you in my mouth-“


He takes a sip of his soup. “Yes?”

“Just-“ Satoru cut himself off, combing a hand through his hair as he threw a glance to his
side. “Just let me take care of you.” He finished, tone going soft and gentle. Kenjiro found his
grip tightening around the bowl at the roughness of his voice. “Let me make this right.”

Rin felt a strange sensation in his chest and he avoided his boss’s gaze immediately, looking
down and that was when he noticed it. A very noticeable bulge forming on the front of
Satoru’s suit pants. Rin raised a brow at it.

“Take care of me, you say.”

Satoru followed his gaze, cursing as he realised before adjusting the way he sat on the couch,
basically squirming under the sharp stare of his secretary.

“That’s not what I meant.” He mumbled, face basically fuming and if the house wasn’t so
silent he would have missed it.

The sound was soft, barely noticeable and incredible sweet and as Satoru’s head snapped up
he realised Rin was laughing. His secretary’s expression was nothing like Satoru had ever
seen before. Kenjiro’s face was relaxed, sharp-snake like eyes slightly curling in delight and
his smile.

God, his smile. Satoru’s chest ached so badly it hurt.

Kenjiro’s laugh slowly stopped as he noticed the look of awe on his boss’s face. His smile
remained as he leaned against the couch.

“Alright.” He said. “Let’s see how well you’ll court me.”

Chapter End Notes

IF YOU HAVE ANY RECS, OR SCENES YOU WANT to see Satoru and Rin in, be
that jealousy, their first interaction or an AU, do tell me! There's a 70% chance i'll write
1 Month Later
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes



After two days of disappearing from the world, Satoru and his boyfriend-who is rapidly
rising to fame from both his beauty and unique personality-was spotted near the eiffel
tower in France and then later on in Thailand. New photos are coming in everyday
raging from the streets of Amsterdam to the beaches of Maldives—

Comments :

SatorusCumSock : lol ‘unique’ personality, just say he’s a bitch (a bad bitch).

User23533: Oh my god did you see that picture of them sharing ice cream? He had THE
Satoru blushing. BLUSHING!!! Someone cast them in a drama ASAP
Satoru was leaning over him and Kenjiro looked shy, SHY BRO. I have a thing for ‘cold’
pretty men being soft around their partners I can’t.

User 9748 : I worked at a bar Satoru used to frequent, in the last year or so his one night
stands started looking more and more similar towards one another. I just thought he was
developing a type, now I know why.

RinRin222 : We need another shoot with Kenjiro in a dress. Im no longer straight.

Satoru-and-Rin-are-my-parents : I hope he’s bisexual lol, a girl wants to dream.

Panda glanced in the rear view mirror again, the same shit eating grin still stained on his face
as excitement danced in his eyes as he drove. Kenjiro tried to pay him no mind as they steer
away from Satoru’s hidden house. But of course, Panda was the one person his silent glares
have never worked on.

“I saw the pictures.”

“Of course you saw the pictures.”

“You have a boyfriend, Rin!”

“Yes, I have a boyfriend, a house, and I am also unemployed with my pictures all over the
media. I saw a page with my waist as the profile picture the other day, Panda. My waist.”

“I can’t believe you actually went public with him, on genuine terms. People are going mad,
Rin. I am going mad, in all my years never would I have thought you’d finally settle down.”
Panda continued, wiping his dry eyes as he pretended to weep.
“Did you perhaps forget that my naked waist is being spread out there somewhere?”

“The picture of your naked waist that you posted yourselves back in your prime?”

“I deactivated that account, how did they even find it?”

“The internet is a scary, scary place.”

Rin sighed, leaning back on the car’s chair as Panda continued to drive. It wasn’t his pictures
being spread that concerned him, it was the way other people-complete strangers-were
starting to categorize him, label him, contain his personality in a jar as if they themselves
knew who he was. Kenjiro shuddered slightly, pulling down his cap further despite the tinted
windows of this car.

“Oh right, your job, what are you going to do about that?” Panda spoke up again, turning a
right onto the highway that would lead to Rin’s former workplace.

“I already have a few offers, most of them sponsors and modeling gigs.”

“Mm, won’t you need an assistant for that?” Panda asked and Kenjiro spared him a glance.
The man looked so out of place in their vehicle, used to seeing him in a truck Panda basically
took up all the space in the front of the car. With a giant arm on the arm rest, a rugged hand
on the wheel and his legs bent uncomfortably despite the seat being backed all the way.

“I was thinking of taking Inumaki.”

The bigger man whipped his head backwards before turning back to the road again in haste,
shooting an alarmed stare at the rearview mirror. “Inumaki? My Inumaki?”

Kenjiro nodded, seeing nothing wrong with his decision. “A quiet man, quick with his work,
never asks questions and never seemed to be curious about me either. He’s perfect.”

“He’s a bartender.”

“There’s no one I can’t train.”

“That isn’t even the issue here, Rin. He’s my bartender.”

“And from what I’ve read online, you’ve also got two others. A boy with pink hair and a
short haired girl. What good will a silent bartender do for your business?”

“What good will a silent manager do for your modeling career?”

“Lessen my headaches and the chances of any scandal reaching the press.”

Panda narrowed his gaze and Kenjiro’s expression became smug, knowing he had already

“You don’t even know if he’d accept.”

“I’ve already emailed him, during the month that I was away. He had told me he’d think
about it so I do expect him to tell you his decision. Sooner than later.” Rin replied,
readjusting the new jeweled bracelet Satoru had bought for him.

Panda’s jaw dropped opened in shock. “You can not go behind my back stealing my

“I gave him a choice, relax, you’ll still be able to see your precious whenever I come by.”

The car was approaching his old workplace now, and even from this distance he could see the
swarm of paparazzis gathering in the entrance like flies. Kenjiro narrowed his gaze, he had
made sure not to tell anyone about his arrival today.

And then he saw that some of the paparazzis had folded tents beside them. The damn bugs
had slept there in hope of catching sights of any of the two.

“Is this why you called me over? Just for me to drive and tell me you’d stolen my son?”

Kenjiro unbuckled his seatbelt as the car came to a stop, Panda was still glaring at him on the
rearview mirror. Cameras immediately rose, pointed against the car as people started to shout
questions his way.

“I’d missed you.” Rin said simply, pretending to not notice the complete utter shocked
silence that followed as Panda stared at him with fear from this unusual behavior. “I used to
see you weekly, so I thought we’d catch up-“

“You missed me?” The man cut in, genuine tears welling up in his gaze. Kenjiro spared him a
glance before nudging his way towards the door, pulling the cap downwards even though the
rest of his hair continued to flow down his neck.

“Yes, so expect us tonight at the bar, give Inumaki the warning too, would you?”

He pushed opened the door just as Panda let out a confused ‘Wait, us?’ behind him, shutting
it closed and at once the paparazzis rushed towards his personal space.

“Are you here to give in your resignation letter?”

“Kenjiro! Mr. Kenjiro! When did you realize you’ve fallen for your former CEO?”

“Was it his money? His looks? Body or bed skills?”

They formed a circle around him the moment he started to walk, surrounding him like moths
to a flame and amongst the camera flashing and shouting of the reporters he could actually
hear the frantic yell of his friend as Panda got out of the car and tried to barge his way
through. Even his ginormous body couldn’t disperse the greedy reporters surrounding him.

Kenjiro kept his chin high, despite wearing a cap. A blank expression on his face as his
eyebrow twitched slightly in irritation at the blinding lights.

“That shirt is a bit too big for you, is it your boyfriend perhaps?”
“Should we be expecting any marriage announcements soon? What does the Satoru clan
make of this.”

“Kenjiro! Kenjiro! Was it true you slept with one of the Fushiguro heads before getting into a
relationship with your boss?”

A man barged past him holding a camera as big as his face. Said man bumping into his
shoulders harshly and nearly causing Rin to fall just for him to have a camera shoved in his
face. So close that once it clicked a picture the lights managed to blind him for a second in
the daylight.

Kenjiro’s patience thinned, hearing a faint ‘No, Rin! Contain yourself!’ somewhere in the
mass of people around him before Rin lost his composure. Being taller than the man himself,
Rin grabbed a handful of the camera and shoved. The crowd broke up into gasps and alarmed
shouts as the man yelled and stumbled back, falling on his ass straight onto the pavement.

“Do your job properly.” Kenjiro sneered, glaring down at the paparazzi. It was a look many
of his co-workers had come to familiarize themselves with. Seeing it whenever they made a
mistake or was too sloppy at the job. The reporter looked up at him, dumbfounded.

“What the fuck? You can’t just shove people around like that!”

“Quite a hypocritical thing to say considering you almost sent me face first into the

The reporter’s mouth opened and closed, as if struggling to find the right words to say and in
that moment, a flash of white caught his eyes. Kenjiro looked up towards the building where
Satoru was speeding towards him, a panicked expression on both his and Maki’s who was
running behind him, angrily yelling for security (though both were concerned for very
different reasons).

“It’s Satoru!”

Cameras started to flash the moment he bursts out of the glass door, taking the steps three at a
time with his long legs as security flocked out as if they were summoned, immediately
pushing back the reporters as Maki continued to give instructions to the staff.

Blue eyes scanned his body, from the shirt Rin had stole from the house, the cap to the suit
pants that also belonged to his boss. Satoru glanced at his face, relieved not to find any

“Why didn’t tell me you were coming? I would have sent someone to get you-“

“Why didn’t you tell me before leaving this morning?”

Satoru blinked, processing Rin’s words again and again before coming to the conclusion that
his former secretary actually missed him. A smile blooming on his face that made the camera
flashes go feral with their clicks. Gojo placed his hand gently on the smaller male’s lower
back, pulling him close and giving his forehead a soft kiss.
“Im sorry, that won’t happen again.”

“Hm.” Kenjiro leaned closer subconsciously, enjoying the subtle scent of cologne that might
as well have become his own for the past month. “I am also here to evaluate your potential

“Ah.” Satoru acknowledge, signaling to Maki to hurry and get the reporters out as he gently
started to herd his lover into the building. “So it was about work.”

“I’ll be expecting payment for my evaluation.”

A soft chuckle, before Gojo leaned down to kiss his temple once again. Kenjiro turned his
blank stare towards his former boss, who continued to smile. “Anything else?”

“Yes, actually.” Kenjiro nodded, turning back towards the wave of reporters and spotting
Panda’s giant form lingering at the end of the crowd, leaning on the car with his arms crossed
against his chest. Rin gave a grateful nod which the man grinned, waving a dismissive hand.

“I also want to introduce you to someone.”

Chapter End Notes

HI!!! This work is marked completed because the MAIN STORYLINE is completed!!
Im still going to add some one shots here and there, along with your requests so fret
not!! Anyways tysm for reading <333
End Notes

i have started yet another fic with zero planning. this is gonna be different from my other
works since they’ll be no action/gore. so i wanted to post a short chapter preview of gojo and
his romantic interest to see if ya’ll would like it!!

Kenjiro Rin is a male, he’s about as tall as gojo’s nose and barely ever changes his
expression. A pretty boy if you will B))

Anyway, i hope you like it!

p.s. i really need to start making a schedule for all my publishes.

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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