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What is a speedometer?

1. A speedometer is a device in automobiles that monitors the vehicle's speed directly

in km/hr

How does it work?

The speedometer's speed-indicating technology would be operated by around permanent

magnet that would be turned or cycled 1,000 revolutions every mile of road transportation by
either a flexible shaft controlled by gearing at the transmission's rear.

1. The magnet rotates within a moveable metal cup constructed of light nonmagnetic
metal and coupled to the shafts holding the signaling pointers; the magnetic circuit
would be concluded by a circular stationary field plate around the moving cup.
2. As the magnet revolves, a magnetic drag is exerted on the moveable cup, tending to
rotate itself against the constraint of a spiral spring. The stronger the force on the cup
as well as the pointer, the quicker the magnet revolves.

An odometer would be a device used to calculate the distance traveled by a vehicle. The
odometer is normally seen on the dashboard of a car.

1. Digital odometers differentiate from mechanical odometers in that they measure

mileage using a computer chip. The current mileage will be shown digitally.
2. A trip meters or trip odometer might be installed on a vehicle. The trip odometer,
however unlike the ordinary odometer, could be refreshed at any time.
Interesting facts about speedometer

British inventor Charles Babbage invented an early type of

speedometer made for locomotives, though Croation inventor
Josip Belušić is credited with inventing the electric
speedometer in 1888 and was originally called a velocimeter.

Interesting facts about Odometer:

The Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius is credited with

inventing the initial version of an odometer in 15 bce. The
concept consisted of a chariot wheel that turned 400 times to
show one Roman mile. This wheel was mounted in a frame
with a 400-tooth cogwheel. The name comes from
the Greek words hodós("path" or "gateway") and métron ("measure"). It is sometimes
called a mileometer or milometer.

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