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You Are My Soulmates

As our eyes met across the busy coffee tables, I was stuck with the
feeling that I already knew her as one of my classmates in 2019. We
were approaching each other, eventually sitting at the same tables.
Sarah and I talked about each other's lives because we hadn't seen
each other in a long time. In addition, I have had a crush on her since
we became friends, but I didn’t tell her about it. So I kept it a secret
because I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

After a long day of talking, we have to go home. Before that, we asked

for each other’s phone numbers to stay in touch. Day by day, we
started chatting and meeting frequently. By chance, we’re in the same
college and also in the same class. We went to class together because
our houses were nearby. It’s like heaven for me to be able to spend
more time with my own crush, but I just act normal.

On a sunny morning, we went out together to go to breakfast, and

out of the blue, she asked me if I had any feelings for her. I just
answered maybe as a friend, and she said "Be honest with me because
I don’t want to hide my feelings anymore". She suddenly gave me
butterflies, and I confidently confessed my feelings. Immediately, she
asked me to be her boyfriend, and of course I accepted it. From that
day on, we acted like a couple. It’s unbelievable.
The best day I’ve ever been My crush was officially my girlfriend. It was
only my dream before this; I didn’t expect it could come true. I was
really happy because we have been in a healthy relationship for two
years. Our parents also knew each other, and we had planned to get
married after finishing our studies next year.

The next year, I proposed to her, and we got married after I graduated.
That was the most memorable moment of my life. I will never forget
this moment until the day of my death. That was a nice accident for
meeting her, and it was worth it to wait for her. My biggest dream has
come true!

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