Current Electricity

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Important Questions with Solutions from Current Electricity

Q.1. Equivalent resistance between points A and B in the adjacent circuit is

A) R

B) R

C) 2R

D) 5R

Answer: R

Solution: Redraw the given figure, we find three resistances are in parallel combination between points A and B.

× R3
Req = 3
= R6 .
+ R3

Q.2. Each of the resistors shown in the figure has resistance R. Find the equivalent resistance between A and B.

A) 7R

B) 5R

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C) 9R

D) 11R

Answer: 11R


The resistances between a and band c and d are in parallel. Then, the equivalent resistance is,
Requi1 = R+R
= 2

As we can observe from the figure that e and f are on same potential and g and h are on same potential, then the
resistance between a and f (e), f (e) and d, b and g (h), and g (h) and c are in parallel. So, the equivalent resistance
between these points is,
Requi2 = R+R
= 2

Now, the equivalent resistance between f and g , where the set of three series resistors are in parallel with another set of
three series resistors, is,
1 1 1
= +
+ 2+ 2
+ 2+ 2

⇒ Requi = 4

Now, the total resistance between A and B, when all resistance are in series,
Rtotal = 4
⇒ Rtotal = 4

Q.3. In the circuit shown, current through 25V cell is

A) 7.2 A

B) 10 A

C) 12 A

D) 14.2 A

Answer: 12 A

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Applying Kirchhoff's second law in loop IABJ, anticlockwise, we get

25 − 10 − 5i 4 = 0 ⇒ i 4 = 3 A
Applying Kirchhoff's second law in loop HABG, anticlockwise, we get

25 + 5 − 10i 3 = 0 ⇒ i 3 = 3 A
Applying Kirchhoff's second law in loop EABF , anticlockwise, we get

25 − 20 − 5i 2 = 0 ⇒ i 2 = 1 A
Applying Kirchhoff's second law in loop DABC, anticlockwise, we get

25 + 30 − 11i 1 = 0 ⇒ i 1 = 5 A
Now, current through 25V cell is i 1 + i 2 + i 3 + i 4 = 5 + 1 + 3 + 3 = 12 A.

Q.4. The resistance of all the wires between any two adjacent dots is R. The equivalent resistance between A and B as shown in the
figure is

A) 7

B) 7

C) 14

D) None of these

Answer: 7


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2R(R) 2R
The equivalent of all the triangular portion is given as R' = = .
2R+R 3

Now the equivalent circuit will look like as shown below.

Now, the resistors 2R are in series in both branches.


Their equivalent is given as 2R + 2R = 4R .

3 3 3

The equivalent circuit will look like as shown below.

Now the circuit is a balanced Wheatstone bridge and therefore, R in the middle can be neglected.
The new circuit will look like as shown below.

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4R 7R
The equivalent resistance of each branch is R'' = R + 3 = 3 .

The equivalent resistance between A and B is given as

( )( 7R )
3 3 7R
RAB = = 6
( 7R
)+( 7R

Q.5. In the shown wire frame, each side of a square (the smallest square) has a resistance R. The equivalent resistance of the circuit
between the points A and B is

A) R

B) 2R

C) 4R

D) 8R

Answer: 2R

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Solution: The circuit is symmetrical, so the circuit can be simplified as,

Now, the circuit can be further simplified in the following manner,

The equivalent resistance of R and R in series will be, R + R = 2R and the parallel combination of 2R and 2R will
= R.

The circuit can be further simplified as,

Hence, the equivalent combination of the circuit will be,

Req = 4R+4R
= 2R.

Q.6. In which of the following arrangements of resistors does the ammeter M which has a resistance of 2 Ω give the largest reading
when the same potential difference is applied between points P and Q ?



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Solution: Let the potential difference between P and Q V .

Reading of ammeter is current in the above circuit and is equal to I1 = V = V4 .


Equivalent resistance in above circuit is Req = 2 + 1×2 = 83 Ω .


Reading of ammeter will be I2 = V8 = .
( ) 8

In above circuit, the potential difference across all the components will be V . Reading of ammeter will be current
through it and is equal to I3 = V .

In the above diagram, the potential difference in the upper and lower branch is same.

Reading of ammeter is current in the above branch, I4 = V = V .

1+2 3

Hence, circuit arrangement (c) gives the largest reading in ammeter M .

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Q.7. The velocity of an electron at point A is V0, where the cross-sectional area is a. The velocity of the electron at the end of
contraction at point B, where the cross-sectional area is 2a, is V1. Find the correct option.

A) V1 < V0

B) V1 = V0

C) V1 > V0

D) V0
V1 = 2

Answer: V1 > V0

Solution: The pipe connecting the given two areas is a narrow one. When an electron passes through this narrow pipe, it will induce a
positive charge on the surface of the narrow pipe. Due to the attraction between an electron and these induced charges, speed of
electron will decrease.

Q.8. A cylindrical conductor has a uniform cross-section. The resistivity of its material increases linearly from the left end to the right end.
If a constant current is flowing through it and at a section distance x from the left end, the magnitude of electric field intensity is E,
which of the following graphs is correct?


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Solution: As given in the question, resistivity is increasing linearly with distance. Let, resistivity at distance x be,
ρ = ρo + x
Where ρo is the initial resistivity at the left end, and the linear coefficient of x is 1.
Now, the electric field,
iρ i(ρo+x)
E= A
= A

Hence, as shown in the above equation,

E is increasing linearly with x, and at x = 0, E is nonzero.

Q.9. The two ends of a uniform conductor are joined to a cell of emf E and some internal resistances. Starting from the midpoint P of
the conductor, we move in the direction of current and return to P . The potential V at every point on the path is plotted against the
distance covered (x) Which of the following graphs best represents the resulting curve?



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Suppose a conductor has point P flow current i external battery potential E.

As we move in the direction of current from point P , potential decreases linearly upto the other end of the conductor.
Then, potential across terminals of the battery is V = E − ir.

Q.10. Whether the switch K is open or closed, the reading of galvanometer is the same. If I denotes the current in respective resistance,

A) IR4 = IG
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B) IR5 = IG

C) IR3 = IG

D) IR4 = IR3

Answer: IR3 = IG

Solution: As the reading of G shows no change even if we change the position of key (open or close) then, the right side of the
circuit (shown here) can follow balanced Wheatstone condition.

If it is a balanced Wheatstone bridge, then there is no effect of the key. Current in R3 would be same as in the
galvanometer and the current in R4 would be same as in R5.

IR4 = IR5
IR3 = IG

Q.11. The reading of the ideal voltmeter, in the adjoining diagram, will be

A) 4V

B) 8V

C) 12 V

D) 14 V

Answer: 8V

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Solution: Voltmeter reads the potential difference across it i.e., it reads VA − VN .

If the current in the cirucit is I , then

10 − 20I − 4 − 10I = 0
6 = 30I
I= 5

Now, applying Kirchhoff's voltage law from A to N ,

VA − 20 ( 15 ) − 4 = VN

VA − VN = 8 V

Q.12. The potential difference between points A and B is

A) 20

B) 40

C) 10

D) 0 V.

Answer: 0 V.

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Solution: As shown in the circuit, two branches are in parallel, and the potential difference across both the branches is 10 V.

Let us assume that the current flowing in the upper branch is i 1 and the current flowing in the lower branch is i 2.

The upper branch has resistances of 8 Ω and 6 Ω in series. So,

i1 =

i1 = 8+6

i1 = 14

The lower branch has resistances of 4 Ω and 3 Ω in series. So,

i2 =

i2 = 3+4

i2 = 7

Now, on applying Kirchoff's voltage law in the upper branch, we have,

10 − 8i 1 = VA

10 − ( 10
) × 8 = VA

VB = 7

Now, on applying Kirchoff's voltage law in the lower branch, we have,

10 − 4i 2 = VB

10 − ( 10
) × 4 = VB

VA = 7

Thus, the potential difference between A and B is

VAB = 7
− 30

VAB = 0 V.
Hence, the potential difference between A and B is 0 V.

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Q.13. An electric current passes through non-uniform cross-section wire made of homogeneous and isotropic material. If the j A and j B
be the current densities and EA and EB be the electric field intensities at A and B, respectively, then

A) jA > jB; EA > EB

B) j A > j B ; EA < EB

C) jA < jB; EA > EB

D) j A < j B ; EA < EB

Answer: jA > jB; EA > EB

Solution: We know the current density is current passing perpendicularly from the cross-sectional area A and it can be written
as J = A ,

where, i is current .

The current in the conductor remains the same at every point and current density is inversely proportional to the area
of cross-section.Hence
J∝ A

The area at point B is more. So, we can write

JA > JB.
From Ohm's law, we can write the relation between current density J and electric field E

J = σE.
Here, σ is the conductivity of the wire which is the property of the material. Hence, it remains the same.

∴ E∝J
⇒ EA > EB.

Q.14. Find the current through the 10 Ω resistor shown in figure

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A) zero

B) 1A

C) 2A

D) 5A

Answer: zero


Applying KVL in loop 1. We get

−3i − 6i 1 + 4.5 = 0
3i + 6i 1 = 4.5... ... .(1)

Applying KVL in loop 2. we get

−10(i − i 1) − 3 + 6i 1 = 0

10i − 16i 1 = −3. ... ..(2)

From equation (1) we can write

i = 1.5 − 2i 1
Putting the value of i in equation (2). we get

10(1. 5 − 2i 1) − 16i 1 = −3
− 36i 1 = −18
i 1 = 0. 5 A
Putting the value of i 1 in equation (1). we get

i = 1.5 − 2 × 0.5
i = 0.5 A
Current across resistance 10 Ω is i − i 1.

0. 5 − 0. 5 = 0 A. So current across 10 Ω resistance is zero ampere.

Q.15. The maximum and the minimum equivalent resistance obtained by combining n identical resistors of resistance R, are Rmax and
Rmin respectively. The ratio max is equal to

A) n

B) n2

C) n2 − 1

D) n3

Answer: n2

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Solution: To get maximum equivalent resistance all resistance must be connected in series
∴ (Req)max = R + R + R + … nR. = nR
To get minimum equivalent resistance all resistances must be connected in parallel.
1 1
∴ = R
+ R1 + R1 + … 1n , 1
= n
(Req) min (Req) min
R (Req) max nR
⇒ (Req)min = n ∴ = R/n
= n2
(Req) min

Q.16. A wire of length L and 3 identical cells of negligible internal resistances are connected in series. Due to the current, the
temperature of the wire is raised by ΔT in a time t. N number of similar cells is now connected in series with a wire of the same
material and cross-section but of length 2L. The temperature of the wire is raised by the same amount ΔT in the same time. The
value of N is
A) 6

Answer: 6

Solution: (3E) 2
In the first case, R
t = msΔT ...(i)

[H = V2

When length of the wire is doubled, resistance and mass both are doubled.
Therefore, in the second case,

(NE) 2
⋅ t = (2m)sΔT ...(ii)

Dividing equation (ii) by (i), we get

= 2 or N 2 = 36 or N = 6.

Q.17. Figure shows a potentiometer. Length of the potentiometer wire AB is 100 cm and its resistance is 100Ω. EMF of the battery E is
2 V. A resistance R of 50Ω draws current from the potentiometer. What is the voltage across R when the sliding contact Cis at the
mid-point of AB ?

A) 2/3 V

B) 1V

C) 4/3V

D) 3/2 V

Answer: 2/3 V

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Solution: Given, E = 2 V, RAB = 100Ω
lAB = 100 cmand R = 50Ω
Circuit according to the question,

l AB
AC = CB = 2
= 50 cm

RAB = 100Ω
RAB 100
RAC = RCB = 2
= 2

∴ RAC = RCB = 50Ω

∴ Net resistance of the circuit, Rnet = RCB + R+R

= 50 + 50×50 = 50 + 25

Rnet = 75Ω
E 2
∴Current from the battery, I = = 75
Using KVL in mesh 1

E − VAC − VCB = 0
⇒ VAC + VCB = 2
⇒ VAC + IRCB = 2
2 6−4
⇒ VAC = 2 − 75 × 50⇒ VAC = 2 − 43 = 3
= 2

Q.18. The resistance of the series combination of two resistors is S. When they are joined in parallel the equivalent resistance becomes
P.. If S = nP, then the minimum possible value of n is
A) 4

Answer: 4

Solution: In series combination, S = (R1 + R2)

In series combination P =

∵ S = nP
∴ (R1 + R2) = n

∴ (R1 + R2)2 = nR1R2

For minimum value, R1 = R2 = R

(R + R) = n(R × R) ⇒ 4R2 = nR2 ⇒ n = 4

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Q.19. An ideal cell of emf 10 V is connected in circuit shown in figure. Each resistance is 2 Ω. The potential difference (in V) across the
capacitor when it is fully charged is ______.

A) 8

Answer: 8


10 10×3
i= 4
= 10
= 3 Amp

i 1 = 2 Amp
i 2 = 1 Amp

VAB = 1 × 2 + 3 × 2 = 8 V

Q.20. A copper wire of length 2 m and radius 0.1 cm is joined in series with an iron wire of length 4 m and radius 0. 4 cm and a current
is passed through the wires. The value of ratio of the current density in iron and copper wires is
A) 0.0625

Answer: 0.0625

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Solution: 1
In series combination, electric current is same through both the wires. Hence, current density, J ∝ A .

J copper r2iron
J iron r2copper

= = 16.
(0.1) 2

J Iron 1
∴ J copper
= 16

Q.21. In a semiconductor, mobility of electron, i.e., drift velocity per unit applied electric field is 1.6 ( S.I. unit). The density of electron is
1019 m−3 (Neglect holes concentration). The resistivity of semiconductor is n Ω m.
A) 0.4

Answer: 0.4

Solution: E 1 E
ρ = J = neυd = neμ
μ = mobility
1 1
ρ = 19 = 2.56
Ω −m
10 ×1.6×10−19×1.6
= 0.4 Ω − m .

Q.22. By increasing the temperature, the specific resistance of a conductor and semiconductor

A) Increase for both

B) Decrease for both

C) Increases, decreases respectively

D) Decreases and increases respectively

Answer: Increases, decreases respectively

Solution: The specific resistance of conductors ρ = m2 , n is a number of electrons per unit volume of the conductor, e is the
ne τ
charge on free electron, m is the mass of electron and τ is the relaxation time.
τ= λ is mean free path, when temperature of the conductor increases, the rms velocity of the charges increases
and relaxation time decreases, therefore specific resistance increases.
Whereas, increasing temperature in semiconductors, thermal energy of electron increases, and number of conduction
electrons increase and current increases, specific resistance decreases.

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Q.23. One of the circuits for the measurement of resistance by potentiometer is shown. The galvanometer is connected at point A and
zero deflection is observed at length PJ = 30 cm. In second case the secondary cell is changed. Take ES = 10 V and r = 1Ω in
1st reading and ES = 5 V and r = 2Ω in 2nd reading. In second case, the zero deflection is observed at length PJ = 10 cm.
What is the resistance R (in ohm)?

A) 1

Answer: 1

vP J = (iλ30) = ( )R for 1st case

Solution: 10
vP J = iλ10 = ( 5R ) for 2nd case
taking ratio
3= (R+1)

Q.24. An electric cable having a resistance R delivers 11 kW of power at 220 V to a factory. If the efficiency of transmission is 91%,
then what is the value of R?
A) 0.1 Ω

B) 0.2 Ω

C) 0. 4 Ω

D) 0. 8 Ω

Answer: 0. 4 Ω

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Solution: The efficiency of transmission is given by,
P output
P output +P resistance
P output
P output +l 2R

The current through cable is,

P 11000
I= V
= 220
= 50 A.

Substituting the given values in the above relation, we have,

⇒ 0.91 =

⇒ 0.91 (11000 + 502R) = 11000

⇒ 11000 + 502R = 12088

⇒ 502R = 1088
⇒R= 2500
= 0.438 Ω ≈ 0. 4 Ω .

Q.25. A carbon resistance has a following colour code. What is the value of the resistance ?

A) 5.3 MΩ ± 5%

B) 530 kΩ ± 5%

C) 64 kΩ ± 10%

D) 6. 4 MΩ ± 5%

Answer: 530 kΩ ± 5%

Solution: The colour bands on the resistance, in order from left to right, are written as
Green, orange, yellow, golden. Using the colour coding for the carbon resistor, we get the values of these colours as
Green →5
Orange → 3
Yellow →104
Golden →5%

So, the resistance of the given resistance is R = 53 × 104 ± 5%

From the above magnitude of resistance, we see that the value of the resistance is 530 kΩ and tolerance is of 5%.

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