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The Great GPA Quest

In our childhood, we all wished for the enchanting bat from "Chain
Kulii ki Main Kulii." Now, in college, our ultimate desire is a stellar
9+ CGPA. Fear not! Embark on a whimsical quest for the mystical
pen that not only elevates your grades but also beckons recruiters and
Ivy Leagues to say, "Please Join Us." From the vibrant auditorium to
the lush lawns, the gossip hub of the gazebo to the canteen's 20-
minute queue, from the dormitory haven of EH1 to the iconic brick-
red logo of LSR – the magic pen's whereabouts are limitless. Join this
captivating adventure, uncovering the secrets of the Magic Pen at
LSR, where every nook and cranny is a potential discovery. The
journey promises laughter, mystery, and the enchantment of LSR's
unique magic.

Questions for Google Form

1. Who would be good guest speakers for our next events?

2. What sessions can we plan for the upcoming period?
3. How can we boost our social media interaction?
4. What are ways to make Fiscul Times more widely known?
5. How can we make Merger Mania more popular, especially with
Econvista coming up?

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