Sarang's Resume (12)

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Sarang Jadiye | 8788928747 | Sudhir Colony,Akola,444005,Maharashtra

GitHub | Linkedin

Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Shegaon,Maharashtra

B.Tech, Mechanical 2018 - 2022
CGPA: 8.69
Jyoti Janolkar Jr. College Akola,Maharashtra
Electronics, Higher Secondary 2017 - 2018
Percentage: 83.69%
Happy Hours School Akola,Maharashtra
2015 - 2016
Percentage: 93.89%

Asterisk Technocrat | Internship NAGPUR | Sept 2023 - Nov 2023

o Developed Medium scale LMS Portal app where users can get intensive learning experience.
o User's registration and activation of pro le was done using OTP veri cation,user can login and
logout using social and manual authetication,user can update password,pro le and avatar.
o Admin can create course and edit course information,users can ask and reply in question,add
reviews in course video.
o User can create order,get noti cation updates status and delete read noti cation.
o Admin dashboard displays all users purchased products,can add and get members in admin
dashboard,can delete or banned course,get previous order details.
 Tech Stacks: NextJs-13 , Node.js , Express.js , Rtk query , , Redis , MongoDB


Programming Languages: Java , Javascript , HTML5 , CSS3

Libraries/Frameworks: React.js , Express.js , Node.js , Material-UI
Databases: MySQL , MongoDB , Firebase

Projects / Open-Source

FOODIE APP | Link May 2023 - June 2023

o Developed a personalized food store mobile application that o ers a wide variety of food options
for users, providing them with a convenient and customizable dining experience.
o The app utilizes Firebase real-time database for user authentication, ensuring the con dentiality
and integrity of user data.
o Users can add items into cart,view details and also included with starter food facility.
o Cart items can checkout using payment gateway.
o Tech Stacks : React , Firebase , Material-UI, React Router DOM ,
ContextAPI , Redux-Toolkit , Stripe

MERA NOTES APP | Link April 2023 - May 2023

o Developed web-based application for notes storing and sharing with others.
o Implemented user authentication and authorization with hashing algorithm for password saving
to securely access of notes..
o Design and implemented responsive interface to view notes on various devices.
o Users are able to like,watch and download other users notes.
o Tech Stacks : NodeJs , ExpressJs , MongoDB , ExpressFileUpload , PassportJs ,

Honors & Awards

1. Won First Prize in Final Year Project Competition Held at College level
2. All India Rank 5th (Overall) position in SAE BAJA Competition, 2021 held at Chitkara University

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