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Enhancing Healthcare Access and Financial Protection for Destitute Women in India: A

Study of Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY)


This research paper delves into the Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-
PMJAY), India's flagship health insurance scheme, with a specific focus on its implications for
destitute women across the nation. By harnessing data from various sources, including a
comprehensive rural field practice area survey, the paper aims to conduct a thorough analysis of AB-
PMJAY's multifaceted impact on this vulnerable demographic. The analysis encompasses several key
dimensions, starting with the scheme's coverage, which extends to approximately 12 crore (120
million) households, with nearly half of the beneficiaries being women. Utilization patterns are
scrutinized, revealing that a significant proportion of women, aware of the scheme, have availed its
benefits, demonstrating its relevance in meeting their healthcare needs. Additionally, the paper
examines AB-PMJAY's role in providing financial protection, particularly in the context of
hospitalizations, with over 1.6 lakh (160,000) cases related to COVID-19 being covered as of March
2021. Moreover, the research delves into the scheme's impact on healthcare access for destitute
women, highlighting significant improvements facilitated by AB-PMJAY. Notably, the scheme has
authorized a considerable proportion of hospital admissions for women, indicating enhanced access
to essential medical services. Despite these positive outcomes, the paper also addresses the
challenges and opportunities inherent in AB-PMJAY's implementation. Challenges include the need
for heightened awareness among lower socioeconomic groups, resource limitations, and
infrastructure constraints, which can potentially impede effective healthcare delivery. Conversely,
opportunities lie in targeted outreach efforts, leveraging technology for enhanced service delivery,
and strengthening healthcare infrastructure to accommodate the growing demand. In conclusion,
the paper emphasizes the importance of AB-PMJAY in addressing the healthcare needs of destitute
women in India while acknowledging the need for continued efforts to optimize its effectiveness.
Drawing upon the insights gleaned from the analysis, the paper concludes with recommendations
aimed at enhancing AB-PMJAY's capacity to cater to the diverse healthcare requirements of destitute
women, thereby contributing to their improved well-being and broader societal welfare.


The Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) stands as a beacon of hope for
destitute women across India, aiming to provide them with crucial healthcare access and financial
protection. In a country where healthcare expenses often pose insurmountable barriers to the most
vulnerable, this flagship health insurance scheme emerges as a pivotal intervention. With a primary
focus on extending coverage to economically disadvantaged households, AB-PMJAY has made
substantial strides in addressing the healthcare needs of women who find themselves at the
intersection of poverty and gender disparity. The significance of AB-PMJAY lies not only in its
expansive coverage but also in its tangible impact on the ground. The scheme encompasses
approximately 12 crore households, encompassing a significant portion of India's population, and
notably, nearly half of its beneficiaries are women. This inclusionary approach acknowledges the
unique healthcare challenges faced by women, particularly those marginalized by poverty and social
neglect. Data from surveys conducted in rural areas, such as the study conducted in the field practice
area of Saveetha Medical College and Hospital in Chennai, shed light on the scheme's awareness and
utilization among the target demographic. While awareness levels are encouraging, with over three-
quarters of surveyed households being cognizant of AB-PMJAY, there remains a gap in translating
awareness into utilization, particularly among lower socioeconomic groups. The impact of AB-PMJAY
on healthcare access and financial protection for destitute women cannot be overstated. The scheme
has facilitated significant improvements in healthcare access, evident from the substantial proportion
of authorized hospital admissions benefiting women. Moreover, with over 1.6 lakh hospitalizations
related to COVID-19 covered by AB-PMJAY, its relevance and effectiveness during health crises are
underscored. However, amidst its successes, AB-PMJAY grapples with challenges that threaten to
impede its full potential. Limited awareness among certain socioeconomic strata, coupled with
resource constraints and infrastructure deficiencies, poses hurdles to optimal utilization of the
scheme, particularly among its intended beneficiaries. As India continues its journey towards
equitable healthcare for all, AB-PMJAY stands as a cornerstone in addressing the multifaceted needs
of destitute women. This research endeavors to delve deeper into the nuances of AB-PMJAY's
implementation, assessing its efficacy in delivering on its promise of healthcare access and financial
protection for one of India's most marginalized demographics.

Literature Review:

The Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) is a pivotal initiative in India
aimed at providing health insurance coverage to vulnerable populations, particularly destitute
women. With approximately 49% of beneficiaries being women, its impact on healthcare access and
financial protection is substantial. Data reveals that awareness of AB-PMJAY among rural households
is at 77.33%, with 60.47% of aware women availing its benefits annually. Notably, over 1.6 lakh
COVID-19 hospitalizations were covered by AB-PMJAY by March 2021. The scheme has markedly
improved healthcare access, with 48% of authorized admissions being women, potentially alleviating
financial burdens associated with medical treatment. Challenges persist, including lower awareness
among lower socioeconomic classes, resource constraints leading to delays in seeking care, and
underutilization due to lack of awareness. Hence, while AB-PMJAY holds promise in enhancing
healthcare access and financial security for destitute women, enhancing grassroots-level utilization
through improved awareness and outreach campaigns is imperative. This literature review
underscores AB-PMJAY's transformative potential while highlighting the need for targeted
interventions to maximize its impact among the most marginalized populations.


The objective of this research paper is to comprehensively analyze the efficacy of the Ayushman
Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) in providing healthcare access and financial
protection specifically for destitute women in India. Through a thorough examination of available
data, including coverage, utilization, and impact metrics, the research aims to assess the extent to
which AB-PMJAY has fulfilled its objectives for this vulnerable demographic. Key areas of focus
include evaluating the awareness levels and utilization patterns among destitute women, examining
the scheme's impact on healthcare access and financial burden reduction, and identifying challenges
and opportunities for further improvement. Additionally, the research seeks to propose
recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of AB-PMJAY in catering to the healthcare needs
of destitute women, including strategies for enhancing awareness, addressing resource constraints,
and optimizing scheme utilization at the grassroots level. By addressing these objectives, the
research aims to contribute valuable insights to policymakers, healthcare practitioners, and
stakeholders involved in the implementation and refinement of health-related schemes targeted at
marginalized populations in India.

Proposed Methodology:
This research aims to assess the effectiveness of the Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya
Yojana (AB-PMJAY) in providing healthcare access and financial protection specifically for destitute
women in India. The methodology will involve a mixed-method approach.

1. Quantitative Analysis: Conduct a large-scale survey targeting households in various regions across
India to gauge awareness, enrollment, and utilization rates of AB-PMJAY among destitute women.
Utilize data from existing surveys, such as the one conducted in the rural field practice area of
Saveetha Medical College and Hospital in Chennai, to compare awareness and utilization rates.

2. Qualitative Interviews: Conduct in-depth interviews with destitute women who have availed AB-
PMJAY benefits to understand their experiences, challenges faced, and the impact of the scheme on
their healthcare-seeking behavior and financial status. Additionally, interview healthcare providers
and administrators to gather insights into the operational challenges and opportunities for improving
the scheme's effectiveness.

3. Secondary Data Analysis: Analyze secondary data sources, including government reports and
academic studies, to supplement findings and provide context to the research.

4. Policy Analysis: Evaluate the policy framework of AB-PMJAY, focusing on its provisions for destitute
women and identifying areas for improvement.

5. Recommendations Development: Based on the findings, propose recommendations for enhancing

the reach, effectiveness, and impact of AB-PMJAY specifically for destitute women, including
strategies for improving awareness, addressing infrastructure gaps, and optimizing resource

Overall, this research methodology aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

challenges, opportunities, and impact of AB-PMJAY on destitute women's healthcare access and
financial protection in India..


The research findings on Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) for
destitute women in India reveal several significant insights. Firstly, the scheme has achieved notable
awareness among households, with 77.33% awareness in a rural field practice area. Additionally,
60.47% of women aware of the scheme availed its benefits within a year, demonstrating substantial
utilization. Notably, AB-PMJAY has covered a substantial number of hospitalizations related to COVID-
19, indicating its relevance during health crises. In terms of impact, the scheme has notably
enhanced healthcare access for destitute women, with 48% of authorized hospital admissions
benefiting women. This suggests a positive trend toward gender-inclusive healthcare provision.
Furthermore, AB-PMJAY shows promise in offering financial protection, potentially alleviating the
economic burdens of medical treatment for vulnerable women. However, challenges persist, notably
in awareness among lower socioeconomic classes, indicating the need for improved outreach efforts.
Limited resources and infrastructure pose additional obstacles, potentially delaying medical care-
seeking behavior. Addressing these challenges is crucial to ensuring effective utilization of AB-PMJAY
and maximizing its impact on destitute women's health and financial well-being in India.

Interpretation of Results:

The findings suggest that AB-PMJAY has the potential to serve as a vital tool in addressing the
healthcare needs of destitute women in India. However, challenges such as limited awareness among
lower socioeconomic classes and resource constraints pose significant hurdles to the scheme's
effectiveness. These findings underscore the importance of targeted outreach efforts and
investments in healthcare infrastructure to maximize the impact of AB-PMJAY on destitute women.


The Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PMJAY) has emerged as a crucial
initiative in improving healthcare access and financial protection for destitute women in India. The
scheme's wide coverage and utilization rates indicate its potential to alleviate the burden of medical
expenses and enhance healthcare accessibility. Despite challenges such as low awareness among
lower socioeconomic classes and resource constraints, AB-PMJAY has demonstrated significant
impact, with a notable proportion of authorized hospital admissions benefiting women. Further
research is essential to address the existing challenges and optimize the effectiveness of AB-PMJAY
for destitute women. This includes conducting targeted awareness campaigns to reach marginalized
communities, enhancing infrastructure and resources to facilitate prompt medical care, and
exploring innovative strategies to maximize scheme utilization. Additionally, longitudinal studies can
assess the long-term impact of AB-PMJAY on health outcomes and financial well-being among
destitute women, providing valuable insights for policy refinement and program implementation.
Collaboration between government agencies, healthcare providers, and community organizations is
crucial to ensure comprehensive coverage and equitable access to healthcare for vulnerable women
across India.

References :


Research Paper by Sova Guriya, Ishika Deswal, Ashitha Asharef

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