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When excess air becomes too much

Excessive use of excess air impacts operating costs through fuel efficiency, furnace
reliability, and stack emissions

XRG Technologies

aving fuel makes perfect sense;
when you use less, you pay 20
less. This applies to filling up 18
your car and to fuel consumption in H2O
a process heater alike. How much 14
money you save is easily calculated
Vol%, wet

by multiplying the fuel savings by

the fuel price per gallon. With com- CO2
bustion air, it is not so clear. Air is
free, so why do you need to save on 6
combustion air? 4
It is quite tempting for an oper- 2
ator to use a little extra air for the 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
combustion process for several
Excess air, %
reasons. Oxygen requirements can
vary because of fluctuations in the
process, such as changing feed rates Figure 1 Flue gas composition: natural gas fuel, 60°F ambient air, 50% relative humidity
and feed quality. On top of that, the
combustion side of the heater can be fuel. This ratio of air to fuel is called 15% according to industry recom-
impacted by changes in fuel com- the stoichiometric ratio. mended practices like API 535. In
position and ambient conditions. A We certainly do not want to use certain process plants such as eth-
notorious problem is that draft and less than the stoichiometric ratio ylene and hydrogen production, the
air distribution inside natural draft because the combustion process furnaces operate very steadily and
heaters are impacted by wind gusts would not receive enough air and at high temperatures. In those cases,
or rain. These and other variables risk filling the combustion chamber the industry norm is an excess air
may cause substantial variation in with unburned hydrocarbons. This level of 8-10%. Combustion of liq-
the firebox oxygen level. Any smart is called firebox ‘flooding’ and the uid fuels, on the other hand, typ-
operator wants to keep that level uncontrolled reaction of these hydro- ically requires excess air levels of
well above zero, and if the fluctu- carbons with any leakage air is a 20-25% to prevent soot formation.
ations can be severe the cautious serious safety risk. The operator of the heater meas-
operator adds a good margin on top Keeping it at exactly zero is not ures excess air indirectly by check-
of the recommended level. feasible either. The typical heater ing the firebox oxygen level. To
So, how much extra excess air is instrumentation and control sys- convert from oxygen level to excess
reasonable? To answer that ques- tem is not able to keep up with air percentage, use the following
tion, we need to look at the cost of any of the aforementioned fluctua- simple formula:
excess air. There is no simple gallon tions in the system due to response 92 𝑂𝑂/
price but there are hidden costs that lag. Even if it could, it is very dif- 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 % =
21 − 𝑂𝑂/
can be substantial. ficult to design a combustion pro-
cess with perfectly mixed air and with O2 expressed in vol% (dry).
What is optimum? fuel. So, we need to provide some Using this equation, we see that 3%
From an efficiency point of view, ‘excess’ air to the system to provide O2 translates to 15% excess air, and
the theoretical optimum excess air margin against fluctuations and 5% O2 is equal to 35% excess air.
level is zero percent. Providing a ensure complete oxidation of the
flame the exact required amount of hydrocarbons. The cost of excess air
air for combustion ensures that all The recommended excess air level Let us first discuss some firebox
available heat is released from the for a gas-fired process furnace is fundamentals that few people know PTQ Q2 2020 65

tive emitter of radiant energy, the
Flue gas properties and radiant efficiency as a function of excess air
firebox thermal efficiency drops.
The second problem is that every
Excess air Excess O2 O2 CO2 H2O Emissivity Flame temp.
% vol% dry vol% wet vol% wet vol% wet °F
excess pound of air ‘steals’ heat
0 0.0 0.0 9.6 19.4 0.284 3673 from the combustion process. Each
10 2.1 1.7 8.8 17.9 0.276 3430 excess pound of air entering the
15 3.0 2.5 8.5 17.2 0.273 3321 heater is an extra pound that must
20 3.8 3.2 8.1 16.6 0.269 3219
25 4.6 3.8 7.8 16.0 0.266 3123
be heated to the furnace tempera-
30 5.2 4.4 7.6 15.4 0.262 3034 ture. It effectively lowers the equi-
40 6.4 5.5 7.1 14.5 0.256 2869 librium temperature, also known
50 7.5 6.5 6.6 13.6 0.251 2722 as the adiabatic flame temperature.
Since radiation heat transfer is pro-
Table 1 portional with absolute temperature
to the fourth power, the radiant effi-
ciency of a firebox drops tremen-
dously when its temperature drops
95% because of all the extra air.
200˚F Table 1 lists the properties of flue
90% 300˚F gas from the combustion of natural
400˚F gas with varying levels of excess
Fuel efficiency, % LHV

500˚F air. The table clearly shows a strong

Stack temperature
80% 600˚F dependence of emissivity and adi-
700˚F abatic flame temperature on flue
800˚F gas composition. Between 15% and
70% 900˚F 25% excess air, the dry oxygen level
only increases from 3.0 to 4.6 vol%.
65% However, due to the drop in CO2
60% and H2O concentration the flue gas
1200˚F emissivity drops 3% and the adia-
0 10 20 30 40 50 batic flame temperature drops by
Excess air, % an astounding 200°F (93°C). In a
typical firebox, this combination of
Figure 2 Heater efficiency vs excess air: natural gas fuel, 60°F ambient air, 50% relative lower emissivity and lower adiaba-
humidity, 2% setting loss tic flame temperature reduces the
radiant thermal efficiency by about
or care about. Air consists almost and carbon dioxide that form dur- 5%. The firebox needs to be fired
exclusively of nitrogen and oxygen. ing combustion (see Figure 1). If the proportionally harder to compen-
Since they are diatomic, neither firebox operates at a high excess air sate and is less energy efficient.
gas participates in the transporta- level, the concentration of H2O and The convection section is where
tion of radiation energy. The only CO2 is diluted, which lowers the the residual heat in the flue gas is
gases that cooperate in a meaning- effective emissivity of the flue gas. used for feed preheating. The con-
ful manner are the water vapour As the flue gas becomes a less effec- vection section will compensate for
some of the loss of firebox radiant
efficiency but not completely.
18.0 LNG, Asia US dollars The cost of ‘excess’ excess air
Natural gas, EU US dollars One can use Figure 2 and Figure 3 to
16.0 Natural gas, US Henry Hub gas US dollars calculate the cost of too much excess
14.0 air. Use Figure 2 to determine the
12.0 fuel efficiency of a fired heater as a
function of excess air and stack gas
temperature and Figure 3 to find
8.0 the cost of natural gas around the
6.0 world, expressed in $/MMBtu. An
4.0 example calculation follows.
In Q3 of 2019, the US natu-
ral gas cost was approximately
Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3 Q1 Q3
$3 per MMBtu (see Figure 3). For
2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 a process heater operating at 100
MMBtu/h, the total fuel cost is then
Figure 3 Natural gas price, $/MMBtu 100 MMBtu/h x 8760 h/year x $3

66 PTQ Q2 2020

per MMBtu/h = $2.63 million. That
Effects of excess air
means each 1% reduction in fuel
efficiency costs $26 300/y. For a typ-
ical 300 000 b/d refinery each per- Excess air Fired duty Stack temp. Radiant eff. Fuel efficiency Fuel cost CO2
% MMBtu/h °F % % $MM US ton/yr
cent energy gain or loss represents 0 102.7 435 63.1 91.4 2.61 48 266
around $1 million. 10 105.0 490 59.9 89.3 2.76 49 368
15 106.2 516 58.4 88.3 2.79 49 955
20 107.5 540 56.9 87.3 2.83 50 567
Case study
25 108.9 563 55.4 86.2 2.86 51 207
A train of four identical heaters runs 30 110.3 585 53.9 85.1 2.90 51 871
at an average of 5.5 vol% O2 (dry) at 40 113.2 626 50.9 82.8 2.97 53 291
the arch, due to various design and 50 116.5 663 48.1 80.5 3.06 54 840
operational issues. A change in the
downstream process reduced the Table 2
heat requirement from the heaters by
40%, which dropped the firebox tem- has increased by 4 x $108 000 = in convection duty and tempera-
perature well below 1200°F (650°C). $432 000 annually. In addition to ture. In our example case, the stack
The floor-mounted burners are of fuel costs, lower energy efficiency temperature has increased by 70°F
the latest generation ultra low NOx also increases greenhouse gas emis- (20°C). Higher flue gas tempera-
design. Burners of this type reduce sions. In the previous case, the tures will increase the temperature
NOx emissions using internal flue total CO2 emissions increase by 4 x of tubes, fins, tube supports, and
gas recirculation. The dilution of the (51 871 – 49 955) = 7664 t/y. In coun- stack, which could shorten the lives
flame with inert gas causes a delay tries where CO2 penalties/credits of each of these components.
in combustion reactions and a reduc- are considered at $30/t, this would There are also effects on coil lon-
tion in thermal NOx. This approach translate into an additional cost of gevity, electrical power consump-
works well at typical firebox tem- $230 000/y. For this site, the deci- tion, and emissions. The higher
peratures of 1400-1600°F (760-870°C) firing density in the firebox and
but flame quality and stability dete- higher flue gas temperatures create
riorate significantly when the firebox
While the fuel cost hot spots on the radiant and con-
temperature becomes too cold. The is obvious and easy vective tubes, which increases cok-
only remedy available to the opera- ing rates on the inner tube walls.
tor is to operate the heaters at higher to calculate, other The coking layers will gradually
oxygen levels. build over time, further increas-
Additional problems are caused hidden costs of ing metal temperatures and cre-
by operating the burners at duties ating additional pressure drop.
well below their optimal design running at high excess High excess air results in high
point. In this case, the 40% reduc- pressure drop and additional fan
tion in heat liberation creates a soft air may not be as power when using a forced draft
and lazy flame with a tendency to or induced draft fan and the loss of
roll into the coils. This is due to a
readily visible and furnace capacity. Finally, running
lack of airside pressure drop used only truly manifest at a high excess air level can signif-
for fuel-air mixing. High wind icantly increase emissions of nitro-
speeds in the summer create large themselves over time gen oxides. Running at 30% excess
swings in air flow through the nat- air compared to 15% could increase
ural draft burners, occasionally sion to run at 5.5% oxygen instead NOx emissions to 150-200% of the
producing high amounts of carbon of 3% oxygen comes with a price tag design values.
monoxide. Again, the only remedy of $660 200/y – and this is assuming
is to operate at higher excess air lev- fuel costs remain low and CO2 pen- How to fix high excess air – and
els to increase the mixing rate and alties do not increase. sustain the gain
create a stiffer flame. Using the methodology above it
The heater absorbed duty is 94 Other hidden costs is straightforward to estimate the
MMBtu/h. The impact of run- While the fuel cost is obvious and cost of high excess air and justify
ning the heater at 30% excess air easy to calculate, other hidden improvements for any fired heater.
instead of 15% is shown in Table 2. costs of running at high excess air On the other hand, it can be more
The radiant efficiency has dropped may not be as readily visible and difficult to convince operators to
from 58.4 to 53.9% which requires only truly manifest themselves run at low excess oxygen if there are
an increase in fired duty of 4.1 over time. Running at a higher fundamental issues with the heater
MMBtu/h. excess air level changes the duty that could jeopardise safety and/or
The negative consequences of split between the radiant and con- reliability. It is important to meas-
high excess air operation are com- vection section. The combination of ure the excess oxygen correctly,
pounding. Using a fuel cost of a higher firing rate and lower radi- control the excess oxygen easily,
$3/MMBtu, the operating cost ant efficiency leads to an increase and ensure that operators reliably PTQ Q2 2020 67

and safely operate the heater at the the only place where excess air is to reliably operate at the target oxygen
lower oxygen levels. be introduced by design. Common and draft level. A common reason
Measure the excess oxygen at locations for leaks include header for heater operation at high excess
the firebox arch to improve accu- box doors, tube seals around tube air is that flame problems occur at
racy and analyser response time. penetrations, seals around observa- low excess air. Poor flame qual-
In many fired heaters the analyser tion doors, viewports on burners, ity could result in flame impinge-
is located in the stack as mandated and joints in the heater casing. ment or even flame extinction.
by environmental requirements. The reason to operate at high This could be caused by a whole
However, this location is not ideal draft can be purely mechanical, like range of issues: poor burner main-
for measuring excess oxygen. a stack damper that is stuck and tenance, ambient conditions like
Tramp air that enters the heater inoperable, but draft can also be high wind gusts, operation outside
through the various tube penetra- notoriously difficult to control when the heater or burner design oper-
tions typically results in 1-2% more everything is working correctly. The ating envelope, flame interactions
measured stack O2 when compared challenge is that changing the draft caused by firebox aerodynamics,
to the actual firebox O2 concen- of a fired heater simultaneously poor air distribution between burn-
tration. This is equivalent to an changes the excess oxygen level. ers, excessive air leakage, and poor
extra 5-15% excess air and makes Operators must adjust the burner instrumentation. Even this list is not
it difficult for the operator to know registers when the draft changes to exhaustive and a comprehensive
the burner excess air and exercise keep the oxygen level at target. This root cause analysis typically con-
proper control. can be a challenge for heaters with sists of a combination of a detailed
Measure carbon monoxide con- many burners. site survey, thermal modelling,
centration at the firebox arch. Consider automatic DCS con- burner testing, and a CFD analysis
Measuring excess oxygen is not a trol of draft and oxygen. Operator of the firebox and combustion air
guarantee that combustibles are safety and efficiency are reduced duct.
absent; flame issues may still occur by continual adjustment of the
due to poor air distribution among stack damper and burner registers Conclusion
the burners, fouling of the burner in reaction to changing ambient Although air is free, running at high
tips, low firebox temperatures, and conditions and firing rate. The haz- excess air is not. Besides having a
other combustion issues. A high ard may become significant if the direct impact on operating costs
concentration of combustibles can heater operates outside of its design through fuel efficiency, excess air
cause afterburning in the convection parameters or there is a sudden affects furnace reliability and stack
section and is a safety risk. change in load or weather. Instead, emissions. Running at high excess
Non-contact measurement tech- the DCS can control the draft by air may afford improved resist-
nology, like tunable diode lasers adjusting the stack damper or ance to fluctuations, but too much
(TDL), improves reliability while induced draft fan speed. Operators excess air can adversely impact
simultaneously improving response may control the excess oxygen by profitability.
time and accuracy. Zirconia based modulating combustion air to the
sensors sample from a single point. burners through dampers on a com- Erwin Platvoet is Partner and President of XRG
The laser (or even multiple lasers) mon burner plenum or individually Technologies. An innovator whose career spans
used in TDL measurement systems through actuators on burner regis- more than three decades in the heat transfer and
average the oxygen and CO con- ters. The required number of actua- combustion industries, he holds eight patents
in fired heat transfer and emissions control
centration over the length of the tors may be reduced by connecting
technology, has published numerous papers,
beam(s), thus providing a more multiple burner registers to a single
and co-authored the John Zink Combustion
representative value for larger fire- shaft controlled by a single actua- Handbook and Industrial Combustion Testing.
boxes. Additionally, the lack of tor. Model-predictive control can An active member of the API 560 and API 535
long flue gas sample lines makes be used to optimise the combustion subcommittees, he is a graduate of Twente
the response time much faster than control system by accounting for University in The Netherlands with an MS in
extractive methods. factors such as excess oxygen, the chemical engineering.
Maintain arch draft at 0.1 inH2O concentration of combustibles, fire-
(2.5 mmH2O), ensuring that the box temperature, heater firing rate,
entire heater is under negative pres- process flow, process outlet temper-
sure. Use burner registers to control ature, and ambient conditions. LINKS
the firebox oxygen concentration. Minimise tramp air. Ensure that
Often, heaters that operate at high tube and door seals are in good More articles from the following
excess air also operate with a high condition and keep sight ports and categories:
draft. Heaters are not designed to explosion doors closed when not in Combustion Systems and Engineering
be perfectly airtight and the more use. Consider glass-covered sight Energy Efficiency and Energy
draft in the heater, the more excess doors to improve operator safety Management
air is drawn in from locations apart and minimise tramp air. Fired Heaters, Furnaces and Boilers
from the burners. The burners are Verify that a heater can safely and

68 PTQ Q2 2020

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