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Belajar itu Harusnya

Andi Aisyah Alqumairah
Sharing Bareng AIO School
Minggu, 14 Februari 2021
Makhluk pembelajar untuk setiap
kondisi yang dihadapi terutama saat
belajar di kelas (sekolah/kuliah)
“Saya sedang mempelajari “Saya sedang belajar “Saya sedang belajar tentang
rumus matematika yang memahami pekerjaan dan agama, ajaran dari Tuhan,
diajarkan oleh guru” tanggung jawab di organisasi” dan pengalamannya”
Masalah belajar yang dialami oleh
pelajar di Indonesia :
• Belajar karena terpaksa dan dipaksa.
• Nilai adalah segalanya .
• Pola pikir dan wawasan dibatasi oleh lingkungan sekitar (Ex.
Orang tua, guru maupun teman sekolah).
• Kurangnya perhatian dalam proses belajar mengajar.
• Bakat selain dalam bidang sains, kurang mendapat perhatian
dan dianggap bakat yang sia-sia.
• Stigma bahwa mereka harus masuk jurusan-jurusan atau
universitas tertentu, meskipun bukan passion dan kemauan
• Kurangnya pemahaman bahwa pendidikan, passion, bakat dan
lingkungan sekitar sangat mempengaruhi perilaku pelajar dalam
menentukan tujuan hidup mereka.
Emosi Dasar
- Marah: beringas, mengamuk, benci, jengkel, kesal
- Sedih: pedih, sedih, suram, melankolis,
mengasihani diri, putus asa
- Takut: Cemas, gugup, khawatir, was-was, tidak
tenang, waspada, ngeri
- Senang: Bahagia, gembira, puas, riang, bangga,
- Cinta: penerimaan, persahabatan, kepercayaan,
kebaikan hati, rasa dekat, kemedraan, kasih
- Terkejut: terkesiap, terkejut
- Jengkel: hina, jijik, muak, mual, tidak suka
Love of Learning
“love of learning are motivated to acquire new skills or knowledge or to build on existing skills
or knowledge. They feel good when they are learning new things, even though they may
occasionally become frustrated when the material is challenging.”

Love of Learning Characteristics:

▪ Have positive feelings about learning new things
▪ Have the ability to self-regulate efforts to persevere, despite challenge and
▪ Feel autonomous
▪ Feel challenged
▪ Have a sense of possibility
▪ Be resourceful
▪ Feel supported by others in their efforts to learn
Nourishing Love of Learning:
• They are given a compelling, meaningful reason to do the task (e.g., to woo
• They have options to make the task more interesting (e.g., sneaking out in the
middle of the night to recite poetry in an abandoned cave).
• Social networks exist to support the learning (e.g., the Dead Poets Society) so
that individuals fulfill social needs as they connect with one another through a
topic or project of interest.

Souce: Peterson, C. and Seligman, M. E. P. (Eds.). Character strengths

and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford
✓ Rank order of Love of Learning in populations from:
US : 12
European: 7
Asia: 12
Latin America: 13
Sub-Saharan Africa: 16
Middle east: 17
✓ The character strengths least related to life satisfaction (weak
association) are modesty/humility, creativity, appreciation of beauty
& excellence, judgment, and love of learning (Park, Peterson, &
Seligman, 2004).
✓ A study of strengths under the virtue of wisdom (creativity, curiosity,
judgment, love of learning, and perspective) found them to be
related to higher performance on a creative task and negatively
related to stress (Avey et al., 2012).
✓ Top 10 (rank order) strengths expressed at work: honesty, judgment,
perspective, fairness, perseverance, love of learning, leadership,
zest, curiosity, social intelligence.
Love of Learning
Developing love of learning:
• Take a class just for fun (cooking, yoga, auto mechanics, astronomy, etc.)
• Go to an online search engine like Ask Jeeves, ask a question, and explore sites you never
otherwise would have discovered.
• Every day, read a chapter of a book just for fun.
• Decide to become an expert in a specialized topic and begin collecting (and reading) books on
the subject.
• Every weekend, discover a new area of your neighborhood, town, or city.
• Subscribe to a newspaper or a periodical of special interest.
• Join an internet discussion group devoted to a topic that you think might be interesting.
• Visit a new museum every month and write about new things you learned. Bring a friend or
family member and listen to their impressions of the trip.
• Read a non-fiction book monthly on a topic you find absorbing and engaging. Find others who
share your interest and swap books after finishing.
• Read and research about a topic by visiting the library at least once a week. Write one page of
pragmatic ideas that can advance that field and discuss them with someone who shares your
• Arrange a teach-learn date with a friend, learn a skill, and teach what you are best at. Try to
find a friend with very different interests so that you are exposed to something totally new.
How to deal with
Mengendalikan emosi bukan berarti menghilangkan emosi
- Merasakan emosi adalah hal yang wajar sebagai manusia:
marah, kesal, sedih, senang, kecewa, jijik
- Regulasi Emosi berarti merasakan lalu mengekspresikan emosi
secara proporsional sesuai keadaan, waktu, dan tempat
- Pengendalian emosi yang bisa dilakukan:

Belajar menghadapi
Belajar mengenali
situasi dengan
dan menyadari
rasional (fokus pada
tingkah laku)

perspektif terhadap Melakukan katarsis
suatu hal (kendali (hobby/kegemaran)
Knowing your self
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