MCQs_AUS_G1_12.Data handling_2.Tally chart

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Grade: 1


Topic: Tally Charts.

Version. No Date Changed By – Name Type of Change

V1.0 10-Oct-23 Sejal Bhatewara First Draft

Peer/Subject Lead
V1.1 13-Oct-23 Satya Sai

V1.2 Review Fixes

Peer/Subject Lead Sign


V1.4 Edit Review

V1.5 Edit Review Fixes

V1.6 ER Sign-off

1. The total tally marks are 8?

(A) True
(B) False

Answer: (A)


Count the first group as 5. Then count up from 5.

These tally marks show the number 8.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Count the tally marks. What number is shown?

(A) 1

(B) 5

(C) 3

(D) 2
Answer: (A)


Count the tally marks.

There is 1 tally mark. This tally mark shows the number 1.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Easy

3. Count the tally marks. What number is shown?

(A) 2
(B) 5
(C) 8
(D) 4

Answer: (D)


Count the tally marks.

There are 4 tally marks. These tally marks show the number 4.
Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Easy

4. Count the tally marks. What number is shown?

(A) 16

(B) 30

(C) 20

(D) 15

Answer: (C)


Count the tally marks by counting by fives.

These tally marks show the number 20.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Medium

5. Count the tally marks. What number is shown?

(A) 5

(B) 15

(C) 10

(D) 12

Answer: (B)


Count the tally marks by counting by fives.

These tally marks show the number 15.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Medium

6. Sophie made breakfast for her family. This tally chart shows how many of each type
of food Sophie served.

How many stacks of pancakes did Sophie serve?

(A) 7
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 3

Answer: (D)


Count the tally marks for stacks of pancakes.

There are 3 tally marks for pancakes. Sophie served 3 stacks of pancakes.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding

Difficulty Level: Easy

7. Henry's friends voted for their favorite summer treat. Henry made a tally chart of
the results.

How many more people voted for fruit pops than for grapes?

(A) 4
(B) 2
(C) 5
(D) 6
Answer: (A)


Count the tally marks for fruit pops and grapes.

The summer treats got these votes:

6 votes for fruit pops
2 votes for grapes
Subtract to find the difference.
6 – 2=4
So, 4 more people voted for fruit pops than grapes.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding

Difficulty Level: Easy

8. Dylan chopped up some toppings for tacos. This tally chart shows how many of each
type of topping he chopped up.

Which topping did Dylan chop up the most of?




Answer: (C)


Count the tally marks for each type of topping.

Dylan chopped up these toppings:

5 tomatoes
3 peppers
3 ears of corn
5 is greater than 3.
Dylan chopped up the most tomatoes.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding

Difficulty Level: Medium

9. Henry gave some food to his pet bunny. This tally chart shows how many of each
type of food the bunny got.

Did the bunny get more carrots or tomatoes?





Answer: (A)


Count the tally marks for carrots and tomatoes.

Henry fed his bunny this food:
2 carrots
4 tomatoes
4 is greater than 2.
The bunny got more tomatoes.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding

Difficulty Level: Medium

10. Lily went to the local hardware store and bought some pairs of scissors,
screwdrivers, and hammers. She made a table of the items she bought:

Identify which statement matches the chart?

(A) 9 pairs of scissors, 8 pair’s screwdrivers, and 7 pairs hammer.

(B) 7 pairs of scissors, 8 pair’s screwdrivers, and 7 pairs hammer.

(C) 9 pairs of scissors, 7 pair’s screwdrivers, and 7 pairs hammer.

(D) 9 pairs of scissors, 9 pairs screwdrivers, 7 pairs hammer

Answer: (A)

Find the number of pairs of scissors in the table. She bought 9 pairs of scissors.

Find the number of screwdrivers in the table. She bought 8 screwdrivers.

9 is more than 8, 7. She bought more pairs of scissors.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Work At Leisure:

1. The total tally marks are 7?

(A) True

(B) False

Answer: (A)


Count the first group as 5. Then count up from 5.

These tally marks show the number 7.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Count the tally marks. What number is shown?

(A) 10

(B) 14

(C) 15

(D) 11

Answer: (B)


First count the groups by fives. Then count the rest by counting up.

These tally marks show the number 14.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Medium

3. Ivy made some biscuits for her grandfather. This tally chart shows how many of each
type of biscuit Ivy made.
How many biscuits did Ivy make in all?

(A) 10

(B) 4

(C) 14

(D) 5

Answer: (A)


Count the tally marks for each type of biscuit.

Ivy made these biscuits:

4 chocolate chip biscuits
2 flower biscuits
4 star biscuits
Add to find the total number of biscuits.
4 +2+ 4=10
Ivy made 10 biscuits in all.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding

Difficulty Level: Easy

4. Ella's class voted for their favorite vegetable. Ella made a tally chart of the results.

Which vegetable got the most votes?




Answer: (A)


Count the tally marks for each type of vegetable.

The vegetables got these votes:

5 votes for radishes

3 votes for pea pods

6 votes for carrots

6 is greater than both 3 and 5.

Carrots got the most votes.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding

Difficulty Level: Medium

5. Pablo went to a furniture store and saw some stools, lamps, and chairs. He made a table
of the furniture he saw:

How many stools did he see?

(A) 3

(B) 2

(C) 4

(D) 1

Answer: (A)


Find the number of stools in the table.

He saw 3 stools.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Apply

Difficulty Level: Medium

6. Deb asked her friends to vote for their favorite zoo animal. She made a table showing
how many people voted for each animal:
How many people votes for penguins?

(A) 8

(B) 4

(C) 3

(D) 6

Answer: (C)


Find the number of sheep in the table. 4 people voted for sheep.

Find the number of ferrets in the table. 6 people voted for ferrets.

Find the number of hippos in the table. 8 people voted for hippos.

Find the number of penguins in the table. 3 people voted for penguins.

So, 3 people voted for penguins.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Apply

Difficulty Level: Medium

7. Sarah's class had some fruit for lunch?

Which tally chart shows the right marks of each fruit?




Answer: (A)


Count each type of fruit.

There are 3 apples.

There are 3 oranges.

There is 1 banana.
This tally chart shows that Sarah's class had 3 apples, 3 oranges, and 1 banana for lunch.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Apply

Difficulty Level: Difficult

8. Jenny went back-to-school shopping and bought some rubbers and pencils. She made a
table of the items she bought:

Which item did she buy more of?




Answer: (A)


Find the number of each item in the table.

She bought 4 guitars, 8 rubbers and 9 pencils. She bought more pencils.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analyze

Difficulty Level: Medium

9. Justin went to the farmers' market and saw some lemons and pears. He made a table of
the fruit he saw:

Which fruit did he see fewer?




Answer: (C)


Find the number of each fruit in the table.

He saw 1 lemon and 8 pears. He saw fewer


Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analyze

Difficulty Level: Medium

10. Stella was at a café. She saw some drinks.

Which tally chart shows the right quantity of each drink which she saw?




Answer: (B)


Count each type of drink.

There are 3 sodas.

There are 4 bottles of chocolate milk.

There are 3 cups of orange juice.

This tally chart shows that Stella saw 3 sodas, 4 bottles of chocolate milk, and 3 cups of
orange juice.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analyze

Difficulty Level: Difficult

Daily Practice:
1. The total tally marks are 1?

(A) True

(B) False

Answer: (B)


Count the tally marks.

There is 5 tally mark. This tally mark shows the number 5 not 1.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Easy

2. Count the tally marks. What number is shown?

(A) 20

(B) 21

(C) 12

(D) 17

Answer: (D)


First count the groups by fives. Then count the rest by counting up.

These tally marks show the number 17.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Remember

Difficulty Level: Medium

3. Ryan packed some snacks for a hike. This tally chart shows how many of each type of
snack Ryan packed.

How many apples did Ryan pack?

(A) 11

(B) 3

(C) 12

(D) 5

Answer: (B)


Count the tally marks for apples.

There are 3 tally marks for apples. Ryan packed 3 apples.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understanding

Difficulty Level: Easy

4. Emma washed some vegetables. This tally chart shows how many of each type of
vegetable she washed.

Did Emma wash fewer pea pods,broccoli or beets?





Answer: (B)

Count the tally marks for pea pods and beets.

Emma washed these vegetables:

4 broccoli

7 pea pods

2 beets

2 is less than 7.

Emma washed fewer beets.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Understand

Difficulty Level: Medium

5. Bert went on a picnic and brought some knives, spoons, and coolers. He made a table of
the supplies he brought:

How many knives did he bring?

(A) 4
(B) 5

(C) 6

(D) 3

Answer: (A)


Find the number of knives in the table. He brought 4 knives.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Apply

Difficulty Level: Medium

6. Tessa went into the family garage and saw some rulers, screwdrivers, and
rakes. She made a table of the items she saw:

How many rulers did she see?

(A) 8

(B) 7
(C) 9

(D) 14

Answer: (C)


Find the number of rulers in the table.

She saw 9 rulers.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Apply

Difficulty Level: Medium

7. Cooper was at a farm. He saw some things to eat?

Which tally chart shows the right tally marks of each thing?




Answer: (B)

Count each type of thing Cooper saw.

There are 4 ears of corn.

There are 2 beets.

There are 3 watermelons.

This tally chart shows that Cooper saw 4 ears of corn, 2 beets, and 3 watermelons.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Apply

Difficulty Level: Difficult

8. Sam went on a picnic and brought some apples and sandwiches. He made a table of the
food he brought:

Did he bring more which food?





Answer: (C)

Find the number of hot dog in the table. He brought 7 hot dog.

Find the number of pretzels in the table. He brought 8 pretzels.

Find the number of apples in the table. He brought 2 apples.

Find the number of sandwiches in the table. He brought 9 sandwiches.

9 is more than 8, 7, 2. He brought more sandwiches.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analyze

Difficulty Level: Medium

9. Ed asked eighteen friends to vote for their favorite animal. He made a table of the results:

The people vote more for which is their favorite animal?




Answer: (C)


Find the number of sharks in the table. 5 people voted for sharks.

Find the number of seagulls in the table. 8 people voted for seagulls.

Find the number of cats in the table. 4 people voted for cats.

Find the number of rabbits in the table. 5 people voted for rabbits.

8 is more than 5,4. More people voted for rabbits.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analyze

Difficulty Level: Medium

10. Ruby had a softball game. Her mum got some drinks for the team.

Which tally chart shows the right quantity of each drink which her mum got for team?




Answer: (B)


Count each type of drink.

There are 6 juice boxes.

There are 3 bottles of water.

There is 1 bottle of chocolate milk.

This tally chart shows that Ruby's mum got 6 juice boxes, 3 bottles of water, and 1 bottle
of chocolate milk.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Analyze

Difficulty Level: Difficult

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