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GST Sheet

UNIT Amount Total
SI No. Product QTY without GST(18%) Discount
PRICE with GST Amount
1 Mouse 15 450 6750 1215 7965 796.5 7168.5
2 Key Board 18 1500 27000 4860 31860 3186 28674
3 Monitor 16 5575 89200 16056 105256 10525.6 94730.4
4 Table 8 2500 20000 3600 23600 2360 21240
5 CPU 6 10500 63000 11340 74340 7434 66906

Formula :

Amount without GST = (Quantity*Unit Price)

GST(18%) = (Amount without GST*18%)
Amount with GST = (Amount without GST+GST)
Discount(10%) = (Amount with GST*10%)
Total Amount = (Amount with GST-Discount)

Page : 8

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