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Supplementary Material for:

Dynamic fleet-based life-cycle greenhouse gas assessment of the

introduction of electric vehicles in the Portuguese light-duty fleet
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Rita Garciaa, Jeremy Gregoryb, Fausto Freirea
ADAI-LAETA, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Coimbra, Polo II Campus, R.
Luís Reis Santos, 3030-788 Coimbra, Portugal
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1-276, 77
Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139

Email addresses: (R. Garcia), (J. Gregory), (F. Freire)

This supplementary material contains 30 pages, including 21 figures and 7 tables.

S-1 Vehicle stock sub-model ...................................................................................................................... 2
S-1.1 Fleet composition .......................................................................................................................... 4
S-1.2 Vehicle density .............................................................................................................................. 4
S-1.3 Probability of surviving................................................................................................................ 5
S-2 Dynamic life-cycle sub-models ............................................................................................................ 6
S-2.1 Calculation of vehicle production impacts ................................................................................. 9
S-2.1.1 Vehicle and battery weight and material composition ..................................................... 10
S-2.2 Calculation of vehicle use impacts ............................................................................................. 13
S-2.2.1 Maintenance......................................................................................................................... 14
S-2.2.2 Fuel and electricity consumption ....................................................................................... 14
S-2.2.3 Vehicle distance traveled .................................................................................................... 16
S-2.2.4 Fuel production and electricity generation ....................................................................... 19
S-2.3 Calculation of vehicle end-of-life impacts ................................................................................. 20
S-3 Sensitivity analysis ............................................................................................................................. 21

S-1 Vehicle stock sub-model

Table S-1 Vehicle stock sub-model parameters and data sources. Dashed cells indicate parameters that are subject to sensitivity analysis. n.a.: not applicable; Y: yes; N: no; i:
vehicle technology (g: gasoline ICEV; d: diesel ICEV; e: BEV); k: vehicle age; t: calendar year.

Baseline value
Historical data source Projected data source Time (i)
Variable Parameters Units (t≤2010) (t>2010) dependence g d e
N(i,0,t) New vehicles

q(i,t) market share % ACAP (1999; 2003; 2005; Calculated based on Ya 33 67 0

2011) assumption
S(i,k,t) Scrapped vehicles

λ(t) failure steepness n.a. Moura (2009) Assumption Y See Fig. S-3

(t) maximum life expectancy years Moura (2009) Assumption Y See Fig. S-3

p(k,t) probability of surviving n.a. Calculated (intermediate Calculated (intermediate Y See Fig. S-3
parameter) parameter)

F(i,k,t) Vehicle stock

d(t)b vehicle density vehicles/1000 Calculated (intermediate Calculated (intermediate Y See Fig. S-2
inhabitants parameter) parameter)
θ vehicle density multiplier n.a. n.a. Assumption N 1

n(t) population inhabitants PORDATA (2011) INE (2009) Y See Fig.7 in INE
a Constant from 2010 for baseline scenario.
b d(t) follows a logistic curve calibrated based on vehicle data from ACAP (2011) and demographic data from PORDATA (2011).

Vehicle stock sub-model

Vehicle density
multiplier [%] Failure steepness Maximum life expectancy
θ λ(t) (t)

Vehicle density
[vehicles/1000 inhabitants] Population
Market share [inhabitants] Probability of surviving
d(t)=[+ ] θ n(t)
q(i,t) Label
Vehicle stock
New vehicles Scrapped vehicles
[number of vehicles] Parameter subject to
[number of vehicles] [number of vehicles]
sensitivity analysis
F(t)=d(t) n(t)
N(i,t)=[F(t)-F(t-1)+S(t)] q(i,t) S(i,k,t)=F(i,k-1,t-1) [1-p(k,t)]
F(i,k,t) = N(i,t) if k=0; F(i,k,t-1)-S(i,k,t) otherwise Intermediate


Fig. S-1 Vehicle stock sub-model description (i: vehicle technology; k: vehicle age; t: calendar year). All parameters are defined in Table S-1. The vehicle density is described
by a logistic curve, which was calibrated using vehicle and demographic data for Portugal for the period between 1974 and 2010 (r2=0.998) (see Fig. S-2); the probability of
surviving is described by a modified Weibull distribution, calibrated for Portugal conditions based on Moura (2009) (see Fig. S-3).

S-1.1 Fleet composition

Table S-2 Portuguese light-duty vehicle fleet composition in 1995 (Ceuster et al. 2007), used to initiate
the vehicle stock simulation.

Vehicle stock F(i,k,1995)

Vehicle Vehicle type (i)
age (k) Gasoline ICEV (g) Diesel ICEV (d)
0 188355 30208
1 209387 38217
2 219271 28274
3 273539 27491
4 139329 20316
5 181312 17575
6 176471 8406
7 160020 8161
8 143560 5123
9 127237 5730
10 111214 5415
11 95732 8621
12 81050 7218
13 67415 5943
14 55034 4334
15 44056 3525
16 34557 2433
17 26543 956
18 19955 522
19 14678 331
20 10562 118

S-1.2 Vehicle density

[vehicles/1000 inhabitants]

Vehicle density, d(t)



















Calendar year, t
Baseline Historic data upper bound lower bound

Fig. S-2 Light-duty vehicle density in Portugal: historic data, logistic curve calibrated for Portugal, and
upper and lower bounds for sensitivity analysis.

S-1.3 Probability of surviving

Probability of surviving, p(k,t)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
vehicle age, k [years]

t=1995 (λ=11; m=31) 
t=2000 (λ=13; m=35)

t=2005 (λ=11; m=34) 
t>2010 (λ=11; m=35)
lower bound upper bound

Fig. S-3 Probability of a light-duty vehicle surviving in the Portuguese fleet for different calendar years
(based on Moura 2009), and lower and upper bounds for sensitivity analysis. As the vehicle age increases,
its probability of surviving in the fleet decreases. The curves also indicate a later retirement of vehicles as
time passes.

S-2 Dynamic life-cycle sub-models

Table S-3 Vehicle life-cycle sub-model parameters and data sources. Dashed cells indicate parameters that are subject to sensitivity analysis. n.a.: not applicable; Y: yes; N:
no; i: vehicle technology (g: gasoline ICEV; d: diesel ICEV; e: BEV); k: vehicle age; t: calendar year; a: material; m: maintenance operation.

Historical data source Projected data source Time Baseline value (i)
Variable Parameters Units (t≤2010) (t>2010) dependence g d e
Ip(i,0,t) Vehicle production impacts

Iav Vehicle assembly impacts

ev vehicle assembly emission kg CO2 Keoleian et al. (2012) Keoleian et al. (2012) N 938
factor eq/vehicle
Iv(i,0,t) Vehicle manufacturing impacts

wv(i,0,t) vehicle curb weight kg/vehicle European Commission Calculated (intermediate Y See Fig. S-5
(2012) parameter)
ν vehicle curb weight % n.a. Bandivadekar et al. (2008) N 0
reduction rate
rv(i,0,t,a)a share of material in vehicle % Cheah (2010) Cheah (2010) Y See Fig. 6-2 (a) and Fig. 6-3 in Cheah
em(t,a)b material production kg CO2 eq/kg Keoleian et al. (2012); Keoleian et al. (2012); Y See data sources
emission factor material Cheah (2010) Cheah (2010)
Ib(i,0,t) Battery manufacturing impacts

wb(i,0,t)c battery weight kg Faria et al. (2014) USABC (2014) Y n.a. n.a. See Table S-4

rb(i,0,t,a) share of material in battery % Dunn et al. (2012) Dunn et al. (2012) N n.a. n.a. See Table 2 in Dunn
et al. (2012)
ω battery weight reduction % n.a. Assumption N n.a. n.a. 0

Historical data source Projected data source Time Baseline value (i)
Variable Parameters Units (t≤2010) (t>2010) dependence g d e
Iab Battery assembly impacts

eb battery assembly emission kg CO2 Dunn et al. (2012) Dunn et al. (2012) N n.a. n.a. 0.457
factor eq/battery
Iu(i,k,t) Vehicle use impacts

Ie(i,k,t) Electricity generation impacts

ee(t) electricity generation kg CO2 Garcia et al. (2014) Calculated based on Y See Fig. S-11
emission factor eq/kWh assumption
ce(i,k,t) electricity consumption kWh/km Faria et al. (2014) Calculated (intermediate Y n.a. n.a. See Fig. S-8
ε(i) electricity consumption % n.a. Assumption N n.a. n.a. 0
reduction rate
If(i,k,t) Fuel production impacts

ef(i) fuel production emission kg CO2 eq/kg Jungbluth (2007) Jungbluth (2007) N 0.729 0.523 n.a.
factor fuel
ι fuel production emission % n.a. Assumption N 0 0 n.a.
factor rate of change
cf(i,k,t)d fuel consumption kg/km European Commission Calculated (intermediate Y See Fig. S-7 n.a.
(2012) parameter)
φ(i) fuel consumption reduction % n.a. Assumption N 0 0 n.a.
j(i,k,t) vehicle distance travelled km Calculated (intermediate Calculated (intermediate Y
parameter) parameter)
y(i,0,t)e first-year vehicle distance km t=2005: Azevedo (2007); Calculated (intermediate Y See Table S-6
travelled other years calculated parameter)
ρ(i,t) first-year vehicle distance % Calculated based on Calculated based on Y See Table S-7
travelled growth rate assumption assumption
x(i,k) indexed-mileage n.a. Calculated based on data Same as t≤2010 Y See Fig. S-9
from Azevedo (2007)

Historical data source Projected data source Time Baseline value (i)
Variable Parameters Units (t≤2010) (t>2010) dependence g d e
ζ(i) n.d.f n.a. Calculated based on data Same as t≤2010 N -0.313 -0.32 -0.313
from Azevedo (2007)
σ(i) n.d.g n.a. Calculated based on data Same as t≤2010 N 1.4173 1.3623 1.4173
from Azevedo (2007)
Io(i,k,t) Operation impacts
eo(i) operation emission factor kg CO2 eq/kg Moura (2009) Moura (2009) N 3.1856 3.1375 n.a.
Im(i,k,t) Maintenance impacts

em(i,m) maintenance operation kg CO2 See Table S-5

emission factor eq/operation
m(i,k,t,m) maintenance schedule n.a. See Table S-5
Il(i,k,t) End-of-life impacts

Ilv Vehicle end-of-life impacts

elv vehicle end-of-life emission kg CO2 Keoleian et al. (2012) Keoleian et al. (2012) N 278
factor eq/vehicle

Ilb(i,k,t) Battery end-of-life impacts

elb battery end-of-life emission kg CO2 eq/kg Faria et al. (2014) Faria et al. (2014) N n.a. n.a. 390
factor battery
a The main changes are related to the substitution of cast iron and conventional steel by lightweight materials such as high-strength steel, aluminum, and plastics.
b Emission factors for t=2000 from Keoleian et al. (2012), evolution according to Cheah (2010).
c Assuming Li-ion battery pack energy density increases from 80 Wh/kg today (24 kWh capacity) to 235 Wh/kg in 2020 (45 kWh capacity), and constant thereafter, according to USABC (2014).

d Since fuel consumption in real-world conditions is considerably higher than measured in test-cycles, mainly due to the use of energy consuming devices such as air conditioners, we assumed a

17% increase in real-world consumption factors compared with test-cycle figures, according to Nemry et al. (2008). Density of gasoline 0.748 kg/L; Density of diesel: 0.837 kg/L.
e First yr mileage by powertrain (gasoline and diesel) for 2005 (Azevedo, 2007); since BEVs are about 70% more energy efficient than gasoline ICEVs, we assumed a higher VKT in order to

account for the expected rebound effect, in line with Silva (2011).
f Slope of indexed mileage curve.
g Constant parameter of indexed mileage curve.

S-2.1 Calculation of vehicle production impacts

Vehicle production impacts

[kg CO2 eq/vehicle]

Ip(i,0,t)=Iv(i,0,t)+Iav(i,0,t)+Ib(i,0,t)+ Iab(i,0,t)

Vehicle assembly impacts Vehicle manufacturing impacts Battery manufacturing impacts Battery assembly impacts
[kg CO2 eq/vehicle] [kg CO2 eq/vehicle] [kg CO2 eq/vehicle] [kg CO2 eq/battery]

Iav=ev Iv(i,0,t)= Ib(i,0,t)= Iab=eb

Vehicle assembly ef Vehicle curb weight [kg/vehicle] Share of material in Material production ef Battery weight Share of material in Battery assembly ef
[kg CO2 eq/vehicle] vehicle [%] [kg CO2 eq/kg material] [kg/vehicle] battery [%] [kg CO2 eq/battery]
ev wv(i,0,t>2010)=wv(i,1,t) wv(i,0,2010) ν rv(i,0,t,a) em(t,a) wb(i,0,t)=wb(i,1,t) wb(i,0,2010) ω rb(i,0,t,a) eb

Vehicle curb weight Battery curb weight Label

reduction rate [%] reduction rate [%]
ν ω
Parameter subject to
sensitivity analysis



Fig. S-4 Calculation of vehicle production impacts (i: vehicle technology; k: vehicle age; t: calendar year; a: material). All parameters are defined in Table S-3.

S-2.1.1 Vehicle and battery weight and material composition

Fig. S-5 shows the evolution of the new light-duty vehicle curb weight in the Portuguese fleet for the three

vehicle types. Future curb weight was assumed to decrease for ICEVs, since it is expected that weight

reduction measures will take place as a means of reducing fuel consumption of new vehicles. We assumed

a decrease of 16% in vehicle curb weight in 2010-2030 (0.8% per year) for ICEV vehicle technologies, to

reflect the lightweighting of vehicles based on Bandivadekar et al. (2008). The upper bound for sensitivity

analysis was set based on Cheah (2010), which showed that combining the use of lightweight materials and

vehicle redesign for minimal weight can reduce vehicle weight up to 35%.

Electric vehicle batteries were also assumed to become lighter, as it is expected that the energy density of

the battery packs will increase with model year. We assumed that Li-ion battery pack energy density

increases from 80 Wh/kg today (24 kWh capacity) to 235 Wh/kg in 2020 (45 kWh capacity), according to

the USA Battery Consortium (USABC 2014), and constant thereafter.

Material composition of ICEVs was assumed to change over time according to Cheah (2010). The main

changes are related to the substitution of cast iron and conventional steel by lightweight materials such as

high-strength steel (HSS), aluminum, and plastics. Material composition of BEVs and batteries was

assumed constant. Iron, steel, aluminum, and magnesium material production (i.e. extraction and

processing) was assumed to become more energy-efficient and less GHG intensive over time (evolution

according to Cheah 2010). Regarding other materials, we assumed energy use and GHG emissions constant

over time. Energy intensity and GHG emissions from 1995-1999 were assumed equal to 2000.

1 600

Curb weight, wv(g,0,t) [kg] 1 400

1 200
Gasoline ICEV (historic)
1 000
Gasoline ICEV (Ii Bd & C
800 scenarios)
600 Gasoline ICEV (higher bound &
BAU scenario)
400 Gasoline ICEV (lower bound)
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Calendar year, t

1 600
Curb weight, wv(d,0,t) [kg]

1 400
1 200 Diesel ICEV (historic)
1 000
Diesel ICEV (Ii Bd & C scenarios)
Diesel ICEV (higher bound & BAU
400 Diesel ICEV (lower bound)

1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Calendar year, t

1 600
Curb weight, wv(e,0,t) [kg]

1 400
BEV (historic)
1 200
BEV (Ii Bd & C scenarios)
1 000
BEV (higher bound & BAU
600 BEV (lower bound)



1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Calendar year, t

Fig. S-5 New light-duty vehicle curb weight evolution in the Portuguese fleet: historic data, scenarios
and, lower and upper bound for sensitivity analysis.

Table S-4 BEV battery weight for different calendar years. We assumed that Li-ion battery pack energy
density increases from 80 Wh/kg today (24 kWh capacity) to 235 Wh/kg in 2020 (45 kWh capacity),
according to the USA Battery Consortium (USABC 2014), and constant thereafter.

Calendar year, t Battery weight, wb(e,0,t) [kg]

2010-2015 300
2016 254
2017 228
2018 212
2019 200
2020-2030 191

S-2.2 Calculation of vehicle use impacts
Vehicle use impacts
[kg CO2 eq/vehicle]

Iu(i,k,t)=Ie(i,k,t)+If(i,k,t)+Io(i,k,t)+ Im(i,k,t)

Electricity generation impacts Fuel production impacts Operation impacts Maintenance impacts
[kg CO2 eq/vehicle] [kg CO2 eq/vehicle] [kg CO2 eq/vehicle] [kg CO2 eq/vehicle]

Ie(i,k,t)=j(i,k,t) ce(i,k,t) ee(t) If(i,k,t)=j(i,k,t) cf(i,k,t) ef(i) Io(i,k,t)=j(i,k,t) cf(i,k,t) eo(i) Im(I,k,t)=m(i,k,t,m) em(i,m)

Electricity generation ef Electricity consumption [kWh/km] Vehicle distance travelled Maintenance schedule Maintenance operation ef
[kg CO2 eq/kWh] [km] [kg CO2 eq/operation]
ce(i,k,t); m(i,k,t,m)=1 if = t(i,m);
ee(t) ce(i,k,t>2010)=ce(i,k,t-1) - ce(i,0,2010) ε(i)) j(i,k,t)=y(i,0,t-k) x(i,k) 0 otherwise em(i,m)

Electricity consumption
First-year vehicle distance Indexed-mileage
reduction rate [%]
travelled [km]
y(i,0,t)=y(i,0,2005) ρ(i,t) x(i,k)=ζ(i,t)ln(k)+σ(i)

First-year vehicle distance ζ(i) σ(i)

travelled multiplier


Fuel production ef [kg CO2 eq/kg fuel] Fuel consumption [kg fuel/km] Operation ef Input
[kg CO2 eq/kg fuel]
ef(i); cf(i,k,t);
ef(i,k,t>2010)=ef(i,k,t-1) + ef(i,0,2010) ι cf(i,k,t>2010)=cf(i,k,t-1) - cf(i,0,2010) φ(i) eo(i) Parameter subject to
sensitivity analysis

Fuel consumption rate Fuel consumption
of change [%] reduction rate [%]

ι φ(i) Output

Fig. S-6 Calculation of vehicle use impacts (i: vehicle technology; k: vehicle age; t: calendar year; m: maintenance operation). All parameters are defined in Table S-3.

S-2.2.1 Maintenance

Table S-5 Maintenance operation schedule (g: gasoline ICEV; d: diesel ICEV; e: BEV; y: model year).

Maintenance operation, Vehicle Cumulative vehicle Emission factor, Source

m type, i distance traveled, em(i,m) [kg CO2
t(i,m) [km] eq/operation]
Battery replacement e 100,000 0.85a Faria et al. (2014);
Keoleian et al. (2012)
Tire replacement g, d, e 80,000 227.05b Keoleian et al. (2012)
Engine oil substitution g, d 10,000 (y<2000); 12.58c Keoleian et al. (2012)
30,000 (y2000)
a Emission factor per kg of battery. Includes impacts from battery disposal and production of new battery.
b Includes impacts from production and disposal of four tires.
c Includes impacts from engine oil production and disposal.

S-2.2.2 Fuel and electricity consumption

Vehicle fuel consumption varies with model year. Fig. S-7 shows the average fuel consumption of new

internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) from 1995 to 2030. Historic fuel consumption of new light-

duty gasoline ICEVs and diesel ICEVs was obtained from European Commission, based on the New

European Driving Cycle (NEDC) figures. Since fuel consumption in real-world conditions is considerably

higher than measured in test-cycles, mainly due to the use of energy consuming devices such as air

conditioners, we assumed a 17% increase in real-world consumption factors compared with test-cycle

figures, according to Nemry et al. (2008).

For those scenarios where we considered improvements on new ICEVs (ICEV improves and Combined,

see Table 1 in the original manuscript), we set future fuel consumption figures so that the EU targets for

2020 (4.1 L/100 km for gasoline ICEVs and 3.6 L/100 km for diesel ICEVs) would be met (25% decrease

in 2010-2020), following a linear trend up to 2030 (resulting in a 50% decrease in 2010-2030). For the

sensitivity analysis, we defined the lower bound based on the fuel consumption of diesel concept cars (1

L/100 km), assuming that that figure is reached in 2030 (resulting in an 80% decrease in 2010-2030; we

assumed the same relative reduction for gasoline ICEVs).

Fuel consumption, cf(d,0,t) 8
EU targets
2015 EU target (+17%)
6 Diesel ICEV (historic)
[L/100 km]

5 2020 EU target (+17%)

Diesel ICEV (Ii & C scenarios)
3 Diesel ICEV (upper bound, BAU
2 & Bd scenarios)
Diesel ICEV (lower bound)






Calendar year, t

Fuel consumption, Cf(g,0,t)

2015 EU target (+17%) EU targets

6 Gasoline ICEV (historic)
[L/100 km]

2020 EU target (+17%)

Gasoline ICEV (Ii & C scenarios)
3 Gasoline ICEV (upper bound,
BAU & Bd scenarios)
Gasoline ICEV (lower bound)







Calendar year, t

Fig. S-7 Fuel consumption of new light-duty ICEVs in Portugal: historic data, scenarios and, lower and
upper bound for sensitivity analysis.

Electricity consumption, Ce(e,0,t)

140 BEV (historic)
BEV (all scenarios)

BEV (upper bound)
60 BEV (upper bound)







Calendar year, t

Fig. S-8 Electricity consumption of new BEVs in Portugal: historic data, scenarios and, lower and upper
bound for sensitivity analysis.

S-2.2.3 Vehicle distance traveled

The distance travelled by a vehicle (vehicle kilometers traveled, VKT) varies depending on a number of

factors, such as vehicle age, technology, and utilization purpose. VKT may decrease with vehicle age due

to deterioration, reduced reliability, and shifting of primary to secondary car usage (Kim 2003; Moura

2009). We based our annual VKT estimations on vehicle inspection data for Portugal for 2005 from

Azevedo (2007). A mileage reduction index curve was obtained for both gasoline and diesel ICEVs through

adjustment of a logarithmic function to the vehicle inspection data set (r2=0.9797 for gasoline ICEV;

r2=0.9893 for diesel ICEV) (Fig S-5). For BEVs we assumed the same VKT profile as gasoline ICEVs.

However, since BEVs are about 70% more energy efficient than gasoline ICEVs, we assumed a higher

VKT in order to account for the expected rebound effect, in line with Silva (2011). The same mileage

reduction curve was used for all model years, but different first-year VKT values were assumed, as

explained in the next paragraph. We also performed a sensitivity analysis to determine the effect of the

VKT profile in the results considering higher or lower yearly reduction rates according to the curves

presented in Fig. S-9. Fig. S-10 shows the VKT profile for model year 2010 for different technologies.

Yearly VKT of diesel ICEVs is higher than gasoline ICEVs. A model year 2010 gasoline ICEV is driven

around 140,000 km over a 15-year lifetime, a BEV around 170,000 km, and a diesel ICEV around 250,000


First-year VKT for model year 2005 was derived from data from Azevedo (2007) (see Table S-6). For

gasoline ICEV, first-year VKT figures for model years 1995-2010 were adjusted so that total fleet gasoline

consumption approximates gasoline sales in Portugal reported by DGEG (2014) (see Fig. S-11; it was

assumed that gasoline sales in Portugal is allocated to light-duty vehicles only). A reduction of 1%/year

was assumed in 1995-2010, with reference to the 2005 data. We assumed that first-year VKT of gasoline

ICEVs continues to decrease until 2020, but at a slower rate (0.5%/year), and constant thereafter. According

to ADEME (2012), the average light-duty vehicle VKT in Portugal has stabilized since 2000. Our baseline

model assumes that this trend will continue in the future. This means that, since diesel ICEVs are driven

more than gasoline ICEVs and their share in the fleet is expected to increase, their VKT should decrease.

First-year VKT figures for diesel ICEVs were assumed to decrease 0.5%/year from 2000 to 2030 so that

estimated average LDV VKT remains approximately unaltered. First-year VKT figures for BEVs were

assumed constant in 2010-2020 and to increase 0.5%/year in 2020-2030, as battery technology improves.

Since BEV VKT is lower than diesel ICEV VKT, the fleet VKT decreases as BEV penetration rate

increases. In order to understand the effect of BEV VKT in the results, we performed a sensitivity analysis

to the first-year VKT of BEVs (in 2010). The upper bound was set so that total fleet VKT is similar to that

of the all ICEVs scenarios. The lower bound mirrors that value (relative to the baseline value).


Indexed mileage, x(i,k)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Vehicle age, k [years]

Gasoline ICEV/BEV Diesel ICEV Moura (2009)

Higher reduction rate Lower reduction rate

Fig. S-9 Indexed mileage for gasoline ICEVs, BEVs and diesel ICEVs estimated based on Azevedo
(2007); higher and lower bounds for the sensitivity analysis; and comparison with the indexed curve used
in Moura (2009).

Distance traveled, j(i,k,2010+k)





0 5 10 15 20
Vehicle age, k [years]

Gasoline ICEV (y=2010) Diesel ICEV (y=2010) BEV (y=2010)

Fig. S-10 Annual vehicle distance traveled by powertrain for model year 2010.








Calendar year, t

Gasoline sales (DGEG) Gasoline consumption (estimated)

Fig. S-11 Gasoline sales in Portugal reported by DGEG (2014) and gasoline consumption calculated by
the model.

Table S-6 First-year VKT for light-duty vehicles in Portugal. Data for model years 2005 was based on
Azevedo (2007); for the remaining years, figures were estimated based on the yearly growth rates shown
in Table S-7. Values in brackets are the lower and upper bound for sensitivity analysis.

Calendar Vehicle type (i)
year (t) Gasoline Diesel ICEV
BEV (e)
ICEV (g) (d)
2005 12,105 24,133 --
2010 11,512 22,950 13,929 (10,500-17,500)
2015 11,227 21,825 13,929 (10,500-17,500)
2020 10,949 20,756 13,929 (10,500-17,500)
2025 10,949 20,242 14,281 (10,765-17,942)
2030 10,949 19,741 14,642 (11,037-18,395)

Table S-7 First-year VKT yearly growth rate for light-duty vehicles in Portugal.

Calendar Vehicle type (i)
year (t)
Gasoline Diesel
BEV (e)
ICEV (g) ICEV (d)
1995-2010 -1.0% -1.0% --
2010-2020 -0.5% -1.0% 0.0%
2020-2030 0.0% -0.5% 0.5%

S-2.2.4 Fuel production and electricity generation

GHG emissions from gasoline and diesel production were obtained from Jungbluth (2007). According to

ICCT (2010), GHG emissions from crude oil (extraction-to-refinery output) in Europe (and derivatives)

are expected to increase by 7% up to 2020, due to increasing need to exploit deeper reservoirs, deeper

waters, and emission-intensive sources such as tar sands. This value was used as upper bound for the fuel

production emission factor rate of change in the sensitivity analysis (2010-2020 reduction, constant

thereafter). For the lower bound, we assumed a 6% reduction based on the European Commission

reduction target for fuel upstream GHG emissions by 2020 (European Parliament and Council of the

European Union 2009).

Historic GHG emissions from electricity generation and supply (ee) in Portugal were obtained from

Garcia et al. (2014). The average of the emission factors for the last 10 years (2003-2012) was assumed

up to 2030 (constant value), in order to account for the variability between years (baseline). For

sensitivity analysis, the upper bound (1.1 kg CO2 eq/kWh) was set to simulate a coal-based mix and the

lower bound a hydro-based mix (0.02 kg CO2 eq/kWh), based on the technologies available in Portugal

(Garcia et al. 2014).

Electricity generation ef, ee(t)

[kg CO2 eq/kWh]

Historic (Garcia et al., 2014)

0.6 Baseline
lower bound
0.4 upper bound







Calendar year, t

Fig. S-12 Electricity generation emission factors for Portugal: historic data (2003-2012), baseline value
(average of 2003-2012), and lower (hydro) and upper (coal) bounds for sensitivity analysis.

S-2.3 Calculation of vehicle end-of-life impacts

End-of-life impacts
[kg CO2 eq/vehicle]

Il(i,k,t)=Ilv+ Ilb(i,k,t)

Vehicle end-of-life impacts Battery end-of-life impacts

[kg CO2 eq/vehicle] [kg CO2 eq/vehicle]

Ilv Ilb(i,k,t)= elb

Vehicle end-of-life ef Battery curb weight Battery end-of-life ef
[kg CO2 eq/vehicle] [kg/vehicle] [kg CO2 eq/kg battery] Input

elv wb(i,0,t-k) elb Parameter subject to

sensitivity analysis



Fig. S-13 Calculation of vehicle end-of-life impacts (i: vehicle technology; k: vehicle age; t: calendar year). All parameters are defined in Table S-3.

S-3 Sensitivity analysis

BAU scenario 2015 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq

6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -3% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -10% 6%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -12% 6%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -13% 11%
Maximum life expectancy -13% 12%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -1% 1%

Upper bound Lower bound

ICEV improve scenario 2015 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -1% 2%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -10% 7%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -12% 6%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -12% 10%
Maximum life expectancy -12% 11%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -1% 1%

Upper bound Lower bound

BEV dominate scenario 2015 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -3% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​ ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -10% 6%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -12% 6%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -13% 11%
Maximum life expectancy -13% 12%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -1% 1%

Upper bound Lower bound

Combined scenario 2015 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​ ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -10% 7%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -12% 6%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -12% 10%
Maximum life expectancy -12% 11%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -1% 1%

Upper bound Lower bound

Fig. S-14 Sensitivity analysis results for total fleet LC GHG emissions in 2015.

BAU scenario 2020 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -3% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -10% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -6% 4%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -15% 9%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -15% 13%
Maximum life expectancy -8% 3%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -2% 5%

Upper bound Lower bound

ICEV improve scenario 2020 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -4% 7%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -7% 4%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -16% 9%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -14% 13%
Maximum life expectancy -6% 3%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

BEV dominate scenario 2020 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -2% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -9% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​ ​
Electricity generation emission factor -2% 2%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -6% 4%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -16% 9%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​ ​
Vehicle density multiplier -15% 13%
Maximum life expectancy -8% 3%
First-year vehicle distance travelled ​ ​
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

Combined scenario 2020 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -4% 6%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​ ​
Electricity generation emission factor -2% 2%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -7% 4%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -17% 9%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​ ​
Vehicle density multiplier -14% 13%
Maximum life expectancy -6% 3%
First-year vehicle distance travelled ​ ​
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

Fig. S-15 Sensitivity analysis results for total fleet LC GHG emissions in 2020. Blue bars indicate that the
ranking of scenarios changes when the respective parameter is at its lower or upper bound.

BAU scenario 2025 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -5% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -20%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV)
Electricity generation emission factor
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -3%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -5% 3%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -18% 10%
Indexed mileage (BEV)
Vehicle density multiplier -15% 14%
Maximum life expectancy -1% 6%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -4% 8%

Upper bound Lower bound

ICEV improve scenario 2025 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -2% 4%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -9% 15%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV)
Electricity generation emission factor
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -3% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -5% 3%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -19% 12%
Indexed mileage (BEV)
Vehicle density multiplier -15% 14%
Maximum life expectancy 4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -3% 7%

Upper bound Lower bound

BEV dominate scenario 2025 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -3% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -12%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) -2% 2%
Electricity generation emission factor -11% 15%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -5% 3%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -19% 12%
Indexed mileage (BEV) -1%
Vehicle density multiplier -16% 15%
Maximum life expectancy -3% 4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled -3% 4%
Fuel production emission factor -2% 5%

Upper bound Lower bound

Combined scenario 2025 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -5% 8%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (BEV) -2% 2%
Electricity generation emission factor -12% 16%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -5% 3%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -19% 12%
Indexed mileage (BEV) -1%
Vehicle density multiplier -16% 14%
Maximum life expectancy -1% 4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled -4% 4%
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

Fig. S-16 Sensitivity analysis results for total fleet LC GHG emissions in 2025. Blue bars indicate that the
ranking of scenarios changes when the respective parameter is at its lower or upper bound.

BAU scenario 2030 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -8% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -32% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -5% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -4% 3%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -18% 11%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -17% 16%
Maximum life expectancy -2% 14%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -5% 11%

Upper bound Lower bound

ICEV improve scenario 2030 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -4% 7%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -16% 27%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -4% 2%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -5% 3%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -19% 12%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -18% 16%
Maximum life expectancy -1% 8%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -4% 10%

Upper bound Lower bound

BEV dominate scenario 2030 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -3% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -11% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) -5% 6%
Electricity generation emission factor -24% 32%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -3% 2%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -4% 3%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -18% 12%
Indexed mileage (BEV) -5% 2%
Vehicle density multiplier -18% 17%
Maximum life expectancy -2% 1%
First-year vehicle distance travelled -9% 7%
Fuel production emission factor -2% 5%

Upper bound Lower bound

Combined scenario 2030 GHG emissions, Mton CO2 eq
6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -4% 7%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (BEV) -5% 6%
Electricity generation emission factor -26% 35%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -4% 2%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -4% 3%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -17% 11%
Indexed mileage (BEV) -5% 2%
Vehicle density multiplier -18% 17%
Maximum life expectancy -1% 3%
First-year vehicle distance travelled -10% 8%
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

Fig. S-17 Sensitivity analysis results for total fleet LC GHG emissions in 2030. Blue bars indicate that the
ranking of scenarios changes when the respective parameter is at its lower or upper bound.

BAU scenario 2015
GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​

Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -3% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% 2%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier ​ ​
Maximum life expectancy -4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -1% 1%

Upper bound Lower bound

ICEV improve scenario 2015 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -1% 2%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate ​ ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier ​ ​
Maximum life expectancy -5% ​
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -1% 1%

Upper bound Lower bound

BEV dominate scenario 2015 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -3% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate ​ ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% 2%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier ​ ​
Maximum life expectancy -4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -1% 1%

Upper bound Lower bound

Combined scenario 2015 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -1% 2%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate ​ ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier ​ ​
Maximum life expectancy -5% ​
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -1% 1%

Upper bound Lower bound

Fig. S-18 Sensitivity analysis results for LC GHG emissions per km in 2015.

BAU scenario 2020 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -3% ​

Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -10% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% 2%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier ​ 1%
Maximum life expectancy -4% 4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -2% 5%

Upper bound Lower bound

ICEV improve scenario 2020 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -4% 7%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) ​ 1%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -1% 1%
Maximum life expectancy -4% 6%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

BEV dominate scenario 2020 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -2% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -9% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​ ​
Electricity generation emission factor -2% 2%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -1% 1%
Maximum life expectancy -3% 4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

Combined scenario 2020 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -4% 6%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​ ​
Electricity generation emission factor -2% 2%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) ​ 1%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -1% 1%
Maximum life expectancy -4% 6%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

Fig. S-19 Sensitivity analysis results for LC GHG emissions per km in 2020. Blue bars indicate that the
ranking of scenarios changes when the respective parameter is at its lower or upper bound.

BAU scenario 2025
GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -5% ​

Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -20% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% 3%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier ​ 1%
Maximum life expectancy 3%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -4% 8%

Upper bound Lower bound

ICEV improve scenario 2025 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -2% 4%

Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -9% 15%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) ​ 1%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -1% 1%
Maximum life expectancy 4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled

Upper bound Lower bound

BEV dominate scenario 2025 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -3% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -12% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) -2% 2%
Electricity generation emission factor -11% 15%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) ​
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​ 1%
Vehicle density multiplier ​ ​
Maximum life expectancy 2%
First-year vehicle distance travelled -2% 3%
Fuel production emission factor -2% 5%

Upper bound Lower bound

Combined scenario 2025 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -5% 8%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) -2% 2%
Electricity generation emission factor -12% 16%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) ​ ​
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​ ​
Vehicle density multiplier -1% 1%
Maximum life expectancy 4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled -2%
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

Fig. S-20 Sensitivity analysis results for LC GHG emissions per km in 2025. Blue bars indicate that the
ranking of scenarios changes when the respective parameter is at its lower or upper bound.

BAU scenario 2030
GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -8% ​

Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -32% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -3% ​
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% 4%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier ​ ​
Maximum life expectancy -1% 4%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -5% 11%

Upper bound Lower bound

ICEV improve scenario 2030 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -4% 7%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -16% 27%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) ​
Electricity generation emission factor ​
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% 2%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) ​ ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) ​ 2%
Indexed mileage (BEV) ​
Vehicle density multiplier -1% 1%
Maximum life expectancy -2% 1%
First-year vehicle distance travelled
Fuel production emission factor -4% 10%

Upper bound Lower bound

BEV dominate scenario 2030 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -3% ​
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -11% ​
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) -5% 6%
Electricity generation emission factor -24% 32%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% 2%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% 1%
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -2% 1%
Indexed mileage (BEV) -1% 2%
Vehicle density multiplier -1% 1%
Maximum life expectancy -5% ​
First-year vehicle distance travelled -5% 4%
Fuel production emission factor -2% 5%

Upper bound Lower bound

Combined scenario 2030 GHG emissions, g CO2 eq/km
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Fuel consumption reduction rate (gasoline ICEV) -1% 2%
Fuel consumption reduction rate (diesel ICEV) -4% 7%
Electricity consumption reduction rate (BEV) -5% 6%
Electricity generation emission factor -26% 35%
Vehicle curb weight reduction rate -2% 2%
Indexed mileage (gasoline ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (diesel ICEV) -1% ​
Indexed mileage (BEV) -1% 2%
Vehicle density multiplier -1% 1%
Maximum life expectancy -3% 1%
First-year vehicle distance travelled -5% 3%
Fuel production emission factor -2% 4%

Upper bound Lower bound

Fig. S-21 Sensitivity analysis results for LC GHG emissions per km in 2030. Blue bars indicate that the
ranking of scenarios changes when the respective parameter is at its lower or upper bound.


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