Civil Specification

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Marketing Division, Head Office

Civil Work Specifications 2013

Volume - I
(Vol.- I)

1.0 GENERAL 04-06

2.0 EARTH WORK 07-39

3.0 MORTARS 40-54



6.0 BRICK WORK 158-188

7.0 STONE WORK 189-223

8.0 MARBLE WORK 224-239


10.0 STEEL WORK 313-341

11.0 FLOORING 342-369

12.0 ROOFING 370-405

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Clause No. Brief Description
1.1 References 4

1.2 Rates 4

1.3 Interpretations 4

1.4 Floor and Levels 4

1.5 Special Structures 4

1.6 Foundations and Plinth 4-5

1.7 Measurements 5

1.8 Materials 5

1.9 Safety in Construction 5

1.10 Abbreviations 6

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1.1 Reference m entioned her ein s hall be appl icable t o al l s ections t o the ex tent t he c ontext per mits
and ar e i ntended t o s upplement t he pr ovisions i n t he par ticular s ection. I n c ase of any
discrepancy/ deviation, the provisions in the particular section shall take precedence.

1.2 The rates f or al l i tems of w ork unl ess c learly s pecified ot herwise s hall i nclude c ost of al l l abour,
materials and other inputs involved in the execution of the items.


1.3.1 Wherever any r eference i s m ade t o any I ndian S tandard, i t s hall be t aken as r eference t o t he
latest edition with all amendments issued thereto. In the event of any variation between
these specifications and the Indian Standard, the former shall take precedence over the latter.

1.3.2 IS : The standards, specification and code of practices issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards.

1.3.3 Best: The word ‘best’ when used shall mean that in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, there is no
superior material/ article and workmanship obtainable in the market and trade respectively. As far as
possible the standard required shall be specified in preference to the word ‘best’.


1.4.1 Building Floor 1 is the lowest floor above the ground level in the building unless otherwise specified in a
particular case. The floors above floor 1 shall be numbered in sequence as floor 2, floor 3 and so
on. The number shall increase upwards. Floor level: For floor 1, top level of finished floor shall be t he floor level and f or all other floors
above floor 1, top level of the structural slabs shall be the floor level. Plinth level: Floor 1 level or 1.2 m above the ground level whichever is lower shall be the plinth level.

1.5 Special Structures

1.5.1 For structures like ret aining w alls, w ing w alls, c himneys, o ver he ad reservoirs/ tanks an d ot her
elevated structures, where elevations/ heights above a defined datum level have not been specified
and identification of floors cannot be done as in case of building. Level, at 1.2 m above the ground
level shall be the floor 1 level as well as plinth level. Level at a height of 3.5 m above floor 1 level
will be r eckoned as floor 2 level and level at a height of 3.5 m above the floor 2 level will be floor 3
level and so on, where the t otal hei ght abo ve floor 1 l evel i s not a w hole num ber multiple o f 3. 5
metre. T op m ost f loor level s hall be t he next i n sequence t o the floor level below e ven i f t he
difference in height between the two upper most floor levels is less than 3.5 metres


The work in foundation and plinth shall include:

(a) For buildings: All works upto 1.2 metre above ground level or upto floor 1 level whichever is lower:

(b) For abutments, piers and well steining: all works upto 1.2 m above the bed level:

(c) F or r etaining wall, wing w alls, c ompound walls, chimneys, over he ad r eservoirs/ tanks an d
other elevated structures: All works upto 1.2 metre above the ground level:

(d) F or res ervoirs/ t anks ( other t han ov erhead res ervoirs/ t anks): A ll works u pto 1. 2 m etre abov e
the ground level:

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(e) For basements: All works upto 1.2 m above ground level or upto floor 1 level whichever is lower.

Note: Specific provision shall be made in the estimate for such situations where the foundation
level is more than 3 (three) metre depth from the plinth for all types of structures mentioned


1.7.1 In booking di mensions, t he order s hall be c onsistent and i n t he sequence of l ength, w idth and
height or depth or thickness.

1.7.2 Rounding off : Rounding off w here required shall be do ne in acc ordance with IS: 2-1960. The
number of significant places rounded in the rounded off value should be as specified.

1.8.1 Samples of all materials to be used on t he work shall b e got ap proved by the contractor from the
Engineer-in-Charge well in time. The approved samples duly authenticated and sealed shall be kept
in the custody of the Engineer-in-Charge till the completion of the work. All materials to be provided
by the contractor shall be brand new and as per the samples approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

1.8.2 Materials o btained by the c ontractor f rom the s ources appr oved by the Corporation shall be
subjected t o t he M andatory t ests. Where s uch m aterials do no t conform t o t he re levant
specifications, the matter shall be taken up by the Engineer-in-Charge for appropriate action against
the defaulters. In all such cases, necessary documents in original and proof of payment relating to
the procurement of materials shall be made available by the contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge.

1.8.3 Samples, whether submitted for approval to govern bulk supplies or required for testing before use and
also the sample of materials bearing ‘Standard mark,’ if required for testing, shall be provided free of cost
by the contractor. All other incidental expenditure to be incurred for testing of samples e.g. packaging,
sealing transportation, loading, unloading etc. except testing charges shall be borne by the contractor.

1.8.4 The materials, supplied by the Department shall be deemed to be complying with the specifications.

1.8.5 Materials stored at s ite, de pending u pon t he i ndividual c haracteristics, s hall be p rotected f rom
atmospheric effects due to rain, sun, wind and moisture to avoid deterioration.

1.8.6 Materials l ike timber, pai nts et c. shall be stored i n such a w ay t hat t here may not be an y p ossibility
of f ire hazards. I nflammable m aterials and ex plosives s hall be s tored i n accordance w ith t he
relevant rules and regulations or as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in writing so as to ensure
desired safety during storage.

1.8.7 The unit weight of materials unless otherwise specified shall be reckoned as given in IS: 1911-1967.


1.9.1 The contractor shall employ only such methods of construction, tools and plant as are appropriate
for the type of work or as approved by Engineer-in-Charge in writing.

1.9.2 The contractor shall t ake al l pr ecautions and m easures t o ens ure s afety of w orks and w orkman
and s hall b e f ully r esponsible f or the s ame. S afety pe rtaining to c onstruction w orks such as
excavation, centering and shuttering, t renching, bl asting, dem olition, el ectric c onnections, s caffolds,
ladders, working platforms, gangway, mixing of bituminous materials, electric and gas welding,
use of hoisting and construction machinery shall be governed by IOCL safety code, relevant safety
codes and the direction of Engineer-in-Charge

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The f ollowing abb reviations w herever t hey a ppear in t he s pecifications, s hall have the meaning or
implication hereby assigned to them:

Mm Millimetre
Cm Centimetre
M Metre
Km Kilometre
Mm2/sqmm Square Milimetre
Cm2/sqcm Square centimetre
Dm2/sqdm Square decimetre
M2/sqm Square metre
Cm3/ cubic cm Cubic centimetre
Dm3/ cubic dm Cubic decimetre
M3/cum Cubic metre
Ml Millilitre
Kl Kilolitre
Gm Gram
Kg Kilogram
Q Quintal
T Tonne
Fps system Foot pound second system
°C Degree Celsius temperature
Fig Figure
Re/Rs Rupee/ Rupees
No Number
Dia Diameter
AC Asbestos cement
CI Cast Iron
GC Galvanised corrugated
GP Galvanised plain
GI Galvanised iron
PVC Polyvenyl chloride
RCC Reinforced cement concrete
SW Stone ware
SWG Standard wire Gauge

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2.0: Earth Work

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Cla us e No. Brief Des cription Page No .

List of Bureau of Indian Standard Codes 09

2.0 Definitions 10

2.1 Classification of Soils 10

2.2 Antiquities and Useful Materials 11

2.3 Protections 11

2.4 Site Clearance 11

2.5 Setting out and Making profiles 12

2.6 Blasting 12

2.7 Excavation in All kinds of soils 14

2.8 Excavation in Ordinary/ Hard rock 15

2.9 Earth work by mechanical means 16

2.10 Filling 18

2.11 Measurements 18

2.12 Rates 19

2.13 Surface Excavation 19

2.14 Rough Excavation and Filling 20

2.15 Excavation over Area (All kinds of Soil) 20

2.16 Excavation over Area (Ordinary/Hard rock) 20

2.17 Excavation in Trenches for Foundations and Drains (All kinds of Soil) 20

2.18 Excavation in Trenches for Foundation and Drains (Ordinary/ Hard rock) 21

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2.19 Excavation in Trenches for Pipes, Cables etc. and Refilling 21

2.20 Planking and Strutting 22

2.21 Excavation in Water, Mud or Foul position 23

2.22 Earth work for major works 24

2.23 Filling in Trenches, Plinth, under Floor etc. 25

2.24 Sand Filling in Plinth 25

2.25 Surface Dressing 26

2.26 Jungle Clearance 26

2.27 Felling Trees 27

2.28 Anti Termite Treatment 27

Fig. 2.1 The Design for Temporary Site Bench Mark 33

Fig. 2.2 Close and Open Planking and Strutting 34

Fig. 2.3 Anti-Termite Construction Stage 1 to 8 35
(i to viii)

Fig. 2.4 Anti-Termite Construction - Final Recommendations 39


S . No. I.S . N o. S ubje ct

1 IS 632 Gamma - BHC (Lindane) emulsifiable concentrates
2 IS 1200 (Pt 1) Method of measurement of earth work
3 IS 1200 (Pt-27) Method of measurement of earth work (by Mechanical
Appliances )
4 IS 4081 Safety code for Blasting and related drilling operation
5 IS 4988 (Part IV) Excavators
6 IS 6313 (pt-II) Anti Termite measures in buildings (pre -constructional)
7 IS 6313(pt.-III) Anti Termite Measures in Buildings for existing buildings
8 IS 6940 Methods of test for pesticides and their formulations
9 IS 8944 Chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrates
10 IS 8963 Chlorpyrifos - Technical specifications
11 IS 12138 Earth moving Equipments

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Deadmen or Tell Tales: Mounds of earth left undisturbed in pits dug out for borrowing earth

Burjis: Short pillars of br ick/ s tone having t op s urface f inished with c ement pl aster f or m arking et c.

Formation or Profile: Final shape of the ground after excavation or filling up.

Foul c ondition: Filthy an d unh ygienic c onditions w here ph ysical movements are h ampered s uch as s oil
mixed with sewage or night soil.

Lead : All distances s hall b e m easured ov er t he s hortest practical r oute and no t nec essarily t he rou te
actually t aken. R oute o ther t han s hortest pr actical r oute m ay be c onsidered i n c ases of unav oidable
circumstances and approved by Engineer-in-charge along with reasons in writing.

Carriage by manual labour shall be reckoned in units of 50 metres or part thereof.

Carriage by animal and m echanical t ransport shall be reckoned i n one km. unit. D istances of 0.5 km. or
more shall be taken as 1 km. and distance of less than 0.5 km. shall be ignored. However, when the
total lead is less than 0.5 km., it will not be ignored but paid for separately in successive stages of 50
metres subject to the condition that the rate worked on this basis does not exceed the rate for initial lead of
1 km. by mechanical/animal transport.

Lift: The v ertical distance for r emoval with ref erence to t he ground le vel. The excavation up to 1 .5
metres dept h below t he ground l evel and depos iting t he ex cavated m aterials upt o 1. 5 m etres above t he
ground level are included in the rate of earth work. Lifts inherent in the lead due to ground slope shall not
be paid for.

Safety rules: Safety rules as laid down by the statutory authority and as provided in General Conditions
Contract shall be followed.


2.1.0 The earthwork s hall be c lassified under the f ollowing categories and m easured s eparately f or each

(a) All kind of soils: Generally any strata, such as sand, gravel, loam, clay, mud, black cotton
moorum, shingle, river or nallah bed boulders, siding of roads, paths etc. and hard core,
macadam surface of any description (water bound, grouted tarmac etc.), lime concrete mud
concrete and their mixtures which for excavation yields to application of picks, showels, jumper,
sacrifiers, ripper and other manual digging implements.

(b) Ordinary rock: Generally any rock which can be excavated by splitting with crow bars or picks
and does not require blasting, wedging or similar means for excavation such as lime stone, sand
stone, hard laterite, hard conglomerate and un-reinforced cement concrete below ground level.

If required l ight blasting may be resorted to for loosening t he materials but this will not i n an y way
entitle the material to be classified as ‘Hard rock’.

(c) Hard rock: Generally any rock or boulder for the excavation of which blasting is required such as
quartzite, granite, basalt, reinforced cement concrete (reinforcement to be cut through but not
separated from concrete) below ground level and the like.

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(d) Hard rock (blasting prohibited): Hard rock requiring blasting as described under (c) but where
the blasting is prohibited for any reason and excavation has to be carried out by chiselling,
wedging, use of rock hammers and cutters or any other agreed method.


2.2.1 Any finds of a rchaeological interest such a s relics of a ntiquity, coins, fossils o r other articles o f
value shall be delivered to the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be the property of the Government.

2.2.2 Any material obt ained from t he ex cavation w hich i n t he opi nion o f t he E ngineer-in-Charge i s u seful
shall b e s tacked separately i n regular s tacks as d irected b y t he Engineer-in-Charge a nd s hall be t he
property of the Corporation.

2.3.1 Excavation where directed by the Engineer-in-Charge s hall be s ecurely barri caded and pro vided
with proper caution signs, conspicuously displayed during the day and properly illuminated with red
lights a nd/or writte n us ing fluore s ce nt re fle ctive pa int a s dire cte d by e ngine e r in cha rge during the night to
avoid accident.

2.3.2 The C ontractor shall t ake adequate pr otective m easures t o see that t he ex cavation o perations d o
not damage the adjoining structures or dislocate the services. Water supply pipes, sluice va lve
chambers, s ewerage pi pes, m anholes, dr ainage pipes and c hambers, c ommunication c ables, pow er
supply c ables e tc. m et within th e course of excavation shall be p roperly su pported a nd a dequately
protected, so that these services remain functional. However, if any service is damaged during
excavation shall be restored in reasonable time.

2.3.3 Excavation s hall not be c arried out below the foundation level of the adjacent buildings until
underpinning, s horing et c. i s done as per t he di rections of t he E ngineer-in-Charge f or w hich pay ment
shall be made separately.

2.3.4 Any damages done by the contractor to any existing work shall be made good by him at his own
cost. E xisting dr ains pi pes, c ulverts, ov er he ad w ires, w ater s upply l ines and s imilar s ervices
encountered d uring t he course of ex ecution shall be prot ected against d amage by t he c ontractor. T he
contractor shall not store material or otherwise occupy any part of the site in manner likely to hinder the
operations of such services.


2.4.1 Before the earth work is started, the area coming under cutting and filling shall be cleared of
shrubs, rank vegetation, grass, brushwood, trees and saplings of girth up to 30cm measured at a height of
one metre ab ove gr ound level an d rubbish removed up t o a distance of 50 metres out side the
periphery of t he ar ea u nder c learance. T he ro ots o f t rees and saplings s hall be r emoved t o a d epth o f
60cm bel ow ground l evel or 30 c m bel ow f ormation l evel or 15 c m bel ow s ub grade l evel, w hichever i s
lower, and the holes or hollows filled up with the earth, rammed and levelled.

2.4.2 The trees of girth above 30 cm measured at a height of one metre above ground shall be cut only
after permission of the Engineer-in-Charge is obtained in writing. T he roots of trees shall a lso be
removed a s s pecified i n 2.4.1. p ayment f or c utting s uch t rees a nd r emoving t he r oots shall be m ade

2.4.3 Existing s tructures an d s ervices s uch a s ol d bu ildings, c ulverts, fencing, w ater s upply pipe l ines,
sewers, power cables, communication cables, drainage pipes etc. within or adjacent to the area if
required to b e diverted/removed, s hall b e diverted/dismantled as p er directions of t he Engineer-in-
Charge and payment for such diversion/dismantling works shall be made separately.

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2.4.4 In case of archaeological m onuments w ithin or adjacent to the area, t he contractor shall provide
necessary f encing all-round such monuments as per the di rections o f t he E ngineer-in-Charge and pr otect
the same properly during execution of works. Payment for providing fencing shall be made separately.

2.4.5 Lead of 50 m mentioned in the ‘Schedule Of Quantities’ is the average lead for the disposal of
excavated ea rth within the site of work. T he actual lead for the lead for the disposal of ea rth m ay be
more or less than the 50 m for which no cost adjustment shall be made in the rates.

2.4.6 Disposal of Earth shall be di sposed off at the specified location or a s d ecided b y the Engineer-in-
Charge. The contractor has to take written permission about place of disposal of earth before the earth is
disposed off, from Engineer-in-Charge.


2.5.1 A masonry pillar to serve as a bench mark will be erected at a suitable point in the area, which is
visible from the largest area. This bench mark shall be constructed as per Fig. 2.1 and connected with
the standard bench mark as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Necessary profiles with strings
stretched on pegs, bamboos or ‘ Burjis’ s hall be m ade t o i ndicate t he c orrect formation l evels bef ore t he
work i s s tarted. The c ontractor s hall s upply l abour and material f or c onstructing be nch mark, s etting o ut
and m aking pr ofiles an d c onnecting b ench m ark with t he s tandard bench m ark at hi s ow n c ost. T he
pegs, b amboos or ‘ Burjis’ and t he b ench m ark s hall be m aintained b y t he contractor at hi s o wn cost
during the excavation to check the profiles.

2.5.2 The ground levels shall be taken at 5 to 15 metres intervals (as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge) in uni formly sloping g round and at closer intervals w here local m ounds, pi ts or undulations are
met w ith. T he ground l evels s hall be r ecorded i n f ield book s and pl otted on pl ans. T he pl ans s hall be
drawn to a scale of 5 metres to one cm or any other suitable scale decided by the Engineer-in-Charge.
North di rection l ine and pos ition o f bench mark shall i nvariable be shown on the pl ans. These pl ans s hall
be signed b y the c ontractor an d the E ngineer-in-Charge or their au thorized rep resentatives before t he
earth work is started. The labour required for taking levels shall be s upplied by the contractor at his own

2.6.0 Where hard rock is met with and bl asting operations are considered necessary, the contractor shall
obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge in writing for resorting to blasting operation.

Note: In ordinary rock blasting operations shall not be generally adopted. However, the contractor
may res ort t o bl asting w ith t he perm ission of t he E ngineer-in-charge, but not hing ex tra s hall be pai d f or
such blasting operations.

The contractor shall obtain license from the competent authority for undertaking blasting work as well as
for obt aining and storing t he ex plosive as pe r t he E xplosive A ct, 1884 as am ended up to dat e and the
Explosive R ules, 1983. The c ontractor s hall purchase t he explosives fuses, detonators, et c. o nly from a
licensed dealer. The contractor shall be responsible for the safe transportation, storage and custody as per
explosive rules and proper accounting of the explosive materials. Fuses and detonators shall be stored
separately and away from the explosives. The Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized
representative shall have the right to check the contractor’s store and account of explosives. The
contractor shall provide necessary facilities for this.

The c ontractor s hall be r esponsible f or any dam age ar ising out of ac cident t o w orkmen, publ ic or
property due to storage, transportation and use of explosive during blasting operation.

2.6.1 Blasting operations shall be c arried out under the supervision of a res ponsible authorized agent of
the contractor (referred subsequently as agent only), during specified hours as approved in writing by

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the E ngineer-in-Charge. The age nt s hall be c onversant w ith t he r ules o f bl asting. I n case o f bl asting w ith
dynamite or any other high explosive, the position of all the bore holes to be drilled shall be marked in
circles w ith white pai nt. These s hall be i nspected b y t he contractor’s agent . B ore hol es s hall be o f a size
that t he c artridge c an eas ily pas s do wn. After t he d rilling operat ion, t he age nt s hall i nspect t he hol es t o
ensure t hat dri lling has been done onl y at t he m arked l ocations and no ex tra hol e has been drilled. The
agent shall t hen prepare the necessary c harge separately for each bore hole. T he bore holes s hall b e
thoroughly c leaned be fore a c artridge i s i nserted. O nly c ylindrical w ooden t amping rods shall be us ed for
tamping. Met al rods or rods hav ing poi nted ends s hall nev er be us ed for tamping. O ne c artridge s hall be
placed i n t he bore hol e and gently pressed but not ram med dow n. O ther c artridges s hall t hen be added
as may be required to make up the necessary charge for the bore hole. The top most cartridge shall be
connected to the detonator which shall in turn be connected to the safety fuses of required length. All
fuses s hall b e c ut t o t he l ength r equired bef ore b eing i nserted i nto t he hol es. J oints i n f uses s hall b e
avoided. Where joints are unavoidable a semi-circular nitch shall be cut in one piece of fuse about 2 cm
deep from t he end and t he en d of oth er piece inserted into th e nitc h. T he two pi eces sh all th en be
wrapped together with string. All joints exposed to dampness shall be wrapped with rubber tape.

The maximum of eight bore holes s hall be l oaded and f ired at one oc casion. T he charges shall b e
fired successively and not simultaneously. Immediately before firing, warning shall be given and the
agent shall see that a ll p ersons have retired to a p lace of safety. The safety fuses of the charged holes
shall be ignited in the presence of the agent, who shall see that all the fuses are properly ignited.

Careful count shall be kept by the agent and others of each blast as it explodes. In case all the
charged bore holes have exploded, the ag ent shall inspect the site soon after the blast b ut in case of
misfire the agent shall inspect the site after half an hour and mark red crosses (X) over the holes which
have not ex ploded. D uring t his i nterval of hal f an hour, nobody s hall appr oach t he m isfired hol es. N o
driller shall work near such bore until either of the following operations have been done by the agent for
the misfired boreholes.

(a) The contractor’s agent shall very carefully (when the tamping is of damp clay) extract the
tamping with a wooden scraper and withdraw the fuse, primer and detonator. After this a fresh
detonator, primer and fuse shall be placed in the misfired holes and fired, or

(b) The holes shall be cleaned for 30 cm of tamping and its direction ascertained by placing a stick in
the hole. Another hole shall then be drilled 15 cm away and parallel to it. This hole shall be
charged and fired. The misfired holes shall also explode along with the new one.

Before leaving the site of work, the agent of one s hift shall inform the another agent relieving him for
the next shift, of any case of misfire and each such location shall be jointly inspected and the action to be
taken in the matter shall be explained to the relieving agent.

The Engineer-in-Charge shall al so be i nformed by t he agent o f al l c ases o f misfires, their c auses an d

steps taken in that connection.

2.6.2 General Precautions

For t he s afety of per sons red f lags s hall be prom inently di splayed around t he area w here bl asting
operations are t o be c arried out . A ll t he w orkers at s ite, ex cept t hose w ho a ctually i gnite t he f use, s hall
withdraw to a s afe d istance o f a t least 20 0 m etres from the b lasting s ite. Audio w arning by b lowing
whistle shall be given before igniting the fuse.

Blasting work shall b e d one u nder c areful supervision and t rained p ersonnel shall be em ployed.
Blasting shall not be done w ith i n 200 metres o f an existing structure, unl ess s pecifically per mitted b y t he
Engineer-in-Charge in writing.

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All p rocedures a nd s afety p recautions f or t he u se of explosives drilling and l oading of explosives
drilling and loading of explosives before and after shot firing and disposal of explosives shall be taken by the
contractor as detailed in IS 4081, safety code for blasting and related drilling operation.

2.6.3 Precautions against Misfire

The safety fuse shall be cut in an ob lique d irection with a knife. All saw dust shall b e cleared from
inside of the detonator. T his c an be done by bl owing down t he detonator and t apping t he open end. No
tools shall be inserted into the detonator for this purpose.

If there is water present or if the bore hole is damp, the junction of the fuse and detonator shall be
made water tight by means of tough grease or any other suitable material.

The det onator s hall be i nserted i nto t he c artridge s o t hat about one third of t he c opper t ube i s l eft
exposed out side the e xplosive. The safety fuse just abov e the det onator s hall be securely t ied in pos ition
in the cartridge. Water proof fuse only shall be used in the damp bore hole or when water is present in
the bore hole.

If a m isfire has been f ound t o be due t o def ective f use, det onator or dy namite, t he ent ire
consignment from which the fuse detonator or dynamite was taken s hall be got inspected by the
Engineer-in-Charge or hi s aut horized r epresentative b efore r esuming th e blas ting or r eturning the


2.7.1 All ex cavation operat ions m anually or by m echanical m eans s hall i nclude ex cavation an d ‘ getting
out’ t he ex cavated m aterials. I n c ase of ex cavation f or t renches, bas ements, w ater t anks et c. ‘ getting
out’ shall include throwing the excavated materials at a distance of at least one metre or half the depth of
excavation, whichever i s m ore, clear off t he edge of ex cavation. In a ll o ther c ases ‘getting ou t’ s hall
include de positing the ex cavated m aterials a s s pecified. T he s ubsequent d isposal o f the ex cavated
material shall be either stated as a separate item or included with the items of excavation stating lead.

2.7.2 During the excavation the natural drainage of the area shall be maintained. Excavation shall be
done from top to bottom. Undermining or undercutting shall not be done.

2.7.3 In firm soils, the sides of the trenches shall be kept vertical upto a depth of 2 metres from the
bottom. F or g reater d epths, t he excavation p rofiles s hall be w idened b y al lowing s teps of 50 c ms on
either s ide a fter ev ery 2 m etres from the bo ttom. A lternatively, the ex cavation c an be do ne s o as to
give s lope of 1: 4 (1 h orizontal : 4 vertical). W here the s oil is s oft, loose o r slushy, the w idth of steps
shall be suitably increased or sides sloped or t he s oil s hored up as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge. It s hall be the res ponsibility of the contractor to tak e c omplete instructions in writing f rom
the E ngineer-in-Charge regarding t he stepping , s loping or s horing t o be d one f or e xcavation deep er
than 2 metres.

2.7.4 The excavation s hall be done true to levels, slope, shape and pat tern indicated by the Engineer-in-
Charge. Only the excavation shown on the drawings with additional allowances for centering and
shuttering or as required by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be measured and recorded for payment.

2.7.5 In case of excavation for foundation in trenches or over areas, the bed of excavation shall be to the
correct l evel or s lope and c onsolidated by w atering and ramming. I f t he e xcavation f or f oundation i s
done t o a dep th great er t han t hat s hown in t he dra wings or as requi red by t he E ngineer-in-Charge, t he
excess dept h shall be made good b y t he contractor at hi s ow n cost with t he c oncrete o f the mix u sed for
levelling/ b ed c oncrete f or f oundations. Soft/defective spots at the bed of t he f oundations s hall be d ug
out and filled with concrete (to be paid separately) as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

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2.7.6 While carrying out the excavation for drain work care shall b e taken to cut the side and bot tom to
the r equired s hape, s lope and gradient. T he s urface s hall t hen be p roperly dressed. I f t he excavation i s
done t o a dept h grea ter t han t hat s hown on t he dr awing or as req uired by t he E ngineer-in-Charge, t he
excess dept h s hall be made good by the contractor at his o wn cost with s tiff clay puddle at places where
the drains are required to be pitched and with ordinary earth, properly watered and rammed, where the
drains are n ot r equired to be pitched. In case the d rain is r equired is to b e pitched, the b ack filling with
clay p uddle, i f requ ired, s hall be done simultaneously a s t he p itching work p roceeds. T he bri ck pi tched
storm water drains should be avoided as far as possible in filled-up areas and loose soils.

2.7.7 In all other cases where t he ex cavation is taken dee per b y t he contractor, it shall be br ought to the
required l evel by t he c ontractor at hi s ow n c ost by f illing i n with ear th dul y watered, c onsolidated an d

2.7.8 In case the excavation is done wider than that shown on the drawings or as required by the
Engineer-in-Charge, additional filling wherever required on the account shall be done by the contractor at
his own cost.

2.7.9 The excavation shall be done manually or b y mechanical means as directed b y Engineer-in-charge
considering feasibility, ur gency of work, availability of l abour /mechanical eq uipments and ot her f actors
involved. C ontractor s hall ens ure every s afety measures f or t he w orkers. Neither any deduction w ill be
made nor any extra payment will be made on this account.


2.8.1 All excavation op erations s hall include ex cavation an d ‘ getting out’ t he ex cavated m atter. I n c ase of
excavation for trenches, basements, water tanks etc. ‘getting out’ shall include throwing the excavated
materials at a distance of at least one metre or half the depth of excavation, whichever is more, clear off
the edge or excavation. In all other cases ‘getting out’ shall include depositing the excavated materials as
specified. The subsequent disposal of the excavated material shall be ei ther stated as a s eparate item
or included with the item of excavation stating lead.

2.8.2 During the excavation, the natural drainage of the area shall be m aintained. E xcavation shall be
done from top to bottom. Undermining or under cutting shall not be done.

2.8.3 Where hard rock is met with and bl asting operations are considered necessary, the contractor shall
obtain t he approval of the Engineer-in-Charge i n w riting f or r esorting t o t he bl asting o perations. B lasting
operations shall be done as specified in Para 2.6 and chiselling shall be done to obtain correct levels,
slopes, s hape and pattern of ex cavation as per t he draw ings or a s requi red by t he Engineer-in-Charge
and nothing extra shall be payable for chiselling.

2.8.4 Where blasting operations are prohibited or are not practicable, excavation in hard rock shall be
done by chiselling.

2.8.5 In o rdinary rock e xcavation shall be c arried out by c rowbars, pick ax es or pneum atic drills an d
blasting op eration s hall n ot be gene rally adop ted. Where bl asting ope rations are not pro hibited a nd i t i s
practicable to resort to blasting for excavation in ordinary rock, contractor may do so with the permission of
the Engineer-in-Charge in writing but nothing extra shall be paid for this blasting. Blasting shall be done
as specified in Para 2.6.

2.8.6 If the excavation for foundations or drains is done to a depth greater than that s hown in the
drawings o r as req uired by the E ngineer-in-Charge. T he ex cess dep th s hall be m ade good by the
contractor at hi s o wn c ost w ith the c oncrete of t he mix us ed f or levelling/ be d c oncrete f or f oundations.
Soft/ defective spots at t he bed of fo undations s hall b e dug out and fi lled with c oncrete (t o be p aid
separately) as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

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2.8.7 In all other cases where t he ex cavation i s taken deeper by the contractor, it shall be br ought to the
required l evel b y th e c ontractor at his own c ost by fil ling w ith earth d uly w atered, consolidated and

2.8.8 In case the excavation is done wider than that shown on the drawings or as required by the
Engineer-in-Charge, f illing w herever required on t his ac count s hall be do ne by t he c ontractor at hi s own

2.8.9 Only the excavation s hown on the dr awings or as required b y the E ngineer-in-Charge s hall be
measured and rec orded f or pay ment ex cept i n c ase of hard ro ck, where b lasting o perations ha ve bee n
resorted t o, e xcavation s hall be measured t o th e act ual l evels, pr ovided t he E ngineer-in-Charge i s
satisfied that the contractor has not gone deeper than what was unavoidable.

2.8.10 The e xcavation s hall be d one m anually or by m echanical m eans as des ired by E ngineer-in-
Charge considering feasibility, urgency of work, availability of labour /mechanical equipments and other
factors i nvolved C ontractor s hall en sure e very s afety m easures f or t he workers. Neither an y de duction
will be made nor any extra payment will be made on this account.


Earth w ork b y m echanical means i nvolves c areful pl anning keeping i n v iew s ite conditions i .e. t ype o f
soil, nature of excavation, distances through which excavated soil is to be transported and working
space av ailable for em ploying these m achines. T he ea rth m oving equ ipment s hould be ac cordingly

The earth moving equipment consists of excavating and transporting equipment. Excavating
equipments may be further classified as excavators and tractor based equipments.

2.9.1 Excavators
Excavators generally used at site are as follows:
(i) Dipper-shovel : It is used for excavating against a face or bank consisting of open-top bucket or
dipper with a bottom opening door, fixed to an arm or dipper stick which slides and pivots on the
jib of the crane. It is suitable for excavating all clay chalk and friable materials and for handling
rock and stone. However, it is not suitable for surface excavation for which a skimmer is used.

(ii) Backhoe : It is similar to face shovel except that the dipper stick pivots on the end of the jib and
the dipper or bucket works towards the chassis and normally has no bottom door but is emptied
by swinging away from the chassis to invert the bucket. It may be designed to carry both a front
-mounted bucket loading mechanism and a rear mounted backhoe. It is mainly used to
excavate trenches and occasionally used for the excavation of open areas such as small

In t he bac khoe mode t he buc ket l ifts, s wings and di scharges materials while t he under carriage i s
stationary. W hen us ed i n t he ‘ loader’ m ode, the machine l oads or ex cavated t hrough f orward
motion of the machine, and lifts, transports and discharges materials.

(iii) Skimmer : This arrangement is similar to the face shovel except that in this case the bucket
slides on rollers directly along the jib and thus has a more restricted movement. It is used for
surface excavation and levelling in conjunction with transport to haul away the excavated

(iv) Dragline : It is usually fitted with a long slender boom or jib and the bucket, which in operation
faces towards the machine and has no door, is supported by cable only as on a crane. It works
from the side of the excavation at normal ground level and is used for excavating large open
excavations such as basements when the depth is beyond the limit of the boom of a backhoe. It
is commonly used for open cast mining operations.

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(v) Clamshell : It consists of two hinged half-buckets or jaws pivoted to a frame which is suspended
by cable from a long jib of an excavation. The grab is used for deep excavations of limited area
on all types of soil except rock. Crane and Grab is a variant of this type of equipment.

2.9.2 Tractor-based Equipment

It i s a se lf-propelled crawler or wheeled machine used to exert a pus h or pull force through
mounted eq uipment. I t i s d esigned ei ther as a ttachments t o no rmal t racked o r w heeled t ractors o r as
machines i n w hich t he ear th m oving at tachments and t he t ractor ar e designed as a s ingle i ntegrated
unit. A tractor, which is hydraulically operated, can be rigged as :

(i) Loaders : It is used for loading, light dozing, scraping and grabbing operations, lifting and
transporting the materials (loose earth, rubble, sand, gravel aggregate etc) at various sites
through forward motion of the machine.

(ii) Tractor Shovel : This consists of a tipping bucket at the front attached by strong pivoted arms or
booms to the frame of the machine. It is used for stripping top soil, excavating against a face,
bulldozing and for loading spoil or loose materials. It is similar to crawler dipper-shovel.

(iii) Trench D igger : It operates on the same principle as a backhoe excavator except that the
bucket is controlled by hydraulic rams instead of cables and pulleys.

(iv) Scraper : Scrapers provide unique capability to excavate, load, haul and dump materials.
Scrapers are available in various capacities by a number of manufacturers with options such as
self - loading with elevators, twin engines or push-pull capability. They are cost effective where
the haul distance is too long for bulldozers, yet too short for trucks. This distance typically
ranges from 120 m to 1200 m; however, the economics should be evaluated for each project.

Scraper has an ope n bo wl with a c utting ed ge po sitioned bet ween t he a xles, w hich cuts, loads,
transports, di scharges and s preads t hrough f orward m otion of t he machine. Loadi ng t hrough
forward m otion of the machine c an be as sisted by a pow ered m echanism (elevator) f ixed t o t he
scraper bowl.

(v) Bulldozer and Angle-dozer : The most common equipment used for clearing and levelling
activities is a bulldozer. The terms bulldozer is used to define a tractor mounted with a dozing

The b ulldozer consists o f a r ectangular st eel b lade with r enewable cutting e dge s et at right
angles ( capable o f o nly tilting b ut no t ang ling) to the d irection o f travel a nd attached by s teel
arms to the side frames of a crawler tractor. It m ay be used for excavating natural soil or for
moving loose soil or debris, which is pushed forward as the tractor forces it ahead.

(vi) Angledozer is capable of both tilting and angling

2.9.3 Transporting Equipment

This implies horizontal movement primarily but it can involve some vertical movement too.
(i) Dumpers : These are self-propelled wheeled machines, having an open body. It is designed for
the transport of excavated materials and consists of a shallow tipping hopper or skip mounted on
a wheeled chassis, such as, power barrow, dumper, multi-skip dumpers, high discharge
dumpers, dump truck, etc. These can be rear dump, side dump or bottom dump.

(ii) Vibratory Roller : It is a single Drum Vibratory Roller for compaction of embankments, etc. The
smooth drum version is for compaction of granular and mixed soil. The sheepsfoot Roller
consists of a hallow cylindrical steel drum or drums on which projecting feet are mounted. These

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feet penetrate into the fill as a rol ler moves forward and c ause compaction. T he geometry of the
foot may be sheep, club pyramid, cone or cylinder foot. Such rollers are employed for compaction
(densification) of cohesive and semi-cohesive soils.

2.10.1 The earth used for filling shall be f ree from all roots, grass, shrubs, r ank vegetation, brushwood,
tress, sapling and rubbish.

2.10.2 Filling with excavated earth shall be done in regular horizontal layers each not exceeding 20 cm in
depth. All lu mps an d cl ods ex ceeding 8 cm i n a ny dir ection sh all b e br oken. E ach l ayer sh all be
watered and consolidated with s teel r ammer or ½ t onne roller. Where specified, ev ery t hird and top must
layer s hall a lso be consolidated w ith power roller of minimum 8 tonnes. W herever depth of filling
exceeds 1.5 metre vibratory power roller shall be used to consolidate the filing unless otherwise directed by
Engineer-in-charge. The top and sides of filling shall be n eatly dressed. The contractor shall make good
all subsidence and shrinkage i n ear th fillings, e mbankments, t raverses e tc. dur ing ex ecution and till t he
completion of work unless otherwise specified.

2.11.1 The length and breadth of excavation or filling shall be measured with a s teel tape correct to the
nearest c m. T he dept h of c utting or hei ght of f illing s hall be m easured, c orrect t o 5 m m, by recording
levels bef ore t he start of the w ork and af ter t he c ompletion of the w ork. T he c ubical c ontents s hall be
worked out to the nearest two places of decimal in cubic metres. In case of open footings up to the depth of 1.5 metres, all-round excavation of 30 cm. beyond
the o uter di mension of f ooting shall b e m easured for payment t o m ake al lowances f or centering a nd
shuttering. A ny additional excavation beyond t his l imit s hall be at t he ri sk and c ost of the c ontractor and
shall not be measured for payment. In case of open footings/Rafts at a depth of more than 1.5 metre, all-round excavation of 75 cm
shall be m easured f or pa yment to m ake al lowance f or c entering and s huttering. A dditional ex cavation
beyond this limit shall be at the risk and cost of the contractor and shall not be measured for payment.

2.11.2 In case the ground is fairly uniform and where the site is not required to be l evelled, the
Engineer-in-Charge m ay permit t he measurements of dept h of c utting or height of f illing w ith s teel t ape,
correct t o t he near est cm. In case o f bor row pi ts, di agonal r idges, c ross ridges o r dead -men, the position
of which s hall b e f ixed by t he E ngineer-in-Charge, shall be l eft by t he c ontractor t o p ermit accurate
measurements bei ng t aken w ith s teel t ape on the c ompletion of t he w ork D eduction of s uch ri dges an d
dead men shall be made from the measurements unless the same are required to be removed later on
and t he e arth s o r emoved i s ut ilized i n t he w ork. I n t he l atter c ase not hing ex tra w ill be paid f or t heir
removal as subsequent operation.

2.11.3 Where ordinary rock and hard rock is mixed. The measurement of the excavation shall be made as
specified i n 2. 11.1 and 2.11.2 T he t wo k inds of r ock s hall be s tacked s eparately and m easured i n
stacks. T he net quant ity of t he two k inds of rocks s hall be ar rived at by appl ying deduc tion of 50% to
allow for voids in stacks. If the sum of net quantity of two kinds of rocks exceeds the total quantity of the
excavated material, then the quantity for each type of rock shall be worked out from the total quantity in the
ratio of net quan tities in stack m easurements o f the two types o f rocks. If in the op inion of t he
Engineering-in-charge stacking is not feasible, the quantity of ordinary and hard rock shall be worked out by
means of cross-sectional measurements.

2.11.4 Where soil, ordi nary roc k and har d roc k are m ixed, t he measurements f or t he ent ire ex cavation
shall be made as s pecified i n 2. 11.1 and 2. 11.2 E xcavated m aterials c omprising ha rd rock and ordinary
rock shall be stacked separately, measured, and each reduced by 50% to allow for voids to arrive at the

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quantity payable under hard rock and ordinary rock. The difference between the entire excavation and the
sum of t he quantities payable und er ha rd rock and or dinary roc k shall be pa id for as ex cavation in
ordinary soil or hard soil as the case may be.

2.11.5 Where it is not possible or convenient to m easure the depth of cutting by recording levels as
specified i n 2. 11.1 quantity of excavation s hall b e worked out from f illing. The ac tual measurements of
the fill shall be calculated by taking levels of the original ground before start of the work after site
clearance and after compaction of the fill as specified and the quantity of earth work so computed shall
be reduced by 10% in case of consolidated fills and by 5% in case the consolidation is done by heavy
mechanical m achinery t o arrive at t he net quant ity of ex cavation for pa yment. N o s uch d eduction s hall,
however, be made in case of consolidation by heavy mechanical machinery at optimum moisture
content, or when the consolidated filling is in confined situations such as under floors.

2.11.6. Recording Measurements for Earth Levelling Work Level B ooks: In case of levelling operations and earthwork, measurements are required to be
recorded in level bo oks in add ition to M easurement B ooks. T he Lev el B ooks s hould be nu mbered,
accounted for and handled like Measurement Books. Preparatory Works: Before starting the earth work, following steps should be taken :
(1) Original ground levels should be recorded in the Level Book in the presence of the contractor
or his authorized representative, and should be signed by him and the site engineer who records
the levels.
(2) Plans showing initial levels, location of bench marks and reduced levels, should be prepared
and s igned b y bot h t he parties and at tached t o t he agreement bef ore c ommencement of t he
work. Final Levels

(1) On completion of work, the levels should again be recorded in the Level Book and the
contractor’s signatures obtained.
(2) T he f ormation l evels as per f inal ex ecution of the w ork s hould be c ompared w ith t he proposed
formation levels and the work got rectified within permissible tolerance.

2.12 RATES
2.12.1 Rates for Earthwork shall include the following:
(a) Excavation and depositing excavated material as specified.
(b) Handing of antiquities and useful material as specified on 2.2.
(c) Protection as specified in 2.3.
(d) Site clearance as specified in 2.4.
(e) Setting out and making profiles as specified in 2.5.
(f) Forming (or leaving) dead - men or ‘Tell Tales’ in borrow pits and their removal after
(g) Bailing out or pumping of rain water from excavations.
(h) Initial lead of 50 m and lift of 1.5 m.
(i) Blasting operations for hard rock as specified in 2.6.

2.12.2 No deduction shall be m ade from the rate if in the opinion of the Engineer- in-charge, operations
specified in 2.12.1 (b) to (h) are not required to be carried out on any account whatsoever.


2.13.1 Excavations exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm. on pl an but not exceeding 30 cm. in depth in
all types of soils and rocks shall be described as surface excavation and shall be done as specified in 2.7
and 2.8.

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2.13.1 Measurements
The length and breadth shall be m easured w ith a s teel t ape c orrect to t he nearest cm. and t he area
worked out to the nearest two places of decimal in square metres.

2.13.3 Rate shall be as specified in 2.12.


2.14.1 Excavation for ea rth from borrow pits, cutting hill side slopes etc. shall be described a s rough
excavation and shall be done as specified in 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9.

2.14.2 Wherever filling is to b e done, the earth from e xcavation shall b e directly u sed for filling a nd n o
payment f or doubl e hand ling of ear th s hall be adm issible. F illing of ex cavated ear th shall be done as
specified i n 2 .10. In case o f hill side cu tting, w here th e excavated m aterials is th rown d own t he hill
slopes, payment for filling excavated earth shall not be admissible.

2.14.3 Measurements shall be as specified in 2.11.

2.14.4 Rates shall be as specified in 2.12.


2.15.1 This shall comprise:
(a) Excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan and exceeding 30 cm in depth.
(b) Excavation for basements, water tanks etc.
(c) Excavation in trenches exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan.

2.15.2 Excavation shall be done as specified in 2.7.

2.15.3 Measurements shall be as specified in 2.11.

2.15.4 Rates shall be as specified in 2.12.


2.16.1 This shall comprise:
(a) Excavation exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan and exceeding 30 cm in depth.
(b) Excavation for basements, water tanks etc.
(c) Excavation in trenches exceeding 1.5 m in width and 10 sqm on plan.

2.16.2 Excavation shall be done as specified in 2.8 and 2.9.

2.16.3 Measurements shall be done as specified in 2.11.

2.16.4 Rates shall be as specified in 2.12.

2.17.1 This shall comprise excavation not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan and to any depth in
trenches (excluding trenches for pipes, cables, conduits etc.)

2.17.2 Excavation shall be done as specified in 2.7.

2.17.3 Measurements shall be as specified in 2.11.

2.17.4 Rates shall be as specified in 2.12.

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2.18.1 This shall comprise excavation not exceeding 1.5m in width or 10 sqm. On plan and to any depth in
trenches (excluding trenches for pipes, cables, conduits etc.)
2.18.2 Excavation shall be done as specified in 2.8. and 2.9.

2.18.3 Measurements shall be as specified in 2.11.

2.18.4 Rates shall be as specified in 2.12.


2.19.1 This shall comprise excavation not exceeding 1.5 mts in width or 10 sqm in plan and to any
depth t renches for pi pes. C ables et c. and r eturning the ex cavated material t o f ill the t renches a fter pi pes,
cables etc. are laid and their joints tested and passed and disposal of surplus excavated material upto
50 m lead.

2.19.2 Width of Trench

(a) Upto one metre depth the authorized width of trench for excavation shall be arrived at by adding
25 cm t o t he ex ternal di ameter o f pi pe (not s ocket/ collar) cable, conduit et c. Where a pi pe is l aid
on c oncrete bed/ c ushioning l ayer, t he aut horized w idth s hall be the ex ternal di ameter of pi pe
(not socket/ collar) plus 25 cm or the width of concrete bed/ cushioning layer whichever is more.
(b) For depths exceeding one metre, an allowance of 5 cm per metre of depth for each side of the
trench shall be added to the authorized width (that is external diameter of pipe plus 25 cm) for
excavation. This allowance shall apply to the entire depth of the trench. In firm soils the sides of
the trenches shall be kept vertical upto depth of 2 metres from the bottom. For depths greater
than 2 metres, the excavation profiles shall be widened by allowing steps of 50 cm on either side
after every two metres from bottom.
(c) Where m ore t han one pi pe, c able, c onduit et c, are l aid, t he di ameter s hall be r eckoned as t he
horizontal distance from outside to outside of the outermost pipes, cable, conduit etc.
(d) Where the soil is soft, loose or slushy, width of trench shall be suitably increased or side sloped
or the soil shored up as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. It shall be the responsibility of the
contractor to take complete instructions in writing from the Engineer-in-Charge regarding
increase in the width of trench. Sloping or shoring to be done for excavation in soft, loose or
slushy soils.

2.19.3 Excavation : Shall be done as specified in 2.7, 2.8 and 2.9.

2.19.4 Refilling
Filling in t renches s hall be c ommenced soon after the joints of pipes, cables, conduits etc. have been
tested and passed. The space all-round the pipes, cables conduits etc. shall be cleared of all debris, brick
bats etc. Where the trenches are excavated in hard/ soft soil, the filling shall be done with earth on the
side and top of pipes in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth. Each layer shall be watered, rammed and
consolidated. A ll c lods an d l umps of earth ex ceeding 8 c m i n a ny di rection shall be broken or rem oved
before t he e xcavated eart h i s us ed f or f illing. I n case of ex cavation trenches i n ordinary/ hard roc k, t he
filling upt o a dept h o f 30c m above the crown of pi pe, cable, c onduits e tc. shall be done w ith fine material
like earth, m oorum or pu lverized/ decomposed ro ck ac cording t o t he av ailability at s ite. T he rem aining
filling s hall be do ne w ith boulders of s ize not ex ceeding 15c m m ixed w ith f ine m aterial l ike decomposed
rock, moorum or earth as available to fill up the voids, watered, rammed and consolidated in layers not
exceeding 30 cm. E xcavated m aterial c ontaining d eleterious m aterial, s alt pe ter ear th et c. s hall no t be
used f or f illing. Ramming s hall b e d one with i ron r ammers where f easible and with b lunt ends of crow
bars w here rammers c annot be u sed. S pecial care shall be taken to ens ure that no da mage is caused t o
the pipes, Cables, Conduits etc. laid in the trenches.

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2.19.5 Measurements Trenches f or pi pes, c ables, conduits et c. shall b e m easured in running metre correct t o the
nearest cm in stages of 1.5 m depth and described separately as under:
(a) Pipes, cables, conduits, etc. not exceeding 80 mm dia.
(b) Pipes, cables, conduits etc. exceeding 80 mm dia but not exceeding 300mm dia.
(c) Pipes, cables, conduits etc. exceeding 300 mm dia. Where two or more categories o f each work are involved due to different classification of soil
within t he s ame s tage of trench dept h or w here t he s oil i s s oft l oose or s lushy requi ring i ncrease i n t he
width of trench or sloping sides or shoring, trenches for pipes, cables, conduits, etc. shall be measured in
cubic m etres as s pecified i n 2. 10. E xtra ex cavation, i f any , on ac count of c ollar/ s ocket of pi pes s hall
neither be measured nor paid for separately.

2.19.6 Rates
The rate shall b e as specified in 2 .12 an d shall also include the cost of refilling a nd all other
operations described above.


2.20.1 When the depth o f trench in soft/loose soil exceeds 2 m etres, stepping, sloping and/ or pl anking
and strutting of sides shall be done. In case of loose and slushy soils, the depths at which these
precautions are t o be t aken, s hall b e det ermined b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge ac cording t o t he nature of
Planking and s trutting s hall be ‘close’ or ‘open’ de pending on the n ature o f s oil and the dep th o f
trench. T he t ype of pl anking and s trutting shall be determined by the E ngineer-in-Charge. I t s hall be t he
responsibility o f the c ontractor to take al l nec essary s teps to pr event t he s ides of trenches f rom c ollapse.
Engineer-in-Charge should take guidance from IS: 3764 for designing the shoring and strutting
arrangements and specifying the profile of excavation.

2.20.2 Close Planking and Strutting

Close pl anking and s trutting s hall be done by completely c overing the s ides of t he trench genera lly
with short upright, members called ‘poling boards’. These shall be 250x38 mm in section or as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge.

The boards shall generally be placed in position vertically in pairs. One boards on either side of cutting.
These shall be kept apar t by horizontal wallings of s trong wood at a maximum spacing of 1. 2 metres cross
strutted with b allies, or a s di rected by Engineer-in-Charge. T he l ength and diameter of the ba llies s trut
shall depend upon the width of the trench. Typical sketch of close timbering is given in Fig. 2.2.

Where the soil is very soft and l oose, the boards shall be pl aced horizontally against the sides of the
excavation and s upported by v ertical ‘ wallings’ which s hall be s trutted to similar timber pi eces on t he
opposite f ace of t he trench. The lowest boards supporting t he s ides shall be taken in t he ground for a
minimum depth of 75 mm. No portion of the vertical side of the trench shall remain exposed.

The withdrawal of the timber members shall be done very carefully to prevent collapse of the trench.
It s hall be s tarted at one end and proceeded s ystematically t o the other end. C oncrete or m asonry s hall
not be dam aged while re moving t he planks. No claim s hall be e ntertained f or any timber w hich cannot
be w ithdrawn a nd i s l ost or buri ed, unl ess requ ired by t he E ngineer-in-Charge t o be l eft perm anently i n

2.20.3 Open Planking and Strutting

In case of open planking and strutting, the entire surface of the side of the trench is not required to be
covered. The vertical boards 250 mm wide & 38 mm thick, shall be spaced sufficiency apart to leave
unsupported s trips of 50 cm a verage w idth. T he detailed a rrangement, si zes of th e ti mber a nd t he
distance apart shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. In all other respect,
22 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
specifications for close pl anking and s trutting s hall a pply t o open pl anking and strutting. Typical sketch of
open planking and strutting is given in fig. 2.2.

2.20.4 Measurements
The dimensions shall be measured c orrect to the nearest c m and t he area of t he face s upported
shall be worked out in square metres correct to two places of decimal. Works shall be grouped according to the following:

(a) Depth not exceeding 1.5 m.
(b) Depth exceeding 1.5m in stages of 1.5 m. Planking and strutting to the following shall be measured separately:

(a) Trenches.
(b) Areas- The description shall include use and waste of raking shores.
(c) Shafts, walls, cesspits, manholes and the like
(d) Where tightly driven close but jointed sheeting is necessary as in case of running sheeting is
necessary as in case of running sand the item shall be measured separately and packing of
cavities behind sheeting with suitable materials included with the item.
(e) Planking and strutting required to be left permanently in position shall be measured separately.

2.20.5 Rates
Rates s hall i nclude us e and w aste of al l necessary t imber w ork as mentioned abov e i ncluding f ixing
and subsequent removal.


2.21.1 All water that may accumulate in excavations during the progress of the work from springs, tidal or
river seepage, broken water mains or drains (not due to the negligence of the contractor), and
seepage from subsoil aquifer shall be bailed, pumped out or otherwise removed. The contractor shall
take adequate measures for bailing and/or pumping out water from excavations and/or pumping out
water f rom ex cavations a nd c onstruct di version channels, bunds , s umps, c offer dam s et c. as m ay be
required. P umping shall be done di rectly fr om th e f oundation trenches o r fro m a s ump out s ide t he
excavation in s uch a m anner as to pr eclude the p ossibility o f m ovement o f w ater through an y fresh
concrete or m asonry and washing away parts of c oncrete or mortar. During laying of c oncrete or
masonry a nd for a period of at l east 2 4 hours t hereafter, pumping s hall b e done f rom a suitable sump
separated from concrete or masonry by effective means.

Capacity and number of pumps, l ocation at w hich t he pumps are t o be installed, pumping hours et c.
shall be decided from time to time in consultation with the Engineer-in-Charge.

Pumping shall be d one in such a way a s not to cause damage to the work or a djoining property by
subsidence etc. D isposal of w ater sh all no t cause inconvenience or nu isance in the ar ea or cause
damage to the property and structure nearby.

To prevent slipping of sides, planking and strutting may also be done with the approval of the

2.21.2 Classification
The earth work for various classification of soil shall be categorised as under:
(a) Work in or under water and/or liquid mud: Excavation, where water is met with from any of
the sources specified in 2.21.1 shall fall in this category. Steady water level in the trial pits before
the commencement of bailing or pumping operations shall be the sub-soil water level in that
(b) Work in or under foul position: Excavation, where sewage, sewage gases or foul conditions
are met with from any source, shall fall in this category. Decision of the Engineer-in-Charge
whether the work is in foul position or not shall be final.
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2.21.3 Measurements The unit, namely, metre depth shall be the depth measured from the level of foul position/ subsoil
water l evel an d upt o t he centre of gra vity of t he c ross s ectional area o f ex cavation actually d one i n the
conditions c lassified i n 2.21.2. M etre depth s hall be rec koned c orrect t o 0.1 m , 0. 05 m or m ore s hall be
taken as 0.1 m and less than 0.05 m ignored. The extra percentage rate is applicable in respect of each
item but t he measurements s hall be l imited onl y t o the quant ities o f ear th w ork a ctually ex ecuted i n t he
conditions classified in 2.21.2. In case earth work in or under foul position is also in or under water and/or liquid mud, extra
payment shall be admissible only for the earth work actually executed in or under foul position. Pumping or bailing out water met within excavations from the s ources s pecified in 2.21.1 where
envisaged and specifically ordered in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be measured s eparately
and paid. Quantity of water shall be recorded in kilolitres correct to two places of decimal. This payment
shall be i n a ddition t o t he p ayment u nder respective i tems of ea rthwork a nd shall b e a dmissible o nly
when pumping or bailing out water has been specifically ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge in writing. Planking and strutting or any other protection work done with the approval of the Engineer-in-
Charge t o k eep t he t renches dry and/ or t o s ave t he f oundations agai nst da mage by c orrosion of ri se i n
water levels shall be measured and paid for separately. Bailing or pumping out water, accumulated in excavation, due to rains is included under
respective items of earthwork and is not to be paid separately.

2.21.4 Rates
The r ates f or r espective i tems des cribed ab ove s hall i nclude c ost of al l t he operations as m ay be


2.22.1 Excavation shall be undertaken t o t he w idth of t he Basement/Retaining w all f ooting i ncluding
necessary margins for construction oper ation as per drawing or d irected ot herwise. Where t he nat ure o f
soil or the depth of the trench a nd season of the year, do not per mit vertical sides, the contractor at h is
own e xpense shall p ut up t he necessary s horing, s trutting a nd pl anking or c ut s lopes w ith or w ithout
steps, to a safer a ngle or b oth with du e r egard to the safety of personnel a nd w orks an d t o t he
satisfaction of t he E ngineer. M easurement of pl an area of ex cavation f or p ayment s hall be per mitted

2.22.2 All the major excavation shall be carried out by mechanical excavator. No extra payment shall be
made for that.

2.22.3 The c ontractor s hall m ake a t h is o wn c ost all ne cessary ar rangements for m aintaining w ater
level, in the area where works are under execution low enough so as not to cause any harm to the work
shall be considered as i nclusive o f pu mping out or ba iling o ut w ater, if re quired, for which n o ex tra
payment s hall be m ade. T his will i nclude water coming f rom any s ource, s uch as rains, ac cumulated
rain w ater, floods, leakages from s ewer and w ater m ains, s ubsoil w ater table be ing hi gh or d ue t o any
other c ause w hatsoever. The contractor s hall make ne cessary pr ovision of pu mping, dr edging bailing
out w ater c oming from al l abov e sources and ex cavation and other works shall be k ept f ree of water by
providing suitable system approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

Sub-soil w ater t able at work s ite i s r eported t o be about appr ox. 6. 5 m. be low t he gener al gr ound
level as observed in the month of April. The water level is likely to rise up to 1 to 2 m. during rainy
season. I n order t o av oid pos sibility of basement floor of m ain bui lding bei ng get ting upl ifted/damaged
due t o w ater p ressure, t he c ontractor s hall lower t he grou nd w ater t able bel ow t he pr oposed f oundation
level by boring tube wells all around the proposed building using well point sinking method or any suitable
method as approved by Engineer-in-charge. Sub soil water table shall be maintained at least 50 cm.
below t he P.C.C. l evel d uring l aying of P .C.C. water proof ing t reatment, l aying of bas ement raf t and
beams including filling of earth/sand under the basement floor. The water table shall not be allowed to rise
24 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
above base of raft level until completion of outer retaining walls including water proofing of vertical surface
of walls and back filling along the walls upto ground level and until the structure attains such height to
counter bal ance t he upl ift pressure. H owever, t he c ontractor s hould i nspect t he s ite a nd m ake his ow n
assessment about sub-soil water level likely to be encountered at the time of execution and quote his
rates accordingly. Rate of all items are inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water, if required.
Nothing extra on this account whatsoever shall be paid to him. The sequence of construction shall be got
approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

2.22.4 The contractor shall take all ne cessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction a nd
provide, e rect a nd m aintain s uch b arricades i ncluding s igns, m arkings, f lags, l ights a nd f lagman, a s
necessary at either end of the excavation/embankment and at such intermediate points as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge f or t he proper i dentification of c onstruction area. He shall b e res ponsible f or all
damages and accidents caused due to negligence on his part.

2.22.5 The contractor s hall pro vide s uitable ba rricading w ith s uitably p ainted s ingle row of G .I. S heets
about 3’- 0” wide (90 cms.) nailed or bolted with wooden poles spaced 2 to 3 metre apart and each pole
1.6 m to 2 m long 8 cm. to 10 cm. dia. The poles will be embedded in mobile iron pedestal rings suitably
framed for giving stable support as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. All management (including
watch a nd ward) of b arricades s hall b e t he f ull r esponsibility of t he c ontractor. T he b arricades shall b e
removed on ly a fter completion o f the work or part of the w ork. T he c ontractor’s r ate shall include al l
above items of work and nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor over and above his quoted rates.


2.23.1 Earth
Normally ex cavated earth f rom s ame area s hall be used for f illing. E arth used f or f illing shall be f ree
from s hrubs, ran k, v egetation, gras s, brus hwood, s tone s hingle and bo ulders (l arger t han 75m m i n an y
direction), or ganic o r a ny ot her f oreign m atter. E arth c ontaining del eterious materials, s alt pet er ear th
etc. shall not be us ed for filling. All clods and l umps of earth exceeding 8 cm in any direction shall be
broken or removed before the earth is used for filling.

2.23.2 Filling
The s pace a round t he f oundations and dr ains i n t renches shall be c leared of al l debris, brick bat s
etc. T he filling s hall be done in layers not exceeding 20 c m in depth. E ach layer s hall be w atered,
rammed and consolidated. Ramming shall be done with iron rammers where possible and with blunt end of
crow bars where rammers cannot be used. Special c are shall be t aken to ensure that no damage is
caused to the pipes, drains, m asonry or concrete in the trenches. In c ase of filling u nder floor, the
finished level of filling shall be kept to the slope intended to be given to the floor.

2.23.3 Measurements Filling Side of Foundations: The c ubical c ontents of bed concrete levelling course and
masonry/ c oncrete i n foundations upt o t he gr ound l evel s hall be worked out and t he same deduc ted from
the c ubical contents of e arthwork i n ex cavation f or foundations al ready m easured under t he res pective
item of earth work to arrive at the quantity for filling sides of foundation. The quantity shall be calculated
correct to two places of decimal. Filling in Plinth and under Floors: Depth of filling s hall be the c onsolidated depth. T he
dimensions of f illing shall be on t he basis of p re-measurement c orrect to the ne arest cm an d c ubical
content worked out in cubic metres correct to two places of decimal.

2.23.4 Rates
The rates include cost of all the operations described above.
2.24.1 Sand
Sand shall be c lean and free from dust organic and foreign matter and its grading shall be w ithin the
limits of grading zone IV or V specified in Section 3 ‘Mortars’.

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2.24.2 Filling
Sand filling s hall be done i n a manner similar to ear th filling i n pl inth specified in 2. 23.3.2. e xcept that
consolidation s hall b e do ne by f looding w ith water. T he s urface of t he c onsolidated sand filling s hall be
dressed t o t he r equired level or s lope and s hall not be c overed till t he Engineer-in-Charge has i nspected
and approved the sand filling.

2.24.3 Measurements
The length, breadth and depth of consolidated sand shall be measured with steel tape correct to the
nearest cm and cubical contents worked out in cubic metres correct to two places of decimal.

2.24.4 Rates
The rates include the cost of material and labour involved in all the operations described above.


2.25.1 Surface dressing shall include cutting and filling upto a depth of 15 cm and clearing of shrubs,
rank vegetation, grass, brushwood, trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a height of one
metre abov e t he gr ound l evel and r emoval o f rubbish and ot her ex cavated material upt o a di stance o f 50
metres out side t he per iphery o f the a rea und er surface d ressing. H igh por tions o f the ground shall be c ut
down a nd h ollows d epression f illed upto t he required l evel w ith t he e xcavated e arth s o a s t o gi ve an
even, neat and tidy look.

2.25.2 Measurements
Length and br eadth o f t he d ressed gr ound s hall be m easured c orrect t o the n earest cm and t he ar ea
worked out in square metres correct to two places of decimal.

2.25.3 Rates
The rates shall include cost of labour involved in all the operations described above.


2.26.0 Jungle clearance s hall comprise upr ooting o f rank v egetation, gr ass, br ushwood, shrubs, stumps,
trees and saplings of girth upto 30 cm measured at a hei ght of one metre above the ground level. Where
only clearance of grass is involved it shall be measured and paid for separately.

2.26.1 Uprooting of Vegetations

The roots of trees and saplings shall be removed to a dep th of 60 cm below ground level or 30 cm
below formation level o r 1 5 c m be low s ub-grade l evel, w hichever i s l ower. A ll h oles or hollows formed
due to removal of roots shall be filled up with earth rammed and levelled. Trees, shrubs, poles, fences,
signs, monuments, pi pe l ines, c able etc., w ithin o r adj acent t o t he area w hich are not required t o be
disturbed du ring jungle clearance s hall be properly pr otected by the c ontractor a t his ow n c ost and
nothing extra shall be payable.

2.26.2 Stacking and Disposal

All us eful materials obt ained from c learing and g rubbing oper ation shall be s tacked i n the manner as
directed b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. Trunks and b ranches o f trees shall be c leared of l imbs and tops a nd
stacked n eatly a t p laces indicated by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. The materials shall be the property of the
Government. A ll uns erviceable materials w hich i n t he opi nion o f the E ngineer-in-Charge c annot be us ed
or auctioned shall be removed up to a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area under clearance. It
shall be e nsured by t he c ontractor t hat unserviceable materials are di sposed off i n s uch a manner t hat
there is no likelihood of getting mixed up with the materials meant for construction.

2.26.3 Clearance of Grass

Clearing and grubbing operation involving only the clearance of grass shall be measured and paid for
separately and shall include removal of rubbish upto a distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area
under clearance.

26 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
2.26.4 Measurements
The length and breadth shall be measured c orrect to t he nearest c m and area w orked out i n s quare
metres correct to two places of decimal.

2.26.5 Rates
The rate includes cost of all the operation described above.

Note: Jungle clearance and c learance of grass ar e not payable s eparately f or t he e arth w ork
specified in 2.13 to 2.19.


2.27.1 Felling
While c learing jungle, gr owth trees ab ove 30 c m gi rth ( measured at a hei ght of on e m etre above
ground level) to be c ut, s hall be a pproved by the E ngineer-in-Charge an d then m arked at site. F elling
trees shall include taking out roots upto 60 c m below ground l evel or 30 c m below formation level or 1 5
cm below sub-grade level, whichever is lower.

All excavation bel ow general ground l evel arising out of the removal of t rees, s tumps etc. s hall be
filled w ith s uitable material in 20 cm layers and c ompacted thoroughly s o t hat the s urfaces a t these
points conform to the surrounding area. The trunks and branches of trees shall be cleared of limbs and
tops and cut into suitable pieces as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

2.27.2 Stacking and Disposal

Wood, br anches, t wigs o f t rees and o ther u seful material shall b e t he property of t he Government.
The s erviceable m aterials s hall be s tacked i n t he manner as di rected by t he E ngineer-in-Charge upt o a
lead of 50m.

All u nserviceable m aterial, w hich i n t he opi nion of Engineer-in-Charge c annot be us ed or auc tioned
shall be re moved f rom t he area and di sposed of f a s per t he di rections o f t he E ngineer-in-Charge. C are
shall be taken to see that unsuitable waste materials are disposed off in such a manner that there is no
likelihood of these getting mixed up with the materials meant for construction.

2.27.3 Measurements
Cutting of tr ees ab ove 3 0 cm in gir th (measured at a height of o ne m etre a bove level) shall b e
measured in numbers according to the sizes given below:
(a) Beyond 30 cm girth, upto and including 60cm girth.
(b) Beyond 60 cm girth, upto and including 120 cm girth.
(c) Beyond 120 cm girth, upto and including 240 cm girth.
(d) Above 240 cm girth.

2.27.4 Rate
The rat e i ncludes t he c ost i nvolved i n a ll t he operations de scribed abo ve. T he c ontract unit rat e f or
cutting trees above 30 cm in girth shall include removal of stumps as well.


2.28.0 Sub-terranean t ermites ar e r esponsible f or m ost of t he t ermite da mage i n bui ldings. T ypically,
they form nests or colonies underground. In the soil near ground level in a stump or other suitable piece of
timber i n a conical o r d ome s haped m ound. T he t ermites f ind access t o the s uper-structure of th e
building ei ther t hrough t he t imber bur ied i n the gr ound or by m eans of mud s helter t ubes c onstructed
over unprotected foundations.

Termite control in existing as well as new building structures is very important as the damage likely to
be c aused by t he t ermites t o w ooden m embers of bui lding a nd ot her ho usehold art icle l ike f urniture,
clothing, stationery etc. is considerable. Anti-termite treatment can be either during the time of

27 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
construction i .e. pr e-constructional chemical treatment or af ter t he bui lding has been c onstructed i .e.
treatment for existing building.

Prevention of t he t ermite from re aching t he s uper-structure of the building an d i ts contents c an be

achieved by creating a c hemical b arrier between t he ground, f rom w here t he t ermites c ome and o ther
contents of the building w hich m ay form food for the termites. T his is ac hieved by treating the s oil
beneath the building and around the foundation with a suitable insecticide.

2.28.1 Materials Chemicals: Any one of the following c hemicals in w ater emulsion t o ac hieve the per centage
concentration specified against each chemical shall be used:
(i) Chlorphriphos emulsifiable concentrate of 20%
(ii) Lindane emulsifiable concentrate of 20%

Anti-termite t reatment c hemical is av ailable i n concentrated f orm in t he market and c oncentration i s

indicated o n t he s ealed containers. T o achieve t he specified p ercentage of c oncentration, Chemical
should be diluted with water in required quantity before it is used. Graduated containers s hall be us ed for
dilution o f c hemical w ith w ater i n t he r equired pr oportion t o a chieve t he de sired pe rcentage o f
concentration. F or ex ample, t o di lute chemical o f 20 % concentration. 19 par ts of water s hall be adde d to
one part of chemical for achieving 1% concentration.

Engineer-in-Charge s hall procure t he c hemical of r equired c oncentration in s ealed original c ontainers

directly from the reputed and authorized dealers, chemical shall be kept in the custody of the Engineerin-
Charge or hi s a uthorized repres entatives a nd i ssued f or u se to m eet t he day’s requi rements. Empty
containers af ter w ashing and c oncentrated c hemical l eft unus ed at t he end of t he day ’s w ork s hall be
returned to the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative. Measurements: Concentrated chemical in sealed containers shall be measured in litres.

Chemicals of different types and concentration shall be measured separately. Rate: The Rate for the concentrated chemical shall include the cost of material, containers and
all the operations involved in transportation and delivery at the place specified.

2.28.2 Safety Precautions

Chemical used for anti-termite treatment are insecticides with a persistent action and are highly
poisonous. This chemical can have an adverse effect upon health when absorbed through the skin,
inhaled as vapours or spray mists or swallowed.

The c ontainers hav ing em ulsifiable concentrates shall be clearly l abelled and kept securely c losed i n
stores so that children or pet cannot get at them. Storage an d mixing of concentrates shall not be don e
near an y f ire s ource o r flame. P ersons us ing these c hemical shall be w arned t hat abs orption t hough s kin
is t he m ost likely source of a ccidental p oisoning. P articular care s hall b e taken t o pr event s kin c ontact
with c oncentrates and pr olonged exposure t o dilute emulsion shall al so be avoided. A fter handling the
concentrates or dilute emulsion. Workers shall wash themselves with soap and water and wear clean
clothing, especially before eating. In the event of severe contamination, clothing shall be removed at
once and t he s kin w ashed w ith s oap and w ater. If c hemical has s plashed into t he ey es, t hey s hall be
flushed with plenty of soap and water and immediate medical attention shall be sought.

Care should be taken in the application of chemicals to see that they are not allowed to contaminate
wells or springs which serve as source of drinking water.

2.28.3 Anti-Termite Treatment: Constructional Measures

The c onstruction m easures s pecified bel ow s hould be adopt ed f or prot ection agai nst s ubterranean
termites or iginating bot h internally f rom w ithin the plinth and ex ternally from t he ar ea s urrounding t he

28 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(i) E arth f ree f rom roots, dea d l eaves, or other organic m atter s hall b e pl aced a nd compacted i n
successive horizontal l ayers of l oose m aterial not more t han 200 m m t hick. D ry brick s hall be
inserted a t last 50 m m in b rick m asonry for pr oviding apr on floor ar ound the per iphery. [See
Fig. 2.3(i)]

(ii) Brick on ed ge m asonry in c ement m ortar shall be l aid on t he pl inth wall. Dry brick shall b e
placed on the inner side of plinth wall for getting anticipated offset space for coarse sand and on
the other side for installing anti-termite masonry groove. In the case of intermediate walls, dry
bricks are placed on either side of the brick on edge masonry for getting offset space for coarse
sand layer. [See Fig. 2.3(ii)]

(iii) The dry brick for the anti-termite groove shall be taken out and dense cement concrete 1:3:6 (1
cement : 3 sand : 6 coarse aggregate by volume) sub-floor carpet shall be laid casting the anti-
termite gr oove in position. In case of internal partition walls, the cement concrete sub-floor shall
be laid on either side over the dry bricks to sufficient extent for getting staggered vertical joints
over the joint of plinth wall and earth filling. [See Fig. 2.3(iii)]

(iv) Superstructure m asonry s hall b e r aised over t he dense cement c oncrete s ub f loor carpet a nd
over-head jobs completed. [See Fig. 2.3)(iv)]

(v) The dry brick for coarse sand layer shall be removed and graded sand (of size 3 to 5 mm) layer at
least 100 mm thick shall be compacted ov er the ear th filling and under neath the par tially l aid
dense cement concrete sub-floor carpet [See Fig. 2.3)(v)]

(vi) D ense c ement c oncrete ( 1:3:6 m ix.) sub-floor at least 75 m m thick shall be laid o ver the sand filling.
Necessary finish may be provided to the cement concrete sub-floor carpet. [See Fig. 2.3)(vi)]

(vii) D ry b rick provided f or apron f loor shall be taken out a nd 600 m m wide formation of earth i n
1:30 slope shall be made. Over the formation, 75 mm thick lime concrete 1:3:6 (1 lime:3 sand: 6
coarse aggregate, by volume) shall be laid. [See Fig. 2.3)(vii)]

(viii) Over the 75 mm thick like concrete bed at least 25 mm thick cement concrete topping 1:2:4 (1
cement: 2 sand: 4 fine aggregate, by volume) shall be laid and 12 mm thick cement plaster shall
be applied on foundation and plinth. [See Fig. 2.3)(viii)]

The f inal r ecommendations i ncorporating t he c onstructional det ails gi ven abov e ( i t o v iii) ar e
shown in Fig. 2.4.

2.28.4 Anti Termite Treatment : Treatment for Existing Building: Post Construction Treatment Material
(i) Che mica ls : Any one of the following chemicals conforming to relevant Indian Standards in water
emulsion may be used for soil treatment in order to protect a building from termite attack.

Chemical with Percent Relevant Indian Standards Concentration by weight

(Active ingredient)
Chlorpyrifos 20EC IS 8944 1.0
Lindane 20EC IS 632 1.0

These c hemicals ar e available i n concentrated f orm i n t he market and c oncentration i s i ndicated

on the sealed containers. To achieve the specified percentage of concentration, chemicals
should be di luted with w ater i n r equired quant ity bef ore i t i s u sed. G raduated containers shall be
used for di lution of chemicals w ith water in t he r equired pr oportion t o achieve the desired
percentage of c oncentration. F or ex ample, t o di lute c hemical of 20 % c oncentration, 19 p arts of
water s hall be adde d t o one part of c hemical f or achieving 1% c oncentration. O il or k erosene
based s olution of c hlorpyrifos 20 EC or Li ndane 20 E C, 1.0 perc ent (by weight) c oncentration i s
useful for treatment of wood. Engineer-in-charge shall procure the chemical of required
29 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
concentration in s ealed original c ontainers directly f rom the reputed and authorized
representative. C hemical shall be kept i n the custody o f t he E ngineer-in-charge or hi s aut horized
representatives and issued for use to meet the day’s requirements. Empty containers after
washing a nd c oncentrated c hemical l eft unused at the end o f t he day’s w ork shall be r eturned to
the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative.

(ii) Me a s ure me nts : Concentrated chemical in sealed containers shall be measured in litres.
Chemicals of different types and concentration shall be measured separately.

(iii) Ra te : The rat e f or t he c oncentrated c hemical shall i nclude t he c ost of m aterial, c ontainers and
all the operations involved in transportation and delivery at the place specified.

(iv) S a fe ty P re ca utions : Chemical used for antitermite treatment are insecticides with a persistent
action and are highly poisonous. This chemical can have an adverse effect upon health when
absorbed through the skin, inhaled as vapours or spray mists or swallowed.

The c ontainers h aving emulsifiable c oncentrates s hall be c learly l abeled an d kept s ecurely c losed i n
stores so that children or pet cannot g et at them. Storage an d mixing of concentrates shall not be done
near any fire source or flame. Persons carrying out chemical soil treatments should familiarize
themselves and exercise due care when handling the chemicals whether in concentrated or in diluted
form. After hand ling t he concentrates or di lute em ulsion, worker shall w ash t hemselves with s oap an d
water a nd wear c lean c lothing es pecially b efore ea ting a nd s moking. I n t he e vent of s evere
contamination, c lothing s hall be removed at onc e and the s kin washed with soap and w ater. I f chemical
has splashed into the eyes, they shall be flushed with plenty of soap and water and immediate medical
attention shall be sought.

The use of chemical shall b e avoided w here there is any r isk of wells or other water s upplies
becoming contaminated. Treatment
(i) O nce t he t ermites have an i ngress i nto t he building, t hey keep o n m ultiplying a nd d estroy t he
wooden and cellulosic materials, and as such it becomes essential to take measures for
protection against termites. Anti termite measures described below are necessary for the
eradication an d control of termites in existing building. T o facilitate p roper penetrations of
chemical i n t o t he surface t o be t reated, hand oper ated pres sure pump shall be us ed. T o ha ve
proper check for uniform p enetration o f c hemical, g raduated c ontainers s hall be used. P roper
check should be k ept so t hat t he specified quantity of c hemical i s us ed f or t he r equired area
during the operation. Chemical treatment for the eradication and control of sub-terranean
termites i n ex isting building s hall be done as per I S 6313 (P art III). Treatment s hall be got done
only f rom t he appr oved s pecialized agenc ies u sing t he c hemical pr ocured di rectly by t he
Engineer-in-Charge from reputed and authorized dealers.
(ii) Treatment along outside of foundations: The soil i n contact w ith t he external wall of t he
building shall b e tr eated with ch emical e mulsion at th e r ate of 7.5 litr es per s quare metre of
vertical surface of the sub-structure to a depth of 300 mm. To facilitate this treatment, a shallow
channel s hall be ex cavated al ong and c lose t o t he w all f ace. T he c hemical em ulsion s hall be
directed t owards t he wall at 1. 75 l itres pe r ru nning m etre o f t he c hannel. R odding with 1 2 m m
diameter mild steel rods at 150 m m apart shall be d one in the channel. I f necessary, for uniform
dispersal of t he c hemical to 300 m m depth f rom t he ground l evel. T he balance c hemical of 0. 5
litre per running metre shall then be used to treat the bac kfill earth as it is returned to the channel
directing the spray towards the wall surface.

If there i s a concrete or masonry apr on around t he bui lding, appr oximately 12 mm d iameter hol es
shall be drilled as close as possible to the plinth wall about 300 mm apart, deep enough to reach
the soil below and the chemical emulsion pumped into these holes to soak the soil below at the
rate of 2.25 litres per linear metre.

30 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
In s oils w hich do not allow perc olation of chemicals t o des ired depth, t he uniform di sposal of t he
chemical t o a dept h of 3 00 m m s hall be obt ained by s uitably modifying t he m ode of treatment
depending on site condition.

In c ase of RCC f oundations t he s oil (bac kfill) i n c ontact w ith t he column s ides and pl inth be ams
along with external perimeter of the building shall be treated with chemical emulsion at the rate of
7.5 l itres/sqm. of t he v ertical s urface of t he s tructure. T o f acilitate t his t reatment, t renches s hall
be e xcavated equal t o the w idth o f the shovel ex posing the sides of t he column and pl inth bea ms
upto a depth of 300 mm or upto the bottom of the plinth beams, if this level is less than 300 mm.
The chemical em ulsion shall be s prayed on t he bac kfill earth as i t is returned i nto t he t rench
directing the spray against the concrete surface of the beam or column as the case may be.

(iii) Treatment of Soil under Floors : The poi nts w here t he termites a re l ikely t o seek ent ry t hrough
the floor are the cracks at the following locations:
(a) At the junction of the floor and walls as result of shrinkage of the concrete;
(b) On the floor surface owing to construction defects;
(c) At construction joints in a concrete floor, cracks in sections; and
(d) Expansion joints in the floor.

Chemical treatment shall be provided in the plinth area of ground floor of the structure, wherever
such cracks are noticed by drilling 12 mm holes at the junction of floor and walls al ong the cracks
on t he floor and along the c onstruction and expansion joints at the i nterval of 300 m m to reach
the s oil below. C hemical em ulsion s hall b e sq uirted i nto t hese holes u sing a h and op erated
pressure pump to soak the soil below un til refusal or upto a m aximum of on e litre per hol e. T he
holes s hall then be sealed properly with cement m ortar 1:2 ( 1 c ement: 2 coarse s and) f inished t o
match t he ex isting f loors. T he c ement m ortar appl ied s hall be c ured f or at l east 10 day s as per
instruction of Engineer-in-charge.

(iv) Treatment of Voids in Masonry : The m ovement of t ermites t hrough t he m asonry w all m ay be
arrested b y dr illing hol es i n masonry wall a t plinth level and s quirting chemical e mulsions i nto the
holes to soak the masonry. The holes shall be drilled at an angle of 45 degree from both sides of
the plinth wall at 300 mm i ntervals and emulsion squirted t hrough these holes t o soak the
masonry us ing a ha nd ope rated pum p. T his treatment s hall a lso b e extended t o internal w alls
having f oundations i n t he s oil. H oles shall a lso b e drilled at w all c orners and where door and
window frames are embedded in the masonry or floor at ground. Emulsion shall be s quirted
through the holes till refusal or to a maximum of one litre per hole. Care shall be taken to seal the
holes after the treatment.

(v) Treatment at Points of Contact of Wood Work : The w ood work which h as al ready b een
damaged beyond repai rs by term ites s hall be replaced. The new t imber shall be dipped or
liberally brushed at least twice with chemical i n oil or k erosene. All existing wood work in t he
building which i s in c ontact with th e flo or o r w alls an d w hich is i nfested by te rmites, s hall be
treated by spraying at the p oints o f contacts w ith the adjoining masonry w ith the chemical
emulsion by dr illing 6 m m hol es at a downward angle of about 45 degr ee at j unction of w ood
work and m asonry and s quirting c hemical e mulsion i nto t hese hol es t ill ref usal or t o a m aximum
of half a litre per hole. The treated holes shall then be sealed.

Infested w ood w ork in chaukhats, s helves, joints, pu rlins et c., i n c ontact with t he floor or the walls
shall be p rovided w ith pr otective treatment by dri lling ho les o f abo ut 3 m m d iameter w ith a
downward s lant t o the core of t he w ood w ork on the i nconspicuous s urface of t he frame. These
holes should b e at least 150 mm centre to centre and should c over in entire f rame work.
Chemicals s hall be liberally infused in these holes. If the w ood is not protected by paint or
varnish t wo c oats of t he chemicals s hall be gi ven on al l t he s urfaces and c revices adj oining t he

31 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Measurements : All dimensions shall be measured correct to a cm. The measurements shall
be made of the surface actually provided with anti termite treatment. Measurements shall be done
separately f or treatment o f f oundations, s oils und er floors, v oids i n masonry and wood work as det ailed
(i) Tre a tme nt a long outs ide of founda tions : The m easurements s hall be m ade i n running m etres
taking length along the plinth of the building.
(ii) Tre a tme nt of s oil unde r floors : The m easurements shall be made i n s quare metres, i nside c lear
dimensions of rooms, verandah etc. shall be taken.
(iii) Tre a tme nt of voids in ma s onry : The measurements shall be made in running metres along the
plinth of the building.
(iv) Tre a tme nt of wood work : The measurements shall be made in running metres for chowkhats,
joints, purlins, beams etc. Rates
The rate shall include the cost of labour and all other inputs (except concentrated chemical) involved in
all the operations described above including drilling, refilling and making good the holes. Treatment of Electrical Fixtures

If infestation in electrical fixture (like switch boxes in the wall) is noticed, covers of the switch boxes
shall b e re moved a nd i nside of such b oxes shall b e t reated l iberally with 5 per cent M alathion d usting
powder. The covers of the switch boxes shall be refixed after dusting.

32 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.5.1

75 x 75 x 6 mm M.S. PLATE EMBEDED..

100 FOR









850 340




Fig. 2.1 : Design for Temporary Site Bench Mark

. 33 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.20.2 and 2.20.3

WALING 100 x 100

250 X 38

2000 RAKE




MAX 300



100 X 100
WALING 100 X 100

250 X 38


250 X 38





Fig. 2.2 : Close & Open Planking & Strutting

34 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Sub Head : Earthwork
Clause : 2.28.3(i)




Drawing not t o S cale

All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 2.3(i) : Anti-Termite Construction – Stage 1


Sub Head : Earthwork
Clause : 2.28.3(ii)






Drawing not to S cale

All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 2.3(ii) : Anti-Termite Construction – Stage 2

35 | Page HO Civil Specificfations Volume - I


Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.28.3(iii)
12 mm THICK


68 100



Drawing not to S cale

All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 2.3(iii) : Anti-Termite Construction – Stage 3


Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.28.3(iv)




Drawing not t o S cale

All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 2.3(iv) : Anti-Termite Construction – Stage 4

36 | Page HO Civil Specificfations Volume - I


Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.28.3(v)




Drawing not to S cale

Fig. 2.3(v) : Anti-Termite Construction – Stage 5


Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.28.3(vi)




Drawing not to S cale

Fig. 2.3(vi) : Anti-Termite Construction – Stage 6

37 | Page HO Civil Specificfations Volume - I


Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.28.3 (vii)



100 GL


Drawing not t o S cale

All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 2.3(vii) : Anti-Termite Construction – Stage 7


Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.28.3(viii)




Drawing not t o S cale

Fig. 2.3(viii) : Anti-Termite Construction – Stage 8

38 | Page HO Civil Specificfations Volume - I


Sub Head : Earthwork

Clause : 2.28.3(viii)(a)






50 600
100 GL



Drawing not t o S cale

All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 2.4 : Anti-Termite Construction – Final Recommendations

39 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

3.0: Mortars

40 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. Brie f De s cription P a ge No.

List of Bureau of Indian Standard Codes 42

3.0 General 43

3.1 Materials 43

3.2 Preparation of Mortars & its Grade 48

Appendix A Test for Organic Impurities 50

Appendix B Test for Particle size (Sieve Analysis) 51

Appendix C Test for Silt Content 52

Appendix D Bulking of Fine Aggregates/ Sand (Field Methods) 53

Appendix F Criteria for Selection of Masonry Mortars 54

41 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S. No. I.S. No. Subje ct

1 IS 269 Specification for 33 grade ordinary Portland cement
2 IS 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural
source for concrete.
3 IS 455 Specification for Portland slag cement.
4 IS 460 (Part I) Specification for test sieves: wire cloth test sieves.
5 IS 650 Specification for standard sand for testing of cement
6 IS 12269 Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement
7 IS 1344 Specification for calcined clay Pozzolana.
8 IS 1489 Specification for Portland pozzolana cement
9 IS 1542 Specification for sand for plaster
10 IS 1727 Methods of Test for Pozzolanic materials
11 IS 2116 Specification for sand for masonry mortar.
12 IS 2250 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry
13 IS 2386 (Pt-I) Method of test for aggregate for concrete (Particle size
and shape)
14 IS 2386 (Pt-II) -Do- Estimation of deleterious materials and organic
15 IS 2386 (Pt-III) -Do- Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and
16 IS 3025 Method of sampling and test for water
17 IS 3466 Specification for masonry cement.
18 IS 3812 (Part I) Specification for fly ash for use as pozzolana in cement
mortar and concrete
19 IS 3812 (Part II) Specification for fly ash for use as admixture in cement
mortar and concrete
20 IS 4031 (Part I) to Method of Physical test for hydraulic cement
(Part XIII)
21 IS 4032 Method of chemical analysis of Hydraulic cement.
22 IS 8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement.
23 IS 8042 Specification for white cement
24 IS 8043 Hydrophobic Portland cement
25 IS 8112 Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement
26 IS 11652 Woven HDPE sacks for packing cement
27 IS 11653 Woven polypropylene sacks for packing cement
28 IS 12174 Jute synthetic union bags for packing cement

42 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Desirable properties of mortars for use in masonry are:
(a) Workability
(b) Water retentivity
(c) Rate of stiffing
(d) Strength
(e) Resistance to rain penetration
(f) Durability


3.1.1 Water Water used for mixing and c uring shall b e clean and f ree from injurious quantities of alkalies,
acids, oils, salts, sugar, organic materials, vegetable growth or other substance that may be deleterious to
bricks, stone, concrete or steel. potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing. The Ph value
of water shall be not less than 6. Water found satisfactory for mixing is also suitable for curing. However, water used for curing
shall not produce any objectionable stain or unsightly deposit on the surface. Sea water shall not be used for mixing or curing Water from each source shall be tested before the commencement of the work.

3.1.2 Cement The cement used shall be any of the following grade and the type selected should be appropriate
for the intended use.

(a) 33 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 269.

(b) 43 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 8112.
(c) 53 grade ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS 12269.
(d) Rapid hardening Portland cement conforming to IS 8041.
(e) Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455.
(f) Portland Pozzolana cement (flyash based) conforming to IS 1489 (Part 1).
(g) Portland Pozzolona cement (calcined clay based) conforming to IS 1489 (part 2).
(h) Hydrophobic cement conforming to IS 8043
(i) Low heat Portland cement conforming to IS 12600.
(j) Sulphate resisting Portland cement conforming to IS 12330
(k) White cement conforming to IS 8042

Different types of cement shall not be mixed together. In case more than one type of cement is used in
any work, a record shall be kept showing the location and the types of cement used. Caution in Use of Cement Grade 53 in Construction:

Because o f the faster h ydration pr ocess, the c oncrete rel eases hea t of hy dration at a much f aster rate
initially and r elease of heat is the higher in case of Grade. 53. The heat of hydration being higher, the
chances of micro-cracking of concrete is much greater. Thus, during initial setting period of concrete,
the higher heat of hydration can lead to damaging micro-cracking within the concrete which may not
be visible at surface. This cracking is different from shrinkage cracks which occurs due to faster drying of
concrete in windy conditions.

43 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The situation can be worse w hen we t end t o i ncrease the quant ity of t he cement in t he concrete with
a be lief tha t such inc reases a re better fo r both s trength and du rability of c oncrete. T hus, it is v ery
essential t o be forewarned t hat hi gher gr ade c ement specially gr ade 53 s hould be us ed onl y where s uch
use i s w arranted for making hi gher s trength concrete and al so w here good Q uality A ssurance measures
are in pl ace, b y w hich pr oper p recaution ar e taken t o relieve t he hi gher heat o f h ydration through chilling
of aggr egates o r b y proper curing o f c oncrete. There ar e instances w here hi gher gr ade cement i s bei ng
used ev en f or l ow s trength c oncrete, as , m ortar o r ev en f or pl astering. T his c an l ead t o unnec essary
cracking of concrete/ surfaces.

Another i ssue t o be cautioned against i s t he t endency of t he manufacturers to p roject G rade 53

cement as s tronger c ement, w hereas G rade 33 or 43 ar e enough t o pr oduce t he c oncrete of des ired
characteristic strength. The scenario of method of production of cement by various manufacturers
should al so be k ept i n m ind w hile ordering v arious grades of c ement. T he ability t o produc e c ements of
particular f ineness get f ixed by t he m achinery i nstalled by t he m anufacturers, and t hus t he ability t o
produce other various grades of cement by a particular manufacturer also gets limited. Whereas
tendency t oday i s t o supply t he consumer what h e orders f or b y t he manufacturers b y s imply stamping
such grades on the bags. Thus, it is often observed that cement bags marked as grade 33 or 43 may
really be containing cements of much higher grade. Compressive Strength : Compressive s trength re quirement of eac h t ype of c ement f or v arious
grades when tested in accordance with IS 4031 (part 6) shall be as under:

Sample Strength in N/mm2 not less than for

Age at testing Gr. 33 Gr.43 Gr. 53
72 + 1 hr 16 23 27
168 + 2 hrs 22 33 37
672 + 4 hrs 33 43 53 Setting Time: Setting time of cement of any type of any grade when tested by Vicat apparatus
method described in IS 4031 shall conform to the following requirement:
(a) Initial setting time: Not less than 30 minutes
(b) Final setting time: Not more than 600 minutes Supply : The c ement s hall be packed in jute s acking bags c onforming to IS 2580, double
hessian b ituminized (CRI t ype) or w oven HDPE c onforming t o I S 11652. Woven polypropylene
conforming to I S 116 53, j ute s ynthetic uni on c onforming t o I S: 12174, or any ot her approved c omposite
bags, bearing the manufacturer’s name or his registered trade mark if any, with grade batch no. and type of
cement, with date of manufacturing of batch of cement.

Every consignment of cement must have identification marks on packages indicating date of
manufacturing grade and type of cement batch no. etc. Cement brought to works shall not be more than 6
weeks old from the date of manufacture. Effective precautionary measures shall be taken to eliminate
dust-nuisance during loading or transferring cement. Stacking and Storage : Cement in bags shall be stored a nd stacked in a s hed w hich is d ry,
leak proof and as moisture-proof as possible. Flooring of the shed shall consists of the two layers of dry
bricks laid on well consolidated earth to avoid contact of cement bags with the floor.

For e xtra safety during monsoon, o r w hen cement i s expected t o be s tored f or an u nusually l ong
period, each s tack shall b e c ompletely e nclosed by a water proofing m embrane, s uch as polyethylene,
which shall cover the top of the stack. Care shall be taken to see that the water proofing membrane is not
damaged at any time during use.

44 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
3.1.3 Fine Aggregate Aggregate most of which passes through 4.75 mm IS sieve is known as fine aggregate. Fine
aggregate s hall c onsist of nat ural s and, crushed s tone s and, c rushed gra vel s and s tone d ust or m arble
dust, fly ash and broken brick (Burnt clay). I t shall be h ard, durable, c hemically inert, clean a nd free
from adher ent c oatings, o rganic matter et c. and s hall not contain an y appreciable a mount o f clay balls o r
pellets and harmful impurities e.g. iron pyrites, alkalies, salts, coal, mica, shale or similar laminated
materials in such fo rm or in s uch quan tities a s to c ause c orrosion of m etal or a ffect adv ersely the
hardening, t he s trength, t he durabi lity or t he ap pearance of m ortar, pl aster o r c oncrete. T he sum of t he
percentages o f al l deleterious material shall not ex ceed 5% . F ine aggr egate must be c hecked for o rganic
impurities such as decayed vegetation humps, coal dust etc. in accordance with the procedure
prescribed in Appendix ‘A’ of Chapter 3. Silt Content : The maximum quantity of silt in sand as determined by the method prescribed in
Appendix ‘C’ of Chapter 3 shall not exceed 8%.

Fine aggregate containing more than allowable percentage of silt shall be washed as many times as
directed by E ngineer-in-charge s o as t o br ing t he silt c ontent w ithin a llowable l imits f or w hich not hing
extra shall be paid. Grading : On the basis of particle size, fine aggregate is graded in to four zones. The grading
when determined i n accordance w ith t he p rocedure p rescribed i n A ppendix ‘ B’ of C hapter 3 s hall be
within t he l imits given i n Table 3.1 b elow. Where the g rading f alls o utside t he limits of any pa rticular
grading z one o f s ieves, other t han 60 0 m icron I S sieve, b y a t otal a mount n ot e xceeding 5 pe r c ent, i t
shall be regarded as falling within that grading zone.

Fine Aggregates
(Clause 3.1.3 )

IS S ie ve P e rce nta ge pa s s ing for

Gra ding Zone I Gra ding Zone II Gra ding Zone III Gra ding Zone IV
10 mm 100 100 100 100
4.75 mm 90-100 90-100 90-100 95-100
2.36 mm 60-95 75-100 85-100 95-100
1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 75-100 90-100
600 microns 15-34 35-59 60-79 80-100
300 microns 5-20 8-30 12-40 15-50
150 microns 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-15

Note 1: For crushed stone sands, the permissible limit on 150 micron sieve is increased to 20 per
cent. This does not affect the 5 per cent allowance permitted in (e) (1) applying to
other sieves.
Note 2: Allowance of 5% permitted in (e) (1) can be split up, for example it could be 1% on
each of three sieves and 2% on another or 4% on one sieve and 1% on another.
Note 3: Fine aggregate conforming to Grading Zone IV shall not be used in reinforced cement
concrete unless tests have been made to ascertain the suitability of proposed mix
Note 4: Sand r equiring us e f or mortar f or plaster w ork shall conform t o I S 15 42 and f or masonry
work shall conform to IS 2116.

45 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Type and grading of fine aggregate to be used shall be s pecified. It shall be c oarse sand, fine
sand, s tone dus t o r m arble dust, fly a sh and s urkhi. U se o f s ea s and s hall no t be a llowed, un less
otherwise specified.

(a) Coarse sand shall be either river sand or pit sand or a combination of the two. Badarpur sand
available in Delhi generally falls in category of pit sand. It shall be clean, sharp, angular, gritty to
touch and composed of hard siliceous material. Its grading shall fall within the limits of grading
zone I, II, III of Table 3.1. Grading of sand shall conform to IS 2116 for use in Masonry work.

(b) Fine sand shall be either river sand or pit sand or a combination of the two. Its grading shall fall
within the limits of Grading zone IV of Table 3.1. As a guideline, fine sand conforming to grading
Zone IV can be generally obtained in Delhi by mixing one part of Badarpur sand and two parts of
Jamuna Sand (by volume). Grading of sand shall conform to IS 1542 for use in plaster work.

(c) S tone dus t s hall be o btained by c rushing har d s tones or gravel. I ts grading s hall f all w ithin t he
limits of grading Zone, I, II, or III of Table 3.1.

(d) Mar ble dus t shall be o btained by c rushing marble. I ts g rading s hall fall w ithin the l imits o f Grading
Zone IV of Table 3.1. Grading of Marble dust for use in Mortar shall be as per following table.

Grading of Marble Dust

IS S ie ve P e rce nta ge P a s s ing

10 mm 100
4.75 mm 95-100
2.36 mm 95-100
1.18 mm 90-100
600 micron 80-100
300 micron 15- 50
150 micron 0- 15

(e) S a nd for Ma s onry Morta r a nd for P la s te r- Sand shall consist of natural sand, crushed stone sand
or crushed gravel sand or a combination of any of these. Sand shall be hard durable, clean and
free from adherent coating and organic matter and shall not contain the amount of clay, silt and
fine dust more than specified as under.

Deleterious M aterial: Sand shall not contain any harmful i mpurities s uch a s i ron, py rites, al kalis, s alts,
coal or ot her orga nic i mpurities, m ica, s hale or s imilar l aminated m aterials, soft f ragments, s ea s hale i n
such f orm or i n such quantities as to af fect adversely t he hardening, s trength or d urability of the mortar.
The maximum quantities of clay, fine silt, fine dust and organic impurities in the sand / Marble dust shall
not exceed the following limits:

(1) Clay, fine silt and fine dust when Not more than 5% by mass
determined i n ac cordance w ithin IS 2386
(Part I I). In natural sand o r crushed
gravel sand & crushed stone sand
(2) Organic impurities when determined in Colour of t he l iquid s hall be l ighter t han
accordance with IS 2386 (Part II) that indicated by t he s tandard s pecified i n
IS 2386 (Part II).

46 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Grading of sand for use in masonry mortar shall be conforming to IS 2116 (Table 3.2 below).
Grading of sand for use in plaster shall be conforming to IS 1542 (Table 3.2 below):

Grading of Sand for use in Masonry Mortar and Plaster

Gra ding of s a nd for us e in ma s onry morta r Gra ding of s a nd for us e in pla s te r

IS S ie ve De s igna tion Pe rce nta ge pa s s ing by I S S ie ve De s igna tion Pe rce nta ge pa s s ing by
ma s s ma s s
10 mm 100 10 mm 100
4.75 mm 100 4.75 mm 95 to 100
2.36 mm 90 to 100 2.36 mm 95 to 100

Gra ding of s a nd for us e in ma s onry morta r Gra ding of s a nd for us e in pla s te r

IS S ie ve De s igna tion P e rce nta ge pa s s ing by IS S ie ve De s igna tion P e rce nta ge pa s s ing by
ma s s ma s s
1.18 mm 70 to 100 1.18 mm 90 to 100
600 micron 40 to 100 600 micron 80 to 100
300 micron 5 to 70 300 micron 20 to 65
150 micron 0 to 15 150 micron 0 to 50

Note: For c rushed s tone s ands, the p ermissible limit on 15 0 m icron IS S ieve i s increased to 20 %, t his
does not affect the 5% allowance as per IS 2386 (Part 1). Bulking: Fine aggregate, w hen dry or s aturated, has al most t he same V olume but dam pness
causes increase in volume. In case fine aggregate is damp at the time of proportioning the ingredients for
mortar or concrete, its quan tity shall be increased suitably to allow for bulkage, which shall be
determined by the method prescribed in Appendix ‘D’ of Chapter 3.0 T able 3.3 g ives the relation
between moisture content and percentage of bulking for guidance only.


Mois ture conte nt % a ge Bulking % a ge (by volume )

2 15
3 20
4 25
5 30 Stacking: Fine a ggregate s hall be s o s tacked as to pr event dus t and foreign m atter ge tting
mixed up w ith i t as far as practically p ossible. Mar ble dus t i n d ry c ondition shall be c ollected i n bags and
properly s taked so a s not t o form l umps, suitable a rrangements shall be made to pr otect i t from moisture
similar to those adopted for stacking of cement bags. Measurements: As the fine aggregate bulks to a substantial extent when partially wet,
measurements shall be taken when the stacks are dry or appropriate allowance made for bulking.

3.1.4 Broken Brick (Burnt Clay) Fine Aggregate Broken Brick (Burnt Clay) Fine Aggregate, also known as Surkhi, shall be m ade by grinding well
burnt ( but n ot u nder or o ver b urnt) br oken br icks as specified in I S 3068-1986. I t s hall n ot contain any
harmful impurities, such as iron pyrites, salts, coal, mica, shale or similar laminated or other materials in
such f orm of quantity as t o adv ersely affect hardening, s trength, durability o r appearance of the m ortar.
The m aximum quantities of c lay, f ine s ilt, fine dust and organic impurities i n Surkhi (all taken together)
shall not exceed five per cent by weight. The particle size grading of Surkhi for use in lime mortars shall be
within the limits specified in Table 3.4.

47 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

IS S ie ve De s igna tion P e rce nta ge pa s s ing (by wt)

4.75 mm 100
2.36 mm 90-100
1.18 mm 70-100
600 microns 40-100
300 microns 5-70
150 microns 0-15 Stacking: Surkhi shall be stacked on a hard surface or platform so as to prevent the admixture of
clay, dust, vegetation and other foreign matter. It shall be also protected form rain and dampness and kept
under adequate coverings. Measurements: Surkhi shall be measured in regular stacks in cubic metres. Alternatively it may be
measured by weight when supplied in bags.


3.2.0 Grade of Masonry Mortar

The grade of masonry mortar will be defined by its compressive strength in N/mm 2 at the age of 28
days as determined by the standard procedure detailed in IS 2250. For proportioning the ingredients by volume, the conversion of weight into volume shall be made on
the following basis:

(a) Burnt Clay Pozzolana 860 Kg/cum

(b) Coarse Sand (dry) 1280 kg/cum
(c) Fine sand (dry) 1600 kg/ cum
(d) Fly Ash 590 kg/ cum

For details of grades and criteria for selection of Masonry mortars see Appendix ‘F’ of chapter-3.

3.2.1 Cement Mortar This shall be pre pared by m ixing cement an d sand with or w ithout the a ddition of Pozzolana in
specified proportions as per Appendix ‘F’. Proportioning: Proportioning on w eight bas is s hall be pr eferred t aking i nto ac count s pecific
gravity of sand and moisture content . Boxes of suitable size shall be prepared to facilitate proportioning on
weight bas is. C ement ba g w eighting 50 k g s hall be t aken as 0. 035 c ubic m etre. O ther i ngredients i n
specified proportion shall be measured using boxes of size 40 x 35 x 25 cm. Sand shall be measured on the
basis of its dry volume in the case of volumetric proportioning. Mixing The mixing of mortar shall be done i n mechanical mixers operated manually or by power as
decided by Engineer-in-Charge. The Engineer-in-Charge may, however, permit hand mixing at his
discretion t aking i nto a ccount t he nat ure, magnitude and l ocation o f t he work and pr acticability of t he us e
of mechanical mixers or where item involving small quantities are to be done or if in his opinion the use
of mechanical mixer i s not f easible. In cases, where m echanical m ixers are not t o be used, T he
contractor shall take permission of the Engineer-in-Charge in writing before the commencement of the

48 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(a) Me cha nica l Mixing: Cement and sand in the specified proportions shall be mixed dry thoroughly
in a mixer. Water shall then be added gradually and wet mixing continued for at least three
minutes. only the required quantity of water shall be added which will produce mortar of workable
consistency but not stiff paste. Only the quantity of mortar, which can be used within 30 minutes
of its mixing shall be prepared at a time. Mixer shall be cleaned with water each time before
suspending the work.
(b) Ha nd Mixing: The measured quantity of sand shall be levelled on a clean masonry platform and
cement bags emptied on top. The cement and sand shall be thoroughly mixed dry by being
turned over and over, backwards and forwards, several times till the mixture is of a uniform
colour. The quantity of dry mix which can be used within 30 minutes shall then be mixed in a
masonry trough with just sufficient quantity of water to bring the mortar to a stiff paste of
necessary working consistency. Precautions: mortar shall be u sed as soon as possible after mixing and before it beg ins to set,
and in any case within half hour, after the water is added to the dry mixture.

49 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



The aggr egate must al so be checked for or ganic i mpurities s uch as dec ayed v egetation hum us, coal
dust etc.

What is called the colour test is reliable indicator of the presence of harmful organic matter in
aggregate, except in the area where there are deposits of lignite.

Fill a 350 m l cl ear gl ass m edicine bo ttle up to 7 0 m l mark with a 3% so lution o f cau stic soda or
sodium hy droxide. T he sand i s nex t added gr adually until the v olume m easured by t he s andy l ayer i s
125 ml. The v olume is then made upto 200 ml by addition of more of solution. The bottle is then
stoppered and shaken vigorously and allowed to stand for 24 hours. At the end of this period, the colour
of t he l iquid w ill i ndicate w hether the sand c ontains a da ngerous am ount o f matter. A c olourless l iquid
indicates a c lean s and f ree f rom organic m atter. A s traw c oloured solution i ndicates some or ganic matter
but no t enough to be s eriously ob jectionable. D arker c olour means that the s and c ontains injurious
amounts and should not be used unless it is washed, and a retest shows that it is satisfactory.

Add 2.5 ml of two per cent solution of tannic acid in 10 per c ent alcohol, to 97.5 ml of three per c ent
sodium hydroxide solution. Place in a 350 ml bottle, fix the stopper, shake vigorously and allow to stand for
24 hours before comparison with the solution above the sand.

Note: A three per cent solution of caustic soda is made by dissolving 3 g of sodium hydroxide in 100 ml of
water, preferably distilled. T he solution should be kept in a glass of bottle tightly closed with a rubber
stopper. Handling sodium hydroxide with moist hands may result in serious burns. Care should be taken not
to spill the solution for it is highly injurious to clothing, leather, and other materials.

50 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



Apparatus: Perforated plate sieves of designation 10 mm, 4.75 mm and fine mesh sieve of designation
2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron and 150 micron should be used.

The balance or scale shall be such that it is readable and accurate to 0.1 per cent of the weight of the
test sample.

Sample: The w eight of s ample av ailable s hall no t b e l ess t han t he weight gi ven i n t he t able be low. T he
sample of s ieving s hall b e pr epared f rom t he larger sample e ither b y quartering or by m eans of a s ample


Maximum size present in Minimum weight of sample for
substantial proportions (mm) sieving (Kg)
10 0.5
4.75 0.2
2.36 0.1

Test Procedure: The s ample s hall be bro ught t o an ai r-dry c ondition bef ore w eighing and s ieving. T his
may be achieved either by drying at room temperature or by heating at a temperature of 100 degree to
110 degr ee c entigrade. The ai r d ry s ample s hall be w eighed and sieved successively o n t he appr opriate
sieves starting with the largest. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sieves are clean before use.
Each s ieve shall be s haken s eparately ov er a c lean tray u ntil no t more than a trace pa sses, but i n
any c ase for a period of not less than two m inutes. T he s haking s hall be done with a v aried m otion,
backwards a nd f orwards, left t o ri ght, c ircular c lockwise an d a nti-clockwise, and w ith f requent j arring, s o
that t he m aterial i s k ept moving ov er t he s ieve s urface i n f requently c hanging di rections. M aterials s hall
not be forced through the s ieve by hand pressure, but on sieves coarser than 20 mm, placing of particles
is per mitted, Lu mps o f fine material, i f p resent may be broken by ge ntle pressure w ith fingers agai nst the
side of the sieve. Light brushing of under side of the sieve with a s oft brush m ay be us ed to clear the
sieve openings.
Light bru shing with a fine camel hai r brush m ay be us ed on the 15 0 micron IS sie ve to pr event
segregation o f p owder and b linding o f apertures. S tiff o r worn ou t brushes shall not be us ed for this
purpose a nd pressure s hall not be a pplied to t he sur face o f th e sie ve t o forc e pa rticles thr ough t he
On completion of sieving the material retained on each sieve, together with any material cleaned
from the mesh, shall be weighed.

Reporting of Results: The results shall be calculated and reported as:

(a) T he c umulative p ercentage by weight of t he total sa mple passing e ach of the sie ves, t o th e
nearest whole number:
(b) The per centage b y w eight o f the t otal s ample pas sing one s ieve and retained on the nex t smaller
sieve, to the nearest 0.1 percent.

51 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



The sand shall not contain more than 8% of silt as determined by field test with measuring cylinder.
The method of determining silt contents by field test is given below:

A s ample of s and t o be t ested s hall be p laced w ithout drying i n a 200 ml measuring c ylinder. T he
volume of the sample shall be such that it fills the cylinder upto 100 ml mark

Clean water shall be added upto 150 ml mark. Dissolve a l ittle salt in the water in the proportion one
tea s poon t o half a l itre. T he m ixture s hall be shaken v igorously, t he l ast f ew s hakes b eing s idewise
direction to level off the sand and the contents allowed to settle for three hours.

The height of the silt visible as settled layer above the sand shall be expressed as a percentage of
the height of s and below. T he sand containing more than the above al lowable percentage of silt, shall be
washed so as to bring the silt contents within allowable limits.

52 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



Two methods are suggested for determining the bulking of sand/fine aggregate. The procedure may be
suitably v aried, i f nec essary. B oth depend on t he f act t hat t he v olume of i nundated s and/fine
aggregate is the same if the sand/fine aggregate were dry.

Method -1: Put sufficient quantity of sand loosely into a container until it is about two-third full. Level off
the to p of t he sa nd and pus h a s teel r ule v ertically do wn th rough the s and at th e middle to bo ttom,
measure the height. Suppose this is ‘X’ cm.

Empty the s and ou t of the c ontainer i nto a nother c ontainer w here no ne of i t is lost. H alf fill the first
container with water. Put back about half the sand and rod it with a steel rod, about 6 mm in diameter, so
that its v olume is reduced to a m inimum. T hen add the remainder and lev el the top s urface of the
inundated sand. Measure its depth at the middle with the steel rule. Suppose this is ‘Y’ cm.

The per centage of bul king of t he s and due t o moisture s hall b e c alculated f rom t he f ormula:

Percentage bulking = (X/Y -1) X 100

Method-2: In a 250 ml measuring cylinder, pour the damp sand, consolidate it by staking until it reached the
200 ml mark.

Then fill the cylinder with the water and stir the sand well (the water shall be sufficient to submerge
the sa nd c ompletely). It w ill be seen that the s and surface i s now below its original level. S uppose the
surface i s a t t he mark o f Yml, the pe rcentage o f bulking o f sand due to moisture shall be c alculated from
the formula.

Percentage bulking= (200/Y - 1) x 100

53 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clauses 3.2.0,,

(a) T he s election of masonry m ortars from dur ability c onsideration will ha ve t o c over bot h t he l oading a nd
exposure condition of the masonry. The masonry mortar shall generally be as specified below in (b) to (g).
(b) In case of masonry exposed frequent to rain and where there is further protection by way of
plastering or rendering or other finishes, the grade of mortar shall not be less than 0.7 MM but shall
preferably be of grade MM2. Where no protection is provided, the grade of mortar for external wall
shall not be less than MM2.
(c) In case of load bearing internal walls, the grade of mortar shall preferably be MM 0.702 or more for
high durability but in no case less than MM 0.5.
(d) I n t he c ase of m asonry w ork i n foundations l aid bel ow dam p proof c ourse, t he grade of m ortar for
use in masonry shall be as specified below.
(i) Where soil has little moisture, masonry mortar of grade not less than MM 0.7 shall be used.
(ii) Where s oil is v ery damp, masonry mortar of grade preferably MM 2 or more shall be used. But in
no case shall the grade of mortar be less than MM 2.
(e) For masonry in building subject to vibration of machinery, the grade of mortar shall not be less than MM 3.
(f) For parapets, where the height is greater than thrice the thickness, the grade of masonry mortar shall
not be less than MM3. In case of low parapets the grade of mortar shall be the same as used in the
wall masonry.
(g) The grade of mortar for bedding joints in masonry with large concrete blocks shall not be less than MM 3.
(h) The compressive strength shall be determined in accordance with the procedure given in IS 2250.
(i) While mixing the p ozzolanic m aterial l ike f ly ash i n mortars Ordinary Portland cement only s hall be

Grade of Masonry Mortar (IS 2250 )

(Clause 3.2.0)

S l. No. Gra de Compre s s ive s tre ngth a t Ce me nt P ozzola na S a nd

28 da ys in N/mm (Fly As h)
1 MM 0.7 0.7 to 1.5 1 --- 8
2 1 0.4* 10
3 MM 1.5 1.5 to 2.0 1 --- 7
4 1 0.4* 8.75
5 MM 3 3.0 to 5.0 1 ---- 6
6 1** 0.21 4.2
7 1 0.4* 7.5
8 MM 5 5.0 to 7.5 1 ---- 5
9 1 0.4 6.25
10 1 0.4 5
11 MM 7.5 7.5 & above 1 ---- 4
12 1** 0.2* 2.1
13 1 --- 3
14 1 0.4 3.75
* Note :Pozzolana of minimum lime reactivity of 4 N/MM2
** This ratio by volume correspondence approximately to cement Pozzolana ratio of 0.8:0.2 by
weight. In this case, only ordinary Portland cement is to be used (see IS 269). Specifications for
ordinary rapid hardening and low heat Portland Cement (Third revision).
Note : Compressive strength shall be determined in accordance with the Appendix -A-IS 2550.

. .

54 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
4.0: Concrete Work

55 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. Brie f De s cription P a ge No.

List of Mandatory Tests 57
List of Bureau of Indian Standard Codes 58
4.1 Material 59
4.1.1 Coarse Aggregate 59
4.1.2 Chemical Admixtures 61
4.2 Cement Concrete 62
4.2.1 Grades of Cement Concrete 62
4.2.2 Workability of Concrete 64
4.2.3 Concrete Mix Proportioning 65
4.2.4 Batching 65
4.2.5 Mixing 67
4.2.6 Placing 69
4.2.7 Compaction 69
4.2.8 Construction Joints 69
4.2.9 Concreting under Special Conditions 69
4.2.10 Curing 70
4.2.11 Testing of Concrete 71
4.2.12 Form Work 71
4.2.13 Finishes 71
4.2.14 Durability of Concrete 71
4.2.15 Measurements 74
4.2.16 Rate 76
4.3 Cement Fly Ash Concrete – DELETED 76
4.4 Damp Proof Course 77
4.4.1 Cement Concrete Layer 77
4.4.2 Curing 77
4.4.3 Application of Hot Bitumen 77
4.4.4 Water Proofing Materials 77
4.4.5 Measurements 77
4.4.6 Rate 77
Appendix A Determination of Particle Size 78
Appendix B Test for Surface Moisture 78
Appendix C Determination of Ten Per cent Fine Value 79
Appendix D Slump Test 81

56 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Ma te ria l Cla us e Te s t Fie ld/ Te s t Min. qty of Fre que ncy

La bora tory proce dure M a te ria l for of Te s ting
Ca rrying out te s t

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
aggregate Particle size Field/ Lab Appendix ‘A’ 45 cum For every 45
cum or part
thereof for
RCC Work
only. For rest
of items as
decided by
charge (a) Estimation of Field/ Lab IS 2386- 10 cum For every 40

organic Part II cum or part
impurities thereof
(b) Surface Field/ Lab IS 2386 10 cum -do-
(c) Determination of Field/ Lab IS 2386 10 cum -do-
10% fine value

(d) Specific gravity Field/ Lab IS 2386 10 cum -do-

(e) Bulk density Field/ Lab IS 2386 10 cum -do-

(f) Aggregate crusing Field/ Lab IS 2386 10 cum -do-


(g) Aggregate impact Field/ Lab IS 2386 10 cum -do-


Concrete 4.2.2 Slump test Field Appendix ‘D’ 10 cum As per Site

57 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S . No. I. S . No. S ubje ct

1. IS 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for
2. IS 456 Plain and reinforced concrete - Code of practice
3. IS 516 Method of test for strength of concrete
4. IS 1199 Method of sampling and analysis of concrete
5. IS 1200 Method of measurement of building and civil engineering work (concrete
(Part II) work)
6. IS 1322 Specification for bitumen felt for water proofing and damp proofing.
7. IS 1791 General requirements for batch type conrete mixers
8. IS 2386 Method of test for aggregates for concrete
(a) Part I - Particle size and shape
(b) Part II - Estimation of deleterious materials and organic impurities
(c) Part III - Specific gravity, density, voids absorption and bulking.
(d) Part IV - Mechanical properties.
(e) Part V - Soundness
9. IS 2505 General requirements for concrete vibrators - immersion type.
10. IS 2506 General requirements for concrete vibrators - screed board concrete
11. IS 2645 Specification for integral water proofing compounds for cement mortar and
12. IS 3068 Specification for broken brick (burnt clay) coarse aggregate for use in
13. IS 3812 Specification for fly ash for use as Pozzolana and admixture in cement
mortar and concrete.
14. IS 4656 Specification for form vibrators for concrete.
15. IS 7861 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting (Part-I) recommended
(Part-I) practice for hot weather concreting.
16. IS 7861 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting (Part-II) recommended.
17. IS 9103 Specification for concrete admixtures.

58 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Water, c ement, fine aggregate or sand and Surkhi, shall be as specified in Chapter 3.0 -

4.1.1 Coarse Aggregate General: Aggregate most of which is retained on 4. 75 mm IS Sieve and c ontains only as much
fine m aterial as is per mitted in IS 383 for v arious sizes and gr ading is k nown as c oarse aggr egate.
Coarse agg regate s hall be s pecified as stone agg regate, g ravel or br ick aggregate and it s hall be
obtained from approved/ authorized sources.

(a) S tone Aggre ga te : It shall consist of naturally occurring (uncrushed, crushed or broken) stones. It
shall be hard, strong, dense, durable and clean. It shall be free from veins, adherent coating,
injurious amounts of disintegrated pieces, alkali, vegetable matter and other deleterious
substances. It shall be roughly cubical in shape. Flaky and elongated pieces shall be avoided. It
shall conform to IS 383 unless otherwise specified.

(b) Gra ve l: It shall consist of naturally occurring (uncrushed, crushed or broken) river bed shingle or
pit gravel. It shall be sound, hard and clean. It shall be free from flat particles of shale or similar
laminated material, powdered clay, silt, loam, adherent coating, alkali, vegetable matter and
other deleterious substances. Pit gravel shall be washed if it contains soil materials adhering to
it. These shall conform to IS 383 unless otherwise specified.

(c) Brick Aggre ga te : Brick aggregate shall be obtained by breaking well burnt or over burnt dense
brick/ brick bats. They shall be homogeneous in texture, roughly cubical in shape and clean.
They shall be free from unburnt clay particles. Soluble salt, silt, adherent coating of soil,
vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. Such aggregate should not contain more
than one percent of sulphates and should not absorb more than 10% of their own mass of water,
when used in cement concrete. It shall conform to IS 3068 unless otherwise specified.

(d) Light weight aggregate such as sintered fly ash aggregate may also be used provided the
Engineer-in-Charge is satisfied with the data on the proportion of concrete made with them. Deleterious Material: Coarse aggregate s hall not c ontain any d eleterious m aterial, s uch a s
pyrites, c oal, l ignite, mica, shale o r s imilar l aminated material, clay, al kali, s oft fragments, sea shells an d
organic impurities in such quantity as to affect the strength or durability of the concrete. Coarse
aggregate to be used for reinforced cement concrete. Coarse aggregate to be used for reinforced
cement concrete shall not contain an y m aterial l iable t o at tack the steel reinforcement. A ggregates which
are c hemically rea ctive w ith al kalies of c ement shall not be used. T he m aximum quant ity of del eterious
material shall not b e more t han fi ve p ercent o f t he w eight of c oarse aggregate w hen d etermined in
accordance with IS 2386. Size and Grading

(i) S tone a ggre ga te a nd gra ve l: It s hall be ei ther g raded or single s ized as s pecified. N ominal s ize
and grading shall be as under:-
(a) Nominal sizes of graded stone aggregate or gravel shall be 40, 20, 16, or 12.5 mm as
specified. For any one of the nominal sizes, the proportion of other sizes as determined by
the method prescribed in Appendix ‘A’ of Chapter 4 shall be in accordance with Table 4.1.

59 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Graded Stone Aggregate or Gravel

IS S ie ve P e rce nta ge pa s s ing (by we ight) for nomina l s ize of

De s igna tion 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm
80 mm 100 - - -
63 mm - - - -
40 mm 95 to 100 100 - -
20 mm 30 to 70 95 to 100 100 100
16 mm - - 90 to 100 -
12.5 mm - - - 90 to 100
10 mm 10 to 35 25 to 55 30 to 70 40 to 85
4.75 mm 0 to 5 0 to 10 0 to 10 0 to 10
(b) Nominal sizes of single sized stone aggregate or gravel shall be 63, 40, 20, 16, 12.5 or 10
mm as specified. For any one of the nominal size, the proportion of other sizes as determined
by the method prescribed in Appendix ‘A’ of Chapter 4 shall be in accordance with Table 4.2.

Single Sized (Ungraded) Stone Aggregate or Gravel

IS S ie ve P e rce nta ge pa s s ing (by we ight) for nomina l s ize of

De s igna tion 63 mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 12.5 mm 10 mm
80 mm 100 - - - - -
63 mm 85-100 100 - - - -
40 mm 0-30 85-100 100 - - -
20 mm 0- 5 0-20 85-100 100 - -
16 mm - - - 85-100 100 -
12.5 mm - - - - 85-100 100
10 mm 0-5 0-5 0-20 0-30 0-45 85-100
4.75 mm - - 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-20
2.36 mm - - - - - 0-5
(c) When stone aggregate or gravel brought to site is single sized (ungraded), it shall be mixed
with single sized aggregate of different sizes in the proportion to be determined by field tests
to obtain graded aggregate of specified nominal size. For the required nominal size, the
proportion of other sizes in mixed aggregate as determined by method prescribed in
Appendix ‘A’ of Chapter 4 shall be in accordance with Table 4.1. Recommended proportions
by volume for mixing of different sizes of single size (ungraded) aggregate to obtain the
required nominal size of graded aggregate are given in Table 4.3.

Single Sized (Ungraded) Stone Aggregate or Gravel

Ce me nt Nomina l s ize P a rts of s ingle s ize a ggre ga te of s ize

concre te of gra de d 50 mm 40 mm 20 mm 12.5 mm 10 mm
a ggre ga te
re quire d
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1:6:12 63 9 - 3 - -
1:6:12 40 - 9 3 - -
1:5:10 63 7.5 - 2.5 - -

60 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
1:5:10 40 - 7.5 2.5 - -
1:4:8 63 6 - 2 - -
1:4:8 40 - 6 2 - -
1:3:6 63 4.5 - 1.5 - -
1:3:6 40 - 4.5 1.5 - -
1:3:6 20 - - 4.5 - 1.5
1:2:4 40 - 2.5 1 - 1.5
1:2:4 20 - - 3 - 1
1:2:4 12.5 - - - 3 1
1: 11/2 :3 20 0 0 2 - 1
(i) The proportions indicated in Table 4.3 above are by volume when considered
necessary, these proportions may be varied marginally by Engineer-in-Charge af ter
making sieve analysis of aggregate brought to site for obtaining required graded
aggregate. No a djustments i n rat e s hall b e m ade f or a ny variation i n t he pr oportions
so o rdered by t he Engineer-in-Charge. I f single s ize coarse agg regate ar e no t
premixed at site to obtain the graded coarse aggregate requ ired for the m ix, the
volume of s ingle s ize aggr egates r equired f or t he m ix s hall be s uitably i ncreased t o
account for reduction in total volume at the site of mixing.

(ii) Brick Aggre ga te : Nominal size of brick aggregate shall be 40 mm and its grading shall
be as specified in Table 4.4 when tested for sieve analysis for the method prescribed
in Appendix ‘A’ of Chapter 4.0.

Brick Aggregate

IS S ie ve De s igna tion P e rce nta ge pa s s ing (by we ight)

75 mm 100
37.5 mm 95-100
20.0 mm 45-100
4.75 mm 0.50 Stacking: Aggregate shall be s tacked o n a ha rd, d ry and l evel p atch of g round. When s tack
piling, the aggregate shall not form pyramids resulting in segregation of different sized materials. It shall be
stacked separately ac cording t o no minal s ize o f coarse aggr egates. S tacking s hall be done i n regular
stacks, of height not exceeding 100 cm. Testing: Coarse aggregate shall be tested for the followings (as per IS 2386)
(a) Determination of particle size and shape (Appendix ‘A’ of Chapter 4)
(b) Estimation of organic impurities (as per IS 2386 - Part II)
(c) Surface moisture (Appendix ‘B’ of Chapter 4)
(d) Determination of 10% fine value (Appendix ‘C’ of Chapter 4) Measurements: The aggregates shall be m easured in s tacks and p aid for af ter m aking a
deduction o f 7 .5% o f t he gr oss measurements o f stacks i n respect o f aggr egates o f no minal s ize 40 mm
and abo ve. N o dedu ction from the gros s m easurements o f the stacks is to be m ade in res pect o f
aggregate of nominal size below 40 mm.

4.1.2 Chemical Admixtures

When re quired, a dmixtures of a pproved q uality s hall b e m ixed w ith co ncrete, as sp ecified. T he
admixtures shall conform to IS 9103 and as specified in Chapter 5 - R.C.C.

61 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Admixtures may be any one of the following classes for use in concrete:-
(a) Water Reducing Admixtures
(b) Retarding Admixtures
(c) Accelerating Admixtures.
(d) Water Reducing and Retarding Admixtures.
(e) Water Reducing and Accelerating Admixtures.
(f) Permeability Reducing (water proofing) Admixtures. Liquid Admixtures: Admixtures i ntroduced i nto t he c oncrete as l iquids gener ally f all i nto t he
following categories.
(a) Air Entraining.
(b) Water Reducing.
(c) Water Reducing Retarders.
(d) Retarders.
(e) Water Reducing Accelerators.
(f) Accelerators. Dosage of these admixtures may vary according to manufacturers specification. Two or more admixtures may not be compatible in the same solution. It is therefore mandatory
that when two admixtures manufactured by the same manufacturers is being used simultaneously, the
manufacturer s hall c ertify the ir c ompatibility. In c ase the two o r m ore adm ixtures a re produces by
different manufacturers, then, before their use in concrete, test shall be performed by the manufacturer to
establish t heir compatibility, al l s uch t est re ports shall b e f urnished t o t he Engineer-in-Charge for hi s
approval before their use in concrete. Some admixture may be in the form of powder, particle or hi gh concentration liquids which may
require mixing with w ater pr ior to dos ing. U nder these conditions w ater i n solution s hall be considered as
part of total water content in the batch in order to maintain the water-cement ratio. Admixture m anufacturer’s rec ommendation s hall be c arefully f ollowed s o as t o ens ure c omplete
solution of the product or to prepare a standard solution of uniform strength for easier use. Certain ad mixtures may c ontain significant amounts o f finely di vided i nsoluble materials o r ac tive
ingredients which may or may not be readily soluble. It is essential for such admixtures that precautions be
taken to ensure that these constituents be kept in a state o f un iform s uspension be fore actual
batching. When rel atively small a mounts of po wered adm ixtures are to be u sed di rectly, these s hall b e
pre-blended with cement. Admixtures are sold under various trade names and may be in the form of liquids or powders.
The proprietary name and th e n et q uantity of content shall be c learly i ndicated i n e ach pa ckage o r
container of admixtures. The a dmixtures s hall b e uniform within e ach batch a nd u niform between all
batches. No admixtures shall be accepted for use in concrete unless these are tested in accordance with IS
9103 and the test results are approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.


4.2.1 Grades of Cement Concrete
The concrete shall be in grade designated as under:

62 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Grades of Concrete

Group Grade Designation Specified characteristic

compressive strength of
150 mm Cube at 28 Days in
(1) ( 2) (3)
Ordinary Concrete M10 10
M15 15
M20 20
Standard Concrete M25 25
M30 30
M35 35
M40 40
M45 45
M50 50
M55 55
High Strength Concrete M60 60
M65 65
M70 70
M75 75
M80 80

Notes :
1. In the designation of conc rete mix M refers to the mix and the number to the spec ified
compressive strength of 150 mm size cube at 28 days, expressed in N/mm2.
2. For concrete of compressive strength greater than M55, design parameters given in the standard
may not be applic able and the v alues may be obtai ned from specialized li teratures and
experimental results. The characteristic strength is defi ned a s the streng th of material b elow wh ich not more than 5
percent of the test results are expected to fall.

Minimum Cement Content, Maximum Water-Cement Ratio and Minimum Grade of Concrete for
Different Exposures with Normal Weight Aggregates of 20 mm Nominal; Maximum Size

Sl. Exposure Plain Concrete Reinforced Concrete

Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum Minimum
Cement Free Water Grade of Cement Free Grade of
Content Cement Concrete Content Water- Concrete
kg/m3 Ratio kg/m3 Cement
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(i) Mild 220 0.60 - 300 0.55 M20
(ii) Mo derate 240 0.60 M15 300 0.50 M25
(iii) Sev ere 250 0.50 M20 320 0.45 M30
(iv) Very Severe 260 0.45 M20 340 0.45 M35
(v) Ext reme 280 0.40 M25 360 0.40 M40

1. Cement c ontent presc ribed in this Table is i rrespective of the grades of c ement. The addi tions
such a s fly or ground g ranulated blast furnace sl ag may b e tak en into account in the conc rete
composition with respe ct to the c ement c ontent and water-cement ratio, if the s uitability is
established and as long as the maximum amounts taken into account do not exceed the limit of
pozzolona and slag specified in IS 1489 (Part 1) and IS 455 respectively.
2. Minimum grade for plain concrete under mild exposure condition is not specified.
3. The abo ve minimum c ement conte nt and ma ximum water ce ment rat io app ly only to 20 mm
nominal maximum size aggregate. For other sizes of aggregate, these should be changed as per
Table 6 of IS 456.

The minimum grade of concrete for plain and reinforced concrete shall be as per Table 4.6. Concrete o f grades lo wer than thos e given in Table 4.6 may be used for l ean conc rete,
foundation for masonry walls or temporary reinforced concrete construction.

4.2.2 Workability of Concrete The concrete mix proportion chosen should be such that the concrete is of adequate workability
for the placing c onditions of the co ncrete and c an properly be compacted with the means a vailable.
Suggested ranges of workability of concrete measured in accordance with IS 1199 are given below:

Placing Conditions Degree of Workability Slump (mm)

(1) (2) (3)

Blinding conc rete: s hallow Very low See
sections: P avements using
Mass con crete: Li ghtly Low 25-75
reinforced sections in s labs,
beams, wall, columns, : floors
Hand placed pa vements: cana l
lining; Strip footing
Heavily re inforced se ctions in Medium 50-100
slabs, beams, walls, columns:
Slip for m work: Pumped Medium 75-100
Trench fill High 100-150
Tremie concrete Very High See

Note:- For mo st o f the p lacing con ditions, internal vibrators (needle vibrators) are s uitable. The
diameter of the needle shall be determined based on the density and spacing of reinforcement
bars and thickness of sections. For tremie concrete, vibrators are not required to be used (see
also 4.2.7) In the ‘very low’ category of workability where strict control is necessary, for example, pavement
quality con crete, measurement of workab ility be determination of c ompacting factor will b e more
appropriate than slump ( see IS 1199) and a value of compacting factor of 0.75 to 0.80 is suggested. In the ‘very high’ category of workability, measurement of workability by determination of flow will
be appropriate (see IS 9103).

64 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

4.2.3 Concrete Mix Proportioning The determination of the p roportion of cement, aggregate and water to attain the required
strength shall be made as follows:
(a) By designing the concrete mix: su ch c oncrete shall be ca lled ‘Design mix concrete’, for detai ls
reference may be made to RCC Chapter.
(b) By adopting nominal concrete mix: such concrete shall be called ‘Nominal mix concrete’.

Design mix concrete is preferred to nomina l mi x. If design mix concrete cannot be use d for any
reason on the work for grades of M20 or lower, nomi nal mix es ma y be used with the permis sion of
Engineer-in-Charge, which, however, is likely to involve a higher cement content. Nominal Mix Concrete: Nominal Mix Concrete may be u sed for concrete of M20 or lower. The
proportions of materials for nominal mix concrete shall be in accordance with Table 4.7.

The c ement c ontent of t he mix specified in Tab le 4.7 for any nominal mix sha ll be pro portionately
increased if the quantity of water in the mix has to be increased to overcome the difficulty or placement
and compaction, so that the water cement ratio as specified is not exceeded.

Proportions for Nominal Mix Concrete

Grade of Concrete Total Quantity of Proportion of Fine Quantity of Water

Dry Aggregates by Aggregate to per 50 kg of
Mass per 50 kg of Coarse Aggregate Cement, max
cement, to be taken (by Mass) Ltr.
as the Sum of the
Individual Masses of
Fine and Coarse
Aggregates, Kg.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
M5 800 Generally 1:2 but 60
M7.5 625 subject to an upper 45
M10 480 limit of 1: 1 ½ and 34
M15 330 a lower limit of 32
M20 250 1:2 ½ 30

Note : - The proportion o f the fine to coa rse aggregate should be adjusted f rom upper limit
progressively as the grading of f ine aggregate bec omes finer and the ma ximum size o f
coarse aggregate becomes larger. Graded coarse aggregate shall be used.
Note : - Quantity of water requi red from dur ability point of view ma y be less tha n the value given

For an average grading of fine aggregate (that is, Zone II of Table 4 of IS 383), the proportions shall
be 1:1 ½ , 1:2 and 1:2 ½ for maximum size of aggregates 10 mm, 20 mm and 40 mm respectively.

4.2.4 Batching
To a void confusi on an d error in batching, consideration shou ld be given to u sing the smalle st
practical nu mber of d ifferent concrete mixed o n any site or i n an y one plant. In batching concrete, the
quantity of both cement and aggregate shall be determined by mass; admixture, if solid, by mass: liquid

65 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

admixture may however be m easured in volume or m ass: w ater sh all be w eighed or m easured b y
volume in a calibrated tank (see also IS 4925).

Ready-mixed c oncrete s upplied b y ready-mixed c oncrete pl ant shall be p referred. For l arge and medium
project sites the concrete shall be sourced from ready-mixed c oncrete pl ants or f rom on s ite or of f s ite
batching and mixing plants (see IS 4926). Except w here it can be s hown to the satisfaction of the E ngineer-in-Charge that s upply of
properly g raded ag gregate of uniform q uality can be m aintained o ver a p eriod of work, t he grading
aggregate s hould be controlled b y obt aining t he coarse aggr egate i n di fferent s izes and bl ending them in
the right proportions when required, the different sizes being stocked in separate stock-piles. T he
material s hould be s tock-piled f or s everal hours preferably a d ay before us e. T he grading of c oarse and
fine aggregate should be checked as frequently as possible, the frequency for a given job being
determined by the Engineer-in-Charge to ensure that the specified grading is maintained. The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within + 2 percent of the quantity of cement
being measured and within + 3 percent of the quantity of aggregate, admixtures and water being
measured. Proportion/Type and grading of aggregates shall be made by trial in such a w ay so as to obtain
densest possible concrete. All ingredients of the concrete should be used by mass only. Volume batching m ay be al lowed o nly where w eigh-batching i s n ot pr acticable and p rovided
accurate used in concrete have earlier been established. Allowance for bilking shall be made in
accordance w ith I S 2386 ( Part 3) . T he m ass v olume r elationship s hould be c hecked a s f requently as
necessary, the frequency for the given job being determined by Engineer-in-Charge to ensure that the
specified grading is maintained. It is important to maintain the water cement ratio constant at its correct value. To this end,
determination of m oisture contents i n b oth fine a nd coarse ag gregates shall b e m ade a s frequently as
possible, the frequency f or a given j ob be ing det ermined by the E ngineer-in-Charge a ccording t o
weather conditions. T he a mount of t he adde d w ater s hall be adj usted to c ompensate f or any observed
variations i n the m oisture contents. F or t he determination of m oisture c ontent in t he aggregates, I S 2386
(Part 3 ) m ay be referred to. To allow for t he v ariation in m ass for aggregate du e to v ariations in their
moisture c ontent, suitable adj ustments in t he m asses of aggregates s hall be m ade. I n t he absence of
exact data, o nly in t he c ase of n ominal m ixes, the amount o f s urface water may be es timated from t he
values given in Table 4.8.

Surface Water Carried by Aggregate

S l No. Aggre ga te Approxima te Qua ntity of S urfa ce Wa te r

P e rce nt by l/m
ma s s
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(i) Very wet sand 7.5 120
(ii) Moderately wet sand 5.0 80
(iii) Moist sand 2.5 40
(iv) Moist gravel or crushed 1.25-2.5 20-40
Coarser the aggregate, less the water it will carry.

66 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I No substitutions in materials used on the w ork or alteration in t he es tablished proportions, except
as permitted in and 4. 2.4.5 shall be m ade without additional tests to show that the quality and
strength of concrete are satisfactory.

4.2.5 Mixing
Concrete s hall be m ixed in m echanical batch type c oncrete mixers c onforming t o I S 1791 having t wo
blades an d fitt ed w ith p ower l oader (li fting h opper type ). H alf ba g m ixers an d m ixers without lifti ng
hoppers s hall not be used f or mixing c oncrete. I n e xceptional c ircumstances, s uch as m echanical br eak
down of m ixer, w ork i n remote areas or p ower b reakdown and w hen t he quantity of concrete w ork i s
very small, ha nd m ixing m ay be d one w ith t he s pecific p rior p ermission of t he E ngineer-in-Charge i n
writing subject to a dding 10% extra cement. When hand mixing is per mitted, it shall be carried out o n a
water tight pl atform a nd care s hall be ta ken t o ensure th at mixing i s continued u ntil th e concrete i s
uniform in colour and consistency. Before mixing the brick aggregate shall be well soaked with water for a
minimum period of two hours and stone aggregate or gravel shall be washed with water to remove, dirt,
dust and ot her f oreign materials. For guidance, t he m ixing t ime m ay be 1 1/2 to 2 m inutes, f or
hydrophobic cement it may be taken as 21/2 to 3 minutes. Power Loader: Mixer will be fitted with a power loader complying with the following
(a) The hopper shall be of adequate capacity to receive and discharge the maximum nominal batch
of unmixed materials without spillage under normal operating conditions on a level site.

Note: In such a c ase the v olume of the m aximum nom inal batc h of m ixed m aterial is 50%
greater than the nominal mixed batch capacity.

(b) The minimum inside width of the feeding edge of the hopper shall be as specified below in Table


Nomina l s ize of mixe r (T, NT or R). Minimum ins ide width of hoppe r fe e ding e dge
140 1.0
200 1.1
280 1.2
375 1.4
500 1.5
1000 2.0
T = Tilting; NT = Non-tilting; R = Reverse

(c) The design of the loader shall be such that it allows the loading hopper to be elevated to such a
height that the centre line of the chute plate of the hopper when in discharge position, is at an
angle of not less than 50º to the horizontal. A mechanical device to aid discharge of the contents
as quickly as possible from the hopper to the drum may also be provided. Even when a
mechanical device is provided, it is recommended that the angle of centre line of the chute plate
of the hopper when in discharge position, should be as larger as practicable, preferably not less
than 40º to horizontal.

(d) When the means of raising and lowering the loading hopper includes flexible wire ropes winding
on to a drum or drums, the method of fastening the wire to rope to the drums shall be such as to
avoid, as far as possible any tendency to cut the strands of the ropes and the fastening should
preferably be positioned clear of the barrel of the drum for example, outside the drums flange.
When the loading hopper is lowered to its normal loading position, these should be at least one
and a half drums of rope on the drum.

67 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(e) Clutch bra ke and hydraulic control le ver shall be designe d s o a s to prevent d isplacement by
liberation or by accidental contact with any person.

(f) The cl utch and brake control arrangements shall als o be so de signed that the operator ca n
control the falling speed of the loader.

(g) Safety device shall be provided to secure the hopper in raised position when not in use. Mixing Efficiency: The mixer sha ll be tested under norma l working conditions in accordance
with the method specified in IS 46 43 with a view to check its ab ility to mix the ingredients t o obtain
concrete ha ving uniformity with in the prescribed lim its. T he uniformity of mixed c oncrete sha ll be
evaluated by finding the percentage variation in quantity (mass in water) of cement, fine aggregate and
coarse aggregate in a freshly mixed batch of concrete.

The percentage v ariation between the quantiti es of c ement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregates
(as found by weighing in water) in the two halves of a batch and a verage of the two halv e of the batch
shall not be more than the following limits:

Cement 8%
Fine aggregate 6%
Coarse aggregate 5% Machine Mixing: The mixer drum shall be flushed clean with water. Measured quantity of coarse
aggregate shall be p laced fi rst in the hopper. Thi s shall b e foll owed with measured quantity of fine
aggregate and then cement. In case fine ag gregate is damp, half the required quanti ty of coarse
aggregate shal l be placed in the hopper, foll owed by fine aggregate and ce ment. Fina lly the balance
quantity of coarse aggregate shall be fed in the hoppe r, & then the dr y mate rials are slipped into th e
drum by raising the hopper. The dry material shall be mixed for atleast four turns of the drum. While the
drum is rotating, water shall be added gradually to achieve the water c ement ratio as specified or a s
required by the Engineer-in-Charge. After addin g water, the mix ing shall be c ontinued until concrete of
uniform colour, uni formly distributed materia l and consistency is obt ained. Mixing shall be done for
atleast two minute s after adding water. If there is segregation after unloading from the mixer, th e
concrete should be remixed.

The drum shall be e mptied before r echarging. When the mixer is closed down for t he day or at any
time exceeding 20 minutes, the drum shall be flushed cleaned with water. Hand Mixing: When hand mixing has been specifically permitted in ex ceptional circumstances
by the Engineer-in-Charge i n wr iting, subject t o add ing 10% e xtra c ement, i t shall be carr ied out on a
smooth, clean a nd water tight pl atform of su itable siz e. Measured q uantity of sand shall b e s pread
evenly on th e platform a nd the cement shall be dumped on the sand and di stributed evenly. Sand and
cement shall be mix ed i ntimately with spade until mixture is of even c olour throughout. Meas ured
quantity of coarse aggregate shall be s pread on top of cement sand mix ture and mixi ng done by
showlling a nd turning till the coarse aggregate gets evenly distributed the cement sand mixture. Three
quarters of the total quantity of water requ ired shall be ad ded in a hollow made in the middle of the
mixed pile and the material is t urned towards the middle of pile with spade. The whole mixture is turned
slowly o ver and again and the re maining quantity of wa ter is added gradual ly. The mixi ng shall be
continued until c oncrete of uniform colour and cons istency is obta ined. The mixin g pl atform shall be
washed and cleaned at the end of the day. Transportation and Handling : Concrete shall be transported fr om the mix er to the place of
laying as rapidly a s p ossible by methods whic h will pre vent the segregation or loss of any of the
ingredients and maintaining the required workability.

68| Page HO Civil Specifications Volume-I

During hot or c old weather, c oncrete shall be t ransported in deep c ontainers, ot her s uitable m ethods
to reduce the loss of water by evaporation in hot weather and h eat l oss in cold weather m ay al so be

4.2.6 Placing
The c oncrete s hall b e deposited as n early as p racticable i n its f inal p osition to av oid rehandling. It
shall be laid gently (not thrown) and shall be thoroughly vibrated and compacted before setting
commences a nd s hould n ot be s ubsequently di sturbed. M ethod of p lacing s hall be such as t o preclude
segregation. C are shall be t aken t o avoid di splacement of reinforcement or movement of f orm w ork and
damage due t o rains. A s a gener al gui dance, t he maximum free f all of c oncrete m ay be t aken as 1. 5

4.2.7 Compaction
Concrete s hall be tho roughly c ompacted and ful ly w orked a round em bedded fixtures and into
corners of t he f orm w ork. C ompaction s hall b e d one by m echanical v ibrator of a ppropriate t ype t ill a
dense c oncrete is obtained. The m echanical vibrators shall c onform to I S 250 5, IS 2506, IS 2514 and IS
4656. To prevent segregation, over vibration shall be avoided.

Compaction s hall b e c ompleted be fore the initial setting s tarts. F or the items w here m echanical
vibrators a re not t o be u sed, t he c ontractor s hall t ake pe rmission of t he E ngineer-in-Charge i n w riting
before t he s tart of t he w ork. A fter c ompaction t he t op s urface shall be f inished ev en a nd s mooth w ith
wooden trowel before the concrete begins to set.

4.2.8 Construction Joints

Concreting shall be carried out continuously upto construction joints. The position and arrangement of
construction j oints shall be a s s hown i n t he structural d rawings o r a s di rected b y t he E ngineer-in-
Charge. N umber of su ch joint s sh all b e k ept m inimum. J oints s hall b e ke pt as st raight as p ossible.
Construction joints should comply with IS 11817. When the work has to be resumed on a surface which has hardened, such surface shall be
roughened. It shall then be swept clean and thoroughly wetted. For vertical joints, neat cement slurry, of
workable consistency by using 2 kgs of cement per sqm shall be applied on the surface before it is dry.
For horizontal joints, the s urface shall be c overed with a layer o f mortar about 10 -15 mm thick c omposed
of c ement and sand i n the s ame ratio a s the cement and sand in concrete m ix. T his l ayer of cement
slurry of mortar shall be freshly mixed and applied immediately before placing of the concrete. Where the concrete has not fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed by scrubbing the wet
surface w ith w ire o r br istle bru shes, c are be ing tak en t o av oid di slodgement o f pa rticles of c oarse
aggregate. T he surface shall be thoroughly wetted and all free w ater removed. The s urface s hall t hen be
coated w ith neat c ement s lurry @ 2 k gs of c ement pe r sqm. On t his s urface, a l ayer of c oncrete n ot
exceeding 150 mm i n thickness shall first be pl aced and s hall be well r ammed agai nst ol d work
particular at tention be ing paid t o corners a nd c lose s pots; work, thereafter, shall proc eed i n t he norm al

4.2.9 Concreting under Special Conditions Work in Extreme Weather Conditions: During hot and cold weather, the concreting shall be
done as per t he procedure set ou t i n I S 7861 ( Part-I)-1975 and I S 7861 (Part I I)-1981 respectively.
Concreting shall n ot be done when t he t emperature f alls below 4.5ºC. I n cold w eather, t he concrete
placed s hall be protected against frost. D uring hot w eather, it shall be ensured that the temperature of
wet concrete does not exceed 38ºC.

69 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Under Water Concreting: Concrete s hall not be dep osited und er water i f i t i s p racticable to
dewater the area and place concrete in the regular manner. When it is necessary to deposit concrete under
water, the methods, equipment, m aterials a nd p roportions of the m ix t o be u sed shall be submitted to
and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before the work is started.

Under-water c oncrete s hould hav e a s lump rec ommended i n 4. 2.2. T he w ater-cement r atio s hall not
exceed 0. 6 an d m ay nee d t o be s maller, dependi ng on t he g rade of c oncrete or t he t ype of c hemical
attack. For aggregates of 40 mm maximum particle size, the cement content shall be atleast 350 kg/m3
of concrete. Concrete in Sea Water: Concrete in sea-water or exposed directly along the sea-coast shall be at
least M20 Grade in the case of plain concrete and M30 in case of reinforced concrete. The use of slag or
Pozzolana cement is advantageous under such conditions.

(i) Special attention shall be given to the design of the mix to obtain the densest possible concrete:
slag, broken brick, soft lime stone, soft sandstone, or other porous or weak aggregates shall not
be used.

(ii) As far as possible, preference shall be given to precast members unreinforced, well-cured and
hardened, without sharp corners, and having trowel-smooth finished surfaces free from crazing,
cracks or other defect; plastering should be avoided.

(iii) No construction joints shall be allowed within 600 mm below low water-level or within 60 mm of
the upper and lower planes of wave action. Where unusually severe conditions or abrasion are
anticipated, such parts of the work shall be protected by bituminous or silico-fluoride coatings or
stone facing bedded with bitumen.

(iv) In reinforced concrete structures, care shall be taken to protect the reinforcement from exposure
to saline atmosphere during storage, fabrication and use. It may be achieved by treating the
surface of reinforcement with cement wash or by suitable methods.

4.2.10 Curing
Curing is the process of preventing loss of moisture from the concrete. The following methods shall be
employed for effecting curing. Moist Curing : Exposed s urfaces o f c oncrete s hall be k ept c ontinuously in a dam p or w et
condition by pondi ng or b y c overing w ith a l ayer of s acking, c anvas, H essian or s imilar m aterials and
kept c onstantly w et f or at l east 7 d ays f rom t he da te of pl acing concrete i n case of o rdinary P ortland
cement an d at l east 1 0 d ays w here mineral a dmixtures or blended c ements a re used. T he p eriod o f
curing shall not be less than 10 days for concrete exposed to dry and hot weather conditions. In the case of
concrete w here m ineral ad mixtures or b lended c ements ar e u sed, it is r ecommended that abo ve
minimum periods may be extended to 14 days. Membrane Curing : Approved curing compounds may be used in lieu of moist curing with the
permission of t he Engineer-in-Charge. Such c ompound s hall be applied t o al l e xposed s urfaces of t he
concrete as soon as possible after the concrete has set. Impermeable membrane such as polythene
sheet covering the c oncrete surface may al so be u sed to p rovide effective ba rrier a gainst the
evaporation. Freshly laid concrete shall be protected from rain by suitable covering.

70 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Over the foundation concrete, the masonry work may be started after 48 hours of its compaction
but the curing of exposed surfaces of cement concrete shall be continued along with the masonry work for
at eas t 7 day s. A nd w here cement c oncrete i s us ed as bas e c oncrete f or f looring, t he flooring may be
commenced before the curing period of base concrete is over but the curing of base concrete shall be
continued along with top layer of flooring for a minimum period of 7 days.

4.2.11 Testing of Concrete

Testing of concrete shall be done as described in chapter of R.C.C.

4.2.12 Form Work

Form w ork shall be as s pecified i n R .C.C. c hapter and s hall b e p aid f or s eparately unl ess o therwise

4.2.13 Finishes
Plastering and special f inishes o ther t han t hose, obtained t hrough form work shall be s pecified and
paid for separately unless otherwise specified.

4.2.14 Durability of Concrete

A d urable concrete i s o ne t hat pe rforms satisfactorily i n t he w orking e nvironment d uring i ts
anticipated exposure conditions during s ervice. T he m aterials and mix proportions s hall be such a s t o
maintain its intergrity and, if applicable, to protect reinforcement from corrosion.

The factors influencing durability include:

(a) The environment;
(b) The cover to embedded steel;
(c) The type and quality of constituent materials;
(d) The cement content and water/ cement ratio of the concrete;
(e) Workmanship, to obtain full compaction and efficient curing; and
(f) The shape and size of the member. Requirements for Durability Ge ne ra l Environme nt : The general environment to which the concrete will be exposed during
its working life i s classified i nto f ive l evels of s everity, t hat i s, mild, moderate, s evere, v ery severe and
extreme as described in Table 4.9.

Environmental Exposure Conditions

S l. N o Environme nt Expos ure Conditions

(1) (2) (3)
(i) Mild Concrete surfaces protected against weather or aggressive conditions,
except those situated in coastal area.
(ii) Moderate Concrete surfaces sheltered from severe rain or freezing whilst wet
Concrete exposed to condensation and rain
Concrete continuously under water
Concrete i n c ontact or b uried un der no n-aggressive s oil/ gr ound water
Concrete surfaces sheltered from saturated salt air in coastal area
(iii) Severe Concrete surfaces exposed to severe rain, alternate wetting and drying
or occasional freezing whilst wet or severe condensation.
Concrete completely immersed in sea water.
Concrete exposed to coastal environment.

71 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(1) (2) (3)
(iv) Very severe Concrete surface exposed to sea water spray, corrosive fumes or
severe freezing conditions whilst wet.
Concrete i n c ontact w ith or bur ied unde r aggr essive s ub-soil/ gr ound
(v) Extreme Surface of members in tidal zone.
Members in direct contact with liquid/ solid aggressive chemicals.

Note: For the purpose of determining exposure conditions, all places within a distance of 10 kms. of
coastal line, sea front would be treated as coastal area. Fre e zing a nd Tha wing : Where freezing and thawing ac tions u nder w et c onditions e xist,
enhanced du rability c an be obt ained by t he us e o f s uitable ai r ent raining adm ixtures. W hen c oncrete
lower t han grade M 50 i s used under t hese c onditions, t he mean t otal ai r content by volume of the fresh
concrete at the time of delivery into the construction should be:

Nomina l Ma ximum Size Aggre ga te (mm) Entra ine d Air Pe rce nta ge
20 5+1
40 4+1 Expos ure to S ulpha te Atta ck : For the very high sulphate concentration in Class 5 c onditions
given in Table 4.11, some form of lining such as polyethylene or polychloroprene sheet: or surface
coating based on a sphalt, c hlorinated rub ber, epo xy; or pol yurethane m aterials s hould also be us ed t o
prevent access by the sulphate solution. Chloride s in Concre te : The total amount of chlorides content (as CI) in the concrete at the
time of placing shall be as under :

S I. No. Type of Us e of Concre te Ma ximum T ota l A cid S oluble Chloride

Conte nt expre s s e d as kg/ m of
Concre te
(1) (2) (3)
(i) Concrete containing metal and steam cured at 0.4
elevated t emperature an d pr e-stressed c oncrete
(ii) Reinforced concrete or plain concrete containing 0.6
embedded metal
(iii) Concrete not containing embedded metal or any 3.0
material requiring protection from chloride S ulpha te s in Concre te : The total water-soluble sulphate content of the concrete mix,
expressed as S O3 should not ex ceed 4 per c ent by mass of the c ement in t he mix. The sulphate content
should be calculated as the total from the various constituents of the mix. The 4 per cent limit does not
apply to concrete made with super sulphate cement complying with IS 6909.

72 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
TABLE 4.11
Requirements for Concrete Exposed to Sulphate Attack

Sl No. Class Dens e, Fully

Concentration of s ulphates, compa cte d ma de with
Expresed as SO3 Concrete. 20 mm nomina l
maximum s ize
Aggre gates complying
with IS 383
In Ground Type of Ce me nt Minimum Maximum
In Soil
Water Ce me nt Free
Content Water-
Total S O 3 S O 3 in 2:1 ( Wa te r: (g/l) 3
Soil E xtract) ( g /l) kg/m Ce me nt
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(i) 1 Traces Less than Less than Ordinary Portland cement 280 0.55
(<0.2) 1.0 0.3 or Portland slag
cement or Portland -
Pozzolana cement
(ii) 2 0.2 to 0.5 1.0 to 1.9 0.3 to 1.2 Ordinary Portland cement 330 0.50
or Portland slag
cement or Portland
Pozzolana cement
Super sulphated cement
or sulphate resisting 310 0.50
Portland cement
1.2 to 2.5 Super sulphated
(iii) 3 0.5 to 1.0 1.9 to 3.1 cement or sulphate 330 0.50
resisting Portland cement
Portland Pozzolana
cement or Portland slag
cement 350 0.45
2.5 to 5.0 Super sulphated or
sulphate r esisting
(iv) 4 1.0 to 2.0 3.1 to 5.0 Portland cement 370 0.45
More than Sulphate resisting
5.0 Portland cement or
(v) 5 More than More than super sulphated cement 400 0.40
with protective c oatings
2.0 5.0

1. Cement content given in this Table is irrespective of grades of cement.

2. Use of super sulphated cement is generally restricted where the prevailing temperature is above

3. Super sulphated cement gives an a cceptable life provided that the concrete is den se and
prepared with a water-cement ratio of 0.4 or less, in mineral acids, down to pH 3.5.

4. T he c ement contents given in c ol. 7 of this T able are the m inimum rec ommended. F or S O3
contents near the upper limit of any class, cement contents above these minimum are advised.

5. For severe conditions, such as thin sections under hydrostatic pressure on one side only and
sections partly immersed, considerations should be given to a further reduction of water-cement

6. P ortland sla g c ement conf orming t o IS 4 55 with sl ag c ontent m ore t han 50 per cent ex hibits
better sulphate resisting properties.

73 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
7. Where chloride is encountered along with sulphates in soil or ground water, ordinary Portland
cement with C3A content from 5 to 8 per cent shall be desirable to be used in concrete, instead of
sulphate resisting cement. Alternatively, Portland slag cement conforming to IS 455 having more
than 50 per cent slag or a blend of ordinary Portland cement and slag may be used provided
sufficient information is available on performance of such blended cements in these conditions.

4.2.15 Measurements Dimensions of length, breadth and thickness shall be measured correct to nearest cm. except
for the thickness of s lab and partition w hich s hall be m easured t o nearest 5 mm. A reas s hall be w orked
out to nearest 0.01 sq.m and the cubic contents of consolidated concrete shall be worked out to nearest
0.01 cum. Any work done in excess over the specified dimension or sections shown in the drawing shall be
ignored. Concrete work executed in the following conditions shall be measured separately:
(a) Work in or under water
(b) Work in liquid mud
(c) Work in or under foul positions Cast-in-situ concrete and or pre cast c oncrete w ork s hall be measured i n s tages described i n
the item of work, such as:
(a) At or near the ground level
(b) Upto specified floor level
(c) Between two specified floor levels
(d) Upto specified height above or depth below plinth level/ defined datum level.
(e) Between tow specified heights or depths with reference to plinth/defined datum level. No deduction shall be made for the following:

(a) E nds of di ssimilar materials f or e xample bea ms, po sts, girders, raf ters, purl ins, t russes, c orbels
and steps upto 500 sq cm in cross sections.
(b) Opening upto 0.1 sq metre (1000
(c) V olume oc cupied b y pip es, conduits, sh eathing etc . no t ex ceeding 100 sq c m e ach in c ross
sectional areas.
(d) Small voids such as shaded portions in Figure A to J below when these do not exceed 40 s q cm
each in cross section.

Note: In calculating area of opening, the thickness of any separate lintel or sill shall be included in the
height. Nothing extra shall be payable for forming such openings or voids.

Area of Fig. A to G shall be =LxB

Area of Fig. H & J shall be = L x {Average of B and B’}

74 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I






B B B' B B'


G H J Cast-in-situ and precast concrete work shall be measured sperately. Cast-in-situ concrete shall be classified and measured as follows:

(a) Foundation, footings, bases for columns
(b) Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and s tring cou rses, fillets
(c) Shelves
(d) Slabs
(e) Chajjas including portions bearing on the wall
(f) Lintels, beams and bressummers
(g) Columns, piers abutments, pillars, post and struts
(h) Stair case including stringer beams but excluding landings.
(i) Balustrades, newels and sailing
(j) Spiral staircase (including landings)
(k) Arches
(I) Domes, vaults
(m) Shell roof, arch ribs and folded piates
(n) Chimneys and shaft.
(o) Breast walls, retaining, walls, return walls
(p) Concrete filling to precast components
(q) Kerbs, steps and the like
(r) String or la cing courses, parapets , copings, bed block, anch or blocks, plain w indow sills and
the like
(s) Cornices and moulded windows sills.
(t) Louvers, fins, facia. P recast ceme nt concrete solid article shall be measured s eparately and shall incl ude use of
moulds, f inishing the to p surfaces e ven and smooth with wooden trowel, before setting in p osition in

75 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

cement mortar 1: 2 ( 1 c ement : 2 coarse sand). Plain a nd m oulded work s hall b e m easured s eparately
and the work shall be classified and measured as under:

Cla s s ifica tions Me thod of me a s ure me nt

(a) Wall panels In square meters stating the thickness.
(b) String or lacing courses, In cubic meters.
coping,bed plates, pl ain
windows sills, shelves,
louvers, steps etc.
(c) Kerbs, edgings etc. In cubic meters.
(d) Solid block work In square metres stating the thickness or in cubic
(e) Hollow block work In square metres stating the thickness or in cubic
(f) Light weight partitions In square metres s tating t he partition’s

4.2.16 Rate
The r ate is inc lusive of t he c ost o f lab our an d m aterials inv olved in all t he op erations d escribed



76 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

4.4.1 Cement Concrete Layer

This s hall c onsist of c ement c oncrete of s pecified p roportions a nd t hickness. The s urface of brick o r
stone m asonry w ork s hall be levelled an d prepared be fore l aying t he cement c oncrete. Edge of damp
proof course s hall be s traight, ev en and v ertical. S ide s huttering s hall c onsist o f s teel forms and shall be
strong and pr operly f ixed s o t hat i t does n ot get disturbed d uring c ompaction a nd t he m ortar does n ot
leak t hrough. The c oncrete mix s hall be of w orkable consistency and s hall be t amped t horoughly t o
make a dens e m ass. W hen t he s ides are removed, t he s urface s hould c ome out s mooth w ithout
honeycombing. C ontinuity s hall be m aintained w hile laying the c ement concrete layer and laying
shall be terminated only at the predetermined location where damp proof course is to be discontinued.
There shall be no construction joints in the Damp Proof Course.

4.4.2 Curing
Damp proof course shall be cured for at least seven days, after which it shall be allowed to dry.

4.4.3 Application of Hot Bitumen

Where s o di rected, hot bi tumen i n s pecified quant ity s hall be appl ied ov er t he dr ied up surface of
cement c oncrete, properly c leaned w ith brushes and f inally w ith a pi ece of c loth s oaked i n k erosene oil.
Bitumen of penetration A 90 or equ ivalent where u sed s hall b e heat ed t o a t emperature o f 160 º ± 5 ºC.
The hot bitumen shall be applied uniformly all over, so that no blank spaces are left anywhere. It will be
paid for separately.

4.4.4 Water Proofing Materials

Where s o s pecified, water p roofing material of approved quality s hall b e added to th e c oncrete
mixture i n ac cordance w ith the m anufacturer’s s pecification s tating the quan tity o f w ater p roofing
material in litres or kg per 50 kg or cement and will be paid for separately.

4.4.5 Measurements
The length and b readth shall be m easured correct to a c m and i ts area s hall be c alculated in square
metres c orrect t o t wo pl aces of decimal. The depth shall not be l ess than t he s pecified thickness at any

4.4.6 Rate
The r ate is in clusive of t he c ost o f m aterials an d labo ur in volved in a ll th e op erations d escribed
above ex cept for the appl ications o f a coat o f ho t bi tumen and addi tion o f w ater p roofing materials w hich
shall be paid for separately, unless otherwise specified.

77 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause &

The apparatus, sample size and test procedure shall be same as specified in sub-head ‘MORTARS’.

In o rder that the sieves shall not be o verloaded, c are m ust b e taken t o ensure that the maximum
sieve loads shown in Table A-4.1 (below) are not exceeded at the completion of sieving.


Ma ximum we ight for

I.S . S ie ve De s igna tion 45 cm dia s ie ve 30 cm dia s ie ve
kg kg
45 mm 10 4.5
40 mm 8 3.5
31.5 mm or 22.1 mm 6 2.5
20 mm 4 2.0
16 mm or 12.5 mm 3 1.5
10 mm 2 1.0
5.6 mm 1.5 0.75
4.75 mm 1.0 0.50
3.35 mm - 0.30
The sample weight taken will thus normally require several operations on each sieve. Each sieve
should be taken separately over a clean tray or receiver until no more than a trace passes, but in any
case for not less than two minutes. Materials should not be forced through the apertures but hand
placing is permitted. A light brush should be used with fine sieves. The cumulative weight passing each
sieve should be calculated as percentage of the total sample weight to the nearest whole number.




Take a sample of wet aggregate and weigh it (A). Then place it in a frying pan and gently apply heat,
meanwhile s tirring w ith a gl ass r od u ntil t he s urface m oisture di sappears. T his i s a pparent w hen t he
aggregate loses its s hining w et appea rance an d bec omes du ll, or w hen it just a ttains a free funning
condition. T he s aturated surface dr y m aterial i s t hen w eighed ( B). Continue t he heat ing t hereafter u ntil
the m oisture i s ev aporated and w eigh t he dr y s ample (C). T he s urface m oisture i s t hen c alculated a s

Surface moisture = 100 x A-B

It is expressed as a percentage of dry aggregate.

78 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



Apparatus: The apparatus for the standard test shall consist of the following:
(a) A 15 cm diameter open-ended steel cylinder, with plunger and base-plate, as shown in Fig. in the
end of this appendix. The surfaces in contact with the aggregate shall be machined and case
hardened or otherwise treated so as to have a diamond (VH) pyramid hardness number of not
less than 650 VH.

(b) A s traight m etal tamping rod of c ircular c ross-section 16 mm in diameter and 45 to 60 cm long,
rounded at one end.

(c) A balance of capacity 3 Kg, readable and accurate to one gram.

(d) I.S. Sieve of sizes 12.5, 10 and 2.36 mm.

(e) A compression testing machine capable of applying a load of 50 tonnes and which can be
operated to give a uniform rate of loading so that the maximum load in any test is reached in 10
minutes. This load may vary from 0.5 to 50 tonnes.

(f) For measuring t he s ample, a c ylindrical m etal measure of s ufficient rigidity to re tain it s f orm
under rough usage and of the following internal dimensions:

Diameter 11.5 cm
Height 18.0 cm

(g) M eans of m easuring t he re duction i n the di stance b etween t he pl ates of t he testing machine t o
the nearest one millimetre during the test (for example, dial gauge).

Test Sample: Material for the test shall consist of aggregate passing a 12.5 mm I.S. Sieve and retained on
a 10 mm I.S. Sieve. The aggregate shall be tested in a surface dry condition. If dries by heating the period
of drying shall not exceed four hours, the temperature shall be 100ºC to 110ºC and the aggregate shall be
cooled to room temperature before testing.

The q uantity of a ggregate s hall be s uch that the de pth of m aterial i n the c ylinder, af ter t amping a s
described below, shall be 10 cm.

The w eight of m aterial comprising the test s ample s hall be de termined ( weight A ) and the s ame
weight of sample shall be taken for the repeat test.

Note: About 6. 5 kg of nat ural aggregate is required to provide t he two test s amoles. Less of light w eight
aggregate is required.

The measuring cylinder is filled in three layers of approximately equal depth with aggregate passing a
12.5 mm I.S. Sieve and retained on 10 mm I.S. Sieve. Each layer is subjected to 25 strokes from the
tamping rod (16 m m dia an d 45 to 60 c m long) rounded t o on e en d, c are b eing t aken i n c ase of w eak
materials no t to br eak the p articles. T he s urface o f the aggr egate s hall be carefully l evelled and t he
plunger inserted so that it rests horizontally on this surface.

Test Procedure: The apparatus, w ith t he t est sample and pl unger i n pos ition, s hall then be pl aced in t he
compression testing m achine. The load s hall be applied at a uniform r ate so as t o cause a total
penetration of a plunger in 10 minutes of about: 15.0 mm for rounded or partially rounded aggregates

79 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(for ex ample uncrushed grav el) 20 mm for nomina l crushed aggreg ate & 24 mm for honey co mbed
aggregate (for ex ample ex panded shales and s lags). These figures may be varied according to the
extent of the rounding or honey combing.

After reac hing the required maximum penetration, the load s hall be re leased and t he whole of the
material re moved fro m the cylinder an d si eved on a 2.36 mm I.S . S ieve. The fines passing the s ieve
shall be weighed, and this weight expressed as a percentage of the weight of the test sample. Normally,
this percentage will fall within the range 7.5 to 12.5, but if it does not, a further test shall be ma de at a
load adjusted appropriately, to bring the percentage fines within the range of 7.5 to 12.5.

A repeat test shall be made at the load that gives as percentage fines within the range 7.5 to 12.5.

Calculations: The mean percentage fines from the two tests at this load shall be used in the following
formula to calculate the load required to give 10 percentage fines.

14 × X
Load required for 10 percent fines =
Where X = Load in tonnes and
Y= mean percentage fines from two test at X tonnes load.

Reporting of Results: The load required to produce 10 percent fines shall be re ported to th e nearest
whole number for loads of 10 tonnes or more, the nearest 0.5 tonne for loads of less than 10 tonnes.

The value expressed to the nearest 0.5 tonne should be as follows:

(a) For normal concrete, not less than 5 tonnes.
(b) For wearing surfaces, not less than 10 tonnes.
(c) For granolithic concrete, not less than 15 tonnes.

100 t o 150 φ

20 φ

< 25

150 ± 0. 5 dia of P iston

130 to 140

152.00 ± 0. 5

< 16 200 to 230 < 16

Drawing not to Scale

All dim ensions in millimetres

Internal Diameter of Cylinder = 152.0± 0.5

Fig. C-4.1 : Apparatus for Determination of Ten per cent Fine Value

80 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


(Clause 4.2.2)

Apparatus: Mould s hall c onsist of a m etal f rustum of c one h aving t he f ollowing internal d imensions:

Bottom diameter……………………………………………………..20 cm

Top d iameter…………………………………………………………10 c m

Height…………………………………………………………………30 cm

The mould shall be of a metal other than brass and al uminium of at least 1.6 mm (or 16 B G)
thickness. The top and bottom shall be o pen and at right angles to the axis of the cone. The mould shall
have a s mooth i nternal s urface. I t s hall be pr ovided w ith s uitable f oot pi eces and handl es t o f acilitate
lifting it from the moulded concrete test specimen in a vertical direction as required by the test. A mould
provided with a suitable guide attachment may be used.

Tamping rod shall be of steel or other suitable material 16 mm in diameter 60 mm long and rounded at
one end.

Procedure: The internal surface of the mould shall be thoroughly cleaned and free form superfluous
moisture an d an y s et c oncrete bef ore c ommencing the test. The mould s hall be pl aced on a s mooth
horizontal, ri gid and non-absorbent surface v iz. levelled metal p late. T he op erator s hall hol d t he mould
firmly in pl ace w hile it is b eing filled w ith test s pecimen of c oncrete. T he m ould s hall be filled in four
layers, each approximately one q uarter of height of m ould. Each l ayer s hall be t amped w ith t wenty f ive
strikes of the rounded end of the tamping rod. The strokes shall be distributed in a uniform manner over
the cross section of the mould and for the second and subsequent layers shall penetrate into the under-
lying layer. The bottom layer shall be tamped through out its depth. After the top layer has been rodded,
the concrete shall be struck off level with trowel or the tamping rod, so that the mould is exactly filled.
Any m ortar w hich shall leak o ut be tween the m ould a nd the b ase p late s hall be c leaned aw ay. T he
mould shall be removed from the concrete immediately after filling by raising it slowly and carefully in a
vertical direction. The moulded concrete shall t hen b e allowed to s ubside and the slump s hall be
measured i mmediately by det ermining t he d ifference bet ween t he hei ght of t he m ould and t hat of the
highest point of specimen.

The above operations shall be carried out at a place free from vibration or shock, and within a period of
two minutes after sampling.

Result: The s lump s hall b e recorded i n terms of millimetres of s ubsidence of t he s pecimen during t he
test. A ny s lump s pecimen w hich c ollapses or s hears of f l aterally gi ve i ncorrect res ult. I f t his oc curs, t he
test shall be repeated with another sample.

The slump test shall not be used for very dry mixes as the results obtained are not accurate.

81 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
5.0: Reinforced Cement

Concrete Work

82 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. Brie f D e s cription P a ge No.

List of Mandatory Tests 86

List of Bureau of Indian Standard Codes 89

5.0 General 90

5.1 Materials 90
5.1.1 Water, Cement, Fine and Coarse Aggregate 90
5.1.2 Fly Ash Admixed Cement Concrete (FACC) and Fly Ash Blended 90
Cements in Cement Concrete (PPCC) in RCC Structures
5.1.3 Steel for Reinforcement 91
5.1.4 Stacking & Storage 93

5.2 Form Work (Centring & Shuttering) 94

5.2.1 Form Work 94
5.2.2 Design & Tolerance in Construction 94
5.2.3 General Requirement 94
5.2.4 Surface Treatment 96
5.2.5 Inspection of Form Work 97
5.2.6 Measurements 98
5.2.7 Rate 99

5.3 Reinforcements 100

5.3.1 General Requirements 100
5.3.2 Welding of Bars 100
5.3.3 Placing in Position 100
5.3.4 Measurements 102
5.3.5 Rate 102

5.4 Concreting 102

5.4.1 Consistency 102
5.4.2 Placing of Concrete 102
5.4.3 Compaction 103
5.4.4 Construction Joints 103
5.4.5 Expansion Joints 104
5.4.6 Curing 104
5.4.7 Finishing 104
5.4.8 Strength of Concrete 105
5.4.9 Testing of Concrete 106
5.4.10 Standard of Acceptance for Nominal Mix 106
5.4.11 Measurements 107
5.4.12 Tolerances 109
5.4.13 Rate 109

5.5 Encasing Rolled Steel Sections 110

5.5.1 General Requirements 110
5.5.2 Wrapping 110

83 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
5.5.3 Form Work 110
5.5.4 Concreting 110
5.5.5 Measurements 110
5.5.6 Rate 111

5.6 Precast Reinforced Concrete 111

5.6.1 to 5.6.4 General Requirements 111
5.6.5 to 5.6.6 Curing 111
5.7 Precast Cement Concrete Jali 111
5.7.1 Fixing 111
5.7.2 Measurements 111
5.7.3 Rate 112

5.8 Design Mix 112

5.8.0 Definition 112
5.8.1 Mix Design and Proportioning 112
5.8.2 Standard Deviation 112
5.8.3 Acceptance Criteria 112
5.8.4 Cement Content of Concrete 113
5.8.5 Water Cement Ratio and Slump 113
5.8.6 Approval of Design Mix 114

5.9 Ready Mixed Concrete (As per IS 4926) 114

5.9.1 Materials 114
5.9.2 General Requirements 115
5.9.3 Sampling and Testing of Ready - Mixed Concrete 116
5.9.4 Information to be Supplied by the Purchaser 117
5.9.5 Information to be Supplied by the Producer 117
5.9.6 Production and Delivery 118
5.9.7 Quality Control 119
5.9.8 Records 119

5.10 Placing Concrete by Pumping 119

5.10.1 General 119
5.10.2 Pumping Equipments 119

5.11.3 Sampling and Testing (Materials) 122

5.11.4 Sampling and Testing for Quality Control of Fresh Concrete 123
5.11.5 Sampling and Testing for Quality Control of Hardened Concrete 124

Appendix A Cube Test for Compressive Strength of Concrete - Mandatory Lab 127

Appendix B Additional Tests for Concrete 130

84 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Appendix C Register of Work Test of Concrete 134

Appendix D List of Equipments required for Site Laboratory 136

Annexure A - Sampling of Concrete 138
Annexure B - Concrete Mix Information to be Supplied by the 138
Annexure C - Calibration and Weighing Equipment Accuracy 139
Annexure D - Delivery Ticket Information 140

Fig. 5.1, 5.2 & Typical set up of Steel Wall Form Work and Ties 141

Fig. 5.4 & 5.5 Typical Standard Units and Components of Form Work 144

Fig. 5.6 & 5.7 Typical Arrangements of Column Form Work. 146

Fig. 5.8 Typical details of Beam Head and Stiffener 148

Fig. 5.9 Typical details of Multi-Stage Shuttering 149

Fig. 5.10 to Details of Expansion Joints 150


Fig. 5.24 & Seismic Separation Joints, Details at Floor and Roof Level 155

Fig. 5.26 Construction Joints 156

Fig. 5.27 & 5.28 Encasing Rolling Steel Sections 157

85 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Ma te ria l Cla us e Te s t Fie ld/ Te s t Min, qua ntity of Fre que ncy of
la bor- proce - ma te ria l for te s ting
a tory te s t dure ca rrying out the
te s t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reinforced 5.4.1 (a) Slump Field/Lab Appen- (i) 20 cum in (i) Every 20 cum or
cement test dix ‘D’ of Cases of part thereof
concrete Chapter column,
(Nominal 4 slabs, beams
columns (b) Cube Lab Appen- (i) 5 cum in (i) Every 5 cum or
Test dix ‘A’ case of part thereof
(ii) 20 cum for (ii) Every 20cum or
slabs, beams part thereof
(iii) 20 cum for (iii) -Do-
other R.C.C.
work for all
other small
items and
R.C.C. done
in a day is
less than 5
cum test
may be
Carried out
as r equired
by E ngineer-

86 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reinforced Coarse 50 cum or part
Cement Aggre- thereof & also on
Concrete gates each change of
(Design source
Mix) Fine 50 cum or part
Aggre- thereof & also on
gates each change of
Cement 50 MT or on each
change of source
Fresh (a) Slump Field Appen- 10 cum 50 cum for R.C.C.
Concrete test dix ‘D’ of work including in all
Chapter other small
4 location. R.C.C.
done in a day is
less than 50 cum
test may be carried
out as required by
Fresh (b) Cube Lab Appen- 10 cum or part 50 cum or 10
Concrete Test dix ‘A’ thereof batches of 5-7 cum
each for R.C.C.
work in all location
taken together.
R.C.C. done in a
day is less than 50
cum test may be
carried out as
required by

Reinforced Coarse 50 cum or part

Cement Aggre- thereof & also on
Concrete gates each change of
(Ready source
Mix) Fine 50 cum or part
Aggre- thereof & also on
gates each change of
Cement 50 MT or on each
change of source
Fresh (a) Slump Field/Lab Appendix 10 cum 50 cum for R.C.C.
Concrete test ‘D’ of work including in all
Chapter 4 other small
location. R.C.C.
done in a day is
less than 50 cum
test may be carried
out as required by

87 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fresh (b) Cube Lab Appen- 10 cum or part 50 cum or 10 batches
Concrete Test dix ‘A’ thereof of 5-7 cum each for
R.C.C. work i n al l
location - taken
together. R.C.C. done
in a day is less than
50 c um t est may be
carried out as
required b y E ngineerin-
Steel for 5.1.3 (A) Physical (a) For (b) For
Reinforced Test and consign- consign-
cement chemical ment below ment
concrete tests 100 tonnes over 100
(i) under (i) Under
10 mm 10 mm
dia, one dia,
sample one
for each sample
25 for
tonnes each
or part 40
thereof tonnes
(ii) 10 mm or part
to 16 thereof
mm dia (ii) 10 mm
one to 16
sample mm,
for each one
35 sample
tonnes for
or part each
thereof 45
(iii) over 16 tonnes
mm dia or part
one thereof
sample (iii) over
for each 16 mm
45 dia,
tonnes one
or part sample
thereof for

88 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S l. N o. I.S . No. S ubje ct

1. IS 226 Structural Steel
2. IS 432 (Part I) Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn
steel wire for concrete reinforcement part-I mild steel and medium tensile
steel bars.
3. IS 432 (Part II) Specification for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and hard drawn
steel wire for concrete reinforcement - Part-II hard drawn steel wire.
4. IS 456 Code of Practices for plain and Reinforced concrete.
5. IS 516 Method of test for strength of concrete.
6. IS 716 Specification for pentachlorophenol
7. IS 1199 Method of sampling and analysis of concrete.
8. IS 1200 (Part II) Method of measurement of building and civil engineering work - concrete
9. IS 1200 (Part V) Method of measurement of building and civil engineering work - concrete
work (Part 5- Form work)
10. IS 1566 Specification for hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete requirement.
11. IS 1599 Method for bend test
12. IS 1343 Code of Practice for Pre-stressed Concrete
13. IS 1608 Method for tensile testing of steel products
14. IS 1786 Specification for high strength deformed steel and wires for concrete
15. IS 1791 Specification for batch type concrete mixes
16. IS 2502 Code of practice for bending and fixing of bars for concrete
17. IS 2751 Recommended practice for welding of mild steel plain and deformed bars
for reinforced construction.
18. IS 4925 Batch plants specification for concrete batching and mixing plant
19. IS 4926 Ready - Mixed Concrete
20. IS 6523 Specification for precast reinforced concrete door, window frames
21. IS 10262 Recommended guidelines for concrete mix design
22. IS 13311 Indian standard for non-destructive testing of concrete. Method of test for
(Part I) ultrasonic pulse velocity
23. IS 13311 Indian standard for non-destructive testing of concrete. Method of testing
(Part II) by rebound hammer.

89 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(v) I n env ironment s ubjected t o aggr essive c hloride or s ulphate at tach i n p articular, us e of f ly as h
admixed or PPC based concrete is recommended. In cases, where structural concrete is
exposed t o ex cessive magnesium s ulphate, fly a sh substitution/content s hall be l imited to 18% by
weight. S pecial type of c ement w ith l ow C 3A c ontent may al so b e al ternatively us ed. D urability
criteria l ike minimum binder c ontent an d m aximum water /binder ratio al so need t o be gi ven due
consideration in such environment.

(vi) Wet curing period shall be enhanced to a minimum of 10 days or its equivalent. In hot & arid
regions, the minimum curing period shall be 14 days or its equivalent.

5.1.3 Steel for Reinforcement The steel used for reinforcement shall be any of the following types:

(a) Mild steel and medium tensile bars conforming to IS 432 (Part I)

(b) High strength deformed steel bars conforming to IS 1786

(c) Hard drawn steel wire fabric conforming to IS 1566

(d) Structural steel conforming to Grade A of IS 2062

(e) Thermo-mechanically treated (TMT) Bars. Elongation percent on gaug e length is 5.65 A where A is the cross sectional area s of the test
piece. Mild steel is not recommended for the use in structures located in earthquake zone subjected to
severe da mage a nd f or stru ctures su bjected to d ynamic loa ding (o ther th an w ind l oading) su ch a s
railway and highway bridges. Welding of reinforcement bars c overed in this specification shall be done in ac cordance with the
requirements of IS 2751.

Nominal m ass/weight : The t olerance on m ass/ w eight f or r ound and square bar s s hall be t he
percentage g iven i n T able 5 .1 of t he m ass/ weight c alculated on t he b asis t hat t he masses of the bar/
wire of nominal diameter and of density 7.85 kg/ cm3 or 0.00785 kg/mm3.

91 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Tolerance on Nominal Mass

Tole ra nce on the Nomina l Ma s s per ce nt

Ba tch Individua l sa mple + Individua l sa mple
Nomina l s ize in mm
for coil (x)
(a) Upto and including +7 -8 +8
(b) Over 10, upto and +5 -6 +6
including 16
(c) Over 16 +3 -4 +4

+ for individual sample plus tolerance is not specified

(x) for coil batch tolerance is not applicable,
Tolerance shall be determined in accordance with method given in IS 1786. High strength deformed bars & wires shall conform to IS 1786. The physical properties for all
sizes of steel bars are mentioned below in Table 5.2.


S l. No P rope rty Fe Fe Fe Fe
415 415 D 500 D 550 D

(i) 0.2 Per cent Proof 415.0 415.0 500.0 550.0

stress/ yield stress, Min,

(ii) Elongation, per cent, 14.5 18.0 16.0 14.5

Min. on gauge length
5.65 A , where A is the
corss-sectional area of
the test piece.
(iii) Tensile strength, Min 10 Per cent 12 Per cent 10 Per cent 8 Per cent more
more than more than the more than than the actual
the actual actual 0.2 per the actual 0.2 per cent proof
0.2 per cent cent proof 0.2 per cent stress/yield stress
proof stress/ stress/yield proof stress/ but not less than
yield stress stress but not yield stress 600.0 N/mm2
but not less less than but not less
than 485.0 500.0 N/mm2 than 565.0
N/mm2 N/mm2
(iv) Total elongation at - 5 5 5
maximum force,
percent, Min on gauge
length 5.65 A , where
A is the cross-sectional
area of the test piece.

92 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Tests: Selection and p reparation of Test sample. All the tests pieces shall be selected by the Engineerin-
Charge or his authorized representative either-
(a) From cutting of bars
(b) If he so desires, from any bar after it has been cut to the required or specified size and the test
piece taken from and any part of it.

In ne ither c ase, the test p ieces s hall b e de tached from the ba r or c oil e xcept in the pr esence o f the
Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative.

The test pi eces obt ained in ac cordance with as a bove s hall be full sections of the b ars a s rolled and
subsequently c old w orked and s hall be s ubjected t o phy sical t ests w ithout any f urther m odifications. N o
deduction in s ize b y m achining or o therwise s hall be pe rmissible. N o test p iece s hall be enac ted or
otherwise subject to heat treatment. Any straightening which a test piece may require shall be done cold.

Tensile Test: 0.2% proof stress and percentage elongation -

This shall be done as per IS 1608, read in conjunction with IS 226.

RE- test: This shall be done as per IS 1786.

Rebend test: This shall be done as per IS 1786. Chemical composition of reinforcement bars shall be as per Table 5.3 as follows:-


Cons titue nt Ma ximum P e r ce nt

Fe 415 Fe 415 D Fe 500 D Fe 550 D
Carbon 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.25
Sulphur 0.060 0.045 0.040 0.040
Phosphorus 0.060 0.045 0.040 0.040
Sulphur and 0.110 0.085 0.075 0.075
Phosphorus Thermo Mechanically treated reinforcement bars:

(a) There is no BIS code f or T MT bars. T he available code BIS 178 6 pertains to H SD Bars.
Therefore there should be no stipulation that TMT bars should conform to relevant BIS code.

(b) The TMT bars are being produced under valid licence from either of the firms namely Tempcore,
Thermex E vcon Turbo & Turbo Q uench. T hese firm s have acquired pa tents an d are giv ing
licences to various producers to produce TMT Bars.

(c) The TMT bars shall conform to IS 1786 pertaining to Fe 415 D or F e 5 00 D or F e grade of steel
as specified.

(d) In design an d c onstruction of reinforced concrete bu ilding in s eismic z one III and ab ove, s teel
reinforcement of G rade F e 415 D s hall be us ed. However, hi gh s trength d eformed s teel bar s,
produced b y t hermo m echanical treatment proc ess of grade F e 415, F e 5 00 and F e 550 ha ving
elongation more than 14.5. % and conform to other requirements of Fe 415 D, Fe 500 D and Fe
550 D re spectively of I S 1786 may also be us ed f or rei nforcement. I n f uture, l atest provision of
IS 456 and IS 13920 or any other relevant code as modified from time to time shall be applicable.

5.1.4 Stacking and Storage

Steel f or r einforcement s hall be s tored i n s uch a w ay as t o pr event di storting and c orrosion. C are
shall be taken t o pr otect t he r einforcement f rom ex posure t o s aline at mosphere dur ing s torage,

93 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
fabrication and us e. It may be ac hieved by treating the surface of reinforcement with cement wash or by
suitable methods. Bars of different classifications, sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to
facilitate issue in such sizes and lengths to cause minimum wastage in cutting from standard length.


5.2.1 Form Work

Form work s hall i nclude all temporary or permanent f orms or m oulds r equired for forming the
concrete which is cast-in-situ, together with all temporary construction required for their support.

5.2.2 Design & Tolerance in Construction

Form w ork s hall be des igned and c onstructed t o the s hapes, l ines and di mensions s hown on t he
drawings with the tolerance given below.
(a) Deviation f rom s pecified dimension of c ross +12 mm
section of columns and beams -6 mm
(b) Deviation f rom dimensions of f ootings
(i) Dimension in Plan (+ 5 0 mm
( -12 mm
(ii) Eccentricity in plan 0.02 t imes t he w idth of t he f ooting
in t he di rection of dev iation but n ot
more than 50 mm.
(iii) Thickness + 0.05 times the specified thickness.

(Note- These t olerance a pply t o c oncrete di mensions onl y, and n ot t o pos itioning of v ertical s teel or

5.2.3 General Requirement

It s hall be s trong enough to w ithstand the d ead a nd l ive loads an d forces caused b y ramming an d
vibrations o f concrete and other incidental l oads, i mposed upo n i t du ring and a fter casting o f concrete. I t
shall be made sufficiently rigid by using adequate number of ties and braces, screw jacks or hard board
wedges w here required shall be p rovided to m ake up a ny settlement i n t he f orm work e ither b efore or
during the placing of concrete.

Form shall be so c onstructed as to be removable in s ections in th e des ired s equence, w ithout

damaging the s urface of concrete or disturbing other sections, c are shall be t aken to s ee that no pi ece i s
keyed into the concrete. Material for Form Work

(a) P ropping a nd Ce nte ring : All propping and centering should be either of steel tubes with
extension pieces or built up sections of rolled steel. (a) Centering/Staging : Staging should be as designed with required extension pieces as
approved by Engineer-in-Charge to ensure proper slopes, as per design for slabs/ beams etc.
and as per levels as shown in drawing. All the staging to be either of Tubular steel structure
with adequate bracings as approved or made of built up structural sections made form rolled
structural steel sections.

94 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(b) In case of structures with two or more floors, the weight of concrete, centering and shuttering
of an y upper floor bei ng cast shall be suitably s upported on one floor bel ow the t op most floor
already cast.

(c) Form work and concreting of upper floor shall not be done until concrete of lower floor has set
at least for 14 days. Shuttering: Shuttering u sed s hall b e of s ufficient stiffness t o avoid ex cessive d eflection an d
joints s hall b e tightly bu tted to av oid le akage of s lurry. If required, rubber ized lining o f m aterial as
approved by t he E ngineer-in-Charge s hall be pro vided i n t he j oints. Steel shuttering u sed or c oncreting
should be sufficiently stiffened. The steel shuttering should also be properly repaired before use and
properly cleaned to avoid stains, honey combing, seepage of slurry through joints etc.
(a) Runne r J ois ts : RSJ, M S C hannel or any other suitable s ection of the required s ize shall be us ed
as runners.
(b) Assembly of beam head over props. Beam head is an ado pter that fits snugly on t he head plates
of props to provide wider support under beam bottoms.

(c) O nly s teel s huttering s hall be u sed, e xcept f or u navoidable portions and very small w orks f or
which 12 mm thick water proofing ply of approved quality may be used. Form work shall be properly designed for self weight, weight of reinforcement, weight of fresh
concrete, a nd i n a ddition, t he v arious l ive l oads l ikely t o be i mposed d uring t he c onstruction process
(such as w orkmen, materials and equi pment). In c ase the hei ght of c entering exceeds 3.50 metres, t he
prop may be provided in multi-stages. A typical detail of multistage shuttering is given in Fig. 5.9. Camber: Suitable c amber s hall be p rovided in horizontal m embers of structure, e specially in
cantilever s pans to c ounteract the effect of deflection. The form work shall be s o assembled as to
provide for camber. The camber for beams and slabs shall be 4 mm per metre (1 to 250 ) or as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge, so as to offset the subsequent deflection, For cantilevers the camber at free end
shall be 1/50th of the projected length or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Typical arrangement of form work for ‘beams, columns and walls’ are shown in Figures 5.1 to
5.8 and form secured by wall ties is shown in Fig. 5.3. Walls : The form faces have to be kept at fixed distance apart and an arrangement of wall ties
with spacer tubes or bolts is considered best. A typical wall form with the components identified is given in
Fig. 5. 1, 5. 2 & 5. 3. T he t wo s hutters of t he w all ar e t o be k ept i n pl ace by appropriate t ies, br aces a nd
studs, some of the accessories used for wall form are shown in Fig. 5.3. Removal of Form work (Stripping Time) : In normal c ircumstance and w here various t ypes of
cements are used, forms, may generally be removed after the expiry of the following periods:

Type of Form work Minimum pe riod Minimum pe riod Minimum pe riod

Be fore S triking Be fore S triking Be fore S triking
Form work for Form work for OP C Form work for
OP C 33 gra de 43 gra de PPC
(a) Vertical form work to columns, 16-24 h 16-24 h 24-36 h
walls, beams

95 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The second categories of shuttering oils / leavening agents are Polymer based water soluble
Compounds. They are available as concentrates and when used diluted with water in the ratio of 1:20 or as
per manufacturer specifications. Th e di luted solution i s applied b y brush a pplications on t he
shuttering both of steel as well as ply wood. The solution is applied after every use. The design of form work shall conform to sound Engineering practices and relevant IS codes.

5.2.5 Form Work

Proper form work should be adopted for concreting so as to avoid honey combing, blow holes, grout
loss, s tains o r dis coloration of c oncrete etc . P roper and ac curate a lignment and pro file o f f inished
concrete surface will be ensured by proper designing and erection of form work which will be approved by

Shuttering surface before concreting should be free from any defect/ deposits and full cleaned so as to
give perfectly straight s mooth concrete surface. Shuttering surface should be therefore checked for any
damage to its surface and excessive roughness before use.

Contractor to take care of following before placing the reinforcement;

(a) If there are any excavations nearby which may influence the safety of form works, corrective and
strengthening action must be taken.

(b) (i) The bearing soil must be sound and well prepared and the sole plates shall bear well on the
(ii) Sole plates shall be properly seated on their bearing pads or sleepers.
(iii) The bearing plates of steel props shall not be distorted.
(iv) The steel parts on the bearing members shall have adequate bearing areas.

(c) S afety m easures t o prevent i mpact of t raffic, scour due t o water et c. s hould be t aken. Adequate
precautionary measures shall be taken to prevent accidental impacts etc.

(d) B racing, struts and ties shall be i nstalled along with the progress of form work to ensure strength
and s tability of f orm work at i ntermediate s tage. Steel s ections ( especially deep s ections) s hall be
adequately restrained against tilting, over turning and form work should be restrained against
horizontal loads. All the securing devices and bracing shall be tightened.

(e) When adjustable steel props are used. They should:

1. be undamaged and not visibly bent.
2. have the steel pins provided by the manufacturers for use.
3. be restrained laterally near each end.
4. have means for centralizing beams placed in the forkheads.

(f) Screw adjustment of adjustable props shall not be over extended.

(g) D ouble wedges s hall be pr ovided for adjustment of the form to the required position wherever
any s ettlement/ elastic s horting of props oc curs. W edges should be us ed onl y at t he b ottom e nd
of single pr op. Wedges should not be t oo steep and one o f the pair s hould be tightened/ clamped
down after adjustment to prevent shifting.

(h) No member shall be eccentric upon vertical member.

(i) The number of nuts and bolts shall be adequate.

(j) All provisions of the design and/or drawings shall be complied with.

97 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(k) Cantilever supports shall be adequate.

(l) Props shall be directly under one another in multistage constructions as far as possible.

(m) Guy ropes or stays shall be tensioned properly.

(n) T here s hall be ad equate p rovision for the m ovements and ope ration of v ibrators and o ther
construction plant and equipment.

(o) Required camber shall be provided over long spans.

(p) Supports shall be adequate, and in plumb within the specified tolerances.

5.2.6 Measurements General : The form work shall include the following:

(a) Splayed e dges, n otching, allowance for o verlaps a nd p assing a t angles, sheathing b attens,
strutting, bolting, nailing, wedging, easing, striking and removal.

(b) All supports, struts, braces, wedges as well as mud sills, piles or other suitable arrangements to
support the form work.

(c) Bolts, wire, ties, clamps, spreaders, nails or any other items to hold the sheathing together.

(d) Working scaffolds, ladders, gangways, and similar items.

(e) F illeting t o f orm s top chamfered edges of s played ex ternal angles no t exceeding 20mm w ide t o
beams, columns and the like.

(f) Where r equired, t he t emporary openings p rovided i n t he f orms f or po uring c oncrete, i nserting
vibrators, and c leaning holes for rem oving rubb ish from the inte rior of the sheathing before
pouring concrete.

(g) Dressing with oil to prevent adhesion and

(h) Raking or circular cutting Classification of Measurements : Where it is stipulated that the form work shall be paid for
separately, m easurements s hall be t aken of t he ar ea of s huttering i n c ontact w ith the c oncrete surface.
Dimensions o f the form w ork s hall be m easured c orrect to a c m. T he m easurements s hall be taken
separately for the following.

(a) Foundations, footings, bases of columns etc. and for mass concrete

(b) Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses etc.

(c) Suspended floors, roofs, landings, shelves and their supports and balconies.

(d) Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressummers and cantilevers.

(e) Columns, pillars, piers, abutments posts and struts.

(f) Stairs (excluding landings) except spiral staircase.

(g) Spiral staircases (including landings).

98 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(h) Arches, Domes, vaults, shells roofs, arch ribs, curvilinear shaped folded plates

(i) Extra for arches, domes, vaults exceeding 6 m span other than curvilinear shaped

(j) Chimneys and shafts.

(k) Well steining.

(l) Vertical and horizontal fins individually or forming box, louvers and bands.facias and eaves board

(m) Waffle or ribbed slabs.

(n) Edges of slabs and br eaks in floors and w alls (to be m easured in running m etres where below
200 mm in width or thickness).

(o) Cornices and mouldings.

(p) Small surfaces, such as cantilevers ends, brackets and ends of steps, caps and boxes to
pilasters and columns and the like.

(q) Chullah hoods, weather shades, Chajjas, corbels etc. including edges and

(r) Elevated water reservoirs. Centering, and shuttering where exceeding 3.5 metre height in one floor shall be measured and
paid for separately. Where it is not specifically stated in the description of the item that form work shall b e paid for
separately, the rate of the RCC item shall be deemed to include the cost of form work. No deductions from the shuttering due to the openings/ obstructions shall be m ade if the area of
each open ings/ o bstructions does not e xceed 0. 4 s quare m etre. N othing e xtra s hall be pa id f or f orming
such openings. Form w ork of el ements measured under c ategories of ar ches, ar ch r ibs, dom es, s piral s taircases,
well s teining, s hell roof s, curvilinear f olded pl ates & c urvilinear eav es board, circular s hafts & c himneys
shall not qualify for extra rate for circular work. Extra for circular work shall be ad missible for surfaces circular or curvilinear in plan or in
elevation beyond the straight edge of supporting beam in respective mode of measurement. However,
there may be many different types of such structures. In such cases, extra payment shall be made
judiciously after deducting areas where shuttering for circular form work is not involved.

5.2.7 Rate
The r ate of the f orm work i ncludes t he c ost of labour and m aterials r equired f or al l t he oper ations
described above.

99 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
5.3.1 General Requirements
Steel conforming to Para 5.1.3 for rei nforcement shall be c lear and f ree from l oose mill s cales, dust,
loose rust, c oats of paints, oil or other coating which m ay destroy or reduce bond. It shall be stored in
such a w ay as to a void d istortion a nd to prevent deterioration and corrosion. P rior to as sembly o f
reinforcement on no account any oily substance shall be used for removing the rust. Assembly of Reinforcement : Bars shall be bent correctly and accurately to the size and shape as
shown in the detailed drawing or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Preferably bars of full length shall
be us ed. N ecessary cutting and s traightening i s al so i ncluded. O verlapping o f bar s, w here
necessary shall be done as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The overlapping bars shall not touch
each o ther and these s hall be kept apart with concrete between t hem by 25mm or 1 1/4 times the
maximum size of the coarse aggregate whichever is greater. But where this is not possible, the
overlapping bars s hall be bound together at i ntervals not ex ceeding t wice the di a. of s uch bars w ith t wo
strands annealed steel wire of 0.90 mm to 1.6 mm twisted tight. The overlaps/ splices shall be staggered as
per d irections of the Engineer-in-Charge. But in n o case the o verlapping shall be pr ovided in more than
50% of cross sectional area at one section. Bonds and Hooks Forming End Anchorages: Reinforcement s hall be bent and f ixed i n
accordance w ith procedure s pecified in IS 2502, code of practice of bending and fixing of bars for
concrete reinforcement. The details of bends and hooks are shown below for guidance.
(a) U-Type Hook
In case of mild steel plain bars standard U type hook shall be provided by bending ends of rod
into semicircular hooks having clear diameter equal to four times the diameter of the bar.
Note: In case of work in seismic zone, the size of hooks at the end of the rod shall be eight
times the diameter of bar or as given in the structural drawings.

(b) Be nds
Bend f orming a nchorage to a M.S. plain b ar shall be bent with a nd i nternal rad ius equal t o t wo
times t he di ameter of t he ba r w ith a m inimum l ength b eyond t he b end e qual t o f our t imes the
diameter of the bar. Anchoring Bars in Tension : Deformed bars m ay be used without en d anchorages pr ovided,
development l ength e quipment i s s atisfied. H ooks s hould n ormally b e p rovided f or pl ain bar s i n t ension.
Development length of bars will be determined as per IS: 456. Anchoring Bars in Compression : The anchorage length of straight bar in compression shall be
equal to th e ‘Development le ngth’ of bar s in compression as specified in IS: 45 6. T he proj ected
length of hooks, bend and straight l engths beyond bend, if provided f or a bar in compression, shall be
considered for development length. Binders, stirrups, links etc. : In case of binders, stirrups, links etc. the straight portion be yond
the curve at the end shall be not less than eight times and nominal size of bar.

5.3.2 Welding of Bars

Wherever facility for electric arc welding or gas pressure welding is available, welding of bars can be
done i n l ieu o f o verlap. T he l ocation a nd t ype of welding shall be go t app roved by t he Engineer-in-
Charge. Welding shall be as per IS 2751 and 9417.

5.3.3 Placing in Position Fabricated reinforcement bars shall be placed in position as shown in the drawings or as directed
by t he E ngineer-in-charge. T he bar s c rossing on e anot her shall be t ied t ogether at ev ery i ntersection
with t wo strands o f anneal ed steel w ire 0 .9 t o 1.6 mm thickness twisted t ight t o make the skeleton o f the
steel work rigid so that the reinforcement does not get displaced during deposition of concrete.

100 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Tack welding in crossing bars shall also be permitted in lieu of binding with steel wire if approved by
Engineer-in-Charge. The bars shall be kept in correct position by the following methods:
(a) In case of beam and slab construction pre-cast cover blocks in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand) about 4x4 cm section and of thickness equal to the specified cover shall be placed
between the bars and shuttering, so as to secure and maintain the requisite cover of concrete
over reinforcements.
(b) In case of cantilevered and doubly reinforced beams of slabs, the vertical distance between the
horizontal bars shall be maintained by introducing chairs, spacers or support bars of steel at 1.0
mere or at shorter spacing to avoid sagging.
(c) In case of columns and walls, the vertical bars shall be kept in position by means of timber
templates with slots accurately cut in them: or with clock of cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2
coarse sand) of required size suitable tied to the reinforcement to ensure that they are in correct
position during concreting.
(d) I n case of ot her R.C.C. s tructure s uch as ar ches, do mes, s hells, storage t anks et c. a combination
of cover blocks, spacers and templates shall be used as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Tolerance on Placing of Reinforcement : Unless otherwise s pecified by t he E ngineer-in-

Charge, reinforcement shall be placed within the following tolerances:

Tole ra nce in spa cing

(a) For effective depth, 200 mm or less +10 mm
(b) For effective depth, more than 200 mm + 15 mm Bending at Construction Joints : Where r einforcement b ars ar e bent as ide at construction
joints and afterwards bent back into their original position care should be t aken to ensure that at no time
the radius of the bend is less than 4 bar diameters for plain mild steel or 6 bar diameter for deformed
bars. C are shall al so be t aken w hen bendi ng bac k bars to ens ure t hat the concrete ar ound t he bar i s not
damaged. Cover : The minimum nominal cover to meet durability requirements shall be as under:-

Expos ure Nomina l Concre te cove r in mm not le s s tha n

Mild 20
Moderate 30
Severe 45
Very severe 50
Extreme 75
Notes : 1. For main reinforcement upto 12 mm diameter bar for mild exposure the nominal cover
may be reduced by 5 mm.

2. U nless s pecified ot herwise, ac tual c oncrete cover s hould not de viate f rom t he r equired
nominal cover by + 10 mm.

3. F or e xposure c ondition ‘severe’ and ‘ very s evere’ reduction o f 5 mm may b e made, w here
concrete grade is M35 and above.

4. Nominal cover to meet specified period of fire resistance shall not be less than as given
in Table 16A of IS 456.

101 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
5.3.4 Measurement
Reinforcement in cluding authorized s pacer bar s and lappages s hall be m easured in length o f
different diameter, a s actually (not m ore t han a s specified i n the d rgs.) u sed in the w ork nearest to a
centimetre and their weight calculated on the basis of standard weight given in Table 5.4 below. In case
actual unit weight of the bars is less than standard unit weight, but within variation, in such cases weight of
reinforcement shall be calculated on the basis of actual unit weight. Wastage and unauthorized
overlaps s hall n ot b e pa id for. Annealed st eel wire re quired f or b inding or tack welding s hall no t b e
measured, its cost being included in the rate of reinforcement.

Where tack welding is used in lieu of binding, such welds shall not be measured. Chairs separators
etc. shall be provided as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and measured separately and paid for.

Cross Sections Area and Mass of Steel Bar

Nomina l S ize mm Cros s se ctiona l Are a S Ma s s per me tre Run Kg.
6 28.3 0.222
8 50.3 0.395
10 78.6 0.617
12 113.1 0.888
16 201.2 1.58
20 314.3 2.47
25 491.1 3.85
28 615.8 4.83
32 804.6 6.31
36 1018.3 7.99
40 1257.2 9.86
Note: These are as per clause 6.2 of IS 1786.

5.3.5 Rate
The ra te f or re inforcement s hall i nclude t he cost of l abour a nd m aterials r equired f or all o perations
described abo ve s uch as cleaning of reinforcement ba rs, straightening, c utting, hook ing bending,
binding, placing in position etc. as required or directed including tack welding on crossing of bars in lieu of
binding with wires.

5.4.0 The concrete shall be as specified under chapter 4 c oncrete work. The proportion by volume or by
the weight of ingredients shall be as specified.

5.4.1 Consistency
The c oncrete w hich w ill flow s luggishly into the forms and ar ound the r einforcement w ithout any
segregation of c oarse agg regate f rom the m ortar s hall be us ed. T he c onsistency s hall depend on
whether the concrete is vibrated on or hand tamped, it shall be determined by slump test as prescribed in
sub-head “concrete” under workability - requirement.

5.4.2 Placing of Concrete Concreting shall be commenced only after Engineer-in-Charge has inspected the centering,
shuttering and reinforcement as pl aced and pas sed the same. S huttering shall be c lean and free from al l
shavings, saw dus t, pi eces o f w ood, or ot her foreign material and surfaces shall be t reated as p rescribed
in 5.2.4.

102 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
in-Charge. Number of such joints shall be kept to minimum. The joints shall be kept at places where the
shear force is the m inimum. These shall be straight and shall be at right angles to the direction of m ain
reinforcement. Construction joints should comply with IS 11817. In case of columns the joints shall be hor izontal and 10 t o 15 c m below the bottom of the beam
running into the column head. The portion of the column between the stepping off level and the top of the
slab shall be concreted with the beam. When stopping the concrete on a vertical plane in slabs and beams, and approved stop board
(see F ig. 26C ) s hall be pl aced w ith nec essary s lots f or reinforcement bars or any ot her obs truction to
pass the bars freely without bending. The construction joints shall be keyed by providing a triangular or
trapezoidal fillet nailed on the stop board. Inclined or feather joints shall not be permitted. Any concrete
flowing through the joints of stop board shall be removed soon after the initial set. When concrete is
stopped on a horizontal plane, the surface shall be roughened and cleaned after the initial set. When the work has to be resumed, the joint shall be thoroughly cleaned with wire brush and
loose particles removed. A coat of neat cement slurry at the rate of 2.75 kg of cement per square metre
shall then be applied on the roughened surface before fresh concrete is laid.

5.4.5 Expansion Joints

Expansion joints shall be provided as shown in the structural drawings or as indicated in Fig. 5.10 to
5.25 or as di rected by E ngineer-in-Charge, f or t he pu rpose of g eneral g uidance. H owever i t is
recommended that structures exceeding 45 m in length shall be divided by one or more expansion
joints. T he f illing of t hese j oints with bi tumen f iller, bi tumen f elt o r a ny such m aterial and provision o f
copper pl ate, et c. s hall be pai d f or s eparately i n r unning m etre. T he m easurement s hall be t aken t wo
places of decimal stating the depth and width of joint.

5.4.6 Curing
After t he concrete has begun t o h arden i .e. about 1 t o 2 h ours after i ts laying, i t shall b e pr otected
from quick drying by covering with moist gunny bags, sand, canvass Hessian or any other material
approved by the E ngineer-in-Charge. A fter 24 hours of l aying of c oncrete, t he s urface shall be c ured by
ponding with water for a minimum p eriod of 7 d ays from the date of placing of concrete in case of O PC
and at least 10 days where mineral admixtures or blended cements are used. The period of curing shall not
be less than 10 days for concrete exposed to dry and hot weather condition.

5.4.7 Finishing In case of roof slabs the top surface shall be finished even and smooth with wooden trowel,
before the concrete begins to set. Sprinkling of dry cement while finishing shall not be resorted to. Immediately on r emoval o f forms, the R .C.C. w ork shall be examined b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge,
before any defects are made good.
(a) The w ork that has sagged o r contains hone y c ombing t o an ex tent det rimental t o structural safety
or architectural concept shall be rejected as given in Para for visual inspection test.

(b) Surface defects of minor nature may be accepted. On acceptance of such a work by the
Engineer-in-Charge, the same shall be rectified as follows:
1. Surface defects which require repair when forms are removed, usually consist of bulged due
to movement of forms, ridges at form joints, honey-combed areas, damage resulting from the
stripping of forms and bolt holes, bulges and ridges are removed by careful chipping or
tooling and the surface is then rubbed with a grinding stone. Honey-combed and other
defective areas must be chipped out, the edges being cut as straight as possible and
perpendicularly to the surface, or preferably slightly under cut to provide a key at the edge of
the patch.

104 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
2. Shallow patches are first treated with a coat of thin grout composed of one part of cement
and one part of fine sand and then filled with mortar similar to that used in the concrete. The
mortar is placed in layers not more than 10mm thick and each layer is given a scratch finish
to secure bond with the succeeding layer. The last layer is finished to match the surrounding
concrete by floating, rubbing or tooling on formed surfaces by pressing the form material
against the patch while the mortar is still plastic.

3. Large and deep patches require f illing up w ith concrete held in pl ace by forms. S uch pat ches
are reinforced and carefully dowelled to the hardened concrete.

4. Holes left by bolts are filled with mortar carefully packed into places in small amounts. The
mortar is mixed as dry as possible, with just enough water so that it will be tightly compacted
when forced into place.

5. T iered hol es ex tending r ight t hrough t he c oncrete m ay be f illed w ith m ortar w ith a pr essure
gun similar to the gun used for greasing motor cars.

6. Normally, patches appear darker than the surrounding concrete, possibly owing to the
presence on their surface of less cement laitance. Where uniform surface colour is important,
this defect shall be remedied by adding 10 to 20 percent of white Portland cement to the
patching mortar, the exact quantity being determined by trial.

7. The same amount of care to cure the materials in the patches should be taken as with the
whole structure. Curing must be started as soon as possible, after the patch is finished to
prevent early drying. Damp Hessian may be used but in some locations it may be difficult to
hold it in place. A membrane curing compound in these cases will be most convenient.

(c) The exposed surface of R.C.C. work shall be plastered with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine
sand) of thickness not exceeding 6 mm to give smooth and even surface true to line and form.
This plastering will be measured and paid separately under plastering item.

(d) The surface which is to receive plaster or where it is to be joined with brick masonry wall, shall
be properly roughened immediately after the shuttering is removed, taking care to remove the
laitance completely without disturbing the concrete. The roughening shall be done by hacking.
Before the surface is plastered, it shall be cleaned and wetted so as to give bond between
concrete and plaster.

RCC work shall be done carefully so that the thickness of plaster required for finishing
the surface is not more than 6 mm.

(e) The surface of RCC slab on which the cement concrete or mosaic floor is to be laid shall be
roughened with brushes while the concrete is green. This shall be done without disturbing the

5.4.8 Strength of Concrete

The compressive strength on the work tests for different mixed shall be as given in Table 5.5 below:-

105 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Concre te Mix (Nomina l Mix on Compre s s ive S tre ngth in (Kg/ sq cm)
Volume bas is )
7 days ’ 28 da ys ’
1:1:2 210 315
1:1.5:3 175 265
1:2:4 140 210

5.4.9 Testing of Concrete Regular mandatory tests on the workability of the fresh concrete shall be done to achieve the
specified compressive strength of concrete. These will be of two types
(a) Mandatory Lab, Test
(b) Mandatory Field Test
Results of Mandatory Field Test will prevail over mandatory Lab. Test. Cube Test for Compressive Strength of Concrete - Mandatory Lab Test : Mandatory te sts
shall be carried out as prescribed in Appendix A of Chapter 5. Additional Test : Additional test, if required, shall be c arried out as prescribed in Appendix B of
Chapter 5. Slump Test : This test shall be carried out as prescribed in sub-head 4 of concrete. Visual Inspection Test : The concrete will be inspected after removal of the form work as
described in Para The question of c arrying ou t m andatory t est or o ther tests de scribed in
Appendix A and B (Para and will arise only after satisfactory report of visual inspection.

The concrete is liable to be rejected if:

(i) It is porous or honeycombed as per Para (a).
(ii) Its placing has been interrupted without providing a proper construction joint.
(iii)The r einforcement has be en displaced bey ond t olerance s pecified or construction t olerances
have not been met.

However, the hardened concrete may be accepted after carrying out suitable remedial measures to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge at the risk and cost of the contractor.

5.4.10 Standard of Acceptance - for Nominal Mix Mandatory Lab. Test : For concrete sampled and tested as prescribed in Appendix A of
Chapter 5, the following requirement shall apply. Out of six sample cubes, three cubes shall be tested at 7 days and remaining three cubes at 28
days. 7 days’ Tests

S a mpling: The average of the strength of three specimen shall be accepted as the compressive
strength of the concrete provided the variation in strength of individual specimen is not more than + 15% of
the average. D ifference between t he m aximum and m inimum strength s hould not e xceed 3 0% of
average s trength o f t hree s pecimen. I f the di fference bet ween maximum and m inimum strength ex ceeds
30% of the average strength, then 28 days’ test shall have to be carried out.

106 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
S tre ngth: If the actual av erage strength of s ample accepted in para ‘ sampling’ above is equal to or
higher than specified strength upto +15% then strength of the concrete shall be considered in order.

In case the actual average strength of sample accepted in the above para is lower than the specified or
higher b y m ore t han 15% then 28 da ys’ test shall hav e t o be c arried out t o det ermine the compressive
strength of concrete cubes. 28 days’ Test

(a) The average of the strength of three specimen be accepted as the compressive strength of the
concrete provided the strength of any individual cube shall neither be less than 70% nor higher
than 130% of the specified strength.

(b) If the actual average strength of accepted sample exceeds specified strength by more than 30%
the Engineer-in-Charge, if he so desires, may further investigate the matter. However, if the
strength of any individual cube exceeds more than 30% of specified strength, it will be restricted
to 130% only for computation of strength.

(c) If the actual average strength of accepted sample is equal to or higher than specified strength
upto 30% then strength of the concrete shall be considered in order and the concrete shall be
accepted at full rates.

(d) If the actual average strength of accepted sample is less than specified strength but not less than
70% of the specified strength, the concrete may be accepted at reduced rate at the discretion of
Engineer-in-Charge (see Para

(e) If the actual average strength of accepted sample is less than 70% of specified strength, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall reject the defective portion of work represented by sample and nothing
shall be paid for the rejected work. Remedial measures necessary to retain the structure shall be
taken at the risk and cost of contractor. If, however the Engineer-in-Charge so desires, he may
order additional tests (See Appendix B of Chapter 5) to be carried out to ascertain if the structure
can be retained. All the charges in connection with these additional tests shall be borne by the

5.4.11 Measurements Dimensions shall be m easured nearest to a cm except for the thickness of slab which shall be
measured correct to 0.5 cm. The areas shall be worked out nearest to 0.01 Sq. mt. The cubical contents
shall be worked out to nearest 0.01 cubic metre. Reinforced c ement c oncrete w hether cast-in-situ or pre cast s hall be c lassified and measured
separately as follows.

(a) Raft, footing, bases of columns and mass concrete etc. all work up to plinth level, column up to
plinth level, plinth beams.
(b) Wall (any thickness) including a ttached pil asters, b uttresses plinth a nd s tring course, fill ets,
column, pillars, piers, abutments, post and struts etc.
(c) Suspended floors, roofs, landings and balconies.
(d) Shelves
(e) Chajjas
(f) Lintel, beams and bressummers.
(g) Columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts.

107 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(h) Stair-cases including waist or waist less slab but excluding landing except in (i) below.
(i) Spiral stair-case (including landing).
(j) Arches, arch ribs, domes and vaults.

(k) Chimneys and shafts.

(l) Well steining.
(m) Vertical and horizontal fins individually or forming box, louvers and facias.
(n) Kerbs, steps and the like.
(o) String courses, bands, coping, bed plates, anchor blocks, plain window sills and the like.
(p) Mouldings as in cornices, window sills etc.
(q) Shell, dome and folded plates.
(r) Extra for shuttering in circular work in plan. Work under the following categories shall be measured separately.

(a) Rafts, footings, bases of columns etc. and mass concrete.
(b) All other items upto floor two level.
(c) From floor two level to floor three level and so on.
(d) R.C.C. above roof level shall be measured along with R.C.C. Work in floor just below. No deduction shall be made for the following:

(a) Ends of dissimilar materials (e.g. Joists, beams, post, girders, rafter, purlins, trusses, corbels
steps etc.) upto 500 sq cm in cross-section.

(b) Opening upto 0.1. sqm.

Note: In calculating area of openings upto 0.1 sqm the size of opening shall include the thickness
of any separate lintels or sills. No extra labour for forming such openings or voids shall be
paid for.

(c) The volume occupied by reinforcement.

(d) The volume occupied by water pipes, conduits etc. not exceeding 25 sq cm each in cross
sectional area. Nothing extra shall be paid for leaving and finishing such cavities and holes. Measurement shall be t aken before any rendering is done i n concrete members. Measurement
will not include rendering. The measurement o f R .C.C. w ork bet ween v arious uni ts shall be r egulated as

(a) Slabs shall be taken as running continuously through except when slab is monolithic with the
beam. In that case it will be from the face to face of the beam.

(b) Beams shall be measured from face to face of columns and shall be including haunches, if any,
between columns and beam. The depth of the beam shall be from the bottom of slab to the
bottom of beam if beam and slab are not monolithic. In case of monolithic construction where
slabs are integrally connected with beam, the depth of beam shall be from the top of the slab to
the bottom of beam.

(c) The columns measurements shall be taken through.

108 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(d) Chajjas along with its bearing on wall shall be measured in cubic metre nearest to two places of
decimal. When Chajjas is combined with lintel, slab or beam, the projecting portion shall be
measured as Chajjas, built in bearing shall be measured as per item of lintel, slab or beam in
which Chajjas bears.

(e) Where the band and lintels are of the same height and the band serves as lintel the portion of the
band to be measured as lintel shall be for clear length of opening plus twice the over all depth of

5.4.12 Tolerances
Subject t o t he condition that structural safety is not impaired and architectural concept does not
hamper, t he tolerances i n di mensions of R.C.C. m embers shall be as s pecified in t he d rawings.
Whenever these a re not s pecified, the per missible t olerance s hall be dec ided b y t he E ngineer in-Charge
after consultations with the Designer, if necessary.

When tolerances in dimensions are permitted, following procedure for measurement shall apply.

(a) If the actual dimension of R.C.C. members do not exceed or decrease the design dimensions of
the members plus or minus tolerance limit specified above, the design dimensions shall be taken
for the purpose of measurement.

(b) I f t he ac tual d imensions exceed t he design dimensions by more t han the t olerance l imit, t he
design dimensions only shall be measured for the purpose of payment.

(c) I f t he ac tual di mensions dec rease m ore t han t he t olerance l imit s pecified, t he ac tual di mensions
of the RCC members shall be taken for the purpose of measurement and payment.

(d) For acceptance of RCC members whose dimensions are not exactly as per design dimensions,
the decision of Engineer-in-Charge shall be final. For the purpose of payment, however, the
clarification as given in Para a, b & c above shall apply.

5.4.13 Rate The r ate included the c ost o f m aterials and labour involved in a ll the ope rations des cribed
above except for the cost of centring and shuttering. On t he bas is of m andatory l ab t ests, i n case o f actual av erage c ompressive s trength bei ng less
than specified strength but upto 70% of specified strength, the rate payable shall b e in the same
proportion as actual average compressive strength bears to specified compressive strength.

1. Average compressive strength in 80% of specified strength. Rate payable shall be 80% of
agreement rate.

2. In case average compressive strength is less than 70% of the specified strength, the work
represented by the sample shall be rejected.

3. However, on the basis of mandatory field tests, where they prevail, the rates of the work
represented by samples showing actual compressive strength less than specified strength shall
be worked out as per Para (D-3) above. In addition, Engineer-in-charge may order for
additional tests (see Appendix ‘B’ of chapter 5) to be carried out at the cost of contractor to
ascertain if the portion of structure where in concrete represented by the samples had been
used, can be retained on the basis of these tests. Engineer-in-Charge may take further remedial
measured as necessary to retain the structure at the risk and cost of the contractor.

109 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Where throating or plaster drip or moulding is not required to be provided in RCC Chajjas,
deduction for not pr oviding throating or pl aster d rip or moulding s hall be made from t he i tem o f R .C.C. in
Chajjas. T he measurement f or deduc tion item s hall be m ade i n running m etres c orrect t o a c m of t he
edge of Chajjas. No extra payment for richer mix which projects into any member from another member during
concreting of junctions of beam s and c olumns etc. w ill be m ade ex cept t o t he extent structurally
considered necessary a nd w hen so i ndicated i n t he structural drawings. T he payment f or w ork done
under items of different mixed shall be limited strictly to what is indicated in the structural drawings.


5.5.1 General Requirements

Before concrete work is started, the Engineer-in-Charge shall check that all rolled steel sections to be
encased, have been erected truly in position. The sections shall be unpainted and shall be wire
brushed to remove the loose rust/ scales etc. Where so specified, un-galvanised metal, having mesh or
perforations l arge eno ugh t o perm it t he f ree pas sage of 12. 5 m m nom inal s ize aggregat e t hrough t hem
shall be wrapped round the section to be encased and paid for separately.

5.5.2 Wrapping In case of columns, the wrapping shall be arranged as illustrated in Fig. 5.27 to pass through the
centre of th e co ncrete c overing. T he wrapping of the e ntire le ngth o f the colu mns b e car ried o ut in
stages and no stage shall cover more than 1.5 metre of height of columns. Successive wrappings shall be
carried o ut on ly after the immediate ad jacent wrapping has been e ncased in concrete. The surface and
edges of the flanges of the steel columns shall have a concrete cover of not less than 50mm. The
wrappings of the successive stages shall be tied together. In the case of beams and grillages, the wire mesh or expanded metal shall be wrapped round the
lower flange of the beam as illustrated in Fig. 5.28 and the wrapping shall be suspended by wire hangers
5 m m di ameter p laced at about 1. 2 m etres c entres. T he s urfaces and ed ges of t he s teel sections shall
have a concrete cover of not less than 50mm. The wrapping shall pass through the centre of the
concrete covering at the edges and soffits of the flanges.

5.5.3 Form Work shall be as prescribed in 5.2.

5.5.4 Concreting
Concrete shall consist of a mix of 1:2:4 (1 c ement : 2 c oarse and : 4 gra ded stone aggregate of 12.5
mm nom inal s ize) un less a r icher m ix is s pecified. The m ix s hall be p oured s olidly ar ound t he steel
sections and a round t he w rapping b y vi brating t he concrete int o position. C onsistency of c oncrete,
Placing of c oncrete a nd i ts c ompaction, c uring, f inishing and s trength of c oncrete s hall be a s des cribed
in 5.4.
5.5.5 Measurements
The length shall be measured correct to one cm and other dimensions correct of 0.5 cm. The cement
concrete s hall be m easured a s per g ross dimensions of the encasing exclusive of t he th ickness o f
plaster. N o deduction s hall be m ade f or t he v olume of s teel sections, e xpanded m etal, m esh or any
other reinforcement used therein. However, in case of boxed stanchions or girders, the boxed portion
only shall be deducted.

Fabric r einforcement such a s expanded m etal s hall be m easured s eparately in s quare m etres s tating
the mesh and size of strands.

The des cription s hall i nclude t he bendi ng of t he f abric as nec essary, R acking or c ircular c utting an d
waste shall be included in the description.

110 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
5.5.6 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he cost of materials and labour r equired f or al l t he op erations des cribed a bove
except the cost of fabric reinforcement. The c ost o f providing and erecting steel section a nd wire
hangers shall be paid for separately.


5.6.1 General Requirements
Precast rei nforced c oncrete uni ts s uch as c olumns, f encing po sts, door an d w indow f rames, l intels,
Chajjas, copings, sills , shelves, slabs, louvers etc. shall be of grade of mix as specified and cast in forms or
moulds. The forms/ moulds shall be of fibre glass or of steel sections for better finish. Provision shall be
made i n t he f orms and moulds t o ac commodate fixing d evices su ch a s n ibs, cl ips, h ooks, b olts a nd
forming o f n otches a nd h oles. T he contractor may precast t he units on cement or steel p latform which
shall be adequately oiled provided the surface finish is of the same standard as obtained in form. Each
unit shall be cast in one operation.

5.6.2 Concrete us ed for precasting t he uni ts s hould be w ell proportioned, m ixed, pl aced and t horoughly
compacted by vibrations or tamping to give a dense concrete free from voids and honey combing.

5.6.3 Precast ar ticles s hall hav e a dens e s urface finish showing no c oarse ag gregate and shall hav e not
cracks or c revices l ikely t o as sist i n di sintegration of c oncrete o r rusting of s teel o r ot her d efects t hat
would interfere with the proper placing of the units. All angle of the precast units with the exception of the
angles r esulting from the splayed or c hamfered faces s hall be true right an gles. T he arises s hall be
clean and sharp except those specified or s hown t o be rounded. The wearing surface shall be true to the
lines. On being fractured, the interior of the units should present a clean homogeneous appearance.

5.6.4 The longitudinal reinforcement shall have a minimum cover of 12 mm or twice the diameter of the
main bar, w hichever i s m ore, un less ot herwise di rected i n respect of all items ex cept fencing posts or
electric posts where the minimum cover shall be 25 mm.

5.6.5 Curing
After having been cast in the mould or form the concrete shall be adequately protected during setting in
the first stages of hardening from shocks and from harmful effects of frost, sunshine, drying winds and cold.
The concrete shall be cured at least for 7 days from the date of casting.

5.6.6 The precast articles shall be matured for 28 days before erection or being built in so that the
concrete shall have sufficient strength to prevent damage to units when first handled.

5.6.8 Precast un its shall be s tored, transported an d placed in position in such as m anner that they will
not be overstressed or damaged.


5.7.0 The jali shall be of cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement 2 coarse sand:4 stone aggregate 6 m m
nominal size) reinforced with 1.6 mm thick mild steel wire, unless otherwise specified.

5.7.1 Fixing
The jali shall be s et in position true to plumb and level before the joints sills and soffits of the
openings ar e pl astered. I t s hall t hen be pr operly gr outed w ith c ement mortar 1: 3 ( 1 c ement : 3 c oarse
sand) and rec hecked f or l evels. F inally t he j ambs, sills a nd s offits s hall be p lastered em bedding t he j ali
uniformly on all sides.

5.7.2 Measurements
The j ali s hall be m easured f or i ts gro ss superficial area. T he length and bre adth s hall be m easured
correct to a cm. The thickness shall not be less than that specified.

111 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
5.7.3 Rate
The rate s hall b e i nclusive of m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he operations d escribed above
except plastering of jambs, sills and soffits, which will be paid for under relevant items of plastering.


5.8.0 Definition
Design mix c oncrete i s t hat c oncrete i n w hich t he d esign of mix i .e. t he d etermination of p roportions
of c ement, a ggregate & w ater i s ar rived as t o hav e t arget mean s trength for s pecified gr ade o f concrete.
The m inimum m ix of M25 s hall be us ed i n al l s tructural el ements i n bot h l oad bearing & R CC f ramed

5.8.1 Mix Design and Proportioning Mix proportions shall b e de signed to ensure that the workability o f fresh concrete is suitable for
conditions of handling and placing, so that after compaction it surrounds all reinforcement and
completely fills the formwork. When concrete is hardened, it shall have the stipulated strength, durability and
impermeability. Determination of the proportions by weight of cement, aggregates and water shall be based on
design of the mix. As a t rial the manufacturer of concrete may prepare a p reliminary mix according to provisions of
SP: 23. Reference may also be made to ACI 211.1-77 for guidance. Mix design shall be tried and the mix proportions checked on the basis of tests conducted at a
recognized laboratory approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. All concrete proportions for various grades of concrete shall be designed separately and the mix
proportions established keeping in view the workability for various structural elements, methods of
placing and compacting. Before using a n adm ixture i n concrete, i ts performance s hall b e e valuated by c omparing t he
properties of concrete with the admixture and concrete without any admixture. Chloride content of
admixture should be dec lared by t he m anufacturer of adm ixture and shall b e w ithin l imits s tipulated by

5.8.2 Standard Deviation Standard deviation calculations of test results based on tests conducted on the same mix design for
a particular grade designation shall be done in accordance with IS 456.

5.8.3 Acceptance Criteria Compressive Strength : The concrete shall be deemed to comply with the strength
requirements when both the following condition are met:
(a) The m ean s trength d etermined f rom any group of f our c onsecutive t est results c omplies w ith t he
appropriate limits in col 2 of Table 5.6.

(b) Any individual test result complies with the appropriate limits in col. 3 of Table 5.6. Flexural Strength : When both the following conditions are met, the concrete complies with the
specified flexural strength.
(a) The m ean s trength determined fr om a ny group of fo ur consecutive t est r esults exceeds t he
specified characteristic strength by at least 0.3 N/mm2.

(b) The strength determined from any test result is not less than the specified characteristic strength/
0.3 N/mm2.

112 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Quantity of Concrete Represented by Strength Test Results : The qu antity of co ncrete
represented b y a g roup o f four consecutive t est results shall i nclude t he bat ches from w hich t he first and
last samples were taken together with all intervening batches.

For t he individual t est result r equirements gi ven i n c ol 3 of T able 5.6 or i n i tem (b) of O nly t he
particular batch from which the sample was taken shall be at risk.

Where the mean rate of s ampling is not s pecified the maximum quantity of concrete that fo ur
consecutive test results represent shall be limited to 60 m3. If the concrete is deemed not to comply pursuant to 5.8.3 the structural adequacy of the parts
affected shall be investigated and any consequential action as needed shall be taken. Concrete of each grade shall be assessed separately. Concrete is liable to be rejected if it is porous or honey-combed, its placing has been interrupted
without providing a proper construction joint, the reinforcement has been displaced beyond the
tolerances specified, or construction tolerances have not been met. However, the hardened concrete
may be accepted af ter carrying out s uitable remedial m easured t o t he s atisfaction of t he E ngineer-in-

5.8.4 Cement Content of Concrete For al l g rades of c oncrete m anufactured/produced, m inimum c ement c ontent i n t he concrete
shall be 330 kg per c ubic m etre of concrete. Also, i rrespective of the gr ade of concrete the m aximum
cement content shall not be more than 500 kg per cubic metre of concrete. These limitations shall apply for
all types of cements of all strengths. Actual ce ment c ontent in eac h gr ade of con crete for vari ous co nditions of vari able shall be
established by design mixes within the limits specified in Para above.

5.8.5 Water Cement Ratio and Slump In proportioning a particular mix, the manufacturer/ producer/ contractor shall give d ue
consideration to the moisture content in the aggregates, and the mix shall be so designed as to restrict
the maximum free water cement ratio to less than 0.5. Due consideration shall be given to the workability of the concrete thus produced. Slump shall be
controlled o n t he basis o f pl acement i n different s ituations. For normal m ethods of placing c oncrete,
maximum slump shall be restricted to 100 mm when measured in accordance with IS 1199.

113 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Characteristic Compressive Strength Compliance Requirement
(Clause and

S pe cifie d G ra deMe a n of the Group of 4 Non- Individua l Te s t Re s ults in N/mm 3

Ove rla pping Cons e cutive te s t Re s ults
in N/mm 3
(1) (2) (3)
M15 ≥ fck + 0.825 x established standard ≥ fck-3 N/mm2
deviation (r ounded off t o n earest 0.5
fck +3 N/mm2
Whichever is greater
M20 ≥ fck + 0.825 x established standard ≥ fck-4 N/mm2
or deviation (rounded off to nearest 0.5
above N/mm2)
fck +4 N/mm2, Whichever is greater
NOTE - In the absence of established value of standard deviation, the values given in Table
may be assumed, and attempt should be made to obtain results of 30 samples as early
as possible to establish the value of standard deviation.

5.8.6 Approval of Design Mix The producer/ manufacturer/ contractor of concrete shall submit details of each trial mix of each
grade of concrete designed f or v arious workability c onditions t o t he Engineer-in-Charge f or h is
comments and approval. Concrete of any particular design mix and grade shall be produced/
manufactured for works only on obtaining written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. For any change in quality/ quantity in the ingredients of a p articular c oncrete, for which mix has
been des igned ear lier and app roved by the E ngineer-in-Charge, the m ix has to b e r edesigned and
approval obtained again.

5.9 READY MIXED CONCRETE (as per IS 4926)

5.9.1 Materials Selection and Approval of Materials : Materials u sed should satisfy the re quirements for the
safety, structural perf ormance dura bility an d appe arance of t he f inished s tructure, t aking f ull a ccount of
the env ironment t o w hich it w ill be s ubjected. The selection and use of materials s hall be i n ac cordance
with I S 456. M aterials us ed s hall conform t o t he rel evant I ndian Standards applicable. Where m aterials
are us ed which are not cov ered by th e provisions of the relevant In dian S tandard, there sh ould b e
satisfactory dat a on their s uitability and as surance o f qual ity c ontrol. R ecords and det ails o f performance
of s uch m aterials s hould be m aintained. A ccount s hould be t aken of po ssible i nteractions an d
compatibility be tween IS 4926 and m aterials used. A lso, prior per mission of the pur chaser s hall be
obtained before use of such materials. Cement : Cement used for concrete shall be in accordance with the requirements of IS 456. Mineral Admixtures : Use o f m ineral admixtures s hall be p ermitted in a ccordance w ith the
provisions of IS 456.

114 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Aggregates : Aggregates u sed f or c oncrete s hall be i n ac cordance with t he requi rement o f I S
456. Unless otherwise agreed testing frequencies for aggregates in plant shall be as given IS 4926. Chemical Admixtures

(i) U se of c hemical ad mixtures shall be perm itted in ac cordance, with t he p rovisions o f I S 4 56 an d
IS 9103.

(ii) It shall be the responsibility of the producer to establish compatibility and suitability of any
admixture with the other ingredients of the mix and the determine the dosage required to give the
desired effect.

(iii) Admixtures should be stored in a manner that prevents degradation of the product and
consumed within the time period indicated by the admixture supplier. Any vessel containing an
admixture in the plant or taken to site by the producer shall be clearly marked as to its content.

(iv) When offering or delivering a mix to a purchaser it should be indicated if such a mix
contains an admixture or combination of admixtures or not. The admixtures may be identified
generically and should be declared on the delivery ticket.

(v) The amount of admixture added to mix shall be recorded in the production record. In special
circumstances, if necessary, additional dose of admixture may be added at project site to regain
the workability of concrete with the mutual agreement between the producer and the purchaser. Water : Water used shall be in accordance with the requirement of IS 456. Unless otherwise
agreed, the testing frequencies for water shall be as given in Annex A.

The us e of r e-cycled w ater i s enc ouraged as l ong as c oncrete of s atisfactory performance c an be

produced and steps are taken to monitor the build up of chlorides in any recirculated water and that any
subsequent ad justments t o the mix des ign ar e made to ens ure that an y o verall l imit on c hloride c ontents
is satisfied. The ad dition of any recycled water shall be monitored and c ontrolled to meet these

The t otal am ount of water added t o t he m ix s hall be r ecorded i n t he production record. T he w ater
content of c oncrete s hall be r egulated by c ontrolling i ts w orkability or by m easuring and adj usting t he
moisture contents of its constituent materials. The producer’s production staff and truck-mixer, drivers
shall be m ade a ware of the a ppropriate responses to v ariations in c oncrete c onsistency of a par ticular
mix caused by normal variations in aggregate moisture content or grading.

5.9.2 General Requirements Basis of Supply : Ready-mixed c oncrete s hall be s upplied having t he qual ity and t he quantity in
accordance w ith t he re quirement agreed with t he p urchaser or his a gent. N otwithstanding th is, the
concrete supplied shall generally comply with requirements of IS 456.

All concrete w ill b e s upplied and invoiced i n terms of c ubic m etres (full or pa rt) of c ompacted f resh
concrete. All proportioning is to be carried out by mass except water and admixture, which may be
measured by volume. Transport of Concrete : Ready-mixed concrete shall be t ransported from the mixer to the point
of pl acing as rapidly as pr acticable b y m ethods that w ill maintain t he required w orkability an d w ill p revent
segregation, l oss of any constituents or i ngress of foreign m atter or w ater. T he c oncrete shall be pl aced
as soon as possible after delivery, as close as is practicable to its final position to avoid re-handling or
moving the concrete horizontally by vibration. If required by the purchaser the producer can utilize
115 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
admixtures t o slow down the rate of workability loss, however this does not remove the need for t he
purchaser to place the concrete as rapidly as possible. The purchaser should plan his arrangements so as
to enable a full load of concrete to be discharged within 30 minutes of arrival on site.

Concrete shall be transported in a truck-mixer unless the purchaser agrees to the use of
nonagitating v ehicles. W hen non -agitating v ehicles ar e us ed, t he m ixed c oncrete s hall be pr otected
from gain or loss of water. Time in Transport : The general requirement is that concrete shall be discharged from the
truck-mixer within 2 h of the time of loading. However, a longer period may be permitted if retarding
admixtures are used or in cool humid weather or when chilled concrete is produced.
The time of loading shall start from adding the mixing water to the dry mix of cement and aggregate or of
adding the cement to the wet aggregate whichever is applicable.

Ready-mixed concrete plant shall have test facilities at its premises to carry out routine tests as per the
requirement of the standard.

5.9.3 Sampling and Testing of Ready-Mixed Concrete Point and Time of Sampling : For the assessment of compliance of ready-mixed concrete, the
point and time of sampling shall be at discharge from the producer’s delivery vehicle or from the mixer to
the s ite or w hen delivered i nto t he purchaser’s vehicle. I t i s c ritical t hat t he s ampling procedure a nd
equipment us ed enables as representative a sample as p ossible t o b e t aken of t he qu antity of c oncrete
delivered (see Annex A).

The sampling m ay be c arried out jointly by the purchaser and t he supplier with its frequency m utually
agreed upon. However, it will not absolve t he s upplier of his responsibility from supplying in concrete as
per the requirement given in this standard or otherwise agreed to where so permitted in the standard. Workability : The test for acceptance is to b e p erformed upon the producer’s d elivery vehicle
discharge on site or upon discharge into the purchaser’s vehicle. lf discharge from the producers’ vehicle is
delayed on site due to lack of preparedness on behalf of the purchaser then the responsibility passes to
the purchaser after a delay of more than 30 min.

The w orkability s hall be within t he f ollowing limits o n t he s pecified v alue as a ppropriate:

Slump ± 25 mm or 1/3 of the specified value, whichever is less.
Compacting factor : ± 0.03, where the specified value is 0.90 or greater,
± 0.04, where the specified value is less than 0.90 but more than 0.80, ±
0.05, where the specified value is 0.80 or less.

Flow t able t est may be s pecified f or c oncrete, f or v ery hi gh w orkability ( see I S 9103) A cceptance
criteria for spread (flow) are to be established between the supplier and the purchaser. Specified Strength

(i) Compliance shall be assessed against the requirements of IS 456 or other agreed Indian
Standard. The purchaser may perform his sampling and testing or may enter into an
arrangement with the producer to provide his testing requirements.

(ii) Unless otherwise agreed between the parties involved, the minimum testing frequency to be
applied by the producer in the absence of a recognized ready-mixed concrete industry method of
production control should be one sample for every 50 m 3 of production or every 50 batches,
whichever is the greater frequency. Three test specimens shall be made up for each sample for
testing at 28 days (see also IS 456).

116 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
In or der to g et a r elatively qui cker id ea of th e q uality of c oncrete, optional test on b eams for
modulus of rupture at 72 ± 2 h or at 7 days or compressive strength test at 7 days may be carried
out in addition to 28 days compressive strength t est. F or t his p urpose t he v alue should b e
arrived at bas ed on ac tual t esting. I n al l c ases 28 days c ompressive strength s hall alone be the
criteria for acceptance or rejection of the concrete.

(iii) The pur chaser shall i nform t he pro ducer if hi s requirements f or s ampling and t esting are hi gher
than one sample every 50 m 3 or 50 batches, whichever is the greater frequency. Additional Compliance Criteria : Any addi tional c ompliance c riteria s hall be dec lared t o the
producer b y t he purchaser prior t o s upply a nd sh all be mutually a greed u pon in te rms of definition,
tolerance frequency of assessment, method of test and significance result. Non-Compliance : The a ction t o be t aken i n case of non-compliance shall be declared and
mutually agreed upon.

5.9.4 Information to be Supplied by the Purchaser The purchaser shall provide to the pr oducer the det ails of the concrete mix or mixes r equired by
him and all pertinent information on the use of the concrete an d t he s pecified req uirements. P rior t o
supply taking place, it is recommended that a meeting is held between the purchaser and the producer. Its
objective to clarify operational matters such as notice to be given prior to delivery, delivery rate, the name
of t he purc hasers aut horized repr esentative w ho w ill coordinate del iveries, an y req uirements f or
additional services such as pumping, on site testing or training, etc. Designed Mixes : Where the purchaser s pecifies a designed mix t o be supplied it is essential
that al l relevant i nformation i s c onveyed t o t he p roducer. I n or der t o a ssist i n t his, t he f ormat gi ven i n
Annex B may be completed and forwarded to the producer at the time of enquiry. Prescribed Mixes : The concrete m ix s hall b e s pecified b y i ts constituent m aterials and t he
properties or quantities of those constituents to produce a concrete with the required performance. The
assessment of t he m ix pr oportions s hall f orm an essential par t of the c ompliance r equirements. T he
purchaser s hall pr ovide the producer w ith al l pertinent i nformation o n the use of the c oncrete a nd t he
specified r equirements. I n or der t o a ssist in t his, the f ormat given i n A nnex B m ay be f ollowed w ith
suitable modifications as applicable to prescribed mixes.

5.9.5 Information to be Supplied by the Producer

When requested, the producer s hall provide the purchaser with t he f ollowing i nformation before any
concretes is supplied:
(a) Nature and source of each constituent material,

(b) Source of supply of cement,

(c) Proposed proportions or quantity of each constituent/ m 3 of fresh concrete.

(d) Generic type(s) of the main active constituent(s) in the admixture;

(e) W hether or not t he ad mixture contains c hlorides and i f s o, t he chloride content of t he admixture
expressed as a percentage of chloride ion by mass of admixture;

(f) Where more than one admixture is used, confirmation of their compatibility and

(g) Initial and final setting t ime o f c oncrete w hen ad mixture is us ed at adopt ed dos age (tested a s per
IS 8142).

117 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
5.9.6 Production and Delivery Materials Storage and Handling
(i) Ce me nt : Separate storage for Different types and grades of cement shall be provided.
Containers m ay be us ed to s tore c ement o f di fferent t ypes pr ovided t hese are em ptied bef ore
loading n ew c ement. B ins or s ilos s hall be weatherproof and permit free flow a nd e fficient
discharge of the cement.
In c ase, t he c ement r emains i n s torage f or m ore than 3 m onths, t he c ement s hall be retested
before u se and s hall b e r ejected, if it fails to c onform to an y o f the r equirements g iven in the
relevant Indian Standard.

(ii) Dry P ulve rize d Fue l As h a nd Othe r Mine ra l Admixture s : Suitable separate arrangement for
storage of pulverized fuel ash, silica fume, metakeolin, rice husk ash, ground granulated blast
furnace slag such as for cement, shall be provided, in the plants utilizing these materials.

(iii) Aggre ga te s (Coa rs e a nd Fine ) : Stockpiles shall be free draining and arranged to avoid
contamination and to prevent intermingling with adjustment material.

(iv) Wa te r : An adequate supply shall be provided and when stored on the plant such storage
facilities shall be designed to minimize the risk of contamination.

(v) Che mica l Admixture s : Tanks or drums containing liquid admixtures shall be clearly labelled for
identification purposes and stored in such a way to avoid damage, contamination or the effects of
prolonged exposure to sunlight (if applicable). Agitation shall be provided for liquid admixture,
which are not stable solutions. Mixing
(i) Wa s hing Out Wa te r : Before loading concrete materials or mixed concrete into either a stationary
mixer or truck mixer any water retained in the mixing drum for washing out purposes shall be
completely discharged.

(ii) S ta tiona ry or C e ntra l Mixe rs : Stationary mixers shall not be loaded in excess of the manufacturer’s
rated capacity. The mixing time shall be measured from the time all the materials required for the
batch, including water, are in the drum of the mixer. The mixing time shall not be less than that
recommended by the manufacturer. Where a continuous mixing plant is used, the complete mixing
time shall be sufficient to ensure that the concrete is of the required uniformity.

(iii) Truck Mixe rs : When a truck mixer is used for the partial or complete mixing of concrete, mixing
shall be considered to commence from the moment when all the materials required for the batch,
including water, are in the rotating drum of the mixer.

Truck or agitators shall not be loaded in excess of the manufacturer’s rated capacity. In order to
produce a s atisfactory m ix, and w here t here i s no data available t o establish di fferent period and
speed o f r evolutions, m ixing s hall c ontinue for no t less than 60 r evolutions of the truck m ixer
drum at a r ate of not less than 7 r evolutions/min. All completely truck m ixed concrete shall be
visually inspected for uniformity prior to leaving the plant.

When a t ruck m ixer or agi tator i s us ed f or t ransporting c oncrete w hich ha s been m ixed bef ore
leaving the plant, the concrete shall be agitated during transit and remixed at the site for at least
2 min so that the concrete is of the required uniformity.

(iv) Condition of Mixe rs : Stationary and truck mixers shall be maintained in an efficient and clean
condition with no appreciable build up of hardened concrete or cement in the mixing drum, on the
mixing blades, or on the loading hopper or discharge chutes.

118 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Delivery Ticket : Immediately be fore di scharging the c oncrete a t the po int o f del ivery, t he
producer or h is representative s hall pr ovide the pur chaser w ith a preprinted de livery ticket for ea ch
delivery of c oncrete on which is printed, s tamped or w ritten t he m inimum i nformation det ailed i nvoicing
as per Annex D.

5.9.7 Quality Control

Quality control of ready-mixed concrete to be achieved through, forward control, immediate control
and retrospective control. Mix Performance : The pr oducer shall be responsible f or ensuring t hat s uitable control
procedures are in place ensure for Design and Prescribed mixes. Stock Control of Materials : The producer shall operate a materials stock control procedure to
enable verification of total quantities used and to confirm that only approved materials have been
received. Complaints : The producer shall have a procedure in place to enable the diagnosis and
correction of faults identified from complaints.

5.9.8 Records
Records s hall be m aintained by t he p roducer t o provide c onfirmation of t he q uality and q uantity a nd
quantity of concrete produced. The records shall be retained for the purposes of these requirements for a
period of at least one year. They shall cover the following aspect:
(a) Production and delivery:
(i) Batching instruction
(ii) Batching Records,
(iii) Delivery tickets, and
(iv) Equipment calibration and plant maintenance.

(b) Materials and production control:

(i) Concrete production and materials purchase, usage and stocks, and
(ii) Certificates or test results for materials.

(c) Production quality Control: Control test results.


5.10.1 General
Concrete conveyed by pressure through either rigid pipes or flexible hoses and discharged directly
into the desired area is termed as pumped concrete.

Method of ap plying pr essure to concrete i s by p umps. P umps t o b e used shall be ei ther of t he two
types as mentioned below:-
(A) Piston type pumps
(B) Squeeze pressure type pumps.

Compressed air pressure pumps shall not be used in the works.

5.10.2 Pumping Equipments Piston Pumps : P iston pump t o be u sed i n t he works shall consist of a r eceiving hopper f or
mixed concrete, an inlet valve, an outlet valve, and the pump shall be a twin-piston pump.

The two pistons shall be so arranged that one piston retracts when the other is moving forward and
pushing c oncrete i nto t he pip e li ne t o m aintain a reas onably st eady f low of co ncrete. S ingle piston
pumps shall not be acceptable.

119 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Inlet and outlet valve shall be any one of the following types:-
- Rotating plug type
- Sliding plate type
- Guided plunger type
- Swing type
- Flapper type
- Or any combination of the above.
The p istons s hall be mechanically dri ven u sing a c rank or c hain or hydraulically driven using oil o r

The rec eiving h opper s hall hav e a m inimum capacity of 1. 0 cum an d t he h opper s hall be f itted with
remixing rotating blades capable of maintaining consistency and uniformity of concrete.

The pr imary power f or pu mps may be s upplied b y gasoline, di esel, or el ectric motors.

The primary power unit and the pump unit may be truck, trailer or skid mounted. Squeeze Pressure Pumps : Squeeze p ressure pum ps s hall c onsist o f a receiving hopp er fitted
with re -mixing bl ades. R e-mixing bl ades s hall be s uch t hat t hese c an push t he c oncrete i nto t he f lexible
hose connected at the bottom of the hopper.

The flexible hose shall pass through a metal d rum ar ound the inside per iphery of t he drum and c ome
out through the top part of the drum.

The dr um s hall be m aintained under a v ery hi gh degree of a v acuum dur ing oper ation. T he dr um
shall be s o f itted w ith hy draulically operation metal r ollers., which w hen rotating, cr eate a sq ueeze
pressure on the flexible hose carrying concrete and forces the concrete out into the pipe line. Effective Range and Discharge of Pumps : Effective range o f pum ps to be us ed i n the work
shall be dec ided a fter studying t he s ite conditions. However, the minimum h orizontal range s hall not be
less than 150 metres and minimum vertical range shall not be less than 50 metres.

Selection o f pu mps ba ses on di scharge capacity s hall be dec ided a fter s tudying t he requirements for
the project. D ischarge capacity shall be w orked o ut by the c ontractors an d a pproval obtained f rom t he
Engineer-in-Charge. A s a gui de l ine f igure t he c ontractor m ay as sume a di scharge c apacity of 15 c ubic
metre/hour/pump. Pipe Lines : All concrete carrying pipe lines shall generally be rigid pipe lines. Flexible pipe
lines m ay only be used at bend curves in lines or at discharge ends if required. P lacements of flexible
units shall be done j udiciously and c onnected to the pipe lines only when it m eets the approval of the
(i) Rigid Line/ Hard Line/ Slick line : Such lines shall be made either of steel or plastic. Aluminium
alloy pipes shall not be used.

Minimum pi peline di ameter s hall be 100 millimetres and s hall hav e no rmal m aximum l ength of 3
metre in each section connected through couplers.

(ii) Flexible Pipe Line : Flexible lines shall be made out of rubber or spiral wound flexible metal or
plastic. The pipe shall again be such that they are in sections of 3 metre length each and
connected through couplers. These pipes shall be such that they are interchangeable with rigid
lines. While installing flexible units, care shall be taken that there are no links in the pipeline,
which is a normal tendency with these pipes having diameter 100 mm and above.

120 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Couplers : Couplers to be used for connecting pipe line sections (either hard or flexible) shall
have adequ ate s trength to w ithstand s tresses due to handl ing, misalignments, poor support to pi pe l ines

For hor izontal runs of pipes and for v ertical run upt o 30 metre height the couplers shall be rated for a
minimum pressure o f 35 kg/ cm square. Couplers used for rising run s be tween 30 metre and 50 metre
heights shall have a minimum pressure rating of 50 kg/cm square. Couplers shall be designed to allow for
replacement of any pipe s ection without displacing other sections. These shall provide for the full
internal cross section. These shall provide for the full internal cross section with no constructions or
service. Which m ay disrupt t he s mooth f low of concrete. F or pi pelines o f size 150m m and abo ve, doubl e
togged t ype c oupler with a thick rubber gas ket and secondary wedge-take-up i s r ecommended. T ypes of
couplers that may be used shall be any of the following:-

- Grooved end coupler

- One piece extended lever swing type couplers

- And full flow oil line type couplers. Other Accessories : Other accessories which shall be catered for, are as under:-

(a) Back up pump of rigid and flexible pipes of varying lengths of similar rating/specifications

(b) Curved sections of rigid pipes

(c) Swivel joints and rotary distributors

(d) Pin and gate valves to prevent back flow in pipe lines

(e) Switch valves to direct the flow into another pipe line

(f) Connection devices to fill forms from the bottom up

(g) Splints, ro llers, a nd other devices f or protection of c onduit over r ock c oncrete Reinforcing steel
and form and to provide lifting and lashing points in the pipe line.

(h) Transitions for connecting different sizes of pipe sections

(i) Air vents for downward pumping.

(j) Clean out equipment.

For concreting of columns, walls and scattered small placement, recommendation is made for
special cranes or power controlled booms carrying pipe lines with a pendant type concrete delivery
hose. Lubricating of Pipe Line

Before pumping concrete into the pipeline, the line shall be lubricated with a properly designed
mortar/grout l ubricant. This s hall be ens ured by s tarting t he pum ping operation w ith a pr operly des igned
mortar, or w ith a bat ch of r egular c oncrete w ith t he c oarse aggr egate om itted. T he quant ity of m ortar
required as lubricant is dependent on the smoothness and cleanliness of the pipelines. As a guide line,
for a 100 mm diameter pi pe line of 100 metre length, 0.08 cum to 0.10 cum of mortar should normally be
adequate, but this shall not be taken as specified, and the contractor shall establish his requirements.

121 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Certificate c onfirming t hat t he use o f a particular br and o f a dmixture sh all not be h armful to
concrete in any way.

Certificate confirming the exact dosage of admixture of a particular brand.

Certificate stating the specific purpose for which the admixture is to be used.

Special pr ecautionary m easures to be taken in the m anufacturer o f c oncrete w hen us ing the
particular brand of admixture.

Certificate c onfirming that t he ad mixture c onforms t o specifications o f IS 9103 o r to A STM-C260,

ASTM - C10, ASTM - C 595 or to ASTM- C 618.

(ii) Engineer-in-Charge at his discretion may require tests to be performed to reconfirm the
characteristic properties of any admixture. All such tests shall be done in accordance with IS:

(iii) All test shall be done in the presence of a representative nominated by the Engineer-in-Charge
and a representative of the concrete Manufacturer/ Contractor when tests are performed at the
site laboratory.

(iv) Expenses for all materials used for testing, sampling procedures and testing including preparing
reports shall be borne by the concrete Manufacturer/ Contractor.

(v) Rate of concrete is inclusive of cost of admixtures. The contractor shall not be paid anything
extra for admixtures required for achieving direct workability without any change in specified
water cement ration for RCC/CC work.

5.11.4 Sampling and Testing for Quality Control of Fresh Concrete

Fresh concrete shall be tested for
(a) Slump
(b) Compacting Factor/ Workability
(c) Consistency
(d) Weight per cubic metre, cement factor and air content Slump
(i) For concrete totally mixed in a central plant, slump shall be checked at:-
(a) Immediately during loading of trucks
(b) Final placement location
(d) At placement location the slump measured shall conform to the design slump. Manufacturer
of concrete shall adjust for loss of slump in transit and establish the requirements of design
mix. All slump measurements shall be done within a period of 20 minutes from the time
cement is added to the mixer.
(ii) For concrete entirely mixed in transit or for shrink mix concrete, slump reading shall be taken at:-
(a) Point of discharge from delivery trucks
(b) Final placement location
In this case also, the slump measured at the final placement location shall conform to the design

(iii) At placement locations, samples for checking slump shall be collected as desired by Engineer-

(iv) For all s lump checks i n t he f ield at l east t wo recordings s hall be m ade and t he average v alue
taken as the recorded slump.

123 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(v) Slump readings shall only be a guideline for concrete consistency and shall not be taken as the
acceptability criteria for concrete placed at location. All slump test shall be carried out in
accordance with IS 1199. Compacting Factor

(i) For concrete whose ordered slump is 50 mm or less, compacting factor test shall be conducted
at central batch plant in addition to slump tests mentioned above.

(ii) Compacting factor check shall be done at central batch plant if concrete is totally mixed in plant.

(iii) Laboratory tests for determining compacting factor of concrete shall be done as per
manufacturer’s requirements for establishing and controlling the design mix of concrete.

(iv) C ompacting factor t est s hall not be taken as an ac ceptance c riteria and s hall be t reated onl y as a
guideline to workability of concrete. Consistency of Concrete : This test shall be performed only at t he bat ching p lant l aboratory
using a Vee-Bee Consist meter, for determining and predicting the slump of concrete. Number and
frequency of t hese t ests s hall be based on requirements of t he manufacturer of c oncrete. Care s hall be
taken i n prod ucing m ix de sign of requ ired c haracteristic s trengths o f c oncrete w ithin l imits of Vee-Bee-
Degrees between 1.6 and 4.5 for concrete transported and placed by normal method and between 0.8
and 3.5 for concrete transported and placed by pumping methods. Weight, Cement Factor and Air contents Test : Freshly mixed concrete for every type shall
be t ested i n t he b atch pl ant l aboratory f or e ach batch of c oncrete produced t o d etermine w eight pe r
cubic m etre of f reshly m ixed c oncrete, c ement f actor i n concrete and t he ai r c ontent of t he concrete.
Frequency and number of test shall be finalized by the manufacturer of concrete in consultation with the
Engineer-in-Charge for his requirement of the mode of measurement of concrete produced.

The Engineer-in-Charge may at his discretion require further tests over and above those specified
above in para to be conducted on fresh concrete. The manufacturer and the placement
contractor shall have to comply with all such requirements.

5.11.5 Sampling and Testing for Quality Control of Hardened Concrete

(i) Test on cube crushing strength of concrete in accordance and compliance with IS 456 and IS 456 shall
be done as under:-

(a) Sample of fresh concrete shall be taken from concrete at central batch plant mixer while
loading delivery trucks or other transport .

(b) Test in specimens made from samples at the batch plant shall only be taken as guidelines
test. Only in the case of doubtful result, the Engineer-in-Charge may refer to such guideline results
for deciding on the quality of concrete.

(c) For truck mix concrete and shrink mix concrete guideline test specimens shall be made from
samples collected at discharge location from mixing trucks. For this purpose first and last
15% of the load shall be omitted while collecting samples.

(d) Frequency of sampling shall be as given below in Table 5.8 for each grade of concrete of
different workability’s and for each type of specimens (field test specimens and guideline test
specimens) for conducting 28 days crushing strength tests.

124 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Qua ntity of concre te De live re d (cum) Numbe r of sa mple s

Less than 5 1
6 to 15 2
31 to 50 3
51 and above sample for each 4 plus one additional 50 cum or part

Each sample s hall be of adequate quantity so that a m inimum of 3 specimen cubes can be
made test of the sample in accordance with IS 516.

(e) A ll t est specimens shall be made compacted cured and tested i n compliance with I S 516 and
test result interpreted in accordance with IS 456 for acceptance of concrete strength, field
specimens test results shall not be less than values given in Table 5.6.
(f) In addition to 28 d ay crushing strength test on s pecimens m ade at frequencies s pecified in
para 4 ab ove, early strength tests at 7 day s shall also be c onducted o n field specimens as
well a s gu ideline te st sp ecimens. F requency of s ampling for t his s et of te st s hall al so b e
same as t hose s pecified i n T able 5. 8 abo ve. 7 da y s trength s hall c onform t o v alues g iven i n
Table 5. 5. B ut t hese t est results ev en i f c onforming t o s pecified v alues s hall only be t aken a
guideline v alues f or proj ecting c oncrete strength an d s hall not be c onstrued as c onforming t o

(g) F or e ach g rade of c oncrete an d f or al l w orkability c onditions w ith di fferent w ater - cement
ratios and compositions of admixtures, preliminary test shall be conducted for crushing
strength on f inalization to design mix f or each t ype of c oncrete. S uch t est s hall be c onducted
both at 7 days and 28 days under laboratory conditions. Six test specimens shall be made for
7 days test and six test specimens shall be made for 28 days test.

Average of t he s ix t est results of di fferent p eriods s hall not b e l ess t han t hose s pecified i n
Table 5.5.

(h) Crushing strengths on cubes shall also be conducted during the process of finalization of
concrete de sign m ix. F requency an d num ber of s uch t ests s hall be as pe r M ix of
requirements of concrete manufacturer.

(i) All test specimens for conducting crushing strength shall be properly labelled for identification
(i) Date of making specimen
(ii) Grade of concrete
(iii) Placement location

(j) In a ddition to c rushing s trength t est o n c oncrete, the E ngineer-in-Charge m ay c all f or other
tests on hardened concrete. The placement contractor and t he manufacturer of concrete shall
comply with all such instructions.

(ii) Non-destructive Tests

(a) W hen t he 2 8 da ys c rushing v alues o n f ield s pecimens and / or s pecimens and/ or s pecimens
made fo r gui deline tes t fall sh ort of s pecified v alues, or in c ase o f do ubtful pla cement of
concrete, t he Engineer-in-Charge s hall c all for no n-destruction t ests on t he s tructure. Such
tests may be any one or a combination of the following:-
 Rebound hammer test
 Windsor Penetration Probe test
 Pulse velocity (sonic or Ultrasonic) test
 Core test
 Load test

125 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(b) Interpretation of rebound hammer, Windsor Probe and Pulse velocity test results shall rest
with the Engineer-in-Charge.

(c) Core test, if ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge, shall be done in accordance with IS 516.
Samples for such test shall be taken from locations to be identified by the Engineer-in-Charge
and such samples shall be collected in compliance with IS:1199.

(d) If felt necessary, the Engineer-in-Charge may instruct load testing for any part of the structure
based on doubtful concrete strengths. Such test shall be carried out as per details to be
provided by the Engineer-in-Charge in consultation with the structural consultants.

(e) The concrete manufacturer/ concrete placement contractor shall arrange for all test to be
conducted in accordance with these specifications, including all necessary tools, plants,
equipment and material, and shall be responsible for conducting all test at his cost.

(f) All test conducted shall be carried out by qualified technicians employed by th e
concrete manufacturer/ concrete placement contractor, in presence of authorized
representative of the Engineer-in-Charge.

(g) Engineer-in-Charge shall alone decide where such tests are to be conducted. He may
instruct tests t o b e conducted at laboratories o ther t han the l aboratory at concrete
manufacturer place and such instructions shall be followed without claiming extra charges
on this account.

126 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



A-0 One sample (consisting of six cubes 15x15x15 cm shall be taken as often as considered necessary
by the Engineer-in-Charge. The test of concrete cubes shall be carried out in accordance with the
procedure as described below. A register of cubes shall be maintained at the site of work in Appendix C.
The casting of cubes, concrete used for cubes and all other incidental charge, such are curing, carriage to
the testing laboratory and testing fees shall be borne by the contractors.

A-1 Test Procedure

A-1.1 Mould
The m ould s hall be of size 15 c mx15 cmx15 c m for the m aximum nom inal s ize o f agg regate no t
exceeding 40 mm. For concrete with aggregate size more than 40 mm size of mould shall be specified by
the Engineer-in-charge, keeping in view the fact that the length of size of mould should be about four times
the size of aggregate.

The m oulds f or t est s pecimens shall be m ade of non-absorbent material and shall be substantially
strong enough t o hol d t heir f orm dur ing t he m oulding of t est s pecimens. T hey s hall not v ary f rom t he
standard di mensions b y more t han o ne percent. T he m oulds shall be so constructed t hat t here i s no
leakage of w ater f rom t he t est s pecimen during moulding. A ll t he c ube m oulds f or particular s ite s hould,
prior t o us e, be checked for a ccuracy i n di mensions and geo metric form and s uch t est s hould at least be
made once a year.

Each m ould s hall be pr ovided w ith a bas e pl ate hav ing a pl ane s urface an d m ade of non -absorbent
material. T his pl ate s hall be large e nough in diameter t o support t he moulds pr operly without l eakage.
Glass pl ates not l ess than 6. 5mm thick or pl ain m etal not l ess than 12m m thick s hall be us ed f or t his
purpose. A similar p late s hall be prov ided fo r covering the top s urface o f the tes t specimen w hen

Note: Satisfactory moulds c an be m ade f rom machine or s teel c astings, r olled m etal pl ates or

A-1.2 Sample of Concrete

Sample of co ncrete for test sp ecimen sh all be taken at the m ixer or in th e case of ready m ixed
concrete f rom the transportation vehicle di scharge or as di rected by E ngineer-in-Charge. S uch s amples
shall be obtained by re peatedly pas sing a scoop or pai l t hrough t he di scharge s tream of c oncrete. T he
sampling operation s hould be s pread ov er ev enly t o t he ent ire di scharging op eration. T he s amples t hus
obtained shall be transported t o t he p lace o f m oulding of t he specimen to c ounteract segregation. T he
concrete s hall be mixed w ith a shovel until i t is uniform in appearance. T he location in t he work of t he
batch of concrete t his sampled s hall be not ed for further reference. In case of pav ing concrete, s amples
shall be t aken f rom t he b atch i mmediately af ter d eposition of t he s ub grade. A t l east f ive s amples s hall
be t aken f rom different p ortion of t he pile and t hese samples shall be t horoughly m ixed before being
used t o form the t est specimen. The sampling s hall be s pread as evenly as pos sible t hroughout t he da y.
When wide c hanges o ccur d uring c oncreting, a dditional s ample shall b e taken if so d esired b y th e

127 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
A-1.3 Preparation of Test Specimens

The interior surfaces of the mould and base plate shall be lightly oiled before the concrete is placed in
the mould. The samples of concrete obtained as described under the test specimen shall be
immediately moulded by one of the following methods as indicated below:-

When t he j ob c oncrete i s c ompacted by m anual methods, t he t est s pecimen s hall be m oulded by

placing t he fresh concrete in the mould i n t hree layers, each approximately one third of the v olume of the
mould. In placing each scoopful of concrete the scoop shall be moved around the top edge do the mould as
the concrete there sided from it, in order to ensure a uniform distribution of concrete within the mould. Each
layer s hall b e r odded 35 t imes with 1 6 mm ro d, 60 c m i n l ength, bullet pointed at the l ower e nd. The
strokes s hall be d istributed i n un iform m anner ov er t he c ross s ection of t he m ould and s hall
penetrate into un derlying l ayer. The bo ttom layer s hall b e rodded t hrough i ts depth. A fter t he top layer
has been rodded, the surface of the concrete shall be struck off with a trowel and covered with a glass
plate at least 6.5 mm thick or a machined plate. The whole process of moulding shall be carried out in
such a m anner as to preclude the c hange of the water c ement ratio of the concrete, by loss of water
either by leakage from the bottom or over flow from the top of the mould.

When the job concrete is placed b y vibration and t he c onsistency of the concrete is such that the test
specimens cannot be properly moulded by hand rolling as described above, the specimens shall be
vibrated t o gi ve a c ompaction c orresponding t o t hat of t he j ob c oncrete. T he f resh c oncrete s hall be
placed i n mould i n two l ayers, ea ch approximately hal f the v olume o f the mould. In placing each scoopful
of c oncrete t he scoop shall be m oved around the top edge of the m ould a s the concrete there slides
from it, in order to ensure a symmetrical distribution of concrete within the mould. Either internal or
external vibrators may b e used. The vibration of eac h layer shall n ot be c ontinued longer than is
necessary to secure the required density. Internal vibrators shall only be used when the concrete is
required t o be c ompacted i n l ayers. I n c ompacting t he f irst l ayer, t he v ibrators s hall not be al lowed to
rest on the bottom of the mould. In placing the concrete for top extent that there will be no mortar loss
during v ibrations. After v ibrating t he s econd l ayer enough concrete s hall be added t o bring l evel above
the top of the mould. The surface of the concrete shall then the struck off with a t rowel and c overed with
a glass or steel plate as specified above. The whole process of moulding shall be carried out in such a
manner as t o pr eclude t he al teration of water-cement r atio of the c oncrete by l oss of w ater, ei ther by
leakage for the bottom or over flow from the top of the mould.

A-1.4 Curing and Storage of Test Specimen

In order to ensure reasonably uniform temperature and moisture conditions during the first 24 hours for
curing t he s pecimen and t o pr otect t hem f rom da mage, m oulds s hall be c overed w ith w et s traw or
gunny sacking and placed a storage box so constructed and kept on the work site that its air
temperature w hen containing c oncrete specimens s hall remain 2 2ºC to 33ºC. O ther suitable m eans
which provide such a temperature and moisture conditions may be used.

Note:- It is suggested that the storage box be made of 25 mm dressed tongued and grooved timber,
well braced with battens to avoid warping. The box should be well painted inside and outside
and should be provided with a hinged cover and padlock.

The test s pecimen shall be removed from the m oulds at the end of 24 hours and stored in a m oist
condition at a temperature within 24º C to 3 0ºC until the time of test. If storage in w ater is de sired, a
saturated lime solution shall be used.

128 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
A-1.5 Testing

The specimens shall be tested in accordance with procedure as described below:

(a) The tests shall be made at an age of concrete corresponding to that for which the strengths are

(b) C ompression t ests shall be m ade i mmediately upon removal of the concrete t est s pecimen f rom
the c uring ro om i .e. t he t est s pecimen s hall be l oaded i n damp c ondition. The di mensions of t he
test specimens shall be measured in mm accurate to 0.5 mm.

(c) The metal bearing plates of the testing machine shall be placed in contact with the ends of the
test s pecimens. C ushioning m aterials s hall not be used. I n t he c ase of c ubes, t he test s pecimen
shall be pl aced i n t he machine i n such a manner t hat t he l oad i s ap plied t o sides of t he
specimens as cast. An adjustable bearing block shall be used to transmit the load to the t est
specimen. T he size of the bearing block s hall be the s ame or slightly larger than that of test
specimen. The upper or lower section of the bear ing block shall be kept in motion as the head of
the testing machine is brought to a bearing on the test specimen.

(d) The load shall be applied axially without shock at the rate of approximately 140 kg. per
per m inute. T he total l oad i ndicated by t he testing m achine at failure of t est s pecimen s hall be
recorded an d t he unit compressive strength is calculated in kg per sq. cm. using the area
computed f rom the m easured di mension of t he t est s pecimen. T he type of f ailure and
Appearance of the concrete shall be noted.

129 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

In c ase t he c oncrete f ails when t ested as per the m ethod prescribed in A ppendix A , one o r m ore of the
following c heck tests m ay be c arried ou t a t t he d iscretion of E ngineer-in-Charge t o s atisfy the
strength of t he c oncrete l aid. A ll t esting expenditure shall be borne by t he contractor, t he n umber o f
additional tests to be c arried out s hall be det ermined by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. H e s hall be t he final
authority for i nterpreting t he r esults o f addi tional t est and s hall dec ide upon t he ac ceptance or ot herwise.
His decision in this regard shall be final and binding. For the purpose of pay ment, the H ammering test
results only shall be the criteria. Some of the tests are outlined below:-


If a rebo und hammer i s regularly used by t rained personnel i n ac cordance w ith proc edure des cribed
in IS 13311 (part II) and a continuously maintained individual charts are kept showing a large number of
reading and t he r elation bet ween t he reading and s trength o f concrete cubes m ade from the s ame bat ch
of c oncrete, s uch c harts m ay be us ed i n c onjunction w ith ham mer r eadings t o obt ain an appr oximate
indication o f t he strength of concrete i n a s tructure f or element. I f calibration c harts are available f rom
manufactures, it can be used. When making rebound hammer test each result should be the average of
at least 12 readings. Reading should not be taken within 20mm of the edge of concrete members and it
may b e necessary t o distinguish b etween readings taken on a trawled face an d those on a m oulded
face. When making the tests on a precast unit, special care should be taken to bed them firmly against
the impact of the hammer.


This m ethod involves drilling an d testing cores from t he c oncrete f or determination o f c ompressive
strength. I n s uitable c ircumstances, t he c ompressive s trength of t he c oncrete i n t he s tructure m ay be
assessed by drilling c ores f rom t he concrete and t esting. T he procedure us ed s hall comply w ith the
requirements of IS 1199 and IS 516.

The poi nts from w hich cores shall be taken s hall be representative o f the w hole concrete and at least
three c ores shall be obt ained and t ested. If the av erage o f the s trength o f al l cores cut from the structure
is less than the specified strength, the concrete represented by the cores shall be liable to rejection and
shall be r ejected if a static load test ( B-5) either cannot be carried o ut o r is n ot pe rmitted b y the


If an ultrasonic apparatus is regularly used by trained personnel in accordance with IS 13311 (part I)
and c ontinuously m aintained individual c harts are k ept s howing a large num ber o f readings & the
relation between t he reading and s trength of c ubes made from t he s ame batch of c oncrete, such c harts
may be used to obtain approximate indications of the strength of concrete in the structures. In cases of
suspected lack of compaction or low cube strength the results obtained from the ultrasonic test results on
adjacent ac ceptable s ection of the s tructures m ay be used f or t he purpose of as sessing t he strength of
concrete in the suspected portion.


The load tests described in this clause are intended as check on the quality of the units and should
not be used as substitute f or normal des ign procedure. Where members req uire s pecial t esting. Such
special testing procedures shall be in a accordance with the specification. Test loads shall be applied
and removed incrementally.

B-4.1 Non Destructive Tests

The unit shall be supported at its designed point of support and loaded for five minutes with a load
equal to the sum of the characteristic dead load plus one and a quarter time the characteristic imposed
load. T he deflection is t hen rec orded. T he maximum de flection af ter a pplication of t he l oad s hall b e i n
accordance w ith t he r equirements def ined by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. T he recovery i s m easured f ive
minutes after the removal of the load and the load then reimposed.
130 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The percentage recovery after the second loading shall be not less than that after the first loading
nor l ess t han 90% of t he def lection recorded d uring t he s econd l oading. A t no t ime dur ing t he
tests, shall the unit show any sign of weakness or faulty construction as defined by the Engineer-
in-Charge in the light of reasonable interpretation of relevant data.

B-4.2 Destructive Tests

The unit is loaded while supported at its design point of support and must not fail at its design load for
collapse, within 15 m inutes of time when the test load becomes operative. A deflection exceeding 1/40
of the test span is regarded as failure of the unit.

B-4.3 Special Tests

For v ery l arge uni ts o r uni ts not readily am enable to the abov e test e .g. c olumns, t he pr ecast pa rts of
composite beams a nd m embers designed f or c ontinuity o r fi xity, t he testing arrangements s hall b e
agreed upon before such units are cast.

B-5 Load Test of Structures or Parts of Structures

The t est des cribed i n t his c lause a re i ntended a s a c heck w here t here i s a doubt regarding s tructural
strength. Test loads are to be applied and removed incrementally.

B-5.1 Age at Tests

The test is to be carried as soon as possible after the expiry of 28 days from the time of placing of the
concrete. When the test is for a reason other than the quality of concrete in the structure being in doubt,
the test may be carried out earlier, provided that the concrete has already reached its specified
characteristic strength.

B-5.2 Test Load

The test l oads t o be applied f or t he l imit s tate of d eflection a nd l ocal d amage a re t he a ppropriate
design l oads i .e., t he c haracteristic dead and s uperimposed l oads. W hen t he l imit s tate o f c ollapse i s
being c onsidered the test load s hall be equ al to the s um o f c haracteristic d ead load p lus one and a
quarter times the characteristic imposed load and shall be maintained or a period of 24 hours. In any of the
test temporary supports of sufficient strength to take the whole load shall be placed in position
underneath b ut not i n c ontact with t he members being tested. Sufficient precautions m ust be taken t o
safeguard persons in the vicinity of the structure.

B-5.3 Measurement During Tests

Measurements o f de flection and crack w idth shall be taken i mmediately a fter appl ications o f t he l oad
and, in the case of 24 h our sustained load test, at the end of 24 hour loaded period, after removal of the
load and after 24 hour recovery period. Sufficient measurements shall be taken to enable side effect to be
taken in account. Temperature and weather conditions shall be recorded during the tests.

B-5.4 Assessment of Results

In assessing the strength of a structure or a part of the structure following a loading t est, t he possible
effects of variation in temperature and humidity during the period of the test shall be considered.

The following requirements shall be met:

(a) T he m aximum w idth o f any crack m easured immediately o n app lication of t he t est load for l ocal
damage, is to be not more than 2/3 of the value of the appropriate limit state requirement.

(b) For members spanning between two supports the deflection measured immediately on
application of the test load for deflection is to be not more than 1/500 of the effective span limits
shall be agreed upon before testing cantilevered portions of structure.

131 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(c) If m aximum d eflection in m m s hown during 24 hour u nder load is l ess t han 4 0L2/D w here L is
effective s pan in m m and D is ov erall dep th of c onstruction in m m, it is n ot nec essary for the
recovery to be measured and the requirement (D) does not apply, and

(d) If within 24 hours of the removal of test load for collapse a s calculated in clause (a) a reinforced
concrete s tructure does no t s how a recovery o f a t l east 75 p er c ent of the m aximum deflection
shown during t he 2 4 hour u nder l oad, t he l oading should be r epeated. T he structure s hould be
considered to have failed to pass the test if the recovery after second loading is not at least 75
per cent of the maximum deflection shown during the second loading.


Determination of water soluble and acid soluble chlorides in Concrete is done as per method of test
given in IS 14959 (Part 1) which covers volumetric method of test as described below :

(a) Qua lity of Re a ge nts

Unless o therwise specified, pu re c hemicals o f anal ytical r eagent gr ade and di stilled w ater ( see I S
1070) shall be used in the test.

(b) Nitric Acid (HNO 3 ) Conce ntra te d (S pe cific Gra vity 1.42)
Prepare t he s olution, (6 N (approx imately), by diluting 38m l of c oncentrated Nitric a cid t o 1 00 m l
with distilled water.

(c) Fe rric Alum(Fe NH4 (S O 4 )2 12 H2 O)

Dissolve 10 g of ferric alum in 100 ml of distilled water and add 1 ml of Nitric acid.

(d) P ota s s ium Chroma te 5% Solution

Dissolve 5 g of potassium chromate (K2 CrO4) 100 ml of distilled water to form 5% Solution.

(e) Nira be nze ne

(f) S ilve r Nitra te (AgNO 3 )S olution, 0.02 N

Weigh 1.7 g of silver nitrate, dissolve in distilled water and dilute to 500 ml in a volumetric flask.
Standardize the silver nitrate solution against 0.02 N sodium chloride solution using potassium
chromate s olution a s indicator ( 5 p ercent m/v) i n ac cordance with t he procedure given i n I S
3025 (Part 32).

(g) Ammonium thiocya na te (NH4 S CN) S olution

Weigh 1.7 g of ammonium t hiocyanate (NH4 SCN) and dissolve i n one l itre of di stilled w ater i n a
volumetric f lask. S hake well and s tandardize by t itrating w ith 0. 02 N s ilver nitrate s olution us ing
ferric alum solution as an indicator. Adjust the normality exactly to 0.02 N.

(h) S odium chloride (Na Cl) 0.02N

Weigh 1. 1692 g of s odium c hloride ( NaCl) dr ied a t 105 + /- 2ºC, di ssolve i n di stilled w ater and
make upto 1000 ml in a volumetric flask.

(i) Use of Filter Paper

(j) I n t he m ethods pr escribed i n t his s tandard, r elative num bers of W atman f ilter paper onl y hav e
been prescribed since these are commonly used. However, any other suitable brand of filter
papers with equivalent porosity may be used.

(k) P roce dure for Wa te r Soluble Chloride

Weigh 1 000+/-5 g of fresh mortar or c oncrete sample in a 2 litre capacity beaker and add 500 ml
of di stilled w ater ( chloride f ree). S tir t he m ixture v igorously f or 15 m inutes. A fter al lowing t he
mixture to stand for 10 to 15 minutes for settling, decant about 200 ml of the supernatant solution

132 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
into a c lean dr y 250 ml c apacity beak er. I mmediately, filter t he s olution t hrough W atman f ilter
paper No.1 and collect the filtrate.

Pipette 50 ml of filtrate in a 250 ml capacity conical flask. Add 5 ml of 6 N Nitric acid. Add a
known volume (X), preferably 25 ml of nitrobenzene. Shake vigorously to coagulate the
precipitate. Titrate the ex cess s ilver nitrate w ith 0. 02 N ammonium thiocyanate s olution un til a
permanent f aint reddish brown colour appears. N ote down the volume (Y) of am monium
thiocyanate used.

(l) P roce dure for Acid Soluble Chloride

Weigh about 1000 + /- 5 g of the fresh mortar or concrete sample i n a 2 litre capacity be aker and
add 50 ml of 6 N nitric acid and 450 ml of distilled water (chloride free) after stirring for few
Minutes. Stir the mixture vigorously for 15 minutes. After allowing the mixture to stand for 10 to
15 m inutes f or s ettling, d ecant a bout 200 m l of the s upernatant solution into a c lean dry 25 0 m l
capacity b eaker. I mmediately, filter t he solution through Watman filter paper N o.1 and c ollect t he

Pipette 5 0 m l of filtrate in a 2 50 m l c apacity c onical flask. A dd 5 m l of 6 N nitric a cid. A dd a

known volume ( X ) preferably 25 ml of standard silver nitrate solution. Add 1 ml ferric alum and 5 ml
of nitrobenzene. Shake vi gorously t o coagulate t he precipitate. Titrate th e e xcess s ilver
nitrate w ith 0. 02 N am monium t hiocyanate s olution unt il a perm anent f aint r eddish bro wn colour
appears. Note down the volume (Y) of ammonium thiocyanate used.

(m) Calculation
Calculate the percentage of chloride(acid soluble/water soluble) by mass of mortar or concrete as
Chloride, per cent = 0 .0007 1 ( X - Y),
X = volume of silver nitrate added, in ml; and
Y = volume of 0.02 N ammonium thiocyanate consumed.

Note: Interference of silver chloride particles (which are generated in situ) in titration by
reacting with thiocyanants can be avoided by the addition of nitrobenzenes which forms
a film on silver chloride particles.

133 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(Clause A-O of Appendix A)

(a) Name of work Concrete mix, (by volume) Compressive strength in

kg/cm2 on 7 days
(b) Name of Contractor 1:1:2 210
(c) Agreement No. 1:1.5:3 175
(d) Sample No. 1:2:4 140
(e) Identification mark
(f) Portion of work any
quantity r epresented
by sample
(g) D ate and t ime of
casting cube
(h) Proportion o f m ix/
grade of concrete

7 Days’ Test

(1) Due date of test Cube No.

(2) Actual date of test
(3) (a) Minimum strength
(b) Maximum strength
(c) Average strength of three cubes
(d) Difference between 3a and 3b
(e) Difference in % age in terms of
average strength i.e
3b -3a x 100
(4) S pecified c ompressive s trength of
concrete mix used
(5) (a) If 3(e) is more than 30% Sample is not ac ceptable, th en 2 8 days
strength test shall be carried out.
(b) If 3(e) is equal to or less than 30%
then proceed as below:-
(i) Difference bet ween column 4
specified compressive strength
and column 3 (c) i.e., actual
average is higher, it will be
denoted (+) and (-) if it is less.
(ii) Difference in column 5(b) (i) 3(c)- (4) x 100%
terms of % age of specified 4
(iii) I f the di fference i n c olumn 5( b) Acceptable & strength is considered in
(i) is +ve and the same in order
terms of % age of specified
strength ( 4) i. e., value of col .
5(b) (ii) is within (+15% range)

Site Engineer

134 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

(a) Name of Work Concrete mix, (By volume) Compressive strength

kg/cm2 in 28 days
(b) Name of contractor 1:1:2 315
(c) Agreement No. 1:1.5:3 265
(d) Sample No. 1:2:4 210
(e) Identification mark
(f) Portion of work any
quantity represented by
(g) D ate and time o f casting
(h) Proportion of mix/Grade
of concrete
28 Days’ Test

(1) Due date of test Cube No
(2) Actual date of test
(3) Actual compressive strength of cubes
(min. no. of cubes to be tested -three)
(a) Minimum strength
(b) Maximum strength
(c) Average strength of three cubes
(d) Specified compressive strength of
concrete mix used i.e. 70% of 3( d)
(e) 70% specified strength i.e. 130% of 3(d)
(f) 130% of specified strength Value of 3(c) s hall be c ompressive
(4) If 3(b) = 3(f) and 3(a) > 3(e) strength of sample
EE may order further investigation
(5) If 3 (c) is more than 3(f) It should be restricted to 3(f) for
(6) If any test value exceeds 3(f) computation of strength
Strength i s i n or der and concrete a ccepted
(7) If 3 (c) > 3(d) but < 3(f) at full rates.
Concrete may be accepted at r educed
(8) If 3 (c) < 3(d) and > 3(e) rates in accordance with para
Work represented by this s ample s hall be
(9) If 3(c) < 3(e) rejected and ac tion t aken as pr escribed i n

135 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
I. Aggregate Testing

1. Aggregate Testing 1. STANDARD SIEVES
(a) Set of coarse sieves 30 cm dia (GI sheet 1 set
frames) with aperture size. (40 mm, 25 mm,
- 20 mm, 16 mm, 17.5 mm, 0 mm, 4.75 mm all
with lid and pan)
(a-1) Motorised sieve shaker for the above sieves 1 No.
(b) Set of fine sieves 20 cm dia of brass with 1 set
aperture size (4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm,
600 mic, 300 mic, 150 mic, 75 mic all with lid
and Pan)
(b-1) Motorised sieve shaker for the above sieves. 1 No.
2. Flakiness & Elongation index screen 1 No.
3. Riffle sample divider slot width 25mm 1 No.
4.1 Los Angeles abrasion Testing Machine 1 No.
5.Bulk Density and voids of Aggregates cylindrical metal measures with capacity 1 No. each
(3 ltr, 10 ltr, 15 ltr or 20 ltr)
6. Density basket of galvanized wire height 20 cm 1 No.
7. Pycrometer 1000 ml capacity with Brass 1 No.
8. Hot - Air Blower (Hair Dryer) 1 No.
9. Aggregate impact value apparatus with automatic blow counter
10. Hot - plate 1000 to 2000 wells with regulator cum switch 1 Nos.
11. Drying pans (Frying pans) 2 Nos.
12. China clay dishes with dia 10 cm & 15 cm 2 Nos./each
13. Watch glasses for above 10 cm & 15 cm 2 Nos./each
II. Concrete Testing

1. Sieve Brushes 2 Nos.

2. Concrete cube moulds 15x15x15cm 50 Nos.
3. Ultrasonic Test Equipment 1 No.
4. Pruning Rods 2 Kg weight length 40 cm and ramming face 25 mm 2 4 Nos.
5. Extra Bottom plates for 15 cm cube mould 6 Nos.
6 Standard Vibration Table for gauging the cubes 2 Nos.
7. Compression Testing Machine with Electricity cum manually operated tamping 1 No.
unit with pressure guage preferable 30 cm dia, 0-150 tonne in 1 tonne
divisions. Sensitivity 0.5 tonne.
8. 1 Air content measuring apparatus 1 No.
9. Slump test Apparatus complete 3 Nos.
10. Pocket concrete pernetrometer 0 to 50kg/ 1 No.
11. Baby Mixer Machine 1 No.
12. G.I. Tray approx 1mx1m with sides 10 cm high for hand mixing of concrete 2 Nos.
13. Concrete temperature measuring thermometer with Brass protection sheath 0- 2 Nos.
100 degree centigrade

136 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
III. Cement Testing

1. Mortar Cube Moulds 7.07x7.07x7.07 cm 10 Nos.

2. Standard sand Grade I,II,III 50 kgs./each
3. Mortar Cube vibrator 1 No.
4. Vicate needle apparatus Computer 1 No.
5. Blaine’s Apparatus 1 No.
IV. Weighing Equipment

1. Physical Balance Capacity 200 gms with weight pony 1 No.

2. Dial type spring balance preferable with zero correction knob capacity 100 kgs 2 Nos.
reading to ½ kg.
3. Counter scale capacity 1 kg and 10 kg 1 No./ each
4. Weighing platform capacity 100 kg 1 No.
5. Iron Weight of 5 kg, 2 kg, 1 kg, 500 gm, 200 gm, 100 gm 2 No./each
6. Brass Weight of 50 gm, 20 gm, 10 gm, 5 gm, 2 gm, 1 gm 2 No./each

V. Water Measuring 5 litres, 2 litres, 1 litre, ½ litre 5 Nos./each

VI. Glass and Plastic Ware

1. Measuring cylinder TPX or Poly propylene capacity 100 ml, 500 ml, 250 ml, 2 Nos./each
100 ml
2. Pyrex, corning or Borosil beakers with cover capacity 500 ml, 200 ml, 50 ml 2 Nos./each
3. Wash Bottles capacity 500 ml 2 Nos./each
4. Thermometers 1-100 degree centigrades/ max. and Min/ Dry and wet with 1 No.

VII. Laboratory Tools

1. Set of box spanner ratchet 2 Nos.

2. Hammer 1lb 2 Nos.
3. Rubber Hammer 2 Nos.
4. Hacksaw with 6 blades 1 Nos.
5. Measuring tape 2 mtr 2 Nos.
6. Depth gauge 20cm 2 Nos.
7. Steel Foot Plate 2 Nos.
8. Vernier Calliper 2 Nos.

VIII. Miscellaneous Items

1. Trowels made from saw blade, 3 mm thick 16x10cm wooden handle 6 Nos.
2. Showels & Spade 6 Nos./each
3. Steel plates 5 mm thick 75x75 cm 2 Nos.
4. Plastic or G.I. Buckets 15 ltr, 10 ltr, 5 ltr 2 Nos.
5. Wheel Barrow 3 Nos.
6. Floor Brushes, hair dusters, scrappers, wire brush, paint brushes, shutter 3 Nos.
steel plat oil, kerosene with stove etc.

137 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(Clause 5.9.3)


After the truck mixer has re-mixed its delivery on site, allow at least the first one-third of a m3 of concrete to
be discharged prior to taking any samples. Take at least 4 incremental samples from the remainder of the
load avoiding sampling the last cubic metre of concrete. Thoroughly re-mix this composite sample either
on a mixing tray or in the sampling bucket and proceed with the required testing.

(Clauses &


RMC : ………………………………………………………………………………..
Contractor : ………………………………………………………………………….
Site : ………………………………………………………………………………….

Grade (N/mm2)
(Characteristic strength)
Minimum C ement C ontent ( kg./m3)
Mineral Additives
(Pulverized f uel as h/Slag/Others)
Maximum Free water Cement Ratio
Nominal Maximum Aggregate size
Cement Type and Grade (if preferred)
Target workability (Slump) (mm)
Target workability at site
Maximum Temperature of Concrete at
the time of placing
Class of sulphate Resistance (if
applicable )
Exposure condition (if applicable)
Class of finish (if applicable)
Mix Application
Method of Placing
Any other requirements (early strength
workability retention, permeability
testing, chloride content restriction,
maximum cement content, etc. )
Concrete Testing (Frequency)
Material’s Testing (any non-routine
Alternatives to be offered: Yes/No
Method of Curing to be used by
Quantity (m3)

. Note : Additional proforma for further information may be used, such as for specific test rates to be achieved
for concrete or raw materials, exact method statements of the contractors proposed site practice.

138 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(Clauses and


C-1. The following limits shall apply to all ready-mixed concrete plants :

(a) The ac curacy, s ensitivity and ar rangement o f the w eighing dev ices s hall be such as to enabl e t he
materials to be batched within the following tolerances :
(1) Cement, mineral : Within + 2 percent of the quantity of the constituent
Admixtures being measured.

(2) Aggregate, chemical : Within + 3 percent of the quantity of the constituent

admixtures and water being measured.

(b) Analogue scales shall have scale increments not exceeding 5 kg. for cement and mineral
admixtures, 25 kg. for aggregate and 2 kg. for water.

(c) P reset c ontrols shall b e calibrated i n i ncrements not ex ceeding 5 kg. f or cement and mineral
admixtures, 10 kg. for aggregate and 2 kg. for water.

(d) F or c ontinuous mixer plants c alibration s hall be in inc rements no t exceeding 10 kg./m3 for
cement and mineral admixtures, 25 kg./m3 for aggregates and 10 l/m3 for water.

(e) Digital readous shall have a scale increments not exceeding 2 kg. for cement and mineral
admixtures, 10 kg. for aggregate and 10 for water.

(f) At the time of installation, or reconditional the accuracy of the indicated mass at any point on the
scale shall be within 0.25 percent of the full scale reading.

(g) Any other t ime during the masonry operation t he ac curacy shall be w ithin 0. 50 percent of t he f ull
scale reading.

(h) Chemical Admixture dispensers shall have scale increment for exceeding.

Ra nge r of sca le in kg/l S ca le incre me nt in Kg/l

0.1 - 0.5 0.01
0.5 - 1.0 0.02
1.0 - 10.0 0.2
more than 10.0 0.4(i)

All weighing and measuring equipment shall be tested and calibrated over its full working range
at the following intervals :
(1) Mechanical /knife edge systems : At least once every two month

(2) Electrical /load cell systems : At least once every three months

Adequate and identified facilities shall be provided for the application of the test loads.

(j) I n t he c ase of b atch weighing systems t esting and c alibration shall b e b ased o n t he a pplication
test loads to the weigh hoppers.

(k) Checks o n continuous w eigh systems shall b e b ased on comparison of p reset q uantities w ith
those actually produced.

139 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(l) To achieve the required accuracy of calibration, a minimum of 500 kg. of stamped weights are
required, except that for low capacity scale an acceptable limit on the total mass of calibration
weight would be 20 percent of the scale capacity.

(m) When calibration of weighing equipment is carried out all personnel involved should be
competent and fully trained, the procedures should be fully documented, and special attention
should be paid to the health and safety aspects of the procedure.




D-1 The f ollowing i nformation shall be i ncluded in t he delivery ticket t o accompany t he l oad t o t he
purchaser :
(a) Name or number of the ready-mixed concrete depot
(b) Serial number of the ticket
(c) Date
(d) Truck number
(e) Name of the Purchaser
(f) Name and location of site
(g) Grade or mix description of the concrete
(h) Specified target workability
(i) Minimum cement content (if specified)
(j) Type of cement and grade (if specified)
(k) Maximum free water-cement ratio (if specified)
(l) Nominal maximum size of aggregate
(m) Generic Type or name of any chemical and mineral admixtures included.
(n) Quantity of concrete in m 3
(o) Time of loading
(p) Signature of the plant operator
(q) A statement w arning the pur chaser o f the p recautions needed to be t aken w hen working w ith
cement and wet concrete.

D-2 On site the following information will be added. :

(a) Time of arrival on site.
(b) Time when discharge was completed.
(c) Any water/admixture added by the supplier to meet the specified workability.
(d) A ny ex tra w ater /admixture added at the request o f the pur chaser o f the concrete, or hi s
representative, and his signature.
(e) Pouring location.
(f) Signature of the purchaser or his representative conforming discharge of the load.

140 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Sub Head : R.C.C. (Form Work)
Clause :

Fig. 5.1A : Single Sided Wall Form (Adjustable)


Fig. 5.1B : Double Sided Wall Form

All Members are of Steel

Fig. 5.1 : Typical Set Up of Steel Wall Form Work

141 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Sub H ead : R .C.C. ( Form W ork)
Clause :


All Members are of Steel

Fig. 5.2 : Adjustable Curved Wall Form (Double Sided)

142 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : R.C.C. (Form Work)

Clause :


37.5 37.5
30 30


Fig. 5.3A : Wall Tie for Two Sided Shuttering

All Members are of Steel




50 LA P

D=1125 E
F=1375 1000
G=2500 C
500 500






Fig. 5.3B : Position of Wall Ties & Walling Tubes

(Shuttering for 1st Pour should be properly Strutted by Rakers)

Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in MM

Fig. 5.3 : Typical Fixing Details of Wall Ties

143 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : R.C.C. (Form Work)

Clause : 5.2.3











3M 2M 2.4 M 1.2M


All Members are of Steel
All dimensions are in MM
Drawing not to scale

Fig. 5.4 : Typical Standard Units of Form Work

144 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C. (Form Work)
Clause :










Fig. 5.5 : Typical Components of Form Work

145 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C. (Form Work)
Clause :


Fig. 5.6A : Four Sides Adjustable Column Form



Fig. 5.6B : Two Sides Adjustable Column Form



Fig. 5.6C : Column Form with Adjustable Shuttering Wall Form Type Panels

All Members are of Steel

Fig. 5.6 : Typical Arrangement of Column Form Work

146 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : R.C.C. (Form Work)

Clause :

All Members are of Steel

Fig. 5.7 : Typical Column Shuttering

147 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : R.C.C. (Form Work)

Clause :





38 MM

10 MM

All Members are of Steel

Fig. 5.8 : Typical Detail of Beam Head and Stiffner

148 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C. (Form Work)
Clause :






All Members are of Steel

Fig. 5.9A : Suspended Floor – Multi Stage Shuttering

(Vertical Section)




Fig. 5.9B

Fig. 5.9 : Typical Details of Multi-State Shuttering

149 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head: R.C.C.

Clause : 5.4.5

5 Cm



Fig. 5.10 : Expansion Joints in Long Sun Shade






Fig. 5.11 : Details of Raised Type Expansion Joint at Roof

150 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C.
Clause : 5.4.5





Fig. 5.12 : Typical Details of Expansion Joint at Floor


25 MM G AP

Fig. 5.13 : Typical Details of Expansion Joint at Wall & Beam Junction




Fig. 5.14 : Typical Details of Expansion Joint at Roof & Floor Junction

151 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C.
Clause : 5.4.5


A Twin B eams

Twin columns

150 Copper
cradle for beam

External face

PLAN A Twin B eams Twin columns

Mud fuska
Flooring laid to slope
R.C.C. R.C.C. Slab

R.C.C. Beam
12 mm open joint in Plaster
floor staggered from
expansion joint filled D D
with bitumen Gap 12 25
Gap 25


Fig. 5.15 : Twin Beam with Twin Columns

(T-Beam changed into rectangular beam to provide intermediate expansion joint)

6 mm expansion joint
filled with bitumen filler
R.C.C. Slab
Bitumen felt Unfilled gap
12 mm expansion joint filled R.C.C. T-Beam
with bitumen filler or Rectangular
impregnated f ibre board Beam

Fig. 5.16 : Slab & T-Beam Construction of Long Length



12000-13000 12000-13000
12 12

Butt joint in floor & slab

Flooring Earth filling
Bitumen felt R.C.C. Slab R.C.C. Slab
Ceiling plaster
Plaster 6 mm
Fig. 5.17 : Long Verandah Slab Fig. 5.18 : Long Water Reservoir Slab
A Hot bitumen painting @ 1.7 k.g/sqm.
B Bitumen filler
C Rawl plugs & 50 mm screws @ 300 mm c/c
D Asbestos sheet 150 mm wide or P.V.C. sheet
E Rawl plugs & screws with oval shaped slot & washers @ 300 mm c/c Drawing not to scale
F Copper cradle All dimensions are in mm

152 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C.
Clause : 5.4.5




Fig. 5.19 : Typical Details of Expansion Joint Covering on Outer Face of Columns (Plan)


50 MM SCREW @ 300 MM C/C


Fig. 5.20 : Typical Details of Expansion Joints at Corner Column



Fig. 5.21 : Typical Details of Expansion Joint at Isolated Twin Columns



Fig. 5.22 : Expansion Joint Subjected to Water Pressure (For water Tanks)

153 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C.
Clause : 5.4.5























Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 5.23 : Expansion Joint (Contd.)

154 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C.
Clause : 5.4.5






Fig. 5.24: Seismic Separation at Floor Level









Fig. 5.25 : Seismic Separation Joints Detail at Roof

155 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C.
Clause : 5.4.4


(Clause -








Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 5.26 : Construction Joints

156 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : R.C.C.
Clause : 5.5.2





Fig. 5.27 : Steel Column





25 25

Fig. 5.28 : Steel Beam with Slab

Normally Cement Concrete 1 : 2 : 4 (1 Cement : 2 Coarse Sand : 4 Graded Stone Aggregate 12.5 Nominal Size) shall be used.

Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm

157 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

6.0: Brick Work

158 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. Brie f De s cription P a ge No.

List of Mandatory Tests 160

List of Bureau of Indian Standard Codes 161

6.0 Terminology 162

6.1 Bricks/ Brick Tiles/ Brick Bats/ 164

6.2 Brick Work 169

6.3 Brick Work in Arches 174

6.4 Half Brick Work 176

6.5 Brick Tile Work 176

6.6 Honey Comb Brick Work 176

6.7 Joining Old Brick Work with New Brick Work 176

6.8 Moulding and Cornices 177

6.9 Brick Work under Water and Foul Conditions 178

6.10 Exposed Brick Work - DELETED 178

6.11 Cavity Wall - DELETED 178

6.12 Gypsum Partition Panels 179

6.13 Brick Edging 179

Appendix A Test for Dimensional Tolerance 180

Appendix B Test for Compressive Strength 181

Appendix C Test for Water Absorption 182

Appendix D Test for Efflorescence 183

Fig. 6.1 Brick Work 184

Fig. 6.2 Brick Pillars 185

Fig. 6.3 & 6.4 Brick Bonds 186

Fig. 6.5 Brick Work in Arches. 188

159 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S l. Ma te ria Cla us e Te st Fie ld/ Te s Minimum Q ty.

No. la bora tory P roce dure of ma te ria l
Te s t for ca rrying
out te s t
(i) Bricks/ 6.1.3, Testing of Laboratory Appendix As per Table 6.3
Brick 6.1.4, Bricks/Brick A, B, C & D and 6.4
Tiles 6.1.5 Tiles for of Chapter 6
(ii) Sewer 6.1.4 Dimensions, Laboratory Appendix As per Table 6.3
Bricks Compressive A, B, C & D and 6.4
strength, of Chapter 6
(iii) Burnt 6.1.5 --do-- -- do -- -- do-- -- do--

160 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S . No. IS . No. S ubje ct

1. IS 712 Specification for building limes.
2. IS 1077 Common burnt clay building bricks.
3. IS 1200 (Part 3) Method of measurements of brick works
4. IS 2212 Code of practice for brick work. (1st Revision)
5. IS 2222 Specification for burnt clay perforated building bricks.
6. IS 2849 Specification for non load bearing gypsum partition blocks, (Solid
and hollow types)
7. IS 3495 Method of test for burnt clay building bricks.
8. IS 3812 Specification for fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture.
9. IS 4139 Specification of calcium silicate bricks
10. IS 4885 Specification for sewer brick
11. IS 5454 Methods of sampling of clay building bricks.
12. IS 12894 Pulverized fuel ash lime bricks specification,
13. IS 13757 Specification of burnt clay fly ash bricks.

161 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

The ar rangement o f t he b ricks in successive c ourses to t ie t he br ick w ork t ogether bot h l ongitudinally
and t ransversely. T he arr angement i s usually d esigned to en sure that no v ertical joint of one course is
exactly over the one in the next course above or below it, and there is greatest possible amount of lap.

Bed Joint
Horizontal joint in brick work or masonry.

Any p ortion of a brick u sed i n constructing a w all, to close up the bond n ext to t he e nd brick of a
course (See Fig. 6.3).

Coping or Weathering
The cover applied o ver or the geometrical form g iven to a p art o f structure to enable it to shed r ain

A cantilever projecting from the face of a wall to form a bearing (see Fig. 6.1D)

Horizontal or ornamental feature projecting from the face of a wall (see Fig. 6.1D)

A layer of bricks including bed mortar.

Cross joint
A joint other than a bed joint normal to the wall face.

A po wdery i ncrustment o f s alts l eft by e vaporation. T his m ay b e v isible o n the s urface o r m ay b e
below surface. In the latter case, this is termed as crypto Efflorescence.

A brick laid with its length across the wall.

The leaving recesses into which future work can be bonded.
The part of the wall at the side of an opening.

A junction of bricks.

The operation of finishing joints as the masonry work proceeds.

A t hickened s ection f orming i ntegral pa rt of t he w all pl aced at i ntervals al ong t he wall p rimarily t o
increase the s tiffness of the w all or to c arry a v ertical c oncentrated load. T he thickness of a pi er is the
over a ll thickness i ncluding the thickness of the w all, or w hen b onded into on e leaf of a c avity w all the
thickness obtained by treating this leaf as an independent wall (see Fig. (6.1A, 6.1B)).

162 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Pillar m eans a d etached masonry s upport. T his c an be rec tangular, c ircular, el liptical et c. I n c ase of
rectangular pillar, the breadth shall not exceed three times the thickness and thickness itself shall not
exceed more than thrice the length of brick (See Fig. 6.1C).

An external corner in brick work, the term may also denote the brick used to form the quoin.

A temporary erection of timber or steel work used in the construction, alteration, demolition or repairs of
a bui lding t o support or to at tend of t he hoisting or l owering of w orkmen, t heir t ools a nd m aterials.
Scaffoldings ar e of t wo t ypes, nam ely s ingle and doubl e s caffoldings. S ingle s caffolding c onsists of a
row of v erticals c onnected t o w all b y h orizontal s upported o n a nd t ied to t he s tructure. D ouble
scaffolding c onsists of t wo r ows of v erticals s ecured or l eashed t ogether w ith hor izontal and di agonal
bracings forming essentially a structure independent of the building. It may also connect to the structure at
convenient points for the sake of better stability.

A brick work forming the lower boundary of door or window opening (see Fig. 6.1D).

The space between the haunches and the road decking of an arch.

A brick laid with its length in the direction of the wall.

String course
A hor izontal c ourse pr ojecting from a wall u sually i ntroduced at ev ery floor l evel or w indows o r bel ow
parapet f or i mparting arc hitectural appe arance t o t he s tructure and al so k eeping of f t he rai n w ater. (s ee
Fig. 6.1D).

A pattern of sheet metal used as a guide for setting out specific section and shape.

Bricks left projecting in alternate courses to bond with future work.

Wall joint
A joint parallel to the wall face.

163 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Bricks used in the masonry may be of the following type.

(a) The Common Burnt Clay Bricks shall conform to IS:1077 and s hall be hand moulded or
machine moulded. They shall be free from nodules of free lime, visible cracks, flaws warpage
and organic matter, have a frog 100 mm in length 40 mm in width and 10 mm to 20 mm deep on
one of its flat sides. Bricks made by extrusion process and brick tiles may not be provided with
frogs. Each brick shall be marked (in the frog where provided) with the manufacturer’s
identification mark or initials.

Sand: Deleterious materials, such a s c lay an d s ilt i n the sand shall pr eferably b e l ess t han 5% .

Lime: Lime shall conform to class ‘C’ hydrated lime of IS 712.

Additives: Any suitable additive considered not detrimental to the durability of bricks may be used.

(b) Calcium Silicate Bricks: The bricks shall conform to IS 4139. The Calcium silicate bricks shall
be sound, compact and uniform in shape. Bricks shall be free from visible cracks, warpage,
organic matter, large pebbles and nodules of free lime. Bricks shall be solid and with or without
frog. The bricks shall be made of finely grounded sand siliceous rock and lime. In addition limited
quantity of fly ash conforming to IS 3812 may be used in the mix. These bricks are also known as
Fly Ash Sand Lime bricks in the construction industry.

(c) Tile Brick: The bricks of 4 cm height shall be moulded without frogs. Where modular tiles are not
freely available in the market, the tile bricks of F.P.S. thickness 44 mm (1-3/4") shall be used
unless otherwise specified.

(d) Brick Bats: Brick bats shall be obtained from well burnt bricks.

6.1.1 Dimensions
The brick may be modular or non-modular. Sizes for both types of bricks/tiles shall be as per Table
6.1. W hile use of m odular bri cks/tiles i s recommended, non -modular (FPS) bricks/tiles c an al so be us ed
where so s pecified. N on-modular br icks/tiles of s izes other than t he s izes m entioned i n Table 6 .1 m ay
also be used where specified.


Type of Bricks / Nomina l Size Actua l S ize

Tile s mm mm
Modular Bricks 200 × 100 × 100 mm 190 × 90 × 90 mm
Modular tile bricks 200 × 100 × 40 mm 190 × 90 × 40 mm
Non-modular tile bricks 229 × 114 × 44 mm 225 × 111 × 44 mm
Non-modular bricks 229 × 114 × 70 mm 225 × 111 × 70 mm

164 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
6.1.2 Classification
Bricks/Brick tiles shall be classified on the basis of their minimum compressive strength as given below :


Cla s s Ave ra ge compre s s ive stre ngth

De s igna tion Not le s s tha n Le s s tha n
N/mm2 (kgf/cm2) N/mm2 (Kgf/cm2)
12.5 (125) 12.5 (125) 15.0 150
10 (100) 10 (100) 12.5 125
7.5 (75) 7.5 (75) 10 100
5 (50) 5 (50) 7.5 75
3.5 (35) 3.5 (35) 5.0 50
The bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp corner and shall be uniform in colour and
emit clear ringing sound when struck.
(Note: Upper l imits s pecified i n T able 6. 2 ar e f or calculating the av erage c ompressive s trength i n
accordance with Appendix B of Chapter 6).

6.1.3 Sampling and Tests

Samples of bricks shall be subjected to the following tests :
(a) Dimensional tolerance.
(b) Water absorption.
(c) Efflorescence.
(d) Compressive strength. Sampling: For carrying out compressive strength, water absorption, efflorescence and
dimensional tests, t he s amples of br icks s hall be taken at r andom ac cording to t he size o f l ot as gi ven i n
Table 6 .3 be low. T he s ample thus taken s hall be stored in a d ry place u ntil tests ar e m ade. F or the
purpose of sampling, the following definition shall apply.
(a) Lot: A collection of bricks of same class and size, manufactured under relatively similar conditions of
production. For the purpose of sampling a lot shall contain a maximum, of 50,000 bricks.
In case a consignment has bricks more than 50,000 of the same classification and size and
manufactured under relatively similar conditions of production, it shall be divided into lots of
50,000 bricks or part thereof.

(b) S a mple : A c ollection o f bricks selected for ins pection and/or tes ting from a lot to reac h the
decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the lot.

(c) De fe ctive : A brick failing to meet one or more of the specified requirements. The samples shall be taken as below:

(i) Sampling from a Stack: When it is necessary to take a sample from a stack, the stack shall be
divided into a number of real or imaginary sections and the required number of bricks drawn from
each section. For this purpose bricks in the upper layers of the stack shall be removed to enable
units to be sampled from places within the stack.
Note: For other methods of sampling i.e. sampling in motion and sampling from lorries or trucks, IS
:5454 may be referred.

Scale of sampling and criteria for conformity for visual and dimensional characteristics:—
Visual characteristics: The br icks s hall be s elected and i nspected f or as certaining t heir
conformity to the requirements of the relevant specification.

165 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The number of bricks to be selected from a lot shall depend on the size of lot and shall be in
accordance of C ol. 1 and 2 of T able 6. 3 f or v isual c haracteristics i n al l cases and di mensional
characteristics if specified for individual bricks.

(ii) Visual Characteristics: All the bricks selected above in accordance with Col. 1 and 2 of Table
6.3 s hall be examined f or v isual c haracteristics. I f t he num ber of d efective br icks f ound i n t he
sample is less than or equal to the corresponding number as specified in Col. 3 of Table 6.3 the lot
shall be considered as satisfying the requirements of visual characteristics, otherwise the lot shall
be deemed as not having met the visual requirements.

(iii) Dimensional Characteristics: The number of bricks to be selected for inspecting the
dimensions and tolerance shall be in accordance with Col. 1 and 4 of Table 6.3. These bricks will
be divided into groups of 20 bricks at random and each of the group of 20 bricks thus formed will
be tested for all the dimensions and tolerances. A lot shall be considered having found meeting
the requirements of dimensions and tolerance if none of the groups of bricks inspected fails to
meet the specified requirements.

Scale of Sampling and Permissible Number of Defectives for Visual and Dimensional

No. of For cha ra cte ris tics For dime ns iona l

bricks in s pe cifie d for cha ra cte ris tics for
the lot individua l b rick group of 20 bricks
No. of P e rmis s ible No. of
bricks to be no.of defe ctive bricks to be
s e le cte d in the sa mple s e le cte d
(1) (2) (3) (4)
10001—35000 20 1 40
35001—50000 32 2 60

Note: In case the lot contains 10000 or less bricks the sampling shall be as per decision of the

(iv) Scale of Sampling and Criteria for Physical Characteristics: The lot which has been found
satisfactory in respect of visual and dimensional requirements shall be next tested for physical
characteristics like compressive strength, water absorption, efflorescence as specified in relevant
material specification. The bricks for this purpose shall be taken at random from those already
selected above. The number of bricks to be selected for each of these characteristics shall be in
accordance with relevant columns of Table 6.4.

Scale of Sampling for Physical Characteristics

Lot s ize S a mple size for compre s - P e rmis s ible No. Wa rpa ge
s ive stre ngth, wa te r of d e fe ctive s S a mple P e rmis s ible
a bs orption and efflore s ce nce for e fflore s ce nce S ize No of defe cts
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
10001—35000 5 0 10 0
35001—50000 10 1 20 1

Note: In case the lot contains 10000 or less bricks, the sampling shall be as per decision of Engineer-in-Charge.

166 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(v) A lot s hall be considered ha ving s atisfied the requirements of phy sical characteristics i f the
condition stipulated here in are all satisfied.
(a) From the test results for compressive strength, the average shall be calculated and shall
satisfy the requirements specified in relevant material specification.
Note: In case any of the test results for compressive strength exceeds the upper limit for the
class of bricks, the same shall be limited to the upper limit of the class for the purpose of
(b) Wherever specified in the material specification, the compressive strength of any individual
bricks tested in the sample shall not fall below the minimum average compressive strength
specified for the corresponding class of brick by more than 20 per cent.
(c) From the test results for water absorption, the average for the bricks in the sample shall be
calculated and shall satisfy the relevant requirements specification in material specification.
(d) The number of b ricks failing t o satisfy t he re quirements o f t he ef florescence s pecified i n t he
relevant specification should not be more than the permissible no. of defectives given in Col.
3 of Table 6.4. Dimensional Tolerances: The dimensions of, modular bricks when tested as described above as
per procedure described in Appendix A of Chapter 6 shall be within the following limits per 20 bricks or
locally available size as approved by Engineer-in-charge.

(a) For modular size

Length 7320 t o 3 880 m m ( 3800 ± 80 m m)
Width 1760 to 1840 mm (1800 ± 40 mm)
Height 17 60 t o 1 840 m m ( 1800 ± 40 m m) for 90 mm hi gh br icks
760 to 840 mm (800 ± 40 mm) for 40 mm high bricks

(b) For non modular bricks

Length 4520 t o 4 680 m m ( 4600 ± 80 m m)
Width 2240 to 2160 mm (2200 ± 40 cm)
Height 14 40 t o 1 360 m m ( 1400 ± 40 m m) for 70 mm hi gh br icks
640 to 560 mm (600 ± 40 mm) for 30 mm high bricks

Brick Tiles
760 to 840 mm (800 ± 40 mm) for 40 mm high brick tiles
In case of n on-modular bricks, % a ge tolerance will be ± 2% for g roup of 2 0 nu mbers of class 10
bricks, and ± 4% for other class of bricks. Compressive Strength: The bri cks, w hen tested i n ac cordance w ith t he procedure l aid dow n in
Appendix B of C hapter 6 s hall hav e a m inimum av erage c ompressive s trength f or v arious c lasses as
given in T able 6. 2. T he c ompressive strength of a ny i ndividual bri ck t ested shall not f all be low t he m in.
average c ompressive strength s pecified f or t he c orresponding c lass of brick by m ore t han 20%. I n c ase
compressive strength of any individual brick tested exceeds the upper limit specified in Table 6.2 for the
corresponding class of bricks, the same shall be limited to upper limit of the class as specified in Table
6.2 for the purpose of calculating the average compressive strength. Water Absorption: The average water absorption of bricks when tested in accordance with the
procedure laid down in Appendix C of Chapter 6 shall be not more than 20% by weight. Efflorescence: The rating of efflorescence of bricks when tested in accordance with the
procedure laid down in Appendix D of Chapter 6 shall be not more than moderate.

6.1.4 Sewer Bricks Sewer bricks are intended for the lining of walls, roofs and floors of sewers used for ordinary
sanitary (domestic) sewage. The general practice in the country is also to utilize common building bricks

167 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
in the construction of sewers which is not satisfactory. However, these sewer bricks may not be suitable
for sewers dealing with industrial effluent (sewage) for which the use of acid resistant bricks in
accordance with IS 4860 may be considered. Sewer bricks shall conform to IS 4885. Dimensions and Tolerances

Dimensions: The standard sizes of the sewer bricks shall be as follows:

Le ngth Width He ight

mm mm mm
190 90 90
190 90 40
For sewers of special shapes, such as the oval sewers, the bricks may have to be suitable
tapered to conform to the radii of curvature of the arches and barrels and sides of sewers.

Tolerance: The permissible tolerance on the dimensions specified in shall be as follows :

Dime ns ions Tota l tole ra nce

for 20 bricks
mm mm
190 + 80
90 + 40
40 + 40 Compressive Strength: The average compressive strength obtained on a sample of sewer
bricks when tested in accordance with the procedure laid down in IS 3495 (Part I) shall be not less than
17.5 N/mm2 (175 kgf/cm2 approximately) and the individual strength of any brick shall be not less than
16 N/mm2 (160 kgf/cm2 approximately). Water Absorption: The a verage value of water a bsorption for five bricks after 24 h cold water
immersion test w hen tested in ac cordance with IS 3 495 (Part 2) s hall not ex ceed 10 per c ent of the
average dry weight of the brick and the absorption for any individual brick shall not exceed 12 per cent. Efflorescence: When the bricks are tested in accordance with the method laid down in IS 3495
(Part 3), the rating of efflorescence shall not be more than ‘slight’.

6.1.5 Burnt Clay Perforated Building Bricks General Quality: The bricks shall be made of suitable clay and shall be thoroughly burnt at the
maturing temperature of clay. T hey shall be free f rom c racks, flaws and nodules of f ree l ime. They s hall
have re ctangular face w ith s harp straight e dge at right ang le. T hey s hall be of uni form c olour and
texture. These bricks generally should conform to IS 2222. Dimensions and Tolerances: The s tandard size o f burnt c lay perforated bricks s hall be as

Le ngth Width He ight

(L) (W) (H)
mm mm mm
Modular 190 90 90
Non 230 110 70

168 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The permissible tolerances on the dimensions shall be as follows:

Dime ns ion Tole ra nce

mm mm
70, 90 +4
110, 190 +7
230 + 10
Note: The tolerances specified above shall apply to measurements on individual bricks. Perforations: The area of perforation shall be between 30% and 45% of the total area of the
corresponding face of the bricks.

The pe rforation s hall b e uni formly di stributed over the surface. In t he c ase of rectangular
perforations, the larger dimension shall be parallel to the longer side of the brick. The shorter side of the
perforation shall be less than 20 mm in c ase of rectangular perforations and less than 25 mm diameter in
case of circular perforations.

The area of each perforation shall not exceed 500 mm2.

The thickness of any shell shall not be less then 15 mm and that of any web not less than 10 mm. Compressive Strength: The bri cks w hen t ested in a ccordance w ith the procedure laid dow n in
IS 3495 (Parts 1 to 4) shall have a minimum average compressive strength of 7 N/ mm2 on net area.

The c ompressive strength of any i ndividual brick t ested shall not f all bel ow t he minimum
compressive strength specified f or the corresponding c lass of bri cks. The lot s hall t hen be c hecked f or
next lower class of brick. Water Absorption: The bricks when tested in accordance with the procedure laid down in IS
3495 (parts 1 to 4): after immersion in cold water for 24 hours water absorption shall not be more than
20 percent by weight. Efflorescence: The bri cks when t ested i n accordance w ith t he proc edure l aid do wn i n I S 349 5
(Parts 1 to 4) shall have a rating of efflorescence not more than ‘slight’. Warpage: The bricks when tested in accordance with the procedure laid down in IS 3495 (parts
1 to 4) the average warpage shall not exceed 3%.


6.2.1 Classification
The brick work shall be classified according to the class designation of bricks used.

6.2.2 Mortar
The m ortar for the bri ck w ork s hall be as s pecified, an d c onform to accepted s tandards. Li me s hall
not be used where reinforcement is provided in brick work.

6.2.3 Soaking of Bricks

Bricks s hall be s oaked in w ater be fore us e for a period for the w ater to just pe netrate the w hole
depth of t he bri cks. Alternatively bri cks m ay be ade quately s oaked i n s tacks by prof usely s praying w ith
clean water at regular intervals for a period not less than six hours. The bricks required for masonry work

169 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
using mud mortar shall not be s oaked. When the bricks are s oaked they shall be re moved from the tank
sufficiently ear ly s o that a t the t ime o f laying they are s kin-dry. S uch s oaked b ricks shall be stacked on a
clean place where they are not again spoiled by dirt earth etc.

Note I: The period of soaking may be easily found at site by a field test in which the bricks are
soaked i n w ater for different per iods a nd then br oken t o find the ex tent of w ater p enetration. The least
period that corresponds to complete soaking will be the one to be allowed for in construction work.

Note II : If the bricks are soaked for the required time in water that is frequently changed the soluble
salt in the bricks will be leached out, and subsequently efflorescence will be reduced.

6.2.4 Laying Bricks shall be laid in English Bond (Fig. 6.2, 6.3, 6.4) unless otherwise specified. For brick work in
half brick w all, b ricks s hall b e l aid i n stretcher b ond. H alf or c ut bricks shall not b e used e xcept as
closer where necessary t o c omplete t he bo nd. Closers i n s uch cases, s hall be cut t o t he r equired s ize
and used near the ends of the wall. Header bond shall be used preferably in all courses in curved plan for
ensuring better alignment.

Note: Header bond s hall also be us ed in foundation footings un less thickness of w alls ( width of
footing) m akes t he us e of headers i mpracticable. W here t hickness of f ooting i s uni form f or a num ber of
courses, the top course of footing shall be headers. All loose materials, dirt and set lumps of mortar which may be lying over the surface on which
brick work is to be freshly started, shall be removed with a wire brush and s urface wetted. Bricks shall be
laid on a full bed of mortar, w hen laying, eac h brick shall, b e p roperly bedd ed and s et in position by
gently pressing with the handle of a trowel. Its inside face shall be buttered with mortar before the next
brick is laid and pressed against it. Joints shall be fully filled and packed with mortar such that no hollow
space are left inside the joints. The walls shall be taken up truly in plumb or true to the required batter where specified. All
courses shall be l aid t ruly horizontal and al l vertical j oints s hall b e t ruly vertical. Vertical j oints i n t he
alternate c ourse s hall c ome di rectly one ov er the ot her. Q uoin, J ambs and ot her angl es s hall be
properly plumbed as the work proceeds. Care shall be taken to keep the perpends properly aligned within
following maximum permissible tolerances :
(a) Deviation from vertical within a storey shall not exceed 6 mm per 3 m height.
(b) Deviation in verticality in total height of any wall of building more than one storey in height shall
not exceed 12.5 mm.
(c) Deviation from position shown on plan of any brick work shall not exceed 12.5 mm.
(d) R elative di splacement bet ween l oad be aring wall i n a djacent st oreys i ntended t o be vertical
alignments shall not exceed 6 mm.
(e) A set of tools comprising of wooden straight edge, masonic spirit levels, square, 1 metre rule line
and plumb shall be kept on the site of work for every 3 masons for proper check during the
progress of work. All quoins shall be accurately constructed and the height of brick courses shall be kept uniform.
This w ill be ch ecked using gr aduated w ooden straight edge or sto rey rod indicating hei ght of ea ch
course i ncluding t hickness o f joints. T he position of damp proof co urse, w indow si lls, b ottom of lintels,
top of the wall etc. along the height of the wall shall be m arked on the graduated straight edge or storey
rod. A cute and obt use q uoins s hall be bonded, w here pr acticable i n t he s ame w ay as s quare quoi ns.
Obtuse quoi ns shall be formed with squint showing t hree quar ters br ick on on e face and quarter br ick on
the other.

170 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I The brick work shall be built in uniform layers.
No part of the wall during its construction shall rise more than one metre above the general
construction level. Parts of wall left at different levels shall be raked back at an angle of 45 degrees or
less with the horizontal. Toothing shall not be permitted as an alternative to raking back. For half brick
partition to be keyed into main walls, indents shall be left in the main walls. All pipe fittings a nd specials, spouts, h old fasts an d other fixtures which are re quired to be bu ilt
into t he w alls s hall b e e mbedded, as specified, i n t heir c orrect po sition as t he work p roceeds unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Top courses of all plinths, parapets, steps and top of walls below floor and roof slabs shall be laid
with brick on ed ge, u nless s pecified ot herwise. B rick on ed ge laid i n the t op courses at corner of w alls
shall be p roperly r adiated and keyed i nto pos ition t o form c ut (maru) c orners as shown i n Fig 6. 4. Where
bricks cannot be cut to the required shape to form cut (maru) corners, cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
2 coarse sand : 4 gr aded stone aggregate 20 m m nom inal size) equal to thickness of course shall be
provided in lieu of cut bricks. Bricks shall be laid with frog (where provided) up. However, when top course is exposed, bricks
shall b e laid with frog d own. F or the br icks to b e laid with frog d own, the frog shall b e filled with mortar
before placing the brick in position. In case of walls one brick thick and under, one face shall be kept even and in proper plane, while
the other face may be slightly rou gh. In case of walls more than o ne brick thick, both the faces shall b e
kept even and in proper plane. To facilitate taking s ervice lines later without ex cessive c utting of completed w ork, sleeves
(to be paid separately) shall be provided, where specified, while raising the brick work. Such sleeves in
external walls shall be sloped down outward so as to avoid passage of water inside. Top of the b rickwork in c oping a nd sills in external w alls s hall b e slightly tilted. Where b rick
coping a nd s ills are proj ecting be yond t he f ace of t he w all, dri p c ourse/throating (t o be pai d separately)
shall be provided where indicated. Care shall be taken during construction that edges of jambs, sills and projections are not
damaged in case of rain. New built work shall be covered with gunny bags or tarpaulin so as to prevent the
mortar f rom be ing w ashed a way. D amage, if any, s hall be made g ood to the satisfaction of th e
Engineer-in-Charge. Vertical reinforcement in the form of bars (MS or high strength deformed bars or thermo
mechanically treated bar s a s per di rection o f E ngineer-in-Charge)), c onsidered nec essary at the c orners
and j unction of w alls and j amb openi ng doors, windows et c. s hall be enc ased w ith c ement mortar not
leaner t han 1:4 (1 c ement : 4 c oarse s and), o r cement concrete mix as s pecified. The reinforcement
shall be s uitably tied, pr operly em bedded in the foundation and at roof l evel. The dia. of bars shall not be
less than 8 m m and c oncrete grade shall be m inimum 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 c oarse sand : 6 g raded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size). In retaining walls and t he like, where water is likely to accumulate, weep holes, 50 t o 75 mm
square s hall be provided at 2 m v ertically and horizontally u nless otherwise specified. The l owest weep
hole shall be at about 30 cm above the ground level. All weep hol es shall be surrounded by loose stones
and shall have sufficient fall to drain out the water quickly.
Note : Work of providing loose stone will be payable extra.

171 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Work of cutting chases, wherever required to be made in the walls for housing G.I. pipe, CI pipe or
any other fixtures shall be carried out in various locations as per guidelines given below :
(a) Cutting of chases in one brick thick and above load bearing walls.
(i) As far as possible s ervices s hould be pl anned with the hel p of vertical c hases. H orizontal
chases should be avoided.
(ii) T he depths of vertical c hases and hori zontal chases shall not exceed one-third a nd o ne-sixth
of the thickness of the masonry respectively.
(iii) W hen na rrow stretches o f masonry ( or short length o f walls) s uch as be tween door s and
windows, cannot be avoided they should not be pierced with openings for soil pipes or waste
pipes or timber joints, etc. Where there is a possibility of load concentration such narrow
lengths of walls s hall b e checked f or stresses an d hi gh s trength bricks i n mortar or c oncrete
walls provided, if required.
(iv) H orizontal c hases w hen u navoidable should be located in the upper or lower one-third of
height of storey and not more than three chases should be permitted in any stretch of a wall.
No c ontinuous hor izontal chase s hall ex ceed o ne m etre in leng th. W here unav oidable,
stresses in the affected area should be checked and kept within the permissible limits.
(v) Vertical chases should not be closer than 2 m in any stretch of a wall. These shall be kept
away from bear ings o f be ams and l intels. If unav oidable, s tresses i n t he a ffected ar ea should
be checked and kept within permissible limits.
(vi) Masonry directly above a recess, if wider than 30 cm horizontal dimension) should be
supported o n lintel. Holes in m asonry m ay be pr ovided u pto 30 c m w idth and 30 c m height
without any lintel. In the case of circular holes in the masonry, no lintel need be provided for
holes upto 40 cm in diameter.
(b) Cutting of chases in half brick load bearing walls.
No chase shall be permitted in half brick load bearing walls and as such no recessed conduits and
concealed pipes shall be provided with half brick thick load bearing walls.
(c) Cutting of chases in half brick non-load bearing wall :
Services should be pl anned with the hel p o f v ertical chases. H orizontal c hase should be p rovided
only when unavoidable.

6.2.5 Joints
The t hickness of al l t ypes of j oints i ncluding bri ck w all j oints and c ross j oints s hall be s uch t hat f our
course and three joints taken consecutively shall measure as follows:
(i) I n c ase of m odular b ricks c onforming t o I S 1077 s pecification f or c ommon burnt c lay bui ldings
bricks, equal to 39 cm.
(ii) In case of non-modular bricks, it shall be equal to 31 cm.

Note : Specified t hickness of j oints s hall b e of 1 c m. D eviation f rom t he specified t hickness of al l

joints shall not exceed one-fifth of specified thickness. Finishing of Joints: The face of brick work may be f inished flush or by pointing. In flush
finishing either the face joints of the mortar shall be worked out while still green t o give a finished surface
flush with the face of the brick work or the joints shall be s quarely raked out to a d epth of 1 cm while the
mortar is still green for subsequently plastering. The faces of brick work shall be cleaned with wire brush so
as to remove any splashes of mortar during the course of raising the brick work. In pointing, the joints shall
be squarely raked out to a depth of 1.5 cm while the mortar is still green and raked joints shall be brushed
to remove dust and loose particles and well wetted, and shall be later refilled with mortar to give ruled finish.
Some such finishes are ‘flush’, ‘weathered’, ruled, etc.

6.2.6 Curing
The brick work shall be c onstantly kept moist on al l faces for a m inimum period of seven days. Brick
work done during the day shall be suitably marked indicating the date on which the work is done so as to
keep a watch on the curing period.

172 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
6.2.7 Scaffolding
Scaffolding s hall be s trong to w ithstand al l de ad, live a nd i mpact l oads w hich are l ikely to come on
them. Scaffolding shall be provided to allow easy approach to every part of the work. Single Scaffolding: Where plastering, p ointing or a ny ot her f inishing has been i ndicated f or
brick work, single scaffolding may be provided, unless otherwise specified. In single scaffolding, one end of
the put-logs/pole shall rest in the hole provided in the header course of brick masonry. Not more than one
header for each put-log/pole shall be l eft out. Such holes shall not be allowed in the case of pillars, brick
work l ess t han o ne m etre i n l ength bet ween t he op enings o r ne ar t he s kew ba cks of a rches or
immediately under or ne ar t he s tructural m ember s upported by t he w alls. T he hol es f or put logs/poles
shall be made good with brick work and wall finishing as specified. Double Scaffolding: Where the brick work or tile work is to be exposed and not to be finished with
plastering etc. double scaffolding having two independent supports, clear of the work, shall be provided.

6.2.8 Measurements Brick work shall be measured in cubic metres unless otherwise specified. Any extra work over
the specified dimensions shall be ignored. Dimensions shall be measured correct to the nearest 0.01 m i.e.
1 cm. Areas shall be calculated to the nearest 0.01 sq mtrs and the cubic contents shall be worked out to
the nearest 0.01 cubic metres. Brick work shall be measured separately in the following stages:

(a) From foundation to floor one level (Plinth level)
(b) Plinth (floor one) level to floor two level
(c) Between two specified floor levels above floor two level
Note : (i) Brick work in parapet walls, mumty, lift machine room and water tanks constructed on the
roof up to 1.2 m height a bove roof s hall be m easured together w ith the corresponding w ork of t he f loor
next below. No deductions or additions shall be done and no extra payment made for the following :

Note : Where m inimum area is de fined f or deduction of an o pening, v oid or both, s uch ar eas s hall
refer only to opening or void within the space measured.
(a) E nds of di ssimilar materials (t hat i s, j oists, bea ms, l intels, pos ts, gi rders, raf ters, purl ins, t russes,
corbels, steps, etc.); up to 0.1 m2 in section;
(b) Opening up to 0.1 m2 in area (see Note);
(c) W all plates, be d p lates, a nd bea ring of s labs, Chajjas and t he like, where t hickness does not
exceed 10 cm and bearing does not extend over the full thickness of wall;
(d) Cement concrete blocks as for hold fasts and holding down bolts;
(e) Iron fixtures, such a s wall ties, pipes upto 3 00 m m diameter and ho ld fasts for doors and
windows; and
(f) Chases of section not exceeding 50 cm in girth.
(g) Bearing portion of drip course, bearing of moulding and cornice.

Note : In calculating area of an openi ng, any separate lintel or s ills shall be i ncluded with the size of
the opening but end portions of lintel shall be excluded. Extra width of rebated reveals, if any, shall also
be excluded. Walls half bri ck thic k and less shall each be measured separately in square metres stating

173 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Walls be yond ha lf brick t hickness s hall be m easured i n m ultiples of hal f brick w hich s hall be
deemed t o be i nclusive o f m ortar j oints. F or t he s izes of br icks s pecified i n 6. 1.1, hal f br ick t hickness
shall mean 100 mm for modular and 115 mm for non-modular bricks.

Where fractions of half brick occur due to architectural or other reasons, measurement shall be as follows :

(a) upto 1/4th brick-actual measurements and

(b) exceeding 1/4 brick-full half bricks. String courses, p rojecting pilasters, aprons, sills and ot her projections shall be f ully described
and measured separately in running metres stating dimensions of each projection. Square or rectangular pillars shall be measured separately in cubic metres in multiple of half brick. Circular pillars shall be measured separately in cubic metres as per actual dimensions. Brick work curved on plan shall be measured like the brick work in straight walls and shall
include al l cutting a nd w astage of bricks, t apered v ertical j oints a nd u se of ex tra mortar, i f a ny. Brick
work curved on plan to a mean radius not exceeding six metres shall be m easured separately and extra
shall be pa yable over the r ates for brick work in straight walls. N othing extra shall be payable if the mean
radius of the brick work curved in plan exceeds six metres. Tapered w alls s hall be m easured n et as walls and ex tra p ayment shall be al lowed f or m aking
tapered surface for brick work in walls. Brick work with brick tiles shall be measured and paid for separately.

6.2.9 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he cost of materials and labour r equired f or al l t he op erations des cribed a bove
except t he v ertical r einforcement and i ts enc asement i n c ement m ortar or cement c oncrete. T he r ate
shall also include the following :
(a) Raking out joints or finishing joints flush as the work proceeds;
(b) Preparing tops of existing walls and the like for raising further new brick work.
(c) Rough cutting and waste for forming gables, splays at eaves and the like.
(d) Leaving holes for pipes upto 150 mm dia. and encasing hold fasts etc.
(e) Rough cutting and waste for brick work curved in plan a nd for ba cking to stone or o ther types o f
(f) Embedding in ends of beams, joists, slabs, lintels, sills, trusses etc.
(g) Bedding wall plates, lintels, sills, roof tiles, corrugated sheets, etc. in or on walls if not covered in
respective items and
(h) Leaving chases of section not exceeding 50 cm in girth or 350 sq cm in cross-section.
(i) Brick on edge courses, cut brick corners, splays reveals, cavity walls, brick works curved on plan
to a mean radius exceeding six metres.


6.3.0 The detailed specifications for brick work mentioned in 6.2 shall a pply, in so far as these are
applicable. Arch work shall include masonry for both gauged as well as plain arches. In gauged arches, cut
or moulded bricks shall be used. In plain arches, uncut bricks shall be used.
Brick for ming sk ew-backs sha ll be dr essed or cu t so as to gi ve pr oper ra dial be aring t o the e nd
voussiors. D efects i n dressing of bricks s hall not be c overed by extravagant use of mortar, nor s hall the
use of chips or bats etc. be permitted.

174 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The bricks of the spandrel wall at their junctions with the extrudes of the arch shall be cut to fit the
curvature of the arch.

6.3.1 Circular Arches

These s hall b e e ither ( a) plain ar ches, and s hall be bu ilt in ha lf brick c oncentric rings w ith br eak
joints, or (b) gauged arches built with bricks cut or moulded to proper shape. The arch work shall be
carried up f rom both ends s imultaneously and k eyed i n t he c entre. The bricks s hall be f lush w ith mortar
and well pressed into their positions so as to squeeze out a part of their mortar and leave the joints thin
and c ompact. A ll joints s hall be full of mortar and thickness of joints s hall not be less than 5 m m n or
more than 15 mm.

After t he arch i s c ompleted, t he haunches s hall be l oaded by f illing up t he s pandrels upt o t he crown
level of the arch. Care shall be taken to load the haunches on two sides of the spandrels.

When the arch face is to be pointed (and not plastered), the face bricks shall be cut to proper shape or
moulded, so as to have the joints not more than 5 mm thick. These shall be laid with radial joints to the
full depth of the arch. The voussoirs shall break joints to the full depth of the arch.

6.3.2 Flat Arches

These shall be gauged arches of brick cut or moulded to proper shape. The extrados shall be kept
horizontal and the intrados shall b e g iven slight camber of 1 in 1 00 of the span. The centre o f the arch
from w hich joi nts shall r adiate, sh all be d etermined b y th e p oint of th e in ter-section of t he two lines
drawn from the ends of the arch at the springing level and at 60° to horizontal.

In flat arches, bricks shall be l aid with radial joints to the full depth of arch and v oussoirs breaking
joints with each ot her. The arch work shall be carried up from both ends simultaneously a nd keyed in the
centre. The thickness of the joints shall not exceed 5 mm. Flat arches may be used for the sake of
appearance but for purpose of carrying loads of the wall above, these shall be used in conjunction with
relieving arches, lintels placed below.

6.3.3 Centring and Shuttering

The c entring and s huttering f or t he arch shall be got approved by t he E ngineer-in-Charge before the
arch work is started. It s hall be strong e nough to b ear the d ead load of the ar ch a nd the live loads that
are likely to come upon it during construction, without any appreciable deflections.

The shuttering shall be t ightened w ith hard wood wedged or s and boxes, so that t he s ame c ould be
eased w ithout j erks bei ng t ransmitted t o t he arch. The s equence of eas ing the s huttering s hall be g ot
approved f rom t he E ngineer-in-Charge. The s huttering s hall be s truck w ithin 48 hou rs of t he c ompletion
of the arch but not before 24 hours. This shall be do ne after the spandrel has been filled in and t he arch

6.3.4 Measurements
The length o f th e ar ch shall be measured as t he mean of th e e xtrados and i ntrados o f th e a rch
correct to a cm. The thickness of the arch shall be measured in multiples of the half brick.
The breadth in the direction of the thickness of wall shall be measured as specified.
The cubical contents shall be calculated in cubic metre, correct to two places of decimal.
For arches exceeding 6 m in spans extra payment shall be made on the actual area of the soffit for
additional cost of centring including all strutting, bolting, wedging, easing, striking and its removal.

6.3.5 Rate
The rate is inclusive of the cost of the materials and labour required for all the operations described

175 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Brick work in half brick walls shall be done in the same manner as described above in 6.2.4 except
that the bricks shall be laid in stretcher bond. When the half brick work is to be reinforced, 2 Nos. M.S.
bars of 6 mm dia., s hall be embedded i n every third course as gi ven i n the item (the di a of bar s shall not
exceed 8 mm). These shall be s ecurely a nchored at their end where t he par titions end. The free ends of
the reinforcement shall be keyed into the m ortar of the main brick work to which the half brick work is
joined. Lime mortar shall not be us ed. O ver l aps i n reinforcement, i f an y s hall not be
less than 30 cm.

The m ortar i nterposed bet ween t he reinforcement bars and t he brick s hall not be l ess t han 5 m m.
The mortar covering in the direction of joints shall not be less than 15 mm.

6.4.1 Measurements
The length and height of the wall shall be measured correct to a cm. The area shall be calculated in
sq.m. where h alf brick wall is joined to the m ain w alls o f o ne brick or greater thickness and
measurements for half brick wall shall be taken for its clear length from the face of the thicker wall.

6.4.2 Rate
The rate includes the cost of the materials and labour involved in all the operations described above
except reinforcement which is to be paid for separately.


6.5.0 The work shall be done in the same manner as described in 6.2.4 except that brick tile shall be
used instead of bricks. The measurement and rate shall be same as specified under 6.2.


The honey comb br ick w ork s hall be done w ith s pecified c lass o f br ick, l aid i n s pecified mortar. A ll
joints and edges shall be struck flush to give an even surface.

The thickness of the brick honeycomb work shall be half-brick only, unless otherwise specified.
Openings shall be equal and alternate with half brick laid with a bearing of 2 cm on either side.

6.6.1 Measurements
The length and height shall be measured c orrect to a c m. A rea s hall be c alculated in s quare m etres
correct to two places of decimal. Honeycomb openings shall not be deducted.

6.6.2 Rate
The rate includes the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


6.7.1 In case the height of the bricks of old as well as new work is same, the old work shall be toothed to
the full width of the new wall and to the depth of a quarter of brick in alternate courses. In case the
height of the bricks is unequal, then the h eight of each course of new work shall be made equal to the
height of the old work by adjusting thickness of horizontal mortar joints in the new wall. Where
necessary, adjustment shall be made equal to thickness of old wall by adjusting the thickness of vertical

6.7.2 For joining new cross wall to old main walls, a number of rectangular recesses of width equal to
the thickness of cross wall, three courses in height and half a brick in depth shall be cut in the main

176 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
walls. A space of the three courses shall be left between two consecutive recesses. The new cross wall
shall be bonded into the recesses to avoid any settlement.

6.7.3 Joining of old brick work with the new brick work shall be done in such a way that there shall not be
any hump or projection at the joint.

6.7.4 Measurement
The height and thickness of vertical face in contact with new work shall be measured to the nearest
0.01 m and the area shall be calculated to the nearest 0.01 sqm.

6.7.5 Rate
The rate includes the cost of labour and material involved in all the operations described above.


6.8.0 The s pecifications described under 6.2 shall apply in so far these are applicable. Mouldings and
cornices shall be made with br icks as s pecified for brick work. The bricks shall be cut and dressed to the
required shape as shown in the architectural drawings.

6.8.1 Cornices s hall not ordinarily project b y m ore than 15 c m to 20 c m and this projection s hall be
obtained b y proj ecting e ach bri ck course b y m ore t han one f ourth o f t he l ength. F or c ornices proj ecting
more t han 20 c m and r equiring more than quar ter br icks projection, metal cramps shall be u sed and pai d
for separately.

6.8.2 Corbelling shall be b rought roughly to shape by pl astering with the specified m ortar. When the
mortar is still green, the mouldings shall be finished straight and true with the help of metal templates.

6.8.3 Curing and Protection

The m ouldings and c ornices shall b e c ured f or a t l east s even d ays. T hese s hall b e pr otected f rom
the effects of sun and rain by suitable covering and also from damage during the execution of the work.

6.8.4 Measurements
For t he pur pose of measurements, t he s ectional p eriphery of m ouldings a nd c ornices (e xcluding t he
portion in c ontact w ith w all) shall be measured i n centimetres and l ength i n metres (fig. bel ow). The gi rth
and length shall be measured correct to a cm. No deduction shall be made from the masonry of wall for the
bearing of the moulding and cornices.

Note : 1 The sectional periphery curve ABCDEF.

2. Length FA shall not be measured.

177 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
6.8.5 Rate
The rate includes the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


Brick Work under following conditions :
(i) Work in or under w ater/or l iquid mud;
(ii) Work in or under foul positions
Shall be measured s eparately f or payment of extra rate over and above t he quantity measured
and paid under para 6.2.8.



178 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

6.12.1 The material shall conform to IS:2849.

6.12.2 Dimensions
As per the item nomenclature.

6.12.3 Laying
(i) Panels are stored in a dry place and water should not come in contact with panels during or after
construction. If the panels get wet, they should be dried before use.
(ii) The floor should be perfectly level before laying the first course. All panels must be properly
aligned t o t he pl umb. S uccessive l ayer of p anels m ust be al ternatively s taggered s o t hat v ertical
joints are not in the same line.
(iii) The recommended quantity of Gypsum Bonding Plaster must be used for joints and filling the
grooves made for conduits, pipelines, etc. Excess Bonding Plaster must be scooped and
removed, so that the joints and the places where the grooves are filled in are flush and even.
(iv) The walls should be dry and sanding done properly especially at joints before the primer is
applied so that the surface is even and joints will not be visible after painting. Avoid chasing with
chisel and hammer. Use electrical saw or grooving tools for conduiting etc.
(v) The recommended span of walls is maximum 6 meters and maximum height is 4.5 meters.
(vi) Gypsum panel can easily be cut with coarse tooth hand saw, electric jigsaw, etc. The panels can
be cut, sawn, drilled, milled or dowelled on the job. For concealed piping and conduit, the depth
of groove should not exceed 50 mm. Hammer and chisel techniques to form chases must be
(vii) Sanding: This application is to make the surface level without undulations. To make the gypsum
wall surface level (in particular at joints, where there is excess bonding plaster), do sanding with
sand paper at joints and other places, wherever you find uneven surface, otherwise joints will be
visible after painting. It is important to sand all joints uniformly.
(viii) Primer Application: The purpose of t he primer i s to gi ve a better adhesion t o t he pai nt and al so
to reduce consumption of paint on the wall. Water thinable primers shall be used only.

6.12.4 Measurements
The length and height shall be measured c orrect to a c m. A rea s hall be c alculated in s quare m eters
correct to t wo pl ace of decimal. No deduction s hall be m ade f or ducts, opening m ade f rom the standard
size of panel.

6.12.5 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


6.13.1 The edging shall be of bricks of class specified in the item. The specifications of bricks shall be
as described in 6.1. Trenches of required depth and width shall first be made along the edge of the plinth
protection to receive the bricks for edging. The bed of trenches shall be compacted to a firm and even
surface. T he brick s hall be laid true to line in c ement m ortar 1 :4 ( 1 c ement: 4 fine s and) w ith length
parallel and butting the plinth protection. The top face of the brick edging shall be in one level to conform to
the finished le vel of th e pli nth pr otection adjacent to the ed ging. A fter t he co ncreting is do ne, no
portion of t he brick e dging s hall pr oject a bove the a djacent concrete surface. Cement m ortar s hall
conform to the specification described in chapter 3.0.

6.13.2 Measurements
The brick edging shall be measured in running metere correct a cm.

6.13.3 Rate
Rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all operations.

179 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


A -1. Sampling
As per para and
A -2. Procedure
All t he bl isters, l oose p articles of c lay a nd small p rojections shall b e r emoved f rom t he surface of
bricks. E ach specimen of 20 bricks shall then be arranged upon a level surface successively as
indicated in Fig. A, B and C of para A -4 below in contact with each other and in straight line. The overall
length of the assembled bricks (20 Nos) shall be measured with a steel tape sufficiently long to measure the
whole row at one stretch.
A-3. Tolerance
The actual dimensions of bricks when tested as described in A-2 shall be within the following limits per
20 bricks.
Modular Bricks
Length 3720 to 3880 mm (3800 ± 80 mm)
Width 1760 to 1840 mm (1800 ± 40 mm)
Height 1760 to 1840 mm (1800 ± 40 mm) for 90 mm high brick
760 to 840 mm (800 ± 40 mm) for 40 mm high brick

Non-Modular Bricks
For class 10
Length (4520 to 4680) mm (4600 ± 80 mm)
Width (2240 to 2160) mm (2200 ± 40 mm)
Height (1440 to 1360) mm (1400 ± 40 mm) for 70 mm high bricks
(640 to 560) mm (600 ± 40 mm) for 30 mm high bricks

For other classes

Length (4320 to 4680) mm
Width (2130 to 2310) mm
Height (1340 to 1460) mm for 70 mm high bricks
(840 to 920) mm for 44 mm high bricks

A-4. Criteria for Conformity

A lot s hall be c onsidered conforming to the r equirements o f d imensions and tolerances if a ll the
groups of bricks are tested to meet the specified requirements.

1 to 2 CM
4 CM
'A' Measurement of Length
10 CM

'B' Measurement of Width

'C' Measurement of Height

180 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



B-1. Specimen
Five whole bricks shall b e taken from the samples as specimens for this test. Length and w idth of
each specimen shall be measured correct to 1 mm.

B-2. Apparatus
The app aratus consists o f compression testing machine, t he c ompression pl ate o f w hich s hall hav e a
ball seating in the form of portion of a s phere the centre of which shall coincide with the centre of the

B-3. Procedure
(a) P re -conditioning: The specimen shall be immersed in the water for 24 hours at 25º to 29ºC. Any
surplus moisture shall be allowed to drain at room temperature. The frog of the bricks should be
filled flush with mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 clean coarse sand of grade 3 mm and down) and shall
be kept under damp jute bags for 24 hours, after that these shall be immersed in clean water for
three days.

After removal from water, the bricks shall be wiped out of any traces of moisture.

(b) Actua l Te s ting: Specimen shall be placed with flat faces horizontal and mortar filled face upward
between three 3 ply plywood sheets each of thickness 3 mm and carefully centred between
plates of the testing machine. Plaster of Paris can also be used in place of plywood sheets to
ensure a uniform surface.

Load s hall be appl ied c arefully ax ially at uni form rate o f 14 N/mm2 per minute till the f ailure of t he
specimen occurs.

B-4. Reporting the Test Results

The compressive strength of each specimen shall be calculated in N/mm2 as under :

Maximum load at failure (in N)

Compressive Strength = ————————————————
Area of Specimen (in sq mm)

In case the c ompressive s trength of any individual brick tested exceeds the upper l imit of the
average compressive s trength s pecified f or t he corresponding class of brick, t he s ame s hall be limited t o
the u pper l imit of t he c lass s pecified i n 6. 1.2 f or t he p urpose of c alculating t he av erage c ompressive
strength. C ompressive s trength of al l the i ndividual bricks c omprising t he s ample s hall be av eraged and

B-5. Criteria for Conformity

A lot shall be considered having satisfied the requirements of average compressive strength if the
average c ompressive s trength s pecified i n 6. 1.2 f or t he c orresponding c lass of bri ck t ested i s n ot bel ow
the minimum average compressive strength specified for the corresponding class of bricks by more than
20 per cent.

181 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



C-1. No. of Specimen

Five whole bricks shall be taken from samples as specimen for this test.

C-2. Apparatus
A balance required for this test shall be sensitive to weigh 0.1 percent of the weight of the specimen.

C-3. Procedure
(a) P re -conditioning: The specimen shall be allowed to dry in a ventilated oven at a 110°C to 115°C
till it attains a substantially constant weight. If the specimen is known to be relatively dry, this
would be accomplished in 48 hours, if the specimen is wet, several additional hours may be
required to attain a constant weight. It shall be allowed to cool at room temperature. In a
ventilated room, properly separated bricks will require four hours for cooling, unless electric fan
passes air over them continuously in which case two hours may suffice.

The cooled specimen shall be weigh (W 1) a warm specimen shall not be used for this purpose.

(b) Actua l Te s ting : Specimen shall be completely dried before immersion in the water. It shall be
kept in clean water at a temperature of 27°C ± 2°C for 24 hours. Specimen shall be wiped out of
the traces of water with a damp cloth after removing from the water and then shall be weighed
within three minutes after removing from water (W 2).

C-4. Reporting the Test Results

The w ater ab sorption of each s pecimen shall be calculated as f ollows an d t he av erage of f ive t ests
shall be reported.

⎛W − W ⎞
Water Absorption = 2 1
W 1

C-5. Criteria for Conformity

A lot shall be considered having satisfied the requirements of water absorption if the average water
absorption is not more than 20% by weight.

182 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



D-1. No. of Specimen

Five whole bricks shall be taken as specimen for this test.

D-2. Apparatus
Apparatus required for this test shall be a shallow flat bottom dish containing distilled water.

D-3. Procedure (actual testing)

The brick shall be placed vertically in the dish with 2.5 cm immersed in the water. The room shall be
warm (18ºC to 30º C) and w ell v entilated. The br icks should not be removed u ntil it abs orbs whole water.
When the whole water is absorbed and the brick appears to be dry, place a similar quantity of water in
that dish and allow it to evaporate as before. The brick shall be examined after the second evaporation.

D-4. Reporting the Test Results

The rating t o efflorescence i n a scending order shall b e re ported as ‘NIL’, ‘ SLIGHT’, ‘MODERATE’,
‘HEAVY’ or ‘SERIOUS’ in accordance with the following :

(a) NIL: When there is no perceptible deposit of efflorescence.

(b) S LIGHT: When not more than 10 per cent of the area of the brick is covered with a thin deposit of

(c) MODERATE: When t here is heavier deposit and co vering u pto 50% of th e a rea of the br ick
surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.

(d) HEAVY: When there is a heav y depo sit of salts covering 50% or m ore of the brick surface bu t
unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.

(e) S ERIOUS : When there i s heavy deposit of s alts, accompanied pow dering and /or f laking of t he
surface and tending to increase in the repeated wetting of the specimen.

D-5. Criteria for Conformity

A lot be considered having satisfied the requirements of efflorescence if for 4 out of the specimen of
5 bricks, the rating of efflorescence is not beyond “Moderate”.

183 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Sub H ead : B rick W ork
Clause : 6.0 & 6.2.8





A. PIER (1)

B. PIER (2)




Drawing not to scale

Fig. 6.1 : Brick Work

184 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Sub Head : Brick Work
Clause :


100 150

1 X 1½ BRICK

50 100 200



100 150 200 150

1 X 2 ½ BRICK

50 100 200

1 ½ X 2 BRICK


100 50 200
100 50



150 100


1 ½ X 1 ½ BRICK

Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 6.2 : English Bond

185 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : Brick Work
Clause :



200 100



100 200 100

200 200



Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 6.3 : English Bond

186 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : Brick Work
Clause :



100 Q UEEN

200 100



100 200 100



200 300

70 20

70 50
60 40

70 80
60 150
200 60 70 70 70 60 70


Drawing not to scale
All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 6.4 : English Bond

187 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : Brick Work
Clause : 6.3











Drawing not to scale

Fig. 6.5 : Brick Work in Arches

188 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
7.0: Stone Work

189 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. Brie f De s cription P a ge No.

List of Mandatory Tests 192

List of Bureau of Indian Standard Codes 193

7.0 Terminology 194

7.1 Random Rubble Stone Masonry 196

7.2 Coursed Rubble Masonry - First Sort 201

7.3 Coursed Rubble Masonry - Second Sort 202

7.4 Plain Ashlar Masonry 202

7.5 Punched Ashlar (Ordinary) Masonry 205

7.6 Moulded, Sunk, Carved Ashlar Masonry 205

7.7 Stone Veneering Work 206

7.8 Stone Chajja 208

7.9 Shelves, Coping, Plain, Cornices, String Courses etc. 209

7.10 Stone Jali 209

7.11 Dry Stone Cladding 210

7.12 Structural Steel Frame Work for Dry Stone Cladding 211

7.13 Adjustable Stainless Steel Cramps 212

Fig. 7.1 Stone Work 213

Fig. 7.2 to 7.7 Terminology 214

Fig. 7.8 Random Rubble Masonry 215

Fig. 7.9 Rubble Stone Masonry - Coursed 216

190 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Fig. 7.10 Ashlar Stone Masonry 217

Fig. 7.11 Ashlar Stone Masonry (with Brick Backing) 218

Fig. 7.12 Moulded, Sunk, Carved - Stone Work 219

Fig. 7.13 Stone Work in Arches & Chajjas 220

Fig. 7.14, 7.15 Stone Veneering 221

Fig. 7.16 General Arrangement of Cramps 223

191 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Material Clause Test Requirement Field/ Test Minimum Frequency

laboratory Procedure Qty. of of Testing
Test material
out test
Stone 7.1.1 (i) Water Not more Laboratory IS 1124 50 sqm. 100 sqm/20
7.4 absorption than 2.5% by for slabs cum or part
7.8 mass for sand and 10 thereof or
7.9 stone and as cum in change of
specified in stone source as
IS 1123 for masonry per
other stones. direction of
in- Charge
(ii) Transverse Not less than Laboratory IS 1121 -do- -do-
strength 7 N/mm2 (70 Part II
Kgf/cm2) for
sand stone
and as
specified in
IS 1123 for
other stones.
(iii) Resistance Not greater Laboratory IS 1706 -do- -do-
to wear than 2 mm on
the average
and 2.5 mm
for any
specimen for
sand stone
and as
specified in
IS 1123 for
other stones.
(iv) Durability Shall not Laboratory IS 1126 -do- -do-
develop signs
of spalling,
or cracks for
sand stone
and as
specified in
IS 1123 for
other stones.


S. IS Code No. Subject


1. IS 737 Specifications for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy, steel and strip for
general engineering purpose.

2. IS 1121 - (Pt. I) Methods of determination of properties and strengths of natural building

stones (Part-I compressive strength).

3. IS 1122 Methods for determination of specific gravity of natural building stone

4. IS 1123 Methods of identification of natural building stones.

5. IS 1124 Methods of test of determination of water absorption, apparent, specific

gravity and porposity of natural building stones.

6. IS 1125 Methods of test of determination of weathering of natural building stone

7. IS 1126 Methods of test for determination of durability of natural building stone

8. IS 1128 Specification for Lime stone (Slab & Tiles).

9. IS 1129 Recommendations for dressing of natural building stones.

10. IS 1200 (Pt. IV) Methods of measurements of building and Civil engineering works stone

11. IS 1197 (Pt. I) Code of practice for construction of rubble stone masonry

12. IS 1597 (Pt. II) Code of practice for construction of ashlar stone masonry

13. IS 1805 Glossary of terms relating to stones, quarrying and dressing

14. IS 3620 Specification for latrite stone block for masonry

15. IS 3622 Sand stone (Slab & Tiles)

16. IS 4104 (Pt. I) Code of practice for external facings and veneers (Part I-Stone facing).

17. IS 4101 (Part II) Code of practice for external facing and veneers: (Part II-Cement Concrete


Stone masonry using dressed square stone blocks of given dimensions having faces perpendicular to
each other and laid in courses.

Bed Joint
The joint where one stone presses on another for example, a hor izontal joint in a w all or radiating
joint between the voussoirs or arch (See Fig. 7.1 and 7.13)

(a) Hollow (Ope n a nd C los e d C a vity) Block: A c oncrete m asonry unit w ith any one of t he ex ternal
dimension gr eater t han t he c orresponding d imension of a br ick and having o ne or more l arge holes or
cavities w hich e ither pas s through the b lock (o pen c avity) o r do ef fectively pas s th rough the b lock
(closed cavity) a nd having t he solid m aterial b etween 5 0% and 7 5% of t he t otal v olume of t he bl ock
calculated from the overall dimensions.

(b) Solid Block: A concrete masonry unit with external dimensions greater than corresponding
dimension of a brick and having solid material not less than 75% of the total volume of the block
calculated from over all dimension.

An interlocking arrangement of structural units in a wall to ensure stability.

Bond Stone (through Stone)

Selected long stone used to hold a wall together transversely (See Fig. 7.8).

Stone b onded w ell into the w all with part of it projecting o ut of the face of wall to form a bearing

A horizontal moulded projection which crowns or finishes either a wall, any horizontal division of wall, or
any architectural feature (See Fig. 7.1C).

A s mall piece of metal o r the hardest or to ughtest st one pr ocurable, s unk in mortices a nd fixed
across joints as addi tional ties. The ends o f metal cramps a re bent at right an gles and s tone cramps ar e
dovetailed (See Fig. 7.1B).

A layer of stones in wall including the bed mortar.

Dowels a re s mall sections of metal, s tone or pebbl es b edded with m ortar in c orresponding m ortice in
bed or side joint or adjacent stones (See Fig. 7.1A).

The part of the wall at the side of an opening.

194 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
A k ey b etween the s tones b y providing a gr oove i n on e s tone t o t ake a c orresponding c oncealed
projection in the edges on the other stone (See Fig. 7.1B).

Natural Bed
The planes of stratification that occurs in a sedimentary rocks.

A solid or pierced guard wall for flat stone terrace or balcony (or a bridge) or a c urb wall at the lower
part of a pitched roof which is exposed to atmosphere on face back and top (See Fig. 7.1C).

A qu oin is the external an gle of wall or bu ilding. The term is also app lied to stone specially selected
and neatly dressed for forming such angle.

Random or irregular size and shapes.

The part of the jamb between the frame and the arris.

Rubble Masonry
Masonry bu ilt of s tones ei ther i rregular i n s hapes a s quarri ed or s quared an d onl y ham mer dre ssed
and having comparatively thick joints. As far as possible, stones for rubble masonry shall be angular.

Sloping surface against which the springing of an arch rests.

Space between the haunches below the decking level.

String Course
A horizontal band, plain or moulded, usually projecting slightly from the face of wall (See Fig. 7.1C).

Surfacing or Dressing of Stones

The stones are dressed to have different surfaces as indicated below.

Template or Bed Block

A block of stone or concrete bedded on a wall to distribute the pressure from a concentrated load.

Self Faced Surfaces

Surfaces of stone slabs used for roofing, flooring, lintels etc. as obtained from quarry.

Squared Back Surface

Means the surface shall be dressed back at right angles to the face of the stone.

Chisel Drafted Margin

The dressing done with a drafting chisel in narrow strips of width generally 2 to 5 cm. Chisel drafted
margin shall be punch dressed.

Hammer Dressed Surface

A h ammer dressed s tone s hall ha ve n o s harp an d i rregular c orners and s hall ha ve a c omparatively
even s urface s o as t o fi t well in m asonry. Hammer d ressed stone is also kn own a s h ammer f aced,
quarry faced and rustic faced. The bushing from the general wall face shall not be more than 40 mm on
exposed face and 10 mm on faces to be plastered (Fig. 7.2).

195 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Rock Faced Surface
A rock faced stone shall have a minimum of 25 mm wide chisel drafted margin at the four edges, all the
edges being in the same plane (Fig. 7.3).

Rough Tooled Surface

A rough tooled s urface shall ha ve a s eries of bands, made by means of a pl ane c hisel 4 to 5 cm
wide, m ore or l ess p arallel t o t ool m arks al l over t he s urface. These m arks m ay be ei ther horizontal,
vertical or at an angle of 45° as directed (Fig. 7.4). The edges and corners s hall be square and true. The
depth or gap bet ween t he s urface and s traight edg e, hel d agai nst t he s urface s hall not be m ore t han 3
mm (Rough tooled stones are used where fairly regular plane faces are required for masonry work).

Punched Dressed Surface

A r ough s urface i s f urther dre ssed b y m eans o f p unch c hisel t o s how s eries of pa rallel ri dges. T he
depth of gap between the surface and a straight edge held against the surface shall not exceed 3 mm
(Fig. 7.5). Punched dressed stones are used where even surfaces are required.

Close Picked Surface

A punched s tone i s further dressed b y m eans of point c hisel so as to obt ain a finer surface, ridges o r
chisel m arks left over being very tiny. The depth of gap bet ween the surface and a s traight edge k ept
over the surface shall not exceed 1.5 mm (Fig. 7.6).

Fine Tooled Surface

Close picked s urface i s f urther dressed so t hat all t he projections are removed a nd f airly s mooth
surface is obtained. The surfaces shall have 3 to 4 lines per centimetre width depending on the degree of
hardness of stone and degree of fineness r equired (Fig. 7.7). This type of dr essing is commonly
adopted for ashlar work.

Polished Surface
Surfaces having a hi gh gl oss f inish. P olishing o f s tones s hall be done by r ubbing t hem w ith s uitable
abrasive, wetting the surface where necessary with water. Alternatively polishing of stones shall be done by
holding them firmly on t he t op of revolving t able to w hich some abrasive m aterial like sand or
carborundum is fed. The final polishing shall be performed by rubber or felt, using oxide of lime (called by
trade name as putty powder) as a polishing medium.

Cut to profile of a moulding with punched dressed surfaces, unless otherwise specified.


7.1.0 Material

7.1.1 Stone
The s tone s hall be o f t he t ype specified s uch a s g ranite, t rap, l imestone, sand s tone, qu artzite, et c.
and shall be obtained from the quarries, approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Stone shall be hard,
sound, durable and free from weathering decay and defects like cavities, cracks, flaws, sand holes,
injurious v eins, pa tches of l oose or s oft m aterials a nd ot her s imilar def ects t hat m ay adversely af fect i ts
strength and appearance. As far as possible stones shall be of uniform colour, quality or texture.
Generally stone shall not contain crypst crystalline silica or chart, mica and other deleterious materials like
iron-oxide organic impurities etc.

Stones with round surface shall not be used.

The compressive strength of common types of stones shall be as per Table 7.1 and the percentage of
water a bsorption sh all g enerally n ot ex ceed 5% for sto nes oth er t han s pecified in T able 7. 1. F or
laterite this percentage is 12%.

196 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Type of stone Ma ximum Wa te r Abs orption Minimum Compre s s ive

P e rce nta ge by we ight S tre ngth kg./s
Granite 0.5 1000
Basalt 0.5 400
Lime stone (Slab & Tiles) 0.15 200
Sand stone (Slab & Tiles) 2.5 300
Marble 0.40 500
Quartzite 0.40 800
Laterite (Block) 12 35
Note 1: Test for compressive strength shall be carried out as laid down in IS 1121 (Part I).
Note 2: Test for water absorption shall be carried out as laid down in IS 1124.

7.1.2 Size of Stones

Normally s tones us ed should be s mall en ough to be lifted an d pl aced b y h and. Unless otherwise
indicated, the length of stones for stone masonry shall not exceed three times the height and the breadth on
base shall not be greater than three-fourth of the thickness of wall, or not less than 150 mm. The height
of stone for rubble masonry may be upto 300 mm.
The selection and grading of stones for rubble m asonry is largely done at s ite and t he smaller s tones
are used in the hearting of wall.

7.1.3 Random R ubble M asonry s hall be unc oursed or b rought t o courses as specified (Fig. 7.8 and 7. 9).
Uncoursed rand om rubble m asonry shall be c onstructed with stones of s izes as ref erred to i n p ara 7 .0
and s hapes pi cked up ra ndom from the s tones br ought from t he ap proved q uarry. Stones having s harp
corners or round surfaces shall, however, not be used.

7.1.4 Random r ubble m asonry br ought t o t he c ourse i s s imilar t o unc oursed r andom r ubble m asonry
except th at th e co urses are r oughly le velled at in tervals varying fr om 3 00 m m to 900 m m in h eight
according to the size of stones used.

7.1.5 Dressing
Each s tone s hall b e hammer d ressed o n the face, the sides an d the b eds. H ammer d ressing s hall
enable t he s tones t o be l aid c lose t o neighbouring s tones s uch t hat t he bushing i n t he f ace s hall not
project more than 40 mm on the exposed face.
(i) Face stone: At least 25% stones shall be headers tailing into the work at least 2/3rd the
thickness of wall in super structure masonry. Such stones shall not be less than 200 sq. cm in
cross sections.
(ii) Hearting Stones: The hearting or interior filling of a wall face shall consist of rubble stones not
less than 150 mm in any direction, carefully laid, hammered down with a wooden mallet into
position and solidly bedded in mortar. The hearting should be laid nearly level with facing and
(iii) Quoin Stone: Quoin stone shall be less than 0.03 cum in volume.
(iv) Jamb stones: The jambs shall not be made with stones specified for quoins except that the
stones which w ere required t o be p rovided a t 1 metre c entre t o c entre on bot h the exposed faces
shall here be provided only on the jamb and the length shall be equal to the thickness of the wall for
wall u pto 60 cm and a l ine of head ers s hall be provided fo r w alls thicker than 60 c m as
specified for bond.

197 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
7.1.5 (A) Courses
The masonry s hall be c arried out i n regular c ourses of hei ght not exceeding 50 c m and masonry on
any da y w ill n ot be ra ised m ore t han 60 c m i n height w hen us ing m ortars ha ving c ompressive s trength
less than 20 kg./sq. cm at 28 days and 100 cm when using mortars exceeding this strength.

7.1.5 (B) Thickness of Joints

The joint thickness shall not exceed 30 mm at any point on the face. Chips of the stone and spalls
shall be wedged i nto s eating bed of f ace s tones t o av oid ex cessive bed t hickness. No pi nning s hall b e
allowed to avoid excessive joint thickness.

7.1.6 Mortar
The mortar used for joining shall be as specified.

7.1.7 Laying
Stone s hall be l aid on t heir nat ural bed and s hall be s olidly bedded f ull i n mortar w ith c lose j oints,
chips of stone spalls be wedged into the work wherever necessary. No dry work or hollow spaces shall be
allowed and ev ery stone whether large or small shall be carefully selected t o fit snugly the interstices
between t he l arge s tones. M asonry s hall be built b reaking j oints i n a ll t he t hree directions. Bond stone
and he aders s hall be pro perly laid i nto t he w ork a nd s hall be m arked by t he c ontractor w ith w hite lead
paint. The bond stones shall be provided as specified in para 7.1.8.

The masonry work in wall shall be carried up true to plumb or to specified batter.

Random r ubble m asonry shall b e brought t o t he l evel c ourses at plinth, w indow s ills, lintel and roof
levels. Le velling shall be do ne w ith c oncrete c omprising of on e p art of the m ortar as u sed for m asonry
and two parts of graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size.

The masonry in structure shall be carried uniformly. Where the masonry of one part is to be delayed, the
work shall be raked back at an angle not steeper than 45°.

7.1.7 (A) Raking out joints

All the joints on the faces to be pointed or plastered shall be racked out with racking tool to a depth of
20mm while the mortar is still green.

7.1.8 Bond Stones

Though bo nd s tones s hall be pr ovided i n w alls up to 60 0 m m thickness, a s et of t wo or m ore b ond
stones overlapping each other by at least 150 m m shall be prov ided in a l ine from face to back. I n case
of highly absorbent types of stones (porous lime stone and s and stone etc.) the bond s tone shall extend
about two-third i nto t he wall, as through stones in such walls a set of two or more bond stones
overlapping each other by at least 150 mm shall be provided. Each bond stone or a set of bond stones
shall be p rovided for every 0.5 m 2 of the wall surface and s hall be p rovided at 1.5 m to 1.8 m apart clear
in every course.

In c ase of hi ghly a bsorbent t ypes of s tones (porous l ime stone a nd s and s tone et c.) single pi ece
bond stones m ay give rise to da mpness. For all thicknesses of such w alls a set of two o r m ore bond
stones ov erlapping each other by at least 15 cm shall be provided. Length of eac h s uch bond stone shall
not be less than two-third of the thickness of the wall.

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Where bond stones of suitable lengths are not available pre-cast cement concrete block of 1:3:6 mix (1
cement : 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) of cross section not less than 225
square centimetres and length equal to the thickness.

At least one bond s tone or a s et of bond s tones shall be pr ovided at 1.5 m to 1.8 m apart clear in
every course. (Bond stones shall be marked suitably with paint as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge).

7.1.9 Quoin and Jamb Stones

The quoin and jamb stones shall be of selected stones neatly dressed with hammer or chisel to form the
required angle. Quoin stones shall not be less than 0.01 cum in volume. Height of quoins and jamb stones
shall not be less than 15 cm. Quoins shall be laid header and stretcher alternatively.

7.1.10 Joints
Stones shall b e so laid that all joints are f ully pa cked with mortar an d chips. Face joints shall not be
more than 20 mm thick.

The joints shall be struck flush and finished at the time of laying when plastering or pointing is not to be
done. For the surfaces to be plastered or pointed, the joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20 mm
when the mortar is still green.

7.1.11 Scaffolding
Single s caffolding having o ne s et of vertical s upport shall be allowed. The s upports s hall be s ound
and strong, t ied together by horizontal pieces, over which t he s caffolding planks s hall be f ixed. T he inner
end of th e h orizontal s caffolding member m ay rest i n a h ole pr ovided i n the m asonry. Such holes,
however, shall not be allowed in pillars under one metre in width or near the skew back of arches. The
holes left in masonry work for supporting scaffolding shall be filled and made good with cement concrete
1 : 3 : 6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size).

7.1.12 Curing
Masonry work in cement or composite mortar shall be kept constantly moist on all faces for a
minimum period of seven days. In c ase of masonry with fat lime m ortar curing s hall c ommence two days
after laying of masonry and shall continue for at least seven days thereafter.

7.1.13 Protection
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable c overing. T he work shall also b e suitably
protected from damage, mortar dropping and rain during construction.

7.1.14 Measurements The length, height and t hickness shall be measured correct to a c m. The thickness of wall shall
be measured at joints e xcluding the bus hing. O nly s pecified di mensions shall be al lowed; an ything ex tra
shall be ignored. The quantity shall be calculated in cubic metre nearest to two places of decimal. The work under the following categories shall be measured separately.
(i) From foundation to plinth level (level one) :
(a) work in or under water and or liquid mud,
(b) work in or under foul positions.
(i) Above plinth level and upto floor five level.
(ii) Above floor five level to every floor/floors or part thereof.
(iv) S tone masonry i n parapet s hall be measured t ogether w ith t he c orresponding i tem i n the w all o f
the storey next below. No deduction shall be made nor extra payment made for the following :
(i) E nds o f d issimilar materials ( that i s j oists, beams, l intels, p osts, g irders, r afters p urlins, tr usses,
corbels, steps etc.) upto 0.1 sqm in section.

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(ii) Openings each upto 0.1 sqm in area. In calculating the area of openings, any separate lintels or
sills shall be included along with the size of opening but the end por tions of the lintels shall be
excluded and the extra width of rebated reveals, if any, shall also be excluded.
(iii) W all pl ates and bed pl ates, and bear ing of c hajjas and t he l ike, w here the t hickness does not
exceed 1 0 c m and t he be aring d oes n ot ex tend over t he f ull t hickness of t he wall.

Note: The bearing of floor and roof shall be deducted from wall masonry.

(iv) D rain hol es and r ecesses f or c ement c oncrete bl ocks t o em bed hol d f asts f or door s, w indows
(v) B uilding i n masonry, i ron fixture, pi pes upt o 300 m m dia, hol d fasts o f door s and w indows et c.
(vi) Forming chases in masonry each upto section of 350 sq cm.

Masonry (excluding fixing brick work) in chimney breasts with smoke of air flues not exceeding 20 sq
dm (0. 20 s q m ) i n s ectional area s hall be m easured as s olid and no ex tra payment s hall be m ade f or
pargetting and c oring such f lues. Where f lues exceed 20 s q dm (0.20 s q m ) sectional are a, de duction
shall be made for the same and pargetting and coring flues shall be measured in running metres stating
size of flues and paid for separately. Aperture for fire place shall not be deducted and no extra payment
made for splaying of jambs and throating. Apertures f or fire places s hall not be deducted and extra l abour shall not be measured f or
splaying of jambs, throating and making arch to support the opening. Square or Rectangular Pillars: These s hall be measured as w alls, but ex tra pa yment s hall be
allowed for stone work in square or rectangular pillars over the rate for stone work in walls. Rectangular
pillar s hall m ean a de tached m asonry s upport r ectangular in s ection, s uch that its br eadth does n ot
exceed two and a half times the thickness. Circular Pillars (Columns): These shall be measured as per actual dimensions, but extra
payment s hall be a llowed for s tone w ork in c ircular p illars ov er the r ate for s tone w ork in w alls. T he
diameter as well as length shall be measured correct to a cm. Tapered walls shall be measured net, as per actual dimensions and paid for as other walls. Curved Masonry: Stone masonry curved on plan to a mean radius exceeding 6 metres shall
be measured and i ncluded with g eneral s tone work. Stone work c ircular o n pl an t o a mean ra dius n ot
exceeding 6 m etres s hall be m easured s eparately a nd shall include all cuttings and waste and
templates. It shall be measured as the mean length of the wall.

7.1.15 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour required for all the operations described above and
shall include the following :
(a) Raking out joints for plastering or poi nting done as a s eparate item, or finishing flush as the work
(b) Preparing tops and sides of existing walls for raising and extending.
(c) R ough c utting and w aste f or f orming gables c ores, s kew bac ks o r s pandrels of arc hes, splays at
eaves and all rough cutting in the body of walling unless otherwise specified.
(d) Bond stones or cement concrete bond blocks.
(e) Leading and making holes for pipes etc.
(f) B edding and poi nting w all pl ates, lintels, s ills etc. in or on walls, bedding roof t iles and corrugated
sheets in or on walls.
(g) Building in ends of joists, beams, lintels etc.

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7.2.1 Stone: Shall be as specified in 7.1.1.

7.2.2 Size of Stone: Shall be as specified in 7.1.2.

7.2.3 Dressing
Face stones shall be hammer dressed on all beds, and joints so as to give them approximately
rectangular bl ock s hape. T hese s hall be s quared on al l j oints and beds . T he bed j oint s hall be r ough
chisel dressed for at least 80 mm back from the face, and side joints for at least 40 mm such that no
portion of t he d ressed s urface i s m ore t han 6 mm fro m a straight e dge pla ced on i t T he re maining
unexposed portion of the stone shall not project beyond the surface of bed and side joint. The bushing on
the face shall not project more than 40 mm as an exposed face and 10 mm on a face to be plastered. The
hammer dressed stone shall also have a rough tooling for minimum width of 25 mm along the four edges
of the face of the stone, when stone work is exposed.

7.2.4 Mortar
The mortar for jointing shall be as specified.

7.2.5 Laying
All stones shall be wetted before use. The walls shall be carried up truly plumb or to specified batter. All
courses shall be laid truly ho rizontal and al l v ertical j oints shall be truly v ertical. The he ight of ea ch
course shall not be less than 15 cm nor more than 30 cm.

Face stones shall be laid alternate headers and stretchers. No pinning shall be allowed on the face. No
face stone shall be less in breadth than its height and at least one third of the stones shall tail into the work
for length not less than twice their height.

The hearting or the interior filling of the wall shall consist of stones carefully laid on their proper beds in
mortar; chips and spalls of stone being used where necessary to avoid thick beds of joints of mortar and
at the same time ensuring that no hollow spaces are left anywhere in the masonry. The chips shall not be
used bel ow t he he arting s tone t o bri ng t hese up to t he l evel of f ace s tones. T he us e of c hips s hall be
restricted t o t he f illing of i nterstices between t he adjacent stones i n hearting and these shall not
exceed 10% of the quantity of stone masonry.

The masonry i n a structure s hall be carried up uni formly but where br eaks a re unavoidable, the joints
shall be raked back at angle not steeper than 45°. Toothing shall not be allowed.

7.2.6 Bond Stones

Shall be as specified in 7.1.8 except that a bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be inserted 1.5 to
1.8 metres apart, in every course.

7.2.7 Quoins
The quoins shall be of the same height as the course in which these occur. These shall be at least
450 m m l ong and shall b e l aid stretchers a nd hea ders al ternatively. T hese shall be l aid s quare o n t he
beds, which shall be rough-chisel dressed to a depth of at least 100 mm. I n case of exposed work, these
stones shall have a m inimum of 25 m m wide chisel drafts at four edges, all the edges being in the same

7.2.8 Joints
All bed joints shall be horizontal and al l side joints v ertical. All joints shall be fully packed with mortar,
face joints shall not be more than one cm thick.

When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished at
the time of laying. Otherwise, joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 20 mm by raking tool during the
progress of work, when the mortar is still green.
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7.2.9 Curing, Scaffolding, Measurements and Rates. Shall be as specified under 7.1.


7.3.1 Stone : Shall be as specified in 7.1.1.

7.3.2 Size of Stone : Shall be as specified in 7.1.2.

7.3.3 Dressing: Shall b e as s pecified in 7.2.3 e xcept that no por tion of dr essed surface of joints s hall
show a d epth of g ap more than 10 mm from a st raight edge placed on it an d use of chips shall not
exceed 15 per cent of the quantity of stone masonry.

7.3.4 Mortar
The mortar for jointing shall be as specified.

7.3.5 Laying: Shall be as specified in 7.2.5 except that the use of chips shall not exceed 15% of the
quantity of stone masonry and s tone, in each course need not be of the same height bu t not more than
two stones shall be used in the height of a course.

7.3.6 Bond Stone, Quoins: Shall be as specified in 7.2.6 and 7.2.7 respectively.

7.3.7 Joints
All bed joints shall be horizontal and all side vertical. All joints shall be fully packed with mortar, face
joints shall not be more than 20 mm thick.
When plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the joints shall be struck flush and finished at
the time o f laying. O therwise, the joints s hall be r aked to a m inimum dep th o f 20 mm b y r aking tool
during progress of work, where the mortar is still green.

7.3.8 Curing, Scaffolding, Measurement and Rates. Shall be as specified under 7.1.


7.4.1(A) Stone shall be of t he type specified. It s hall b e h ard, s ound, d urable a nd to ugh, f ree fr om
cracks, decay and weathering and defects like cavities, cracks, flaws, sand holes, veins, patches of soft or
loose m aterials et c. bef ore s tarting t he w ork, t he c ontractor s hall get t he s tones appr oved by

7.4.1(B) Kota Stone for Vineering

Kota stone s hall be of s elected quality, har d, s ound, dense & ho mogeneous i n t exture f ree f rom
cracks, dec ay, weathering an d f laws. T hey shall be m achine cut t o re quisite s ize and t hickness. They
shall be of c olour i ndicated i n t he draw ings or as i nstructed by t he Engineer-in-Charge. T he s tone s hall
have t he t op ( exposed) f ace pol ished bef ore bei ng br ought t o s ite unl ess otherwise s pecified. B efore
starting t he w ork, t he contractor shall get t he samples of k ota stone a pproved f rom t he Engineer-in-

Dressing : Every stone shall be cut to the required size and shape and fine machine dressed to the full
depth so that a straight edge laid along the side of stone shall be in full contact with it. The thickness of the
slab after it is dressed shall be 20, 25, 30 or 40 mm as specified in the item. Tolerance of ± 2 mm shall be
allowed for the thickness.

7.4.1(C) Red Sand Stone & White Sand Stone Ashlar Masonry
The stone sh all be r ed or white as s pecified in t he de scription of i tem. T he st one sh all be hard,
sound, tough, free from cracks, decay & weathering. In case of red sand stone, white patches or streaks

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shall not be allowed. However scattered spots upto 10 mm diameter will be permitted. Before starting the
work the contractor shall get samples of stone approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

7.4.2 Size of Stone

Normally s tones used should b e s mall e nough t o be l ifted and placed b y h and. T he l ength of t he
stone s hall n ot e xceed t hree times the height a nd t he b readth o n base shall no t be greater t han three
fourth of the thickness of wall nor less than 15 cm. The height of stone may be upto 30 cm.

7.4.3 Dressing
Every stone s hall be c ut to the required size and shape c hisel dressed on all beds and joints so as to
be free from w aviness and to gi ve truly v ertical and ho rizontal joints. I n ex posed masonry, t he faces t hat
are to remain exposed in the final position and the adjoining faces to a depth of 6 mm shall be the fine
chisel dressed so that when checked with 60 cm straight edge, no point varies from it by more than
1 mm. The top and bottom faces that are to form the bed joints shall be chisel dressed so that variation
from 60 cm straight edge at no point exceeds 3 mm. Faces which are to form the vertical joints should be
chisel dr essed s o t hat v ariation at any poi nt w ith 60 c m s traight edge do es not ex ceed 6 m m. A ny
vertical fac e that is to c ome again st bac king o f m asonry shall be dre ssed s uch that v ariation f rom
straight edge do es no t ex ceed 10 m m. All a ngles and edges that are to r emain ex posed in the final
position shall be true, square and free from chippings.

A s ample of dres sed s tone s hall be prepare d for approv al of Engineer-in-Charge. I t s hall be k ept at
the worksite as a sample after being approved.

7.4.4 Mortar
The mortar for jointing shall be as specified.

7.4.5 Laying
All stones s hall be wetted b efore placing i n p osition. T hese shall b e f loated o n m ortar a nd b edded
properly in position with wooden mallets without the use of chips or under pinning of any sort.

The walls and pillars shall be carried up t ruly plumb or battered as s hown i n drawings. All courses
shall be laid truly horizontal and all vertical joints shall be truly vertical.

In c ase of as hlar w ork w ithout backing of bri ck work or c oursed rubble m asonry, f ace s tone s hall be
laid h eaders a nd s tretchers al ternately u nless otherwise directed. T he headers s hall b e a rranged t o
come as nearly as possible i n t he m iddle of s tretchers above a nd b elow. S tone s hall be laid i n regular
courses of not less than 30 cm in height and all the courses shall be of same height, unless otherwise

For ashlar f acing w ith b acking of b rick work or coursed ru bble m asonry ( See F ig. 7 .11) f ace stone
shall be l aid in al ternate c ourses of h eaders and stretchers u nless ot herwise directed. F ace s tone an d
bond stone course shall be maintained throughout. All connected masonry in a structure shall be carried up
nearly at one uniform level throughout, but where breaks are avoidable, the joint shall be made in good
long steps so as to prevent cracks developing between new and old work. Bond stone provided in the
masonry s hall be payable i n t he i tem of Ashlar masonry. Neither any de duction will be made f rom the
brick masonry for embedding t he bond stone in the backing nor an y extra payment shall be made for any
extra labour involved in making holes in brick masonry backing.

When nec essary, j ib c rane o r o ther mechanical app liances shall be us ed to hoist the heavy pieces o f
stones a nd place t hese i nto c orrect po sitions, c are b eing t aken t hat t he corners of t he stone a re no t
damaged. S tone shall be covered with gunny bags, before tying c hain or rope is passed over it, and it
shall be handled carefully. No piece which has been damaged shall be used in work.

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7.4.6 Bond Stones : Shall be as specified in 7.1.8.

7.4.7 Joints
All joints shall be full of mortar. These shall be not more than 6 mm thick. Face joints shall be uniform
throughout and a u niform recess of 20 m m depth from face shall b e left with the help o f the steel p late
during the progress of work.

7.4.8 Pointing
All exposed j oints s hall be poi nted with m ortar as s pecified. The pointing when f inished shall be s unk
from stone face by 5 m m or as specified. The depth of mortar in pointing work shall not be less than 15

7.4.9 Curing
Masonry w ork in cement or composite mortar shall be kept constantly moist on all faces for a
minimum p eriod of s even da ys. I n case of m asonry w ith f at l ime m ortar, c uring s hall c ommence t wo
days after laying of masonry and shall continue for at least seven days thereafter.

7.4.10 Protections
Green work shall be protected from rain by suitable c overing. T he work shall also b e suitably
protected from damage, mortar dropping and rain during construction.

7.4.11 Scaffolding
Double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports shall be provided. The supports shall be
sound and strong, tied together with horizontal pieces over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed.

7.4.12 Measurements
The finished w ork shall be measured c orrect to a c entimetre i n respect o f length, br eadth and hei ght.
The cubical contents shall be calculated in cubic metre nearest to two places of decimal. No deduction nor any extra payment shall be made for the following :
(i) E nds o f di ssimilar materials (that i s joists, bea ms, pos ts, gi rders, rafters, pur lins, t russes, corbels,
steps etc.) upto 0.1 sqm in section.
(ii) Openings upto 0.1 sqm in area. In calculating the area of opening, any separate lintels or sills
shall be included alongwith the size of the opening but the end portion of the lintels shall be
excluded and extra width of rebated reveals, if any, shall also be excluded.
(iii) Wall plates and bed plates and bearing of chajja and the like, where the thickness does not
exceed 10 cm and the bearing does not extend over the full thickness of the wall.
Note : The bearing of floor and roof slabs shall be deducted from wall masonry.
(iv) Drainage holes and recesses left for cement concrete blocks to embed hold-fasts for doors and
windows, building in the masonry iron fixture and pipes upto 300 mm diameter.
(v) Stone walling in chimney breasts, chimney stacks, smoke or air flues not exceeding 0.20 sqm in
sectional area shall be measured as solid and no extra measurement shall be made for
pargetting and coring such flues. Where flues exceed 0.20 sqm in sectional area, deduction shall
be made for the same and pargetting and coring flues paid for separately. Square, Rectangular or Circular Pillars: Shall be m easured a nd paid f or as walls, bu t ex tra
payment shall be allowed for such pillars and columns over the rate for stone work in walls.

Rectangular pillars shall mean a detached masonry support, rectangular in section, such that its
breadth shall not exceed two and half times the thickness. Curved Stone Work: Stone work curved on a plan to a mean radius exceeding six metres shall
be measured net and included with general stone work. Stone work circular on a plan to a mean radius not
exceeding six metres shall be measured separately and extra payment shall be allowed and shall include
all cutting and waste and templates. It shall be measured as the mean length of wall.

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7.4.13 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude the c ost of materials and l abour re quired for al l t he o perations d escribed
above. Stone facing or wall lining upto and not exceeding 8 cm thickness shall be paid for under “Stone
work for wall l ining et c. (Veneer w ork)”. The stone work o f thickness ex ceeding 8 c m s hall be pai d under
relevant items of work.


7.5.1 Stone: Shall be a s specified in 7. 4.1. In c ase of red o r white s and stone, stone s hall b e red o r
white as specified in the item. I n red sand stone, white patches or streaks shall not be allowed.
However, scattered spots upto 10 mm diameter will be permitted.

7.5.2 Size of Stone : Shall be as specified in 7.4.2.

7.5.3 D ressing: Shall be as specified in 7.4.3 except that the faces exposed in view shall have a f ine
dressed chisel draft 2.5 cm wide all round the edges and s hall be ro ugh tooled between the drafts, such
that the dressed surface shall not be more than 3 mm from a straight edge placed over it.

7.5.4 Other Details

The s pecifications f or m ortars, l aying a nd f ixing, bond stone, j oints, pointing, curing, p rotections,
scaffolding, measurements and rates shall be same as specified in 7.4.


7.6.1 Stone : Shall be as specified in 7.4.1.

7.6.2 Dressing
Every stone shall be cut to the required size and shape and chisel dressed on all beds and joints so as
to be f ree f rom a ny w aviness a nd t o gi ve p erfectly v ertical, h orizontal, r adial o r c ircular j oints w ith
adjoining stones as the case may be. The dressed surface shall not be more than 3 mm from a straight
edge p laced on i t. T he face s hall be g auged, cut, c hamfered, g rooved, rebated s unk o r pl ain m oulded
and fine tooled as shown in t he working drawings. The joints 6 mm from the face shall also be fine
tooled so that straight edge laid along it is in contact with every point. It shall be finest surface which can be
given to a stone with the chisel and without rubbing.

In case of sunk or moulded masonry, the corner stone shall be dressed at true right angles or true to the
shape as specified. The corners being straight and vertical.

For arch (See Fig. 7.13), dome or circular work (See Fig. 7.12) the stone shall be dres sed to require
wedge shape so that joints shall be truly radial.

7.6.3 Sample
The f ull s ize layout of t he m oulding etc. shall be p repared on platform f rom which s heet t emplates
shall b e cut an d the stone dressed to templates to a uniform an d fine finish. All visible an gles a nd edg e
shall be t rue s quare and free f rom c hippings. A s ample of dressed s tone s hall be pre pared f or approval
and it shall be kept as sample after being approved by Engineer-in-Charge.

In case of ashlar m oulded and c arved columns a full size m odel of the required m oulding, carving
etc. shall be prepared in plaster of paris and kept at s ite of work as sample work after being approved b y
the Engineer-in-Charge. The stones shall be moulded and carved in accordance with the approved
model to a uniform and fine finish.

7.6.4 Other Details: Shall be as specified in 7.4.4., 7.4.5 and 7.4.7 to 7.4.11.

7.6.5 Centering and Shuttering

Centering and shuttering required for arch dome or circular m oulded work shall be constructed as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

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7.6.6 Measurements
The d imensions o f the c ircumscribing r ectangles o f the dr essed s tone us ed in the w ork s hall be
measured c orrect to a cm and cubical contents shall be calculated in cubic metres, nearest to two places
of decimal. In case of sunk or moulded work the measurements for the work shall be taken course by
course. The plain stone used in conjunction with sunk or moulded stone shall be measured and paid for
under the relevant item of stone work. Sunk or m oulded work in rectangular, square a nd c ircular pi llars, m oulded cornices a nd s tring
courses s hall be measured und er s tone w ork s unk or m oulded bu t ex tra payment shall b e al lowed ov er
the general w ork i n eac h c ase. N o s uch ex tra pay ment s hall be al lowed f or m oulded s tring and pl inth
courses. In case of arch d ome or circular m oulded work for arches exceeding six m etres in clear span
extra payment for additional cost of centering shall be made on the actual area of soffit including
strutting, bolting, wedging, easing, striping and removal.

7.6.7 Rate
The rate includes t he cost of al l m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l the operations des cribed above,
including centering and shuttering for arch, dome or circular moulded work.

7.7 STONE VENEERING WORK (FIG. 7.14, 7.15 & 7.16)

Stone l ining upt o 8 c m s hall be t reated as v eneering w ork and l ining of greater t hickness as pl ain
Ashlar Masonry.

7.7.1 Stone : Shall be as specified in 7.4.1.

The s tone shall b e g ang s aw c ut i nto s labs of r equired t hickness al ong t he pl anes parallel t o t he
natural bed of stone.

7.7.2 Dressing: Shall be as specified in 7.4.3 except that dressing at the back shall not be done, so as to
ensure b etter g rip w ith t he hearting or b acking. The dr essed s labs s hall b e of t he t hickness a s
specified, with permissible tolerance of ± 2 mm.

7.7.3 Mortar
Mortar for fixing shall be as specified.

7.7.4 Laying
The stone shall be wetted before laying. They shall then be fixed with mortar in position without the
use of chips or underpinning of any sort. Where so desired, the adjoining stones shall be secured to each other by means of copper pins
75 mm long and 6 mm diameter or as specified. Further the stones shall be secured to the backing by means of cramps. T he material for cramps
shall hav e hi gh resistance to corrosion under c onditions o f dampness and aga inst the chemical a ction o f
mortar or concrete in which cramps are usually embedded.
Cramps shall be of 25 mm x 6 mm and 30 cm long in case of backing of stone masonry walls and
brick masonry walls thicker than 230 mm. In case of backing with brick masonry walls 230 mm or less
thick or RCC members, cramps shall be of 25 x 6 mm and length as per requirement made out of
stainless steel or any other metal specified in para Generally the outer length of cramp in half
brick work backing shall be 115 mm and in one brick work backing it shall be 150 mm. Typical shape
and details of cramps for such backing are indicated in Fig. 7.15 for general guidance. This can be
modified as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, if so required at site. Cramps shall be spaced not more
than 60 cm apart horizontally.
206 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Alternatively the stone may be s ecured to the backing by means of stone dowels 10 x 5 x 2.5 cm as
per s hape i ndicated i n F ig. 7. 14 and t he adj oining s tone s ecured t o eac h ot her by m eans of s tainless
steel cramps or copper p ins of the s pecified s ize. M inimum o ne c ramp/stone d owel shall b e used t o
secure one slab to the backing. Cramps may be attached to its sides (see Fig. 7.16A, 7.16B) or top and bottom (see Fig. 7.16C to
F) o r s ides, t op and b ottom (s ee F ig. 7. 16G & H). T he minimum number of c ramps r equired f or f ixing
facing unit to the wall are illustrated in F ig. 7.16. T he actual num ber of cramps and their s ections,
however, shall be as per requirements of design to carry the loads. Where cramps a re u sed to hold the unit in position only, the facings shall be provided with a
continuous support on which t he stones rest at t he g round l evel and ot her s torey l evels, t he support
being i n the form of p rojection from o r rec ess in to the c oncrete floor s lab, or a be am between the
columns o r a m etal a ngle at tached t o t he f loor s lab o r b eams. T hese supports s hall pr eferably be at
vertical i ntervals not more than 3. 5 m apar t and al so ov er t he heads o f al l openi ngs. S uch supports s hall
also be provided where there is transition from thin facings below to thick facings above. Alternatively cramps may be used to hold the units in position and in addition to support the units
thus transferring the weight of the units to the backing. Such cramp should be properly designed as per IS
4101 (Part 1). The cramps shall be of copper alloyed with zinc or nickel or of stainless steel of grade 304. The pins, cramps and dowels shall be l aid in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 f ine sand) and
their samples got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and kept at site. The walls shall be carried up truly plumb. All courses shall be l aid truly horizontal and all vertical
joints t ruly vertical. T he stone s hall break j oints o n t he f ace f or at l east h alf t he height of t he course,
unless otherwise shown in the dr awings. T he stone shall be laid in regular courses not less than 20 cm
height and all the stones shall be of the same height unless otherwise specified. No stone shall be less in
length than one and a half times its height unless otherwise specified. As far as possible the backing shall be c arried up s imultaneously with the face work. In case of
reinforced cement c oncrete bac king, the lining s hall b e s ecured to the b acking after i t has s et an d g ot
cured. The cramps shall be fixed in concrete at the required positions, while laying.

7.7.5 Joints
The joints shall be d one with cement mortar 1: 3 ( 1 cement : 3 c oarse sand). All joints shall be f ull of
mortar. S pecial c are s hall be t aken t o s ee t hat t he groundings f or v eneer work are f ull of m ortar. I f an y
hollow groundings are detected by taping the face stones, these shall be taken out and relaid. The
thickness of joints shall be as small as possible, not exceeding 5 m m. For a close butt jointed facing the
thickness shall not exceed 1.5 mm. The face joints shall be uniform throughout.

Where j oint f iller or c ompound is to be used, the j oints shall be r aked out to a depth of at least 25 mm
after t he m ortar i n t he j oints has s et s ufficiently and t he f iller or c ompound applied. T he j oints m ay b e
subsequently finished with a m ortar suited t o the appearance of the w ork. It is p referable to u se joint
sealing c ompounds w here the facings ar e ex posed to heavy r ainfall and w inds an d their selections
would depend upon local experience and availability of joint sealing compounds. In their absence only
masonry mortars 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) which are proved to be successful from local exposure
conditions shall be used.

7.7.6 Other Details

Specifications for pointing, curing, protections and scaffolding shall be specified under 7.4.

207 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
7.7.7 Measurements
The l ength a nd breadth of t he f inished w ork shall be measured i n metre correct t o cm. The a rea
should be calculated in sq. metre correct to two places of decimal.

The veneering w ork curved on plan s hall be m easured as pl ain work, but ex tra p ayment s hall be
allowed for radii not exceeding six metres on external face. For radius beyond six metres the work shall be
measured as plain work only, even the face may have to be dressed to curve.

7.7.8 Rate
The r ate i ncludes t he c ost of m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he oper ations des cribed abov e,
except for the c ost o f pr oviding and fixing p ins, dow els an d m etal c ramps and ledges and s upports,
which shall be paid for separately unless otherwise stipulated in the item of work.

7.8 STONE CHAJJA (FIG. 7.13)

7.8.1 Stone slabs shall be hard, sound and durable. These shall be chisel dressed on all faces which are
exposed t o v iew and rou gh dres sed at ot her s urface. A ngles s hall be t rue a nd edge l ines s traight. T he
finished thickness shall be as stipulated with permissible tolerance of ± 2 mm. The length of stone slabs in
chajja shall not be less than 60 cm unless otherwise specified.

7.8.2 In case of sloping chajja the stone shall be sloped as specified. It shall have minimum bearing of
20 cm measured horizontally on the wall and the bearing shall also be similarly sloped. Each slab shall
have a hole in the centre of the bearing area through which the anchoring M.S. holding down bolt shall
pass. The holding do wn bol ts shall be 12 mm di ameter and shall be bent at right angles at its lowest en d
and buried horizontally for at least 7 cm in a joint 30 cm below the bearing surface. Each holding down bolt
shall be secured at top by suitable washer and nut.

The Chajjas shall be provided with cove supports, where cove is in brick masonry, it shall project out
from the wall as under.
45 cm wide Chajjas, cove projection 15 cm, depth of cove 3 courses.
60 cm wide Chajjas, cove projection 20 cm, depth of cove 4 courses.
75 cm wide Chajjas, cove projection 25 cm, depth of cove 5 courses.
90 cm wide Chajjas, cove projection 30 cm, depth of cove 6 courses.

7.8.3 In case of horizontal Chajjas, the stone shall be fixed horizontally with a slight outer slope of about 1
cm. It s hall have m inimum b earing o f 1 5 c m on the w all. H olding dow n bo lts s hall be p rovided, on ly
where so specified.

7.8.4 Pointing
The j oints s hall be poi nted w ith 1: 2 c ement m ortar (1 c ement : 2 s tone dus t) w ith an adm ixture of
pigment to match the stone shade, and properly cured.

7.8.5 Other Details

Specifications for curing, protections and scaffolding shall be as specified under 7.4.

7.8.6 Measurements
The length and breadth of the finished work shall be measured correct to a cm. The area of Chajjas
projecting beyond the wall shall be calculated in sq m correct to two places of decimal.

In case of sloping Chajjas, the sloping breadth shall be measured correct to a cm and the area of
Chajjas projecting beyond the wall shall be calculated in sq m correct to two places of decimal.

7.8.7 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above. Anchoring the coves shall be deemed to be included in the rate.
208 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

7.9.1 Stone
Stone shall be of uniform colour and texture and of the kind as stipulated.

7.9.2 Dressing
The exposed faces and sides of shelves shall be chisel dressed such that the dressed surface shall not
be m ore t han 3 m m f rom a s traight edge pl aced o n i t. A ll v isible angl es and edges s hall be f ree f rom
chippings. The surfaces to be burried in the masonry shall be rough dressed.

7.9.3 Laying
These shall be l aid in m ortar of specified m ix and f ixed as shown in drawing or as directed by the

7.9.4 Other Details

Specifications for pointing, curing, protections and scaffolding shall be as specified under 7.4.

7.9.5 Measurements Shelves: The length and breadt h s hall be measured i nclusive of be arings correct of a cm. T he
thickness shall be as specified with permissible tolerance of ± 2 mm. The area shall be calculated in
sqm correct to two places of decimal. Copings: The dimensions of t he c ircumscribing r ectangles of t he dressed stones a s u sed i n

work s hall be measured correct to a cm. The cubical contents shall be calculated correct to two places of
decimal in cum. Plain Cornices, String Courses and Plinth Courses: The l ength, br eadth and dept h of t he
stone i ncluding b earing s hall b e m easured c orrect t o a c m. T he c ubical c ontents s hall b e c alculated
correct to two places of decimal in cu. m. No deduction shall be m ade from the masonry of wall for the bearing of stone shelves, cornices,
string courses.

7.9.6 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l m aterials a nd l abour required i n all t he o perations d escribed


7.10.1 Stone shall be as specified in 7.4.1.

7.10.2 Dressing and Fixing

The stone shall be cut into slabs of required thickness so as to make jali of the specified thickness.
The jali shall be cut as per pattern shown on the drawings. All exposed faces shall be fine tooled to a
uniform a nd s mooth finish. F ixing s hall be done w ith the ad joining w ork in gr ooves, r ebates e tc., as
shown in the drawing or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. A tolerance of + 2 mm shall be allowed in
the specified thickness of the jali.

7.10.3 Stone jalis s hall be fixed in gr ooves/rebates e tc. to ad joining S tone w ork/Brick work/RCC as
shown i n t he d rawing or as directed b y E ngineer-in-Charge. N ecessary s ample for the s ame shall be g ot
approved from the Engineer-in-charge before execution. The breakage of stone jail during fixing shall be the
responsibilities of the contractor and replacement shall be provided at his risk and cost.

209 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
7.10.4 Measurements
The length and breadth of the stone forming the jali including its borders shall be measured correct to
a cm and the area shall be calculated in square metres nearest to two places of decimal.

7.10.5 Rate
It i ncludes t he c ost of l abour and m aterials required f or al l t he operations described abov e. I t al so
includes the cost of making grooves or rebates in the adjoining work for fixing jali.


7.11.1 Material
Stone s hall b e of the type a s specified in t he item. It shall be hard, sound durable and tough free
from cracks, decay and weathering and defects like cavities cracks, flaws, holes, veins, patches of soft or
loose materials etc. Thickness of stone shall be as specified

Stone shall be cut with the gang saw to the required size and shape on all beds and joints so as to
free from any waviness and to give truly vertical horizontal surface as required. The exposed face and
sides of s tones f orming j oints s hall b e such that the straight edge l aid along the face of t he s tone i s i n
contact with every point on it. All the visible angle and edges shall be square and free from chipping. The
dressed stone shall be of the thickness specified with permissible tolerance of + 2 mm.

Before starting t he work, t he c ontractor s hall get the samples of s tone approved by E ngineer-In-
charge. Approved sample shall be kept in custody of Engineer-in-Charge and stones supplied and used on
the work shall conform to sample with regard to soundness, colour, veining and general texture. The stone
shall be cut b y gang s aw i nto slabs of r equired t hickness along t he p laces par allel t o t he natural bed.
When necessary double scaffolding for fixing the stone at grea ter he ights, jib crane or other
mechanical appl iances s hall be us ed t o hoi st the heavy pi eces of s tone and pl aced t hem i nto c orrect
positions. Care shall have to be taken that corners of the stone are not damaged. Stone shall be
covered with gunny bags before tying chain or rope is passed over and it shall be handled carefully. No
pieces which has been damaged shall be used that work

7.11.2 Stacking and Storing

Stone slabs are thin a nd britt le a nd should n ever be s tacked fl at a cross timber s upports. They
should t herefore, be stacked o n edge o n t imber or l ike r unners. Packing pi eces i nserted b etween t he
slabs may be ro pe or t imber. S labs shall be w ell covered with plastic sheeting to protect them from any
possible staining.

7.11.3 Scaffolding
As specified in 7.4.11.

7.11.4 Fixing
The size & s hape of the c ramps shall be a s per dr awing and as pe r di rections o f E ngineer-in-charge.
The s amples o f steel cramps should be ap proved i n adv ance before s tarting the s tone c ladding w ork.
The cramp shall be attached to top and bottom of the stone. The cramps shall have inbuilt adjustment for
vertical and hor izontal alignment. The cramps used to hold support and t ransfer the l oad of stone unit
to the supporting structured steel shall be designed by the manufacturer an d approval of the same shall
be obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.

The m inimum num ber of clamps re quired s hall be as per requi rement of des ign t o c arry t he l oad o f
individual s tone s labs. The c ramps shall be s paced not more t han 60 c m ho rizontally and v ertically al ong
the stone side for insertion of pins / bolt attached with the steel cramps. Adequate cutting in stone shall be
made with precision instrument to hold the cramps pins at the joints.

210 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Stone s hall be s ecured w ith c lamps w ith hi gh qu ality w orkmanship. The w alls shall b e c arried up
truly p lumb. A ll the c ourses s hall be laid truly horizontal an d a ll the v ertical joints truly v ertical. T he
sequence of execution for cladding work shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Jointing: Joints horizontal and vertical shall be filled with weather sealant of make as approved by
Engineer-in-charge w ith t he hel p o f pouring gun for filling the sealant. B efore f illing the joint with sealant,
masking t ape ar e r equired t o be f ixed o n stones s urface on both edges of j oints o f t he s tones, s o t hat
sealant m ay not spoil the surface of the stone. W hen all the joints are filled and s ealant has dried, the
masking tape may be removed.

Protection: Work s hall b e p rotected f rom rain b y suitable covering. The w ork shall al so be suitably
protected from damage and rain during construction.

Measurement: The length and breadth s hall be m easured c orrect t o a cm. T he area s hall be calculated
in square m etre c orrect t o two places of decimal. Any o pening of area 0.01 s qm. o r less shall n ot be

Rate: The rate i ncludes t he cost of m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n a ll operations described above
including c ost of support s caffolding s taging, sealant, pouring guns but ex cluding the cost of s teel
cramps drilling holes / making recesses in stones which shall be paid for separately.


Specification f or structural f rame w ork f or d ry s tone cladding a re s ame specifications as f or steel
work in built up sections (welded or bolted).

7.12.1 Fixing of Frame

The pr operly des igned s tructural f rame f or w ithstanding t he w eight of s tone slab are f ixed/supported
on wall surface with the help of M.S. brackets/lugs of angle iron/flat etc. which is welded at each
junctions of m ember of f rame and al so e mbedded in c ement concrete bl ock 1: 2:4 (1 cement: 2 c oarse
sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) of size 300 x 230 x 300 mm. The concrete block
can be made by cutting the hole of size as mentioned in brick wall and filling th e hole with cement
concrete including provision of necessary centring/shuttering for holding of concrete. The frame can
also b e supported o n RCC surface w ith t he help of a pproved e xpansion hold f astener by drilling t he
holes in RCC surface.

Steel c ramps a re ei ther w elded o r bol ted t o t he frame (by making nec essary holes i n frame w ork) for
holding of stone.

7.12.2 Measurement
The m ode of measurement s hall b e t he s ame, a s specified f or s teel work i n bui lt up section except
that t he w eight of welding m aterial s hall not be added i n w eight of m embers f or pay ment and not hing
extra s hall be pai d f or making holes for t emporary fastening of m embers during erection before welding,
which also includes cost of cement concrete block, centring and shuttering and making holes in walls, but
excluding the cost of expansion fastener, steel clamps which shall be paid for separately.

7.12.3 Rate
The r ate s hall inc lude th e cos t of all la bour and material in volved in all t he o peration d escribed


The cramps shall be stainless steel of make approved by the Engineer-in-charge.

7.13.1 The weight of the stainless steel clamp (including weight of nut and washer) shall not be less than
260 gms.

7.13.2 Necessary holes at suitable locations are to be done on steel frame work for dry stone cladding to
be fixed.

211 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
7.13.3 Necessary recessed are required to be done in stone slab which is required to be supported by

7.13.4 The one end of steel clamp is fixed on frame with nut and bolt and other end is inserted into
recesses/hole for fixing the dry cladding stone on frame.

7.13.5 The rate includes cost of materials and other operations mentioned as above.

212 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Sub Head : Stone Work
Clause : 7.0













Drawing not to scale

Fig. 7.1 : Stone Work

213 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

Sub Head : Stone Work
Clause : 7.0



Fig. 7.2 : Hammer Dressed Stone Surface Fig. 7.3 : Rock Faced Stone Surface

Fig. 7 .5 : Punched Stone Face Surface

(Chisel drafted)

Fig. 7.4 : Rough Tooled Stone Surface Fig. 7.6 : Closed Picked Stone Surface

Fig. 7.7 : Fine Tooled Stone Surface

Drawing not to scale

214 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Stone Work

Clause : 7.1

Exposed face bushing

not more than 40

Plastered f ace
bushing not more
than 10

Bond or through
stone one per
0.5 sqm of wall

Chips not to
exceed 20% of t he
quantity of
stone masonry


Face Joints not

ELEVATION more than 25

Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 7.8 : Random Rubble Masonry

215 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Stone Work

Clause : 7.2 & 7.3

Face Joints to be Face Joints to be

not more than 10 not more than 20

Plaster S urface Bushing Chips not to E xceed 15%

not more than 10 of the Quantity of S tone
Bond or
1500 t o
Quoin S tone 450 Long Min.
Quoin S tone
450 Long Min. Exposed f ace
Bushing to be not
ODD COURSE more t han 40

Bond or Through S tones

Chips not to E xceed 1500 t o 1800 Apart (Clear)
10% of t he Q uantity
of S tone Masonry


Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 7.9 : Rubble Stone Masonry – Coursed

216 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Stone Work

Clause : 7.4 & 7.5


Face Joints to
be not more
than 5 m m thick

Bond or Through S tone

1500 to 1800 Apart Clear Bond or Through Stone
1500 t o 1800 Apart Clear



Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 7.10 : Ashlar Stone Masonry

217 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Stone Work

Clause : 7.4.5

Brick Backing

Face Stone





Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 7.11 : Ashlar Stone Masonry (with Brick Backing)

218 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Stone Work

Clause : 7.6


Stone Work in
Ashlar S pecially
Exposed Faces Moulded & Carved
and S ide Joints
6 mm f rom Face Stone Work
shall be F ine in Dome

Plain Ashlar
Stone Work
in Column

Stone Work in
Ashlar P lain,
Moulded &
Carved Column

Sunk or Moulded
Stone Work in
Circular P illars



Plain Ashlar



Plain Ashlar
Moulded P linth Course
Sunk Work

Moulded H B Sunk



Note : Sunk or Moulded Stone Work shown Shaded, to be measured as l x b x h

Drawing not to scale

Fig. 7.12 : Moulded, Sunk, Carved – Stone Work

219 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Stone Work

Clause : 7.6 & 7.8

Spandrel Decking


Span Bed Joints



Anchoring bolt
12 mm 
Stone M.S. Washer

Cove depth
& Courses
200 Brick Work


Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 7.13 : Stone Work in Arches & Chajjas

220 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : S tone W ork

Clause : 7.7 &

Gun Metal
Cramp 300mm Brick
Long Not
more than Backing
600 Apart B C
V Stone Veneer 50 mm Thick Copper Pin

Gun M etal Stone

Cramp Dowel

Face Joints to Gun M etal

be not more Cramp
than 15 mm Thick

Brick Backing Stone Dowel

Gun M etal Brick Backing


200 Mortar 10 mm Thick

Stone Veneer
50 Thick
Stone Veneer
50 thick

6 mm - 75 Lon g
Copper Pin
2 2
6 5
2 2
Stone Veneer
3 75 3 26 103 62

6 Gun M etal



6 25
25 25 25

Drawing not to scale
All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 7.14 : Stone Veneering

221 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(Typical Fixing Arrangement)

Sub Head : Stone Work

Clause : &


50 25


Brick Wall 6

V = Variable as per

Site Requirement

ELEVATION Based on Thickness
of Veneer Use 6 mm S quare Gun
6 Metal Pin
L = 115 MM for Half Brick Backing
L = 150 MM for Full Brick Backing


Fig. 7.15A : Cramp for Brick Backing Fig. 7.15B : Cramp for R.C.C. Work Backing

Non Corrosive Dash Fastener

with Washer including B olt
of Min. S ize 55 x 7 m m

R.C.C. Wall

8 98
Stone Veneering

Mortar as S pecified
Face Joints not to
be more t han 5 m m

Mortar 10 m m Thick

80 mm or as S pecified


Fig. 7.15C :Typical Details of Cramps for R.C.C. Backing

Drawing not to scale
All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 7.15 : Stone Veneering (Typical Fixing Arrangement)

222 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Stone Work

Clause :




Note : Cramps arrangement is shown above for veneerings with longer sides vertical. For veneerings having the longer
sides horizontal, cramps would be arranged to suit the altered positions.

Drawing not to scale

Fig. 7.16 : General Arrangement of Cramps

223 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

8.0: Marble Work

224 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. Brie f De s cription P a ge

List of Mandatory Tests 226

List of Bureau of Indian Standard Codes 227

8.0 General 228

8.1 Classification 228

8.2 Sizes and Tolerances 229

8.3 Physical Properties 229

8.4 Sampling 230

8.5 Marble Work - Table Rubbed and Polished (Plain Work) 230

8.6 Wall Lining / Veneer Work 233

8.7 Marble Stone Flooring and Marble Stone in Risers of Steps and 235

Fig. 8.1 Marble Stone Veneering (General Fixing Arrangement) 236

Fig. 8.2 Marble Stone Veneering (Typical Fixing Arrangement) 237

Fig. 8.3 General Arrangement of Cramps 238

Fig. 8.4 Marble Slab Urinal Partition 239

225 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Ma te ria l Cla us e Te s t Fie ld/ Te s t Minimum Qunatity Fre que ncy

La bora tory Proce dure o f ma te ria l/ of te s ting
Te s t work for ca rrying
out th e te s t
Marble 8.3 (i) Moisture Laboratory IS 1124 100 Sq.m. 100 sqm. or
(Table 8.2) Absorption part thereof.
(ii) Hardness Test -do- Mho’s Scale -do- -do-
(iii) Specific Gravity -do- IS 1122 -do- -do-
Granite (i) Moisture -do- IS 1124 -do- -do-
(ii) Specific Gravity -do- IS 1122 -do- -do-

226 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S . No. IS . No. S ubje ct

1. IS 1122 Method of test for determination of true specific gravity of natural
building stones.
2. IS 1124 Method of test for determination of water absorption, apparent specific
gravity and porosity of natural building stones.
3. IS 1130 Marble (blocks, slabs and tiles).
4. IS 4101 (Part 1) Code of practice for external facing and veneers: Stone facing.
5. IS 3316 Specifications for structural granite
6. IS 14223 (Part 1) Polished Building Stones (Part-1) Granite

227 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Marble s hall be har d, s ound, dens e and hom ogeneous i n t exture w ith crystalline texture as f ar as
possible. It shall generally be uniform in colour and free from stains, cracks, decay and weathering.

8.0.1 Marbles are m etamorphic rocks capable of taking polish, formed from the re-crystallization of lim e
stones o r dol omitic l ime s tones an d ar e di stinguished f rom l ime s tone by even v isibly c rystalined n ature
and no flaggy stratification.

Note : Marble is a product of nature hence it is difficult to guarantee uniformity of colour, veining or other
characteristics that may be represented in any sample submitted. A sample will indicate only an
average of colour, veining and other general texture and specified finish.

The marble blocks, slabs and tiles shall be classified broadly in the following two categories:

8.1.1 White Marble

Ra j Na ga r (pla in white ) Ma rble :
It shall be plain white marble with coarse grains predominantly showing mica particles giving
reflection in light.

8.1.2 Coloured Marble

(i) Plain Black Marble
Black marble sawn along veins locally known as ‘Peta Pasu sawing’ available at Bhainslana. (ii)
Black Zebra Marble/ Cuddapa Balck
(a) Bha ins la na Bla ck Ze bra Ma rble : Black m arble hav ing gr ey or w hite veins av ailable at
(b) Kis ha nga rh B la ck Ze bra Ma rble : Black m arble with g rey a nd/or w hite vei ns a vailable at
(c) Abu Bla ck Ze bra Ma rble : Black marble having white patches and streaks available at Abu.
(d) Na rna ul Bla ck Ze bra Ma rble s : Black marble with thin white veins available at Narnaul.
(e) Cudappa Black Marbles: Black Marble from Cuddapa
(iii) Green Marble
(a) Ba roda Gre e n Ma rble : Dark green marble with flowery pattern available at Baroda.
(b) Abu G re e n Ma rble : Light green marble with green and/or brown streaks on white ground
available at Ambaji.
(c) Fa lna Gre e n Ma rble : Green marble with prominent yellowish pattern available at Falna.
(d) Bundi G re e n Ma rble : Green m arble w ith pi nkish shades av ailable at U mar, ( Bundi).
(iv)Grey Marble
(a) Kuma ri Gre y Ma rble : Grey marble having light blue shades available at Makrana.
(b) Bundi G re y Ma rble : Grey M arble with pink or green or black streaks av ailable at U mar
(v) Brown Marble
(a) Bar Brown Marble/Brown Marble with light and dark brown shades available at Bar.
(b) Narnaul Brown Marble
Brown marble having teak wood shades available at Narnaul.

8.1.3 Granite Stone

It shall be of any colour and size as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. Granite shall be plain machine cut
and mirror polished. The stone shall be smooth and of even surface without holes or pits.

228 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The size of marble blocks, slabs and tiles shall be as mentioned in Table 8.1.

Sizes of Marble Blocks, Slabs and Tiles

Le ngth Width Thickne s s

1. Blocks 30 to 250 30 to 100 30 to 90
2. Slabs 70 to 250 30 to 100 2 to 15
3. Tiles 10 to 60 10 to 60 0.8 to 2.4
(1) All dimensions are in centimetre.
(2) The length and width, of the blocks shall be in multiple of 30 cm.
(3) Length and width of slab shall be in multiple of 10 cm. and thickness in multiple of 1 cm.
(4) Tiles shall be square cut and linear dimensions in multiple of 10 cm.
(5) Only slabs and tiles shall be machine cut and factory made.
(6) For 8 mm thick tiles, special precautions will be required for fixing them like using special
adhesive as per manufacturer’s specifications. Such tiles are not suitable for outside veneering
work exposed to rains/sun if used in large areas in continuous stretches. For tiles of thickness 20
mm and above cramps may be provided if approved by Engineer-in-Charge.

The following tolerances shall be allowed in the dimension of blocks, slabs and tiles:
(a) Length + 2 per cent
(b) Width + 2 per cent
(c) Thickness + 2 per cent
S la bs
(a) Length + 2 per cent
(b) Width + 2 per cent
(c) Thickness + 3 per cent
Tile s
(a) Linear dimension + 3 per cent
(b) Thickness + 1 per cent
The s izes ot her than those mentioned abov e may be pr ovided as di rected b y the E ngineer-in-Charge
and nothing extra shall be payble on this account.


8.3.1 The physical properties of marble for blocks, slabs and tiles and method of tests are mentioned in Table

Physical Properties of Marble & Granite

Marble Granite
Cha ra cte ris tic Ma rble Re quire me nts Me thod o f te s t Gra nite Re quire me nt Me thod of te s t
(1) Moisture absorp- Max. 0.4% IS 1124 Max. 0.50% IS 1124
tion after 24 hrs by weight
immersion in
cold water
__ __
(2) Hardness Min. 3 Mhos scale
(3) Specific Gravity Min. 2.5 IS 1122 Min. 2.6 IS 1122

229 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
8.3.2 Approval of Sample
Before s tarting t he w ork, t he c ontractor s hall get s amples of m arble appr oved by t he E ngineer-in-
Charge. A pproved samples sh all be ke pt in the cus tody of the E ngineer-in-Charge a nd th e marble
supplied and us ed on t he w ork s hall c onform t o s amples w ith regard t o s oundness, c olour, v eining a nd
general texture.

In an y c onsignment al l t he bl ocks/slabs/tiles of t he s ame g roup, s ize a nd finish s hall b e g rouped
together t o constitute a l ot. S ample shall be s elected and t ested separately for eac h lot f or d etermining
its conformity or otherwise to the re quirements of t he s pecification. T he nu mber of blocks/slabs/tiles to
be selected for the samples shall depend upon t he size of the lot and s hall be in accordance with the
Table 8.3.
Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity
Numbe r of Blocks Numbe r of blocks Pe rmis s ible numbe r S ub s a mple
s la bs /Tile s in the lo t s la bs / T ile s to be of de fe ctive s S i z e in no.
s e le cte d in s a mple
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Up to 50 As per site Engineer 0 2
50 to 200 5 0 2
201 to 500 8 0 3
501 to 1000 20 1 4

Note: The blocks/slabs/tiles in the sample shall be taken at random and in order to ensure to
randomness of selection, random tables may be used.

Explanation 1 : All the blocks/slabs/tiles, selected in the sample, shall be examined for dimensions
workmanship and general requirements.
Any block/slab/tile fa iling in any o ne o r m ore of t he a bove re quirements shall be c onsidered a s
defective. A l ot shall b e considered as c onforming t o t hese requirements i f t he number of defectives
obtained is not more than permissible no. of defectives given in Col. 3 of table 8.3

Explanation 2 : The lot having been found satisfactory with respect to dimensions, workmanship and
general requirement shall be tested for physical properties of the marble. For this purpose a sub sample of
the s ize g iven i n Col. 4 of T able 8. 3 shall b e s elected a t ra ndom. T hese bl ocks/slabs/tiles i n t he s ub
sample shall be tested for moisture absorption, hardness and specified gravity. The lot shall be
considered having satisfied the requirements of the physical properties if none of the blocks/slabs/tiles
tested for the requirements fails in any of these tests.


Marble work in steps, jambs, columns and other plain work shall be as specified below:
Joints in staircase treads, kitchen platforms shall be permitted only at curvature or when width/length is
more than 0 .6/2 m trs. respectively. N umber of joints in eac h d irection s hall no t be m ore than o ne
number for every 2 mtrs. length beyond the initial 2.00 m length. Additional joints due to curvature or for
providing fixture shall be provide judiciously as given in sketch ‘A’ below.

230 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
3.8 m


0.6 m

0.9 m
0.6 m


8.5.1 Dressing, Cutting and Rubbing

Every m arble s tone s hall b e gang saw/machine cut to the required s ize a nd s hape, c hisel d ressed
machine f inished on al l beds and j oints, s o as t o be f ree f rom any w aviness and t o gi ve truly v ertical,
horizontal, radial or circular joints as r equired. The exposed faces and sides of stones forming joints upto
6mm. from the face shall be fine tooled machine cut such that a straight e dge laid along the face of the
stone is in c ontact w ith ev ery po int on it. A ll w indow s ills, tread o f s teps, c ounters v anities m oulding
edges etc. shall be machine cut & polished to give high gloss mirror finish as per direction of Engineer-
in-Charge. T hese s urfaces shall t hen b e rubbed smooth. All v isible a ngles a nd e dges s hall b e t rue,
square and free from chipping. Beyond the depth of 6 mm from face, the joints shall be dressed with a
slight splay so that the thickness of joint increases, in an i nverted V shape as shown in Fig. b elow. The
surfaces of the stones coming in contact with backing need not be chisel dressed.


1.5 mm
6 mm


A s ample of dressed and rubbed s tone shall be prepared for approval and i t shall be kept on
worksite after being approved by the Engineer-in Charge.

8.5.2 Mortar
The mortar used for jointing shall be as specified.

8.5.3 Laying
All marble stones s hall b e wetted b efore p lacing i n p osition. T hese shall t hen be f loated o n m ortar
and bedded properly in p osition with wooden m allets without the use of chips or under pinning of an y

The walls and pillars shall be carried up truly in plumb or battered as shown in the drawings. All
courses shall be laid truly horizontal and all vertical joints shall be truly vertical.

In case of work without backing of br ick work or c oursed rubb le masonry, face stone shall be laid in
headers and s tretchers al ternatively unl ess ot herwise di rected. T he header s s hall be arrang ed t o c ome

231 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
as near ly as pos sible in t he middle o f stretchers abov e and bel ow. S tone s hall be l aid i n regular courses
of not less than 15 cm in height and all courses shall be of the same height unless otherwise specified.

For w ork f acing w ith backing of brick w ork or c oursed rubble m asonry, f ace s tone s hall be l aid i n
alternate courses of header and stretchers unless otherwise directed. Face stone and bond stone
courses shall have break joint on t he face of atleast half the height of the standard course and the bond
shall be c arefully m aintained through ou t. A ll t he c onnected m asonry in a structure s hall b e c arried u p
nearly at on e u niform l evel t hroughout b ut w here breaks ar e u navoidable t he j oints s hall be m ade i n
good long steps so as to prevent cracks developing between new and old work.

When necessary jib crane or other mechanical appliances shall be used to hoist the heavy pieces of
stones a nd place these i n to correct p ositions, care being taken that the corners of t he stone are not
damaged. Stone shall be covered with gunny bags, before putting chain or rope is passed over it, and it
shall b e h andled c arefully. N o pi ece w hich h as been d amaged s hall b e u sed i n w ork. T he m atching of
grains shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

8.5.4 Bond Stone

Bond or through stones running right through the thickness of walls, shall be provided in walls upto
60 cm thick and i n case of wall above 60 c m thickness a s et of two or m ore bond s tones ov erlapping
each other by atleast 15 cm shall be provided in a line from face to back.

At least one bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be provided for every 0.5 sqm of the wall
surface. All bond stones shall be marked suitably as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

8.5.5 Joints
The depth of joints 6 mm from the face shall be uniform and as fine as possible but shall be not more
than 1.5 mm thick on t he ex posed face. Beyond t he depth of 6 m m from f ace, the t hickness of j oints
shall increase in an inverted V shape so as to give good mortar bond between two stones. The inverted
portion of the joints shall be filled with bedding mortar and the face 6 mm portion with pointing mortar.

8.5.6 Curing
The work shall be kept constantly moist on all faces for a period of atleast seven days.

8.5.7 Finishing
After the marble work is cured, it shall be rubbed with carborandum stone of different grades no. 60,
120 and 320 i n s uccession or w ith electrical rubbing m achines rubbed w ith c arborandum i tems 0 to 6 succession, so a s to give a pl ane true and h ighly smooth surface. It shall then be cleaned with a
solution of oxalic acid, washed and finished clean.

8.5.8 Protection
Green w ork s hall be prot ected from ra in by s uitable c overings. T he w ork shall a lso be s uitably
protected from damage during construction.

8.5.9 Scaffolding
Double s caffolding hav ing two sets o f v ertical supports s hall be pr ovided w here nec essary. The
supports s hall be s ound and s trong, t ied t ogether by hori zontal pi eces ov er which t he s caffolding plank
shall be fixed.

8.5.10 Tolerances
As per para 8.2

Note: The a bove Para 8 .5. al so app lies t o t he A shlar m asonry ref erred i n C hapter No. 7. 0 - Stone

232 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
8.5.11 Measurements
For plain work: Measurements shall be taken correct to a cm in length and breadth and correct to
0.5 cm in thickness. In the case of radially dressed or circular stone used in the work, the dimensions of the
circumscribing rectangle of t he dres sed s tone, s hall be m easured c orrect t o a c entimetre and t hickness,
correct to 0.5 cm.

The cubical contents shall be calculated in cubic decimetre nearest to two places of decimal. The marble work in arches and dom es shall be m easured a s for plain work, but extra shall b e
allowed for such work over the rate for plain work. Sunk or moulded work in marble shall be measured by volume as per plain marble work or work in
arches or domes as the case may be on the basis of circumscribed rectangular block of the finished work
but extra s hall be paid f or s uch work over t he r ate f or plain w ork for w ork i n ar ches and do mes. For the
purpose of extra payment, volume of every stone sunk or moulded shall be considered.

8.5.12 Rate
The rate includes the cost o f m aterials and labour required for all the operations i/c cutting of
recesses in wall cutting moulding corners edge rounding finishing & polishing as specified.

8.5.13 Use of Finished Marble Slabs and Tiles

In case such finished tiles are used, these shall be measured and paid for separately.


8.6.1 Unless a nd ot herwise s pecified in the no menclature of the item, the m arble slabs u sed for w all
lining/veneer work shall be gang s aw c ut (polished & m achine c ut) and c onform t o di mensions gi ven i n
Table 8.1 above.

Back shall not be polished/ cut in order to ensure a good grip with the hearting of backing. The cut
slabs s hall be o f the thickness as s pecified w ith a tolerance p ermissible under par a 8 .2 ab ove. T he
tolerance in wall lining when straight edge of 3 m length is placed should not be more than 2 mm.

8.6.2 Laying
The stone shall be wetted before laying. They shall then be fixed with mortar in position without the
use of chips or u nder pi nning of any s ort. Care s hall be taken to m atch the grains of v eneer w ork as
directed b y th e E ngineer-in-Charge. F or purpose of m atching t he g rains, t he m arble slabs s hall b e
selected j udiciously hav ing uni form pattern of v eins/streaks. P referably t he slabs s hall be t hose got o ut
of the same block from the quarry. The area to be veneered shall be reproduced on the ground and the
marble slabs l aid i n p osition a nd a rranged i n t he m anner t o gi ve t he de sired m atching of g rains. A ny
adjustment needed f or achieving t he b est results s hall be then c arried out by repl acing or i nterchanging
the particular slabs. Special care shall be t aken to ac hieve t he continuity o f gr ains bet ween t he t wo slabs
one a bove t he other along t he h orizontal j oints. This shall t hen b e g ot a pproved b y t he Engineer-in-
Charge and eac h marble s labs num bered pr operly and the same nu mber shall be marked on a s eparate
drawing as w ell as on t he s urface t o be ac tually veneered, s o as t o ens ure t he fixing of t he particular
slabs in the correct location.

For the facing of the columns also the same procedure as mentioned above shall be followed. Where so desired, the adjoining stones shall be secured to each other by means of copper pins
75 mm long and 6 mm diameter or as specified.

233 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I The stones shall be secured to the ba cking by means of cramps. The material for cramps shall
have h igh r esistance to c orrosion under c onditions o f dam pness and a gainst the c hemical a ction o f
mortar or concrete in which cramps are usually embedded.

Cramps shall be of 25 × 6 mm and 3 0 cm long in case of backing of stone masonry walls and brick
masonry walls t hicker than 230 mm. In c ase o f bac king with b rick masonry walls 230 mm o r less thick or
RCC members cramps shall be of 25 × 6 mm and length as per requirement made out of gun metal or
any ot her m etal s pecified in para 8 .6.2.6. G enerally t he out er l ength of c ramp i n hal f bri ck w ork bac king
shall be 115 mm and in one brick work backing it shall be 150 mm. Typical shape & details of cramps for
such backing are as indicated in Fig. 8.2 for general guidance. This can be modified as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge if so, required at site. Cramps shall be spaced not more 60 cm apart horizontally.

Alternatively the stone may be secured to the backing by means of stone dowels 10 x 5 x 2.5 cm as per
shape indicated in Fig. 8.1. The adjoining stones shall be secured to each other by means of gun metal cramps or copper
pins of the specified size. Cramps may be attached to its sides (see Fig. 8.3A, 8.3B) or top and bottom
(See Fig. 8. 3C, D, E, F) or sides, top and bottom (see Fig. 8. 3G, 8.3H). The general a rrangement of
cramps required for fixing facing unit to the wall are illustrated in Fig 8.3. The actual number of cramps
and their sections, however, shall be as per requirements of design to carry the loads. Where cramps a re u sed to h old the unit in position onl y, the facings shall be provided with a
continuous support on which t he stones rest at t he g round l evel and ot her s torey l evels, t he support
being i n the form of p rojection from o r rec ess in to the c oncrete floor s lab, or a beam betw een the
columns o r a m etal a ngle at tached t o t he f loor s lab o r b eams. T hese supports s hall pr eferably be at
vertical i ntervals not more than 3. 5 m apar t and al so ov er t he heads o f al l openi ngs. S uch supports s hall
also be provided where there is transition from thin facing below to thick facings above. Alternatively cramps may be used to hold the units in position and in addition to support the units
thus transferring the weight of the units to the backing. Such cramps should be properly designed as per IS
4101 (Part 1). The cramps may be of copper alloyed with zinc, tin, nickel, lead or stainless steel. The pins, cramps and dowels shall be laid in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) and
their samples got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and kept at site.

8.6.3 Joints
All joints s hall be f ull of m ortar. S pecial c are s hall be taken t o s ee t hat groundings for v eneer w ork
are full o f mortar. If any h ollow gr oundings a re det ected b y t apping t he face s tones, these shall be t aken
out a nd r elaid. The t hickness of t he f ace j oints s hall be uniform, straight a nd as f ine a s p ossible, n ot
more than 1.5 m m and in the face joint, the top 6 mm d epth shall be filled with m ortar specified for the

8.6.4 Mortar
The mortar used for jointing slabs shall be as specified.

8.6.5 Curing, Finishing, Protection and Scaffolding

It shall be as specified under 8.5.6, 8.5.7, 8.5.8 and 8.5.9.

8.6.6 Measurements
The length an d b readth shall be measured c orrect to a c m. In case of radially dr essed or c ircular
slabs us ed i n t he work, the di mensions of t he circumscribing rectangles o f the d ressed s tone us ed in the
work, shall be measured & paid for. The area shall be calculated in sqm nearest to two places of

234 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Marble w ork in lining u pto 4 c m thickness s hall b e pa id by ar ea un der v eneer w ork an d lining o f
greater thickness paid by volume under plain marble work.

8.6.7 Rate
The r ate i ncludes t he c ost of m aterials and l abour r equired f or al l t he oper ations des cribed abov e
except for the cost of providing and fixing of dowel a nd cramps which shall be paid for separately, unless
otherwise stipulated in the item of work.

When factory made finished slabs and tiles are used, no further finishing as mentioned in para 8.5.7
shall be required nor anything extra shall be payable.

Refer to relevant clause in subhead 11.0 of flooring of Specifications.

8.7.0 Marble Slab Urinal Partitions

The partitions shall be of marble slab embedded in the wall. The size and shape of the marbles slab
shall be as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The finished thickness shall be 18 mm. The specifications for
marble/granite stone work, in general, shall be as specified. The marble granite stone shall be cut into slabs of
required thickness and shall be one piece. (Fig. 8.4).

8.7.1 Finishing
The partition of t he slab to b e e mbedded in t he masonry shall b e ro ugh dressed. Dressing an d
rubbing of the ex posed portion of the slab s hall be as des cribed. T he dres sed slab s hall be of the
thickness as specified with a tolerance of + 1.5mm. The s lab shall be got app roved from the E ngineer-in-
Charge before fixing.

8.7.2 Fixing shall b e a s specified except that the r ecess shall b e 7.5 cm wide. Fixing shall b e d one by
cutting c hase with chase c utter/fine tools i n a recess of 7.5 cm X 7. 5 cm filled with c ement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 6mm nominal size). Fixing can also be done by
epoxy grout in a chase of 2.0 X 7.5 cm as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

8.7.3 Measurement shall be as per para 8.6.6.

8.7.4 Rate shall include the cost of labour and materials involved in all the operations described
above i ncluding t he l eaving/cutting of rec ess i n t he wall, m oulding, c urves, ed ge roun ding, f inishing an d
polishing as specified.

235 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Marble Work

Clause :

Gun Metal
Cramp 600mm Brick
Long Not
more than Backing
600 Apart B C
V Stone Veneer 50 mm Thick Copper Pin

Gun Metal Stone

Cramp Dowel

Face Joints to Gun Metal

be not more Cramp
than 15 mm Thick

Brick Backing Stone Dowel

Gun Metal Brick Backing


200 Mortar 10 mm Thick

Stone Veneer
50 Thick
Stone Veneer
50 thick

6 mm - 75 Long
Copper Pin
2 2
6 5
2 2
Stone Veneer
3 75 3 26 103 62

5 Gun M etal
1.5 Cramp


250 25 100 50
6 115

25 25 25
25 6



Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 8.1 : Marble Stone Veneering (General Fixing Arrangement)

236 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(Typical Fixing Arrangement)

Sub Head : Marble Work

Clause :

50 25


Brick Wall 20 6

V = Variable as per

Site Requirement

ELEVATION Based on Thickness
of Veneer Use 6 mm S quare Gun

Metal Pin

L = 115 MM for Half Brick Backing
L = 150 MM for Full Brick Backing


Fig. 8.2A : Cramp for Brick Backing Fig. 8.2B : Cramp for R.C.C. Work Backing

Non Corrosive Dash Fastener

with Washer including B olt
of Min. S ize 55 x 7 m m

R.C.C. Wall EQ EQ

8 98
Stone Veneering

Mortar as S pecified
Face Joints not to
be more t han 1.5 mm

Mortar 10 m m Thick

80 mm or as S pecified


Fig. 8.2C :Typical Details of Cramps for R.C.C. Backing

Drawing not to scale

All dimensions in mm
Fig. 8.2 : Marble Stone Veneering (Typical Fixing Arrangement)

237 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Marble Work

Clause :




Note : Cramps arrangement is shown above for veneerings with longer sides vertical. For veneerings having the longer
sides horizontal cramps would be arranged to suit the altered positions.

Drawing not to Scale

Fig. 8.3 : General Arrangements of Cramps

238 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Marble Work

Clause : 8.7

Shape as per requirement

450 above Ground Level

or upto Ground Level as Directed


Drawing not to scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 8.4 : Marble Slab Urinal Partition

239 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.0: Wood Work

240 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. Brie f De s cription P a ge No.

List of Mandatory Tests 244

List of Bureau of Indian Standard Codes 245

9.0 Terminology 247

9.1 Timber 248

9.2 Panelling Material 251

9.3 Door, Window and Ventilator Frames 257

9.4 False Ceiling and Partition Frames 258

9.5 Trusses 258

9.6 Panelled Glazed or Panelled and Glazed Shutters 259

9.7 Flush Door Shutters 264

9.8 Wire Gauze Fly Proof Shutters 266

9.9 Wall Lining 267

9.10 Shelves 268

9.11 Trellis (Jaffri) Work 268

9.12 Pelmets 268

9.13 Hold Fasts 269

9.14 Expanded Metal, Hard Drawn Steel Wire Fabric and Wire Gauze in 269
Wooden Frames

9.15 Fittings 269

9.16 Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - DELETED 278

9.17 Partitions 279

9.18 UPVC Door Frames - DELETED 279

9.19 PVC Door Shutters - DELETED 279

9.20 PVC Door Frame 279

9.21 30mm Thick Panel PVC Door Shutter 280

241 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.22 Fibre Glass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Door Frames - DELETED 280

9.23 Fibre Glass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Shutters - DELETED 281

9.24 Solid PVC Foam Profile Doors - DELETED 281

9.25 Solid PVC Foam Shutters - DELETED 281

9.26 Factory Made Fibre Glass Reinforced Plastic Chajja - DELETED 281

9.27 Wall Panelling 281

Appendix A Permissible Defects for Various Grade of Timbers 282

Appendix B Different Climatic Zones for Moisture Content of Timber 283

Appendix C Moisture Content of Timber 284

Appendix D Physical and Mechanical Properties of Plywood 285

Appendix E Physical and Mechanical Properties of FPT or Graded Particle Board. 285

Appendix F Test for Flush Door Shutters 286

Appendix G Test for Mortice Locks 288

Appendix H Schedule of Fitting for Doors and Windows 289

Appendix I Method of Test for Edge Straightness and Squareness of Plywood 290

Appendix J Method of Test for Edge Straightness and Squareness of Coir Veneer

Appendix K Method for Test of Coir Veneer Board for Determination of Glue Shear
Strength - DELETED

Fig. 9.1 Joints in Timber 291

Fig. 9.2 Terminology Timber Door, Window and Ventilator Components 292

Fig. 9.3 Wooden Flush Door Shutters 293

Fig. 9.4 Hold Fast 294

Fig. 9.5 to 9.6 Hinges 295

Fig. 9.7 Sliding Door Bolts 297

Fig. 9.8 Barrel Tower Bolts 298

Fig. 9.9 Pull Bolt Locks 299


242 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Fig. 9.10 Mortice Lock & Latch 300

Fig. 9.11 Mortice Night Latch 301

Fig. 9.12 Handles for Doors & Windows 302

Fig. 9.13 Floor Door Stopper - Cast Type 304

Fig. 9.14 Window Stay & Hooks & Eyes 304

Fig. 9.15 Hasps & Staples 305

Fig. 9.16 LVL Shutter 306

Fig. 9.17 Partitions 307

Fig. 9.18 UPVC Door Frame - DELETED 307

Fig. 9.19 24 mm Thick PVC Door Shutters - DELETED 307

Fig. 9.20 30 mm Thick PVC Door Shutters - DELETED 307

Fig. 9.21 PVC Door Frame 308

Fig. 9.22 30 mm Thick Panel PVC Door Shutter 309

Fig. 9.23 FRP Door Frame

Fig. 9.24 Typical Sketch of FRP Door Shutter

Fig.9.24 B Sketch Illustrating Dimensions of shutter 310
Fig. 9.25 Solid PVC Foam Profile Shutter 311

Fig. 9.26 Solid PVC Foam Shutter (28 mm Thick) - DELETED

Fig. 9.27 FRP Chajja - DELETED

Fig. 9.28 Wall Panelling 312

243 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Ma te ria l Cla us e Te s t Fie ld/ Te s t Min. Fre que ncy

La bora tory Te s tP roce dure Qua ntity of of Te s ting
Ma te ria l for
ca rrying out
the te s t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Timber 9.1.6 Moisture Field (by Appendix ‘C’ 1 cum Every one
content moisture meter) cum or part
laboratory test thereof.
as required by
Flush door 9.7.10 End immersion Laboratory IS 2202 26 shutters As per
Test knife test Appendix ‘F’ sampling
Adhesion Test and testing
specified in
Mortice 9.15.13 Testing of Laboratory IS 2209- 50 Nos 100 or part
Locks spring Appendix ‘G’ thereof.

244 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Ballies : Thin round poles usually without bark.

Beam : A s tructural timber generally l ong in pr oportion t o i ts width and thickness and us ed for supporting
load primarily by its internal resistance to bending.

Block B oard : A B oard h aving a c ore made up of s trips of w ood, ea ch no t ex ceeding 25 mm in w idth,
laid s eparately or gl ued or otherwise joined to f orm a slab w hich is glued between two o r more outer
veneers with the direction of the grain of the core blocks running at right angles to that of the adjacent
outer veneers.

Core : The inner layers of a composite wood product.

Cross B and : A general term i ndicating a t ransverse l ayer of veneer or v eneers i n composite w ood

Decorative Veneers : Veneers having attractive appearance due to figure, colour, grain, lusture, etc.

Hard W ood : A c onventional t erm used t o denote the w ood obtained f rom broad-leaved t rees. It has no
relationship t o t he phy sical pr operties of har dness or s trength. O n ac count of t he c onfusion t his w ord
might cause, its use is discouraged.

Freeze Rail : Horizontal member, m ortised or ot herwise s ecured t o t he s tiles of a door , provided j ust
below the freeze panel usually provided for decorative purposes in the uppermost portion of the door.

Joint : A prepared connection for joining adjacent pieces of wood, veneer, etc.

Dovetail Joint : A joint at the corner of two pieces in such a way that the notches made to one are fitted
exactly i nto proj ections of c orresponding size and shape m ade i n the ot her. T here are v arious k inds of
dovetail j oints f or i nstance, l apped dovetail j oint, w edge shaped dovetail j oint, et c. j oined i n a w ay which
will resist withdrawal except in the direction in which it was assembled (Fig. 9.1C).

Mitred J oint : A joint, b etween two m embers at an angle w hich bi sects t he j oining angle usually t he
joining faces are cut at 45° to form a right angle (Fig. 9.1B).

Mortise and Tenon Jo int : A j oint i n w hich t he reduc ed e nd (tenon) of one member f its i nto t he
corresponding slot (mortise) in another member (Fig. 9.1D).

Tongue a nd G roove J oint : A joint in w hich a tongue is provided on edge of one m ember to fit into a
corresponding groove on the other (Fig. 9.1A).

Knot : Base of a branch or limb embedded in the tree which becomes visible when it is cut.

Diameter of a Knot : The m aximum distance b etween t wo p oints f arthest apart on t he pe riphery of a
round knot, on the f ace where it becomes visible. In t he c ase of a spike o r splay k not, t he m aximum
width of the knot visible on the face on which it appears shall be taken as its diameter.

Muntin : Small hor izontal or v ertical d ividing bar s w ithin bas ic framework o f a w indow, or door
subdividing and supporting the glass panes or panels of doors.

247 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Particle Board : A bo ard m anufactured f rom pa rticles o f w ood o r ot her l ignocellulose m aterial, fo r
example, f lakes, granules, s havings, slivers, s plinter aggl omerated, f ormed and pressed t ogether by use
of an or ganic binder together with one or m ore of the agents, such as he at, pressure, m oisture and a

Particle : Distinct particle o r f raction of wood, or other l ignocellulose m aterial p roduced m echanically for
use as t he a ggregate f or m aking a par ticle boa rd. T his m ay be i n t he f orm of f lake, granule, s having,
splinter and sliver.

Plywood : A board formed of three or more layers of veneers cemented or glued together, usually with the
grain of adjacent veneers running at right angles to each other.

Rebate : A recess along the edge of a piece of timber to receive another piece or a door, sash or a
Sapwood : The outer layers of the log, which in the growing tree contain living cells and feed material. The
sapwood is usually lighter in colour, and is readily attacked by insects and fungi.

Seasoning : A process involving the reduction of moisture content in timber under more or less
controlled conditions towards or to an amount suitable for the purpose for which it is to be used.

Seasoned T imber : Timber w hose moisture c ontent has bee n reduced t o the specified minimum, und er
more or less controlled processes of drying.

Structural Timber : Timber used in framing and load bearing structures or timber used or intended for
use in buildings where strength is the primary consideration.

First Class Wood

Individual hard and sound knots shall not be more than 25 mm in diameter and the aggregate area of all
the knots shall not exceed one per cent of the area of the piece.

Second Class Wood

Individual hard and sound knot shall not be m ore than 40 m m i n diameter and aggregate of all the
knots shall not exceed one and hal f per cent of the area of the piece. Wood shall be gen erally free from
sapwood, but traces of sapwood may be allowed.

Timber is classified as under :
(i) Teak wood
(ii) Deodar wood
(iii) N on-coniferous t imbers o ther t han teak
(iv) Coniferous timber other than deodar.

The t imber shall b e f ree from d ecay, f ungal growth, b oxed heart, pitch pockets o r s treaks on t he
exposed edg es, splits and c racks. The t imber s hall be g raded as f irst g rade a nd s econd g rade on t he
basis o f th e p ermissible defects in the ti mber a s given i n A ppendix ‘ A’ of Chapter 9.0. For b oth the
grades, knots should be avoided over a specified limit.

9.1.1 Teak Wood (Tectona Grandis)

It i s o f outstanding merit i n r etention of s hape and d urability. The hear t wood is one o f the m ost
naturally durable woods of the world. It usually remains immune to white ant attack and insect attack for
very long periods. It is, however, not always immune from fungus attack (rot). Taken as a whole, good
quality teak is very durable, it is relatively easy to saw and work. It can be furnished to a fare surface and
takes polish well. It is generally used for making furniture and all important timber construction.

248 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Superior Class Teak Wood such as Balarsha, Malabar and Dandeli : Individual hard and
sound knot shall not be more than 12 mm in diameter and the aggregate area of all the knots shall not
exceed one half per cent of the area of the piece. It shall be close grained.

9.1.2 Deodar Wood (Cedrus Deodars)

It is the strongest of the Indian conifers. Its weight and strength is 20% per cent less than teak. It is
easy to saw and works to a s mooth finish. It is not, however, a s uitable wood for polish or paint work as
the oil in the wood and especially near knots, always seeps through such finishes and discolours them.
It is us ed for hous e bu ilding, furniture and o ther c onstruction w ork. It is a lso s uitable for bea ms,
floors, boards, posts, window frames and light furniture etc.

9.1.3 Sal Wood (Shoera Robusta)

Sal is about 30 pe r cent heavier than teak, 50 pe r cent harder, and a bout 20 to 30 per c ent stronger.
In shock resistance it is about 45 per cent above teak. Its heart wood is a naturally durable wood, and
usually remains immune to attack by white ants and f ungi for a l ong pe riod, while its sapwood is very
perishable and s hould not be us ed. W ell dried s al is n ot a really eas y w ood to s aw and w ork. It is a
rough c onstructional w ood t han a c arpentary t imber. N o i ndividual hard and sound k not s hall ex ceed 25
mm in diameter and the aggregate area of all the knots shall not exceed 1% of the area of the piece.

It c an be used f or a variety of pu rposes, such as for be ams, rafters, flooring, piles, bridging, t ool
handles, picker arms and tent pegs, etc.

9.1.4 Kail Wood (Pinus Roxburghie)

Kail Wood is not a very durable w ood. B ut it is eas y to s aw a nd work and usually v ery popular i n
wokshops. It can be br ought to a f ine smooth surface, but is more suitable for paint and e namel finishes
than for polish work. It is useful for joinery works, constructional work, light furniture and house fitments.

9.1.5 Other Species

The other species of timber as given in Table 9.1 of chapter 9.0 can also be used for various
activities of building construction.
Species of Timber
Ava ila bility
S l. Bota nica l Na me Tra de Ave ra ge Unit North Ea s t Ce ntra l We s t S outh
No. Na me wt Kg/m 3 Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
1. Tectone grandis linnf Teak 640 — Y X X X
2. Acacia Catechiu Willd Khair 1010 X X X Y Y
3. Acacia Arabica Willd Babul 785 X X X Y Z
4. Adina Cordifolia Roxb HK. f Haldu 675 X — — — X
5. Cedrus Deodara D Don Deodar 545 X — Y Y —
6. Magnifera Indica Linn Mango 690 X X Y X
7. Pinus Roxburghie Chir 575 X — — — —
8. Pinus Excelsa Wall Kail 515 X — — — —
9. Shorea Robusta Gaertn. Sal (U.P.) 881 X X X — —
10. Terminalia Myrioecarpa
Heurcket Muell Arg. Hollock 610 — X — — —
11. Lagerstroemia Lanceolata Benteak 675 — — — Y X
12. Gamelinc Arborea Ronb. Gamari 515 Y Y Y Z Y
13. Terminalia Bellirica Roxb. Bahora 801 X X X Y X
14. Pterocarpus Marsupium Bijasal 800 — X X Y Y

Note : The Average unit wt. is at 12% moisture content.

249 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
NORTH ZONE : Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and
EAST ZONE : Assam, Manipur, Tripura, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Sikkim, Andamans, North
East Frontier Agency and Nagaland.
CENTRAL ZONE : Madhya Pradesh, Vidharbha areas of Maharashtra State and the North East
Part of Andhra Pradesh (Godavari delta area).
WEST ZONE : Maharashtra State (Except Vidharbha areas), Gujarat and North West part of
Karnataka. Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (except the Godawari Delta area)
Kerala and karnataka (except north west port)
SOUTH ZONE : Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh (Except the Godawari delta area) Kerala and
Karnataka (except North West part)
The availability of timbers is categorised under three classes as indicated below:
X - Most common, 1415 m3 (1000 tonnes) and more per year.
Y - Common, 355 m3 (250 tonnes) to 1415 m3 (1000 tonnes) per year and
Z - Less common, below 355 m3 (250 tonnes) per year.

9.1.6 Moisture Content

Control on moisture content of timber is necessary to ensure its proper utility in various climatic
conditions. F or s pecifying t he permissible l imit of moisture c ontent i n t he t imber t he c ountry has be en
divided into four climatic zones as per Appendix B of Chapter 9. In each of the zones, maximum
permissible l imit o f moisture content o f t imber for different u ses, w hen det ermined i n a ccordance with the
procedure laid down in Appendix ‘C’ shall be as per Table 9.2 of Chapter 9.

Maximum Permissible Moisture Content of Timber

S l.No. Us e Ma x Mois ture Conte nt P e rce nt

Zone Zone Zone Zone
1. Beams, Rafters & Posts 12 14 17 20
2. Doors and windows
(a) 50 mm and above thickness 10 12 14 16
(b) Thinner than 50 mm 8 10 12 14
3. Flooring strips 8 10 10 12
4. Furniture & Cabinet making 10 12 14 15 Tolerance on Moisture Content : Average Moisture content of all the samples from a lot shall
be within + 3 per c ent and m oisture c ontent of individual samples within + 5 per c ent of m aximum
permissible moisture content specified in T able 9 .2. T hese t olerance are t he ab solute values over t he
percentage moisture content f or Sl. No. 1 & 2 of Table 9. 2. No tolerance on moisture c ontent is
permitted for Sl. No. 3 & 4 of Table 9.2.

9.1.7 Seasoning of Timber

The p rocess of drying t imber under c ontrolled c onditions i s c alled seasoning of t imber. T imber s hall
be ei ther ai r seasoned or k iln seasoned and i n bot h cases moisture c ontent of the s easoned t imber s hall
be a s specified i n Table 9. 2 o f C hapter 9 unl ess ot herwise s pecified, ai r seasoned t imber shall be us ed.
Kiln seasoning of timber, where specified, shall be done as per IS 1141 in a plant approved by Engineer-

250 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.1.8 Preservation of Timber
Preservative t reatment does not i mprove b asic pr operties of t imber but g ives varying de gree of pr otection
against deterioration due t o a ttacks b y f ungi, t ermites, b orers and m arine organisms. P reservative t reatment,
where specified, shall be done using Oil type, Organic solvent type or Water-soluble type preservative. Oil type
preservatives s hall be us ed i f t he t imber i s not r equired t o be p olished or painted. B efore pr eservative
treatment, t he t imber s hall be s awn an d seasoned. All surfaces exposed af ter treat ment, e xcept due to
planing, s hall be t horoughly brushed with t he pr eservation b efore j ointing. P reservative t reatment of t imber
shall be done as per IS 401 in a plant approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.


9.2.1 Timber
Timber panels shall be preferably made of timber of larger width. The minimum width and thickness of
a panel shall be 150 mm and 15 mm respectively. When made from more than one piece, the pieces shall
be joined with a continuous tongue and groove joint, glued together and reinforced with metal dowels.
The gr ains of t imber pan els s hall r un al ong t he l onger di mensions of t he p anels. T he panel s shall b e
designed such that no single panel exceeds 0.5 square metre in area.
9.2.2 Plywood /Plywood Boards Plywood bo ards ar e f ormed b y gl uing a nd pressing t hree or m ore l ayers of v eneers w ith t he
grains of adjacent v eneers running at right angl es to each other. The v eneers shall be either rotary cut or
sliced and s hall be s ufficiently s mooth t o permit an ev en s pread of gl ue. F ace v eneers m ay be ei ther
decorative on bot h s ides or one s ide commercial and t he ot her dec orative. P lywood s hall be of B WP
grade or BWR grade as per IS 303. Adhesive : Adhesive us ed for bonding B WP g rade o f ply wood boa rds s hall b e B WP t ype
synthetic resins conforming to IS 848 . The thickness of all veneers shall be uni form, within a t olerance of ± 5 per c ent. Corresponding
veneers on either side of the centre one shall be of the same thickness and species. The requirements of
thickness and core veneers shall be as follows:
(a) I n 3 pl y bo ards upto 5 mm t hick. T he c ombined thickness of the face v eneers shall n ot ex ceed
twice the thickness of centre ply.
(b) In multiply boards, the thickness of any veneer shall not be m ore than thrice the thickness of any
other veneer.
(c) The sum of the thickness of the veneers in one direction shall approximate to the sum of the
thickness of the veneers at right angle to them and shall not be greater than 1.5 times this sum
except for 3 ply as specified in (a). Thickness :Plywood b oards are a vailable in t hickness ra nging f rom 3 t o 25 mm. T olerance i n
thickness shall be ± 10% for boards upto and including 5 mm; ± 7% for boards from 6 to 9 mm and ± 5%
for boa rds above 9 m m thickness. T he boar ds shall be of un iform thickness and the surfaces of t he
boards shall be sanded to a smooth finish. Number of plys in plywood boards shall be as per Table 9.3.

TABLE 9. 3
Thickne s s No. of ply Thickne s s No. of ply
in mm in mm

3,4,5,6 3 12,15,16,19 9
5,6,8,9 5 19,22,25 11
9,12,15,16 7 (Above 11 Ply as ordered)

Note : Plywood of 9 mm thick of 5 or 7 ply may be used generally.

251 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Moisture content of the plywood boards when tested in accordance with IS 1734 (Part 1) shall
not be less than 5 per cent and not more than 15 per cent. Testing : One sample for every 100 sqm or part thereof shall be taken and t esting done a s per
IS 30 3. H owever, t esting m ay not be done i f t he t otal r equirement of pl ywood boards i s l ess t han 3 0
sqm. All the samples tested shall meet the requirements of physical and mechanical properties of
plywood boards specified in Appendix D of Chapter 9.

9.2.3 Particle Boards Particle boards shall be of medium density and manufactured from particles of agro waste, wood or
lignocellulose i.e. material blended with adhesive and formed into solid panels under the influence of heat,
moisture, pressure etc. The particle boards shall be flat pressed three layered or graded and of Grade-I
as per Table 1 of IS 3087. Both surfaces of the boards shall be sanded to obtain a smooth finish and shall
conform to IS 3087. Adhesives : Adhesives used for bonding shall be BWP type synthetic resin conforming to IS 848. Thickness and Tolerance : Thickness o f par ticle b oards shall be as s pecified. T olerance i n
thickness shall be ± 5% for boards upto and including 25 mm thick and ± 2.5 per cent for boards above
25 mm thickness. Each board shall be of uniform thickness. Testing : One sample for every 100 sqm or part thereof shall be taken and testing done as per IS
3087. However, testing may not be done if the total requirement of particle boards in a work is less than
30 sqm. All the samples tested shall meet the requirement of physical and mechanical properties of particle
boards specified in Appendix E of Chapter 9.0.

9.2.4 Veneered Particle Boards Veneered P article B oards with c ore of F PT-1 or graded board G rade-I part icle board (I S 308 7)
with commercial or general purpose veneer (Type-1) or decorative veneers on both faces or with
decorative veneer on one face and commercial /general purpose veneers on the other Type-2. Face
veneers are bonded using adhesives under the influence of heat and pressure. Adhesives : The adhesive used for bonding veneers shall be BWP or BWR type conforming to IS
848 for grade I veneered particle board. Thickness & Tolerance : Veneered particle boards are available in various thickness 6, 10, 12,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 & 50 mm.

Tolerance in thickness shall be ± 5%. Testing : One sample for every 100 sqm or part thereof shall be taken and testing done as per IS
3097. H owever, testing may not be done i f t he t otal requirement o f v eneered par ticle boar ds in a work is
less t han 30 s qm. A ll t he s amples t ested s hall meet t he requirements o f ph ysical and m echanical
properties of veneered particle boards as under:

252 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Physical and Mechanical properties of Veneered particle board

1. Moisture Content 5-15%

2. Water Absorption
(a) 2 hrs. soaking Not more than 25%
(b) 24 hrs. soaking Not more than 50%
3. Water Resistance No sign of disintegration or delamination
after 3 hrs. boiling in water.
4. Swelling in Water
(a) General absorption for 2 hrs. immersion Not more than 7%
(b) Surface absorption for 2 hrs. Not more than 5%
5. Adhesion of plies Knife test Type of face veneers, t hickness of v eneered par ticle boards and adhesive used for bonding shall
be as specified. Unless otherwise stated, exterior grade veneered particle boards with BWP type
synthetic resin adhesive shall be used.

9.2.5 Non-Asbestos Fibre Boards Fibre boards shall be of m edium den sity cement bo ard reinforced with wood fibre, pro duced b y
fiberizing steamed wood under pressure, bl ended with adhe sive and wax a nd formed i nto solid pan els
under controlled conditions of heat and pressure as per IS 14862. Adhesives : The ad hesive used for bo nding s hall b e B WP t ype s ynthetic resin c onforming t o
IS 848. Thickness : Fibre boards are available in thickness 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 22, 25, 30, 35 & 40 mm.
The t olerance i n t hickness s hall be ± 0. 3 m m. T hickness of f ibre boards and adhes ive used f or bonding
shall be a s s pecified. U nless o therwise s tated, ex terior g rade f ibre boards bonded w ith B WP type
synthetic resin adhesive shall be used.

9.2.6 Float Glass, Frosted Glass

Float glass used shall be as specified in sub-head 21.0 of this specifications.

For p anel e xceeding 0 .5 sqm in area, the nom inal thickness o f the g lass to be used s hall be a s

9.2.7 Wire Cloth (Wire Gauze) Wire Cloth which shall generally conform to IS 1568 shall be regularly woven with equally spaced
galvanised mild steel wires in both warp and weft directions. The wire cloth shall be properly selvedged by
one or more wires in each edge. Mesh : Average width of aperture and the nominal diameter of the wire shall be as under:

Ave ra ge width of Ape rture Nomina l dia . of wire

mm mm
1.40 0.63
1.18 0.56
1.00 0.50 Width of aperture and dia of wire cloth shall be as specified. Unless otherwise stated, wire cloth
of 1.40 mm average aperture width woven with 0.63 mm nominal dia galvanised mild steel wire shall be

253 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Fly-proof wire cloth (a perture 1.40 m m) is ge nerally provided in Kitchen a nd dining ar eas while
wire cloth of smaller aperture is used in mosquito proof shutters.

9.2.8 Veneered Decorative Plywood

Decorative pl ywood s hall be o f two g rades nam ely B WR and MR D ecorative P lywood shall be o f two
types. Type I and type 2 and shall conform to IS 1328. Requirement of Type-I Veneered decorative plywood shall be as under:

(a) Open slits checks or open joints not more than 150 mm in length and 0.5 mm in width shall be
permissible provided the same are rectified with a veneer insert bounded with synthetic resin
adhesive, as the case may be and further provided that the insert matches with the surrounding
veneer in colour as well as figure.
(b) T he decorative veneered s urface shall be free from t orn grain, d ead k nots di scolourisation a nd

(c) The decorative veneered surface shall be selected for figure, texture, colour and grain etc. It
shall be free from all manufacturing and wood defects except to the Engineer-in-charge permitted
under para All veneers shall be matched or mismatched to achieve a decorative effect
in colour figure and grain. Adhesive : The adhesive for bond ing v eneers s hall be M R and BWR t ype s ynthetic re sin
adhesive conforming to IS 848 for MR and BWR grade veneered decorative plywood respectively. Dimensions and Tolerances: The dimensions of plywood boards shall be as follows:

2400 mm x 1200 mm 2100 mm x 900 mm
2100 mm x 1200 mm 1800 mm x 900 mm
1800 mm x 1200 mm Thickne s s : The thickness of plywood board shall be 3 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm, 19 mm
and 25 mm.

Note: Any ot her dimensions (l ength, width and t hickness) as agreed t o b etween t he m anufacturer
and the purchaser may also be used. Tolerances: Tolerances on the nominal sizes of finished boards shall be as follows:

Dime ns ion Tole ra nce

Length +6 mm
Width +3 mm
-0 mm

(i) Less than 6 mm + 10 per cent
(ii) 6 mm and above + 5 per cent
Edge straightness 2 mm per 1000 mm
Or 0.2 per cent
Squareness 2 mm per 1000 mm
Or 0.2 per cent
Note : Edge straightness and squareness shall be tested as per Appendix I.

254 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Tolerances : Tolerances on the nominal sizes of finished boards shall be as given below :
Dimension Tolerance
Length + 6 mm
Width + 3 mm
Thickness 5 per cent
Edge straightness 2 mm per 1000 mm or 0.2 per cent
Squareness 2 mm per 1000 mm or 0.2 per cent

Note : Edge straightness and squareness shall be tested as per IS 12823.

9.2.10 Coir Veneer Board for General Purposes : DELETED

9.2.11 Marine Plywood : DELETED

9.2.12 Fire Retardant Plywood : DELETED

9.2.13 Decorative Thermosetting Synthetic Resin Bonded Laminated Sheets Scope : Decorative thermosetting synthetic resin bonded laminated sheets shall generally conform to
IS 2046. This material is intended for interior use and is not intended for load bearing applications. Terminology : For the purpose of this standard, the definition given under para 2 o f IS 1998
shall apply. Types : The material shall be of two types namely:-

(a) Type 1 - Having only one side bearing decorative surface the other side being roughened or given an
appropriate treatment to promote adhesion to the base. This type shall generally be used, unless
specified otherwise.

(b) Type 2 - Having both sid es be aring the dec orative surface, the tw o sid es m ay be dif ferent in
colour or pattern or both. Requirements
(i) Appe a ra nce : The types of surface finish of decorative and reverse side, edge finish, colour and
pattern shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the supplier. The sheets shall be
reasonably free from local deformation.

Note : Since s heets m ay v ary s lightly in c olour and appearance, i t i s recommended t hat s heets
for any one scheme may be matched.

(ii) Fla tne s s : For nominal thickness 1.5 mm - when a sheet is tested for flatness in accordance with
the method given in Appendix -C of IS 2046, the height above the flat surface at the edge of full
manufactured and trimmed width shall nowhere exceed 150 mm.

(iii) Tole ra nce t o nom ina l t hickne s s : The depar ture f rom nom inal t hickness of s heet at any po int,
shall not exceed the value given below:
Nominal Thickness Tolerance
Upto 1.5 mm + 0.25 mm

(iv) Straightness of edges of rectangular finished panels, resistance to dry heat, resistance to boiling
water, resistance to staining, gross breaking strength, packing and marking, sampling and criteria
for conformity etc. shall be as per IS 2046.

256 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

9.3.1 Timber for door, window and ventilators frames shall be as specified. Timber shall be sawn in the
direction o f the g rains. A ll members o f a fra me s hall b e of th e sa me spe cies of ti mber a nd s hall b e
straight w ithout a ny w arp or bow . F rames s hall hav e s mooth, w ell-planed (wrought) s urfaces ex cept t he
surfaces touching the w alls, lintels, sill etc., which may be l eft clean sawn. Rebates, rounding or
moulding s hall be done be fore t he members a re jointed into frames. The dep th o f t he r ebate for hous ing
the shutters shall be 15 mm, and the width of the rebates shall be equal to the thickness of the shutters.
A tol erance of ± 2 m m s hall be p ermitted i n th e spe cified f inished d imensions of t imber sections in

9.3.2 Joints
The Jamb pos ts shall be through tenoned in to t he mortise of the transoms to the full t hickness of the
transoms and the thickness of the tenon shall be not less than 2.5 cm. The tenons shall closely fit into
the m ortise without an y w edging or filling. The contact surface o f te non and m ortise b efore putting
together sh all be gl ued w ith polyvinyl ac etate di spersion ba sed ad hesive conforming to IS 4835 or
adhesive c onforming IS 851 and pinned w ith 10 mm dia h ard w ood dowels, o r bam boo p ins or s tar
shaped m etal pins. T he joints s hall be a t right a ngles w hen c hecked from the inside s urfaces o f the
respective m embers. T he j oints s hall be pres sed i n pos ition. E ach as sembled door f rame s hall be f itted
with a temporary stretcher and a temporary diagonal brace on the rebated faces.

9.3.3 Fixing of Frames

The frames shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before bei ng pai nted, oi led or
otherwise t reated and bef ore f ixing i n p osition. T he s urface of t he f rames abutting m asonry or c oncrete
and the portions of the frames embedded in floors shall be given a coating of coal tar. Frames shall be
fixed t o t he a butting masonry or c oncrete with holdfasts or metallic f asteners a s s pecified. After f ixing,
the j amb po sts of t he f rames s hall be pl ugged suitably and f inished neat . V ertical m embers of t he do or
frames s hall be em bedded in the floor for the full thickness of the floor finish and s hall be s uitably
strutted and w edged i n o rder to pr event warping dur ing c onstruction. A minimum o f three hol d f asts shall
be fixed on each side of door and window frames one at centre point and other two at 30 cm from the
top and bottom of the frames. In case of window and ventilator frames of less than 1 m in height two
hold fasts shall be f ixed on eac h side at quarter p oint of the frames. Hold fasts and m etallic fasteners
shall be measured and paid for separately.

9.3.4 Measurements
Wood work wrought, framed and fixed shall be measured for finished dimension without any
allowance for t he wastage or for di mensions be yond specified di mension. H owever, i n case o f members
having m ouldings, r oundings or rebates and members of c ircular o r varying s ections, f inished
dimensions shall be t aken as the sides of the smallest square or rectangle from which such a s ection
can be cut. Length of each member shall be measured over all to the nearest cm so as to include
projection for tenons. Width and thickness shall be measured to the nearest mm and the quantity shall be
worked out in unit of upto three places of decimal.

9.3.5 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of material and labour involved in all the operations described above
except the hold fasts or metallic fasteners which will be paid for separately.

257 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
This w ork shall b e d one as specified i n 9. 3 except t hat t he scantlings n eed n ot b e planed unless
otherwise specified.


9.5.0 The work shall be carried out as per detailed drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge
specified timber s hall be u sed. S awing s hall b e truly s traight and s quare, and in the d irection o f the
grains. T he s cantlings s hall be ac curately pl aned smooth t o the f ull di mensions and r ebate r oundings
and m ouldings s hown in the dr awings, bef ore the same ar e f ramed. Patching or pl ugging of any k ind
shall not be permitted. A tolerance of +3 mm and -2 mm shall be allowed in the finished cross sectional

9.5.1 Joints
Joints shall be simple, neat and strong. All mortise and tenon joints, mitred joints, scarfs etc. shall fit in
fully and accurately without wedging or fillings. The joints shall be as per detailed drawings. Holes of
correct s izes s hall be dri lled bef ore i nserting s crews/bolts. D riving i n s crews with ham mer i s proh ibited.
Holes for bolts s hall be of uniform diameter. T he s crews, b olts and n ails shall be di pped i n oil before
using. The heads of nails and screws shall be sunk and puttied or dealt with as instructed by Engineerin-
Charge. T he ga uge and length of nails, scr ews and bolt s shall be ap proved by the E ngineer-in-
Charge before using on works.

9.5.2 Shaping Form and Cutting

The wood sections, as specified or required, shall be straightened, cut square and to correct lengths. A
fine accuracy shall be en sured in the fabrication of various member so that these can be assembled
without b eing u nduly packed, strained o r f orced i nto p osition a nd when b uilt up, shall b e t rue t o s hape
and free from twist, kinks, buckles or open joints.

9.5.3 Fabrication
As per drawing, a full size truss diagram shall first be drawn on a l evelled platform. From this full size
diagram, templates of all joints as for tenons, mortises, scarves etc. shall be made for use in the
fabrication. T he t emplate shall be m ade t o c orrespond t o eac h m ember and pl ate hol es f or s crews a nd
bolts s hall b e m arked accurately on t hem and dri lled. T he t emplates s hall be l aid on w ooden m embers
and t he hol es for s crewing and bol ting marked on them. The ends o f t he w ooden members s hall al so be
marked fo r cutting. T he base of columns and th e posi tion of anchor b olts shall b e ca refully se t ou t.
Before f abrication of t he t russ i ndividual m embers s hall be as sembled t ogether t o ens ure c lose ab utting
or lapping of the surfaces of the different members and fitted close together as per drawing.

9.5.4 Hoisting and Placing in Position

The t russes s hall be h oisted a nd placed i n position carefully, w ithout any da mage t o i tself a nd other
building w ork a nd i njury to w orkman. The t russes shall be s ecured t o w alls by m eans of holding down
bolts or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The necessary mechanical appliances such as lifting
tackel, winch etc. for hoisting the truss shall be us ed. The trusses s hall be stayed temporarily till they are
permanently s ecured i n pos ition and c onnected with eac h ot her b y means o f purlins. H olding do wn bol ts
cleats used for purlins and bottom plates used for tie and rafter member shall be paid for separately.

9.5.5 Surface Treatment

Wood work s hall not be painted, oiled or otherwise tr eated before it h as been a pproved by t he
Engineer-in-Charge. All portions of timber built into or against or close to masonry or concrete or burried in
ground shall be gi ven two coats of boi ling c oal tar. A ll junctions of rafters, purlins, b eams an d w all
plates shall be painted with approved wood primer.

258 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.5.6 Measurements
Wood w ork s hall be m easured f or f inished dimensions. N o al lowance s hall b e m ade for di mensions
supplied beyond t hose specified. Length of each piece shall be measured over al l near est to a cm, so as
to i nclude pr ojections f or te nons, s carves or mitres. W idth and t hickness sh all b e measured to t he
nearest mm. Cubical contents can be worked out in uni ts cubic meters upto 3 places of decimal in whole

9.5.7 Rate
The r ate i ncludes the c ost of m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n a ll the oper ations des cribed abov e.
Unless otherwise specified, iron fixtures such as bolts and nuts, M.S. steel plates, holding down bolts
and staining, priming, painting or polishing of the work shall be paid for separately.


9.6.0 Panelled or gl azed s hutters f or doors, w indows, v entilators and c upboards s hall be c onstructed in
the fo rm of ti mber fr ame w ork of st iles and r ails with p anel in serts of ti mber, p lywood, bl ock board,
veneered p article boa rd, f ibre b oard w ire ga uze o r f loat g lass. T he s hutters m ay b e s ingle or
multipanelled, as shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. T imber f or f rame
work, m aterial for panel ins erts and thi ckness of shu tters sh all be as specified. A ll members of th e
shutters s hall be straight without any warp or bo w and shall have smooth w ell pl aned face at right angles
to each other.

Any warp or bow sh all n ot ex ceed 1 .5 mm f or d oor shutter a nd 1 mm f or window a nd v entilator

shutters The right angl e f or t he s hutter s hall be c hecked b y m easuring t he diagonals and t he di fference
between t he t wo di agonals s hould not b e m ore t han 3 m m. G enerally pa nelled gl azed or pane lled an d
glazed shutter shall conform to IS 1003 (Pt. 1 & 2).

9.6.1 Frame Work Timber for stiles and rails shall be of the same species and shall be sawn in the directions of
grains. S awing s hall be truly s traight and square. The t imber s hall be pl aned s mooth and ac curate to t he
required dimensions. The stiles and rails shall be joined to each other by plain or haunched mortise and
tenon joints and the rails shall be inserted 25 mm short of the width of the stiles. The bottom rails shall
have double tenon joints and for other rails single tenon joints shall be provided. The lock rails of door
shutter shall have its centre line at a height of 800 mm from the bottom of the shutters unless otherwise
specified. T he t hickness of e ach t enon shall b e approximately o ne-third t he f inished t hickness of t he
members and the width of each tenon shall not exceed three times its thickness. Gluing of Joints : The c ontact s urfaces o f t enon and m ortise s hall be t reated, bef ore put ting
together, with bulk type synthetic res in adhe sive c onforming t o I S 851 suitable f or c onstruction in w ood
or synthetic resin adhesive (Phenolic and aminoplastic) conforming to IS 848 or polyvinyl acetate
dispersion b ased ad heshive c onforming t o I S 4 835 an d pi nned w ith 1 0 m m di a ha rdwood do wels or
bamboopins o r s tar shaped m etal pi ns; after t he f rames a re put t ogether and pressed i n position by
means of press. Stiles and bottom rail shall be m ade out of one pi ece of timber only. Intermediate rail exceeding
200 mm in width may be of one or more pieces of timber. The width of each piece shall be not less than
75 m m. W here m ore t han one pi ece of timber i s used f or rails, they s hall be j oined w ith a c ontinuous
tongued a nd grooved j oint gl ued to gether an d re inforced w ith metal d owels at r egular i ntervals not
exceeding 200 mm. Door Shutters Finished dimensions and tolerances of components of door shutters has been given in Table
9.5 below.

259 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Dimensions and Tolerances of Components of Window and Ventilator Shutters

De s cription of Window Shutte rs Ve ntila tor S hutte rs

compone nts
Width Thickne s s Width Thickne s s
mm mm mm mm
Stiles and rails 80 ± 3 25 ± 1 80 ± 3 20 ± 1
30 ± 1 22.5 ± 1
25 ± 1
27.5 ± 1
30 ± 1
Munting 60 ± 3 25 ± 1 60 ± 3 -do-
30 ± 1
Glazing bars 40 ± 1 25 ± 1 40 ± 1 -do-
30 ± 1 De s igna tion : Window a nd ventilator s hutters s hall b e d esignated by symbols d enoting t he
width, type and height of window and ventilators in following manner.
(a) Width : It shall be indicated by the number of modules in the width of opening
(b) It shall be indicated by the following letters of alphabet:
W-window, V- Ventilator , S-Single shutter, T-Double shutter
(c) Height : It shall be indicted by the number of modules in the height of opening.

Example : 10 W T 12 w ould mean a window shutter s uitable for a double s hutter w indow o f 1 0
modules width and 12 modules height.

12 V 6 w ould m ean v entilator s hutter s uitable for a v entilator of 12 m odules w idth and 6 m odules
height. S ize s : Sizes of window and v entilator shutters shall generally conform to the modular sizes
specified in Tables 9.8 and 9.9 respectively. These sizes are derived after allowing the thickness of the
frame and a margin of 5 mm all round based on 100 mm module. Tolerances on the overall dimensions of window and ventilator shutter shall be + 3 mm.

Dimensions of Timber Window Shutters

De s igna tion Width mm He ight mm

(1) (2) (3)
6 WS 12 500 1100
10WT 12 460 1100
12 WT 12 560 1100
6 WS 13 500 1200
10 WT 13 460 1200
12 WT 13 560 1200

261 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Dimensions of Timber Ventilator Shutters

De s igna tion Width mm He ight mm

(1) (2) (3)
6V6 500 500
10 V 6 900 500
12 V 6 1100 500
9.6.2 Mounting and glazing bars where required shall be stubtenoned to the maximum depth which the size of the
member would permit or to a depth of 25 mm whichever is less. Unless otherwise specified the finished dimensions of
the components of frame work of shutters shall be as given in Table 9.7. The tolerance on width of styles and rail shall
be ± 3 mm. The tolerance in thickness will be ± 1 mm. The thickness of all components of frame work shall be the
same as the thickness of the shutter. Tolerance on over all dimensions of the shutter shall be ± 3 mm.

9.6.3 Rebating
The s hutters s hall be s ingle-leaf or doubl e l eaved as s hown i n the dr awings or as di rected by t he
Engineer-in-Charge. In c ase of doubl e leaved s hutters, t he m eeting of t he stiles s hall be rebated b y on e-
third the thickness of the s hutter. The rebating s hall be either s played or s quare ty pe as s hown in
Fig. 9.2.

9.6.4 Panelling
The panel inserts shall be either framed into the grooves or housed in the rebate of stiles and rails.
Timber, plywood, and pa rticle board pa nels as given in para 9. 2 of this sub head and s hall be f ixed only
with gr ooves. The depth of the groove shall be 12 mm and its width shall accommodate the panel inserts
such that the faces are closely fitted to the sides of the groove. Panel inserts shall be f ramed into the
grooves of stiles and rails to the full depth of the groove leaving space of 1.5 mm. Width and depth of the
rebate shall be equal to half the thickness of stiles and rails. Glass panels, asbestos panels wire gauze
panels and panel inserts of cupboard shutters shall be housed in the rebates of stiles and rails. Timber Panels : Timber panels shall be preferably made of timber of large width; the
minimum w idth an d thi ckness of th e pa nel sh all b e 10 0 m m, an d 15 m m r espectively. W hen m ade
from m ore t han o ne piece, t he pieces s hall be j ointed with a continuous t ongued and g rooved j oint
glued together and reinforced with headless nails at regular intervals not exceeding 100 mm. Depth
and thickness of such joint shall be equal to one-third of thickness of panel. The panels shall be
designed suc h th at no s ingle pa nel e xceeds 0. 5 squ are m etre in a rea. T he gr ains of ti mber pa nels
shall r un along t he longer dimensions of the panels. All panels shall be of the same species of
timber unless otherwise specified. Plywood Panels : Plywood boards used f or panel ling of s hutters s hall be BWP t ype or gr ade as
specified in 9.2.2. Each panels shall be a single piece of thickness, 9 m m for two or more panel
construction and 12 mm thickness for single panel construction unless otherwise specified. Veneered Particle Board Panels : Veneered Particle board used for panelling of shutters shall be
Exterior Grade bonded with BWP type synthetic resin adhesive as specified in Each panel shall
be a single piece of thickness 12 mm unless otherwise specified. Fibre Board Panels : Fibre board used for panelling of shutters shall be E xterior Grade bonded
with B WP t ype s ynthetic resin adhesive E ach f ibre board panel s hall be a s ingle pi ece unl ess ot herwise

262 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Wire Gauze Panels: Wire G auze us ed for panelling of s hutters shall be w oven w ith 0. 63 mm
dia ga lvanised m ild s teel wire to form av erage aper ture s ize o f 1 .40 m m as s pecified in 9 .2.7. W ire
gauze s hall be s ecurely housed i nto t he r ebates of s tiles and r ails by giving r ight angl es bend t urned
back and fixed by means of suitable staples at intervals of 75 mm and over this wooden beading shall be
fixed. The s pace bet ween the rebate and the beadi ng s hall be fixed with putty t o gi ve a neat finish. E ach
wire gauz e pa nel s hall b e a single piece, a nd the panels s hall be s o de signed that no s ingle panels
exceeds 0. 5 s qm in are a. However, c are s hall be t aken to pr event s agging of w ire ga uge, of pa nel b y
providing and fixing 20 x 20 mm s quare or equivalent beading to the external fac e to the required
patterns as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. Glass Panels : Glass pane lling ( Glazing) shall be d one as s pecified in 9 .2.6. G lazing in the
shutters of door s, w indows and v entilators of bat h, W C and Lav atories s hall be pr ovided w ith f rosted
glass t he w eight of which shall be not l ess t han 10 kg/sqm. F rosted glass panes s hall be f ixed w ith
frosted face on the inside. G lass panels shall be fixed by providing a t hin layer of p utty conforming to
IS 419 ap plied between glass pane and all along the length of the rebate and also between glass panes
and wooden beading. Putty can be prepared by mixing one part of white lead with three parts of finely powdered chalk
and then add ing boiled linseed oil to the mixture to form a s tiff pa ste and ad ding varnish to the pa ste a t
the rate of 1 l itre of varnish to 18 kg of paste. Fixing of glass panes without beading shall not be
permitted. G lazing shall b e done after t he s hutters have be en p rimed and prepared f or pai nting, s o t hat
wood may not draw oil out of putty. Finish : Panels of shutters shall be flat and well sanded to a smooth and level surface.

9.6.5 Beading
Beadings in panelled shutter shall be provided . Each length of beading shall be single piece. Joints at
the c orners s hall b e mitred and ex posed edges s hall be rounded. B eading shall be f ixed with
headless nails at 75 mm intervals. For external shutters, the beading shall be fixed on the outside face.

9.6.6 Machine/Factory made Shutters

Machine m ade s hutters, where s pecified, s hall be procured f rom an ap proved factory. F or machine
made s hutters, op erations l ike sawing, p lanning, making t ongue a nd t enons, c utting groov es, m ortises
and rebates, drilling holes and pressing of joints shall be done by suitable machines. Machines made
shutters shall be brought to the site fully assembled but without any priming coat. Panel inserts of sheet
glass and wire gauze may, however, be fixed at site.

9.6.7 Fixing of Shutters

For side hung shutters of height upto 1.2 m, each leaf shall be hung on two hinges at quarter points and for
shutter of height more than 1.2 m, each leaf shall be hung on three hinges one at the centre and the other two
at 200 mm from the top and bottom of the shutters. Top hung and bottom hung shutters shall be hung on two
hinges fixed at quarter points of top rail or bottom rail. Centre hung shutter shall be suspended on a suitable
pivot in the centre of the frame. Size and type of hinges and pivots shall be as specified. Flap of hinges shall be
neatly counter sunk i nto t he recesses cut to the exact di mensions of flap. Screws f or fixing t he hi nges shall be
screwed in with screw driver and not hammered in. Unless otherwise specified, shutters of height more than
1.2 mm shall be hung on butt hinges of size 100 mm and for all other shutters of lesser height butt hinges of size
75 mm shall be used. For shutter of more than 40 mm thickness butt hinges of size 125 × 90 × 4 mm shall be
used. Continuous (piano) hinges shall be used for fixing cup-board shutters where specified.

9.6.8 Fittings
Fittings shall be provided as p er schedule of f ittings d ecided b y E ngineer-in-Charge. A ppendix H
gives f or g uidance t he s chedule of f ittings a nd s crews usually provided. C ost of p roviding a nd f ixing
shutter shall i nclude c ost of hi nges and nec essary screws f or f ixing the same. All ot her fittings shall b e
paid f or s eparately. T he f ittings s hall conform t o specifications l aid down i n 9 .15. Where t he f ittings ar e
stipulated to be supplied by the department free of cost, screws for fixing these fittings shall be provided by
contractor and nothing extra shall be paid for the same.

263 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.6.9 Wooden Cleats and Blocks
Wooden c leats and bl ocks shall be f ixed t o doors and w indows as di rected by Engineer-in-Charge,
as p er si ze and sh ape a pproved b y hi m. T hese are i ncluded i n th e co st of pr oviding a nd f ixing t he

9.6.10 Measurements
Framework and panelling shall be measured separately. Framework of Shutters : The overall length and width of the framework of the shutters shall be
measured n earest t o a c m in fi xed po sition ( overlaps not t o be measured in ca se o f do uble le aved
shutters) and the area calculated in square metres correct to two places of decimal. No deduction shall be
made to form panel openings or louvers. No extra payments shall be made for shape, joints and labour
involved in all operations described above. For panelling of each type or for glazed panel length and w idth of opening for panels inserts or
glazed panels shall be measured correct to a c m before fixing the beading and the area shall be
calculated to the nearest 0.01 sq.m. The portions of the panel inserts or glazed panel inside the grooves or
rebates shall not be measured for payment.

9.6.11 Rate
Rate i ncludes t he cost of materials and labour i nvolved i n al l the operations described above. The
framework and panelling of each t ype or gl azed panels s hall be paid s eparately. T he rate f or framework
includes the c ost o f butt hinges and nec essary s crews as specified i n 9 .6.7. H owever, e xtra shall be p aid
for providing moulded beading where specified. Nothing extra shall be paid for plain beading as stated in


9.7.0 Flush door shutters shall have a solid core and may be of the decorative or non-decorative
(Paintable type a s pe r IS 2 202 (Part I). Nominal thickness of shutters may b e 2 5, 3 0 o r 35 mm.
Thickness and type of shutters shall be as specified.

9.7.1 Width and height of the shutters shall be as shown in the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer in-
Charge. All four edges of the shutters shall be square. The shutter shall be f ree from twist or warp in its
plane. The moisture content in timbers used in the manufacture of flush door shutters shall be not more
than 12 per cent when tested according to IS 1708.

9.7.2 Core
The c ore o f the flush doo r s hutters s hall be a b lock boa rd ha ving w ooden s trips he ld in a frame
constructed of stiles and rails. Each stile and rail shall be a single piece without any joint. The width of
the stiles and rails including lipping, where provided shall not be less than 45 mm and not more than 75
mm. The w idth o f eac h wooden s trip s hall not e xceed 30 mm. Stiles, r ails and wooden s trips forming t he
core of a shutter shall be of equal and uniform thickness. Wooden strips shall be parallel to the stiles.

End joints of the pieces of wooden strips of small lengths shall be staggered. In a shutter, stiles and
rails shall be of one species of timber. Wooden strips shall also be o f one species only but i t may or may
not be of the same species as that of the stiles and rai ls. A ny species of timber may be us ed for core of
flush door. However, any non-coniferous (Hard wood) timber shall be used for stiles, rails and lipping.

9.7.3 Face Panel

The face panel shall be formed by gluing, by the hot-press process on both faces of the core, either
plywood or cross-bands and face veneers. The thickness of the cross bands as such or in the plywood
shall be bet ween 1. 0 mm and 3. 0 mm. The t hickness of the face veneers as such or in the plywood shall
be between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm for commercial veneers and between 0.4 mm and 1.0 mm for

264 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
decorative veneers, provided that the combined thickness of both is not less than 2.2 mm. The direction of
the veneers adjacent to the core shall be at right angles to the direction of the wooden strips. Finished faces
shall be sanded to smooth even texture. Commercial face veneers shall conform to marine grade plywood
and decorative face veneers shall conform to type I decorative plywood in IS 1328.

9.7.4 Lipping
Lipping, w here s pecified, s hall be pr ovided i nternally on al l edges of t he s hutters. Li pping s hall be
done with battens of first class hardwood or as specified of depth not less than 25 mm. For double
leaved shutters, dept h of t he lipping at meeting of stiles shall be not l ess than 35 mm. Joints shall not be
permitted in the lipping.

9.7.5 Rebating
In the case of d ouble leaves shutters the meeting o f stiles shall b e rebated b y 8 m m to 10 m m. The
rebating shall be either splayed or square type as shown in drawing where lipping is provided. The depth of
lipping at the meeting of stiles shall not be less than 30 mm.

9.7.6 Opening for Glazing

When required by the purchaser opening for glazing shall be provided and unless otherwise
specified t he opening f or gl azing shall b e 2 50 m m i n height and 150 m m o r 2 00 m m i n width u nless
directed ot herwise. T he bott om of th e op ening s hall b e at a h eight o f 1.4 m from t he b ottom of th e
shutter. O pening f or gl azing s hall be l ipped i nternally w ith w ooden bat ten of w idth not l ess t han 25 mm.
Opening for glazing shall be provided where specified or shown in the drawing.

9.7.7 Venetian Opening

Where specified the height of t he v enetian opening shall b e 350 mm from t he b ottom of t he
shutter. T he w idth of t he ope ning s hall be as d irected bu t shall provide fo r a cle ar s pace o f 75 mm
between t he e dge of t he door and v enetian op ening b ut i n n o c ase t he op ening s hall ex tend be yond
the s tiles o f the s hutter. T he top ed ge o f the op ening s hall b e lipped internally w ith w ooden ba ttens
of w idth no t less than 25 mm. V enetian op ening sha ll be provided where specified o r s hown in t he

9.7.8 Tolerance
Tolerance on w idth and h eight shall be + 3 mm and tolerance on nom inal thickness shall be ± 1.2
mm. T he t hickness of t he door s hutter s hall be u niform t hroughout w ith a permissible v ariation of not
more than 0.8 mm when measured at any two points.

9.7.9 Adhesive
Adhesive used for bonding various components of flush door shutters namely, core, core frame,
lipping, c ross-bands, f ace v eneers, plywood e tc. and f or bonding plywood shall c onform t o BWP t ype,
phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin adhesive conforming to IS 848.

9.7.10 Tests
Samples of flush door shutters shall be subjected to the following tests:
(a) End Immersion Test
(b) Knife Test
(c) Glue Adhesion Test

One end of each sample shutter shall be t ested for End Immersion Test. Two specimens of 150 x
150 mm size shall be cut from the two corners at the other end of each sample shutter for carrying out
Glue A dhesion T est. Knife T est s hall be d one on the remaining portion of each s ample shutter. T est
shall be done as laid down in Appendix F of Chapter 9.

265 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.7.11 Sample Size
Shutters of dec orative and non -decorative t ype from eac h m anufacturer, i rrespective of t heir
thickness, s hall be gr ouped s eparately and e ach group s hall c onstitute a l ot. T he num ber of s hutters
(sample size) to be selected at random from each lot for testing shall be as specified in Table 9.10. If
the total number of shutters of each type in a work (and not the lot) is less than twenty five, testing may
be done at the discretion of t he E ngineer-in-Charge and i n such cases extra payment shall be m ade f or
the sample shutter provided the sample does not fail in any of the test specified in 9.7.10.

For knife t est, g lue ad hesive t est, s lamming t est, the end i mmersion t est, t he nu mber of shutters
shall be as per col. 4 of Table 9.10.

TABLE 9.10
Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity

Lot S ize S a mple S ize P e rmis s ible no. of S ub. S a mple s ize
de fe ctive
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Upto 50 As per site Engineer 0 1
51 - 300 13 1 2
300 and above 20 1 2

9.7.12 Criteria for Conformity

All the sample shutters when tested shall satisfy the requirements of the tests laid down in Appendix
F of Chapter 9. T he l ot shall be d eclared as conforming t o t he requirements when numbers of defective
sample do es not ex ceed t he perm issible num ber gi ven i n c ol. 3 of T able 9. 10. I f t he num ber of s ample
shutters f ound unsatisfactory fo r a t est is o ne, t wice th e n umber of samples ini tially t ested shall be
selected and tested for the test. All sample shutters so tested shall satisfy the requirement of the test. If
the num ber of s amples f ound uns atisfactory f or a t est i s t wo or m ore, t he e ntire l ot s hall be c onsidered

9.7.13 Fixing
This shall be as specified in 9.6.7.

9.7.14 Measurements
Length and width of the s hutters s hall be measured to the near est cm i n c losed pos ition c overing t he
rebates of t he frames but excluding t he gap between t he s hutter and t he frame. Overlap of t wo s hutters
shall not be measured.

All work shall be measured net as fixed and area calculated in square metres to nearest two places of
decimal. No deduction shall be made for providing venetian opening and opening for glazing.

9.7.15 Rates
The rate i ncludes t he c ost of material a nd l abour i nvolved i n al l t he operations d escribed above.
Extra rate shall be payable for providing rebates in double leaved shutters. Glazing when provided shall be
measured & paid for separately as specified in


9.8.0 Specified timber shall be us ed, and i t shall be sawn in the direction of the grains. Sawing shall be
truly straight and square. T he tim ber s hall be planed s mooth and ac curate to the fu ll dim ensions,
rebates, roundings and mouldings as shown in the drawings made, before assembly. Patching or
plugging of any kind shall not be permitted except as provided.

266 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.8.1 Stile and Rails
The Specifications shall be a s des cribed under 9 .6.1.3. The stiles and r ails s hall be gi ven a rebate t o
receive the wire gauze which shall form the panels.

9.8.2 Wire Gauze

This shall be unless specified otherwise conform to para 9.2.7 and The wire gauze shall be
bent at right angles in the rebates of stiles and rails, turned back and fixed tight with blue tacks at about
75 m m c entres, f ixed alternately i n t he t wo f aces of t he r ebates. O ver t his, w ooden beading shall b e
fixed with brads or small screws at about 75 mm centres.

The space between the beading and rebates, where the wire gauze is bent, shall be neatly finished
with putty, so that the end of the wire gauze may not be visible.

9.8.3 Fixing Fittings, Wooden cleats, blocks and Measurement shall be as specified under 9.6.

9.8.4 Rate
This includes the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above, and as
specified under 9.6.


9.9.0 Specified timber shall be u sed, and it shall be sawn in the direction of the grains. Sawing shall be
truly straight and square. T he tim ber s hall be planed s mooth and ac curate to the fu ll dim ensions,
rebates, roundings, and mouldings as shown in the drawings made, before assembly. Patchings or
plugging of, any kind shall not be permitted except as provided.

9.9.1 Grounds
Grounds s hall be pro vided w here s o s pecified. T hese s hall consist of f irst class hard w ood pl ugs or
the class of wood used for fabricating the frames, of trapezoidal shape having base of 50 × 50 m m an d
top 35 × 35 mm with depth of 5.0 cm and embedded in the wall with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
fine sand) and batten of first class hard wood or as specified of size 50 × 25 mm or as specified, fixed
over the plugs with 50 mm long wood screws. The plugs shall be spaced at 45 to 60 centimetres centre to
centre, depending upon the nature of work. The battens shall be painted w ith priming coat, of
approved wood primer before fixing.

9.9.2 Panelling Material : This panelling shall be dec orative or non-decorative (Paintable) type as per design
and t hickness specified by t he E ngineer-in-Charge, of 2nd class t eak w ood, FPT-1 or graded wood
prelaminated particle board or as specified in item. Ornamental Work : The ornamental wood work shall be painted on the back with priming coat of
approved wood pri mer be fore f ixing t he s ame t o t he grounds w ith s crews, which s hall be s unk i nto t he
wood work and their tops covered with putty. The ornamental work shall be made true and accurate to the
dimensions shown in the working drawings. The fixing shall be done true to lines and levels. The planks
for wall lining shall be tongued and grooved, unless otherwise specified. Measurements : Length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. Wall panelling such as
teakwood panelling and block panelling, plain lining, and plain skirting each shall be measured
separately i n s quare m etre n earest t o t wo p laces o f de cimal. T he moulded w ork s hall be m easured in
cm running metre i.e. in running metres stating the girth i n cm. The s ectional periphery (girth) of
moulding ex cluding t he portion i n contact w ith wall shall be m easured in c m correct t o 5 mm and l ength
in metre correct to a cm.

267 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The measurements for gr ound s hall be taken on the bas is o f cubical contents o f bat tens and pai d for
separately, unless otherwise specified.

Where onl y pl ugs are required t o be f ixed f or t he ornamental w ork, t he c ost f or t he s ame s hall be
deemed to be included in the rate of ornamental work and no separate payment shall be made for plugs. Rate : The rate includes the cost of materials and labour required for all the operation described


9.10.0 Shelves and v ertical part itions of c upboards shall be o f t imber planks fibre board, particle board,
block board or veneered particle board as specified. Thickness and type of planks or boards shall be as
specified. E ach s helf s hall be a s ingle pi ece a nd vertical pa rtitions b etween t wo consecutive s helves
shall be w ithout any joint. E xposed edges of boards hav ing particle board c ore s hall be s ealed w ith 3
mm thick s ingle piece teak w ood s trips of w idth equal t o t he t hickness of board w ith headless pi ns. The
arrangement of s helves a nd v ertical p artitions s hall be as per dra wings or a s di rected by t he Engineer-

9.10.1 Fixing
Planks for shelves shall be planed on all faces and ed ges. In case of boards they shall be sawn to
the required size truly straight and square. Timber battens 25 x 40 mm unless otherwise specified shall be
planed smooth and fixed inside the cupboard with wooden plugs and screws. Shelves shall be fixed to the
battens and v ertical portions s hall be hel d i n po sition by f ixing t hem t o t he battens and s helves using
screws. Teakwood strips for edge sealing of the boards shall be planed smooth and fixed with headless
nails. Tolerance in width shall be ± 1.5 mm and in thickness 1 mm.

9.10.2 Measurements
Length and width of shelves and vertical partitions shall be measured correct to a cm. separately for
each type of board stating its thickness. Area shall be calculated correct to 0.01 sqm.

9.10.3 Rate
It includes the cost of materials and labour required for all the operations described above.



9.12.0 Planks and curtain rods of specified timber shall be us ed, and i t shall be sawn in the direction of
the g rains. S awing s hall b e truly s traight and square. The timber s hall be pl aned smooth and ac curate to
the f ull d imensions, r ebates, r oundings, and m ouldings as s hown i n t he dr awings m ade, bef ore
assembly. Patching or plugging of any kind shall not be permitted.

9.12.1 Sides, front and top of the pelmets shall be of 12 mm planks or boards of specified quality and
width unless otherwise stated. These shall project from the wall face by 15 cm or as specified, and shall be
securely fixed to walls with wood screws by means of wooden plugs and 10 cm long 25 × 3 mm M.S. flat
bent in the form of angle or by any other device approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The pelmets shall
be pr ovided w ith c urtain rods and br ackets or c urtain r ails w ith r ollers, stop e nds an d b rackets
wooden, brass or chromium plated brass as specified. Intermediate wooden brackets shall be provided, if
the front length of pelmet exceeds 1.5 metres.

9.12.2 Measurements
The pelmets box shall be measured along the sides and front planking correct to a centimetre.

9.12.3 Rate
The rat e i ncludes t he cost of s ides, f ront and t op p lanking c urtain rod s w ith brackets or c urtain rai ls
with rollers labour and materials required for all the operations described above.
268 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

9.13.0 These shall be made from mild steel flat 40 × 5 mm size conforming to IS 7196 without any burns or
dents. 5 cm l ength o f M. S. flat at one end s hall be bent at r ight angl e and one hol e 11 mm dia shall b e
made in it f or fix ing to w ooden fra me w ith 1 0 m m dia nut b olt. The bol t he ad s hall b e su nk i nto t he
wooden frame, 10 mm deep and plugged with wooden plug. At the other end 10 cm length of the hold fast
flat shall be forked and bent of length as specified at right angle in opposite direction and embedded in
cement concrete block of size 30 x 10 x 15 cm of mix 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 c oarse sand : 6 grade d stone
aggregate, 20 mm nominal size) or as specified (see Fig. 9.4).

9.13.1 Measurements
Measurements for the hold fasts shall be in number.

9.13.2 Rate
It includes the cost of labour and material involved in all the operations described above including
fixing bolt and cement concrete blocks.


9.14.0 Expanded m etal, hard drawn steel wire fabric or wire gauge or weld m esh as described in the
item of work shall be fixed to the window frames on the outside or inside as per detailed drawings or as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. These shall be free from rust and other defects.

Expanded Metal
This shall be in the form of rhombus with its opening diagonals 20 × 60 mm and strands 3.25 mm
wide and 1.6 mm thick weighing 3.633 kg/m2 unless otherwise specified.

Welded Steel Drawn Wire Fabric

This shall c onform t o I S 4948 and shall ha ve r ectangular mesh of 7 5 × 25 m m s ize w ith w ires o f
diameter not less than 5 mm longitudinally and 3.15 mm transversely. Its weight shall be not less than
7.75 kg/m2 unless otherwise specified.

This shall be as per clause 9.2.7.

9.14.1 Fixing
Expanded metal, hard drawn steel wire fabric and w ire gauze shall be c ut in one piece to the size of
the frame (out to ou t). E xpanded m etal a nd hard d rawn s teel w ire fabric s hall be fixed on t o the f rame
with staples, over which wooden beading 60 x 20 mm shall be fixed with wood screws.

9.14.2 Measurements
The length and breadth shall be m easured c orrect to a c m, the area from outside to outside of
beading shall be calculated in square metre nearest to two places of decimal.

9.14.3 Rate
It includes the cost of labour and materials required for all the operations described above.


9.15.0 Fitting shall be o f mild steel brass, aluminium or as specified. Some mild steel fittings m ay h ave
components of c ast i ron. These s hall be w ell made, reasonably smooth, and free f rom sharp edges and
corners, f laws and ot her def ects. S crew holes shall be counter s unk t o suit t he hea d of s pecified wood
screws. These shall be of the following types according to the material used.

269 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(a) Mild S teel F ittings : These s hall be b right finish black stone enam elled or copper ox idised (black
finish), nickel chromium plated or as specified.

(b) Brass Fittings : These s hall be finished bri ght s atin f inish or n ickel chromium plated or copper
oxidised or as specified.

(c) Aluminium Fittings : These s hall b e ano dised to nat ural matt f inish or d yed ano dic coating not
less than grade AC 10 of IS 1868.

The fi ttings g enerally u sed for d ifferent type of d oors and windows a re in dicated i n Appendix H
attached. The fittings to be actually provided in a particular work shall, however, be decided by the

Screws us ed f or f ittings s hall be o f t he s ame metal, and finish as t he fittings. H owever, c hromium
plated brass screws or stainless steel screws shall be used for fixing aluminium fittings. These shall be of
the size as indicated in respective figures.

Fittings shall be f ixed i n proper pos ition as s hown in t he drawings or as di rected by the E ngineer-in-
Charge. These shall be truly v ertical or ho rizontal as the case may be. S crews shall be d riven ho me with
screw driver and not ham mered i n. Recesses s hall be c ut to the ex act size and dept h f or t he c ounter
sunking of hinges.

9.15.1 Butt Hinges (Fig. 9.5A)

These shall be of the following types according to the material used.
(a) Mild steel butt hinges (Medium).
(b) Cast brass butt hinges light/ordinary or heavy.
(c) Extruded aluminium alloy butt hinges. Mild Steel (Medium) ( Fig. 9.5A) : These shall be m edium type manufactured from M.S. sheet.
These shall be well made and shall be free from flaws and defects of all kinds. All hinges shall be cut
clean and s quare and al l sharp edges an d c orners shall be rem oved. T hese shall gen erally c onform t o
IS 1341.
Hinge Pin : Hinge pin shall be made of mild steel wire. It shall fit inside the knuckles firmly and rivetted
head shall be well formed so as not to allow any play or shake, and shall allow easy movement of the
hinge, but shall not cause looseness.

Knuckles : The number of k nuckles i n the hi nges of di fferent s izes shall be as per I S 1341. The s ize of
knuckles s hall b e straight and at right an gle to the f lap. T he m ovement of t he hinges shall b e free a nd
easy and working shall not have any play or shake.

Screw Holes : The screw hol es s hall be c lean and c ounter s unk. T hese shall be s uitable f or c ounter
sunk head w ood screws and o f t he s pecified size for d ifferent t ypes, and sizes of h inges. The size o f the
holes shall be such that when it is counter s unk it shall be able t o accommodate t he full depth of counter
sunk head of the wood screws. The nos. of screw holes shall as specified in IS 1341. Cast Brass : These s hall be light/ordinary or heavy as s pecified. T hese shall be well made and
shall be f ree f rom flaws and def ects of all k inds. These s hall be f inished bright or c hromium pl ated or
oxidised or as specified. These shall generally conform to IS 205.

Hinge Pin : Hinge pin shall be made of brass or of stainless steel. The hinge pins shall be firmly rivetted and
shall be prop erly f inished. T he m ovement of t he hi nge pi n s hall be f ree, ea sy an d s quare and shall not
have any play or shake.

Knuckles : The num ber o f knuckles in eac h hi nge shall not be l ess than five. T he num ber o f knuckles i n
case of sizes less than 40 mm shall be three. The sides of the knuckles shall be straight and at right
angle to the flap. The movement of the hinge pin shall be free and easy and working shall not have any
play or shake.
270 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Screw Holes : The s crew h oles s hall be c lean an d c ounter s unk and of t he specified size f or d ifferent
types and size of hinges. The size of the holes shall be such that when it is counter sunk it shall be able to
accommodate the full depth of counter sunk head of wood screw specified. Extruded Aluminium Alloy : These s hall be manufactured from e xtruded s ections. These s hall
be well made and free from flaws and defects of all kinds. These shall generally conform to IS 205.

Hinge Pin : Hinge p in s hall be m ade of m ild s teel (galvanised or al uminium alloy). T he a luminium a lloy
hinge pi n s hall be anodi sed. T he hi nge pi n s hall be f inally rivetted and s hall be pr operly f inished. T he
movement of hinges shall be free easy and square and shall not have any play or shake.

Knuckles : Number o f k nuckles i n each hi nge pin s hall no t b e l ess t han 5. T he n umber of k nuckles in
case of sizes less than 40 mm be straight and at right angle to the flap. The movement of the hinge pin
shall be free and easy and working shall not have any play or shake.

Screw Holes : The s crew hol es s hall be s uitable f or c ounter s unk head wood s crews, and of specified
sizes for different type of hinges. The size of the holes shall be such that when it is counter sunk it shall be
able to accommodate the full depth of counter sunk head of wood screw specified.
9.15.2 Parliament Hinges (Fig. 9.5B) These shall be of mild steel cast brass or as specified, and shall generally conform to IS 362.
The s ize of parliament hi nges s hall b e t aken a s t he w idth between o pen f langes. M ild s teel parliament
hinges sh all be c opper o xidised (thi ck fi nish) or a s spe cified. T he bra ss p arliament hinges s hall b e
finished bright, chromium plated or oxidised or as specified. The hinge pin shall be made of mild steel in the case of brass hinges. The hinge pin shall be
mild s teel (g alvanised) i n the c ase of aluminium al loy hi nges. T he hi nge p in shall be f irmly ri vetted an d
shall be pr operly f inished. T he m ovement o f t he h inges s hall be f ree, eas y and s quare, and s hall not
have any play or shake.

All s crew holes s hall be c lean and c ounter s unk to s uit the counter sunk head of w ood s crews

9.15.3 Spring Hinges (Single or double acting) These shall be single acting when the shutter is to open on one side only or double acting when
the shutter opens on both sides. These shall be made of M.S. or brass as specified, and shall generally
conform to IS 453.

Hinges shall w ork smoothly and s hall hold t he d oor shutter t ruly vertical i n c losed p osition. E ach
double-acting s pring hi nge shall w ithstand the following t ests w hich s hall be carried out a fter fixing i t to a
swing door in the normal manner.

(a) When the door is pushed through 90° and released 2000 times on each side in quick succession
the hinge shall show no sign of damage or any appreciable deterioration of the components
during or on completion of the test.

(b) The door shall require a force of 2.0 ± 0.5 kg for 100 mm hinges and 3.0 ± 0.5 kg for 125 mm and
150 mm hinges at a distance of 45 cm from the hinge pin to move the door through 90º.

The size of spring hinge shall be taken as the length of the plate. These shall be of the following type:

(a) Mild S te e l : The cylindrical casing shall be m ade either from M .S. sheet of 1.60 m m thickness,
lap jointed and brazed, welded and rivetted, or from solid drawn tube of thickness not less than
1.60 m m; or fr om m ild s heet of 1. 60 m m thi ckness p ressed to fr om t he two c asing a nd t he
distance piece. It shall be stove enamelled black or copper oxidized or as specified.
271 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(b) Ca s t Bra s s : The cylindrical casing shall be made either from brass sheet of 1.60 mm thickness,
lap jointed and brazed, or from solid drawn brass tube of not less than 1.60 mm thickness. It shall
be satin, bright nickle plated or copper oxidized or as specified.
9.15.4 Rising Hinges
These s hall b e m ade of br ass, f inished b right or chromium plated o r ox idised or as s pecified. I ts
shape and pat tern s hall be appr oved b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. T he s ize of t he rising hi nge s hall be
taken as the length of its plate.

9.15.5 Continuous Piano Hinges (Fig. 9.6B) These shall be made from mild steel or aluminium alloy sheet, these shall generally conform to
IS 3818. All screw holes shall be clean and counter sunk. Piano hinges shall be fixed in the entire length of
the cup board shutters. Its size will be the width of the two flaps when open. M.S. Piano Hinges : These shall be made from 1 mm or 0.80 mm thick M.S. sheets and shall
be protected with anti-corrosive treatment, such as bright polished, chromium plated or oxidised finish.

Hinge pin shall be of galvanised mild steel. It shall fit in the knuckle firmly so as not to allow any play or
shake and shall allow easy movement of hinge, but shall not cause looseness.

The sides of the knuckles shall be s traight and at right angles to the flap. The movement of the hinge
shall be free and easy and working shall not have any play and shake. Aluminium Piano Hinges : These shall b e made of a luminium alloy s heet and shall be
anodised. The anodic coating shall not be less than the grade AC 15 of IS 1868.

Hinge pin shall be made of aluminium alloy with anodic coating not less than the grade of AC-15 of IS
1868. The hinge pin shall fit in the knuckle firmly so as not to allow any play or shake and shall allow easy
movement of hinge but shall not cause looseness.

The sides of the knuckles shall be s traight and at right angles to the flap. The movement of the hinge
shall be free and easy, and working shall not have any play and shake. Sampling and Criteria for Conformity : It shall be same as specified in clause

9.15.6 Tee Hinges (Fig. 9.6A)

These shall be m ade from M.S. s heets and shall be either bright finished or s tove enamelled
black or as s pecified. T hese s hall gene rally c onform to IS 206 ( Tee h inges s hall b e w ell m ade, free
from burrs, f laws, an d de fects of a ny k ind. T he m ovement s hall be s quare, and t he w orking s hall b e
free and eas y without an y play or shake. The hol e for the hinge shall be c entral to the bore and s hall
be square.
The hinge pin shall be firm and rivetted over, so that the heads are well formed. All screw holes shall be
clear and counter sunk and shall be suitable for the counter sunk head of wood screws.

9.15.7 Sliding Door Bolts (Aldrops) (Fig. 9.7) These shall be of m ild steel, cast b rass, aluminium o r a s s pecified, an d shall be capable of
smooth sliding action. M.S. Sliding Door Bolts : These shall be made of M.S. sheets and M.S. rods and shall
generally conform t o IS 281. M .S. s liding door b olts s hall be c opper ox idised ( black f inish) or a s

272 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Cast Brass Sliding Door Bolts : These shall be made from rolled brass and shall generally
conform to IS 2681. The hasp shall be of cast brass and secured to the bolt as shown in Fig. 9.7. Alter-
natively, the hasp and the bolt may be cast in one piece. The fixing and staple bolts shall be c ast with 6
mm studs. B olts s hall be finished to shape and hav e threaded ends and pr ovided with robs washers an d
nuts o f square or hex agon type. A ll c omponents s hall be finished s mooth an d pol ished be fore as sembly.
Cast brass sliding bolts shall be finished bright or chromium plated or oxidised or as specified. Aluminium Sliding Door Bolts : These s hall b e m ade of al uminium al loy a nd s hall genera lly
conform t o I S 2 681. A luminium sliding door bolts s hall be a nodized. All s crew h oles s hall be counter
sunk to suit the counter sunk head of screws of specified sizes. All edges and corners shall be finished
smooth. In case of single leaf door, when iron socket plate or a brass or aluminium fixing bolts (or sliding
door bolt) cannot be f ixed, hole of suitable size shall be dr illed in the door frame and an i ron or brass
plate cut to shape shall be fixed at the face of the hole. The leading dimensions of the sliding door bolts
are illustrated.

9.15.8 Tower Bolts (Fig. 9.8) These shall generally conform to IS 2 04 ( Part. I) & IS 204 ( Part. II). Tower bolts shall be well
made and shall be free from defects. The bolts shall be finished to the correct shape and shall have a
smooth ac tion. A ll t ower bolts m ade w ith s heet of 1.2 m m t hickness and above s hall hav e c ounter s unk
screw holes t o s uit c ounter s unk h ead of wood s crews. All s harp edges and c orners shall b e re moved
and finished smooth.

The height of knob of tower bolt when the door, window etc. is in closed position from the floor level
shall be not more than 1.9 metre. Tower bolts shall be of the following types:

(a) A luminium bar rel t ower bol ts w ith bar rel and b olt of ex truded s ections of al uminium a lloy. T he
knob shall be properly screwed to the bolt and rivetted at the back.

(b) Brass tower bolts with cast brass barrel and rolled or cast brass bolt.
Brass tower bolts with barrel of extruded sections of brass and rolled or drawn brass bolt.
The knobs of brass tower bolts shall be c ast and t he bolt fixed with knob, steel spring and bal l
shall be provided between the bolt and the barrel.

(c) Mild steel barrel tower bolts with mild steel barrel and mild steel bolt.
Mild steel tower bolts with mild steel barrel and cast iron bolts.

The plates and straps after assembly shall be firmly rivetted or spot welded. The rivet head shall
be properly formed and the rivet back shall be flush with the plate. These shall be made in one
piece. Unless otherwise specified bolt shall have finish as given below :

(a) Mild steel tower bolts (Types 1 and 2) Bolts bright finished or plated as specified and barrel and
socket stove enamelled black.

(b) Brass tower bolts (type 3 to 5) Bolt and barrel polished or plated as specified.

(c) Aluminium alloy tower bolts (type 6) Bolt and barrel anodized.

The anodic film may be either transparent or dyed as specified. The quality of anodized finish shall not
be less than grade AC-10 of IS 1868.

273 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.15.9 M.S. Locking Bolt with Holes for Pad Locks This shall conform to IS 7534. This shall be of mild steel polished bright or c opper oxidised batch electrogalvanised or stove
enamelled. In case of stove enamelled locking bolts, the bolt may be finished bright.

9.15.10 Pull Bolt Locks (Fig. 9.9) These s hall be of M.S. c ast brass or aluminium a s specified. M .S. p ull bolt locks s hall be
copper oxidized (black finish) or as specified. Brass pull bolt locks shall be finished bright, chromium plated or oxidised as specified.
Aluminium pull bolt locks shall be anodised and the anodic coating shall not be less than grade. A.C. 10 of
IS 1868. T he bol t s hall be 10 mm i n diameter and t he fixing plate 3 m m thick. The stop bl ock s hall be
screwed to the fixing plate by a small ball and spring over which the bolt shall slide. The fixing plate shall have four holes for fixing it to the door leaf, two of which shall be square to
receive 6 mm dia. bolts with round heads, the remaining two shall receive machine screwed with lock nuts.
The receiving plate shall be of the same width and thickness as the fixing plate and shall have 3 counter
sunk holes.

Where t he bo lt s lides into w ooden m embers, l ike t he c howkhat, which ha ve a rebat e, t he rec eiving
plate shall also be correspondingly shaped so as to fit into the rebate. The screws and bolts shall have the
same f inish as the main bolt. The leading dimensions of pull bolt locks are given i n the drawing. The
denominating s ize o f the pull bolt l ocks s hall be length of the fixing p late be tween guid es pl us the
thickness of the guides.

9.15.11 Door Latch This shall be o f mild steel, cast brass, or as specified and s hall be capable of smooth sliding
action. In c ase, of mild steel latch, it s hall be copper oxidized ( black finish) or as specified and in case of
brass, it shall be finished bright, chromium plated or oxidized or as specified. The size of door latch shall be
taken as the length of the latch.

9.15.12 Indicating Bolt (Vacant/Engaged)

These s hall be of cast brass f inished bright c hromium plated, or ox idized or as s pecified. The s hape
and pattern shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

9.15.13 Mortice Lock and Latch (Fig. 9.10) This should generally conform to IS 2209. The size of the mortice lock shall be denoted by the length of the body towards the face and it
shall be 65 mm, 75 mm and 100 mm as specified. The measured length shall not vary more than 3 mm
from the length specified. Non-interchangeable Keys : Testing of non-interchangeable keys shall be as per IS 2209. The clear depth of the body shall not be more than 15 mm. The fore end shall be firmly fitted to
the b ody s uitably by c ounter s unk head s crew. T he l atch b olt s hall b e of s pecified m aterial a nd of
section not less than 12 x 16 mm for all sizes of locks. If made of two piece construction both parts shall be
rivetted. Ordinary lever mechanism with not less than two levers shall be pro vided. False levers shall not
be used. L ever shall be fitted w ith o ne s pring of p hosphor bro nze or s teel w ire a nd shall w ithstand the
tests as provided in IS 2209.

274 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Locking bolts, spring and strike plate shall conform to IS 2209. Handles : These shall conform to IS 4992. Keys : Each lock shall be provided with two keys. Sampling, Criteria for Conformity : It shall be the same as specified in clause Tests : The finally assembled locks shall be tested as prescribed in Appendix ‘G’ of Chapter 9.

9.15.14 Mortice Latch (with Locking Bolt) These are generally used in doors of bath rooms, WC’s and private rooms. Mortice latch shall, in respect of shape, design and mechanism of the latch and its
components parts, generally conform to IS 5930. The material used for the different component parts of the
latch shall comply with Tables 1 and 2 of IS 5930, unless otherwise specified. The size of the latch shall be denoted by the length of the body towards the face and shall be
65 mm, 75 mm or 100 mm as specified. The depth of the body shall not be more than 15 mm. The latch shall be of size 10 × 18 mm of shape as shown in Fig. 1 of IS 5930. The locking bolt
shall be of section not less than 8 x 25 m m for all size of locks. The m echanism of the latch bolt, its
spring, striking plate etc. shall be as described in IS 5930. The handles provided shall conform to IS 4992. Sampling, criteria for conformity shall be same as per clause

9.15.15 Mortice Lock and Latch (Rebated) These are slightly different from mortice lock described in 9.15.14 and are designed for use in
double leaved doors. These should generally conform to IS 6607. Handles, Keys, Sampling, Criteria for Conformity and Test : These s hall be s ame a s
specified in clause 9.15.14.

9.15.16 Mortice Night Latch (Fig. 9.11) This is a mortice lock having a single spring bolt withdrawn from the outside by using the key
and f rom i nside by t urning t he k nob and with an arrangement w hereby t he lock can be prevented f rom
being opened by its key from outside while the night latch is used from inside the room. This should generally conform to IS 3847. It shall be c ast or s heet brass, cast or s heet aluminium alloy or M ild steel as specified and of
best quality of approved make. These shall be bright finished or copper oxidised (black) finish as
specified. N ominal size of the latch s hall be denoted by the length of the face ov er the bod y in m illi-
metres. These shall have not less than two levers. False (Dummy) levers shall not be allowed. Keys : Each latch s hall be provided w ith two k eys w hich s hould w ork smoothly and w ithout
any appreciable friction in the lock.

275 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.15.17 Cupboard or Wardrobe Lock
This should gener ally c onform to IS 729. The s ize o f the c upboard l ock shall be 40, 50, 65 & 75 mm.
This s hall be m ade o f cast b rass an d s hall be o f the bes t m ake o f a pproved qu ality. T hese s hall be
finished bright or chromium plated or oxidised or as specified. The size of the lock shall be denoted by the
length of the face across the body in mm.

These locks shall be fitted with four, f ive or s ix levers as specified. False ( dummy) levers shall not be

9.15.18 Kicking Plates This shall be of brass (finished bright or chromium plated or oxidised) bronze, stainless steel,
aluminium or as s pecified. A luminium k icking pl ates s hall be a nodised and t he anodi c coating s hall n ot
be less than grade AC-10 of IS 1868. It shall be m ade from a pl ate of minimum thickness 3.0 mm & 1.5
mm in ca se of st ainless ste el. S hape of the pl ate shall be as specified. This s hall ha ve be velled or
straight edges and shall be f ixed by m eans of c ounter s unk or rounded screws of the s ame m aterial and
finish as t hat o f the pl ate. The s hape and pat tern s hall be ac cording t o the d rawings and as appr oved b y
the Engineer-in-Charge.

9.15.19 Door Handles (Doors and Windows) (Fig. 9.12) These should generally conform to IS 208. The door handles shall be well made and free from
defects. T hese s hall be f inished c orrect to s hape and d imensions. A ll edges and c orners s hall be
removed a nd f inished s mooth s o as to facilitate ea sy h andling. C ast handle s hall be f ree from c asting
defects. W here t he grip portion of the handl e i s joined w ith the bas e pi ece by m echanical m eans, the
arrangement shall be such that the assembled handle shall have adequate strength comparable to that of
integrally cast type handles. Door handles shall be of the following types according to the material used:

(a) Cast or Sheet Aluminium Alloy Handles : These shall be of aluminium of specified size, and of
shape and pattern as app roved b y t he Engineer-in-Charge. T he size of t he h andle shall be det ermined
by the inside grip of the handle. Door handles shall be of 100 mm size and window handles of 75 mm
size unless, otherwise specified. These shall be fixed with 25 mm long wood screws of designation No.
6. Aluminium handles, shall be anodi zed and t he anodic coating shall not be less than grade AC 15 - IS
1868 as specified. The finish can be bright natural, matt or satin or dyed as specified.

(b) Cast Brass Handles: These s hall be of c ast brass of specified s ize and of t he s hape and pattern as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The size of the handle shall be determined by t he inside grip of t he
handle. D oor handl es s hall be of 100 m m s ize and w indow handl es of 75 m m s ize, unl ess ot herwise
specified. These shall be fixed with 25 mm long wood screws of designation No 6. Brass handles shall be
finished bright satin or nickel chromium plated or copper oxidised or as specified.

(c) Mild Steel Handles : These shall b e of mild s teel s heet, pr essed i nto oval s ection. T he size of t he
handles will be determined by the inside grip of the handle. Door handles shall be 10 mm size and
window handles of 75 mm size unless otherwise specified. These shall be fixed with 25 mm long wood
screws of des ignation N o. 6. , I ron handl es s hall b e c opper ox idised ( black finish) or s tove enam elled
black or as specified.

9.15.20 Floor Door Stopper (Fig. 9.13) The floor door stopper shall conform to IS 1823. This shall be made of cast brass of overall
size as specified and s hall have rubber cushion. The shape and pat tern of stopper shall be appr oved by
the E ngineer-in-Charge. I t s hall be of bras s f inished bri ght, c hromium pl ated or ox idised or as s pecified.

276 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The size of floor stopper shall be determined by the length of its plate. It shall be well made and shall
have four counter sunk holes for fixing the door stoppers to the floor by means of wood screws. The
body for housing of the door stopper shall be c ast in one pi ece and it shall be fixed to the cover plate by
means of brass or m ild steel screws and cover pl ate shall be of casting o r of sheet m etal. The spring
shall be fixed firmly to the pin. Tongue which would be p ressed w hile closing or opening of the door shall
be c onnected t o t he l ower pa rt by m eans of c opper pi n. O n t he e xtreme e nd a r ubber pi ece s hall b e
attached to absorb s hock. A ll parts of the do or s topper s hall b e of good w orkmanship and finish, burrs
and sharp edges removed. It shall be free from surface and casting defects. Aluminium stopper shall be
anodised and anodic film shall not be less than grade AC-10 of IS 1868.

TABLE 9.18
Requirements for Rubber for Use in Floor Door Stoppers
P a rticula rs Re quire me nts Te s ting Proce dure
Relative density Max. 1.3 IS 3400 (Part IX)
Hardness 60 + 5 IS 3400 (Part 2)
Ageing for 24 hours at 100o + (a) Change in initial hardness IS 3400 (Part II)
1oC (b) Shall not develop brittleness -do-
+ 5, - 0

9.15.21 Hanging Rubber Door Stopper These s hall be of c ast brass, finished bright, c hromium plated or as s pecified. Aluminium
stopper shall be anodi sed and t he anodic coating shall not be l ess than grade AC-10 of IS 1868. The
size a nd p attern of t he door stopper s hall be a pproved b y t he Engineer-in-Charge. T he s ize s hall be
determined by its length.

9.15.22 Universal Hydraulic Door Closer (Exposed Type) These shall be made of cast iron/aluminium alloy/zinc alloy and of sh ape and pattern as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. These shall generally c onform to I S S pecifications for door closers (Hydraulically r egulated) I S
3564. The door closers m ay be polished or p ainted and finished with lacquer to d esired c olour.
Aluminium al loy do or closer shall be anodi zed and t he anodic coating shall not be l ess than gr ade AC 15
of IS 1868. All dents, burrs and sharp edges shall be removed from various components and they shall
be pickled, scrubbed and ri nsed t o r emove grease, rus t, sca le or an y other for eign ele ments. A fter
pickling, all the M.S. parts shall be given phosphating treatment in accordance with IS 3618. The nominal size of door closers in relation to the weight and the width of the door size to
which it is intended to be fitted shall be given in Table 9.19.

TABLE 9.19
Type and Designation of Door Closers

De s igna tion Ma s s of Width of the door Re ma rks

of clos e rs the door (mm)
1. Upto 35 Upto 700 For light doors such as double leaved and toilet doors.
2. 36 to 60 701 to 850 Interior doors, such as of bed rooms, kitchen and store
3. 61 to 80 851 to 1000 Main doors in a building, such as entrance doors

277 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.15.23 Casement Brass Stays (Straight Peg Type) (Fig. 9.14) These shall be m ade of mild steel, cast brass, aluminium (extruded section) or plastic
(Polypropylene) a s s pecified. M ild s teel casement stays shall b e a copper o xidised ( black f inish) or a s
specified. C ast br ass s tays s hall be f inished b right or c hromium pl ated o r as s pecified. A luminium s tays
shall be anodi sed and the anodic coating shall not be less than grade AC-10 of IS 1868. Aluminium and
M.S. stays shall be made from channel section. The stays shall not weigh less than that indicated below:

200 mm 0.24 kg each

250 mm 0.28 kg each
300 mm 0.33 kg each The shape and pattern of the stays shall be app roved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The size of
stays s hall be det ermined by i ts l ength as s hown i n t he pl ate. T he pl astic (Polypropylene) s tays s hall
conform to IS 6318.

9.15.24 Quadrant Stays 300 mm

These shall be made of cast brass and finished bright or chromium plated or as s pecified. T he shape
and pattern shall be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. It shall not weigh less than 0.20 kg each.

9.15.25 Hasp and Staple Safety Type (Fig. 9.15) This shall be made of mild steel, cast brass or aluminium as specified. This shall generally
conform to I S 363. M .S. Hasp and s taples s hall be f inished bl ack enam elled, or copper ox idised (bl ack
finish) or as specified. B rass has p and staples s hall be finished br ight chromium plated o r o xidised o r a s
specified. Aluminium ha sp and s taples s hall be an odized an d t he anod ic c oating s hall not be l ess t han
grade AC 15 of IS 1868. M.S. hasp and staples shall be m anufactured from M.S. sheet and brass hasp and staples by
casting and A luminium hasp a nd staples s hall be m ade f rom dye s ection. The hi nge pi n w hich i n a ll
cases shall be of mild steel, shall be firm and its rivetted heads well formed. The movement of hasp shall be
free, easy and square and shall not have any play or shake.

The hasp shall fit, in the staple correctly. The size shall be determined by the length of the bigger of the
hasp. The staple except in the case of cast one, shall be rivetted properly to its plate. The ends of
the hi nge pi n f or t he s afety t ype has p s hall be rivetted and pr operly f inished. A ll s crew hol es s hall be
clean and counter sunk to suit counter sunk wood screw. All edges and corners shall be rounded.

9.15.26 P.T.M.T (Polytetra Methyline Tetraphthalate) Fittings : DELETED


278 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

9.17.1 Materials
(i) Gypsum Board conforming to IS 2095 (Pt.-I)
(ii) Non asbestos multi-purpose cement board conforming to IS 14862 (iii)
Tapered edge calcium silicate board

Tapered Edge Calcium Silicate Board are manufactured from Siliceous and Calcareous materials
reinforced w ith fibres. The boards are made in a laminar process and then autoclaved to give a stable
crystalline s tructure. I t i s l ightweight an d c an be fixed to e ither s ide o f timber, aluminum or lightweight
galvanized metal sections. The partitions are non-load bearing and can easily be assembled at site.

9.17.2 Installation
The G.I. frame and board partitions shall be fixed as per nomenclature of the item and directions of
Engineer-in-Charge. (Fig. 9.17).

9.17.3 Jointing & Finishing

Joints of th e b oards are finis hed w ith s pecially f ormulated J ointing co mpound a nd f ibre ta pe t o
provide seamless finish. Board surface can be decorated with any type of paint, wall paper, wood veneer &
hard laminates. Services should be incorporated before commencement of board fixing.

9.17.4 Fitting and Fixtures

It is easy and simple to attach different fittings to wall panelling boards. Inclined nails can be fixed to the
boards itself for light materials. For h eavier m aterials the fastening should be centered on internal stud
work o r steel o r wood f rame b ehind t he b oards, f ixed before boarding. Services should b e
incorporated before commencement of board fixing.

9.17.5 Tolerance
Tolerance in dimensions shall be + 5 mm.

9.17.6 Measurements Length and breadth of superficial area of the finished work shall be measured correct to a cm.
Area shall be calculated in square meter correct to two places of decimal. No deduction will be made of
openings o f a reas upt o 0 .40 s qm no r shall ex tra pa yment be made ei ther for an y ex tra material or labour
involved in forming such openings. For openi ngs exceeding 0. 40 sqm. in area, deduction i n measurements s hall be made but ex tra
will be payable for any extra material or labour involved in making such openings.

9.17.7 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above including all scaffolding, staging etc.


9.20.0 Material
Polyvinyl c hloride R esin s uspension gr ade i s t he b asic r aw m aterial f or f orming PVC c ompound.PVC
resin t hen is mixed w ith c hemicals l ike C alcium, S tearate, H ydrocarbon Wax, T itanium D ioxide,Calcium
Carbonate, A crylic pr ocessing a ids. F urther, add itives like impact modifiers, pi gments, epox y pl asticizer,
UV stabilizer, lubricants, chemical blowing agent etc. are added. The purpose of adding the chemicals and

279 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
9.21.6 Fittings
Fittings shall be provided as per schedule of fittings decided by Engineer-in-Charge. In moisture prone areas
M.S. fittings and screws should not be used. Hardware such as handles, tower bolt,stopper, buffer etc. hould be
directly screwed (not pre-drilled) and fitted on the door.

9.21.7 Measurements
Length and width of the shutters shall be measured to the nearest cm in closed position covering the rebates
of the frames but excluding the gap between the shutter and the frame. Area is calculated to the nearest 0.01

9.21.8 Rate
The specified rate include the cost of the door shutter and labour involved in fixing of the shutter. Fittings &
fixtures on the door shutter except hinges & screws shall be paid extra as provided.






9.27 WALL PANELLING (Fig. 9.28)

All specification same as per clauses 9.17.1 to 9.17.7.

281 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause 9.1)

S l. No. De fe cts Firs t Gra de S e cond Gra de

(1) (2) (3) (4)
(i) Cross-grain Not steeper than 1 in 15 Not steeper than 1 in 10
(ii) Sound knots (i) Stiles and Rails (i) Stiles and rails
and live knots
(a) Short Exposed Face: Not (a) S hort ex posed F ace - Not m ore
more than 15 mm size and than 15 mm size and not more than
not more than 1 knot/metre 3 knots per stile and 1 knot per rail
(b) Long Exposed Face- Not (b) Long Exposed Face- Not more
more than 15 mm size and than 2 0 mm size and not more
not m ore t han 1 k not/m. N o than 3 k nots per s tile and 1 k not
knot s hall oc cur within 20 mm per rail
of the edges

(ii) Panels - Not more than 20 mm (ii) P anels - Not m ore t han 20 m m s ize
size and not more than 2 and not more the 4 knot/m . No knots
knots/m . No k not shall oc cur o n shall occur on edge of any component
edge of any c omponent of a of a panel.
(iii) Dead and loose (i) Stils and Rails - Not more than 10 (i) Stiles and Rails - Not more than 10
knots (plugged) mm size - centrally located and mm size, c entrally l ocated a nd not
not more than 1 knot / m more t han 3 knots per stile and 1 k not
per rail.
(ii) Panels - Not more than 15 mm (ii) P anels - Not m ore t han 15 m m s ize
size and not more than 2 and not more than 4 knots/m . No
knots/m . No k not s hall occur o n knot s hall occur on edge of any
edges of any component of a component of a panel.
(iv) Pitch pockets or None Permissible except on e xposed edges
streaks provided t hat they a re c lean and filled u p
with suitable putty or filler when pitch
pockets or streaks are located on the
exposed edge s o f the c ore, they shall be
cut out and filled with piece of wood of
similar s pecies with grain r unning in the
same direction. The piece shall be well
(v) Sapwood Total not exceeding 5 mm wide and Total not ex ceeding 10 m m w ide and 300
150 mm long per metre. (This mm long per metre. (This r estriction
restriction ap plies o nly t o super group applies only to super group species).
(vi) Pin holes Permitted provided they are not in Permitted.
(vii) Worm holes None Permitted provided they are not more than
10 mm in diameter and not more than one
per metre and provided such worm holes
are pl ugged w ith s imilar t imber in s uch a
manner that the pluging merges with the
surrounding area both as to colour and
Note : (i) Dead and loose knots are permitted only if they are suitably plugged.
(ii) Knot shall not occur where hinges or locks are to be fixed.

282 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause 9.1.6)

68° 72°AFGHANISTAN 76° 80° 84° 88° 92° 96°

Gilgit INDIA
P UNJ AB Shimla

28° Delhi 28°

Bikaner P RADES H
RAJ AS THAN Jaipur Agra BHUTAN Itanagar
Barmer Gwalior Kanpur MEGHALAYA
Patna Shilong MANIP UR
Bhagalpur Imphal
24° Gaya B ANGL ADESH 24°
Indore Bhopal Jabalpur Durgapur MIZORAM
Diu Daman Silvasa
20° Nagpur 20°
ORIS S A Bhubaneshwar
Dadra & N agar Haveli

Hyderabad Vishakhapatnam
16° Bijapur 16°


(Goa, Daman & Diu) Goa NOTE OF S HADING Narcondam

Zone I Ireland
Madras Zone I I Barren I reland
12° Bangalore (India)
Zone III Port Blair

8° Trivandrum

80° 84° 88° 92°
72° 76°

Note 1 : Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India.
Note 2 : The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line.
Note 3 : The boundary of Meghalaya shown on this map is as interpreted from the North-Eastern Area (Reorganisation) Act, 1971, but has
yet to be verified.
Note 4 : The administrative headquarters of Chandigarh, Haryana and Punjab are at Chandigarh.

283 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause 9.1.6)

C-1 Moisture content of timber shall be checked for every 1 cum or part thereof by electrical moisture
meters as per IS 287.

C-2 Electrical moisture meters are of resistance type and shall be used when the moisture content is
within a range of 8 to 25 per cent. When checking moisture content with electrical moisture
meter, it shall be ensured that :
(a) Timber is not hot or surface wet and the moisture gradient is not large due to wet cores.
(b) Electrode probes are of adequate depth (not less than one-fifth the thickness of the timber).

C-3 Sufficient number of reading at different positions are taken on each piece of timber to eliminate
localised variations in surface moisture and species corrections are applied for the make of
electrical resistance type moisture meter.

C-4 If for any reason, w hatsoever, t he result o f e lectrical m oisture are no t to be re lied u pon the
moisture content shall be checked by the oven drying method.

C-5 For checking moisture content by oven drying method, a complete test cross section, 12 to 19
mm long in the direction of timber grain, free from all defects shall be cut from each piece of
timber selected for test as follows :
(a) I f w eighing c an be do ne i mmediately, t he t est section s hall be c ut from a poi nt at l east 45
cm from one end of the piece or from its centre.
(b) In case cutting of test section from the piece is not permissible the moisture content in the
whole section can also be determined by collecting a boring to a depth of half of the
thickness of the piece by means of an auger, in a preweighed weighing bottle which should
then be sealed properly.

C-6 The test sections obtained above shall be weighed, immediately after cutting, on a balance the
sensitivity of which is not less than 10 mg. They shall be dried in a ventilated, and preferably
thermostatically controlled, oven at a temperature of 100°C to 105°C untill the weight is constant.
The weight of the test section shall be deemed to have become constant if successive weighing
at intervals of 2 to 5 hours do not differ from one another by more than 50 mg. The test weight
shall be taken to be the oven dry weight of the test section.

C-7 The percentage moisture content in the test section shall be calculated as follows :

W1 - W O
Moisture content (Per cent) = ——————— × 100
Where :
W 1 = initial weight of t est s ection and
W O = oven dry weight of test section

C-8 When m oisture c ontent of t imber is c hecked by ov en drying m ethod, r esults of electrical m oisture
meter shall be ignored.

284 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I



D-1 Moisture content

5 to 15 per cent.

D-2 Shear Strength

Dry S ta te Re s is ta nce to Mois ture

Average 135 100
Individual 110 80


(Clauses )

S l. N o. P rope rtie s Fla t pre s s e d Thre e la ye r multi la ye r & gra de d

Gra de - I Gra de -II
(i) Density variation, percent ± 10 ± 10
(ii) Water absorption, percent
(a) 2 h soaking 10 40
(b) 24 h soaking 20 80
(iii) Linear expansion (swelling in water).
2 h soaking-percent
(a) Length 0.5 0.5
(b) Width 0.5 0.5
(iv) Thickness, swelling, percent 2 h soaking 8 12
(v) Swelling in thickness due to surface absorption, 6 9
(vi) Modulus of rupture, N/mm
(a) Average 15 11
(b) Minimum 13 10
(vii) Modulus of elasticity, N/mm
(a) Average 2500 2000
(b) Minimum 2250 1800
(viii) Tensile strength perpendicular to surface, N/mm
(a) Upto 20 mm thickness 0.45 0.3
(b) Above 20 mm thickness 0.40 0.3
(ix) Tensile strength perpendicular to surface, N/mm
(a) After cyclic test 0.2 -
(b) Accelerated water resistance test 0.15 -
(x) Screw withdrawal strength, N
(a) Face 1250 1 250
(b) Edge (for thickness >12mm) 850 700
1) Cyclic Tes t— Specimen are immersed in water at 27 ± 2°C for a period of 72 h, followed by drying in air at 27 ± 2°C for 24
H and then heating in dry air at 70°C for 72 h. Three such cycles are to be followed and then the specimens are tested for
tensile strength perpendicular to surface.

2) Acce le ra te d Wa te r Re s is ta nce Te s t— Specimen are immersed in water at 27 ± 2°C and water is brought to boiling and
kept at boiling temperature for 2 h. Specimen are then cooled in water to 27 ± 2°C and then tested for tensile strength
perpendicular to surface.

285 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause 9.7.1 to 9.7.10)


Door shutters shall be tested for resistance of their base to immersion in water as follows :

The door shutter shall be immersed v ertically to a height of 30 cm in water at room temperature for 24
hours a nd then allowed t o d ry f or 24 hours at 27 ± 2 °C and relative humidity of 65 ± 5 p er cent. T he
cycle shall be repeated eight times. There shall be no delamination at the end of the test.


(i) Appa ra tus : The type of knife required to be used in the test is given in Fig. below. It may be made from
a 250 x 25 mm file. The cutting edge should be kept chiselsharp. The test shall be carried out on a stout
table to which a wooden batten is screwed against which the edge of test piece is placed.

25 cm

Drawing not to scale


(ii) P roce dure : The knife is inserted with its cutting edge parallel to the gr ain of the outer veneer and
worked into, or if possible along a glue line and the veneer is prised upwards. A hard and dense specie
of plywood requires considerable force to effect entry and to prise and veneer. In a soft timber the knife

286 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
tends to follow an easy course through the wood and in this case it is essential that the knife be firmly
guided along the glue line.

The bond s hould just pass the requirement, it is judged by the relative amount of wood fibre left on the
core veneer, a nd t he area pr ised of f. T he gr ading i s a ssessed chiefly o n t he a ppearance of t he b reak.
The force needed to effect separation is also an accompanying requirement.

The bond is ‘excellent’, when it is difficult to find the glue line and impossible to keep the tool within it for
more than 6 mm without cutting adjacent wood. On prising upwards, the veneer usually breaks off over a
width slightly greater than that of the tool.

The bond is ‘poor’ when knife meets little opposition in the glue line and the prise results in the easy
removal of al most al l t he v eneers f rom one s ide o f t he t est pi ece. T he s eparated v eneers a re us ually
almost free from adherent fibre.

(iii) Re porting of te s t re s ults : The results shall be reported as ‘pass standard’ ‘excellent’ or ‘poor’. F-3.


Four s quare s ections, 150 x 150 m m s hall b e c ut from the c orners of the door. T hese four c orner
sections as cut from the door shall be i mmersed in boiling water for 4 hou rs, then dried at 27 ± 2°C and
relative humidity of 65 ± 5 per cent for 24 hours. At the end of the drying period, the samples shall be
examined for delamination. In t he case of the glue l ines in the pl ywood, all the four exposed edges of t he
plywood on both faces of a specimen shall be examined for delamination.

A specimen s hall b e c onsidered t o have p assed t he t est i f no de lamination has oc cured i n t he g lue
lines in the plywood and if no single delamination more than 50 mm in length and more than 3 mm in
depth ha s occured i n the a ssembly gl ue lines b etween the plywood faces an d the stile a nd r ail.
Delamination a t t he c orner s hall be m easured continuously around the corner. D elamination at a k not,
knot hole, a pi tch pocket and worm hole or other p ermissible wood defects shall not be c onsidered i n
assessing t he sample. A do or shall b e d eemed t o have p assed t his t est i f t hree of t he f our s pecimens
tested pass the test.

287 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(Clause 9.15.13)

The finally assembled lock shall withstand the test given as below :

The locking bolt shall be f irst locked in the forward position. A load of 40 kg. shall be appl ied without
shock in the direction perpendicular to securing face as well as on both the locking faces of protruding
bolt in turn. Then the load shall be applied by means of a fixed steel board 3 mm thick by rounded edge
held in such a position that the centre line is approximately 3 mm from the fore end. A typical
arrangement for the purpose of this test is shown in Fig. below :

Beam 75 c m Fixed Bearer

Long Approx

Lock Fixed Block

Steel Bar 75 cm
Long Approx.

Movable Weight 40 kg


Fig. : Strength Test for Locking Bolt

When the spindle with ha ndle is inserted into hol e i n the follower and t urned, the latch bolt shall draw
smoothly into the lock body and shall be within one millimetre from the face of the fore end.

When the latch bolt is pressed in to the lock body by pressure, the action shall be smooth and when
fully pressed the latch bolt shall not project more than one millimetre from the face of the fore end.

When a k ey is inserted in key hole from on e side o f the lock an d turned to withdraw the locking bolt
the action shall be s mooth and w ithout impediment. When the direction of t urn is reversed to lock the
locking bolt t hen also t he a ction shall be smooth and without i mpediment. In t he l ocked position t he
locking bolt shall project 12 mm from the face of the fore end, although one millimetre free movement is
permissible. I n the withdrawn pos ition t he l ocking bo lt s hall not p roject more than one millimetre from the
face of the fore end. The locking bolt shall be worked by turning key in both the direction 6000 times. At the
end of the test, the lock shall continue to work smoothly.
The test shall be repeated with the key inserted from the other side of the lock.
Note : The clearance for levers while in the operating condition shall not exceed 0.25 mm.
When the key is turned to lock the locking bolt at the same time applying a reasonable pressure by
finger on it, after completion of the key rotation the locking bolt shall be positively locked in the forward
position. This test shall be repeated with the key inserted from the other side of the lock.

288 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause 9.6.8)

S l. Na me o f Fittings Double S ingle S ingle S ingle S ingle S ingle Fan De s i- Length Re marks
No leaf leaf door leaf door leaf leaf le a f light/ gna - in m m
doors s hutters s hutters wire wardrobe/ window clear tion of
s hutters exte rnal inter gua ze cup- s hutte rs s torey no. of wood
pane lled pane lled commu- door board pa ne lle d window wood s cre ws
or or gla ze d nicating s hu- s hutters or s hutters s cre w IS
gla ze d pane lled tte rs gla ze d 6760
or gla ze d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Butt Hinges 100 6 3 3 3 - - - 9 40
2 Butt Hinges 75 mm - - - - - 2 2 8 20

3 Butt Hinges 50 mm - - - - 1 1 - 6 20 For fixing

4 Piano Hinges - - - - - - - 6 20
5 Tower Bolt 250 mm 3 2 3 2 - 1 - 10 30
6 Tower Bolt 150 mm - - - - - 1 - 8 30
7 Tower Bolt 100 mm - - - - - - - 6 30
8 Sliding door Bolt 1 - - - - - - 9 35
300 mm
9 Sliding door Bolt - 1 - - - - - 9 35
250 mm
10 Floor door stopper 2 1 1 - 1 - - 9 30
11 Door handle with 2 2 2 1 - - - 6 25
plate 100 mm
12 Window handle with - - - - - 1 - 6 20
plate 75 mm
13 Casement stay 300 - - - - - 1 - 6 30
14 Helical door spring - - - 1 - - - 6 30
(Superior quality)
15 Cupboard - - - 1 1 - - 6 20
/Wardrobe Lock
16 Fanlight Catch - - - - - - 1 8 30
Notes :
A : Door Sh utters
1. Door of room adjoining the verandah, corridor, lobby or hall, shall be considered as external door.
2. Where the height of the door leaf exceeds 2.15 metres above the floor level, one extra hinge shall be provided for every additional height
of 0.50 metre, or part thereof and the length of top bolts shall be increased by the height of the leaf above 2.15 metres from floor level.
3. Single leaf door shutters of more than 0.80 m in width shall be provided with one extra hinge.
4. Fan light shutters of more than 0.80 metre width shall be provided with one extra hinge and extra quadrant stay.
5. In double leaf shutters of doors, two door bolts shall be fixed to the first shutter and one to the closing shutter at the top.
6. In case of single leaf inter communicating, panelled, glazed or panelled door shutter for bath and w.c. one tower bolts will be replaced by a
bathroom latch.
7. For shutter exceeding 40 mm thickness, heavy type M.S. butt hinges of 125 x 90 x 4 mm shall be used.
8. In case of external door shutters, instead of sliding door ball mortice lock can be provided where specified.
9. Cupboard and wardrobe shutters will have ball catches where specified.
10. Finger plates shall be provided in case of bath and wc shutters in office buildings.

B : Wind ow Sh utters
11. In case of windows with double shutters, two tower bolts shall be fixed to the closing shutters and one tower bolt to the first shutter at the
12. In case of window shutters, hooks and eyes may be provided in lieu of casement stays where specified.
13. Where the height of window s hutter e xceeds 1.20 metres one extra hi nge shall be provided a nd l ength o f t op b olts shall b e i ncreased b y
height of the leaf above 2.15 metres from the floor level.
14. Window shutter with steel frames shall be provided with s ix hinges i n case of double l eaf shutters a nd t hree h inges i n case of single l eaf
shutters, irrespective of height and width of shutters.

C : Fa nligh t an d Cleres tory Win dow or Ve n tilator

15. Centrally hung and bottom hung CS windows an d fan lights, will be provided with chain and hook bamboo pole with hook for opening
ventilators shall be provided for each residence or for set of 4 rooms in case of office building.
16. Centrally hung clerestory windows or fan lights will have fan light pivots in lieu of hinges.

289 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause No.


I.1.1 The straightness of the edge an d ends of plywood shall be v erified against a s traight edge not less
than the full length of the plywood. If the edge on the end of the plywood is convex, it shall be held
against the straight edge i n such a w ay as to give approximately equal gap at each end. T he largest
gap between the straight edge and the edge shall be measured to the nearest millimeter and recorded.


I.2.1 The squareness of plywood shall be c hecked with a 120 0 mm x 1200 mm square by applying one
arm of the square to the plywood. The maximum width of the gap shall be recorded.

290 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.0



Drawing not to Scale

Fig. 9.1 : Joints in Timber

291 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.6

Width of Opening

Head of Frame
Hold Fast

Glazed Panel 8 to 10 mm
Door Frame

Stile T/3
Meeting Stile T/3

Bottom Rail 8 to 10 mm

Finished T/2
Floor Level
Metal Pin T/2
Structural Floor Level


Head of Frame
Glass Panel
Hold Fast

Glass Panel

Bottom Rail




Drawing not to Scale
All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 9.2 : Terminology Timber Door, Window & Ventilator Components

292 | Page HO Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.7


Lipping Where


Cross Band

Face Veneer




Equally Battens
Voids Intermediate Rail
Equally Distributed


Drawing not to Scale

Fig. 9.3 : Wooden Flush Doors Shutters

293 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.13


100 100

Door Frame Hold Fast


10 11 mm Hole
Nut & Bolt
Wooden Plug 10 mm dia

5 C.C. Block
Enlarged Section of Bolt


Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 9.4 : Hold Fast

294 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.1 to 9.15.2



Uncranked C ranked
Counter Sunk Knuckles


Size of Length Breadth Thickness Dai of No. of No. of Screw Holes for
Hinge (A) (B) of Flap (C) Hinge Pin (D) Knuckles Holes Screw No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

50 50 ± 0.5 37 ± 1 1.50 ± 0.06 3.15 ± 0.08 3 4 6

75 75 ± 0.5 47 ± 1 1.70 ± 0.06 4.00 ± 0.08 5 6 8
100 100 ± 0.5 58 ± 1 1.90 ± 0.06 5.60 ± 0.08 5 8 10

Min 7

Min 7

Kunckle R6

Min 7
C Counter Sunk Hole


Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 9.5 : Hinges

295 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.5, 9.15.6






Size A B C D E F G R Screw Desig- No. of Holes No. of

nation No. in Strap Holes in Tee

250 250 ±3 100 ±2 30 ±15 5.6 ±0.10 2.24 ±0.10 45 ±2 40 ±1 8 ±1 9 5 3

300 300 ±3 115 ±2 30 ±1.5 6.30 ±0.10 2.26 ±0.10 50 ±2 50 ±1 8 ±1 9 5 3


Max. 1.0
L2 Thick
L1 L1

2.5 mm
B φ Pin

L1 L1 L1
1825 ± 5


Nominal Size B L1 L2 L3
40 40 ± 1 25 ± 2 25 ± 1 20 ± 1
30 30 ±1 75 ± 2 25 ± 1 15 ± 1

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 9.6 : Hinges

296 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.7

2.15 3.15
2 20±1

6.0±5 8 mm sq hole
for Carriage Bolt
45 2
HASP 17.5±5 φ
100±2 17.5±5φ


12±1 Bore to be Countersunk

3.15 27±1
17.5±5 φ
8 sq Hole 12 sq ±1
for Carriage
8±.5 ±1
Bolt 12± 0.5φ

Washer 50±2

Hex or






Size A B C E F M Screw Designation No.

250 250 ± 2 100 ± 2 45 ± 1 55 ± 1 15 ± 1 16.0 ± 0.5 9

300 300 ± 2 100 ± 2 45 ± 1 55 ± 1 15 ± 1 16.0 ± 0.5 9

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 9.7 : Sliding Door Bolts

297 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.8



Y C Screw Holes

Spring and Ball 16




Width of Barrel Thickness of Metal of Barrel Sheet Screw

Size A B C D E F G Desig-
When When Brass or Aluminium Sheet Mild nation
D=10.0 D=12.00 Zinc Alloy Alloy Steel or No.
When When Brass
D=10.0 D=12.0
150 150+3 170 + 3 32+3 38+3 10 or 12 25±1 2.0 1.60 2.40 1.25 mm 8
-1 -1 -1 -1 ± 0.5 +0.5 ±10.33 ±0.36 ±0.15 1 to 1:5
-0.2 more
200 200+3 220+3 32+3 38+3 10 or 12 25±1 2.0 1.60 2.40 1 to 1.25 dia of 8
-1 -1 -1 -1 ± 0.5 +0.5 ± 0.33 ±0.36 ±0.15 bolt

250 250+3 270+3 32+3 38+3 10 or 12 25±1 2.0 1.60 2.40 1 to 1.25 10
-1 -1 -1 -1 ±0 .5 +0.5 ±0.33 ±0.36 ±0.15

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 9.8 : Barrel Tower Bolts

298 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.10

6 mm Round Head Nut

with Square Seat
Guide and 10 mm Plate 3 mm
Thick 8 mm Round Head with
Door Frame Shutter
Square Seal

Slide and
Stop Block
Iron Screw

Open Position


10 mm Dia bolt in Locking Position

Drawing not to Scale

Fig. 9.9 : Pull Bolt Locks

299 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.13
Locking Bolt Guide Pin

Lever Spring
1 Fulorum Pin

5 +2
100 ±1 5.5 -0 Latch Spring
Pivot Pin

Min 6

2 Lever Pivot Pin 1 Body Locking Bolt Body Cover

Optional Size of Lock




4 Latch Bolt

Fixture for Locking Pin
Face Plate

5 Locking Bolt
25 25 Striking Plate
3 Face Plate 8 mm Square Hole
2 Case Plate Optional for Connecting Rod

6 Lever 7 Latch Spring 8 Follower Key

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 9.10 : Mortice Lock & Latch

300 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.16

Nominal Size (L)

Case Plate Face Plate

Body (Optional)
Fore End
Right Latch

Locking Bolt

Follower Levers

1 1.25 min

7 3 100




Square Hole

2 Follower
Hole 6 Latch Bolt
3 Latch Spring
5 Locking Lug 25

7 Locking Bolt
15 min 4 Lever


Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 9.11 : Mortice Night Latch

301 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.19


F G R3

1A X B 0.75


B Fig. 9.12.3 : Typical Door Handle (Type 3)


Fig. 9.12.1 : Typical Door Handle (Type 1) D



Continuous Plate may be

Provided where desired
F F Note : M5 x 20 mm G.I. Countersunk machine screw or any other
suitable fixing arrangement may be used

Fig. 9.12.2 : Typical Door Handle (Type 2) Fig. 9.12.4 : Typical Door Handle (Type 4)

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 9.12 : Handles for Doors and Windows

302 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

(Fig. 9.12.1 to 9.12.3)
All dimensions in millimetres
Type Re f to. S ize s A B C D E F G H I Scre w Holes *
of Fig. Min Min Min Min Min Min Min Min No. in Size De s igna tion of
Hea d Ea ch Counte r-s unk He a d
Lug Wood Scre w (s e e
IS 6760-1972 #)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)

9.12.1A 75 125 75 20 2.5 5 8 15 - - 2 6

100 150 100 25 3.0 8 10 20 - - 2 6
125 190 125 25 4.0 10 12 22 - - 2 6
150 215 150 30 1.5 12 15 25 - - 2 8
9.12.1B 75 85 75 20 2.5 5 8 15 - - 2 6
100 110 100 25 3.0 5 10 20 - - 2 6
125 140 125 25 3.0 7.5 12 22 - - 2 6
150 165 150 30 4.0 7.5 15 25 - - 2 8

2. 9.12.2 75 125 75 20 - 10 16 32 20 1.0 2 6

100 150 100 25 - 11 19 38 20 1.0 2 6
115 175 115 28 - 13 22 45 25 1.0 3 8
135 200 135 30 - 14 25 50 32 1.25 3 8

3. 9.12.3 75 100 75 20 - 5 14 16 8 1.25 1 6

90 125 90 25 - 6 16 20 10 1.25 2 6
100 150 100 28 - 7 18 25 12 1.60 2 6
* More evenly spaced screw holes may be provided, if so required by the purchaser.
Specification for slotted countersunk head wood screws.


All dimensions in millimetres.

Type Ref to S ize s A B C D E# G Scre w H oles **

Fig. Min Min Dia No. in No. in a S ize Des ignation of
Each plate when Counter-s unk Hea d
Lug a continuous Wood Scre ws (s e e
P late is us ed IS : 6760-1972 $ )

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

30 + 0
4 9.12.4 75 115 75 25 5 ± 0.5 10 ± 0.5 30 + 0 2 4 6
30 - 1

30 + 0
100 140 100 30 5 ± 0.5 10 ± 0.5 30 + 0 2 4 6
30 - 1

30 + 0
125 175 125 35 5 ± 0.5 12 ± 0.5 38 + 0 3 6 6
30 - 1

30 + 0
150 200 150 35 5 ± 0.5 12 ± 0.5 38 + 0 3 6 6
30 - 1
In case a continuous base plate is used, the thickness may be reduced to 3 mm.
# Hexagonal or round.
** More evenly placed screw holes may be provided, if so required by the purchaser.
$ Specification for slotted countersunk head wood screws.

303 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.20

B 40
12.5 16
C A Spring
Rubber Cover Plate
45R 20
Piece 16
5 T1

18 12.5
Body or
2 25
8 φ Pin 32


Thickness of A B C Casting Screw No. of Holes

Door Shutter T1 Designation No. for T1

30 35.0 ± 0.5 140.0 ± 0.5 13 4.5 + 0.3 9 4

35 40.0 ± 0.5 140.0 ± 0.5 8 4.5 ± 0.3 9 4
40 45.0 ± 0.5 150.0 ± 0.5 13 4.5 + 0.3 9 4
45 50.0 ± 0.5 150.0 ± 0.5 8 4.5 + 0.3 9 4

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 9.13 : Floor Door Stopper – Cast Type


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.15.23

80 mm to Web

8 mm dia Pin
75 65 65 75 18
Locking Bracket

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 9.14 : Window Stay

304 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub H ead : Wood Work a nd P VC Work

Clause : 9.15.25

Install Thus
T for mild Steel Sheet
T1for Cast or Extruded Section of Brass


¼B D

½B G R

d H
D1 Staple ( Mild S teel)
H f or Mild Steel Sheet D+18 T1
H' f or C ast o r Extruded
HASP Section or Brass D+1.5
(Mild Steel or Brass)

K T2
(Brass or Aluminium)

MILD S TEEL Thick- Dia of Screw Holes

ness of Hinge No. on No. on Screw
Sheet Pin d Hasp Staple Desig-
Size A B C D E F G H J K R T
90 90±2 38±1.5 46±2 5.0± .10 5.0± .5 35±1.5 28±1.5 8±.5 12±1 8±1 8±.5 2± .10 4± .10 3 4 8
115 115±2 38±1.5 46±2 5.0± .10 5.0± .5 55±1.5 28±1.5 8±.5 12±1 8±1 8±.5 2± .10 4± .10 3 4 8
150 150±2 45±1.5 60±2 6.30± .10 6.0± .5 65±1.5 33±.5 10±.5 15±1 14±1 9±.5 2.24± .10 5± .10 4 4 10

BRAS S CAS T OR EXTRUDED Thick- Dia of Dia of Screw Holes

Ness Hinge Butt No. on No. on Screw
Pin d D1 Hasp Staple Desig-
Size A B C D E F G H K R T1 T2
90 90±2 40±1.5 42±1.5 5±.25 6±.5 35±1 28±.5 10±.5 8±1 6.5±.5 2±.25 3±.25 3.15±.10 6±.2 3 4 5
115 115±2 40±1.5 42±1.5 5±.25 6±.5 45±1 28±.5 10±.5 11±1 6.5±.5 2±.25 3±.25 3.15±.10 6±.2 3 4 8
150 150±2 46±1.5 48±1.5 6±.25 7±.5 65±1 32±.5 11±.5 14±1 7.5±.5 3±.25 4±.25 4±.10 8±.2 4 4 0

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 9.15 : Hasp & Staples

305 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.16.6

Top Rail 100 1/3 t


12 mm thick Rubber Wood
Lipping Alround


Center Line of Lock Rail


Beading for fixing Panel

Fig. 9.16A : Single Tenon Joint
100 mm Long Hinges

Lock Rail 150

25 mm

PANEL 65 mm
850 200 mm
Beading for Fixing Panel
20 mm

65 mm

200 25 mm

All Dimension are in mm Fig. 9.16B : Double Tenon Joint

Fig. 9.16 : Typical Illustratino of Panelled LVL
Door Shutter
0 to 10 mm 0 to 10 mm


1/3 1/2

A - S played Type B - S quare Type

Fig. 9.16D : Meeting of Stiles for Double

Leaved Door Shutters
Fig. 9.16C : Common Methods of Joining
Panel with Stiles and Rails with/
without Beading

Fig. 9.16 : LVL Shutter

306 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub H ead : Wood W ork a nd P VC Work

Clause : 9.17.2

Fillet Ceiling Channel

Board Fillet

Metal Stud at
610 mm Centres
Calcium Silicate

Stud at 610 mm c/c


Floor Channel


Floor and Ceiling Channel






Board 8 / 10 / 12 mm Thick One layer board on each side of studs

Board Fillets 60 / 100 mm On each side of all studs and channels
Floor/Ceiling Channel 50 x 32 x 32 x 0.55 mm Top and bottom perimeter of the partition
Stud 48 x 50 x 48 x 0.55 mm Vertically at 610 mm c/c
Bracing Member 45 x 15 x 15 x 0.9 mm At horizontal board joint on both side
Screws (C/S head) 25 & 35 mm long, self 12 mm from the edge & 40 mm from the
drilling with under head cutter corner of the board at 200 mm c/c

Fig. 9.17 : Partitions

307 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.20.1
50 mm

C 5 mm
5 mm
150mm Long 'L' Top Rail
Shape Brakcet 15 mm
EDPM Rubber Gasket

47 mm
x 15 mm sq. Tube 19
Gauge inserted into
19 x 19 mm M.S.
Square Tube of 19 mm x 19 mm M.S.

15 mm
19 Guage Square Tube
5 mm
Solid PVC
Choukhat 40 mm
Lock Rail
(Upper) Section View of
Hinge Solid PVC Choukhat
(Detail at 'H')
D Lock

25 mm
30 mm

100 mm
75 mm Long M.S.
Screws fixed with 75 mm
PVC Fasteners for
Fixing Frame to Wall Detail at 'F'
Lock Rail PVC 'C' Channel
15 mm

E 30 mm
Bottom 25 mm

25 mm
(Scale - 1 : 25) DETAIL AT 'D'
(Scale - 1:3)

100 mm

100 mm

25 mm
50 mm
25 mm 30 mm
5 mm PVC Panel
Gap insert Detail at 'G' Detail at 'H'
for Top PVC Beading PVC 'C' Channel PVC Bottom Rail
100 mm

15 mm x 15 mm M.S.
Gap insert
Square Tube
below bottom Rail
Top Rail
100 mm

(Detail at -G)
Bottom Rail
Gap insert (Detail at - H)
below Top Rail 15 mm x 15 mm
M.S. Square Tube
15 mm

PVC Beading
Gap insert
5 mm PVC Panel for bottom

Detail at 'C' Detail at 'E'

(Scale - 1 : 3) (Scale - 1:3)

Solid PVC 19 mm M.S.

5 mm PVC 5 mm PVC 19 mm M.S. Solid PVC
Choukhat Square Tube
Beading Beading Square Tube Choukhat
50 mm 75 mm 75 mm 50 mm
47 mm

5 mm PVC
40 mm Hinge 5 mm PVC Panel
5 mm PVC 40 mm
'C' Channel 'C' Channel
(Detail at 'F') (Detail at 'F')
Detail at 'A' Detail at 'B'
(Scale - 1 :3) (Scale - 1 :3)

Fig. 9.21 : PVC Door Frame

308 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.21.1(a)

Plain Solid PVC 19 mm x 19 mm M.S,

Choukhat Square Tube 7 mm (5 mm + 2 mm
PVC Beading)
B 150 mm Long 50 mm
'L' Shape Bracket
75 mm

47 mm
Top Rail

40 mm 5 mm
Stiles 5 mm Taper PVC Sheet
Hinge Plain

Beading PVC 'C' Channel

(Sectional View 'AA')

19 mm M.S.
Square Tube
47 mm

C 50 mm
Hinge Tapper Lock Rail
Lock Rail
Gap insert for Top
C 5 mm Both Side Prelam
15 mm x 15 mm M.S. PVC Panel
Square Tube
75 mm Long Taper Plain Top Rail
Steel Screws

7 mm (5mm + 2 mm)
A A Lock Rail (Lower)
7 mm (5+2)
PVC Beading

5 mm PVC Panel
PVC Choukhat

Bottom Rail (Sectional View 'BB') (Sectional View 'CC')

15 mm M.S.

Fig. 9.22 : 30 mm Thick Panel PVC Door Shutter

309 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.23.1

Thickness of Door 45 mm
Frame - Rebate = 45 mm
5 mm
3 mm

M H - 95 mm = Height of Shutter
M H - 10 mm = Overall Height of
M H = Modular Height of
Door Opening

Door Frame

Floor Level
5 mm Clearance
40 mm

M w - 100 mm = Width of
Shutter Structural
M w - 10 mm = Overall Width Floor Level
of Door Frame
Mw = Modular Width of
Door Opening

Fig. 9.24B : Sketch Illustrating Dimensions of Shutter

310 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.24.1


Fisher Screw

Door Frame (60 mm x 30 mm)

40 x 20 M.S. Pipe

PVC Foam Profile


Panel Door
3 mm Thick
HPL Sheet

Door Frame
(60 mm x 30 mm) DETAIL - X


30 30

PVC Foam Profile



Typical Door Frame Detail
(60 mm x 30 mm)



Drawing not to scale

Al dimensions are in mm

Fig. 9.25 : Solid PVC Foam Profile Frame

311 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Wood Work and PVC Work

Clause : 9.27

Perimeter Channel Perimeter Channel

Calcium Silicate Board

Calcium Silicate Vertical M/F Ceiling Section

Ceiling Section Board


Perimeter Channel Fixed
to the Soffit and floor

Fig. 9.28 : Wall Panelling

312 | Page HO Specifications Civil Volume - I

10.0: Steel Work

313 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. De s cription P a ge No.

List of Mandatory Tests 316

List of Bureau of Indian Standards Codes 317

10.0 Definitions/Terminology 318

10.1 Materials 318

10.2 Steel Work in Single Section Fixed Independently with Connecting Plate 320

10.3 Steel Work in Built up Section (Riveted and Bolted) 321

10.4 Steel Work in Built up Section (Welded) 325

10.5 Collapsible Steel Gates 326

10.6 M.S. Sheet Sliding Shutter - DELETED 327

10.7 M.S. Sheet Shutters - DELETED 327

10.8 Rolling Shutters 327

10.9 Rolling Grills -Shutters 329

10.10 Steel Doors, Windows, Ventilators & Composite Units - DELETED 329

10.11 T-Iron Doors, Windows & Ventilators Frames - DELETED 329

10.12 Pressed Steel Door Frames - DELETED 329

10.13 Tubular Hollow Section Trusses - DELETED 329

10.14 Fan Clamps 329

10.15 M.S. Hollow Rectangular Door Frames (I-Type Section) - DELETED 330

10.16 Factory Made Glazed Steel Doors, Windows and Ventilators - DELETED 330

10.17 Steel Work for Staircases, Chequred Plate, Grating, Ladder, Railings, 330
Bracket and Gate etc.

10.18 Steel Work for Hand Rails 330

314 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Appendix A Mechanical Properties and Chemical Composition of Steel 331

Appendix B Welding Process 334

Appendix C Steel Tubes for Structural Purposes 335

Appendix D Shapes, Weights and Designation of M S Rolled Steel Section 336

Fig. 10.1 Welds and Rivets 339

Fig. 10.2 Collapsible Steel Gate 340

Fig. 10.3 Typical M.S. Sheet Shutters - DELETED -

Fig. 10.4, Doors, Windows and Ventilators - DELETED -

10.5 & 10.6

Fig. 10.7 Fixing Butt Hinges to T-Iron Frame - DELETED -

Fig. 10.8 Pressed Steel Door & Window Frames - DELETED -

Fig. 10.9 Fan Clamps 341

315 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Ma te ria l Cla us e Te s t F ie ld/ Te s t Min.quantity of Fre que ncy

la bora tory proce dure ma te ria l for of te s ting
te s t ca rrying out the
te s t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Steel if 10.1.1 (a) Tensile Laboratory IS 1599 50 tonne Every 50
arranged strength tonne or
by the (b) Bend test part
contractor thereof.
Steel 10.13 (a) Tensile Laboratory IS 1608 Every 20 tonne or Every 20
tubular Test part thereof tonne or
pipes (b) Bend IS 2329 part
Test thereof
(c) Flattening IS 2328

316 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S l. Code No. S ubje ct

1 IS 63 Whiting for paints and putty
2 IS 198 Varnish gold size
3 IS 228 Structural steel (Standard quality)
4 IS 277 Specification for galvanized steel sheets (Plain and corrugated)
5 IS 800 Code of practice for use of structural steel in general in steel construction
6 IS 806 Code of practice for use of steel Tubes in general building construction
7. IS 808 Dimensions for Hot rolled steel beams, columns, channel and angle
8. IS 812 Glossary of terms relating to welding and cutting metals
9. IS 813 Scheme of symbols for welding
10 IS 814 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of carbon and carbon
manganese steel
11 IS 816 Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in
mild steel
12 IS 817 Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders
13 IS 818 Code of practice for safety and healthy requirements in electric and gas
welding and cutting operations
14 IS 822 Code of procedure for inspection of welds
15 IS 823 Manual for metal arc welding in mild steel
16 IS 1038 Steel doors, windows and ventilators
17 IS 1081 Code of practice for fixing and glazing of metal (Steel and aluminium)
doors, windows and ventilators
18 IS 1148 Hot rolled steel rivet bars (upto 40 mm diameters) for structural purposes
19 IS 1161 Steel tubes for structural purposes
20 IS 1182 Recommended practice for radiographic examination of fusion welded butt
joints in steel plates
21 IS 1200- (Pt. VIII) Method of measurements of steel work and iron works
22 IS 1363 Part I Haxagon head bolts, screws, and nuts of product grade C (Hexagon Head
23 IS 1363 Part II Haxagon Head Bolts, screws and nuts of product Grade ‘C’
24 IS 1363 Part-III Haxagan Head Bolts, screws and Nuts of product grade ‘C’
25 IS 1367 Technical supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners
26 IS 1599 Method for bend test
27 IS 1608 Metallic materials - Tensile Testing at Ambient Temperature.
28 IS 1821 Dimensions for clearance holes for bolts and screws
29 IS 1852 Rolling and cutting tolerance for hot rolled steel products
30 IS 1894 Method for tensile testing of steel tubes
31 IS 1977 Structural steel (ordinary quality)
32 IS 2062 Hot Rolled low, medium and high tensile structural steel
33 IS 2074 Ready mixed paint, air drying redoxide zinc chrome priming
34 IS 4351 Specification for steel door frames
35 IS 4454 (Part I) Steel wires for mechanical springs. Cold drawn unalloyed steel wire.
36 IS 4711 Methods for sampling of steel pipes, tube and fittings.
37 IS 4736 Hot - dip zinc coating on mild steel tubes
38 IS 4923 Hollow Steel Sections for Structural Use - Specification
39 IS 6248 Metal rolling shutters and rolling grills
40 IS 7452 Specification for hot rolled steel sections for doors, windows and

317 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


A single run of weld metal deposited on surface.

Butt Weld
A weld in which the weld metal lies substantially within the extension of the planes arc the surfaces on
the parts joined.

A depression left in weld metal where the a rc was broken or the flame was removed.

End Crater
A crater at the end of a weld or at the end of a joint.

Fillet Weld
A w eld of a pproximately trian gular cr oss-section join ing tw o s urfaces a pproximately at th e rig ht
angles to each other in a lap joint, tee joint or corner joint. It is of two types:
(1) Continuous
(2) Intermittent.

Fusion Welding
Any welding process in which the weld is made between metals in a state of fusion without
hammering or pressure.

Non- fusion Welding

A term appl ied t o t he dep osition, b y t he O xy-Acetylene process of f iller metal on parent metal w ithout
fusion of the latter.

Oxy-Ace tyle ne P re s s ure We lding

Pressure welding in which any Oxy-Acetylene flame is used to make the surface to be united plastic. No
filler metal is used.

The metal deposited during one passage of the electrode or blow pipe in the making of a joint.

Throat thickness
See Fig. 10.1.

A union between two pieces of metal at faces rendered plastic or liquid by heat or pre ssure, or bot h,
Filler metal may be used to effect the union.


Micro-Alloying Elements
Elements s uch as ni obium, bo ron, v anadium and t itanium added singly o r i n c ombination t o ob tain
higher strength to weight ratio and better toughness, formability and weldability as compared to
unalloyed steel of similar strength level.

318 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
A m etallic s ubstance i s c onsidered t o be w eldable by a gi ven pr ocess and for t he gi ven pur pose,
when m etallic continuity to a stated degree can be obtained by welding using a s uitable procedure, s o
that t he j oints c omply with t he requirements s pecified i n regard t o bot h t heir l ocal properties and t heir
influence on the construction of which they form a part.

Controlled Rolling
A ho t r olling p rocess in w hich the temperature o f the s teel a nd its r eduction r atio ar e c ontrolled,
particularly dur ing t he f inal r olling pas ses, i n or der t o ac hieve f ine gr ain m icro s tructure and opt imum
mechanical properties.

Normalizing Rolling
A hot rolling process in which the final r olling passes are c arried out at a suitable higher temperature,
followed by c ooling i n n atural ai r t o a t emperature bel ow t he t ransformation t emperature, i n order t o
produce a structure, analogous to that obtained by a separate normalizing treatment of hot rolled

10.1.1 Steel Supply of Material : General requirements relating to supply of structural steel shall conform to
IS 8910. Grades : There shall be ni ne grades of steel as given in Tables 10.1 and 10. 2. W hile placing
the order the steel should be designated by ‘Designation’ (See Table 10.1 and 10.2). Manufacture : The processes used in the steel making and further hot rolling into steel plates,
strips, s ections, flats, b ars, et c., are left to t he discretion o f th e m anufacturer/supplier. If r equired,
secondary r efining m ay follow steel m aking, a s a lso no rmalizing r olling/controlled ro lling du ring
manufacturing of s ections or as per the agreement between the purc haser and the manufacturer/
supplier. Freedom from Defects All finished materials shall be well and cleanly rolled to the dimensions, sections and
masses s pecified. T he f inished m aterial s hall be r easonably f ree f rom s urface f laws; laminations; rough/
jagged and imperfect edges and all other harmful defects. Minor surface defects may be removed by the manufacturer/supplier by grinding provided
the t hickness i s n ot r educed l ocally by m ore t han 4 pe rcent b elow t he m inimum s pecified t hickness.
Reduction i n t hickness by gr inding gr eater t han 4 percent but not ex ceeding 7 per cent m ay be m ade
subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer/supplier. Subject to agreement with the purchaser, surface defects which cannot be dealt with as in m ay be r epaired by c hipping or grinding f ollowed by welding a nd i nspection by a m utually
agreed procedure such that :
(a) After complete removal of the defects and before welding, the thickness of the item is not to be
reduced by more than 20 percent at any place.
(b) Welding is carried out by procedure APPROVED by competent authority with approved
electrodes and the welding is ground smooth to the correct nominal thickness; and
(c) S ubsequent to the finish grinding, the item may be req uired to be n ormalized or ot herwise heat-
treated at the purchaser’s discretion. Welding as mentioned in is not permissible for grade designation E 250 material.

319 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Chemical Composition : Ladle A nalysis t he l adle anal ysis of t he steel, w hen c arried out by
the method specified i n t he r elevant part o f I S 2 28 or a ny other established i nstrumental / chemical
method, shall be as given in Table 10.1. In case of dispute, the procedure given in IS 228 and its
relevant parts shall be the referee method and where test methods are not specified shall be as agreed to
between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier.

10.1.2 Rivets
Rivets shall be made from rivet bars of mild steel as per IS 1148.

10.1.3 Bolts
These are o f t wo t ypes namely t urned and fi tted bol ts and bl ack b olts. T urned & fi tted bolts a re
turned t o e xact d iameter i n aut omatic l athe. F or t hese bol ts, w hether rea med or dri lled bolts, t he s ame
unit s tresses ar e al lowed as for r ivets. In case of bl ack bol ts which ar e not finished to e xact sizes, a
lower working s tress other t han f or t urned b olts is adopted. T hey shall c onform t o I S 136 7 - Technical
supply conditions for threaded steel fasteners.

10.1.4 Electrodes
The e lectrodes r equired f or m etal ar c w elding s hall be c overed e lectrodes and s hall c onform to
IS 814.


10.2.0 The steel work in single s ection of R.S. joists, flats, T ees Angles fixed i ndependently with o r
without connecting plate, is described in these clauses.

10.2.1 Fabrication
The steel sections as specified shall be straightened and cut square to correct lengths and measured with
a steel tape. The cut end s ex posed to v iew s hall be finished s mooth. N o two pi eces shall be w elded or
otherwise jointed to make up the required length of member.

All straightening and shaping to form, shall be done by pressure. Bending or cutting shall be carried out
in such a manner as not to impair the strength of the metal.

10.2.2 Painting
All surfaces which are to be painted, oiled or otherwise treated shall be dry and thoroughly cleaned to
remove all loose scale and loose rust. Surfaces not in contact but inaccessible after shop assembly, shall
receive the full specified protective treatment before assembly. This does not apply to the interior of sealed
hollow sections. Part to be encased in concrete shall not be painted or oiled. A priming coat of approved
steel primer such as Red Oxide/Zinc Chromate primer conforming to IS 2074 shall be applied before any
member of steel structure are placed in position or taken out of workshop.

10.2.3 Erection
Steel w ork s hall be h oisted a nd pl aced in p osition carefully w ithout any da mage to itself and other
building work and injury to workmen. Where necessary mechanical appliances such as lifting tackle
winch etc. shall be used. The suitability and capacity of all plant and equipment used for erection shall be
upto the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

10.2.4 Measurements
The w ork as f ixed in pl ace s hall be m easured i n ru nning m etres c orrect t o a m illimetre and w eights
calculated on t he bas is of s tandard t ables c orrect t o t he neares t k ilogram. The s tandard w eight of s teel
sections s hall c onform t o I S 808 w ith t olerance i n s izes as per I S 1852 . T olerance i n w eight i s g iven i n
Table 10. 3. S teel s ections s hall be ac ceptable w ithin t olerance l imits. P ayment f or s teel s ections s hall
be made as per actual weight within tolerances. Sections having weight on higher side than permissible

320 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
tolerance, m ay be ac ceptable but pa yment s hall be m ade on t he b asis o f standard w eight o nly. S teel
sections having weight variations lower side than permissible variation shall not be acceptable.

Unless ot herwise s pecified, weight o f c leats, br ackets, pac king pi eces, bol ts, nu ts, w ashers, di stance
pieces, separaters, diaphgram gussets (taking overall square dimension) fish plates, etc. shall be added to
the w eight o f r espective items. In r iveted w ork al lowance is to be m ade f or w eight o f r ivet hea ds.
Unless otherwise specified an addition of 2.5% of the weight of s tructure s hall be m ade for s hop and site
rivet heads in riveted steel structures.

No ded uction s hall b e m ade f or r ivet/ or b olt holes ( excluding h oles f or anc hor or hol ding do wn bo lts).

Deduction in case of rivet or bolt hole shall however be made if its area exceeds 0.02 sqm.

The weight of steel sheets, plates and strips shall be taken from relevant Indian standards based on
7.85 K g/m2 for e very m illimetre s heet t hickness. For rolled sections, s teel ro ds an d s teel s trips, w eight
given in relevant Indian Standards shall be used.

10.2.5 Rate
Rate includes the cost of labour and materials required for all the operations described above.


The steel work in built up section (Riveted and bolted) such as trusses, framed work etc. is specified in
this clause.

10.3.1 Laying Out

A figure of the steel structure to be f abricated shall be dr awn on a l evel platform to full scale. This
may be done in full or in parts, as shown on drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. S teel
tape shall be used for measurements.

10.3.2 Fabrication
Fabrication s hall g enerally be done as specified i n I S 8 00. I n m ajor w orks or w here s o s pecified,
shop dr awings gi ving c omplete information for t he f abrication of the c omponent par ts of t he s tructure
including the location, t ype, size, length and details or rivets, bolts or welds, s hall be prepared in
advance of the actual fabrication and approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The drawings shall indicate the
shop and field rivets, bolts and welds. The steel members shall be distinctly marked or stenciled with paint
with the identification marks as given in the shop drawings.

Great accuracy shall be observed in the fab rication of v arious members, s o that th ese can be
assembled without being unduly packed, strained or forced into position and when built up, shall be true
and free from twist, kinks, buckles or open joints.

Wooden or metal s heet t emplates shall be made to c orrespond t o eac h member, and pos ition o f rivet
holes shall be marked accurately on t hem and hol es drilled. The templates shall t hen be l aid on the steel
members, and holes for riveting and bolting marked on them. The ends of the steel members shall also be
marked for cutting as per required dimensions. The base of steel columns and the positions of anchor bolts
shall be carefully set out at the required location. The steel section shall be s traight or to be straightened or flattened by pressure unless
required to be of curvilinear form and shall free from twists. These shall be cut square either by shearing or
sawing to correct length and measured by steel tape. No tow pieces shall be welded or joined to make
up for the required length of member. Making Holes : Holes t hrough m ore t han o ne t hickness of m aterials f or m embers, such as
compound stanchion and girder flanges shall, where possible, be drilled after the members are

321 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
assembled and tightly clamped or bolted together. Punching may be permitted before assembly,
provided the holes are punched 3mm less in diameter than the required size and reamed after assembly to
the full diameter. The thickness of material punched shall be not greater than 16 mm.

Rivet Holes
The diameter for rivets and black bolts holes shall be taken as the nominal diameter of a rivet/ black
bolts plus 1.5 mm for rivets/ bolts of nominal diameter less than or equal to 25 mm” and 2.0 m m for
rivets of nominal diameter exceeding 25 mm, unless specified otherwise. Holes for turned and fitted
bolts shall be drilled or reamed large by 0.2 to 8 mm depending upon the dia. of bolts.

Holes shall have their axis perpendicular to the surface bored through. The drilling or reaming shall be
free f rom b urrs, an d t he hol es s hall b e c lean a nd ac curate. H oles f or r ivets a nd bolts shall n ot b e
formed by gas cutting process.

Holes for counter sunk bolts shall be made in such a m anner that their heads sit flush with the
surface after fixing. Assembly : Before making holes in individual members, for fabrication and steel work intended to
be riveted or bolted together shall be assembled and clamped properly and tightly so as to ensure close
abutting, or lapping of the surfaces of the different members. All stiffeners shall be fixed (or placed) tightly
both at top and bottom without being drawn or caulked. The abutting joints shall be cut or dressed true and
straight, and fitted close together.

Web plates of girders, which have no cover flange plates, shall have their ends flush with the tops of
angles un less ot herwise required. T he w eb plate w hen spliced, shall have c learance of n ot m ore than
5mm. The erection clearance of cleated ends of members connecting steel to steel shall preferably be not
greater than 1.5 mm. The erection clearance at the ends of beams without web cleats shall not be more
than 3 mm at each end but where for practical reasons, greater clearance is necessary, seating designed
suitably shall be provided.

Column splices and butt joints of struts and compression members re quiring c ontact for stress
transmission shall be ac curately, machined and close but ted ov er t he whole s ection. In column caps and
bases, the ends of shafts together w ith the attached gussets, an gles, channels etc. after r iveting
together shall b e accurately m achined s o t hat t he pa rts c onnected, b utt a gainst e ach other over t he
entire s urfaces o f c ontact. C onnecting angl es or channels shall be fabricated and pl aced i n pos ition w ith
great accuracy so that they are not unduly reduced in thickness by machining.

The ends of all bearing stiffeners shall be machined or grounded to fit tightly both at top and bottom. Riveting : Rivets shall be used, where slip under load has to be avoided.

P re limina rie s b e fore R ive tings :- Members to be riveted shall have all parts firmly placed and held
together be fore a nd d uring riveting, an d s pecial care shall be taken i n t his respect for al l s ingle riveted
connections. F or m ultiple r iveted c onnections, a s ervice bol t s hall be pr ovided i n ev ery t hird or f ourth

P roce s s of Rive ting

The r iveting s hall be c arried out by us ing m achines of t he s teady pr essure type. H owever, w here
such f acilities ar e not av ailable hand r iveting m ay be per mitted by t he E ngineer-in-charge. T he r ivets
shall be heated red hot, care being t aken to c ontrol the t emperature of heating s o as not t o burn t he
steel. R ivets o f di ameter l ess t han10mm may be driven c old. Rivets s hall be finished neat w ith heads full
and of equal size. The heads shall be central on shanks and shall grip the assembled members firmly.

322 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
All loose, burnt, or badly formed rivets with eccentric or def icient heads shall be c ut out and replaced. In
cutting out rivets, care shall be t aken s o as not to i njure the assembled m embers. Caulking and
recapping shall not be permitted.

For t esting rivets, a ham mer w eighing approx. 0.25 kg s hall be u sed and both heads of t he rivet
(Specially t he m achine h ead) s hall b e t apped. W hen s o t ested, t he ri vets s hall not gi ve a hol low sound
and a jar where so specified, other tests shall be carried out to ensure the soundness of rivets.

All rivets heads shall be painted with approved steel primer paint within a week of their fixing. Bolting : The nominal length of the bolt shall be t he distance from the underside of the head to
the further end of the shank. The nominal diameter of the bolt shall be the diameter at the shank above
the s crewed t hreads. Bolts, nut s and washers s hall be t horoughly cleaned a nd di pped i n d ouble boiled
linseed oil, before use. All bolts heads and nuts shall be hexagonal unless specified otherwise. The
screwed threads s hall c onform t o I S 1363 and t he t hreaded s urface s hall not be tapered. The bol ts s hall
be of s uch length as t o project at l east two c lear threads bey ond t he nut s w hen f ixed i n pos ition, and
these shall fit in the holes without any shake. The nuts shall fit in the threaded ends of bolts properly.

Where necessary, washers shall be tapered or otherwise suitably shaped to give the heads and nuts of
bolts a satisfactory bear ing. The t hreaded por tion of each bol t s hall pr oject through the nut at l east two
thread. In a ll cases where the full bearing area of the bolt is to b e developed, the bolt shall be pro vided
with a washer of sufficient thickness under the nuts to avoid any threaded portion of the bolt being within the
thickness of the parts bolted together.

Where there is a risk of the nuts being removed or becoming loose due to vibrations or reversal of
stresses, these shall be secured from slackening by the use of lock nut, spring washers as directed by the

10.3.3 Erection Steel members shall be hoisted and erected in position carefully, without any damage to itself,
other structures and equipment and injury to workmen. The method of hoisting and erection proposed to be
adopted by the c ontractor shall be got approved from t he E ngineer-in-charge in adv ance. T he
contractor however shall be fully responsible for the work being carried out in a safe and proper manner
without undul y s tressing t he v arious m embers an d pr oper equi pment s uch as der ricks, l ifting t ackles,
winches, ropes etc. shall be used. The work of erection m ay be done in suitable units as may be directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. Fabricated members shall be lifted at such points so as to avoid deformation or excessive stress in
members. The s tructure or part o f it placed i n p osition s hall b e secured against over-turning or
collapse by suitable means.

During ex ecution, t he s teel members s hall be securely bol ted or ot herwise fastened when nec essary
temporarily braced to provide for all loads including those due to erection equipments and its operation to
be carried safely by structure during erection. The steel members shall be placed in proper position as per
approved drawing, final riveting or permanent bolting shall be do ne only after proper alignment has been
checked and confirmed. Trusses shall be lifted only at nodes. The trusses above 10 m in span shall not be lifted by
slinging at t wo m id poi nts o f r afters, which s hall be t emporary br aced b y a wooden member o f a suitable
section. A fter the t russes ar e pl aced i n position, purlins and w ind bracings shall be f ixed a s soon as

323 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The end of the truss which faces the prevailing winds shall be f ixed with holding down bolts, and the
other end kept free to move. In case of trusses of spans upto 10m the free end of the truss shall be laid on
lead sheet or steel plate as per design, and the holes for holding down bolts shall be made in the form
of obl ong slots s o as t o per mit t he free movements o f the t russ end. For l arger spans t he truss s hall b e
provided with proper bearing as per design. Columns and stanchions shall be erected truly vertical with the necessary cross bracing etc.
and t he base shall be properly f ixed with t he f oundation c oncrete by means of anc hor bol ts et c. as per
drawing. Anchor bolts to be placed in the concrete foundation should be held in position with a wooden
template. A t the t ime of c oncreting a nchor b olt l ocations s hall be provided w ith s uitable t imber m ould or
pipe sleeve to allow for adjustment which shall be removed after initial setting of concrete. The spaces left
around an chor bolts s hall be linked t o a s topping c hannel i n t he concrete l eading t o t he s ide o f t he
pedestal and o n the underside of t he base pl ate t o allow the s paces being grouted up after the base
plate is fixed in the position along with the column footing. Grouting shall be of cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement: 3 coarse sand) or as specified. Bedding of Column, Stanchions etc.:- Bedding shall not be carried out until the steel work has
been finally l evelled, plumbed an d c onnected together. The s tanchion s hall be s upported o n s teel
wedges and adjusted t o make t he c olumn pl umb. For m ultistoreyed buildings, t he be dding shall not b e
done un til sufficient number of bottom lengths of stanchions have been properly lined, levelled and
plumbed a nd sufficient f loor b eams ar e f ixed in p osition. T he b ase plates shall b e wedged clear of t he
bases by M.S. wedges and adjusted where necessary to plumb the columns. The gaps under the base
plate may be made upto 25 mm which shall be pressure grouted with cement grouts.

With s mall c olumns, if p ermitted by t he Engineer-in-charge, t he c olumn b ase shall be f loated o n a

thick c ement gr out on the c oncrete pe destal. T he anc hor bo lt ho les in the bas e p late m ay b e m ade
about 10 to 15 mm larger than the bolts. In such cases suitable washers shall be provided.

10.3.4 Painting
Before the members of the steel structure are placed in position or taken out of the workshop these
shall be painted as specified in 10.2.2.

10.3.5 Measurements
The w ork as f ixed i n position s hall b e m easured i n running m etres c orrect t o a millimetre and their
weight calculated on the basis of standard tables correct to the nearest kilogram.

The standard weight of steel sections shall conform to IS 808 w ith tolerance in sizes as per I S 1852.
Tolerenace in w eight is g iven in T able 1 0.3. Steel sections s hall b e a cceptable within t olerance l imits.
Payment for steel s ections shall be made as per ac tual weight within tolerances. S ections hav ing weight
on hi gher s ide than permissible tolerance, may be a cceptable but payment shall be made on the basis of
standard weight onl y. Steel s ections having w eight v ariations lower t han p ermissible v ariation s hall not
be acceptable.

Unless o therwise specified. Weight o f cleats, b rackets, pac king pi eces, bol ts nut s, w ashers, di stance
pieces, separators diaphragm gussets (taking overall square dimensions) fish plates etc. shall be added to
the weight of respective items. No deductions shall be made for skew cuts. In riveted work, allowance is to
be m ade f or w eight of ri vet heads . U nless ot herwise s pecified and a ddition of 2. 5% of t he w eight o f
structure shall b e m ade f or s hop a nd s ite ri vet heads i n ri veted s teel structures. N o d eduction s hall be
made for rivet/ or bolt holes (excluding holes for anchor or holding down bolts). Deduction in case of rivet or
bolt hole shall, however, be made if its area exceeds 0.02 m 2.

324 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The w eight o f s teel s heet and s trips s hall be taken f rom r elevant I ndian S tandards bas ed on 7. 85
kg/m 2 for ev ery millimetre sheet thickness. F or rolled sections, steel rods and s teel s trips, w eight gi ven i n
relevant Indian Standards shall be used.

10.3.6 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he cost o f all m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n all t he operation described


10.4.0 The steel work in built up s ections (welded) such as in trusses, form work etc. is specified in this

10.4.1 Laying out

It shall be as specified in 10.3.1.

10.4.2 Fabrication Straightening, shaping to form, cutting and assembling, shall be as per 10.3.2 as far as
applicable, except t hat t he words “ri veted or b olted” s hall b e re ad as “ welded” and holes shall o nly be
used for the bolts used for temporary fastening as shown in drawings. Welding : Welding shall generally be done by electric arc process as per IS 816 and IS 823.
The electric a rc method is usually ad opted and is e conomical. Where el ectricity for public is not av ailable
generators shall be arranged by the c ontractor at his ow n c ost u nless otherwise s pecified. G as welding
shall onl y by resorted t o using ox yacetylene f lame with s pecific approval of the E ngineer-in-charge. G as
welding s hall no t be permitted f or s tructural s teel w ork G as w elding r equired heating of t he members t o
be welded along with the welding rod and is likely to create temperature stresses in the welded
members. Precautions shall therefore be taken to avoid distortion of the members due to these
temperature stresses.

The work shall be done as shown in the shop drawings which should clearly indicate various details of
the joint to be welded, type of welds, shop and site welds as well as the types of electrodes to be used.
Symbol for welding on plans and shops drawings shall be according to IS 813.

As far as possible every efforts shall be made to limit the welding that must be done after the
structure i s erected so as t o avoid t he i mproper welding t hat i s likely t o be done due to h eights a nd
difficult pos itions on s caffolding et c. apart f rom t he as pect of e conomy. T he maximum di a of el ectrodes
for w elding w ork s hall b e as p er IS 814. Joint surfaces w hich a re to be w elded together shall be f ree
from l oose m ill s cale, rust, paint, gr ease or other f oreign m atter, w hich ad versely af fect t he q uality o f
weld and workmanship. Precautions : All operation connected with welding and cutting equipment shall conform to the
safety r equirements gi ven i n I S 8 18 f or safety requirements a nd H ealth provision i n Electric a nd gas
welding and cutting operations. Operation, Workmanship and process of Welding is described in Appendix B, Inspection and testing of welds shall be as per IS 822. Assembly : Before w elding i s c ommenced, t he members t o be w elded s hall first be brought
together and firmly clamped or tack welded to be held in position. This temporary connection has to be
strong enough to hold the parts accurately in place without any disturbance. Tack welds located in places
where final welds will be made later shall conform to the final weld in quality and shall be cleaned off slag
before final weld is made.

325 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Erection : The specification shall be as des cribed in 10. 3.3 ex cept that while er ecting a welded
structure adequate m eans s hall be employed f or t emporary f astening the m embers t ogether and bracing
the frame work until the joints are welded. Such means shall consists of applying of erection bolts, tack
welding or ot her pos itive devices i mparting s ufficient s trength a nd stiffness t o res ist a ll t emporary l oads
and l ateral forces i ncluding wind. O wing to t he s mall nu mber o f bol ts or dinarily employed for joints which
are t o be welded, t he t emporary support of heavy gi rders c arrying columns s hall be s pecially at tended.
Different m embers which shall be f illet welded, shall be brought i nto as c lose c ontact a s p ossible. T he
gap due to faulty workmanship or incorrect fit if any shall not exceed. 1.5 mm if gap exceeds 1.5 mm or
more occurs locally the size of fillet weld shall be increased at such position by an amount equal to the
width of the gap. Painting : Before the member of the steel structures are placed in position or t aken out of the
workshop these shall be painted as specified in para 10.2.2.

10.4.3 Measurements
The m ode of m easurements s hall be t he s ame a s specified i n 10.2.4 e xcept t hat w eight of welding
material s hall not be add ed i n t he w eight of m embers f or pay ment and not hing ex tra s hall be pai d for
making and filling holes for temporary fastening of members during erection before welding.

10.4.4 Rate
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd materials i nvolved i n al l t he operations described


10.5.0 These shall be of approved manufacture and shall be fabricated from the mild steel sections.

10.5.1 The gates shall consist of double or single collapsible gate depending on the size of the opening.
These shall consist of vertical double channels each 20 x 10 x 2 mm. at 10 cm. centre to centre braced
with flat iron diagonals 20 x 5 mm and top and bottom rails of T- iron 40 x 40 x 6 mm @ 3.5 kg/m with 40
mm di a. bal l beari ngs i n every f ourth d ouble channel, unl ess ot herwise s pecified. Wherever c ollapsible
gate is not provided within the opening and f ixed a long the outer wall surface, T- iron at the top may be
replaced by flat iron 40 x 10 mm.

The c ollapsible gate shall be pr ovided w ith ne cessary bol ts and nuts, l ocking arr angement, s toppers
and handl es. A ny s pecial f ittings like s pring, catches and l ocks, shall be so specified i n t he des cription o f
item where so required. The gate shall open and close smoothly and easily.

10.5.2 Fixing
T- iron rails shall be f ixed to the floor and t o the Lintel at top by means of anchor bolts embedded in
cement c oncrete of f loor and l intel. T he anc hor bol ts s hall be pl aced appr oximately a t 45 c m c entres
alternatively in the two flanges of the T- iron. The bottom runner (T- iron) shall be em bedded in the floor
and p roper g roove shall be f ormed along t he r unner f or t he p urpose. T he collapsible s hutter shall b e
fixed at sides by fixing the end double channel with T-iron rails and also by hold- fasts bolted to the end
double channel and fixed in masonry of the side w alls on the other side. In c ase the collapsible s hutter is
not required to reach the lintel, beam or slab level, a Tee-section suitably designed may be fixed at the
top, em bedded in m asonry and provided w ith n ecessary c lamps an d roller arrangement a t t he top. A ll
the adjoining w ork dam aged i n fixing o f gat e s hall be made good t o match t he existing w ork, w ithout a ny
extra cost.
10.5.3 Painting
All t he m embers of t he c ollapsible gat e i ncluding T -iron s hall be t horoughly c leaned of f rus t, s cales,
dust etc. a nd g iven a pri ming coat o f appro ved steel primer conforming to IS 20 74 b efore fixing them in

326 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
10.5.4 Measurements
The height and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. The height of the gate shall be measured as
the l ength of the d ouble c hannels and br eadth f rom ou tside t o ou tside of t he en d f ixed do uble
channels i n open p osition, of t he g ate. The area shall b e calculated i n s quare m etres, correct t o t wo
places of decimal.

10.5.5 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


10.8.1 Rolling shutters shall conform to IS 6248. These s hall include necessary l ocking arrangement and
handles e tc. T hese s hall be s uitable for fixing in the position as s pecified i.e. outside or inside on or
below lintel o r b etween jambs of t he o pening. T he door shall b e either push a nd pull t ype or o perated
with mechanical device supplied by the firm. Shutters upto 10 sq. metre shall be of push and pull type
and s hutters w ith an area of ov er 10 s q. m etre s hall generally be provided w ith reduction gear operated
by mechanical dev ice w ith chain or handl e, i f bear ings ar e s pecified for eac h o f oper ation, these shall be
paid for separately. Shutter : The shutter be built up of inter locking lath section formed from cold rolled steel strips.
The t hickness of the s heets f rom which the l ath sections hav e been r olled shall be not l ess than 0. 90
mm for the s hutters upto 3. 5 m w idth. S hutters ab ove 9 metres w idth s hould be di vided in 2 p arts w ith
provision of one middle fixed or movable guide channel or supported from the back side to resist wind
pressure. T he lath s ection s hall be r olled s o a s to have interlocking c urls a t both edges an d a de ep
corrugation a t th e ce ntre with a bridge de pth of n ot le ss th an 12 m m to provide s ufficient c urtain of
stiffness for resisting manual pr essures and nor mal w ind pr essure. E ach l ath section shall be continuous
single pi ece w ithout any welded j oint. W hen i nterlocked, t he l ath s ections shall hav e a di stance of 75
mm rolling centers. Each alternate lath section shall be fitted with malleable cast iron or mild steel clips
securely riveted at either ends, thus l ocking i n the l ath section a t bot h ends pr eventing l ateral movement
of the individual lath sections. The clips shall be so designed as to fit the contour of the lath sections. Spring : The spring shall be of coiled type. The spring shall be m anufactured from high tensile
spring steel wire or strips of adequate strength conforming to IS 4454- Part I . Roller and Brackets : The suspension shaft of the roller shall be made of steel pipe
conforming to h eavy d uty as p er IS 1 161. For s hutter u pto 6 m etre width and h eight not e xceeding 5
metre, steel pipes of 5 0 m m nom inal bore s hall be u sed. T he s haft s hall be s upported on m ild steel
brackets of size 375 x 375 x 3.15 mm for s hutters upto a clear height of 3.5 metre. The size of mild steel
brackets sh all be 50 0 x 50 0 x 10 m m for shutters of cle ar hei ght above 3.5 m an d upto 6. 5 m. The
suspension shaft c lamped t o t he b rackets s hall be f itted with rotatable cast i ron p ulleys t o w hich t he
shutter is a ttached. The pul leys and pi pe s haft shall connected b y means o f pr etensioned hel ical springs
to c ounter balance the weight of t he s hutter a nd to k eep the s hutter in equilibrium in any p artly o pen
position. When the width of the opening is greater than 3.5 mtr. The cast iron pulleys shall be
interconnected with a c age formed out of m ild steel flats of at least 32 x 6 mm and m ild steel dummy
rings made of similar fl ats to di stribute the t orque uni formly. Self a ligning two ro w ball b earing with
special cast iron casings shall be prov ided at the extreme pulley and c aging rings shall have a m inimum
spacing of 15mm and at least 4 number flats running throughout length of roller shall be provided.

327 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I In case of shutters of large opening with mechanical device for opening the shutter the roller
shall be f itted with a pur ion wheel at one end w hich in contact with a w orm fitted to the bracket plate,
caging and pulley with two ball bearing shall be provided. Guide Channel : The w idth o f gu ide c hannel s hall be 25 m m the m inimum d epth o f gu ide
channels shall be as follows:

Cle a r width of shutte rs De pth of guide cha nne l

Upto 3.5 m 65 mm
3.5 m upto 8 m 75 mm
8 m and above 100 mm The gap between the two legs of the guide channels shall be sufficient to allow the free
movement of the shutter and at the same time close enough to prevent rattling of the shutter due to wind. Each guide channel shall be provided with a minimum of three fixing cleats or supports for
attachment to the wall or column by means of bolts or screws. The spacing of cleats shall not exceed
0.75 m . A lternatively, the guide channels m ay also be provided w ith suitable dowels, hooks or pins for
embedding in the walls. The guide channels shall be attached to the jambs, plumb and true either in the overlapping
fashion or embedded in grooves, depending on the method of fixing. Cover : Top cover shall be of mild steel sheets not less than 0.90 mm thick and s tiffened with
angle or flat stiffeners at top and bottom edges to retain shape. Lock plates with sliding bolts, handles and anchoring rods shall be as per IS 6248.

10.8.2 Fixing
The arrangement for fixing in different situations in the opening shall be as per IS 6248. Brackets shall be fixed on the lintel or under the lintel as specified with rawl. Plugs and screws
bolts etc. The shaft along with the spring shall then be fixed on the brackets. The lath portion (shutter) shall be laid on ground and the side guide channels shall be bound
with ropes etc. The shutter shall then be placed in position and top fixed with pipe shaft with bolts and
nuts. The side guide channels and cover frames shall then be fixed to the walls through the plate welded to
the guides. These plates and bracket shall be fixed by means of steel screws bolts, and rawl plugs
concealed i n pl aster to m ake their location i nvisible. F ixing shall be do ne a ccurately i n a w orkmen l ike
manner that the operation of the shutter is easy and smooth.

10.8.3 Measurements
Clear w idth and c lear h eight of t he openi ng f or rolling s hutter s hall be m easured c orrect t o a m m.
The clear di stance b etween the two jambs of the op ening s hall be c lear width an d the c lear distance
between the sill and the soffit (bottom of lintel) of the opening shall be the clear height.

The area shall be calculated in square metres correct to two places of decimal.

10.8.4 Rate
The rate s hall include t he c ost o f materials and l abour involved in al l the oper ations de scribed abo ve
including c ost of t op c over and spring e xcept b all be aring and m echanical de vice of chain and c rank
operation, which shall be paid for separately.

328 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

10.9.0 Rolling grill shutter is meant to provide visibility or ventilation or both, the degree of protection and
safety is less as compared to a rolling shutter. The situations where a certain amount of ventilation
combined with safety is required rolling shutter-cum-grill may be provided in which the rolling shutter
may have a rol ling grill portion either at the top or a t the bottom or at both places. In addition, the rolling
grill portion may also be provided in the middle of the shutter. The total height of the grill portion in all the
segments o f r olling s hutter-cum-grill s hall no t ex ceed 1 .0 m and the he ight of the g rill portion in any
individual segment shall not be more than 0.5 m.

10.9.1 Rolling gr ills shutters are similar in design, construction an d op eration to ro lling shutters and all
the provisions of P ara 10 .8 s hall b e ap plicable to rolling grills shuters except in respect o f t he s hutter
portion, and shall conform to IS 6248.

10.9.2 Shutters
Rolling g rill shutter and the rolling g rill po rtion o f the rolling s hutter-cum-grill s hall be f abricated with 8
mm d iameter m ild s teel r ound bar s. S traight bars and bars bent to t he requ ired profile a re p laced
alternatively and hel d i n p osition with 20 mm w ide and 5 mm thick mild steel flat links. S traight bar s shall
be spaced not exceeding 150 mm centre to centre and the bars bent to required profile shall be placed
symmetrically be tween two c onsecutive s traight bar s. U nless o therwise s pecified or d irected b y the
Engineer-in-charge, bar s pl aced al ternatively with s traight bar s shall be bent t o form a c orrugated profile
such that t he pitch of the corrugation is 100 to 120 mm and the depth of corrugation is 80 to 100 mm. all
the bent bars shall have uniform profile. Straight bar along with the adjoining bent bars on it both sides
shall be he ld in po sition b y passing the b ars through holes in the links. Each link shall ha ve three holes
and the length of the links shall be such that the distance from the centre of the hol e to the nearest edge
of the flat is not less than the diameter of the hole. The corner of the links shall be rounded. All links shall
be of uniform size and s hape. T he s pacing of the links m easured along the straight bar s hall be the
same as c entre to centre d istance between t wo consecutive c rests/ tr oughs of the b ars b ent t o t he
required profile. Each bar and link shall be continuous single piece without any joint.

10.9.3 Measurement & Rate

The m easurement and r ate s hall be as s pecified i n 10. 8.3 and 10. 8.4 respectively. I n case o f R olling
Shutter-cum-Grill, where the area of the grill portion is half or less than half the area of opening, it shall be
measured an d pai d as ro lling s hutter a nd w here t he area of gri ll po rtion i s m ore t han hal f t he a rea of
opening, it shall be measured and paid as rolling grill.

10.10 to 10.13 ITEMS DELETED

10.14 FAN CLAMPS (Fig. 10.9)

10.14.1 The fan clamps shall be of the following types:

(a) Fan clamp to be fixed during the laying of R.C.C. slab, shall be of type I, as shown in (Fig.
10.9) This s hall be made of 1 6 mm M.S. b ar bent to s hape with i ts e nds hooked. T he o verall
height of the clamps shall be made to suit the depth of slab.
(b) Fan clamps for beams shall be of type II as shown in (Fig. 10.9). It shall be similar to fan clamp,
type I, except that its height shall be greater depending on the depth of the beam rib.
(c) I n case low ceiling h eights, circular cast iron b ox for ceiling fan clamp shall be fixed d uring the
laying of R .C.C. s lab a nd shall be as s hown i n (Fig. 10.9). T he size of c ast i ron box s hall be
140mm internal d ia with 73 m m hei ght, the t hickness of cast i ron ri m shall be 4. 5 mm bot tom
and t op l id shall be of 1. 5 m m t hick M .S. s heet, w ith i ts t op surface hacked s o a s t o e nsure
proper bon ding w ith t he c oncrete.The l ids shall be screwed i nto the cast i ron box by m eans of
3.3mm dia round head screws one each at the corners. The box can be of M.S. sheet, the
thickness of side walls c an be reduc ed t o 3 m m without ef fecting i nner di a of t he box . T he fan
clamp shall be made of 12mm dia M.S. bar bent to shape with its ends bent as per drawing.

329 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
10.14.2 Fixing
Holes f or in serting t he f an cla mps in t he positions sh own in t he drawing or as i nstructed b y th e
Engineer-in-charge s hall b e m ade i n t he s huttering after the l atter has been fixed i n p osition. A fter s teel
reinforcement is tied, fan c lamps s hall be fixed with their loops truly vertical and at the correct depth from
the under-side of the slab or b eam. The hooked arms and t he loop shall be tied to the reinforcement,
either directly or through cut pieces of M.S. bars with annealed steel wire 1.6 mm or 1.00 mm thick. The
clamp s hall nei ther be di sturbed out of pos ition d uring c oncreting nor shall t hey be bent out of s hape
when shuttering of slabs or beams is removed.
The exposed portion of l oops of t he cl amps s hall be giv en t wo o r more c oats of p aint, inc luding
priming coat, of approved steel primer as ordered by the Engineer-in-charge.
10.14.3 Measurements
Clamps of type I and 3 shall be counted in numbers. Fan clamps type II, shall be counted and paid for
under fan clamps type I, but they shall in addition be paid for their extra height as determined by the depth
of the beam.
10.14.4 Rate
The rat e per f an c lamps shall include t he c ost of l abour and materials i nvolved i n all t he operat ions
described above. In the case of type I and 3 clamps, the rate shall apply irrespective of the thickness of
the slabs.

10.15 to 10.16 ITEMS - DELETED


(A) In Stringers, Treads, Landing etc. of Stair cases including use of Chequred Plate wherever
(B) In Grating, Frames, Guard Bar, Ladder, Railings, Bracket, Gates and similar work.

10.17.1 General specifications for these items to be same as for steel work welded in built-up sections
as m entioned in p ara 10.4 ex cept that steel used for fabrication of these items to be of type used f or
structural use/purposes.
10.17.2 Steel members used for fabricating these items to be designed structurally to withstanding the
all l oads t o be c arried o ut by t he m embers during er ection, f ixing a nd f unctional use i n designed l ife.
Work to be executed as per structural drawings.


10.18.1 General specifications to be same as for steel work welded in built-up section as mentioned in
para 10.4. Hot finished welded ( HFW) Hot finished seamless (HFS) a nd e lectric re sistance welded tube
shall conform to IS 1161. G.I. pipes used for Hand rail to be conforming to IS 1239-Part I for medium grade. GI pipes to
be screwed and socketed type and of required nominal bore. Galvanising of GI pipes shall conform to IS 4736. All screwed tubes and socket of GI pipes shall have pipe threads conforming to the
requirements of IS 554. The fittings for GI pipes to be conforming to IS 1239 (Part-II).

10.8.3 Measurement of Hand Rail of M.S. Tubular/E.R.W Tubular Pipes

The w ork a s f ixed i n place s hall b e m easured i n r unning m etres correct t o a c entimeter a nd t heir
weights c alculated o n th e ba sis of st andard t ables c orrect t o t he n earest kilo gram o r ac tual w eight
whichever is less unless otherwise specified.

330 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


TABLE 10.1
Chemical Composition
(Clause 10.1.1)
Grade Quality Ladle analysis, Percent, Max Carbon Method of
Designation Equivalent Dexodiation1
(CE), Max
C Mn. S P Si
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
E 165 (Fe 290) - 0.25 1.25 0.045 0.045 - - Semi-killed or killed
E 250 (Fe 410 W) A 0.23 1.50 0.045 0.045 0.40 0.42 Semi-killed or killed
E 250 (Fe 410 W) B 0.22 1.50 0.045 0.045 0.40 0.41 Killed
E 250 (Fe 410 W) C 0.20 1.50 0.040 0.040 0.40 0.39 Killed
E 300 (Fe 440) - 0.20 1.30 0.045 0.045 0.45 0.40 Semi-killed or killed
E 350 (Fe 490) - 0.20 1.50 0.045 0.045 0.45 0.42 Semi-killed or killed
E 410(Fe 540) - 0.20 1.60 0.045 0.045 0.45 0.44 Semi-killed or killed
E 450 (Fe 570 ) D 0.22 1.60 0.045 0.045 0.45 0.46 Semi killed or killed
E 450 (Fe 590) E 0.22 1.80 0.045 0.045 0.45 0.48 Semi killed or killed

Mn (Cr+Mo+ V) (Ni + Cu)
1. Carbon equivalent (CE) based on ladle analysis = + +
C+6 5 15
2. When the steel is killed by aluminium alone, the total alu minium content shall not b e less than
0.02 per c ent. When t he steel is killed by si licon al one, t he s ilicon content shall no t be l ess
than 0.10 per cent. When the s teel is silicon-aluminium killed, the silicon content s hall not b e
less than 0.30 per cent and total aluminium content shall not be less than 0.01 per cent.
3. Microalloying el ement like Nb, V, Ti and B shall be added singly or i n comb ination. Total
microalloying element shall not be more than 0.25.
4. New grades designati on system ba sed on yie ld stress ha s been adopted, simu ltaneously o ld
designations have also been given in parentheses.
5. Steel of qualities A, B and C are generally suitable for weldi ng process es. The wel dability
increases from quality A to C.
6. Copper may be presen t between 0 .20 to 0.35 per cent a s mutually a greed to between the
purchaser and the man ufacturer. The copper b earing quality shall be designated with a suffix
Cu, for e xample, E 250 Cu. In case of produ ct analysis the copper co ntent shall be betwee n
0.17 and 0.38 per cent.
7. Nitrogen content of ste el shall not e xceed 0. 012 per ce nt whic h shall be ensured by the
manufacturer by oc casional check analysis . For micro alloy ed ste el t his is to be reduced to
0.009 per cent.
8. The steel, if required may be treated with rare earth element for better formability.
9. Lower limits for carbon equivalent and closer limits for other elements may be mutually agreed
to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
10. Incidental element-E lements not qu oted in Tab le 1 shall not be int entionally added t o stee l
without the agreement of the purchaser, other than for the purpose of fi nishing the heat. All
reasonable precautions s hall be taken to prevent the addi tion from scrap or other materi als
used i n manufacture of such ele ments which affect the hardenability, mechanica l properties
and applicability.

1. “To be supplied subject to the agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer”.

331 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

TABLE 10.2
Mechanical Properties
(Clause 10.1.1)

Grade Quality Tensile Yield stress, Percentage Internal Charpy V-Notch

Designation strength ReH Min. MPa elongation Bend Impact Energy Min. J
Min. at Guage Diameter
MPa length Lo Min.)
5.65 √SO
<20 20- >40 < 25 >25 at At 20oC
40 Room
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
E 165 - 290 165 23 2t - - -
(Fe 290)
E 250 (Fe A 410 250 240 230 23 3t 2t - -
410 W)
E 250 B 410 250 240 230 23 2t 3t 27 (See Note 3 )
(Fe 410 W)
E 250 C 410 250 240 230 23 2t 3t 27 (See Note 3 )
(Fe 410 W)
E 300 - 440 300 290 280 22 2t 3t 50 30
(Fe 440)
E 350 - 490 350 330 320 22 2t 3t 50 25
(Fe 490)
E 410 - 540 410 390 380 20 2t 3t 50 25
(Fe 540)
E450 D 570 450 430 420 20 2t 3t 45 20
(Fe 570)
E 450 E 590 450 430 420 20 2t 3t 45 20
(Fe 590)

1 1 MPa= 1MN/m2= 0.102 kgf/mm2=144.4 psi

2 Temperature of Charpy impact values will be subject to mutual agreement.
3 The more stringent req uirements t han those given ab ove may b e a s agreed to between the
purchaser and the manufacturer.

332 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I

TABLE 10.3
(Clause 10.2.4 &10.3.5)

Sl. No. Steel Section Tolerance in weight per meter Standard weight
percentage as per IS
Plus Side Minus Side
(i) Beams and columns (RS joists) (a) Beams IS 808
< 200 mm
(+) 4 (-) 1
(b) > 200 mm
2.5 2.5
(ii) Channels 2.5 2.5 IS 808
(iii) Equal and unequal leg Angles
(a) upto 3 mm thickness 5 5 IS 808
(b) Over 3 mm thickness 5 3
(iv) Tee bars
(a) Web thickness upto 3 mm 5 5 IS 1173
(b) Web thickness above 3 mm 2.5 2.5
(v) Bulb angles 2.5 2.5 IS 1252
(vi) Bars in straight length
Upto and including 10 mm 7 7 IS 1732
Over 10 mm and upto and 55
including 16 mm
Over 16 mm 3 3
(vii) Bars in coils Weight tolerance is not applicable
(viii) Flats
Upto 3 mm thickness 5 5
Over 3 mm thickness 5 3
(ix) Plates 5 2.5 IS 1730
(x) Strips 10 10 IS 1730
Consignment in straight length
(i) upto 5 tons 7 7 IS 1730
(ii) Above 5 tons 5 5
(xi) Sheets
Over in mm Upto and Tolerance on IS 1730
including in mm calculated
- 1.25 mm +9

1.25mm 1.60 +8
1.6 mm 4.00 +7

333 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I



(a) The work shall be positioned for downward welding wherever possible.
(b) Arc length voltage and amperage shall be suited to the thickness of material, type of groove and
other circumstances of the work. The welding current and electrode sizes for different types of joints
shall be as per IS 9595.
(c) The sequence of welding shall be such as will avoid undue distortion and minimize residual
shrinkage stresses. Recommendation of IS 9595 shall be followed.

Process of Welding
The electrode manipulation during welding shall be such as to ensure that:
(1) The parent metal is in a fused stage when the filler metal makes contact with it.
(2) The weld metal does not overflow upon any unfused parent metal forming overlapping.
(3) The parent metal is not under-cut along the weld toes.
(4) The flowing metal floats, the slag, the oxides, and the gas bubbles to the surface behind the
advancing po ol. I n c ase any of t hese requirements is unat tainable by manipulation, t he c urrent
shall be adjusted or the electrode size changed.

Each time the arc is started the electrode shall be moved in such a w ay that the fusion of
base metal at t he s tarting poi nt i s as sured. A t the completion of a run t he m ovement of
electrode shall be slowed down to fill the arc crater.

After every interruption of the arc except at completion of a run, the arc shall be restarted
ahead of the previous deposit and then move back to fill the crater or such alternative
technique shall be us ed as will ens ure complete filling o f the crater, o r complete fusion bet ween
the new and ol d de posit and t he bas e m etal at t he poi nt of j unction, and res ult i n c ontinuity of
weld, Before welding operation is completed, all traces of slag shall be removed from the
deposit, by chipping if ne cessary, and the de posit an d the a djoining base metal shall be wire
brushed an d c leaned at all poi nts. T he req uirements s hall appl y not o nly to s uccessive l ayers,
but also t o successive beads, and t o t he o ver l apping area w herever a j unction i s m ade o n
starting a new electrode.

(5) The welds shall be free from cracks, discontinuity in welding and other defects such as (i)
under-size (ii) o ver-size, ( iii) under-cutting and ( iv) ov er-cutting i n t he c ase o f f illet w elds and
defects (ii), (iii) & (iv) in the case of butt welds.

All d efective welds w hich shall b e c onsidered harmful t o t he structural s trength s hall be c ut out a nd

In c ase of w elded butt joints in steel of thickness upto 50m m the w eld joint shall be s ubjected to
radiographic examination as described in IS 1182.

All welds shall be cleaned of slag and other deposits after completion. Till the work is inspected and
approved pa inting s hall n ot b e done. The s urface t o be painted s hall be cleaned of s patter, rust, loose
scale, oil and dirt.

334 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(Clause 10.13.1)
Nominal Bore (mm) Outside Diameter Class Wall Thickness Weight
(mm) (mm) (kg/m)
15 21 .3 H 3.2 1.44
20 26 .9 H 3.2 1.87
25 33 .7 M 3.2 2.41
H 4.0 2.93
32 42 .4 L 2.60 2.54
M 3.2 3.10
H 4.00 3.79
40 48 .3 L 2.90 3.23
M 3.2 3.56
H 4.0 4.37
50 60 .3 L-1 2.9 4.08
M 3.6 5.03
H 4.5 6.19
65 76 .1 L 3.2 5.71
M 3.6 6.42
H 4.50 7.93
80 88 .9 L 3.2 6.72
M 4.00 8.36
H 4.8 9.9
90 1 01.6 L 3.6 8.7
M 4.0 9.63
H 4.8 11.50
100 11 4.3 L 3.6 9.75
M 4.5 12.2
H 5.4 14.5
110 12 7.0 L 4.5 13.6
M 4.8 14.50
H 5.4 16.2
125 13 9.7 L 4.50 15.00
M 4.8 15.90
H 5.4 17.90
135 15 2.4 L 4.50 16.40
M 4.8 17.50
H 5.40 19.60
150 16 5.1 L 4.50 17.80
M 4.8 18.90
H 5.40 21.30
150 16 8.3 L 4.50 18.20
M 4.8 19.40
H-1 5.40 21.70
H-2 6.3 25.20
175 19 3.7 L 4.8 22.40
M 5.40 25.10
H 5.9 27.30
200 21 9.1 L 4.8 25.40
M 5.60 29.50
H 5.90 31.00
225 24 4.5 H 5.90 34.70
250 27 3 H 5.90 38.90
300 32 3.90 H 6.30 49.30
350 35 5.60 H 8.00 68.60
L means Light M means Medium H means Heavy

335 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Designation Wt kg/m Situation of Use of Section

T2 1.036 Vertical and horiz ontal glazing bars for doors a nd shashes :
windows, ventilators glazi ng bars for d oor side lights su b
dividing bars for fixed length, sas h bars for do ors, windows
and ventilators whee l steel al uminium or wood en beading is
used for fixing glasses.
T3 1.14 Vertical glazing bar for FZ 7 frame
T6 0.839 Vertical and horiz ontal glazing bar for standard windows and
F2 1.46 Inner frames for open-in windows.
F3 2.28 Outer frames for open-in windows.
F5 1.55 (a) Inner and middle frames in centre-hung ventilators
(b) F5 i s some ti mes us ed as inner frames for open-out
windows. A lso us ed a s inner fra me for bottom hung
(c) F8 is a lso used as outer frame for botto m hung
F4B 2.28 Central mullion (meeting bar for shutters) for wi ndows and
ventilators using F7D as inner frames, outer frames for open-
in windows i n rain y areas, subdividing bars for openable
windows and top-hung ventilators.
F7D 1.419 Inner and outer frames for windows and top hung v entilators,
for inner fra mes for c entre-hung ventilators and outer frame s
for door sidelights.
FX6 2.52 Inner frame for doors
FZ7 1.90 Used a s outer frame f or indu strial sha shes. Also used f or
outer frame for wooden doors
FX8 2.31 Outer frames for doors
FZ5 2.52 Inner frames for doors
K11B 1.80 (a) Vertical coupling mullion for standard windows
(b) Can be use d as horizontal coupling bar when openable
windows are to be coupled above fixed ones or between
two fixed windows.
(c) Can als o be used a s h orizontal coupling mullion where
windows are not exposed to weather.
K12 B 2.30 Horizontal c oupling mulli on, also known as weather bar,
Especially used when the coupled unit is exposed to rain.

336 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


8 3 8
9.5 3 9.5 9.5 3 9.5

1R 2R 16 ± .4
22 ± .4 25 ± .4
2R Max.
1R 1R 1R
1R 19 ± .4
2R Max. 3 2R Max. 3 WEIGHT 0.839 K g/m
22 ± .4 22 ± .4 All dimensions in millimetres

WEIGHT 1.038 Kg/m WEIGHT 1.14 Kg/m

T2 T3

25 ± .4 1R 1.5 3 2.5 4
2R 2R max. 1R

13 ± .4
13 ± .4

1 3 2R
25 ± .4 1 2R
1R 2R 3 1
4 2R
32 ± .8

2R 7

7 max
2R 2R

20 ± .4

2R 2R 2R 2R max
20 ± .4

2R max 2
44 ± .8

22 ± .4

1R 1R
2 3

2R 2R max
3 2R max 2R
12 ± .4

WEIGHT 1.55 kg/m

WEIGHT 1. 46 Kg/m 2 3 1R F5

1 3

WEIGHT 2. 28 kg/m
All dimensions in millimetres

22 ± .4
22 ± .4
3 3 1.5
22 ± .4 3
1R 2R max 5
2R max

8 2R
20 ± .4

max 2
19 ± .4

3 1
1R 2R
2R max

1R 1R
2R 2R 2R max
20 ± .4

46 ± .8

2R 2
14 ± .4

13 ± .4
20 ± .8
13 ± .4

1R 1R 2R

2R 2R
1R 1R

1R 3
14 2R
1 2R
3 12
13 ± .4

1 1 .2
WEIGHT 1.419 kg/m
2R F7D
WEIGHT 1. 92 kg/m All dimensions in millimetres
F8 1 3
All dimensions in millimetres
WEIGHT 2. 28 kg/m

337 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume- I


1.2 3
32 ±.4


.5 2R

29 ± .4

11 ± .4

33 ±.8
2R 2R
2R 2R
44 ± .8

2R max

2R max
1R 2R max 3 1
1.2 3
22 ± .4

29 ± . 4 1R

15 ± .4
1 3
26 ± .4
max. 1R
WEIGHT 1.90 kg/m
1.2 FZ7
3 3.5 All dimensions in millimetres
WEIGHT 2.52 kg/m

1R 29 ± .4
3 1 1.2 3

2R max
29 ± .4
22 ± .4

1R 3.5 1R

3 1

21 ± .8

27 ± .4
2R 2R 2R

44 ± .8

2R max 1R
43 ± .8


2R 2R

.2 .5 2R 2R
29 ± .4
15 ± .4

22 ± .4

3 3.5 1 1.2 3
2R max
3 3.5 1 2R max

WEIGHT 2.52 kg/m
FZ5 WEIGHT 2. 31 kg/m
All dimensions in millimetres FX8

2R max.
3R 6R
3 3 2.5
2R max 9

3 2R 3 3
50 ± .8
27 ± .8

2R 13 2R
15 1.2 2R 3
23 ± .4

2R 2R

3 2R
12 2R 1.2
35 ± .8
2R max 2R 2R 3
2R max 35 ± .8
WEIGHT 1. 80 kg/m
WEIGHT 2.30 kg/m

338 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Steel Work

Clause : 10


Fusion Zone Weld Face
Original S urface of Work
Root Toe

Fusion Zone


Concave Convex Mitre

Z = Depth of Fusion
X = Throat Thickness
Y = Effective Throat Thickness

Lap Z

1.5D 1.5D 1.5D 1.5D 1.6D 2.5D

Flat Counter Round Counter Pan Bend Flattening

Sunk Head Sunk Head Head Test Test


Shank Tail
d = E ffective Diametre
D = Normal Diametre


Drawing not to Scale

Fig. 10.1 : Welds and Rivets

339 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Steel Work

Clause : 10.5

20 x 10 x 2 Channel
Iron 3.5 kg/m
T-Iron 40 x 40 x 6
T Iron
40 x 40 x 6
38 Dia Ball B earing
20 x 10 x 2 Flat Iron Hanger

Flat I ron Fixing with Hold
20 x 5 Fast to Wall

Height Arrangement

Handle Lock

Pulley or 38 m m Hook Rivets
Ball Bearing

100 Pulley or 38 mm 100 Channel

Ball B earing

450 Opening 450



Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 10.2 : Collapsible Steel Gate

CPWD SPECIFICATIONS 2009 340 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Steel Work

Clause : 10.14

Top of Slab
200 75 200
25 Min
A 16
Reinforcement 16

Tie Bar Ceiling Finish

Main Reinforcement
Exposed Loop shall be Painted 100
16 mm φ
Top of Slab
200 75 200

R.C.C. Slab

R.C.C. Beam Rib

B 32

100 Min

Ceiling Finish

Exposed Loop shall be Painted

50 100

Top Lid 15 th.
Hole for Conduit Entry

C 76 73
36.5 180 14 58.5

Bottom Lid 1.5 Th. 12

3.3 mm Dia Tapped Hole





Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions in millimetres
Fig. 10.9 : Fan Clamps

341 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.0: Flooring

342 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. De s cription P a ge No.

List of Mandatory Tests 345

List of Bureau of Indian Standards Codes 346

11.1 Brick on Edge Flooring 347

11.2 Cement Concrete Flooring 348

11.3 Cement Concrete Flooring with Metallic Hardner Topping 350

11.4 Cement Plaster in Risers of Steps, Skirting & Dado 351

11.5 Cement Concrete Pavement in Courtyard and Terrace, etc. 352

11.6 Terrazo (Marble Chips) Flooring laid in situ - DELETED 352

11.7 Terrazo (Marble Chips) Skirting in situ - DELETED 352

11.8 Wax Polishing 352

11.9 Crazy Marble Flooring - DELETED 353

11.10 Terrazo Tile Flooring 353

11.11 Terrazo Tiles in Risers of Steps, Skirting & Dado 355

11.12 Chequered Tile Flooring 356

11.13 Chequered Tiles in Stair Treads 357

11.14 Acid or Alkali Resistant Tiles - DELETED 358

11.15 Pressed Ceramic Tiles Flooring 358

11.16 Pressed Ceramic Tile Flooring (Vitrified Tile Flooring) 359

11.17 Fixing of Tile Flooring with Cement based High Polymer 360
Modified Quick Set Adhesive (Water Based)

11.18 Pressed Ceramic Tiles in Skirting & Dado. 360

11.19 Marble Stone Flooring 361

11.20 Marble Stone in Risers of Steps and Skirting 363

11.21 Kota Stone Flooring 364

11.22 Kota Stone in Risers of Steps, Skirting & Dado 364

343 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.23 Red or White Fine Dressed Sand Stone Flooring 365

11.24 Red or White Fine Dressed and Rubbed Sand Stone Flooring 366

11.25 Wooden Flooring 366

11.26 Wood Block Flooring 366

Appendix A Abrasion Test for Concrete Hardening Compounds 367

Appendix B Test Requirements and Procedure for Testing Pre-Cast Cement 368
Concrete/Terrazo Tiles

Fig. 11.1 Crazy Marble Flooring - DELETED

Fig. 11.2 Chequred Terrazo Tiles 369

344 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Ma te ria l Cla us e Te s t F ie ld/ Te s t Min. qua ntity Fre que ncy of

La bora tory P roce dure of ma te ria l for te s ting
Te s t ca rrying out
the te s t
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Terrazzo 11.10.1 & 1. Transverse Laboratory I S: 1237 5000 Nos. (no One test for every
Tiles 11.11.1 strength testing need 10,000 Nos. or part
2. Water be done if thereof for each type
absorption total number and size from a
3. Abrasion of tiles of all single manufacturer.
Atest types of all (One test to be done
sizes from all even if the number
manufacturers of terrazo tiles of any
used in a work type and size from a
is less than single manufactur-
5000 Nos) ers is less than
5000 Nos. provided
the total number of
terrazo tiles of all
types and sizes from
all manufacturers
used in a work
exceed 5000 Nos.
Pressed 11.4,11.5 1. Dimensions Laboratory I S: 13630 3000 Nos. 3000 Nos. or part
ceramic & 11.16 and surface thereof
tiles (for quality
floor 2. Physical
& wall) properties
3. Chemical

345 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S .No. IS No. S ubje ct

1. IS 269 Specification f or 33 gr ade ordinary portland Cement
2. IS 401 Code of practice for preservation of timber
3. IS 451 Technical s upply c onditions for w ood s crews
4. IS 455 Specification for portland slag cement
5. IS 661 Code of pr actice f or t hermal insulation of c old s torages
6. IS 702 Specification for industrial bitumen
7. IS 1124 Method of t est f or determination of w ater ab sortion, appare nt
specific gravity and porosity of natural building stones
8. IS 1130 Specification f or m arble ( blocks, s labs an d t iles)
9. IS 1141 Code of practice for Seasoning of timber
10. IS 1200-(Part XI ) Method of m easurement o f B uilding and Civil E ngineering w ork
(Part 11) paving, floor finishes, dado and skirting
11. IS 1237- Edition 2.3 Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles
12. IS 1322 Specification f or bitumen f elts f or w ater proofing and damp-
13. IS 1443 Code of p ractice f or l aying a nd f inishing of c ement c oncrete
flooring tiles
14. IS 1489 (Part-I) Specification f or por tland poz zolana c ement (Part-I) flyash
15. IS 1489-(Part II) Specification f or P ortland poz zolana c ement ( Part I I) c alcined
clay based
16. IS 1580 Specification f or bituminous c ompounds f or water proofing and
caulking purpose
17. IS 2114 Code of practice for laying in-situ terrazzo floor finish Code
18. IS 2571 Code of practice for laying in-situ cement concrete flooring
19. IS 3622 Specification for sand stone (Slab & Tiles)
20. IS 3670 Code of pr actice f or c onstruction of t imber floors
21. IS 4457 Acid and/or alkali Resistant tiles.
22. IS 5318 Code of practice f or l aying of har d w ood parquet and w ood
block floors
23. IS 5766 Code of practice for laying of burnt clay brick floor
24. IS 8041 Specification for rapid hardening portland c ement
25. IS 8042 Specification for white portland cement
26. IS 8043 Specification for hydrophobic portland cement
27. IS 8112 Specification for 43 grade ordinary portland cement
28. IS 12330 Specification for sulphate resisting portland cement.
29. IS: 13630 (Part-1 to 15) Methods of Testing of ceramic tiles
30. IS 13712 Specification for ceramic tiles; definition, classification
characteristic and marking
31. IS 15622 Specification for pressed ceramic tile

346 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

11.1.1 Bricks
Bricks of Specified class designations shall be used. These shall conform to the specifications
described i n S ubhead 6. 0. B roken br icks s hall not be us ed i n flooring ex cept f or c losing t he l ine. T he
bricks shall be laid on edge.

11.1.2 Mortar
The m ortar used s hall be as specified (in case of dry bricks flooring fine sand shall be f illed in the

11.1.3 Base Concrete Flooring shall be laid on base concrete where so provided. The base concrete shall be provided
with the s lope required for the flooring. F loors in v erandah, courtyard k itchens, ba ths s hall have s lope
ranging from 1 : 36 t o 1 : 48 d epending upon l ocations as dec ided by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. Floors in
water cl oset por tion sh all have slope of 1 : 30 or as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge to drain off
washing water. Plinth masonry off-set shall be depressed so as to allow the base concrete to rest on it. If the base is of lean cement concrete, the flooring shall commence within 48 hours of the laying
of bas e, failing w hich, the s urface of bas e shall be roughened w ith s teel w ire brus hes w ithout disturbing
the c oncrete. B efore l aying t he f looring t he b ase shall be w etted a nd smeared with a coat of c ement
slurry at 2 kg of cement spread over an area of one sqm so as to get a good bond between sub-grade
and flooring. Where base concrete is not provided, the earth below shall be properly sloped, watered,
rammed and consolidated. Before laying the flooring, it shall be moistened.

11.1.4 Soaking of Bricks

Bricks r equired for flooring s hall be pe rfectly s oaked in s tacks be fore us e, by pr ofusely s praying
clean water at regular intervals for a period of not less than six hours so as to keep them wet to the
satisfaction of th e E ngineer-in-Charge. (In case the joints are to be filled with sand, the bricks need not
be soaked).

11.1.5 Laying The bricks shall be l aid on t he edge, diagonal herring bone bond, or other pattern as specified
or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Bricks shall be laid on e dge on 12 mm thick mortar of specified ratio bed and each brick shall
be properly bedded and set home by gentle tapping with trowel handle or wooden mallet. Its inside face
shall be buttered with mortar, before the next brick is laid and pressed against it. On completion of a p ortion of flooring, the vertical joints shall be fully filled from the top with
mortar. D uring laying, the s urface o f the flooring s hall b e frequently c hecked w ith a straight e dge o f
length at least 2 m, so as to obtain a true plain surface with the required slope.

11.1.6 Joints
Bricks s hall be so laid that all joints are f ull of mortar. The thickness o f joints shall not e xceed 1. 0 cm
for brick work with bricks of any class designation. All face joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of
15 mm b y raking tool during the progre ss o f work when the mortar is still gr een so a s to provide prop er
key for the plaster or pointing to be done. Where plastering or pointing is not required to be done, the
joints shall be struck flush and finished at the time of laying. The face of brick work shall be cleaned on the
same day on which brick work is done and all mortar droppings removed promptly.

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11.1.7 Curing
Brick work shall be protected from rain by suitable covering when the mortar is green. Brick work in
cement m ortar, s hall be kept c onstantly m oist on al l f aces f or a m inimum period of s even day s. B rick
work carried ou t shall be suitably marked indicating the date on w hich the work is done s o as to keep a
watch on the curing period.

11.1.8 Measurements
Length and breadth of the flooring shall be m easured correct to a c m and area shall be c alculated in
square m etres c orrect t o t wo pl aces of dec imal. Lengt h and br eadth s hall be m easured bef ore l aying
skirting, dado or wall plaster. No deduction shall be m ade nor extra paid for voids not exceeding 0.20
sqm. D eduction f or ends of di ssimilar m aterials or ot her art icles em bedded s hall not be m ade f or area s
not exceeding 0.10 sqm.

Brick flooring when l aid in diagonal her ring bone bond or ot her pat tern as specified or di rected b y t he
Engineer-in-Charge shall be measured separately.

11.1.9 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above, i ncluding application of c ement s lurry on base c oncrete or R CC s lab and c leaning of base. B ase
concrete shall be paid for separately.

11.1.10 Dry Brick Flooring

All pr ovisions of para’s 11.1.1 t o 1 1.1.8 w ill b e applicable except t hat bricks n eed not be soaked.
Bricks will be laid on a bed of 12 mm thick mud mortar laid to required slope. The joints shall be as thin as
possible and not exceeding 5 mm which will be filled with fine sand. No curing is to be done. Rate: The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above.


11.2.1 Cement Concrete

Cement concrete of specified mix grade shall be used and it shall generally conform to the
specifications described under sub head 4.0 .

11.2.2 Base Concrete Flooring shall be laid on base concrete where so provided. The base concrete shall be provided
with t he s lopes required f or t he f looring. F looring i n v erandah, C ourtyard, k itchens & bat hs s hall hav e
slope ranging from 1 : 48 t o 1 : 60 depending upon l ocation and as decided by the E ngineer-in-Charge.
Floors i n w ater c loset portion s hall hav e s lope of 1:30 or as decided by t he Engineer-in-Charge t o drain
off washing water. Further, necessary drop in flooring in bath, WC, kitchen near floor traps ranging from
6 mm to 10 mm will also be provided to avoid spread of water. Necessary margin to accommodate this
drop shall be made in base concrete. Plinth masonry off set shall be depressed so as to allow the base
concrete to rest on it. The flooring shall be commenced pr eferably within 48 hour s of the laying of bas e concrete. The
surface of the base shall be roughened with steel wire br ushes without di sturbing t he concrete.
Immediately before laying the flooring, the base shall be wetted and a coat of cement slurry @ 2 kg of
cement spread over an area of one sqm so as to get a good bond between the base and concrete floor. If the cement concrete flooring is to be laid directly on the RCC slab, the top surface of RCC
slab shall be cleaned and the laitance shall be removed and a coat of cement slurry @ 2 kg of cement
spread over an area of one sqm so as to get a good bond between the base and concrete floor.

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11.2.3 Thickness
The thickness of floor shall be as specified in the description of the item.

11.2.4 Laying Panels : Flooring of specified thickness shall be laid in the pattern including the border as given in
the d rawings o r as d irected b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. The bo rder panel s s hall not e xceed 450 mm in
width and the joints in the border shall be in line with panel joints. The panels shall be of uniform size
and no dimension of a panel shall exceed 2 m and the area of a panel shall not be more than 2 sqm.
The joints of borders at corners shall be mitred for provision of strips. Laying of Flooring with Strips : Normally cement concrete flooring s hall be laid in on e
operation us ing gl ass/aluminium/PVC/brass s trips/stainless s teel s trips o r an y ot her strips as r equired as
per drawing or instructions of the Engineer-in-Charge, a t the junction of t wo panels. This m ethod
ensures uniformity in colour of all the panels and straightness at the junction of the panels. 2 m m PVC
strips s hall be fixed w ith their tops a t proper l evel, gi ving requi red slopes. Cost of pr oviding an d f ixing
strips shall be included in the rate.

Concreting : Cement c oncrete s hall be placed i n t he panel s an d be l evelled w ith t he hel p of s traight
edge and t rowel and beat en with thapy or mason’s trowel. The bl ows shall be f airly heavy in the
beginning but as c onsolidation t akes pl ace, l ight r apid s trokes shall be given. B eating s hall c ease as
soon as the surface is found covered with a thin layer of cream of mortar. The evenness of the surface
shall be t ested with straight edge. Surface of f looring be t rue t o requ ired s lopes. While l aying concrete,
care shall be taken to see that the strips are not damaged/disturbed by the labourers. The tops of strips
shall be visible clearly after finishing with cement slurry.

Shuttering : The panels shall be bound ed by angle iron or f lats. The angle iron/flat shall have the same
depth a s th e co ncrete fl ooring. T hese sh all b e fi xed i n po sition, w ith th eir top a t pro per lev el gi ving
required s lopes. The surface of the angle iron or flats, to come in contact with concrete shall be smeared
with s oap s olution or non-sticking oi l (Form oi l or raw l inseed oil) bef ore c oncreting. T he flooring s hall
butt against the unplastered masonry wall.

Concreting : The c oncreting shall be done i n t he manner des cribed under 11. 2.4.2. The angl e i ron/ flats
used for shuttering, shall be removed on the next day of the laying of cement concrete. The ends thus
exposed shall be repaired, if damaged with cement mortar 1 : 2 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand) and allowed to
set fo r minimum p eriod of 24 h ours. T he alternate p anels s hall t hen be c leaned of d ust, mortar,
droppings etc. and concrete laid. While laying concrete, care shall be taken to see that the edges of the
previously laid panels are not damaged and fresh mortar is not splashed over them. The joints between the
panels should come out as fine straight lines.

11.2.5 Finishing The finishing of the surface shall follow immediately after the cessation of beating. The surface
shall be left for some time, till moisture disappears from it or surplus water can be mopped up. Use of dry
cement or c ement a nd s and mixture stiffening the concrete t o a bsorb excessive moisture shall not be
permitted. Excessive trowelling shall be avoided. Fresh cement shall be mixed with water to form a thick slurry and spreaded @ 2 kg of cement
over an area of one sqm of flooring while the flooring concrete is still green. The cement slurry shall then be
properly processed and finished smooth.

349 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I The edges of sunk floors shall be finished an d rounded with cement m ortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand) and finished with a floating coat of neat cement. The junctions of floor with wall plaster, dado or skirting shall be rounded off where so specified. The m en engag ed on f inishing o perations shall be pro vided with raised wooden platform to sit
on so as to prevent damage to new work.

11.2.6 Curing
The curing shall be done for a minimum period of ten days. Curing shall not be commenced until the
top layer has hardened. Covering with empty gunnies bag shall be avoided as the colour of the flooring is
likely to be bleached due to the remanents of cement dust from the bags.

11.2.7 Precautions
Flooring in lavatories and bath room shall be laid only after fixing of water closet and squatting pans
and floor traps. Traps shall be plugged while laying the floors and opened after the floors are cured and
cleaned. A ny dam age d one t o W .C.’s s quatting pa ns and f loor t raps duri ng the ex ecution of work s hall
be made good.

During cold weather, concreting shall not be done when the temperature falls below 4°C. The
concrete pl aced s hall b e protected aga inst f rost by s uitable c overing. C oncrete dam aged by f rost s hall
be r emoved a nd w ork r edone. D uring h ot w eather, pr ecautions s hall b e t aken to s ee that t he
temperature of wet c oncrete does not ex ceed 38° C. No concreting s hall be l aid within half an hour of
the closing t ime o f the da y, unl ess per mitted b y t he Engineer-in-Charge. T o f acilitate rounding of j unction
of s kirting, d ado a nd f loor, t he s kirting/dado s hall be l aid al ong w ith t he b order or adjacent p anels of

11.2.8 Measurement
Length and breadth shall be measured before laying skirting, dado or wall plaster. No deduction shall be
made nor extra paid for voids not exceeding 0.20 sqm. Deductions for ends of dissimilar materials or other
articles embedded shall not be made for areas not exceeding 0.10 sqm.

The f looring d one e ither with strips (i n one operation) or without s trips (i n al ternate pa nels) s hall b e
treated as same and measured together.

11.2.9 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above i ncluding appl ication o f c ement s lurry on R CC slab o r on bas e c oncrete i ncluding roughening and
cleaning t he s urface but excluding t he c ost of s trips w hich s hall be paid s eparately under r elevant i tem.
Nosing of steps where provided shall be paid for separately in running metre. Nothing extra shall be paid for
laying the floor at different levels in the same room or courtyard and rounding off edges of sunk floors.
In case the flooring is laid in alternate panels, nothing extra shall be paid towards the cost of shuttering
used for this purpose.


11.3.0 Wherever floors a re required to withstand heavy wear and t ear, use of floor hardener shall be
avoided a s f ar a s possible by u sing richer m ixes of c oncrete, unless t he use of a m etallic hardner i s
justified on the basis of cost. Where metallic hardener topping is used, it shall be 12 mm thick.

11.3.1 Metallic Hardening Compound

The c ompound s hall b e o f approv ed qu ality c onsisting of uni formally grad ed i ron pa rticles, f ree f rom
non-ferrous metal particles, oil, grease sand, soluble alkaline compounds. Where so directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge it shall be tested as described in Appendix A.

350 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.3.2 Base Concrete
It shall be as specified in 11.2.2.

11.3.3 Under Layer

Cement concrete f looring of s pecified t hickness and m ix (m entioned i n i tem for under l ayer) s hall be
laid as under la yer (11.2.1 an d 11.2.4). T he top surf ace sh all be ro ughened w ith bru shes w hile the
concrete is still green and the forms/strips shall be kept projecting up 12 mm over the concrete surface, to
receive the metallic hardening compound topping.

11.3.4 Topping
This shall consist of 12 mm thick layer of mix 1:2 (1 cement : 2 s tone aggregate 6 mm nominal size)
by volume or as otherwise specified with which metallic hardening compound is mixed in the ratio of 1 :
4 (1 m etallic c oncrete har dener : 4 c ement) b y w eight. M etallic harde ner s hall be dry m ixed t horoughly
with c ement on a c lean dry pac ca platform. This dry m ixture s hall be m ixed with s tone aggregate 6 mm
nominal size or as otherwise specified in the ratio of 1 : 2 (1 cement : 2 stone aggregate) and well turned
over. Just enough water shall then be added to this dry mix as required for floor concrete.

The m ixture so obtained shall b e l aid i n 1 2 m m t hickness, on cement c oncrete f loor within 2 t o 4
hours of its laying. The topping shall be laid true to provide a uniform and even surface. It shall be firmly
pressed into the bottom concrete so as to ha ve go od bond w ith it. After the initial set has started, the
surface shall be finished smooth and true to slope with steel floats.

The junction of f loor w ith wall pl aster, dado or s kirting and f inishing operations shall be dealt w ith as
described in 11.2.5.

The men engaged on finishing operations shall be provided with raised wooden platform to sit on, so as
to prevent damage to new work.

11.3.5 The specifications for curing, precautions to be t aken, ‘Measurements’ and ‘ Rates’ shall be a s
specified in 11.2.


11.4.0 Plaster at the bottom of wall not exceeding 30 cm in height above the floor shall be c lassified as
skirting. It shall be flush with wall plaster or projecting out uniformly by 6 mm from the wall plaster, as
specified. T he w ork s hall be pr eferably carried out s imultaneously w ith t he l aying of f loor. I t’s c orners
and junctions with floor shall be finished neatly as specified.

11.4.1 Thickness
The thickness of the plaster specified shall be measured exclusive of the thickness of key i.e. grooves or
open j oints i n b rick w ork. The av erage thickness s hall not be l ess t han t he specified t hickness. The av erage
thickness s hould be r egulated at t he t ime of pl astering b y k eeping s uitable t hickness of t he gaug es. E xtra
thickness required in rounding of corners at junctions of wall shall be ignored.

11.4.2 Preparation of Wall Surface

The joints shall be raked out to a depth of at least 15 mm in masonry walls. In case of concrete walls,
the surfaces shall be roughened by hacking. The surface shall be cleaned thoroughly, washed with
water and kept wet before skirting is commenced.

11.4.3 Application
Skirting with specified mortar and to specifed thickness shall be laid immediately after the surface
is prepared. It shall be laid along with the border or adjacent panels of floor. The joints in skirting shall
be kept true and straight in c ontinuation of the line of joints in borders or adjacent panels. The skirting
shall be finished smooth with top truly horizontal and joints truly vertical except where otherwise

351 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.4.4 Finishing
The finishing o f surface s hall be don e s imultaneously with t he bor ders or the adjacent panel s o f floor.
The cement to be applied in the form of slurry for smooth finishing shall be at the rate of 2 kg of cement per
litre of water applied over an area of 1 sqm.

Where skirting is flush with plaster, a groove 10 mm wide and upto 5 mm deep shall be provided in
plaster at the junction of skirting with plaster.

11.4.5 Curing
Curing shall be commenced on the next day of plastering when the plaster has hardened sufficiently
and shall be continued for a minimum period of 7 days.

11.4.6 Measurement
Length and height shall be measured correct to a cm and its area shall be calculated in sqm correct to
two pl aces of dec imals for a s pecified the thickness. Length s hall be m easured as the f inished l ength of
skirting. Height shall be measured from the finished level of floor correct to 5 mm.

11.4.7 Rate
Rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


11.5.1 Specifications described in 11.2.1,, 11.2.3, 11.2.4, 11.2.6 and 11.2.7 shall hold good as far
as applicable except that :
(i) The panels shall be of uniform size and no dimension of a panel shall exceed 1.25 m and the
area of panel should not exceed 1.25 sqm for the thickness of panels upto 50 mm.
(ii) Concreting shall be done in alternate panels only and no glass/asbestos strips shall be

11.5.2 Finishing
The finishing of the surface shall follow immediately after the cessation of beating. The surface shall be
left for some-time, till moisture disappears from it or surplus water can be mopped up.

Use o f dr y c ement or c ement a nd s and m ix on the s urface t o s tiffen the c oncrete or to abs orb
excessive m oisture s hall not b e p ermitted. E xcessive t rowelling s hall be a voided. W hen t he s urface
becomes fa irly s tiff, it s hall be f inished rough w ith w ooden floats or w here s o specified chequered
uniformly by pressing a piece of expanded metal of approved size.

11.5.3 Measurements
Same as 11.2.8 except that the volume will be calculated in cum nearest to two decimal places.

11.5.4 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above ex cept t he bas e c oncrete bel ow flooring w hich s hall be pai d for s eparately. C hequering to pat tern
shall be paid for separately unless otherwise specified.




11.8.1 Application, Polishing and Precautions

Wax polish shall be of approved brand and manufacture and in sealed containers. It shall be applied in
uniform layer to the dry surface of the floor/skirting.

352 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.8.2 When the layer of the wax is stiffened and surface o f floor is saturated with the polish, po lishing
shall be resorted with machine fitted with bobs (pad of rags) and shall be done until shades of all chips
have appeared and glossy surface is obtained.

11.8.3 The fresh p olished floor surface shall be spreaded with dr y saw du st to a thickness of ab out 12
mm u niformly. A fter th e surplus w ax h as b een s oaked f rom th e flo or s urface t he s aw du st s hall be

11.8.4 Measurements
Length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm and its area shall be calculated in sqm correct to
two places of decimal.

11.8.5 Rates
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed



11.10.1 Terrazo Tiles

Terrazo tiles shall gener ally c onform to I S 123 7-Edition 2. 3. R equirements an d methods o f t esting o f
tiles ar e de scribed i n A ppendix B . Unless ot herwise s pecified, th e til es s hall b e su pplied w ith i nitial
grinding and grouting of wearing layer.

The size of tiles shall be as given in Table 11.2 or as shown in the drawings or as required by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Half tiles f or use with t he f ull tiles shall be such as t o m ake t wo half tiles when
joined together, match with the dimensions of one full tile.

TABLE 11.2

Le ngth Bre a dth Thickne s s not

Nomina l Nomina l less tha n
200 mm 200 mm 20 mm
250 mm 250 mm 22 mm
300 mm 300 mm 25 mm Tolerance : Tolerances on length and breadth shall be plus or minus one millimetre, and
tolerance on thickness shall be plus 5 mm. The variation of dimensions in any one delivery of tiles shall not
exceed 1 mm on length and breadth and 3 mm on thickness. The t iles s hall be m anufactured in a factory under pressure process s ubjected t o hy draulic
pressure o f not less than 140 k g per s quare c entimetre and s hall be giv en the initial g rinding w ith
machine and grouting of the wearing layer before delivery to site. T he w earing layer s hall b e free from
projections, depressions, cracks, holes, cavities and other blemishes. The edges of wearing layer may
be rounded. The proportion of cement to aggregate in the backing of tiles shall be not leaner than 1:3 by
weight. Where colouring material is used in the wearing layer, it shall not exceed 10 per cent by weight of
cement used in the mix. The finished thickness of the upper layer shall not be l ess than 5 mm for size of marble chips
ranging from the smallest upto 6 mm and also, not less than 5 mm for size of marble chips ranging from
the smallest upto 12 mm, and not less than 6 mm for size of marble chips varying from the smallest upto
20 mm.
353 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.10.2 Laying Base concrete or RCC slab on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted and
mopped. The b edding f or t he t iles s hall be w ith c ement mortar o f s pecified proportion and i n c onformity
with provisions in relevant para of chapter on ‘Mortar’.

Cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 c oarse s and) b edding shall b e used. A verage thickness of t he
bedding mortar shall be 20 mm and the thickness at any place shall not be less than 10 mm. Cement mortar bedding shall be spread, tamped and corrected to proper levels and allowed to
harden for a day before the tiles are set. If cement mortar is laid in bedding the terrazo tiles, these shall
be set immediately after laying the mortar. Over this bedding neat grey cement slurry of honey like
consistency shall be spread at the rate of 4.4 kg of c ement per square metre over such an area as would
accommodate about t wenty tiles. T iles s hall be washed c lean and s hall be f ixed in t his grout one after
another, eac h tile being gent ly t apped with a wooden mallet till i t is properly b edded, and i n l evel with the
adjoining tiles. The joints shall be k ept as thin as possible not exceeding 1 mm and i n straight lines or to
suit the required pat tern. T he joints shall be p roperly c leaned before filling with cement g rout of matching
colour. The surface of the flooring during laying shall be f requently checked with a s traight edge of
length at least 2 metre, so as to obtain a true surface with the required slope. Where full tiles or half tiles can not be fixed, tiles shall be cut (sawn) from full tiles to the
required size and their edges rubbed smooth to ensure a straight and true joint. Tiles which are fixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 12 m m under t he
plaster, s kirting o r d ado. T he j unction between w all pl aster a nd t ile w ork shall be f inished n eatly a nd
without waviness. After the tiles have been laid, surplus cement grout that may have come out of the joints shall
be cleared off.

11.10.3 Curing, Wax Polishing and Finishing The day after the tiles are l aid all joints shall be c leaned of the grey cement grout with a w ire
brush or trowel t o a depth of 5 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed and cleaned. Joints shall then
be grouted with grey or w hite cement mixed with or without pigment to match the shape of t he topping of
the wearing l ayer of t he tiles. The same cement slurry s hall be applied to the entire surface of the tiles in
a thin coat with a view to protect the surface from a brasive damage and f ill the pin ho les that may exist
on the surface. The floor shall then be kept wet for a minimum period of 7 days. The surface shall thereafter
be gr ounded e venly with m achine fitt ed w ith c oarse gr ade grit b lock (N o. 60). W ater s hall be u sed
profusely d uring gr inding. A fter grinding t he s urface s hall be t horoughly w ashed t o r emove a ll gr inding
mud, cleaned and mopped. It shall then be covered with a thin coat of grey or white cement, mixed with or
without pigment to match the colour of the topping of the wearing surface in order to fill any pin hole that
appear. The s urface shall be again c ured. The second gr inding s hall then be c arried ou t w ith
machine fitted with fine grade grit block (No. 120). The final grinding with machine fitted with the finest grade grit blocks (No. 320) shall be carried
out the day after the second grinding described in the preceding para or before handing over the floor, as
ordered b y t he Engineer-in-Charge. Wax pol ish s hall be of approv ed brand and m anufacture and i n
sealed containers. It shall be applied in uniform layer to the dry surface of the floor. When the layer of the
354 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
wax is stiffened and surface of floor is saturated with the polish, polishing shall be resorted with machine
fitted with bobs (pad of rags) and shall be done until shades of all chips have appeared and glossy surface
is obtained. The fresh polished floor surface shall be spreaded with dry saw dust to a thickness of about 12
mm uniformly. After the surplus wax has been soaked from the floor surface the saw dust shall be removed. For small areas or w here circumstances so require, hand grinding/polishing with hand grinder
may be per mitted i n l ieu o f machine pol ishing a fter laying. F or hand pol ishing t he following carborundum
stones, shall be used:
1st grinding — coarse grade stone (No. 60)
Second grinding — medium grade (No. 80)
Final grinding — fine grade (No. 120)

In all other respects, the process shall be similar as for machine polishing. After the final polish, oxalic acid shall be dusted over the surface at the rate of 33 gm per
square m etre s prinkled w ith w ater and r ubbed har d w ith a ‘namdah’ bl ock (pad of w oollen r ags). T he
following day t he f loor s hall be wiped with a m oist r ag an d dr ied with a s oft c loth an d f inished c lean. Wax
polishing to be done as given at If any tile is disturbed or damaged, it shall be r efitted or replaced, properly jointed and

11.10.4 Measurements Terrazo tiles flooring with tiles manufactured from ordinary grey cement without pigment and
coloured t errazo t ile f looring s hall be m easured s eparately ac cording t o par a 11. 6.5 T errazo t ile f looring
shall be m easured as l aid i n s quare metre c orrect t o t wo p laces of de cimal. F or length an d breadth
dimensions c orrect t o a cm before l aying s kirting, dado or w all pl aster shall be t aken. N o deduc tion shall
be made nor extra paid for voids not exceeding 0.20 sqm. Deductions for ends of dissimilar materials or
other articles em bedded shall not be m ade f or areas not ex ceeding 0. 10 s quare m etre. N othing ex tra
shall be paid for use of cut tiles nor for laying the floor at different levels in the same room or courtyard. Terrazo tile flooring laid in floor borders and similar band shall be measured under the item of
terrazo tile flooring. Nothing extra shall be paid in respect of these and similar bands formed of half size or
multiplies of half size standard tiles or other uncut tiles. Treads of stairs a nd steps pa ved with tiles without nosing, s hall also be m easured und er
flooring. Moulded nosing shall be paid in running metre except where otherwise stated, returned
moulded ends and angl es t o m ouldings s hall be i ncluded i n t he des cription. E xtra s hall, how ever, be
paid for such areas where the width of treads does not exceed 30 cm.

11.10.5 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above. W here cement m ortar bed ding i s u sed i n p lace of l ime m ortar t he r ate w ill b e ad justed


11.11.1 The terrazo tiles shall be as specified in 11.10.1, as far as applicable. The m inimum finished
thickness of tiles shall, however, be 12 mm. The finished thickness of the upper layer shall be not less
than 5 mm for size of marble chips from the smallest upto 12 mm and not less than 6 mm for size of
chips varying from the s mallest upto 20 mm. Where the bigger sized chips are used the tiles shall be not
less than 20 mm thick. The requirements of transverse strength tests specified in Appendix B, shall not
apply when the tiles used are less than 20 mm thick.
355 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.11.2 Preparation of Surface
The specification for this shall be same as specified in 11.4.2.

11.11.3 Laying
12 mm thick plaster of cement mortar 1:3 (1 c ement : 3 c oarse sand) or m ix as specified, shall then
be ap plied and allowed to ha rden. T he pl aster shall then b e roughened with wire brushes or by
scratching di agonal l ines 2 mm deep at appr oximately 7. 5 c m centres bot h w ays. The bac k o f tiles s hall
be buttered with a c oat of grey cement slurry and edges with grey or w hite cement slurry with or w ithout
pigments to match the shade of tiles, and s et in the bedding mortar. These shall be t amped an d
corrected t o proper pl anes and l ines. T he t iles s hall be s et i n t he requi red p attern and but t j ointed. T he
joints shall be as fine as possible. Top of skirting or dado s hall be t ruly horizontal with projection from
finish wall surface not more than tile thickness and joints truly vertical except where otherwise indicated.

The risers of steps, skirting or dado shall rest on the top of the tread or flooring. Where full size tiles
cannot be fixed, the tiles shall be cut (sawn) to the required size and their edges rubbed smooth.

11.11.4 Curing, Polishing and Finishing

The specifications as in 11.10.3 shall hold good as far as applicable. Wax Polishing shall be done
only with hand.

11.11.5 Measurements
The thickness of the skirting shall be as stated. Le ngth shall be measured along the finished face of
riser, skirting or dado correct to a cm. Height shall be measured from the finished level of tread or floor
to the top (the underside of tread in the case of steps). This shall be m easured correct to 5 m m in case
of risers and skirting (not exceeding 30 cm in height). In case of heights more than 30 cm, as in the case
of d ado an d o n w alls, the h eight s hall be m easured c orrect to a c m and s uch w ork s hall be paid for
separately. The area shall be calculated in square metre, correct to two places of decimal.

Where the height of risers, skirting or dado does not admit of full size or other finished size tiles and the
tiles are to be cut (sawn), nothing extra shall be paid for the same.

11.11.6 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above. Nothing extra shall be payable for use of cut (sawn) tiles to suit the size of risers, skirting, portions of
dado etc.


11.12.1 Chequered Tiles

The tiles shall be of nominal sizes such as 20 × 20 cm, 25 × 25 cm and 30 × 30 cm or of standard
sizes with eq ual sides. The size of tiles to be used shall be a s shown in dra wings or a s required by the
Engineer-in-Charge. T he centre t o c entre di stance of c hequers s hall not be l ess t han 2. 5 c m and not
more than 5 cm.

The overall thickness of the tiles shall not be less than 30 mm. The grooves in the chequers shall be
uniform and s traight. The depth of the grooves shall not be less than 3 mm. The chequered t iles shall be
cement tiles, or terrazo tiles as specified in the description of the item. The thickness of the upper layer,
measured from the top of the chequers shall not be less than 6 mm.

The terrazo tiles shall be given the first grinding with machine before delivery to site.

The t iles s hall c onform t o t he s pecifications for pl ain c ement c oncrete or t errazo t iles i n respect of
method of manufacture and the mix of the backing and wearing layers.

356 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.12.2 Laying, curing, Polishing and F inishing shall be as specified in 11.10.2 and 11. 10.3 e xcept that
wax polishing will not be done and the polishing of the tiles and the chequer grooves, after laying, may be
done by hand. Special care shall be t aken to pol ish t he grooves i n s uch a manner as t o get a uni form
section and t hat their finish shall match with the finish of flat portion of the tiles. Cement concrete tiles
normally d o n ot re quire po lishing but w here polishing is r equired t he s ame s hall be done as des cribed

11.12.3 Measurement and Rate: Shall be as specified in 11.10.4 and 11.10.5.


11.13.1 Chequered Tiles

The specifications for tiles shall be as specified in 11.12.1 except in the following respects :

(1) The length of the tiles including nosing shall be as specified.

(2) The nosing edge of the tile shall be rounded.

(3) The minimum thickness of the tile shall be 30 mm.

(4) The front portion of the tile for a minimum length of 75 mm from and including the nosing shall
have grooves running parallel to the nosing and at centres not exceeding 25 mm. Beyond that
the tiles shall have the normal chequer pattern.

(5) The nosing shall also have the same wearing layer as the top.

11.13.2 Preparation of Surface and Laying RCC or brick work in treads on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned wetted an d
mopped. The beddi ng for tiles s hall be with cement m ortar 1: 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) or of specified
mix. T he m inimum thickness of bedding m ortar at an y pl ace shall be 10 m m. B edding mortar shall be
spread, t amped a nd c orrected t o pro per l evels. A fter l aying bedding m ortar, neat grey cement slurry of
honey like consistency shall be spread over the mortar at the rate of 4.4 kg of cement per square metre
over each t read. T iles shall b e washed cleaned a nd s hall b e f ixed i n t his gr out b utting one at another.
Each tile being gently tapped with a wooden mallet till it is properly bedded, and is in level and line with the
adjoining t iles. T he j oints s hall be k ept as t hin a s pos sible an d i n s traight lines. The surface s hall b e
checked with a straight edge during laying to obtain a true surface. The square end of the tile shall, as far as possible butt against the riser face of the concrete
or brick tread and in any case shall be embedded under the side wall plaster, skirting or dado and under the
riser tile or other finish to a depth of not less than 10 mm. Where full size tiles cannot be f ixed, these shall be c ut (sawn) to the required size (along the
groove of t he c hequers where t he c ut ed ge i s e xposed) a nd used. T he c ut i n t he c ase of em bedded
edges w ill be n eat a nd true w hile t he cut i n t he case of exposed e dges shall i n addition b e r ubbed
smooth to ensure a straight and true joints. After the tiles have been laid surplus cement grout shall be cleaned off.

11.13.3 Curing, Polishing and Finishing

The s pecifications s hall be as des cribed i n 11. 12.2 except t hat pol ishing of t he t reads nos ing an d
chequered gro oves, af ter l aying, m ay be don e by h and i n t he s ame m anner as s pecified un der t errazo
tile flooring. Special care shall be taken to polish the nosing and the grooves in such a manner as to get
a uniform, section for the grooves and the nosing and their finish shall match with the finish of the flat
portion of the tiles.

357 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.13.4 Measurements
Chequred tiles on stair treads shall be measured in square metre correct to two places of decimal.
Length shall b e m easured correct t o a cm b efore laying skirting, d ado or w all pl aster. Width s hall be
measured correct to a c m from the outer edge of the nosing, as laid, before providing the riser. In the
case of the edge tiles of the landing and wide steps, width shall be measured upto the near edge of the
chequered s tair t read t iles. D eductions f or ends of di ssimilar m aterials or o ther art icles em bedded shall
not be made for areas not exceeding 0.10 square metre.

11.13.5 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he cost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above. Nothing extra shall be payable for cutting the tiles to suit the size of treads and also for nosing.



11.15.1 Ceramic Tiles

The tiles shall be of approved make and shall generally conform to IS 15622. They shall be flat, and
true to s hape and f ree f rom b listers c razing, chips, welts, c rawling or ot her i mperfections det racting f rom
their app earance. The tiles shall be t ested as pe r IS 13630. Classification an d C haracteristics of pr essed
ceramic tiles shall be as per IS 13712.
The tiles s hall be square o r rectangular of nominal size. T able 1,3,5, and 7 of IS 15622 give t he
modular p referred s izes an d table 2, 4,6 an d 8 give the most c ommon no n modular s izes. T hickness
shall be specified by the manufacturer. It includes the profiles on the visible face and on the rear side.
Manufacturer/supplier and party s hall choose the w ork size o f t iles i n or der to al low a no minal joint w idth
upto 2mm for unrectified floor tiles and upto 1mm for rectified floor tiles. The joint in case of spacer lug
tile shall be as per s pacer. The tiles shall conform to table10 of IS 15 622 with water absorption 3 t o 6%
(Group BII).

The t op s urface of the tiles s hall be gl azed. Glaze s hall be e ither gl ossy or m att as s pecified. T he
underside of the tiles shall not have glaze on m ore than 5% of the area i n order that the tile may adhere
properly to the base. The edges of the tiles shall be pr eferably free from glaze. However, any glaze if
unavoidable, shall be permissible on only upto 50 per cent of the surface area of the edges.

11.15.2 Coloured Tiles

Only the glaze shall be coloured as specified. The sizes and specifications shall be the same as for
the white glazed tiles.

11.15.3 Decorative Tiles

The type and size of the decorative tiles shall be as follows :

(i) Decorated white back ground tiles

The size of these tiles shall be as per IS 15622.

(ii) Decorated a nd h aving c oloured back-ground

The sizes of the tiles shall be as per IS 15622.

11.15.4 Preparation of Surface and Laying Base concrete or t he RCC slab on w hich the tiles are t o be l aid shall be c leaned, wetted and
mopped. The bedding for the tile shall be with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) or as
specified. T he av erage thickness o f the bedd ing s hall be 20 m m or as s pecified while the thickness
under any portion of the tiles shall not be less than 10 mm.

358 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Mortar shall be s pread, tamped and corrected to proper levels and al lowed to harden
sufficiently to offer a f airly rigid cushion for the tiles to be s et and t o e nable the mason to place wooden
plank across and squat on it. Over this mortar bedding neat grey cement slurry of honey like consistency shall be spread at
the rat e of 3.3 kg of ce ment per square m etre ove r an are a upto one square m etre. T iles sh all be
soaked in w ater w ashed clean and shall be fixed i n this grout one after another, each tile gently being
tapped with a wooden mallet till it is properly bedded and in level with the adjoining tiles. The joints shall be
kept as thin as possible and in straight lines or to suit the required pattern. The surface of the flooring during laying shall be frequently checked with a straight edge about
2 m long, so a s to o btain a t rue surface with the required slope. In bath, toilet W.C. kitchen a nd
balcony/verandah flooring, s uitable t ile drop or as shown i n d rawing w ill b e g iven i n addi tion t o required
slope to avoid spread of water. Further tile drop will also be provided near floor trap. Where full size tiles cannot be fixed these shall be cut (sawn) to the required size, and their
edge rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints.

Tiles which are f ixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 10 mm under the plaster,
skirting or dado. After tiles have been laid surplus cement slurry shall be cleaned off.

11.15.5 Pointing and Finishing

The joints shall be c leaned off the grey cement slurry with wire/coir brush or trowel to a depth of 2
mm to 3 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed. Joints shall then be flush pointed with white cement
added w ith pigment i f required t o match t he c olour of t iles. W here s pacer l ug t iles are provided, t he half
the dept h of j oint s hall be f illed w ith pol ysulphide or as specified on t op w ith under f illing w ith c ement
grout w ithout the l ugs re maining ex posed. T he f loor s hall t hen be k ept wet for 7 day s. After curing, t he
surface s hall be w ashed and f inished clean. T he f inished f loor s hall not s ound hol low w hen t apped w ith
a wooden mallet.

11.15.6 Measurements
Length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm before laying skirting, dado or wall plaster and the
area ca lculated i n s quare m etre correct to t wo places of d ecimal. W here co ves ar e us ed a t th e
junctions, the length and breadth shall be measured between the lower edges of the coves.

No de duction s hall b e m ade n or ex tra p aid for v oids not e xceeding 0. 20 square m etre. D eductions
for ends of dissimilar materials or other articles embedded shall not be made for areas not exceeding
0.10 square metre.

1.15.7 Rate
The rate for flooring shall include the cost of all materials and l abour involved in all the operations
described a bove, Nothing extra s hall be paid for t he us e of c ut ( sawn) tiles i n the work. R ate s hall include
colour tiles.


11.16.1 Operations as de scribed i n 1 1.15.1 t o 11 .15.6 s hall be f ollowed ex cept t he t iles s hall c onform t o
Table 12 of I S 1 5622 ( Tiles w ith water abs orption E ≤ 0.08 per c ent G roup BIa) and t he j oint t hickness i n
flooring shall not be more than 1mm.

11.16.2 Rate
The rate for flooring shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above. Nothing extra shall be paid for the use of cut (sawn) tiles in the work.

359 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

11.17.1 When tile flooring is to be laid over the existing flooring without dismantling old flooring it can be laid
with a dhesive. T he ol d f looring s hall be t horoughly cleaned an d c hecked f or undu lations, if an y s hall be
rectified with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand). Old cement concrete surface shall be hacked
and cleaned off to have proper bond with the old surface.

11.17.2 High pol ymer m odified qui ck s et t ile adhes ive ( conforming t o I S 15477) shall be t horoughly
mixed with water and a paste of zero slump s hall be prepared s o t hat i t can b e used with i n 1.5 t o 2
hours. It s hall b e s pread ove r a n ar ea not m ore than o ne sqm a t o ne ti me. Average thi ckness of
adhesive s hall be 3 m m The a dhesive s o s preaded shall be c ombed us ing s uitable t rowel. T iles s hall be
pressed f irmly i n to the position with slight twisting action checking i t s imultaneously t o ens ure go od
contact gently being tapped with wooden mallet till it is properly backed with adjoining tiles. The tiles shall
be fixed within 20 minutes of application of adhesive. The surplus adhesive from the joints, surface of the tiles
shall be immediately cleaned.

11.17.3 The surface of the flooring shall be frequently checked during laying with straight edge of above 2m
long so as to attain a true surface with required slope.

11.17.4 Where spacer lugs tiles are provided these shall be filled with grout with lugs remaining

11.17.5 Where f ull s ize tile c an not be f ixed t hese s hall be cut (s awn) t o t he required size and edges
rubbed smooth to ensure straight and true joints. Tiles which are fixed in floor adjoining to wall shall enter
not less than 10 mm under plaster, skirting or dado.

11.17.6 Finishing: para 11.15.5 shall apply.

11.17.7 Measurements: para 11.15.6 shall apply.

11.17.8 Rate
Provisions of para 11.15.7 and 11.16.2 shall apply.


11.18.1 The tiles s hall be o f appr oved make and s hall gener ally c onform to IS 15622. The t iles shall be
pressed ceramic covered by a glaze thoroughly matured and fitted to the body. The tiles shall be sound, true
to shape, flat and free from flaws and other manufacturing defects affecting their utility.

The top surface of the tiles shall be glazed. The underside of the tiles shall not have glaze on more than
5% of the area in order that the tile may adhere properly to the base. The edges of the tiles shall be free from
glaze, however, any glaze if unavoidable shall be permissible on only upto 50 per cent of the surface area of

The glaze shall be free from welts, chips, craze, specks, crawlings or other imperfections detracting from
the a ppearance when viewed f rom a di stance of one m etre. T he gl aze s hall be e ither glossy or m att as
specified. T he glaze shall be white in c olour ex cept i n t he c ase of c oloured tiles when c olours s hall b e
specified by the Engineer-in-Charge. There may be more than one colour on a tile.
11.18.1 (a) Dimensions and Tolerances
Glazed pressed c ramic tiles s hall be made s quare or rectangular in sizes T able 1, 3, 5 & 7 of IS
15622 give the modular sizes and table 2, 4, 6 & 8 of IS 15622 gives the sizes of non modular tiles. The
tiles shall conform to IS 15622 for dimensional tolerance, physical and chemical properties.
Half t iles f or us e as full t iles s hall ha ve dimensions which s hall be s uch as t o make t he hal f t iles when
jointed t ogether ( with 1 m m j oint) m atch with dimensions of f ull t iles. T iles m ay be m anufactured i n s izes
other than those specified. above.
The thickness of the tiles shall be 5 mm or 6 mm or as specified.

360 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The dimensions of f ittings as sociated with th e g lazed til es namely c over base, r ound edge ti le,
angles corner cups, ridge and legs, cronices and capping beads shall be of the shape and dimensions as
required and the thickness of fittings shall be the same as the thickness of tiles given above.

11.18.2 Preparation of Surfaces

The joints shall be raked out to a depth of at least 15 mm in masonry walls.
In case o f c oncrete walls, t he s urface shall be hac ked and roughened with w ire br ushes. The surface
shall be cleaned thoroughly, washed with water and kept wet before skirting is commenced.

11.18.3 Laying
12 m m t hick pl aster of cement m ortar 1: 3 (1 c ement : 3 c oarse s and) m ix of as s pecified s hall be
applied and allowed to h arden. T he pl aster s hall be roughened with wire brushes or b y s cratching
diagonal at closed intervals.

The tiles should be soaked in w ater, washed c lean, and a coat of c ement slurry applied liberally at
the back of tiles and set in the be dding mortar. The tiles shall be tamped an d corrected to pr oper plane
and lines. The t iles shall be s et in the required pattern and j ointed. The joints shall be as fine as
possible. Top of s kirting or dado s hall be truly horizontal and j oints t ruly v ertical ex cept w here otherwise
indicated. O dd si ze/cut size of ti le shall b e adjusted at b ottom to take c are of slope of the fl ooring.
Skirting and da do shall rest on t he top of the flooring. Where full size tiles cannot be f ixed these shall be
cut (s awn) t o t he required s ize and t heir edges rubbed s mooth. S kirting / dado s hall not proj ect from t he
finished “surface of wall” by more than the tile thickness, undulations if any shall be adjusted in wall.

11.18.4 Curing and Finishing

The joints shall be c leaned off the grey cement grout with wire/coir brush or trowel to a depth of 2
mm to 3 mm and all dust and loose mortar removed. Joints shall then be flush pointed with white cement
added with pigments if required to match the colour of tiles. The work shall then be kept wet for 7 days.

After cur ing, th e surface sha ll be washed and f inished clean. The f inished w ork s hall n ot s ound
hollow when tapped with a wooden mallet.

11.18.5 Measurements
Length shall be measured correct to a cm. Height shall be measured correct to a cm in the case of
dado and 5 m m in the case of riser and skirting. The area s hall be c alculated in square metre, correct to
two pl aces of dec imal. L ength and hei ght s hall be m easured al ong t he finished f ace of the s kirting o r
dado including c urves where s pecials s uch as coves, i nternal and external angles and beads are us ed.
Where cornices are used the area of dado shall be measured excluding the cornices. Nothing extra will be
paid for cutting (sawn) the tiles to sizes.
11.18.6 Rates
The rate s hall i nclude t he cost o f all material a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he operations described
above. The rat e s hall not i nclude c ost of c ornices w hich shall b e m easured and pai d f or i n ru nning
meters separately.
11.19.1 Marble Stone
It shall be as specified in sub head 8.0.

11.19.2 Dressing of Slabs

Every stone shall be c ut to the required size and s hape, fine chisel dressed on al l sides to the full
depth so that a straight edge laid along the side of the stone shall be fully in contact with it. The top
surface s hall a lso b e f ine c hisel dr essed t o r emove a ll waviness. I n c ase machine c ut slabs are u sed,
fine c hiesel dres sing of m achine c ut s urface ne ed not be done prov ided a s traight edge l aid any w here
along t he m achine cut s urfaces i s i n contact with every point on it. T he sides and top s urface of slabs
shall be m achine r ubbed o r t able r ubbed w ith c oarse s and b efore paving. A ll an gles and e dges o f t he
marble slabs shall be true, square and free from chippings and the surface shall be true and plane.

361 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The t hickness of th e slabs shall be 1 8, 30 or 4 0 m m a s specified i n t he description of th e i tem.
Tolerance of + 3% shall be allowed for the thickness. In respect of length and breadth of slabs a
tolerance of + 2% shall be allowed.

11.19.3 Laying Base concrete or the RCC slab on which the slabs are to be l aid shall be c leaned, wetted and
mopped. The bedding for the slabs shall be with cement m ortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 c oarse sand) o r a s
given in the description of the item. The average thickness of the bedding mortar under the slab shall be 20 mm and the thickness at
any place under the slab shall be not less than 12 mm. The slabs shall be laid in the following manner:

Mortar of th e s pecified mix s hall b e sp read u nder th e ar ea of e ach sl ab, rou ghly to t he average
thickness s pecified in the item. T he s lab s hall be w ashed clean bef ore laying. It s hall be laid on top,
pressed, t apped with wooden m allet a nd br ought t o l evel with t he a djoining s labs. I t s hall be l ifted an d
laid a side. The top surface of the mortar shall then be c orrected by adding fresh mortar at hollows. The
mortar is al lowed to h arden a bi t an d c ement s lurry of ho ney like c onsistency shall be s pread ov er t he
same at the rate of 4.4 kg of cement per sqm. The edges of the slab already paved shall be but tered
with grey or white cement with or without admixture of pigment to match the shade of the marble slabs as
given in the description of the item.

The slab to be paved shall then be lowered gently back in position and tapped with wooden mallet till it
is properly bedded in level with and close to the adjoining slabs with as fine a joint as possible.
Subsequent s labs s hall b e l aid in t he same m anner. A fter e ach s lab h as b een l aid, surplus c ement o n
the surface of the slabs shall be cleaned off. The flooring shall be cured for a minimum per iod of seven
days. The surface of the flooring a s laid shall b e true to levels, an d, slopes a s instructed b y the
Engineer-in-Charge. Joint thickness shall not be more than 1 mm.

Due car e sh all b e tak en to m atch the g rains o f sl abs which s hall be s elected ju diciously ha ving
uniform pattern of Veins/streaks or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The slabs shall be matched as shown in drawings or as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Slabs which are fixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 12 mm under the
plaster s kirting or d ado. The j unction bet ween w all plaster and f loor s hall be finished n eatly a nd w ithout
waviness. Marble slabs flooring shall also be laid in combination with other stones and/or in simple
regular pattern/design as described in item of work and/or drawing.

11.19.4 Polishing and Finishing

Slight unev enness a t the m eeting edges o f slabs s hall then be rem oved by f ine c hiselling and
finished i n t he s ame m anner as specified i n 11.10.3 ex cept t hat hi gh g loss mirror f inish po lish shall be
done. Cement slurry with or without pigments shall not be applied on the surface before each polishing.

11.19.5 Measurements
Marble stone f looring with di fferent k ind of m arble s hall be m easured s eparately and in s quare m etre
correct t o t wo p laces of decimal. Length a nd breadth s hall b e m easured c orrect t o a cm before l aying
skirting, dado or wall plaster. No deduction shall be m ade nor extra paid for voids not exceeding 0.20
square metre. Deductions for ends of dissimilar materials or other articles embedded shall not be made

362 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
for areas not exceeding 0.10 square m etre. Nothing extra shall be pai d for laying the floor at different
levels in the same room. Steps and t reads of stairs paved with marble stone slabs shall also b e
measured under t he i tem of M arble Stone f looring. E xtra shall, ho wever, be paid f or s uch are as where
the width of treads does not exceed 30 cm. Nosing for treads shall be measured in running metre and
paid for extra. The width of treads shall be measured from the outer edge of the nosing, as laid, before
providing the riser.

11.19.6 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above. However, extra shall be paid for making special type of pattern/design/flowers as per drawings. No
deductions shall be made in rate even if flooring is done without any pattern/design.


11.20.1 Marble Stone Slabs and Dressing of Slabs shall be as specified in 11.19.1 and 11.19.2 except
that the thickness of slabs shall be 18 mm. A tolerance of + 3% mm shall be allowed, unless otherwise
specified in the description of the item.

11.20.2 Preparation of Surface

It s hall be a s s pecified i n 11. 18.2 w here n ecessary, t he w all s urface s hall be c ut uni formly t o t he
requisite depth so that the skirting face shall have the projection from the finished face of wall as shown in
drawings or as required by the Engineer-in-Charge. In no case the skirting should project by more than
thickness of stone.

11.20.3 Laying
The risers of steps and skirting shall be in grey or white cement admixed with or without pigment to
match the shade of the stone, as specified in the description of the item, with the line of the slab at such
a distance from the wall that the average width of the gap shall be 12 mm and at no place the width shall
be less than 10 mm, if necessary, the slabs shall be held in position by temporary M.S. hooks fixed into
the wall at suitable intervals. The skirting or riser face shall be checked for plane and plumb and
corrected. The joints shall thus be l eft to harden then the rear of the skirting or riser slab s hall be packed
with cement m ortar 1: 3 (1 cement : 3 c oarse s and) or other m ix as specified in the d escription of the
item. The fixing hooks shall be removed after the mortar filling the gap has acquired sufficient strength.

The joints s hall b e as fine as p ossible but n ot m ore than 1 m m. T he top line of s kirting an d risers
shall be truly horizontal and joints truly vertical, except where otherwise indicated.

The risers and skirting slab shall be matched as shown in drawings or as instructed by the Engineerin-

11.20.4 Curing, Polishing and Finishing

It sha ll be a s sp ecified i n 11. 19.4 as f ar as a pplicable, e xcept t hat c ement slu rry w ith o r without
pigment shall not be applied on the surface and polishing shall be done only with hand. The face and top of
skirting shall be polished.

11.20.5 Measurements
Length shall be m easured along the finished face of riser or s kirting, correct to a c m. Height shall be
measured from the finished l evel of tread or floor, to the top (the under side of tread, i n t he case of steps)
correct to 0.5 cm. The areas shall be calculated in square metre correct to two places of decimal.

Dado and lining of pillars etc. shall b e m easured as ‘Marble w ork i n w all lining. If the t hickness i s
upto 25 mm or as “Marble Work” in Jambs, walls, columns and other plain work’ if the thickness is more.

363 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
11.20.6 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all the o perations d escribed


11.21.1 Kota Stone Slabs

The s labs s hall be of s elected qual ity, har d, s ound, dens e and hom ogeneous i n t exture f ree from
cracks, dec ay, w eathering and flaws. They s hall be hand or machine cut t o t he requisite t hickness. They
shall be of the colour indicated in the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

The s labs s hall hav e t he t op (ex posed) f ace pol ished bef ore bei ng br ought t o s ite, unl ess ot herwise
specified. The slabs shall conform to the size required. Before starting the work the contractor shall get
the samples of slabs approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

11.21.2 Dressing
Every s lab s hall be cut to t he required s ize and s hape and fine c hisel dr essed on the s ides to the full
depth so that a straight edge laid along the side of the stone shall be in full contact with it. The sides
(edges) s hall be t able rubbed w ith c oarse s and or machine rubbed bef ore paving. A ll angl es and edg es
of the slabs shall be true, square and free from chippings and the surface shall be true and plane.

The t hickness of t he slab af ter i t i s dr essed s hall b e 20, 2 5MM o r as specified i n t he

description of the item. Tolerance of ±2 mm shall be allowed for the thickness. In respect of length and
breadth of slabs Tolerance of ± 5 mm for hand cut slabs and ± 2 m m for m achine cut slabs shall be

11.21.3 Preparation of Surface and Laying

The s pecification s hall be as des cribed i n 11. 19.3 except t hat t he edges of the s labs t o be jointed
shall be buttered with gr ey c ement, w ith a dmixture of p igment to match t he s hade o f th e sla b. T he
thickness of the joints should be minimum as possible. In any location, it shall not exceed 1 mm.

11.21.4 Polishing and Finishing

The s pecifications s hall be as d escribed in 11.10.3 ex cept t hat ( a) f irst p olishing with coarse g rade
carborundum stone shall not be done, (b) cement slurry with or without pigment shall not be applied on
the surface before polishing.

11.21.5 Measurements and Rates

These shall be as described in paras 11.19.5 and 11.19.6.


11.22.1 Kota Stone Slabs a nd D ressing s hall be as specified i n 11.21.1 a nd 11.21.2 except that the
thickness of the slabs shall be 25 m m or as specified in the description of the item. The slabs may be o f
uniform size if required.

11.22.2 Preparation of surface shall be as specified in 11.20.3.

11.22.3 Laying shall be as specified in 11.20.3 except that the joints of the slabs shall be set in grey
cement mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs.

11.22.4 Curing, P olishing and F inishing shall be as specified in 11.10.3 except that first polishing with
coarse grade carborundum stone shall not be done.

11.22.5 Measurements
Length shall be m easured along the finished face of riser, skirting o r dado correct to a cm. Height
shall be measured from the finished level of tread of floor to the top (the underside of tread in the case of

364 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
steps). This shall be measured correct to a mm in the case of risers of steps and skirting and correct to a
cm in the case of dado. The area shall be calculated in square metre correct to two places of decimal.

Lining of pillars etc. shall also be measured under this item.

11.22.6 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed


11.23.1 Stone Slabs

The slabs shall be red or white as specified in the description of the item. The stone slabs shall be
hard, s ound, durable and t ough, f ree f rom cracks, de cay and w eathering. I n c ase of red sand stone,
white pat ches or s treaks s hall not be al lowed. H owever, s cattered s pots upt o 10 m m di ameter w ill be
permitted. B efore s tarting the w ork t he c ontractor s hall get s amples of s labs appr oved by t he E ngineer-

The s labs shall be hand o r machine cut to the requisite t hickness al ong pl anes pa rallel to t he nat ural
bed of stone and should be of uniform size if required.

11.23.2 Dressing of Slabs

Every slab shall be cut to the required size and shape and chisel dressed on all sides to a minimum
depth of 20 mm. The top and the joints shall be fine tooled so that straight edge laid along the face is
fully in contact with it. In case machine cut stones are used, chisel dressing and fine tooling of machine cut
surface need not be don e pr ovided a s traight edg e l aid an ywhere al ong the machine cut s urface i s i n
contact with every point on it.

The thickness of the slabs after dressing shall be 40 m m or as specified in the description of item
with a permissible tolerance of ± 2 mm.

11.23.3 Laying Base concrete on w hich the slabs are to be l aid shall be c leaned, wetted and m opped. The
bedding for the slabs s hall be w ith c ement m ortar 1:5 (1 c ement : 5 c oarse s and) or as given in the
description of the item. The average thickness of the bedding mortar under the slabs shall be 20 mm and t he
thickness at any place under the slabs shall not be less than 12 mm. The slab shall be laid in the following manner:

Mortar o f s pecified m ix s hall be spreaded u nder e ach slab. T he slab s hall be washed c lean b efore
laying. It shall then b e laid on top, pr essed and larried, s o that a ll h ollows unde rneath ge t filled and
surplus mortar works up through the joints. The top s hall be tapped w ith a w ooden mallet and br ought t o
level an d close t o t he adjoining s labs, w ith t hickness of j oint not exceeding 5 m m. S ubsequent s labs
shall be laid in the same manner. After laying each slab surplus mortar on t he surface o f slabs shall be
cleaned off and joints finished flush. In case pointing with other mortar mix is specified, the joint shall be left raked out uniformly
and to a depth of not less than 12 mm when the mortar is still green. The pointing shall be cured for a
minimum period of 7 day s. The surface of the flooring as laid shall be true to levels and slopes as
instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Slabs which are fixed in the floor adjoining the wall shall enter not less than 12 mm under the
plaster, s kirting or dado. The j unction between w all pl aster s kirting and f loor shall be f inished neatly and
without waviness.

365 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I The finished floor shall not sound hollow when tapped with wooden mallet.

11.23.4 Finishing
In case of chisel dressed stone flooring slight unevenness, if any existing between the edges of slabs at
joints shall then be removed by chiselling in a slant.

11.23.5 Measurements
These shall be as specified in para 11.19.5.

11.23.6 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above. Where poi nting i s to be done, this w ill be pai d ex tra unl ess specifically i ncluded i n t he des cription
of the item.


11.24.1 Stone Slabs shall be as specified in 11.23.1.

11.24.2 Dressing
The s pecifications f or dressing t he t op surface an d t he sides s hall be a s d escribed i n 1 1.23.2. I n
addition t he dre ssed t op and sides s hall b e t able r ubbed with c oarse grade carborundum s tone before
paving, to obtain a perfectly true and smooth surface free from chisel marks.

The thickness of the slabs after dr essing s hall be as s pecified w ith a p ermissible tolerance of ± 2

11.24.3 Laying
The slabs shall be laid with 3 mm thick or 5 mm thick joints as specified in the description of the item.

Where the joints are to be limited to 3 mm thickness, the slabs shall be laid a s specified in 1 1.19.3
except that the bedding mortar shall be as specified in 11.23.3 and sides of the slabs to be jointed shall
be buttered with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 stone dust) admixed with pigment to match the shade
of the slab.

Where the slabs are to be laid with 5 m m thick joints, the specifications for laying shall be as
described in 11.23.3.

11.24.4 Finishing shall b e as s pecified in 1 1.23.4 e xcept t hat c hisel m arks a nd u nevenness s hall be
removed by rubbing with coarse grade carborundum stone.

11.24.5 Measurement and Rate shall be as specified in 11.23.5 and 11.23.6.



366 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause 11.3.1)

A-1 Preparation of Sample

25 mm cylinder shall be prepared in ratio 1:2 mix (1 cement: 2 grades stone aggregate 6 mm
nominal s ize by w eight) one each w ith and w ithout the admixture of c oncrete hardening c ompound. The
concrete hardening c ompound s hall be us ed i n the proportion by w eight of cement as recommended by
the firm. T he cylinder s hall b e placed inside a damp box for 2 4 hours a nd then cured in water for 27
days. After t hat, t hey s hall be s ubject t o abra sion t est on ‘ Dorry T ype Avery Abrasion T esting M achine,
using Emery powder No 80 as the abrasing medium under the condition given in para A-2 below:

A-2 Conditions of Test

(a) Area of rubbing surface shall be same in both the cylinders.

(b) Age of cylinder 28 days

(c) Duration of Test 60 minutes

(d) Total distance traverse

During rubbing About 2.4 km

(e) Pressure on rubbing 0.04 kg/cm2


A-3 Results of Tests

The following observations shall be made in both the cases.

(a) Composition of the Test specimen

(b) Mean thickness rubbed away

(c) Percentage loss in weight

A-4 Remarks
Percentage l oss i n weight in t he case o f c ylinders w ith c oncrete har dening compound, s hould not be
more than 40% of the percentage loss in the case of cylinder without concrete hardening compound.

367 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I


(Clause 11.10.1 & 11.11.1)

B-1 Sampling
The tiles required o f c arrying out t est des cribed bel ow s hall be t aken b y ‘ random s ampling’. E ach t ile
sample shall be marked to identify the consignement from which it was selected.

Minimum quantity of tiles for carrying out the test and frequency of test shall be as specified in the list of
Mandatory Test. The number of tiles selected for each mandatory test shall be as follows”
(a) For conformity to requirements on shape and dimensions,
wearing layer, and general quality - 12 tiles
(b) For wet transverse strength test - 6 tiles
(c) For resistance to wear test - 6 tiles
(d) For water absorption test - 6 tiles

Note: (1) The tests on the tiles shall not be carried out earlier than 28 days from the date of

(2) The tiles selected for (a) may as well after verification of requirements, be used for (b).

B-2 Flatness of the Tiles Surface

The tiles when tested according to procedure laid down in IS 1237 edition 2.3, the amount of
concavity and convexity shall not exceed 1 mm.

B-3 Perpendicularity
When t ested i n accordance w ith t he p rocedure l aid do wn i n I S 1237 edition 2. 3, t he l ongest g ap
between the arm of the square and edge of the tile shall not exceed 2 per cent of the length of edge.

B-4 Straightness
When tested as per IS 1237 edition 2.3, the gap between the thread and the plane of tile shall not
exceed 1 percent of the length of edge.

B-5 Water Absorption

When tested the average water absorption shall not exceed 10 per cent.

B-6 Wet Transverse Strength Test

Six fu ll s ize tiles s hall be te sted for th e de termination o f w et t ransverse strength. When tes ted
according to the procedure laid down in IS 1237 edition 2.3, the average w et transverse strength shall
not be less than 3 N/mm2 (30 kgf/cm2)

B-7 Resistance to Wear Test

When tested according to IS 1237 edition 2.3, average wear shall not exceed 3.5 mm and the wear on
any i ndividual s pecimen shall n ot ex ceed 4 mm, f or general purp ose t iles. And 2 mm and 2.5 m m of
average wear on any individual specimen, respectively for heavy duty floor tiles.

368 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Flooring

Clause : 11.13

5 Equal Spaces 3025

Wearing Layer of Marble Chips Depth of Grove 3 mm
6 Nosing





Drawing not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 11.2 : Chequered Terrazo Tiles

369 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.0: Roofing

370 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Cla us e No. Brie f De s cription P a ge No.

List of Bureau of Indian Standards Codes 373

12.0 Terminology 374

12.1 Corrugated Galvanised Steel Sheet Roofing 374

12.2 Ridges and Hips of Plain Galvanised Steel Sheets 377

12.3 Valley and Flashing of Plain Galvanised Steel Sheets 377

12.4 Gutters Made of Plain Galvanised Steel Sheets 378

12.5 KLIPPON Galvalume Precoated Metal sheet Roofing 379

12.6 Non-Asbestos High Impact Poly Propylene Reinforced 380

Cement Semi-Corrugated Sheet Roofing - DELETED

12.7 Ridges and Hips of Non-Asbestos High Impact Poly 380

Propylene Reinforced Cement - DELETED

12.8 Other Roofing Accessories of Non-Asbestos High Impact 380

Poly Propylene Reinforced Cement - DELETED

12.9 Eaves and Valley Gutters of Non-Asbestos High Impact Poly 380
Propylene Reinforced Cement - DELETED

12.10 Painting of Roof Slab with Hot Bitumen 380

12.11 Mud Phuska Terracing with Brick Tile Paving 381

12.12 Paving over Mumty Roofs with Bricks Tile 383

12.13 Cement Concrete Gola 384

12.14 Khurras 384

12.15 Red or White Sand Stone Roofing - DELETED 385

12.16 Wooden Ceiling - DELETED 385

12.17 Ceiling with Fibre Insulating Building Boards - DELETED 385

12.18 Particle Board/Multipurpose Cement Board Ceiling - DELETED 386

12.19 Plain/Semi Perforated Particle Board Tiles Ceiling - DELETED 386

12.20 Transluscent White Acrylic Plastic Sheet Ceiling - DELETED 386

371 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.21 Plaster of Paris (Gypsum Anhydrous) Ceiling over Wooden 386
Strips - DELETED

12.22 Rain Water Spouts 386

12.23 Cast Iron Rain Water Pipes 387

12.24 Cast Iron Accessories for Rain Water Pipes 389

12.25 Thermal Insulation for Roofing 390

12.26 Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride Pipes and Fittings 394

Appendix A Galvanised Steel Sheets 396

Fig. 12.1 C.G.S. Sheets 398

Fig. 12.2 Galvanised Steel Sheet Gutter 399

Fig. 12.3 Wind Tie and Flashing 400

Fig. 12.4 Non-Asbestos Corrugated Sheet 401

Fig. 12.5 Non-Asbestos Cement Accessories 402

Fig. 12.6 Non-Asbestos Cement Gutters 403

Fig. 12.7 Cement Concrete Khurra-Gola 404

Fig. 12.8 Holder Bat Clamp 405

372 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

S l. BIS Code S ubje ct

1. IS 73 Specification for paving Bitumen
2. IS 277 Galvanised s teel s heets ( plain and c orrugated)
3 IS 651 Glazed stoneware pipes and fittings
4. IS 702 Specification for industrial bitumen
5. IS 1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
6. IS 1200 (PT.IX) Method of m easurements of bui lding a nd c ivil e ngineering works:
Part - 9 Roof covering ( including cladding)
7. IS 1200 (PTX) Method of m easurements of bui lding a nd c ivil e ngineering works:
Part -10 ceiling and lining
8 IS 1230 Cast iron rain water pipes and fitting
9. IS 1367 (PT -13) Technical s upply c onditions f or t hreaded s teel f asteners pt .13 ho t d ip
galvanized coating on threaded fasteners
10 IS 2095 (PT-1) Gypsum pl aster boar ds ( Pt.1) pl ain G ypsum pl aster boar ds
11. IS 2115 Code of practice for flat roof finish: mud phuska
12. IS 2633 Method of testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated articles
13. IS 2645 Specification for integral water proofing compounds for cement mortar
and concrete
14. IS 3007 (PT.1) Code of practice for laying of asbestos cement sheets: part- 1 corrugated
15. IS 3007 (PT.2) Code of pr actice f or l aying of as bestos c ement s heets par t- 2 s emi-
corrugated sheets
16. IS 3087 Particle boards of wood and o ther l ignocellulogic m aterials ( medium
density) for general purposes - specifications
17. IS 3144 Methods of test for mineral wool thermal insulation materials
18. IS 3346 Method of the determination of thermal conductivity of thermal insulation
19. IS 3348 Specification for fibre insulation boards
20. IS 3384 Specification f or bi tumen p rimer for w ater pr oofing and d amp pr oofing
21. IS 4671 Expanded polystyrene for thermal insulation purposes
22 IS 5382 Specification f or r ubber s ealing r ings f or gas m ains, w ater m ains and
23. IS 5688 Methods of t est of per formed b lock t ype an d p ipe c overing t ype t hermal
24. IS 6598 Cellular concrete for thermal insulation
25. IS 7193 Specification f or gl ass f ibre bas e c oal tarpitch & bi tumen felts
(Amendment I)
26. IS 8183 Bonded mineral wool
27. IS 10192 Specifications f or s ynthetic r esin b onded g lass f ibre (SRBGF) f or
electrical purposes.
28. IS 13592 Unplasticised po lyvinyl c hloride ( UPVC) pi pes f or s oil an d Waste
discharge system for inside and outside building.
29. IS 14753 Specifications f or pol ymethyl Methacrylate ( PMMA) ( Arylic) s heets
30 IS 14 862 Fibre cement flat sheets - specifications
31 IS 14871 Specifications f or products in f ibre reinforced cement - Long c orrugated
or Asymmetrical section sheets and fittings for roofing and cladding.

373 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.0.1 Accessories
Purpose m ade f ittings, s uch as apron flashing pi eces, ba rge boa rds, bottom glazing f lashing, corner
piece (c orner f lashing), eaves f iller pi eces, ex pansion j oints, hi p c apping, h ip t ile or c ap, ri dge c apping,
ridge finials, roof lights, ventilators, with which the roof is furnished.

12.0.2 Eaves
The lower edge of the inclined roof.

12.0.3 Finial
A decorative fitting used at the Junction of ridges and hips to form a water proof covering and at the top
of conical, pyramidal, or dome roofs.

12.0.4 Flashing
A s trip of i mpervious m aterial, usually m etal us ed t o ex clude w ater f rom the junction bet ween a roof
covering and another part of the structure.

12.0.5 Gable
Part of wall above the general eaves level at tie end of ridged or partially hipped roof.

12.0.6 Gutter
Any form of roof water channel.

12.0.7 Hip
The out er angle (m ore t han 180 degree) f ormed b y t he inclined ri dge bet ween t wo i ntersecting ro of

12.0.8 Pitch The a ngle o f inclination with the h orizontal of the r afters or substructure surface o n which the
roof coverings are laid. In patent glazing, the angle at which the plane of a stretch of glazing is inclined to the horizontal.

12.0.9 Pitched Roof

A roof the pitch of which is greater than 10 degree to the horizontal.

12.0.10 Ridge
The horizontal inter-section at the apex of the two rising roof surfaces inclined in opposite directions.

12.0.11 Valley
The re-entrant angle formed by the inter-section of two inclined roof surfaces.

12.0.12 Verge
Free edge of a roof surface ending at a gable.


12.1.1 C.G.S. Sheets

These s hall be of t he t hickness s pecified i n t he de scription of t he i tem and s hall c onform t o I S 277.
The s heets shall be of 275 grade of c oating ( See A ppendix-A) unl ess otherwise specified i n the
description of item.

374 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The s heets s hall be free from c racks, s plit edges , twists, s urface flaws e tc. T hey s hall be c lean,
bright and s mooth. The g alvanising shall be n on-injured a nd i n perfect c ondition. The sheets s hall n ot
show signs of rust or w hite powdery deposits on t he surface. The corrugations shall be u niform in depth
and pitch and parallel with the side.

12.1.2 Purlins
Purlins o f the specified m aterial o r M .S. rolled sections of requisite s ize s hall be f ixed o ver the
principal rafters. These shall not be spaced at more than the following distances. (Table 12.1)

TABLE 12.1

Thickne s s of C.G.S . she e t Ma ximum spa cing of purlins

1.00 mm 2.00 metre
0.80 mm 1.80 metre
0.63 mm 1.60 metre
The top surfaces of the pur lins shall be uniform and plane. They s hall be painted before fixing on top.
Embedded portions of wooden purlins shall be coal tarred with two coats.

12.1.3 Slope
Roof shall not be pitched at a flatter slope than 1 vertical to 5 horizontal. The normal pitch adopted
shall usually be 1 vertical to 3 horizontal.

12.1.4 Laying and Fixing The sheets shall be laid an d fixed in the m anner de scribed below, un less otherwise shown in
the working drawings or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The sheets shall be l aid on t he purlins to a true plane, with the lines of corrugations parallel or
normal to the sides of the area to be covered unless otherwise required as in special shaped roofs. The sheets shall be laid with a minimum lap of 15 cm at the ends and 2 ridges of corrugations at
each side. The abov e m inimum end l ap o f 15 c m s hall appl y t o s lopes o f 1 v ertical t o 2 hor izontal a nd
steeper s lopes. F or f latter s lopes t he m inimum permissible end l ap s hall be 20 c m. T he m inimum l ap of
sheets with ridge, hi p and valley s hall be 20 cm measured at right angles to the line of t he ridge, hi p and
valley res pectively. T hese s heets s hall be c ut t o s uit t he di mensions or s hapes of t he roof , ei ther al ong
their length or their width or in a slant across their lines of corrugations at hips and valleys. They shall be cut
carefully with a straight edge chisel to give a smooth and straight finish. Lapping in C.G.S. sheets shall be painted with a coat of approved steel primer and two coats of
painting with approved paint suitable for G.S. sheet, before the sheets are fixed in place. Sheets shall not generally be f ixed into gables and p arapets. They shall be ben t up al ong their
side edges close to the wall and t he junction shall be pr otected by suitable flashing or by a pr ojecting
drip course, the later to cover the junction by at least 7.5 cm. The laying operation shall include all scaffolding work involved. Sheets shall be f ixed to the purlins or other roof members such as hip or v alley rafters etc. with
galvanised J or L hook b olts an d nu ts, 8 m m di ameter, w ith bitumen an d G .I. limpet w ashers or w ith a
limpet washer f illed w ith w hite l ead a s d irected b y t he Engineer-in-Charge. W hile J h ooks ar e u sed f or
fixing s heets on angle i ron pu rlins, a nd L hooks a re us ed f or f ixing t he s heet t o R .S. j oists, t imber o r
precast concrete purlins. The length of the hook bolt shall be varied to suit the particular requirements.

375 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The b olts shall be sufficiently long so that after fixing they project above the top of the n uts by not less
than 10 mm. The grip of J or L hook bolt on the side of the purlin shall not be less than 25 mm. There
shall be a minimum of t hree hook bolts placed at the r idges of c orrugations i n each sheet on every purlin
and their spacing shall not exceed 30 cm. Coach screws shall not be used for fixing sheets to purlins. The galvanised coating on J or L ho oks, and bol ts shall be c ontinuous and f ree from defects
such as blisters, flux stains, drops, excessive projections or other imperfections which would impair

The galvanised c oating should c onform to IS 1367 (Pt. XIII) T he m ass of c oating per square meter of
the surface shall be as under:
Mass and Equivalent Thickness of Coating

Minimum Ma s s Ave ra ge Thickne s s Minimum Ma s s Individua l Thickne s s

(g/m 2 ) (µm) (g/m 2 ) (µm)
375 54 300 43 Where slopes of roofs are less than 21.5 degrees (1 vertical to 2.5 horizontal) sheets shall b e
joined t ogether at t he side l aps by gal vanised i ron bol ts and nu ts 25 × 6 mm s ize, eac h bol t provided
with a bitumen and a G.I. limpet washer or a G.I. limpet washer filled with white lead. As the overlap at
the sides extends t o t wo c orrugations, t hese bolts shall be placed zig-zag over t he t wo overlapping
corrugations, s o that t he ends of the ov erlapping sheets s hall be draw n ti ghtly to eac h o ther. T he
spacing of these s eam bolts shall not exceed 60 cm along each of the staggered rows. Holes for all bolts
shall be drilled a nd n ot punched in t he ri dges of t he corrugations f rom t he underside, while t he s heets
are on the ground.

12.1.5 Wind Tie

Wind ties shall be of 40 x 6 mm flat iron section or of other size as specified. These shall be fixed at the
eaves of the sheets. The fixing shall be done with the same hook bolts which secure the sheets to the
purlins. The ties shall be paid for separately unless described in the item of roofing.

12.1.6 Finish
The roof when completed shall be true to lines, and slopes and shall be leak proof.

12.1.7 Measurements The length and breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. Area shall be worked out in sqm
correct to two places of decimal. The superficial area of roof covering shall be measured on the flat without allowance for laps
and corr ugations. P ortion of roo f co vering o verlapping th e rid ge o r hip e tc. sh all be i ncluded in t he
measurements of the roof. Roof with curved sheets shall be m easured and pai d for separately. M easurements shall be
taken on the flat and not girthed. No deduction in measurement shall be made for opening upto 0.4 sqm and nothing extra shall
be allowed f or forming such op enings. For any opening exceeding 0. 4 sqm in area, deduction in
measurements f or t he f ull opening s hall be m ade and in s uch c ases t he labour i nvolved in m aking these
openings s hall be pai d f or s eparately. C utting ac ross c orrugation s hall be m easured on t he f lat and no t
girthed. No additions shall be made for laps cut through.

376 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.1.8 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the materials and labour involved in all the operations described
above including a c oat of approved steel primer and two coats of approved steel paint on ov erlapping of
C.G.S. s heets. This includes the c ost of roof sheets, galvanised iron J or L hooks, bolts and nuts,
galvanised iron seam bolts and nuts, bituminous and galvanised iron limpet washers etc.


12.2.1 Ridges and Hips

Ridges and hips of C.G.S. roof shall be covered with ridge and hip sections of plain G.S. sheet with a
minimum lap of 20 c m on either side over the C.G.S. sheets. T he end laps of the ridges and hips and
between ridges and hips shall also be not less than 20 c m. The ridges and hips shall be of 60 cm overall
width plain G.S. sheet, 0.6 mm or 0.8 mm thick as given in the description of the item and shall be
properly bent in shape.

12.2.2 Fixing Ridges shall be f ixed to the purlins below with the same 8 m m dia G.I. hook bolts and nuts and
bitumen and G.I. limpet washers which fix the sheets to the purlins. Similarly, hips shall be fixed to the ro of m embers b elow such a s pu rlins, h ip an d valley rafters
with the s ame 8 mm di a G .I. hook bolts an d nut s an d bi tumen a nd G .I. limpet w ashers w hich fix the
sheets to those roof members. At least one of the fixing bolts shall pass through the end laps of ridges
and hips, on either side. If this is not possible extra hook bolts shall be provided. The end laps of ridges and hips shall be joined together with C.G.S sheet by galvanised iron
seam bolts 25 x 6 m m size each with a b itumen and G .I. washer or white lead as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. There shall be at least two such bolts in each end lap. Surface of C.G.I. sheets of ridge and hip sections and the roofing sheets which overlap each
other s hall be painted with a c oat of approved prim er and tw o c oats of approved paint s uitable for
painting G.S. Sheets before they are fixed in place.

12.2.3 Finish
The ed ges o f the ridges and h ips s hall be s traight from end to end and their s urfaces s hould b e
plane and parallel to the general plane of the roof. The ridges and hips shall fit in squarely on the sheets.

12.2.4 Measurement
The measurements shall be taken for the finished work in length along the centre line of ridge or hip, as
the case may be, correct to a c m. The laps in ridges and hi ps and bet ween ridges and hi ps shall not be

12.2.5 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l labour and materials specified above, i ncluding painting, c ost of
seam bolts and any extra G.I. hook bolts, nuts and washers, required.


12.3.1 Valley and Flashing

Valley shall be 90 cm wide overall plain G.S. sheet 1.6 mm thick or other size as specified in the item
bent to shape a nd fixed. They shall lap with the C.G.S. sheets not less than 25 c m width on ot her side.
The end laps of valley shall also be not less than 25 cm.

377 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Valley sheets shall be laid over 25 mm thick wooden boarding if so required.

Flashing shall be of pla in G.S. sheet of 40 cm o verall w idth 1.25 mm thi ck or 1.0 0 m m thick as
specified in the item bend to shape and fixed. They shall lap not less than 15 cm over the roofing sheets.
The end laps between flashing pieces shall not be less than 25 cm.

12.3.2 Laying and Fixing

Flashing a nd v alley sheets s hall be fixed to the r oof m embers below, s uch as purlins a nd v alley
rafters with the same 8 mm dia G.I. hook bolts and nuts and bitumen and G.I. limpet washers which fix the
sheets to those roof members.

At least one of the fixing bolts shall pass through the end laps of the valley pieces on other side. If
this is not possible extra hook bolts shall be provided. The free end of flashing shall be fixed at least
5 cm inside masonary with the mortar of mix 1: 3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand). Refer Fig. 12.3.

12.3.3 Surface of G.S. sheets under overlaps shall be painted with a coat of approved primer and two
coats of approved paint suitable for painting G.S. sheets.

12.3.4 Finish
The edges of v alley and flashing s hould be s traight f rom end t o end. T he surfaces s hould be t rue
and without bulges and depressions.

12.3.5 Measurements
The length of the valleys and flashing shall be measured for the finished work correct to a cm. The
laps along the length of the valley or flashing pieces, including the portion embedded in masonary, shall
not be measured.

12.3.6 Rates
The rate for valleys, shall be for all the labour and materials specified above, including painting, cost
of seam bolts and the cost of requisite G.I. hook bolts, nuts and washers required over and above those
needed for connecting the roof sheets to the roof members. The r ate for v alleys shall e xclude t he c ost of
boarding underneath which shall be paid for separately. The rate for flashing shall be for all the labour
and materials specified above, and shall include the cost of painting and mortar for fixing in wall.


12.4.1 Gutters
Gutter shall be fabricated from plain G.S. Sheets of thickness as specified in the item.

Eaves gut ters s hall be of the s hape an d s ection s pecified in t he des cription of t he i tem. T he o verall
width of the sheet referred to therein shall mean the peripheral width of the gutter including the rounded
edges. The longitudinal edges shall be turned back to the extent of 12 mm and beaten to form a rounded
edge. The ends of the sheets at junctions of pieces shall be hooked into each other and beaten flush to
avoid leakage.

12.4.2 Slope
Gutter shall be laid with a minimum slope of 1 in 120.

12.4.3 Laying and Fixing Gutter shall be supported on and f ixed to M.S. flat iron brackets bent to shape and f ixed to the
requisite slope. The maximum spacing of brackets shall be 1.20 metres.

378 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Where these brackets are to be fixed to the sides of rafters, they shall be of 40 × 3 m m section
bend to shape and fixed rigidly to the sides of rafters with 3 Nos. 10 mm dia bolts, nuts and washers.
The b rackets s hall ov erlap t he rafter n ot l ess t han 30 cm and t he c onnecting b olts s hall be at 1 2 c m
centres. Where the brackets are t o be f ixed to the purlins, the brackets shall consist of 50 × 3 m m M.S.
flat iron bent to shape with one end turned at right angle and fixed to the purlin face with 2 Nos. of 10
mm dia bol ts nut s and w ashers. The br acket w ill be stiffened by pr ovision o f 50 × 3 mm. M. S. flat w hose
over hung portion bent to right angle shape with its longer leg connected to the bracket with 2 N os. 6
mm dia M.S. bolts, nuts and washers and its shorter leg fixed to face of purlin with 1 No. 10 mm dia, bolt,
nut and w asher. The over hang of the vertical portion of the bracket from the face of the purlin shall n ot
exceed 22.5 cm with this arrangement. The spacing of the brackets shall not exceed 1.20 metres. The g utter shall be fixed to the bra ckets with 2 N os. G.I. bo lts an d nuts 6 m m dia, ea ch fitted
with a pair of G .I. and bitumen w ashers. T he c onnecting bolts s hall be abov e the w ater line of the
gutters. For connection to down take pipes, a prop er drop end or f unnel shaped connecting piece shall
be made out of G.S. sheet of the same thickness as the gutter and riverted to the gutter, the other end
tailing into the s ocket of t he r ain-water p ipe. W herever n ecessary s top en ds, an gles e tc., s hould b e

12.4.4 Finish
The gutters when fixed shall be true to line and slope and shall be leakproof.

12.4.5 Measurements
Measurements shall be taken for t he finished w ork al ong t he c entre l ine o f the top width o f t he gut ter
connection t o a c m. T he ho oked l ap portion i n t he j unctions a nd gu tter l engths s hall not be measured.
The number of brackets which are fixed to purlins with stiffener flats should be measured.

12.4.6 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials specified above, including all specials such as
angles, junctions, drop ends or funnel shaped connecting pieces, stop ends etc., flat iron brackets and
bolts and nuts required for fixing the latter to the roof members. Brackets of 50 × 3 mm flats fixed to purlins
with stiffener flats will be paid extra.


12.5.1 Material : Cold Rolled Steel Conforming to ASTM: A446 having yield stress of 275 MPa and Base
metal thickness of 0.5 mm.
12.5.2 Finish : Steel surface shall have Hot Dip Metallic Coating - AZ i.e. Aluminium Zinc alloy comprising
55% aluminium, 43.5% Zinc and 1.5% Silicon as per ASTM-0 A792. Total mass of the coating mass on both
sides shall be 150 gm /sq.m as det ermined b y t riple spot tests. S teel s hall hav e O rganic coating with
Modified Polyester paint on continuous coil coating line. Thickness of coating on top side shall be 20 micron
Silicon Modi fied P olyester ov er 5 micron E poxy primer and thickness o f coating on bac k side shall be 5
micron Polyester over 5 micron Epoxy primer.
Total coated thickness shall be 0.58 mm.
Approximate mass of completed roofing shall be 6.06 kg /sq.m

379 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Recommended span for wind loads as per IS: 875-1993 shall be as follows:
a) Single Span 1500 mm
b) End Span 1200 mm
c) Internal Span 2000 mm
d) Overhang 200 mm
e) Roofing sheets are available upto 12000 mm. But from transportation limitations it is recommended to
use 6000mm long sheets. Overall width of sheet available is 460 mm.

12.5.3 : Laying of Sheets

The sheets are to be fastened to roof purlins with fixing clips, which are concealed during fixing and do
not require any fastening holes through the sheets. The fixing clip shown in the enclosed drawing/ illustration
are to be used to fasten steel cladding.
The clips for fastening sheets require only two fasteners per clip and provide an easy positive
engagement in the ribs of the profile.
The two fasteners are inserted only through the two punched holes. Four dimples are also provided in
the clip but these are for auxiliary fasteners only. The fasteners used to fix clips shall be wafer head, self-
drilling, Zinc coated fasteners of size no 12-24x32mm.
The clip has a short return l eg and l ong return l eg. The clip must be pos itioned w ith t he s hort l eg
engaging over the male rib of the under lapping sheet.

12.5.4 : Flashing and Clapping

The Flashing, Clapping and Trims shall be manufactured from the same material as the roof sheeting
and in s tandard lengths of 2.5 metres. These a re t o be fixed w ith N o. 10 - 16 x 16 mm hot di pped Z inc
coated self-tapping screws. The width shall be up to 1000 mm as per site requirements.

12.5.5: Measurements
The measurement shall be taken for the finished work in superficial area on the flat in the plane of the
roof/side measured i n s q.m w ithout al lowance for l aps and c orrugations and payment s hall be e ffected
based on the rates quoted by Contractor.
The laps between the sheets both at the ends and at the sides, shall not be measured. However, the
overlaps o f t he sheets ov er v alley gut ters, ridge, hi p and flashing pi eces shall be i ncluded i n t he
The rate s hall i nclude t he cost o f al l materials and l abour i nvolved i n al l the oper ations des cribed i n
these specifications and as may be necessary for the work. The rate quoted shall also include providing any
staging or any temporary structure required for the purpose of installing the roof.

12.5.6 : Rates
The m easurement f or pr e-coated m etal r oofing s hall be done if it is t o be pai d separately as per
Schedule of Rates. Otherwise, these measurements will be in built into the rate for canopy items.



12.10.1 Preparing the Surface

The s urface shall be painted only w hen it is thoroughly dry. T he s urface to be painted s hall be
cleaned w ith wire brushes and c otton or gu nny c loth. A ll loose m aterials and scales s hall b e removed
and the surface shall be further cleaned with a piece of cloth lightly soaked in kerosene oil.

380 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.10.2 Painting with Bitumen The contractor shall bring the bitumen to site in its original packing and shall open and use it in
the pr esence of t he E ngineer-in-Charge o r hi s aut horised r epresentative. T he c ontainers s hall not be
removed fro m th e site u ntil th e painting job is co mpleted an d the E ngineer-in-Charge h as sa tisfied
himself regarding the quantity of bitumen actually used and has given his permission to remove the
empty containers. The surface prepared and treated shall be painted uniformly with bitumen of approved quality
such a s re sidual t ype p etroleum bitumen of p enetration 8 0/100, hot c ut b ack b itumen or equivalent a s
per s pecifications of t he manufacturer. T he c oat o f bi tumen s hall be continued 15 c m al ong t he v ertical
surfaces joining the roof. In case of parapet walls it shall be continued upto the drip courses. Residual type petroleum bitumen of penetration 80/100 shall be heated to a temperature of not
less than 180 degree C and not more than 190 degree C and shall be applied on the roof surface at not
less than 180 degree C. S imilarly, hot cut back bitumen shall be heated to a temperature of not less than
165 degree C and not more than 170 degree C and shall be a pplied on the surface at not less than 165
degree C. Care shall be taken to see that no blank patches are left. The quantity of bitumen to be applied
per 10 s quare metres of roof surface shall be 17 k g, unless otherwise stipulated in the description of the
item. It shall be carefully regulated so that the application is uniform at the stipulated rate of 17 Kg. per
10 square metres.

12.10.3 Spreading Sand

Immediately af ter p ainting, dr y, c lean s harp coarse s and at t he r ate of 60 cubic d ecimeter per 1 0
sqm. shall be evenly spread and levelled over the surface when the bitumen is still hot.

12.10.4 Measurements
The s uperficial area of the s urface painted s hall b e measured in s quare m etres. N o deduction in
measurements s hall be m ade f or unpainted areas o f r oof slab occupied by c himney s tacks, roof l ights
etc. o f ar eas, eac h up to 4 0 s q. de cimetre. T he m easurements o f length and br eadth s hall be taken
correct to a cm.

12.10.5 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed

12.11.1 Mud Phuska

For m ud phuska, selected soil w hich should be a go od quality earth s uitable for m aking bri cks n ot
containing excessive c lay or s and, f ree f rom s tones, k ankar, v egetable m atter and other f oreign m atter,
shall be collected and stacked at site. The soil shall not be c ollected f rom a locality infested w ith w hite
ants. Before laying on the roof, the soil shall be made damp by adding water about 12 hours earlier. It
shall be turned over with phawaras so as to break clods and to pulverise the same. Quantity of water to be
added to the soil shall be carefully regulated so that the soil shall have optimum moisture content at the
time of laying and compaction on the roof. The soil shall be laid on the roof to requisite thickness and slope,
well compacted with wooden rammers and thappies, to obtain an e ven surface to correct slope. Average
thickness of soil after compaction shall be as specified for the item.

Note: A practical way of determining the moisture content of soil suitable for giving good compaction is
that the soil should contain that much quantity of moisture, which when a handful of soil is
moulded with hand to the shape of a ball, it shall just retain its form. If the soil on moulding
cannot retain its shape of a ball, moisture content is inadequate. On the other hand, if the ball
can be plastically deformed on pressing with hand, the moisture content is on the high side.

381 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.11.2 Mud Plaster
After laying the mud phuska, the surface shall be given a coat of mud plaster 25 mm thick and the
plaster shall be allowed to dry and crack.

The mud plaster s hall be pr epared fr om th e s ame soil as f or mud p huska. The dr y s oil s hall b e
reduced to fine powder and mixed with water in a pit, adding fibrous reinforcing materials such as
chopped straw (Bhusa) in proportion of 35 kg per cum of soil. The mixture shall be allowed to mature for a
period of not l ess t han 7 day s. D uring t his per iod it s hall be w orked ov er w ith f eet and spades
(Phawaras) at intervals so as to get pugged into a homogeneous mass free from lumps and clods. The
mud mortar shall be puddled again very thoroughly just before use.

The consistency of mud mortar shall be checked by taking it on a trowel and observing how it slides off
the face of trowel. The mortar shall readily slide off the trowel and should not be so wet as to part on to
large drops before falling. Alternatively slump test may be performed in accordance with IS 1199. The slump
should be about 70 mm.

12.11.3 Gobri Leaping

After t he m ud plaster has dr ied, t he s urface s hould be gi ven a coat of gobri l eaping so as t o
completely fill a ny c rack t hat may hav e formed in the m ud p laster. M ortar for gobr i leaping s hall b e
prepared by m ixing equal quant ities of f resh gobar and f inely s ieved c lay an d addi ng s ufficient w ater t o
form a thin p aste. The qu antity of gobar used i n go bri l eaping s hall no t be less t han 0.03 cum per 1 00
sqm of plaster area. Five pe rcent of c ut b ack bitumen b y m ass of dry clay m ay be added to improve
upon the water proofing qualities.

12.11.4 Laying of Bricks Tile

After t he g obri l eaping h as d ried, b rick t iles s hall be l aid us ing t he m inimum am ount of pl ain m ud
mortar (without b husa) a s b edding s o as t o o btain c orrect s lope a nd even s urface of t ile f loors. C are
shall be exercised to see that mud mortar does not rise into the vertical joints of the tiles more than 12
mm. The brick tiles shall be ei ther flat tile bricks of class designation 100 o r machine moulded tile bricks
of class designation 125 conforming to IS 2690 (Prt I) as per the nomenclature of the item. The tiles shall
be laid such t hat the thickness of joints shall not be l ess than 6 mm and more than 12 mm in width. After
the tiles are well s et and bedding mortar has dried, joints of the tiles shall be grouted with cement mortar
of mix 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) such that all the joints of tiles are completely filled with mortar and the
joints should be f inished neat. Cement us ed f or t he mortar s hall be m ixed w ith 2% of i ntegral water
proofing compound which should conform to IS 2645.

12.11.5 Curing
As soon as cement grouting obtains initial set, the surface of the brick tile floor shall be c overed with
wet gun ny bag s, he ssian cloth or wet s and t o pre vent qui ck dry ing. After 8 -12 hours , t he brick t ile f loor
shall be cured by frequent sprinkling of water on the surface for a period of 7 days. After curing has been
done, the surface shall be swept clean.

The tile surface as completed shall be even and true to slopes of 1 in 48 or as specified and should be
leak proof.

Note: When surplus earth of a suitable quality exists at the site of work, the contractor shall be allowed
to use the same free of cost for laying the mud terracing, mud plaster and gobri leaping on the
top. The Engineer-in-Charge shall be the final authority to decide whether the earth obtained
from excavation is surplus to the requirements at site and is suitable for mud phuska work.

12.11.6 Measurements
Length and br eadth s hall be m easured c orrect t o a c m. T he m easurements s hall be taken f or t he
finished work, (mud phuska terracing of stipulated thickness with mud plaster, gobri leaping and tile
paving and grouting) over the tiled surface, in superficial area.

382 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
No dedu ctions i n m easurements s hall be m ade f or ei ther openi ngs or rec esses f or c himney sta cks,
roof l ights or khurras, of area u pto 0. 40 sqm. N o extra s hall be p aid ei ther f or a ny e xtra materials or
labour involved in forming such openings, recesses etc. For areas exceeding 0.40 sqm deductions will be
made in the measurements for the full opening but extra shall be paid for any extra labour, materials etc. in
forming such openings.
For pl us or m inus dev iation f rom t he av erage t hickness s tipulated f or t he m ud phus ka i n t he i tem,
payments will be adjusted in the r ate admissible to the contractor for the relevant schedule i tem provided
that such deviations were authorised by the Engineer-in-Charge in writing.

12.11.7 Rate
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour involved i n all t he o perations d escribed


12.12.0 The roofs shall be paved with bricks tile laid flat and grouted with cement mortar.

12.12.1 Bricks Tile

These shall conform to the specifications detailed in subhead 6.0 of brick work

12.12.2 Cement Mortar

The cement mortar s hall be of 1: 3 m ix ( 1 cement : 3 fine s and) unl ess ot herwise specified in the
description of the item and shall conform to the specifications described in subhead 3.0 of Mortars.

12.12.3 Preparing the Surfaces

The s urface s hall b e h acked, r oughened an d c leaned of al l d ust and ot her f oreign m atter. I t s hall
then be wetted before applying the mortar.

12.12.4 Paving and Grouting

Cement mortar shall be spread in 12 mm layer over the surface evenly to required slope. Brick tiles
which had been soaked as in br ick work i n w ater for at least an hour before hand shall then be laid open
jointed and flat on the m ortar and l ightly pressed, and s et to pl ane s urface t rue t o slopes et c. us ing a
trowel and wooden straight edge. The brick tiles s hall be l aid with t heir joints not more t han 10 mm wide.
They shall be laid with their longitudinal lines of joints truly parallel and horizontal and at right angles to
the sloping edges of the roof.

Transverse joints i n al ternate r ows s hould come di rectly i n l ine w ith one anot her. Transverse joints i n
adjacent courses shall not have distance by less than 5 c m. As soon as the paving is done, the open
joints shall be grouted with cement mortar 1:3 (1cement : 3 fine sand). Cement used for grouting mortar
shall be m ixed w ith 2% (by uni t of c ement) w ater proofing c ompound c onforming t o I S 2645. C are s hall
be taken to see that no joints are left unfilled or inadequately filled. The joints shall be finished flush with
the brick surface.

12.12.5 Curing
The t ile pav ing s hall be c ured f or at l east 7 day s during w hich period it s hall be s uitably protected
from damage.

12.12.6 Measurements
Length and br eadth s hall be measured c orrect t o a c m. Me asurements shall be taken for t he finished
work in superficial area covered.

No deduc tion i n m easurement s hall be m ade f or either openi ngs or r ecesses f or c himney s tacks,
roof lights, or for khurras, for areas upto 0.40 sqm nor extra shall be paid for forming such openings.

For similar a reas ex ceeding 0. 40 sqm deduc tion shall be made i n measurements for al l openi ngs but
nothing extra shall be paid for forming such openings.

383 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.12.7 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed


12.13.1 Cement Concrete
The specifications for concrete shall be the same as described in subhead 4.0 of concrete work.

12.13.2 Gola
A chase of 75 mm wide a nd 75 mm d eep shall be cut in the p arapet wall just ab ove the junction of
mud phuska or lime concrete with parapet wall and it shall be filled with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 10 mm and down gauge) the external face finish with a slope
of 1 : 0 .75 a nd t he exposed s urface of t he g ola s hall be p lastered w ith c ement m ortar 1 : 3 (1
cement : 3 fine sand).

Expansion joint at every 3.5 to 4.5 metres shall be provided and filled with bitumen filler. The bitumen filler
shall be p repared by mixing bi tumen, cement and coarse sand in t he ratio of 80 : 1 : 0. 25 (80 k g of hot
bitumen : 1 kg of cement and 0.25 cum of coarse sand).

12.13.3 Curing
The finished surface shall be cured for at least 7 days.

12.13.4 Measurements
The length of the finished gola shall be measured at its junction with the wall face correct to a cm. No
deduction shall be made in measurements for gaps for water outlets.
12.13.5 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above including the cost of bitumen filler in expansion joint. The rate includes for all turnings and
roundings at all the corners and risers.

12.14 KHURRAS (FIG. 12.7)

12.14.0 The khurras shall be constructed before the brick masonry work in parapet wall is taken up and it
shall be of size 45 cm x 45 cm unless otherwise specified in the description of the item and shall be
made of c ement concrete 1 :2:4 mix ( 1 cement : 2 c oarse s and : 4 graded s tone a ggregate 20 m m
nominal size) or other mix as stipulated in the description of the item.

12.14.1 Laying A PVC sheet of size 1 m x 1 m x 400 micron (alternatively, aluminium foil of 32 SWG) shall be
laid under the khurra and then cement concrete shall be laid over it to average thickness of 50 mm with its
top surface lower than the level of adjoining roof surface by not less than 50 mm. The concrete shall be laid to a size greater than the stipulated size of the khurra in such a way
that the adjoining terracing shall overlap the concrete on i ts three edges by not less than 7.5 cm. The
concrete will slope uniformly from the edges to t he outlet, t he slope being as much as pos sible and in no
case less than 20 mm cement concrete at the outlet. The concrete shall be c ontinued at the same slope
through the width of the wall into the outlet opening to ensure a water tight joint. The khurras and the sides of the outlet shall then be rendered with 12 mm coat of cement
plaster 1:3 mix (1 c ement : 3 c oarse sand) or ot her mix as stipulated in the d escription of the item. This
shall be done w hen the concrete is still green and s hall be finished. The sides of the khurras and sides of
the outlet opening shall be well rounded. The size of the finished outlet opening shall be 10 cm wide and
by 20 cm high or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

384 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I In cases where rain water is to be disposed off through rain water pipes, iron grating shall be
provided at t he o utlet as a s afeguard against choking, i f s o di rected by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. I ron
gratings, shall be of overall size 20 × 25 cm. with an outer frame of 15 × 3 m m M.S. flat to which 4 N os
M.S. bars of 10 mm dia shall be welded in a vertical direction keeping equal clear spacing of 2.5 cm. or as
directed by the Engineer in Charge.

12.14.2 Measurements
Khurras shall be counted in numbers.

12.14.3 Rate
The rate is for each c ompleted khurra of the s pecified size and is inclusive of the cost of al l materials
and labour in forming the khurras and outlet opening as described above, except for iron gratings which
shall be paid for separately.




12.17.1: Scope : This specification covers the scope of false ceiling for canopies and sales building.
12.17.2 : Material
Cold R olled S teel -Confirming IS: 513 ha ving minimum yield s tress o f 240 MPa and minimum tensile
stress of 300 MPa.
Base metal thickness -for ceiling panels: 0.45 mm & for carriers 0.55 mm
12.17.3 : Coating
Hot Dip Metallic coating: 120 gms/m2. Zinc coating (galvanising) as per IS:277.
Coating mass: 120 gms/m2. (total of both sides) as determined by triple spot tests.
Organic Coating: Organic coating with Modified Polyester paint on a continuous coil coating line.
Top side: 15 micron Modified Polyester over 5 micron Epoxy primer
Back side: 5 microns Alkyd backer coat.
Total coated thickness: for ceiling panels 0.50mm
for carriers 0.60mm
Approximate mass of completed ceiling 4.95 kg/ m2.

12.17.4 : Span
The r ecommended s pan f or wind loads shall be as per I S:875. I n gener al, t he s pas for c arriers and
suspenders shall be 1200 mm c/c.

12.17.5 : Dimentions
The overall height of the false ceiling shall be as per the structural drawings and instructions issued by
IOC Divisional Engineers for various locations based on the site requirements etc. The false ceiling shall be
strictly as per the approved shop drawings and any deviation will be accepted only with the prior approval of
the IOC Divisional Engineer.
For Ceiling Panels: 150-F or 200-F Flush panel: 150 mm or 200 mm wide x 17 mm deep with tongue
and groove interlocking arrangement.
For Carriers: 34.5 mm wide x 48 mm deep. However, this shall be checked for design wind loads and if
found necessary, the depth can be increased to 75 mm. However, no extra shall be paid for.
Length for ceiling Panels: Up to 6000 mm
Length for Carriers: Up to 5000 mm

385 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.17.6 : Fixing method
The Ceiling panels shall be clipped onto carriers, which are suspended from steel trusses with the help
of G .I. s uspension angl es o f size 25 x 25 x 0. 5 mm thick b y m eans o f r igid suspension. The suspension
system shall be rigid and meant for exteriors. The longitudinal joints of two panels shall be but jointed with a
special panel splice behind the joint. The carriers joint of two carriers shall be jointed by means of carriers
splices maintaining a module of 150 mm. the spans shall not exceed as recommended and manufacturer’s
recommendations for installation shall be followed.

12.17.7 : Appearance
The f alse ceiling s hould be o f white c olour as per standard t echnical s pecification and s hould be
erected w ith t he bot tom face t ruly at hor izontal pl ane. If t he canopy bottom c hord members a re pl aced
inclined s uch as up ward s lope o f cantilever por tion ( if required as per ar chitectural requirement) t hen t he
plane of false ceiling shall be parallel to bottom chord of truss and/ or as per architectural requirement.
The false ceiling should also be provided to cover up any left over vertical portion on the front facia as
directed by the site engineer. In such cases, The vertical surface of the false ceiling shall be flush with the
back lit facia. Contractors are required to obtain the details of the facia first and it is preferable to carry out
the false ceiling work after the front facia work is completed.
12.17.8 : Construction
The CONTRACTOR shall carry out the work without any damages to the property and without causing
disturbance to the normal working of the Retail Outlets. Also, CONTRACTOR should work during nights, if
directed by IOC, to avoid disruption of sale at the Retail Outlets at no extra cost. The entire work should be
well co-ordinated so that other contractors also can work simultaneously. All the necessary scaffolding tools
etc. hav e to be a rranged b y t he contractors at t heir ow n cost. The r ates s hall be deem ed t o i nclude
necessary scaffolding at site.
12.17.9 : Painting
The pai nting on al l t he roofing / false ceiling shall be got done i n the manufacturing p rocess be fore
brought t o s ite f or erection. Any s urface da mage/ c hipping et c. on t he out er e xposed s urfaces o f any
components suffered during transit, handling, erection or any other cause has to be made good properly by
the C ontractor at hi s o wn expenses and matching t he shade with ad jacent c omponents a s instructed b y



12.19 To 12.21 ITEMS DELETED


12.22.0 The sectional area of rain water spouts provided shall be generally at the rate of 1 square cm
per 70 t o 80 s quare decimetre of roof area drained. H owever i n l ocations subject t o excessive and high
intensities of rainfalls, the area of s pouts provided may be suitably i ncreased t o suit l ocal conditions. No
spout shall be less than 80 mm in diameter. The spacing of spouts shall be arranged to suit the position of
openings in the wall.

12.22.1 Stone Ware Spouts

The spouts shall be 100 mm in diameters and 60 cm long. The stone ware pipe shall be perfectly sound, free from fine cracks, imperfections of glazing
etc. They must be straight cylindrical and of standard nominal diameter and length and depth of socket as
given in IS 651. Full length of pipes shall be used on the work. They must be thoroughly salt glazed inside
and outside shall generally conform to IS 651.

386 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I Fixing : These shall be provided at the mouths of khurras and shall be f ixed in cement mortar
1:3 (1 c ement : 3 c oarse sand) w ith t he s ocket em bedded i n t he m asonry and t he spigot end projecting
outside. The m asonry al round t he pipe a nd socket s hall be t horoughly wetted and t he h oles s hall be
given a coat of cement mortar alround. The S.W. pipe shall then be i nserted and fixed with a surround of
mortar. I n c ase t he hol e has bec ome m uch l arger t han t he s ize of t he pipe, c ement c oncrete 1: 2:4 (1
cement: 2 c oarse s and: 4 graded stone ag gregate 12.5 mm no minal size) shall be us ed to fill in the
annular s pace. T he s pouts s hall s lope dow nward at t he rate of 1 i n 6. T he projection out side t he w all
shall be uni form and not less than 40 cm. The entrance into the pipe shall be smoothly rounded to meet
the internal bore of the pipe to facilitate easy flow. Care shall be taken to ensure that the vertical plane
through the centre line of the spouts is at right an gles to the plane of the wall. Spouts in a row shall b e
true to line. Measurements : Spouts shall be measured in numbers. Rate : The rate shall include the cost of all materials and l abour involved in all the operations
described above including scaffolding.


12.23.1 Cast Iron Pipes
Pipes shall c onform t o I S 12 30 a nd shall be perfectly, s mooth and cylindrical, their i nner and o uter
surfaces be ing as nearly as pra cticable c oncentric. T hese s hall be sound an d of uniform c astings, f ree
from l aps, pi n hol es or other i mperfections and s hall be neat ly finished and c arefully f itted bot h i nside
and outside. The ends of pipes shall be reasonably square to their axes.

12.23.2 Dimensions
C.I. rain w ater pipes shall be of the dia specified i n the description of the item and shall b e in full
length of 1. 8 m etre i ncluding s ocket end s of t he pi pes, u nless s horter l engths are re quired at j unctions
with fittings. The pipe lengths shall be in each case be with socket. The pipes shall be supplied without
ears unless otherwise specifically mentioned. The pipes supplied shall be factory painted (with a tar base
composition) both inside and outside which shall be smooth and tenacious.

Every pipe shall ring clearly when struck all over with a light hand hammer. When shorter pipes are
cut f rom f ull l engths t hey s hall be c ut w ith a hacksaw. T he s izes, w eights, s ockets and t olerances of
pipes shall be as shown in Table 12.7.

TABLE 12.7
Dimensions and Weight of C.I. Rain Water Pipes

Nomina l s ize of pipe s 50 75 100 125 150

(Inte rna l dia me te r in mm)
(a) External diameter in mm 53 79 104 130 156
Tolerance in mm ±3 ±3 ± 3.50 ± 3.50 ± 4.00
(b) Thickness in mm 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00
Tolerance in mm ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1 ±1
(c) Nominal weight of 1800 mm
long pipe without ears in kg 7.50 11.00 14.00 20.00 26.00
Tolerance in weight (-) 10% (-) 10% (-) 10% (-) 10% (-) 10%
Tolerance in length in mm ± 13.00 ± 13.00 ± 13.00 ± 13.00 ± 13.00

387 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Nomina l s ize of pipe s 50 75 100 125 150
(Inte rna l dia me te r in mm)
(a) Internal diameter in mm 63 89 114 139 167
Tolerance in mm ± 3.00 ± 3.00 ± 3.00 ± 3.00 ± 3.00
(b) Thickness in mm 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
Tolerance in mm ± 1.00 ± 1.00 ± 1.00 ± 1.00 ± 1.00
(c) Internal depth in mm 60 65 65 75 75
Tolerance in mm ± 10 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10 ± 10
Note: 1. All dimensions are in mm.
2. P ipes weighing m ore tha n th e no minal weight m ay be a ccepted provided th ey c omply i n
every other respect with the requirements of this standard.
3. The above table applies only to rain water pipes fixed on wall face.
4. For pipes and fittings which are to be embedded in masonry, specifications shall correspond
with those of pipes for soil, waste, and vent pipes. For their weights, specifications under
chapter 19.0 shall be referred to.

12.23.3 Fixing and Jointing Pipes shall be ei ther fixed on f ace of wall or embedded in masonry, as required in the
description of the item. Plain pipes (without ears) shall be secured to the walls at all joints with M.S. holder bat
clamps. The clamps shall be made from 1.6 mm thick galvanised M.S. sheet of 30 mm width, bent to the
required shape and s ize so as to fit tightly on t he socket of the pipe, when tightened with screw bolts. It
shall be f ormed out of two semi-circular pieces, hinged with 6 m m dia M.S. bolt on one s ide and
provided with flanged ends on t he other side with hole to fit by the screw bolt and nut , 40 m m long. The
clamp shall be p rovided with a hook made out of 27.5 cm long 10 mm diameter M.S. bar, rivetted to the
ring at the centre of one semi circular piece. The details of the clamps are shown in Fig 12.8. The
clamps shall be f ixed to the wall by embedding their hooks in cement concrete block 10 x 10 x 10 cm in
1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 c oarse sand : 4 gr aded stone aggregate 20 m m nominal size) for which
necessary holes shall be made in the wall at proper places. The clamps shall be kept about 25 mm clear off
finished face of wall, so as to facilitate cleaning and painting of pipes.

Note : Where G .I. sheet clamps are n ot provided, M.S. sheet clamps of 3 m m thick and 20 m m wide
shall be used for making the clamps. The pipes shall be fixed perfectly vertical or to the lines as directed. The spigot of the upper
pipe shall be pr operly fitted in the socket of the lower pipe such that there is a uni form annular space for
filling with the jointing material. The annular space between the socket and the spigot shall be filled with
a few tur ns of sp un yarn soaked in ne at ce ment s lurry. These s hall be pressed h ome b y means o f
caulking tool. M ore skins of yarn shall be w rapped if necessary and shall be r ammed hom e. The joint
shall then be filled with stiff cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) well pressed with caulking tool
and finished smooth at top at an angl e of 45 de gree sloping up. The joints shall be k ept wet for not less
than 7 days by tying a piece of gunny bag, four fold, to the pipe and keeping it moist constantly. Where pipes are to be embedded in masonry, these shall be fixed in masonry work as it
proceeds. In s uch c ases c are shall be tak en to keep the pipes abs olutely v ertical or to the line as
directed by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. The pipe s hall hav e a s urrounding of 12 m m m inimum t hickness of
mortar at every portion of the external surface. The m ortar shall be of the s ame m ix as is used in the
masonry. The joint shall be caulked with lead as soon as the next length of pipe is placed in position.

388 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
The op en end (socket en d) of the pipe s hall be kept closed till the next length is fitted a nd jointed, t o
prevent any brick bats or concrete or pieces of wood falling in and choking the pipe.

The depth of lead from the lip of socket shall be 25 mm minimum. In case of 100 mm dia. 75 mm and
50 mm pipes, the quantity of lead required per joint shall be 1.00 kg, 0.66 kg and 0.50 kg respectively f or
purpose of reckoning theoretical Consumption.

In order t o ensure t hat r equired q uantity of l ead i s pou red i nto t he j oint a nd t o c ontrol w astage of
lead, at the beginning, three or four samples shall be made and the quantum of lead per joint approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge.

The ac tual c onsumption of l ead s hould b e w ithin ± 5% of t he a pproved sample j ob s ubject t o t he

provision that a variation of ± 20% shall be allowed over the theoretical quantity of lead due to dimensional
tolerances allowed as per Indian Standards. This variation includes allowances of wastage also. The spigot end shall butt the shoulder of the socket and leave no gap in between. The annular
space between the socket and the spigot will be first well packed in with spun yarn leaving 25 mm from the
lip o f t he socket for t he l ead. The joint s hall t hen be lead c aulked as des cribed i n det ail under jointing of
S.C.I soil, waste and vent pipes.


12.24.1 C.I. Fittings

C.I. accessories s uch as bends of v arious deg rees, heads , of fsets of di fferent proj ections, bra nches
and shoes shall conform to IS 1230.
Bends shall be of the nearest standard degree as actually required at site. Heads shall be of the flat or
corner t ype a s requi red. Offsets s hall be of t he projection as s tipulated i n t he des cription of t he item.
Branches shall be single or double as described in the item and shall be of the nearest standard degree as
actually required. Standard shoes shall be of overall vertical length, 180 mm for 75 mm dia., 205 mm for
100 m m dia and 2 75 mm f or 150 di a s ized pi pe f rom t op of s ocket t o l owest t ip of s hoe. S hoes of
longer lengths if used shall be in lengths 300 mm, 375 mm, 450 mm, or 600 mm from top of socket to
lowest tip of shoe of as actually required at site.

12.24.2 Dimensions
The fittings shall be of the diameter specified in the description of the item.

The thickness of the fittings and det ails of spigots and s ockets shall be s ame a s those of the
corresponding size of straight pipes. The fittings shall be supplied without ears unless otherwise
specifically mentioned i n t he i tem. The fittings s hall be f actory painted w ith a tar b asis c omposition b oth
inside and ou tside which s hall be s mooth and t enacious. Every f ittings s hall ring c learly when s truck a ll
over w ith a l ight hard ha mmer. T he f ittings s hall be of s tandard s ize and t heir i ndividual w eights s hall
conform to the weights given in the Table 12.8.

TABLE 12.8
Weight of C.I. Rain Water Pipe Fittings

S .No De s cription 75 mm dia 100 mm dia 150 mm dia Unit

(we ight in kg) (we ight in kg) (we ight in kg)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Bends (Plain) 3.20 4.50 9.10 Each
2. Offsets (Plain)
(a) 55 mm projection 2.70 5.00 8.20 Each
(b) 75 mm projection 3.20 5.50 9.10 Each

389 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
1 2 3 4 5 6
(c) 115 mm projection 4.10 5.90 9.50 Each
(d) 150 mm projection 4.50 6.40 10.40 Each
(e) 225 mm projection 5.00 7.30 11.80 Each
(f) 300 mm projection 6.00 8.60 12.70 Each
3. Branches (Plain)
Single 5.00 7.30 14.50 Each
Double 6.80 10.00 19.10 Each
4. Standard shoes (Plain) 3.20 4.10 8.60 Each
5. Longer shoes (Plain)
(a) 300 mm 3.20 5.00 - Each
(b) 375 mm 4.10 5.50 - Each
(c) 450 mm 5.50 6.40 - Each
(d) 600 mm 7.30 8.60 - Each
6. Heads 6.40 6.80 11.30 Each
7. Extras:
(a) For ears cast on any
fitting and short pipes 0.90 0.90 1.35 Each
(b) For inspection doors
fitted on any fitting 1.80 1.80 2.25 Each
Note: 1. The above table applies only to rain water fittings which are part of pipe lines fixed on wall
face. Permissible tolerance in weight of fittings shall be 5%.
2. For fittings to be used with pipe lines to be embedded in masonry, specifications shall
correspond with those of pipe fittings for soil, waste and vent pipes. For their weights,
specifications under S.C.I. soil, waste and vent pipes may be referred to.

12.24.3 Fixing and jointing shall be as specified in 12.23.3.

12.24.4 Measurements
The f ittings s hall be m easured by num bers. W here l onger s hoes are us ed i n l ieu of s tandard s hoes
specified in the description of the item, they shall be measured as standard shoes of 180 mm, 205 mm
and 275 mm for 75 mm dia, 100 mm dia and 150 mm dia respectively in number and the extra lengths of
the shoes shall be measured and paid for under the corresponding size of pipes.

12.24.5 Rate
The rate shall include in the c ase of fittings fixed on the face of w all, the cost of all m aterials and
labour i nvolved i n al l t he op erations d escribed above i ncluding j ointing b ut ex cluding t he supply and
fixing t he M .S. hol der bat clamps i n w alls and t he anchoring c oncrete. U nless ot herwise s pecified i n t he
description of t he item, the ra te s hall app ly fo r f ittings w ithout ac cess doo rs. I n the c ase of fittings
forming part of a rain w ater pi pe line e mbedded in m asonry, t he r ate shall be for s upplying and
embedding the fittings in masonry but shall not include for the jointing and lead caulking which shall b e
paid for separately.


12.25.1 With Cellular Concrete : Types and Grades: Cellular concrete is a light weight concrete formed by producing gas or
air b ubbles i n cement s lurry o r a cement s and s lurry. C ellular c oncrete s hall c onform t o I S 6 598 a nd
shall be of following two types depending on the manner of manufacture.

390 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(i) Type I: High pressure steam cured (auto-claved) materials in the form of precast blocks.
(ii) Type II: Materials cured under natural conditions (that is under ambient pressure and
temperature) by w ater. T he m aterial m ay be either cast i n s itu or m ay be i n the f orm of pre cast

Grades - Each of t hese t wo t ypes of t he material s hall ha ve t hree gr ades, na mely:

Grade A - Light weight cellular concrete;
Grade B - Medium w eight c ellular c oncrete a nd;
Grade C - Heavy weight cellular concrete. Materials
(a) Aggre ga te : A v ariety of s illicious f ines, s uch as ground quar ts s and s hale, f lyash a nd gr anulated
slag may be used in the manufacture of cellular concrete.
(b) Water and binder shall conform to para 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of Specifications.
(c) Ga s s ing Age nts : Organic foaming agents based on resin soap, glue, surface active agents, or
fine aluminium powder, zinc, dust, calcium carbide, calcium by pocheride etc. may be used for
gassing the concrete. Dimensions : The di mensions o f t he type I and t ype I I p recast cellular concrete bl ock shall be
either 50 or 60 cm in length, 20, 25 or 30 cm in width and 7.5, 10, 15, 25 or 40 cm in thickness. Tole ra nce : A tolerance of ±3 percent shall be a llowed on width and height and ±1 percent
on thickness. Requirement for Cellular Concrete

TABLE 12.9

S. Cha ra cte ris tics Gra de Gra de Gra de Te s t re fe re nce

No. A B C
1. Density in Upto 321 to 400 to IS 5688
kg/cum 320 400 500
2. Crushing Strength
in kg/sq. cm.
(type I) 7.0 12.0 20.0 -do-
(type II) 2.5 4.5 8.0
3. Thermal
conductivity in
kw/cm deg c 0.7 0.85 1.0 IS 3346
at 50 deg. c mean
4. Capillary absorption not to exceed 20% in case of type I cellular concrete when tested as per
Appendix A of IS 6598. Sampling: In a consignment, cellular concrete of the same type and grade and manufactured
approximately in the same period shall be grouped to form a lot. If it is in the form of blocks, a lot shall be
made up of not more than 1000 blocks. If the material is in situ, not more than 10 t ons of materials shall
constitute a lot.

If the material is transported in lorries and received as such, the material in lorry (or vehicle load) &
may conveniently be termed as lot.

Each lot shall be tested for all the requirements separately.

391 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
If the lot is made up o f precast blocks, the number of sample blocks to be tested shall be s elected at
random as per the following Table 12.10.

TABLE 12.10

Lot S ize S a mple s ize P e rmis s ible No. of de fe ctive s

(block to be sa mple d) (vis ua l and dime ns iona l re quire me nts )
(n) (a )
Up to 100 5 0
101 to 300 8 0
301 to 500 13 0
501 to 1000 20 1 General : Cellular concrete if done with precast blocks shall be laid on terrace slab after
thoroughly cleaning the s urface. T he blocks s hall be l aid o ver a layer of 1 2 mm average thick c ement
mortar 1: 4 ( 1 c ement : 4 c oarse s and) and t he joints shall al so be filled properly with neat c ement s lurry.
The joints shall be s taggered. Thickness of j oints shall be as m inimum as possible and not m ore than 5
mm. Measurements : Length and breadth of the roofing insulation shall be m easured correct to a
cm and the surface area worked out in square metre of the finished work.

No deduction shall be made for openings of areas upto 40 square decimetre. No extra payment will be
made f or any extra m aterial or l abour i nvolved i n forming s uch op enings. For op enings ex ceeding 4 0
square decimetre in area, deduction for the full opening will be made, but nothing extra will be paid for
any extra material or labour involved in forming such openings. Rate : The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour required in providing cellular

12.25.2 With Resin Bonded Fibre Glass Wool (Bonded Mineral Wool) Material: The material shall be mineral wool made from rock slag or gl ass processed from a
molten s tate i nto f ibrous form and shall be bonded w ith a s uitable bi nder. B onded mineral w ool s hall
conform to specifications of group I of IS 8183. Dimensions: The bonded m ineral w ool shall be s upplied i n w idth of 50, 60, 75 and 100 cms,
and length of 100, 120 and 140 cms and the thickness of the bonded mineral wool shall be 25, 40, 50,
65 or 75 mm. Tolerances: For w idth and l ength, t he di mensional t olerances of t he bonded m ineral w ool
slabs shall be -½%. F or nominal thickness in the range 25 to 75 mm the tolerance shall be -2 mm. A n
excess, in all dimensions is permitted. Requirements for Fibre Glass Wool

TABLE 12.11

S. Cha ra cte ris tics Group I Te s t Re fe re nce

1. Bulk density 12 to 15 kg/cum IS 3144
2. Recovery after not less than Annex. A
compression 90% of original thickness of IS 8183

392 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
S. Cha ra cte ris tics Group I Te s t Re fe re nce
3. Shot content max 500 micron - 5% IS 3144
250 micron - 15%
4. Moisture content not more than 2% IS 3144
and absorption
5. Incombustibility Incombustible IS 3144
6. Thermal conductivity deg. C 0.49 mw/ cmoC IS 3346
at mean temperature 50 deg.C
7. Sulphur content Not more than 0.6% IS 3144 General : Bonded mineral wool insulation can be either laid over false ceiling or alternatively it
can be fixed to the ceiling when the space above false ceiling is being used for carrying return air. In the first
case the bonded mineral wool can either be fixed with suitable adhesive to the false ceiling board or else it
can simply be rolled over the suspended false ceiling.

In the second case when space above false ceiling is to be us ed for carrying return air 1.5" x 1.5"
slotted an gle (3" length) shall be f ixed to the c eiling b y m eans of rawl plugs at 2’0" s pacing. Draw 14
gauge t ie wires from t he slots. Make a mat of mineral wool i nsulation bac ked w ith scrim c loth with a l ight
coating of Plaster of Paris or pol ythene faced hessian and 2 4g x 1" wire mesh netting. The joints of wire
netting should be butted and tightly laced down with G.I. wire. Stretch the mat tightly across the angles
holding it in place by means of tie wires. Measurements : Length and bre adth o f the roofing insulation shall be m easured correct to a
cm and the surface area worked out in square metre of the finished work.

No deduction shall be made for openings of areas upto 40 square decimetre. No extra payment will be
made f or any extra m aterial or l abour i nvolved i n forming s uch op enings. For op enings ex ceeding 4 0
square decimetre in area, deduction for the full opening will b e m ade, b ut n o extra w ill be p aid for a ny
extra material or labour involved in forming such openings.

Boarding fixed t o c urved surf aces i n na rrow widths s hall be measured a nd p aid for separately.
Circular cutting and waste shall be measured and paid for separately in running metres. Rate : The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour required i n providing bonded
mineral wool.

12.25.3 With Expanded Polystyrene : Material : Expanded polystyrene shall conform to IS 4671. It is of two types as given below:
(a) Type N - Normal
(b) Type SE - It shall be of self e xtinguishing type when tested in accordance with Appendix E of IS
4671. Dimensions : The size of the finished boards shall be 1.0 × 0.5 m or as specified and having a
thickness of 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 60, 75 or 100 mm. 7R OH U D Q:FThe
H V tolerances on l ength, width and t hickness of the finished board shall be
±2 mm.

393 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
12.25.4 With Exfoliated Vermiculite : Material : Exfoliated vermiculite consists of vermiculite mineral which has been expanded
many times of its or iginal vo lume aft er being s ubjected to high temperature ( 700 d egree C to 1 000
degree C).

It is utilised as a thermal insulation material after mixing it with a cementitious material.


12.26.1 UPVC Pipes

Pipes s hall c onform t o Type A pi pes of I S 13592. T he i nternal and ex ternal s urfaces of the pi pes
shall be smooth and clean and free from groovings and other defects. The end shall be clearly cut and
shall be s quare with the axis of the pipe. The end may be chamfered on the plain sides. S light shallow
longitudinal gr ooves or i rregularities i n t he w all thickness shall be per missible provided t he w all t hickness
remains within the permissible limit.

12.26.2 Colour of Pipe

Surface colour of the pipes shall be dark shade of grey or as specified .

12.26.3 Marking
Each p ipe s hall be c learly and i ndelibly m arked with t he f ollowing i nformations at i ntervals not m ore
than 3 meter.
(a) Manufacturer’s name or trade mark.
(b) Nominal outside dia of pipe.
(c) Type ‘A’
(d) Batch number.

12.27.4 Dimensions Diameter and Wall Thickness: Mean out side diameter, out side di ameter at any po int an d
wall thickness for type -A manufactured plain or with socket shall be as given in Table- 1 of IS 13592.

UPVC r ain w ater pipes s hall b e of t he di a, s pecified i n t he description of t he i tem and s hall be i n
nominal lengths o f 2 ,3,4 or 6 metres either p lain or w ith s liding/grooved socket u nless shorter l engths
are required at junctions with fittings. Tolerances on specified length shall be + 10 mm and - 0 mm.

12.26.5 Fixing and Jointing

Pipes s hall b e e ither f ixed on f ace of w all or em bedded in m asonry as r equired i n t he description of
the item.

Plain pipes shall be secured to the walls at all joints with PVC Pipes clips by means of 50 x 50 x 50 mm
hard w ood pl ugs, s crewed w ith M. S. screws o f required l ength i /c c utting b rick w ork and fixing in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand ). The clips shall be kept about 25 mm clear off finished face of wall,
so as t o facilitate cleaning of pipes. Pipes shall be fixed pe rfectly vertical or to the l ines a s di rected. The
pipes s hall be fi tted to fi ttings with s eal ri ng c onforming to IS 5382 al lowing 1 0 m m ga p for t hermal

12.26.6 Installation in Wall/Concrete

The w alls/concrete s lots s hould al low f or a s tress f ree i nstallation. P ipes an d f ittings t o be i nserted
into the slots without a cement base have to be applied first with a thin coat of PVC solvent cement

394 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
followed by s prinkling of dry s and (medium s ize). Allow i t to dry. T he p rocess gi ves a s ound bas e f or
cement fixation. This process is repeated while joining PVC material to CI/AC materials.

12.26.7 Fittings
Fittings used shall be of the same make as that of the PVC pipes Injeciton moulded or fabricated by the
manufacturer and s hall hav e a minimum wall t hickness o f 3.2 mm. The fittings shall be s upplied w ith
grooved s ocketted ends with s quare groov es and provided with Rubber G asket c onforming t o I S 538 2.
The pl ain en ds of the fittings s hould b e chamfered. The f ittings s hall b e joined w ith the he lp of R ubber
lubricant. The details of fittings refer IS 13592.

12.26.8 Measurements
The f ittings s hall be m easured by num bers. The pi pes shall be measured net w hen fixed correct t o a
cm. excluding all fittings along its length.

12.26.9 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all m aterials a nd l abour i nvolved i n all t he o perations d escribed
above including j ointing but excluding the s upply and fixing of w all plugs and P VC clips w hich s hall be
paid for separately.

Note : These pipes shall be used only i n s haft or unexposed location t o a void d amage t o t hese pipes
due to willful act.

395 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
(Clause 12.1.1)

A-1 Dimensions
A-1.0 S izes of pl ain S heet: T he pl ain s heets s hall be s upplied i n any c ombination of the f ollowing
lengths, widths and thickness.
(a) Length : 2500 and 3000 mm
(b) Width : 900 and 1000 mm
(c) Thickness : 0.50, 0.63, 0.80, 1.00 mm

A-1.1 In case o f sheets supplied in coil, the internal diameter o f coil shall b e 45 0, 510 and 610 mm
and the mass of each coil shall not exceed 12 tonne.

A-1.1.1 Coils weighing more than 12 tonnes may be supplied subject to mutual agreement between the
contracting parites.

A-1.2 Corrugated sheets.

A1.2.1 Length- The length of the corrugated sheets shall be as follows: 2500, 3000 mm

A-2 Zinc Coating

The w eight of c oating r eferred t o i n t his s pecification s hall r epresent t he t otal weight of zinc bot h s ide

On any sample selected at random from the delivery, one set of three samples each 50 x 50 mm or
50 mm diameter shall be selected at random from one sheet for every 500 G.S. sheets, the coating for the
different classes shall be within the limit specified in table below:
Mass of Coating (Total Both Sides)

Gra de of coa ting Minimum a ve ra ge coa ting Minimum coa ting single
Triple spot te s t g/s qm s pot te s t g/s qm*
600 600 510
450 450 380
350 350 300
275 275 235
* minimum individual value obtained in triple spot test.

A-3 Mass
The mass of sheets and c oils shall be c alculated as given in Table II on the basis of nominal
dimensions and mass of zinc coating.

396 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I
Calculation of Mass of Sheets or Coils

Type of ma te ria ls Order o f c a lcula tion Me thod o f c a lcula tion Numbe r of Nume ra ls in
re s ulta nt va lue
Sheet Mass of single sheet Nominal mass of single Rounded off to 4 effective
sheet plus mass of zinc figures
Total mass Mass of single sheet Rounded off to integral value
(kg) x number of sheets of kg
Coil Unit mass of coil Unit mass of sheet Rounded off to 3 effective
(kg/m2)x width (mm) figures
x10 -3
Mass of single coil Unit mass of coil
(kg/m)x length (m)
Total mass (kg) Total mass of each coil Integral number of kg
(i) Nominal mass of single sheet shall be calculated by calculating the volume of the sheet and
multiplying the same with density of sheet (density 7.85 g/ cubic cm) and rounding the same to 4
effectve figures.
(ii) Mass of the coating shall be calculated by multiplying the surface area of single sheet with
indicated inominal coating mass (g/square metre) as shown for triple spot test (Table I).
(iii) For calculation of corrugated sheet mass, the width before corrugation shall be considered while
calculating the area.

A-4 Corrugations
The depth and pitch of corrugation shall be as follows:

Gra de De pth of Corruga tion P itch of Corruga tion

(mm) (mm)
A 17.5 75
B 12.5 75
The number of corrugations shall be 8,10, 11 or 13 per sheet. The overall width of the sheets
before and after corrugation shall be as given in Table below.

Details of Corrugations

Numbe r of Gra de Nomina l ove ra ll width of she e t me a s ure d betwe e n

corruga tions crowns of outs ide corruga tions
Be fore corruga tion Afte r corruga tion
mm Mm
(1) (2) (3) (4)
8 A 750 660
10 A 900 810
11 A 1000 910
13 A 1200 1110
8 B 750 680
10 B 900 830
11 B 1000 930
13 B 1200 1130

397 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Roofing

Clause : 12.1

8 mm dia G hook Bolt with Nut

Limpet Washer
Bitumen Washer

C.G.S. Sheet



2000 for 1.00 mm Thick Sheet
1800 for 0.80 mm Thick Sheet
1600 for 0.63 mm Thick Sheet
Purlin Spacing




Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 12.1 : C.G.S. Sheets

398 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Roofing

Clause : 12.1

40 x 3 M.S. Flat Iron Bracket 5 mm G.I. Bolt and Nut to

Connect Gutter to Bracket
Hooked Joint A

Slope < 1 in 120 CROS S S ECTION

Spacing > 1120


C.G.S. Roofing
Battens 25 x 50
40 x 3 M.S. Flat Iron Bracket
Spaced at not More than
1200 Centres
G.I. Bolt and Nut 8 mm Dia with a
Common Ra fter Set o f Bi tumen and G.I. W asher o n
Either Side
Wall Plate
2 No s. 1 0 D ia B olts
Nut & Washer
10 mm d ia M. S. B olt
Nut and Washer


Principal Rafter


Tie Beam
50 x 3 M.S. Bracket Bent to
Shape to Support Gutter

Rivets at 35 c/c

50 50 G.I. Gutter
100 Funnel Shape
Connection Piece
100 D ia A .C. R ain
Water Pipe


Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 12.2 : Galvanised Steel Sheet Gutter

399 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Roofing

Clause : 12.1.5 & 12.3

50 mm Inside

Flashing G.S. 400 mm x 1.25 mm


Wind Tie M.S. Flat 40 x 6 mm

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 12.3 : Wind Tie and Flashing

400 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Roofing

Clause : 12.5, 12.8

146 GI Hook Bolt
GI Nut
GI Flat Washer
Bitumen Washer




Side Lap
1750 C C Termediate Purlin
End Lap

Principal Rafter
1750 C D D D Purlins

300 max
3000 A B B B B Purlin Position
GI Hook Bolt
to Suit Overhang
to Gutter GI Washer
Bitumen Washer

LAYING OF SHEETS Principal Cleat

A Uncut Sheet A
B Top Left Hand Corner Cut Principal Rafter
C Bottom Right Hand Corner Cut
D Top Left Hand Corner and Bottom Right Hand Corner Cut



L Type Hook Bolt

Use as
Ventilator Curve


G.I Bolt 200 Each

G.I. Washer


1000 300


Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
12.4 : Non-Asbestos Corrugated Sheet

401 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Roofing

Clause : 12.8

Coach Screw
Crank Bolt

M.S. Angle
TW Purlin



This Portion of Inner Ring eparation S uitably Pai nted o n Outer Wing of R idge
of Ridge to be Trimmed Off R Inner Wing of Ridge
idges to Fit in Corrugations
where Sheets Overlap
J-Type Hook Bolt

This Portion of Outer Ring

of Ridge to be Trimmed Off


1.12 mm

Outer Wing

Inner Wing Mushroom H ead

Roofing Bolt with
Bitumens G.I. Washer
Tin Painted Black

J-Type Hook Bolt



Glazing Tee

MS Angle Glazing Runner


Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 12.5 : Non-Asbestos Cement Accessories

402 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Roofing

Clause : 12.9




Nominal Size A B C D Nominal Size A B C D Nominal Size A T

900X200X225 900 200 225 12.5 500X150X250 500 150 250 12.5 150 150 9.5
600X150X225 600 150 225 12.5 450X150X300 450 150 300 12.5 250 250 9.5
450X125X150 450 125 150 12.5 300X150X225 300 150 225 12.5 300 300 9.5
400X125X150 400 125 150 12.5 275X125X175 275 125 175 10.0




Type of Gutter Nominal Size A B C S K D

150 150 90 240 70 105 90

110 100
250 200 200 300 100 105 90
110 100
115 150
300 200 200 300 100 105 90
110 100
115 150
125 150 90 240 70 105 90
110 100
Ogee Gutter 200 150 90 240 70 105 90
110 100
115 150

190 310 290 290


For Boundary Wall

& Valley Gutter

105 90 GUTTER
110 100
115 150

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 12.6 : Non-Asbestos Cement Gutters

CPWD SPECIFICATIONS 2009 403 | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - I


Sub Head : Roofing

Clause : 12.13 and 12.14


P.V.C. Sheet 1000 x 1000 (400 Micron Thick)
12 mm Plaster




A Brick Tiles
B Mud Phuska/Lime Concrete
C Painting with Hot Bitumen 80/100 at 1.7 kg/
D R.C.C. Slab
E 6 mm Thick Ceiling Plaster Finished neat and Thick Coat of White Washing or Kraft Paper
F P.V.C. Sheet 1000 x 1000 (400 Micron Thick)

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 12.7 : Cement Concrete Khurra - Gola

404 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Sub Head : Roofing

Clause : 12.23, 12.24

M.S. Holder Bat Clamp

1.6 Thick and 30 Wide Galvanised M.S. Clamp C.I. Rain Water Pipe

Hook 275 Long and 10 dia of M.S. Bar Wall

Nut Bolt
Cement Concrete Block 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 C. Sand :
4 Stone Aggregate)
40 mm G.I. Bolt and Nut FRONT ELEVATION
100 Clearance

6 mm Dia Pin
100 12 mm Plaster

6 mm Dia G.I. Sheeting

Bolt 25 Long

Cement Mortar 1:2

Mortar 6
Bitumen Socket Spun Yarn 72

Wall A.C. Rain Water Pipe 22
Screw Designation No. 18 6
20 Core Holes

10 72
M.S. Flat 3 mm thick
Wooden 20 mm Wide
5.5 Dia of Pipe 50 mm 80 mm 100 mm

'R' 30 mm 46 mm 58 mm

No te : The clamp shall be Galvanised throughout.


Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 12.8 : Holder Bat Clamp

405 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s V o l u m e - I

Marketing Division, Head Office

Civil Work Specifications 2013

Volume - II

Vol-2 , 2013

(Vol. 2)
SH. No. Name of Sub-Head Page No.








20.0 PILE WORK -




1| Page HO Civil Specifications Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
13: Finishing

2| Page HO Civil Specifications Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
Clause No. Brief Description Page No.
List of Bureau of Indian Standards Codes 005

13.1 Cement Plaster 12 mm, 15 mm, or 20 mm 006

13.2 Cement Plaster with a Floating Coat of Neat Cement 009

13.3 18 mm Cement Plaster (Two Coat Work) 009

13.4 6 mm Cement Plaster on Cement Concrete and Reinforced Cement 009

Concrete Work

13.5 6 mm Cement Plaster for Slab Bearing 011

13.6 Neat Cement Punning 011

13.7 Rough Cast Plaster 012

13.8 Pebble Dash Finish (In Situ Work) 013

13.9 Plain Bands of Cement Mortar 013

13.10 Moulded Bands of Cement Mortar (Single Coat Work) 014

13.11 Moulded Bands of Cement Mortar (Two Coat Work) 014

13.12 Cement Water Proofing Compound 015

13.13 Pointing on Brick Work, Tile Work and Stone Work 015

13.14 White Washing with Lime 018

13.15 Satna Lime Washing 019

13.16 White Washing with Whiting 020

13.17 Colour Washing 020

13.18 Dry Distempering 020

13.19 Oil Emulsion (Oil Bound) Washable Distempering 021

13.20 Cement Primer Coat 023

13.21 Cement Paint 023

13.22 Exterior Painting on Wall 024

13.23 Painting 025

3| Page HO Civil Specifications Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
13.24 Painting Priming Coat on Wood, Iron or Plastered Surfaces 030

13.25 Painting Synthetic Enamel Paint over G.S. Sheets 031

13.26 Painting Cast Iron Rain Water, Soil, Waste and Vent Pipes and 032

13.27 Painting with Wood Preservative 033

13.28 Coal Tarring 033

13.29 Spray Painting with Flat Wall Paint on New Surface 034

13.30 Spray Painting with Flat Wall Paint on Old Surface 034

13.31 Wall Painting with Plastic Emulsion Paint 035

13.32 Painting with Synthetic Enamel Paint 036

13.33 Painting with Aluminium Paint 037

13.34 Painting with Acid Proof Paint 037

13.35 Painting with Anti-Corrosive Bitumastic Paint 037

13.36 Floor Painting 038

13.37 Varnishing 038

13.38 French Spirit Polishing 040

13.39 Bees Waxing or Polishing with Readymade Wax Polish 041

13.40 Lettering with Paint 042

13.41 Removing Old Paint 042

13.42 Washed Stone Grit Plaster 044

13.43 Gypsum Light Weight Plaster 045

4| Page HO Civil Specifications Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013

Sl. BIS No. Subject

1. IS 16(Pt-I) Shellac : Part : I — Hand Made Shellac
IS 16(Pt-II) Shellac : Part : II — Machine Made Shellac
2. IS 75 Linseed Oil Raw and Refined
3. IS 77 Linseed Oil Boiled For Paints
4. IS 102 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Red Lead, Nonsetting, Priming
5. IS 104 Specification for Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Zinc Chrome, Priming
6. IS 109 Ready Mixed Paint, brushing, priming Plaster to Indian Standard Colour
No.361, 631 White and off White
7. IS 117 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Finishing Exterior, Semigloss for General
Purposes to Indian Standards Colours.
8. IS 133 Enamel, Interior (a) Under Coating (b) Finishing
9. IS 137 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Matt Or Egg Shell Flat, Finishing Interior to
Indian Standard Colour as required
10. IS 158 Ready Mixed Paint, Brushing, Bituminous Black, Lead Free, Acid, Alkali and
Heat Resisting
11. IS 217 Specification for Cut Back Bitumen
12. IS 218 Specification for Creosote and Anthracene Oil For Use As Wood Preservatives
13. IS 290 Coal Tar Black Paint
14. IS 337 Varnish, Finishing Interior
15. IS 341 Black Japan, Types ‘A’, ‘B’ & ‘C’
16. IS 347 Varnish, Shellac for General Purposes
17. IS 348 French Polish
18. IS 419 Putty for Use On Window Frames
19. IS 427 Distemper, Dry Colour as Required
20. IS 428 Distemper, Oil Emulsion, Colour as Required
21. IS 524 Varnish, Finishing, Exterior, Synthetic Air Drying
22. IS 533 Gum Spirit of Turpentine (Oil of Turpentine)
23. IS 712 Specification For Building Limes
24. IS 1200 Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works :
(Pt-XII) Part : XII — Plastering and Pointing
25. IS 1200 Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works :
(Pt-XIII) Part : XIII — White Washing, Colour Washing Distempering and Painting of
Building Surfaces.
26. IS 1200 Methods of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works :
(Pt-XV) Part : XV — Painting, Polishing, Varnishing etc.
27. IS 2339 Aluminium Paint For General Purposes, in Dual Container
28. IS 2547 Gypsum Building Plasters Pt.II Premixed Light Weight Plasters
29. IS 2932 Enamel, Synthetic, Exterior (a) Undercoating, (b) Finishing
30. IS 2933 Enamel, Exterior (a) Undercoating (b) Finishing
31. IS 5410 Cement Paint
32. IS 5411 Plastic Emulsion : Paint Part I For Interior Use
33. IS 6278 Code of Practice For White Washing and Colour Washing

5| Page HO Civil Specifications Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013


The cement plaster shall be 6mm, 12 mm, 15 mm, 18mm or 20 mm thick or as specified in the item.

13.1.1 Scaffolding
For a ll ex posed br ick w ork or tile w ork double s caffolding independent o f t he w ork having t wo s ets o f
vertical supports shall be pr ovided. The s upports shall be sound and s trong, tied t ogether w ith hor izontal
pieces over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed.

For al l other w ork in bu ildings, s ingle s caffolding s hall be per mitted. In s uch c ases the i nner end of
the horizontal scaffolding pole shall rest in a hole provided only in the head er course for the pu rpose.
Only one header for each pole shall be left out. S uch holes for scaffolding s hall, ho wever, not be allowed
in pi llars/columns l ess t han one metre i n width o r i mmediately near the skew backs o f a rches. The hol es
left in masonry works for scaffolding purposes shall be filled and made good before plastering.

Note : In c ase o f special t ype o f brick w ork, scaffolding s hall be got appr oved f rom E ngineer-in-charge i n

13.1.2 Preparation of Surface

The j oints s hall be rak ed out properl y. D ust and l oose m ortar s hall be brus hed out . E fflorescence i f
any s hall b e r emoved b y br ushing a nd scrapping. T he surface s hall t hen be t horoughly w ashed w ith
water, cleaned and kept wet before plastering is commenced.

In c ase of c oncrete s urface i f a c hemical retarder has b een ap plied t o t he f orm w ork, t he s urface
shall be ro ughened by wire brus hing and al l t he res ulting du st and l oose p articles c leaned of f and care
shall be taken that none of the retarders is left on the surface.

13.1.3 Mortar
The mortar of the specified mix using the t ype of s and described in the item shall be used. It s hall be
as specified in S ubhead 3 .0. F or ex ternal w ork and under coat work, the fine aggr egate s hall c onform t o
grading IV. For finishing coat work the fine aggregate conforming to grading zone V shall be used.

13.1.4 Application of Plaster Ceiling plaster shall be completed before commencement of wall plaster. Plastering s hall be started from the top and w orked down t owards the floor. All p utlog h oles
shall be pr operly f illed i n advance of t he pl astering as t he s caffolding i s being t aken dow n. T o ens ure
even t hickness and a tr ue s urface, plaster a bout 15 × 15 c m shall be fir st ap plied, h orizontally and
vertically, at not m ore t han 2 m etres i ntervals ov er the ent ire s urface t o s erve as gauges . T he s urfaces
of these gauged ar eas shall be truly in the plane of the finished plaster surface. The mortar shall t hen be
laid on the wall, bet ween the gauges with trowel. The mortar shall be applied in a uniform surface slightly
more than the specified thickness. This shall be brought to a true surface, by working a wooden straight
edge rea ching across t he ga uges, with small upw ard and s ide ways movements at a t ime. F inally the
surface s hall be finished off t rue w ith trowel or wooden f loat according as a smooth or a sandy granular
texture is required. Excessive troweling or over working the float shall be avoided. All corners, a rrises, angl es and junctions shall be t ruly vertical or hor izontal as the c ase may b e
and shall be carefully finished. Rounding or chamfering corners, arrises, provision of grooves at
junctions etc. where required shall be done without any extra payment. Such rounding, chamfering or
grooving shall be carried out with proper templates or battens to the sizes required.

6| Page HO Civil Specifications Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013 When suspending w ork at the e nd of the day, the plaster shall be left, cut clean to line bot h
horizontally and vertically. When recommencing the plastering, the edge of the old work shall be
scrapped cl eaned an d w etted w ith cement sl urry before plaster is applied to th e ad jacent ar eas, t o
enable the two t o p roperly join t ogether. Plastering work s hall be closed at the e nd of the d ay on the
body of wall and not nearer than 15 cm to any corners or arrises. It shall not be closed on the body of
the features s uch as p lasters, b ands an d c ornices, nor a t the c orners o f ar rises. H orizontal joints i n
plaster work shall not al so oc cur on parapet tops and c opings as these invariably l ead to l eakages. The
plastering and finishing shall be completed within half an hour of adding water to the dry mortar.

No portion of the surface shall be left out initially to be patched up later on. The plastering and
finishing shall be completed within half an hour of adding water to the dry mortar.

13.1.5 Thickness
Where the thickness required as per description of the item is 20 mm the average thickness of the
plaster shall not be l ess than 20 m m whether the wall treated is of brick or stone. In the case of brick
work, the minimum thickness over any portion of the surface shall be not less than 15 mm while in case of
stone work the minimum thickness over the bushings shall be not less than 12 mm.

13.1.6 Curing
Curing s hall be s tarted as s oon as t he pl aster ha s har dened s ufficiently n ot t o be dam aged w hen

The plaster shall be k ept wet for a per iod of at least 7 day s. During this period, it shall be s uitably
protected f rom al l dam ages at t he c ontractor’s ex pense by s uch m eans as t he E ngineer-in-Charge m ay
approve. T he da tes on which the p lastering is d one s hall be legibly marked on the various s ections
plastered so that curing for the specified period thereafter can be watched.

13.1.7 Finish
The plaster shall be finished to a t rue and pl umb s urface and t o the pr oper de gree o f smoothness a s
required. T he w ork s hall be t ested f requently as t he w ork pr oceeds w ith a true s traight edge not l ess
than 2. 5 m long and with plumb bobs . All horizontal lines and surfaces shall be tested with a level and al l
jambs and corners with a plumb bob as the work proceeds.

13.1.8 Precaution
Any c racks w hich appear i n the s urface and al l po rtions w hich s ound hol low w hen tapped, or ar e
found to be soft or otherwise de fective, shall be cut out in rectangular shape and redon e as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
(i) W hen ceiling plaster is done, it shall be finished to chamfered edge at an angl e at its junction
with a suitable tool w hen plaster is being done. S imilarly w hen the w all plaster is being done, it
shall be k ept s eparate f rom t he c eiling pl aster by a t hin s traight groove not deeper t han 6 m m
drawn with any suitable method with the wall while the plaster is green.
(ii) To p revent s urface cracks appear ing bet ween junctions o f c olumn/beam a nd w alls, 150 mm w ide
chicken w ire m esh s hould be f ixed w ith U nai ls 150 m m c entre to c entre before pl astering t he
junction. T he pl astering of w alls an d bea m/column in one vertical pl ane should be c arried o ut i n
one go. For providing and fixing chicken wire mesh with U nails payment shall be m ade

13.1.9 Measurements Length and br eadth sh all be m easured corr ect to a c m a nd it s a rea s hall b e cal culated i n
square metres correct to two places of decimal. Thickness of t he pl aster shall be exclusive of t he t hickness of t he k ey i .e. g rooves, o r open

joints in brick work.

7| Page HO Civil Specifications Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013 The measurement of wall pl aster s hall be taken bet ween the walls or partitions (the dimensions
before the plaster shall be taken) for the length and from the top of the floor or skirting to the ceiling for the
height. Depth of coves or cornices if any shall be deducted. The following shall be measured separately from wall plaster.

(a) Plaster bands 30 cm wide and under
(b) Cornice beadings and architraves or architraves moulded wholly in plaster.
(c) Circular work not exceeding 6 m in radius. Plaster over masonry pilasters will be measured and paid for as plaster only. A c oefficient of 1.63 shall b e a dopted f or t he m easurement of o ne s ide plastering o n h oney

comb work having 6 x 10 cm. opening. Moulded cornices and coves.

(a) Length shall be measured at the centre of the girth.
(b) Moulded cornices and c oves s hall be given in square m etres the area being arrived at by
multiplying length by the girth.
(c) F lat o r w eathered t op t o c ornices when exceeding 1 5 c m i n w idth shall not be i ncluded i n t he
girth but measured with the general plaster work.
(d) Cornices which are curved in their length shall be measured separately. Exterior pl astering at a hei ght greater t han 10 m f rom av erage ground l evel s hall be m easured
separately i n eac h s torey height. P atch pl astering (in repairs) shall be measured as pl astering ne w w ork,
where the patch exceed 2.5 sqm. extra payment being made for preparing old wall, such as dismantling
old pl aster, raking out the j oints and c leaning t he surface. W here t he patch does not ex ceed 2.5 s qm i n
area it shall be measured under the appropriate item under sub head ‘Repairs to Buildings.’ Deductions in measurements, for opening etc. will be regulated as follows:

(a) No deduction will be made for openings or ends of joists, beams, posts, girders, steps etc. upto
0.5 sqm i n area a nd n o additions shall b e m ade either, f or t he j ambs, soffits a nd s ills of such
openings. The above procedure will apply to both faces of wall.

(b) Deduction f or opening e xceeding 0.5 sqm but n ot exceeding 3 s qm e ach s hall be m ade for
reveals, jambs, soffits sills, sills, etc. of these openings.
(i) When both faces of walls are plastered with same plaster, deductions shall be made for one
face only.

(ii) When t wo faces o f w alls ar e pl astered with di fferent t ypes of pl aster or i f one face i s pl astered
and o ther is po inted or one face is p lastered and o ther is u nplastered, ded uction s hall be
made from the plaster or pointing on the side of the frame for the d oors, windows etc. o n
which width of reveals is less than that on the other side but no deduction shall be made on
the other side.

Where width of reveals on both faces of wall are equal, deduction of 50% of area of opening on
each face shall be made from area of plaster and/or pointing as the case may be.

(iii) For opening having door frame equal t o or projecting beyond t hickness of w all, f ull deduction
for opening shall be made from each plastered face of wall.

(c) For op ening exceeding 3 s qm in area, deduction will be made in the measurements for the full
opening of the wall treatment on bot h faces, while at the same time, jambs, sills an d soffits will
be measured for payment.
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In m easuring j ambs, sills an d soffits, deduction shall n ot b e made for the area i n c ontact with t he
frame of doors, windows etc.

13.1.10 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials involved in all the operations described above.


13.2.0 The cement plaster shall be 12, 15, or 20 mm thick, finished with a floating coat of neat cement, as
described in the item.

13.2.1 Specifications for t his i tem of w ork s hall b e s ame a s de scribed in 1 3.1 ex cept for t he a dditional
floating coat which shall be carried out as below.

When the pl aster ha s bee n br ought to a t rue s urface w ith the wooden straight edge (clause 13. 1.4.2)
it shall be uniformly treated over its entire area with a paste of neat cement and rubbed smooth, so that
the whole surface is covered with neat cement coating. The quantity of cement applied for floating coat
shall be 1 kg per sqm. Smooth finishing shall be completed with trowel immediately and in no case later
than half an hour of adding water to the plaster mix. The rest of the specifications described in 13.1.4
shall apply.


13.3.1 The specification for scaffolding and preparation of surface shall be as described in 13.1

13.3.2 Mortar
The mix and type of fine aggregate specified in the description of the item shall be used for the
respective c oats. G enerally t he m ix of the f inishing coat s hall no t be richer t han the un der c oat unless
otherwise described in item.

Generally coarse sand shall be used for the under coat and fine sand for the finishing coat, unless
otherwise specified f or e xternal work and under c oat w ork, t he f ine a ggregate s hall conform t o grading
zone IV. For finishing coat work the fine aggregate conforming to grading zone V shall be used.

13.3.3 Application The plaster shall be applied in two coats i.e. 12 mm under coat and then 6 mm finishing coat
and shall have an average total thickness of not less than 18 mm. 12 mm Under Coat : This shall be applied as specified in 13.1.4 except that when the plaster
has been br ought to a tr ue s urface a wooden s traight e dge an d th e sur face sh all b e le ft ro ugh an d
furrowed 2 mm deep with a s cratching tool d iagonally b oth ways, to form key for the finishing co at. The
surface shall be kept wet till the finishing coat is applied. 6 mm Finishing Coat : The finishing coat shall be applied after the under coat has sufficiently set
but not dried and in any case within 48 hours and finished in the manner specified in 13.1.4.

13.3.4 Specifications for Curing, Finishing, Precautions, Measurements and Rate shall be as described
under 13.1.



13.4.1 Scaffolding
Stage scaffolding shall be provided for the work. This shall be independent of the walls.

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13.4.2 Preparation of Surface
Projecting b urrs of mortar for med d ue t o th e g aps at j oints in shuttering s hall be r emoved. T he
surface shall be scrubbed clean w ith w ire b rushes. I n addi tion c oncrete s urfaces t o be pl astered s hall be
pock marked with a pointed tool, at spacing of not more than 5 cm. Centres, the pock being made not less
than 3 mm deep. This is to ensure a proper key for the plaster. The mortar shall be washed off and surface,
cleaned off all oil, grease etc. and well wetted before the plaster is applied.

13.4.3 Mortars
Mortar of the specified mix using the types of sand described in the item shall be us ed. It shall be a s
specified in 3.2.

13.4.4 Application
To ensure even thickness and a true surface, gauges of plaster 1 5 x 15 cm. shall be first applied a t
not m ore than 1.5 m intervals in both directions to serve as guides for the plastering. S urface of these
gauged areas shall be truly in the plane of the finished plaster surface. The plaster shall be then applied in
a uniform surface to a thickness slightly more than the specified thickness and shall then be brought to
true and ev en s urface b y w orking a w ooden s traight edge r eaching ac ross t he gauges . F inally t he
surface shall be f inished t rue w ith a t rowel or with wooden f loat t o give a s mooth or sandy granular
texture as requi red. E xcess t roweling or ov er w orking of t he f loats s hall be a voided. T he pl astering and
finishing shall be completed within half an hour of adding water to the dry mortar.

Plastering o f ceiling shall not be c ommenced unt il t he slab abo ve has been finished and c entring has
been removed. I n t he case o f ceiling o f roof s labs, pl aster s hall not be c ommenced until t he terrace w ork
has been completed. These precautions are necessary in order that the ceiling plaster is not disturbed by
the vibrations set up in the above operations.

13.4.5 Finish
The plaster shall be finished to a t rue and pl umb surface and t o t he pr oper de gree o f smoothness a s
required. T he w ork s hall be t ested f requently as t he w ork pr oceeds w ith a true s traight edge not l ess
than 2. 5 m long and with plumb bobs . All horizontal lines and surfaces shall be tested with a level and all
jambs and corners with a plumb bob as the work proceeds.

13.4.6 Thickness
The av erage thickness of plaster s hall no t be less than 6 m m. T he m inimum thickness ov er a ny
portion of the surface shall not be less than 5 mm.

13.4.7 Curing
The specifications shall be as detailed in 13.1.6.

13.4.8 Precautions
The specifications shall be as detailed in 13.1.8.

13.4.9 Measurements Length a nd br eadth shall be m easured c orrect a cm. a nd i ts area s hall b e calculated i n sqm.
correct to two places of decimal. Dimensions before plastering shall be taken. Thickness of plaster shall be exclusive of the thickness of the key i.e. depth or rock marks and
hacking. Plastering on ceiling at height greater than 5 m above the corresponding floor level shall be so
described and shall be measured separately stating the height in stages of 1 m or part thereof.
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Vol-2 , 2013 Plastering on t he sides and s offits o f the projected bea ms o f ceiling at a height gr eater than 5 m
above the corresponding floor level shall be measured and added to the quantity measured under Plastering on spherical and groined ceiling and circular work not exceeding 6 m in radius, shall be
measured and paid for separately. Flowing soffits (viz. portion under spiral stair case etc.) shall be measured and paid for separately. Ribs and m ouldings on c eiling s hall be measured as for cornices, deductions being m ade from
the plastering on ceiling in case the width of the moulding exceed 15 cm. The mode of measurement of exterior plastering and patch plastering (in repairs) s hall be as
laid down in Deduction shall not be m ade for o penings or f or ends of columns, or columns caps of 0.5 sqm
each in area and under. No additions will be made either for the plastering of the sides of such openings.
For openings etc. of areas exceeding 0.5 sqm deduction will be made for the full opening but the sides of
such openings shall be measured for payment.

13.4.10 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials involved in all the operations described above.


13.5.0 Cement plaster shall be 6 mm thick finished with a floating coat of neat cement and thick coat of
lime wash on top of walls for bearing of slabs.

13.5.1 Application
The pl aster shall be appl ied ov er t he c leaned and wetted s urface o f t he w all. W hen t he p laster has
been brought to a true s urface w ith the wooden straight edge ( Clause 13.1.4) it s hall be uniformly
treated over its entire area with a p aste of neat cement and rubbed smooth, so that the whole surface is
covered w ith neat c ement c oating. T he q uantity of c ement a pplied f or f loating c oat s hall be 1 kg per
sqm. S mooth finishing shall be c ompleted w ith trowel i mmediately a nd i n no c ase l ater t han hal f an ho ur
of adding water to the plaster mix. The rest of the specifications described in 13.1.4 shall apply.

13.5.2 Lime wash

This shall be applied in a thick coat after curing the plaster for three days.

13.5.3 Measurements
Length and br eadth shall be m easured correct to a cm and ar ea worked out in sqm correct to two
places of decimal.

13.5.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials involved in all the operations described above.


13.6.1 The specifications given for floating coat described in 13.2.1 shall apply.

13.6.2 Specification f or s caffolding a nd c uring shall be a s d escribed i n 13. 1.1 and 13.1.6. res pectively.
Specifications for Finish and Precautions shall be as described in 13.1.7. and 13.1.8.
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13.6.3 Measurements The m easurements f or c ement punni ng s hall be t aken ov er t he f inished w ork. T he l ength an d
breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. The area shall be calculated in sqm correct to two places of
decimal. Punning over Plaster on bands, skirting, coping, cornices, drip courses, string courses etc. shall not
be measured separately but only as wall surfaces. In these cases the measurements shall be taken girthed
over the above features. Punning o ver pl aster on c ircular w ork a lso, of any rad ius s hall be m easured on ly as w all
surfaces, and not separately. Cement punning in patch repairs irrespective of the size of the patch shall be measured as new
work, and in this case the rate s hall include for cutting the patch to rectangular s hape before lim e
punning. Deductions in measurements for openings shall be regulated generally as described in

13.6.4 Rate
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd materials i nvolved i n al l t he operations described


13.7.0 Rough cast finish comprises of a mixture of sand and gravel in specified proportions dashed over a
freshly plastered surface.

13.7.1 Scaffolding
Scaffolding shall be done as specified in 13.1.1.

13.7.2 Preparation of Surface

The joints s hall be r aked out, d ust an d loose m ortar, s hall be br ushed ou t. The s urface s hall b e
thoroughly washed with water, cleaned and kept wet before plastering is commenced.

13.7.3 Mortar
Mortar of specified m ix using the type of sand described in t he item shall be used, w here c oarse
sand is to be used, the fineness modulus of the sand shall not be less than 2.5 mm.

13.7.4 Application The plaster base over which rough cast finish is to be applied shall consist of two coats, under
layer 12 mm thick and top layer 10 mm. 12 mm Under Layer : This shall be applied in the same manner as specified in para 13.1.3
under 18 mm cement plaster except that the finishing, after the mortar has been brought to a level with
the wooden straight edge, shall be done with wooden float only. Top Layer : The top layer shall be a pplied a d ay or t wo after the un der layer has taken initial
set. The latter shall not be al lowed to dry out, before the top layer is laid on. The mortar used for
applying top layer shall be s ufficiently plastic an d of rich mix 1 : 3 ( 1 cement : 3 f ine sand) or a s
otherwise specified so that the mix of sand and gravel gets well pitched with the plaster surface. In order to
make th e ba se p lastic, ab out 1 0% of fin ely grouted hy drated lim e by v olume o f ce ment, s hall b e
added when preparing mortar for the top layer.

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13.7.5 Finish
It s hall b e ens ured t hat t he bas e s urface w hich i s t o r eceive r ough c ast m ixture i s i n pl astic s tate. T he
rough cast mixture shall consist of sand or gravel or crushed stone of uniform colour from 2.36 mm to
12.5 mm or as specified and in the proportions as specified ac curately t o the effect required. The mixture
shall be wetted and shall be dashed on the plaster base in plastic state by hand scoop so that the mix
get well pitched into the plaster base. The mix shall again be dashed over the vacant spaces if any so
that the surface represents a homogeneous surfaces of sand mixed with gravel. A sample of rough cast
plaster shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

13.7.6 Specification for o ther de tails like pr ecautions, m easurement a nd r ate s hall be as des cribed
under 13.1.


13.8.1 The s pecification s hall be the s ame a s f or r ough c ast pl aster, e xcept t hat t he washed pe bble or
crushed stone g raded from 12.5 m m to 6.3 mm or as specified shall be das hed over the plaster bas e
and t he vacant spaces if any shall be filled i n by pressing pebbles or crushed stone as s pecified b y
hand, so that the finished surface represents a homogeneous surface.

13.8.2 Specification for s caffolding, p reparation of surface, M ortar, Measurements and R ate s hall be as
described under 13.7.


13.9.0 ‘Plain b and’ i s a plaster s trip of uni form w idth n ot ex ceeding 30 c m an d of uni form t hickness,
provided f or decorative or ot her purpose f lush w ith, s unk bel ow or projecting beyond, t he w all pl aster. A
flush b and is o ne where due to the difference in mix o r shade of the mortar, the b and is e xecuted a s a
separate and distinct operation from the wall plaster.

13.9.1 Thickness
The thickness of a raised band is the thickness of the projection beyond the plane of the wall plaster.

In the c ase of a f lush o r a s unk b and, the thickness will b e the t hickness o f the plaster m easured
from the untreated wall surface.

13.9.2 Preparation of Surfaces and Application In the case of flush or s unk bands the joints shall be raked out properly. Dust and loose mortar
shall be brus hed out . E fflorescence i f any s hall be removed by brushing t he s craping. T he s urface s hall
then be thoroughly washed with water, cleaned and kept wet before plastering is commenced.

In c ase of c oncrete s urface i f a c hemical retarder has b een ap plied t o t he f orm w ork, t he s urface
shall be ro ughened by wire brus hing and al l t he res ulting du st and l oose p articles c leaned of f and care
shall be taken that none of the retarders is left on the surface. In case of raised band, the surface shall be prepared as specified in 13.1.4. The surface of the
wall pl aster behi nd t he band s hall be left rough and furrowed 2 m m deep with a scratching tool,
diagonally bot h ways t o form key for the band. No reduction in the rate for the above bac king wall pl aster
shall, however, be made for not finishing the same smooth.

13.9.3 Mortar
Mortar of the mix and type of sand specified in the description of the item shall be used.
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13.9.4 Finish
The band s s hall be finished ex actly t o t he size as shown i n t he draw ings. T he hori zontal or vertical
lines of bands s hall b e t ruly p arallel a nd straight an d t he su rfaces s hall be finished tr uly plane a nd
smooth. The lines and surfaces shall be checked with fine threads for straightness, level and accuracy.

13.9.5 Scaffolding, Curing and Precaution shall be as described under 13.1.

13.9.6 Measurements
Length w ill be m easured in r unning m etres c orrect to a c m. T he length s hall be taken a long the
finished face. T he width shall not b e m easured b y girth. For width of b and 30 c m or below, the width
shall be measured in cm correct to 5 mm. The quantity shall be calculated in metre-cm units.

13.9.7 Rate
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd materials i nvolved i n al l t he operations described
above. Nothing extra shall be paid f or mitres, s tops nor for bands on c urved surfaces of whatever radius,
they may b e. The r ate is als o i nclusive of al l r ounding or chamfering a t c orners, a rrisers, providing
grooves at junctions etc.


13.10.0 Moulded band i s a pl aster s trip of uni form w idth but w ith v arying t hickness ac ross i ts s ection
formed over w all pl aster for d ecorative p urposes. The s ectional p eriphery of t he b and i s f ormed b y a
combination of straight lines or of curves or of straight lines and curves.

13.10.1 Thickness
The hi gher t hickness stipulated in the de scription of the i tem shall refer t o the upper l imiting
thickness of the moulding at its most projected portion, measured from the wall plaster.

13.10.2 Preparation of Surface, Mortar, Scaffolding, Curing and Precautions shall be as specified under

13.10.3 Application and Finish

Proper t emplates c onforming ac curately t o t he sectional p eriphery of t he moulded band s hall be got
approved, bef ore us e. T he f inished band s hall be true t o t he t emplate at al l sections. T he lines of t he
band shall be truly parallel and straight and surfaces smoothly finished.

13.10.4 Measurements
The width of the band 3 0 cm or below shall be m easured in cm correct to 5 m m and s hall be
measured along the sectional periphery of the moulded band, from wall plaster face to wall plaster face.
The length shall be measured, in running metres correct to a cm. It shall be taken along the finished face of
the band at the centre of its girth. The quantity should be calculated in metre-cm units.

13.10.5 Rate
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd materials i nvolved i n al l t he operations described
above. Nothing extra shall be paid f or mitres, s tops nor for bands on c urved surfaces of whatever radius,
they may be. The rate is also inclusive of all rounding or chamfering at corners, arrisers etc.


13.11.0 Moulded band i s a pl aster s trip of uni form w idth but w ith v arying t hickness ac ross i ts s ection
formed over w all pl aster for d ecorative p urposes. The s ectional p eriphery of t he b and i s f ormed b y a
combination of straight lines or of curves or of straight lines and curves.

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13.11.1 Thickness
The hi gher t hickness s tipulated f or t he un der c oat i n the d escription of t he i tem s hall r efer t o t he up per
limiting thickness of the under coat of the moulding at its most projected portion from the wall plaster.

The thickness stipulated for the finishing coat is the uniform thickness of the finished peripheral
surface of the moulded band from the under coat.

13.11.2 Mortar
The under coat shall consist of cement mortar 1 : 5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) and the top coat shall
be of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 fine sand) unless otherwise specified in the description of item.

13.11.3 Application and Finish

Proper t emplates c onforming t o t he s ectional periphery of t he moulded band as at t he s tages of t he
under coat and the finished final coat shall be made and got approved and used at the proper stages in
executing t he bands t o t rue and ac curate p rofile. The l ines of t he b ands a s f inally c ompleted s hall be
truly parallel and straight and the surfaces smoothly finished.

13.11.4 All other details shall be as specified under 13.10.


13.12.0 It shall be used for cement mortar for plastering or concrete work.

13.12.1 Water Proofing Compound

Integral cement water proofing compound conforming to IS 2645 and of approved brand and
manufacture, enlisted by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time shall be used.

13.12.2 The contractor shall bring the materials to the site in their original packing. The containers will be
opened and the material mixed with dry cement in the proportion by weight, recommended by the
manufacturers o r as specifically des cribed in t he des cription o f the i tem. C are shall be t aken in mixing, t o
see that the water proofing material gets well and i ntegrally mixed with the cement and does not run out
separately when water is added.

13.12.3 It shall be measured by weight.

13.12.4 The rate s hall include the c ost of all labour and materials involved in all the operations des cribed


13.13.0 Pointing shall be of the type shown in figure below:



V. Joint


Struck Stripped

Weathered Beaded


Drawings not to Scale

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13.13.1 Scaffolding
For al l e xposed br ick w ork, tile work o r s tone work i ndependent doubl e scaffolding hav ing two sets o f
vertical supports shall be provided. The supports shall be s ound and strong t ied t ogether w ith horizontal
pieces over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed.

For a ll ot her w ork in bu ilding, s ingle s caffolding shall be p ermitted. I n such c ases, the inner end of
the horizontal scaffolding pole shall rest in a hol e provided only in the head er course for the pu rpose.
Only one header for each pole shall be left out . Such hol es for scaffolding shall, however, not be al lowed
in pillars/columns l ess than one metre in width, or immediately near the skew backs of arches. The holes
left in masonry works for scaffolding purposes shall be filled and made good before plastering.

Note : In case of s pecial type of work, s caffolding shall be got ap proved from E ngineer-in-Charge i n

13.13.2 Preparation of surface

The j oints s hall be rak ed out properl y. D ust and l oose m ortar s hall be brus hed out . E fflorescence i f
any shall be removed by brushing and scraping. The surface shall then be thoroughly washed with
water, cleaned and kept wet before pointing is commenced.

In c ase of c oncrete s urface i f a c hemical retarder has b een ap plied t o t he f orm w ork, t he s urface
shall be ro ughened by wire brus hing and al l t he res ulting du st and l oose p articles c leaned of f and care
shall be taken that none of the retarders is left on the surface.

The joints shall be ra ked to such a d epth that the m inimum depth of the ne w mortar measured from
either the sunk surface of the finished pointing or from the edge of the brick shall not be less than 12 mm.

13.13.3 Mortar
Mortar of specified mix shall be used. It shall be as specified under Chapter 3.0.

13.13.4 Application and Finishing The mortar shall be pressed into the raked out joints, with a pointing trowel, either flush, sunk
or raised, according to the type of pointing required. The mortar shall not spread over the corner, edges
or surface of the masonry. The pointing shall then be finished with the proper tool, in the manner
described below: Flush Pointing : The mortar shall be p ressed i nto the joints and shall be finished of f flush an d
level with the edges of the bricks, tiles or stones so as to gi ve a smooth appearance. The edges shall be
neatly trimmed with a trowel and straight edge. Ruled Pointing : The j oints s hall be i nitially f ormed as for f lush pointing and t hen while the
mortar is still gree n, a gro ove of shape an d size as shown in dra wings or as instructed, shall be f ormed
by running a forming tool, straight al ong t he c entre l ine o f the joints. This oper ation s hall be c ontinued t ill
a s mooth and har d s urface i s obt ained. T he v ertical j oints s hall al so be finished i n a s imilar w ay. T he
vertical l ines shall m ake t rue ri ght angles at t heir j unctions w ith t he horizontal l ines and s hall not project
beyond the same. Cut or Weather Struck Pointing : The mortar shall first be pr essed into the joints. The top of
the horizontal joints shall then be neatly pressed back about 3 mm or as directed, with the pointing tool so
that the joints are sloping from top to bottom.

The vertical joints shall be ruled pointed. The junctions of vertical joints with the horizontal joints shall be
at true right angles.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Raised and Cut Pointing : Raised an d cut po inting s hall project f rom t he wall f acing w ith i ts
edges cut parallel so as to have a uniformly raised band about 6 mm raised and width 10 mm more as
directed. The superfluous mortar shall then be cut off from the edges of the lines and t he surface of the
masonry shall also be cleaned off all mortar. The finish shall be such that the pointing is to the exact size
and shape required and the edges are straight, neat and clean.

13.13.5 Curing
The pointing shall be kept wet for seven days. During t his period it shall be suitably pr otected from all

The po inting lines s hall be truly ho rizontal and v ertical ex cept w here the j oints ar e s lanting a s in
rubble random m asonry. L ines o f j oints from d ifferent directions s hould m eet neatly at t he j unctions
instead of crossing beyond.

13.13.6 Measurements Length and breadth shall be measured c orrect to a c m and its area shall be calculated i n
square metres upto two places of decimal. The v arious types o f po inting for ex ample, s truck, k eyed, f lush, tuc k, e tc. s hall eac h be
measured separately. Pointing on different types of walls, floors, roofs etc. shall each be measured separately. The
type and material of the surface to be pointed shall be described. Pointing in a single detached joint as for flashing shall be given in running metres. For jambs, soffits, s ills etc. for opening not exceeding 0.5 sqm eac h in area, ends of joists, b eams,
posts, girders, steps et c. not e xceeding 0 .5 sqm each in ar ea and opening not e xceeding 3 sqm each
deductions and additions shall be made in the following way, in case of pointing on external face only.
(a) N o deduc tion s hall be m ade for ends o f joists, bea ms, pos ts et c. and ope nings not e xceeding 0. 5
sqm each, and no addition shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills, etc. of these openings.
(b) D eductions for op enings ex ceeding 0.5 s qm but not exceeding 3 s qm each s hall be made as
follows and no additions shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills, etc. for these openings.
(c) W hen bot h t he f aces of t he w all are poi nted w ith t he s ame pointing dedu ction s hall be m ade f or
one face only.
(d) When two faces of wall are pointed with different pointings or if one face is plastered and other is
pointed or plastered, deduction shall be made from the plaster or pointing on the side of frames
for doors, windows, etc. on which the width of the reveal is less than that on the other side, but
no deduction shall be made from the other side.
(e) Where width of reveals on both faces of wall are equal, deduction of 50% of area of opening on
each face shall be made from area of pointing or plaster as the case may be.
(f) F or opening hav ing door f rame equal t o or projecting beyond t hickness of w all, f ull deduc tion f or
opening shall be made from each pointed face of wall. In case of openings of area ab ove 3 s qm each, deduction shall be made for the openings, but
jambs, soffits and sills shall be measured. The following shall be measured separately.

(a) Raking out joints for old work only shall be measured and given in square metres.
(b) Raking out joints of old work built in m ud mortar, lime m ortar and c ement m ortar shall each be
measured separately.

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(c) Raking out joints of different types of old walls, floors etc. shall each be measured separately.
(d) Raking single detached joints as for flashing old work shall be given in running metres.

13.13.7 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


13.14.1 Scaffolding Wherever s caffolding i s n ecessary, i t shall be e rected on double supports t ied t ogether by
horizontal pieces, over which scaffolding planks shall be fixed. No ballies, bamboos or planks shall rest on
or touch the surface which is being white washed. For all exposed brick work or tile work, double scaffolding having two sets of vertical supports
shall be provided. T he supports shall b e s ound and strong, t ied t ogether with h orizontal pi eces over
which scaffolding planks shall be fixed.

Note : In case of special type of brick work, scaffolding shall be got approved from Engineer-in-Charge
in advance. Where ladders are used, pieces of old gunny bags shall be tied on their tops to avoid damage or
scratches to walls. For white washing the ceiling, proper stage scaffolding shall be erected.

13.14.2 Preparation of Surface

Before new work is white washed, the surface shall be thoroughly brushed free from mortar
droppings an foreign matter.

In case of old work, all loose particles and scales shall be scrapped off and holes in plaster as well
as patches of less than 50 cm area shall be filled up with mortar of the same mix. Where so specifically
ordered b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge, t he ent ire s urface o f ol d white wash s hall be t horoughly r emoved by
scrapping and this shall b e paid f or s eparately. W here e fflorescence i s observed the deposits m ay be
brushed clean and washed. T he s urface shall t hen b e allowed t o dr y f or a tleast 48 h ours before white
washing is done.

13.14.3 Preparation of Lime Wash The l ime wash s hall b e p repared from fresh stone white l ime The lime s hall be t horoughly
slaked on the spot, mixed and stirred with sufficient water to make a thin cream. This shall be allowed to
stand for a period of 24 hours and then shall be screened through a clean coarse cloth. 40 gm of gum
dissolved in hot water, shall be added to each 10 cubic dicimetre of the cream. The approximate quantity
of water to be added in making the cream will be 5 litres of water to one kg of lime. Indigo (Neel) up to 3 gm per kg of l ime dissolved in water, shall then be added and s tirred well.
Water shall then be added at the rate of about 5 litres per kg. of lime to produce a milky solution.

13.14.4 Application The w hite w ash s hall be appl ied w ith m oonj brushes t o t he s pecified num ber of c oats. T he
operation for each coat shall consist of a stroke of the brush given from the top downwards, another

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from t he bo ttom upw ards ov er t he f irst s troke, and s imilarly one s troke hor izontally f rom t he r ight an d
another from the left before it dries. Each c oat s hall be al lowed to dr y b efore the n ext on e i s ap plied. F urther e ach c oat s hall be
inspected and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before the subsequent coat is applied. No portion of the
surface shall be left out initially to be patched up later on. For new w ork, t hree or m ore c oats s hall be a pplied t ill t he s urface presents a s mooth and
uniform f inish t hrough which t he plaster d oes not s how. The f inished d ry surface s hall not show a ny
signs of cracking and peeling nor shall it come off readily on the hand when rubbed. For old work, after the surface has been prepared as described in Para 13.14.2 a coat of white
wash shall be appl ied over the patches and repairs. Then a s ingle coat or two or m ore coats of white
wash as s tipulated in the description o f the item s hall be app lied ov er the e ntire s urface. T he w hite
washed s urface s hould present a uniform finish t hrough w hich the p laster pa tches d o n ot a ppear. The
washing on ceiling should be done prior to that on walls.

Note : In case of Hessian ceiling, on no account, lime shall be used as it rots cloth and hessian.

13.14.5 Protective Measures

Doors, w indows, f loors, a rticles of f urniture et c. an d s uch ot her part s of t he building not t o be white
washed, shall be protected from being splashed upon. Splashings and droppings, if any shall be
removed by the contractor at his own cost a nd t he surfaces cleaned. D amages if an y t o f urniture or
fittings and fixtures shall be recoverable from the contractor.

13.14.6 Measurements Length a nd br eadth shall be m easured correct to a c m. an d ar ea s hall b e c alculated in s qm
correct to two places of decimals. Measurements for Jambs, Soffits and Fills etc. for openings shall be as described in 13.1.9. Corrugated s urfaces s hall be measured flat as fi xed an d th e a rea s o m easured s hall b e
increased by the following percentages to allow for the girthed area.

Corrugated non-asbestos cement sheet 20%

Semi corrugated non-asbestos cement sheet 10% Cornices and o ther s uch w all or ceiling features, shall be m easured a long the g irth and
included in the measurements. The number of coats of each treatment shall be stated. The item shall include removing nails,
making good holes, cracks, patches e tc. no t exceeding 50 sq. cm. each w ith material similar in
composition to the surface to be prepared. Work on old treated surfaces shall be measured separately and so described.

13.14.7 Rate
The rate shall include all material and labour involved in all the operations described above.


13.15.0 Satna lime wash shall be us ed as a bas e coat where so specified. The specifications for ‘white
washing with lime’ shall apply except that Satna or Katni quality lime shall be used in place of Narnaul or
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Dehradun or other q uality l ime and t he w ash w ill b e m ixed t o a thicker c onsistency. T he ot her
details and specifications described in 13.14 will apply in toto.


13.16.1 Preparation of Mix

Whiting (gr ound white c halk) s hall b e di ssolved i n sufficient quantity of warm water a nd t horoughly
stirred to form a thin s lurry w hich s hall t hen be s creened t hrough a c lean c oarse c loth. T wo kg of gu m
and 0.4 k g of copper sulphate di ssolved s eparately in hot w ater s hall be a dded for every cum of the
slurry which shall then be diluted with water to the consistency of milk so as to make a wash ready for

13.16.2 Other specifications described in 13.14 shall apply in this case also.


13.17.1 The m ineral colours, no t affected by lime, s hall be add ed to white w ash. Indigo ( Neel) s hall
however, not be added. No colour wash shall be done until a sample of the colour wash of the required
tint or s hade has been g ot approved f rom t he E ngineer-in-Charge. T he c olour s hall be of ev en t int or
shade over the whole surface. If it is blotchy or otherwise badly applied, it shall be redone by the

For new work, the priming coat shall be of white wash with lime or with whiting as specified in the
description of the item. Two or more coats, shall then be applied on the entire surface till it represents a
smooth and uniform finish.

For old work, after the surface has been prepared as described in 13.14.2 a coat of colour wash shall be
applied ov er t he pat ches and r epairs. T hen a s ingle c oat, or two or more c oats of c olour w ash, a s
stipulated in the des cription o f the item s hall b e a pplied ov er the en tire s urface. T he c olour w ashed
surface shall present a uniform finish.

The finished dry surface shall not be powdery and shall not readily come off on the hand when rubbed.

13.17.2 Other specifications as described under 13.14.


13.18.1 Materials
Dry di stemper of r equired c olour ( IS 427) and of approved br and and m anufacture s hall be us ed.
The shade shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before application of the distemper. The dry
distemper colour as required shall be stirred slowly in clean water using 6 decilitres (0.6 litre) of water
per kg of distemper or as specified by the makers. Warm water shall preferably be used. It shall be allowed
to stand for at least 30 minutes (or if practicable over night) before use. The mixture shall be well stirred
before and during use to maintain an even consistency.

Distemper shall not be mixed in larger quantity than is actually required for one day’s work.

13.18.2 Preparation of Surface Before new w ork i s di stempered, t he s urface s hall be t horoughly br ushed f ree f rom m ortar
droppings and other foreign matter and sand papered smooth. New plastered surfaces shall be allowed to dry completely, before applying, distemper.

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Vol-2 , 2013 In the case of old work, all loose pieces and scales shall be removed by sand papering. The
surface shall be cleaned of all grease, dirt, etc. Pitting in plaster shall be made good with plaster of Paris mixed with the colour to be used.
The surface shall then be rubbed down again with a fine grade sand paper and made smooth. A coat of
the distemper shall be applied over the patches. The patched surface shall be allowed to dry thoroughly
before the regular coat of distemper is applied.

13.18.3 Priming Coat

A priming coat of whiting ( see 13. 16) shall be applied ov er t he prepared surface in case of new work,
if so stipulated in the d escription of the item. No white washing coat shall be used a s a pri ming coat for

The treated surface be allowed to dry before distemper coat is given.

13.18.4 Application In the case of ne w work, the treatment shall consist of a pr iming coat of whiting (As per 13.16)
followed by the application of two or more coats of distemper till the surface shows an even colour. For old w ork, the surface prepared a s d escribed in p ara 13.14 s hall be a pplied on e or m ore
coats of distemper till the surface attains an even colour. The application of each coat shall be as follows:

The entire surface shall be coated with the mixture uniformly, with proper distemper brushes
(ordinary w hite w ash br ushed s hall not be al lowed) i n hor izontal strokes followed immediately b y v ertical
ones which together shall constitute one coat. The subsequent coats shall be applied only after the previous coat has dried. The finished surface shall be even and uniform and shall show no brush marks. Enough distemper shall be mixed to finish on e room at a time. T he ap plication of a c oat in
each room shall be f inished in one op eration and no work shall be s tarted in any room, which cannot be
completed the same day. After each day’s work, the brushes s hall be w ashed in h ot w ater and hung d own t o dr y. O ld
brushes which are dirty or caked with distemper shall not be used.

13.18.5 The specifications in respect of scaffolding, protective measures, measurements and rate shall be
as described under 13.14.


13.19.1 Materials
Oil e mulsion ( Oil Bound) washable distemper (I S 4 28) of a pproved brand an d m anufacture shall b e
used. The primer where used as on new work shall be cement primer or distemper primer as described in
the item. These shall be of the same manufacture as distemper. The distemper shall be diluted with water
or an y other pre scribed thinner in a m anner recommended b y the manufacturer. O nly sufficient quantity
of distemper required for day’s work shall be prepared.

The di stemper and pr imer shall be brought b y t he contractor i n s ealed tins i n s ufficient quantities at a
time to suffice for a fortnight’s work, and the same shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and

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the Engineer-in-Charge. T he empty tins shall not be removed from the site of work, till this item o f work
has been completed and passed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

13.19.2 Preparation of the Surface For new w ork the s urface shall b e thoroughly cleaned of dust, o ld white or c olour wash by
washing a nd s crubbing. T he surface s hall t hen b e allowed t o dry f or a t l east 48 h ours. I t s hall t hen b e
sand papered t o gi ve a s mooth a nd e ven s urface. A ny unevenness s hall b e m ade g ood b y a pplying
putty, made of pl aster of paris mixed w ith water on t he ent ire s urface i ncluding f illing up t he undulations
and then sand papering the same after it is dry. In the case of old work, all loose pieces and scales shall be removed by sand papering. The
surface shall be cleaned of all grease, dirt etc.

Pitting in p laster s hall be made good w ith p laster o f p aris mixed w ith the c olour to be us ed. T he
surface shall then be rub bed down again with a f ine grade s and paper and made smooth. A coat o f the
distemper s hall be a pplied ov er t he p atches. T he pat ched s urface s hall b e al lowed t o dr y t horoughly
before the regular coat of distemper is applied.

13.19.3 Application Priming Coat : The pr iming c oat shall be w ith di stemper pr imer or c ement p rimer, as required
in the description of the item. The application of the distemper primer shall be as described in 13.18.4.

Note : If the wall surface plaster has not dried completely, cement primer shall be applied before
distempering the walls. But if distempering is done after the wall surface is dried completely,
distemper primer shall be applied.

Oil bound d istemper i s no t rec ommended t o be ap plied, w ithin s ix m onths o f t he c ompletion of w all
plaster. H owever, ne wly p lastered s urfaces i f requi red t o be distempered bef ore a period of six m onths
shall be given a coat of alkali resistant priming Paint conforming to IS 109 and allowed to dry for atleast
48 hours before distempering is commenced.

For old work no primer coat is necessary. Distemper Coat : For new work, after the primer coat has dried for at least 48 hours, the surface
shall be lightly sand papered to make it smooth for receiving the distemper, taking care not to rub out the
priming c oat. A ll l oose particles s hall be dus ted of f after rubbing. O ne c oat of di stemper properly di luted
with t hinner (water o r other l iquid as s tipulated by the m anufacturer) s hall be a pplied w ith b rushes i n
horizontal strokes followed immediately by vertical ones which together constitutes one coat.

The s ubsequent coats shall be applied i n t he same w ay. T wo o r m ore c oats of di stemper a s a re
found necessary shall be applied over the primer coat to obtain an even shade.

A ti me in terval of at le ast 2 4 h ours shall be all owed between s uccessive coats to permit p roper
drying of the preceding coat.

For ol d work t he distemper s hall be applied over the prepared surface in the s ame manner as in new
work. O ne or m ore coats of distemper as are found necessary shall be app lied to obtain an ev en and
uniform shade.

15 c m doubl e bri stled di stemper br ushes s hall be us ed. A fter eac h day s work, br ushes s hall be
thoroughly washed in hot water with soap solution and hung down to dry. Old brushes which are dirty and
caked with distemper shall not be used on the work.

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13.19.4 The specifications in r espect o f s caffolding, pr otective measures and m easurements s hall be as
described under 13.14.

13.19.5 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials involved in all the above operations
(including priming coat) described above.


13.20.0 Cement primer coat is used as a base coat on wall finish of cement, lime or lime cement plaster or
on n on-asbestos c ement s urfaces bef ore oi l em ulsion di stemper P aints are a pplied o n t hem. T he
cement pri mer i s c omposed of a m edium and pi gment w hich are res istant t o t he al kalies pres ent i n t he
cement, lime or lime cement in wall finish and provides a barrier for the protection of subsequent coats of
oil emulsion distemper Paints.

Primer c oat s hall be pr eferably appl ied by br ushing and not by s praying. H urried pr iming s hall be
avoided particularly on ab sorbent s urfaces. N ew pl aster pat ches i n ol d w ork should al so be t reated w ith
cement primer before applying oil emulsion Paints etc.

13.20.1 Preparation of the Surface

The s urface shall be t horoughly c leaned o f dus t, ol d w hite o r colour w ash b y washing and scrubbing.
The surface shall then be allowed to dry for at least 48 hour s. It shall then be sand papered to give a
smooth and even surface. Any unevenness shall be made good by applying putty, made of plaster of
paris m ixed with w ater on t he ent ire s urface i ncluding filling up t he und ulations and t hen s and pap ering
the same after it is dry.

13.20.2 Application
The c ement primer s hall be appl ied w ith a br ush on t he c lean d ry and s mooth s urface. H orizontal
strokes s hall be g iven first a nd v ertical s trokes s hall b e ap plied immediately af terwards. T his e ntire
operation w ill c onstitute one c oat. T he s urface s hall be finished a s un iformly as p ossible leaving no
brush marks. It shall be allowed to dry for at least 48 hours, before oil emulsion Paint is applied.

13.20.3 The Specifications in respect of scaffolding, protective measures, measurements and rate shall be
as described under 13.1.4.


13.21.1 Material
The cement Paint shall be (conforming to IS 5410) of approved brand and manufacture.

The cement Paint shall be br ought to the site of work by the contractor in its original containers is
sealed c ondition. The material s hall be br ought in at a time in adequate quantities t o suffice for the whole
work or at least a f ortnight’s work. The materials shall be k ept in the joint custody of the Contractor an d
the E ngineer-in-Charge. The e mpty c ontainers s hall not be r emoved from the s ite o f w ork till t he relevant
item of the work has been completed and permission obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.

13.21.2 Preparation of Surface

For N ew W ork, the surface s hall be th oroughly cleaned of al l mortar d ropping, d irt d ust, a lgae,
grease an d o ther f oreign matter b y br ushing a nd w ashing. Pitting i n pl aster s hall b e m ade g ood and a
coat of water proof cement Paint shall be applied over patches after wetting them thoroughly.

13.21.3 Preparation of Mix

Cement P aint s hall be m ixed i n s uch quant ities as c an be us ed up w ithin an hour of i ts m ixing as
otherwise the mixture will set and thicken, affecting flow and finish. Cement Paint shall be mixed with

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water in two s tages. T he first stage s hall c omprise o f 2 pa rts o f cement P aint an d one part o f w ater
stirred t horoughly and all owed to stand for 5 m inutes. C are shall be taken to ad d the ce ment P aint
gradually to the water and not vice versa. The second stage shall comprise of adding further one part of
water t o t he mix a nd s tirring t horoughly t o o btain a l iquid of workable and uniform c onsistency. I n all
cases the manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed meticulously.

The l ids of c ement P aint dru ms s hall be kept ti ghtly closed w hen no t in use, as by e xposure t o
atmosphere the cement Paint rapidly becomes air set due to its hygroscopic qualities.

In c ase of cement P aint brought i n g unny b ags, once t he b ag i s opened, t he contents should be
consumed in full on the day of its opening. If the same is not likely to be consumed in full, the balance
quantity should be transferred and preserved in an airtight container to avoid its exposure to

13.21.4 Application The s olution s hall be app lied on the c lean and w etted s urface w ith brus hes o r s praying
machine. The solution s hall be kept w ell stirred dur ing the per iod o f application. It shall be appl ied on the
surface w hich is o n the s hady side of the building so that the direct h eat of the s un on the s urface is
avoided. T he m ethod of application of c ement P aint s hall be as per m anufacturer’s s pecification. T he
completed surface shall be watered after the day’s work. The second coat shall be appl ied after the first coat has been set for at least 24 h ours. Before
application of the second or subsequent coats, the surface of the previous coat shall not be wetted. For new work, the s urface shall be t reated with t hree or m ore c oats of w ater proof cement
Paint as found necessary to get a uniform shade. For ol d work, the tr eatment s hall be with on e or m ore co ats a s fou nd n ecessary to g et a
uniform shade.

13.21.5 Precaution
Water proof cement Paint s hall n ot b e a pplied o n surfaces al ready t reated with w hite w ash, c olour
wash, di stemper dry or o il bo und, v arnishes, Paints et c. I t shall n ot b e a pplied on g ypsums, wood a nd
metal surfaces.

If w ater proof ing c ement i s requi red t o be appl ied on ex isting surface, prev iously treated w ith white
wash, c olour w ash et c., the s urface s hall be thoroughly c leaned by s crapping of f all the w hite wash,
colour w ash et c. c ompletely. T hereafter, a c oat o f c ement primer s hall be applied f ollowed by t wo or
more coat of water proof cement.

13.21.6 The specifications in respect of scaffolding, protective measures, measurements and rate shall be
as described under 13.14. The coefficient for cement Paint on RCC Jalli shall be the same as
provided in Sl. No. 7 of Table 1 under para for painting trellis for Jaffri work.


13.22.1 Material
The pa int s hall be ( Textured ex terior p aint/Acrylic s mooth ex terior pa int/premium ac rylic s mooth
exterior paint) of approved brand and manufacture.

This pai nt s hall be br ought t o t he s ite of w ork by t he c ontractor i n i ts original c ontainers i n s ealed
condition. T he material shall be bro ught in at a t ime in adequate quantities to suffice for the whole work
or at least a fortnight’s work. The materials shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and the

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Engineer-in-Charge. T he empty c ontainers s hall n ot be r emoved f rom t he site of w ork t ill t he relevant
item of work has been completed and permission obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.

13.22.2 Preparation of Surface

For ne w w ork, t he s urface s hall be t horoughly c leaned of f al l mortar dr opping, di rt dus t, al gae, f ungus
or m oth, grease and ot her f oreign m atter of brushing and w ashing, pi tting in pl aster s hall m ake good,
surface i mperfections such as c racks, holes et c. should be rep aired using white c ement. T he pre pared
surface s hall hav e r eceived t he app roval of t he E ngineer i n c harge af ter i nspection bef ore pai nting i s

13.22.3 Application
Base coat of water proofing cement paint All specifications in respect of base coat of water proofing cement paint shall be as described
under 13.21. Before pour ing into s maller c ontainers for us e, the pa int s hall be s tirred thoroughly in its
container, w hen appl ying also t he paint s hall be c ontinuously stirred i n t he smaller c ontainers s o that its
consistency is kept uniform. Dilution ratio of paint with potable water can be altered taking into
consideration the nature of surface c limate and as per recommended dilution gi ven by m anufacturer. In
all cases, the manufacturer’s instructions & directions of the Engineer-in-charge shall be followed

The lids of paint drums shall be kept tightly closed when not in use as by exposure to atmosphere the
paint may thicken and also be kept safe from dust. Paint s hall b e ap plied with a br ush o n t he cleaned and s mooth surface. Horizontal strokes
shall be given, F irst an d vertical s trokes s hall b e a pplied i mmediately afterwards. T his ent ire operat ion
will constitute one coat. The surface shall be finished as uniformly as possible leaving no brush marks.

13.22.4 The specifications in respect of scaffolding, protective measures, measurements and rate shall be
as described under 13.14.


13.23.1 Materials
Paints, oils, varnishes etc. of approved brand and manufacture shall be used. Only ready mixed
Paint (Exterior grade) as received from the manufacturer without any admixture shall be used.

If for a ny reason, t hinning is necessary in c ase o f ready m ixed P aint, the brand of thinner
recommended by the manufacturer or as instructed by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be used.

Approved Paints, o il or varnishes s hall b e br ought t o t he s ite of w ork b y t he c ontractor i n t heir original
containers i n sealed c ondition. The material s hall be brought i n at a time in ad equate quant ities t o suffice
for the whole work or at least a fortnight’s work. The materials shall be kept in the joint custody of the
contractor and t he Engineer-in-Charge. T he em pties s hall not be rem oved f rom t he s ite of w ork, t ill t he
relevant item of work has been completed and permission obtained from the Engineer-in-Charge.

13.23.2 Commencing Work

Painting shall not be started until the Engineer-in-Charge has i nspected t he i tems of work t o be
painted, s atisfied hi mself about t heir pr oper quality and gi ven hi s app roval t o c ommence t he pai nting
work. P ainting of external surface s hould n ot b e do ne in a dverse w eather c ondition l ike ha il s torm an d
dust storm.

Painting, ex cept t he p riming c oat, s hall generally b e t aken i n ha nd af ter practically f inishing al l ot her
building work.

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The rooms should be thoroughly swept out and the entire building cleaned up, at least one day in
advance of the Paint work being started.

13.23.3 Preparation of Surface

The s urface s hall be t horoughly c leaned and dus ted off. A ll r ust, di rt, s cales, s moke s plashes, mortar
droppings and g rease shall be thoroughly r emoved be fore pai nting i s started. T he p repared s urface s hall
have received the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge after inspection, before painting is commenced.

13.23.4 Application Before p ouring i nto s maller c ontainers for u se, t he P aint s hall be stirred t horoughly in i ts
containers, when applying also, the Paint shall be continuously stirred in the smaller containers so that its
consistency is kept uniform. The pai nting s hall be l aid on ev enly and s moothly by m eans of crossing and l aying of f, the
latter i n the direction of t he grains of wood. T he crossing and l aying off c onsists of c overing t he area
over with P aint, br ushing t he s urface har d for t he first time ov er and t hen br ushing al ternately i n oppos ite
direction, two or t hree times and t hen finally brushing lightly in a di rection at right angles to the same. In
this process, no brush marks shall be left after the laying off is finished. The full process of crossing and
laying off will constitute one coat. Where so stipulated, the painting shall be done b y spraying. Spray machine used may be (a)
high pr essure ( small a ir aperture) type, or ( b) a low pr essure (large a ir gap ) type, d epending on the
nature a nd l ocation of w ork to be c arried ou t. S killed a nd experienced w orkmen s hall b e em ployed f or
this class of work. Paints used shall be brought to the requisite consistency by adding a suitable thinner. Spraying should be done only when dry condition prevails. Each coat shall be allowed to dry
out thoroughly and r ubbed smooth be fore t he nex t coat i s appl ied. This should be facilitated b y t horough
ventilation. Each c oat ex cept t he l ast c oat, s hall be l ightly rubbe d dow n w ith sand paper or f ine pum ice
stone and cleaned off dust before the next coat is laid. No left over Paint shall be put back into the stock tins. When not in use, the containers shall be
kept properly closed. No ha ir marks from the brush or c logging of Paint pu ddles in the corners of panels, angles of
mouldings etc. shall be left on the work. In painting doors and windows, the putty round the glass panes must also be painted but care
must be t aken t o see t hat no P aint s tains etc. a re l eft on t he glass. T ops of s hutters a nd surfaces i n
similar hidden locations shall not be l eft out in painting. However, bottom edge of the shutters where the
painting is not practically possible, need not be done nor any deduction on this account will be done but
two coats of primer of approved make shall be done on the bottom edge before fixing the shutters. On painting st eel w ork, s pecial c are s hall b e t aken w hile p ainting ov er b olts, nuts, rivets
overlaps etc. The additional specifications for primer a nd other coats of Paints shall be as according to the
detailed specifications under the respective headings.

13.23.5 Brushes and Containers

After w ork, t he brushes shall be c ompletely c leaned of P aint and l inseed oil by r insing w ith turpentine. A
brush in which Paint has dried up is ruined and shall on no account be used for painting work. The containers
when not in use, shall be kept closed and free from air so that Paint does not thicken and also shall be kept

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safe from dust. When the Paint has been used, the containers shall be washed with turpentine and wiped dry
with soft clean cloth, so that they are clean, and can be used again.

13.23.6 Measurements The l ength and br eadth s hall be measured c orrect t o a c m. T he area s hall be c alculated in
sqm (correct to two places of decimal), except otherwise stated. Small articles no t e xceeding 1 0 sq. dec imetre ( 0.1 sqm) o f painted s urfaces where no t i n
conjunction with similar painted work shall be enumerated. Painting u pto 1 0 cm in width or in girth and not in conjunction with similar p ainted work shall
be given in running metres and shall include cutting to line where so required.

Note : Components of trusses, compound girders, stanchions, lattices and similar work shall, however,
be given in sq. metres irrespective of the size or girth of members. Priming coat of painting shall
be included in the work of fabrication. In m easuring painting, v arnishing, oi ling etc. of j oinery and s teel work et c. T he c oefficients as
indicated in following tables shall be used to obtain the area payable. The coefficients shall be applied to the
areas measured flat and not girthed.

TABLE 13.1
Equivalent Plain Areas of Uneven Surface
S. Description of work How measured Multiplying
No. coefficients
1 2 3 4
I. Wood work doors, windows Etc.
1. Panelled or framed and braced Measured flat (not girthed including) 1.30 (for each side)
doors, windows etc.
2. Ledged and battened or ledged, Chowkhat or frame, Edges, chocks, - do -
battened and braced doors, cleats, et c. shall be dee med to be
windows etc. included in the item.
3. Flush doors etc. -do- 1.20 (for each side)
4. Part panelled and part glazed or -do- 1.00 (for each side)
gauzed doors, window etc.
(Excluding painting of
wire gauze portion)
5. Fully glazed or gauzed doors, -do- 0.80 (for each side)
windows et c. ( Excluding painting
of wire gauze portion)
6. Fully venetioned or louvered -do- 1.80 (for each side)
doors, windows etc.
7. Trellis (or Jaffri) work one way or Measured flat overall, no deduction 2 (for painting all over)
two way shall be m ade f or ope n s paces, s up-
porting members shall not be mea-
sured separately
8. Carved or enriched work Measured flat 2 (for each side)
9. Weather boarding Measured flat (not girthed supporting 1.20 (for each side)
frame work shall not be measured
10. Wood shingle roofing Measured flat (not girthed) 1.10 (for each side)

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1 2 3 4
11. Boarding with cover fillets Measured flat (not girthed) 1.05 (for each side)
and match boarding
12. Tile and slate battening Measured flat overall no deductions 0.80 (for painting
shall be made for open spaces all over)

II. Steel work doors, windows Etc.

13. Plain sheeted steel doors or Measured flat (not girthed) 1.10 ( for eac h s ide)
windows including frame edges etc.
14. Fully glazed or gauzed steel -do- 0.50 (for each side)
doors and windows (excluding
painting of wire gauze portion)
15. Partly panelled and partly -do- 0.80 (for each side)
glazed or gauzed d oors a nd
windows (excluding p ainting
of wire gauze portion)
16. C orrugated sheeted s teel door s -do- 1.25 (for each side)
or windows
17. Collapsible gates Measured flat 1.50 (for painting
all over)
18. Rolling s hutters of i nterlocked Measured flat (size of opening) all 1.10 ( for eac h s ide)
laths over; jamb guides, bottom rails and
locking ar rangement et c. s hall be i n-
cluded in the item (top cover shall be
measured separately)

III. General
19. Expanded metal, hard drawn Measured flat overall; no deduction 1 ( for P aint al l o ver)
steel wire fabric of approved shall be made for open spaces;
quality, grill works and gratings supporting members shall not be
in guard bars, balustrades, railing measured separately
partitions and MS Bars in
windows frames.
20. O pen pal isade f encing and -do- 1 ( for P aint all o ver)
gates including standards, (see note No. 12)
braces, rails stays etc. in timber or
21. C orrugated i ron s heeting i n -do- Measured flat (not girthed) 1.14 (for each side)
roofs, side cladding etc.
22. AC c orrugated s heeting in roofs, -do- 1.20 (for each side)
side cladding etc.
23. AC s emi c orrugated s heeting in
roofs, side cladding etc. or -do- 1.10 (for each side)
Nainital pattern using plain sheets
24. Wire gauze shutters including -do- 1.00 (for each side)
painting of wire gauze

Explanatory Notes for Table 13.1

(1) Measurements for doors windows etc., shall be taken flat (and not girthed) over all including
chowkhuts or frames, where provided. Where Chowkhuts or frames are not provided, the shutter
measurements shall be taken.
(2) Where doors, windows etc., are of composite types other than those included in Table 1 the
different portion shall be measured separately with their appropriate coefficients, the centre line
of the common rail being taken as the dividing line between the two portions.

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(3) T he coefficients f or d oor and windows s hall apply i rrespective o f t he size of f rames a nd shutter
(4) In c ase s teel f rames ar e used the area of doors, windows s hutters shall b e measured flat
excluding frames.
(5) When the two faces of a door, window etc. are to be treated with different specified finishes,
measurable under separate items, the edges of frames and shutters shall be treated with the one
or the other type of finish as ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge and measurement of this will be
deemed to be included in the measurement of the face treated with that finish.
(6) In the case where shutters are fixed on both faces of the frames, the measurement for the door
frame and shutter on one face shall be taken in the manner already described, while the
additional shutter on the other face will be measured for the shutter only excluding the frame.
(7) Where shutters are provided with clearance at top or/and bottom each exceeding 15 cm height,
such openings shall be deducted from the overall measurements and relevant coefficient shall be
applied to obtain the area payable.
(8) Collapsible gates shall be measured for width from outside to outside of gate in its expanded
position and for height from bottom to top of channel verticals. No separate measurements shall
be taken for the top and bottom guide rails rollers, fittings etc.
(9) Coefficients for sliding doors shall be the same as for normal types of doors in the table.
Measurements shall be taken outside to outside of shutters, and no separate measurements
shall be taken for the painting guide rails, rollers, fittings etc.
(10) M easurements of p ainting as a bove s hall b e d eemed t o include pa inting all i ron fittings in the
same or different shade for which no extra will be paid.
(11)The measurements of guard bars, expanded metal, hard drawn steel wire fabric of approved
quality, grill work and gratings, when fixed in frame work, painting of which is once measured
else where shall be taken exclusive of the frames. In other cases the measurements shall be
taken inclusive of the frames.
(12) For painting open palisade fencing and gates etc., the height shall be measured from the bottom
of the lowest rail, if the palisades do not go below it, (or from the lower end of the palisades, if
they project below the lowest rail), upto the top of rails or palisades whichever are higher, but not
up to the top of standards when the latter are higher than the top rails or the palisades. Width of m oulded w ork of al l ot her k inds, as i n hand rai ls, c ornices, arc hitraves s hall b e
measured by girth. For trusses, compound girders, stanchions, lattice girders, and similar work, actual areas will be
measured in sq. metre and no extra shall be paid for painting on bolt heads, nuts, washers etc. even when
they are picked out in a different tint to the adjacent work. Painting of r ain w ater, s oil, w aste, vent an d water pipes et c. s hall b e m easured i n running
metres of the particular diameter of the pipe concerned. Painting of specials such as bends, heads,
branches, j unctions, s hoes, et c. shall b e i ncluded i n t he l ength and n o s eparate m easurements s hall be
taken for these or for painting brackets, clamps etc. Measurements of w all s urfaces and w ood a nd o ther w ork n ot r eferred to al ready s hall be
recorded as per actual. Flag st affs, st eel c himneys, a erial m asts, spires and ot her su ch ob jects r equiring special
scaffolding shall be measured separately.

13.23.7 Precautions
All furniture, fixtures, glazing, floors etc. shall be protected by covering and stains, smears, splashing, if any
shall be removed and any damages done shall be made good by the contractor at his cost.

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13.23.8 Rate
Rates s hall i nclude c ost of al l l abour and m aterials i nvolved i n al l t he oper ations des cribed abov e
and in the particular specifications given under the several items.


13.24.1 Primer The p rimer for w ood w ork, iron work or pl astered surface shall be as specified in t he
description of item. Primer for plaster/wood work/Iron & Steel/Aluminium surfaces shall be as specified below:

TABLE 13.2

S.No. Surfaces Primer to be used

1. Wood work (hard and soft wood) Pink conforming to IS 3536
2. Resinour wood and plywood Aluminium pr imer c onforming t o I S 3585
3. (A) Aluminium and light alloys Zinc chromate primer conforming to
IS 104
(A) (B) Iron, Steel and Galvanized steel Red O xide Z inc c hromate P rimer
( conforming IS 2074
4. Cement/Conc/RCC/brick work, Plastered Cement primer conforming to IS 109
surfaces, non-asbestos surfaces to
receive Oil bound distemper or Paint finish. The primer shall be ready mixed primer of approved brand and manufacture. Where primer for wood work is specified to be mixed at site, it shall be prepared from a
mixture of red lead, white lead and double boiled linseed oil in the ratio of 0.7 kg : 0.7 kg : 1 litre. Where primer for steel work is specified to be mixed at site, it shall be prepared from a mixture of
red lead, raw linseed oil and turpentine in the ratio of 2.8 kg : 1 litre : 1 litre. The specifications for the base vehicle and thinner for mixed on site primer shall be as follows:

(a) White Lead : The White lead shall be pur e an d free from adulterants like barium sulphate and
whiting. It shall conform to IS 103.

(b) Red Lead : This shall be i n powder form and s hall be pur e and f ree from adulterants like brick
dust etc. It shall conform to IS 102.

(c) Raw Linseed Oil : Raw linseed oil shall be lightly viscous but clear and of yellowish colour with light
brown tinge. Its specific gravity at a temperature of 30 degree C shall be between 0.923 and 0.928.

Note : The oil shall be mellow and sweet to the taste with very little smell. The oil shall be of
sufficiently matured quality. Oil turbid or thick, with acid and bitter taste and rancid odour
and which remains sticky for a considerable time shall be rejected. The oil shall conform
in all respects to IS 75. The oil shall be of approved brand and manufacture.

(d) Double Boiled Linseed Oil : This shall be more viscous than the raw oil, have a deeper colour
and specific gravity between 0.931 and 0.945 at a temperature of 30 degree C. It shall dry with a
glossy surface. It shall conform in all respects to IS 77. The oil shall be of approved brand and
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Turpentine : Mineral turpentine i.e. pe troleum d istillate w hich h as the s ame r ate o f evaporation as
vegetable t urpentine (di stillate product of ol eeresin of c onifers) s hall be us ed. I t s hall hav e no greas e or
other residue when allowed to evaporate. It shall conform to IS 533. All t he abo ve materials s hall be o f appr oved m anufacture and br ought t o site i n t heir or iginal
packing in sealed condition.

13.24.2 Preparation of Surface Wooden Surface : The wood work to be painted shall be dry and free from moisture.
The s urface s hall be t horoughly c leaned. A ll unev enness s hall be r ubbed down s mooth w ith s and
paper and s hall be w ell d usted. K nots, if any s hall be c overed with preparation of red lead m ade by
grinding r ed l ead i n w ater an d m ixing w ith strong gl ue s ized a nd us ed hot. A ppropriate f iller m aterial
conforming t o I S 34 5 w ith s ame s hade a s P aint s hall be us ed where s pecified. T he s urface t reated f or
knotting s hall be dr y bef ore P aint i s appl ied. A fter obtaining appr oval of E ngineer-in-Charge f or w ood
work, the priming coat shall be applied before the wood work is fixed in position. After the priming coat is
applied, t he ho les and i ndentation on t he s urface shall be s topped w ith gl azier’s put ty or w ood putty.
Stopping shall not be done before the priming coat is applied as the wood will absorb the oil in stopping
and the latter is therefore liable to crack. Iron & Steel Surface : All rus t and scales s hall be removed by s crapping or by brushing w ith
steel wire brushes. Hard skin of oxide formed on t he surface of wrought iron during rolling which
becomes loose by rusting, shall be removed.

All dust and dirt shall be thoroughly wiped away from the surface.

If the surface is wet, it shall be dried before priming coat is undertaken. Plastered Surface : The s urface s hall o rdinarily not be pai nted u ntil i t has dri ed c ompletely.
Trial p atches of primer shall be laid at i ntervals an d w here dr ying i s satisfactory, p ainting shall then b e
taken i n hand. B efore p rimer is appl ied, hol es and undulations, shall be filled up w ith pl aster o f par is and
rubbed smooth.

13.24.3 Application
The pr imer s hall be appl ied with br ushes, worked w ell i nto t he surface and s pread ev en and s mooth.
The painting shall be done by crossing and laying off as described in

13.24.4 Treatment on Steel for Aggressive Environment A s econd coat o f ready m ixed red o xide zinc c hromate primer may be ap plied w here c onsi-
dered nec essary i n aggr essive env ironment s uch a s near I ndustrial E stablishment a nd C oastal r egions
where the s teel m embers are prone to corrosion. T he s econd c oat ( which shall be paid f or s eparately) is
to be appl ied af ter pl acing t he m ember i n pos ition and j ust bef ore appl ying P aint. T he s econd c oat of
primer i s not nec essary i n c ase of pai nting w ith synthetic enam el P aint as it is appl ied ov er an und er
coat of ordinary Paint. The specifications described under 13.33 shall hold good so far as they are applicable.


13.25.0 Synthetic enamel

Paint, s uitable f or pai nting ov er G.S. s heets, of appr oved brand and m anufacture and of t he r equired
shade shall be u sed. New or w eathered G.S. sheets shall be painted with a priming coat o f one coat of
redoxide zinc chromate Paint. Primer shall be applied before fixing sheets in place.

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13.25.1 Preparation of Surface Painting New Surface : The p ainting of ne w G .S. s heets s hall not u sually be d one t ill t he
sheets have weathered for a bout a year. When ne w sheets ar e to be pai nted before they ha ve
weathered they s hall be treated with a mordant solution prepared by mixing 38 gm of copper acetate in a
litre of s oft w ater o r 1 3 g m h ydrochloric a cid in a s olution of 1 3 gm eac h of copper c hloride, c opper
nitrate and am monium c hloride di ssolved i n a l itre of s oft w ater. T his quant ity of s olution i s s ufficient f or
about 235 sqm. to 280 sqm of area and is applied for ensuring proper adhesion of P aint. T he painting
with the mordant solution will be paid for separately.

Before pai nting on ne w or weathered G .S. s heets, rust patches s hall be c ompletely c leaned with
coarse em ery pa per and brush. A ll grease m arks shall al so be r emoved and t he s urface w ashed an d
dried and rus ted s urface shall be t ouched w ith s ynthetic ena mel p aint of a pproved brand, m anufacturer
and shade. Painting Old Surface: If the old Paint is firm and sound, it shall be cleaned of grease, smoke
etc. The surface shall then be rubbed down with sand paper and dusted. Rusty patches shall be cleaned up
and touched with synthetic enamel paint.

If t he ol d Paint i s blistered an d f laked, i t shall be c ompletely r emoved as des cribed i n 13 .41. Such
removal shall be paid for separately and painting shall be treated as on new work.

13.25.2 Application
The num ber of c oats t o be appl ied s hall b e as i n t he des cription of i tem. I n t he c ase of C .G.S. s heets,
the crowns of the corrugations shall be painted first and when these get dried the general coat shall be
given to ensure uniform finish over the entire surface without the crowns showing signs of thinning.

The second or additional coats shall be applied when the previous coat has dried.

13.25.3 The specifications described in 13.23 shall hold good so far as they are applicable.


13.26.1 The primer shall be pr epared on s ite or shall be of approved brand and m anufacture a s
specified in the item.

Paint shall be anti-corrosive bitumastic Paint, aluminium Paint or other type of Paint as specified in the
description of the item.

13.26.2 Painting New Surface Preparation of Surface : The surface shall be prepared for priming coat as described in Application : The n umber o f c oat of p ainting o ver t he p riming c oat s hall be as stipulated i n
the description of the item. The application of Paint over priming coat shall be carried out as specified in
13.25. Measurements : Measurements w ill be t aken o ver t he f inished l ine of pipe i ncluding s pecials
etc. in running metres, correct to a cm.

Pipes of different diameters of bore shall be measured and paid for separately.

Specials and fittings such as holder bat clamps, plugs etc. will not be measured separately.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Rate : The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above, including painting of all specials and fittings. Specifications described in 13.22 shall hold good as far as they are applicable.

13.26.3 Painting on Old Surface The surface shall be prepared as specified in The specifications for application shall be as described in 13.22.3. Measurements, rate and other details shall be as specified in


13.27.1 Oil type wood preservative of specified quality and approved make, conforming to IS 218 shall be
used. Generally, it shall be creosote oil type-I or anthracene oil.

13.27.2 Painting on New Surface Preparation of Surface : Painting shall b e done o nly w hen t he surface i s p erfectly d ry t o
permit of good absorption. All dirt, dust or other foreign matter shall be removed from the surface to be
painted. All roughness shall be sand papered and cleaned. Application : The preservative shall be appl ied liberally with a s tout brush and not daube d
with rags or cotton waste. It shall be applied with a pencil brush at the joints of the wood work. The first
coat shall be allowed at least 24 h ours to s oak in befo re th e se cond (t he f inal) co at is ap plied. The
second c oat shall b e applied in the s ame m anner as t he first coat. T he e xcess of p reservative which
does not soak into the wood shall be wiped off with a clean dry piece of cloth. The specifications described in 13.23 shall hold good in so far as they are applicable.

13.27.3 Painting on Old Surface

The work shall be done in the same manner as on new surface except that only one coat shall be done.


13.28.1 Coal tar of approved manufacture conforming to IS 290 shall be used. The tar, to every litre of
which 2 00 g m of un slaked l ime ha s b een ad ded, s hall be h eated t ill i t begi ns t o b oil. I t m ust t hen b e
taken off the fire and kerosene oil added to it slowly at the rate of one part of kerosene oil to six or more
parts by volume and stirred thoroughly. The addition of lime is for preventing the tar from running.

13.28.2 Coal Tarring New Surface Preparation of Surface : This shall be done as specified in 13.24.2 except that sand papering is
not necessary. Where iron work is to be painted it shall be free from scales and rust before painting. Application : The mixture shall be applied as hot as possible with a brush. The second coat
shall be ap plied only after the first coat has thoroughly dried up. Where possible, the article to be t arred,
shall be dipped in the hot mixture for better results. The quantity of tar to be used for the first or second
coat shall be not less than 0.16 and 0.12 litre per sqm respectively. Thinning with kerosene oil shall be
suitably done to ensure this. The specifications described in 13.23 shall hold good in all other respects, so far as they are applicable.

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13.28.3 Coal Tarring old Surface
The work shall be done in the same manner as specified in 13.28.2 except that only one coat using
0.12 litre per sqm. area shall be done.


13.29.0 The work shall include a pr iming c oat of ‘Distempering Primer’ or ‘ Cement P rimer’ as specified in
the description of the item. F lat w all P aint shall normally be applied on w alls 12 m onths after their
completion, in which case Distemper primer will suffice. If the walls are to be painted earlier, the primer
coat shall consist of cement primer.

13.29.1 The primer and t he flat wall Paint shall be of approved brand and manufacture and o f the
required shade.

13.29.2 The surface shall be prepared as described in 13.20.1.

13.29.3 Application Primer Coat : The specified primer shall be painted or sprayed over the surface in an even
and uniform layer. Painting Coats : When t he s urface is dr y, the spray painting with the wall Paint in uniform and
even layers will be done t o the required num ber of coats. Each coat shall b e allowed to dry overnight
and lightly r ubbed with v ery fine grade of sand paper and loose particles br ushed off before the nex t coat
is sprayed.

Spraying s hould b e don e only when dr y c ondition pr evails. D uring s praying t he s pray gun s hall b e he ld
perpendicular t o t he s urface t o b e c oated and shall be p assed over the surface in a un iform s weeping
motion. Different air pressures and fan adjustment s hall be tried so as t o obtain the best application. The Air
pressure shall not be kept too high as otherwise the Paint will fog up and will be wasted.

At the end of the job, the spray gu n shall be cleaned thoroughly so a s to b e free from dirt. Incorrect
adjustments s hall be s et right, as ot herwise t hey w ill r esult in v ariable s pray pat terns, r uns, s ags a nd
uneven coats.

If after the final coat of wall Paints, the surface obtained is not upto the m ark, further one or m ore
coats as required s hall be given af ter r ubbing down the s urface an d du sting of f all loose particles t o
obtain a smooth and even finish.

If the pri mer or wall P aint gets t hickened during the application, i t s hall be t hinned suitably w ith the
thinner recommended by the manufacture.

Adequate v entilation s hall be p rovided t o di sperse spray fumes. F itments and f loor shall be p rotected
from the spray.

13.29.4 The specifications described in 13.23 shall hold good for all other details as far as applicable.


13.30.0 Where t he old Paint i s in sound c ondition, renewal s hall be c arried out as described below,
otherwise the old P aint s hall be completely s tripped and s pray painting s hall be c arried out as over new
work. Such removal shall be paid for separately.

13.30.1 The flat wall Paint shall be of approved brand and manufacture and of required shade.

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13.30.2 Preparation of Surface
The surface shall be washed to remove dust and dirt. A mild detergent solution like soap water shall be
used for washing and the surface shall also be rubbed down lightly with abrasive paper when dry. Any
patches appearing on the surface shall first be touched up with a coat of Paint. These shall be allowed
to dry and then rubbed down lightly.

13.30.3 Application
The Paint shall then be applied with spraying machine in uniform and even layer. A second coat shall be
applied if considered necessary by the Engineer-in-Charge but only after the first coat is complete dry and hard.

Spraying should be don e o nly when dr y condition prevails. During s praying the s pray g un s hall b e
held pe rpendicular to t he s urface to be coated and shall be passed ov er t he s urface in uni form sweeping
motion. D ifferent ai r p ressures and fan ad justment shall be tried so as t o obt ain t he bes t application. The
Air pressure shall n ot be kept too h igh a s otherwise the Paint will fog up and will be wasted. At the e nd
of the job, the spray gun shall be c leaned thoroughly so as to be free from dirt. Incorrect adjustments
shall be set right, as otherwise they result in variable spray patterns, runs, sags and uneven coats.

13.30.4 The s pecifications d escribed i n 13.22 shall hol d g ood f or all ot her details, a s f ar as t hey are


13.31.0 The plastic emulsion Paint is not suitable for application on ex ternal, wood and i ron surface and
surfaces which are li able to he avy co ndensation. These Paints ar e to b e used o n int ernal surfaces
except wooden and steel.

13.31.1 Plastic E mulsion P aint a s per I S 5411 of a pproved brand an d m anufacture and of t he requi red
shade shall be used.

13.31.2 Painting on New Surface The wall surface shall be prepared as specified in 13.23.3. Application : The number o f coats shall be as s tipulated i n t he i tem. The P aint will be appl ied
in t he usual m anner w ith brush, s pray or rol ler. The P aint dri es by evaporation of t he w ater c ontent and
as s oon a s the w ater has evaporated the film get s har d a nd t he ne xt c oat c an b e applied. T he t ime of
drying varies from one hour on absorbent surfaces to 2 to 3 hours on non-absorbent surfaces.

The thinning of e mulsion i s to be don e w ith w ater and not w ith t urpentine. Thinning with water will be
particularly required for the under coat which is applied on the absorbent surface. The quantity of water to
be added shall be as per manufacturer’s instructions.

The s urface o n f inishing s hall present a f lat v elvety s mooth f inish. If nec essary m ore c oats w ill be
applied till the surface presents a uniform appearance. Precautions
(a) O ld brushes if they ar e to be used with emulsion P aints, should be completely dried of turpentine
or oil Paints by washing in warm soap water.
Brushes should be quickly washed in water immediately after use and kept immersed in water
during break periods to prevent the Paint from hardening on the brush.
(b) I n the preparation of wall for plastic emulsion p ainting, n o oil ba se putties shall b e used in filling
cracks, holes etc.
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(c) S plashes on floors etc. shall be c leaned out without delay as they will be difficult to remove after
(d) W ashing of surfaces treated with emulsion Paints shall not be done within 3 to 4 weeks of
application. Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as they are applicable.

13.31.3 Painting on Old Surface Preparation of Surface : This s hall be d one, gen erally as s pecified i n 1 ex cept that
the s urface bef ore ap plication of P aint s hall be f lattened w ell to get t he pr oper f lat v elvety f inish af ter
painting. Application : The number of coats to be applied shall be as in description of item.

The application shall be as specified in except that thinning with water shall not normally be
required. Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as applicable.


13.32.1 Synthetic E namel P aint (c onforming to I S 2933) of approved brand and m anufacture and of t he
required colour shall be u sed for the top coat and an undercoat of ordinary Paint of shade to match the
top coat as recommended by the same manufacturer as far the top coat shall be used.

13.32.2 Painting on New Surface Preparation of surface shall be as specified in 13.24.2 as the case may be. Application : The number of coats including the undercoat shall be as stipulated in the item.

(a) Under Coat : One coat of the specified ordinary Paint of shade suited to the shade of the top
coat, shall be applied and allowed to dry overnight. It shall be rubbed next day with the finest grade of
wet abrasive paper t o ensure a s mooth and ev en surface, f ree f rom brush m arks and all l oose particles
dusted off.

(b) Top Coat : Top coats of synthetic enamel P aint of desired shade shall be applied after the
undercoat is thoroughly dr y. A dditional finishing c oats s hall b e app lied if found n ecessary to en sure
properly uniform glossy surface. Other details shall be as specified in 13.22 as far as they are applicable.

13.32.3 Painting on Old Surface Preparation of Surface : Where t he ex isting P aint is firm and s ound i t s hall be c leaned of
grease, smoke et c. and r ubbed with sand paper to remove al l loose par ticles dus ted o ff. A ll pat ches an d
cracks shall then be treated with stopping and filler prepared with the specified Paint. The surface shall
again be rubbed and made smooth and uniform.

If the old pai nt is blistered and f laked i t will be necessary to c ompletely remove the same a s
described in para 13.41. Such removal shall be paid for separately and the painting shall be treated as on
new surface.
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Vol-2 , 2013 Painting : The num ber of coats as s tipulated in the item s hall be applied with s ynthetic
enamel Paint. Each c oat s hall b e a llowed t o dry and r ubbed d own smooth with v ery f ine wet abrasive
paper, to get an even glossy surface. If however, the surface is not satisfactory additional coats as
required shall be applied to get correct finish. Other details shall be specified in 13.22 as far as they are applicable.


13.33.1 Aluminium Paint shall be (conforming to IS 2339) of approved brand and manufacture. The
Paint comes in compact dual container with the paste and the medium separately.

The two shall be mixed together to proper consistency before use.

13.33.2 Preparation of Surface Steel Work (New Surfaces) : All r ust a nd scales s hall b e re moved by scraping or brushing
with s teel w ire brushes and t hen smoothened w ith sand paper. The surface shall be t horoughly c leaned
of dust. C.G.S. Sheets (New Surfaces) : The preparation of surface shall be as specified in Steel Work or C.G.S. sheets (Old Surfaces): The specifications shall be as described in

13.33.3 Application
The number of coats to be applied shall be as given in the item. Each coat shall be allowed to dry for
24 h ours and lightly r ubbed dow n w ith fine gr ade s and pape r and du sted o ff be fore the n ext c oat is
applied. The finished surface shall present an even and uniform appearance.

As aluminium paste is likely to settle in the container, care shall be taken to frequently stir the Paint
during used. Also the P aint s hall be applied and laid off quickly, as s urface is otherwise not easily

13.33.4 Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as they are applicable.


13.34.1 Acid proof Paint of approved brand and manufacture and of the required shade shall be used.

13.34.2 Preparation of surface and application shall be as specified under 13.32 for new/old surface as the
case may be.

13.34.3 Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as they are applicable.


13.35.1 Ready mixed Paint (conforming to IS 158) shall be of approved brand and manufacture. It shall be
black, lead free, acid-alkali-heat-water resistant.

13.35.2 Preparation of surface and application shall be as specified in 13.32 for painting on new or old
surfaces as the case may be.

The drying time between consecutive coats, however, shall be not less than 3 hours.

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13.35.3 Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as applicable.


13.36.1 Floor Paint of approved brand and manufacture and of the required colour shall be used.

13.36.2 Preparation of Surface

All dirt, grease s hall be r emoved from the f loor by w iping with r ags, soaked in turpentine and
scraping where n ecessary a nd t hen w ashing with w arm water, c ontaining ca ustic soda or w ashing
soda in solution. The floor should then be rinsed thoroughly with water and dried. Cracks and
holes shall then be filled with specified filler as recommended by the manufacturer and rubbed

It should be not ed that the painting with floor paints shall not be done ov er concrete surfaces less
than two years old.

Old surface shall be prepared as specified in

13.36.3 Application
The number of coats as in the description of the item shall be appl ied. Each coat shall be al lowed to
dry for not less than 24 hours before the next coat is applied. The flooring should not be brought into use for
a week after final coat so that the painted surface can thoroughly harden.

13.36.4 Measurement
Measurements sh all be as p er a ctual l ength and bre adth b eing m easured cor rect to a c m. T he
details given under 13.23.6 shall hold good as far as applicable.

13.36.5 Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as applicable.


13.37.0 Ordinary copal varnish or superior quality spray varnish shall be used. The work includes sizing of
transparent wood filler.

13.37.1 Varnish ( conforming to IS 347 f or the finishing and under coats shall be of the approved

13.37.2 Varnishing on New Surfaces Preparation of Surface : New w ood w ork to be varnished s hall ha ve be en finished s mooth
with a c arpenter’s plane. Knots shall be c ut to a s light depth. Cracks and h oles shall be c leaned of dust.
The knots, cracks etc. shall then be filled in with wood putty made as follows:

On a pi ece of wood say 20 x 15 c m face and on the side where cross grains appear, a s mall
quantity of glue size s hall b e poured and the surface scraped w ith the edge of a fine c arpenter’s
chisel. Very fine wood powder shall be mixed with the glue and the stiff paste thus formed shall be
used for the filling.

The fillings when dry shall be r ubbed do wn with a carpenter’s file and t hen t he entire surface shall be
rubbed down perfectly smooth with medium grained and fine sand papers and wiped with dry clean cloth so
that it presents uniform appearance. In no c ase shall sand papers be rub bed across the grains, as in this
case even the finest marks will be visible when the varnishing is applied.
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Vol-2 , 2013 Sizing or Transparent Wood Filler Coat : The surface s hall t hen be t reated w ith either gl ue
sizing or with transparent wood filler coat as stipulated in the description of item.

(a) Sizing : When sizing is stipulated, an appl ication of thin clean size shall be appl ied hot on t he
surface. When dry, the surface shall be rubbed down smooth with sand paper and cleaned. It shall then be
given anot her ap plication of gl ue s ize nearl y c old. T he s ized w ood w ork s hall agai n be rub bed do wn
smoothly w ith fine s and pap er and c leaned. T he s urface s hall b e pe rfectly dry an d a ll dus t s hall be
removed not onl y from t he surface but also from the edges and joints before varnishing is commenced. If
the wood w ork is to be s tained, t he s taining c olour shall be mixed with t he s econd c oat o f the s ize w hich
must be applied evenly and quickly keeping the colour on the flow.

Any joining up with work already dry will show badly. The object of application of the glue size is to
seal the pores in wood to prevent absorption of the oil in the varnish.

Glue s izing is inad visable on f loors, table tops and o ther ho rizontal s urfaces likely to c arry w et
household untensils which are likely to disturb the size coatings and thus expose bare wood.

Where glue sizing is omitted to be done the rate for the work shall be suitably reduced.

(b) Transparent Wood Filler Coat : Where instead of glue sizing, transparent wood filler application
is stipulated in the item, then the surface prepared as described in shall be given as
application of the filler with brush or rag in s uch a way t hat t he filler fills up all the pores and i ndentations
and levels up the surface. It shall be allowed to dry for 24 hours. Then it shall be cut and rubbed with
emery paper so that the surface of the wood is laid bare, with the filler only in the pores and crevices of
the wood. Application of Varnish : The num ber of c oats t o be appl ied s hall be as s tipulated i n t he
description of the item.

The u ndercoat s hall b e with a f latting v arnish. T his dri es h ard a nd bri ttle a nd w hen cut a nd r ubbed
down t o produce a s mooth s urface enhan ces t he gloss of t he f inishing v arnish. T he t op c oat s hall be
given with stipulated brand of finishing varnish.

The v arnish s hall be applied liberally w ith a f ull b rush and spread ev enly w ith s hort l ight s trokes t o
avoid f rothing. I f t he w ork i s v ertical t he v arnish s hall be c rossed and rec rossed and t hen l aid of f, l atter
being f inished on t he u pstrokes so t hat v arnish, as i t s ets, f lows do wn and e liminates bru sh m arks, t he
above process will c onstitute one coat. I f t he surface i s horizontal, v arnish s hall be w orked i n every
direction, w ith l ight qui ck strokes and f inish i n one def inite d irection s o t hat i t w ill s et w ithout s howing
brush marks, i n handl ing and appl ying v arnish c are should be taken t o av oid f orming froth o r ai r bubbl es.
Brushes and containers shall be kept scrupulously clean.

Rubbing d own an d f latting the s urface s hall be done after e ach c oat e xcept the f inal c oat w ith fine
sand paper.

The w ork s hall be al lowed t o dry aw ay f rom droug hts and dam p ai r. T he f inished s urface s hall t hen
present a uniform appearance and fine glossy surface free from streaks, blister etc.

Any varnish lef t over in the sm all co ntainer shall not be po ured ba ck into the sto ck tin , as it w ill
render the latter unfit for use.

Special fine haired varnishing brushes shall be used and not ordinary Paint brushes. Brushes shall be
well worn and perfectly clean. Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as they are applicable.

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13.37.3 Varnishing on Old Surface Preparation of Surface : If the old varnished surface is firm and sound it shall be cleaned of
grease and dirt with turpentine and then rubbed with wet sand paper until the surface is clean and smooth.
It shall be dried and wiped clean with a soft cloth. Knots, holes and cracks shall be stopped as specified in The entire surface shall then be rubbed down smooth with sand paper and wiped clean.

If the old v arnished surface is peeled or c racked then it w ill be nec essary to remove the entire
varnish as des cribed i n p ara 13. 41 an d s uch removal s hall be pai d f or s eparately out side t he rate f or
varnishing. Further the varnishing itself will have to be done like new work and will be paid for as such. Application : The s pecification s hall be s ame as des cribed i n 13 .37.2.3 as f ar as app licable
except that the coats to be applied will be with the stipulated quality of varnish for finishing coat. Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as they are applicable.


13.38.1 Pure s hellac c onforming t o IS 1 6 v arying from pale o range to l emon y ellow colour, free from
resin o r di rt s hall b e di ssolved in m ethylated spirit at the r ate of 1 40 g m of shellac to 1 litre of s pirit.
Suitable pi gment s hall be added t o get the required s hade. R eady made pol ish c onforming to I S 348 can
also be used.

13.38.2 Polishing New Surface Preparation of Surface : The s urface shall be cleaned. A ll une venness shall be r ubbed do wn
smooth with sand paper and well dusted. Knots if visible shall be covered with a preparation of red lead
and gl ue s ize l aid on w hile hot . H oles and i ndentations on the s urface s hall be s topped w ith gl azier’s
putty. T he s urface s hall t hen b e gi ven a coat of w ood f iller m ade by m ixing w hiting (ground c halk) i n
methylated s pirit at the r ate of 1. 5 K g of w hiting p er litre of s pirit. T he s urface s hall a gain b e r ubbed
down perfectly smooth with glass paper and wiped clean. Application : The number of coats of polish to be applied shall be as described in the item.

A pad of woollen cloth covered by a fine cloth shall be used to apply the polish. The pad shall be
moistened with t he pol ish and r ubbed hard on the wood, i n a series of ov erlapping c ircles appl ying t he
mixture sparingly but uniformly over the entire area to give an even level surface. A trace of linseed oil on
the face of the pad facilitates this operation. The surface shall be allowed to dry and the remaining coats
applied in the same way. To finish off, the pad shall be covered with a fresh piece of clean fine cotton
cloth s lightly da mped with m ethylated spirit and r ubbed l ightly and q uickly w ith circular m otions. The
finished surface shall have a uniform texture and high gloss. Measurements, Rate and other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as they are

13.38.3 Polishing Old Surface Preparation of Surface : If the old p olished surface is not much soiled it shall b e cleaned of
grease and dirt by rubbing with turpentine and then rubbed with fine sand paper.

If t he ol d p olished s urface i s m uch soiled t hen i t will be necessary t o r emove t he e ntire p olish a s
described in 13.41 a nd s uch r emoval shall b e p aid f or s eparately o utside t he r ate o f p olishing. F urther
the polishing itself will have to do done like new work and will be paid for as such.
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Vol-2 , 2013 Application : The specifications shall be same as described in as far as applicable. Measurements, Rate and other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as they are


13.39.1 The pol ishing s hall be done with bees w axing pr epared locally or with ready m ade w ax pol ish of
approved brand and manufacture, as stipulated in the description of item.

Where bees waxing is to be prepared locally, the following specifications for the same shall apply.

Pure bees wax free from paraffin or stearine adulterants shall be used. Its specific gravity shall be
0.965 to 0.969 and m elting point s hall b e 63 degree C . The polish s hall b e pre pared f rom a m ixture of
bees wax, linseed oil, turpentine and varnish in the ratio of 2 : 1.5 : 1 : 0.5 by weight.

The bees wax and boi led linseed oil shall be heat ed over a s low fire. When the wax is completely
dissolved the mixture shall be cooled till it is just warm and turpentine and varnish added to it in the
required proportions and the entire mixture shall be well stirred.

13.39.2 Waxing New Surface Preparation of Surface : Preparation o f surface s hall be as d escribed in 13 .37.2.1 w ith the
exception t hat k notting, holes and cracks shall be stopped w ith a mixture of fine s aw dus t f ormed of the
wood being treated, beaten up with sufficient bees wax to give it cohesion. Application : The polish shall be applied ev enly with a clean soft pad of cotton cloth in s uch a
way t hat t he surface i s c ompletely an d fully c overed. The surface i s t hen rubbed continuously for hal f an

When the s urface is quite dry, a s econd c oat s hall be applied in the same m anner and rubbed
continuously for one hour or until the surface is dry.

The final c oat s hall t hen b e applied an d rubbed for two h ours ( more i f nec essary) until the surface
has assumed a uniform gloss and is dry, showing no sign of stickiness.

The f inal p olish depends, l argely o n t he am ount o f r ubbing w hich should b e c ontinuous and w ith
uniform pressure with frequent changes in the direction. Other details shall be as specified in 13.23 as far as they are applicable.

13.39.3 Waxing Old Surfaces Preparation of Surface : The w ood w ork shall be c leaned o f all s moke and grease by
washing with lime water. The surface shall then be washed with soap and completely dried. Then it shall be
prepared smooth as specified in Application : The pol ish s hall be appl ied i n t he m anner s pecified i n 13. 39.2.2. I n this c ase
one or t wo coats shall be applied as necessary to g et uniform gl oss, i nstead of three coats i n the case of
new work. Other details shall be as specified in 13.22 as far as they are applicable.
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13.40.1 Black, Colour Paint (conforming to IS 2932) or ready mixed Paint as ordered by the Engineer-in-
Charge s hall be us ed. T he P aint s hall be of a pproved br and a nd m anufacture. O rdinary ready m ixed
Paint shall be of the shade required by the Engineer-in-Charge.

13.40.2 Lettering on New Surface Application : The letters and figures s hall b e to the he ights a nd w idth as or dered b y the
Engineer-in-Charge. These shall be s tenciled or d rawn i n penc il and got app roved be fore pai nting. They
shall be of un iform size a nd f inished neatly. The e dges shall be straight or i n pleasant s mooth c urves.
The thickness of the lettering shall be as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Lettering shall be vertical or
slanting as required.

Two or more coats of Paint shall be applied till uniform colour and glossy finish are obtained. Measurements : Measurements shall be taken in terms of letter cm (the measurement relates to
the vertical height of the lettering). The letter heights shall be measured correct to a cm.

Dots, dashes, punctuations and other similar marks or lines shall not be measured for payment.

In Devanagari Script Dots & Matras occurring with the letters shall not be measured. Half letter shall be
measured as full letter. The height of letters shall be measured excluding the Matras projecting above the
heading and matras below the letters. Rate : Rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials involved in the operations
described above. The rate per cm height of letter shall hold good irrespective of the width of the letters or
figures or the thickness of the lettering.

The s ame rat e w ill ap ply i rrespective of w hether bl ack J apan or ready m ixed Paint o f any s hade as
required is used.

13.40.3 Relettering on Old Surface Painting s hall be d one ov er th e e xisting lett ers and sh all a ccurately fol low th eir li nes an d

One or more coat of Paints shall be applied till a uniform colour and glossy finish is obtained. Measurements and Rate shall be as specified under 13.40.2.


13.41.1 With Patent Paint Remover Patent P aint r emovers s hall c onsist of v olatile org anic l iquids thickened w ith w axes a nd ot her
ingredients t o retard t he evaporation of t he liquid and t o en able a substantial l ayer of remover to be
applied to the surface. The Paint remover shall be of a br and and manufacture approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge. I t s hall be f ree f rom al kaline matter and non -caustic s o t hat it c an be handl ed by
workmen without injury. It shall be of non inflammable quality as far as possible. Application : Paint remover s hall be us ed w here b urning of f w ith blow lamp i s no t suitable.
The Paint remover shall be applied liberally with a brush and allowed to remain on the surface for a
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period depending on the particular brand of remover used and on the thickness of the Paint coating to be
removed. When the Paint film lifts and wrinkles under the action of the remover it shall be stripped with a
sharp i nstrument. If t he film i s not t horoughly r emoved a s econd c oat o f remover may be appl ied i f
necessary over such patches and then the film thoroughly scrapped.

After t he surface h as b een s tripped, i t shall b e washed d own with mineral t urpentine t o re move a ll
traces of par affin w ax, which f orms one of t he i ngredients of pat ent P aint r emover and w hich i f l eft in
place will prevent the Paint from drying.

The cleaned surface shall be suitably prepared for application of Paint or other finish. Precautions : Where the Paint rem over us ed is o f t he i nflammable t ype, s uitable prec aution
against risk of fire shall be taken.

Neighbouring pai nted s urfaces w hich a re not to be t reated should be pr operly protected from c ontact
with Paint remover. Preparation of Surface : The surface shall then be prepared as described in 13.24.2. Measurements : Specification for 13.23.6 shall hold good. Rate : Rate shall include the cost of all labour and m aterials involved in all operations
described above. Other details shall be as specified 13.23 as far as possible.

13.41.2 With Caustic Soda Solution Application : Caustic soda dissolved with 48 t imes its volume of water shall be applied to the
old Paint with a brush and when the Paint film lifts and wrinkles it shall be thoroughly scrapped of in the
same w ay as d escribed in A fter the surface h as b een s tripped thoroughly, i t s hall be ri nsed
with s everal c hances o f clean w ater to remove al l t races o f al kali, w hich i f a llowed to remain a re l iable to
spoil t he n ew P aint applied over i t. A l ittle acetic acid o r vinegar a dded t o t he f inal change of rinsing
water helps to neutralize any remaining alkali. Precautions : Caustic soda as its name implies is a corrosive liquid and care should be taken to
see that no liquid spills over the skin or clothing. Preparation of Surface, Measurements, Rate and other details shall be as specified under

13.41.3 With Blow Lamp The P aint s hall be removed either w ith a b low l amp o r w ith an a iracetylene e quipment. T he
flame shall be allowed to play upon the Paint just enough to soften it without charring either the Paint or the
background. The s oftened P aint shall t hen be r emoved w ith a s tripping knife f ollowing the flame a s i t i s
moved up the surface.

Burning off shall begin at the bottom of the vertical surface and shall proceed upwards. Precautions : Removal with blow lamp shall not be done on narrow or carved under cut
surfaces or w here there i s r isk o f da mage to neighbouring materials such a s panes i n g lazed
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Vol-2 , 2013 Preparation of surface, Measurements, Rate and other details shall be as described under

Neighbouring pai nted s urfaces w hich a re not to be t reated should be pr operly protected from c ontact
with Paint remover.


13.42.1 Scaffolding shall be as specified in 13.1.1.

13.42.2 Preparation of surface shall be as specified in 13.1.2 and 13.4.2.

13.42.3 Materials Stone chippings obtained by crushing hard stone shall be free of dust and deleterious
material. 10 m m no minal size s tone chippings, where s pecified, s hall pass 100% t hrough 12. 5 mm sieve
and f ully ret ained o n 6. 3 mm s ieve. Stone c hippings s hall be t horoughly washed w ith water an d s ieved
before use. Mortar : Cement mortar for under coat and cement mortar to be mixed with stone chippings for
top coat shall be as specified in 3.5.

13.42.4 Application of Plaster 12 mm Under Coat : Under coat of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) shall be
applied as specified in 13.1.3 except that the finishing, after the mortar has been brought to level with the
wooden straight ed ge, s hall be done with wooden f loat o nly. The s urface s hall be further r oughened by
furrowing with a scratching tool. Furrowing shall be done diagonally both ways and s hall be ab out 2 mm
deep to provide a key for the top coat. The scratched lines shall not be more than 10 cm apart. The surface
shall be kept wet till top coat is applied. 15 mm Top Coat : Top c oat c omprising c ement m ortar and s tone c hippings s hall hav e an
overall proportion of 1:0.5:2 (1 cement : 0.5 coarse sand : 2 stone chippings 10 mm nominal size) or as
specified. The top coat shall be applied a day or two after the under coat has taken the initial set. The
surface of the under coat shall be cleaned and a coat of cement slurry at 2 kg of cement per sqm shall be
applied before the application of coat. The top coat shall be applied in uniform thickness on the under coat
after the application of slurry and sufficiently pressed with wooden float for proper bonding with the under
coat. Vacant space, if any shall be filled with the specified mix.

13.42.5 Finish
The top c oat of pl aster s hall be finished to a true an d pl umb s urface. The s urface shall be tested
frequently as t he work p roceeds w ith a tru e str aight e dge n ot le ss t han 2 .5 m l ong an d w ith pl umb
bobs. A ll hor izontal lines and s urfaces s hall be tested w ith a level a nd a ll jambs and c orners w ith a
plumb bob as the work proceeds. All the corners angles and junctions shall be truly vertical or
horizontal as the case may be. Rounding or chamfering of corners junctions e tc. Where required
shall be true to template.

Finished s urface o f t he t op coat a fter t he mix has t aken the i nitial set, shall b e scrubbed an d washed
with s uitable b rushes an d pl ain w ater. S crubbing and w ashing s hall c ontinue t ill t he s tone c hippings a re
sufficiently ex posed. Stone c hippings which m ay c ome out w hile s crubbing s hall be rep laced us ing t he
specified mortar mix. A sample of the washed s tone grit pl aster s hall be got approved from the Engineer-
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13.42.6 Grooves
Grooves of size 15 mm x 15 m m or as specified shall be pr ovided as shown on t he drawing or as
required by the E ngineer-in-Charge. T apered w ooden ba ttens to m atch the s ize and s hape of the
grooves shall be fixed on the under coat with nails before the application of the top coat and these shall be
removed carefully s o that t he edges o f the pan els o f top coat a re not dam aged. D amage, if an y, shall b e
made good by the contractor.

13.42.7 Curing
Curing shall be started 24 hours after finishing the plaster. The plaster shall be kept wet for a period of
seven d ays. D uring this per iod, it shall be s uitably pr otected from a ll dam ages a t the contractor’s
expense by such means as the Engineer-in-Charge may approve.

13.42.8 Measurements Length and breadth shall be measured correct to the nearest cm and the area shall be
calculated in sqm correct to two places of decimal. Measurements shall be taken for the work actually done with deductions for all openings and
addition for all j ambs s offits and s ills. However, no deduction i s t o be made for t he grooves provided as
specified in 13.42.6. Washed stone grit plaster on c ircular surfaces not exceeding 6 m in radius and on external
surfaces at a height greater than 10 m shall be measured separately.

13.42.9 Rates
The rates s hall include the cost of al l labour an d materials involved in al l the operations de scribed
above ex cept f or p roviding gr ooves. T he l ength of gr ooves shall be m easured i n r unning m etres a nd
paid for separately.


13.43.1 Scaffolding shall be as specified in 13.11.

13.43.2 Preparation of surface shall be as specified in 13.1.2 and 13.4.2.

13.43.3 Materials Premixed l ight w eight pl asters e ssentially consist o f retarded he mihydrate g ypsum pl aster and
light weight aggregate which are characterized by low density, high thermal insulation and sound
absorption pr operties. O ther ad ditions m ay b e i ncorporated to i mpart de sired properties. The ph ysical
and chemical requirements shall conform to IS 2547 (Pt. II). The m inimum recommended water-premixed plaster ratio i s 1:2 as per s tandard pr actice or
as recommended by the manufacturers.

13.43.4 Application of Plaster Application of plaster shall be as specified in to

13.43.5 Thickness
Where t he t hickness required, as per des cription of t he i tem i s 12 m m, t he average t hickness of t he
plaster shall not be less than 12 mm whether wall treated is of brick/block/RCC work.

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13.43.6 Finish
The plaster shall be finished as specified in 13.1.7.

13.43.7 Measurement
Measurement of plaster shall be as specified in to

13.43.8 Rate
Rate shall include the cost of all labour & material involved in all the operations described above.

Sub Head 14.0 Deleted

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Clause No. Brief Description Page No.
List of Bureau of Indian Standards Codes 048

15.0 Terminology 049

15.1 General 049

15.2 Recommendations for Demolition of Certain Special Types and 050

Elements of Structures

15.3 Measurements 051

15.4 Rates 054

Fig. 15.1 Demolition of Jack Arches 055

Fig. 15.2 Demolition of Masonry and Brickwork Arches 056

Fig. 15.3 Hand Demolition of In-Situ Concrete Structure 057


Sl. No. IS No. Subject

1. IS 1200 (Pt - XVIII) Method of Measurements of Building and Civil Engineering Works
(Part -XVIII) Demolition and Dismantling

2. IS 4130 Demolition of Buildings-Code of Safety

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(i) Dismantling: The term ‘Dismantling’ implies carefully separating the parts without damage and
removing. This may consist of dismantling one or more parts of the building as specified or
shown on the drawings.
(ii) Demolition : The t erm ‘ Demolition’ implies breaking up. T his s hall c onsist of dem olishing w hole
or part of work including all relevant items as specified or shown on the drawings.

This chapter relates to buildings only.

15.1.1 Precautions All m aterials obtained f rom d ismantling or dem olition s hall be the p roperty of the Government
unless otherwise specified and shall be kept in safe custody until they are handed over to the Engineer in-
Charge/ authorized representative. The demolition s hall always be well planned before hand and shall g enerally be done i n reverse
order of the one in which the structure was constructed. The operations shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge before starting the work.

Due care shall be taken to maintain the safety measures prescribed in IS 4130. Necessary propping, shoring and or un der pinning shall be p rovided to ensure the safety of the
adjoining w ork or property bef ore di smantling and demolishing i s t aken up and t he w ork s hall be c arried
out in s uch a w ay that no d amage is c aused to the a djoining w ork o r pr operty. W herever s pecified,
temporary enc losures o r par titions and nec essary s caffolding with s uitable dou ble s caffolding and pr oper
cloth covering shall also be provided, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Necessary pr ecautions s hall be t aken t o keep noi se and dus t nui sance t o t he minimum. A ll
work needs t o b e done u nder t he di rection of Engineer-in-Charge. Helmets, go ggle, s afety b elts etc.
should be used whenever required and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

The demolition w ork shall be proceeded with i n s uch a w ay t hat it c auses the least damage and
nuisance to the adjoining building and the public. Dismantling shall be done in a systematic manner. All materials which are likely to be damaged by
dropping f rom a he ight or by demolishing r oofs, m asonry etc. s hall b e c arefully r emoved f irst. C hisels a nd
cutters may be used carefully as directed. The dismantled articles shall be removed manually or otherwise,
lowered to the ground (and not thrown) and then properly stacked as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Where existing fixing is done by nails, screws, bolts, rivets, etc., dismantling shall be done by
taking out the fixing with proper tools and not by tearing or ripping off. Any s erviceable m aterial, obt ained dur ing di smantling o r de molition, s hall be separated out and
stacked pr operly as di rected by t he E ngineer-in-Charge w ithin a l ead of 50 m etres. A ll uns erviceable
materials, rubbish etc. shall be disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The c ontractor s hall m aintain/disconnect existing s ervices, w hether temporary o r p ermanent,
where required by the Engineer-in-Charge. No demolition work should be carried out at night especially when the building or structure t o be
demolished is in an inhabited area.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Screens shall be placed where necessary to prevent injuries due to falling pieces. Water may be used to reduce dust while tearing down plaster from brick work. Safety bel ts shall be us ed b y l abourers w hile w orking at hi gher level to prevent f alling from the
structure. First-aid equipment shall be got available at all demolition works of any magnitude.



15.2.1 Roof Trusses

If a b uilding has a p itched r oof, the r oof s tructure should be r emoved to w all p late level by han d
method. S ufficient pur lins and br acing s hould be retained t o ens ure stability o f the remaining r oof t russes
while each individual truss is removed progressively. Temporary bracing s hould be add ed, w here nec essary, t o m aintain s tability. T he end f rame
opposite to the end where dismantling is commenced, or a convenient i ntermediate frame should be
independently and securely guyed in both directions before work starts. On no ac count should the bottom tie of roof trusses be c ut until the principal rafters are
prevented from making outward movement.

15.2.3 Heavy Floor Beams

Heavy bul ks of t imber an d s teel beam s s hould be s upported bef ore c utting at t he ex tremities and
should then be lowered to a safe working place.

15.2.4 Jack Arches

Where tie rods are present between main supporting beams, these should not be cut until after the arch or
series of arches in the floor have been removed. Particular care should be exercised and full examination of this
type o f structure under taken be fore dem olition i s commenced ( see F ig. 15.1). The floor should be
demolished in strips parallel to the span of the arch. rings (at right angles to the main floor beams).

15.2.5 Brick Arches Expert advice s hould be obt ained and at all stages of the dem olition, the closest supervision
should be g iven by per sons fully ex perienced and c onversant in the type o f w ork to ens ure that the
structure is stable at all times. As much dead load as possible may be removed provided it does not interfere with the stability of
the main arch rings but it should be noted that the load-carrying capacity of many old arches relies on the
filling between the spandrels. On no account should the restraining influence of the abutments be
removed before the dead load of the spandrel fill and the arch rings are removed. The normal sequence of demolition is as shown in Fig. 15.2-A, namely:

(a) Remove spandrel in filling down to the springing line,
(b) Remove the arch. rings and
(c) Remove the abutment. Special temporary support shall be provided in the case of skew bridges. A single span a rch. can be de molished b y hand b y c utting nar row segments p rogressively from
each springing parallel to the span of the arch until the width of the arch has been reduced to a minimum
which can then be collapsed (see Fig. 15.2B).
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Vol-2 , 2013 Where i t i s i mpossible t o allow debris t o f all t o t he gr ound b elow, centering designed t o c arry
the load should be erected and the arch demolished progressively. The design of the centering should
make appropriate allowance for impact. Where del iberate c ollapse is f easible t he crown may b e brok en by the dem olition bal l m ethod
working progressively from edges to the centre (see Fig. 15.2C). Collapse of t he struc ture c an b e eff ected in o ne a ction b y th e u se of e xplosives. Charges

should be inserted into boreholes drilled in both arch and abutments. This method is the most effective for
demolition of tall viaducts. In multi-span arches before individual spans are removed, lateral restraint should be provided at
the springing level. Demolition may then proceed as for a s ingle span, care b eing taken to dem olish the
spandrels down to the springing line as the work proceeds (see Fig. 15.2D). Where explosives are used it
is preferable to ensure the collapse of the whole structure in one operation to obviate the chance of leaving
unstable portions standing.

15.2.6 Cantilevers (Not part of a Framed Structure)

A c antilever t ype of c onstruction depends f or i ts stability on t he s uper imposed s tructure. C anopies,
cornices, staircases and balconies should be demolished or supported before the tailing down load is removed.

15.2.7 In-situ Reinforced Concrete Before c ommencing de molition, t he n ature a nd c ondition of t he c oncrete, t he c ondition a nd

position of reinforcement, and the possibility of lack of continuity of reinforcement should be ascertained. Attention should be paid to the principles of the structural design to determine which parts of the
structure depend on each other to maintain overall stability. Demolition s hould be commenced by removing pa rtitions and ex ternal no n-load bea ring
cladding. It should be noted that in some buildings the frame may rely on the panel walls for stability. Where hard demolition methods are to be used, the following procedures should be used.
(a) Reinforced Concrete Beams
For bea ms, a s upporting rope s hould be a ttached to the bea m. T hen the c oncrete s hould be
removed from both ends by pneumatic drill and the reinforcement exposed. The reinforcement
should then be cut in such a way as to allow the beam to be lowered under control to the floor
(see Fig. 15.3A).
(b) Reinforced Concrete Columns
For c olumns, t he reinforcement s hould be exposed at the base after restraining wire guy ropes
have been pl aced round the m ember at t he t op. The rei nforcement should then be c ut i n such a
way as to al low th e col umn to b e p ulled do wn to the flo or u nder co ntrol. (see F ig. 15. 3B f or
sequence of operations).
(c) Reinforced Concrete Walls
Reinforced concrete walls should be cut into strips and demolished as for columns (Fig. 15.3C).


15.3.1 All work shall be measured net in the decimal system, as fixed in its place, subject to the following
limits, unless otherwise stated hereinafter.
(a) Dimensions shall be measured correct to a cm.
(b) Areas shall be worked out in sqm correct to two places of decimal.
(c) Cubical contents shall be worked out to the nearest 0.01 cum.

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15.3.2 Parts of w ork required t o be di smantled and t hose required to be de molished s hall be m easured

15.3.3 Measurements of all work except hidden work shall be taken before demolition or dismantling and no
allowance for increase in bulk shall be allowed.

15.3.4 Specifications for deduction for voids, openings etc. shall be on the same basis as that adopted for
new construction of the work.

15.3.5 Work executed in the following conditions shall be measured separately.

(a) Work in or under water and/or liquid mud
(b) Work in or under foul position.

15.3.6 Roofs
(i) Roof coverings generally including battens boarding, mats, bamboo jaffari or other subsidiary
supports shall be measured in square metres except lead sheet roof covering which shall be
measured in quintals (15.2.3) and stone slab roof covering which shall be measured in cubic
(ii) R idges, hi ps and v alleys s hall be girthed and included w ith t he r oof a rea. C orrugated or semi
corrugated surfaces shall be measured flat and not girthed.
(iii) Mud phuska on roofs shall be measured in cubic metres.
(iv) Lead s heets i n roofs s hall be m easured i n quintals and hi ps, v alleys, f lashings, l ining t o gutter
etc. shall be included in this weight.
(v) R.B. or R.C.C. roofs shall be measured as specified in 15.3.11.
(vi) Supporting members, such as rafters, purlins, beams joists, trusses etc. of wood shall be
measured in cubic metres and steel or iron sections, in quintals.

15.3.7 Ceiling
(i) The stripping of ceilings shall be measured in square metres.
(ii) Dismantling of supporting joists, beams, etc. shall be measured in cubic metres or in quintals as
specified in 15.3.6(vi).
(iii) Height above floor level, if it exceeds 3.5 m shall be paid for separately.

15.3.8 Flooring and Pavings

Dismantling of floors (except concrete and brick floors) shall be measured in square metres.
Supports s uch a s joints, be ams etc. if any s hall b e measured a s per 15.3.6(vi). C oncrete an d b ricks
paving shall be measured as per 15.3.9.

15.3.9 Concrete and Brick Roofs and Suspended Floors

Demolition of floors and r oofs of c oncrete or brick s hall be measured in c ubic metres. Beams
cantilevers or other subsidiary supports of similar materials, s hall be i ncluded i n t he i tem. I n m easuring
thickness of r oofs pr ovide w ith w ater pr oofing tr eatments w ith bitumen f elts, th e t hickness of w ater
proofing treatment shall be ignored.

15.3.10 Walls and Piers

(i) Taking down walls and independent piers or columns of brick, stone or concrete shall be
measured, in cubic metres. All copings, corbels, cornices and other projections shall be included
with the wall measurements.
(ii) In measuring thickness of plastered walls, the thickness of plaster shall be ignored.
(iii) A shlar f ace s tones, d ressed s tone w ork, pre-cast c oncrete articles, et c. i f required t o be t aken
down intact shall be so stated and measured separately in cubic metres.
(iv) Cleaning bricks stacking for measurements including all extra handling and removal and
disposing off the rubbish as stated shall be enumerated in thousand of cleaned bricks.
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(v) Cleaning stone obtained from demolished/dismantling stone masonry of any description including
ashlar facing dressed stone work, stone slabs or flagging and pre-cast concrete blocks including
all extra handling and disposing off the rubbish as stated shall be measured in cubic metres of
cleaned stone.
(vi) Honey comb works or cavity walls of bricks stone or concrete shall be measured as solid.

15.3.11 Reinforced Concrete and Brick Work

Reinforced concrete st ructures and r einforced brick r oofs and w alls s hall be measured i n c ubic
metres and if reinforcement is required to be salvaged, it shall be so stated.

Where reinforcement i s required to be s eparated, scraped and c leaned, the work s hall be measured
separately in quintal of salvaged steel.

15.3.12 Partitions, Trellis Work etc.

Partitions or light w alls, of lath an d pl aster, trellis work, e xpanded m etal, thin c oncrete or terracota
slabs and other similar materials including frame work if any shall be measured in square metres stating the
over all thickness.

15.3.13 Wood Work

All w ood work i ncluding karries a verage 4 0 sq cm o r o ver i n s ection, shall be m easured i n cubic
metres, w hile t hat under 40 s q c m i n s ection, in running m etres. B allies s hall be m easured i n running

Boarding including wooden c hajjas and sun s hades al ong with s upports s hall be m easured in s quare
metres in its plane.

15.3.14 Steel and Iron Work

(i) A ll steel and iron work shall be m easured in quintals. The w eight shall be c omputed from
standard tables unless the actual weight can readily be determined.
(ii) Riveted work, where rivets are required to be cut, shall be measured separately.
(iii) Marking of structural steel required to be re-erected shall be measured separately.
(iv) In framed steel items, the weight or any covering material or filling such as iron sheets and
expanded metal shall be included in the weight of the main article unless such covering is not
ordered to be taken out separately.

15.3.15 Doors and Windows

Dismantling of doo rs, windows, c lerestory windows, v entilators et c. (w ood or m etal) whether done
separately or alo ng w ith removal of w all by m aking recess in the w all shall be en umerated. T hose
exceeding 3 sqm each in area shall be measured separately. The item shall include removal of
chowkhats architraves, holdfasts and other attachments.

If only shutters are to be taken out it shall be measured separately.

15.3.16 Pipes and Sewer Lines

(i) Water pipe lines including rain water pipes with clamps and specials, sewer lines (salt glazed
ware or concrete) etc. shall be described by their diameter and length measured in running
metres inclusive of joints.
(ii) If the joints, special and fittings etc. a re r equired to b e separated, i t shall be s o s tated and
(iii) Pucca drains shall be measured under relevant items.
(iv) Valve cistern, public fountain platform, fire hydrants, etc. shall be enumerated.
(v) Manholes and inspection chambers shall be enumerated stating the size and depth of
manhole/inspection c hamber. T hey s hall be classified i nto d ifferent group s depending u pon t he
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depth, in un it o f ha lf and one m etre dept h. T he dep th o f the m anhole s hall be the d istance
between the top of manhole cover and invert level of the drain.
(vi) V entilating s hafts, gu lly traps, flushing c isterns and o ther a ppurtenant i tems o f w ork s hall be

15.3.17 Posts or Struts

Posts or struts (wood, steel or RCC) section including taking out embedded portion shall be
measured in running metres.

15.3.18 Fencing Wire Mesh

Wire mesh fencing of any type with frame shall be measured in square metres.

15.3.19 Glazing
Taking out any por tion of s erviceable gl ass ex cept pol ished pl ate, from o ld sashes, s kylights, e tc.
(any thickness, weight or size) raking out old putty, etc. shall be measured in square metres.

Irregular c ircular panes s hall be measured a s r ectangle o r s quare e nveloping t he s ame. T he width
and height being measured correct to the nearest 0.5 cm.

15.3.20 Road Work

(i) Different types of road surfaces shall be measured separately.
(ii.) R oad s urfaces m etalling or s oling ( base) s hall be m easured in s quare m etres.
(iii) Concrete paving shall be measured as in 15.3.8 or 15.3.9 as the case may be.

15.4 RATES
The ra te s hall i nclude t he c ost of a ll l abour i nvolved and t ools us ed i n de molishing and d ismantling
including scaffolding. The rate shall also include the charges for separating out and stacking the
serviceable material properly and disposing off unserviceable material within a distance of 50 metres.

The rat e s hall al so i nclude f or t emporary s horing f or t he s afety of p ortions n ot requi red t o be pu lled
down, or of adjoining property, and providing temporary enclosures or partitions, where considered

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Sub Head : Dismantling and Demolition

Clause : 15.2.4

Tie Rod

Remove all Arches before

Cutting Tie Rod

Fig. 15.1 : Demolition of Jack Arches

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Sub Head : Dismantling and Demolition

Clause : 15.2.4 and 15.2.5

(1) S Pandrel


Fig . 15.2A

Edge of Arch Arch Demolishing in

Approx 230 mm Strips


Edge o f

Temporary C entering Deliberate C ollapse

as Necessary for Centre 1.0 m Strip

Fig . 15.2B

Demolishing Arch at Crown

Working from Edge Edge of A rch
of Arch to Centre


Provide Lateral Restraint before

Intermediate Span is Demolished
Edge of Arch

Fig . 15.2C Fig . 15.2D

No te : Order of Demolition
Fig. 15.2 : Demolition of Masonry and Brickwork Arches

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Sub Head : Dismantling and Demolition

Clause :

Rope Securely Restraining Rope 'Y'

Cut 2 Tied Around Beam (in opposite Direction
to Pulling Rope)
A Cut 3 B Rope Securely
Beam Tied to Top
of Col.
Cut 1 Col. Column
Cut 4 A Pulling Rope 'X'
Floor Level

Cut 1 Required Direction of Fall

Col. Beam in Lowered Position

15.3A : R.C. Be a m s 15.3B : R.C. Colu m n s

Restraining Rope 'Y'

Pulling Rope 'X'

Slots c ut on
this Line (2)
Single Storey No person on this side of Wall
Approx 1.0m Wide

 Remove Conc. (3)


15.3C : R.C. Wa lls

Fig. 15.3 : Hand Demolition of In-Situ Concrete Structure

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58 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

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Clause No. Brief Description Page No.
List of Mandatory Tests 63

List of Bureau of Indian Standards Codes and IRC Standards 66

16.0 Terminology 68

16.1 Materials 68

16.2 Sub-Grade : Preparation and Consolidation 76

16.3 Sand PadFoundation and Embankment Construction 77

16.4 Supplying and Stacking of Materials 79

16.5 Earthwork in Road Construction 79

16.6 Embankment Construction (without Optimum Moisture Conditions) 79

16.7 Water Bound Macadam with Stone Aggregate 82

16.8 Water Bound Macadam with Brick Aggregate - DELETED 86

Brick Aggregate)

16.9 Bajri Paths - DELETED 87

16.10 Brick Edging 87

16.11 Scarifying Metalled (Water Bound) Surface 88

16.12 Dry Stone Pitching 88

16.13 Brick Pitching 89

16.14 Cutting W.B.M. Roads and Making Good 89

16.15 Cutting Bajri Paths and Making Good 90

16.16 Fencing with G.I. Barbed Wire and RCC Posts 90

16.17 G.I. Barbed Wire Fencing with Angle Iron Posts 91

16.18 Welded Steel Wire Fabric Fencing with RCC Posts 92

16.19 Engraving Letters in Hard Stones- DELETEED 93

16.20 Boundary Stones (Hard Stone) 93

16.21 Precast RCC Boundary Stone 93

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16.22 Kilometers Stones- DELETED 94

16.23 Surface Dressing on New Surface with Hot Bitumen One Coat 94

16.24 Surface Dressing on New Surface Using Hot Bitumen—Two Coats 94

16.25 Surface Dressing on Old Surface with Hot Bitumen-One Coat 97

16.26 Surface Dressing on New Surface with Bitumen Emulsion-One Coat 97

16.27 Surface Dressing on Old Surface with Bitumen Emulsion-One Coat 97

16.28 Tack Coat of Hot Straight Run Bitumen 98

16.29 Tack Coat with Bitumen—Emulsion 99

16.30 Premix Carpet with Hot Bitumen 99

16.31 Premix Carpet with Bitumen Emulsion 101

16.32 Bituminous Penetration Macadam 102

16.33 Bitumen Mastic Wearing Courses 106

16.34 Bituminous Sheet with Hot Bitumen 112

16.35 Seal Coat 113

16.36 Vaccum Dewatered Cement Concrete Pavement 116

16.37 Cement Concrete Pavement 116

16.38 Hard Crete 125

16.39 Expansion Joint 125

16.40 Construction Procedure 125

16.41 Factory Made Cement Concrete Interlocking Paver Block 126

16.42 Granular Sub Base 128

16.43 Lime Fly Ash Stabilised Soil Sub Base - DELETED 129

16.44 Precast Lime Fly Ash Concrete Blocks - DELETED 129

16.45 Concertina Coil Fencing 130

16.46 Dense Bituminous Macadam 131.

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16.47 Bituminous Macadam 135

16.48 Dense Bituminous Concrete 135

16.49 Retro Reflective Sign Board - DELETED 137

16.50 Retro Reflective Overhead Signage- DELETED 137

16.51 Road Markings Strips- DELETED 137

16.52 Kerb Channel of Cement Concrete- DELETED 137

16.53 75 mm Thick Compacted Bed of Dry Brick Ballast- DELETED 137

16.54 Post Delineators- DELETED 137

16.55 Excavating Holes upto 0.10 cum 137

16.56 Factory Made RCC Pavement Slab 137

16.57 ITEM DELETED 137

16.58 Kerb Stone (Precast) 138

16.59 G.I. Chain Link Fabric Fencing 139

16.60 Supplying and Stacking of Hard Stone (for Stone Pitching) 139

Appendix B Determination of In-Situ Density of Asphaltic Carpet or Bituminous 141

Macadam by Sand Pouring Device

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Fig. 16.9 Barbed Wire Fencing (with RCC Post) 140

Fig. 16.10 Fencing with R.C.C. Post Rails, Pales 141

Fig. 16.12 Kerb & Channel Stones 142

Fig. 16.13 Broad Details of Cooker for Bitumen Mastic in Wearing Courses 143

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Material/work Clause Test Field/ Test Mini- Frequency of Testing
Laboratory procedure mum
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Coarse 16.1.1 1. Lost Angles Laboratory IS 2386 Per 200 m
Aggregate (Part IV)
2. Abrasion Value or IS 2386
Aggregate Impact Value (Part V)
IS 5640
3. Flakiness Index IS 2386
(Part I)
16.1.1 Grading requirement Field IS 2386 Nil Per 100 m
Table 16.2 (Part I)
Fine Aggregate 16.1.2 Deleterious materials Laboratory IS 2386 Nil As required by the
(Part III) Engineer-in-charge
Bitumen 16.1.5 As prescribed in IS 73 Laboratory As Nil As required by the
prescribed Engineer-in-charge
in IS 73
Embankment 16.3.1 1. Moisture content Laboratory IS 2720 Nil 250 m
under (O.M.C. 2. Density Field (Part II) Nil 250 m3
conditions) IS 2720
XXVIII) 3. Control test on borrow Laboratory
(a) Gradation Laboratory IS 2720 Nil One to Two tests per
(Part IV) 8000 m
(b) Plasticity Laboratory IS 2720 Nil -Do-
(Part V)
(c) Proctor Test Laboratory IS 2720 Nil -Do-
(Part VIII)
(d) Deleterious content Laboratory Nil As required by the
Engineer- in- charge
(e) Moisture contents L aboratory IS 2720 Nil 250 m
(Part II)
Bitumen 16.32 1. Binder Field IS 73 Nil As required by the
Penetration Engineer-in-charge.
2. Aggregate Abrasion Laboratory IS 2386 Nil Per 100 m of
impact value or Los (Part IV) aggregate as
Angles Value required by the
3. Flakiness Index Laboratory IS 2386 Nil -Do-
(Part I)
4. Stripping Value Laboratory IS 6241 Nil -Do-
5. Grading of Aggregate Field or IS 2386 Two tests per day
Laboratory (Part I) per plant
Bitumen Mastic 16.33 1. Los Angles Abrasion Laboratory IS 2386 Nil For every 100 m
Wearing Course Value/ Aggregate Impact (Part IV)
2. Flakiness Index Laboratory IS 2386 -Do-
(Part I)
3. Stripping Value Laboratory IS 6241 -Do-
4. Mix Grading Field/ IS 2386 One set of test on
Laboratory (Part I) individual
constituents and
mixed aggregate
from dryer for each
100 tonnes of mix
subject to minimum
of two sets per plant
per day

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dense Bitumen 16.46 1. Quality of Binder Laboratory IS 73 Nil As required
2. Los Angles Abrasion Laboratory IS 2386 Nil 100 m3
Value/ Aggregate impact (Part IV)
3. Stripping Value Laboratory IS 6241 Nil -Do-
4. Water Absorption -Do- IS 2386 -Do- -Do-
(Part III)
5. Flakiness Index -Do- IS 2386 -Do- One test for 100
(Part I) cum.
6. Sieve Analysis for filler -Do- IS 2386 -Do- One test for each
(Part I) consignment subject
to minimum one test
per 5 cum.
7. Mix Grading -Do- IS 2386 -Do- One set of test on
(Part I) individual constituent
and mixed
aggregates from
dryer for each 100
tonnes of mix subject
to a minimum of two
sets per plant per
8. Stability of Mix -Do- ASTM D -Do- Three marshall
1559 specimen per 100
tonnes of mix,
subject to a
minimum of 2 sets
being tested per
plant, per day.
9. Binder Content Field -Do- One test for each
100 tonnes of mix
subject to minimum
of two tests per day
per plant
10. Thickness , Density of Field Appendix -Do- One test of 3
compacted layer ‘B’ samples per 500
Same as above except Test Same as Same as Nil Same as for
No. 6 & 7 above above Asphaltic concrete
Cement 16.37.19 Coars e aggregate - Before approval of
concrete 1. Flakiness Index Laboratory IS 2386 the quarry and every
pavement under (Part I) sub-sequent change
controlled in the source of
conditions supply and one test
per 100 cum.
2. Impact Value -Do- IS 2386 - -Do-
(Part IV)
3. Loss Angles abrasion -Do- -D o- - -Do-
4. Deleterious material -Do- IS 2386 - Before approval of
(Part II) the quarry and at
every subsequent
change in the source
of supply

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. Moisture content -Do- IS 2386 - Regularly as
(Part III) required subject to a
minimum of one test
per day
Fine Aggregate
1. Silt content Field As per - One test per 15 cum.
on Vol. I.
2. Gradation of sand -Do- IS 2386 - -Do-
(Part II)
3. Deleterious material -Do- IS 2386 - Before approval of
(Part II) the quarry and at
every subsequent
change in the source
of supply
4. Moisture content -Do- IS 2386 - Regularly as
(Part III) required subject to a
minimum of two tests
per day
5. Mix Aggregate Field IS 2386 - One test per 15 cum
(Part I) of concrete
6. Flextural strength Laboratory IS 526 - One test consisting
of 8 specimen for 30
cum. of concrete

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Sl. No. IS No. Subject

1. IS 73 Specification for paving bitumen
2. IS 164 Ready mixed paint for road marking
3. IS 217 Specification for cut back bitumen
4. IS 8112 Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland Cement
5. IS 278 Specification for galvanized steel barbed wire for fencing
6. IS 334 Glossary of terms relating to bitumen and tar
7. IS 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for
8. IS 460 Specification for test sieves
9. IS 516 Method of test for strength of concrete
10. IS 702 Specification for industrial bitumen
11. IS 712 Specification for building limes
12. IS 1195 Specification for bitumen mastic for flooring
13. IS 1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
14. IS 1203 Method of testing tar and bituminous material, determination of
15. IS 1205 Method of testing tar and bituminous material determination of
softening paint
16. IS 1208 Method of testing tar and bituminous material determination of
17. IS 1212 Method of testing tar and bituminous material determination of loss
of heating
18. IS 1216 Method of testing tar and bituminous material determination of
solubility in carbon-di-sulphide, trichloroethylene
19. IS 1834 Specification for hot applied sealing compound for joint in concrete
20. IS 1838 (Pt.1) Specification for performed fillers for expansion joint in concrete
pavements and structures
(non extruding and resilient type/ bitumen impregnated fibre)
21. IS 2386 (Pt.I) Method of test for aggregate for concrete particle size and shape
22. IS 2386 (Pt. II) Method of test for aggregate for concrete estimation of deleterious
1963 materials and organic impurities
23. IS 2386 (Pt.III) Method of test for aggregate for concrete specific gravity, density,
voids, absorption and bulking
24. IS 2386 (Pt.IV) Method of test for aggregate for concrete mechanical properties
25. IS 2720 (Pt.V) Method of test for soil: Determination of liquid and plastic limit.
26. IS 2720 (Pt. VII) Methods of test for soils: part VII determination of water content dry
density relation using light compaction
27. IS 2720 (Pt. XXVIII) Method of test for soil: determination of dry density of soils in place,
by sand replacement method
28. IS 3812 Specification for fly ash for use as pozzolana and admixture
29. IS 5317 Specification for bitumen mastic for bridges decking and roads
30. IS 5640 Method of test for determining aggregate impact value of soft coarse
31. IS 6241 Method of test for determination of stripping value of road

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1. IRC 10 Recommended practice for borrow pits for road embankments

constructed by manual operation
2. IRC 29 Specification for bituminous concrete for road pavements
3. IRC 36 Recommended practice for construction of earth embankments for
road works
4. IRC 60 Tentative guidelines for the use of lime flyash concrete as pavement
base of sub base
5. IRC 88 Recommended practice for lime flyash stabilized soil base/ sub base
in pavement construction
6. IRC 107 Tentative specification for bitumen mastic wearing courses

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Asphalt : A natural or artificial mixture in which bitumen is associated with mineral matter. The word
‘Asphalt’ should always be qualified by indication of its origin or nature.

Asphalt Mastic : An intimate mixture of mineral fillers, well graded sand and/or stone chippings with a
hard g rade o f bi tumen, c ooked and l aid hot manually b y m eans of w ooden float. The mixture settles to a
coherent, voidless and impermeable solid or semi-solid mass under normal temperature condition.

Bitumen Grade VG-10, 30: A nonc rystalline s olid o r v iscous material, ha ving adhesive pr operties der ived
from petroleum either by natural or refinery processes and substantially soluble in carbon disulphide.

Bitumen-Cutback : Bitumen, the viscosity of which has been reduced by a volatile dilutent when
blended with kerosene or naptha type dilutent or fuel oil, is called, medium or rapid or slow curing cut
backs respectively.

Bitumen-Emulsion : A l iquid pro duct i n w hich a s ubstantial amount of bitumen i s s uspended i n a f inely
divided c ondition i n an aq ueous m edium c ontaining an em ulsifier and s tabiliser. T he em ulsion i s t ermed
‘Anionic’ w hen t he bi tumen particles a re n egatively c harged a nd t he a queous p hase i s al kaline. T he
emulsion is termed ‘cationic’ when the particles are positively charged and the aqueous phase is acidic.

Bitumen Mastic Filler : Inorganic mineral material all of which will pass through specified IS sieve used in
admixture with solid or semi-solid bituminous material.
CRMB: Crumb R ubber M odified Bitumen is manufactured u sing C rumb R ubber from hea vy v ehicle t yres,
which i s Mechanically Partial de -vulcanized and c hemically t reated. A dditives l ike N atural A sphalt and
Natural R ubber l atex ar e added an d flexed at hi gh t emperature u sing hi gh s hear mixing and c ome with
enhanced properties.
PMB : Polymer Modified Bitumen is manufactured with a specially blended feed, making the binder
homogenous and storage stable. It enhanc es t he key p roperties o f asphalt mixes, i .e. de formation
resistance and fatigue l ife. These i mprovements a re the r esult o f three v ital ph ysical c hanges which the
polymer makes in the conventional binder structure: reduced temperature susceptibility, increased stiffness
modulus and enhanced elasticity
Road tar : A product obtained by treating at high temperature coal tar in such a manner that it conforms to a
specification which defines its suitability for road construction.
Tar : A viscous material having adhes ive pr operties and resulting from the distinctive distillation of certain
type of organic material. The term Tar should be preceded by the name of the material from which it is
produced e.g. coal, shale, peat, vegetable matter and its mode of production shall be indicated.

Flash point : The lowest temperature a t w hich the v apour o f a s ubstance can be ignited in a ir by a
flame under specified conditions of test. The substance itself does not continue to burn.

Tack Coat : It s hall consist o f application o f a s ingle coat o f l ow v iscosity liquid bi tuminous material t o an
existing road surface preparatory to further bituminous construction.


16.1.1 Aggregate Coarse

Coarse aggreg ate a s s pecified i n t he i tem shall be ei ther crushed/broken s tone, c rushed s lag, ov er
burnt brick aggregate or one of the naturally occurring aggregates such as kanker or laterite of suitable
quality as stated hereinafter and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

The stone aggregate s hall conform to the physical requirements set forth i n Table 16.1. The type and
size range of the aggregate shall be specified in the contract.

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TABLE 16.1
Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregate

Sl. No. Type of Constn. Test for W.B.M. Test method Requirements

1. Sub-base Los Angles Abrasion IS 2386 (Pt.IV) 60% max.

value or Aggregate IS 2386 (Pt.IV) *50% max.
impact value IS 5640***
2. Base (a) Los Angles Abrasion IS 2386 (Pt.IV) 50% max.
value or Aggregate IS 2386 (Pt.IV) *40% max.
impact value IS 5640***
(b) Flakiness Index IS 2386 (Pt.I) **15% max.
3. Surface (a) Los Angles Abrasion value IS 2386 (Pt.IV) 40% max.
Course or Aggregate impact value IS 2386 (Pt.IV) 30% max.
(b) Flakiness Index IS 2386 (Pt.I) **15% max.

* Aggregates may satisfy requirements of either of the two tests.

** The requirements of flakiness index shall be enforced only in case of crushed/broken stone and
crushed slag.
*** Aggregates like brick metal, kankar and laterite which get softened in presence of water, shall be
tested for impact value under wet conditions in accordance with IS 5640.

The co arse aggregate shall conform to one o f th e gr adings g iven i n T able 1 6.2 as specified. F or
crushable t ype of a ggregates s uch as bri ck m etal, kankar and laterite, grading shall not be regarded as
very important, but the material should generally be within the specified range.

TABLE 16.2
Grading Requirements of Coarse Aggregate for W.B.M.

Grading Size Range Sieve % by weight

No. Designation passing the sieve

1. 90 mm to 45 mm 125 mm 100
(Suitable for sub base 90 mm 90 - 100
courses of compacted 63 mm 25 - 60
layer of not less than 45 mm 0 - 15
90 mm thickness) 22.4 mm 0 - 5

2. 63 mm to 45 mm 90 mm 100
63 mm 90 - 100
53 mm 25 - 75
45 mm 0 - 15
22.4 mm 0 - 5

3. 53 mm to 22.4 mm 63 mm 100
53 mm 95 - 100
45 mm 65 - 90
22.4 mm 0 - 10
11.2 mm 0 - 5

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Vol-2 , 2013 Brick Aggregate : Brick aggr egate s hall be br oken f rom ov er-burnt and dens e br ick b ats. I t
shall be hom ogeneous i n t exture, roughly c ubical i n s hape, c lean and f ree f rom di rt and ot her f oreign
matter. Crushed or Broken Stone : When c rushed or br oken s tone i s s pecified as t he c oarse
aggregate, it shall be hard, durable and free from excess of flat, elongated, soft, disintegrated particles, dirt
and ot her obj ectionable matter. The t otal quant ity of s uch del eterious m aterial i ncluding c lay l umps, soft
fragment, foreign material etc. shall not exceed 5% of the weight of the aggregate. Crushed Slag : Crushed s lag shall be m ade f rom air-cooled blast furnace slag. It shall be of
angular shape, r easonably uni form in qual ity and de nsity a nd gener ally f ree from t hin, el ongated and s oft
pieces, d irt or o ther ob jectionable m atter. C rushed s lag s hall not w eigh less than 1120 k g per c ubic
metre and the percentage of glossy material in it shall not be in excess of 20. Water absorption of slag
shall not exceed 10% (IS 2386 Pt.III). Kankar : Kankar s hall be t ough, hav ing a bl ue al most opal escent f racture. I t s hall not c ontain
any clay in the cavities between nodules. Laterite : Laterite shall be hard, compact, heavy and of dark colour. The light coloured sandy
laterite as well as those containing much ochreous clay shall be rejected.

16.1.2 Aggregate-Fine
The f ine aggregate shall be t he f raction p assing 2 .8 m m sieve and retained o n 9 0 m icron s ieve. I t
shall consist of crusher run screenings, natural sand or a m ixture of both. These shall be c lean, hard,
durable, uncoated, dry and free from injurious, soft or flaky pieces and organic or deleterious substance.

The contents of organic and deleterious materials shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 16.3.

TABLE 16.3

Uncrushed Crushed
Coal and lignite 1% 1%
Clay lumps 1% 1%
Material passing through 75 microns (I.S.S.) Sieve 3% 3%
Shale 1% 1%

The s um of t he percentages of all del eterious m aterial s hall not ex ceed 5% . T ests for es timation of
deleterious materials and organic impurities shall be done as per IS 2386 (Pt. II).

16.1.3 G.I. Barbed Wire

The barbed wire shall be of galvanised steel as specified and i t shall conform to IS 278. The
sampling c riteria i s g iven in T able 16. 4. T he w ire s hall be m anufactured f rom s teel b y any pro cess a nd
shall not c ontain sulphur and phos phorous ex ceeding 0. 065 p er cent. The gal vanised s teel bar bed w ires
shall be of two types: Type A (Lowa Type) and Type B (Glidden Type).

Type A (Lowa Type) : The barbs shall have four points and s hall be f ormed by twisting two point
wires, each two turns, tightly around both line wires making altogether four complete turns.

Type B (Glidden Type) : The barbs shall have four points and shall be formed by twisting two point
wires, each two turns, tightly around one line wire making altogether four complete turns.

Details of G.I. Barbed wire

The galvanised steel barbed wire shall be of the size designations given in Table 16.4. .
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TABLE 16.4

Size Nominal dia. of wire Mass of Distance No. of lays

desig- completed between between the
nation Line Wire Point Wire Barbed Wire two two consecu-
Max Min. barbs tive barbs

Nom Tol Nom Tol

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g/m) (mm) (mm)

1. 2.50 ± 0.08 2.50 ± 0.08 155 136 75 ± 12 2 to 7

2. 2.50 ± 0.08 2.50 ± 0.08 120 108 150 ± 12 2 to 7
3. 2.50 ± 0.08 2.00 ± 0.08 125 108 75 ± 12 2 to 7
4. 2.50 ± 0.08 2.00 ± 0.08 103 89 150 ± 12 2 to 7
5. 2.24 ± 0.08 2.00 ± 0.08 106 97 75 ± 12 2 to 7
6. 2.24 ± 0.08 2.00 ± 0.08 85 78 150 ± 12 2 to 7
Note : The mass in g/m shall be obtained by dividing the total mass of the reel by the linear length in

The number of lays between the two consecutive barbs shall very between 2 to 7.

The barbed wire sh all be for med b y t wisting to gether t wo l ine w ires, o ne or b oth containing t he
barbs. T he size of t he l ine a nd point w ires a nd barb spacings shall be as s pecified. T he p ermissible
deviation from the nominal diameter of the line wire and the point wire shall not exceed + 0.08 mm. The
line and poi nt w ires shall be circular i n s ection, free from s cales and ot her defects and shall be uni formly
galvanised. T he l ine w ire, s hall be i n continuous l engths, an d s hall not contain any w elds ot her t han
those in the rod before it is drawn. The distance between two successive splices shall not be less than
15 metres. It shall have the tensile properties as specified in Table 16.5.

TABLE 16.5
Tensile Properties

Size of Tensile Strength Minimum Breaking Load of

Line Wire of line wire Completed Barbed Wire
mm kgf/sq. mm kgf
2.50 40 to 60 375
2.24 40 to 60 300

The number of reels to be selected at random for this purpose shall be in accordance with Table

TABLE 16.6
Sampling Criteria

No. of Reels in the Lot No. of Reels to be selected

Up to 25 3
26 to 50 4
51 to 150 5
151 to 300 7
301 and above 10

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16.1.4 Binding Material
Binding m aterials to p revent ravelling o f w ater b ound m acadam c onstruction shall consist o f a fine
grained m aterial p ossessing pl asticity i ndex v alue of 4 t o 9 w hen t he w ater bou nd m acadam i s t o b e
used as a w earing c ourse, a nd 4 t o 6 w hen W .B.M. i s being adopted a s a s ub-base/base c ourse w ith
bituminous surfacing on top of it. The plasticity index shall be determined in accordance with IS 2720
(Pt.V). The quantity of binding material used in each layer shall be as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
Application of binding material may be dispensed with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge, where
screenings c onsisting of crushable t ype m aterial l ike m oorum o r g ravel a re us ed. W here earth cut f or
sub-grade formation is used as binder with the approval of Engineer-in-Charge, no s eparate pa yment
shall be made for collection of this binder material.
16.1.5 Bitumen Straight Run
A range of grades, from a very soft to a very hard consistency, can be produced by varying the
temperature and the rate of flow during distilling process. It shall conform to IS 73. Grades of bitumen for
different uses is given in Table 16.7.
Different Grades of Bitumen
VG-10 Bitumen: VG-10 is widely used in spraying applications such as surface-dressing and paving in very
cold c limate i n l ieu of ol d 80/100 P enetration gr ade. I t i s al so us ed t o m anufacture B itumen E mulsion a nd
Modified Bitumen products.
VG-30 Bitumen: VG-30 is pr imarily used t o c onstruct ex tra heav y du ty Bitumen pa vements t hat ne ed t o
endure substantial traffic loads. It can be used in lieu of 60/70 Penetration grade.
Bitumen of Grade VG-10 or VG-30 of Indian Oil make is to be used in all works wherever specified.

TABLE 16.7
Bitumen Grades
Grade Temperature to which it shall be
I. FOR PAINTING (Surface Dressing)
1. Paving bitumen Grade 177 deg C to 190 deg. C
2. Bitumen emulsion min. 50% bitu- (Cold application)
men content:- RS grade IS 8887
3. Cut backs RC-3 (rapid curing) IS 217 —do—


1. Paving asphalt 30/40 S-35 or 149 deg. C to 177 deg. C
2. Bitumen Emulsion min. 60% bitu- (Cold application)
men contents RS grade IS 8887
3. Cut back MC (medium curing) (Cold application)
IS 454

III. FOR ASPHALTIC CONCRETE 150 deg. C to 177 deg. C

Note : For premix carpeting with paving asphalt, extra shall be paid if solvent is used.

16.1.6 Bricks
Bricks shall be of class designation 75 unless otherwise stated. The specifications of bricks shall be as
sub head brick work as detailed in subhead 6.0.
16.1.7 Filler
The filler, where specified, s hall be an i nert m aterial, t he whole of which passes th rough a 7 10
micron sieve, atleast 9 0 p er c ent pa ssing through a 180 m icron sieve and no t less than 7 0 per c ent
passing t hrough a 90 m icron sieve. T he f iller s hall be cement, stone dust, hydrated lime, lime s tone dust,
flyash or any other non-plastic mineral matter approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

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TABLE 16.8
Aggregate Gradation including Filler

Sieve designation Percent by weight passing the sieve

For 25 mm thickness For 20 mm thickness

20.0 mm 100 —
12.5 mm 75-100 100
10.0 mm 60-85 75 - 100
4.75 mm 35-55 35 - 55
2.36 mm 20-35 20 - 35
600 micron 10-22 10 - 22
300 micron 6-16 6 - 16
150 micron 4-12 4 - 12
75 micron 2- 8 2-8

16.1.8 Flyash
Flyash shall conform to IS 3812

16.1.9 Lime
Lime shall be of specifications as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

16.1.10 Moorum
It s hall be obt ained f rom pits of w eathered di sintegrated roc ks. I t s hould pref erably contain s ilicious
material and natural mixture of clay of calcarious origin. The size of moorum shall not be more than 20

16.1.11 Posts, Rails and Pales

These shall be of standard size and length of posts being 1.8 m, rails 2.25 m and pales 1.25 m
unless o therwise s pecified. A to lerance of 1 2 mm i n l ength a nd 3 m m in ot her di mensions sh all be
permissible. These s hall be c ast in c ement concrete 1: 1 ½ 3 (1 c ement : 1 ½ c oarse s and : 3 gra ded
stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size) with slots and reinforced with tor steel bars of diameters 10 mm in
the c ase of posts a nd p ales an d 8 m m i n t he c ase of r ails o r a s di rected an d f inished w ith c ement
mortar 1:2 (1 cement :2 fine sand). The specifications for R. C. C. work shall apply.

For the whole of their length below the top of the rail the paling shall have a projecting dovetail shape at
the back which shall fit into dovetail grooves in each of the rails. That part of the palings projecting
above the t op r ail s hall be left square to pr event the dropping r ight through t he rails. The posts, rails and
pales shall be free from cracks, twists and such other defects.

16.1.12 Posts and Struts—R.C.C.

All posts and struts shall be of standard size, the l ength of posts being 1.8 m or as specified and that
of s truts b eing m inimum of 2. 0 m . T hese s hall b e cast in c ement c oncrete 1:1 ½ :3 ( 1 c ement : 1 ½
coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size) reinforced with 10 mm diameter tor steel
bars as di rected and finished smooth with c ement m ortar 1 :2 (1 cement: 2 fine s and). The specifications
for R .C.C. w ork s hall apply. T he pos ts and s truts s hall be free from c racks, twists and s uch othe r
defects. G .I. s taples o n w ooden plugs o r 6 m m b ar nibs w ill be p rovided as di rected b y E ngineer-in-
Charge w hile c asting t he posts. Q uantity of R CC pos t, s truts, R ails and Pales t o be m easured i n c ubic

16.1.13 Premoulded Joint Filler

It shall conform to IS 183 8, the thickness shall be 20 mm or 25 m m as specified and shall b e of the
maximum available standard length. During the casting of the slab the premoulded joint filler shall be .

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placed ac curately i n pos ition agai nst t he finished end of c oncrete s lab. T he filler s hall r emain 20 mm
below the top surface of the pavement and shall extend upto the sub grade.

16.1.14 Red Bajri

This shall b e di sintegrated ro ck dark r ed i n c olour c onsisting o f c oarse gr ains, f ree f rom m ica, dust
and other foreign matter.

16.1.15 Screenings
Screening t o fill v oids in the coarse aggregate s hall g enerally c onsists o f t he same m aterial as t he
coarse aggregate. However, where permitted, predominantly non-plastic material such as moorum or
gravel ( other t han ri ver b orne ro unded m aterial) m ay be u sed f or t his p urpose provided l iquid limit an d
plasticity i ndex of s uch material i s b elow 20 and 6 r espectively and f raction p assing 7 5 m icron s ieve
does not exceed 10 percent.

As f ar as pos sible s creenings s hall c onform t o the gr adings s et-forth i n T able 16. 9. S creenings of
type A sh all b e u sed w ith c oarse aggregate of gr ade I of T able 16.2. Screenings of t ype A o r B as
specified shall be used with coarse aggregates of grading 2. Type B screenings shall be used with
coarse aggregates of gr ading 3. T he use of screenings m ay b e omitted i n t he c ase of soft aggregates
such as brick m etal, k ankar a nd l aterite. F or s creenings l ike moorum or gravel t he gradings given i n
Table 16.9 shall not be binding.

TABLE 16.9
Grading for Screenings

Grading Size of Sieve Desig- % by Weight

Classification Screenings nation Passing Sieve
A 13.2 mm 13.2 mm 100
11.2 mm 95 -100
5.6 mm 15 - 35
180 micron 0 - 10
B 11.2 mm 11.2 mm 100
5.6 mm 90 - 100
180 micron 15 - 35

16.1.16 Sealing Compound

After t he c uring peri od i s over t he j oint port ion ab ove t he f iller board s hall be c leaned t horoughly as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The joints shall be filled with hot applied sealing compound. Grade A
(Normal) for concrete constructions other than those which are subjected to spillage of kerosene or other
heavy petroleum oils and Grade B (Jet fuel resistant) for concrete constructions of runways for jet air crafts,
conforming to IS 1834.

16.1.17 Soil
Soil ha ving a pl asticity index (PI) between 5 and 20 shall be s uitable. At least one t est for 200 c ubic
metre of soil for determining P.I. shall be conducted.

16.1.18 Stones
These shall be clean, hard, sound and durable stones, free from decay and weathering. They shall be
in blocks and hammer dressed on all sides. The size of pitching stones shall be approximately 22.5 cm in
depth and not less than 15 cm in any other direction.

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16.1.19 Stone Chippings For Surface Dressing/Painting
The s tone c hipping s hall consist of f airly c ubical f ragment of c lean, hard, tough and durab le ro ck o f
uniform q uality t hroughout. T hese shall b e obtained by c rushing s tone river g ravel ( shingle) o r other
approved materials. Rounded gravel shall be used only i f s pecifically per mitted by t he Engineer-in-
Charge. T he c hipping shall be f ree of el ongated or f laky p ieces, s oft or di sintegrated s tone, s alt, al kali,
vegetable matter, dust and adherent coatings. They shall conform to the quality requirements of Table
However, t he t otal qua ntity of s uch del eterious m aterial i ncluding c lay l umps, s oft f ragments, f oreign
material shall not exceed 5% of the weight of the aggregate.

The aggregate shall be got tested to ensure the requirements specified in Table 16.10.

TABLE 16.10
Physical Requirements of Aggregates for Surface Dressing

Sl. No. Test Test method Requirements

1. Los Angles Abrasion Value IS 2386 (Pt.IV) 40% max.
2. Aggregate Impact Value* IS 2386 (Pt.IV) 30% max.
3. Flakiness Index IS 2386 (Pt.I) 25% max.
4. Stripping Value IS 6241 25% max.
5. Water Absorption IS 2386 (Pt.III) 1% max.
* Aggregates may satisfy requirements of either of the two tests.

16.1.20 Stones for Kerb and Channels (Fig. 16.12)

Kerb and channel stones are provided on roads having raised berms for foot path etc. These shall be of
selected hard stone, sound, durable free from laminations and other structural defects. The length of each
kerb and c hannel s tone s hall be not l ess t han 4 9.5 c m ex cept t hat 29. 5 c m l ong s tones s hall b e
permitted for closures and for curves. The other dimensions shall be 30 x 20 cm for kerb stones and 30 x
10 cm for channel stones, unless specified otherwise. Kerb and channel stones shall be chisel dressed on
exposed surface and edges. The dimensions of the exposed faces of kerb and channel stones shall be of
sizes as specified with a tolerance of 10 mm in width and depth. In the case of kerb stones a
tolerance of 5 c m shall b e allowed in the dimensions of unexposed back and bottom faces and i n the
case of channel stones a tolerance of 10 mm shall be allowed in thickness.

16.1.21 Boundary Stone (Fig. 16.4 )

The boundary s tones s hall be o f either hard s tone or s ound and dur able qu ality or precast R.C.C.
These s hall be i n blocks of size 15 × 15 × 90 c m unl ess directed ot herwise b y the Engineer-in-Charge. A
tolerance of 12. 5 m m s hall be per mitted i n t he s pecified s ize. I n t he c ase of boundary s tones of ha rd
stone, the upper 30 cm shall be chisel dressed on all the four sides and on the top.

The R.C.C. boundary stones shall be cast in cement concrete 1 : 1 ½ : 3 (1 cement : 1 ½ coarse
sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), reinforced with 10 mm diameter tor steel bars or as
directed and f inished smooth with c ement m ortar 1 : 3 ( 1 cement : 3 f ine s and ). T he specifications f or
R.C.C. work shall apply.

16.1.22 Kilometer stone (Fig.16.7)

Standard d esign of k ilometer s tones a re given i n Fig. 16. 7. O rdinary k ilometer s tone f or N ational
Highways, State highways and Major District shall be of the size 35 × 111 × 25 cm. One cm offset shall
be pr ovided ar ound the stone s lab i n 1 0 cm h eight above the formation level to serve as the pedestal.
The kilometer stones shall be f ixed at right angle to the centre line of the carriage way. The kilometre
stone s hall i ndicate the na me and di stance o f the ne xt ( intermediate) i mportant town onl y. O n t he s ide of
the kilometre stone f acing the carriage way, the number of the kilometre stone shall be inscribed (without
the name of any place). .

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Kilometre stones for every fifth kilometre for National Highways, State highways a nd m ajor di strict
roads shall be of the size 50 x 152.5 x 25 cm. One cm offset shall be provided around the stone slab in
13 c m h eight above t he formation level to s erve a s the pedestal. This k ilometre s tone s hall b e fixed at
right angles to the centre line of carriage way. It shall show the name and distance of the terminal or t he
starting station al so abov e those o f i ntermediate t owns. O n t he side facing the carriage w ay, t he nu mber
of t he kilometre s tone i n continuity of ordinary k ilometre s tone s hall be i nscribed (without the nam e of
any place).

Kilometre stone for other district roads and village roads shall be of the size 35 × 93.5 × 18 cm. One
cm offset shall be provided around the stone slab in 10 c m. height above the formation level to serve as
the pedestal. It s hall be fixed at right ang les to the c entre line of c arriage w ay and s hall indicate the
name and the distance of the next important station. On the side facing the carriage way, the number of
the kilometre stone shall be inscribed (without the name of any place).

The k ilometre s tones shall b e f ixed at t he e dge of t he r oad way o utside t he shoulder o n e specially
erected platforms, if necessary. In cutting these shall be fixed clear of the shoulder and the side drain as per
Fig. 16.7(A). On existing roads the stones shall be fixed on the side of the road other than that on which
miles stones exist. On new roads, these shall be located on left hand side of the road as one proceeds
from the station from which kilometre count starts.

Kilometre stones shall be of R.C.C. or stone slabs.

(a) Kilometre Stones in R.C.C. : It shall be cast in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand :
4 gr aded st one a ggregate 20 mm nominal s ize) w ith rei nforcement as d irected a nd f inished
smooth with cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) on ex posed s urfaces above the gr ound.
The specifications for R.C.C. work shall apply.

(b) Kilometre Stone Slabs : The stone slabs shall be of red or white sand stone unless otherwise
specified. The slab shall be hard, even, sound and durable. Slabs shall have been sawn or chi-
selled in a plane parallel to the natural bed of the stone. The slabs shall be chisel dressed on the
exposed surfaces above ground facing road side, so that the dressed face shall not be more than
3 mm from a straight edge placed on it. The thickness of the slab shall be u niform and as
specified i n t he item with a per missible t olerance of 1. 5 m m. T he t hickness s hall be m easured
correct to 3 mm.


16.2.0 In s ub-grade composed of c lay, f ine s and or ot her s oils t hat m ay be f orced up i nto t he c oarse
aggregate during rol ling o peration, an i nsulation l ayer of s uitable t hickness of granul ar m aterials or o ver
size b rick a ggregate not l ess t han 10 c m t hick s hall be pr ovided f or bl anketting t he s ub-grade, w hich
shall be paid for separately, unless otherwise specified.

In slushy soils or in areas that are water logged, special arrangements shall be made to improve the
sub-grade and t he t otal pav ement t hickness s hall be des igned af ter t esting t he pr operties of t he s ub-
grade s oil. N ecessary p rovision f or t he s pecial t reatment required s hall be made i n t he proj ect a nd paid
for separately.

16.2.1 Preparation of Sub-Grade

The surface of the formation for a w idth of sub-base, which shall be 15 cm m ore on either side of
base course, shall first b e cut to a depth equa l to the combined depth of sub-base a nd surface courses
below the proposed finished level (due allowance being made for consolidation). It shall then be cleaned of
all foreign substances. Any ruts or soft yielding patches that appear due to improper drainage
conditions, t raffic ha uling or f rom an y ot her c ause, s hall be corrected an d t he s ub-grade dr essed o ff
parallel to the finished profile. .
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16.2.2 Consolidation
The sub-grade shall be consolidated with a power road roller of 8 to 12 tonnes. The roller shall run
over the sub grade till the soil is evenly and densely consolidated and behaves as an elastic mass (the
roller shall pass a minimum of 5 runs on the sub grade). All undulations in the surface that develop due
to rolling s hall be m ade good w ith material or quarry spoils as the cases may be and the sub-grade i s

16.2.3 Surface Regularity

The finished s urface s hall be un iform a nd c onform to the lines, gr ades and typical c ross s ection
shown i n t he drawings, when t ested with the template and s traight edg e, t he variation s hall be within t he
tolerances specified in Table 16.11.

TABLE 16.11
Permissible Tolerances of Surface Evenness of Sub Grade

Longitudinal profile maximum permissible Cross profile maximum permissible

undulation when measured with a variation from specified profile when measured
3 metre straight edge with a camber template
24 mm 15 mm

Where t he s urface i rregularity of t he sub grad e f alls out side t he s pecified t olerances, t he c ontractor
shall be l iable t o rectify these w ith fresh material or quar ry spoils a s t he case m ay be, and the sub-grade
rerolled to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge.

16.2.4 Measurements
The length a nd width shall b e m easured correct t o a cm. The area s hall be worked out in s quare
metre, correct to two places of decimal.

16.2.5 Rate
The rate for pr eparation and c onsolidation o f sub gr ade s hall i nclude the cost o f materials and l abour
involved for all the operations mentioned in above unless otherwise specified.


16.3.1 In t he c ase of ear th w ork c onsolidated under opt imum moisture c onditions eac h l ayer of ear th
shall be carefully moistened to give field moisture content of about +1% to -2% of the optimum moisture
content (O MC). The OMC s hall be determined according t o I S 2720 (Pt.VIII) Methods of Tests f or S oils.
Each l ayer s hall t hen be compacted by M echanical v ibrators i n c ase of S and P ad f oundation and f or
other areas, rolling with 8 to 10 tonnes power road roller and a s heep foot roller if required. The required
amount of water shall be added during consolidation to keep the moisture content of the soil at the optimum
as per test. The density to be achieved for each layer of the material shall be minimum 85% of the density
obtained in the laboratory (Proctor Method).

16.3.2 Each compacted layer shall be tested in the field for density and accepted before the operations for
next layer are begun.

16.3.3 Control on compaction in the field shall be exercised through frequent moisture content and
density det erminations. A s ystematic r ecord o f t hese shall be maintained. A t al l times dur ing c onstruction
the top of the embankment shall b e maintained at s uch cross f all as will s hed water and p revent

16.3.4 Density Measurement and Acceptance Criteria One measurement of density shall be made for each 500 sqm of compacted area or for a
smaller area as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge. Each measurement shall consist of atleast 5 density
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determinations and the average of these 5 determinations shall be treated as the field density achieved.
The determination of density shall be as per IS 2720 (Pt. XXVIII). In general the control at the top 40 cm thickness of the formation shall be more strict with
density m easurements being do ne at t he r ate of on e m easurement f or 2 50 s qm of c ompacted a rea.
Further for the determination of the mean density the number of tests in one measurement shall not be
less t han 10 and t he w ork will be accepted i f t he mean dry dens ity equals or ex ceeds t he specified
density. When dens ity measurements reveal an y s oft a reas i n the e mbankment, t he E ngineer-in-Charge
shall direct that these be compacted further. If inspite of that the specified compaction is not achieved the
material in t he s oft ar eas s hall b e r emoved and r eplaced by a pproved m aterials an d c ompacted to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Control Tests on Borrow Material Soil s uitable f or c onsolidation under O .M.C. c onditions s hould pr eferably hav e t he f ollowing
characteristics :

(a) Minimum percentage of clay 10%

(b) Liquid limit 14
(c) Plasticity index 4
(d) Percentage of silt should not exceed 50%
(e) Peat, muck and organic soils are unsuitable. The Engineer-in-Charge may, however, relax these requirements taking into account availability of
materials, cost of transportation and other relevant factors. Various test required to be conducted on the borrow material with their recommended
frequency are indicated below. All the test need not be stipulated on every project. Depending upon site
condition etc. on ly s ome may be found necessary a t a p articular pro ject. The frequency o f testing
indicated refers generally to the minimum number of tests to be conducted. The rate of testing must be
stepped up a s found nec essary depe nding up on t he v ariability of the materials and compaction methods
employed at a project.

(a) Gradation : At least one t est for each kind of soil. Usual rate of testing 1 t o 2 t ests per 80 00 cum
of soil.

(b) Plasticity : At least one test for each kind of soil. Usual rate of testing 1 to 2 tests per 8000 cum of

(c) Proctor Tests : At the rate of 1 to 2 tests per 8000 cum of soil.

(d) Deleterious Contents : As required.

(e) Moisture contents : One test for every 500 cum of soil. Measurements : The filling shall be measured and quant ity o f ear th w ork computed from c ross
sections of filling or the embankment. No deduction shall be made for voids. Rate shall include the cost of all operations described above including operation mentioned in
16.3 to the extent applicable.

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16.5.1 Earthwork connected with road construction fall broadly into three categories.

(a) Earthwork in cutting .

(b) Earthwork in fillings in embankments (without optimum moisture conditions).

(c) Earthwork in fillings in Sand Pad foundation & embankments (under optimum moisture conditions).

16.5.2 Detailed specifications r elating t o Earthwork a lready described i n s ubhead Earth Work,
Specification so far as the various options in the earthwork for road construction as indicated below shall be

2.4 Site clearance

2.5 Setting out and making profile
2.6 Blasting operations
2.7 Excavation in all kinds of soils
2.8 Excavation in ordinary/hard rock
2.10 Earthwork in filling
2.11 Measurements
2.12 Rates
2.13 Surface excavation
2.14 Rough excavation and filling

16.5.3 In addition to the above, there are certain special requirements of earthwork for road
constructions, especially in embankments and excavations from borrow pits. These shall broadly
conform to.

(a) IRC : 36 Recommended practice for construction of earth embankments for road works.

(b) IRC : 10 Recommended practice for borrow pits for road embankments by manual operations.


16.6.0 In addi tion to w hat is des cribed in 16 .5 above, the following shall apply : m aterials us ed in
embankments shall be e arth m oorum, gravel, a m ixture of t hese or a ny ot her m aterial approv ed by t he
Engineer-in-Charge. Such m aterials s hall be free of l ogs, s tumps, ro ots, rubbish or any ot her ingredient
likely t o det eriorate or affect the stability of the embankment. The work shall b e so planned and ex ecuted
that the best available materials are saved for the top portion of the embankment.

Highly expansive clays exhibiting marked swell and shrinkage properties may be deposited only at the
bottom of the embankment and no such material shall be placed nor permitted to remain in the top 500
mm portion of the embankment below the sub-grade.

16.6.1 Preparation of Foundations

The foundations of the embankment shall be ploughed to a depth of 15 to 25 cm. All clods shall be
broken into fine earth and the area roughly levelled. The surface shall then be well watered before the
earth work is started.

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16.6.2 Source of Supply The m aterial used i n embankment s hall be obtained either f rom c utting high ground or from
borrow p its as directed b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. I n c ase of ro ad em bankments, the borrow pi ts m ay
be ex cavated al ong t he sides of the road s o as t o form road side drains with proper s lopes and sections.
The clear berm width between the toe of the bank and the inner edge of the borrow pits shall be
specified b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge but i t shall not be l ess than 5 metres a fter making due al lowance for
future development. Borrow pits shall be rectangular in shape with one side parallel to the centre line of the road. If
on road land, these shall be dug as near the boundary as possible. Borrow pits shall not be dug
continuously. R idges o f no t le ss t han 8 m etres w idth s hould be left at intervals no t ex ceeding 300
metres. S mall dr ains s hould be c ut t hrough t he r idges t o f acilitate dr ainage. B orrow pi ts s hall be w ell
drained. The bed l evel o f t he bo rrow pi ts, s hall, as far as pos sible, s lope down p rogressively t owards the
nearest cross drain, if any and shall not be lower than the bed of the cross drain. Borrow pits shall not be
dug within 0.8 km of towns or villages. If unavoidable t hese shall not exceed 30 c m in depth and shall be
drained. Where i t be comes necessary t o borrow f illing m aterials f rom t emporarily a cquired cultivable
lands the depth of borrow pits shall not exceed 45 cm. The top soil to a depth of 15 c m shall be stripped
and stacked aside. Thereafter soil shall be dug out to a further depth not exceeding 30 cm and used in
forming the embankment. The top soil shall then be spread back on the land. In case of flood and marginal ban ks, earth shall b e obtained from borrow p its on t he river side
of the b anks. No b orrow pit shall b e excavated o n the l and side of t he bank, u nless permitted by the
Engineer-in-Charge in w riting de pending upon the depth o f bo rrow p its an d he ight o f em bankment.
However the minimum berm width between the toe of the bank and the edge of the borrow pits on the
river side shall be 15 metres and that between the toe of the bank and the edge of the borrow pits on the
land side 25 metres. Guide-banks shall be constructed from material obtained from excavation for laying stone
aprons and f urther bo rrow pi ts ex cavated i f nec essary, ac cording t o t he di rections of the E ngineer-in-

16.6.3 Earth Filling and Compactions Before commencement of f illing t he t oe l ines of t he embankment s hall be marked by peg s

driven into the ground at 15 metres intervals and by continuous nicking (daf balings) to indicate the limits of
the s ide s lopes. B amboo and s tring p rofiles s hall be er ected at ev ery 60 metres i nterval i n s traight
reaches and 15 metres apart in curved portions. Embankment material shall be l aid in 20 cm layers which shall be continuous and parallel to the
finished grade. The placing of earth fill shall be done in the full width of embankment including slopes,
and the section of formation shall be kept slightly sloping away from the centre to avoid pools of water
forming due to r ain. The height of f illing i n different s ections shall be uniform as far as pos sible. A ll clods
shall be brok en w hile the ear th is being pla ced. O rganic matter of any kind s hall be rem oved and
disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Joining of old and new embankments shall be done by stepping in an overall slope of about 1 to 5. Each layer of earth shall be adequately watered to aid compaction. If the material delivered to the road bed is too wet it shall be dried by aeration and exposure to
the sun, till the moisture content is acceptable for compaction. It shall then be rolled with roller of
minimum 1 /2 tonne w eight, no t less than 5 t imes, till i t gets e venly and dens ely c onsolidated w ith

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wooden or steel r ammers of 7 to 1 0 kg weight h aving a base of 20 cm square or 20 cm diameter. The
labour f or r amming shall be atleast o ne rammer t o s ix diggers. E very t hird l ayer of e arth a nd t he t op
most l ayer s hall b e w ell c onsolidated w ith a po wer r oller of m inimum 8 t onnes w eight, r olled n ot l ess
than 5 t imes, t ill t he s oil behav es as an el astic m aterial and get s c ompressed onl y el astically under t he
load of roller. Dressing : The embankment shall be dressed neatly as per designed section and grade, after it
has b een c ompleted a nd t horoughly c onsolidated. T he t op a nd s lopes s hall be p rotected f rom a ny
damage and maintained, till the work is completed and handed over to the Engineer-in-Charge.

16.6.4 Embankment Around Structures To avoid interference with the construction of abutments, wing walls or return walls of
culvert/bridge str ucture, the co ntractor sh all at points to be determined by the E ngineer-in-Charge
suspend w ork on em bankments f orming approaches to such structures, until such time as the
construction of the latter of sufficiently advanced to permit the completion of approaches without the risk of
interference of damage to the bridge works. Unless dir ected oth erwise, t he f illing around cu lverts, br idges and other structures upto a
distance of twice t he h eight of the embankment s hall no t be done. The fill m aterial shall no t be placed
against an y abutment or w ing w all u nless permission ha s be en given b y the Engineer-in-Charge but in
any case not until the concrete or masonry has been in position for 14 days. The embankment shall be
brought up si multaneously i n equal l ayers o n e ach s ide of t he s tructure to av oid displacement a nd
unequal p ressure. T he sequence o f w ork in this regard s hall be go t appr oved from t he Engineer-in-
Charge. Where t he prov ision of a ny f ilter m edium is s pecified behi nd t he ab utment, t he same shall be
laid i n l ayers s imultaneously with t he l aying of f ill m aterial. The m aterial used f or f ilter m aterial shall
conform t o t he requirements f or f ilter m edium as s pecified. P ayment f or p roviding f ilter material s hall be
made separately under relevant items. Where it may be impracticable to use power roller or other heavy equipment, compaction shall be
carried out b y mechanical tempers o r ot her methods appr oved b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. C are shall be
taken to see that the compaction equipments does not hit or come too close to any structural member so as
to cause any damage to it.

16.6.5 Earth Work for Widening Existing Road Embankment When a n ex isting e mbankment is t o be w idened a nd i ts s lope i s s teeper than 4:1 c ontinuous
horizontal be nches ea ch at l east 0.3 m etre w ide, shall be c ut into the ol d s lope f or en suring ad equate
bond with t he f resh e mbankment material t o b e a dded. T he m aterial o btained f rom cutting of benches
could be utilised in the widening of the embankment. However, when the existing slope against which the
fresh m aterial i s t o be pl aced i s f latter t han 4: 1 t he s lope surface may on ly be pl oughed or s carified
instead of resorting to benching. Where t he w idth of t he w idened p ortion is ins ufficient t o pe rmit t he u se o f st andard ro llers
compaction shall be carried out with the help of sheep’s foot roller mechanical tampers or other
approved equipment. End dumping of material from trucks for widening operations shall be avoided
except i n di fficult circumstances w hen t he ex tra width is t oo na rrow t o per mit t he movement o f an y other
type of hauling equipment.

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16.6.6 Cutting
Where t he f ormation l evel of t he road i s l ower t han t he ground l evel, cutting shall be done up t o
formation level. Side slopes except in rock cutting shall be evenly and truly dressed. Disposal of Surplus Earth : Earth f rom cutting s hall be ut ilised f or f illing i n em bankment as
directed b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. E arth not r equired for e mbankment s hall be di sposed o ff as di rected
by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. The a rea w here the s urplus ear th i s di sposed o ff shall be l evelled and neat ly
dressed.. Measurements : The qua ntity of ear th w ork s hall be c alculated b y m easuring t he v olume of
earth e xcavated from the bo rrow pits a nd shall be d one as specified where it is n ot p ossible o r
convenient t o t ake m easurements f rom c utting t he f illing shall be m easured and t he quant ity o f ear th
work c omputed from c ross sections o f the f illing. The qua ntity of ea rth w ork s o c omputed s hall be
reduced by 5% to arrive at the quantity for payment.

For the purpose of taking measurements of earth work in cutting or embankment, ground levels of the
area shall be recorded as specified in 16.5. Rate : It includes the cost of all the operations described above. The lead and lift for depositing
the earth or disposal of uns uitable m aterial s hall be as described in the des cription of item. It als o
includes the Sub Head 2.0 Earth Work.


16.7.1 Water Bound Macadam with Stone Aggregate

Stone a ggregate of s pecified size is used. This is a standard sub base/base and is used w here
stone aggregate is available at reasonable rates. This consists of clean crushed coarse aggregate
mechanically i nterlocked by rol ling a nd v oids thereof f illed with s creening an d bi nding m aterial with t he
assistance of w ater, l aid on a p repared s ub g rade, s ub-base, ba se o r ex isting pav ement as t he c ase
may be. Water bound macadam may be used as a sub base, base course or surfacing course.

16.7.2 Quantities of Materials

Quantities o f coarse ag gregate, screening an d binding m aterial required to b e stacked f or 1 00 m m
approximate compacted thickness of W.B.M. for 10 sqm shall be as per table 16.12 for stone aggregate of
the size 90 mm to 45 mm. For stone aggregate of other size, 63 mm to 45 mm and 53 m m to 22.4 mm
quantity of coarse aggregate and stone screening for 75 m m approximate compacted thickness of WBM
base for 10 sqm. shall be as per Table 16.13.

TABLE 16.12

Coarse Aggregate Stone Screenings Binding Material

Classification Size Net Grading/Classi- Quantity Quantity
Range Quantities fication and size
Grading I 90 mm 1.21 cum Type A 0.27 cum 0.08 cum
to to 13.2 mm to to
45 mm 1.28 cum 0.30 cum 0.10 cum
Note : Net quantity = Loose quantity measured in stacks minus 7.5%.

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TABLE 16.13

Coarse Aggregate Stone Screening

Classi- Size Range Net Gradings/ For W.B.M. For W.B.M.

fication Quantity Classification Base Surface
& Size Course Course
Grading 2 63-45 mm 0.91 cum Type A 0.12 cum 0.10 cum
to 13.2 mm to to
0.96 cum 0.15 cum 0.12 cum
—Do— 63-45 mm 0.91 cum Type B 0.20 cum 0.16 cum
to 11.2 mm to to
0.96 cum 0.22 cum 0.18 cum
Grading 3 53-22.4 mm 0.91 cum Type B 0.18 cum 0.14 cum
to 11.2 mm to to
0.96 cum 0.21 cum 0.17 cum

* Note : The quantity of metal measured in stacks and reduced by 7.5%.

16.7.3 The quantity of binding material required for 75 mm (approximate) compacted thickness will be
0.09 cu m/10 s qm in t he case of W .B.M. b ase co urse an d 0.1 3 cu m/10 s qm w hen th e W .B.M. is to
function as a surface course.

16.7.4 Preparation of Foundation

In the case of an ex isting unsurfaced road, where new m aterials is to be l aid, the surface shall be
scarified and r eshaped to the required g rade, camber and s hape as n ecessary. Weak places shall be
strengthened, corrugations removed and depressions and pot holes made good with suitable materials,
before spreading the aggregate for W.B.M.

Where the existing surface over which the sub base of W.B.M. is to be laid is black topped, to ensure
effective internal dr ainage, furrows 50 m m x 50 m m ( depth o f furrows i ncreased t o reach bottom o f
bituminous layer where necessary) at one metre intervals shall be cut in the existing bituminous surface at
45 degree C to the central line of the carriageway before the W.B.M. is laid.

16.7.5 Provision of Lateral Confinement of Aggregates

Before starting with W.B.M. construction, necessary arrangements shall be made for l ateral
confinement of aggregates. One method is to construct side shoulders in advance to a compacted layer of
the W.B.M. c oarse (Fig.16.1). Inside edges may be t rimmed vertical and the included ar ea c leaned o ff all
spilled materials thereby setting the stage for spreading the coarse aggregate.

The p ractice of l aying W.B.M. af ter excavating a t rench s ection i n the f inished f ormation m ust b e
completely avoided.

16.7.6 Spreading Aggregate

The coarse aggregate shall be spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared base in required
quantities with a tw isting m otion to av oid s egregation. In no c ase s hall thes e be dumped in heaps
directly on t he ar ea w here t hese are t o be laid nor s hall t heir h auling o ver a par tly c ompleted base b e
permitted. The aggregates s hall be spread uni formly to proper p rofile by us ing t emplates pl aced ac ross
the road six metres apart. Where specified, approved mechanical devices may be used to spread the
aggregates uni formly. T he levels al ong t he l ongitudinal di rection upt o w hich t he metal s hall be l aid, s hall
be first obtained at site to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge, and these shall be adhered to.

The s urface of t he aggr egate s pread s hall be c arefully trued up an d a ll high or l ow s pots r emedied b y
removing or adding aggregate as may be required.

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The W .B.M. su b-base shall be normally constructed in layer of 100 mm compacted thickness and
W.B.M. base shall be normally constructed in layers of 75 mm compacted thickness. No segregation of
large or fine par ticles shall be al lowed and t he c oarse aggr egate as s pread shall be o f uni form g radation
with no pockets of fine material.

The coarse aggregate shall n ormally n ot b e spread i n lengths e xceeding t hree d ays a verage work
ahead of the rolling and blending of the proceeding section.

16.7.7 Rolling
Immediately f ollowing at s preading of t he c oarse aggregate, i t s hall be compacted to t he f ull width by
rolling w ith ei ther t he three-wheel-power-roller o f 8 to 10 t onnes capacity or an equivalent v ibratory r oller.
Initially, l ight rolling i s to be done, w hich shall be di scontinued w hen t he aggr egate i s par tially c ompacted
with sufficient void space in them to permit application of screenings.
The rol ling shall beg in f rom t he edges w ith t he rol ler runni ng f orward an d b ackward an d add ing the
screenings simultaneously until the edges have been firmly compacted. The roller shall then progress
gradually f rom t he edg es to t he c entre, p arallel t o t he c entre l ine of t he road and ov erlapping un iformly
each preceding rear wheel track by one half width and shall continue until the entire area of the course
has bee n rolled b y t he rear w heel. R olling s hall continue unt il t he road metal i s thoroughly keyed with no
creeping o f m etal ahea d of the roller. O nly s light sprinkling of w ater m ay be done during ro lling, if
required. O n s uperelevated curves, the rolling s hall pr oceed from the l ower e dge and pr ogress gr adually
continuing towards the upper edge of the pavement.
Rolling of s ub b ase sh all not b e do ne w hen th e s ub-grade i s so ft or yi elding or when t he ro lling
causes a wave like motion in the sub-base or sub-grade. When rolling develops irregularities that
exceed 12 mm when t ested w ith a t hree metre straight edg e, the i rregular s urface s hall be loosened and
then a ggregate added t o or r emoved fr om it as required and t he area rolled until it gi ves a u niform
surface conforming t o t he des ired cross-section an d g rade. The surface shall al so be checked
transversely by template for camber and any irregularities corrected in the manner described above. In no
case shall the use of screenings to make up depressions be permitted.

16.7.8 Application of Screenings

After t he c oarse aggregate h as been l ightly r olled t o t he re quired t rue s urface, s creenings s hall be
applied gradually o ver t he s urface t o c ompletely f ill t he i nterstices. Dry ro lling shall b e c ontinued while
the screenings are being s pread so that the jarring effect of the roller causes t hem to s ettle i nto the v oids
of the coarse aggr egates. T he screenings shall not be dumped i n piles on t he c oarse aggr egate but shall
be spread uniformly i n s uccessive t hin l ayers e ither by t he spreading motion of t he h and, shovels or a
mechanical spreader.
The screenings shall be applied at a slow rate (in three or more applications) so as to ensure filling of all
voids. R olling and brooming shall continue w ith the s preading of the s creenings. E ither m echanical
brooms or hand brooms or both m ay be used. In no case s hall the screenings be applied, s o fast and
thick as to form cakes, r idges o n the surface m aking the filling of voids d ifficult, or to prevent the d irect
bearing of the roller on the coarse aggregates. The spreading, rolling and brooming of screenings shall be
performed on sections which can be completed within one day’s operation and shall continue until no more
screenings can be f orced into the voids of the coarse aggregate. Damp and w et screenings shall not be
used under any circumstances.

16.7.9 Sprinkling and Grouting

After spreading t he s creening a nd rol ling t he surface s hall be c opiously s prinkled with water, swept
and rolled. Hand brooms shall be used to sweep the wet screening into the voids and to distribute them
evenly. T he s prinkling, s weeping and r olling ope rations s hall be c ontinued and addi tional s creenings
applied where necessary until t he c oarse aggregates are w ell bonded and firmly s et for the entire depth
and unt il a grout has been formed of screenings and water t hat will fill all voids and form a wave of grout
ahead of the wheels of the roller. The quantity of water to be used during the construction shall not be
excessive so as to cause damage to the sub-base or sub-grade.

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16.7.10 Application of Binding Material
After t he application of s creenings and ro lling, a suitable bin ding material s hall be applied at a
uniform and s low rat e i n t wo or m ore s uccessive t hin l ayers. After ea ch appl ication of bi nding m aterial,
the s urface s hall be c opiously s prinkled w ith w ater and t he r esulting slurry s wept i n w ith han d b rooms or
mechanical brooms or bo th s o as t o f ill the v oids properly. T he s urface s hall t hen be r olled by a 8 -10
tonne roller, water being applied to the wheels in order to wash down the binding material that may get
stuck t o t he w heels. The s preading of b inding m aterial, sprinkling of w ater, s weeping w ith br ooms a nd
rolling shall continue until the slurry that is formed will, after filling the voids form a wave ahead of wheels
of the moving roller.

16.7.11 Setting and Drying

After final compaction of the course, the road shall be all owed to cur e o vernight. N ext m orning
defective spots shall be filled with screenings or binding material, lightly sprinkled with water, if
necessary and rolled. No traffic shall be allowed till the macadam sets.

16.7.12 Surface Evenness

The surface evenness of completed W.B.M. sub-base in t he longitudinal and t ransverse di rections
shall be as specified in Table 16.14 for sub base with stone aggregate of size 90-45 mm and above.

TABLE 16.14

Size of Longitudinal profile Cross profile

coarse measured with a 3 metre
aggregates straight edge

Maximum Max. No. of Max. permis-

permissible Undulations perm- sible undul-
undulation itted in any 300 m ation when
length exceeding measured with
a camber
15 mm 10 mm template
90-45 mm & above 15 mm - 30 12 mm

The longitudinal profile shall be checked using a 3 meter long straight edge and graduated wedge at the
middle of each traffic lane along a l ine parallel to the Centre line of the road. The transverse profile shall
be checked with adjustable template at intervals of 10 meters. For base with stone aggregate of size 63
to 45 mm and 53 to 22.4 mm surface evenness to be as per Table 16.15.

TABLE 16.15

Size of Longitudinal profile Cross profile

coarse measured with a 3 metre
aggregates straight edge

Maximum Max. No. of Un- Max. permissible

permissible dulations permi- undulation when
Undulations tted in any 300 m measured with
Length exceeding a camber template

15 mm 10 mm
63-45 m m
53-22.4 mm 12 mm — 30 8 mm

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The longitudinal profile shall be checked with a three metre long straight edge and graduated wedge at
the middle of each traffic lane along a line parallel to the centre line of the road. The transverse
profile shall be checked with adjustable templates at intervals of 10 metres.

16.7.13 Rectification of Defective Construction

Where t he s urface i rregularity o f th e W .B.M. s ub-base c ourse ex ceeds t he t olerances s pecified i n
Table 16. 14 or where the course is otherwise defective due to sub gr ade s oil m ixing with the aggr egates,
the l ayer t o its f ull t hickness shall b e s carified o ver t he affected area, r eshaped w ith added m aterial or
removal and replaced with fresh materials as applicable, and recompacted. The area treated in the
aforesaid manner shall not be l ess than 10 sqm. In no case shall depressions be filled up with
screenings and binding materials.

16.7.14 Meaurements
The l ength an d br eadth s hall be m easured to the n earest c entimetre. T he d epth of c onsolidated l ayer
shall be computed to n earest half c entimetre b y taking a verage of depths at the c entre a nd at 30 cm
from t he left a nd right e dges at a cross section t aken at 1 00 metre interval or less as decided b y the
Engineer-in-Charge b y m aking s mall pi ts. T he c onsolidated c ubical c ontents s hall be c alculated i n c ubic
metres correct to two places of decimal. The cubical contents shall be compared with net quantity of stone
aggregates paid (that is stacked quantity - 7.5%). If the cubical contents are within (±) 5% of the paid net
stacked quantity of stone aggregates, the work shall be treated as acceptable. If the cubical contents is
short of net s tacked qua ntity by m ore t han 5% t hen t he pay ment s hall be r estricted t o t he quantities
derived from cubical content.

16.7.15 Rate
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd materials i nvolved i n al l t he operations described
above, except cost of stone aggregate, kankar moorum, screenings and bajri, for which separate
payments shall be made. Where W.B.M. is to be laid over an existing road, scarifying and consolidation of
the aggregate received from scarifying shall be paid for separately.


16.8.0 Over burnt (jhama) brick aggregate of size 120 mm to 40 mm or 90 mm to 45 mm is used. This is
used w hen s tone aggr egate i s c ostly and ov er bur nt br ick aggr egate i s av ailable at r easonable r ates.
This is also used over soft clayey sub grade with high moisture contents and low CBR values.

16.8.1 Quantities of Materials

Approximate quant ity of brick aggr egate (to be p aid f or s eparately) required t o be s tacked f or 100
mm average c ompacted t hickness o f W.B.M. sub-base shall be 1. 60 c um (approximate). The quant ity o f
binding material, if r equired s hall be as s pecified by the Engineer-in-Charge. Brick aggregate shall be
broken f rom ov erburnt or w ell bur nt br ick bat s. I t shall be hom ogeneous i n t exture, r oughly c ubical i n
shape, clean and free from dirt and other foreign matter.

16.8.2 Foundation shall be prepared as specified in 16.7.4.

16.8.3 For spreading aggregate clause 16.7.6 shall apply except that the quantities of materials shall be as
given above.

16.8.4 The r olling shall b e d one a s s pecified i n 1 6.7.7 except t hat rolling s hall b e d one w ith t he l ight
power roller. T he us e of s creenings s hall al so be om itted. R olling s hall be done 3 t o 5 t imes for eac h

16.8.5 For r olling with Binding material c lause 16. 7.10 s hall appl y ex cept t hat rolling s hall be done w ith a
light power roller instead of a heavy road roller and water shall not be used during rolling. Rolling shall be
done 3 to 5 times for each layer.

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16.8.6 Surface Evenness rectification of Defective construction, Measurements and Rate shall be as
specified under 16.7.12 to 16.7.15.


16.9.1 Preparation of Sub-Grade

The formation for a width equal to that of the bajri path shall first be cut to a depth, below the
proposed f inished l evel, equal t o t he t hickness of t he c ourse of brick a ggregate (due al lowance bei ng
made for consolidation) and dressed off in level to the finished profile.

In c ase of m ade up soil, ad equate w atering shall be d one so t hat e arth s ettles do wn as m uch a s
possible and t he same rolled up w ith a m inimum three tonnes or light power roller, as di rected by the

16.9.2 Laying and Packing Brick Aggregate : Shall be as s pecified in 16. 7.6 ex cept t hat br ick
aggregate shall be used instead of stone aggregate and laid to 7.5 cm depth unless specified otherwise.
16.9.3 Consolidation : Shall be as specified in 16.7.7 except that rolling shall be done by three tonnes or
light power roller instead of by heavy road roller as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

16.9.4 Rolling with Blinding Materials : Shall be as s pecified in 16. 7.10 except t hat r olling s hall b e
done by three tonnes or l ight power roller instead of by heavy road roller as directed by the Engineer-in-

16.9.5 Measurements
The finished work shall be measured between the kerb or channel stones or brick edging etc. as the
case m ay be . Length an d breadth shall be m easured, correct to a c m. The are a s hall be c alculated i n
square metres, correct to two places of decimal.

16.9.6 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


16.10.1 Edging
Trenches of specified width and depth shall first, be made along the edges of the wearing course of the
road to receive the bricks. The bed of trenches shall be c ompacted to a f irm and even surface and then
the bricks shall be laid with its length at right angle or parallel to the side of the road depending upon
the width of edging as specified in the item. The bricks shall be abutting against the wearing course,
true to line, gradient and in camber with the finished road surface at the edge.

16.10.2 Finishing
Berms an d road e dges s hall be restored w ith e xcavated e arth a nd c onsolidated by manually. A ll
surplus earth including rubbish etc. shall be disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

16.10.3 Measurements
Length of the finished work shall be m easured in running metres along the edges of the road correct
to a cm.

16.10.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.

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16.11.1 Scarifying
All dirt, dust, cacked up mud, slush, animal droppings, vegetation and all other rubbish shall be
removed from the water bound macadam surface.

The macadam sur face s hall b e sc arified to a de pth of a pproximately 5 c m w ith su ch a dditional
picking of high parts of the road as may be necessary to the required camber and gradient as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge. Any hollows that remain after picking shall be filled with new aggregate 50 mm
nominal size and well consolidated to bring the surface to template.

16.11.2 Finishing
The scarified aggregate shall be raked to bring smaller stones on the top and surface brought to the
required camber and gradient with tolerance of 12 mm longitudinally as well as transversely.

All rubbish etc. shall be disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Scarifying operation w ill
also include consolidation with road roller the aggregate received from scarifying, although this
aggregate will be consolidated along with aggregate of new wearing course to be paid separately.

16.11.3 Measurements
The finished work shall be measured between the kerb or channel stones or brick edging etc. as the
case m ay b e. Length an d breadth shall be m easured correct to a c m. The area s hall be c alculated i n
square metres correct to two places of decimal.

16.11.4 Rate
The rate shall i nclude t he c ost o f l abour and m aterials i nvolved i n al l t he oper ations des cribed abo ve
except the cost of stone aggregate which shall be paid for separately.


16.12.1 Stones
These s hall b e c lean, har d s tones, free from de cay an d w eathering. They s hall b e in b lock and
hammer dressed on all sides.

The size of the pitching stones shall be approximately 22.5 depth and not less than 15 cm. in
any other direction.

16.12.2 Preparation of surface

The sides and bot tom of earth work to be pitched, shall be brought to t he r equired slope and gradient
and shall be compacted to a firm and even surface.

16.12.3 Pitching
Pitching shall be of 22.5 depth unless specified otherwise. Profiles shall be put up b y means of pegs
and strings or by placing stones, at intervals of not more than 15 cm. Stones shall then be laid closely in
position in bet ween t he pr ofile and firmly em bedded w ith joints staggered and w ith ex posed faces true t o
line, gradient and in uniform slope throughout.

Cross bands of approximately 22.5 cm. w idth through bond s tones equal t o the f ull depth of pi tching
shall be p rovided at an interval o f app roximately 3 m etres centre to c entre both longitudinally and

The i nterestices bet ween adjacent s tones s hall be f illed i n w ith s tones of pro per s ize, w ell dri ven i n
with crow bars to ensure tight packing and complete filling of all interstices. Such filling shall be carried on
simultaneously with the placing in position of the large stones and shall in no case be permitted to fall

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behind. F inal w edging s hall be done w ith t he l argest s ized c hip prac ticable, eac h c hip be ing w ell dri ven
home with a hammer so that no chip is possible of being picked up or removed by hand.

16.12.4 Measurements
The m easurements s hall be taken in s qm. T he ar ea o f p itching for dr ains shall be c alculated b y
multiplying t he per imeter ( bed w idth pl us side s lopes) b y t he length o f the pi tching. The l ength, width and
side slope shall be measured correct to a cm.

16.12.5 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of the materials and l abour i nvolved i n all the operations des cribed
above, except pitching stone, if specified, shall be paid for separately.


16.13.1 Bricks shall be all second class unless otherwise specified . The specification of bricks shall be as
per SH 6.00 (Brick work) Specifications.
16.13.2 Preparation of Surface
The sides and bot tom o f earth work to be pi tched, shall be br ought to the required slope and
gradients and shall be compacted to a firm and even surface.

16.13.3 Pitching
Pitching shall b e 1 0 cm. in d epth or in multiples of 10 cm. a s specified. Profiles shall first be put up
by means of pegs and strings or b y placing bricks at intervals not more than 15 cm. Bricks shall then be
laid i n p arallel rows b reaking b ond or H erring -bone bond p attern as di rected. I n t he c ase of d rains,
bricks shall be laid on bed width in parallel rows breaking bond and on sides in either of the above
manner. At the top, the toe and at e very 3 m . intervals, brick courses shall be laid with bricks on en ds.
All bricks shall be l aid closely in position and firmly embedded, true to line, gradient and in uniform slope
through out.

16.13.4 Measurements
Para 1 6.12.4 s hall a pply, exc ept th at t he measurements o f th e d ry pitching 1 0 c m. d eep f or t he
drains shall be taken by adding 10 cm. on either side to the perimeter of the drain so as to allow for the
top 20 c m. c ourses. In this c ase the p erimeter of t he drain (bed w idth plus s ides s lopes) pl us 20 c m.
multiplied with the length of the pitching shall give the area of the pitching in sqm.

16.13.5 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of material and labour involved in all the operations described above.


16.14.1 Cutting
All road c rossings shall be cut i n hal f t he w idth at a t ime and repaired, unl ess ot herwise per mitted b y
the Engineer-in-Charge. Cutting shall be straight and uniform in width. Soling stone and aggregate
obtained f rom c utting macadam s hall b e s tacked s eparately, c lear o f t he ro ad s urface. A ggregate s hall
be screened. Stones of size below 20 mm and with rounded edges shall be discarded and disposed. Making Good After t he t renches have b een f illed i n w ith excavated earth i n layers of 15 cm t hickness,
watered, w ell consolidated with heavy iron rammers and brought to sub grade level, soling stone
obtained f rom c utting s hall b e l aid a s per existing s oling a nd c onsolidated w ith h eavy i ron rammers.
Where the e arth c onsolidation is w ell d one, no s ettlement n eed oc cur s ubsequently, for this ex cess
watering should be avoided.
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Vol-2 , 2013 New aggregate 50 m m nom inal s ize or as required, s hall be a dded t o ol d agg regate an d
spread over to a depth of 7.5 cm as specified in 16.7.6. This shall then be consolidated with hand roller
or h eavy i ron r ammers, as di rected, f irst with l ight s prinkling then w ith s ufficient a pplication of water t ill
the aggr egate has bec ome adequ ately c onsolidated and does not get di splaced. A ll undul ations s hall be
loosened b y hand pi cking, surplus aggregate re moved fr om h igh s pots and d epressions fil led with
surplus and ne w a ggregate an d the s urface c ompacted ag ain. W hen thoroughly c onsolidated, kankar
moorum a nd r ed bajri, f reshly collected s hall b e s pread o ver i t i n 1 2 m m l ayer and c onsolidated with
hand ro ller or h eavy i ron ra mmers, with s ufficient application of sufficient water t ill a uniform s urface i s
obtained. The finished surface shall be in camber and left a little higher than the adjoining road surface to
allow for any settlement on drying. Measurement : Length and width of cutting shall be measured correct to a cm. The area shall be
calculated in square metre, correct to two places of decimal. Rate : The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above.

16.14.2 Cutting Bituminous Roads and Making Good Cutting, m aking goo d a nd measurements s hall be as s pecified i n 16 .14.1 ex cept the top
bituminous surface shall be finished as per the existing surface or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The item shall include cutting and restoration of W.B.M. portion as well as Bitumen portion. Rate : The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above.


16.15.1 Cutting
Cutting shall be straight and uniform in width. Brick aggregate obtained from cutting shall be
screened, aggregates of smaller size discarded and disposed off and rest stacked clear off pathway.

16.15.2 Making Good

After t he trench has been filled i n w ith ex cavated ear th, consolidated and b rought t o sub-grade l evel,
brick aggr egates obt ained from c utting and mixed w ith ne w aggr egates 50 mm nominal size, as required
shall be s pread to a dept h of 7.5 cm as specified in 16.9.2. This shall then be consolidated with blinding
materials and finished as specified in

16.15.3 Measurements
Length a nd w idth of c utting s hall b e m easured c orrect to a c m. T he area shall b e c alculated i n
square metre correct to two places of decimal.

16.15.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


16.16.1 Materials
R.C.C. posts and struts shall be as specified in 16.1.12. G.I. Barbed wire shall be as per IS 278.

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16.16.2 Spacing of Posts and Struts
The spacing of posts shall be three metres centre to centre, unless otherwise specified, or as
directed by t he E ngineer-in-Charge t o suit t he dimensions of t he area t o be f enced. E very 15th, l ast but
one end post and corner posts shall be strutted on both sides and end posts on one side only.

16.16.3 Fixing of Posts and Struts

Pits 45 x 45 cm and 75 cm deep or as directed shall first be excavated true to line and level to
receive the posts. In the case o f struts, pits 70 x 4 5 x 75 cm d eep o r a s d irected shall b e e xcavated to
suit the inclination of the strut so that it is surrounded by concrete by not less than 15 cm at any point.
The pits shall be filled with a layer of 15 cm thick cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 fine sand: 6 graded
stone agg regate 40 nom inal size). The pos ts and s truts s hall then be placed in the pi ts, the po sts
projecting 1.2 m or to t he s pecified height above ground, true t o l ine and position. T he c ement c oncrete
1:3:6 shall be filled in upto 15 cm for posts and 25 cm for struts below ground level at the base of the
concrete so that the pos ts are embedded in t he cement c oncrete bl ock of size 45 x 45 x 60 c m and strut
in block of size 70 x 45 x 50 cm. The concrete in foundations shall be watered for at least 7 days to
ensure pr oper c uring. T he r emaining por tions o f p its s hall be filled u p w ith ex cavated ear th and the
surplus earth disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and site cleared.
16.16.4 Fixing G.I. Barbed Wire
The bar bed w ire s hall be s tretched and f ixed i n s pecified num ber of r ows and t wo di agonals. T he
bottom row s hall be 14 c m abov e ground a nd t he rest at 12. 5 c m c entre t o c entre. T he di agonals s hall
be stretched between adjacent posts from top wire of one post to the bottom wire of the second post.
The diagonal w ires w ill be interwoven w ith hor izontal wires by f ixing t he odd -rows o f w ires first , t hen the
diagonal cross wires and lastly t he even r ows of wires. The barbed wire s hall be hel d to the R.C.C. posts
by m eans of G .I. staples fixed to w ooden plugs or G .I. binding wire tied to 6 m m barnibs fixed w hile
casting the posts. Turn buckles and straining bolts shall be used at the end posts, if so specified.

16.16.5 Measurements
Total length of G.I. barbed wire shall be measured in running meter correct to a cm.

16.16.6 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of labour and materials involved in all the operations described above but
excluding the cost of posts, s truts, tu rn buckle, s training bolts and excavation and c oncrete in
foundations for which separate payments shall be made under respective items.


16.17.1 Materials
G.I. Barbed wire shall be as per IS 278 and angle iron shall be as per subhead - 10.00 steel work of
Specifications. The angle shall be of size 40 × 40 × 6 mm.

16.17.2 Spacing of Posts and Struts

The spacing of posts shall be 3.00 m centre to centre, unless otherwise specified or as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge to suit the dimensions of the area to be fenced. Every 15th, last but one end posts
and corner post shall be strutted on both sides and end post on one side only.

16.17.3 Fixing of Posts and Struts

This shall be as p er 16.16.3. In ad dition, angle iron post at bottom shall be split a nd ban ded at r ight
angle in opposite direction for 10 cm length to get proper grip.

16.17.4 Fixing G.I. Barbed Wire

The bar bed w ire s hall be s tretched and f ixed i n s pecified num ber of r ows and t wo di agonals. T he
bottom row should be 14 cm above ground and the rest at spacing of 2.5 cm centre to centre. The
diagonal s hall b e s tretched bet ween a djacent po sts f rom t he t op wire of one post t o the b ottom wire of
2nd post. The diagonal wire will be inter woven with horizontal wires by fixing the odd rows of wires first,
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then the di agonal c ross wires and l astly even rows of wires. The barbed wire shall be held b y t earing t he
holes of 1 0 mm d ia in the po st and tied with G.I. wire, turn b uckles and straining bolts shall b e u sed a t
the end post, if so specified.

16.17.5 Measurements
This shall be as per 16.16.5.

16.17.6 Rates
The rate s hall include t he c ost o f labour and materials i nvolved i n al l the oper ations de scribed abo ve
but excluding the cost of post struts turn buckle straining bolts and excavation and concrete in
foundation f or which s eparate pay ments shall be m ade under res pective i tem. A ngle i ron pos t shall be
paid as per similar item of subhead Steel work of Specifications. No ex tra p ayment
shall be made for making holes in angle and nothing shall be deducted on account of holes.


16.18.1 Materials
RCC posts and struts shall be as specified in 16.1.12. Welded steel wire fabric will conform to IS
4948 and shall be of rectangular mesh 75 × 25 mm size weighing not less than 7.75 kg/sqm.
16.18.2 Fixing of RCC posts and struts shall be as described in 16.16.3.

16.18.3 Steel wire fabric 90 cm wide will be fixed to the posts by means of G.I. staple on wooden plugs or
tied t o 6 m m bar ri bs with bi nding w ire. T he s teel fabric s hall be fixed t o l eave 15 c m clearance at t he
bottom and top of the posts.

16.18.4 Finishing
The steel wire fabric shall be painted with two or more coats of approved shade of enamel paint over a
coat of steel primer as for new work.

16.18.5 R.C.C. Posts, Rails and Pales (Fig. 16.10) Materials : R.C.C. posts, rails and pales shall be as described in 16.1.11 & 16.1.12. Spacing of Posts : The spacing of post shall be as specified, or as directed by the Engineerin-
Charge to suit the dimensions of the area to be fenced. Fixing Posts : Pits 45 x 45 cm and 70 cm deep or as directed shall first be excavated true to line
and level to receive the posts. Fixing Rails and Pales : The rails shall be slotted into t he slots left in the posts, w hile the
pales shall be simply dovetailed into the rails. The pales shall be fixed by pouring a little grout of 1.2 mix (1
cement : 2 f ine sand) into the dovetails. The fencing shall be s o erected that on completion is truly in line
and level and top of the fence shall then follow approximately the profile of the ground.

16.18.6 Measurements
Fencing t o b e m easured in s quare metre correct t o t wo pl aces of decimal after t aking l ength a nd
width of the finished work in metre.

16.18.7 Rates
As per item No. 16.16.6.

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16.19.1 Size of Letters

The letters shall be 13 cm, 10 cm or 8 cm high as per figure respectively.

16.19.2 Engraving
Engraving o f the letters to the s pecified he ight and thickness s hall be don e by c utting w ith s nap
incision in V shape, about 12 mm deep or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

16.19.3 Finishing
The engraved po rtion of t he letters shall b e painted with black enamel or as di rected b y the

16.19.4 Measurements
The height of each letter shall be measured correct to a cm.

16.19.5 Rate
The rate shall i nclude t he c ost o f materials and l abour i nvolved i n al l the oper ations des cribed abo ve
except the cost of stones and paint for lettering unless specified otherwise.


16.20.1 Boundary stones shall be as described in 16.1.21 or of size otherwise specified or directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge.

16.20.2 Spacing and Fixing

The boundary s tones s hall be f ixed as di rected by Engineer-in-Charge a t i ntervals o f 20 0 m or l ess,
where the boundary is in a curve or the land is costly and is likely to be encroached upon, and (ii) at all
angular points of the road boundary.

The boundary stones shall be firmly fixed in ground to a depth of 60 cm and the side filling shall be
thoroughly watered and consolidated.

The lower 60 cm portion of the boundary stones shall be encased on all sides by at least 15 cm of
foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) in
case ( a) where w et cultivation abut s the road l and and bou ndary s tones ar e l ikely t o be di splaced dur ing
agricultural op erations (b) w here t he road runs in b uilt up area, a nd (c ) where t he bo undary s tones ar e
intended to serve as permanent land marks.

16.20.3 Measurements & Rate

Boundary stone shall be enumerated. The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in
all the operations described above.


16.21.1 RCC B oundary s tones s hall be manufactured as per s tandard des ign or a s specified i n i tem and
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

These s hall be of r einforced c ement c oncrete 1:1 ½ : 3 ( 1 c ement : 1 ½ c oarse s and : 3 gr aded s tone
aggregate 2 0 m m n ominal size), 9 0 cm high and 15 cm dia at t he top a nd 20 cm. dia at bottom with
necessary s teel r einforcement as per s tandard de sign or as di rected by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. T he
precast RCC Stones shall be finished smooth with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand).

16.21.2 Spacing, fixing, measurements and rate shall be as described in 16.20.

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16.23.0 This t ype of t reatment s hall c onsist of c leaning t he ex isting w ater bound m acadam k ankar or
gravel s urfaces, a nd a pplying on e co at of h ot bit umen o n the p repared b ase, bli nding it w ith st one
chippings of 12.5 mm nominal size and c onsolidation with a road roller. This ty pe of treatment is
normally done f or a r oad with light density r ubber tyred t raffic and r oads f or temporary construction. T his
treatment i s al so done on ex isting w ater bound m acadam before applying t he f inal s urface treatment. I n
the l atter case, after applying a coat of painting the road i s t hrown o pen to traffic till the r oad i s
consolidated. The f inal treatment is then gi ven after making good the undulations etc . in the road
16.23.1 Preparation of surface (Repairs and Cleaning) shall be as specified under 16.24.2(a).

16.23.2 Applying bi nder, blinding, c onsolidation, surface f inishing, m easurements and rat es s hall be a s
specified under 16.24 except th at bi nder s hall be appl ied at t he r ate of 2. 25 k g pe r sq m a nd s tone
chippings of size 13.2 mm at 1.65 cum per 100 sqm unless otherwise specified.


16.24.0 This consists of the application of two coats of surface dressing each coat consisting of a l ayer
of bi tuminous binder s prayed on a b ase p repared p reviously, f ollowed by a c over of s tone chippings
properly r olled t o f orm a wearing c ourse. T he e xisting water-bound m acadam, k ankar or grav el surface
shall b e c leaned t horoughly bef ore application of b ituminous bi nder. T he work s hall be c arried ou t onl y
when the at mospheric t emperature i n shade is 16 deg C or abov e. N o bi tuminous material shall no rmally
be applied when t he road surface or material is damp, when t he weather is foggy or rainy, or dur ing dust

16.24.1 Materials
Binder shall be as specified and s hall conform to Table 16.7 and s tone chippings shall conform to
grading as the Table 16.17. Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge the
quantities of m aterials shall be as specified i n Table 16 .17. A pr oper record w ill be kept t o ensure that
the d aily o ut-turn of w ork is c o-related w ith the quantity of bi tumen used as per proforma given i n
Appendix ‘A’.
TABLE 16.17

Stone Chipping Bitumen Quantity

Nominal Specification Quantity


First 13.2 mm 100 per cent passing through 1.5 cum/100 sqm 1.8 kg
Coat IS sieve 22.4 mm square mesh per sqm
and retained on IS Sieve 11.2 mm
square mesh

Second 11.2 mm 100 per cent passing through 1.0 cum/100 sqm 1.1 kg
Coat IS sieve 13.2 mm square mesh per sqm
and r etained on I S s ieve 5.6 mm
square mesh

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16.24.2 First Coat

(a) Preparation of Surface

Repairs : Pot holes or patches and ruts in the water bound macadam base or surface course which is
to be surface treated, shall be repaired by removal of all loose and defective material by cutting in
rectangular patches and replacement with suitable material.

For the purpose of repairs the area of pot ho les shall be t aken up to 0.75 sqm and dept h upto 5 cm.
All pot holes, patches and ruts upto 2.5 cm deep shall be repaired and brought to level with premix and
properly consolidated while those of depths greater than 2.5 cm shall be repaired with similar
specifications as adopted originally.

Cleaning : Prior t o t he appl ication o f t he bi nder, a ll dus t, di rt, c aked m ud, animal dung, l oose and
foreign material etc. shall be removed 30 cm on either side, beyond the full width to be treated, by
means of m echanical s weepers and bl owers, i f av ailable or ot herwise w ith wire br ushes, s mall pi cks,
brooms etc. The material so removed shall be disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

For a w ater boun d m acadam s urface, t he i nterstices bet ween t he r oad m etal s hall be ex posed upt o a
depth of about 10 mm by means of wire brushes. The surface shall then be brushed with soft brooms to
remove al l loose aggr egate. Finally t he traces of fine dus t w hich get a ccumulated while brushing shall be
thoroughly removed from the surface by blowing with gunny bags.

The prepared surface shall be closed to traffic and maintained fully clean till the binder is applied.

(b) Applying Binder (Hot Bitumen)

The bi nder s hall be hea ted i n a boi ler t o a t emperature as s pecified u nder T able 16. 7 f or t he gra de
used and maintained at the temperature, the use of a thermometer being essential.

The binder shall b e applied e venly t o t he c lean dry surface by m eans of a pressure s prayer a t t he
rate specified. The bi nder s hall be appl ied l ongitudinally al ong t he length o f the road and nev er ac ross i t.
The edges of the binder surface shall be defined by wire or a rope stretched in position.

Heating i n c ut out drums and pour ing from per forated tins, cans and s uch ot her methods s hall not be
permitted. E xcept i n the c ase of p etty w orks a nd repairs w ith the specific approval of the E ngineer-in-

Excessive dep osits o f bi nder caused b y s topping o r starting o f t he s prayer o r through l eakage o r an y
other reason shall be suitably corrected before the stone chippings are spread.

(c) Blinding or Spreading Stone Chippings

Immediately after t he binder is appl ied and while i t is still hot , stone c hippings free from dust and in a
dry and c lean s tate s hall be s pread evenly over t he s urface at the rate s pecified above. S preading s hall
be done preferably by means of a mechanical gritter, otherwise manually with a twisting motion to avoid
segregation which ot herwise s hall hav e to be r emoved by brushing the ex cess s tone c hippings over the
surface into hungry spots to obtain a uniform surface, free from waviness, depressions and other
irregularities. T he s urface s hall b e checked by m eans of a camber board laid a cross t he road a nd a
three m etre str aight e dge lai d par allel to t he c entre lin e of t he ro ad, an d un dulations if an y sh all be
corrected by addition or removal of blindage till a surface free from undulation is obtained.

If a uniform s urface i s a ssured at t his s tage, t he completed surface should be n ormally f ree f rom
undulations and unevenness.

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(d) Consolidation of Blindage
Immediately following t he appl ication o f t he s tone c hippings and l ight br ooming, the r oad s urface
shall be compacted by a power roller of 6 to 8 tonnes, starting at edges and working towards the centre (or
to the outside edge in case of superelevated curve). Each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not
less than one t hird o f the track made i n the pr eceding pas s. The r oller shall be w orked or started an d
stopped without j erks a nd s hall n ot b e s topped o r r eversed e ach t ime at t he same l ocation t o c ause
displacement of stone and other irregularities. Consolidation shall be considered complete when the
stone chippings are firmly embedded.

Generally five to six trips shall be made for thorough compaction of the surface or as may be
specified by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Along k erbs, m anholes and all pl aces n ot accessible to the rol ler, c ompaction shall b e s ecured b y
means of steel rammers or hand rollers.

16.24.3 Second Coat

(a) Cleaning the Road Surface : The surface shall be examined and any loose material and foreign
matter shall be removed by brooming or blowing off by fanning with gunny bags, care being taken
not to loosen the blindage already set.

(b) Applying Binder (Hot Bitumen) : The second coat of binder shall be applied immediately after
the blinding has been set and the surface has been cleaned. The binder shall be applied at the
specified rate in the manner specified for the first coat 16.24.2(b).

(c) Blinding or Spreading Stone Chippings : Immediately after the second application of binder,
the stone chippings shall be spread at the specified rate in the manner described in 16.24.2(c).

(d) Consolidation of Blindage : The specifications described in 16.24.2(d) shall apply. Further the
prepared finished surface shall be protected from traffic for 24 hours or such period as may be
specified by the Engineer-in-Charge.

16.24.4 Surface Finishing

The finished surface shall be uniform and conform to the lines, grades and typical cross-sections
shown in the drawings.

16.24.5 The finished surface shall be thrown open to traffic on the following day. Controlling traffic shall be
done by suitable methods like barricading posting of watchman etc.

16.24.6 Measurements
The l ength a nd width o f the fi nished work shall be measured c orrect t o a cm a long the fi nished
surface of the road. The area shall be calculated in square metre, correct to two places of decimal.

For record purposes, the measurement for binder and stone chippings shall be taken as specified in
16.4.2 and 16.4.3 be fore they ar e ac tually us ed on t he work. P remeasurements of m aterials taken for
record purposes shall simply serve as a guide and shall not form the basis for payment.

16.24.7 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he c ost o f materials and labour involved in al l the oper ations des cribed abov e,
except for repairs described under 16.24.2.

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16.25.0 This treatment consists of cleaning old painted surfaces and applying a coat of hot bitumen on
the prepared base, blinding with stone chippings and consolidation with road roller.

16.25.1 Materials
Binder s hall be as s pecified and conform to Table 1 6.7 stone chipping s hall conform t o gr ading gi ven
Table 16.17 for 11.2 mm. Unless otherwise specified or directed by the Engineer-in-Charge stone
Chippings of 11.2 mm nominal size shall be used @ 1.5 cum per 100 sqm area and bitumen @ 1.95 kg
per square metre area. A proper record shall b e kept to ensure that the daily turn out of work is
correlated with the quantity of bitumen used as per proforma given in Appendix ‘A’.

16.25.2 Preparation of Surface (Repairs and cleaning) shall be as specified under 16.24.2.

16.25.3 Applying bi nder, Blinding, C onsolidation, S urface Finishing, M easurement a nd R ate s hall be as
specified under 16.24 except that the binder and chippings shall be applied at the rate specified above.

16.26.0 This treatment consists of c leaning the existing water bound macadam, k ankar gravel or
stabilised bas e and o ther b lack top s urfaces, app lying a c oat o f b itumen emulsion at atm ospheric
temperature, blinding it with stone chippings including consolidation with a road roller.

This t ype of t reatment i s normally ap plied under d amp c onditions a nd f or m inor repai r w orks duri ng
rainy season for roads with medium density, rubber tyred traffic such as service roads. This treatment is
also done on ex isting w ater boun d m acadam bef ore appl ying t he f inal s urface t reatment. I n t he l atter
case, the road is consolidated. The final treatment is then given after making good the undulations
depressions etc. in the road surface.

16.26.1 Materials
Binder shall be as specified and shall conform to RS grade IS 8887. Stone chipping of 13.2 mm size
shall c onform t o Table 16. 17. U nless ot herwise s pecified or di rected b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge 13.2 mm
stone c hippings shall be us ed @ 1. 5 c um per 100 s qm ar ea and bi tumen @ 1. 95 kg/sqm ar ea. A pr oper
record shall be k ept to ensure that the daily out turn of work is correlated with the quantity of bitumen
used as per proforma given in Appendix ‘A’ .

16.26.2 Preparation of Surface

The s pecification described in 16.24.2 ( a) shall apply except t hat t he binder us ed f or p atch r epairs
etc. shall be bitumen emulsion.

16.26.3 Applying Binder

The s pecification de scribed i n 1 6.24.2 (b) s hall apply ex cept t hat b itumen em ulsion i s not heated i n
boilers but i t shall be spread at atmospheric temperature at t he s pecified rate. In case t he road surface is
very dry the surface shall be very lightly sprinkled with water just before applying the binder.

16.26.4 Blinding including consolidation, Measurements and Rate shall be as specified under 16.24
except th at t he st one c hippings s hall b e s pread a t th e s pecified r ate i mmediately after t he bitumen
emulsion on application breaks i.e. changes colour from brown to black.


16.27.0 This treatment consists of cleaning old painted surfaces and a pplying a c oat of bitumen
emulsion o n t he prepar ed bas e, bl inding with s tone c hippings an d c onsolidation w ith a road rol ler. T his
type of treatment is normally done under damp conditions.

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16.27.1 Materials
Binder s hall b e a s specified and shall c onform t o R S grade I S 8887. Unless o therwise specified or
directed by t he E ngineer-in-Charge 11. 2 m m the s tone c hippings s hall be us ed @ 1. 10 c um per 100
sqm area and bitumen @ 1.22 kg per sqm area. A proper record shall be kept to ensure that the daily
out turn of work is correlated with the quantity of bitumen used as per proforma given in Appendix ‘A’.

16.27.2 Preparation of s urface s hall be as s pecified i n 16.24.2 (a) except t hat t he binder used for pat ch
repairs etc. shall be bitumen emulsion.

16.27.3 Applying binder, bitumen emulsion, blinding or Spreading to it including consolidation of

blindage, measurement etc. shall be as specified under 16.24 except for preparation of surface and that
the binder and stone chippings shall be used at the rates prescribed in 16.26.1.


16.28.0 The rat e of appl ication of binder which s hall be as specified and w hich s hall c onform t o 1 6.1.5
shall depend on the surface on which the premix carpet is to be laid.
(a) 0.75 kg/sqm on W.B.M. surface.

(b) 0.50 kg/sqm on existing black topped surface.

16.28.1 Materials

Bitumen : This shall be straight-run bitumen of Grade VG-10 conforming to IS 73 specifications.

16.28.2 Preparation of Surface

16.28.3 Cleaning
Prior t o t he appl ication o f bitumen, al l v egetation, l oose sealing c ompound, caked mud, ani mal dung,
dust, d irt and fo reign m aterial s hall be rem oved from the ent ire s urface of the pav ement and from
existing dummy, construction and expansion joints (wherever existing) by means of mechanical
sweepers an d bl owers, ot herwise w ith s teel w ire br ushes, s mall picks, brooms or ot her implements as
approved b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. T he m aterial so rem oved shall b e di sposed of f as d irected b y t he

16.28.4 Weather and Seasonal Limitations

The tack c oat s hall no t be app lied nor an y b itumen w ork do ne during r ainy weather o r w hen the
surface is damp or wet or when the atmospheric temperature in the shade is not more than 16o C.

16.28.5 Application of Tack Coat Heating : Bitumen shall be heat ed in a boi ler to a t emperature of 165 deg. C to 175 deg. C
and maintained at t hat t emperature. Temperature shall be checked at r egular intervals with t he hel p o f a
thermometer. Application of Bitumen : Hot bi tumen s hall be appl ied ev enly t o t he c lean, dry s urface by
means of a pressure sprayer at specified rate. Even and uniform distribution of bitumen shall be
ensured. Bitumen s hall be appl ied l ongitudinally al ong t he l ength of the pa vement and never across it.
Excessive depo sits of bitumen caused b y s topping or s tarting of t he sprayer or t hrough leakage or an y
other reason shall be suitably rectified.

16.28.6 Measurements
Length and br eadth s hall be measured correct to a c m, al ong t he surface o f pavement. A rea s hall be
worked out in sqm correct to two places of decimal.
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16.28.7 Rate
Rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


16.29.1 Specification of i tem 16 .28 t o be followed except B itumen emulsion (Rapid S etting) of s pecified
grade and c onsistency t o be u sed at room t emperature i nstead of h ot s traight run b itumen at following
1. on w.b.m @ 0.4kg/sqm.
2. on bituminous surface @ 0.25 kg/sqm.


16.30.0 This type of treatment is normally applied on r oads where the motor traffic is of medium
intensity, but bullock cart t raffic i s f airly heavy. T his treatment is s uitable f or district roads and for internal
and service road in colonies. The consolidated thickness of this type of treatment shall be 2 c m or 2.5
cm as specified.

This treatment consists of applying a tack coat on the prepared base followed immediately by
spreading aggregates precoated with specified binder to camber and consolidated.

Premix c arpet s hall not b e l aid d uring rainy w eather o r w hen t he b ase c ourse i s da mp o r w et or ,
when the atmospheric temperature in the shade is not more than 16oC.

16.30.1 Preparation of Surface

This shall be done as described in 16.26.

16.30.2 Materials
Grading of stone chipping shall be as per Table 16.17. Binder shall be as specified and shall conform to
Table 1 6.7. Q uantities o f m aterials s hall be as gi ven i n T able 16. 18. A pro per re cord s hall be k ept t o
ensure that the d aily o ut turn of w ork is c orrelated with the q uantity of bitumen used as per p roforma
given in Appendix ‘A’.
TABLE 16.18

Consolidated Binder Hot Bitumen Stone Chippings

of premix (in cum/100 sqm)
carpet 13.2 mm 11.2 mm
size size
2.00 cm (52 kg/cum of 13.2 mm size 1.8 0.90
and 56 kg per cum of 11.2 mm

2.50 cm -Do- 2.25 1.12

16.30.3 Tack Coat

The rate of application of binder for tack coat shall be as specified. The rate will be depending upon the
surface on which the premix carpet is to be laid i.e. water bound macadam surface or existing black topped
surface. Tack coat shall be applied as described in 16.28.

16.30.4 Preparation of Premix

The aggregate shall be dry and suitably heated to temperature as directed by Engineer-in-Charge
before these are placed in the mixer to facilitate mixing with the binder.

Mixers of approved type shall be employed for mixing the aggregates with the bituminous binder.

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The bi nder s hall be heat ed t o t he t emperature ap propriate t o t he grade of b itumen approv ed by t he
Engineer-in-Charge, in boilers of suitable design avoiding local overheating and ensuring a continuous

The aggr egates s hall be dr y and suitably heat ed t o a temperature as directed by E ngineer-in-Charge
before these are placed in the mixer. After about 15 seconds of dry mixing, the heated binder shall be
distributed over the aggregates at the rate specified.

The mixing of binder with chippings shall be continued until the chippings are thoroughly coated with the
binder. The mix shall be immediately transported from the mixer to the point of use in suitable
vehicles o r w heel bar rows. The v ehicles e mployed for t ransport s hall be c leaned and be c overed ov er i n
transit if so directed.

16.30.5 Spreading and Rolling

The premixed material s hall be s pread on t he road s urface w ith rakes t o t he requi red thickness and
camber or distributed evenly with the help of a drag spreader, without undue loss of time. The camber
shall be checked by means of camber boards and inequalities evened out. As soon as sufficient length of
bituminous material has been laid, rolling shall commence with 6 to 9 tonne power rollers, preferably of
smooth w heel t andon t ype, or ot her approved pl ant. R olling s hall begi n at t he edges and pr ogress
towards t he c entre l ongitudinally. Except on t he s uper elevated port ions rol ling shall progress f rom the
lower t o upper edge, parallel t o t he c entre l ine of t he pav ement. The c onsolidated t hickness s hall not at
any place be less than the specified thickness by more than 25%. However, the average thickness shall
not be less than that specified in the item.

When the roller has passed over the whole area once, any high spots or depressions which become
apparent s hall b e c orrected by rem oving or a dding prem ixed materials. Rolling s hall t hen be c ontinued
until the entire surface has been rolled to compaction and all the roller marks eliminated. In each pass of the
roller, preceding track shall be ov erlapped uniformly by at least 1/3 width. The roller wheels shall be kept
damp to prevent the premix from adhering to the wheels and being picked up. In no case shall
fuel/lubricating oil be used for this purpose.

Rollers shall not stand on newly laid material as it may get deformed thereby.

The edges along and t ransverse of t he c arpet, l aid and c ompacted earlier shall be c ut t o t heir f ull
depth so as to e xpose fresh surface w hich s hall be pai nted w ith a thin surface coat o f appr opriate bi nder
before the new mix is placed against it.

Further, t he prepared f inished s urface s hall be pro tected f rom t raffic f or 24 hours or s uch peri od as
may be directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

16.30.6 Surface Finishing

The s urface r egularity bo th i n l ongitudinal and t ransverse di rections s hall b e w ithin the t olerances
specified in Table 16.19.
TABLE 16.19

Longitudinal profile Cross profile

Max. permissible undula- Max. permissible variation
tion when measured with from specified profile
3 M straight edge when measured with
a camber template
10 mm 6 mm

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The l ongitudinal pr ofile s hall be c hecked du ring r olling w ith a t hree m etres l ong s traight edge an d
graduated wedge at the middle of each traffic lane along the road. Similarly the transverse profile shall be
checked with adjustable templates at intervals of 10 metres.

16.30.7 Rectification
Where t he s urface i rregularity f all out side t he s pecified tolerances t he c ontractor s hall be liable to
rectify i t t o t he s atisfaction of E ngineer-in-Charge by addi ng f resh m aterial and r ecompacting t o
specifications where t he surface is low. Where the s urface i s hi gh t he f ull depth of t he l ayer shall b e
removed and replaced with fresh material and compacted to specifications.

16.30.8 Measurements
The l ength a nd width o f the fi nished work shall be measured c orrect t o a cm a long the fi nished
surface of the road. The area shall be calculated in square metre, correct to two places of decimal.

For record purposes, the measurement for binder and stone chippings shall be taken as specified in and before they are actually used on the work. Premeasurements of the materials
taken for record purposes shall simply serve as a guide and shall not form the basis for payment.

16.30.9 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above for
the particular item, except for the cost of Repairs described under para 16.24.2(a).


16.31.0 This type of w ork is n ot ordinarily recommended b ut m ay be done in c ase of urgent repairs
under damp conditions.

16.31.1 Materials

Binder s hall be as specified and s hall c onform to R S grade IS 8887 grading of 11.2 m m s tone
chipping s hall be as p er T able 16 .17. Q uantities of bitumen em ulsion and s tone chippings shall b e as
specified in Table 16.20. A proper record shall be kept to ensure that the daily out turn of work is correlated
with the quantity of bitumen used as per proforma given in Appendix ‘A’.

TABLE 16.20
Bitumen Emulsion

Consolidated Bitumen Emulsion Stone Chippings

thickness of
premix Carpet For Carpet in kg/- cum per 100 sqm
cum of chippings
2 cm 96 2.4 (11.2 mm nominal size)

2.5 cm 96 3.0 (11.2 mm nominal size)

Preparation of surface and binder application shall be as specified under 16.26 except that the rate of
application of bitumen for tack coat shall be 0.75 kg per sqm on water bound macadam surface and 0.5 kg
per sqm on black topped surface.

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Preparation, s preading, consolidating mix, surface finishing, measurements an d r ate shall be as specified
under 16.30 except that the bitumen emulsion shall not be heated but it shall be poured over the
aggregate at atmospheric temperature at the correct rate before spreading on the road surface. The rolling
shall commence 24 hours after spreading the mixture. The surface shall be protected by a suitable
device such as barricading and posting of watchmen for closing the traffic.


16.32.0 Scope

The w ork shall consist of c onstruction o f o ne or m ore l ayers of c ompacted c rushed coarse
aggregates with alternate applications or bituminous binder and key aggregates in accordance with the
requirements of these s pecifications t o be us ed as a bas e c ourse on roads, subject t o the requirements
of t he ov erall pav ement des ign, i n c onformity w ith t he l ines, gr ades and c ross-sections s hown o n t he
drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Thickness of an individual course shall be 50 mm or
75 mm or otherwise as specified.

16.32.1 Materials Bitumen :

The bi nder shall be pav ing bi tumen of s pecified penet ration grade conforming t o
IS 73 or approved cutback satisfying the requirement of IS 217 or 454 as specified in item. The actual
grade of bitumen or cutback to be used shall be as specified in item or as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. Aggregates:
The coarse ag gregates shall consist of crushed rock, crushed gravel or other hard material retained on
the 2.36 mm IS sieve. They shall be c lean, hard, durable, of cubical shape, free from dust and soft or
friable matter, organic or other deleterious matter. Where the contractors selected source of aggregate
have poor affinity for bitumen, as a condition for approval of the source, the bitumen shall be treated
with app roved anti-stripping a gents, as p er the manufacturers recommendations, w ithout
additional pay ment. B efore app roval of t he s ource t he agg regate s hall be tested f or s tripping. Th e
coarse aggregate shall conforming to Table 16.31. The c oarse and k ey aggregates shall conform to
the grading given in Table 16.21. Quantities of Material :

The quantities of materials used for this work shall be as specified in Table 16.21.

16.32.2 Construction Operations Weather and Seasonal Limitations:

Laying shall be suspended while free standing water is present on the surface to be covered, or during
rains, f og and dust s torm. A fter rain, t he bituminous surface, t ack c oat s hall be bl own of f w ith a hi gh
pressure of air jet to remove excess moisture, or the surface left to dry before laying shall start. Laying of
bituminous mixture shall not be carried out when the air temperature at the surface on which it is to be laid
is below 10°C.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Equipment :

A mechanical broom, compressor, self propelled or trailed bitumen

heater/distributor, mechanical aggregate spreader and 8 to 10 tonne smooth steel wheel roller or
vibrating roller are required for the preparation of Penetration Macadam. Preparation of the Base :

The base on which the Penetration Macadam Course is to be laid shall be prepaid, shaped and
compacted to the specified lines, grades and sections as appropriate or directed by Engineer-in-
Charge. A prime coat, where specified shall be applied over the base as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. Spreading Coarse Aggregate :

The c oarse aggregate s hall be dry and c lean an d f ree f rom dust, and s hall be s pread uni formly an d
evenly at the rate specified in Table 16.21. I t shall be s pread by a self-propelled or tripper tail mounted
aggregate spreader c apable of spreading aggr egate uni formly at t he s pecified rat es ov er t he requi red
widths. The surface of the layer shall be carefully checked with camber templates to ensure correct line
and l evel an d c ross f all. T he s preading s hall b e c arried out such tha t the rolling and pene trating
operations c an be c ompleted on the s ame day . Segregated aggregates or aggr egates c ontaminated
with foreign material shall be removed and replaced.

TABLE 16.21

Composition of Penetration Macadam

Cumulative percent by weight of total aggregate passing

For 50 mm compacted For 75 compacted
Thickness Thickness
IS Sieve Coarse Key Coarse Key
Designation (mm) Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate Aggregate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
63 - - 100 -
45 100 - 58-82 -
26.5 37-72 - - 100
22.4 - 100 5-27 50-75
13.2 2-20 50-75 - -
11.2 - - - 5-25
5.6 - 5-25 - -
2.8 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5

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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Approx. Loose 0-06 0.015 0.09 0.018
Binder Quantity As specified in item As specified in item
Grade)(1) (Kg./m2)

Note : (1) I f c utback bitumen is us ed, ad just binde r quan tity s uch that the res idual bi tumen is
equal to the values in this table. Compaction : After the spreading of course aggregates, dry rolling shall be carried out with an
8-10 tonne smooth steel wheel roller. After initial dry rolling the surface shall be checked with a crown and 3
metre straight edge. The surface shall not vary more than 10 mm from the template or straight edge. All
surface irregularities exceeding the above limit shall be corrected by r emoving or adding aggregate
as required the rolling shall continue until the compacted coarse aggregate has a firm surface, true
to cross-section shown on the plans and has a texture that will allow free and uniform penetration of the
bitumen material.

Compaction shall be done as per following procedure.

Bituminous materials shall be laid and compacted in layers which enable the specified thickness,
surface level, regularity requirements and compaction to be achieved.

Compaction of bituminous materials shall commence as soon as possible after laying. Compaction
shall be substantially c ompleted be fore t he t emperature f alls below the minimum rol ling t emperatures
stated in the relevant part of these specifications. Rolling of the longitudinal joints shall be done
immediately behind the paving operation. After t his, rol ling s hall c ommence at the edges a nd progress
towards the centre longitudinally except that on super elevated and unidirectional combered portions, it
shall progress from the lower to the upper edge parallel to the centre line of the pavement. Rolling shall
continue unt il al l ro ller m arks hav e been re moved f rom t he s urface. All def iciencies i n t he s urface af ter
laying s hall be made g ood by t he at tendants behind t he pa ver, bef ore i nitial rolling is c ommenced. T he
initial or breakdown rolling s hall b e d one w ith 8-10 t onnes dead w eight s mooth-wheeled rollers. T he
intermediate rol ling s hall be done with 8 -10 t onnes de ad weight o r v ibratory rol ler or with a pneumatic
tyred roller of 12 to 15 tonnes weight having nine wheels, with a type pressure of at least 5.6 kg/sqcm.
The finish rolling shall be done with 6 to 8 tonnes smooth wheeled tandem rollers.

Where compaction is to be determined by density of cores the requirements to prove the

performance of rollers s hall appl y i n or der to dem onstrate t hat the s pecified density c an be ac hieved. In
such c ases t he C ontractor s hall nominate the pl ant, and t he m ethod by which he i ntends to ac hieve t he
specified l evel o f compaction and finish at temperature abov e t he minimum specified r olling t emperature.
Laying trials shall then demonstrate the acceptability of the plant and method used.

Bituminus materials s hall be rol led i n a l ongitudinal di rection, w ith the d riven rolls ne arest t he paver.
The roller s hall first compact material adjacent t o joints and then work from t he l ower t o the upper side of
the layer, overlapping on successive passes by at least one-third of the width of the rear roll or, in the
case of a pnueumatic-tyred roller, at least the nominal width of 300 mm.

In port ions w ith s uper-elevated an d uni -directional camber, af ter t he e dge h as been r olled, t he rol ler
shall progress from the lower to the upper edge.
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Rollers should move at a speed of not more than 5 km per hour. The roller shall not be permitted to
stand on pavement which has not been fully compacted, and necessary precautions shall be taken to
prevent dropping of oil, grease, petrol or other foreign matter on the pavement either when the rollers
are operating or standing. The wheels of rollers shall be kept moist with water and the spray system
provided with the machined shall be in good working order, to prevent the mixture from adhering to the
wheels. Only sufficient moisture to prevent adhesion between the wheels of rollers and the mixture
should be used. Surplus water shall not be allowd to stand on the partially compacted pavement.

After i nitial dry rolling, the s urface s hall be c hecked w ith a c rown t emplate and a 3 m etre s traight-
edge. The surface shall not vary more than 10mm from the template or straight-edge. All s urface
irregularity exceeding the above limit shall be corrected by removing or adding aggregates as required.

The rolling shall continue until the compacted coarse aggregate has a firm surface true to the cross
section shown on the plans and has a texture that will allow free and uniform penetration of the bitumen
material. Application of Bituminous Material : After th e c oarse aggregate h as been r olled and
checked, the bit uminous bin der s hall b e ap plied at th e ra te g iven i n T able 16 .21, at a te mperature
directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

At the time of applying the binder, the aggregates shall be surface dry for the full depth of the layer.

In certain c ircumstances, depen ding on the t ype and s ize o f aggr egate us ed, the E ngineer-in-Charge
may direct the placing of a bed of clean sand or quarry fines, not exceeding 10 mm in thickness, on the
prepared foundation b efore pl acing t he c oarse aggregate. The sand o r f ine m aterial shall b e slightly
wetted, jus t s ufficient fo r i t to s lurry up dur ing the c ompaction process. Where c ut bac k is us ed, i f
flooding o f t he binder oc curs it s hould be ap plied i n two operations, o r as di rected by the E ngineer-in-
charge. Application of Key Aggregates : Immediately after the first a pplication of bi tumen, the k ey
aggregates, which s hall b e c lean, dry a nd f ree f rom dus t s hall be spread u niformly ov er t he s urface b y
means of an appr oved m echanical s preader or by appr oved m anual m ethods at t he r ate s pecified i n
Table 16.21.

Where directed by the Engineer-in-charge, the surface s hall be s wept and the quantity of key
aggregate a djusted t o ensure u niform application, w ith all t he s urface voids i n t he c oarse aggregate
being filled w ithout ex cess. T he ent ire s urface s hall then be r olled w ith a 8 - 10 tonnes s mooth s teel
wheel rol ler (or vibrating ro ller opera ting in non-vibratory m ode) in a ccordance w ith the pro cedure
specified in above para

16.32.3 Surface Finish and Quality Control

The s urface f inish of the completed c onstruction s hall c onform t o t he r equirements of s ection 9 00 of
MORTH s pecifications. F or control of t he q uality of m aterials s upplied a nd t he w orks carried o ut t he
relevant provisions of Section 900 of MORTH specifications.

16.32.4 Surfacing
The penetration Macadam shall be provided with a surfacing (binder/wearing course) within a
maximum of forty-eight hours. If there is to be any delay, the penetration macadam shall be covered by a
seal c oat a s s pecified and d irected by E ngineer-in-charge. T he s eal c oat in s uch c ases s hall be
considered incidental to the work and shall not be paid for separately.

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16.32.5 Arrangements for Traffic
During t he p eriod of c onstruction, arrangements f or t raffic shall be m ade i n accordance w ith t he
provisions of specification and as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

16.32.6 Measurement for Payment

Penetration Macadam base course shall be measured as finished work in square metres.

16.32.7 Rate
The rate includes the cost of all materials, labours and equipment involved in all the operations
described above.


16.33.1 Definition
The bi tumen m astic i s an i ntimate homogeneous mixture of mineral fillers and w ell grade d f ine a nd
coarse aggregates w ith a hard grade bi tumen, c ooked and l aid hot, troweled and f loated by m eans of a
wooden f loat. T he m ixture s ettles t o a c oherent, v oidless and i mpermeable s olid m ass u nder n ormal
temperature conditions.

The bitumen mastic is normally used as a wearing course. Over the mastic laid surface, hard stone
chips precoated with bitumen are grafted or spread and rolled to provide a skid resistant surface.

Bitumen m astic i s used as a w earing course i n different s ituation of heavy dut y r oad pavements.
However, use of this material is not recommended in places where abundant fuel oil dripping is expected on
the pavement surfaces like bus depots, fuel filling and service stations etc.

16.33.2 Materials The bitumen shall be industrial bitumen conforming to IS 702 of suit able grade consistency
satisfying the requirements of physical properties as given in Table 16.22.

TABLE 16.22
Physical Properties of Bitumen

S.No. Characteristics Requirements Method of Test

1. Penetration at 25 deg. C in 1/10 mm 15 + 5 IS 1203
2. Softening point (R&B) 65 + 10 IS 1205
3. Ductility at 27 deg.C (Minimum in cms.) 3 IS 1208
4. Loss on heating, per cent (Maximum) 2 IS 1212
5. Solubility in trichloroethylene 95 IS 1216
per cent by mass (minimum)
6. Ash (mineral matter) 1.0 IS 1217
%age by mass. Coarse Aggregates : The c oarse a ggregates s hall consist of clean, har d, durable, c rushed
rock free of disintegrated pieces, organic and other deleterious matter and adherent coatings. They shall be
hydrophobic, of low porosity, and satisfy the physical requirements set forth in Table 16.23.

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TABLE 16.23
Physical Requirements of Coarse Aggregates for Bitumen Mastic

S.No. Test Test Method Acceptance Criteria

1 (a) Los Angeles Abrasion IS 2386 (Pt.IV) 40% (Max.)

or or
(b) Aggregate impact value -do- 30% (Max)
2. Flakiness Index IS 2386 (Pt.I) 30% (Max)
3. Stripping Value IS 6241 25% (Max.)
4. Soundness
(i) Loss with Sodium 12% (Max)
Sulphate 5 cycles IS 2386 (Pt.V)
(ii) Loss with Magnesium -do- 18%(Max)
Sulphate 5 cycles
5. Water Absorption IS 2386 (Pt.III) 2% (Max)
6. Retained tensile strength - 80% (Min)

The pe rcentage an d gr ading of t he c oarse ag gregates to be u sed i n the bitumen m astic d epending
upon t he th ickness of the fi nished c ourse s hall b e a s in T able 1 6.24. T he m inimum and maximum
thickness of the bitumen mastic f or w earing course s hall b e 25 m m and 50 mm res pectively ex cept f or
footpaths of bridges where it shall be 20 mm and 25 mm respectively.

TABLE 16.24
Grading and Percentage of Coarse Aggregates for Bitumen
Mastic in Wearing Course and Footpath

S. Type of work Grading of coarse Thickness of Percentage of

No. aggregate finished mastic coarse aggregates
surface course
IS %age (mm)
Sieve passing
IS sieve
1. Wearing course 19 mm 100 (a) 25-40 (a) 30-40
for road pavement 13.2 mm 88-96 or or
and bridge decks 2.36 mm 0-5 (b) 41-50 (b) 40-50
2. Footpaths 6.7 mm 100 20-25 15-30
600 micron 0.15 Fine Aggregates : The fine aggr egates shall consist o f crushed har d rock o r nat ural sand or a
mixture of bot h. T he grading of f ine aggregates i nclusive of f iller m aterial passing 75 m icron s hall be a s
given in Table 16.25.

TABLE 16.25
Grading of Fine Aggregate I/C Filler

Passing Retained on %age by

IS Sieve IS Sieve Weight
2.36 mm 600 micron 0-25
600 micron 212 micron 10-30
212 micron 075 micron 10-20
75 micron — 30-50.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Filler : The fi ller s hall be limestone p owder p assing 7 5 micron and sh all have a calcium
carbonate content of not less than 80 per cent when determined in accordance with IS 1514.

16.33.3 Equipment for Bitumen Mastic There a re two ways o f preparing a m astic. T he c onventional m ethod is by us ing a m astic
cooker which is dealt with in this specification. The other method using fully mechanized units needed for
large scale work, as is generally practiced in Germany ( Gussasphalt), may f orm t he subject of a
separate document. Mastic c ooker are v ery s imilar t o t ar boi lers. T hese are i nsulated t anks m ounted on w heeled
chassis. T he h eating of t he bi tumen and m aterial i s gen erally don e b y oi l f ired burner s. M astic c ookers
have compartments. The central and main compartment is used for heating bitumen and for preparing
the mix. The s ide poc kets o r c ompartments ar e meant for pr e-heating o f the c oarse and fine aggr egates.
Since heat ing i s b y oi l fired bur ners, the temperature c an be eas ily c ontrolled by c ontrolling the flames or
supply of the fuel. Mastic cookers o f v arious capacities ranging from 1/2 tonne t o 3 t onne a re used depending on
the am ount of work involved. T hese are not being m arketed commercially because it i s not a common
specification but can be easily got made from manufactures of tar boilers.

Fig. 16. 13 i ndicates t he b road d etails of eq uipment and c omponents of c ooker pre sently i n c ommon
use. Apart from mastic cooker, the following equipments are required for transportation and laying.

(1) Wheel barrows a nd flat m ortar pans ( for short di stance ha ul) and small dumpers ( for long
distance haul).

(2) Wooden trowels, heavy wooden floats, suitable hand tools gauge, straight edge and hand level.

(3) Angle irons, required to contain the mastic in desired width and thickness.

16.33.4 Manufacture of Bitumen Mastic The m anufacture of bi tumen m astic i nvolves di fferent s tages. Initially the filler alone s hall b e
heated to a temperature o f 175 deg. C t o 210 deg. C i n mechanically agi tated mastic cooker and half the
required quantity of bitumen heated at 175 deg. C to 180 deg. C added. They shall be mixed and cooked for
one hour. A fter t hat t he f ine aggregat es an d t he ba lance bi tumen at 175 deg . C t o 180 deg. C s hall b e
added t o that m ixture in t he c ooker and heated up to 175 de g. C t o 20 0 de g. C a nd f urther mixed f or
another one h our. In the final s tage, the c oarse aggr egates s hall be added and h eating o f m ix s hall
continue for anot her one hour. Thus a t otal per iod o f minimum t hree hour s w ill be neede d t o p repare t he
mastic. During mixing and cooking, care shall be taken to ensure that the contents in the cooker are at no
time heated to a temperature exceeding 210 deg. C. In case the material is not required for immediate use, the bitumen mastic with filler, fine
aggregates and bi tumen shall be cast i nto bl ocks ea ch w eighing abo ut 25 kg. T he bitumen mastic bl ocks
(without c oarse aggr egates) shall s how on a nalysis a c omposition with t he l imits as g iven i n Table 16. 26.
These blocks w hen i ntended t o be us ed s ubsequently s hall be t ransported to s ite, broken i nto pieces of
size not exceeding 60 mm cube and remelted in the cooker at a temperature ranging from 175 deg. C. to
210 deg. C thoroughly incorporating the requisite quantity of coarse aggregates as indicated in Table
16.26 and m ixed c ontinuously f or at l east an ho ur. M ixing shall b e c ontinued unt il t he l aying op erations
are c ompleted s o as t o maintain the c oarse aggr egates i n s uspension. A t any s tage t he t emperature
during the process of mixing shall not exceed 210 deg. C.

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TABLE 16.26
Composition of Bitumen Mastic Blocks without Coarse Aggregates

I.S. Sieve %age by weight

Passing Retained Minimum Maximum
2.36 mm 600 micron 0 22
600 micron 212 micron 4 30
212 micron 75 micron 8 18
75 micron — 25 45
Bitumen content 14 17

16.33.6 Laying the Bitumen Mastic Preparation of the Base : The base on which bitumen mastic is to be l aid shall be prepared,
shaped and c onditioned t o t he s pecified l evels, gra de and c amber as di rected. I f t he ex isting s urface i s
too irregular and wavy, i t shall be m ade g ood by pro viding a c orrective c ourse of bituminous c oncrete
mix as per I RC:29. T he s urface s hall be t horoughly s wept c lean and m ade f ree of dus t and ot her del e-
terious matter. S pots rich i n bi nder shall be scrapped and repaired. U nder no c ircumstances t he bi tumen
mastic sheet be spread on a base containing a binder which will soften under high application of
temperature. If any s uch spot exists, the same shall be cut out and repaired before t he bitumen mastic i s
laid. To receive and contain the mastic, angle irons of sizes 25 or 50 mm are placed at required spacing
till finish of the job. Transportation of Mix : When the bi tumen mastic, duly pr epared including addi tion of coarse
aggregates at t he m anufacturing poi nt, i s t o be t ransported ov er a l ong di stance and del ivered t o t he
laying site, arrangements f or transport shall be made in a towed mixer transporter with adequate
provision for heating and stirring so as to keep the aggregates and filler suspended in the mix till the time of
laying. However for small works and where the laying site is near the manufacturing point, the mix can be
transported in wheel barrows/flat mortar pans. To prevent the molten material from sticking to the wheel
barrows/pans, t he i nside of t he t ransport m ay b e s prinkled w ith a m inimum quant ity of i norganic fine
material like limestone dust. However, cement, ash or oil shall not be used. Laying of Mix The bi tumen m astic s hall be di scharged i nto c ontainers sprinkled w ith l imestone du st o r
provided with li me-wash. The bitumen m astic s hall be dep osited di rectly on the prepared ba se
immediately in f ront o f t he s preader where it i s spread u niformly by means o f w ooden fl oats t o t he
required t hickness. T he m ix s hall be l aid i n one m etre w idths c onfined bet ween s tandard ang le i rons o f
size 2 5 m m t o 5 0 mm t o receive a nd c ontain t he mastic of r equired t hickness. T he t emperature of t he
mix at th e ti me of la ying shal l be 175 d eg. C. I n cas e bl owing ta kes pl ace while l aying t he bitumen
mastic, the bubbles shall be punctured while the mastic is hot and t he surface made good. Since mastic
asphalt i s an ex pansive m aterial, ex treme c are s hall be t aken w hile fixing the angle irons and t heir l evel
checked with instrument at suitable intervals. Laying Bitumen Mastic Surfacing over Old Existing Bridge Deck : Before laying bitumen
mastic ov er ol d ex isting b ridge d eck, t he ex isting c ross f all/camber, ex pansion j oint m embers and w ater
drainage s pouts s hall be c arefully examined f or t heir proper f unctioning i n t he bri dge dec k s tructure and
any deficiency found shall first be removed. Loose elements in the expansion joint shall be firmly
secured. The cracks in the concrete surface, if any, shall be repaired and filled up properly or replaced by
new concrete of specified grade before laying the bitumen mastic over bridge deck. Laying over New Bridge Deck : New concrete bridge deck which is not in camber/cross fall
shall first be provided with required camber and cross fall by suitable concrete or bituminous treatment. In
case of laying over concrete surface, following measures shall be taken:

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(1) F or proper bond w ith new c oncrete deck, s urface s hall be ro ughened by m eans of s tiff broom or
wire brush and it shall be free from ridges and troughs.

(2) A thin bituminous tack coat (with bitumen of grade 80/100) shall be applied on the concrete deck
before pouring mastic. The quantity of bitumen for tack coat shall not exceed 5-6 kg per 10 sqm.

(3) On surface in longitudinal slope, after applying tack coat, chicken-mesh reinforcement of 1.5 mm
dia steel wire with hexagonal or rectangular openings of 20-25 mm shall be placed and held
properly in position on the concrete surface before pouring mastic.

16.33.7 Joints
All construction joints s hall be properl y and t ruly m ade. T hese joints s hall be m ade by warming t he
existing bi tumen mastic by t he appl ication of an ex cess quantity of hot bi tumen m astic which af terwards
shall be trimmed off to make it flush with surface on the either side.

16.33.8 Surface Finish

The bi tumen m astic s urfacing has got a very f ine t exture w hich on i nitial l aying provides v ery l ittle
resistance t o s kidding. T herefore, t he bi tumen mastic af ter s preading and while s till hot and i n p lastic
condition shall be spread over with bitumen precoated fine grained hard stone chips/aggregates of
approved quality of 13.2 mm size complying with quality requirement as per Table 16.27 depending
upon the thickness of m astic, using bitumen at the rate of 2 t o 3 percent of S-65 or S-90 grades and
aggregates at the rate of 0.005 cum (1/200 c um) pe r 1 0 sqm. and at a spacing of 10 cm c/c in both
directions and pre ssed i nto t he s urface w hen t he t emperature of bi tumen m astic i s b etween 80 de g. C .
and 1 00 d eg. C. Such p recoated a ggregates w hen laid should protrude 2 to 4 m m over the m astic
surface. Flakiness i ndex of stone aggr egates u sed for ant i-skid measures shall be l ess t han 25 per cent.
The a ddition of 2% f iller complying with T able 1 6.28/16.30 m ay be required t o e nable t he quantity of
bitumen to be held without draining.

TABLE 16.27

Sl. Name of Test I.S.Code Acceptance Criteria

1 Grain size analysis IS 2386 Part I Max. 5% passing IS
sieve 75 micron
2 Flakiness elongation Index or IS 2386 Part IV Max. 30% *
3 Los Angeles Abration Value -do- Max. 30%
4 Polished Stone Value B.S. 812 (Part 114) Min. 55
5 Soundness IS 2386 (Part V)
(a) Sodium Sulphate Max. 12%
(b) Magnesium Sulphate Max. 18%
6 Water absorption IS 2386 Part III Max. 2%
7 Coating and stripping of bitumen IS 6241 Min retained coating
aggregate mixture 95%
8 Water sensitivity retained tensile AASHTO T 283 Min. 80% **

* The elongation test to be done only on non-flaky aggregate to the sample.

** This test is only required if the maximum retained coating in the stripping test is less than 95%.

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TABLE 16.28

Sl. No. IS Sieve (MM) Cummulative percent passing

by weight of total aggregate
1. 0.6 100
2. 0.3 95-100
3. 0.075 85-100

The t raffic may be al lowed a fter c ompletion o f w ork w hen the bi tumen mastic has cooled do wn t o the
ambient temperature.

16.33.9 Controls Sieve analysis of each type of the aggregate used shall be made at least once a day to see
that t he gradation of t he aggregates f ollows t he original gradation as approved. A dditional t ests s hall be
carried out in case of variation in grading or receipt of supply of material from new source. The number
of samples to be tested per day would depend upon the bulk supply of aggregates made in a day at the
plant s ite. Physical pr operties such as aggregate i mpact values, f lakiness i ndex, water a bsorption etc.
shall be de termined a t the r ate o f one test for e very 25 -50 c um o f aggr egates or as d irected by the
Engineer at site. Two sets of test shall be carried out on each lot of supply of bitumen for checking penetration
and softening point as per IS 1203 and IS 1205. For filler material calcium carbonate content and fineness shall be tested at the rate of one set of
tests for each consignment subject to a minimum of one set of test per 5 tonne or part thereof. It s hall b e ensured t hat t he a ggregates are n ot wet b efore h eating, ot herwise it w ould af fect
the out put adv ersely. D uring heat ing t he aggr egate t emperature s hall be r ecorded p eriodically t o s ee
that it does not exceed the limits prescribed. Material in block form shall be sampled by taking approximately equal amount in pieces, from
not less than six blocks chosen at random. The total weight of specimen to be tested shall not be less
than 5 kg. In case the preparation of the mix is at site, then at least one sample of every 10 tonne of
bitumen mastic discharged from the mastic cooker or at least one sample for each cooker per day shall be
collected and following tests done:

(1) T wo sp ecimens ea ch of 10 cm d ia or 1 0 cm square an d 2.5 c m thi ck shall b e pr epared an d

tested for hardness number.

(2) B itumen s hall be ex tracted f rom abou t 100 0 gm o f the m astic s ample and b itumen c ontent
determined as specified in Appendix C of IS 1195.

(3) A s ieve anal ysis o f t he aggregates a fter the bi tumen i s extracted, s hall be done and t he gradation
determined according to the procedure laid down in IS 2386 (Pt.I). The temperature of the bitumen mastic a t the time of laying shall n ot exceed 2 10 deg . C an d
shall not be less than 175 deg. C.
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Vol-2 , 2013 The longitudinal profile of the finished surface shall be t ested with a s traight edge 3 m long
and transverse profile with a camber template while the mastic laid is still hot. Irregularities greater than
4 mm in the longitudinal and transverse profile shall be corrected by picking up the mastic in full depth and
full area of the affected panel and relaying. Bitumen mastic shall not be laid on a damp or wet surface or when the atmospheric
temperature in the shade is 15 deg. C or less.

16.33.10 Measurements
The l ength & breadth of the ar ea w here bitumen mastic w earing c ourse of specified t hickness ha s
been p rovided s hall be measured c orrect t o a c entimeter an d t he a rea s hall be calculated i n s quare
metres correct to two decimal places.

16.33.11 Rate
The rate per s quare metre shall i nclude cost o f al l t he oper ations des cribed abov e i ncluding ant i-skid
treatment mentioned in para 16.33.1 above.


16.34.0 This t ype of t reatment i s normally done f or garden paths, driveways, f ootpaths and pl aygrounds
and roads. The t reatment i s al so us eful i n pr oviding a t hin wearing course ov er e xisting c ement c oncrete
roads. This i s s ome times capable of standing w ith v ery heavy traffic. This can also be used over worn
out cement concrete p avements, t he c oncrete surface i s ro ughened be fore l aying t he bi nder c oat. It is
also u seful as a corrosion r esistant f looring i n shade a nd godowns f or storing s alt, f ertilizer etc. T his
treatment c onsists of a mixture of c oarse s and and stone chippings w ith bituminous bi nder, s pread a nd
consolidated to a specified thickness on prepared surface after the application of a tack coat.

The consolidated thickness of this type of treatment shall be 2.5 cm or 4 cm, as specified.

The work shall b e c arried ou t o nly when the at mospheric t emperature in shade is 1 6 d eg. C or
above. No bituminous material shall normally be applied when the road surface or material is damp or
when the w eather i s foggy or r ainy, o r dur ing dus t storms. B itumen o f specified gr ade and consistency t o
be used.

16.34.1 Quantities of Materials

The quantities of materials shall be as specified in Table 16.29.

TABLE 16.29

Consolidated Bitumen Stone chippings Coarse sand

thickness of ————————————— cum/100 sqm cum/100 sqm
bituminous Kg/sqm Kg/Cum Kg/Cum
sheet of surface of stone of sand
area chipping
(For Tack)
2.5 cm 0.75 56 128 1.65* 1.65
4 cm 0.75 56 128 2.6* 2.6

* 60% 12.5 mm Nominal size and

40% 10 mm Nominal size

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A proper record shall be kept to ensure that the daily turn out of work is corelated with the quantity of
bitumen used as per proforma prescribed in Appendix ‘A’ .

16.34.2 Preparation of surface and application of binder (tack coat ) shall be as specified under 16.28.2 to

16.34.3 Preparation of Mix, laying and Consolidation

Para 1 6.30.4 a nd 16.30.5 s hall g enerally a pply e xcept t hat t he m ixing shall be done i n t wo stages.
Stone aggregate of the correct standard size and in the proportion shown in table 16.29 shall be fed into the
mixer to which 2/3 rd of the total specified quantity of bitumen heated to the appropriate temperature shall
be added. When the stone metal is well coated, the sand in the specified proportion and then the balance
1/3rd quantity of total b itumen s hall be fed into the mixer. Mixing shall be continued un til a
homogeneous mix is produced and all particles are uniformly coated with bitumen.

Any h igh s pots or d epressions which be come ap parent s hall be c orrected b y addi tion or rem oval of
premixed m aterials. The rolling shall c ontinue u ntil t he m aximum c onsolidation t o t he s atisfaction of
Engineer-in-Charge is obtained. The wheels of the roller shall be moistened with gunny bags to prevent the
mixture from sticking to the wheel while rolling.

16.34.4 Surface finishing and rectification shall be as specified under 16.30.6 and 16.30.7.

16.34.5 Permitting Traffic

Traffic shall be al lowed on t he road after a l apse of 24 hours to 48 hours after laying, as decided by
the Engineer-in-Charge.

16.34.6 Measurements
The l ength a nd width o f the fi nished work shall be measured c orrect t o a cm a long the fi nished
surface of the road. The area shall be calculated in square metre, correct to two places of decimal.

For record purposes measurements for binder, stone aggregate, stone chippings and sand as
described unde r 16. 3 s hall be t aken bef ore t hey a re ac tually us ed on t he w ork. P remeasurements s hall
simply s erve as a gui de and s hall not form t he basis f or pay ment. T he t hickness of s urface t reatment
shall be the ruling criterion for payment.

16.34.7 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


16.35.1 Scope
This work shall consist of the application of a seal coat for sealing the voids in a bituminous surface laid
to the specified levels, grade and cross fall (camber).

16.35.2 Seal coat shall be of either of the two types specified below:

(A) Liquid seal coat comprising of an a pplication of all layer of bituminous binder followed by a c over
of stone chips.

(B) P remixed s eal coat c omprising of a thin ap plication of the a ggregate p remixed with bi tuminous

16.35.3 Materials Binder : The binder a nd its q uantity s hall be a penetration bitumen of a s uitable g rade as
specified in the item or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
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Vol-2 , 2013 Stone Chips for Item 16.41 of D.S.R. 2007 of Seal Coat : The s tone c hips shall c onsist of
angular f rangments of c lean, hard, t ough an d dura ble roc k of uni form quality t hroughout. T hey should
be free of soft or disintegrated stone, organic o r ot her deleterious m atter. S tone chips shall be of 6.7
mm size defined as 100 per cent passing through 11.2 mm sieve and retained on 2.36 mm sieve. The
quantity used for spreading shall be 0. 09 cubic metre per 1 00 square metre area. The stone chips shall
satisfy the quality requirements in Table 16.31 bituminous except that the upper limit for water
absorption value shall be 1 per cent.

TABLE 16.30

Sl. No. I.S. Sieve (mm) Cummulative % passing by weight of total aggregate
1. 0.6 100
2. 0.3 95-100
3. 0.075 85-100

TABLE 16.31

Sl. No. Name of Test I.S. Code Acceptance Criteria

1. Grain size analysis IS 2386 Part I Max 5% passing IS sieve 75 micron
2. Flakiness and elongation IS 2386 (Part IV) Max 30%
3. Los Angeles Abration IS 2386 (Part IV) Max 30%
4. Polished stone value B.S. 812 (part 114) Min 55%
5. Soundness IS 2386 (Part V)
(a) Sodium sulphate Max 12%
(b) Magnesium sulphate Max 18%
6. Water absorption IS 2386 (Part III) Max 2%
7. Coating and stripping of IS 6241 Min retained coating 95%
Bitumen aggregate
8. Water sensitivity AASHTOT 283 Min 80%
retained tensile strength

* The elongation test to be done only on non-flaky aggregate on the sample.

** This test is only required if the minimum retained coating in the stripping test is less than 95%. Fine Aggregate : The aggr egate shall be s and o r g rit and shall consist o f c lean, hard dur able,
uncoated dry pa rticles and s hall be f ree f rom dus t, s oft or f laky/elongated m aterial, organic m atter or
other del eterious s ubstances. The aggregate s hall pas s 2 .36 mm s ieve and be retained o n 1 80 micron
sieve. The quantity used for premixing shall be 0.06 cubic metres per 100 square metres area. Stones or
fine aggregate shall be used as specified in item.

16.35.4 Construction Operations Weather and Seasonal Limitations : Ref. Item No. Preparation of Surface : The seal coat shall be appl ied immediately after laying the
bituminous course w hich is required to be s ealed. Before appl ication of seal coat materials, t he s urface
shall be cleaned free of any dust or other extraneous matter.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Construction of Seal Coat with Stone Chips : Bitumen s hall be he ated t o 150 oC - 163oC
and s prayed a t t he r ate s pecified on t he dry surface i n a u niform ma nner w ith a self-propelled
mechanical sprayer

Immediately a fter t he appl ication o f bi nder, s tone c hips w hich shall be c lean a nd d ry, s hall be s pread
uniformly at the rate specified o n the surface preferably by means of a self -propelled or towed
mechanical grit spreader so a s to cover the su rface c ompletely. If necessary, th e s urface s hall be
brushed to ensure uniform spread of chips.

Immediately af ter t he appl ication o f t he c over m aterial, t he ent ire s urface s hall be rol led w ith a 8 -10
tonne s mooth wheeled s teel r oller, 8-10 tonne s tatic w eight v ibratory r oller, or other equi pment appr oved
by the E ngineer af ter l aying trials i f required. R olling s hall c ommence at the edge s and prog ress
towards t he c entre ex cept i n s uperelevated and uni directional c ambered po rtions w here i t s hall pro ceed
from the lower edge to t he higher edge. Each pas s of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one-
third of t he t rack m ade i n t he p roceeding pass. W hile r olling i s i n pr ogress, a dditional c hips s hall be
spread b y ha nd i n nec essary quant ities required t o m ake up irregularities. Rolling s hall continue unt il al l
aggregate particles are firmly embedded in the binder and present a uniform closed surface. Construction of Seal Coat with Premixed Fine Aggregate : A mixer of appropriate
capacity and type approved by the Engineer-in-charge shall be used for preparation of the mixed
material. The plan shall have separate dryer arrangements for heating aggregate.

The bi nder shall be heat ed i n boi lers of suitable de sign, ap proved by t he Engineer-in-Charge t o the
temperature appr opriate t o t he gr ade of b itumen or as di rected by t he Engineer-in-Charge. T he
aggregates s hall be dry a nd s uitably heat ed t o a t emperature bet ween 150 oC and 165 oC or as di rected
by t he Engineer-in-charge before these components are placed in the mixer. Mixing of binder with
aggregates t o the s pecified pro portions s hall b e c ontinued until t he l atter are t horoughly c oated w ith the

The m ix s hall b e im mediately transported from the m ixing plant to the po int of u se and s pread
uniformly on the bituminous surface to be sealed.

As soon as a s ufficient l ength has b een covered with t he premixed material, t he surface s hall b e
rolled with an 8 -10 t onne s mooth-wheeled roller. Rolling shall be continued until the premixed material
completely seals the voids in the bituminous course and a smooth uniform surface is obtained.

16.35.5 Opening to Traffic

In the c ase of s eal c oat w ith premixed f ine a ggregate traffic m ay be al lowed s oon after final rolling
when t he prem ixed m aterial has c ooled dow n t o t he s urrounding t emperature. I n t he c ase of s eal c oat
with stone chips traffic shall not be p ermitted to run on any newly sealed area until the following day. In
special circumstances, however, the Engineer-in-charge may open the road to traffic immediately after
rolling, but in such case traffic speed shall be rigorously limited to 16 km. per hour until the following day

16.35.6 Measurement for Payment

Seal coat, for both items shall be measured as finished work over the area specified to be covered, in
square metres at the thickness specified in the item.

16.35.7 Rate
The r ate f or se al c oat s hall be c ost of all m aterials, lab our an d eq uipment inv olved in op eration
described above.

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16.36 9$&&80'(:$7(5(' CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT
Specifications of item 16.37 to be followed except following :

16.36.1 The c oncrete s labs s hall be f inished by vacuum dewatering i ncluding al l opera tions s uch a s
poker v ibration, s urface v ibration, v acuum processing, f loating a nd t rowelling a s per eq uipment
manufacturer’s recommendation. The equipment to be used shall be subject to ENGINEER's approval.

16.36.2 Measurements
It shall be measured in cubic meteres correct to two place of decimal.

16.36.3 Rate
The rate shall include the c ost of material, labour and machinery inv olved in all the operations
described above.


16.37.1 Materials Cement
(a) Cement used on work shall be as per sub head cement concrete of specifications. Water : Water used on work shall conform to Specification of cement concrete. Coarse Aggregate : These shall be crushed or broken from hard stones obtained from
approved quarry. T hese s hall be c lean s trong, durable of f airly c ubical s hape and f ree f rom s oft, f riable,
thin el ongated and l aminated di sintegrated pi eces. T hese shall al so be free from dirt, organic del eterious
and any other foreign matter and adherent coatings and s hall s atisfy t he phy sical r equirements l aid
down in para 16.37.19 under quality control. Fine Aggregate : This shall be coarse sand conforming to Specification under Aggregate section. Grading of Mixed Aggregates : The gr ading o f al l aggreg ates (c oarse an d f ine aggre gates)
to be u sed in the w ork s hall b e determined i n the laboratory. T he c oarse and f ine a ggregates s hall be
mixed i n s uitable pr oportions so that the gr ading o f t he mixed aggr egates s hall be i n t he range i ndicated
in Table 16.32.

TABLE 16.32

I.S. Sieve Size (IS 460) %age passing by weight

45 mm 100
22.4 mm 55 - 60
11.2 mm 45 - 50
5.6 mm 35 - 40
2.8 mm 30 - 35
1.4 mm 20 - 25
710 microns 15 - 20
355 microns 10 - 14
180 microns 2-5

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16.37.2 Mix Design The mix shall be approv ed by Engineer-in-Charge so as to obtain the following mean strength
that exceeds the minimum specified flexural strength by 1.64 times the designed standard deviation.

Minimum works beam

flexural strength at 28 days = 300 kg/sqm. for M-30 or specified in item
Designed s tandard de viation = 60 kg/sqm. for M-30 or for specified grade(s)
Design flexural strength
at 28 days = 300+60x1.64 = 398.4 kg/sqm. (f + 1.64 s )
= says 400 kg.
Water cement ratio by weight = 0.5

Minimum slump not more than 25 mm For t he p urpose of t endering t he contractor s hall b ase hi s rate o n t he a ssumption t hat t he
quantity of c ement used for one cum. of finished concrete s hall be 340 k g. or M - 30. If the actual
quantity of cement required to be used as a result of the laboratory test i s different from that as sumed
above, necessary adjustment in the cost due to short cement used shall be made on the basis of issue
rate of c ement i ncluding s torage c harges pl us 2. 5% f or handl ing c harges. H owever, under no
circumstances the quantity of cement to be used shall either exceed 350 kg./cum or fall below 330 kg. per
cum of finished concrete.
16.37.3 Statistical Field Check Samples of concrete shall be taken at the mixer and work area , made, cured and tested in as
per specifications on cement concrete.

16.37.4 Slump Test

The t est s hall be c arried out as per I S 1199. A s lump t est s hall be c arried out as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. Any batch from which slump test is being made shall not be transferred to the place
of laying till the slump test has been completed. Not only the batch which gives a slumps in excess of that
specified shall be rejected but the concrete already laid immediately preceding the batch tested upto the
nearest l ast t ransverse j oint m ay be rej ected by t he E ngineer-in-Charge or his s ubordinate, i f he i s
satisfied that such preceding batches were substandard in this respect. The decision of the Engineer-in-
Charge in this respect shall be final and binding on the contractor. Such rejected concrete shall be
removed by the contractor immediately and replaced with proper slump concrete at his cost and expense.

16.37.5 Steel Forms All side forms shall be of mild steel. The steel forms shall be of M.S. Channel sections and
their depth shall be equal to the thickness of the pavement. The side forms shall have a l ength of at least 3.0 m etres except on c urves of less than 4.5
metres radius w here shorter lengths m ay be used. W hen s et t o grade and stacked in place the
maximum dev iation of the t op s urface of any s ection f rom a s traight line s hall not ex ceed 3 m m. T he
method of c onnection be tween s ections s hall be s uch t hat t he j oint f ormed shall be f ree f rom pl ay o r
movement in any direction. T he us e of bent, t wisted o r w orn ou t forms s hall not be per mitted. A t least
three s take pockets for bracing pins or s takes shall be p rovided for eac h 3. 0 M l ength of forms. Bracing
and s upports m ust be am ple t o prev ent t he s pringing of f orms under pres sure of c oncrete or w eight or
thrust of the m achinery ( like sc reed vibrator) o perating on th e f orms. S upport to th e f orms shall b e
sufficiently rigid to hold them in position during the entire operation of laying and compacting and
finishing and t hat they shall not at any time d eviate m ore than 3 m m from s traight edge 3 m etres in
length. F orms w hich s how a v ariation from t he r equired rigidity o f t he al ignment and levels shown on t he
plans shall be reset or removed as directed. The length and number or pins or stakes shall be such as to
maintain the forms at the correct line and grade.

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Vol-2 , 2013 The supply of forms shall be s ufficient to permit their remaining in place for at least 12 hr s.
after the concrete has been placed or longer, if in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, it is necessary. The top line of the forms is not to vary from the correct level or alignment and the levels and
alignment o f the forms a re t o be checked and corrected as nec essary i mmediately pr ior to t he pl acing of
concrete. T he t op edges and f aces of t he f orms a re t o b e c arefully c leaned a nd m aintained i n c lean
condition. While removing the steel forms, care shall be taken to withdraw them gradually, any damage to
the bull nosed edges shall be made good while the concrete is still green. Setting of Forms

(a) S etting o f forms shall be ac cording t o the slab pl an s ubject to t he appr oval o f E ngineer-in-Charge
and concreting shall not commence until the setting of forms is approved.

(b) Forms shall be set for at least 50 metres in advance of the point where the concrete is being laid
and shall not be removed until at least 12 hrs. of placing of the concrete or longer if in the opinion
of Engineer-in-Charge is necessary.

(c) After setting, the working faces shall be thoroughly oiled by using approved oil before concrete is
placed against them.
(d) The pavement joints of overlay layer would overlap with the joints of underlay cement concrete

16.37.6 Batching and Mixing

As detailed in SH: 5 of reinforced cement concrete work of specifications.

16.37.7 Placing of Concrete

As detailed in SH: 5 of reinforced cement concrete work of specifications.

16.37.8 Compaction of Concrete Compaction shall be carried out by electrically (or) d iesel ope rated need le and s creed
vibrators as s tipulated he reafter. N eedle v ibrator s hould be us ed al l ov er the ar ea f or obt aining initial
compaction of concrete. These should be of diameter not less than 4.5 cm. If the vibrator are pneumatic
the p ressure m ust not be be low 4 k g/ If el ectrically ope rated, they should have a m inimum
frequency of 3500 impulses per minute. There should be at least three needle vibrators w orking in any bay. A v ibrating s creed
consisting of a steel or timber section weighing not less than 15 kg. per metre with a tamping edge of not
less t han 7 cm width and ha ving a vibrator mounted t hereon shall f ollow n eedle vibrators t o o btain f ull
compaction. The face of the wooden tamping edg e of the screed s hall be l ined with M .S. Plate rigidly
fixed by m eans o f c ounter s unk s crew. W here s creed v ibrators are us ed f or compaction, a s tandby un it
shall always be m aintained r eady f or use, s hould t he other one go out o f o rder. Where el ectrically dr iven
vibrators ar e em ployed, a s tandby di esel pneum atic uni t s hall be k ept ready f or us e i n case of pow er
failure. A t t he di scretion of the E ngineer-in-Charge, f or c ompaction at edges and joints, v ibrators may be
supplemented by hand tamping and rodding for securing satisfactory results. Under no circumstances,
honey combing of concrete at joints or elsewhere shall be permitted. When us ing s creed v ibrator for c ompaction i t should not be dr agged ov er the c oncrete. D uring
the initial pas ses i t s hall be l ifted to t he ad jacent forward pos ition i n short s teps, subsequently, i t s hall be
slowly slided over the surface with its axis slightly tilted away from the direction of sliding and the operation
repeated until a close, dense surface is obtained. Concreting s hall be c arried out in one ope ration bet ween the ex pansion joints and construction
joints without any break at the dummy joints.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Concrete shall be deposited on the base as near the joints as possible without touching them. It
shall t hen be s hoveled ag ainst t he s ides, m aintaining equal pr essure and d eposited app rox. 5 0 mm
higher than the depth of the j oints, care being taken that it is worked well around the joints. The concrete
shall not be dumped from the bucket directly upon or against the joints. Workmen shall not be allowed to walk on freshly laid concrete and proper cat walk shall be
provided with independent supports beyond concreting bays.

16.37.9 Finishing of Concrete During compaction, any low or high spots shall be made up by adding or removing concrete.
After longitudinal floating has been completed but while concrete is still plastic, the slab surface shall be
tested f or t rueness w ith a 3 m s traight edge. A ny depressions or high spots showing departure from the
true s urface s hall be i mmediately r ectified. H igh spots s hall be c ut dow n and r efinished. D epressions
shall be enlarged to about 8-10 cm and filled up with fresh concrete, compacted and finished. The straight edge testing the refloating is to continue until the entire surface:

(a) is free from observable departure from the straight edge,

(b) conforms to the required levels and across section, and

(c) shall conform to the specified surface when the concrete has hardened. The foregoing work is to be carried out while the concrete is still plastic and workable.

16.37.10 Belting Just bef ore c oncrete becomes non-plastic, t he s urface s hall be belted w ith a t wo pl y c anvas
belt not less than 20 c m wide and at least 1 m etre longer than the width of the slab. Hand belts shall
have suitable handles to permit controlled uniform manipulation. The belt shall be operated with short
strokes transversed to the centre line of the pavement and with rapid advance parallel to the centre line.

16.37.11 Brooming After belting and as soon as the surplus water, if any, has risen to the surface, the pavement
shall be gi ven a broom finish with an appr oved s teel or fiber broom not less than 45 cm wide. The broom
shall be pul led gent ly ov er t he s urface of t he pav ement f rom edge t o edge. A djacent s trokes s hall b e
slightly o verlapped. B rooming shall be per pendicular to t he c entre l ine o f t he pav ement and s o ex ecuted
that the corrugations formed shall be uniform in character and width and not more than 1.5 mm deep. Brooming s hall b e completed b efore t he c oncrete r eaches such a s tage t hat t he s urface i s
likely t o be torn or unduly roughened by the operation. The broomed s urface shall be free from porous or
rough spots, irregularities, depressions, an d small pockets such as may be caused by accidental
disturbing of pa rticles of coarse aggr egates em bodied near the s urface. T he b rooming s hall be of
uniform pattern all through. Edging : After belting/brooming has been completed but before the initial setting of concrete, the
edges of the slab shall be carefully finished with an edge r of 6 m m radius, and the pavement edges shall
be left smooth and true to line.

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16.37.12 Honey Combing The s ide forms shall not be r emoved un til 12 hour s o r such l onger period a s t he E ngineer-in-
Charge may decide after the laying of concrete. As soon a s t he s ide f orms are r emoved, a ny m inor honey combed area shall b e f illed w ith
mortar composed of one part of cement and two parts of fine aggregate. Major honey combing areas or
segregated c oncrete or o ther def ective w ork o r ar eas da maged b y r emoval of t he f orms o r c oncrete
damaged b y r ain or due t o any ot her reason whatsoever shall be c onsidered a s def ective w ork and shall
be r emoved and replaced b y t he contractor at hi s ow n ex pense. The total ar ea o f hone y combed s urface
shall not exceed 4 per cent of the area of the slab side. However, no individual honeycomb patch shall
exceed 0 .1 s qm. E ngineer-in-Charge’s decision as t o w hether t he c oncrete is defective or no t shall be
final and binding.

16.37.13 Surface Accuracy After the c oncrete has s ufficiently har dened a fter about 12 hour s and not l ater than 24 hours,
the surface s hall be t ested again for high s pots. A ll high s pots s hall be m arked a nd those ex ceeding 3
mm shall be ground down immediately. Care shall be taken to see that the grinding does not in any way
damage the concrete surface. The final surface finish is to be such that when tested with a profilograh/roughness
indicator/or a 3 metre long straight edge or an equivalent mechanical unevenness indicator placed
anywhere within t he s ame or adjoining s lab i n a ny di rection o n t he surface, t here shall be n o variation
greater than 3 mm. If the surface irregularity exceeding 3 mm still remains despite grinding as per para the concrete shall be removed to its full depth. The area of concrete to be removed shall be
complete s lab be tween the n earest joints, w here t he de fective s lab is less than 4 .5 m etres from the
expansion joint, the whole area upto the expansion joint shall be removed to the full depth. The concrete so
removed shall not be reused in the work. Fresh concrete shall be laid in the manner already described
in above paras and shall again be subject to test for surface accuracy and other quality control measures.
Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Every s lab s hall bear an i mpression not ex ceeding 3 m m i n depth c omprising t he num ber
allotted to t he s lab and the dat e on w hich i t is l aid. T his impression s hall be f ormed by t he c ontractor
when the concrete is green so as to leave permanent mark on setting. Initial Curing Immediately after completion of the finishing operations, the surface of the pavement shall be
entirely c overed w ith w etted bur lap, c otton or j ute m ats. T he m ats us ed s hall be of s uch l ength ( or
width) that as laid they shall extend at least 45 cm b eyond the e dges of the slab. T he mats shall be
placed so that the entire surface and both edges of the slab are completely covered. This covering shall be
placed as soon as, in the judgment of the Engineer-in-Charge the concrete has set sufficiently to
prevent d amage t o t he s urface pri or t o bei ng pl aced, t he m ats s hall be t horoughly saturated w ith water
and s hall be placed w ith t he w ettest side down. T he mats shall b e s o pl aced and weighed down a s t o
cause them to remain in intimate contact with the surface covered, and the covering shall be maintained full
wetted and in position for 24 hours after the concrete has been placed or until the concrete is
sufficiently h ard t o be walked on w ithout suffering da mage. Water shall be gent ly s prayed s o as t o av oid
damage t o t he f resh c oncrete. I f i t bec omes nec essary t o remove a m at f or any reason, t he c oncrete
slab shall not be exposed for a period of more than half an hour.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Worn burlap or burlap w ith holes s hall not be per mitted. B urlap reclaimed f rom previous
use ot her t han c uring c oncrete s hall be t horoughly w ashed pri or t o us e f or c uring purpos es. I f burl ap i s
obtained in strips, shall be laid to overlap by at least 150 mm.

16.37.14 Burlap s hall b e pla ced f rom s uitable bridges. W alking o n fr eshly lai d c oncrete to facilitate
placing burlap shall not be permitted.

16.37.15 Final Curing Upon t he removal of t he burlaps, t he slab shall be t horoughly w etted and t hen cured as

All j oints s hall be f illed with f iller i n order t o prevent t he edges of j oints f rom get ting dam aged and
entry of clay materials into the joints during final curing. Exposed edges of the slab shall be bank ed with
a s ubstantial b erm of e arth. U pon t he slab shall t hen be l aid a system of t ransverse a nd l ongitudinal
dykes of c lay about 50 m m hi gh immediately c overed w ith a bl anket of s andy s oil free f rom stones to
prevent the drying up and cracking of clay. The rest of slab shall then be covered with sufficient sandy
soil so a s to pr oduce a bl anket of earth not l ess than 40 mm deep a fter w etting. The ea rth covering shall
be thoroughly wetted while it is being placed on the surface and against the sides of the slab and kept
thoroughly saturated with water for 21 days and thoroughly wetted down during the morning of the 22nd
day and shall thereafter remain in place until the concrete has attained the required strength and
permission is g iven by the E ngineer-in-Charge. T hereafter the c overing s hall be rem oved and the
pavement c leaned an d s wept. I f the ea rth c overing bec omes di splaced d uring t he c uring period, i t s hall
be replaced to the original depth and resaturated. Contractor shall appoint chowkidars at his expense to prevent workmen, cattle, etc., straying
on the pavement concrete. Concrete shall not be s ubjected to any load or w eight of any plant until at least 28 day s after

16.37.16 Construction Joints Construction j oints s hall be pr ovided a s s hown in the dr awing and a lso a t p laces w here
concreting i s s topped d ue t o unf oreseen c ircumstances. T he j oints s hall be s traight and vertical t hrough
the f ull t hickness of t he s lab. W hile c oncrete i n ad jacent bay i s s till green, f lats of s uitable s ize s hall be
drawn along the e dge a nd a groove of size 10 m m × 2 5 mm deep shall b e ne atly formed a nd finished.
The edges of the groove shall be f ull nosed. After curing of concrete is complete, this groove shall be
thoroughly cleaned o f all s and dust and s hall be p erfectly dried an d f illed with ho t poured s ealing
compound c onforming to grade B of I S 1834. B efore f illing with sealing c ompound t he f aces of c oncrete
of the joint shall be coated with primer of approved brand to a depth of 25 mm at the rate of 2.6 liters per
10 square meters. Bitumen emusion shall not be used as primer.

16.37.17 Dummy Joints The joints shall be 10 mm wide and shall extend vertically from the surface of the slab to a
depth equal to 1/3rd of the thickness of the slab but not less than 4 cm in any case. The joint may be
formed by depressing into the soft but compacted concrete a hi gh tensile M.S. or ot her approved Tee of
flat bar of depth not less than required depth of the joint plus 25 mm. The bar used for forming the
groove shall be coated with soft soap or other suitable lubricant to facilitate its removal when the steel
Tee or flat i s r emoved j oints s hall b e n eatly f ormed with proper t ools a nd mortar/fine material f rom the
slab itself. No additional cement mortar (rich or otherwise) shall be used.

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Cutting or s awing by a saw m ounted o n a m ovable frame and driven m echanically s hall also be
permitted as a method for making t he joint. I n t his c ase the w idth may b e reduced to 6 mm. an y other
method for making joints can be followed with the prior approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.

In all cases, except where cutting is done with saw, the joint edges shall be bullnosed. Care should
be taken to see that the edges of the grooves are not damaged.
The gr ooves s hall be filled w ith hot poured s ealing c ompound c onforming to Grade B o f
IS:1834. P rior t o filling w ith s ealing compound, t he joints shall be c leaned b y compressed ai r and pr imed
with Shalijet primer or equivalent at the rate specified in Para

All joints shall be sealed as soon as practicable after 28 days of casting of cc pavement.
Joints s hall be sealed f lush with t he adjacent pav ement s urface i n s ummer and 3 -4 m m bel ow f inished
concrete surface i n winter. The pav ement s hall be opened t o t raffic onl y a fter joint sealing over t he ent ire
pavement. T o prev ent t ackiness or pi ckup under t raffic, t he e xposed s urfaces of t he s ealing c ompound
shall be dus ted with hy drated l ime, i f di rected by Engineer-in-Charge, f or which n othing extra shall b e
paid to the contractor.

In case of sudden rain or storm, the work can be concluded at the dummy joints but these will then
be formed as construction joints.

Before sea ling of jo ints, it m ay b e en sured t hat the gr oove e xtends fu lly acr oss th e ba y
between c onsecutive l ongitudinal j oints, i n the case of t ransverse j oints and is c ontinuous i n t he case of
longitudinal joints. Any concrete or other foreign matter must be removed from the groove.

16.37.18 Concreting during Rains

To prevent damage to freshly laid concrete during monsoon, or s udden rains, the contractor shall
provide an adequat e s upply of tarpuolines or ot her w ater pr oof c overing m aterial. A ny c oncrete
damaged by rain s hall be removed an d replaced b y t he c ontractor at hi s o wn c ost as di rected by t he

16.37.19 Quality Control

The f ollowing qual ity c ontrol t ests s hall be c arried out at f requencies s pecified agai nst eac h as i n
Table 16.33.

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TABLE 16.33

S. Test Test Frequency Acceptance

No. Method Criteria
1 2 3 4 5
(a) Flakiness IS 2386 (Pt.I) Before approval of the quarry Not more than 15%
index. and at every subsequent
change in the source of
supply and one test per 100
cum of aggregates
Not m ore t han 30%
(b) Impact IS 2386 (Pt.IV) -do-
value. Not more than 40%
(c) Los angles IS 2386 (Pt.IV) -do-
value. As per t able 1 of
(d) Deleterious IS 2386 (Pt.II) Before approval of the quarry IS 383
materials. and at every subsequent
change in the source of supply -do-
(e) Moisture IS 2386 (Pt.III) Regularly as required.

(ii) FINE AGGREGATES Not more than 8%

(a) Silt content. Specifications One test per 20 cum
Cement Fineness m odulus
Concrete between 2.5 to 3.9
(b) Gradation IS 2386 (Pt.I) One test per 40 Cum As per table 1 of IS 383
of sand
(c) Deleterious IS 2386 (Pt.II) Before approval of the quarry
materials. and at every subsequent
change in the source of supply
(d) Moisture IS 2386 (Pt.III) Regularly as required.
(iii) MIXED AGGREGATES As per para
(a) Grading IS 2386 (Pt. I) 1 test per 15 cum

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1 2 3 4 5
(iv) Slump test IS 1199 At least once in 50 batches Not more than 25 mm
of concrete at each mixer or more
frequently if di rected b y t he
(v) Flexural IS 516 One test of sample consisting As per para
strength of eight specimen for every
30 cum of concrete
(vi) Surface As prescribed Regularly As per para 16.37.13

16.37.20 Equipments

Equipments as per list a t A ppendix C s hall be provided b y t he contractor i n t he f ield t esting

laboratory. Nothing extra shall be paid to him on this account. Records as required shall be maintained at
site. All tests details in support of mix design shall be maintained as part of records of the contract and shall
be signed both by the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall provide all labour,
materials and equipment required for all tests to be carried out at his own cost.

The Engineer-in-Charge reserves t he ri ght t o test any part of concrete l aid regardi ng q uality
soundness, compactness, thickness, strength and finish of the concrete, at any time before the expiry of the
“Defect l iability period” not w ithstanding t hat n ecessary t ests ha d b een c arried o ut a nd f ound
satisfactory at the time of execution.

All defective unsound sub-standard work and concrete of sub-standard strength and quality
etc. as established vide paras 16.37.3 shall be r ejected and s hall be r eplaced by the contractor at his
own e xpense i n t he m anner as d etailed i n para 16 .37.3. Where due t o oper ational or any ot her re ason
such replacement does not become possible (decision of Engineer-in-Charge in this respect being final
and b inding on the c ontractor), the c ost o f r emoval a nd r eplacement of s uch r ejected w ork s hall be
recovered from t he contractor w hether s uch rejected w ork i s s ubsequently replaced by the G overnment
or not.

16.37.21 Measurements

For t he purpos e of as certaining t he quant ity of c oncrete i n t he pav ement, t hickness s hall b e
measured by m eans of a s cale c orrect t o t he nearest 2 m m. T he t hickness of t he c oncrete pav ement
slabs s hall be t aken o n ei ther s ide of t he pav ement at eac h dum my j oint at f our c orners of t he s lab

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Note : The quantity of concrete in the pavement slab shall be worked out by multiplying the area of
the slab and its average thickness or specified thickness whichever is less. No deduction
shall be made for any joints in the concrete slab. Measurements of concrete slabs s hall be rec orded j ointly by t he Engineer-in-Charge or h is

authorised subordinate and the contractor or his authorised agent.

16.37.22 Rate
The rate of the item for concrete in pavement s hall include the c ost of all m aterials and labour
including c harges f or m achinery t ools & p lants req uired i n al l t he op erations des cribed abov e. T he rat e
also includes all cost of setting up the laboratory at site and carrying out the quality control
measures/tests enumerated above b y t he c ontractor at hi s own c ost i n t he pr esence of E ngineer-in-
Charge or his au thorized r epresentative and submission of t est results o n c ompletion o f t ests t o t he
Engineer-in-Charge thereof.


Hard c rete of app roved qua lity and b rand to be us ed. I t s hall be m ixed in ra tio and m ethod as
recommended by m anufacturer and appr oved by Engineer-in-charge i n cement c oncrete f or l aying in
paramount. Q uantity s hall be m easured i n l itre used i n c ement c oncrete. H ardcrete t o be br ought i n
sealed container and proper record of quantity be maintained. Empty containers of hardcrete shall not be
removed from site with but prior permission of Engineer-in-Charge.


16.39.0 Materials
Premoulded Joint Filler in Expansion Joint : It shall conform to IS 1838 (Pt. I). The thickness shall be 25
mm w ith t olerance 1. 5 m m. and s hall be o f t he m aximum av ailable s tandard l ength not l ess t han on e
lane width. T he f iller b oard s hall b e p ositioned v ertically with t he pr efabricated joint a ssemblies along
the line of the joint within tolerance o f + 10 mm from the intended line of the joint. T he d epth of b oard
shall be 25 m m less than thickness of slab within a tolerance of ± 3mm so that the top of the board shall
be below the surface or will not impead the passage of the finishing straight edge or oscillating beam of
the paving machine.

Bitumine Hot Sealing Compound : The j oint s ealing compound s hall be f uel a nd h eat re sistant t ype
complying to g rade B o f IS 1834. It shall be c apable of adhering to the c oncrete w ithout cracking,
spalling and disintegration.


16.40.1 Expansion joints s hall be provided as s hown i n t he drawing and as per di rections of Engineer-in-
Charge. A ll j oints s hall be c onstructed t rue t o l ine w ith t heir f aces pe rpendicular t o t he surface of the
pavement. The joint shall be 20 mm wide. The depth of the non-extruding filler pad shall be 25 mm less
than the depth of the concrete slab.

16.40.2 Before the provision of ex pansion joint, the face of the already laid concrete s lab s hall be
painted w ith primer at t he rate of 2.6 liters per 10 s quare m etres. T he ex pansion pad s hall b e properly
cut to shape and shall then be placed in position abutting the painted face of the al ready l aid c oncrete
slab. T he adj acent s lab s hall t hen be c oncreted. T he f ace of t he pad against w hich t he new c oncrete
slab i s t o be l aid s hall also be pai nted w ith primer bef ore l aying t he c oncrete, w hile c oncreting a neat
groove of size 20 mm x 25 mm as per drawing shall be formed on top of the pad taking care that the

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edges ar e abs olutely s traight and that the gr oove s o m ade does no t ge t f illed w ith any m aterial like
concrete, mortar and other rubbish.

16.40.3 Before t he c uring process i s s tarted, t he t op of expansion joint shall be f illed w ith bitumen sand
mixture in order t o ensure t hat no f oreign m aterial used in c uring enters i nto the j oint. T his f illing shall be
removed before filling the joints with sealing compound. For sealing the joints following operations shall be carried out :—

(a) The joints are cleared of any foreign matter to the full depth upto the top of expansion pad with
steel spatula.

(b) The joints are blown with compressed air.

(c) Cleaning is done with Kerosene oil.

(d) Priming is done with spray gun @ 2.6 liters per 10 sqm of the surface to be primed.

(e) The primer is allowed to dry completely before pouring the sealing compound.

(f) The sealing compound grade ‘A’ is heated to the required temperature ranging between 155 deg.
C to 165 deg. C or to the temperature range specified by the manufacturer. Over heating shall be
avoided. Pouring shall be done from vessel with spout in such a manner that the material will not
get spilled on the exposed surface of the concrete, any excess filler on the surface of the
pavement shall be removed immediately and the pavement surface cleaned.

(g) The filling shall be worked into the joints with hot flats to ensure escape of trapped air.

(h) The filling is then ironed with hot iron. It is recommended that while in summer the joints may be
sealed flush with the adjacent pavement surface, in winter the sealing compound may be filled to
a depth 3-4 mm below the surface.

(i) The edges of the joints are then cut and trimmed to ensure neat and straight line finish.

(j) To prevent tackiness or pick up under traffic, the exposed surfaces of the sealing compound shall
be dusted with hydrated lime, if directed by Engineer-in-Charge (Nothing extra shall be paid for
the same).

16.40.4 Rate
Rate for the item shall include the cost of all m aterials, plant, m achinery an d labour involved in all
operations described above, including all cartages and lifts.


16.41.1 Materials
The paver blocks shall have the following properties:
Crushing Strength: 40 MPa (Minimum) tested as per BS:15658.
Water absorption: 3% maximum tested as per BS:1881.
Abrasion resistance: As per IS:2386.
Thickness: 80 mm.

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All paver blocks shall be factory made using Automatic moulding and curing machine. All moulds and
machines shall be open for inspection of IOC. The handmade paver blocks shall not be accepted.
The pavers shall be manufactured as mono-layer only. The paver blocks shall be steam cured
The ingredients of the paver blocks shall comply with following:
Cement: Shall comply with IS:8112 for high strength ordinary portland cement or IS:12330 for Sulphate
resisting cement. The minimum cement content shall be 300 kg/m3.
Aggregates: Aggregates shall comply with IS:383. The Los Angles abrasion test limits shall not be more
than 35%.
Sand: The s and shall be p referably nat urally obt ained sand. Crushed stone sand may al so be us ed
complying with IS:383 requirement. The sand shall be in grading zone II or zone III.
Sand for cushioning
The sand used f or l aying the paver blocks shall be natural s and c omplying with I S:383. T he s and
from sea bed may also be used in this case.
Kerbing :The kerbing for pavers shall be made out of concrete cast-in-situ or pre-cast as directed
by site engineer
16.41.2 LAYING
The concrete pavers shall have perpendicular ties. The surface shall be anti-skid and anti-glare type.
The pavers shall have uniform special champers to facilitate easy drainage of surface run-off. The pavers
shall hav e uniform interlocking space of 2 to 3 mm to ensure compacted sand filling. The paver blocks
shall be tested one out of every 1000 pieces and the test result shall be produced to ENGINEER/IOC. All
these t esting s hall be at the c ost o f CONTRACTOR/VENDOR. The s ub bas e s hall be p repared t o the
required grade, level and camber. It shall be cleaned of all dust, dirt, and other extraneous matter. Any
ruts, soft yielding places or any pot holes shall be corrected by filling with good earth and well compacted
by mechanical vibrator. Form edge restrains before compacting blocks. Do not vibrate the paver until the
edge beam t ogether w ith an y c oncrete haunc hing has gai ned sufficient strength. The s and shall be
spread uniformly and evenly upon the prepared base in required quantities. It shall be spread in such a
manner that a fter compacting t he c onsolidated thickness w ill be 50mm. H owever, the s and l aid for
bedding should be un-compacted and surface vibrator shall be used after the pavers are laid.
Paving uni ts s hould be pl aced on t he pr epared l aying course so t hat t he s urface l evels ar e
within t he tolerance. The paver bl ocks shall be laid on t he s and c ushion and s hall be closely
interlocked. All design pat terns a s instructed b y I OC/ENGINEER with one or more different colours
shall be followed. The laying pat tern shall be her ringbone pat tern and c hecked w ith a s tring line. The
first row of paving units should be aligned against a straight section of the edge restraint. Paving units
should be laid with a joint width typically within the range of 2 mm to 5 mm.
Fully c ompact t he pav er us ing a pl ate compactor w ith a pl ate a rea o f not l ess than 0. 25 m2
transmitting an effective force not less than 75 KN/m2 of plate at a frequency of vibration in the range
75 Hz to 100 Hz. After compaction of the paver, spread sand of the grading in Table A(given below) as
joint filling. The paver shall be again vibrated to ensure complete filling of the block-to-block joint by the
surface applied sand preferably dry.
The paved area should be covered with full sized paving units, where paving units need to be
trimmed sizes smaller then a quarter of the original size of the unit should be avoided. Trimming has to
be carried by machine cut by hydraulic splitter to retain the perpendicular edges.The pavers used near
the kerbing shall be machine cut by hydraulic splitter to retain the perpendicular edges. The jointing
sand shall be spread over the pavers to ensure that the same is deposited uniformly in the joints. The
finished job shall be vibrated by means of surface vibrator so that all the blocks are properly interlocked.
Then the ex cess s and on the pav er bl ocks s urface c oming out due to v ibration s hall be r emoved b y

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16.41.3 Measurement & Rates
Area provided with paver block to be measured in sqm. correct upto two places of decimal. The rate
include the cost of the material, labour, tools etc. required in all the operations described above.


16.42.1 Scope :
This work shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded material on prepared subgrade in accordance
with the requirements of these Specifications. The material shall be laid in one or more layers as sub-base
or lower s ub-base and upper sub-base (termed as s ubbase her einafter) as nec essary ac cording to l ines,
grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

16.42.2 Materials :The material t o be us ed for the work s hall be natural sand, c rushed gravel, crushed
stone, or combination t hereof depending upon t he g rading r equired. T he material shall be f ree f rom
organic o r o ther del eterious constituents and shall c onform to t he qual ity standards a s p rescribed i n t he
specifications for C ement C oncrete.Table 16.34 prescribes four gr adings for G ranular S ub-Base (GSB).
Gradings I and I I in Table are w ell gr aded gr anular s ub-base materials. These c an be us ed at l ocations
where drainage requirement are not predominant. Gradings III and IV are gap graded and addresses to the
concern of the drainage requirements. These can be used at location experiencing heavy rainfall, flooding
etc. C ases where G SB i s to be pr ovided i n t wo l ayers,it i s recommended t o adopt ei ther gr ading I II o r
grading I V for l ower layer and ei ther g rading I or gr ading I I f or upper layer. Minimum t hickness o f l ower
layer at l ocations w here dr ainage requirements a re p redominant shall not be l ess than 200 mm. The
grading to be adopted for a project shall be as desired by Engineer in Charge.

16.42.3 Physical requirements: The material shall hav e a 10 pe rcent fines v alue o f 50kN o r more ( for
sample in soaked condition) when tested in compliance with IS:2386 (Part IV) 1963. The water absorption
value of the c oarse aggregate shall be det ermined as per I S:2386 ( Part 3) . If this v alue i s gr eater than 2
percent, t he soundness t est shall be carried out on the material del ivered to site as per I S:383. F or
Gradings II and IV materials, the CBR shall be determined at the density and moisture content likely to be
developed in the field.

Table 16.34 A Grading for Granular Sub-base Materials

IS Sieve Percent by weight passing the IS sieve

Designation Grading I Grading II Grading III Grading IV
75.0 mm 100 - 100 -
53.0 mm 80-100 100 100 -
26.5 mm 55-90 70-100 55-75 50-80
9.50 mm 35-65 50-80 - -
4.75 mm 25-55 40-65 10-30 15-35
2.36 mm 20-40 30-50 - -
0.425 mm 10-15 10-15 - -
0.075 mm <5 <5 <5 <5
CBR Value Minimum 30 25 30 25

Note: The material passing 425 micron (0.425 mm) sieve for all the gradings when tested according t o
IS:2720 (Part 5) shall have liquid limit and plasticity index not more than 25 and 6 percent respectively.

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16.42.4 Construction Operations Preparation of subgrade : Immediately prior t o t he l aying of s ub-base, t he subgrade a lready

finished shall be prepared by removing all vegetation and other extraneous matter, lightly sprinkled with water,
if necessary and rolled with two passes of 80–100 kN smooth wheeled roller. Spreading and compacting : The sub-base material of grading specified in the Contract shall be
spread on t he pr epared s ubgrade with t he he lp of a motor gr ader of adequat e c apacity, i ts bl ade having
hydraulic controls suitable for initial adjustment and for maintaining the required slope and grade during the
operation or other means as approved by the Engineer. When the sub-base material consists of combination
of materials mentioned, mixing shall be done mechanically. Mixing shall be done in a separate yard by pugmill
or ot her a pproved m echanical m eans s o as t o issue hom ogenous & u niform mix. Moisture c ontent of t he
loose m aterial s hall be c hecked i n ac cordance with I S:2720 (Part 2) an d s uitably adjusted b y s prinkling
additional water from a truck mounted or trailer mounted water tank and suitable for applying water uniformly
and at controlled quantities to variable widths of surface or other means approved by the Engineer so that, at
the t ime of compaction, i t i s f rom 1 Percent abov e t o 2 per cent bel ow t he optimum moisture c ontent
corresponding to IS:2720 (Part 8). While adding water, due allowance shall be made for evaporation losses.
After water has been added, the material shall be processed by mechanical or other approved means until the
layer is uniformly wet.

Immediately thereafter, rolling shall start. If the thickness of the compacted layer does not exceed 100 mm, a
smooth wheeled roller of 80 to 100 kN weight may be used. For a compacted single layer upto 200 mm the
compaction shall be done with the help of a vibratory roller of minimum 80 to 100 kN static weight with plain
drum or pad foot-drum or heavy pneumatic tyred roller of minimum 200 to 300 kN weight having a minimum
tyre pressure of 0.7 MPa or equivalent capacity roller capable of achieving the required compaction. Rolling
shall c ommence at t he l ower edge and proceed t owards t he up per edge l ongitudinally f or por tions h aving
unidirectional crossfall and super-elevation shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre for
portions having crossfall on both sides.Each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one-third
of the track made in the preceding pass. During rolling, the grade and crossfall (camber) shall be checked
and any high spots or depressions which become apparent, corrected by removing or adding fresh material.
The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 km per hour. Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at
least 85 percent of the maximum dry density for the material determined as per IS:2720 (Part 8). The surface
of an y layer of material on c ompletion of c ompaction s hall be well c losed, free f rom movement un der
compaction equipment and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material. All loose, segregated or
otherwise defective areas shall be made good to the full thickness of layer and re-compacted.

16.42.5 Measurements for Payment

Granular sub-base shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic metres. The protection of
edges of granular sub-base extended over the full formation as shown in the drawing shall be
considered incidental to the work of providing granular sub-base and as such no extra payment shall
be made for the same.

16.42.6 Rate
The rate for granular sub-base shall be payment in full for carrying out the required operations ncluding full
compensation for:
i) furnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all royalties, fees, rents where applicable
with all leads and lifts;
ii) all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to the Specifications;
iii) carrying out the work in part widths of road where directed



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16.45.1 Material :

Angle iron post & strut shall be as specified in 16.18.

Concertina coil f encing shall be dia 6 10 m m ( having 15 nos r ound p er 6 mtre. length), s pring c ore
(2.5 mm thick) wire of high tensile strength of 165 kg./ with tape (0.52 mm thick) and weight
43.478 gm/metre.

16.45.2 Spacing of Posts & Struts:

The spacing of posts shall be 2.4 m or 3.00 m apart centre to centre, unless otherwise specified or a s
per E ngineer-in-Charge t o s uit t he d imension of t he area t o be fenced. Every 15th last but one end
posts and corner posts shall be strutted on both sides and end posts on one side only.

16.45.3 Fixing of Posts and Struts : As specified in the 16.17.3.


Fixing Concertina coil fencing shall be fixed on angle iron shaped with 9 horizontal reinforced
barbed t ape (RBT) s tud t ied w ith G I s taples and G I clips t o retain hor izontal i ncluding nec essary bol ts or
GI bar bed w ire t ied t o angl e i ron al l c omplete as p er di rections of E ngineer-in-Charge w ith r einforced
barbed tape.

16.45.5 Measurements
The length of fencing shall be masured correct to a cm. for finished work.

16.45.6 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of labour and materials involved in all the operation described above
but excluding the cost of M.S. angle and excavation and concrete in foundation for which separate
payment shall be made under respective items.

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16.46.1 Scope
Dense B ituminous M acadam (DBM) i s us ed mainly f or i n b ase/binder an d p rofile c orrective c ourses.
DBM is also used as road base material. T his work s hall consist of construction i n a s ingle or m ultiple
layers of DBM on a previously prepared base or sub-base. The thickness of a single layer shall be
50 mm to 100 mm.

16.46.2 Material Bitumen : The bi tumen shall be pav ing b itumen o f penet ration G rade o f s pecified c onsistency
and content conforming to IS 73 or as otherwise specified in the item. Coarse Aggregates : The c oarse aggr egates shall c onsist o f c rushed rock, crushed gr avel or
other hard m aterial retained on t he 2.36 m m I S S ieve. T hey s hall be clean, ha rd, durable, o r c ubical
shape, free from dust and soft or friable matter, organic or other deleterious substance. Before approval of
the source, the aggregates shall be tested for stripping. The aggregates shall satisfy the physical
requirements specified in 16.35, for dense bituminous macadam.

Where c rushed gr avel i s proposed for us e as aggregate, not l ess than 90% b y weight o f the c rushed
material retained on the 4.75 mm IS Sieve shall have at least two fractured faces. Fine Aggregates : Fine aggr egates s hall c onsist of c rushed or n aturally oc curring m ineral
material, or a c ombination o f the two, pas sing the 2.36 m m IS S ieve an d retained o n the 75 m icron
sieve. They shall be c lean, hard, durable, dry and free from dust and soft or friable m atter, organic or
other deleterious matter.

The fine aggregate shall have a sand equivalent v alue of not less than 50 when tested in ac cordance
with the requirements of IS 2720 (Part 37).

The plasticity i ndex o f t he fraction pas sing t he 0 .425 mm I S S ieve s hall not ex ceed 4, w hen t ested i n
accordance with IS 2720 (Part 5).

TABLE 16.35
Physical Requirements for Coarse Aggregate for Dense Bituminus Macadam

Property Test Specification

Cleanliness (dust) Grain size anlysis1 Max 5% passing 0.075mm sieve.
Particle shape Flakiness and Elongation Index Max 30%
Strength* Los Angeles Abrasion Value3 Max 35%
Aggregate Impact Value4 Max 27%
Durability Soundness5
Sodium Sulphate Max 12%
Magnesium Sulphate Max 18%
Water Absorption Water Absorption6 Max 2%
Stripping Coating and stripping of Minimum retained coating 95%
Bitumen aggregate Mixtures7
Water sensitivity** Retained Tensile Strength8 Min 80%
1. IS: 2386 Part 1
2. IS: 2386 Part 1

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(The elongation test to be done only on non-aggregate in the sample)
3. IS 2368 Part 4*
4. IS 2368 Part 4*
5. IS 2386 Part 5
6. IS 2386 Part 3
7. IS 6241
8. AASHTO T283**
* Aggregate may satisfy requirement of either of these two tests.
** T he water sensitivity test is on ly required if the minimum retained coating in the stripping test is less
than 95%. Filler : Filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust, hydrated lime or
cement approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The filler shall be graded within the limits indicated in Table 16.36.

TABLE 16.36
Grading Requirements for Mineral Filler

Is Sieve (mm) Cumulative per cent passing by weight of total aggregate

0.6 100
0.3 95-100
0.075 85-100

The f iller shall be f ree f rom o rganic i mpurities and ha ve a pl asticity i ndex n ot g reater t han 4. T he
Plasticity Index requirements shall not apply if filler is cement or lime. Aggregate Grading and Binder Content : When tested in accordance with IS 2386 Part 1
(wet sieving method), the c ombined grading of t he c oarse and f ine aggregates and added filler f or t he
particular mixture shall fall within the limits shown in Table 16-37 for dense bituminous macadam.

TABLE 16.37
Composition of Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam Pavement Layers

Grading 1
Nominal aggregate size 25 mm
Layer Thickness 50-75 mm
IS Sieve1 (mm) Cummulative % by weight of tatal aggregate passing
37.5 100
26.5 90-100
19 71-95
13.2 56-80
4.75 38-54
2.36 28.42
0.3 7-21
0.075 2-8
Bitumen content % by mass of 5% or as specified in the item
total mix2 (Marshal method)
Bitumen grade VG-30 grade or as specified in the item
Note: The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high
limit on the adjacent sieve.

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16.46.3 Mixture Design Requirement for the Mixture: The mixture shall meet the requirements as given in Table
TABLE 16.38
Requirements for Dense Bituminous Macadam

Minimum s tability ( kN a t 600C) 9.0

Minimum flow (mm) 2
Maximum flow (mm) 4
Compaction level (number of blow) 75 blows on each of the two faces of the
Per cent air voids 3-6
Per c ent v oids i n m ineral aggregate ( VMA) See T able 16.39
Per cent voids filled with bitumen (VFB) 65-75

The requirements for minimum percent voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) are given in Table 16.38.

TABLE 16.39
Minimum Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate (Vma)

Nominal Maximum Particle Minimum VMA, Percent Related to Design Air voids, Pe rce nt2
s ize 1 (mm)
3.0 4.0 5.0
9.5 14.0 15.0 16.0
12.5 13.0 14.0 15.0
19.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
25.0 11.0 12.0 13.0
37.5 10.0 11.0 12.0
1. T he n ominal maximum p article size is o ne size larger than the first sieve to re tain more than 10
2. I nterpolate minimum voids i n t he mineral aggregate (V MA) f or design ai r v oids values between
those listed. Binder Content : The binder content shall be optimized by using Marshall method for
determining the op timum bi nder c ontent s hall b e adopted as de scribed i n the A sphalt Institute M anual
MS-2, replacing t he aggregates retained on t he 26.5 m m s ieve by t he aggregates pas sing t he 26. 5 mm
sieve and retained on the 22.4 mm sieve. Job Mix Formula : The c ontractor s hall i nform t he E ngineer-in-Charge i n w riting, at l east 20
days before the start of the work, of the job mix formula proposed for use in the works, and shall give the
details of Source and location of all materials, their sizes, grading and test results.

Approval o f the job mix formula s hall be bas ed on i ndependent testing b y t he Engineer-in-Charge f or
which sa mples of all ingredients of the m ix sh all be furnished by th e Contractor as re quired by th e

Job m ix formula shall be revised if there is a c hange in source of m aterial and be got approved by

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Vol-2 , 2013 Plant Trials - Permissible Variation in Job Mix Formula: Once t he laboratory jo b mix
formula is approved, the Contractor shall carry out plant trials at the mixer to establish that the plant can be
set up t o produce a uniform m ix conforming to t he ap proved job mix formula. Th e pe rmissible
variations of t he i ndividual percentages of t he various i ngredients i n t he actual m ix f rom t he j ob mix
formula to be used shall be within the limits as specified in Table 16.40.

TABLE 16.40
Permissible Variations from the Job Mix Formula

Description Permissible Variation

Base/Binder Course Wearing Course
Aggregate pas sing 19 m m s ieve or l arger ± 8% ± 7%
Aggregate passing 13.2 mm, 9.5 mm ± 7% ± 6%
Aggregate passing 4.75 mm ± 6% ± 5%
Aggregate passing 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, ± 5% ± 4%
0.6 mm
Aggregate pas sing 0 .3 m m, 0. 15 mm ± 4% ± 3%
Aggregate passing 0.075 mm ± 2% ± 1.5%
Binder content ± 0.3% ± 0. 3%
Mixing temperature ± 10°C ± 10°C Laying Trials : Once t he pl ant t rials ha ve been s uccessfully c ompleted and appr oved, t he
Contractor s hall c arry out l aying t rials, t o dem onstrate t hat t he pr oposed m ix c an be s uccessfully l aid
and compacted.

16.46.4 Construction Operations Prime Coat : Where the m aterial on w hich the dense bituminous m acadam is to be laid is
other t han a bi tumen bou nd l ayer, a p rime c oat s hall be appl ied, as s pecified, i n ac cordance w ith t he
provisions, or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Tack Coat : Where the m aterial on which the d ense bituminous macadam is to b e p laced is
bitumen bound surface, a tack coat shall be applied as specified, in accordance with the provisions, or as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Mixing and Transportation of the Mixture : The provisions are as specified in item and
Morth specification. Spreading : Morth s pecification shall a pply. T he p aver f inisher shall b e f itted with electronic
sensor device. Rolling : The compaction process shall be carried out as per MORTH Specification. Opening to Traffic : The newly laid surface shall not be open to traffic for at least 24 hours
after laying the completion of compaction, without the express approval of the Engineer-in-Charge in
writing. Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work : The surface finish of the completed
construction s hall c onform t o t he re quirements of 1 6.32.3. T he materials an d w orkmanship s hall c omply
with the provisions set out in Table. Arrangement for Traffic : During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be
made in accordance with the provisions 16.32.5.

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16.46.5 Measurement
Dense B ituminous M aterials shall b e m easured a s fini shed work i n cu bic meters,correct t o t wo
places of decimal.

16.46.6 Rate
The rate include the cost of all materials, labour and equipment, in all the operation described above.


16.47.1 Bituminous M acadam (BM) is more open graded than DBM and consists of single course or
multiple courses of compacted crushed aggregates premixed with bituminous binder.

16.47.2 Material Bitumen same as Course A ggregates s ame as 16. 46.2.2 excepting s trength w hich s hall be max 40% for L os
Angeles Abrassion value and aggregate impace value of max 30%. Fine Aggregates : Same as Aggregate grading and binds content ag gregate gr ading, quantity of bitumen and ap propriate
thickness are as per table 16.41.
TABLE 16.41
Composite Of Bituminous Macadam

Mix Designation Grading 2

Nominal aggregate size 19 mm
Layer Thickness 50-75 mm
IS Sieve1 (mm) Cummulative % by weight of total aggregate passing
26.5 100
19 90-100
13.2 56-88
4.75 16-36
2.36 4-19
0.3 2-10
0.075 0-8
Bitumen content % by weight of 3.3-3.5
total mix2
Bitumen grade 60/70 grade or as specified Measurement : BM sh all b e m easured as fu rnished w ork i n c ubic m eters cor rect to t wo
places of decimal. Rate : The ra te i ncludes t he c ost of all m aterial l abour a nd e quipments i n a ll t he op erations
16.48.1 Scope
Dense Bituminous C oncrete (D BC), i s us ed i n w earing an d prof ile corrective c ourses, in a s ingle or
multiple l ayers on a pr eviously p repared bo und s urface. A s ingle l ayer shall be 2 5 m m t o 10 0 m m i n
16.48.2 Materials Bitumen: CRBM or PMB as specified. Coarse Aggregates : The coarse aggregates shall be generally as specified in Table 16.23.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Fine Aggregates : The fine aggregates shall be all as specified in Filler : Filler shall be generally as specified in Aggregate Grading and Binder Content : When tested i n a ccordance w ith IS 2386 p art 1
(wet grading method), the combined grading of the coarse and fine aggregates and added filler shall fall
within the limits shown in Table No. 16.41 for grading 1 or 2 specified in the contract.
16.48.3 Mixture Design Requirements for the Mixture : Apart from conformity with the grading and quality
requirements f or individual ingredients, t he mixture shall meet t he re quirements s et out in T able 1 6.39
except l oss of s tability of immersion i n water at 60 °C. T he requirements f or minimum percent v oids in
mineral aggregate (VMA) are as per Binder Content : The Marshall m ethod for det ermining the o ptimum bi nder content shall b e
adopted as described in the Asphalt Institute Manual MS-2, replacing the aggregates retained on the 26.5
mm Sieve and retained on the 22.4 mm Sieve, where approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Job Mix Formula : The p rocedure f or formulating the job m ix formula shall be generally as
specified in Plant Trials - Permissible Variation In Job Mix Formula : The requirements for plant trials
shall be as specified in Laying Trials : The requirements for laying trials shall be as specified in
16.48.4 Construction Operations

TABLE NO. 16.42

Composition of Bituminous Concrete Pavement Layers

Grading 1 2
Nominal aggregate size 19 mm 13 mm
Layer Thickness 50-65 mm 30-45 mm
IS Sieve1 (mm) Cumulative % by weight of total aggregate passing
45 - -
37.5 - -
26.5 100
19 79-100 100
13.2 59-72 79-100
9.5 52-79 70-88
4.75 35-55 53-71
2.36 28-44 42-58
1.18 20-34 34-48
0.6 15-27 26-38
0.3 10-20 18-28
0.15 5-13 12-20
0.075 2-8 4-0
Bitumen content % by mass of total 5.5% or specified in item or 5.5% or specified in item or
mix2 directed otherwise directed otherwise
Bitumen grade (pen) Specified in item or directed Specified in item or directed
otherwise otherwise
1. The combined aggregate shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on the
adjacent sieve.
2. Determined by the Marshal method.
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Vol-2 , 2013 Tack Coat : Where specified in the Contract, or otherwise required by the Engineer, a tack
coat shall be applied. Mixing and Transportation of the Mixture : The provisions as specified i n i tem and MO RTH
specification shall apply. Spreading : The general provisions of shall apply. Rolling : The general provisions of shall apply. Opening to Traffic : The newly laid surface shall not be open to traffic for at least 24 hour
after l aying and c ompletion of c ompaction, without t he e xpress ap proval of t he Engineer-in-Charge i n
writing. Surface Finish and Quality Control : The surface finish of the completed construction shall
conform to the requirements of “Clause 9.2 and provisions set out in Section 900 of MORTH
specification”. Arrangements for Traffic : During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be
made in accordance with the provisions of Measurement for Payment : DBC m easured as finished w ork i n cubic m eters, correct to t wo
places of decimal. Rate : The rate include the cost of material, labour and equipments, involved in all the
operations described above.





16.53 ,7(06 DELETED


The s pecifications of s ub head eart h w ork s pecifications V ol-I t o be f ollowed f or t his


Precast RCC slab casted with the cement concrete of M-30 or specified otherwise grade of size
specified in item made of approved brand and manufacturer to be used.
Specification of cement concrete base, bed cement mortar and RCC to be of the sub head
cement concrete, mortar and RCC of the specifications - to be followed.


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16.58.1 Laying Trenches shall first be made along the edge of the wearing course of the road to receive the
kerb stones of c ement concrete of specified grade. The bed of the trenches shall be compacted
manually w ith s teel r ammers to a firm an d ev en s urface and then the s tones s hall be s et in c ement
mortar of specified proportion. The kerb s tones with top 20 cm. wide shall be laid with their l ength running parallel to t he road
edge, true in line and gradient a t a distance of 30 cm. from the road e dge to a llow for the channel and
shall project about 12.5 cm. above the latter. The channel stones with top 30 cm. wide shall be laid in
position i n c hamber w ith finished road s urface and with s ufficient s lope t owards t he road gul ly chamber.
The j oints of kerb and c hannel s tones shall be s taggered and s hall be not more t han 10 mm. W herever
specified all joints shall be filled with mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) and pointed with mortar 1:2 (1
cement: 2 fine sand) which shall be cured for 7 days. The ne cessary drainage openings of specified sizes shall be m ade through the kerb as p er
drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for connecting to storm water drains.

16.58.2 Finishing
Berms and road edges shall be restored and all surplus earth including rubbish etc. disposed off as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be paid for this.

16.58.3 Measurements
It shall be measured in cubic meters with Length of the finished work (for specified width and height of
stone) shall be measured in running metre along the edge of the road correct to a cm.

16.58.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the materials and labour involved in all the operations described

16.59.1 Material
G.I. Chain link fabric fencing of required width in mesh size 50 x 50 or 25 x 2 5 mm or specified
otherwise of a pproved br and an d m ade of s pecified dia G I w ire P VC c oated of s pecified t hickness / o r
not as specified in item of required colour or shade to be used. Fixing : GI chain l ink shall be s tretched and fixed i n specified w idth, strengthening w ith 2 mm
dia w ire or nut s bol ts & washers as required t o be done c omplete as per the di rection of E ngineer-in-
Charge. Measurements : The length and w idth shall be measured correct to a c m. The area s hall be
calculated in square metre, correct to two places of decimal.

16.59.2 The rate shall include the cost of material and labour involved in all the operations described as


Hard stone hammer dressed having no side less than 15 cm. with minimum depth of 20 cm. of the
specification as mentioned in subhead - stone work of Specifications to be used.

Specification for supplying, stacking and measurement to be same as for item no. 16.3.

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The metallic tray of the field density unit is kept on a level spot of the surface and a hole 10 cm in dia, is
cut to the entire thickness of the carpet. All materials removed from the hole are carefully collected and

A known w eight o f dr y s tandard sand, pas sing 710 m icron I .S. S ieve and r etained on 355 micron I.S.
sieve, is taken in the sand pouring cylinder. The cylinder is kept directly over the hole and the shutter of
the cylinder is released without any jerk and closed when the hole is filled with the sand. The quantity of
the residual sand in the cylinder as well as the quantity filling the cone of the cylinder are weighed.

The in-situ density of the carpet is calculated as follows:-

A, d
Density: gmpercc

Where A = Weight of the materials removed from the carpet hole.

W = Initial weight of the sand taken in the cylinder.
W1 = Weight of the sand filling the cone of cylinder.
d = Bulk density, gm per cc of the sand.
W2 = Weight of sand remaining in the cylinder.

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Sub Head : Road Work

Clause : 16.7.5

2 3 4
6 2


1 C ompletion of Subgrade Lev el

2 C ompletion of Shoulder

3 Trimming of Shoulder

4 W BM in Lay ers

5 F inishing Shoulder Top t o Lines & Lev els

6 F inishing Side Slopes t o Lines & Lev els

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 16.1 : Provision for Lateral Confinement of Aggregates

139a | Page HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Sub Head : Road Work
Clause : 16.16



G.I. or M.S. 125
Barbed Wire

125 1200



G.L. 140

C.C. 1:5:10


150 100 165 450

150 150

450 450


Details of Reinforcement
In Post Vertical 6 Dia B ars 4 Nos.
Stirrups 6 Dia Bars 9 Nos. 125

Vertical 6 Dia B ars 4 Nos. 125

In Struts
Stirrups 6 Dia B ars 10 Nos.
125 1200

G.I. or M.S. 125

Barbed Wire

Strut 100 x 100 125

G.L. 140

250 165 150

500 600
Cement Concrete1:5:10
C.C. 1:5:10



1. In case of end post one strut shall be omitted.

2. Drawing not to Scale.
3. All dimensions are in mm.
Fig. 16.9 : Barbed Wire Fencing

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Sub Head : Road Work
Clause : 16.18.6
150 150




100 100

C.C. 1:5:10

150 150

450 450 450




130 75
130 130

A A 130
10 x 10

75 50 75


Tenon 6 x6
60 B 25

50 75

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 16.10 : Fencing with R.C.C. Post Rails, Pales

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Sub Head : Road Work
Clause : 16.1.20

Kerb Stone
(of Material as Specified)

20 CM

Bitumen Carpet Road Surface

12.5 CM 30 CM


Base Course
7.5 CM

(of Material as Specified)

Drawing not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 16.12 : Kerb & Channel Stones

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Sub Head : Road Work
Clause : 16.33.3

Oil Tank






Drawing not to Scale.

All dimensions are in mm.

Fig. 16.13 : Broad Details of Cooker for Bitumen Mastic in Wearing Courses

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Clause No. Brief Description Page No.
List of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Codes 147

17.0 Terminology 148

17.1 Appliances and Fittings 151

17.1.1 Flushing Cisterns 151
17.1.2 Draining Board 156
17.1.3 Foot Rests 156
17.1.4 Glass Shelf/ PVC Shelf 156
17.1.5 Mirror 156
17.1.6 M S Stays and Clamps 157
17.1.7 Pillar Taps 157
17.1.8 Sand Cast Iron or Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Iron Pipes and Fittings 157
17.1.9 Plastic Seat and Covers for Water Closet 158
17.1.10 Sinks 159
17.1.11 Towel Rail 159
17.1.12 Toilet Paper Holder 159
17.1.13 Urinals 159
17.1.14 Wash Basins 160
17.1.15 Waste Fittings for Wash Basins and Sinks 160
17.1.16 Water Closet 160

17.2 General Requirements for Installation of W. C. Pan 161

17.3 Installation of Draining Board 162

17.4 Installation of Flushing Cistern 162

17.5 Installation of Mirror 163

17.6 Fixing and Jointing of Pipes and Fittings 163

17.7 Installation of Seat and Cover to Water Closet 165

17.8 Installation of Sink 166

17.9 Installation of Urinal - Lipped, Half Stall (Single or Range) 166

17.10 Installation of Stall Urinal (Single of Range) 167

17.11 Installation of Wash Basin 167

17.12 Installation of Squatting Pan 168

17.13 Installation of Water Closet 168

17.14 Installation of Foot Rests 168

17.15 Installation of Squatting Plate (Single or Range) 169

17.16 Installation of Towel Rail 169

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Appendix A Standard Weights and Thickness of C.I. Pipes 170

Fig. 17.1 Pipe Systems and Parts 171

Fig. 17.2 Pipe Systems and Parts 171

Fig. 17.3 Flushing Cisterns 172

Fig. 17.4 Foot Rest 173

Fig. 17.5 M.S. Stays and Clamp 174

Fig. 17.6 Plastic Seat and Cover 175

Fig. 17.7 Kitchen & Laboratory Sinks 176

Fig. 17.8 Waste Fittings for W.B. & Sinks 177

Fig. 17.9 Urinal Bowl Type 178

Fig. 17.10 Urinal Bowl Type (Corner Wall Type) 179

Fig. 17.11 Urinal - Half Stall 180

Fig. 17.12 Urinal Squatting Plate 181

Fig. 17.13 Spreader for Urinal 182

Fig. 17.14 Wash Basins 183

Fig. 17.15 Fixing Arrangement of Wash Basins 184

Fig. 17.16 Typical Vertical Section of Wash Basins (Waste Pipe Open to View) 185

Fig. 17.17 Typical Vertical Section of Wash Basin (Waste Pipe Concealed from 186

Fig. 17.18 Angle Back Wash Basin (Pattern-2) 187

Fig. 17.19 Long Pattern Squatting Pan (Type-I) 188

Fig. 17.20 Orissa Pattern Squatting Pan 189

Fig. 17.21 Integrated Squatting Pan 190

Fig. 17.22 Pattern 1 and Pattern 2-Water Closets 191

Fig. 17.23 Pattern 3-Water Closet with Horizontal P-Trap 192

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S. IS No. Subject
1. IS 771 (Pt.1) Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances: Part 1: General
2. IS 771 (Pt.-2) Specification for glazed fire clay sanitary appliances: Part 2: Specific
requirements of kitchen and laboratory sink.
3. IS 772 Specific action for general requirements for enameled cast iron sanitary
4. IS 774 Flushing cisterns for water closets and urinals (Other than plastic
5. IS 1300 Phenolic moulding materials.- Specifications
6. IS 1703 Water fittings- copper alloy float valves (horizontal plunger type) -
7. IS 1729 Cast iron /Ductile Iron Drainage Pipes and pipe fittings for Over ground
non-pressure pipe line Socket and Spigot Series.
8. IS 1795 Specification for pillar taps for water supply purposes.
9. IS 2267 Polystyrene moulding and extrusion materials - Specifications
10. IS 2326 Specification for Automatic Flushing Cisterns for Urinals (Other than
plastic cisterns)
11. IS 2548 (Part-1) Plastic seats and covers for water closets Part 1: Thermo set seats and
covers - Specifications
12. IS 2548 (Part-2) Plastic seats and covers for water closets Part 2: Thermoplastic seats
and covers.- Specifications
13. IS 2556 Vitreous sanitary appliances (vitreous china) -Specifications
14. IS 2556 (Part-1) Part-1: General requirements.
15. IS 2556 (Part-2) Part-2: Specific requirements of wash-down water closets.
16. IS 2556 (Part-3) Part-3: Specific squatting pans.
17. IS 2556 (Part-4) Part-4: Specific requirements of wash basins.
18. IS 2556 (Part-5) Part-5: Specific requirements of laboratory sinks.
19. IS 2556 (Part-6) Part-6: Specific requirements of Urinals & Partition plates
20. IS 2556 (Part-7) Part-7: Specific requirements of accessories for sanitary appliances
21. IS 2556 (Part -14) Part-14: Specific requirements of integrated squatting pans.
22. IS 2556 (Part -15) Part-15: Specific requirements of universal water closets.
23. IS 2963 Specification for Copper alloy waste fittings for wash basins and sinks.
24. IS 3076 Specification for low density polyethylene pipes for potable water
25. IS 3389 Urea formaldehyde moulding materials. - Specifications
26. IS 3989 Specification for centrifugally cast (spun) iron spigot and socket soil,
waste and ventilating pipes fittings and accessories.
27. IS 4827 Specification for electroplated coating of nickel and chromium on
copper and copper alloys.
28. IS 4984 Specification for high density polyethylene pipes for potable water
29. IS 4985 Unplasticised P.V.C. pipes for potable water supply - Specifications.
30 IS 7231 Plastic flushing cisterns for water closets and urinals - Specifications.
31. IS 13983 Stainless steel sinks for domestic purposes -Specifications.

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Antisiphon Pipe (Fig. 17.1)

A ventilating pipe connected to or close to the outlet side of a trap seal.

Automatic Flushing Cistern (Fig. 17.3)

A flushing cistern arranged to discharge its content by siphonage at regular intervals, determined by the
rate at which water is fed into the cistern.

Ball Cock (Fig. 17.3)

A faucet opened or closed by the fall or rise of a ball floating in the surface of water.

Ball Valve (Fig. 17.3)

A simple non return valve consisting of a ball resting on a cylindrical seat within a fluid passageway.

Bell Mouth (Fig. 17.3)

An expanded rounded entrance to a pipe or orifice.

Length of pipe bent or cast into an angle shape.

Bib Tap
A tap with a horizontal inlet and nozzle bent to discharge in a downward direction.

A r aised p ortion of t he s urface pr otruding n ot more t han o ne millimeter a bove t he s urface and n ot
greater than 3 mm in its greatest dimension.

Box Union
A device for joining two threaded pipes.

Branch (Fig. 17.1)

(a) A special form of vitrified sewer and cast iron pipe used for making connections to a sewer or
water main. The various types are called T, Y, T-Y, double Y, and V branches, according to their
respective shapes.

(b) Any part of piping system other than a main.

(a) The process of d riving, pouring o r forcing lead, oakum, plastic or other material into a j oint to
make it leak proof.

(b) The material used in the caulking process.

Caulked Joint
A s pigot and s ocket j oint i n w hich t he j ointing m aterial i s c ompacted by m eans of c aulking t ool an d

A continuous recess in wall, floor or ceiling for the purpose of holding pipes and conduits.

Cistern (Fig. 17.3)

A fix ed c ontainer f or water in which t he water is at at mospheric p ressure. T he water is usually
supplied through a ball valve.

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A pipe-fitting in the form of sleeve for jointing the spigot ends of two pipes in the same alignment.

Cowl (Fig. 17.1)

A hood on the top of a vent pipe or soil stack.

Craze or Crazing
Fine cracks in the glaze.

A pipe fitting used for connecting four pipes at right angles.

Coupling, f lange, b ranch, ben d, t ee, el bow, uni on, w aste w ith pl ug, P o r S trap w ith v ent, f errule,
stop ta p, bib ta p, pillar t ap, globe ta p, ball va lve, cist ern, s torage t ank, b aths, water closets, boiler
geyser, pum ping s et w ith m otor a nd accessories, m etre, h ydrant v alve a nd any other article u sed i n
connection with water supply, drainage and sanitation.

Float Valve (Fig. 17.3)

A valve in which the closure to an opening such as a plug or gate, is actuated by a float to control the
flow in to a tank.

Flush Bend
A bend located at the bottom of low level flushing cistern for the purpose of flushing pedestal type
water closet and similar fixture.

Flushing Cistern (Fig. 17.3)

A c istern p rovided w ith a device f or ra pidly di scharging t he contained w ater and us ed i n c onnection
with a sanitary appl iance for the pur pose o f cleaning the appl iance and carrying a way i ts contents i nto a

A piece of compressible material used to make a joint between two flat surfaces.

Hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil to make it water proof.

One Pipe System (Fig. 17.1)

In this a single soil waste pipe conveys both soil and waste directly to the building drain.

A hole in the body, less than 1.5 mm, in its maximum dimension.

A pi pe-fitting w ith i nside threads l arger at one end t han at t he ot her. A ll s uch f ittings hav ing m ore
than one size are reducers because of the custom of stating the larger size first.

Single Stack System (Fig. 17.1)

This i s t he nam e gi ven t o a s implified one pi pe s ystem w herein al l v entilation pi pes ar e o mitted. The
stack itself is made to cater (or provide) for all the vent requirements by restricting the flow into the stack to
certain predetermined limits.

Sink (Fig. 17.7)

A shallow fixture, ordinarily with a flat bot tom, that is usually us ed in kitchen or in connection with the
preparation of food, laboratory purposes and for certain industrial processes.

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The female part of spigot and socket joint.

Soil Pipe
A pipe which conveys to drain the discharge from a water closet or urinals. In ‘One pipe’ and ‘single
stack’ syst em the so il p ipe a lso conveys t o a dr ain t he di scharges f rom bath, w ash bas ins, s inks and
similar appliances.

Area of the finished surface with contrasting colour less than one millimeter maximum dimension.

The male part of a spigot and socket joint.

Spigot and Socket Joint

Joint in which the end of the one pipe enters the enlarged end of the next pipe.

A main vertical discharge or ventilating pipe.

A f itting or dev ice s o des igned and c onstructed as t o provide, w hen properly v ented, a liquid s eal
which w ill p revent the bac k passage of ai r w ithout m aterially affecting t he flow o f sewage or w aste w ater
through it.

Two Pipe System (Fig. 17.1)

In this, the soil pipe conveys discharges from water closets, urinals, and similar soil appliances
directly to the drainage system and the waste pipe conveys waste from ablutionary and culinary
appliances to the drainage system directly or through a trapped gully where desired.

A pipe fitting used for joining the ends of two pipes neither of which can be turned.

A device used for controlling the flow of liquid in a line of pipe.

Ventilating Pipe (Vent Pipe)

The pipe which provides a safe outlet into the atmosphere for the foul gases in the drain or sewer.

Distortion of original shape during manufacturing process.

Water Seal
The depth of water which should be removed from a fully charged trap before air can pass through
the trap.

Waste Pipe
A pipe used to convey liquid waste not containing human excreta.

Waste Stack
A vertical pipe used to convey liquid waste not containing human excreta.
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17.1.0 All vitreous sanitary appliances (Vitreous China) shall conform to IS 2556 (Part-I) general

17.1.1 Flushing Cisterns (Fig. 17.3)

The flushing c isterns shall be aut omatic or manually oper ated hi gh l evel or l ow l evel as s pecified, for
water closets and ur inals. A hi gh l evel c istern i s intended to oper ate with minimum hei ght o f 125 c m and
a low level cistern with a maximum height of 30 cm between the top of the pan and the under side of the

Cisterns shall be of following type ( i) Vitreous China (IS 774) f or F lushing type (ii) A utomatic
Flushing Cistern (IS 2326) and (iii) Plastic cisterns (IS 7231). Vitreous Chine Cisterns : The thickness of the body including cover shall be not less than 6mm
for v itreous C hina c isterns. T he o utlet of each s yphon o r s tand pipe s hall be securely c onnected t o the
cistern by m eans of l ock nut. T he cistern s hall b e f ree from m anufacturing f aults a nd o ther d efects
affecting their utility. All working parts shall be designed to operate smoothly and efficiently. Cistern shall be
mosquito proof. A cistern shall be considered mosquito proof only if there is no clearance any where
which would permit a 1. 6 m m wire to pass through in the permanent position of the cistern i.e. in the
flushing position or filling position.

The breadth of a l ow level cistern, from front to back shall be s uch that the cover or s eat, or bot h, of
water closet pan shall come to rest in a stable position when raised.

The c istern s hall be s upported on t wo c ast i ron b rackets of s ize as appr oved by t he E ngineer-in-
Charge and embedded i n c ement c oncrete 1: 2:4 block 100 x 75 x 15 0 mm. These shall be pr operly
protected b y suitable i mpervious pa int. A lternatively the c isterns s hall have t wo ho les in the b ack s ide
above t he ov erflow l evel for s crewing i nto t he w all, s upplemented by t wo cast i ron w all s upports. A 5
litres cistern, however, may be supported by larger brackets cast on the body of the cistern.

The c istern shall h ave a removable c over w hich s hall fit closely on it and be secured against
displacement. I n designs where t he operating mechanism i s at tached t o t he c over t his m ay be m ade in
two s ections, but t he section supporting t he mechanism s hall be s ecurely bol ted or screwed t o t he bod y.
The outlet fitting of each cistern shall be securely connected to the cistern. The nominal internal
diameter of cistern outlet shall be not less than 38 ± 1mm for low level cisterns respectively. The length of
the outlet of the cistern shall be 37 ± 2 mm.

Ball valve shall be of screwed type 15 mm in diameter and shall conform to IS 1703. The float shall be
made of polyethylene as specified in IS 9762. (The design shall permit the cistern to fill in rapidly and close
effectively when the level of water reaches the working water level.)

In the case of manually operated cisterns the siphonic action of the flushing cistern shall be capable of
being rapidly br ought i nto action b y t he oper ating l ever, but shall not self siphon or leak. When tested
according to IS 774 the discharge rate shall be 10 ± 0.5 litre in 6 seconds and 5 ± 0.5 litre in 3 seconds for
cisterns of capacities 10 litre and 5 litre respectively. The cisterns shall be so designed that there is not
appreciable v ariation i n t he f orce of f lush du ring t he di scharge of t he required qu antity of w ater. T he
cistern shall have a discharge capacity of 5 & 10 litres as specified. When required to give a full flush,
they shall respectively discharge 5 litres and 10 litres with variation of ± 0.5 litres.

The flush pipe shall be of (a) medium quality galvanised iron having internal diameter of 38 ± 1 mm
for low level cistern. The flush pipe shall be of suitable length with bends etc. as required for fixing it with
front or back inlet W.C. Pan. (b) Polyethylene pipes low density conforming to IS 3076 or high density
(c) U nplasticised P VC p ipes. For h igh d ensity p olyethylene a nd un plasticised P VC p ipes, the o utside
diameter o f the pipes shall be 40 mm. When PVC p lumbing pipes are u sed the outside diameter o f the
pipe shall be 40 mm for high level cisterns and 50 mm for low level cisterns.

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In case of low level cistern the flush pipe shall be a vertical pipe 30 cm long and having a nominal
internal dia 38 ± 1 mm (except plastic flush pipes).

Over Flow Pipe

(a) GI overflow pipe shall be of not less than 20 mm nominal bore and shall incorporate a non-
corrodible mosquito proof brass cover having 1.25 mm dia perforation, screwed in a manner which
will permit it to be readily cleaned or renewed when necessary. No provision shall be made whereby
the overflow from the cistern shall discharge directly into the water closet or soil pipe without being

The invert of the ov erflow pipe in the c ase of high level and low level cisterns s hall be 19 m m
minimum above the w orking w ater level. In case of overflow due to any reason w ater should drain
out through the over flow pipe and not through the siphon pipe.

(b) T he plastic ov erflow pipes s hall be m anufactured from h igh de nsity p olyethylene c onforming to IS
4984 or unplasticised P.V.C. conforming to IS 4985.

Inlet and Overflow Holes: The c istern s hall be provided w ith inlet and ov erflow hol es, situated o ne at
each e nd w hich s hall b e c apable of a ccommodating an ov erflow pi pe of n ot less t han 2 0 m m n ominal
bore and a 15 mm size ball valve. The holes shall be cleanly cast or drilled and the adjacent surfaces
shall be smooth. PVC Cisterns : Plastic flushing cisterns for WC and Urinals shall be as per IS 7231.

The materials f or m anufacturing v arious c omponents of t he f lushing c isterns s hall c onform t o t he

requirements given in Table 17.1 below:

TABLE 17.1
Materials for Various Components of Flushing Cisterns

Sl. No. Component(s) Material Conforming to

(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. Cisterns High density polyethylene (HDPE) IS 7328
Polystryene, high impact IS 2267
Polypropylene1) -
Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) -
Glass Fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) -
2. Flush pipe Steel tube, seamless or welded, medium or IS 1239(Part 1)
light, completely protected inside and
outside by hot-dip galvanizing, electroplating
or vitreous enamelling
Lead pipe IS 404 (Part 1)
Copper alloy tube IS 407
High density polyethylene pipe IS 4984
Unplasticised PVC plumbing pipe IS 4985
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(1) (2) (3) (4)
3. Cover Same material as that of the body
4. Chain Hot-dip galvanized steel wires -
Inter-locked non-ferrous metal
Any other corrosion resistant material
5. Overflow pipe High density polyethylene IS 4984
Unplasticised PVC IS 4985
Any other corrosion-resistant material
6. Siphon/Valve High density polyethylene IS 7328
Polystyrene, high impact IS 2267
Acrylonitrile- butadiene-styrene -
Glass fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) -
7. Operating Non-ferrous metal or any other corrosion- -
Mechanism/ Lever resistant material
8. Float valve As specified in IS 1703
IS 12234
IS 13049
9. Polyethylene float As specified in IS 9762 -
for float valve
10. Coupling nut and Non-ferrous metal, -
lock-nut Or
Hot-dip galvanised steel
Hot-dip galvanised malleable iron
Any other non-corrosive metal
Injection-moulded HDPE/polyacetal

1) Talc as filler, if used shall not exceed 20%

Note: Where the requirements for the material of any component or the relevant Indian Standard
designation for any material are not specified, these shall be as directed by the Engineer-in-

The t hickness o f the bod y including cover at an y poi nt shall not be l ess t han 2 mm for GRP, and not
less than 3 m m f or other plastic materials. The cistern shall be free from manufacturing f aults and other
defects a ffecting i ts ut ility. All w orking pa rts shall be des igned so a s t o oper ate smoothly an d e fficiently.
The c istern s hall b e m osquito-proof. I t s hall be deemed t o b e m osquito proof o nly w hen t here i s no
clearance a nywhere in it which would permit a 1.6 m m diameter wire to p ass t hrough. The o utlet of
each siphon or stand pipe or flush valve shall be securely connected to the cistern by means of a lock
nut. In the case of plastic siphon, it shall be provided with suitable means of ensuring and maintaining
watertight and airtight joint to the cistern.

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The c istern s hall be pr ovided w ith a r emovable cover w hich s hall f it c losely and s hall be s ecured
against di splacement. I n des igns, where the operating mechanism is at tached to t he c over, t he c over
may b e m ade i n two s ections, t he s ection s upporting t he mechanism being s ecurely fixed or b ooked t o
the body.

The flush pipe (except plastic flush pipe) shall have an internal diameter of 32 + 1 mm for high level
cistern and 38 + 1 mm for low level cistern. The steel flush pipe shall be not less than 1 mm thick
whereas the l ead f lush pi pe s hall have a minimum t hickness of 3 .5 m m. F or hi gh den sity p olyethylene
pipes, t he o utside diameter of t he pi pes shall be 4 0 m m. For unplasticised PVC plumbing pipes the
outside diameter of the pipe shall be 4 0 mm for high level cisterns, and 50 mm for low level cisterns. I n
the case of high level flushing cisterns, a pipe clip fitted with a rubber buffer shall be fixed to the flush
pipe to prevent damage either to the pipe or to the seat when the seat is raised. N o flush pipe is
required for coupled cisterns.

Note: The minimum thickness specified is for normal conditions of service. Where highly corrosive
atmospheres are expected, greater thicknesses are required to be provided as per nomenclature
of the item.

Flush Pipe Connection to Cistern

The f lush p ipe s hall b e securely c onnected t o c istern outlet a nd m ade airtight by means of a
coupling nut . T he nut s m ade of injection-molded H DPE/Polyacetal m ay be u sed onl y i f t he end pi pe i s
also made of plastic. The nominal internal diameter of the cistern outset shall be not less than 32 mm
and 38 mm for high-level and low-level cisterns respectively.

The screw threads for connection to the flush pipe shall not be less than size 1½ of IS 2643
(Part 3). In the c ase of polyethylene and unplasticised P VC f lush pi pes, t he upper end of the f lush pipe
shall b e pro vided w ith s uitable m eans of e nsuring an d m aintaining a w atertight an d ai rtight j oint to t he
flushing cistern. W hen o rdered f or u se w ith a f lush pi pe, t he outlet connection m ay b e s upplied w ith
coupling nut made o f c opper bas ed al loy or ot her non -corrodible material and a pl ain tail pi ece hav ing a
minimum l ength of 60 mm. T he c entre of t he o utlet h ole s hall b e g enerally c entral t o t he l ength o f t he
cistern. T he length of t he out let s hall be 37±2 mm i n c ase of i nterchangeable siphon; h owever, where
integral siphon is provided, the outlet length shall be 20±2 mm.

Note: The length of the cistern outlet shall be the dimension from the bottom surface of the cistern to
the end of the outlet after the cistern with siphon/stand pipe has been duly fitted with all washers,
lock-nuts, etc.

Inlet and Overflow Holes

The cistern shall be provided with inlet and overflow holes, situated one at each end, which shall be
capable of ac commodating ov erflow pi pe of not l ess t han 20 m m nom inal bo re and a 15 m m s ize f loat
valve. The holes shall be cleanly moulded or drilled and the adjacent surfaces shall be smooth.

Float Valve
The float valve shall be 15 mm nominal size and shall conform to IS 1703 or IS 12234 or IS 13049.

Operating Mechanism Lever

The operating mechanism/lever s hall not pr oject be yond t he side o f the c istern for a di stance g reater
than 350 mm measured from the centre of the cistern to the end of the lever arm. The lever arm shall be
provided with a suitable hole near t he end through w hich a split ring or S -hook can be inserted. A string
(chain) s hall be attached to t he ri ng or h ook. When S-hook i s em ployed, i t s hall b e effectively closed
after assembly to prevent accidental disconnection.

In the case of low-level cisterns, where the mechanism is handle operated, the handle, whether
situated on the front or at the en d of the cistern, shall be within the projection limit. Particular attention
shall be given to the case of operation of the handle.

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String (Chain)
The string (chain) shall be of such strength as to sustain a dead load of 500 N without any apparent or
permanent deformation.

The s tring (c hain) s hall terminate i n a suitable handle or pu ll m ade o f a m oulding in any
heatresisting an d no n-absorbent plastic or a ny other e qually suitable m aterial. T he f inish shall be
smooth and all burrs which are liable to cause injury to the hand when gripped shall be removed.

Overflow Pipe
The ov erflow p ipe s hall be of not l ess t han 20 m m nom inal b ore an d s hall i ncorporate a
noncorrodible m osquito-proof de vice sec ured in a manner which will per mit it to be readily cle aned
or renewed when necessary. No provision shall be made whereby the overflow from the cistern shall
discharge directly into the water-closet or soil pipe without being detected.

The invert of the overflow pipe in the case of high-level and low level cisterns and the top edge of
the overflow pipe in the case of coupled cistern shall be 19 mm (Min) above the working water level. In
case of ov erflow du e to a ny reason, w ater should dra in out t hrough t he o verflow pi pe a nd not t hrough
the siphon pipe.

The surface of the cistern including cover shall be free from blisters and delamination, and
reasonably f ree f rom f low lines, s treaking or c olour variations. The cistern and cover shall be opaq ue to

Operational and Performance Requirements

Flushing Arrangement
The c istern u nder working c onditions a nd with t he f loat v alve i n closed p osition s hall op erate o n a
single operation of the operating mechanism/lever without calling for a sudden jerk in pulling. If a valve is
used instead of siphon for flushing purposes, the valve shall be completely leak proof.

Working Water Level

The w orking w ater-level shall be a minimum of 6.5 c m. below t he effective t op edge of t he cistern
and shall be l egibly and permanently m arked on t he inside of the cistern. Effective top edge s hall be
taken on edge after top of the body without considering bead.

Freedom from Self Siphonage

The siphonic system s hall be capable of being rapidly brought i nto action when the w ater is at the
working water level, but shall not self siphon or leak into the flush pipe when the water is up to 1 cm
above the invert of the overflow pipe.

Reduced Water Level

The discharge shall operate satisfactorily when the cistern is filled to a level up to 1 cm. below the
working water level.

Discharge Capacity
When t ested i n a ccordance w ith I S 723 1, c istern o f 5 litres and 10 l itres capacities, when required t o
give a full flush, shall respectively discharge 5 l itres and 10 l itres with v ariation of ± 0 .5 l itres. D ual-flush
cistern of 10 litres capacity shall discharge alternatively a short flush of 5 ± 0.5 litres. Dual flush cistern
of 6/3 litres capacity shall discharge 6 ± 0.5 litres and alternatively a half flush of 3 ± 0.5 litres.

Discharge Rate
When tested in accordance with IS 7231, the discharge rate shall be 10 ± 0.5 litres within 6 seconds
and 5 ± 0.5 litres within 3 seconds for cistern of capacities 10 litres and 5 litres and 6 ± 0.5 litres within 6
second and 3 ± 0.5 litres within 3 second for cistern of 6/3 litres capacity respectively. The cistern shall

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be so des igned t hat t here is no appr eciable v ariation i n t he force o f the flush during t he di scharge o f t he
required quantity of water. For coupled cisterns, this test shall not be applicable.

Special Requirements
Distortion Resistance Test
The c isterns, c omplete with i ts fittings, s hall be installed and f illed with w ater t o t he m arked w ater
line and observed for any distortion. The cistern shall not budge more than 6 mm and the cover shall not be

Dead Load Test

When t he flushing mechanism i ncorporates chain p ull or h and operated lever, t he c istern, c omplete
with its fittings, when installed and filled with water to the marked water line and tested by the
application of a dead load of 230 N applied 6 mm from the end of the operating lever arm for 30
seconds, s hall not d istort to such an e xtent tha t any p art bec omes de tached. In the case o f other
operating mechanism, the dead load applied shall be a mass equivalent to the operating force required to
overcome t he normal hydrostatic head; T hirty s econds after t he l oad i s removed, t he f unction and
appearance of the cistern shall not be impaired.

Front Thrust Test

The front thrust t est shall be appl ied onl y t o c isterns intended for l ow l evel u se. The c istern complete
with its fittings, when installed and filled with water to the marked water line and tested by the method
described in IS 7231, shall not distort to such an extent as to be inoperable or unsightly when the load is

Impact Test
The c istern, complete with its fittings, w hen i nstalled and filled a s des cribed i n IS 7231 s hall show no
defect after one i mpact. Repeat the test but with the cistern em pty. T he cistern shall show no def ect
after the further impact.

17.1.2 Draining Board

Draining board made of Glazed fireclay conforming to C.P.W.D. Specifications and as per directions of
Engineer-in-Charge, shall be p rovided. The size o f t he boar d shall be as specified. The ent ire s urface
including bottom of the board shall be finished smooth.

17.1.3 Foot Rests (Fig. 17.4)

Foot rests shall be of Vitreous China conforming to IS 2556 (Part-X). Foot rests which are
rectangular s hall m eet t he minimum r equirements and d imensions sh own i n F ig. 4 a nd may be of
different des igns w here s o s pecified. F oot rests o f d ifferent s hapes a nd s izes s hall a lso be a llowed
subject to approval of Engineer-in-Charge.

17.1.4 Glass Shelf/PVC Shelf

Glass s helf s hall c onsist o f a n as sembly o f g lass s helf, w ith ano dised a luminium angl e frame to
support the glass shelf. The shelf shall be of glass of best quality with edges rounded off, and shall be
free from flaws specks or bubbles. The size of the shelf shall be 60 x 12 cm unless otherwise specified
and thickness not less than 5.5 mm. The shelf shall ha ve C.P. brass brackets which shall be fixed with
C.P. brass screws to rawl plugs firmly embedded in the walls.

PVC shelf as per manufacturer’s specifications and size as specified shall be provided.

17.1.5 Mirror
The mirror shall be of superior glass with edges rounded off or beveled, as specified. It shall be free
from flaws, specks or bub bles. The size of the mirror shall be 60 x 45 cm unl ess specified otherwise and
its thickness shall not be less than 5.5 mm. It shall be uniformly silver plated at the back and shall be
free from s ilvering defects. S ilvering s hall ha ve a p rotective uniform covering o f red lead paint. W here
beveled edge mirrors of 5.5 mm thickness are not available, fancy looking mirrors with PVC

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beading/border or aluminium beading or s tainless steel bea ding/border based on manufacture’s
specifications b e pr ovided not hing e xtra sh all b e paid on t his account. Backing of mirrors sh all b e
provided with environmentally friendly material other than asbestos cement sheet.

17.1.6 M.S. Stays and Clamps (Fig. 17.5)

The clamps shall be made from 1.5 mm thick M.S. flat of 32 mm width, bent to the required shape
and size to fit tightly on the socket, when tightened with nuts & bolts. It shall be formed of two
semicircular pi eces with flanged ends on both sides with holes to fit in the screws, bolts and nuts 40 mm
long. The stay shall be minimum one metre long of 10 mm dia M.S. bar. One end of the stay shall be
bent for embedding in the wall in cement concrete block of size 20 x 10 x 10 cm in 1:2:4 mix (1 cement :
2 c oarse s and : 4 gr aded s tone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). The concrete shall be finished to match
with the surrounding surface.

17.1.7 Pillar Taps

Pillar t aps s hall b e c hromium p lated b rass an d s hall c onform to IS 1795. The nominal s izes of the
pillar tap shall be 15 mm or 20 mm as specified. The nominal size shall be designated by the nominal
bore of the pipe outlet to which the tap is to be f itted. Finished weights of 15 mm and 20 m m pillar taps
shall be as prescribed in Table 17.2.

TABLE 17.2
Minimum Finished Weights of Pillar Taps

Particulars Weights in gms

15 mm size 20 mm size
Body 255 505
Washer plate loose valve 15 28
Back nut 40 50
Tap 650 1175

Casting shall be sound and free from laps, blow hole and pitting. External and internal surfaces shall be
clean, smooth and free f rom sand and be neatly dressed. T he body, bonnet and other parts shall be
machined true so that when assembled, the parts shall be axial, parallel and cylindrical with surfaces
smoothly finished.

The area of waterway through the body shall not be less than the area of the circle of diameter equal to
the bore of t he s eating of t he t ap. T he s eating of pi llar t ap s hall be i ntegral with t he bod y and edge s
rounded to avoid cutting of w asher. P illar t aps s hall be ni ckel c hromium plated and t hickness of c oating
shall not be less than service grade No. 2 of IS 4827 and plating shall be capable of taking high po lish
which shall not easily tarnish or scale.

Every pi llar t ap, c omplete w ith i ts c omponent par ts s hall w ithstand an i nternally appl ied hy draulic
pressure of 20 Kg/sq. c m m aintained f or a peri od of 2 m inutes d uring w hich peri od i t s hall nei ther l eak
nor sweat.

17.1.8 Sand Cast Iron or Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Iron Pipes and Fittings
Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories shall
conform t o IS 1 729. C entrifugally cast (Spun) i ron s pigot a nd s ocket s oil, w aste a nd v entilating pipes,
fittings and accessories shall conform to IS 3989.

The f ittings shall c onform t o t he s ame I .S. s pecifications t o which t he p ipe i tself conforms i n which
they are connected.

The p ipes shall h ave s pigot a nd socket ends , w ith he ad on s pigot end in c ase o f sand c ast iron
pipes and without head on spigot end in case of cast iron (Spun) pipes. The pipes and fittings shall be

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true t o s hape, s mooth and cylindrical, th eir in ner an d outer s urface b eing as n early as pr acticable
concentric. T hey s hall be s ound and s hall be f ree from c racks, t aps, p inholes and o ther i mperfections
and shall be neatly dressed and carefully fettled. All pipes and fittings shall ring clearly when struck with a
light hand hammer.

The ends of pi pes and f ittings s hall be reasonably s quare t o t heir axis. T he sand c ast i ron pi pes
shall be 1.5/1.8/2.0 metre in length including socket ends, cast iron (Spun) pipes shall be
1.5/1.75/2.0/2.5/3.0 metre i n l ength ex cluding s ocket ends, unl ess shorter lengths ar e ei ther specified o r
required at junctions etc. The pipe and fittings shall be supplied without ears, unless s pecified or
directed otherwise.

All pi pes and f ittings s hall be c oated i nternally and ex ternally w ith t he s ame m aterial at t he f actory,
the f itting be ing preheated pri or t o t otal i mmersion i n a bath containing a un iformly heated c omposition
having a tar or other suitable base. The coating material shall have good adherence and shall not scale
off. In all instances where the coating material has tar or similar base it shall be smooth and tenacious
and hard enough not to flow when exposed to a temperature of 77 degree centigrade but not so brittle
at a temperature of 0 degree centigrade as to chip off when scribed lightly with a pen knife.

The standard weights and thicknesses of pipes and their tolerances shall be as prescribed in
Appendix A.

The t hickness of f ittings a nd t heir s ocket and s pigot di mensions shall c onform t o t he t hickness an d
dimensions s pecified f or t he c orresponding sizes of s traight p ipes. T he t olerance i n weights &
thicknesses shall be the same as for straight pipes.

The a ccess d oor fittings s hall b e designed s o a s to avoid dead s paces i n which f ilth may
accumulate. Doors s hall be prov ided w ith 3 m m ru bber i nsertion pac king a nd w hen c losed and bol ted,
these shall be water tight.

Sand Cast Iron Floor Trap or Nahani Trap

Sand cast Iron Floor trap or Nahani trap shall be ‘P’ or ‘S’ type with minimum 50 mm seal. However, if
the plumbing is in two pipe system and with a gully trap at the ground level the minimum water seal shall
be 35 m m. The traps shall be of self cleansing design and s hall have exit of same size as that of waste
pipe. These shall conform to IS 1729.

17.1.9 Plastic Seat and Covers for Water Closet (Fig. 17.6)
The s eat a nd c over s hall be of t hermosetting or t hermoplastic conforming t o I S 2 548 as specified.
Unless otherwise specified these shall be of closed pattern. Thermosetting plastic used shall conform to grade 2 or 3 of IS 1300 when it is phenolic plastic or
IS 3389 when of urea formaldehyde.

Thermo plastic m aterials used m ay b e of P olystyrene c onforming to type 2 or 3 of IS 2267 o r of

polypropylene, A ppendix A of I S 25 48. I n pu blic b uildings w here r ough an d he avy u se of s eats and
covers ar e c ommon, pl astic s eats shall b e moulded out of thermosetting m aterials, phenolic o r ur ea
formaldehyde only and the under side of the seat shall be flat with solid moulding. The hi nging dev ice shall be b ronze or b rass w ith ni ckel chromium p lating confirming to I S 106 8
and the seat shall have not less than three rubber or plastic buffers of size 25 mm x 40 mm x 10 mm for
closed front seats and not less than four for open front seats, which shall be securely fixed to the under
side o f the s eat unless ot herwise specified. The cover s hall be fitted with t he same nu mber o f bu ffers as
provided for the seat.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Seats shall have a s mooth finish and shall be non absorptive and free from cracks and
crevices. They shall be capable of being easily cleaned and shall not be adversely affected by common
solvents or household cleanser. Strength: The s eats shall withstand without per manent di stortion o f the seat o r hi nge fittings or
damage to any finish, a load of 1150 N for 30 minutes applied in the manner prescribed in IS 2548.

17.1.10 Sinks (Fig. 17.7)

Laboratory sinks and Kitchen sinks shall be of white glazed fire clay confirming to IS 771 (Part-2) with
up to date amendments. The kitchen sink shall be of one piece construction with or without rim but without
overflow. Stainless s teel k itchen s ink s hall be o f sizes a s specified and s hall be c onforming t o IS 13983
(Fig. 17.7).

17.1.11 Towel Rail

The towel rail shall be of PTMT as specified and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

17.1.12 Toilet Paper Holder

The toilet paper hol der s hall be o f C P b rass or v itreous c hina as s pecified and o f s ize and des ign as
approved by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. I t s hall be f ixed i n pos ition by m eans of C .P. brass s crews and
rawl plugs embedded in the wall.

17.1.13 Urinals Bowl Type Urinals (Fig. 17.9 & 17.10) : Urinal bas ins shall be of flat back or corner wall t ype
lipped i n front. These shall be of white v itreous china conforming to IS 2556-(Part 6). The ur inals shall of
one pi ece c onstruction. E ach u rinal s hall be p rovided with not l ess than two f ixing hol es o f minimum di a
6.5mm o n e ach s ide. E ach uri nal s hall h ave an i ntegral f lushing ri m o f s uitable t ype an d i nlet o r s upply
horn for connecting the flush pipe. The flushing rim and inlet shall be of the self draining type. It shall
have a weep hole at the flushing inlet of the urinals.

At the b ottom of the urinal a n outlet h orn for c onnecting to an outlet pipe s hall be provided. T he
exterior of t he out let hor n s hall no t be g lazed and the s urface s hall be pr ovided w ith gr ooves at r ight
angles to the axis of the outlet to facilitate fixing to the outlet pipe. The inside surface of the urinal shall be
uniform and smooth throughout to ensure efficient flushing. The bottom of pan shall have sufficient slope
from the front towards the outlet such that there is efficient draining. Half Stall Urinals (Fig. 17.11) : They shall be of white vitreous China conforming to IS 2556
(Part 6 ). They shall be of one piece construction with o r without an integral flushing box rim a nd
provided w ith s lots or al ternative f ixing arrangement at t he flat bac k end. T hey s hall be pr ovided w ith
ridges w here integral flushing rim is not provided in the sides of t he i nterior of the b owl, to divert t he
water t owards t he f ront line of t he urinal w here i ntegral f lushing box rim is specified, w ater s preaders
provided s hall conform to IS 2556 P art-6 (Fig. 17.13). T hese s hall be vitreous C hina of one piece
construction w ith i ntegral f lush i nlet. T he t olerance o f ± 4 per c ent m ay b e allowed on the d imensions
specified. Urinal Partition Slabs : Urinal Partition slabs shall be provided, as specified in the item of work. Squatting Plate Urinal (Fig. 17.12) : The plates shall be of white vitreous china conforming to
IS 2556 (Part-1) and IS 2556 (Part-6) with internal flushing rim with front or side inlet. Squatting Plate shall
be of one piece construction. Each urinal shall have integral longitudinal flushing pipe of suitable type
which may be connected to flush pipe. These shall be 100 mm dia white glazed vitreous china channel
with stop and outlet piece in front.

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17.1.14 Wash Basins (Fig. 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.17 & 17.18)
Wash bas ins s hall be of w hite v itreous c hina c onforming t o I S 2556 ( Part-I) and I S 2556 ( Part-4).
Wash basins either of flat back or angl e back as specified shall be o f one pi ece construction, including a
combined overflow. All internal angles shall be designed s o as to f acilitate cleaning. Each b asin s hall
have a rim on a ll sides, e xcept sides in c ontact with the w alls and s hall h ave a s kirting at the bac k.
Basins s hall be p rovided w ith s ingle o r do uble t ap hol es as s pecified. T he t ap h oles s hall be 2 8 mm
square or 30 m m rou nd o r 25 m m round f or pop u p hole. A suitable tap h ole button shall be s upplied if
one t ap hole is not required i n installation. Each basin shall have c ircular waste hole to which t he i nterior
of basin s hall drain. The waste hol e shall be ei ther rebated or bev eled internally with di a meter of 65 mm
at top. Each basin shall be pr ovided with a non -ferrous 3 2 m m waste fitting. Stud slots to receive the
brackets on the underside of the wash basin shall be suitable for a bracket with stud not exceeding 13
mm diameter, 5 mm high and 305 mm from the back of basin to the centre of the stud. The stud slots
shall be of depth sufficient t o take 5 mm s tud. E very bas in s hall hav e an i ntegral soap hol der recess or
recesses, which shall fully drain into the bo wl. A slot type of overflow having an area of not less than 5
sq. cm, shall be provided and shall be so designed as to facilitate cleaning of the overflow.
Where oval shape or round shape wash ba sins are r equired t o be fixed t hese s hall be fixed
preferably in R CC pl atform w ith l ocal av ailable s tone topping ei ther fully s unk in s tone top or t op f lush
with the stone topping as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
The wash basins shall be one of the following patterns and sizes as specified (Fig. 17.14).
(a) Flat back: 660 x 460 mm (Surgeon’s Basin)
630 × 450 mm
550 × 400 mm
450 × 300 mm
(b) Angle back: 600 × 480 mm
400 × 400 mm
White gl azed pedes tals f or w ash bas ins, w here s pecified shall be p rovided. T he qu ality of the
glazing of the pedestal shall be exactly the same as that of the basin along with which it is to be
installed. It s hall be c ompletely r ecessed a t the bac k to ac commodate s upply and w aste p ipes an d
fittings. I t shall be capable of supporting the bas in rigidly and ade quately a nd s hall be s o des igned as t o
make the height from the floor to top of the rim of basin 75 to 80 cm as shown in Fig. 17.14, 17.15,
17.16, 17.17 & 17.18. All the waste fittings shall be brass chromium plated, or as specified.

17.1.15 Waste Fittings for Wash Basins and Sinks (Fig. 17.8)
The waste f ittings shall b e of n ickel c hromium plated brass, with t hickness of p lating not l ess t han
service grade 2 of IS 4827 which is capable of receiving polish and will not easily scale off. The fitting
shall conform in all respect to IS 2963 and shall be sound, free from laps, blow holes and fittings and
other manufacturing defects. External a nd i nternal s urfaces shall b e c lean and s mooth. T hey s hall be
neatly dressed and be truly machined so that the nut smoothly moves on the body.

Waste fitting for wash basins shall be of nominal size of 32 mm. Waste fittings for sinks shall be of
nominal size 50 mm.

17.1.16 Water Closet (Fig. 17.19, 17.20, 17.21, 17.22 & 17.23) Squatting Pans (Indian Type W.C.) ( Fig. 17.19, 17.20 & 17.21) : Squatting pans shall be of
white vitreous c hina c onforming to I S 2 556 Part-I f or General Requirements an d r elevant I S codes f or
each pattern as described below:
(i) Long pattern-conforming to IS 2556 (Part-3).
(ii) Orissa pattern-conforming to IS 2556 (Part-3).
(iii) Integrated type conforming to IS 2556 (Part-14).
Preferably Orissa type pan should be used.

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Each p an s hall ha ve an i ntegral f lushing rim of suitable t ype. I t s hall al so h ave an i nlet o r s upply
horn for c onnecting the flush pi pes, as s hown i n Fig. 17.19, 17 .20 & 17 .21. T he flushing rim a nd i nlet
shall be of the self draining type. It shall have weep hole at the flushing inlet to the pan. The flushing
inlet s hall be i n t he front, unl ess ot herwise specified or or dered b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. The i nside of
the bottom of the pan shall have sufficient slope from the front towards the outlet and the surface shall
be uni form and s mooth t o enabl e eas y and quick di sposal w hile f lushing. The ex terior s urface of t he
outlet bel ow t he flange shall be an ungl azed s urface w hich s hall hav e g rooves at right angl es t o the a xis
of the outlet. In all cases a pan s hall be pr ovided with a ( 100 mm) S.C.I. trap ‘P’ or ‘S’ type with
approximately 50 mm water seal and 50 mm dia vent horn, where required by the Engineer-in-Charge. Wash Down Type (European Type W.C.) ( Fig. 17.22 & 17.23) : Water c losets s hall be of
white vitreous china conforming to IS 2556 (Part-1) and 2556 (Part-2), as s pecified an d shall be of
“Wash down type”. The c losets s hall be ei ther of the two patterns (Pattern I & P attern I I) an d sizes as
shown in Fig. 17.22 & 17 .23 as specified. The closets shall be of one pi ece construction. Each water
closet shall have not less than two holes having a m inimum diameter of 6.5 m m for fixing to floor and
shall h ave an integral flushing rim of suitable t ype. It shall al so ha ve a n inlet or supply h orn for
connecting t he f lushing pipe of di mensions as s hown i n t able i n F ig. 17. 20 & 17. 21 t he f lushing rim
may be box ed or open t ype. I n t he c ase of box ri ms adequat e nu mber of h oles, on eac h s ide t ogether
with a s lot oppos ite the inlet s hall be pr ovided. T he f lushing rim and i nlet shall be of the s elf draining
type. T he w ater closet s hall hav e a w eep hole at the flushing inlet. E ach w ater closet s hall hav e an
integral trap with ei ther ‘ S’ or ‘ P’ out let with at least 50 mm water seal. For P trap, the slope of the out let
shall b e 14 de g. bel ow t he hori zontal. Where req uired t he w ater c loset s hall hav e an a ntisiphonage 5 0
mm di a v ent horn on t he outlet s ide of t he t rap w ith di mension c onforming t o t hose gi ven i n F ig. 17. 22
and on either right or left hand or centre as specified set at an a ngle of 45 d eg. and invert of vent h ole
not below the central line of the outlet. The inside surface of water closets and t raps shall be uni form
and smooth in order to enable an efficient flush. The serrated part of the outlet sh all not be gl azed
externally. The water closet, when sealed at the bottom of the trap in line with the back plate, shall be
capable o f h olding not le ss th an 15 l itres o f w ater bet ween the no rmal water level and th e hi ghest
possible water level of the water closet as installed.


17.2.1 The w ork s hall be c arried c ut, c omplying i n al l r espects w ith t he r equirements of r elevant
byelaws of the local body in whose jurisdiction the work is situated.

17.2.2 Any damage caused to t he building, o r t o el ectric, sanitary, water supply o r ot her, i nstallations
etc. therein, either due to negligence on the part of the contractor, or due to actual requirements of the
work, shall be made good and t he bui lding or the i nstallation shall be restored to i ts o riginal condition b y
the contractor. Nothing extra shall be paid for such restoration works except where otherwise specified.

17.2.3 For making good the damage to the under mentioned items of work, the specifications as given in
the following paras shall apply, unless directed otherwise.

(a) Masonry Work: The masonry work shall be made good by using the same class of bricks, tiles
or stones as was damaged during the execution of the work. The mortar used shall be cement
mortar 1:5 (1 cement: 5 fine sand) or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

(b) Plain Concrete Work : Concrete work for sub-grade of the flooring, foundations and other plain
concrete works shall be cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size). A coat of neat cement slurry shall be applied at the junction with
old work, before laying fresh concrete.

(c) Cement Concrete Flooring and R.C.C. Work : Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 Coarse
sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) shall be us ed after appl ying a coat of neat
cement s lurry a t t he j unction w ith old w ork, and the s urface f inished t o match w ith the
surrounding surface.

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(d) Plastering: Cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) shall be used. The sand shall be fine or
coarse, as used in the original work. The surface shall be finished with two or more coats of
white wash, colour wash, distemper or painting as required, but where the surface is not to be
white washed, colour washed, distempered or painted, it shall be finished as required to match
with the surrounding surface.

(e) Other Items: Damage t o an y o ther i tem s hall b e m ade good as directed b y the E ngineer-in-

Note: In al l t he a bove operations t he d amaged p ortion s hall b e c ut i n regular ge ometric s hape a nd

cleaned before making good the same.

17.2.4 All exposed G .I., C .I. or lead pipes and fittings shall be painted with approved qual ity of pai nt and
shade as specified. The painting work shall conform to specification described under SH: Painting.

17.2.5 All sanitary and plumbing work shall be carried out through licensed plumbers.

17.2.6 On completion of the work the site shall be cleaned and all rubbish disposed off as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge.

17.2.7 Various sanitary fittings described under 17.1 including fixing shall be enumerated individually or in
combination un der r elevant i tems of w orks a s d escribed below. W hen us ed i n c ombination,
specifications a s des cribed under rel evant paras shall appl y but not hing e xtra s hall b e pai d f or m aking
connections required for successful functioning of the combination.


17.3.1 Fixing
One end of the board shall rest on s ink and the other end shall be supported on C.I. bracket
embedded in cement concrete (1:2:4) block 100 × 75 × 150 mm. The b rackets u sed shall be of
cantilever type or wall fixed type as for the sink.

17.3.2 Painting
The brackets shall be painted with two or more coats of approved paint.

17.3.3 Measurements
Draining board shall be measured in numbers.

17.3.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all operations.


17.4.1 Fixing Low Level Cistern: The c istern s hall be f ixed on C .I. c antilever brac kets w hich s hall be f irmly
embedded in the wall in cement concrete (1:2:4) bl ock 100 x 75 x 150 mm. Connection between cistern
and closet s hall be m ade by m eans of 40 m m dia flush bend with rubber or G .I. inlet c onnection as
specified. Automatic Cistern: Clause 1 s hall ap ply exc ept th at C P B rass sto p co ck s hall b e
provided for cistern ha ving a c apacity of m ore than 5 l iter. The m ain & distribution flush pipe shall be
fixed to the wall by means of standard pattern holder bat clamp shown in Fig. 17.5.

17.4.2 Painting
The br ackets shall b e p ainted, i f specified, with t wo or more coats o f p aint of a pproved s hade a nd
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17.4.3 Measurements
Cistern, including all fittings, shall be measured in numbers.

17.4.4 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude the c ost of al l materials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he oper ations des cribed


17.5.1 Fixing
The m irror shall be mounted on bac king w ith en vironmentally f riendly m aterial other t han as bestos
cement sheet shall be fixed in p osition b y means o f 4 C .P. brass screws and C.P. bra ss washers, o ver
rubber washers and w ooden pl ugs f irmly e mbedded i n w alls. C .P. b rass clamps w ith C .P. b rass sc rews
may b e an alternative m ethod of fixing, w here so d irected. U nless s pecified otherwise the longer s ide
shall be fixed horizontally.

17.5.2 Measurements
Mirror shall be measured in numbers.

17.5.3 Rate
Rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l t he m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he operations d escribed


17.6.0 The s pecifications de scribed i n s ub-head 1 2.0 s hall a pply, a s f ar a s applicable, except t hat t he
joint shall be l ead caulked. A ll soil pipes shall be c arried up abov e the roof and shall have sand cast iron
terminal guard.

17.6.1 Height of Ventilating Pipes

The ventilating pipe or shaft shall be carried to a height of at least 60 cms above the outer covering
of the roof of the building or in the case of a window in a gable wall or a dormer window it shall be
carried up t o the ridge of the roof or at least 2 m etres above the top of the window. In the case of a f lat
roof to which access for use is provided it shall be carried up to a height of 2 metres above the roof and
shall not terminate w ithin 2 m etres, measured vertically f rom t he top of any window opening which m ay
exist up to a horizontal distance of 3 meters from the vent pipe into such building and in no case shall
be carried to a h eight less than 3 metres above plinth level. In case the adjoining building is taller, the
ventilating pipe shall be carried higher than the roof of the adjoining building, wherever it is possible.

The pipes abov e the p arapet s hall be s ecured to the w all by m eans of M .S. stay and clamps a s
specified in 17.1.6.

The c onnections bet ween t he m ain pi pe and br anch pi pes s hall be m ade by us ing br anches and
bends w ith ac cess door s for cleaning. The w aste from lavatories, kitchen, bas ins, s inks, bat hs and o ther
floor t raps s hall b e s eparately connected to res pective waste s tack of up per f loors. T he waste s tack of
lavatories s hall be c onnected d irectly to m anhole w hile the w aste s tack o f othe rs s hall s eparately
discharge ov er gul ly t rap. W here s ingle stack system is p rovided, t he c onnection shall be made di rect to
the manhole.

17.6.2 Jointing
The interior o f the s ocket and ex terior o f the s pigots s hall be thoroughly c leaned and dried. T he
spigot end shall be inserted into the socket right u p to the ba ck o f the socket and carefully centered by
two or three laps of treated spun yarn, twisted into ropes of uniform thickness, well caulked into the back of
the socket. No piece of yarn shall be shorter than the circumference of the pipe. The jointed pipe line shall
be at required levels and alignment.

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The leading of pipes shall be made by means of ropes covered with clay or by using special leading
rings. The lead shall be melted so as to be thoroughly fluid and each joint shall be filled in one pouring.
The following precautions shall be taken for melting lead:
(a) The pot and the ladle in which lead shall be put shall be clean and dry.

(b) Sufficient quantity of lead shall be melted.

(c) Any scum or dross which may appear on the surface of the lead during melting shall be skimmed

(d) Lead shall not be overheated.

After the l ead has been run i nto the joint the lead shall b e thoroughly caulked. Caulk ing of joints
shall be done after a convenient length of the pipes has been laid and leaded.

The leading ring shall first be removed and any lead outside the socket shall be removed with a flat
chisel and t hen the joint cau lked ro und three times wi th caulking too ls of increasing th ickness and
hammer 2 t o 3 kg. weight. The joints sh all not be co vered ti ll the pipe line has been tes ted under

Use of collars for joint ing is n ot p ermitted in any co ncealed or embedd ed loca tion. Howe ver, in
exposed locations where full length pipes cannot be fixed due to site constraints, collars (and n ot loose
sockets) may be used subject to the following:
(a) No two consecutive joint shall be with the use of collars.
(b) The joint of collar with the cut/spigot end of the pipe shall be made on the ground in advance and
tested against leakage before fixing.
(c) Cut/spigot end of the pipes shall be inserted in the collars u p to the projection inside the col lar
and jointing shall be done as in the case of socket and spigot joint. The jointed pipe line shall be
at required level/slope and alignment.

a a
e d

Loose Socket

As marked in fig Pipe dia (size in mm

100 150
50 75
a 76 101 129 181
b 50 75 100 150
c 10 10 10 10
d 79 89 95 108
e 89 101 114 140

Note: The dimensions of loose sockets shall correspond to those of appropriate nominal size of pipe.

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17.6.3 Testing
In order to ens ure that ad equate lead i s pour ed pr operly i nto the joints and to control waste in use of
lead, at the beginning of work three or four s ample joints shall be m ade and the quantum of lead per
joint appr oved b y t he Engineer-in-Charge. A ll sand c ast i ron/cast i ron (Spun) pi pes and fittings i ncluding
joint s hall be tested b y s moke test t o the satisfaction o f the E ngineer-in-Charge and l eft i n w orking or der
after completion. The smoke test shall be carried out as under:

Smoke shall be pumped into the pipes at the lowest end from a smoke machine which consists of a
bellow an d burner. The m aterial u sually burnt is gre asy cotton w aste which gives out a c lear p ungent
smoke which is easily detectable by sight as well as by smell, if there is leak at any point of the drain.

17.6.4 Painting
All sand cast iron/cast iron (Spun) pipes and fittings shall be painted with shade to match the colour of
the background as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

17.6.5 Measurements The pipes s hall b e measured net w hen f ixed i n p osition ex cluding al l fittings a long its l ength,
correct to a cm. When collars are used for jointing SCI pipes these shall be measured as fittings and shall be
paid for separately. No allowance s hall be made f or the p ortions of t he pipe l engths e ntering the s ockets of the
adjacent pipes or fittings. The above shall apply to both cases i.e. whether the pipes are fixed on wall
face or embedded in masonry. No deduction shall be made in the former case from the masonry measurement for the volume of
concrete blocks embedded therein. Similarly no d eduction shall be made for the volume occupied by the
pipes from the masonry when the former are embedded in the later.

17.6.6 Rates
The r ate s hall i nclude the c ost of al l l abour and materials i nvolved in al l t he oper ations des cribed
above, e xcluding f ittings, l ead c aulk j ointing, t he supply a nd f ixing M .S. holder bat clamps a nd M.S.
stays and clamps, floor trap and painting, which shall be paid for separately.


17.7.1 Fixing
The seat shall be fixed to the pan by means of two corrosion resistant hinge bolts with a minimum
length of shank of 6 5 mm a nd t hreaded t o w ithin 25 m m of t he f lange supplied by the m anufacturer
along w ith the s eat. E ach bol t s hall be pr ovided w ith two s uitably s haped w ashers of r ubber o r ot her
similar materials for ad justing t he l evel o f the s eat w hile fixing i t to t he pans . In addi tion, one non -ferrous
or s tainless steel w asher shall be pr ovided w ith eac h bo lt. T he m aximum ext ernal diameter of t he
washer f ixed on t he underside of t he pan shall not be great er t han 25 m m. Alternative hinging de vices
as s upplied b y t he manufacturer o f t he s eat c an al so be us ed for fixing w ith t he appr oval o f E ngineer-in-

17.7.2 Measurements
Seat with cover shall be measured in numbers.

17.7.3 Rate
Rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l t he m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he operations d escribed
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17.8.0 The installation shall consist of assembly of sink C.I. brackets, union and G .I. or P.V.C. waste
17.8.1 Fixing
The s ink s hall be supported on C .I. c antilever brackets, e mbedded i n c ement c oncrete (1:2:4) bl ock
of size 100 x 75 x 1 50 mm. Brackets shall b e fixed in p osition b efore the dado work is d one. T he C.P.
brass or P.V.C. union shall be c onnected to 40 mm nominal bore G.I. or PVC waste pipe which shall be
suitably b ent t owards the w all and shall di scharge into a floor t rap. C .P. br ass trap and uni on and w aste
shall be paid separately. The height of front edge of sink from the floor level shall be 80 cm.

17.8.2 Measurements
The sinks shall be measured in numbers.

17.8.3 Rate
Rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations described above
but shall not included the cost of waste fitting and brackets which shall be paid for separately.


17.9.0 Urinal i nstallation s hall c onsist of a l ipped uri nal (S ingle or range), an automatic f lushing c istern,
G.I. flush and waste pipe. The capacity of flushing cistern and relevant size of flush pipe for urinals in a
range shall be as prescribed in Table 17.3.

Waste pipe shall be of 32 mm nominal bore G.I. pipe and shall be paid separately.

17.9.1 Fixing
Urinals shall be f ixed in position by using wooden plugs and s crews. It shall be at a hei ght of 65 c m
from the standing level to the top of the lip of t he uri nal, u nless ot herwise directed by the E ngineer-in-
Charge. The size of wooden plugs shall be 50 mm × 50 mm at base tapering to 38 mm × 38 mm at top
and of l ength 5. 0 cms. These s hall be f ixed i n the w all i n c ement mortar 1:3 (1 c ement: 3 fine sand).
After the plug fixed in the wall, the mortar shall be cured till it is set.

TABLE 17.3

Size of Flush Pipe (Galvanised Iron)

No. of Urinals Capacity of Flushing Cistern Main Distribution
in range
One 5 Litres 15 mm 15 mm
Two 10 Litres 20 mm 15 mm
Three 10 Litres 25 mm 15 mm
Four 15 Litres 25 mm 15 mm
Each urinal shall be c onnected to 32 m m dia waste pipe which shall discharge into the channel or a
floor trap. The connection between the urinal and flush or waste pipe shall be made by means of putty or
white lead mixed with chopped hemp.

17.9.2 Measurements
Urinals shall be measured in numbers.

17.9.3 Rate
Rate shall include the cost of all the materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.

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17.10.0 The i nstallation shall c onsist of s tall u rinal (single or r ange), a utomatic f lushing cistern, C .P.
brass s tandard flush p ipes, C .P. br ass s preader and C .I. trap w ith tail pi ece and outlet gra ting of C .P.
brass. C apacity of f lushing c istern a nd r elevant s ize of f lush pi pe, C .I. t rap shall be as prescribed i n
Table 17.4.

TABLE 17.4

No. of Urinals Capacity of Size of Flush Pipe (Chromium Plated) Diameter of

in range Flushing cistern Traps
Main Distribution
One 05 Litres 15 mm 15 mm 50 mm
Two 10 Liters 20 mm 15 mm 50 mm
Three 15 Litres 25 mm 15 mm 80 mm
Four 15 Litres 25 mm 15 mm 80 mm

17.10.1 Fixing
The floor slab shall be suitably sunk to receive the stall urinal. Where the floor slab is not sunk, the
stall urinal s hall be pr ovided ov er a platform. T he l ip of t he s tall urinal s hall be f lush w ith t he f inished
floor level adjacent to it. The stall urinal shall be laid over a fine sand cushion of average 25 mm
thickness. A s pace o f not l ess t han 3 mm shall be pr ovided al l-round, i n front, sides and filled w ith w ater
proofing pl astic c ompound. C are s hall be t aken t hat af ter t he s ub-grade f or t he f loor i s c ast, one week
should lapse before urinals are installed. The trap and fittings shall be fixed as directed by the Engineerin-
Charge. Payment for the floor and its sub-grade shall be made separately.

17.10.2 Measurements
Stall urinals shall be measured in numbers.

17.10.3 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude the c ost o f al l t he materials and labour i nvolved i n al l the oper ations described

17.11 INSTALLATION OF WASH BASIN (FIG. 17.14, 17.15, 17.16, 17.17 & 17.18)

17.11.0 The installation shall c onsist o f an a ssembly of w ash bas in, pi llar taps, C .I. br ackets, C .P. b rass
or P .V.C. uni on, as specified. The w ash bas in s hall be p rovided w ith one o r t wo 15 mm C .P. br ass pi llar
taps, as specified. The height of top of the rim of wash basin from the floor level shall be w ithin 750 mm
to 800 mm.
17.11.1 Fixing
The basin s hall be s upported o n a pai r of C .I. c antilever b rackets c onforming to I S 77 5 an d be
embedded in c ement concrete (1:2:4) block 100 x 75 x 150 m m. U se of M .S. angle or Tee section as
bracket is not per mitted. B rackets shall be fixed in pos ition before dado work is done. The brackets hav e
been shown i n Fig. 17.15. The wall pl aster on the rear shall be cut t o rest over the top edge of the basin
so as not to l eave an y gap for water t o seep through between wall pl aster & skirting of basin. After fixing
the bas in, pl aster shall be m ade go od an d s urface finished m atching w ith t he ex isting one. S.C.I. f loor
traps conforming to IS 1729 having 50 mm water seal (minimum 35 mm in two pipe systems with gully
trap) should be used. Waste pipes laid horizontally should have gradient not flatter than 1 in 50 and not
steeper than 1 in 10.

The w aste w ater from w ash basin s hall be di scharged di rectly t o v itreous s emi-circular open drain,
discharging to a floor trap and finally to the v ertical stack (Fig.17.15) on u pper floors and in c ase of
ground floor, t he w aste w ater shall be discharged ei ther di rectly to the gul ly t rap or through the floor trap
(Fig. 17.16). C.P. brass trap and union are not to be used in such situations.
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If w aste pipe i s c oncealed or c rosses t he wall, w aste w ater s hall be di scharged t hrough non f errous
trap like P VC E ngineering plastic or C.P. brass and union (Fig. 17.17) to vertical stack. The C.P. brass
trap and union shall be paid for separately.

Where so specified a 20 mm G.I. puff pipe terminating with a perforated brass cap screwed on it on the
outside of the wall or connected to the antisyphon stack shall be provided.

17.11.2 Measurements
Wash basins shall be measured in numbers.

17.11.3 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude the c ost o f al l t he materials and labour i nvolved i n al l the oper ations described


17.12.0 The installation shall consist of squatting pan, flushing cistern, flush pipe and a pair of foot rests.

17.12.1 Fixing
The pa n s hall be sunk into the floor an d em bedded in a cushion of av erage 15 c m thick c ement
concrete 1: 5:10 (1 C ement : 5 fine s and : 1 0 gra ded brick ballast 40 m m n ominal s ize). The concrete
shall be left 115 mm bel ow t he top level of the pan so as to allow flooring and its bed concrete. The pan
shall be provided with a 100 mm S.C.I., P or S type trap with an approximately 50 mm seal and 50 mm dia
vent h orn, where requi red by t he Engineer-in-Charge. T he joint bet ween t he pan an d t he t rap s hall be
made leak proof with cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand).

17.12.2 Measurements
The squatting pans shall be measured in numbers.

17.12.3 Rate
Rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l t he m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he operations d escribed
above. Cost of concrete shall be paid separately.


17.13.0 Installation shall consist of water closet with seat and cover, flushing cistern and flush bend.

17.13.1 Fixing
The closet shall be f ixed to the f loor by means of 75 mm long 6.5 mm diameter counter-sunk bolts
and nuts embedded in floor concrete.

17.13.2 Measurements
Water closets shall be measured in numbers.

17.13.3 Rate
Rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l t he m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he operations d escribed


17.14.1 After l aying t he f loor around s quatting pa n as s pecified a pa ir o f foot r ests s hall be fixed in
cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand). The position of foot rests with respect to pan shall be as per
Fig. 17.4.

17.14.2 Measurements
Pair of foot rests shall be measured in numbers.
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17.14.3 Rate
Rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l t he m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he operations d escribed


17.15.0 The installation shall c onsist o f an assembly of s quatting plates (single or range), v itreous C hina
channel, automatic flu shing cistern, flu sh pipe with fi ttings s preader and C.I. t rap. T he c apacity of
flushing cistern and relevant size of flush pipes shall be as specified in Table 17.5.

TABLE 17.5

No. of Squatting Capacity of Flushing Cistern Size of Flush Pipe

Plates in range (Galvanised Iron)
Main Distribution
One 5 liters — 20 mm
Two 10 liters 25 mm 20 mm
Three 15 liters 32 mm 20 mm
Four 15 liters 32 mm 20 mm

17.15.1 Fixing
The floor slab shall be suitably sunk to receive the squatting plate. Where the floor slab is not sunk, the
plates s hall be prov ided over a p latform. T he t op edge o f t he s quatting pl ate s hall b e f lush with t he
finished floor level adjacent to it. It shall be embedded on a layer of 25 mm thick cement mortar 1:8 (1
cement: 8 fine sand) laid over a bed of cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 fine sand: 10 graded brick
aggregate 20 mm nominal size).

There s hall b e 100 m m d ia, w hite gla zed v itreous C hina c hannels w ith s top and ou tlet p ieces
suitably f ixed i n t he f loor i n c ement m ortar 1: 3 (1 cement : 3 c oarse s and) and j oint f inished w ith w hite
cement. The squatting plate shall have 1200 high and half brick thick wall in front and on either side of
the squatting plate. The brick work for the walls shall be paid separately. The exposed surface of walls
shall be l ined with white glazed tiles with proper corners and a ngles set in neat cement mortar, the face
of the joints shall be gone over with whiting so as to match with the colour of the tiles. The tiles shall be
15 mm square. S pace if any, left between the side w alls and squatting plate shall be finished w hite t o
match the colour of the squatting plate. The trap and fittings shall be fixed as directed by the Engineerin-
Charge. The vitreous China channel shall discharge into 65 m m diameter standard urinals, C.I. trap with
vent arm having 65 mm C.P. brass outlet grating.

17.15.2 Measurements
Squatting plates shall be measured in numbers.

17.15.3 Rate
The rate shall i nclude the c ost o f al l t he materials and l abour i nvolved i n al l the oper ations des cribed


It s hall be f ixed i n pos ition by m eans of C .P. bra ss s crews on wall s urface b y P VC da sh f asteners,
firmly embedded in wall.

17.16.1 Measurements
Tower rails shall be measured in numbers.

17.16.2 Rate
Rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l t he m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he operations d escribed
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(Clause 17.1.8)

For Sand Cast Iron Pipes IS 1729

Nominal dia of bore Thickness Over all weight of pipe

(mm) (mm) 1.5 m long (Kg) 1.80 m long (Kg) 2.0 m long (Kg)
50 5.0 9.56 11.41 12.65
75 5.0 13.83 16.52 18.37
100 5.0 18.14 21.67 24.15
150 5.0 26.70 31.92 35.66
For Cast Iron (Spun Pipes IS 3989).
Nominal dia Thickness Overall Weight in Kg. for an effective length in metres of
(mm) (mm) 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.800 1.500
50 3.5 13.40 11.3 9.2 8.4 7.1
75 3.5 20.0 16.8 13.8 12.5 10.6
100 4.0 30.0 25.5 21.0 18.8 16.0
150 5.0 56.0 47.0 38.5 34.9 29.5
(a) Tolerances on the external diameter of the barrel, the internal diameter of the socket and the
depth of socket shall be as follows:—

Dimensions (mm) Nominal Diameter (mm)

External diameter of barrel 50, 75 ± 3.0
100 ± 3.5
150 ± 4.0
Internal diameter of socket All diameters ± 3.0
Depth of socket All diameters 10.0
The m aximum and m inimum j ointing s pace r esulting f rom t hese t olerances s hall be such t hat t he
jointing of the pipes and fittings is not adversely affected.
The tolerance on length of pipes shall be ± 20 mm.
(b) The tolerances on dimensions of fittings shall be as given below:
Type of Casting Dimension Tolerance mm
Bend pipes a +25 -10
b +20 -10
Branches with equal branch pipes a +25 -10
b +25 -10
Branches with unequal branch pipes L +30 -20
S. Shape casting L +50 -10
Taper collars L +25 -10
Other L +20 -10
(1) Tolerance on w all-thickness shall be limited to -15 per cent. No limits for plus tolerance is
(2) Tolerance for dimensions other than those specified above shall be as specified in IS 5519.
(3) Tolerance on mass shall be limited to -10 per cent. No limit for plus tolerance specified.
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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations
Clause : 17.1




F.L. F.L



Drawing Not to Scale
All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 17.1 : Pipe Systems and Parts


Sub Head : Sanitary Installations
Clause : 17.1

Wash Stack 100ø

1700 2300 Sink
Basin Max. Length Max. Length
32 ø 38 ø

W.C. B ranch S
Max Length 1500 WB
Bath FT
38 ø WC WB
Swept Entry 50 Radius FT
WC S. = Sink
W.B. = Wash Basin
F.T = Floor Trap
W.C. = Water Closet
F.L. = Floor Level
Large Radius Bends


Drawing Not to Scale
All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 17.2 : Pipe Systems and Parts

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.1





Body is Shown in Half Section


Operating Lever
Overflow Pipe
this side Inlet and Ball Valve


Lock Nut
Flush Pipe

Overflow Pipe
Inlet and Ball Valve



Flush Pipe

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 17.3 : Flushing Cisterns

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Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head: Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.3


250 Foot Rest Foot Rest

20 75

125 370 125

15 Min

250 (Min)



Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 17.4 : Foot Rest

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Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.6

Terminal Guard


M.S. Clamp End of Bar Bent to

Form Hook

10 Dia. M.S. Stay

900 Long

Top of Parapet
Pipe C.C 1:2:4




M.S. Clamp
30 x 1.5

Nut & Bolt

40 Long


Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 17.5 : M.S. Stays and Clamp

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Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.9

Rubber Knob

3 mm Min. 10 mm Min.

Rubber or Plastic

50 to 100 mm Width of
Position of opening for open front
Cover Seat


E B Cover
A 10 mm Seat

3 mm min.
Rubber or
Seat Bolt Plastic Buffer


Table 1 Dimensions of Seats and Covers

All dimensions in millimetres

Sl.No. Description Dimensions

Min Max

(1) (2)
(i) Distance from centre line of hinge bolts to extreme 445 475
edge of rim at front, A
(ii) Length of opening at longest point, B 250 290
(iii) Width of opening at widest point, C 215 240
(iv) Overall width at widest point, D 380
(v) Distance between inner and outer rims, E 55
(vi) Centre-to-centre distance of seat bolt holes, F 145 175
(vii) Distance from centre line of hinge bolts to inner rim 85
of seat at the back, G
(viii) Thickness of seat at thinnest point 3
(ix) Thickness of cover at thinnest point 3
Note : Some hinging devices are made so as to provide adjustment in the longitudinal
direction. This is not precluded by these figures.

Fig. 17.6 : Plastic Seat and Cover

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.10

A Rim Projection (Optional)


(Optional) C
D 2



(White G lazed F ire Clay)
All dimensions in millimetres
Pattern Size A B C D
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(a) Kitchen sinks 750 x 450 x 250 750 450 250 150
600 x 450 x 250 600 450 250 150
600 x 450 x 200 600 450 200 150

(b) Laboratory sinks 600 x 400 x 200 600 450 200 90

500 x 350 x 150 600 350 150 90
450 x 300 x 150 450 300 150 90
400 x 250 x 150 400 250 150 90

b f
b f

d a
d a d


Reference to Fig. above Dimensions in mm

(Minimum Unless Specified)
a 380 (for rectangular bowl)
360 (for round bowl)
b 340
c 20
d 30
e 45
f 440 mm Max for 500 mm worktop
515 mm Max for 600 mm worktop


Fig. 17.7 : Kitchen & Laboratory Sinks

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.15

88 mm φ +0
58 mm φ 64 mm φ +0
3 mm

Flange 40 m m φ
Chamfered 15 mm Min Flange

3 mm
27 m m Chamfered
3 mm

15 mm Min
3 mm

A A Slot Area 25 m m
-5 cm2 Min.
90 m m +2 A
-0 3 mm 75 m m +2
50 m m Parallel 3 mm
Pipe Thread 50 m m Parallel
Pipe W idth
Recess for end of Recess f or end
Hex Width A/F tail piece Hex Width A/F of tail piece
65 m m 45 m m

83 m m 60 m m


Drawing Not to Scale

No. and Sizes of Holes Indicative

Fig. 17.8 : Waste Fittings for W.B. & Sinks

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Clause : 17.1.13


Flushing Rim

H 2 Holes ∅ 65 mm
on each side

f K


Note : Where a closed channel with overflow is not provided a domed grating with perforating starting from the base and the
crown of which shall be 25 mm, minimum above surface shall be provided which may be integral or otherwise.


All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 17.9 : Urinal Bowl Type

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.13


2 Holes, ∅ 6.5 min
on each side



No te : Ovality of 5 percent is permissible on inlet and outlet diameters.

All Dimensions in Millimetres

Fig. 17.10 : Urinal Bowl Type (Corner Wall Type)
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Chapter : Sanitary Installations

Clause :

10° m in 1



All dimensions in millimetres
Sl. No. Pattern Dimension
Height Projectio n Width Distance
H P W K, Min
1. Flat back w ith f lushing rim
Size 1 440 265 355 140
Size 2 440 265 315 140
2. Flat back w ithout f lushing rim
Size 1 410 265 305 100
Size 2 590 375 390 100
3. Angle back with flushing rim 345 420 270 190
4. Angle back w ithout f lushing rim
Size 1 450 350 275 100
Size 2 580 500 300 100


All dimensions in millimetres

Sl.No . Pattern Dime nsion in mm

a b1) c1 c2 d e1 e2 f, Min

1. Flat back, w ith f lushing rim — 20 ± 3 40 ± 5 50 ± 5 — 35 ± 2 55 20

2. Flat back, w ithout f lushing rim 75 Max 20 ± 3 — 100 M in 65 ± 5 45 ± 2 60 M in 20
3. Angle back, w ith f lushing rim — 20 ± 3 35 ± 5 65 ± 5 — 35 ± 2 55 20
4. Angle back, without flushing rim 75 m ax 20 ± 3 — 150 65 ± 5 45 ± 2 60 20
(for s ize 1)
(for s ize 2)
Explanation f or Legends Used
a = Dimension f rom t op of bowl t o centre of w ater s upply hole or s preade
b = Diameter of w ater s upply hole
c1 = D istance f rom c entre of w ater s upply hole t o bac k of bow l
c2 = D istance f rom c entre of w aste outlet t o back of bow l
d = Dimension of outlet of t he w aste f lange
e1 = I nternal diameter of waste outlet
e2 = Out side diameter of t he outlet hole
f = Depth of w aste outlet
Note : Distance between pairs of screw holes for flat back with flushing rim bowl urinal shall be 395 mm for top/bottom fixing arrangement and 320 mm for side
fixing arrangement.
(1) Ovality is permissible within the variation allowed for the dimensions
(2) Ovality is permissible within ± 2 mm of the dimensions.

Fig. 17.11 : Urinal – Half Stall


Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause :

∅ 13 Hole at
e Three Places d2

W2 d1

W1 W1 H3
L H2



S l.No. De s cription Re f. in Fig. a bove S ize 1 S ize 2

1. Size — 450 x 350 600 x 350

2. Length L 450 600
3. Minimum foot rest width W1 125 165
4. Width W 350 350
5. Height at back end H1 100 100
6. Height at front end H2 85 85
7. Minimum height at bowl draining surface H3 50 50
8. Width at flat top W2 100 100
9. Radius of curvature of the bowl R 65 65
10. Angle of direction of the two end spray hole with Ø 30° 30°
that of the central one


De s cription Re f. in Fig. a bove S ize 1/S ize 2

Diameter of inlet hole d1 40

Diameter of the inlet socket d2 50
Depth of the inlet socket, Min e 25
1) Ovality is permissible within the variation allowed for the dimensions.

Fig. 17.12 : Urinal Squatting Plate

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Clause : 17.1.13


20 55

40 X
70 C/C
7.5 6.5
95 Elevated
13R Hole

6 mm Min 55

45 22 X

Drawing Not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 17.13 : Spreader for Urinal

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.14

110 460

Above 200 Min
460 Floor






All dimen sio ns in millimetres
S. Patte rn Size Len gth Bre adth Height A
No. A B C t
g4 g1
(1) (2) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6 )
(i) Flat Back 660 x 460 660 460 200, Min
(Surgeon’s basin)
630 x 450 630 450 290, Max SECTION A-A d2
550 x 400 550 400 290, Max A
450 x 300 450 300 225, Max
(ii) Angle back 600 x 480 600 480 290, Max CONNECTING DIMENSIONS FOR SINGLE TAP HOLE
400 x 400 400 400 290, Max WASH BASINS

A g g4

d 1 A d

f 2


Drawing Not to Scale
All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 17.14 : Wash Basins

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.14

Location : General Offices Waste discharging

in Semicircular open channel and collected in
floor trap.
(1) Slope : 1 in 10 to 1 in 50.
(2) F.T.: Ref. Q.C.T.A Circular No. 2 of 1992.
(3) Waste Pipe : P .V.C. flexible T ype (32
(4) F.T. Loc ation pr eferred i n C entre t o
Achieve Max. Slope.
(5) Water supply connection not shown.

Waste Pipe Concealed

Floor Level
Slope Slope
Waste Pipe Leading
to Vertical St ack Lean Conc. Filling

Depressed R.C.C. Slab


230 to 250 Stud 13 mm 0 Max. 5mm. High

Top Width 20 Min. 25 Max.
12 M in.

265 to 270

Weight 1.5 kg 305

Water Seal 415

75 to 80


Note : Stud shall be provided for supports intended

for glazed earthenware, vitreoware wash basins only.
Drawing Not to Scale
All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 17.15 : Fixing Arrangement of Wash Basin

184 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.14

Plaster/Wall Finish

Brick Wall

Over Flow Slot

(Area < 5 sq cm.)


Waste Hole

Waste Fitting 32 mm.

750 to 800

Waste Pipe (inserted through the

32mm P. V.C. Waste hole of the grating)
Pipe (Flexible)

Grating (with hole for waste pipe)

at 10 mm. below floor level.
Floor Level
Rich Conc. of min. 50 mm.
thickness alround
Floor Trap (75mm/100mm outlet)

Connected to waste pipe

R.C.C. Slab
Filling/Lean Conc.
Water proofing layer
Localised depressed R.C.C. slab
portion of 250 mm to 325 mm
deep. (Also refer para 4.0 of
Q.C.T.A Circular No. 2 of 1992).

Drawing Not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 17.16 : Typical Vertical Section of Wash Basin (Waste Pipe Open to View)

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.14

Plaster/Wall Finish
Brick Wall

Over Flow Slot

(Area< 5


Waste H ole

Waste Fitting 32 mm

P.V.C. Bottle Trap
32 mm Waste Pipe
750 to 800

G.I. or M .S. Custom ‘T’ Junction

with Lead Joint

Grating at 10 mm Below Floor Level

Floor Level
Rich Conc. of m in. 50 m m
Thickness Alround
Floor Trap (75 m m/ 100 mm Outlet)

Connected to Waste Pipe

R.C.C. Slab
Water Proofing Layer
Filling/Lean Conc.

Localised Depressed R.C.C.

Slab Portion of 250 to 325 Deep

Drawing Not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm

Fig. 17.17 : Typical Vertical Section of Wash Basin (Waste Pipe Concealed from View)

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause : 17.1.14





Notes :
(1) Tap hole provisions are not shown. However provision shall be made for 1 or 2 Tap holes in any suitable position.
(2) Stud provisions are not shown but suitable provision shall be made for fixing purposes.
(3) Provision of soap recess need not be central in the case of single tap hole.
(4) Drawing not to scale.
(5) All dimensions are in mm.

Fig. 17.18 : Angle Back Wash Basin (Pattern-2)

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Clause :





Functional Dimensions of Long and Orissa Pattern

All Dimensions in millimetres

Sl. Description Ref. in Fig. 19 Long Pattern Orissa Pattern

No. and 20 of Size of Size
580 630 580 x440 630 x450

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

(i) Length A 580 630 580 630

(ii) Length ofopening, Min B 480 530 470 500
(iii) Height F 300 ± 10 320 ± 10 300 ± 10 320 ± 10
(iv) Width of opening, small end H 170 ± 10 170 ± 10 180 ± 10 180 ± 10
(v) Width of opening, wide end j 260 ± 10 260 ± 10 210 ± 10 220 ± 10
(vi) Slope of bottom of Pan a 15° 15° 15° 15°
(vii) Distance between the centre of outlet L 70 70 70 70
to the inside face of flushing rim at the
back, Max
(viii) Width N — — 440 450
P — — 310 ± 10 310 ± 10
Note : Tolerances where not specified shall conform to Part I of IS-2556

Fig. 17.19 : Long Pattern Squatting Pan, Type I

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause :

Flange Optional





Note : Footrest may be flushed or raised, clearance permissible between raised footrest and rim opening.

All Dimensions in Milliletres.

Fig. 17.20 : Orissa Pattern Squatting Pan

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause :


550 130
500 30 50 φ Main

77°-80° 104°
Optional 50

Fig. 17.21 : Integrated Squatting Pan

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Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause :



D D2/2


W2 J N


0 F


S D1 C2

S - TRAP 2

Pattern-1 Pattern-2

All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 17.22 : Pattern 1 and Pattern 2 Water Closets

191 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Sanitary Installations

Clause :
All dimensions in millimetres
Sl.No. Description Ref. in Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(i) Height A 390 ± 10 390 ± 10 390 ± 10

(ii) Depth of water seal, Min H 50 50 50
(iii) Width of water closet J 360 ± 10 360 ± 10 360 ± 10
(iv) Distance from centre of seat bolt K 415 to 445 415 to 445 415 to 445
hole to front of water closet
(v) Distance from centre of seat bolt L 80 80 80
hole to inside face of flush rim at
back, Max
(vi) Distance between a vertical line from O 70 70 70
tip of back plate to inside face of flush
rim at back, Max
(vii) Width of opening, Min P 240 240 240
(viii) Length of opening, Min Q 290 290 290
(ix) Overall length S 500-575 500-575 500 Max
(x) Trap inlet depth, Min T 75 75 75
(xi) Water surface
Back to front W1 150 Min 100 Min 150 Min
Side to side W2 110 Min 75 Min 110 Min
Note : In case of centre vent in S Trap, overall length should be taken as S + 75.

D2 /2
D D1

C1 R1





W2 P J


Q D2
D1 B


All dimensions in millimetres

Fig. 17.23 : Pattern-3 Water Closet with Horizontal P-Trap

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Vol-2 , 2013

Clause No. Brief Description Page

List of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Codes 196

18.1 Terminology 197

18.2 General Requirements 198

18.3 Materials 200

18.3.1 Ball Valve (Brass) 201
18.3.2 Bib Taps and Stop Valve 201
18.3.3 Ferrules 201
18.3.4 Fire Hydrants 202
18.3.5 Gate Valve-Gun Metal 202
18.3.6 Pig Lead 202
18.3.7 Lead Wool 202
18.3.8 Non-return Valve-Gun Metal 202
18.3.9 Pipes and Specials 202
18.3.10 Pipes-Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Iron Pipes 202
18.3.11 Pipes-Galvanized Iron 203
18.3.12 Shower Rose Brass 204
18.3.13 Sluice Valves-Brass/Gun Metal 204
18.3.14 Surface Box 204
18.3.15 Water Meter (Domestic Type) 204
18.3.16 Yarn (Spun) 207

18.4 Laying and Jointing of Pipes and Fittings 207

18.4.1 Unloading 207
18.4.2 Storing 207
18.4.3 Cutting 207
18.4.4 Trenches 208
18.4.5 Laying 209
18.4.6 Thrust Blocks 209
18.4.7 Back Filling and Tamping 21
18.4.8 Hydrostatic Tests 210

18.5 Laying and Jointing of Cast Iron Pipes and Fittings (External Work) 211

18.6 Laying and Jointing of G.I. Pipes (External Work) 214

18.7 Laying and Jointing of G.I. Pipes (Internal Work) 215

18.8 Polypropylene Random Co-Polymer (PP-R) Pipes 216

18.9 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) Pipes 220

18.10 PE-AL-PE Pipes - DELETED 225

18.11 Making Connection of G.I., Distribution Branch with G.I. (Main) 225

18. 12 Fixing Brass and Gun Metal Water Fittings 226

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18.13 Fixing Ferrules 226

18.14 Installation of Fire Hydrant - DELETED 226

18.15 Installation of Sluice Valve- DELETED 226

18.16 Installation of Water Meter and Stop Valve 226

18.17 Fixing Surface Box 227

18.18 Polyethylene Water Storage Tanks 227

18.19 Tube Wells with Hand Pumps - DELETED 228

18.20 Cutting Holes in Wall upto 30 x 30 cm 229

18.21 Cutting Holes in R.C.C. Floors (upto 15 x 15 cm) 229

18.22 Cutting Chases in Masonry Walls 229

Appendix A Tolerances for Cast Iron (Centrifugally Cast) Pipes 231

Appendix B Tolerances for Specials of Cast Iron Pipes 232

Appendix C Particulars of Medium Grade G.I. Pipes 233

Appendix D Procedure for Pressure Test 234

Appendix E Guidelines for Storage and Installation of CPVC Pipes 235

Appendix F Sampling and Criteria for Conformity of CPVC Pipes 236

Fig. 18.1 Ball Valve (Assembly) 241

Fig. 18.2 Fittings and Specials 242

Fig. 18.3 Bib Tap & Stop Valve 243

Fig. 18.4 Cocks Valves and Meter 244

Fig. 18.5 Underground Fire Hydrant, Sluice-Valve Gate - DELETED -

Fig. 18.6 Masonry Chambers and Surface Boxes (for Fire Hydrant and Water 245

Fig. 18.7 Masonry Chambers and Surface Boxes (for Stop Cock and Sluice Valves) 246

Fig. 18.8 Thrust Blocks 247

Fig. 18.9 Hydrostatic Tests (End Closure for Pipes) 248

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Vol-2 , 2013

Sl. No. IS No. Subject

1 IS 554 Pipe threads where pressure tight joints are required on the threads-
Dimensions, tolerances and designation.
2 IS 778 Specification for copper alloy gate, and check valves for water works
3 IS 779 Water meters (domestic type) -Specification
4 IS 780 Specification for sluice valves for water works purposes (50 to 300 mm
5 IS 781 Specification for cast copper alloy screw down bib taps and stop valves
for water services
6 IS 782 Specification for caulking lead
7 IS 909 Underground fire hydrant, sluice valve type-Specification
8 IS 1239 (Part 1) Steel tubes tubular and other wrought steel fittings, Part 1- Steel tubes-
9 IS 1239 (Part 2) Specification for mild steel tubes tubular and other wrought steel
fittings, Part 2-Mild street tubular and other wrought steel pipe fittings
10 IS 1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water gas and sewage-
11 IS 1537 Specification for vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and
12 IS 1538 Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage -
13 IS 1703 Water fittings - copper alloy float valves (horizontal plunger type) -
14 IS 2692 Ferrules for water services- Specification
15 IS 3950 Specification for surface boxes for sluice valves
16 IS 4736 Specification for Hot-dip Zinc Coatings on mild steel tubes
17 IS 5312 (Part 1) Swing type reflex (non return) valves for water works purposes. Part 1-
Single door pattern
18 IS 5312 (Part 2) Swing type reflex (non return) valves for water works purposes. Part 2-
Multi door pattern
19 IS 5382 Rubber sealing rings for gas mains, water mains and sewers
20 IS 9762 Specification for polyethylene floats (spherical) for float valves
21 IS 9763 Plastic Bib taps and stop valves (rising spindle) for cold water services-
22 IS 15450 PE-AL-PE Pipes for hot and cold water supplies-Specifications
23 IS 15778 Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes for potable hot and cold
water distribution supplies-specifications.
24 IS 15801 Polypropylene- Random Copolymer Pipes for hot and cold water

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Vol-2 , 2013
Air Gap: The unob structed v ertical di stance t hrough t he f ree at mosphere be tween t he l owest op ening
from any pipe or fitting supplying water to a tank or other device and the flood level rim of the receptacle in a
water supply system.

Air Valve: A valve that releases air from a pipe line automatically without loss of water, or introduces air into
a pipe line automatically if the internal pressure becomes less than that of the atmosphere.

Available Head: The head of water available at the point of consideration due to main’s pressure or
overhead tank or any other source of pressure.

Back Flow: The f low of w ater i nto t he di stributing pi pes of w ater s ystem f rom any s ource or s ources
other than its intended source.

Back Siphonage: The flowing ba ck of us ed, c ontaminated or p olluted w ater from a p lumbing fitting or
vessel into a water supply system due to a lowering of pressure in such system.

Ball Cock (Fig. 18.1): A f aucet opened or c losed by t he f all or rise of a bal l f loating on t he s urface of

Branch (Fig. 18.2): (i) A s pecial form of c ast iron pipe used f or m aking connections t o water m ains. T he
various types are called T, Y, T-Y, double Y, and V branches, according to their respective shapes.

(ii) Any part of a piping system other than a main.

Capacity: The storage capacity of storage or flushing cistern or a tank when filled up to the water line.

Non Return Valve (Fig. 18.4): A device provided with a disc hinged on one edge so that it opens in the
direction of normal flow and closes with reversal of flow.

Collar: A pipe fitting in the form of a s leeve for jointing the spigot ends of two pipes in the same

Coupling: A pipe fitting with inside threads only, used for connecting two pieces of pipe.

Cross (Fig. 18.2): A pipe fitting used for connecting four pipes at right angles.

Elbow (Fig. 18.2): A pipe fitting for providing a sharp change of direction in a pipe line.

Ferrule (Fig. 18.2): A pipe fitting for connecting a service pipe to a water main.

Fitting: Anything fitted or fixed in connection with the supply, measurement, control, distribution,
utilization or disposal of water.

Fire Hydrant (Fig. 18.5): A device connected t o a w ater main and provided w ith necessary valve and
outlets, to w hich a fire hos e m ay b e attached for discharging w ater at a high rate for the purpose of
extinguishing fires, washing down streets, or flushing out the water main.

Flange (Fig. 18.2): A projecting flat rim on the end of a valve, pipe etc.

Flanged Pipe (Fig. 18.2): A pipe pro vided w ith flanges so that th e ends can be joined together b y
means of bolts.

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Vol-2 , 2013
Float Valve: A valve in which the closure to a n op ening such as a pl ug or gat e is actuated by a f loat to
control the flow into a tank.

Sluice Valve (Gate Valve) ( Fig. 18.4) : A valve i n w hich t he flow of w ater is cut off by means of a
circular disc., f itting against m achine-smoothed faces, at right angles to t he direction of f low. T he di sc i s
raised or lowered by means of a t hreaded stem connected to the handle of the valve; the opening in the
valve is usually as large as the full bore of the pipe.

Nipple (Fig. 18.2): A tubular pipe fitting usually threaded on both ends and less than 300 mm long used for
connecting pipes or fittings.

Offset: A combination of elbows or bends which brings one section of the pipe out of line but into a line
parallel with the other section in a piping system.

Reflux Valve (Fig. 18.4): A non return valve used in a pipe line at a rising gradient to prevent water that is
ascending the gradient from flowing back in the event of a burst lower down.

Socket (Fig. 18.2): The f emale par t of t he s pigot an d s ocket j oint.

Spigot (Fig. 18.2): The male part of a spigot and socket joint.

Stop Cock (Fig. 18.3): A control valve fixed at the end of a communication pipe which controls t he
supply from the water main.

Storage Tank: A tank or a cistern for storage of water which is connected to the water main by means of a
supply pipe.

Service or Supply Pipe: Pipe through which supply is drawn from water mains.

Union (Fig. 18.2): A p ipe fitting used f or j oining t he ends of t wo pi pes n either of w hich c an be t urned.

Valve: A device used for controlling the flow of water in a pipe line.


18.2.1 Any damage caused to the building, or to electric, sanitary water supply or other installations etc.
therein either due to negligence on the part of the contractor, or due to actual requirements of the work,
shall be made good and the building or the installations shall be restored to its original condition by the
contractor. Nothing extra shall be paid for it, except where otherwise specified.

18.2.2 All water supply installation work shall be carried out through licensed plumbers.

18.2.3 It i s m ost i mportant t o ens ure t hat wholesome w ater supply pr ovided f or dr inking and c ulinary
purposes, i s i n no w ay l iable to c ontamination from any less satisfactory water. There s hall, t herefore, b e
no c ross connection w hatsoever between a pipe or f itting f or c onveying or c ontaining w holesome w ater
and a p ipe o r fi tting for c onveying o r c ontaining impure w ater or water li able to c ontamination or of
uncertain qual ity of w ater w hich has been us ed f or any purpose. T he provision of reflux or non -return
valves or closed and sealed v alves shall not be c onstrued a per missible s ubstitute for c omplete abs ence
of cross-connection.

18.2.4 Where a supply o f wholesome w ater is required a s a n alternative o r standby to s upply of less
satisfactory water or is required to be mixed with the latter, it shall be delivered only into a cistern, and by
a pipe or fitting discharging into the air gap at a height above the top edge of the cistern equal to twice
its nominal bore, and in no case less than 15 cm.

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Vol-2 , 2013
18.2.5 No piping shall be laid or fixed so as to pass into, through or adjoining any sewer, scour outlet or
drain or any manhole connected therewith nor through any ash pit or manure-pit or any material of such
nature that can cause undue deterioration of the pipe.

18.2.6 Where the l aying of a ny pi pe through fouled s oil or pr evious m aterial is unavoidable, t he p iping
shall be pro perly pro tected from c ontact w ith such s oil or m aterial by be ing c arried t hrough an ex terior
cast iron tube or by some other suitable means. Any piping or f itting laid or f ixed which does not comply
with the above requirements, shall be removed and re-laid in conformity with the above requirements.

18.2.7 The design of the pipe work shall be such that there is no possibility of backflow towards the
source of s upply from a ny cistern or appliance whether by siphonage or o therwise, and re flux or
nonreturn valves shall not be relied upon to prevent such back flow.

18.2.8 All pi pe work s hall be s o des igned, laid or fixed, and m aintained s o t hat i t r emains c ompletely
watertight, t hereby av oiding w astage o f w ater, da mage t o pro perty an d t he ri sk of contamination of t he
water conveyed.

18.2.9 In designing and pl anning the layout of the pipe work, due at tention shall be gi ven to the
maximum rate of di scharge, requi red ec onomy i n labour and m aterials, prot ection aga inst dam age a nd
corrosion, protection from frost, if required, and to avoidance of airlocks, noise transmission and
unsightly arrangement.

18.2.10 To reduce f rictional l osses, pi ping s hall be as s mooth as po ssible i nside. M ethods of j ointing
shall be such as t o av oid i nternal roughness and pr ojection at t he joints, whether o f t he jointing materials
or otherwise.

18.2.11 Change in d iameter an d in d irection s hall preferably be g radual r ather than a brupt to av oid
undue loss of he ad. N o be nd o r curve in pi ping s hall be made s o a s to materially r educe or al ter the

18.2.12 Underground piping shall be laid at such a depth that it is unlikely to be damaged by frost or
traffic loads and v ibrations. I t s hall not be laid i n gr ound l iable t o s ubsidence, but w here s uch gr ound
cannot be avoided; special precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to the piping. Where piping has to
be l aid ac ross r ecently di sturbed gr ound, the g round shall be thoroughly c onsolidated so as to pr ovide a
continuous and even support.

18.2.13 Where t he s ervice pi pe i s of di ameter l ess t han 50 m m t he s top v alves s hall be of t he

screwdown type and shall have loose washer plates to act as non-return valves. Other stop valves in
the service line may be of the gate type.

18.2.14 In flats and tenements supplied by a common service pipe a stop valve shall be fixed to control
the each br anch separately. In large bui ldings a sufficient num ber o f stop v alves shall be fixed on br anch
pipes, and t o c ontrol gr oups of bal l v alves and d raw off taps, s o as t o minimize i nterruption of t he s upply
during r epairs, al l s uch s top v alves s hall be f ixed in ac cessible pos itions and pr operly pr otected f rom
being tampered with, they may be of the gate type to minimize loss of head by friction.

18.2.15 Water for drinking or for culinary purposes as far as possible shall be on branch pipes
connected directly to the service pipe.

18.2.16 Pumps shall not be allowed on the service pipe as they cause a d rop of pressure on t he suction
side thereby a ffecting the s upply to the a djoining properties. In c ases w here pum ping is r equired, a
properly protected storage tank of adequate capacity shall be provided to feed the pump.
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18.2.17 Service pipes shall be so designed and constructed as to avoid air-locks, so that all piping and
fittings abov e gr ound c an be c ompletely e mptied o f w ater t o facilitate r epairs. T here s hall be dr aining
taps or draw-off taps (not underground) at the lowest points, from which the piping shall rise
continuously to draw-off taps, ball valves, cisterns, or vents (where provided at the high points).

18.2.18 Service pi pes s hall be des igned s o as t o reduce t he production an d t ransmission of noise as
much as p ossible. A ppliances w hich create noise s hall b e i nstalled as far di stant as possible from the
living r ooms of t he house. H igh v elocity of water i n pi ping and f ittings s hall be avoided.Piping shall b e
confined, as f ar as pos sible, t o room s w here ap pliances are f ixed, i t s hall ha ve eas y ben ds, and w here
quietness i s p articularly desired, holder b ats or clamps s hall be i nsulated f rom t he piping by suitable

18.2.19 The rising pipe to the storage cistern, if an y, or t o any feed cistern shall be t aken as directly a s
possible to the cistern and shall be fixed away from windows or ventilators.

18.2.20 All pipe work shall be planned so that the piping is accessible for inspection, replacement and
repair. T o avoid it s being unsightly, it i s usually possible to arrange it in or adjacent to c upboards,
recesses, et c. pro vided t here i s s ufficient s pace t o work on t he pi ping with t he us ual t ools. Piping s hall
not b e bu ried in w alls o r solid fl oors. W here u navoidable, pipi ng may be buried f or sh ort d istances
provided t hat adequate protection i s gi ven against damage and t hat no j oints are buried. I f pi ping i s laid
in ducts or chases, these shall be roomy enough to facilitate repairs and shall be so constructed as to
prevent t he ent ry of v ermin. T o f acilitate removal of pi pe c asing, f loor boards c overing piping s hall be
fixed with screws or bolts.

18.2.21 When it is nec essary for a pi pe t o pass through a wall or floor, a sleeve shall be fixed therein for
insertion of t he pi pe and to al low f reedom for ex pansion, c ontraction and other m ovement. P iping l aid in
wood floors shall, where possible, be parallel with the joists.

18.2.22 Where s torage t anks are prov ided t o m eet ov erall requ irements of water c onnection of s ervice
pipe with an y di stributing pipe s hall not be per mitted ex cept one di rect connection for culinary or d rinking

18.2.23 No service pipe shall be c onnected to any water closet or urinal. All such supplies shall be f rom
flushing cisterns which shall have supply from storage tank.

18.2.24 No service or s upply pipe shall be c onnected directly to any h ot-water s ystem or to a ny
apparatus used for heating other than through a feed cistern thereof.


18.3.0 The standard s ize of brass or gun metal fittings s hall be designated by t he nom inal bore of t he
pipe outlet to which the fittings are attached. A sample of each kind of fittings shall be got approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge and all supplies made according to the approved samples.

All c ast ir on fittings shall be sound a nd free f rom lap s, blow holes and p itting. B oth in ternal a nd
external surfaces shall be clean, smooth and free from sand e tc. B urning, pl ugging, s topping or pa tching
of t he c asting shall not be permissible. The bodies, bonnets, spindles and other parts shall be truly
machined so t hat w hen assembled the parts shall be ax ial, par allel and cylindrical w ith surfaces
smoothly finished. The area of the water way of the fittings shall not be l ess than area of the nom inal
bore, chromium plating wherever specified shall be of 0.3 micron. The chromium shall never be
deposited o n brass u nless a h eavy c oating of nickel i s i nterposed. I n t he c ase of i ron a t hick coat o f
copper shall first be applied, then one of nickel and finally the chromium. In finish and appearance the
plated ar ticles w hen i nspected s hall be f ree f rom plating def ects s uch as b listers, pi ts r oughness and
unplated areas and shall not be s tained or discoloured. Before fitting is plated, the washer plate shall be
removed from the fittings, the gland packing shall be protected from the plating solution.
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18.3.1 Ball Valve (Brass)
The ball valve shall be of Brass or Gunmetal as specified conforming to IS 1703 (Fig. 18.1). The ball
valve shall be of following two classes:—
(a) High Pressure: High pr essure f loat v alves are indicated by t he a bbreviation ‘ HP’ and are
designed for use on mains having pressure of 0.175 MPa or above.

(b) Low Pressure: Low P ressure f loat v alves a re indicated by t he abb reviation ‘ LP’ and are
designed for use on mains having a pressure up to. 0.175 MPa.

The ball valves shall be of following nominal sizes 15 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm, 40 mm and 50
mm. T he nom inal s ize s hall c orrespond w ith t he n ominal bore of t he i nlet s hanks. P olyethylene f loats
shall conform to IS 9762.

18.3.2 Bib Taps and Stop Valve

Brass (Fig. 18.3): A bib tap is a draw off tap with a horizontal inlet and free outlet and a stop valve is a
valve with suitable means of connections for insertion in a pipe line for controlling or stopping the flow.
They shall be of specified size and shall be of screw down type and shall conform to IS 781. The closing
device shall work by means of disc carrying a renewable non-metallic washer which shuts against
water p ressure on a s eating at ri ght angl es t o t he axis of t he t hreaded s pindle w hich ope rates i t. The
handle shall be either crutch or butterfly type securely fixed to the spindle. Valve shall be of the loose
leather seated pattern. The cocks (taps) shall open in anti-clock wise direction.

The bi b t ap and s top v alve s hall be pol ished br ight. T he m inimum f inished w eights of b ib t ap and
stop valve shall be as specified in Table 18.1.

TABLE 18.1
Minimum Finished Mass of Bib Taps and Stop Valves

Minimum Finished Mass

Stop Valves
Bib Taps Internally Externally Mixed End
Threaded Threaded
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
mm kg kg kg kg
8 0.250 0.220 0.250 0.235
10 0.300 0.300 0.350 0.325
15 0.400 0.330 0.400 0.365
20 0.750 0.675 0.750 0.710
25 1.250 1.180 1.300 1.250
32 -- 1.680 1.800 1.750
40 -- 2.090 2.250 2.170
50 -- 3.700 3.850 3.750

In case t hese are required to be ni ckel plated, t he pl ating shall be of the first qu ality with a good thick
deposit of silvery whiteness capable of taking high polish which will not easily tarnish or scale.

18.3.3 Ferrules (Fig. 18.2)

The fer rules for connection with C .I. main s hall g enerally c onform t o I S 2 692. It shall be of n on
ferrous materials with a C.I. bell mouth cover and shall be of nominal bore as specified. The ferrule shall be
fitted w ith a s crew and p lug o r v alve c apable of completely s hutting o ff the w ater s upply to the
communication pipe, if and when required.
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18.3.4 Fire Hydrants (Fig. 18.5)
The hydrant shall conform to IS 909 and shall consist of the following components:

(a) Body (d) Gland (g) Valve

(b) Bonnet (e) Spindle Cap (h) Screwed Outlet
(c) Spindle (f) Spindle Nut (i) Outlet and Chain

The body, bonnet, gland, outlet cap and spindle cap and shall be of good quality cast iron grade FG
200 of IS 210. Outlet, seat for valve, valve, spindle nut, check nut shall be made of copper alloy as per
IS 909.

18.3.5 Gate Valve - Gun Metal (Fig. 18.5)

These shall be of the gun metal fitted with wheel and shall be of gate valve type opening full way and of
the size as specified. These shall generally conform to IS 778.

18.3.6 Pig Lead

Pig le ad s hall b e of u niform q uality, c lean and free from foreign m aterials. I t s hall be of u niform
softness and capable of being easily caulked or driven. It shall conform to IS 782 for caulking lead in all

18.3.7 Lead Wool

Lead wool s hall c onform to I S 782 in all respects. Lead wool s hall c onsist of fine strands or pl ated
ribbons of l ead. The c ross-section of t he i ndividual strands s hall be flat. T he dimensions i n t he s ectional
plane s hall not be less than 0.13 m m an d n ot more than 0.90 m m and the rope s hall b e s upplied in
minimum l engths of t wo metres a nd t he m aximum l ength i n any one package s hall be s uch t hat t he
package does not weigh more than 50 Kg.

18.3.8 Non-Return Valve (Gun Metal) (Fig. 18.4)

A non-return valve permits water to flow in one direction only and is provided on the ascending part of the
main t o c heck r eturn f low. The non-return v alve s hall be of G un metal and s hall b e of h orizontal or
vertical flow type as specified.
The valve shall be of quality approved by the Engineer-in-Charge and shall generally conform to IS 778.

18.3.9 Pipes and Specials

Pipes and specials may be of any of the following types as specified:
(a) Cast iron centrifugally cast (spun) - IS 1536

(b) Galvanised steel - IS 1239 & IS 4736

(c) PE-AL-PE Pipes - IS 15450

(d) PP-R Pipes - IS 15801

(e) CPVC pipes - IS 15778

In choosing the material for piping and fittings, account shall be taken of the character of the w ater to
be c onveyed through it, the nature of the ground in w hich the pipes are to be laid and the relative

18.3.10 Pipes- Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Iron Pipes The spun iron pipes shall conform to IS 15 36. The s pun iron pi pes shall be of c ast iron cast
centrifugally an d v ary in di ameters from 80 mm to 750 mm. T hese s hall b e of class LA, c lass A an d
class B, as specified. Pipes shall be t ested hydrostatically at the pressure specified in table 18.2 & 18.3.
Tolerances on specified dimensions shall be as prescribed in Appendix A.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Specials: The specials s hall c onform t o I S 1538. T he hy draulic t est pressure of ea ch c lass
shall be as det ailed in Table 18. 4. Tolerances on specified dimensions s hall be as prescribed in
Appendix B of sub head- 18.

TABLE 18.2

Hydrostatic Test pressure for centrifugally cast socket & spigot pipes in
Hydrostatic Test pressure for works in MPa
Class Up to DN 600 DN 700 & above
LA 3.5 1.5
A 3.5 2.0
B 3.5 2.5

TABLE 18.3

Hydrostatic Test pressure for centrifugally cast pipes with screwed on flanges in MPa
Class Up to DN 600 DN 700 & above
B 2.5 1.6

TABLE 18.4

Hydrostatic Test pressure for fittings in MPa (N/mm 2 ) (metre head)

Nominal - Diameter Fitting without Fitting with
branches or branches
with branches greater than
not greater than half the
half the prin- principal
ciple diameter. Diameter.
Up to and including 300 mm 2.5 (25) 2.5 (25)

Over 300 mm and up to and

including 600 mm 2.0 (20) 2.0 (20)

Over 600 mm and up to and

including 1500 mm 1.5 (15) 1.0 (10)

18.3.11 Pipes-Galvanised Iron The pipes (tubes) s hall be gal vanised mild steel hot finished seamless (HFS) or welded (ERW)
HRIW or H FW s crewed and s ocketed c onforming to the r equirements o f I S 12 39 P art-I f or medium
grade. They shall be of the diameter (nominal bore) specified in the description of the item, the sockets
shall be designated by the respective nominal bores of the pipes for which they are intended. Galvanising shall conform to IS 4736 : The zinc coating shall be uniform adherent,
reasonably smooth and free from such imperfections as flux, ash and dross inclusions, bare batches,
black s pots, pi mples, l umping runs, r ust s tains, bul ky white deposits and blisters. T he pipes and s ockets
shall be c leanly f inished, well gal vanised i n and out and f ree from c racks, surface f laws l aminations and
other d efects. A ll s crew t hreads shall b e clean a nd w ell c ut. T he e nds shall be cut c leanly and square
with the axis of the tube.

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Vol-2 , 2013 The di mensions and w eights of pi pes and s ockets and t olerances s hall be as prescribed i n
Appendix ‘C’. All s crewed t ubes a nd s ockets s hall ha ve pipe threads c onforming to the re quirements of IS
554. Screwed tubes shall have taper threads while the sockets shall have parallel threads. All tubes shall withstand a test pressure of 50 Kg/ without showing defects of any kind. Fittings : The f ittings s hall b e of m ild s teel tubular or w rought steel f ittings conforming to IS
1239 ( Part-2) o r a s s pecified. T he f ittings s hall be des ignated b y t he respective nominal b ores of t he
pipes for which they are intended.

18.3.12 Shower Rose Brass

The shower rose sh all b e of chromium pl ated br ass of sp ecified dia meter. It sh all ha ve un iform
perforations. The inlet size shall be 15 mm or 20 mm as required.

18.3.13 Sluice Valves-Brass/Gun Metal (Fig. 18.4)

The sluice valves are used in a pipe line for controlling or stopping flow of water. These shall be of
specified size and class and shall be of inside non-raising screw type up to 300 mm size and raising or
non-raising s crew t ype above 300 mm w ith ei ther double f lange or double socket ends and cap or hand
wheel. These shall in all respects comply with the Indian Standard Specification IS 780 for valves up to
and including 300 mm size and for valves above 300 mm size. Class I sluice valves are used for
maximum w orking pres sure of 10 Kg/ (100 m etre head) and class I I sluice valve f or 1 5 Kg/
(150 metre head).
The body, domes covers, wedge gate and stuffing box shall be of good quality cast iron, the spindle of
bronze, and the nut and valve seats of leaded tin b ronze. The bod ies, spindles and other parts shall be
truly machined with surface smoothly finished. The area of the water way of the fittings shall be not less
than the area equal to the nominal bore of the pipe.

The valve shall be marked with an arrow to show the direction of turn for closing of the valve.

18.3.14 Surface Box (Fig. 18.6 & 18.7)

This shall be of cast iron, well made and free from casting and other defects. All sharp edges shall be
removed a nd f inished s mooth. The s hape a nd d imensions for surface bo xes f or s top cocks, s luice
valves, fire hydrants, water meters etc. shall be as specified in Fig. 18.3 & 18.4.

The C .I. s urface box es s hall be c oated with a bl ack bi tuminous c omposition ex cept i n c ase of f ire
hydrants where t he c over of th e sur face b ox s hall be p ainted with tw o co ats o f rus t res isting bright
luminous yellow paint for clear visibility during night.

18.3.15 Water Meter (Domestic Type) (Fig. 18.4) Water meters s hall be selected ac cording to flow t o be measured a nd not nec essarily t o s uit a
certain size of main. The following points shall govern the selection of meters:
(a) The maximum flow shall not exceed the nominal capacity of the meter.
(b) The continuous flow shall be not greater than the continuous running capacity rating.
(c) The minimum flow to be measured shall be within minimum starting flows. Inferential w ater m eter h as t he same a ccuracy a s t he s emi-positive t ype at higher flows; i t
passes unfiltered water better than a semi-positive meter and is lower in cost. Special c are i s necessary i n s electing t he m ost s uitable m eter where l arge rat es of f low m ay
exist f or short periods. The normal w orking f low s hall b e well w ithin t he c ontinuous running capacity
specified in IS 779, as high rates of flow over short period may cause excessive wear if the meter
chosen is too small for the duty.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Owing to the f ine clearances in t he working parts of meters, t hey a re not suitable for
measuring w ater containing sand or similar foreign m atter, and in s uch c ases a filter or dirt box of
adequate e ffective a rea s hall be fitted on the ups tream side o f t he meter. S ee Fig. 18. 4. It shall be not ed
that the normal strainer fitted inside a m eter is not a f ilter and does not prevent the entry of small
particles, such as sand. Water meters and their parts, especially parts coming in continuous contact with water shall be
made of m aterials r esistant to corrosion and shall be non -toxic and non -training. U se o f di ssimilar metals
in contact under water shall be avoided as for possible in order to minimise electrolytic corrosion. Body : The b ody of w ater meter s hall be m ade either f rom Type A or T ype B m aterials a s
specified below:—

Type A : The body of water m eters shall be m ade from bronze, brass or any other corrosion resistant
material e.g. Grey iron castings, blackheart malleable iron, pherodial graphite iron casting.
Type B: The bod y of t he water m eters s hall be m ade f orm s uitable pl astics.
Note: Plastics shall have following qualities:

(i) It shall not affect the potability of water.

(ii) Elongation, 15 per cent, Min. on a specimen of length 150 mm (for procedure of
determination of elongation).

(iii) W ater abs orption on i mmersion f or 24 hour s s hould not ex ceed 0. 6 per c ent by w eight
(for procedure of determination of water absorption).

(iv) It shall be capable of withstanding temperature up to 55°C without undergoing

deformation or softening and becoming unsatisfactorily in performance. Registration Box: Registration box of w ater m eters of T ype A s hall be m ade f rom b ronze,
brass, al uminium al loy or s uitable plastics. R egistration box of w ater m eters of T ype B s hall be m ade
from suitable pl astics o r al uminium al loys. The registration box o f d ry di al water meters shall be pr ovided
with one or two escape holes for minimising the accumulation of condensed water. Cap: Cap of w ater m eters of T ype A s hall be m ade f rom brass, bronze, al uminium al loy or
suitable pl astics. The c ap o f w ater meters o f Type B shall be made o f pl astics or al uminium alloy. Where
the cap and registration box are integral, the materials for cap may be the same as used for registration
box. The cap shall be so designed and fixed to the registration box as to avoid entry of water and dirt.
The t ransparent window which covers the d ial shall be inserted from the inside into the cap. The
protective lid shall be secured by a robust hinge or other suitable method of robust construction. Locking Arrangement: Provision s hall also be m ade t o l ock t he l id. T he pr ovision s hall b e
such t hat t he l ock i s conveniently operated f rom t he t op. Where t he provision i s designed f or use i n
conjunction with padlocks, the hole provided for padlocks shall be of a diameter not less than 4 mm. Wiper: Where so required f or dry-type w ater meters t he transparent window c overing the dial
shall be provided with a wiper on the inner side for wiping off condensed water. Connecting Arrangements: The m eter c asing s hall be f itted i n the pi pe l ine by m eans o f
two c onical or cylindrical ni pples or tail pi eces w ith connecting n uts which s hall be provided w ith ea ch
meter. The nipples of water meters of Type A shall be made of the same materials as specified for body.

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Nipples of water meters of Type B shall be made of the same materials as specified for the body where
they ar e integral w ith the body o f the water m eters; w here they a re s eparate, they s hall be made o f
malleable i ron, gal vanized s teel or s uitable pl astics. T he nut s s hall be of t he same m aterial as us ed f or
nipples. The internal diameter of the nipple where it connects the pipe line shall be equal to that
corresponding t o t he nominal s ize of t he m eter. T he t hreads on t he c onnection s hall c onform t o I S 779.
The minimum length of the threads shall be as given in Table 18.5. Strainers: Water m eters s hall be p rovided w ith s trainers. S trainers s hall be of a material
which i s not s usceptible t o el ectrolytic c orrosion. T hey s hall be of pl astics or ot her c orrosion-resistant
materials for both Type A and Type B meters. They shall be rigid, easy to remove and clean, and shall
be fitted on the inlet side of the water meter. It shall be possible to remove and clean the strainer in such
a way as not to permit disturbing the registration box or tampering with it. The strainer shall have a total
area of h oles n ot l ess t han t wice the area of t he n ominal i nlet bore of t he pipe t o w hich t he meter i s
connected however, in the case of meters provided with internal strainer involving opening of the
registration box f or c leaning, an addi tional ex ternal strainer s hall be f itted on t he i nlet s ide s atisfying t he
above requirements.

Overall dimension of water meters shall be as specified in Table 18.6.

TABLE 18.5
Minimum Length of Thread on Connections

Nominal size of meter Minimum length of thread

15 12
20 14
25 16
40 20
50 25
(All dimensions in millimeters)

Screws & studs shall be of brass or other corrosion resistant material.

TABLE 18.6
Overall Dimensions of Water Meters

Nominal size Overall length Overall width. Overall height

of Meter including nipples (Max.) (Max.)
1 2 3 4
15 250 100 180
20 290 130 240
25 380 170 260
40 430 210 300
50 470 270 300
All dimensions are in mm.

Tolerance on t he o verall length s hall b e ± 5 m m. f or m eter w ith ni pples a nd + 0,-2 m m f or m eters

without nipples. Capacity on Short Period Rating or Nominal Capacity: The no minal capacity of t he w ater
meters shall be as specified in Table 18.7. The meters shall be capable of giving minimum discharges as
stated in the table without the head loss exceeding 10 m within the meters.

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18.3.16 Yarn (Spun)
Spun yarn shall be of clean hemp and of good quality. It shall be soaked in hot coal tar or bitumen
and cooled before use.


18.4.1 Unloading The pipes shall be unloaded where they are required. Unloading (except where mechanical handling facilities are available) : Pipes weighing up
to 60 k g shall be ha ndled by two persons by h and passing. Heavier pipes s hall be unl oaded from the
lorry or wagon by holding them in loops, formed with ropes and sliding over planks set not steeper than
45 degree. T he pl anks shall b e s ufficiently rigid and t wo r opes s hall al ways b e u sed t o roll t he pi pes
down the planks. The ropes should be tied on the side opposite the unloading. O nly one pipe s hall be
unloaded at a time.

TABLE 18.7
Nominal Capacity of Water Meters

Discharge per hour

Nominal size of meter Semi positive Type Inferential Type
(mm) (liters) (liters)
15 2000 2500
20 3400 3500
25 5500 5500
40 10000 16000
50 15000 23000 Under no c ircumstances s hall t he pipes be t hrown down f rom t he c arriers or be d ragged or
rolled along hard surfaces. The pipes shall be checked for any visible damage (such as broken edges, cracking or spalling of
pipe) while u nloading and shall be sorted out for reclamation. A ny pipe which s hows sufficient
damage to preclude it from being used shall be discarded.

18.4.2 Storing The pi pes and s pecials shall be handled w ith sufficient care to avoid dam age to them. T hese
shall be lined up on one side of the alignment of the trench, socket facing upgrade when line runs uphill
and upstream when line runs on level ground. Each s tack s hall contain p ipes o f same c lass and s ize, c onsignment or b atch num ber and
particulars of suppliers, wherever possible, shall be marked on the stack. Storage shall be done on firm, level and c lean ground. Wedges shall be pr ovided at the bottom
layer to keep the stack stable.

18.4.3 Cutting Cutting of pi pes may be nec essary when pipes are to be laid in lengths s horter t han t he lengths
supplied, such as while replacing accessories like tees, bends, etc. at fixed position in the pipe lines.

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Vol-2 , 2013 A line shall be m arked around the pipe with a c halk piece at the point where it is to be c ut. The
line shall be s o m arked that the cut is truly at right angle to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. The pipe
shall be rigidly held on two parallel rafters nailed to cross beams, taking care that the portion to be cut
does not overhang and t he cut mark is between the two rafters. The pipe shall be neat ly cut at the chalk
mark w ith carpenter’s s aw o r ha cksaw h aving a long blade, by s lowly rotating the p ipe a round i ts
longitudinal ax is s o as to ha ve the un cut po rtion on top for c utting. C utting of the pi pe at the ov erhang
should, as far as possible, be avoided, as an overhanging and is liable to tear off due to its weight before
the cutting is complete.

18.4.4 Trenches The trenches shall be so dug that the pipes may be laid to the required alignment and at
required depth. Cover shall be measured from top of pipe to the surface of the ground. The bed of the trench, if in soft or made up earth, shall be well watered and rammed before
laying t he pi pes and t he d epressions, i f any, shall be p roperly filled with ear th and consolidated i n 20 cm
layers. If the trench bottom is extremely hard or rocky or loose stony soil, the trench shall be excavated at
least 150 m m bel ow t he trench grade. Rocks, s tone or ot her hard s ubstances f rom t he bot tom of t he
trench shall b e re moved an d t he t rench b rought back t o t he re quired gr ade by f illing with selected f ine
earth or sand (or fine moorum if fine soil or sand is not available locally) and compacted so as to provide a
smooth bedding for the pipe. Where excavation requires blasting operation, it shall be ensured that no pipes
have been stacked in the vicinity and completed pipe line in the vicinity has already been covered before
starting of blasting operations; this is necessary to prevent damage to the exposed pipes in the vicinity by
falling stones as a result of blasting. After the excavation of the trench is completed, hollows shall be cut at the required position to
receive the socket of the pipes and t hese hollows s hall be of sufficient depth to ensure that the barrels of
the pi pes shall re st t hroughout t heir e ntire l ength on t he s olid gr ound a nd t hat s ufficient spaces l eft f or
jointing t he u nderside of t he pipe j oint. T hese s ocket h oles s hall b e ref illed with s and a fter j ointing t he
pipe. Roots of trees within a distance of about 0.5 metre from the side of the pipe line shall be
removed or killed. The e xcavated m aterials s hall n ot b e pl aced w ithin 1 m etre or ha lf of t he d epth of the trench,
whichever is greater, from the edge of the trench. The materials excavated shall be separated and
stacked s o that i n r efilling they may be re-laid and c ompacted in t he same or der t o t he satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-Charge. The t rench shall be k ept f ree f rom w ater. S horing and t imbering s hall be pr ovided w herever
required. Excavation below water table shall be done after dewatering the trenches. Where the pipe line or drain crosses an existing road, the road crossing shall be excavated half at
a t ime, t he 2nd ha lf being c ommenced a fter t he pi pes h ave be en l aid i n t he f irst hal f an d the t rench
refilled. N ecessary sa fety m easures f or tr affic a s dire cted s hall b e ad opted. All t ypes, water mains
cables, et c. met within t he course o f e xcavation s hall be carefully pr otected an d s upported. C are s hall be
taken n ot to di sturb the e lectrical and c ommunication c able m et w ith duri ng course of ex cavation,
removal of which, if necessary, shall be arranged by the Engineer-in-Charge.

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18.4.5 Laying The pipes shall be l owered into the trench by means of suitable pulley blocks, sheer legs chains
ropes etc. In no case the pipes shall be rolled and dropped into the trench. One end of each rope may
be tied to a w ooden or s teel p eg driven into the g round a nd the other end he ld by m en w hich w hen
slowly r eleased w ill lower the pi pe i nto t he trench. A fter lowering, t he pi pes s hall be ar ranged so t hat the
spigot of one pipe is carefully centered into the socket of the next pipe, and pushed to the full distance
that it can go. The pipe line shall be laid to the levels required. Specials shall also be l aid in their proper
position as stated above. Where so di rected, the pi pes and s pecials may be l aid on masonry or concrete pillars. The pi pe
laid on the level ground, shall be laid with socket facing the direction of flow of water. The pipes shall rest continuously on the bottom of the trench. The pipes shall not rest on lumps of
earth or on t he j oints. F our m etre l ong w ooden t emplates m ay be us ed t o c heck t he l evel of t he be d.
Clearance of approximately 100 mm in depth and width equal to length of the collar plus 30mm on both
sides shall be provided at the joint which shall be refilled from sides after the joint is made. In unstable s oils, such as soft soils and dry lumpy soils it shall be checked whether the soils can
support the pipe lines and if required suitable special foundation shall be provided. Some clayey soils (for example black cotton soil) are drastically affected by extremes of
saturation a nd dryness. I n ch anging fr om saturated t o a d ry c ondition, th ese soils a re s ubjected t o
extraordinary s hrinkage w hich i s us ually s een i n t he f orm of w ide and deep c racks i n t he eart h s urface
and m ay res ult i n dam ages t o under ground s tructures, i ncluding pi pe m aterials. T he c lay f orms a t ight
gripping bond with the p ipe, s ubjecting i t t o e xcessive s tresses as the clay shrinks. It i s r ecommended
that in such cases an envelope of a minimum 100 mm of tamped sand shall be made around the pipe
line to avoid any bonding. In places where rock is encountered, cushion of fine earth or sand shall be provided for a depth of
150 mm by excavating extra depth of the trench, if necessary, and the pipes laid over the cushion.
Where t he gr adient of the bed s lopes i s more than 30 degr ee i t may be nec essary t o anchor a few pipes
against sliding downwards (Fig. 18.8).

18.4.6 Thrust Blocks (Fig. 18.8) Thrust blocks are required to transfer the resulting hydraulic thrust from the fitting of pipe on to a
larger load bearing soil section. Thrust blocks shall be installed wherever there is a change in the direction/size of the pipe line or
the pressure line diagram, or w hen the pipe line ends at a dead end. If necessary, thrust blocks may be
constructed at valves also. Thrust bl ocks s hall be c onstructed t aking i nto ac count t he pi pe s ize, w ater pr essure, t ype of
fitting, gravity co mponent when l aid on s lopes and th e typ e o f soi l. T he l ocation of th rust bl ocks f or
various types’ fittings is given in Fig. 18.8. When a fitting is used to make a vertical bend, it shall be anchored to a concrete thrust block
designed t o have enough weight to resist the upw ard and outward t hrust. S imilarly at j oints, deflected in
vertical plane, it shall be ensured that the weight of the pipe, the water in the pipe and the weight of the soil
over the pipe provide resistance to upward movement. If it is not enough, ballast or concrete shall be placed
around the pipe in sufficient weight to counteract the thrust. When the l ine is under pressure there is an out ward thrust at each coupling. Good soil, properly
tamped is usually sufficient to hold pipe from side movement. However, if soft s oil conditions are
encountered, i t m ay be n ecessary t o pr ovide s ide thrust bl ocks of ot her m eans of anc horing. I n s uch
cases only pipe on each side of the deflected coupling shall be anchored without restricting the coupling.
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Vol-2 , 2013 Pipes on slopes need be anchored only when there is a possibility of the back fill around the
pipe sloping down the hill and carrying the pipe with it. Generally for slopes up to 30 degree good well
drained soil carefully tamped in layers of 100 mm under and over the pipe, right up to the top of trench will
not require anchoring. For steeper slopes, o ne out of e very three pipes shall b e h eld by straps fastened to vertical
supports anchored in concrete.

18.4.7 Back Filling and Tamping Back filling shall follow pipe installation as closely as possible to pro tect pipe from falling
boulders, eliminating possibility of lifting of the pipe due to flooding of open trench and shifting pipe out of
line by caved in soil. The s oil un der the pi pe an d coupling s hall be s olidly tamped to pr ovide firm an d continuous
support for the pipe line. Tamping shall be done either by tamping bars or by using water to consolidate the
back fill materials. The initial back fill material used shall be free of large stones and dry lumps. In stony areas the
material fo r init ial b ack fi ll can be s haved fro m th e sid es o f th e tre nches. In bo gs and marshes, th e
excavated material i s u sually little m ore t han v egetable m atter a nd t his s hould not be us ed f or bedd ing
purposes. In such cases, gravel or crushed stone shall be hauled in. The initial back fill shall be placed evenly in a layer of about 100 mm thick. This shall be
properly consolidated and this shall be continued till there is a cushion of at least 300 mm of cover over
the pipe. If it i s desired to observe the joint or coupling during the testing of mains they shall be left
exposed. S ufficient bac k fill s hall be pl aced on t he pi pe t o resist t he movement due t o pressure w hile
testing. Balance of the back fill need not be so carefully selected as the initial material. However, care
shall be t aken to avoid back filling with large stones which might damage the pipe when spaded into the
trench. Pipes in trenches on a slope shall have extra attention t o make c ertain t hat the new ly placed
back f ill w ill not be come a bl ind drai n in ef fect b ecause unt il bac k f ill be comes c ompletely consolidated
there is a t endency f or ground or s urface w ater to move along t his lo oser soi l r esulting in a lo ss of
support to the pipe. In such cases, the ba ck fill shall be t amped with extra care and t he tamping
continued in 100 mm layers right up to the ground level.

18.4.8 Hydrostatic Tests (Fig. 18.9) After a new pipe has been l aid, jointed and back filled (or any v alved section thereof), it shall be
subjected to the following two tests:

(a) Pressure t est at a pressure of at l east double t he m aximum working p ressure-pipe a nd j oints
shall be absolutely water tight under the test.

(b) Leakage test (to be conducted after the satisfactory completion of the pressure test) at a
pressure to be specified by the authority for duration of two hours. Hydrostatic Tests: The portions of the line shall be tested by subjecting to pressure test as t he
laying progresses before the entire line is completed. In this way any error of workmanship will be f ound
immediately and can be corrected at a minimum cost. Usually the length of the section to be tested shall not
exceed 500 m.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Where any section of a main is provided with concrete thrust blocks or anchorages, the
pressure test shall not be made until at least five days have elapsed after the concrete is cast. If rapid
hardening c ement has been used i n t hese blocks or anchorages, test shall n ot be made until at least t wo
days have elapsed. Prior to testing, enough b ack fill as d escribed in 1 8.4.7 shall be pl aced o ver the pipe line t o
resist up ward t hrust. All t hrust bl ocks f orming part of t he f inished l ine s hall h ave been sufficiently c ured
and no temporary bracing shall be used. The open end of the section shall be s ealed temporarily w ith an end c ap hav ing an out let w hich
can serve as an air relief vent or for filling the line, as may be required. The blind face of the end cap shall
be properly braced during testing by screw jacks and wooden planks or steel plate as shown in Fig. 18.6. The section of the line to be tested shall be filled with water m anually or by a low pressure
pump. A ir s hall be v ented from al l h igh s pots in the pipe line b efore m aking the pressure s trength test
because ent rapped ai r g ets c ompressed and c auses di fficulty i n r aising t he r equired pressure f or t he
pressure strength test. The test pressure shall be gr adually raised at the rate of approximately one K g./sq. cm./min.
The dur ation o f the test per iod i f not specified s hall be s ufficient to make a careful check on t he pi pe line

18.5.0 Specifications described in 18.4 shall apply, as far as applicable.

TABLE 18.8
Test Pressure for Pipes

Class of pipe Maximum field test pressure kgf./

5 3.75
10 7.50
15 11.25
20 15.00
25 18.75

18.5.1 Trenches The gradient is to be set out by means of boning rods and the required depth to be excavated at
any poi nt of t he t rench s hall be r egarded a s di rected b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. T he d epth of t he
trench s hall not be less t han 1 metre measured from the top of the pipe to the surface of the ground
under roads and not less than 0.75 metre elsewhere. The width of the trench shall be t he nominal diameter of the pipe plus 40 c m but it shall not be
less than 55 cm in case of all kinds of soils excluding rock and not less than 1 metre in case of rock.

18.5.2 Laying
Any deviation either i n plan or e levation l ess t han 11 .25 d egrees shall be effected by l aying t he
straight pi pes ar ound a flat curve o f s uch radius t hat minimum thickness o f lead at t he face o f the socket
shall not be reduced bel ow 6 mm or the openi ng b etween spigot and socket increased beyond 12 mm at
any joint. A d eviation o f a bout 2.25 degree can be effected at ea ch joint in this way. At the en d of e ach
day’s w ork t he l ast pi pe l aid s hall h ave i ts o pen e nds s ecurely c losed w ith a w ooden plug t o p revent
entry of water, soil, rats and any other foreign matter into the pipe.

18.5.3 Lead Caulked Joints with Pig Lead This t ype of l ead c aulking i s g enerally done i n p roviding j oints i n ga s w ater a nd s ewer l ines
wherever it is practicable to use cast lead caulking, but not in case of wet conditions.
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Vol-2 , 2013 The approximate depth and w eights of pig lead for various diameters of C.I. pipes and s pecials
shall be as given in Table 18.9.

TABLE 18.9
Lead for Different Sizes of Pipes

Nominal size of pipe Lead per joint Depth of lead joint

mm. Kg. mm
(1) (2) (3)
80 1.8 45
100 2.2 45
125 2.6 45
150 3.4 50
200 5.0 50
250 6.1 50
300 7.2 55
350 8.4 55
400 9.5 55
450 14.0 55
500 15.0 60
600 19.0 60
700 22.0 60
750 25.0 60

Note: 1. The quantity of lead given in the table is on average basis and a variation of 10 per cent is
2. B efore pipes a re j ointed on l arge s cale, t hree or f our sample j oints s hall be m ade and t he
average consumption of lead per joint shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Only required quantity of spun yarn shall be put so as to give the specified depth of lead in the joint.

18.5.4 Lead Caulked Joint with Lead Wool Yarn This type of lead caulking is generally done when it is inconvenient or dangerous to use molten
lead for joints, for ex ample i n cases s uch as i nverted joints or i n wet trenches or i n ex ceptional cases. I n
such cases the joints shall be made with lead wool or yarn. Caulking with lead wool or yarn shall
however be not carried out without the prior permission of Engineer-in-Charge. The approximate w eights and dept hs of lead wool o r l ead yarn required for ea ch joint o f v arious
dia. of C.I. pipes and specials shall be as given in Table 18.10. Just sufficient quantity of spun yarn shall be
put so as to give specified depth of lead wool. Jointing: The s pun y arn s hall f irst be i nserted and c aulked i nto t he socket as d escribed under
jointing with pig lead. Lead wool or yarn shall then be introduced in the joint in strings not less than 6 mm
thick and t he caulking shall be repeat ed with each turn of lead wool or y arn. The whole of the lead wool
or yarn shall be compressed into a dense mass. The joint shall then be finally finished flush with face of
the socket.

18.5.5 Flanged joints Cast iron pi pes may be jointed by means of flanges cast on. The jointing material us ed bet ween
flanges of pipes shall be compressed fiber board or rubber of thickness between 1.5 mm to 3 mm. The
fiber board s hall b e i mpregnated with chemically neutral mineral o il a nd s hall h ave a s mooth a nd hard
surface. Its weight per m2 shall be not less than 112 gm/mm thickness.

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TABLE 18.10
Diameter of Weight of lead wool Depth of lead wool
pipe (mm) or lead yarn (kg) or lead yarn (mm)

80 0.80 19
100 0.90 19
125 1.25 20
150 1.60 23
200 2.05 23
250 2.95 25
300 3.50 25
350 4.65 29
400 5.70 31
450 6.70 32
500 8.30 33
600 10.00 35
700 11.80 36
750 13.60 38
800 15.40 40
900 16.80 40
Note: An allowance of five per cent variation in the specified weights and depths is permissible. Each bol t s hould be t ightened a l ittle at a t ime t aking c are to tighten di ametrically opp osite bol ts
alternatively. The practice of fully tightening the bolts one after another shall not be allowed. Several pr oprietary f lexible joints ar e av ailable for j ointing c ast i ron pi pes and t hese may b e
used with the specific approval of the authority, however, they shall be used strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. For joints i n small d iameter cast i ron p iping, c opper-alloy s crewed un ions or f errules shall be
used, and for large dia. The joints shall be made by flanged connecting pieces.

18.5.6 Hydrostatic
The procedure for testing for leakage under pressure shall be as described in Appendix D of Chapter
18 which is to be read in addition to 18.4.8. The joints of pipes and specials have to be repaired till the
leakage in the portion under test is within the specified limit indicated in Appendix-D.

18.5.7 Measurements The net length of pipes as laid or fixed, shall be measured in the running metres correct to a
cm. s pecials shall be excluded and enumerated and paid for separately. T he portion of the pipe within
the collar at the joints shall not be included in the length of pipe work. Excavation, re filling, shoring and t imbering i n t renches masonry or concrete pillars and t hrust
blocks, wherever required, shall be measured and paid for separately, under relevant items of work. Lead caulked joints shall be measured and paid for separately.

18.5.8 Rate
The rate shall i nclude t he c ost of materials and l abour i nvolved i n al l the oper ations des cribed abo ve
except for the items measured/enumerated separately under Para,, which
shall be paid for separately.

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18.6.0 The specifications described in 18.4 shall apply, as far as applicable.

18.6.1 Trenches
The galvanised iron pipes and f ittings shall be l aid in trenches. The w idths and dept hs of the
trenches for different diameters of the pipes shall be as in Table 18.11.

TABLE 18.11

Dia of pipe Width of trench Depth of trench

(mm) (cm) (cm)
15 to 50 30 60
65 to 100 45 75

At j oints t he t rench w idth s hall be w idened w here necessary. T he work of excavation and r efilling
shall be done t rue to line and g radient i n a ccordance w ith gene ral specifications for ea rth w ork in

When ex cavation is done in rock, it s hall be c ut dee p e nough to permit the pipes to be laid on a
cushion of sand minimum 7.5 cm deep.

18.6.2 Cutting and Threading

Where the pipes have to be out or rethreaded, the ends shall be carefully filed out so that no
obstruction to bore is offered. The end of the pipes shall then be c arefully threaded conforming to the
requirements o f IS 554 with pi pe di es and t apes in s uch a manner a s w ill not result in slackness o f joints
when t he two pi eces ar e s crewed together. The t aps and di es shall be us ed onl y f or straightening s crew
threads which have become bent or damaged and shall not be used for turning of the threads so as to
make them slack, as the later procedure may not result in a water tight joint. The screw threads of pipes
and fitting shall be protected from damage until they are fitted.

18.6.3 Jointing
The pipes shall be cleaned and cleared of all foreign matter before being laid. In jointing the pipes,
the inside of the socket and the screwed end of the pipes shall be oiled and rubbed over. Teflon Tape
should be used on threads i nstead of ‘Dhaaga/ Safeda’. T he end shall t hen be s crewed i n t he s ocket,
Tee etc. with the pipe wrench. Care shall be t aken that all pipes and f ittings are properly jointed so as to
make the joints completely water tight and pipes are kept at all times free from dust and dirt during fixing.
Burr f rom t he j oint s hall be r emoved af ter s crewing. A fter l aying, t he op en end s of t he pipes s hall be
temporarily plugged to prevent access of water, soil or any other foreign matter.

18.6.4 Thrust Blocks (Fig. 18.8)

In c ase of bi gger di ameter pipes where the pressure is very high, thrust blocks of cement concrete
1:2:4 ( 1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 g raded s tone aggr egate o f 20 mm no minal size) o f adequat e s ize and
shape s hall be pr ovided on al l bends to transmit the h ydraulic t hrust to the ground, spreading it over a
sufficient areas, depending upon the type of soil met with.

18.6.5 Painting
The pipes shall be painted with two coats of anticorrosive bitumastic paint of approved quality.

18.6.6 Testing of Joints

The pipes and fittings after they are laid and jointed shall be tested to hydraulic pressure of 6 Kg/sq.
cm (60 meter). The pipes shall be slowly and carefully charged with water allowing all air to escape and
avoiding al l s hock or water hammer. The draw off taps and stop cocks shall then be closed and specified
hydraulic pressure shall be applied gradually. Pressure gauge must be accurate and preferably should

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have bee n recalibrated be fore the t est. The t est pum p hav ing been s topped, t he t est pr essure should be
maintained without loss for at least half an ho ur. The pipes and fittings shall be t ested in sections as the
work of l aying pr oceeds, hav ing t he j oints e xposed f or i nspection d uring t he t esting. P ipes o r f ittings
which are found leaking shall be replaced and joints found leaking shall b e redone, without extra

18.6.7 Trench Filling

The pipes shall be laid on a l ayer of 7.5 cm sand and filled up t o 15 cm above the pipes. The
remaining po rtion of the t rench s hall then be filled w ith ex cavated earth as des cribed in 20 .3.7. T he
surplus earth shall be disposed off as directed.

18.6.8 Measurements
The l engths s hall be m easured i n running m etre c orrect t o a c m f or t he f inished w ork, w hich s hall
include G .I. pi pe and G .I. f ittings such as bends , tees, el bows reducers, crosses, pl ugs, sockets, ni pples
and nu ts, bu t ex clude b rass or gu n m etal ta ps (c ocks), v alves, un ions, lead connection p ipes and
shower rose. A ll pi pes an d fittings shall be c lassified according t o t heir diameters, m ethod of j ointing and
fixing s ubstance q uality and f inish. I n c ase of f ittings of a n e qual bo re t he pipe s hall be described as
including all cuttings and wastage. In case of fittings of unequal bore the largest bore shall be measured.

Note: G.I. unions shall be paid for separately in external work as well as in internal work.

Digging an d ref illing of t renches shall ei ther be m easured s eparately a s s pecified in t he appro priate
clauses of excavation and earth work or clubbed with main item.

18.6.9 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he c ost o f l abour and materials involved i n al l the oper ations des cribed abo ve.
The rate shall not include excavation in trenches, painting of pipes and sand filling all round the pipes,
unless otherwise specified.


18.7.0 For internal work the g alvanised iron pipes an d fittings s hall run o n the s urface of the w alls o r
ceiling (not i n c hase) unl ess ot herwise s pecified. T he f ixing s hall be done by means of s tandard pat tern
holder bat c lamps, ke eping th e pi pes ab out 1.5 cm cle ar o f the wall. W hen it is fo und ne cessary t o
conceal t he pi pes, c hasing m ay be adopt ed or pi pes fixed i n t he d ucts or re cess et c., prov ided t here i s
sufficient s pace to work on the pipes with the usual tools. The pi pes shall not ordinarily be bu ried i n walls
or solid floors. Where unavoidable, pipes may be buried for short distances provided adequate
protection i s gi ven agai nst dam age and where s o r equired j oints are not buri ed. W here d irected b y t he
Engineer-in-Charge, a M .S. tube sleeve shall be fixed at a place the pipe is passing through a w all or
floor for reception o f t he pi pe and t o al low freedom for ex pansion and c ontraction and ot her movements.
In c ase t he pi pe i s em bedded i n w alls or f loors i t should be pa inted w ith an ticorrosive bi tumastic pai nts
of approved quality. The pipe shall not come in contact with lime mortar or lime concrete as the pipe is
affected by time. Under the floors the pipes shall be laid in layer of sand filling as done under concrete

All pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical and horizontal unless unavoidable. The pipes shall be
fixed to walls with standard pattern holder bat clamps of required shape and size so as to fit tightly on the
pipes when tightened with screwed bolts, these clamps shall be embedded in brick work in cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), and shall be spaced at regular intervals in straight lengths as shown in
Table 18.12.

The clamps shall be fixed at shorter lengths near the fittings as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

For G.I. pipes 15 mm diameter, the holes in the walls and floors shall be made by drilling with chisel
or j umper and not by dismantling t he brick w ork o r c oncrete. H owever, f or bigger dimension pipes t he
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holes shall be carefully made of the smallest size as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. After fixing the
pipes the holes s hall be m ade go od with c ement m ortar 1: 3 ( 1 c ement: 3 c oarse sand) an d p roperly
finished to match the adjacent surface.

TABLE 18.12
Dia. of Pipe Horizontal length Vertical length
(mm) m m
15 2 2.5
20 2.5 3
25 2.5 3
32 2.5 3
40 3 3.5
50 3 3.5
65 3.5 5
80 3.5 5

Unions w ill be provided to f acilitate connections additions and al terations as well as f or m aintenance
and f or change of pi pes. The l ocations w here uni ons a re t o be pr ovided will b e dec ided w ith pr ior w ritten
approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.

18.7.1 Measurements
The l engths s hall be m easured i n running m etre c orrect t o a c m f or t he f inished w ork, w hich s hall
include G.I. pi pe and G .I. f ittings such as bends , tees e lbows, reducers, crosses, pl ugs, sockets, nipples
and nu ts, but exclude b rass or gun m etal tap s (c ocks), v alves, un ions, lead connection p ipes and
shower rose. A ll pi pes and fittings shall be c lassified according to t heir diameters, m ethod of j ointing and
fixing s ubstance, qual ity and f inish. I n c ase of f ittings of an equal bor e t he pi pe s hall be des cribed as
including all cuttings and waste. In case of fittings of unequal bore, the largest bore shall be measured.
Pipes l aid i n t renches (or without s upports) and pi pes f ixed t o w alls, c eilings, et c. w ith s upports s hall be
measured separately.
18.7.2 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of l abour and m aterial i nvolved i n all t he operations described above.
The rate shall include the cost of cutting holes in walls and floors and making good the same. This shall not
however, i nclude c oncealed pi pe work i n w hich c ase cutting o f c hase and m aking good s hall be pai d
separately. I t shall not i nclude pai nting o f pipes and prov iding s leeves, unl ess s pecified otherwise. I t w ill
also not include union which shall be paid for separately.


18.8.1 The PP-R is a bonded, multilayer pipe consisting of different layers of the pipe:-
(a) The i nner-most layer o f the p ipe to be A nti - bacterial to pr event bac teria gr owth inside p ipe
(b) The middle layer to be of plain PP-R which is neither in contact with Water and nor under direct
effect of the atmospheric conditions.
(c) T he ou ter-most layer t o be o f U .V. s tabilized P P-R t o prevent t he pipe s urface f rom sunlight
under exposed atmospheric conditions.
The pi pes s hould i n gener al be c onforming to t he r equirements o f IS 15801 ex cept t hat s pecified
with in nomenclature of the item. The pipes should have smooth inner surface with non-
contracting di ameters. T he pi pes s hall be c leanly f inished, f ree f rom c racks and ot her defects.
The p ipes sh all b e clean an d well cut along e nds aft er ta king into consideration th e desired
length, using t he pipe s cissors. T he Polypropylene used f or m anufacturing the pi pe s hall c onform
to the r equirements o f IS 10951 and IS 10910. The specified bas e density shall be bet ween 900
kg/m3 and 91 0 kg/m3 when determined at 27°C. The resin should be mixed with sufficient

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quantity o f c olour m aster bat ches. T he c olour m aster bat ch s hould be uni form t hroughout t he
pipe s urface. T he s tandard di mension r atio ( SDR) i .e. r atio of the nom inal outer di ameter of a
pipe to its nominal wall thickness should be 7.4/11 as given in the item.

18.8.2 Fittings
Plain fittings, Chrome plated brass threaded fittings and Valves shall be as per nomenclature of item or
as directed by engineer- in- charge.
(a) The plain fittings shall be Polypropylene Random Copolymer and comply with all the
requirements of the pipes. The plain fittings shall comprise of Socket, Elbow, Tee, Cross,
Reducer socket, Reduction Tee, End Cap, Crossover, Omega, Threaded Plug and wall clamps in
available sizes.

(b) The Chrome Plated Brass threaded fittings shall be Chrome Plated Brass threaded piece molded
inside Polypropylene random copolymer fitting. The maternal shall comply with all the
requirements of the pipes. The Chrome plated Brass threaded fittings shall comprise of Socket,
Elbow and Tee (Male & Female) in available sizes. These are the fittings for C.P. connections
and for continuations from existing Galvanized Irion Pipes and fittings.

(c) The valves shall be Polypropylene Random Copolymer Valves. The valves comprise of Gate
Valve, Ball Valve, Concealed stop valve and Chrome Coated Valve in available sizes.

The Valves sizes availability in Polypropylene Random Copolymer is as follows:-

(i) Gate Valve - 20 mm to 63 mm
(ii) Ball Valve - 20 mm, 25 mm, 32 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm & 63 mm
(iii) Concealed Stop valve - 20 mm & 25 mm
(iv) Chrome Coated Valve - 20 mm & 25 mm

However, the other Brass/Bronze Valves can be connected to Polypropylene Random pipes using
C.P. Brass threaded fittings of desired sizes.

18.8.3 Laying and Jointing of Pipes and Fittings

The specifications described in 18.4 shall apply as far as possible. The pipes and fittings shall run in
wall c hase as s pecified. P ipes s hall run o nly in v ertical o r h orizontal al ignment as f ar as po ssible. The
installation of pipes is similar to that of the metal pipes with the only difference in the jointing procedure.
The jointing of the PP-R pipes and fittings are done by fusion welding by means of a welding machine.
The marking on pipe shall carry the following information:-
c) Manufacturer’s name/ trade mark
d) PPR pipe
e) SDR-
f) Out side diameter and minimum wall thickness
g) Lot No. / Batch No. containing date of manufacturing. And machine number.

18.8.4 The out s ide diameter of pi pes, t olerance i n t he s ame a nd o vality o f pi pe s hall b e a s gi ven i n
Table 18.13 below.
TABLE 18.13
Outside Diameter, Tolerance and Ovality of Pipes

Sl. Nominal Outside Diameter Tolerance Ovality

No. Size (Only positive tolerance)
DN mm mm mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(i) 16 16.0 0.3 1.2
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(ii) 20 20.0 0.3 1.2
(iii) 25 25.0 0.3 1.2
(iv) 32 32.0 0.3 1.3
(v) 40 40.0 0.4 1.4
(vi) 50 50.0 0.5 1.4
(vii) 63 63.0 0.6 1.6
(viii) 75 75.0 0.7 1.6
(ix) 90 90.0 0.9 1.8
(x) 110 110.0 0.9 2.2

1. T he values specified for tolerance o n o utside diameter have been calculated as 0.009DN,
rounded off to the nex t higher 0.1 mm s ubject to minimum of 0.3 mm. No negative tolerances are
2. The basis for the values specified for ovality is:
(a) F or nom inal out side d iameters≤ 75 mm, the tolerance equals (0.008 DN+1.0) mm, rounded
to the next higher 0.1 mm, with a minimum value of 1.2 mm.
(b) F or nom inal outside d iameters≥ 75 mm and ≤ 250 mm, the tolerance equals 0.20 DN,
rounded to the next higher 0.1 mm.
(c) F or nom inal out side di ameter > 250 m m, t he t olerance equa ls 0. 35 DN, r ounded t o t he ne xt
higher 0.1 mm.
18.8.5 Wall Thickness
The minimum and maximum wall thickness of pipes shall be as given in Table 18.14 below:-
TABLE 18.14

Sl. No. Nominal Size SDR 11 SDR 7.4

DN Min Max Min Max
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(i) 16 - - 2.20 2.70
(ii) 20 1.90 2.30 2.80 3.30
(iii) 25 2.30 2.80 3.50 4.10
(iv) 32 2.90 3.40 4.40 5.10
(v) 40 3.70 4.30 5.50 6.30
(vi) 50 4.60 5.30 6.90 7.80
(vii) 63 5.80 6.60 8.60 9.70
(viii) 75 6.80 7.70 10.30 11.60
(ix) 90 8.20 9.30 12.30 13.80
(x) 110 10.00 11.20 15.10 16.90
Note: The wall thickness tolerances have been calculated on the following basis:
(a) Limit deviation=0.1e + 0.2 mm rounded up to the nearest 0.1 mm.
(b) A local increase in wall thickness of up to +0.2e is permissible for e up to 10 mm and up to
0.15e for e greater than 10 mm. The mean of the measurement shall, however, still lie within the
given limit deviations.
The qual ity o f eac h i nstallation system ul timately de pends on the t ightness, stability and l ifetime o f its
connections. T he pi pe of the d esired l ength i s c ut using t he pipe s cissors. T he proper h eating pi ece i s
taken and m ounted on the w elding m achine. T he w elding de vice is sw itched o n - Control l amp and
switch l amp w ill l it. W hen ready, c ontrol l amp g ets of f, w hich m eans t hat w elding t emperature of 26 0
Degrees ±10 Degrees Celsius has been reached. The pipe end and the fitting to be welded are heated
on t he w elding machine. Before heating the fitting and the pipe, the dirty welding tools, pipe and fitting
are cleaned with a cloth. When heated up (with heating time as per the Table shown below), the pipe

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and t he f itting i s removed f rom t he w elding m achine and the t wo pi eces c onnected together by applying
a little pressure w ithout tw isting. T he joint is allowed to c ool dow n for a few s econds. T he w elding
process is that safe because the properly heated part of Polypropylene create a homogeneous

Guidelines for Welding PP-R Pipes and Fittings (DVS Guideline 2207, Part II)

Outer diameter of pipe(mm) Heating Time (Seconds) Cooling Period (Minutes)

16 5 2
20 5 2
25 7 2
32 8 4
40 12 4
50 18 4
63 24 6
75 30 8
90 30 8

The same procedure shall be adapted for exposed as well as concealed fittings. The Crossovers
may be us ed w herever the ov erlapping o f the P P-R pipes i s r equired. The fixing s hall be done b y means
of Wall Support Clamps keeping the pies about 1.5 cm clear of the wall where to be l aid on t he surface.
Where it is specified to conceal the pipes, chasing may be adopted. For pipes fixed in the shafts, ducts
etc. t here s hould be sufficient s pace t o work on t he pipes w ith t he usual t ools. P ipe s leeves s hall be
fixed at a place the pipe is passing, through a wall or floor for reception of the pipe and allow freedom for
expansion and c ontraction and other movements. F ixed s upports pr event a ny m ovement of t he pi pe by
fixing it a t s ome points. F ittings a re us ed in c reating the fixed points. F ixed supports m ust n ot but
installed at bendi ng par ts and t he di rection c hanges must be done i n t he pi pe itself. I n bet ween t he fixed
supports some arrangements must b e do ne to c ompensate any p otential el ongation o r shrinkage i n t he
pipe l ength. F or exposed s traight pi pes having l ength more t han 5 meters, to c ompensate the ex pansion
an expansion piece must be used.

18.8.6 Piping Installation Support

Piping s hall be pr operly s upported by m eans of w all s upport c lamps as s pecified and as required,
keeping in view t he prop er des igning for expansion and contraction. Risers s hall be s upported at ea ch
floor with clamps.Due to high coefficient of thermal expansion the heat losses though the pipes is highly
reduced. T herefore, f or i nternal B athroom hot geyser water di stribution lines, t he i nsulation i s often n ot

18.8.7 Installation of Water Meter and Valves

PP-R lines shall be c ut to the required lengths at the position where the meter and Valves are
required to be fixed. S uitable C .P. B rass threaded f ittings s hall be a ttached t o t he pi pes. The meter and
Valves shall be fixed in a position by means of connecting pipes, jam nut and socket etc. The stop cock
shall be fixed near the inlet of the water meter. The paper disc inserted in the ripples of the meter shall be
removed. A nd th e m eter sha ll b e in stalled ex actly h orizontally o r ve rtically i n th e fl ow li ne i n t he
direction s hown by t he arrow c ast o n the b ody of t he m eter. Care s hall b e t aken to not to disturb the
factory se al of the meter. Wherever the meter shall be fixed to a newly fitted pipeline, the pipeline shall
have to be completely washed before fitting the meter.

18.8.8 Testing
All water s upply s ystem shall be tested t o H ydrostatic p ressure test. Max imum operating pressure at
varying degree of temperature is given in Table 18.15:

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TABLE 18.15
Sl. No. Temperature SDR 11 SDR 7.4
Pressure MPa Pressure MPa
(i) 10 1.91 3.02
(ii) 20 1.63 2.58
(iii) 30 1.37 2.17
(iv) 40 1.15 1.84
(v) 50 0.98 1.55
(vi) 60 0.82 1.28
(vii) 70 0.62 0.98
(viii) 80 0.39 0.62
(ix) 95 0.27 0.4

The p ressure t est i s p erformed i n 3 steps being preliminary t est, m ain t est an d f inal t est. F or t he
preliminary t est a pre ssure w hich i s 1. 5 times hi gher t han t he pos sible w orking pres sure i s appl ied a nd
this is repeated two times in 30 minutes with intervals of 10 minutes. After a test period of 30 minutes,
the test pressure must no t be dropp ed more than 0 .6 bar and no leak must occur. Main test follows the
preliminary t est. Test t ime i s t wo hours, i n d oing so t he t est pressure t aken f rom t he preliminary t est
must not have fallen more than 0.2 bar. After completion of these tests, the final test comes which has to be
done under a test pressure of 10 bars and 5 bar in the interval of 15 minutes. Between the respective test
courses, pressure has to be removed.

All l eaks a nd def ects i n joints re vealed duri ng the testing s hall be rec tified and got approved at s ite
by retest. Piping required subsequent to the above pressure test shall be retested in the same manner.

System m ay b e tested in sections a nd s uch s ections s hall be en tirely c hecked on c ompletion of

connection to the overhead tanks or pumping system or mains. In case of improper circulation, the
contractor s hall rec tify t he def ective c onnections. H e s hall bear a ll ex penses f or c arrying out t he ab ove
rectifications including the tearing up and refinishing of floors and walls as required.

After commissioning o f t he water s upply system, c ontractor s hall t est each valve by closing and
opening i t a number of times to observe if it is working efficiently. V alves which ar e not w orking efficiently
shall be replaced by new ones.

18.8.9 Measurements
The n et length o f pipes as laid or f ixed shall b e measured in ru nning m eters correct to a cm for the
finished w ork, w hich s hall i nclude P P-R pi pe and fittings i ncluding pl ain fittings and C hrome P lated B rass
Threaded fittings. Deductions for the length of valves shall be made. The cost includes cutting chases in the
masonry wall and making good the same, trenching, refilling and testing of joints. The cost of gate
valves/ wheel valves/union shall be paid for separately.


18.9.1 CPVC pipes & fi ttings u sed i n h ot & cold pot able w ater dis tribution system sh all co nform to
requirement of IS 15778. T he material f rom w hich th e pipe is pr oduced shall co nsist of chlorinated
polyvinyl c hlorides. T he polymer f rom w hich t he pi pe c ompounds a re t o b e m anufactured s hall h ave
chlorine content n ot l ess than 6 6.5%. Test C ertificates covering v arious t est mentioned i n following t ables
should be submitted.

The i nternal and ex ternal s urfaces of t he pi pe s hall be s mooth, c lean and f ree f rom g rooving and
other defects. T he pi pes s hall not ha ve any detrimental e ffect on the c omposition of the w ater flowing
though it.

Diameter and wall thickness of CPVC pipes are as per given in Table 18.16 below.
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TABLE 18.16

Sl. Nomi- Nominal Mean Outside Outside Diameter Wall thickness

No. nal Outside Diameter at any point Class 1, SDR 11 Class 3, SDR 17
Size Diameter Min Max Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. Min Max
Max Max
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
(i) 15 15.9 15.8 16.0 15.8 16.0 2.2 1.7 2.2 - - -
(ii) 20 22.2 22.1 22.3 22.0 22.4 2.5 2.0 2.5 - - -
(iii) 25 28.6 28.5 28.7 28.4 28.8 3.1 2.6 3.1 - - -
(iv) 32 34.9 34.8 35.0 34.7 35.1 3.7 3.2 3.7 - - -
(v) 40 41.3 41.2 41.4 41.1 41.5 4.3 3.8 4.3 - - -
(vi) 50 54.0 53.9 54.1 53.7 54.3 5.5 4.9 5.5 - - -
(vii) 65 73.0 72.8 73.2 72.2 73.8 - - - 4.8 4.3 4.8
(viii) 80 88.9 88.7 89.1 88.1 89.7 - - - 5.9 5.2 5.9
(ix) 100 114.3 114.1 114.5 113.5 115.1 - - - 7.5 6.7 7.5
(x) 150 168.3 168.0 168.6 166.5 170.1 - - - 11.1 9.9 11.1
1. For CPVC pipes SDR is calculated by dividing the average outer diameter of the pipe in mm by
the minimum wall thickness in mm. If the wall thickness calculated by this formula is less than
1.52 mm, it shall be increased to 1.52 mm. The SDR values shall be rounded to the nearest 0.5.

18.9.2 Dimensions of Pipes

The outside diameter, outside diameter at any point and wall thickness shall be as given in Table
18.16. Diameter : The out side di ameter and outside di ameter at any poi nt as gi ven i n T able 18. 16
shall be measured according to the method given in IS 12235 (part 1). Diameter at any point : The difference between the measured maximum outside diameter
and m easured m inimum out side di ameter i n t he s ame c ross-section of pi pe ( also called t olerance o n
ovality) shall not exceed the greater of the following two values:
(a) 0.5 mm, and
(b) 0.012 dn rounded off to the next higher 0.1 mm. Wall Thickness : The wall thickness of the pipes shall be as given in Table 18.16. Wall
thickness sh all b e m easured by a ny o f th e thr ee m ethods gi ven in IS 12235 (pa rt 1). To c heck t he
conformity of t he wall t hickness of t he pipe t hroughout its entire length, i t is n ecessary to m easure t he
wall t hickness of the pipe at an y point along its length. This shall be done by cutting the pi pe at any poi nt
along i ts l ength and m easuring t he w all t hickness as a bove. A lternatively, to av oid d estruction of t he
pipe, non des tructive t esting methods such as t he us e o f ul trasonic w all t hickness measurement gaug es
shall be used at any four points along the length of the pipe.

Tolerance on Wall Thickness

(a) For pipes of minimum wall thickness 6 mm or less, the permissible variation between the
minimum wall thickness (eMin) and the wall thickness at any point (e), (e - eMin) shall be positive in
the form of +y, where y=0.1 eMin+0.2 mm.

(b) For pipes of minimum wall thickness greater than 6mm, the permissible variation of wall
thickness shall again be positive in the form of +y, where y would be applied in two parts.

(c) The average wall thickness shall be determined by taking at least six measurements of wall
thickness round the pipe and including both the absolute minimum and absolute maximum
measured values. The tolerance applied to this average wall thickness from these measurements
shall be within the range 0.1 eMin+0.2 mm (see Table 18.16).

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(d) The maximum wall thickness at any point shall be within the range 0.15eMin (see Table 18.16).

(e) The results of these calculations for checking tolerance shall be rounded off to the next higher
0.1 mm. Effective Length (Le) : If the length of a pipe is specified, the effective length shall not be less
than t hat s pecified. T he preferred eff ective length of pi pes s hall b e 3, 5 or 6 m . T he pipes m ay b e
supplied in other lengths where so agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

18.9.3 Pipe Ends

The e nds of the p ipes meant for solvent c ementing s hall be c leanly c ut and s hall be r easonably
square to the axis of the pipe or may be chamfered at the plain end.

18.9.4 Physical and Chemical Characteristics Visual Appearance : The c olour of t he pi pes shall be off-white. S light variations i n t he
appearance of the colour are permitted.

The i nternal an d ex ternal surface of t he pi pe s hall b e s mooth, c lean an d f ree f rom gr ooving a nd ot her
defects. Opacity : The wall of the plain pipe shall not transmit more than 0.1 per c ent of the visible light
falling on it when tested in accordance with IS 12235 (Part 3). Effect on Water : The pipes shall not have any determinate effect on the composition of the
water flowing through them, when tested as per 10.3 of IS 4985. Reversion Test : When tested by the method prescribed in IS 12235 (Part 5/ Sec 1 and Sec 2), a
length of pipe 200 ±20 mm long shall not alter in length by more than 5 per cent. Vicat Softening Temperature : When t ested by t he method pr escribed i n I S 12235 ( part 2) ,
the Vicat softening temperature of the specimen shall not be less than 110°C. Density : When tested in accordance with IS 12235 (Part 14), the density of the pipes shall be
between 1450kg/m3 and 1650kg/m3.

18.9.5 Mechanical Properties Hydrostatic Characteristics : When s ubject t o i nternal h ydrostatic p ressure test i n ac cordance
with t he procedure given i n I S 12235 (part 8/Sec 1), t he pi pe s hall n ot f ail during t he p rescribed t est
duration. T he temperatures, du ration and hy drostatic ( hoop) s tress for the test s hall conform to the
requirements given in Table 18.17. The test shall be carried out not earlier than 24 h after the pipes have
been manufactured.

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TABLE 18.17
Requirements of Pipes for Internal Hydrostatic Pressure Test

Sl. Test Test Temperature Min Test Period Hydrostatic (Hoop)

No. Stress
°C h MPa
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(i) Acceptance 20 1 43.0
(ii) Type 95 165 5.6
(iii) Type 95 1000 4.6
(iv) Type 95 8760 3.6 (Test for thermal
stability) Thermal Stability by Hydrostatic Pressure Testing : When s ubject t o i nternal hy drostatic
pressure t est i n ac cordance w ith t he p rocedure gi ven i n I S 12235 ( Part 8 /Sec 1 ) and as per requirement
given in Table 18.17, Sl. No. (iv), the pipe shall not burst or leak during the prescribed test duration. Resistance to External Blow at 0°C : When tested by the method prescribed in IS 4985, with
classified striker mass and drop h eight as given in Table 18.18, the pipe shall have a t rue impact rate of
not more than 10 per cent.

TABLE 18.18
Classified Striker Mass and Drop Height Conditions for the Falling Weight Impact Test

Sl. Nominal Pipe Size Mass of Falling Falling Height

No. Weight
mm Kg mm
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(i) 15 0.5±0.5% 300±10
(ii) 20 0.5±0.5% 400±10
(iii) 25 0.5±0.5% 500±10
(iv) 32 0.5±0.5% 600±10
(v) 40 0.5±0.5% 800±10
(vi) 50 0.5±0.5% 1000± 10
(vii) 65 0.8±0.5% 1000±10
(viii) 80 0.8±0.5% 1200±10
(ix) 100 1.0±0.5% 1600±10
(x) 150 1.6±0.5% 2000±10 Flattening Test : When tested by the method prescribed in IS 12235 (part 19), pipe shall show
no signs of cracking, splitting and breaking. Tensile Strength : When t ested by t he m ethod prescribed i n I S 12235 (Part 19), t he t ensile
strength at yield shall not be less than 50 MPa at 27 ± 2°C.

18.9.6 Sampling and Criteria for Conformity

The sampling procedure and criteria for conformity as given in Annexure F should be followed by the
manufacturer and test certificates should be submitted in this regard.

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18.9.7. Marking Each pi pe s hall be c learly an d i ndelibly m arked i n i nk/paint or hot e mbossed on w hite bas e a t
intervals of not more than 3 m. The marking shall show the following:
(a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark
(b) Outside diameter,
(c) Class of pipe and pressure rating, and
(d) Batch or lot number BIS Certification Marking : Each pipe may also be marked with the Standard Mark.

18.9.8 Fittings
The fittings shall be as follows:
(a) Plain CPVC solvent cement fittings from size 15 mm to 160 mm.
(b) Brass threaded fittings.
(c) Valve from size 15 mm to 160 mm
(d) Brass Threaded Fittings: All types of one end brass threaded male/female adaptors in various
fittings like coupler, socket, elbow, tee are available for transition to other plastic/metal piping
and for fixing of CP fittings. Ball, Gate valves in CPVC are available in all dimensions. All
fittings shall carry the following information:
(1) Manufacturer’s name/trade mark.
(2) Size of fitting

18.9.9 Piping Installation Support and Spacing Concealed Piping: Pipes can be c oncealed in chases. The pi pes an d fitting ar e t o be pr essure
tested prior t o concealing the c hases. To maintain alignment of C P f ittings w hile j oining, all al ignment of
fittings and p ipe shall be done c orrectly. DO N OT U SE N AILS F OR H OLDING O F P IPES IN THE
CHASES. External Installations: For pipes fixed in the shafts, ducts etc. there should be sufficient space to
work on the pipes. Pipes sleeves shall be fixed at a place the pipe is passing through a wall or floor so as to
allow freedom for expansion and contraction. Clamping of the pipe is done to support it while allowing
the freedom for movement.

All pi pes ex posed t o s unlight s hall b e pai nted w ith a w ater bas ed ac rylic pai nt em ulsion t o enhan ce
UV p rotection. P ipes i n trenching s hall be l aid i n ac cordance t o the G ood P lumbing pr actices followed for
Metal piping.

Recommended Support Spacing (Distance between Pipe Clamps Horizontal Support)

Horizontal Support (In meters)

Pipe Size Temperature
23°C 38°C 60°C 82°C
16 mm (1/2”) 1.22 1.22 1.07 0.92
20 mm (3/4”) 1.53 1.37 1.22 0.92
25 mm (1/0”) 1.68 1.3 1.37 0.92
32 mm (1 1/4”) 1.83 1.68 1.53 1.22
40 mm (1 1/2”) 1.98 1.83 1.68 1.22
50 mm (2”) 2.29 2.14 1.98 1.22 Expansion LOOP: CPVC systems, like all piping materials, expand and contract with changes
in temperatures. CPVC pipes shall expand 7.5 cm per 30 m length for a 400C temperature change.
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Expansion does not v ary w ith P ipe size. T hermal e xpansion c an be generally be ac commodated at
changes in direction. On a long straight run, an offset or loop based on the following chart is required.

Nominal Pipe Length of Run (Meter), Loop length in cms.

Size 6 metre 12 metre 18 metre 24 metre 30 metre
15 mm 43 56 69 79 86
20 mm 48 66 81 91 104
25 mm 53 74 91 104 117
32 mm 58 81 102 117 130
40 mm 63 89 109 127 142
50 mm 71 102 124 145 63

18.9.10 Testing
All water supply s ystems shall b e t ested t o h ydrostatic pres sure t est. T he pr essure t ests are similar
to t he te st pressure u sed f or other plastic/metal pipes. S ystem m ay b e t ested in sections a nd s uch
section s hall be entirely checked on c ompletion of connection t o t he o verhead t ank or pumping system
or mains.

18.9.11 Measurements
The n et length o f pipes as laid or f ixed shall b e measured in ru nning m eters correct to a cm for the
finished work, which shall include CPVC pipe and fittings including plain and Brass threaded fittings and
jointing solvent cement.



18.11.1 Preliminary Work

A pit of suitable dimensions shall be dug at the point where the connection is to be made with the
main and eart h rem oved up to 15 c m below the m ain. The flow of water in the water main shall also be
disconnected by closing the sluice or wheel valves on the mains.

18.11.2 Making Connection

For cutting and j ointing 18.6.2 and 18. 6.3 shall apply. The G.I. m ain shall first be c ut. Water if any
collected in the pit shall be bailed out and, ends of the G.I. pi pes t hreaded. The connection of distribution
pipe shall t hen be made after fixing G .I. t ee of the required size to the G.I. main and fittings such as Jam
nut, G.I. socket connecting piece etc.

18.11.3 Testing of Joints

After l aying and jointing, the pi pes and fittings shall be i nspected under w orking condition o f p ressure
and f low. A ny joint found l eaking s hall be r edone and al l l eaking pi pes removed and r eplaced w ithout
extra payment.

The pipes & f ittings af ter t hey ar e laid s hall be t ested t o h ydraulic pr essure of 6 kg./ (60 m ).
The pi pes s hall be s lowly and c arefully c harged w ith w ater al lowing al l a ir t o es cape an d av oiding al l
shock of w ater hammer. T he draw of l aps and stop cocks shall then be closed and specified hy draulic
pressure shall be appl ied gr adually. P ressure gaug e must be ac curate and p referably s hould hav e bee n
recalibrated be fore the t est. The test pu mp hav ing been s topped, t he t est p ressure should be maintained
without loss for at least h alf an h our. The pi pes an d fittings s hall b e tested in sections a s the w ork of
laying proceeds, having the joints exposed for inspection during the testing.

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18.11.4 Finishing
The portion of the pipe in the pit shall be painted with bitumastic paint and encased with sand 15 cm
all-round. The pit shall be filled with earth in level with the original ground surface watered, rammed and
the area dressed.

18.11.5 Measurements
The work of making connections shall be enumerated.

18.11.6 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of labour and materials involved in all the operations described above.


18.12.0 The fitting s hall b e fully examined and c leared o f al l foreign matter be fore bei ng fixed. The fitting
shall be f itted in the pipe l ine i n a w orkman like m anner. T he j oints b etween f ittings an d pipes s hall be
leak-proof when t ested t o a pr essure o f 17. 5 kg/ The de fective fittings and joints s hall be r eplaced
or redone.

18.12.1 Measurements
Fittings shall be enumerated.

18.12.2 Rate
The r ate s hall inc lude co st of all t he m aterial an d labo ur in volved in all th e op eration de scribed


18.13.1 For fixing ferrule the empty main shall be drilled and tapped at 45 degree to the vertical and the
ferrule screwed in. The ferrule must be so fitted that no portion of the shank shall be left projecting within the
main into which it is fitted.

18.13.2 Measurements
Ferrule shall be enumerated.

18.13.3 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in fixing the ferrule.



18.16.0 The G .I. line s hall be c ut to the re quired length at t he po sition w here the m eter a nd s top cock
are required to be fixed. The ends at the pipe shall then be threaded. The meter and stop cock shall be
fixed in position by means of connecting pipes, G.I. jam nut and s ocket etc. The stop cock shall be f ixed
near the inlet of the water meter. The paper disc inserted in the nipples of the meter shall be removed
and t he m eter i nstalled e xactly hori zontal or v ertical i n t he f low l ine i n t he d irection s hown b y t he arro w
cast on the body of the meter. Care shall be taken that the factory seal of the meter is not disturbed.
Wherever the m eter shall be f ixed to a newly fitted pipe line, the pipe line shall have to be c ompletely
washed before fitting the meter. For this purpose a piece of pipe equal to the length of the meter shall be
fitted i n th e p roposed p osition of t he meter in t he ne w pi pe line. The w ater sh all be allowed t o fl ow
completely to w ash th e pip e lin e an d the n th e m eter i nstalled a s de scribed a bove by r eplacing t he
connecting piece.

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18.16.1 Testing of Joints
Testing of joints shall be done as described in 18.6.6.
18.16.2 Measurements
The w ork of fixing m eters and s top cocks s hall b e c ounted i n numbers s eparately ac cording to the
18.16.3 Rate
The rate shall i nclude t he c ost o f l abour and m aterials i nvolved i n al l t he oper ations des cribed abo ve
excluding the cost of stop cock and water meter.


18.17.1 The C.I. surface box shall be fixed on the top of masonry chamber in plain or reinforced cement
concrete 1: 2:4 (1 c ement: 2 c oarse sand: 4 graded s tone a ggregate 20 mm no minal size) a s t he c ase
may be.
18.17.2 Measurements
Masonry chambers shall be enumerated under the relevant items.

18.17.3 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he c ost o f materials and labour involved in al l the oper ations des cribed abov e,
except the ex cavation i n saturated soil, s oft or decomposed and hard rock i f m et w ith. T he di fference of
cost, bet ween ordi nary s oil and s aturated s oil or s oft or dec omposed or hard roc k as t he c ase m ay be ,
shall be paid for separately.


18.18.1 Material
Polyethylene used for manufacture of tanks and manhole lids may be high density (HDPE), low
density (LDPE) or l inear low density ( LLDPE) and s hall c onform t o I S 101 46. Polyethylene shall be
compounded with carbon black so as to m ake the tank resistant to ultra violet rays from the sun. The
percentage of c arbon bl ack c ontent i n polyethylene s hall b e 2. 5 ± 0. 5 p ercent an d i t s hall be u niformly
distributed. The materials us ed f or t he manufacture of tank, m anhole l id and f ittings shall be s uch t hat
they neither contaminate the water nor impart any taste, colour, odour or toxity to water.

18.18.2 Manufacture and Finish

The t anks s hall be manufactured by rotational m oulding process. E ach t ank a nd t he manhole l id
shall be s ingle piece having arrangement f or f ixing and locking t he manhole lid with the ta nks. E xcess
material at the mould parting line and near the top rim shall be neatly cut and finished. The internal and
external surface of the tanks shall be smooth, clean and free from hidden internal defects like air
bubbles, pit and metallic or other foreign material inclusion. Capacity of the tank, minimum weight of the
empty tan k (without manhole lid ) and the manufacture brand nam e shall be em bossed on the top
surface of the tank near manhole.

18.18.3 Shape, Size and Capacity

The tank s hall b e c ylindrical v ertical w ith c losed top ha ving a m anhole. D iameter an d h eight of the
tank of v arious c apacities s hall be as per manufacturer’s s pecifications and a c learance of ± 3 perc ent
shall be permitted on these dimensions. Capacity of the tank o r up to the bottom of the i nlet l ocation
whichever is less. Capacity of the tank shall be specified. Extra capacity if any shall be ignored.

18.18.4 Weight and Wall Thickness

Minimum weight of the empty tank (exclusive of manhole lid fittings) and the minimum wall thickness of
top, bottom and sides shall be specified in Table 18.23. Wall thickness shall be checked beyond 150 mm of
the edge where the direction the plane of tank surface changes.

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18.18.5 Installation and Fittings
The flat base of the tank shall be f ully supported over its whole bottom area on a dur able rigid flat
and l evel platform s ufficiently s trong to s tand w ithout deflection the w eight of the tank w hen fully filled
with w ater. D epending upon the c apacity an d location tanks m ay be s uitably anc hored as per the
directions of t he E ngineer-in-Charge. For i nlet, o utlet and ot her connections fully threaded G I, H DPE or
PVC c onnections w ith hex agonal c heck nu ts and w ashers on ei ther s ide of the ta nk w all s hall be
provided. Holes for threaded connections shall be drilled and not punched. Pipes entering of leaving the
tank shall be p rovided w ith u nions a nd s uitably s upported on a firm base to a void dam age to the tank

18.18.6 Manhole Lid

The l id s hall rest evenly and fit over the rim of t he manhole so as to prevent the ingress of any f oreign
matter into the tank. The lid shall be provided with suitable arrangement for locking it with the tank.

18.18.7 The tank and its components shall conform to the local bye-laws for preventions of mosquito menace.

18.18.8 Measurements
Dimensions shall be measured to the nearest cm. and weight of the empty tank shall be recorded to
the nearest 100g. Capacity of the tank as defined in 18.18.3 shall be calculated to the nearest litre.

TABLE 18.23

S. Capacity Minimum Wall Thickness Minimum Weight of Empty Tank

No. litres mm kg
1 2 3 4
1. 200 4.4 7.8
2. 300 4.4 9.0
3. 400 5.5 15.0
4. 500 6.0 18.0
5. 700 6.6 23.5
6. 1000 7.0 33.0
7. 1250 7.0 40.0
8. 1500 7.0 47.0
9. 1700 7.0 54.0
10. 2000 8.2 64.0
11. 2500 8.2 81.0
12. 3000 8.8 96.0
13. 4000 10.4 138.0
14. 5000 10.7 191.0
15. 6000 10.7 209.0
16. 7500 10.7 250.0
17. 10000 11.5 363.0
18. 15000 11.5 550.0
19. 20000 13.2 814.0

18.18.9 Rates
The rate shall include the cost of the tank, manhole lid, carriage and delivery at the place specified.
Hoisting, installation, fittings, platform and anchoring shall be payable separately.


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18.20.0 Square h oles of s ize as specified or as di rected by the E ngineer-in-Charge shall b e c ut i n t he

masonry. Any damage to the adjoining portion or to any other item shall be made good as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge. All dismantled material shall be removed from the site.

18.20.1 Masonry Work

Brick work etc. shall be made good by using the same class of brick, tile or stone masonry as was
cut during the execution of work. The m ortar to be us ed shall be c ement m ortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 f ine
sand) or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

18.20.2 Finishing
Cement m ortar i n 1:4 m ix ( 1 cement: 4 s and) s hall be u sed f or plastering or p ointing, as m ay b e
required. S and shall be fine or c oarse, as u sed in t he original w ork. The s urface s hall b e finished w ith
two or more coats of white wash, colour wash, distemper or painting as required but where the surface is
not to be white w ashed, col our w ashed, distempered o r p ainted; i t s hall be f inished smooth with a
floating coat of neat cement or as required to match with the surrounding surfaces.

18.20.3 Measurements
The holes shall be enumerated.

18.20.4 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude the c ost of l abour and materials required f or all t he op erations described


18.21.0 Square holes of size as specified shall be cut in R.C.C. floor and r oofs for passing drain pipe
etc. A ny d amage to the adjoining portion o r t o any ot her item s hall b e m ade good a s directed b y t he
Engineer-in-Charge. All the dismantled material shall be removed from the site.

18.21.1 Cement Concrete

After insertion o f drai n pi pe et c. t he hol e s hall be repaired with c ement concrete 1: 2:4 (1 c ement: 2
coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and the surface finished to match with the
existing surface. The t op and bot tom shall be f inished properly to make the joint leak proof. The
specifications f or c ement concrete work and f inishing et c. s hall be t he s ame as det ailed under rel evant

18.21.2 Measurements
Holes shall be enumerated.

18.21.3 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of labour and material required for all the operations described above
except the pipe which shall be paid for separately.


18.22.1 Making Chases

Chases are made in the walls for housing G.I. Pipes etc.

I. Cutting of chases in one brick thick and above load bearing walls :

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(i) As far as possible services should be planned with the help of vertical chases. Horizontal
chases should be avoided.

(ii) The depths of vertical chases and horizontal chases shall not exceed one third and one
sixth of the thickness of the masonry respectively.

(iii) W hen narrow stretches of m asonry (or short lengths of walls) such as between doors an d
windows, cannot be avoided, they should not be pierced with openings for soil pipes orwaste
pipes o r t imber j oints, e tc. Where t here i s a possibility of l oad c oncentration, s uch narrow
lengths of walls shall be checked for stresses and high strength bricks mortar or concrete walls
provided, if required.

(iv) H orizontal c hases w hen unav oidable s hould be l ocated i n t he upper o r l ower one t hird of
height of storey and not more t han three chases should be permitted i n any stretch of a wall.
No continuous horizontal chase shall exceed one metre in length. Where unavoidable,
stresses in the affected area should be checked and kept within the permissible limits.

(v) Vertical chases should not be closer than 2 m in any stretch of a wall. These shall be kept
away f rom bea rings of beam s and l intels. I f u navoidable, s tresses in the affected area
should be checked and kept within permissible limits.

(vi) Masonry directly above a recess, if under than 30 cm (Horizontal dimension) should be
supported on l intel. H oles i n m asonry m ay be pr ovided up t o 30 c m w idth x 30 c m hei ght
without any lintel. In the case of circular holes in masonry, no lintel should be provided up to
40 cm in diameter.

II. Cutting of chases in half brick load bearing walls

No chase shall be permitted in a half brick load bearing wall and as such no recessed conduits
and concealed pipes shall be provided in half brick thick load bearing walls.

III. Cutting of chases in half brick non-loading bearing walls

In c ase of non load be aring h alf br ick w alls services should be pl anned w ith the help of v ertical
chases. Horizontal chases should be provided only when unavoidable.

IV. Cutting of chases in stone masonry walls

The provision (i) to (vi) under Sl. No. I are equally applicable to stone masonry walls also.

1. No inclined chase shall be permitted in brick masonry or stone masonry walls. In case inclined
chases are unavoidable these shall be cut with written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, and
shall be repaired properly to his satisfaction. However, in half brick masonry wall, no inclined
chase will be permitted.

2. Chases shall be made by chiseling out the masonry to proper line & depth. Any damage to the
adjoining portion or to any other item shall be made good, as decided by the Engineer-in-Charge,
for which no extra payment shall be made. All dismantled material shall be removed from site.

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(Clause 18.3.10)

Dimensions Nominal diameter (DN) Tolerances in mm

(a) External diameter of barrel (DE) All diameters. ± 1/2f = ± (4.5 + 0.0015 DN)
(b) Internal diameter of socket (DI) All diameters. ± 1/3f = ± (3 ± 0.001 DN)
(c) Depth of socket (P) (1) Up to and including 600 mm ±5
(2) Over 600 mm and up to and
including 1000 mm ± 10

Note : (1) f is the caulking space of the joint in millimeters and is equal to 9 + 0.003 DN.
(2) T he j ointing t olerances a pplicable t o r ubber j oints (m echanical o r p ush i n j oints) s hall be as
specified by their manufacturer and shall be within the tolerances specified above.

Tolerance on Thickness

Dimensions Tolerance in mm
(a) Wall thickness - (1 + 0.05 e)
(b) Flange thickness ± (2 + 0.05 b)

Where e = is the thickness of the wall in millimeters and

b = is the thickness of the flange in millimeters.

Tolerance on Length

Type of Casting Tolerance in mm

(a) Socket and spigot, and plain ended pipes ± 25
(b) Flanged pipes ± 10

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Tolerances in Diameter

Dimension Nature of joint Nominal diameter (DN) Tolerance in mm

External diameter of spigot (DE) Lead joints All diameters ±1/2
f or ± (4.5 + 0.0015 DN)

Internal diameter of socket (DI) Lead joints All diameters ±1/3

f or ± (3 + 0.001 DN)

Depth of socket (P) Lead joints Up to and including 600 mm ±5

Over 600 mm up to and
including 1000 mm. ± 10
Over 1000 mm up to and
including 1500 mm. ± 15

Tolerances on Thickness

Dimension Tolerance in mm
Wall thickness - (2 + 0.05 e)
Flange thickness ± (3 + 0.05 b)

Where e = the standard thickness of the wall in millimeters, and

b = the standard thickness of the flange in millimeters.

Tolerance on Lengths

Type of fitting Nominal diameter Tolerance in mm

Socket fittings and flange spigot pieces Up to and including 450 mm ± 20
Over 450 mm ± 20 - 30

Flanged fittings All diameters ± 10

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Nominal Dimension of pipes Weight of pipe

Outside diameter Thickness Plain end Screwed end socket
Max. Min.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Kg/m Kg/m
6 10.6 9.8 2.0 0.404 0.407
8 14.0 13.2 2.3 0.641 0.645
10 17.5 16.7 2.3 0.839 0.845
15 21.8 21.0 2.6 1.21 1.22
20 27.3 26.5 2.6 1.56 1.57
25 34.2 33.3 3.2 2.41 2.43
32 42.9 42.0 3.2 3.10 3.13
40 48.8 47.9 3.2 3.56 3.60
50 60.8 59.7 3.6 5.03 5.10
65 76.6 75.3 3.6 6.42 6.54
80 89.5 88.0 4.0 8.36 8.53
100 115.0 113.1 4.5 12.2 12.50
125 140.8 138.5 4.8 15.90 16.40
150 166.5 163.9 4.8 18.90 19.50

Tolerance in Thickness and Weight

A) Thickness

1. Butt welded medium tubes + not limited

- 10 per cent

2. Seamless tubes + not limited

- 12.5 percent
B) Weight

1. Single tube (light series) + 10 percent

- 8 percent

2. Single tube (medium and heavy series) ± 10 percent

3. For quantities per load of 10 tonnes, min (light series) ± 5 percent

- 8 percent

4. For quantities per load of 10 tonnes, min (medium and heavy series) ± 7.5 percent

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(Clause 18.5.6)

1. Each valved section of the pipe shall be slowly filled with water and all air shall be expelled from the
pipe through hydrants and blow-offs. If these are not available at high places, necessary tapping may
be m ade at points of highest elevation before the test is m ade and pl ugs inserted after the tests have
been completed.

2. If t he t rench has b een pa rtially back-filled the s pecified pr essure ba sed on the el evation of the
lowest point of the line or section under test and c orrected to the elevation of the test gauge, shall be
applied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer-in-Charge.
The duration of the test shall not be less than 5 minutes.

3. Examination under Pressure: All ex posed pipes, f ittings, valves, h ydrants and j oints s hould b e
carefully e xamined d uring th e op en-trench t est. When t he j oints a re made w ith le ad, all such jo ints
showing visible l eaks s hall be recaulked u ntil t ight. W hen t he j oints a re made w ith cement a nd show
seepage o r s light l eakage, s uch j oints s hall be c ut out and r eplaced as di rected by t he aut hority. A ny
cracked or defective pi pes, fittings, v alves or hy drants di scovered i n c onsequence of t his pres sure t est
shall be removed and replaced by sound m aterial and t he test shall be repeated until s atisfactory to t he

4. If the trench has been back-filled to the top, the section shall be first subjected to water pressure
normal t o t he a rea an d t he e xposed pa rts s hall be c arefully e xamined. I f any d efects a re f ound, t hey
shall be repaired a nd t he pr essure t est r epeated until no defects are f ound. T he du ration of t he f inal
pressure tests shall be at least one hour.

Procedure for Leakage Test

5. Leakage is defined as the quantity of water to be supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any valved
section thereof, nec essary t o maintain t he s pecified leakage t est pressure after t he pipe has b een f illed
with water and the air expelled.

No pipe installation shall be accepted until the leakage is less than the number of cm3/h determined by
the formula:
ql =
Where ql = the allowable leakage in cm3/h.
N = number of joints in the length of the pipe line.
D = diameter in mm, and
P = the average test pressure during the leakage testing kg/cm 2.

6. Variation from Permissible Leakage: Should any test of pipe laid in position discloses leakage
greater than that specified in Para 5 the defective joints shall be repaired until the leakage is within the
specified allowance.

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CPVC pi pes of all sizes are pac ked in pol yethylene packing rolls and both the ends of the packed roll
are sealed w ith ai r bubbl e film cap i n or der to pr ovide pr otection dur ing handl ing and transportation. A fter
packing, the w hole bunch of pi pes is tightened w ith polypropylene/ H DPE s trapping. E ach role i s t hen
marked w ith size/type o f t he p ipe, lot number and quantity. The p acked p ipe r olls are s tored in their
respective ra cks in properly c overed storage area. A part f rom providing protection duri ng handling and
transportation, the packing rolls also protect the pipe from ultra violet rays.
E-2.1 Visually i nspect pipe ends before making t he j oint. U se of a c hamfering t ool w ill help i dentify and
crakes, as it will catch on to any crack.
E-2.2 Pipe m ay be c ut qui ckly and ef ficiently by s everal m ethods. W heel t ype pl astic t ubing c utters are
preferred. Ratchet t ype c utter o r f ine tooth s aw ar e a nother o ptions. However, when u sing t he r atchet
cutter be certain to score the exterior wall by rotating the cutter blade in circular motion around the pipe. Do
this be fore appl ying s ignificant dow nward pr essure t o finalize t he c ut. This step l eads to a s quare cut. In
addition, m ake s ure rat chet c utter bl ades are s harp. C utting t ubing as squarely as po ssible prov ides
optimal bonding area within a joint.
E-2.3 Burrs a nd f ilings can prevent proper contact be tween t he tube a nd f ittings during t he a ssembly,
and s hould be removed f rom t he out side and i nside of t he t ube. A c hamfering t ool i s preferred, but a
pocket knife or file is also suitable for this purpose.
E-2.4 Use only CPVC cement jointing. Use CPVC cement, which is fully recommended by the
E-2.5 When using adhesive solution/solvent cement be certain of proper ventilation.
E-2.6 When making a j oin, ap ply a he avy, e ven c oat of cement to t he pipe en d. Use the same
applicator w ithout ad ditional c ement t o ap ply a t hin coat i nside t he f itting s ocket. T oo m uch c ement c an
cause c logged w aterways. D o not al low ex cess c ement t o puddl e i n t he f itting and pi pe as sembly. T his
could result in a weakening of the pipe wall and possible pipe failure when the system is pressurized.
E-2.7 Rotate pipe one -quarter to one -half turn while inserting it into the fitting socket and remove the
excess adhesive solution/solvent cement from the joint with clean rag.
E-2.8 When m aking a t ransition c onnection t o m etal t hreads, us e a s pecial t ransition f itting or C PVC
male threaded adapter whenever possible. Do not over-torque plastic threaded connections. Hand tight
plus one-half turn should be adequate.
E-2.9 Hang o r strap C PVC s ystems l oosely t o al low f or t hermal e xpansion. D o not use m etal s traps
with sharp edges that might damage the tubing.
E-2.10 CPVC stub outs for lavatories, closets and sinks are appropriate. However, on areas where there is
a likelihood that movement or impact abuse will occur, metal pipe nipples may be amore appropriate stub-
out material. Showerheads, tub spouts and outside still cocks are examples.
E-2.11 When connected to a gas water heater, CPVC tubing should not be located within 50 cm of the
flue. F or w ater heaters l acking rel iable t emperature c ontrol, t his di stance may be i ncreased up t o 1 m a
metal ni pple or f lexible appliance c onnector s hould be ut ilized. T his measure eliminates t he pot ential f or
damage to plastic piping that might result from excessive radiant heat from the flue.

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(Clause 18.9.6)


F-1.1 Acceptance t est c arried out on s amples s elected f rom a l ot at t he m anufacturer pl ace s hall be
submitted for aceptance at site..

F-1.2 Lot
All CPVC pipes in a single consignment of the same class, same size and manufactured under
essentially similar conditions shall constitute a lot.

F-1.3 For ascertaining conformity to the requirements of the specification, samples shall be tested for
following requirement at manufacturer place.

F-1.4 Visual and Dimensional Requirements

F-1.4.1 The number of test samples to be taken from a lot shall depend on the size of the lot and the
outside diameter of the pipe, and shall be in accordance with Table F-1.

Scale of Sampling of Visual Appearance and Dimensional Requirements
(Clause F-1.4.1 and F-1.4.3)

Sl. Number of pipes Sample Sample Cumulative Acceptance Rejection

No. in the lot number size sample size number number
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(i) Up to 1000 First 13 13 0 2
Second 13 26 1 2
(ii) 1001 to 3000 First 20 20 0 2
Second 20 40 1 2
(iii) 3001 to 10000 First 32 32 0 3
Second 32 64 3 4
(iv) 10001 & above First 50 50 1 4
Second 50 100 4 5

F-1.4.2 These pipes shall be s elected at random from the lot a nd in order to ensure the ra ndomness of
selection, a r andom num ber t able s hall be us ed. F or gui dance and us e of random num ber t ables, IS-
4905 may b e referred t o. I n t he a bsence of a r andom n umber t able, t he f ollowing procedure m ay be
Starting from any pipe in the lot, count them as 1, 2, 3, etc, up to r and so on, where r is the integral
part of N/n, N being the number of pipes in the lot, and n t he n umber of p ipes in the sample. Every r th
pipe so counted shall be withdrawn so as to constitute the requires sample size.

F-1.4.3 The number of pipes given for the first sample in col. 4 of Table F-1, shall be t aken from the lot
and examined f or v isual and di mensional requirements gi ven i n T able 18.16 and 18. 9.4.1. A pi pe f ailing
to s atisfy any o f t hese re quirements s hall b e c onsidered as def ective. T he l ot s hall be deemed t o h ave
satisfied these requirements, if t he nu mber o f de fectives found i n the firm sample is l ess than or equal to
the corresponding acceptance number given in col. 6 of Table F-1. The lot shall be deemed not to have
met these req uirements, if the n umber of de fectives found in the first sample is greater than or equ al to
the corresponding r ejection n umber given i n col. 7 of T able F-1. I f, how ever, t he num ber of defectives
found in the first sample lies between the corresponding acceptance and rejection numbers given in

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cols. 6 and 7, a s econd sample of the size given in col. 4 shall be taken and examined for the
requirements. The lot shall be considered to have satisfied these requirements. The lot shall be
considered t o hav e s atisfied t hese r equirements i f t he c umulative s ample i s l ess t han or e qual t o t he
corresponding acceptance number given in col. 6, otherwise not.

F-1.5 Reversion Test

F-1.5.1 The l ot, h aving satisfied visual and dimensional re quirements, s hall be tested f or re version at
manufacturer place as given in

F-1.5.2 For this purpose, the number of pipes given for the first sample in col. 4 of Table F-2 shall be
taken from t he l ot. The sample pi pe f ailing t he reversion t est shall be considered as defective. The lot
shall be d eemed t o ha ve m et t he requirements gi ven i n this s pecification f or t he r eversion t est, i f t he
number of defectives f ound i n t he f irst s ample i s l ess t han o r e qual t o t he corresponding a cceptance
number given in col. 6. T his lot shall be deemed not to have m et these requirements, if the number of
defectives found in the first sample is greater than or equal to the corresponding rejection number given in
col. 7 i f, h owever, t he number of d efectives i n t he f irst s ample l ies b etween t he c orresponding
acceptance an d rejection numbers gi ven in c ol. 6 an d col. 7, a second s ample of size gi ven in c ol. 4
shall be taken and ex amined for the r equirements. T he lot s hall be c onsidered to hav e s atisfied the
requirements, if the number of d efectives f ound i n the cumulative sample is less t han or e qual to t he
corresponding acceptance number given in col. 6, otherwise not.

Scale of Sampling for Reversion, Vicat Softening Temperature and Density Test
(Clause F-1.5.2, F-1.6.2 and F-1.7.2)

Sl. Number of pipes Sample Sample Cumulative Acceptance Rejection

No. in the lot number size sample size number number
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(i) Up to 1000 First 5 5 0 2
Second 5 10 1 2
(ii) 1001 to 3000 First 8 8 0 2
Second 8 16 1 2
(iii) 3001 to 10000 First 13 13 0 2
Second 13 26 1 2
(iv) 10001 & above First 20 20 0 3
Second 20 40 3 4

F-1.6 Vicat Softening Test

F-1.6.1 The l ot, h aving s atisfied v isual an d di mensional r equirements shall b e t ested for V icat softening
temperature as given in at manufacturer place .

F-1.6.2 For t his p urpose, t he p rocedure a dopted f or sampling a nd criteria f or conformity shall be t he
same as that for reversion under F-1.5.2 using Table F-2 at manufacturer place .

F-1.7 Density
F-1.7.1 The lot, having satisfied the visual and dimensional requirements, shall be tested for density as
given in at manufacturer place .

F-1.7.2 For t his p urpose, t he p rocedure a dopted f or sampling a nd criteria f or conformity shall be t he
same as that for reversion under F-1.5.2 using Table F-2 at manufacturer place.

F-1.8 Resistance to External Blow at 0°C

F-1.8.1 The lot, having been found satisfactory according to F-1.4, F-1.5, F-1.6 and F-1.7 shall be tested for
resistance to external blow at 0°C as given in at manufacturer place.
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F-1.8.2 For t his purpose, t he pr ocedure adopted f or sampling and criteria f or conformity s hall be as
specified in Table 18.18 and Table F-3.
Scale of Sampling for Resistance to External Blow at 0°C

Sl. Number of pipes Sample Sample Cumulative Acceptance Rejection

No. in the lot number size sample size number number
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
(i) Up to 3000 First 3 3 0 2
Second 3 6 1 2
(ii) 3001 to 10000 First 3 5 0 2
Second 5 10 1 2
(iii) 10000 & above First 8 8 0 2
Second 8 10 1 2

F-1.9 Internal Hydrostatic Pressure Test (Acceptance Test) at manufacturer place.

F-1.9.1 The l ot hav ing been f ound s atisfactory ac cording t o F-1.4, F -1.5, F-1.6, F -1.7 and F-1.8 shall be
subjected to the requirements of the acceptance test for internal hydrostatic pressure as given in
and Table 18.17 Sl. No. (i). The number of pipes to be taken from the lot shall depend on the size of the
lot and shall be according to Table F-4.

Scale of Sampling for Internal Hydrostatic Test
(Clause F-1.9.1 and F-1.9.3)

Sl. No. Number of pipes in the lot Sample size Acceptance number
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(i) Up to 3000 2 0
(ii) 3001 to 10000 3 0
(iii) 10000 & above 5 0

F-1.9.2 The pipes shall be taken at random from the lot. In order to ensure the randomness of
selection, procedures given in IS 4905 may be followed.

F-1.9.3 Number of Tests and Criteria for Conformity

The number of test samples shall be as given in Table F-4. The lot shall be co nsidered to ha ve
satisfied the requirements for this test, if the number of test samples failing in this requirement is equal to
the corresponding acceptance number given in column 4 of Table F-4.


F-2.1 Type tests are intended to pr ove t he s uitability and pe rformance of a ne w c omposition or a ne w
size of pi pe. Such tests, therefore, n eed t o be applied only when a change is made in pol ymer
composition or w hen a new s ize o f p ipe is to be introduced. T ype test for c ompliance w ith,, (Type test only) and shall be carried out at manufacturer place .

F-2.1.1 Verification of Malfunction Temperature Tmal

For t his t est, t he manufacturer t o t he t esting authority one assembly, selected preferably f rom a
regular production lot.

F-2.1.2 Opacity
For t his test, the manufacturer or t he s upplier s hall furnish t o the testing authority one sample of t he
pipe of the thinnest wall section, selected preferably from a regular production lot.

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F- The sample so selected shall be tested for compliance with requirements for opacity as given in

F- If the sample passes the requirements of the opacity test, the type of the pipe under
consideration s hall be c onsidered t o b e el igible f or ap proval, w hich s hall b e v alid f or a period of o ne

F- In case the sample fails in the test, the testing authority, at its d iscretion, may call for a fresh
sample and subject the same to the opacity test. If the sample passes the r epeat test, the type of pipe
under c onsideration s hall be c onsidered e ligible for ap proval. I f t he sample fails i n t he repeat t est, t he
type of pipe shall not be ap proved. T he m anufacturer or t he s upplier may be a sked to i mprove t he
design and re-submit the product for type approval.

F- At the end of the validity period (normally one y ear) or earlier, if necessary, the testing
authority may call for a fresh sample for opacity test for the purpose of type approval.

F-2.1.3 Test for Effect on Water

For t his type test, t he m anufacturer or t he supplier shall f urnish to t he t esting aut hority three s amples
of the smallest size of pipe taken from each machine (selected preferably from a regular production lot).

F- Three s amples s o s elected s hall be t ested f or c ompliance w ith t he requi rements f or ef fect o n
water as given in

F- If all three samples pass the requirements for effect on water, the type test of the pipe under
consideration shall be c onsidered to be el igible f or approval, w hich hall be n ormally valid f or a period of
one year.

F- In case an y of the samples fails in this test, the testing a uthority, at its d iscretion, may call for
fresh samples not exceeding the original number, and subject them to the test for effect on water. If, in
the repeat t est, no s ingle f ailure oc curs, t he t ype o f pi pe under c onsideration s hall be c onsidered el igible
for type approval. If any of the samples fails in the repeat test, the type of pipe shall not be approved.
The manufacturer or t he supplier may be as ked to improve the design and re submit the product for type

F- At the end of the validity period (normally one y ear) or earlier, if necessary, the testing
authority may call for fresh samples for effect on water test for the purpose of type approval.

F-2.1.4 Internal Hydrostatic Pressure Test (Type Test) and thermal Stability
For this type test, the manufacturer or t he supplier shall furnish to the testing authority, three samples of
pipes of different diameters and different classes (selected preferably from a regular production lot).

F- Three s amples so selected s hall be t ested f or compliance with t he r equirements of t ype t est
given in Table

F- If a ll the th ree samples pas s the requirements of the qua lity tes t, the type of p ipe under
consideration s hall be c onsidered to be e ligible for type a pproval w hich s hall be nor mally v alid for a
period of one year.

F- In case any of the samples fail in this test, the testing authority, at its discretion, may call for
fresh samples not exceeding the original number and subject them to the type test. If, in the repeat test, no
single failure occurs, the type of pipe shall be considered for type approval. If any of the samples fails in the
repeat tests, the type of pipe shall not be approved. The manufacturer or the supplier may be asked to
improve the design and resubmit the product for type approval.
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F- At the end of the validity period (normally one y ear) or earlier, if necessary, the testing
authority may call for fresh samples for type test for the purpose of type approval.

F-2.1.5 Tensile Strength Test (Type Test)

For this type test, the manufacturer or the supplier shall furnish to the testing authority, five samples of
pipe of different diameters and different class (selected preferably from a regular production lot).

F- Five s amples so s elected shall b e t ested f or compliance w ith t he r equirements of t ype t est
given in

F- If all the five samples pass the requirement of the quality test, the type test of pipe under
consideration s hall be c onsidered to be e ligible for type a pproval w hich s hall be nor mally v alid for a
period of one year.

F- In case an y of the samples fails in this test, the testing a uthority, at its discretion, may call for
fresh samples not exceeding the original numbers and subject them to the type test. If, in the repeat test no
single failure occurs, the type of pipe shall be considered for type approval. If any of the samples fail in the
repeat tests, the type of pipe shall not be approved. The manufacturer or the supplier may be asked to
improve the design and resubmit the product for type approval.

F- At the end of the validity period (normally one y ear) or earlier, if necessary, the testing
authority may call for fresh samples for type test for the purpose of type approval.

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Sub Head : Water Supply
Clause : 18.3.1

Cap Body
Washer X

Air Hole


Back Nut 30°

Outlet Hole for Split
Cotter Pin

Note : The shapes of the component parts are only illustrative but the dimensions and minimum requirements, where
specified, are binding.

Fig. 18.1 : Ball Valve (Assembly)

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Clause : 18.3.9






Body Cap


Washer Washer Plug


(Clause 18.3.3)

Drawing not to Scale

Fig. 18.2 : Fittings & Specials
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Sub Head : Water Supply
Clause : 18.3.2

B Spindle B B
C Gland C
Gland Packing D D
E Bonnet E F
G Bonnet Joint G E
Washer F
J Washer Plate J
P S R Body R S P S R S P S
Overall Length Washer Plate Nut Overall Length Overall Length
All dimensions in millimetres

Dimensions Lift of
A B C D E F G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W Washer
Nominal + 0.0 Plate
Sizes –0.5 (with
Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min. Min.)

8 47.8 13.3 7.8 16.5 6.3 2.0 7.9 7.0 3.8 10.0 M 20x 1.5 14.3 2.8 6.5 2.4 11.0 4.7 1.6 15.2 19.5 7 3.5
10 54.0 14.0 9.4 18.7 7.5 2.0 9.5 9.5 4.7 11.5 M 20 x 1.5 15.9 3.2 9.0 3.2 11.4 7.9 2.0 20.8 23.3 7 4
15 54.0 14.0 9.4 19.0 7.5 2.0 9.5 11.0 5.6 11.5 M 24 x 1.5 19.0 3.2 13.0 4.1 15.0 9.5 2.0 25.6 28.3 9 4.5
20 60.4 15.7 10.9 20.1 8.9 2.5 11.1 12.5 6.4 13.5 M 30 x 1.5 25.4 4.0 18.0 4.9 16.3 10.3 2.0 30.5 33.0 10.5 6
25 66.8 18.0 12.5 23.0 10.1 2.5 12.7 13.0 7.1 17.0 M 39 x 1.5 33.3 4.0 23.0 4.9 19.1 11.0 2.8 37.6 42.4 11.5 7
32 74.6 20.5 14.1 30.9 11.4 2.5 14.3 16.0 7.8 19.0 M 48 x 1.5 40.1 4.3 30 5.9 21.4 12.7 3.2 47.2 52.1 13.5 9.5
40 82.5 22.0 15.7 33.3 12.7 2.5 15.9 17.5 8.6 20.5 M 56 x 1.5 47.7 5.5 36 6.6 21.4 14.3 3.2 56.4 58.5 13.5 11
50 95.0 25.3 17.3 35.9 14.0 2.5 17.4 17.5 12.5 26.0 M 72 x 1.5 63.5 6.3 46 8.3 25.1 15.9 4.0 70.1 71.5 16.5 14.5

Note 1 : Length of thread R includes cut back under hexagon, if any.

Note 2 : The values of K are for core diameter.
Note 3 : The diameter of U and V are for face to face.
Note 4 : The dimension F is packing space.

Fig. 18.3 : Bib Tap & Stop Valve

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Sub Head : Water Supply
Clause : 18.3.15

Water Meter

Stop Valve Non Return

Valve (Optional)

10 d Min Filter
10 d Min
Dirt Box


Washer Set Screw

Hand Wheel Cover
Packing Gland
Collar Stuffing Box 1
Spindle Dome or 2
Bonnet 4 3
Spindle Nut

By Pass
Valve L

Wedge and Wedge 1 Hinge Pin

2 Hinge
(Clause 18.3.8)
3 Door
4 Body Ring
(Clause 18.3.13)

Drawing not to Scale

All Dimensions are in MM
Fig. 18.4 : Cocks Valves & Meter

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Sub Head : Water Supply
Clause : 18.3.14


600 Surface Box

150 R.C.C. 1:2:4 250 R.C.C. 1:2:4

Masonry Chamber
750 One Brick Thick One Brick Thick
100 C.C. 1:5:10
100 C.C. 1:5 :10 75 75

75 75
1 Bk 600 1 Bk
75 600 75
1 Bk 75
1 Bk
X Y 450

1 Bk One Brick
75 75



30 440
45 30 10
155 165 10
10 200


Drawing not to Scale

All Dimensions are in MM
Fig. 18.6 : Masonry Chambers & Surface Boxes

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Clause : 18.3.14


Surface Box

Surface Box Avg. 150

Avg. 75 R.C.C. 1:2:4

750 Chamber

75 C.C. 1:5:10 100 C.C. 1:5:10

75 300 75

75 600 75
300 75


A B 600

360 Pin 10 dia
30 45
160 x 160
112 x 112
75 6
100 x 100 160


Drawing not to Scale

All Dimensions are in MM
Fig. 18.7 : Masonry Chambers & Surface Boxes (Contd.)

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Sub Head : Water Supply
Clause : 18.4.6




Drawing Not to Scale

Fig. 18.8 : Thrust Blocks

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Sub Head : Water Supply

Clause : 18.4.8



Screw Jack
One or Two Wooded Sleeper
Depending Upon dia of Pipe

Blank End Cap 35 Thick Timber Plank

Trench and Pipe Laying

to be Continued

Wooden Packing


Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 18.9 : Hydrostatic Test (End Closure for Pipes)

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Clause No. Brief Description Page No.
List of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Codes 252

19.0 Terminology 253

19.1 General Requirements 254

19.2 Pipes and Specials 255

19.2.1 Glazed Stone Ware Pipes & Fittings 255
19.2.2 Cement Concrete Pipes 258
19.2.3 Cast Iron (Centrifugally Cast) Pipes & Specials 262
19.2.4 Road Gully Grating 262

19.3 Manhole Covers & Frames 263

19.4 Manholes 265

19.5 Drop Connection 267

19.6 Open Surface Drain 268

19.7 Road Gully Chamber with Grating 268

19.8 Brick Masonry Gully Trap 269

19.9 Septic Tank 269

19.10 Soak Pits 2.5 m dia x 3 m deep 270

19.11 Soak Pit 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2 m 271

19.12 Dispersion Trench 271

19.13 Desludging of Septic Tanks 271

Appendix -I Dimensional Requirements of Concrete Pipes 272

Appendix -II Recommended Sizes of Septic Tanks 273

Fig. 19.1 Flushing Tank 274

Fig. 19.2 Gully Trap 275

Fig. 19.3 Manhole 276

Fig. 19.4 Manhole (Contd.) 277

Fig. 19.5 Manhole (Contd.) 278

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Fig. 19.6 Manhole (Contd.) 279

Fig. 19.7 Manhole (Contd.) 280

Fig. 19.8 Manhole with Drop Connections 281

Fig. 19.9 Bedding of Pipes 282

Fig. 19.10 Joints of Concrete Pipes 283

Fig. 19.11 Bedding/Encasing Stone Ware Pipes 284

Fig. 19.12 Brick Masonry Open Surface Drains 285

Fig. 19.13 R.C.C. Road Gully Grating - DELETED -

Fig. 19.14 Road Gully Chamber 286

Fig. 19.15 Septic Tank 287

Fig. 19.16 Septic Tank (Contd.) 288

Fig. 19.17 Soak Pit 289

Fig. 19.18 Dispersion Trench 290

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S. No. IS No. Subject

1. IS 458 Pre-cast Concrete Pipes (with and without reinforcement).

2. IS 651 Specification for Salt Glazed Stoneware Pipes and Fittings.

3. IS 783 Code of Practice for Laying Concrete Pipes

4. IS 1726 Specification for Cast Iron Manhole Covers and Frames

5. IS 1729 Cast Iron /Ductile Iron Drainage Pipes and Pipe Fittings Socket and Spigot
Series for Over-ground Non-pressure Pipe Line.

6. IS 4127 Code of Practice for Laying of Glazed Stone Ware Pipes

7. IS 4885 Specifications for Sewer Bricks

8. IS 12592 Pre-cast Concrete Manhole Covers and Frames - Specifications

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Benching (Fig. 19.8): The sloped floor of a manhole or an inspection chamber on both sides and above the
top of the channel.

Channel: The open waterway through which sewage, storm water or other liquid waste flow at the invert of
a manhole or an inspection chamber.

Cleaning Eye (Fig. 19.8): An access ope ning having a rem ovable cover t o e nable obstructions t o be
cleared by means of a drain rod.

Connections: The junction of a foul water drain, surface water drains with public sewer, cesspool soakway
or other water courses.

Flushing Tank (Fig. 19.1) : Tank us ed t o f lush t he s ewer l ime/manholes.

Curb, Kerb: The stone margin of a side walk.

Dispersion Trench: A t rench i n w hich open j ointed pi pes s urrounded by coarse ag gregate m edia a nd
overlaid by fine aggregate, are laid. The effluent from septic tank gets dispersed through the open joints
and is absorbed in the surrounding soil.

Depth of Manhole: The v ertical di stance f rom t he top of t he m anhole t o t he outgoing i nvert of t he m ain
drain channel.

Drain: A l ine o f pi pes including al l fittings and equi pment, such as manholes traps, gul lies and floor traps
used for the drainage of a building, or a number of buildings or yards appurtenant to the buildings, within the
same cartilage. Drain shall also include open channels used for conveying surface water.

Drainage: The removal of any liquid by a system constructed for the purpose.

Drop Connection (Fig. 19.8): A br anch dr ain of w hich t he l ast l ength o f pi ping of t he i ncoming dr ain,
before connection to the sewer, is vertical.

Drop Manhole (Fig. 19.8): A manhole incorporating a vertical drop for the purpose of connecting a
sewer or drain at high level to one at lowers level.

(a) Tank Effluent: The supernatant liquid discharge from a septic tank.

(b) Filter Effluent: The liquid discharged from a biological filter.

Gully Chamber (Fig. 19.2): The chamber built of masonry around a gully trap, for housing the same.

Gully Trap (Fig. 19.2): A t rap w ater s eal prov ided i n a drai nage system i n a suitable pos ition t o collect
waste water from the scullery, kitchen sink, wash basins, baths and rain water pipes.

Haunching (Fig. 19.11): Concrete bedding with ad ditional c oncrete at t he s ides of t he pipe.

Junction Pipe: A pipe incorporating one or more branches.

Invert: The lowest point of the interior or a sewer or drain at any cross action.

Inspection Chamber: A water t ight c hamber c onstructed i n any hous e d rainage s ystem w hich t akes
wastes from gully traps and disposes off to manhole with access for inspection and maintenance.
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Interceptor Manhole (Interceptor Chamber): A m anhole incorporating a n i ntercepting t rap, an d pr oviding
means of access thereto and equipped with a fresh air inlet on the upstream side of the trap.

Manhole (Manhole Chamber): Any c hamber constructed on a dra in or s ewer s o as t o pro vide a ccess
thereto for inspection testing or the clearance of obstruction.

Rest Bend (Duck Foot Bend): A bend supported in a vertical position by a foot formed at its base.

Saddle: A purpose m ade fitting, s o shaped as t o f it over a hole cut i n a s ewer or drain, and us ed to form

Soffit: The highest portion of the interior of a sewer or drain at any cross-section.

Soil Waste: The di scharge from water c losets, ur inals, s lope sinks, stable o r cowshed gul lies and similar

Soil Pipe: Which receives the discharges from soil fitments, such as water closets urinals, and slope sinks.

Sullage Waste Water: Spent w ater from bat hs, w ash bas ins kitchen sinks, a nd similar appl iances w hich
does not contain human or animal excreta.

Sewer: A closed drain carrying night soil and other water borne waste.

Surface Water Drain: A drain conveying surface water including storm water.

Surface Water: The run off from precipitation, other water that flows over surface of the ground.

Sub Soil Water: Water occurring naturally below the surface of the ground.

Sludge: The settled solid matter in semi solid condition.

Soak Pit (Seepage Pit Soak Way) (Fig. 19.17) : A pit through which effluent is allowed to seep or leach into the
surrounding soil.

Septic Tank (Fig. 19.15 & 19.16) : A water tight single storied tank in which sewage is retained sufficiently
long t o per mit s edimentation of s uspended s olids and par tial di gestion of s ettled s ludge by anaer obic

Scum: The greasy and other substances floating on the surface of sewage.

Vent Pipe: A pipe line installed to provide flow of air to or from a drainage system or to provide circulation of air
within such system to protect trap seals from siphonage and back flow.

Waste Water: The di scharge from w ash basins, sinks and similar a ppliance, w hich doe s not contain hu man


19.1.1 In designing a drainage system for building(s), the aim shall be to provide a self cleansing conduit for the
conveyance of s oil, waste, s urface or s ub-surface w aters and f or t he r emoval of s uch w astes s peedily and
efficiently to a sewer or other outlet, without risk of nuisance and hazard to health.

19.1.2 The d ischarge o f water th rough a dom estic d rain is intermittent and limited in quan tity and
therefore, small ac cumulations of s olid m atter are l iable t o f orm in t he dra ins bet ween t he b uilding a nd
the publ ic s ewer. Ther e is us ually a gradual s hifting of these depos its as discharges take pl ace.
Gradients shall be sufficient to prevent these temporary ac cumulations bui lding up an d bl ocking the
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19.1.3 Normally, t he sewer shall b e designed for discharging t hree t imes t he dry weather f low f lowing
half-full w ith a m inimum self c leansing v elocity of 0.75 m etre per s econd. The appr oximate gr adients
which gi ve this velocity for the s izes of pi pes l ikely to be used i n building drainage and the corresponding
discharges w hen flowing h alf-full are gi ven in T able 19.1. T he s izes and s lopes s hall c onform t o L ocal
Municipal Bye-laws.

19.1.4 In c ases, where it i s practically not pos sible to conform to the minimum gradients, a f latter
gradient m ay be used bu t the m inimum v elocity in such cases s hall on no a ccount be less than 0. 61
metres per second.

19.1.5 On t he other h and, i t i s u ndesirable t o employ gradients giving v elocity of f low greater than 2. 4
metres per second. W here it i s unavoidable, c ast i ron p ipes s hall be used. T he a pproximate g radients
which g ive a v elocity o f 2 .4 m etres per s econd for the v arious s izes o f p ipes and the c orresponding
discharge when flowing half-full are given in Table 19.1.

TABLE 19.1
Gradients for Sewers
Minimum Gradient Maximum Gradient
Diameter Gradients Discharge Gradients Discharge
mm cum/Min. cum/Min.
100 1 in 57 0.18 1 in 5.6 0.59
150 1 in 100 0.42 1 in 9.7 1.32
200 1 in 145 0.73 1 in 14 2.4
230 1 in 175 0.93 1 in 17 2.98
250 1 in 195 1.10 1 in 19 3.60
300 1 in 250 1.70 1 in 24.5 5.30


19.2.1 Glazed Stone Ware Pipes and Fittings

All pi pes w ith spigot and s ocket ends and fittings shall conform to c lass S P1 of IS 651. These s hall be
sound, free from visible defects such as fire cracks or hair cracks. The glaze of the pipes shall be free
from crazing. The pi pes s hall gi ve a sharp c lear tone when struck with a light hammer. There shall be no
broken blisters. The thickness of pipes shall be as given in the Table 19.2.

TABLE 19.2
Stoneware Pipes
Internal Diameter (mm) Mean Thickness of the Barrel and Socket (mm)

100 12
150 15
200 16
230 19
250 20
300 25
350 30
400 35
450 37

The length of pipes shall be 60, 75, 90 cm exclusive of the internal depth of the socket. The pipes
shall be handled with sufficient care to avoid damage to them.

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Vol-2 , 2013 S.W. Gully Trap (Fig. 19.2): Gully traps shall conform to IS 651. T hese s hall be sound, free
from visible defects such as fire cracks, or h air cracks. The glaze of the traps shall be f ree form crazing.
They shall give a sharp clear tone when struck with light hammer. There shall be no broken blisters.

Each g ully t rap s hall hav e one C .I. grat ing of s quare s ize c orresponding t o t he di mensions of i nlet of
gully trap. It will also have a w ater tight C.I. cover with frame inside dimensions 300 x 300 m m the cover
weighing not less than 4.50 Kg and the frame not less than 2.70 Kg. The grating, cover and frame shall be
of sound and good casting and shall have truly square machined seating faces. Laying and Jointing Stone Ware Pipes : For al l s ewers and drains, gl azed s toneware pi pes
shall be us ed as f ar as p ossible i n preference t o o ther t ypes of pi pes. T hese are s uitable, particularly
where acid effluents or acid sub-soil conditions are likely to be encountered.

(i) Trenches: Specifications described in shall apply, as far as possible.

The trench shall be so dug that t he pipe can be l aid to the r equired al ignment and at t he required
depth. W hen the pi pe line is u nder a roadway, a m inimum c over of 9 0 c m i s recommended for
adoption, bu t it m ay be m odified to s uit l ocal c onditions. T he trench s hall be e xcavated o nly s o
far in ad vance o f p ipe laying a s s pecified by the E ngineer-in-Charge. T he trench s hall be s o
shored an d dr ained t hat the w orkmen m ay w ork therein s afely and efficiently. T he d ischarge of
the trench dewatering pumps shall be conveyed either to drainage channels or to natural drains.

The ex cavation shall be carried out with manual l abour o r with s uitable mechanical equi pment as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.

Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer-in-Charge, the width at bottom of trenches for
different diameters of pipes laid at different depths shall be as given below:—

(a) For all diameters, up to an average depth of 120 cm, width of trench in cm = diameter of
pipe + 30 cm.

(b) For all diameters for depths above 120 cm, width of trench in cm = diameter of pipe + 40 cm.

(c) N otwithstanding (a) and (b) t he total width of trench shall not be l ess than 75 c m for depths
exceeding 90 cm.

The width of trench in the upper reaches shall be increased as described in sub-head

(ii) Laying (Fig. 19.11) : Where the pipes are laid on soft soil with maximum water table lying at
invert level of the pipe, the pipes shall be bedded in cement concrete with thickness and mix as
specified, projecting on each side of the pipe to the specified width of the trench (Fig. 19.11(i)).
The pipes with their crown level at 1.20 m depth and less from ground shall be covered with 15 cm
thick. Concrete above the crown of the pipe and sloped off to meet the outer edges of the
concrete, to give a minimum thickness of 15 cm all-around the pipe (Fig. 19.11 (iii)). Pipes laid at a
depth greater than 1.20 m at crown and maximum water table level rising above the invert level of
pipe, shall be concreted at the sides up to the level of the centre of the pipe and sloped off from
the edges to meet the pipe tangentially (Fig. 19.11(ii)).

The p ipe s hall b e c arefully l aid t o the a lignments, l evels and g radients s hown o n t he plans and
sections. Great ca re s hall be ta ken to pr event s and et c. fro m e ntering th e pip es. T he p ipes
between two manholes shall be laid truly in a straight line without vertical or horizontal
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undulation. The pipes shall be laid with socket ends facing upstream. The body of the pipe shall for
its entire l ength rest on an even bed of concrete and pl aces shall be excavated in the
concrete to receive the socket of the pipe.

Where pipes are not bedded on concrete, the trench floor shall be left slightly high and carefully
bottomed up as pipe laying proceeds, s o tha t the pi pe ba rrels re st on f irm an d und isturbed
ground. I f t he excavation has been carried t oo l ow, t he desired l evels shall be made up with
concrete 1 :5:10 ( 1 c ement: 5 fine s and: 10 g raded s tone aggr egate 40 m m n ominal s ize) for
which no extra payment shall be made.

If t he f loor of t he t rench c onsists of r ock or v ery hard gr ound t hat c annot easily be ex cavated t o
smooth surface the pipe shall be laid on a levelling course of concrete as desired.

When S.W. pipes are used for storm water drainage, no concreting will normally be necessary. The
cement mortar for jointing will be 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand). Testing of joints will also not be done.

(iii) Jointing : T arred ga sket or he mp yarn soaked in thick c ement s lurry shall first be pl aced round
the spigot of each pipe and the spigot shall then be slipped home well into the socket of the pipe
previously laid. The pipe shall then be adjusted and fixed in the correct position and the gasket
caulked tightly home so as to fill not more than 1/4th of the total depth of the socket.

The remainder of the socket shall be filled with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of
1:1 (1 cement: 1 fine sand). When the socket is filled, a fillet shall be formed round the joint with a
trowel forming an angle of 45 degree with the barrel of the pipe.

After a d ay’s w ork a ny extraneous material s hall be removed f rom t he i nside of t he pipe. The
newly made joints shall be cured for at least seven days.

(iv) Testing of Joints : Stoneware pipes used for sewers shall be subjected to a test pressure of 2.5 m
head of w ater a t t he hi ghest p oint o f t he s ection u nder te st. B efore commencing test, the
pipeline shall be filled with water and maintained full for 24 hours under head of 0.6 m of water.
The test shall be carried out by suitably plugging the lower end of the drain and the ends of the
connection if any and f illing the system with water. A knuckle bend s hall be t emporarily jointed in
at the top end and a sufficient length of vertical pipe jointed to it so as to provide the required test
head, or the top may be plugged with a connection to a hose ending in a funnel which could be
raised or lowered till the r equired h ead i s obtained and f ixed suitable f or obs ervation. The
tolerance of two liters per centimeter of diameter per kilometer may be allowed during a period of 10

If an y leakage is visible, the defective p art of the work shall b e cut o ut and m ade g ood. A slight
amount of sweating which is uniform may be overlooked, but excessive sweating from a
particular pipe or joint shall be watched for and taken as indicating a defect to be made good.

Any j oint f ound l eaking o r s weating, s hall b e re ctified or e mbedded i nto 15 cm l ayer of cement
concrete (1:2:4) 30 cm in length and the section retested.

(v) Refilling : In cases w here pipes are not bedded on concrete special care s hall be taken in refilling
trenches to prevent the displacement and subsequent settlement at the surface resulting in
uneven street surfaces and dangers to foundations etc. The backfilling materials shall be packed by
hand under and around the pipe, and rammed with a shovel and light tamper. This method of filling
will be c ontinued up t o t he t op of pi pe. T he r efilling s hall r ise ev enly on bot h s ides of t he pipe
continued up to 60 cm above the top of pipe so as not to disturb the pipe. No tamping should
be done within 15 cm of the top of pipe.
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(vi) Measurements : The lengths of pipes shall be measured in running metres nearest to a cm as
laid or f ixed, f rom i nside of one m anhole t o t he i nside of t he ot her m anhole. T he l ength s hall be
taken along the centre line of the pipes over all fittings such as bends, junctions, etc. which shall
not be measured separately.

Excavation, r efilling, s horing and timbering i n t renches, and cement c oncreting w herever r equired
shall be measured separately under relevant items of work.

(vii) Rate : The rate shall inc lude the cost of materials and labou r inv olved in all the operations
described above excluding the cost of concrete which shall be paid for separately. Fixing S.W. Gully Trap (Fig. 19.2)

(i) Excavation : The ex cavation fo r gully traps s hall be done true to dim ensions and lev els as
indicated on plans or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

(ii) Fixing : The gully traps shall be fixed on cement concrete foundation 65 cm square and not less
than 10 cm t hick. The mix for t he concrete will be 1:5:10 (1 cement: 5 fine s and: 10 graded stone
aggregate 40 m m nominal s ize). T he j ointing of gully o utlet t o t he branch drain shall b e d one
similar to jointing of S.W. pipes described above.
(iii) Brick Masonry Chamber : After fixing and testing gully and branch drain, a brick masonry
chamber 300 x 300 mm (inside) in brick work of specified class in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4
fine s and) s hall be built w ith a hal f bri ck t hick bri ck work ro und t he gul ly t rap from t he t op of t he
bed concrete up t o ground l evel. T he s pace between t he chamber walls a nd t he t rap s hall be
filled i n w ith c ement c oncrete 1: 5:10 (1 c ement: 5 f ine s and: 10 grade d s tone aggregat e 40 m m
nominal size). The upper portion of the chamber i.e. above the top level of the trap shall be plas-
tered i nside w ith c ement mortar 1: 3 ( 1 c ement: 3 c oarse s and), f inished w ith a f loating c oat of
neat cement. T he corners and bottom of t he chamber shall be rounded off s o as t o slope towards
the grating.
C.I. cover with frame 300 × 300 mm (inside) shall then be fixed on the top of the brick masonry
with c ement concrete 1: 2:4 ( 1 cement: 2 c oarse sand: 4 gr aded s tone aggr egate 20 mm no minal
size) and rendered smooth. The finished top of cover shall be left about 4 cm above the adjoining
ground level so as to exclude the surface water from entering the gully trap.

(iv) Measurements : The work shall be enumerated. Excavation shall be measured separately under
relevant item of earth work.

(v) Rate : The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above, except earth work which shall be paid for separately.

19.2.2 Cement Concrete Pipes (with and without Reinforcement) (Non-Pressure)

The pi pes shall be with o r w ithout reinforcement as r equired and s hall be o f c lass not l esser t han
NP2 or NP3 as specified in the items. NP2 Pipe shall be of Light Duty wheras NP3 shall be of Medium
Desnity. These shall conform to IS 458 and shall be capable of withstanding a test pressure of 0.07
MPa (7m head). The reinforced cement concrete pipes shall be manufactured by centrifugal (or spun)
process. All pipes shall be true to shape, straight, perfectly sound and f ree from cracks and flaws. The
external and internal surface of the pipes shall b e s mooth an d h ard. T he pipes shall b e f ree f rom
defects resulting from imperfect grading of the aggregate mixing or moulding.

Concrete used for the m anufacture of un -reinforced and reinforced concrete pipes and collars
shall no t b e leaner than 1 :2:4 (1 c ement: 2 c oarse s and: 4 g raded stone ag gregate). The m aximum
size of aggregate should not exceed one third of the thickness of the pipe or 20 mm whichever is

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smaller for pipes above 250 mm internal diameter. But for pipes of internal diameter 80 to 250 mm, the
maximum size of aggregate should be 10mm. The reinforcement in the reinforced concrete pipes shall
extend throughout t he l ength of t he pi pe. The c ircumferential an d l ongitudinal rei nforcements s hall be
adequate to withstand the specified hydrostatic pressure and f urther b ending stresses due t o the weight
of water when running full across a span equal to the length of pipe plus three times its own weight.

The dimensional requirements of concrete pipes are given in Appendix I.

The minimum clear cover for reinforcement in pipes and collars shall be as given in Table 19.3.

TABLE 19.3

Sl. No. Precast concrete pipe/collar Minimum clear cover, mm

(i) Barrel wall thickness
(a) Upto and including 75 mm 8
(b) Over 75 mm 15
(ii) At spigot steps 5
(iii) At end of longitudinal 5

Note : An effective means shall be provided for maintaining the reinforcement in position and for
ensuring correct cover during manufacture of the unit. Spacers for this purpose shall be of rust
proof material or of steel protected against corrosion. Laying and Jointing Cement Concrete Pipes and Specials

(i) Trenches: Trenches shall be as described in 18.4.4. Where the pipes are to be bedded directly
on soil, the b ed shall be suitably rounded to fit the lower pa rt of the pipe, the cost for this
operation being included in the rate for laying the pipe itself.

(ii) Loading, t ransporting and unl oading of c oncrete pi pes s hall be d one w ith care. H andling shall be
such as to avoid impact. Gradual unloading by inclined plane or by chain pulley block is
recommended. A ll pi pe s ections and c onnections s hall be inspected carefully before bei ng l aid.
Broken or defective pipes or c onnections s hall not be us ed. P ipes shall be lowered into the
trenches carefully. Mechanical appliances may be used. Pipes shall be laid true to line and grade as
specified. Laying of pipes shall proceed upgrade of a slope.

(iii) If the pi pes h ave spigot and s ocket joints, t he socket e nds s hall f ace u pstream. In t he case of
pipes with joints to be made with loose collars, the collars shall be slipped on before the next pipe is
laid. Adequate and proper expansion joints shall be provided where directed.

(iv) In case w here foundation c onditions a re unus ual such as i n t he pr oximity o f t rees or hol es, under
existing or pr oposed t racks m anholes et c. t he pi pe s hall be enc ased al l-around i n 15 c m t hick
cement concrete 1: 5:10 ( 1 c ement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
size) or compacted sand or gravel.

(v) In c ases w here the na tural foundation is inadequate the p ipes s hall be laid e ither in c oncrete
cradle supported on proper foundations or on any other suitably designed structure. If a concrete
cradle bedd ing is u sed the depth of concrete below the bottom of the pipe shall be at least 1/4th
of the internal dia of the pipe subject to the min. of 10 cm and a maximum of 30 cm. The concrete
shall extend up the sides of the pipe at least to a di stance of 1/ 4th of the o utside di ameter of
pipes 300 mm and over in dia. The pipe shall be laid in this concrete bedding before the concrete
has set. Pipes laid in trenches in earth shall be bedded evenly and firmly and as far up the
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haunches of the pipe as to safely transmit the load expected from the backfill through the pipe to
the bed. This shall be do ne either by excavating the bottom of the trench to fit the curve of the
pipe or by c ompacting the earth under around the curve of the pipe to form an ev en bed.
Necessary provision shall be made for joints wherever required.

(vi) When the pipe is laid in a trench in r ock hard clay, shale or ot her hard material the space below
the pipe shall be excavated and replaced with an equalising bed of concrete, sand or compacted
earth. In no place shall pipe be laid directly on such hard material.

(vii) The method of bedding and laying the pipes under different conditions are illustrated in Fig. 19.9.

(viii) When t he p ipes ar e l aid completely above t he gr ound t he f oundations s hall be made e ven and
sufficiently compacted to support the pipe line without any material settlement. Alternatively the
pipe l ine s hall be s upported on r igid f oundations at i ntervals. S uitable arrangements shall be
made to retain the pipe line in the proper alignment, such as by shaping the top of the supports to
fit the lower part o f the p ipe. T he d istance be tween the s upports s hall in no c ase ex ceed the
length of the pipe. T he pipe shall b e supported as far as possible close to the joints. In n o case
shall the joints come in t he c entre of the s pan. C are s hall be taken to s ee that super imposed
loads greater than the total load equivalent to the weight of the pipe when running full shall not be

Suitably de signed a nchor b locks at c hange o f d irection and g rades f or pressure l ines shall be
provided where required.

(ix) Jointing: Joints are generally of rigid type. Where specified flexible type joints may also be

(a) Rigid Spigot and Socket Joint (Fig. 19.10): Deleted

(b) Rigid Collar Joint (Fig. 19.10): The two ad joining pipes shall b e butted against each other
and adj usted i n correct p osition. T he c ollar shall t hen be slipped ov er t he j oint, c overing
equally both the pipes. The annular space shall be filled with stiff mixture of cement mortar
1:2 (1 cement: 2 f ine sand) which shall be r ammed with caulking fool. After a day ’s work
any extraneous materials shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and the newly made
joint shall be cured.

(c) Semi Flexible Spigot and Socket Joint (Fig. 19.10): Deleted
(d) Semi Flexible Collar Joint: This is made up of a loose collar which covers two specially
shaped pi pe ends as s hown i n t he Fig. 19. 10. E ach end s hall be f itted with a rubber ring
which w hen c ompressed between t he s pigot and t he c ollar, s eal t he joint. Stiff m ixture of
cement m ortar 1: 2 (1 c ement: 2 f ine s and), s hall then be f illed into the remaining annul ar
space an d ra mmed w ith a c aulking t ool. A fter day ’s w ork, a ny ex traneous m aterial s hall be
removed from the inside of the pipe and the newly made joint shall be cured.

(e) Internal Flush Joint (Fig. 19.10): This joint is generally used for culvert pipe of 60 c m dia
and o ver. The en ds of the pi pe are s pecially s haped to form a s elf c entering joint w ith a n
internal j ointing s pace 1.3 cm w ide the f inished j oint is f lush with bo th i nside and outside
with the pipe wall as shown in Fig. 19.10.

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The jointing space is filled with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand) mixed sufficiently
dry t o rem ain i n po sition w hen f orced w ith a trowel or r ammer. A fter d ay’s w ork, any
extraneous material s hall be removed from the inside of the pipe and the newly made joint
shall be cured.

(f) External Flush Joint : This joint is suitable for pipes which are too small for jointing from
inside. This j oint i s c omposed of s pecially s haped pi pe en ds as s hown i n Fig. 19. 10. E ach
end s hall be b utted against eac h ot her and adj usted i n c orrect pos ition. T he j ointing s pace
shall then be fill ed with ce ment m ortar 1:2 (1 ce ment: 2 fine sand) su fficiently dry a nd
finished of f flu sh. Great care sh all b e tak en t o e nsure th at t he pr ojecting end s are not
damaged as no repairs can be readily affected from inside the pipe.

(x) In all pressure pipe lines the recess at the end of the pipe line shall be filled with jute braiding
dipped i n hot bi tumen or ot her s uitable approved c ompound. P ipes s hall be s o j ointed t hat t he
bitumen r ing of one p ipe shall s et i nto t he r ecess of t he n ext p ipe. T he ri ng s hall b e t horoughly
compressed by jacking or by any other suitable method.

The number of pipes that shall be jacked together at a time shall depend on the diameter of the
pipes and the bearing capacity of the soil, for small pipes up to 25 cm diameter, six pipes can be
jacked together at a time.

The q uantity of jute a nd bitumen in t he ring s hall be j ust s ufficient to fill the recess in t he pipe
when pressed h ard by j acking or by an y other suitable m ethod. B efore an d d uring jacking c are
shall be taken to see that there is no offset at the joint.

(xi) Testing: For pressure pipes, the completed pipeline shall be tested for pressure (Known as site
test pressure) which shall not be less than the maximum pipeline operating pressure
F or non - Pressure pipes to be used for carrying liquid, the joints shall be tested as per procedure
laid down under Para (iv).

(xii) Refilling of Trenches: The specification described in (v) shall apply. In case where pipes
are not bedded on concrete s pecial c are s hall be tak en in re filling, tr enches to prev ent th e
displacement and subsequent settlement at the surface resulting in uneven street surfaces and
dangers t o f oundations et c. T he bac kfilling m aterials s hall be pac ked by han d under a nd aro und
the pipe and rammed with a shovel and light tamper. This method of filling will be continued up to
the top of pi pe. The refilling shall rise evenly on bot h sides of the pipe and continued up to 60 cm
above the top of pipe so as not to disturb the pipe. No tamping shall be do ne within 15 c m of the
top of pipe. The tamping shall become progressively heavier as the depth of the backfill

(xiii) Measurements : The lengths of pi pes shall be measured i n ru nning m etres ne arest to a cm a s
laid or f ixed, f rom inside of one m anhole t o the i nside of t he other m anhole. T he l ength shall be
taken al ong t he c entre l ine of t he pi pes o ver all f ittings s uch a s b ends, c ollars, j unctions, e tc.
which shall not be measured separately. Excavation, refilling, shoring and timbering in trenches, and
cement concreting wherever required shall be measured separately under relevant items of work.

(xiv) Rate: The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above.

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19.2.3 Cast Iron (Centrifugally Cast) Pipes and Specials

Cast iron (centrifugally cast) pipes and specials shall conform to the specifications described in

19.2.4 Road Gully Grating (Fig. 19.13) Horizontal Gully Grating:

The casting of the grating and f rames shall be t he same as that of manhole covers described in
The gul ly gr ating c over shall be hi nged t o the frame to facilitate i ts opening f or c leaning and rep airs. A
typical grating is shown in Fig. 19.13 & 19.14. The weight of grating shown in Figure shall be minimum 75
Kg. In case of R.C.C. horizontal gully grating it shall be in cement concrete 1:1:2 (1 c ement: 1 c oarse
sand: 2 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) as shown in fig. 19.13. Vertical Gully Grating:

The chamber shall be of brick masonry, 12 mm dia, round bar shall be fixed in cement concrete block at
the bottom. The bars at the top shall be welded or riveted to M.S. flat 40×6 mm as shown in Fig. 19.14. Horizontal and Vertical Gully Grating:

The details of typical road gully chamber of brick masonry with horizontal and vertical grating shall be as
given in Fig. 19.14.


19.3.1 Manhole Covers

The covers a nd frames s hall conform to IS 1 726 f or c ast I ron and IS 12592 for pre-cast concrete
covers and shall be of the following grades and types.

Grades Grade Type/shape of cover

Light Duty LD - 2.5 Rectangular, Square, Circular
Medium Duty MD - 10 Rectangular, Circular and Square (for pre-cast concrete
manhole covers)
Heavy Duty HD - 20 Circular-Square, Rectangular, (Scrapper Manhole)
Extra Heavy Duty EHD - 35 Circular, Square, Rectangular, (Scrapper Manhole) Cast Iron Manhole Covers and Frames

(i) Manhole covers and frame shall be manufactured from appropriate grade of grey cast iron
not inferior than FG150 grade of IS 210.

(ii) They shall be cleanly cast and shall be free from air and sand holes, cold shuts and warping.

(iii) Covers shall have on its operative top a raised chequered design to provide for an adequate
no-slip grip. The rise of chequers shall be not less than 4mm.

(iv) Key holes, keys and lifting devices shall be provided in the manhole covered to facilitate their
placement in the frames and their operative maintenance.

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(v) Manhole covers and frames shall be coated with materials having base with a black
bituminous composition. The coating shall be smooth and tenacious. It shall not flow when
exposed to temperature of 63°C and shall not be so brittle as to chip off at temperature of

(vi) Size and shape and performance requirement of manhole covers and frames shall conform
to IS 1726.

(vii) Each manhole covers and frame shall have cast on them the following information:
(a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark
(b) Grade designation
(c) Date of manufacturer
(d) The words SWD or ’Sewer’ to denote ‘storm water drain’ or ‘sewer’ respectively
(e) Identification marks as required by Engineer-in-Charge.

(viii) The cover shall be gas tight and water tight.

(ix) The sizes of covers specified shall be taken as the clear internal dimensions of the frame.

(x) The approximate weight of the various type of manhole covers and frames shall be as per IS

(xi) The cover shall be capable of easy opening and closing and it shall be fitted in the frame in
workmanship like manner.

19.3.2 Pre-Cast Concrete Manhole Covers & Frames

Pre-cast rei nforced cement c oncrete m anhole covers i ntended f or u se i n sewerage and water works
shall generally conform to IS 12592. Materials

Cement: Cement used for the manufacture of pre-cast c oncrete m anhole covers shall be 4 3 gr ade
Portland cement conforming to IS-8112.

Aggregates: The aggrega tes us ed s hall be clean a nd f ree f rom de leterious matter and s hall conform to
the r equirements o f IS-383. The aggr egates s hall be w ell graded and t he no minal maximum s ize of
coarse aggregate shall not exceed 20 mm.

Concrete: The mix proportions of concrete s hall be determined b y t he manufacturer and shall be such a s
will pro duce a d ense concrete w ithout voids, h oney c ombing et c. The m inimum cement content i n the
concrete shall be 410 kg/m3 with a maximum water cement ratio of 0.45. Concrete weaker than grade M-
30 (design mix) shall not be used. Compaction of concrete shall be done by machine vibration.

(a) The reinforcement steel shall conform to IS 1786. Reinforcement shall be clean and free from
loose mill scale, loose rust, and mud, oil, grease or any other coating which may reduce or
destroy the bond between the concrete and steel. A light film of rust may not be regarded as
harmful but steel shall not be visibly pitted by rust.

(b) Fibers Steel: The diameter/equivalent diameter of steel fibers where used, shall not be greater
than 0.75 mm. The aspect ratio shall be in the range of 50 to 80. The minimum volume of fibers
shall be 0.5 percent of the volume of concrete.

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The reinforced concrete manhole cover and frame shall be designed in accordance with the
provisions of IS 456. Clear cover to reinforcement shall not be less than 15 mm. Shapes and Dimensions: Shape, d imensions a nd t olerance of pr e-cast c oncrete m anhole
covers and frames s hall conform to IS 12592. O utside dim ension o f c over at top s hall m atch with
corresponding f rame s o that t he m aximum c learance at t op bet ween t he f rame and t he c over a ll rou nd
the periphery is not more than 5 mm and the top surface of the frame and covers, is in level within a
tolerance of +5 mm.

For f acility of removing t he c over f rom t he f rame, s uitable t aper m atching with t aper gi ven f or t he
frame shall be provided to the periphery of the cover. Lifting Device: The minimum diameter of mild steel rod used as lifting device shall be 12 mm
for l ight and m edium dut y c overs and 16 m m f or h eavy a nd e xtra hea vy d uty c overs. T he l ifting de vice
shall be protected from corrosion by hot galvanising or epoxy coating or any other suitable treatment. Finishing & Coating: To prevent any possible damage from corrosion of steel the underside of the
covers shall be treated with anticorrosive paint. The top surface of the covers shall be given a
chequered finish.

In order to protect the edges of the covers from possible damage at the time of lifting and handling it is
necessary t hat t he manhole c overs s hall be c ast w ith a pr otective mild s teel s heet o f minimum 2. 5 mm
thickness a round t he per iphery of t he c overs. E xposed surface o f mild s teel sheet shall be gi ven s uitable
treatment with an ticorrosive pai nt or co ating. To pre vent the top outer ed ge of frame fro m po ssible
damages, it shall be protected by 25 mm X 3 mm mild steel flat as part of the frame. Physical Requirements

(a) General: All units shall be sound and free from cracks and other defects which interface with the
proper placing of the unit or impair the strength or performance of the units. Minor chipping at
the edge/surface resulting from the customary methods of handling during delivery shall not be
deemed for rejecting.

(b) Load Test: The breaking l oad of i ndividual un its w hen t ested i n a ccordance w ith t he m ethod
described in IS 12592 shall be not less than the values specified in Table 19.4.

TABLE 19.4

Grade of Type Load in Diameter of

Cover Tonnes Blocks in mm
EHD - 35 Circular, Square or Rectangular 35 300
HD - 20 Circular, Square or Rectangular 20 300
MD - 10 Circular or Rectangular 10 300
LD - 2.5 Rectangular, Square or Circular 2.5 300 Fixing: The frames o f manhole shall be firmly e mbedded t o correct al ignment and l evel i n R CC
slab or plain concrete as the case may be on the top of masonry which shall be paid as extra unless
specified otherwise. Measurements: The manhole covers shall be enumerated under relevant items. Rates: The rate s hall i nclude t he cost of m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n all t he operation
described abov e ex cept f ixing o f f rames a nd covers w hich shall be pa id as ex tra un less specified
otherwise in the item.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Foot Rests: Foot rests shall be of 20 mm M.S. square or round bars as specified.

19.4 MANHOLES (FIG. 19.3 to 19.8)

At ev ery c hange o f alignment, g radient or d iameter o f a d rain, there shall be a manhole or i nspection
chamber. B ends and j unctions i n t he dr ains s hall be gr ouped t ogether i n m anhole as f ar as pos sible.
The maximum distance between manholes shall be 30 m.

Manholes of di fferent t ypes a nd sizes a s s pecified s hall be c onstructed i n t he s ewer l ine at s uch
places and t o s uch l evels and dimensions a s s hown i n the drawings or a s di rected b y t he Engineer-in-
Charge. The size specified shall indicate the inside dimensions between brick faces of the manholes.

Where the diameter of the drain is increased, the crown of the pipe shall be fixed at the same level
and nec essary slope g iven in the invert o f the m anhole c hamber. In e xceptional c ases and w here
unavoidable, the crown of the branch sewer may be fixed at lower level but in such cases the peak flow
level of the two sewers shall be kept the same.

Sewers of un equal sectional area shall not be jointed at the same invert in a manhole. The invert of
the smaller sewer at its junction with main shall be at least 2/3 the diameter of the main above the invert of
the m ain. T he branch s ewers shall deliver s ewage i n t he m anhole in t he direction of m ain f low and the
junction must be made with care so that flow in main is not impeded.

No dr ain from hous e fittings, e .g. gu lly trap or s oil pipe, e tc. to m anhole s hall nor mally ex ceed a
length of 6 m unless it is unavoidable.

Manholes 90 × 80 cm are generally constructed within compound for house drainage only and near the
buildings for house drainage. Manholes 1.2 m × 90 cm are general ly constructed for main drainage work
for depths less than 1.5 m.

Manhole 1 .4 m × 9 0 c m i s of t he arc hed t ype a nd is general ly c onstructed f or m ain drai nage w orks
where dept h i s 1.50 m o r m ore. The width of manholes shall be i ncreased more t han 90 cm on bends or
junctions or pipes with diameter greater than 450 mm and that the benching width on either side of the
channel is minimum 20 cm.

Manholes 1.4 m internal diameter are generally constructed for main drainage works where depth is
2.45 m or more as an alternative to manholes of arch type. The diameter shall be i ncreased suitably, for
pipes with diameter greater than 450 mm in the same manner as in the case of rectangular manholes.

Before deciding s ize of m anholes, Loc al M unicipal Bye Law s s hall be consulted. A s a gen eral guide
some t ypical t ype des igns o f manholes f ollowed in D elhi have be en shown in F ig. 19 .4 t o 19.7. When
manholes are constructed on f oot path, t hese s hall be prov ided with cover of m edium dut y c asting a nd
when built within the width of t he r oad under vehicular traffic, t hese shall be provided with cover of heav y
duty casting.

19.4.1 Excavation
The excavation for manhole shall be true to dimensions and levels shown on the plans or as directed by
the Engineer-in-Charge.

19.4.2 Bed Concrete

The m anhole s hall b e bu ilt on a bed of c ement c oncrete 1: 4:8 (1 c ement: 4 coarse s and: 8 graded
stone a ggregate 40 mm nominal size) unless r equired by l ocal aut horities. T he t hickness of t he b ed
concrete shall be 20 cm for manholes up to 4.25 m depth and 30 cm for depths beyond 4.25 m unless
otherwise s pecified o r d irected b y the E ngineer-in-Charge. In bad ground, s pecial foundations as
suitable shall be provided.
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19.4.3 Brick Work
The brick w ork s hall be w ith c lass 75 br icks i n c ement m ortar 1: 4 (1 c ement: 4 c oarse s and). T he
external joints of the br ick masonry shall be finished smooth, and the joints of the pipes with the masonry
shall be made perfectly leak proof. For arched type and c ircular m anholes, brick m asonry i n arches and
arching over the pipes shall be i n cement mortar 1.3 (1 c ement: 3 f ine sand). In the case of manholes of
circular type the excess shaft shall be corbelled inwardly on three sides at the top to reduce its size to
the cover frame to be fitted.

The walls shall be built of one brick thickness for depths up to 4.25 m. Below a depth of 4.25 m in
ordinary subsoil the wall thickness shall be increased to one and half brick and at 9.75 m below ground two
brick thick walls shall be built.

19.4.4 Plaster and Pointing

The walls of the manholes shall be plastered inside with 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement:
3 coarse sand) finished smooth. In the case of arched type manhole the walls of the manhole shall be
plastered inside all-around only up to the crown level, and flush pointed for the shaft with cement mortar
1:2 (1 cement: 2 fine sand). Where the saturated soil is met with, also the external surface of the walls of
the m anhole s hall be pl astered w ith 12 m m t hick c ement pl aster 1:3 (1 c ement: 3 c oarse s and) f inished
smooth up t o 30 c m above t he highest s ub-soil w ater l evel w ith t he approval of t he E ngineer-in-Charge.
The plaster s hall fur ther be w ater p roofed w ith a ddition of approved w ater pro ofing compound i n a
quantity a s per manufacturer’s specifications. In c ase Local Authorities/Bye Laws specify ri cher
specifications, the same shall be adopted.

For ea rth w ork e xcavation, bed c oncrete br ick w ork, plaster and poi nting, R .C.C. w ork and r efilling o f
earth, respective specifications shall be followed.

19.4.5 Benching
The c hannels a nd benching s hall b e d one i n c ement c oncrete 1:2:4 (1 c ement: 2 c oarse sand: 4
graded s tone a ggregate 20 m m n ominal s ize) an d r endered s mooth w ith ne at c ement. T he d epth of
channels and benching shall be as given in Table 19.5.

19.4.6 Foot Rests (Fig. 19.8)

All manholes deeper than 0.8 m shall be prov ided with M.S. foot rests. These shall be em bedded 20
cm deep in 20 x 20 x 10 cm blocks of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 c ement: 3 c oarse sand 6 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size). The concrete block with M.S. foot rest placed in its centre shall be cast in
situ along with the masonry and surface finished with 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement: 3
coarse sand) finished smooth.

TABLE 19.5

Sizes of drain Top of channel at the centre Depth of benching at side walls
above bed concrete above bed concrete
mm cm cm
100 15 20
150 20 30
200 25 35
250 30 40
300 35 45
350 40 50
400 45 55
450 50 60
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Foot rests which shall b e of 20 × 2 0 Sq. M.S. bars as shown in Fig. 1 9.8 shall be f ixed 40 c m ap art
vertically and staggered l aterally and shall pr oject 10 cm beyond the surface of the wall. The top foot rest
shall be 45 cm below the manhole cover.

Foot r ests s hall be p ainted w ith c oal t ar, the por tion embedded in the c ement c oncrete bl ock b eing
painted with thick cement slurry before fixing.

19.4.7 Manhole Covers and Frames

The f rame of m anhole s hall b e f irmly em bedded to c orrect al ignment and levels i n R.C.C. slab or
plain concrete a s the c ase m ay b e o n the t op of the m asonry. After c ompletion of the w ork, m anhole
covers shall be sealed by means of thick grease.

19.4.8 Measurements
Manholes s hall be en umerated unde r relevant i tems. T he dept h of t he m anhole s hall be reckoned
from the top level o f C.I. cover to the invert level of channel. The depth shall b e measured correct to a
cm. The extra depth shall be measured and paid as extra over the specified depth.

19.4.9 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above
but excludes t he c ost o f (i) excavation, (ii) M. S. foot rests and ( iii) 12 mm thick cement pl aster w ith w ater
proofing material appl ied at t he ex ternal surface o f t he manhole i f required. These i tems shall be pai d for
separately under relevant items of work.

Payment for extra depths of manholes shall be made separately under relevant items of work.


19.5.0 In cases where br anch pipe sewer enters the manhole of main pipe sewer at a h igher level than
the m ain sewer, a dr op connection s hall be provided. The work s hall be carried out as per Fig. 19.8. S.C.I.
pipes and special conforming to IS 1729 shall be of the same size as that of the branch pipe sewer.

For 150 and 250 mm main line, if the difference in level between the water line (peak flow level) and
the invert level of the branch line is less than 60 cm, a drop connection may be provided with in the
manhole by gi ving suitable ramp. If the difference in level is more than 60 cm, the drop s hall be provided

The main lines up to 350 mm dia, are designed for half depth of flow, from 350 mm to 900 mm for 2/3
depth of flow and beyond 900 mm for 3/4 depth of flow.

19.5.1 Excavation
The excavation shall be done for the drop connection at the place where the branch line meets the
manhole. T he excavation shall b e carried u p to the bed concrete of the manhole and t o the full width o f
the branch line.

19.5.2 Laying
At t he end of branch sewer line S .C.I. cross shall be fixed to the line which shall be extended through
the w all of the m anhole by a hor izontal piece of S .C.I. pi pe to form a n inspection or c leaning e ye. The
open end shall be provided with chain and lid. T he S .C.I. drop pipe shall be c onnected to the cross at
the top and to the S.C.I. bend at the bottom. The bend shall be extended through the wall of the
manhole by a p iece o f C .I. pipe w hich s hall d ischarge into the c hannel. N ecessary c hannel s hall b e
made w ith c ement c oncrete 1: 2:4 (1 c ement: 2 c oarse s and: 4 g raded s tone aggre gate 20 m m no minal
size) a nd f inished smooth t o c onnect t he m ain c hannel. T he j oint b etween S.C.I. p ipe and f ittings shall
be lead caulked as described in 18.5.3. The j oint between S.C.I. cross and S.W. branch line shall be
made with cement mortar 1:1 (1 cement: 1 fine sand). The exposed portion of the drop connection shall
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be encased al l-around w ith minimum 15 c m thick c oncrete 1: 5:10 ( 1 c ement: 5 fine s and: 10 g raded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and cured. For encasing the concrete around the drop
connection, the nec essary centering and shuttering s hall be provided. The hol es made in the w alls o f t he
manhole s hall be made good w ith b rick w ork in cement m ortar 1: 4 (1 c ement: 4 c oarse sand) a nd
plastered w ith c ement m ortar 1 :3 ( 1 c ement: 3 c oarse s and) on the inside of the m anhole w all. T he
excavated earth shall be back filled in the trench in level with the original ground level.

19.5.3 Measurements
Drop co nnection shall b e enumerated. T he de pths be yond 60 cm shall be m easured in running
metres correct to a cm under relevant items.

19.5.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of labour and materials involved in all the operations described above
but excluding the cost of excavations and refilling.


The open drai ns shall be of the size, as specified in the item and l aid to such gradients and i n such
locations as may be shown in the relevant drawing or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

The size of the drain as specified shall be the width of the drain at the top, measured between the
masonry walls. The drain shall be given, as far as possible, uniform slope from the starting point to the
discharge point.

The average depths of the various sizes of drains shall be as follows:—

Drain size Depth

10 cm 20 cm
15 cm 20 cm
25 cm 30 cm

19.6.1 Measurements
The drains shall be measured in running metres, correct to a cm.

19.6.2 Rate
The rate sh all inc lude th e cost of la bour an d materials re quired for all the operations des cribed
above, suitable deduction or extra payment, per cm basis shall be made in case there is a variation in
average depths from those stated above.


19.7.1 Road Gully Chamber with Horizontal Grating (Fig. 19.14)
The c hamber s hall be of brick m asonry of s pecified c lass and s hall hav e a C.I. gr ating w ith frame
fixed in 15 cm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) at the top. The size of the chamber shall be taken as the clear internal dimensions of the
C.I. frame. The chamber shall have a c onnection pipe, the length of which in m etre between the road
gully chamber and the manhole of the drain shall not be less than one by forty (1/40) times the nominal
diameter of pipe in mm (i.e. for 150 mm connection pipe, length shall not be less than 3.7 m and for 250
mm c onnection pi pe l ength s hall n ot b e less than 6.25 m ). The chamber shall b e built at t he l ocation
fixed by t he E ngineer-in-Charge. G enerally t he s pacing of the c hambers s hall be 1 8 t o 36 m d epending
upon the grading of the road channel and the area of the drainage. R.C.C. gully grating shall be fixed in
cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand) as shown in Fig. 19.13.

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19.7.2 Road Gully Chamber with Vertical Grating (Fig. 19.14)
The chamber shall be of brick masonry 12 mm dia round bar shall be fixed in cement concrete block
at the bottom. The bars at the top shall be welded or riveted to M.S. flat 40 × 6 mm as shown in Fig.
19.14. The specifications shall be same as described in 19.7.1.

19.7.3 Road Gully Chamber with Horizontal and Vertical Grating

The details of typical road gully chamber of brick masonry shall be same as shown in Fig. 19.14.

19.7.4 Measurements
Road gully chambers shall be enumerated.

19.7.5 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above
except the cost of excavation and connection pipes.


The internal size of the trap shall be 80 × 40 × 46 cm. The height shall be measured from the top of the
floor to the top o f t he c over. 40 m m thick s tone b affles s hall be f ixed 50 m m d eep i n m asonry w ith
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 fine sand), as shown in the Fig. 19.2. The connection of open surface,
drain with a soak pit shall be invariably through a grease trap.

19.8.1 Measurements
Grease traps shall be enumerated.

19.8.2 Rate
The ra te shall i nclude t he c ost of l abour a nd m aterials required fo r a ll t he o perations d escribed

19.9 SEPTIC TANK (FIG. 19.15 & 19.16)

In uns ewered ar ea, every house shall hav e ar rangements for i ts sewage bei ng t reated i n s eptic t ank,
effluent from which should be gi ven s econdary t reatment ei ther i n a bi ological filter or on the l and, or in a
sub-surface disposal system.

Surface and s ub-soil w ater s hould b e ex cluded f rom f inding w ay i nto t he s eptic t ank. W aste w ater
may be passed into the septic tank provided the tank and the means for effluent disposal are designed to
cope up with this extra liquid. Depending on the location of the water table and the nature of the
strata, the type of disposal for the effluent from the septic tank shall be decided.

19.9.1 Dimensions
Septic tanks shall have minimum width of 75 cm, minimum depth of one metre below water level and a
minimum liquid capacity of the one cubic metre. Length of tanks shall be 2 to 4 times the width.
Suitable sizes of septic tanks for use of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 50 persons based on certain assumptions are
given in Appendix II.

19.9.2 Cover and Frame

Every septic tank shall be provided with C.I. cover of adequate strength. The cover and frames shall be
500 mm dia. (M.D.) minimum or 610 mm × 455 mm (LD). The specification for frames and cover given
in 19.3.1 shall apply.

19.9.3 Ventilating Pipe

Every septic tank shall be provided with C.I. ventilating pipe of at least 50 mm diameter. The top of
the pipe shall be provided with a suitable cage of mosquito proof wire mesh.

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The ventilating pipe shall extend to a height which would cause no smell nuisance to any building in the
area. Generally the ventilating pipe may extend to a height of about 2 m , when the septic tank is at least
15 m away from the nearest building and to a height of 2 m. above the top of the building when it is located
closer than 15 metres. The ventilating pipe may also be connected to the normal soil ventilating system of
the building where so desired.

19.9.4 Disposal of Sludge

The s ludge f rom s eptic tanks m ay be delivered i nto c overed pi t or i nto a s uitable v ehicle f or removal
from the site. Spreading of sludge on the ground in the vicinity shall not be allowed.

19.9.5 Testing
Before the t ank i s commissioned for us e, it s hall be tested for water-tightness by filling it with water an d
allowing it to stand f or 24 hours. I t s hall t hen be topped up, if necessary, and allowed to stand f or a further
period of 24 hours during which time the fall in the level of the water shall not be more than 1.5 cm.

19.9.6 Commissioning of Septic Tank

The tank shall b e filled w ith water t o its o utlet level before the s ewage is l et into the tank. It s hall,
preferably, be s eeded w ith s mall quant ities of w ell di gested s ludge obtained from s eptic t anks or s ludge
digestion t anks. I n t he ab sence o f di gested s ludge a s mall quantity o f dec aying o rganic m atter, s uch a s
digested cow-dung, may be introduced.

19.9.7 Sub-Surface Absorption System

The effluent from septic tank shall be disposed of by soak pit or dispersion trench depending on the
position of the sub-soil water level, soil and sub-soil conditions and the size of the installation.

19.9.8 Measurements
Septic tank shall be enumerated.

19.9.9 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operation, except
SubSurface absorption system which shall be paid for separately.

19.10 SOAK PITS 2.5 M DIA × 3 M DEEP (FIG. 19.17)

19.10.1 Construction
The earth excavation shall be carried out to the exact dimensions as shown in the figure. In the soak pit
shall be constructed a honey-comb dry brick shaft 45 x 45 cm and 292.5 cm high. Round the shaft and
within the radius of 60 cm shall be placed well burnt brick bats. Brick ballast of size from 50 to 80 mm
nominal size shall be packed round the brick bats up to the radius of 90 c m. The remaining portion shall
be filled with brick ballast of 40 mm nominal size. The construction of shaft and filling of the bats and the
ballast shall progress simultaneously.

19.10.2 Cover and Drain

Over the filling shall be placed single matting which shall be covered with minimum layer of 7.5 cm earth. The
shaft shall be covered with 7.5 cm thick stone or R.C.C. slab 10 cm wide and 10 cm deep brick edging with
bricks of class designation 75 shall be provided round the pit. The connection of the open surface drain to the
soak pit shall be made by means of 100 mm diameter S.W. pipe with open joints.

19.10.3 Measurements
Soak pit shall be enumerated.

19.10.4 Rate
Rate shall include the cost of labour and material involved in all the operations described above.

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19.11 SOAK PIT 1.2 × 1.2 × 1.2 M

19.11.1 Construction
The earth excavation shall c onform to t he general s pecifications f or earth w ork. A fter t he ex cavation
is complete the soak pit shall be filled with brick bats. The brick bats shall be from properly burnt bricks.
10 cm w ide and 10 cm de ep b rick edgi ng w ith br icks o f class designation 75 s hall be pr ovided r ound the
soak pit.

19.11.2 Measurements
Soak pits shall be enumerated.

19.11.3 Rate
Rate shall include the cost of labour and materials involved in all the operations.


It shall be provided when the sub-soil water level is within 180 cm from the ground level. Dispersion
trenches are not recommended in areas where fibrous roots of trees or vegetation are likely to penetrate the
system and cause blockages.

19.12.1 Construction
Dispersion trenches shall be 50 to 100 cm deep and 30 to 100 cm wide, excavated to a slight
gradient and shall be pr ovided w ith 15 t o 25 cm o f washed gr avel or c rushed stones. Open jointed pi pes
placed inside the trench shall be made of u nglazed earthenware clay or concrete and shall have
minimum i nternal di ameter of 75 t o 100 mm. E ach d ispersion t rench s hould not be l onger t han 30 m and
trenches should not be placed closer than 1.8 m.

The c overing f or t he pi pes on t he t op s hall be w ith c oarse aggregate of uniform s ize t o a dept h of
approximately 15 c m. T he aggr egate abov e t his l evel m ay be gr aded w ith aggr egate 12 t o 15 m m to
prevent i ngress of top soil w hile t he f ree f low of w ater is n o w ay retarded. T he trench m ay be covered
with about 30 cm of ordinary soil to form a mound and turned over. The finished top surface may be kept at
least 15 cm above ground level to prevent direct flooding of the trench during rains.

19.12.2 Measurements
The length of dispersion trench shall be measured in running metres nearest to a cm.

19.12.3 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.


Septic t anks shall be desludged pe riodically, t he i ntervals of d esludging, d epending upo n t he des ign
of the septic tanks and the capacity in relation to its users. Desludging m ay be done w hen the sludge
level reaches a p redetermined l evel. A portion of the s ludge m ay be l eft i n t he t ank t o s eed t he f resh

Desludging s hall pr eferably be carried out by hydrostatic h ead or by using a portable pump. Manual
handling of sludge shall be discouraged.

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(Cla u s e 19.2.2)

Nominal Barrel Wall Collar Dimensions Reinforcements in Collar

Internal Thickness Minimum Minimum Minimum Longitudinal, Mild Spiral Hard
Diameter of pipe Caulking Thickness Length steel or Hard Drawn Drawn
of Pipe Space Steel Steel
Minimum Weight
mm mm mm mm mm Number Kg/Collar Kg/Collar
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
100 25 13 25 150 6 0.08 0.08
150 25 13 25 150 6 0.08 0.10
250 25 13 25 150 6 0.08 0.16
300 30 16 30 150 8 0.11 0.22
600 45 19 40 200 8 0.15 0.70
800 50 19 45 200 8 0.23 1.85
900 55 19 50 200 8 0.23 2.05
1000 60 19 55 200 8 0.33 2.25

1. I f the mild steel is used for spiral reinforcement, the weight specified under col. 7 s hall be
increased by a factor 140/25.
2. S oft gra de m ild s teel w ire may be u sed a s reinforcement for c ollars of p ipes of n ominal internal
diameter up t o 250 m m only, by i ncreasing t he w eight by a f actor 140/84. Where onl y s oft grade
mild s teel w ire i s u sed f or m aking c ollar c ages, t he w eight of rei nforcement s hall be t otal w eight
or col. 6 and 7 multiplied by 140/84. This is allowed as a process requirement.
3. I nternal di ameter of collar t o s uit t he ac tual di ameter of pi pes with minimum c aulking s pace as
given in col. 2


& COLLAR (Cla u s e 19.2.2)

Nominal Barrel Wall Collar Dimensions Reinforcements in Collar

Internal Thickness Minimum Minimum Minimum Longitudinal, Mild Spiral Hard
Diameter of pipe Caulking Thickness Length steel or Hard Drawn Drawn
of Pipe Space Steel Steel
Minimum Weight
mm mm mm mm mm Number Kg/Collar Kg/Collar
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
600 85 19 40 200 8 0.23 1.05
900 105 19 55 200 8 0.33 2.25
1200 120 19 75 200 12 0.50 5.08

272 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
(Clause 19.9)

No. of Length Breadth Liquid depth (Cleaning interval of)

users 1 year 2 year
m m m m
05 1.5 0.75 1.0 1.05
10 2.0 0.90 1.0 1.40
15 2.0 0.90 1.3 2.00
20 2.3 1.10 1.3 1.80

Notes :
1. The capacities are recommended on the assumption that discharges from only WC will be
treated in the septic tank.
2. A provision of 300 mm should be made for free board.
3. T he sizes of s eptic t anks a re b ased o n c ertain as sumptions, w hile c hoosing t he s ize of s eptic
tank exact calculation shall be made.


No. of Length Breadth Liquid depth (Cleaning interval of)

users 1 year 2 year
m m m m
050 05.0 2.0 1.0 1.24
100 07.5 2.65 1.0 1.24
150 10.0 3.0 1.0 1.24
200 12.0 3.3 1.0 1.24
300 15.0 4.0 1.0 1.24

Notes :
1. A provision of 300 mm should be made for free board.
2. The sizes of the septic tank are based on certain assumptions while choosing the size of septic
tank, exact calculation shall be made.
3. F or po pulation over 100, the tank may be divided into independent parallel chambers for ease of
maintenance and cleaning.


No. of Length Breadth Liquid depth (D) for stated

Users Intervals of sludge withdrawal
Once in a year Once in 2 years
m m m m
50 5.0 1.6 1.3 1.4
100 5.7 2.1 1.4 1.7
150 7.7 2.4 1.4 1.7
200 8.9 2.7 1.4 1.7
300 10.7 3.3 1.4 1.7
Notes :
1. A provision of 300 mm should be made for free board.
2. The sizes of the septic tank are based on certain assumptions while choosing the size of septic
tank exact calculation shall be made.
3. For population over 100, t he t ank m ay be di vided i nto independent parallel c hambers f or ease of
maintenance and cleaning.
273 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.0

Water Inlet
G.L. C.I. Cover C.C. 1:2:4

One Brick thick

Tank size 1500 x 1500
Class 75 B rick
Work in C.M. 1:5
100 ø C.I. Pipe Outlet 150 Syphon
150 150 CC 1:5:10 300 150
1 Bk 1200 1 Bk C.C. 300
1:5:10 750

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 19.1 : Flushing Tank

274 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.8


B 1 B rick


1 B rick


D 92½ ° ± 2½° C.I. Cover 300 x 300

P Type G.L. 40 C.C. 1:2:4


Cement Plaster (1:3)

Brick wall
Q Type
675 C.I. Grating
D’ S.W. Gully Trap
133 180° F’
C.C. 1:5:10
90 S Type 100
Q Type
75 1Bk 300 1B k 75

Typ e S ize A C d D D E F F G

1 0 0 x1 0 0 305 175 100 100 100 65 – – 330

1 2 5 x1 0 0 265 165 100 125 100 60 – – 345
P 1 5 0 x1 0 0 330 165 100 150 100 75 – – 346
1 8 0 x1 0 0 320 200 100 180 100 65 – – 380

1 8 0 x1 5 0 405 270 150 180 150 75 – – 520

Q 1 2 5 x1 0 0 330 165 100 125 100 – 80 – 345

1 2 5 x1 0 0 290 165 100 125 100 – – 100 345

S 1 5 0 x1 0 0 330 165 100 150 100 – – 11 5 346

1 8 0 x1 5 0 445 275 150 180 150 – – 125 520

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm

Fig. 19.2 : Gully Trap

275 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.4

C.I. cover

R.C.C. 1:2:4
150 150

150 150

12 cement plaster

One brick thick

M.S. Foot Rest

200 C.C. 1:4:8
75 1200 75 75 900 75
1 Bk 1 Bk 1 Bk 1 Bk


B C.I. Cover
75 150 R.C.C. 1:2:4
1 Bk 150
A 20 cover

1 Bk 1 Bk


1 Bk
75 560
75 75
1 Bk 1 Bk


Mark Dia MM No. Length Bending

a 12 4 1200 100 100
b 12 4 1300 100 100
c 12 1 580 100 100
d 12 1 625 100 100

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.3 : Manhole

276 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013
MANHOLE (Contd.)

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.4

C.I. Cover
R.C.C. 1:2:4
150 150

One b rick
M.S. Foot

M.S. Foot

C.C. 1:2:4
200 Cement Conc.
1: 4 : 8
75 1200 75 75 1 Bk 900 1 Bk 75

1 Bk 1 Bk
C.I. Cover R.C.C. 1:2:4


1 Bk 1200 1 Bk
A 75


900 C
C c

1 Bk b
75 1200 75

1 Bk 1 Bk



Mark Dia MM No. Length Bending
a 12 6 1300 100 100
b 12 6 1800 100 100
c 12 1 980 100 100
d 12 1 680 100 100

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.4 : Manhole (Contd.)

277 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013
MANHOLE (Contd.)

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.4

C.I. Cover 610 x 455

C.I. Cover 610 x 455

150 R.C.C. 1:2:4 150

1 Brick Thick

M.S. Foot Rest

C.C. 1:2:4
75 75
200 C.C. 1 : 4: 8 200

900 800
75 1 Bk 75
1 Bk C.I. cover 610 x 455

A 455 A 150

800 900
1 Bk 1 Bk
1 Bk

75 1 Bk 1 Bk b

d a


Mark Dia MM No. Length Bending
a 12 4 1200 100 100
b 12 4 1300 100 100
c 12 4 580 100 100
d 12 4 625 100 100

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.5 : Manhole (Contd.)

278 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013
MANHOLE (Contd.)

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.4
ARCHED TYPE 1400 X 900
C.I. Cover 900
150 R.C.C. 1:2:4 150

Cement Pointing


M.S. foot

H Height of
Channel and
C.C. 1:2:4 250 min.
150 1400 150 900
150 150
C.I. Cover
150 R.C.C. 1:2:4
W 1 Brick
1 Bk 1 Bk


W a
150 C C

150 W 600 800

150 c




Depth of From From Beyond BAR BENDING SCHEDULE

Manhole Top 4250 to 9750
Mark Dia No. Length Bending
from Top 4250 9750 from
of C.I. (W) from Top (W) H T F or a 12 5 1000 100 100
M edium 800
cover Top (W)
Duty b 12 3 1300 100 100
2450 to 4250 1 Bk — — 900 200 1100
More than
c 12 1 680 100 100
4250 upto 1 Bk 1 2/2 Bk — 1800 300 480
More than
F or a 12 5 1000 100 100
9750 1 Bk 1 1/2 Bk 2 Bk 1800 300 800
Duty b 12 2 1300 100 100
W — Width of Wall c 12 1 620 100 100
H — Height of spring of arch above the benching level 420
T = Thickness of foundation concrete
Drawing Not to Scale
All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.6 : Manhole (Contd.)

279 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013
MANHOLE (Contd.)
Sub Head : Drainage
Clause : 19.4

C.I. Frame and Cover 560 Internal Dia (Heavy type)

G.L. G.L.
1 :2 : 4 C ement Conc. 150
525 525
12 Cement P laster in
C.M. 1:4
400 C/C
H1 T1 C.I. foot H1
T1 rest T1
Brick masonry in T1
cement mortar

H2 T2
T2 T2 H2
d T2
150 150
H3 T3
T3 400 C.C.
C.I. foot rest

T4 T4
H4 B B

2/3 d+80 12 C ement
Plaster in C.M.
H5 1:4 1:4 1: 4

150 (900 & 1200 ø)

225 D.Q.S. S oling dry or grouted
225 with cement conc.
SECTION AA H - Height of Wall
T - Thickness of Wall
D - Dia of Manhole
d - Dia of Pipe
dc - Depth of Bed Conc.

Dia H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Bed Remarks

Man- Conc.
hole dc
A A DEPTH The soling
900 750
Variable – – – 1Bk 1Bk – – – 226 will be
Up to 750 provided
1200 1350 –do– – – – 1Bk 1Bk – – – 300 where the
DEPTH site
1500 1950 750 2100 4050 Variable 1Bk 1½Bk 2 Bk 2½Bk 3Bk 300 engineer
Up to 4000 will feel
1800 1950 750 2250 4050 –do– 1Bk 1½Bk 2 Bk 2½Bk 3Bk 300 necessary

(1500 & 1800 ø)

M.C.D. Drg. No DE 404

Drawing Not to Scale
All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.7 : Manhole (Contd.)

280 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013
(With Drop Connections)

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.4 & 19.5

G.L. G.L.
300 2050
300 300
Cleaning eye

More than 1 Bk
A A 300
C.I. Pipe
1 /2 Bk

M.S. Foot Rest

C.C. 1:5:10


Bent up 40 mm min.

C.C. 1:5:10

M.S. Bar 20 x 20



B 110

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.8 : Manhole (With Drop Connnections)

281 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause :

Thoroughly Tampted

Bt Bt


05 BC Min 07 BC F
BC 200

BC BC/4 min
BC/10 min. BC/10 min

X D/4 Min

P. M ax 07 Thoroughly Tampted Earth
3 BC/10 Min
BC/10 min Accurately shaped to fit pipe

D = Internal Diametre
Fig. Bedding Load Factor
BC = Horizontal B readth O utside of the P ipes i n metres
(i.e., external diametre in case of a circular pipe) A Ordinary 1.5
Bt = Horizontal Width of Trench immediately below the
top of the pipe in metres B –do– –
H = Height of fill above top of pipe in metres C First Class 1.9
x = Min 200 for ‘H’ < 5000 when ‘H’ > 5000, 10 for every
250 of ‘H’. D –do– –
E –do– –
F Concrete Craddle 2.25 to 3.4
G –do– –

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.9 : Bedding of Pipes

282 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head: Drainage

Clause :

Opening at Joint Filled With Cement Socket Rubber sealing ring

Mortar (1:2)
Socket Cement Mortar
Spigot 1:2
Barrel thickness

Int. Dia



Space t o be l eft be hind

joint for filling the mortar
Rubber Sealing Ring

Cement Mortar (1:2)

C.M (1:2)

Pipe Pipe Spigot


Opening at Joint Filled with CM (1:2) and finished with flush

Barrel Thickness

Internal Dia



Drawing Not to Scale

Fig. 19.10 : Joints of Concrete Pipes

283 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.2.1



X/2 Dø







W = D+X, Where D is the External Diametre of the pipe

X = { 300 up to Trench Depth of 1200

400 Trench Depth more than 1200
T = 100 for pipes under 150, 1/4th Internal dia subject to a
min. of 150 mm and max . 30 0 mm for pipes mor e than 15 0 Dia
MWL = Maximum water level

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.11: Bedding/Encasing Stoneware Pipes

284 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.6

1/2 Brick 1/2 Brick

12 Cement Plaster


C.C. 1:2:4

C.C. 1:5:10

75 75

1/2 Brick 1/2 Brick

150 12 Cement Plaster


C.C. 1:2:4

100 C.C. 1:5:10

75 75

1/2 Brick 1/2 Brick

250 12 Cement Plaster


C.C. 1:2:4

100 C.C. 1:5:10

75 75

Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.12 : Brick Masonry Open Surface Drains

285 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.7

Cement Plaster R.C.C. 1:2:4

450 M.S. Flat 40 x 6

75 12 Dia Round B ars

C.I. Gully Grating with 175 at 150 C/C
Frame 500 x 450
C.C. 1:2:4 B lock 75 x 75 x 75
150 600
Cement plaster
1 bk. thick S.W. 1 Bk. thick
450 Pipe
75 S.W. Pipe 100 75

150 C.C. 1:5:10 150 C.C. 1:15:10


75 450 75
1Bk 1 Bk 75

One Bk
A 150 A

One Bk

75 450 75


R.C.C. 1:2:4
Cement Plaster Horizontal 450
Gully Grating
175 100 C.C. 1:2:4

1 Bk 150
Wall A A
Pipe 100
1 B k.
150 150

75 75
C.C. 1:5:10 450 200 450 1 B k 75 75
1 Bk
1 Bk
1 Bk


Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.14 : Road Gully Chamber

286 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.9


100 ø S .W. P ipe

Inlet Out let



Brick wall


50ø min Y
Ventilating P ipe 40 t hick B affle Conc. or Conc. Roof of Precast
Stone Slab Conc. S labs
G.L. G.L.

Z 450 Z

20 to 70 600–750

0-4D max.
100ø pipe 75 ø pipe
Cast I ron S tep
12 Cement
Mortar Finish
C.C. 1:2:4 Baffle Conc. or Brick in
Cement Mortar


Opening Water Level

G.L. G.L.

Valve 750 to 900



Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.15 : Septic Tank

287 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.9

50φ Main Ventilating P ipe

Conc. Roof or Removable
5 Precast Conc. S lab
Baffle Opening
100 Dia 150
S.W. Pipe Outlet 450 Water Level
50 Z
Inlet Z 300
450 600
to Valve
750 Bucket 750to 900
40 Thick 75 Dia
Baffle 2 Pipe 12Min.
900 (Conc. 3 L 1 Thick
or S tone
75 3L Cement
Slab) Mortar
Brick Wall in Finish
Cement Mortar 900 Conc. or B rick in
C.C. 1:2:4
Y Cement Mortar


A 50φ Main Vent ilating P ipe

Conc. Roof or Removable
Precast Conc. S lab Opening
100 Dia S.W. Pipe G.L.
Outlet 150
Inlet 450 C
5 B 50 300 Water Level
450 600 V
to 750
40 Thick 1 1 750 to 900
Baffle 2L 2L
(Conc. or 75φ P ipe 12 Min B
Stone S lab) 75 Thick
B. Wall C.M.
in C.M. Finish
900 C.C. 1:2:4


50φ Main Ventilating P ipe

Conc. or Removable
Precast Conc. Slab
E 5 15 300 E
5 40 Thick
Baffle 225 t o 300
(Conc. or
Stone S lab)
12 Thick C.M.
Inlet Outlet Finish
Brick Wall C.C. 1:2:4
in C.M.


Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.16 : Septic Tank (Contd.)

288 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.10

Brick E dging

100 S .W. Drain

Dry Brick Honey Comb

Shaft 450x450

Brick Bats

Brick B allast 50 t o
80 normal size

Brick Ballast 40
Nominal S ize





Drawing Not to Scale

All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.17 : Soak Pit

289 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013

Sub Head : Drainage

Clause : 19.12


300 to 1000

300 Max.


Stoneware Pipes Dispersion Trench

100 dia. pipe from
Septic Tank


1 Brick Wall
Baffle 1000

Joint Open Joints

300 Ordinary Soil


150 Max GL

150 Graded C oarse Aggregate

75 to 100 Stoneware Pipe

150 to 250 Gravel or

Crushed Stone

300 to 1000


Drawing Not to Scale
All Dimensions are in mm
Fig. 19.18 : Dispersion Trench

290 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013
20.0 : PILE WORK

291 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
Clause No. Brief Description Page No.
List of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Codes 293

20.0 Terminology 294

20.1 Driven Cast-in-situ Reinforced Concrete Piles 295

20.2 Bored Cast-in-situ Reinforced Concrete Piles 303

20.3 Under-reamed RCC Piles 305

20.4 Driven Pre-cast RCC Piles 311

20.5 Load Test on Piles 319

Appendix A Basic Properties of Drilling Mud (Bentonite) 322

Appendix B Equipments for Under-reamed Piles (Manual Construction) 323

Appendix C Pile Frame 324

Appendix D Pile Boring Equipment—General Requirement 325

Appendix E Cyclic Load Test Method 329

Appendix F Pile Driving Hammer 331

292 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013

Sl. IS No. Subject

1. IS-1200 (Part 23) Method o f measurement of building and C ivil E ngineering
Works - Piling.
2. IS-2911 (Part 1/Sec. 1) Code of practice for Design and Construction of pile
foundation. Driven cast-in-situ piles.
3. IS-2911 (Part 1/Sec. 2) Code o f pr actice of Design and Construction of pile
foundation. Bored Cast-in-situ piles.
4. IS-2911 (Part 1/Sec. 3) Code of practice for Design and Construction of pile
foundation. Driven pre-cast concrete piles.
5. IS-2911 (Part 1/Sec. 4) Code of practice for Design and Construction of pile
foundation. Bored pre-cast concrete piles.
6. IS-2911 (Part 3) Code of practice for Design and Construction of pile
foundation. Under reamed piles.
7. IS-2911 (Part 4) Code of practice for design and Construction of pile
foundation. Load test on piles.
8. IS-5121 Safety Code f or pi ling and ot her deep f oundations.
9. IS-6426 Specification for pile driving hammer.
10. IS-6427 Glossary of t erms r elating to p ile dr iving.
11. IS-6428 Specification for pile frame.
12. IS-9716 Guide for lateral dynamic load test on piles.
13. IS-14362 Pile boring equipments. General requirements.

293 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013

Allowable Load: I t is l oad w hich i s a pplied t o a p ile af ter t aking i nto account its ul timate l oad c apacity,
pile s pacing, O verall be aring c apacity of t he g round, t he allowable s ettlement, ne gative s kin f riction
including reversal of loads.

Bearing Pile: A pi le formed i n t he gr ound for transmitting l oad o f a structure t o the soil b y t he resistance
developed at its tips and or along its surface. It is either vertical or batter pile. It may be ‘End bearing
pile’ or friction pile if it supports the load primarily along the surface.

Board Compaction Pile: It i s bored c ast-in-situ w ith or w ithout bul b. I n t his c ompaction of s urrounding
ground and f reshly f illed concrete i n pi le, bor e i s simultaneously ac hieved by s uitable method. A pi le
with a bulb is called a “ under-reamed b ored c ompaction pile”. Under-reamed pile with more than one
bulb is called Multi-under-reamed pile.

Constant Rate of Penetration (CRP) Test: The ul timate bear ing c apacity o f pr eliminary pi les and pi les
which are not used as working piles.

Constant Rate of Uplift (CRU) Test: The ultimate c apacity i n t ension of preliminary pi les and piles
which are not used as working piles.

Cut of Level: It is t he l evel where t he installed p ile is c ut of f t o support t he pile c aps or b eams.

Datum Bar: A rigid bar placed on immovable supports.

Draft Bolt: A metal rod driven into hole bored in timber, the hole being smaller in diameter than the rod.

Drop of Stroke: The distance through which the driving weight is allowed to fall for driving the piles. Factor

of Safety: It is the ratio of the ultimate load capacity of a pile to the safe load of a pile.

Follower Tube: A t ube w hich i s u sed f ollowing t he m ain c asing t ube a nd i t r equires t o be extended
further. The i nner di ameter o f the follower t ube should be the same a s t he inner di ameter o f c asing. The
follower t ube s hall preferably b e a n o utside g uide a nd sh ould be w ater t ight when driven i n
waterbearing strata or soft clays.

Initial Test: This test is c arried ou t w ith a v iew to de termine ul timate lo ad c apacity and s afe l oad

Raker or Batter Pile: The pi le w hich i s installed a t an angl e to t he v ertical. R aker pi les ar e nor mally
provided where vertical piles cannot resist the required applied horizontal forces. The maximum rake to be
permitted in piles shall not exceed -

1 in 8 for cast-in-situ piles of large diameter viz. 750 mm dia,. and above.

1 in 5 for smaller dia. cast-on-situ piles.

1 in 4 pre-cast piles.

Routine Test: It i s carried o ut with a v iew t o c heck whether pile is c apable of t aking the working l oad
assigned to it.

Safe Load: It is the load arrived at by applying a factor of safety to the ultimate load capacity of the pile.

294 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
Set: The net di stance by which t he pi le penet rates in t he ground due t o s tated num ber of b lows of t he

Spliced Pile: A pile composed of two or more lengths secured together, end to end to form one pile.

Test Pile: A p ile w hich i s s elected f or l oad t esting and which i s s ubsequently l oaded f or t hat p urpose.
This pile m ay form working pile itself if subjected to a rout ine load test with u p to on e an d half time the
safe load.

Total displacement (Gross): The total movement of the pile under a given load.

Total Elastic Displacement: This is the magnitude of the displacement of the pile due to rebound
caused at the top after removal of given test load. This comprises two components as follows:
(a) Elastic displacement of the soil participating in load transfer; and
(b) Elastic displacement of the pile shaft.

Trial Piles: These ar e i nstalled i nitially to as sess the load c arrying c apacity, i t i s either t ested to ul timate
bearing capacity or twice the estimated safe load.

Ultimate Load Capacity: The maximum load which a pile can carry before failure of ground (when the soil
fails by shear) or failure of pile materials.

Working Load: It is a load assigned to a pile as per design.

Working Pile: It is a pile forming part of foundation of a structural system.


20.1.1 General
Cast-in-situ pi les shall be i nstalled b y dr iving a metal casing w ith a s hoe a t the tip and di splacing the
material l aterally. D riven cast-in-situ pile i s f ormed by driving a c asing, per manent or t emporary and
subsequently filling the hole with plain or reinforced concrete.

20.1.2 Equipment
The equipment and accessories used for driven cast-in-situ piles shall depend on type of sub-soil
strata, ground water conditions, type of founding material and penetration etc.
Commonly used plants are as per Appendix ‘F’ and few more are given below:

Dolly: A c ushion of hard wood or s ome s uitable m aterial pl aced o n t he t op of t he c asing t o re ceive t he
blows of the hammer

Kent Ledge: Dead weight used for applying a test load to a pile.

Shoe: Pile Shoe should be of material as specified in the item. The pile shoes may be either cast iron or
mild steel. Cast i ron pi le shoes s hall be m ade f rom c hill hardened i ron as used f or m aking grey i ron
casting c onfirming to IS 210 . T he c hilled iron po int shall b e free from b low ho les and o ther s urface
defects. Cast steel piles shoe shall be of steel conforming to IS 2644. Straps or ot her fastenings to cast
pile shoes shall be of steel conforming to IS 1079 and shall be cast into the point to form an integral part of
shoe. Different types of pile shoes are shown in Fig. 20.1

295 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
Square Pile Shoe Round Pile Shoe Pile Shoe with Wedge Shape

Fig . 20.1: Diffe re n t Typ e s o f P ile S h o e s

Drop Hammer (or Monkey): Hammer, ram or monkey raised by a winch and allowed to fall under

Single or Double Acting Hammer: A ha mmer oper ated b y steam compressed ai r or i nternal
combustion, t he energy of i ts blows being derived m ainly f rom source of motive p ower a nd n ot f rom
gravity along.

Pile Frame (or Pile Rig): A movable steel structure f or d riving piles in the correct position and
alignment by means of a hammer operating in the guides or (leaders) of the frame.

20.1.3 Pile Driving Installation of Piles: Installation of piles shall b e as a ccurate as po ssible a nd a s per d esign
and drawings. The vertically or the required batter should be correctly maintained. Particular care shall be
taken in respect of installing either single pile or piles in two pile groups. Deviation /Tolerance

(i) The deviation/tolerance should be as per IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec.1). The piles should not deviate
more than 75 mm or D/4 whichever is less (75 mm or D/10 whichever is more in case of piles
having diameter more than 600 mm) from their designed position at the working level.

(ii) In case of a single pile under a column, the positional deviation should not be more than 50 mm
or D /4 w hichever i s l ess ( 100 m m i n c ase of p iles having d iameter m ore t han 600 m m. G reater
tolerance may be prescribed for piles driven over water and for raking piles. Sequence of Installation: Normal sequence of installation of pile group is from the centre to the
periphery of the group or from one side to the other. Particular care shall be taken t o avoid
damaging t he al ready c ast pi le w hile driving a f resh t ube nearby before t he c oncrete has s ufficiently
set. The possibility of the pile getting damaged is more in compact soils than in loose soils. Driving a Group of Friction Piles

(i) The skin friction increases considerably when the pile bore is driven in the loose sand as the pile
tends to compact the sand. Therefore in such cases the order of installation shall be altered so
that a compact block is not created where driving further pile bore will not be possible. Similar
precaution will have to be taken where stiff clay or compact sand layers will have to be
(ii) However driving the pile bore from centre outwards or commencing at a particular selected edge
or ev en working ac ross t he gr oup t he problem poi nted o ut i n P ara ( I) ab ove c an be a voided.

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(iii) In case of very soft soil it is advisable to start driving the bore hole from outside to inside so that
the soil gets restrained from flowing out during operation. Procedure of Pile Driving

(i) D riven cast-in-situ concrete piles are installed by driving a metal casing with a s hoe at the tip/toe
and displacing the material laterally.

(ii) T hese pi les m ay be c ast i n metal s hells which may remain permanently in pl ace or t he c asing
may be withdrawn which may be termed as uncased driven cast-in-situ cement concrete piles.

(iii) T he m etal casing s hall be of sufficient t hickness and strength t o ho ld i n original f orm an d s how
no harmful distortion when the adjacent casing is driven and the driving core if any is withdrawn.

(iv) Driven c ast-in-situ concrete pi les s hall be i nstalled us ing a pr operly des igned det achable s hoe at
the bottom of the casing.

(v) Any liner or bore hole; which is temporarily located and shows partial collapse that would affect
the load carrying capacity of the pile, shall be rejected or repaired as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge. A proper record of pile driving and other details such as depth driven, sequence of installation in
a group, cut off level/working level shall b e mentioned in sequence of occurrence worksheet for the
inspection of Engineer-in-charge.

20.1.4 Jetting
(i) D riving of pile may be assisted by preboring holes or by the use of jets or both subject to the
approval of t he E ngineer-in-charge. These may be used essentially to achieve the minimum
penetration shown on the drawings where such penetration is not reached under normal
conditions of d riving. T he diameter of the hol e s hall; not be gr eater t han t he d iagonal di mension
of the pile less 100 mm.

(ii) The m aximum d epth of the p reboring s hall be such t hat t he s pecified s et (or less) i s o btained
when t he t oe of t he pi le is a t f ounding level. P reboring s hall be as approved by t he E ngineer-in-
charge and s hall not ex tend bey ond one m etre abov e t he f ounding l evel a nd t he pi le s hall be
driven t o at l east one metre bel ow the prebored hole. To e nsure t hat the pile i s pr operly
supported l aterally i n t he hol e, a ny space r emaining a round t he pi le at t he gr ound l evel after
driving is finished shall be backfilled with approved granular material.

(iii) W hen t he w ater j etting i s us ed at l east t wo j ets s hall be at tached t o t he pile s ymmetrically. T he
volume and pressure of w ater at t he outlet n ozzles shall b e s ufficient t o f reely e rode m aterial
adjacent to the toe of the pile. The maximum depth of jetting shall be such that the specified set
is obtained when the toe of the pile is at founding level. Jetting shall cease as directed by the
Engineer-in-Charge and shall not proceed beyond one metre above the founding level and the
pile shall be driven at least one metre below the prebored hole.

(iv) To avoid very hard driving and vibration in materials such as sand, jetting of piles by means of
water may be c arried out in such a m anner as not to impair the bearing capacity of piles already
in p lace, t he s tability of the s oil or the s afety of an y adjoining bu ildings. D etails of arra ngement
for jetting shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge in advance.

(v) I f large quantities of water ar e us ed f or j etting it m ay be nec essary to make provision f or

collection of water when it comes to the ground surface so that the stability of the piling plant is
not endangered by the softening of the ground. Jetting shall be stopped before completing the
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driving which s hall al ways be f inished by ord inary methods. J etting s hall be stopped if there i s
any t endency f or t he p ile t ips to b e d rawn t owards t he p ile a lready d riven ow ing t o the
disturbance to the ground.

20.1.5 Reinforcement
(i) T he des ign of reinforcing c age varies depending upon t he dri ving and i nstallation c onditions, t he
nature of the sub-soil an d the nature of load to be t ransmitted by the shaft, axial or otherwise.
The m inimum ar ea of longitudinal reinforcement of any type or gr ade w ithin the pi le shaft s hall
be 0. 4 per cent of t he sectional ar ea calculated on the bas is of t he out side area of the casings of
the shaft.

(ii) T he c urtailment of re inforcement along t he d epth of t he pile, i n g eneral, depends on t he t ype o f

loading and s ub-soil s trata. I n c ase of pi les s ubjected t o c ompressive l oad only, t he des igned
quantity of reinforcement m ay be c urtailed at appr opriate l evel ac cording to des ign r equirements.
For pi les s ubjected t o uplift l oad, l ateral load & moments, s eparately or w ith compressive l oads,
it m ay be ne cessary to pr ovide re inforcement to the full de pth of t he pi le. In soft clays or l oose
sands, or w here t here i s l ikelihood of danger t o gre en c oncrete due t o dri ving of adj acent p iles,
the reinforcement should be p rovided u p to full pile depth, r egardless of w hether o r not it is
required f rom uplift & l ateral l oad considerations. H owever, i n al l c ases, t he minimum
reinforcement specified in Para (i) above should be provided in full length of the pile.

(iii) P iles shall al ways be r einforced w ith a minimum amount o f reinforcement as do wels keeping t he
minimum bond l ength i nto t he pi le s haft below i ts cut-off l evel, and w ith adequate projection i nto
the pile cap, irrespective of design requirements.

Note: In s ome c ases t he cage may l ift at bot tom o r a t t he l aps dur ing w ithdrawal o f casing. This
can be m inimized by m aking t he rei nforcement “U ” shaped at t he bot tom and up t o w ell
secured j oints. Also t he l ifting 5 perc ent of t he l ength s hould b e c onsidered not t o af fect
the quality of pile.

(iv) C lear c over t o all m ain r einforcement i n pi le s haft s hall be not l ess t han 5 0 m m and shall b e
maintained by s uitable s pacers. T he l aterals of reinforcing c age m ay be i n the f orm of links or
spirals. The d iameter and s pacing of the s ame is c hosen to im part adequa te rig idity of t he
reinforcing c age dur ing t he handi ng and i nstallation. T he m inimum diameter of l inks o r s pirals
shall be 6 m m and t he spacing of the links or spirals shall be not less than 150 m m. The
minimum c lear di stance b etween two adjacent m ain reinforcement should normally be 100 m m
for full depth of the cage.

(v) T he r einforcing c age should be l eft with adequat e pr otruding l ength abov e t he c ut of f l evel f or
proper e mbedment in t he pi le cap. P rior to t he l owering o f reinforcement cage into t he pi le s haft,
the shaft shall be cleaned of all loose materials.

(vi) R einforcement i n the form o f cage s hall be a ssembled w ith addi tional s upport, s uch as s preader
forks and l acings; n ecessary t o f orm a ri gid c age hoops, l inks, or hel ical rei nforcement has t o f it
closely aro und t he m ain l ongitudinal bars and shall be t ied b y bi nding w ire o f approv ed qu ality.
The ends of t he b inding wire s hall be t urned i nto t he i nterior of t he p ile. Reinforcement shall be
placed and m aintained in c orrect po sition. The reinforcements shall be joined w herever
necessary by welding and the procedure of welding be followed as described in IS 2751.

20.1.6 Concrete Cement : Cement shall be as specified in agreement item or as specified under sub-head 3.0 of
Specifications. However, high alumina cement shall not be used. Water: Water to be used for concreting shall be as specified under sub-head 3.0

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Vol-2 , 2013 Fine Aggregate: Fine ag gregate t o be us ed f or c oncreting s hall be as s pecified under
subhead 3.0 of Specifications. Coarse Aggregate: For tremie concreting, coarse aggregate having nominal size more than
20 m m s hould not be us ed. N atural rounded s hingle of appropriate s ize m ay al so be us ed as c oarse
aggregate. It helps to give high slump with less water cement ratio. Chemical Admixtures: Admixtures to be used in the concrete shall be as per IS 9103. Concrete Grades to be adopted

(i) Concreting of piles shall be done only with design mix of appropriate grade with weigh batching
of constituents. The grade of concrete to be kept as per nomenclature of the item.

(ii) Only concrete Grade M-25 and/or higher grades shall be used for concreting the piles. The exact
grade of concrete to be used shall mainly depend upon the nature of work and the general
design consideration. However, Concrete Grade M-15 and Grade M-20 shall not be used for
concreting piles under any circumstances, even with weigh batching. The minimum cement
content shall be 400 kg/m3 in all conditions.

(iii) When concreting under water or drilling mud 10 per cent additional cement over the minimum
cement content for the particular grade shall be used subject to a minimum cement content of
370 kg/cum. Workability of Concrete: The minimum slump shall be 100 mm when the concrete for the
piles i s being v ibrated and w hen t he c oncrete i s not v ibrated the maximum permitted s lump i s 150 m m.
The degree of workability in both the cases is considered as very high. Placing of Concrete

(i) Before commencement of pouring of concrete, it shall be ensured that there is no ingress of
water i n t he casing tubes f rom bot tom. F urther, ade quate c ontrol dur ing w ithdrawal o f t he casing
tube is essential so as to maintain sufficient head of concrete inside the casing tube at all stages of

(ii) Wherever practicable concrete should be placed in a clean dry hole where concrete is placed in
dry hol e an d when casing i s pr esent, the top 3 m pile shall be compacted using internal
vibrators. T he c oncrete s hould i nvariably b e p oured t hrough a t remie, with a funnel s o that t he
flow i s directed and c oncrete c an be depos ited i n the hol e w ithout s egregation. C are s hall be
taken during concreting t o p revent as f ar as p ossible t he segregation of t he i ngredients. T he
displacement or di stortion of rei nforcement during concreting and al so w hile ex tracting t he t ube
shall be avoided.

(iii) Where the casing is withdrawn from cohesive soils for the formation of cast-in-situ pile, the
concreting s hould be d one with necessary precautions to minimize t he softening of the s oil b y
excess w ater. W here m ud fl ow c onditions e xist, the c asing o f ca st-in-situ pil es s hall no t be
allowed to be withdrawn.

(iv) The concrete shall be self compacting and shall not get mixed with soil, excess water, or other
extraneous matter. Special c are s hall be taken in silt clays and ot her s oils w ith t endency to
squeeze into newly deposited concrete and cause necking. Sufficient head of green concrete
shall be m aintained t o prevent inflow of s oil or wager i nto c oncrete. T he placing of concrete s hall
be continuous process from the toe level to the top of pile to prevent segregation, a tube of
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tremie pi pe as s appr opriate s hall be us ed to pl ace c oncrete i n al l pi les. To en sure compaction by
hydraulic static heads, rate of placing concrete in the pile shaft shall not be less than 6 m (length of
pile) per hour.

(v) The diameter of the finished pile shall not be less than specified and a continuous record shall
be kept by the Engineer as to the volume of concrete placed in relation to the length of pile cast.
After eac h pi le has been cast and any em pty pi le hole r emaining s hall be p rotected and ba ck
filled as soon as possible with approved material.

(vi) The minimum embedment of cast-in-situ concrete piles into pile cap shall be 150 mm. Any
defective concrete at the head of the completed pile shall be cut away and made good with new
concrete. T he clear cover bet ween t he bot tom reinforcement i n pi le cap from top o f pi le s hall not
be less than 30 mm. The reinforcement in the pile shall be exposed for full anchorage length to
permit it t o be adequat ely bonded i nto t he pi le c ap. E xposing s uch l ength s hall be don e carefully
to avoid damaging the rest of t he pile. In cases where the pile cap is t o be lai d on ground a
leveling course with cement concrete of Grade M-15 and of 100 mm thickness shall be provided.

(vii) Normally concreting of piles should be uninterrupted. In exceptional case of interruption of

concreting, but which can be resumed within 1 or 2 hours, the tremie shall not be taken out of
the concrete. Instead it shall be raised and lowered slowly from time to tim e to prevent the
concrete around t he pipe f rom s etting. Concreting should be resumed by i ntroducing a l ittle
richer concrete w ith a slump o f about 200 mm for eac h di splacement o f the par tly s et concrete. If
the concreting cannot be resumed before final set of concrete already laid, the pile so cast may
be rejected.

(viii) In case of withdrawal of tremie out of concrete, either accidentally or to removed a choke in the
tremie, t he t remie m ay be re-introduced t o p revent i mpregnation of l aitance s cum l ying on t he
top of the c oncrete already deposited in the bore. T he tremie shall be gently lowered on to the
old c oncrete w ith v ery l ittle penet ration i nitially. A v ermiculite pl ug s hould b e i ntroduced i n t he
tremie. F resh c oncrete of s lump bet ween 150 m m and 175 m m should b e f illed i n t he t remie
which will push t he plug f orward and swill emerges out of t he t remie displacing t he
laitance/scum. The tremie will be pushed further in steps masking fresh concrete sweep away
laitance scum in its way. When the tremie is buried by about 60 to 100 cms, concreting may be

(ix) The top of concrete in a pile shall be brought above the cut-off level to permit removal of all
laitance and w eak concrete bef ore c apping and t o ensure g ood concrete at the c ut-off l evel f or
proper embedment into the pile cap.

(x) Where cut-off level is less than 1.5 metres below the working level concrete shall be cast to a
minimum o f 300 mm abov e cut-off level. F or eac h addi tional 0. 3 m increase in cut-off l evel below
the w orking level additional c overage of 50 mm m inimum s hall be al lowed. Higher allowance
may be nec essary depend ing on the length o f the p ile. W hen c oncrete is p laced by t remie
method c oncrete shall be c ast to the pi ling pl atform level t o per mit ov erflow o f concrete for v isual
inspection or to a minimum of one metre above cut off level. In the circumstances where cut-off
level is bel ow ground w ater l evel t he n eed t o m aintain pr essure on t he uns et c oncrete eq ual t o or
greater t han w ater pressure s hould be obs erved an d ac cordingly l ength of ex tra c oncrete ab ove
cut-off level shall be determined. Placing Concrete under Water

(i) Before concreting under water, the bottom of the hole shall be cleared of drilling mud and all soft
loose materials very carefully. In case a hole is bored with use of drilling mud, concreting should
not be taken up when the specific gravity of bottom slurry is more than 1.2. The drilling mud
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should be maintained at 1. 5 m above t he gr ound w ater l evel. C oncreting und er w ater for cast-in-
situ concrete piles may be done either with the use of tremie method or by the use of approved
method specialty designed to permit under water placement of concrete. General requirements
and precautions for concreting under water are as follows:

(a) The concreting of pile must be completed in one continuous operation. Also for bored holes,
the finishing of the bore, cleaning of the bore, lowering of reinforcement cage and concreting
of pile for full length must be accomplished in one continuous operation without any

(b) T he c oncrete s hould be c oherent, ri ch in c ement w ith high slump & re stricted water c ement

(c) The tremie pipe will have to be large enough with due regard to the size of the aggregate.
For 30 mm aggregate the tremie pipe should be of diameter not less than 150 mm and for
larger aggregate, larger diameter of tremie pipe may be necessary.

(d) The f irst c harge o f concrete should be pl aced w ith a sli ding pl ug p ushed d own the t ube
ahead of it to prevent mixing of water and concrete.

(e) T he t remie pipe s hould a lways p enetrate well i nto t he concrete with a n adequate margin of
safety against accidental withdrawal if the pipe is surged to discharge the concrete.

(f) The pi le should be c oncentrated wholly b y t remie and t he method o f d eposition s hould not be
changed part way up the pile to prevent the laitance from being entrapped within the pile.

(g) All tremie tubes should be scrupulously cleaned after use.

When concreting i s c arried o ut u nder water a t emporary casing should be i nstalled t o t he f ull
depth of the b ore hole or 2 m i nto non c ollapsible s tratum, s o t hat f ragments of ground c annot
drop from the sides of the hole into the concrete as it is placed. The temporary casing may not be
required except near the top when concreting under drilling mud.

20.1.7 Testing of Concrete The concrete for the piles shall be sampled in accordance with the norms specified in IS 456.
The frequency of sampling is given in Table 20.1.

TABLE 20.1

Quantity of Concrete in the Work m 3 Number of Samples

1-5 1
6-15 2
16-30 3
31-50 4
51 and above 4 plus one additional sample for each
additional 50m3 or part thereof.

Notes: (i) At least one sample shall be taken from each shift.
(ii) Where concrete is produced as continuous production unit, such as ready mix concrete
plant. The frequency of sampling may be agreed upon mutually by suppliers and
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Vol-2 , 2013 Test Specimen: Three t est s pecimens s hall be m ade f or each s ample f or t esting at 28 da ys.
Additional samples may be required for various purposes such as to determine the strength of concrete at
7 days or t o d etermine the duration of curing, or check the testing error, additional sample may also b e
required for testing samples cured by accelerated methods as described in IS 9103. The specimen shall
be tested as described in IS 516. Test Results of Samples: The test results of the samples shall be the average of the strength of
three specimens. The individual variation should not be more than ±15% percent of the average
strength. If the variation is more, the test result of the sample is invalid.

20.1.8 Curing
As pe r IS 456 - 2000, e xposed s urfaces of c oncrete s hall be k ept c ontinuously i n a d amp or w et
condition by ponding or by covering w ith a layer o f sacking, c anvas, H essian or s imilar m aterials an d
kept constantly wet for at least 10 days from the date of placing concrete. The period of curing shall not be
less than 14 days for concrete exposed to dry and hot weather conditions.

20.1.9 Defective Pile

(i) In case defective piles are formed they shall be removed or left in place whichever is convenient
without affecting performance of the adjacent piles or cap as a whole. Additional piles shall be
provided to replace them as directed.

(ii) Any deviation from the designed location alignment or load capacity of any pile shall be noted
and adequate measures taken well before concreting of the pile cap and plinth beam, if the
deviations are beyond permissible limit.

(iii) D uring chipping o f the pile, top manual c hipping may be per mitted a fter three da ys o f p ile c asting
pneumatic tools for chipping shall not be used before seven days after pile casting.

(iv) After concreting the actual quantity of concrete shall be compared with average obtained from
observations actually made in the case of a few piles initially cast. If the actual quantity is found
to be considerably less, special investigations shall be conducted and appropriate measures

20.1.10 Ready Mix Concrete (RMC)

Alternatively, t he contractor c an be al lowed t o us e Ready M ix Concrete (R MC) w ith t he perm ission
of Engineer-in-Charge, provided that the manufacturer assures that for RMC supplied for the particular
work contains the minimum cement content and it is in conformity of approved design mix. The
manufacturer of RMC has also to agree to the sampling and testing procedure as specified under clause
20.1.7 or alternatively he can propose his own sampling and testing procedure which should in turn be
approved b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. N ormally, R MC supplied t o site ar e mixed w ith c ertain ad mixtures
which en ables the c oncrete to be u sed within 3 h ours of s upply at s ite. In c ase RMC s upplied is no t
consumed w ithin 3 h ours of s upply t he q uantity of R MC r emaining u nused bey ond 3 hours s hall b e
rejected and removed from site.

20.1.11 Measurement
Dimension shall be measured near est to a cm. Me asurement o f length on completion shall be al ong
the axis of pile and s hall be m easured from top of shoe to the bottom of pile cap. No allowance shall be
made f or bul king, s hrinkage, c ut off t olerance, wastage and hiring o f tools and equi pment for e xcavating
driving etc.

20.1.12 Rate
The r ate i ncludes t he c ost of m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he oper ations des cribed abov e
including pile embedded in pile cap, except soil investigation, reinforcement, pile cap and grade beam.
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20.2.1 General
The piles are formed within the gr ound by excavating or boring a pi le within i t with or without the use
of t emporary c asing a nd subsequently f illing i t w ith pl ain or rei nforced c oncrete. W hen the c asing i s l eft
permanently it is termed as cased pile and when the casing is taken out it is termed as uncased pile.

20.2.2 Equipment
The equipment and accessories used for bored cast-in-situ piles shall depend on subsoil strata,
ground water conditions, type of founding material and penetration etc.

General requirements of boring equipment are as per A ppendix ‘ D’. T he equipment i s appl icable f or
bored piles without the use of bentonite. Boring operation s hall be don e by rotary per cussion type drilling rigs u sing direct m ud
circulation or re verse m ud c irculation methods t o b ail out t he c uttings or as specified. I n soft clays an d
loose s and, b ailer a nd c hisel m ethod s hould be u sed w ith c aution to av oid t he ef fect of s uction. R ope
operated grabbing tool Kelly mounted hydraulically o perated grab are also used. T his method o f
advancing t he h ole avoids s uction. T he size of c utting t ool shall be as per [IS 29 11 (Part I S ection 2)]
and not less than the diameter of pile by more than 75 mm. Use of drilling m ud i s s tabilizing s ides of bore hol e w here s pecified s hall hav e pr operties as
defined in Appendix A.

Permanent casing where specified shall be used to avoid aggressive action of water.

20.2.3 Boring for installing Pile Installation of Piles : As described under clause Deviation and Tolerance : As described under clause Procedure of Driving Pile Bore

(i) B ored c ast-in-situ concrete pi les ar e i nstalled by making a bor e into the gr ound and r emoving out
the material.

(ii) The ground shall be roughly leveled and position of pile marked. The boring shall be done with
or without the use of temporary casing. The sides of bore hole; shall be s tabilized with the aid of
temporary casing or with the aid of drilling mud of suitable consistency.

(iii) T he e quipment and accessories shall d epend u pon t he t ype of b ored pile chosen f or t he j ob,
consideration o f s ub-soil s trata, gr ound w ater c ondition, t ype o f f ounding m aterial. B oring
operation nor mally ar e do ne b y r otary or per cussion t ype dr illing rigs us ing d irect mud c irculation
on reverse mud tool shall be as detailed in IS 2911 (Part 1/Sec.2).

(iv) I n c ase pe rmanent/temporary c asing i s not us ed t hen bor ed pi le i s s tablised w ith dr illing f luid.
Bentonite s upplied to site s hall conform to IS 12584 . A c ertificate shall be obt ained b y t he
contractor from the manufacturer showing properties of each consignment and should be
submitted t o t he Engineer-in-charge. B entonite s hall be m ixed t horoughly w ith f resh c lean water
to make a suspension which will maintain the stability of the pile excavation for the period
necessary t o place concrete and complete c onstruction. The t emperature of t he water us ed i n
mixing t he be ntonite s uspension and w hen s upplied t o bor e hole s hall not be l ower t han 5 ºC.
Consistency of t he dr illing fluid s uspension and when c ontrolled t hroughout the bor ing as w ell as
in concreting operations in order to keep the hole stabilized as well as to avoid concrete getting
mixed up with thick suspension of mud.
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Frequency and methods of testing drilling fluid shall be as specified and the test results shall be as
specified in IS 2720 (Part V).

(v) Bored cast-in-situ piles in soils which are stable may often be installed with a small casing length
at the top. A minimum of 2.0 m length of top of bore shall; invariably be provided with casing to
ensure against loose soil falling in to drilling mud, or a suitable steel casing. The casing may be left
in place permanently especially in cases where the aggressive action of the ground water is to be
avoided, or in the cases of piles built in water or in cases where significant length of piles could be
exposed due to scour.

(vi) For bored cast-in-situ piles, casing/liner shall be driven open ended with a pile driving hammer
capable of achieving penetration of the liner to the length shown on the drawing or as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. Materials inside the casing shall be removed progressively by air lift, grap or
percussion equipment or other approved means.

(vii) Where bored cast-in-situ piles are used in soils liable to inflow, the bottom of the casing shall be
kept low enough i n advance of the boring tool; to prevent the entry of soil into the casing, thus
presenting t he f ormation of s ettlements i n t he adj oining gr ound. T he w ater l evel i n t he c asing
should gen erally be m aintained a t the na tural gr ound w ater level for the s ame r easons. T he
joints of t he c asing s hall be m ade as t ight a s pos sible t o m inimize i nflow of water or l eakage of
slurry during concreting.

(viii) Boring shall be carried out using rotary or percussion type equipment. Unless otherwise directed
by t he Engineer-in-charge th e d iameter of t he bore h oles s hall b e n ot more t han th e i nside
diameter of the liner.

(ix) After the boring has reached the required depth, the steel reinforcement shall be lowered in
position maintaining the specified size of cover on all sides. The bore shall then be flushed with
bentonite slurry and concreting shall be taken up exactly as described under clause A proper record of p ile driving and other details such as sequence of installation of piles,
dimension of piles, d epth bor ed, tim e ta ken for concreting et c. s hall be maintained i n se quence of
occurrence at site as per clause

While d rilling m ud is u sed, t he specific g ravity of fresh s upply and c ontaminated mud i n t he hole
before concreting is taken up shall be recorded for first ten piles and subsequently at interval of 10 piles or
as specified.

20.2.4 Reinforcement
As specified under clause 20.1.5.

20.2.5 Concrete
As specified under clause 20.1.6.

20.2.6 Ready Mix Concrete

As specified under clause 20.1.10.

20.2.7 Measurement
Dimensions shall be measured nearest to a cm. Measurement of length on completion shall be
along the axis of pile and shall be measured up to the bottom of pile cap. No allowance shall be made
for bul king, shrinkage, c ut of f t olerance, w astage a nd hi ring of tools, equipment f or e xcavating, dri ving
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20.2.8 Rate
The rate i ncludes t he cost of m aterial and l abour i nvolved i n a ll t he operations described above
including pile embedded in pile cap except reinforcement, pile cap and grade beam.


20.3.1 General
(i) Under-reamed piles are bored cast-in-situ and bored compaction concrete types having one or
more bul bs f ormed by s uitably enl arging t he bor e hole f or t he pi le s tem. W ith t he pr ovision of
bulb(s) substantial bearing or anchorage is available.

(ii) T hese p iles f ind application i n widely v arying s ituations i n d ifferent types o f soils w here
foundation ar e r equired t o be t aken dow n t o a c ertain dept h i n v iew of c onsiderations l ike t he
following requirements :
(a) To avoid the undesirable effect of seasonal moisture changes as in expansive soils.
(b) To reach firm strata.
(c) To obtain adequate capacity for downward, upward and lateral loads and moments
(d) To take foundations below scour level.

(iv) When the ground consists of expansive soil e. g. black cotton soil, the bulb of the under r eam pile
provides anchorage against uplift due to swelling pressure apart from the increased bearing

(v) I n c ase o f f illed up or otherwise w eak s trata ov erlying t he f irm s trata, enl arged bas e in t he f orm
of u nder-reamed bulb i n firm s trata p rovides l arger bearing area and piles of greater bearing
capacity can be made.

(vi) I n lo ose t o m edium pervious s andy silty str ata, b ored co mpaction pi les ca n be used a s th e
process of compaction increases the loads bearing capacity of the piles.

(vii)Under-reamed pi les m ay al so be us ed under s ituations w here t he v ibration and noi se c aused

during construction o f pi les a re t o be av oided. The pr ovision o f bul b(s) i s o f special ad vantage i n
under reamed piles to resist uplift and they can be used as anchors.

20.3.2 Pile Grouping

(i) F or bored c ast i n s itu under -reamed pi les at us ual s pacing of 2 D u, the group c apacity w ill be
equal to the safe l oad of individual pile multiplied b y the number of piles in the group. For pi les at
spacing of 1.5 Du the safe load assigned per pile in a group should be reduced by 10 per cent.

(ii) I n u nder-reamed compaction pi les, at t he usual s pacing of 1. 5 D u, t he g roup capacity w ill be

equal to the safe load on individual pile multiplied by the number of piles in the group.

Note: In or der-reamed c ompaction pi les, t he c apacity of t he gr oup m ay be m ore t han gi ven i n

Para (i) above on account of compaction effect.

(iii) I n non-expansive soils, when the cap of the pile group is cast directly on a reasonably firm
stratum it may additionally contribute towards the bearing capacity of the group.

(iv) I n l oad bea ring w alls pi les s hould g enerally b e provided unde r al l w all junctions t o av oid poi nt
loads on bea ms. Position of i ntermediate p iles i s t hen dec ided by k eeping door openi ngs f all i n
between two piles as far as possible.

20.3.3 Equipment and Other Accessories

(i) The selection of equipment and accessories will depend upon the type of under-reamed piles,
site conditions and nature of strata. Also it will depend on economic considerations and
availability of manually or power operated equipment.
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(ii) A typical list of equipment for manual construction is given in Appendix B.

(iii) Bore holes may be may be made by earth augers. In case of manual boring, an auger boring
guide shall be used to keep bores vertical or to desired inclination and in position. After the bore
is made to the req uired depth, en larging of the ba se shall be carried out by means of an under-
reaming tool.

(iv) In ground with higher water table having unstable pile bores, boring and under-reaming may be
carried out using suitable drilling mud. General g uidelines f or ben tonite drilling m ud are gi ven i n
Appendix ‘ A’. In no rmally m et s oil strata, dri lling m ud can be p oured from t op w hile boring an d
under-reaming can be done by normal spiral earth auger and under-reamer.

(v) The level of drilling mud should always be about one meter above water table or the level at
which c aving-in oc curs. I n c ase of very unstable strata w ith ex cessive c aving-in c ontinuous
circulation of dri lling m ud using suitable pu mping equipment and t ripod, et c along with m odified
auger and under-reamer may be used.

(vi) Some times permeable strata overlying a rim clayey stratum may be cased and normal boring
and under-reaming operation may be carried out in clayey stratum.

(vii) To avoid irregular shape and widening of bore hole in very loose strata at top a casing pipe of
suitable length may be used temporarily during boring and concreting.

(viii) For improved control over the inclination of batter/raker piles a tripod hoist with fixed pulley
should be used for lowering in of under-reaming tools.

(ix) For placing concrete in bore holes full of drilling mud or sub-soil water tremie pipe of not less
than 150 mm diameter with flap valve at the bottom should be used.

(x) For batter/raked under-reamed piles the reinforcement cage should be placed guiding it by a
chute or any other suitable method. If concreting is not done by tremie, it should be done by

(xi) In under-reamed compaction piles, suitable device should be used for guiding the movement of
drop weight and specified core as sembly for its v ertical d riving for oper ating the d rop w eight an d
specified core assembly for its vertical driving for operating the drop weights of adequate
capacity, suitable winch with hoisting attachment should be used.

20.3.4 Pile Boring

(i) U nder-reamed pi les may be constructed b y s electing s uitable i nstallation t echniques at gi ven site
depending on sub-soil strata conditions and type of under-reamed piles and number of bulbs.

(ii) In c onstruction with e quipment suggested under Appendix ‘B’ initially boring gu ide is f ixed with
its lower f rame l eveled f or m aking desired angu lar adjustment f or p iles at ba tter/rake. Boring i s
done up to required depth and under-reaming is completed.

(iii) I n order to achieve proper under-reamed bul b, the depth of bore hole should be c hecked before
starting under r eaming. I t s hould al so be c hecked dur ing under -reaming and an y ex tra s oil at the
bottom of bore hole; removed by auger before reinserting the under-reaming tool.

(iv) The completion of desired under-reamed bulb is ascertained by

(a) The vertical movement of the handle and
(b) When no further soil is cut.
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(v) I n do uble or m ulti under-reamed piles, boring is fist completed to t he depth t o t he fi rst ( top)
under-ream only and after completing the under-reaming boring is extended further for the
second under-ream and the process is repeated. Control of Alignment

(i) T he piles shall be installed as correctly as possible at the correct location and truly vertical (or at
the s pecified b atter/inclination). Great c are s hall be exercised i n respect of s ingle pi le or pi les i n
two pile groups under a column.

(ii) A s a guide for v ertical piles a dev iation o f 1.5 per c ent and for raker p iles a dev iation o f four
percent shall not normally be exceeded. In special cases, a closer tolerance may be necessary.

(iii) P iles s hall not dev iate more t han 75 mm o r one quarter t he s tem di ameter, whichever i s l ess (75
mm o r D/10 whichever is m ore i n c ase of piles having di ameter m ore than 600 m m) f rom the
designed position at the working level.

(iv) In case of single pile under a c olumn the positional deviation should not be more than 50 mm or
one quar ter of t he s tem di ameter w hichever i s l ess ( 100 m m i n c ase of pi les hav ing di ameter
more than 600 mm).

(v) F or pi les w here c ut-off i s at s ubstantial dept hs, t he des ign should prov ide f or w orst c ombination
of the above tolerances in position and inclination.

(vi) I n c ase of piles d eviating b eyond t hese l imits c orrective m easures w here necessary m ay be
taken i n t he form o f i ncreasing pi le s ize, p rovision o f ex tras r einforcement i n t he pi le, redesign o f
pile cap and pile ties. If the resulting eccentricity cannot be taken care of by the above
measures, the piles should be replaced or supplemented by; one more additional piles.

20.3.5 Reinforcement in Piles

(i) The provision of reinforcement will depend on nature and magnitude of loads, nature of strata
and m ethod of i nstallation. I t s hould be adequat e f or v ertical l oads, l ateral l oad and m oments
acting i ndividually or i n combination. I t m ay b e c urtailed at a ppropriate depths o nly u nder t he
advice of t he s tructural e ngineer. H owever, p rovision of r einforcement s hall be as s pecified i n

(ii) The minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement (any type or grade) within the pile shaft should
be 0.4 per cent of the sectional area calculated on the basis of outside area of shaft or casing if

(iii) Reinforcement is to be provided in the full length irrespective of any other considerations and is
further subject to condition that a minimum number of three 10 mm dia mild steel or three 8 mm dia
high strength steel bars shall be prov ided. The transverse reinforcement as circular stirrups shall
not be l ess than 6 m m dia. Mild steel bars at a s pacing of not more than the stem diameter or 30
cm, whichever is less.

(iv) For under reamed compaction piles, a minimum number of four 12 mm diameter mild steel or
four 10 mm diameter high strength steel bars shall be provided.

(v) For piles of lengths exceeding 5 m and or 37.5 cm diameter, a minimum number of six 12 mm
diameter HSD bars shall be provided.

(vi) For piles exceeding 40 cm diameter a minimum number of six 12 mm diameter high strength
steel bars shall be provided.
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(vii) The circular stirrups for piles of length exceeding 5 m and diameter exceeding 37.5 cm shall be
bars of 8 mm diameter.

(viii) For pi les subject t o upl ift l oads, adequat e r einforcement s hall be provided to t ake full up lift w hich
shall not be curtailed at any stage.

(ix) F or piles up to 30 c m diameter, if c oncreting is done by t remie, equi valent amount of steel placed
centrally, may be provided at sides.

(x) The minimum clear cover over longitudinal reinforcement shall be 50 mm. In aggressive
environment of sulphates etc. it may be increased to 75 mm.

20.3.6 Concrete Materials : Cement, water, f ine aggregate, c oarse aggregate and chemical admixtures etc. as
described under clause 20.1.6. Concrete grades to be adopted : Same as described under clause Workability of Concrete : Same as described under clause Placing of Concrete

(i) Same as Para (i) to (x) under clause

(ii) Concreting shall be done as soon as possible after completing the pile bore. The bore hole full of
drilling mud s hould not be l eft un -concreted f or m ore t han 12 t o 24 hours dependi ng upon t he
stability of the bore hole.

(iii) For placing concrete in pile bores, a funnel should be used and method of concreting should be
such the e ntire v olume of the p ile before is filled u p w ithout formation of v oids a nd/or m ixing of
soil and drilling fluid in concrete.

(iv) In empty bore holes for under-reamed piles a small quantity of concrete is poured to give about
100 mm layer of concrete at bottom. Reinforcement is lowered next and positioned correctly.
Then concrete is poured to fill the bore hole. Care should be taken that soil is not scrapped from
side if rodding is done for compaction. Vibrators shall not be used.

(v) If water is confined up to the bucket length portion at the toe & seepage is low, the water should
be bailed out and concreting should be done as prescribed in Para (iv) above.

(vi) In case the pile bore is stabilized with drilling mud or by maintaining water head within the bore
hole, the bo ttom of bore hole shall be carefully cleaned b y flushing it with fresh drilling mud and
pile bore will be checked for its depth immediately before concreting.

(vii) Concreting shall be done by tremie method. The tremie should have a valve at bottom and
lowered w ith valve c losed at the s tart a nd filled up w ith c oncrete. The v alve is then opened s o
permit the flow of concrete which permits upward displacement of drilling mud.

(viii) The pouring should be continuous and tremie is gradually lifted up such that the tremie pipe
opening remains always i n t he c oncrete. A t t he f inal stage t he quan tity of c oncrete i n t remie
should be enough so that on final withdrawal some concrete spills over the ground.

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Note: (1) The concrete should be coherent, rich in cement (not less than 350 kg/m 3) and slump
not less than 150 mm.

(2) The tremie pipe should always penetrate well into the concrete with an adequate
margin of safety against accidental withdrawal if the pipe is surged to discharge the

(ix) In inclined piles, concreting should be done through a chute or by tremie method.

(x) For under-reamed bored compaction piles, the pile bore is first filled up without placing any
reinforcement. Concreting is done as prescribed in paras (iv) depending upon the situation. Soon
after the specified core assembly shall be driven and extra concrete shall be poured in
simultaneously to keep the concrete up to ground level. If hollow driving pipe is used in core
assembly the pipe shall be withdrawn after filling it with fresh concrete which will be left behind. Estimation of Concrete Quantity

(i) The extra quantity required for each bored cast-in-situ under-reamed bulb of 2.5 times the stem
diameter may be taken equal to a stem length of 4 to 4.5 times its diameter, depending upon the
nature of strata and other site conditions. The volume of concrete actually placed shall be
observed in the case of quantities of the concrete and cement for the subsequent piles.

(ii) F or under -reamed c ompaction pi les the a mount o f concrete us ed is about 1. 2 t imes o f the under -
reamed cast-in-situ piles.

Note: If the estimates of concrete consumption are on the volume of the bore holes and not on
the basis of concrete quantity actually consumed, the concrete used may be found lesser
than estimated and cement consumption may work out to be less. Placing Concrete under Water : As described under clause Testing Works Concrete : As described under clause 20.1.7. Curing : As described under clause 20.1.8. Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) : As described under clause 20.1.10.

20.3.7 Pile Cap (Fig. 20.2 and 20.3)

(i) Pipe cap are generally designed considering pile reaction as either concentrated loads or
distributed loads. The depth of pile cap should be adequate for the shear, diagonal tension and it
should also provide the necessary anchorage of reinforcement both for the column and the pile.

(ii) The pile caps may be designed by assuming that the load from column or pedestal is dispersed
at 45º from the top of the cap up to the mid depth of the pile cap from the based of the column or
pedestal. The reaction from piles may also to be taken to be distributed at 45º from the edge of
the pile, up to the mid depth of the pile cap on this basis, the maximum bending moment and
shear forces should be worked out at critical sections.

(iii) Full dimension of the cap shall be taken as width to analyse the section for bending and shear in
respective direction. Method of analysis and allowable stresses may be according to IS 456.

(iv) T he clear overhang o f the pile cap be yond the outermost pile in the grou p shall normally be 10 0
to 150 mm depending upon the size of the pile.
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(v) The cap is generally cast over a 75 mm thick leveling course of concrete. The clear cover for the
main reinforcement of cap slab shall be not less than 75 mm.

(vi) The pile should project 50 mm into the cap concrete. The design of grade beams if used shall be
as given in IS 2911 (Part III).

X = Core
Y = Casing Casing & Core bot h
withdrawn and concrete
laid for pile

X Concrete

Concrete Pedastal
Y Surface
Pedastal Pile in
Complete Shape

Core withdrawn & Core reintroduced Pressure applied on

Core & casing driven Concrete laid upt o and placed on t op concrete through core
upto required dept h some height in of concrete & simultaneously casing
casing partially withdrawn f orming
a pedastal below
Fig. 20.2 : Pedestal Piles

14' x 14' Column

Provide upstand to position
shuttering for column

Slope > 15 deg.

Column Splice Bars
bent and secured to pile
reinforcement or alternatively
ex tended downwards as

s hown and supported

on loops


3" B ed of weak 3'-9" S pan
concrete to provide Say 4' -3" to allow f or 15" x 15" Pile
working base possible spread of piles
7' 6"

14" φ Spacer Bar f ixed to pile reinforcement

2'-0" Radius

Butt Weld

2 Nos. 14" φ Loop

Fig. 20.3 : Cap for Two Piles (Typical)

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20.3.8 Grade Beams
(i) The grade beams supporting the walls; shall be designed taking due account of arching effect
due masonry above beam. The beam with masonry due to composite action behaves as a deep

(ii) The minimum overall depth of grade beams shall be 150 mm. The reinforcement at bottom
should be kept continuous in all the beams and an equal amount may be provided at top to a
distance of quart span both ways from the pile centre.

(iii) The l ongitudinal reinforcement both at bottom an d top should not be less than three bars of 10 m
diameter mild steel (or equivalent deformed steel).

(iv) Stirrups of 6 mm diameter bars should be at 300 mm spacing which should be reduced to 100 m
at the door openings near the wall edge to a distance of three times he depth of beam. No shear
connectors are necessary in wall.

(v) In expansive soil the grade beam shall be kept a minimum of 80 mm clear off the ground. In
other soils, the beams may rest on ground over a leveling concrete course of about 80 mm as
shown. In this case part load may be considered to be borne by ground and it may be accounted
for; in the design of piles. However, the beams should be designed as usual.

(vi) In case of exterior beams over piles in expansive soils a ledge projection of 75 mm thickness an
extending 80 mm into ground as shown shall be provided on outer side beam. Typical sections
of internal and external beams are shown below.

3 Nos. 10 mm φbottom 3 Nos. 10 mm φtop

steel through steel up to S/ 4 f rom
3 N os. 1 0 m m φtop pile centre
steel up to S/4 from
pile centre Width of Wall Width of Wall

6 mm φ stirrups
at 300 c/c Concrete s lab
150 mm

or back on

Outer edge
200 mm

200 m
mm mm

80 80


Concrete s lab 1 Nos. 8 mm φ

or b ack o n edge through
50 75 Ledge Projection of Beam




20.4.1 General
Driven P recast C oncrete P ile i s a pi le constructed i n a casting yard and s ubsequently dr iven i n t he
ground w ith or w ithout j etting, or ot her t echnique l ike prebori ng (dependi ng on t he c onditions of s oil)
when t he pi le has at tained s ufficient s trength. B y driving, t he s ubsoil i s di splaced and re main i n di rect
contact w ith t he pi le. T hese pi les f ind w ide ap plication par ticularly f or s tructures s uch as w harves, et c. t o
act as a f ree s tanding pile abo ve t he s oil/water l evel or w here c onditions ar e u nfavorable f or us e of c ast-
in-situ piles.

20.4.2 Reinforcement
(i) The longitudinal reinforcement of specified grade and size shall be provided in the pre-cast
concrete piles, for the entire length. All the longitudinal bars shall be of same length and should
fit tightly in the pile shoe if the same is provided.
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(ii) Extra bars for supporting the longitudinal steel shall be provided, to resist the local bending
moments but the s ame s hould be de tailed i n the draw ings p rominently s o tha t the s udden
discontinuity c an be av oided. T he non prov ision of t he ex tra bars m ay l ead t o c racks i n t he pi le
during heavy driving.

(iii) As per IS 2911 (Part1/Sec.3) the area of main longitudinal reinforcement shall not be less than
the percentages of cross sectional area of the piles as detailed below:

(a) Piles with a length 30 times the least dimension: 1.25 per cent

(b) Piles with a length 20 to 40 times the least dimension: 1.5 per cent

(c) Piles with a length more than 40 times the least dimension: 2 per cent

(iv) The lateral reinforcements, which are normally in the form of hooks and links of not less than 6
mm diameter TMT bars, has its own particular importance in resisting the driving stresses
induced in the pile. The volume of lateral reinforcement shall not be less than the following:

(a) At b oth e nds of the p ile for a distance o f 3 t imes the least width - not less than 0.6 p er cent
of the gross volume of pile.

(b) At central portions of the pile - not less than 0.2 per cent of the gross volume of pile.

(v) The spacing of the lateral ties in a pile shall be so arranged that the concrete should have free
flow a round t he reinforcements. The gr adual t ransition o f close s pacing o f lateral reinforcements
near the ends to the increased spacing in the central portions of the piles should be
accommodated by gr adually i ncreasing t he s pacing of t he t ies i n a length of 3 t imes t he l east
width of the pile.

(vi) The cover to reinforcement should be provided to longitudinal bars. In normal conditions the
cover thickness to be pr ovided is 50 mm and i n c ase the piles are ex posed to sea water or water
having other corrosive contents the minimum thickness of cover shall be 75 mm.

Note: Where the concrete of pile is liable to attack of sulphates, chlorides present in ground
water a minimum cover thickness of 75 mm shall be provided. In addition, the piles may
be coated with some suitable material.

(vii) Each longitudinal bar shall be in one length as far as possible, also preferably the full length bar
shall be used. However, in unavoidable cases if the bars are to be joined, they shall be done by
butt welding duly staggering the joints.

(viii) The hoops o r l inks that are t o be t ied t o l ongitudinal reinforcement shall be tied w ith t he specified
type of binding wire and the free ends of the wire shall be turned into the interior of the pile.

(ix) P referably the hoop or link reinforcement shall be welded to the longitudinal bars so as to
achieve a tight fitting.

(x) T emporary or p ermanent s preader f orks spaced at 1 .5 m shall be us ed t o k eep t he l ongitudinal

bar in proper position and spacing.

(xi) Before concreting, the reinforcements shall be checked by Engineer-in-charge who shall ensure
that the reinforcements are tied as per approved design and drawing and shall ascertain that the
tying is perfect.
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20.4.3 Equipment and Ancillaries
(i) The selection of equipment mostly depends upon the hardness of the strata. For deriving the
size and weight of the pile to be handled, the most important point is the location of work.

(ii) Generally, the following equipments are necessary for the installation of piles:
(a) Mo vable s teel or timber structure dul y designed t o handl e t he pi tching and driving t he pi les to
the correct position and alignment.

(b) Tackles to handle piles from casting/stacking yard.

(c) To prevent the head of the pile from being damaged during drilling operation and to distribute
the blow over the cross section of the head of the pile. A temporary steel driving cap,
normally termed as ‘Drive cap’ is placed on the top of the pile.

(d) A pad, block or packing of hard wood or some suitable resilient material normally termed as
“Dolly” is fixed to the upper portion of he cap (helmet) for preventing the shock from hammer
on the head of the pile.

(e) A single acting” or “double acting” hammer is used depending on whether the hammer is
allowed to fall under gravity along or is operated with the source of motive power to derive
the energy.

(f) Sometimes it so happens that he piles are to be driven below the pile frame leaders, with the
result the hammer may not be in a position to reach the pile. Under such circumstances a
removable extension piece known as “follower” or “long dolly” is used to transmit the hammer
blows over the pile head.

(g) W hen a par ticular t ype of soil strata is m et w ith, t he driving conditions m ay r equire
equipments for jetting/pre-boring for installation of piles.

(h) When the piles are to be driven in rock, coarse gravel, clay with cobbles, or other soils, which
may damage the tip of the pile, flat or coaxial shoes made out of steel or cast iron shall be
provided at the tip of the pile.

(i) While driving a pile in a uniform clayey soil or sandy soil no advantage can be derived by
tapering the tip of the pile hence no shoe need be provided for the tip of the pile while driving
piles in such soils.

(j) When jetting is to be undertaken a jet tube may be cast into the pile by connecting the same
to the pile shoe which is normally provided with jet holes. It is not advisable to provide a
central which is likely to be choked.

(k) The best results can be achieved by providing four holes in four directions. However,
providing two holes in opposite direction may also serve the purpose.

(l) A lternatively, two or m ore jet pies may be at tached to the sides of the pile. The pile may g et
off loaded if proper balanced arrangement of jet is not made.

20.4.4 Concrete Materials: Cement, w ater, f ine and c oarse aggregat e, c hemical ad mixtures et c. A s des cribed
under clauses 20.1.6. Concrete Grades to be Adopted: Same as described under clause

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Vol-2 , 2013 Workability of Concrete: The degree of workability i n this case is “low” a s the c oncrete is
placed w here t he section i s not he avily reinforced, al so t he c oncrete i n t he pi le i s v ibrated w ith b oth
internal as well as external vibrators, and therefore minimum slump should be 25 mm to 50 mm. Form-Work/Mould
(i) Only steel moulds manufactured out of sturdy steel sections and sheets to cast the required size
of the pile are to be used. Timber moulds shall not be permitted, under any circumstances.

(ii) The mould shall sustain the stresses generated due to the use of immersion/plate vibrators and
some time even form vibrator, depending upon the size and strength of the pile to be cast.

(ii) The manufacturing of the mould shall be so simple that the sides could be opened within 16 to
24 hours of casting by simply loosening the bolts without damaging the edges of the pile.

(iv) Fixing supports for the sides of the mould shall be done from outside and no use of through bolts
through the concrete shall be permitted to support the opposite sides of the mould.

(v) Proper mechanism shall be introduced to fix the sides to the top of the casting platform so that
the plate from vibrators can be operated without disturbing the mould.

(vi) In case of square piles provision for forming champhers of the pile for the corners shall be made
in the mould itself.

(vii) The mould should be such that when the pile is demoulded all the surfaces of the pile except the
side from which the concrete is laid should get form finish. No rendering or finishing shall be
permitted on any surface of the concrete after demoulding.

(viii) Piles whose surfaces are plastered or rendered, edges repaired etc. shall be rejected and
removed from site.

(ix) After every casting, when the sides of the mould are opened the same shall be cleaned nicely
and form o il m anufactured by r eputed c ompany s hall be a pplied ov er the s urface b efore the
mould i s adj usted f or f illing t he c oncrete, f or nex t pile. T he normal practice of appl ying grease
mixed with diesel or waste oil instead of the form-oil shall not be permitted.

20.4.5 Casting Concrete Piles (Pre-casting)

(i) The casting yard shall be so constructed that the piles that are cast can be lifted directly from
their beds and transported to the storing yard with minimum handling and avoiding any damage
to the pile.

(ii) T he c asting y ard s hall hav e w ell drained s urface s o t hat t he water us ed f or c uring t he al ready
cast piles do not accumulate on the yard inconveniencing the working on subsequent piles.

(iii) The size of the casting platform shall be large enough to accommodate the minimum number of
piles to be cast for full 11 days depending upon the proposed progress of work per day, as a pile
once cast cannot be lifted from the casting bed till the expiry of ten days, therefore no piles can
be cast on these spaces till the piles more than 10 days old are shifted.

(iv) The casting yard shall be well covered not only from top but also from sides to avoid t he di rect sun-
rays falling on the piles that are under set. The pile should also be protected from rain and wind.

(v) Before taking up actual concreting, the moulds to be concreted for full days work shall be fixed in
position and preferably moulds for concreting on the subsequent day shall also be kept ready in

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(vi) If the contractor is permitted to start concrete with lesser number of moulds than that can be cast
within a d ay, th e action will pr ompt the contractor to o pen the s ides of m oulds alr eady c ast
prematurely t o c ontinue c oncreting f or t he full day , w hich is not des irable a s t he qual ity o f t he
concrete will be hampered.

(vii) The inner faces of the mould shall be cleaned; form-oil of approved brand and manufacture shall
be applied.

(viii) The reinforcements shall be lowered carefully in the mould and fixed in position with proper
cover blocks and spacers on all surfaces.

(ix) On getting formal approval of the Engineer-in-charge for the fixing of form-work in position and on
getting t he pr e-measurements o f t he r einforcements recorded, c oncreting w ith s pecified gr ade s hall
be taken up. The slump should be checked frequently and constant w/c ratio shall be maintained.

(x) The piles should be cast from end to end, using immersion, form vibrators, avoiding over vibration.
Proper care should be taken to see that the concrete is packed in the mould and consolidated. When the
mould is full the top surface of concrete shall be neatly toweled and finished smooth.

(xi) Proper precaution shall be taken to ensure that the vibration from the adjoining work does not
affect the previously placed concrete for piles during setting period.

(xii) On completing the concreting for a particular pile the following information shall be engraved (not
painted) on each pile.
(1) Date of casting.
(2) Grade of concrete used.
(3) No. of lot.
The lot No. will help to locate the exact position where the particular pile has to be used.

20.4.6 Testing Works Complete

As prescribed under clause 20.1.7.

20.4.7 Ready Mix Concrete

As prsescribed under clause 20.1.10.

20.4.8 Curing
(i) Provision for curing as given under clause 20.1.8 shall be followed in addition.

(ii) T he piles shall not be lifted from the casting be d for a minimum per iod of 10 da ys from the date
of casting.

(iii) When the piles are shifted to stacking yard after the expiry of ten days, where the piles will have
to be kept for a period of 28 days from the date of casting, the piles in stacks shall be covered
with sacks so that the piles do not come in contact with sun rays till they attain full strength.

(iv) Las tly, t he m ost i mportant f actors af fecting t he t ime of c uring are t he method of c uring, w eather
during hardening, probable hardness of driving and the method of lifting and pitching.

(v) The Engineer-in-charge may fix up the exact period of curing for a particular project considering
all the factors mentioned in Para (iv) above.

20.4.9 Storing and Handling

(i) After the expiry of 10 days from the date of casting, the piles are to be removed from the casting
bed and shifted to the stacking yard where the piles shall be kept for a further period of 18 days
i.e. 28 days after casting and later till they are carried for driving.

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(ii) Th e piles shall be stored on a firm ground which will not liable for unequal subsidence or
settlement under the weight of the stack of piles.

(iii) Timber sections of suitable size shall be placed over the level ground to stack the piles on top.
The spacing between the timber sections shall be so adjusted that the piles are not subjected to
undue bending stresses, while in stack.

(iv) Spaces shall be left around the piles in the stack so that they can be lifted without difficulty and
necessary piles can be cured beyond 10 days.

(v) The order of stacking the piles shall be such that the older piles can be withdrawn without
disturbing the newly placed piles. Separate stacks shall be provided for the piles of different

(vi) I f ordered by t he E ngineer-in-Charge or i f w eather c onditions so require arrangements for c uring

the piles for further period shall be made when the piles are stored in the stack.

(vii) C are shall be taken to see that the piles are not damaged or cracked at the time of lifting,
handling transportation, etc.

(viii) While transporting the piles from the stocking yard to the site, the piles shall be supported at
approximate lifting holes provided for the purpose. In case during transportation if the piles are to
be unloaded temporarily they shall be placed on trestles or blocks located at the lifting points.

20.4.10 Driving Piles

(i) Though from the consideration of maintaining the time schedule and economy in construction,
the pr e-cast concrete piles have t o be driven without any possible delay, s till it s hall be k ept i n
mind that the piles c hosen for driving s hould be t horoughly cured and a re s ufficiently hard. To
achieve this proper s chedule s hall be f ollowed, i n the operations of c asting, curing, s tacking and
transportation of piles to site.

(ii) The heads of the pre-cast concrete piles to be driven shall be protected with packing of resilient
material against the possible damage due to the use of heavy hammers. Care shall be taken to
see that pac king is evenly spread and placed securely. O n top of t he pac king a helmet should be
placed and p rovided with a dol ly o f har dwood or any s uitable material not thickens than t he w idth
of the pile.

(iii) The failure in the pile may occur by compression or tension when the blow of the hammer
generates the stress waves which traverses t he length of t he p ile. Failure due t o c ompressive
stresses m ostly occurs at t he heads. Head s tresses a re i ndependent o f ground conditions and
mainly depend upon the weight of the hammer, its drop and the stiffness of the head cushion.

(iv) By using heaviest hammer and softest packing the maximum set for a given stress is obtained.
The drop of the hammer however should; be adjusted to suit the allowable stress in the

(v) Optimum driving conditions can be maintained only by regular replacement of packing materials
as prescribed i n P ara (ii) ab ove, s ince t he stiffness i n head p acking m aterials i ncreases w ith
repeated use.

(vi) Only in cases of exceptionally hard driving, where theoretically the compressive stresses of toe
can r each t wice t he h ead s tresses, f ailure i n l ower p ortions of t he pi le c an oc cur. I n pr actice,
however, t his r arely o ccurs as t he c ompressive stresses t o a g reat extent tend t o be uniform
over the considerable length of the pile.

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(vii) Due to reflection of compressive wave to “free end”, the longitudinal tension is caused in the pile.
This situation arises at a time when the ground resistance is low and/or when the hammer
rebounds due to head conditions mainly because of the use of hard packing and light hammer.
In addition, an unsupported long pile negotiating a hard stratum will be subjected to transverse
or flexural vibrations in the pile in case the blow from the hammer becomes non-axial or if the
pile is not restrained to reduce the effect of a long pile.

(viii) F or driving a p ile; any type o f ha mmer c an be used provided the pile p enetrates to the
prescribed depth or attain the specific resistance without getting damaged.

(ix) The hammer, helmets, dolly and the pile below should be co-axial and should sit perfectly one
over the other. However, the heaviest possible hammer should preferably be used and the
stroke should be so managed so as not to damage the pile.

(x) The choice of hammer mainly depends upon whether the pile is to be driven to a gi ven
resistance or to a given depth.

(xi) Normally, for a single acting or a drop hammer the stroke should be limited to 1.2 m but 1.0 m is
preferable. Shorter stroke may be used in cases where there is a danger of damaging the pile, a
few examples of which are described below:
(a) Hard surface has to be penetrated in the early stages when a long pile has to be driven.

(b) When there is a s oft ground up to a c onsiderable depth, a l arge penetration is achieved at
each blow.

(c) The pile suddenly reaches refusal when it meets with rock or other virtually impenetrable soil.

(xii) If a satisfactory set is achieved for ten consecutive blows with an appropriate hammer and drop
the method of driving should be repeated with caution and long continued driving. However, after
the pile has almost ceased to penetrate the driving should be stopped especially when the
hammer with moderate weight is used.

(xiii) Sometimes it so happens that the rate of penetration suddenly changes without any satisfactory
reasoning or soil conditions. Under such circumstances the pile driving should not be continued
till real problem is investigated and remedy thought over. Jetting with Driving Pile

(i) The j etting o peration is effective only i n the cohesion less soils s uch a s s and, gravel and fine
grained soils with very less percentage of clay. The jetting will be ineffective in clay soils.

(ii) The main purpose of jetting is to minimize or almost eliminate the resistance at the toe and last
the same time the frictional resistance along the surface of the pile shaft also gets reduced.

(iii) Very hard driving and vibrations can be avoided when the toe resistance is eliminated and also
the rate of penetration is increased considerably when compared to the normal driving methods
without jetting.

(iv) Jetting operations shall be carried out only when specifically ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge.
Jetting shall be carried in a manner that the stability of soil and the bearing capacity of piles
already driven is not in any way impaired. Similarly, the safety of the adjoining structures shall be
taken into consideration.

(v) For effective jetting the quantity of water required is directly related to the cross sectional area of
the piles (including external jet pipes). In dense cohesion less soils the quantity of water up to 2
litres per minutes per of pile cross section may be required. Less quantity of water may
be needed in loosely compacted soils.

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(vi) The water pressure to be maintained is between 5.6 kgf/cm2 to 10.6 kgf/cm2 or more. In case
large qu antities of water are us ed the dr aining arrangement for the w ater that e merges on the
ground s hall have t o be made otherwise t he s tagnant w ater m ay s often the ground endangering
the piling equipment resting above.

(vii) To minimize the risk of blockages, the nozzle should not be positioned at the point of the toe.
The arrangement of jets should be balanced to ascertain the penetration of the pile vertically. It is
advisable to surge down an independent pile or two pipes may be attached to the opposite sides
of the pile for effective jetting operation.

(viii) The pile shall be allowed to enter the ground gradually after operating the water under the weight
of pi le and t he hammer. Acceptable verticality m ay b e a chieved b y use of rigid l eaders, d uly
controlling the rate of penetration with a pile winch.

(ix) On achieving maximum apparent penetration with light driving by the method prescribed above
and w hen t he water jets ar e running t he further pen etration may be at tained i n t he cohesion l ess
soils. The piles shall be driven to the final position or set when the jetting is complete.

(x) Before closing the driving operation, the jetting should be stopped and the driving shall be
continued b y ordinary dr iving methods. I f due to t he gr ound di sturbances, t he pi le tips t end t o be
drawn towards the piles already driven, jetting should be stopped immediately.

(xi) The correct working of jets should be tested before the work on driving the pile is commenced. If
the pile is not provided with as “built in jet arrangement” independent jet pipes down the outside the
pile can be used and to achieve the best result jets working on several faces of the pile can be
practical which will also assist maintaining the verticality. Stripping Pile Heads

(i) Stripping of pile shall be done in such a manner that a minimum 50 mm length of pile projects
into the pile cap. Sufficient length of reinforcement from the pile shall be exposed for embedding
the same inside the pile cap.

(ii) The stripping operation or exposing the reinforcement of the pile shall be done very carefully
without damaging the pile proper. In case any portion of the concrete cracks, the defective
portion shall be cut and the portion repaired with new concrete joining properly with old concrete. Lengthening Piles

(i) Sometimes the length of a pile has to be increased either before or during driving; this can be
done by casing additional concrete over the old pile. In such cases the original head of the pile is
cut to expose minimum 200 mm length of bar.

(ii) The exposed steel should be cleaned properly and shall be held in firm position, while full
penetration butt welding is done.

(iii) In case the conditions on site are not favorable to attempt butt welding, a minimum length of 40 d
(40 times the diameter of main bar) of the original pile shall be exposed and the new steel should
be overlapped over the exposed steel. The overlap shall be spot welded.

(iv) On completion of welding/overlapping the reinforcement and tying the spirals, for the extended
length of reinforcements the extras portion of the pile can be concreted thus extending the
original pile.

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20.4.11 Risen Piles
(i) Sometimes due to ground heave there is a possibility that piles already driven to the final depth
may start rising when adjacent piles are being driven; such rising shall be noted at frequent
intervals till driving on adjacent piles is in progress.

(ii) O n c ompletion of driving t he adj acent pi les, the pi les t hat are risen s hall agai n be dr iven bac k
either to their original level or up to a point of resistance.

20.4.12 Pile Cap

As per clause 20.3.7.

20.4.13 Grade Beam

As per clause 20.3.8.

20.4.14 Measurement
Dimension shall be measured near est to a cm. Me asurement o f length on completion shall be al ong
the axis of pile and s hall be m easured from top of shoe to the bottom of pile cap No allowance shall be
made f or bul king, s hrinkage, c ut of f tolerance, w astage and hi ring of t ools, equi pment f or ex cavating
and driving etc.

20.4.15 Rate
The r ate i ncludes t he c ost of m aterials and l abour i nvolved i n al l t he oper ations des cribed abov e
including pi le em bedded in pile cap, centering, shuttering except reinforcement, pile cap and grade


20.5.1 General
The b earing c apacity o f a single or group of piles s hall b e de termined f rom t est l oading. It i s most
direct method for det ermining s afe l oad on pi le and i t is more reliable on account o f i ts bei ng i n-situ te st.
The load test on a concrete pile shall not be c arried out earlier than 28 da ys of its casting. Initial test
shall be carried on test pi le which is not us ed as working pile and Routine t ests shall be carried out as a
check on w orking pi le. R outine t est s hall be one-half perc ent t o t wo perc ent o f t otal nu mber of p iles or
as specified, appl icable to vertical and l ateral l oad. Load Test s hall gener ally conform t o p rovision made
in I S 2911 (Part I V) w hich provides gui delines for determination o f safe l oads and c onducting o f di fferent
types of tests.

20.5.2 Types of loadings/tests

(i) Vertical Load Test (Compression)

(ii) Cyclic Vertical Load Test

(iii) Lateral Load Test

20.5.3 Vertical Load Test General: Compression load shall be applied to the pile top by m eans of a hy draulic jack
against suitable l oad frame w hich i s c apable o f providing reaction and s ettlement i s recorded b y s uitable
dial gauges. The contractor shall apprise of Engineer-in-Charge before test is conducted. Preparation of Pile Head: Pile head s hall be c hipped of f t o hori zontal pl ane, proj ecting s teel
shall be c ut or bent and top finished smooth and leveled with plaster of Paris or similar synthetic
material as specified to give a plane surface which is normal to the axis of the pile. A bearing plate with a
hole at the centers shall be placed on the head of pile for the jacks to rest.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Loading Platform: A prop er l oading pl atform i s installed as s pecified. C ontractor s hall ensure
that when the hy draulic j ack and l oad m easuring devices are m ounted on pile head the whole system
will be s table on the m aximum specified load. For s ingle pile two d ial gauges s hall be f ixed t o t he pi le
and b ear o n s urfaces on r eference f rame. T he di al ga uges s hall b e pl aced i n di ametrically o pposite
positions and b e equ idistant f rom the p ile axis. F our di al gauge s are us ed f or groups , hav ing 0.01 mm
sensitivity. The arrangement shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Application of Load: The t est i s c arried out by appl ying a s eries of dow nward i ncremental
load (20 per c ent of safe loads on pile). In this method application of increment of test load and taking of
measurement or di splacement i n each stage i s maintained till t he rate of di splacement is either 0.1 mm
in first 30 minutes or 0.2 mm in first one hour or 2 hours, whichever occurs first. The test load shall be
maintained for 24 hours. This method is applicable for both initial and routine test. For testing of raker
piles the loading shall be along its axis. Safe load on single pile for initial test is least of following:

(i) Two-thirds of the final l oad at which t he total d isplacement attains a value of 12 m m unl ess o therwise
stated, in such case the safe load should be corresponding to total displacement permissible.

(ii) 50 per cent of the final load at which the total displacement equal 10 per cent of pile diameter
and 7.5 per cent of bulb diameter in case of under-reamed piles.

Routine test shall be carried for a test load of one and half times the working load, maximum
settlement not to exceed 12 mm or as stated.

Safe load on group of piles for initial test shall be least of the two
(i) Final load at which total displacement is 25 mm or as stated.
(ii) Two-thirds of final load at which the total displacement is 40 mm.

Routine test s hall b e c arried for a tes t lo ad equ al to not less than w orking l oad, t he m aximum
settlement not to exceed 25 mm. Maintained Load Method: This i s appl icable f or bot h i nitial and r outine t est. I n t his method
application o f inc rement of te st lo ad a nd t aking o f m easurement o r dis placement in e ach st age of
loading is maintained till rate of displacement of the pile top is either 0.1 mm in first 30 m inutes or 0 .2
mm i n f irst on e h our o r t ill 2 hou rs, w hichever o ccurs f irst. I f t he l imit of per missible di splacement as
given in is not exceeded, testing of pile is not required to be c ontinued further. The test load
shall be maintained for 24 hours.

Pile t est dat a s uch as load, di splacement and t ime s hall be rec orded i n s uitable pre scribed t abular
form. Results can be presented by suitable curves.
Test s hall be c arried out in proper m anner and t o the ent ire satisfaction of t he E ngineer-in-charge.
After the test is completed the test cap shall be dismantled and pile surface shall be resorted to original
shape. Measurement: Each completed test shall be enumerated for initial test, routine test separately. Rate: The rate i ncludes t he c ost of l abour, m aterial a nd al l t he o perations d escribed a bove
such as pr eparatory work i ncluding i nstallation o f l oading pl atform, appl ying l oad, pr eparing pi le hea d for
load test, trimming of pile head etc. complete.

20.5.4 Cyclic Vertical Load Testing General: This process s hall be us ed i n case of i nitial test t o find out separately skin friction and
point bearing load on single piles of uniform diameter in conformity of provisions of IS Code 2911 (Part
4) for conducting of the test.

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Vol-2 , 2013 Preparatory Pile Head: As per clause Loading Platform: As per clause Application of Load: Relevant prov ision as per c lause 20. 5.3.4 shall be app licable. The t est
may be continued up to 50 per cent over the safe load. Test procedure given in Appendix E shall be followed.

Test shall be carried out in proper manner and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

After t he t est i s c ompleted, t he t est c ap shall be dismantled and pi le s urface s hall b e r estored t o
original shape. Measurement: Each completed test shall be enumerated for different load ranges. Rate: The r ate i ncludes t he cost of l abour, m aterials a nd a ll the operations described a bove
such as preparatory work, trimming of pile head etc. complete.

20.5.5 Lateral Load Testing Load Platform: A pr oper loading p latform s hall be installed as s pecified. H ydraulic jack is
mounted w ith g auge be tween t wo p iles or pi le gr oups u nder t est. Dial gauge t ips s hall re st o n c entral
portion of glass plate fixed on the side of pile. Application of Load: Full load imposed by the jack shall be taken as l ateral resistance on each pile
or gr oup. Lo ad s hould b e applied i n increments of about 2 0 per c ent of t he es timated s afe l oad. T he ne xt
increment shall be applied after the rate of displacement is approximately equal to 0.1 mm per 30 minutes. The safe lateral load on pile; is least of the following:

(i) Fifty per cent of the final load at which total displacement increases to 12 mm. (ii)
Final load when total displacement is 5 mm.
(iii) Load corresponding to any other specified displacement as per requirement.

Pile group shall be tested as per actual conditions as far as possible. Displacements: Displacement is read by at least two dial gauges of 0.1 mm sensitivity spaced at
30 c m and kept hor izontally one a bove the ot her a nd di splacement i s i nterpolated at c ut of f l evel. O ne dia
gauge p laced diametrically oppos ite t o j ack s hall di rectly m easure di splacement. Where, i t i s n ot pos sible
to locate one of the dial gauges in the line of the jack axes, then two dial gauge may be kept at a distance
of 30 cm at a suitable height and the displacement interpolated at load point from similar triangles.
Note: One of the methods of keeping dial gauge on pile surface is to chip off uneven concrete on the
side of the pile and to fix a piece of glass 20 to 30 mm square. The dial gauge tips shall rest on
the central portion of the glass plate.

Arrangement and test procedure shall be duly approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Measurement: Each completed test shall be enumerated for different load ranges. Rate: The rate includes the costs of labour, materials and all the operations described above.

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[Clause & 20.3.3 (iv)]

A- 1 Properties
A-1.1 The bentonite suspension used in bore holes is basically clay of montmorillonite group having
exchangeable s odium c at i ons. B ecause o f t he pr esence o f s odium c at-ions, bent onite on di spersion w ill
break down i nto s mall pl ate l ike particles having a negative c harge on t he surfaces and positive charge
on t he edge s. W hen t he dispersion i s l eft to s tand undi sturbed, t he part icles bec ome or iented b uilding
up a m echanical s tructure at i ts o wn. T his m echanical s tructure he ld b y el ectrical bond i s obs ervable
as a jelly like mass or jell material. When jelly is agitated, the weak electrical bonds are broken and the
dispersion becomes fluid.

A-2 Functions
A-2.2 In the c ase of g ranular s oil, the b entonite s uspension pe netrates into the sides un der po sitive
pressure and af ter a w hile forms a j elly. The bentonite suspension gets deposited on t he sides of the
hole not pen etrate into the s oil, bu t depos its on ly a this film on the s urface o f the ho le. U nder s uch
condition, stability is derived from the hydrostatic head of the suspensions.

A-3 Specification
A-3.1 The bentonite suspension used for pilling work shall satisfy the following requirements:

(a) The liquid limit of bentonite when tested in accordance with IS 2720 (Part V) 1965 shall be more
than 300 per cent and less than 450 per cent.

(b) The sand content of the bentonite powder shall not be greater than 7 per cent.
Note: The purpose of limiting the sand content i s m ainly t o control a nd reduce the w ear and
tear of the pumping equipment.

(c) B entonite s olution should be m ade b y m ixing i t with f resh w ater u sing pu mp f or circulation. T he
density of the bentonite solution should be bout 1.12.

(d) The mash viscosity when tested by a Marsh cone should be about 37 second.

(e) The swelling index as m easured by the swelled volume after 12 hours in abundant q uantity of
water shall be at least 2 times its dry volume.

(f) The pH value of the bentonite suspension shall be less than 11.5.

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(Clause 20.3.3)

B-1 Equipment

B-1.1 Normally the following equipment will be required in manual operation:

(a) An auger;
(b) An under-reamer;
(c) A boring guide; and
(d) Accessories like spare extensions, cutting tool, concreting funnel etc.

B-1.1.1 For the piles of size larger than 30 cm and for larger depths additional equipment required will be
portable tripod hoist with a manually operated winch.

B-1.1.2 For piles in high ground water table and unstable soil conditions, boring and under-reaming
shall be carried out with bentonite slurry using suitable equipment. Tremie pipe shall be used for
(a) Drop weight for driving the core assembly, and

(b) Pipe or solid core.

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Specification for pile frame shall be i n conformity to the one l aid in IS 6428. Contractor shall use the
proper height of pile frame and which is able to take the weight of hammer safety.

Standard size of pile frame will assist the user in determining the type and size of frame. Damages
pile frame which cannot be used for want of spares shall be replaced with sound one.

The size of pile frame shall be des ignated by its height and the weight of the hammer and the pile it
can take.

The pile frame shall be as per the sizes given in table below:

S.No Size Height of Pile Frame Weight of hammer Weight of pile (Any
Type) max
1 I 7.5 1.5 3
2 II 10.5 3 6
3 III 15 5 10
4 IV 20 6 12
5 V 25 6 12

Extension Panels: All pi le f rames s hall be c apable of bei ng f ixed w ith ex tension panel s of 1. 5, 3
and 4.5 m height without reduction in weight capacity.

Performance: Pile f rames w ith or without ex tension panel s s hall be c apable of pl acing piles at t he
maximum backward rake in 1 in 5 and the maximum forward rake 1 in 10.

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(Clause 20.2.2)
Specification for pile boring equipment shall be as per IS 14362. Constructions of bored piles require
careful s election of boring equ ipment. Choice of appropr iate equ ipment will de pend up on sub soil
conditions, diameter of pile, their depths and ot her specific requirements of any particular work. Details
of equipment and proposed methods of driv ing the pile shall be submitted by the tenderer for scrutiny
and approval by the competent authority
Equipment desc ribed herei n refers t o co nstruction of bored pil es on land and without the user of
bentonite. The standard nominal diameter of piles shall be 450 mm, 500 mm, 600 mm and the like.

All materials used i n the construction of pile boring equip ment shall conform to the requi rement of
relevant Indian Standard IS 800 ‘Code of Practice’ for general construction in steel.

Pile Boring Equipment

The various items comprising pile boring equipment are:
(a) Winch
(b) Derrick
(c) Boring/chiseling tools
(d) Temporary casings
(e) Tremie arrangements, and
(f) Accessories
A typical piling winch consists of the following components as shown below in Fig. D1
(a) Winch drum,
(b) Prime mover,
(c) Transmission system,
(d) Clutch system,
(e) Brake system,
(f) Winch

1. Winch drum
2. Prime mover
7 3. Transmission
4. Clutch operating lever
5. Brake pedal
6. Main shear leg
9 7. Side shear leg
8. Pulley
4.4 m (H) Typical

9. Sludge pump
10 10. Wire Rope
12 11. Winch frame
12. Safety Link

1 3 4 2


4.8 m (L) Typical

Fig. D1

325 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

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Winch Drum: This s tandard c apacities (drum rope pull) of the w inch dr um s hall be 5 t. A nd the drum
meter shall not be less than 20 times the diameter of the wire ropes used.

Prime Mover: The p rime m over s hall usually be a di esel e ngine of t he ai r cooled t ype or an electric
motor. A suitable reduction gear shall also be provided.

Transmission: The transmission system shall be one of the following :

(a) Geared drive
(b) Chain drive, and
(c) Belt drive (flat belt or V-belt)
The transmission system shall be provided with suitable guard cover.

Clutch System: The clutch s ystem shall c onsist o f a c lutch wheel and friction plate(s) o r a F riction c one
operated by a lever.

Brake System: This shall consist of a brake band connected with the foot brake pedal or brake handle for
hand operation.

Winch Frame: A typical w inch frame s hall be made from s tructural s teel section an d s hall be ei ther
truck-mounted c rawler-mounted or skid-mounted. A pr oper s tabilizer s hall be pr ovided to transmit the
load to the ground smoothly.

General: The standard derrick shall consist of the following components:
(a) Main shear leg,
(b) Side shear leg,
(c) Shear leg base,
(d) Pulley, and
(e) Safety link.
The h oisting c apacity o f t he de rrick s hall be a t least eq ual to the m aximum dr um r ope pu ll land
preferably more by 25%.

Main Shear Leg: The main s hear l eg s hall be a box s ection fabricated ac cording t o I S 80 0-1984 ei ther
from tw o mild steel angle s ections or tw o channel sections. T he box s ection s hall hav e minimum
dimensions of 125 mm2 and the minimum length of the leg shall be 5.6 m.

Side Shear Legs: The two sides shear legs shall have a minimum box section of 100 mm2. One of the two
side legs shall be provided with suitable mild steel rings spaced 0.3 m apart up t o the top. These legs
shall be placed part at as distance of minimum of 3 m.

Shear Leg Base: These shall consist of as steel plate welded to the base of the leg. Additional plates shall
be welded on all four sides of the leg for up to 15 mm above the bottom of the leg.

Pulley: The pulley shall be usually provided at the top of the main shear-leg and it shall have a diameter at
least 20 t imes the di ameter o f the wire-rope us ed. T he pul ley s hall hav e a suitable guar d and s hall b e
properly lubricated.

Safety Link: An inte rconnected steel-chain shall be provided near the top of the derrick so as to
preclude any accidental increase in the distances between the legs.

Boring/Chiseling Tools
The various tools shall be as follows:
(a) Sludge pump,
(b) Bailers,

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(c) Chisels,
(d) Casings,
(e) Casing extractor plate,
(f) Casing extractor bar,
(g) Casing drive bar, and
(h) Tiller

Sludge Pump: Boring shall be u sually ad vanced b y us ing a sludge pu mp (also called shell) a s shown i n
Fig. D-2. Weight of the sludge ump shall vary with the diameter but normally minimum weight shall be
7.5 k N. Sludge p ump is a h ollow cylindrical steel bo dy with a c utting s hoe at the bottom and a l ifting
hook at its top. It has hinged trap door immediately abov e the bottom c utting edged and it has an
opening (window) near the top for muck removal. Above this window, lead or steel or concrete may be
added to increase the weight of the sludge pump for effective boring.

Bailer: The bailer (see Fig. D-3) is used for removal of water or slush from the bore hole. It is made up
of a hollow steel cylinder with a lifting hook at the top and a truncated base plate with perforation at the
bottom. There is a pl unger passing through a c entral hole of the b ase plate which acts a s a pl ug valve.
This plu nger is ab out 20 cm long an d has about 15 c m diameter steel pla tes welded at its to p an d
bottom. This c loses t he central hol e in t he base plate of t he plunger and thus ret ains t he s lush m aterial
for removal.

Clean Out Window

Trap Door

Hard Fced Edge

Hinge Trap D oor Perforations

Bolt on s ide and

)LJ '  6 /8'*( 3 803  6 +(//  )LJ ' % $,/(5

Chisels: Hard strata during boring shall be broken by chisels. The chisels shall be made of solid round bar
with hard faced edged at the bottom. The chisel shall weigh at least 7.5 KN for 450 mm 12.5 KN for 500
and 600 mm piles.

Casing: These s hall b e made f rom 16 m m t hick plates a nd t he standard l ength shall be 1.5 m . The
casings shall be threaded on both sides and suitable collar shall be used to protect the threads.

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Casing Extractor Plate: A s teel pl ate of s uitable size shall be us ed f or t he extraction c asing af ter t he
boring operation is complete.

Casing Extractor Bar: his s hall be a round of ab out 75 m m di ameter. I t s hall be pas sed t hrough t he
holes only sides of the casing and through the extractor plate, to enable extractor of casing.

Casing Drive Bar: This s hall hav e a c ross-section of at l east 75 m m2 and shall be us ed t o dr ive t he

Tiller: This gadget shall be used to rotate the casing manually, whenever necessary.

Temporary Casing
This shall consist of the following.
The casing collar shall be attached at the casing top to take the blows during casing driving. The
main casing shall be made from 16 mm thick steel and shall be threaded at one end. The casing
shall be provided with as cutting edge at the bottom to facilitate driving.

Tremie Arrangements
The tremie arrangements shall include the Following:
(a) Concrete hopper
(b) Hopper plug
(c) Tremie pipe
(d) Holding clamp and
(e) Hoisting plug.

Accessories shall include the following:
(a) Concrete placer
(b) Wheel barrow
(c) Measuring chain
(d) Bailers
(e) Crowbars
(f) Dog-clamps with pins
(g) Steel measuring tape; and
(h) Mucking shovel.

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$3 3 (1',;(

E-1 Method
E-1.1 Alternate l oading an d unl oading shall be carried out at eac h s tage as i n 20. 5.3.5 and eac h l oading
stage s hall b e m aintained as i n 2 a nd e ach unloading s tage shall b e maintained f or a t l east 1 5
minutes and the subsequent elastic rebound in the pile should be measured accurately by dial gauges as
in The test may be continued up to 50 per cent over the sage load.

E-2 Analysis of Results for Frictional Resistance

E-2.1 Graphical Method

E-2.1.1 Assuming that there is no compression in the pile, plot a gr aph r elating total el astic recovery an d
load at the pile top.

E-2.1.3 Draw a straight l ine par allel t o t he s traight por tion of curve I to di vide t he load i nto t wo par ts and
thereby obtained approximate values of point resistance and skin friction.

E-2.1.4 From t he a pproximate v alue o f s kin f riction, an d k nowing t he l oads of t op o f pi le, c ompute t he
elastic compression of the pile corresponding to these loads, by the following formula:
Δ = (T-F/2)L
Δ = Elastic compression of pile in cm,
T = Load on pile top in kgf,
F = Frictional resistance in kgf,
L = Length of the pile in cm,
A = Cross-sectional area of the pile in cm2, and
E = Modulus of elasticity of the pile material in kgf/cm3
(The v alue s hould no rmally be m easured f rom an ex posed por tion o f pi le s tem by m eans o f
compress meter during the load test itself.)

E-2.1.5 Obtain values of the elastic compression of the sub grade by subtracting the elastic
compression of t he pile from t he t otal elastic r ecovery of pile, a nd plot t he gra ph re lating t hese new
values the negative value shall be ignored until the value is positive.

E-2.1.6 Repeat the procedures given in E-2.1.3 to obtain new values of skin friction.

E-2.1.7 The process of f urther approximations c overed i n E -2.1.6 may be r epeated f urther t o any
desired e xtent, b ut usually the t hird c urve w ould gi ve s ufficiently ac curate v alues for skin friction for
practical purposes.

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E-2.2 Analytical Method

Analysis of Cyclic Load Test Data for Separation of Skin Frication and Point Resistance.

Load on Pile Top in Tonnes

0 20 40 60 80 100


Elastic Compression of Sub-Grade in mm
1.5 Skin Friction

Point II
3.0 Resistance III and Final

3.5 Parallel



E-2.2.1 From straight l ine portion of c urve c alculate t he v alue of c onstant f rom t he equa tion.
m = Δ s - (ΔT/AE)L
m = A constant;
ΔS = Change in total elastic settlement of pile
ΔT = Change in applied load = (Tb- Ta) in kgf
L = length of pile in cm;
A = cross-sectional area of pile in cm2
E = elastic modulus of the material of pile in kgf/cm2
T = Load on pile top in kgf.

E-2.2.2 Calculate t he c orrected s ettlement f or di fferent l oad i ncrement b y equation ( 2)

S = C orrected s ettlement i n c m, and
T= Total load on pile top in kgf.

E-2.2.3 Knowing v alue of m and S c ompute s kin friction and po int bear ing by s olving s imultaneous
equation (3) and (4).
T =P+F
S = mP + (T-F/2)L
P = point bearing in kgf, and
F = skin friction in kgf.

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(Clause 20.1.2)
Specifications for driving hammer shall be in conformity to the one laid in IS 6426. Driving hammer of
standard weight and strokes of different types be used.

The ob ject should be to keep weights o f ha mmers to a l imited r ange and s tandardize weight interval
and stroke to facilitate their use with pilling rig & pilling attachments of different plants.

Piles m ay be dr iven w ith any t ype of ham mer, provided t hey pe netrate t o t he prescribed dept h o r
attain to ensure a final penetration of not more than 5 mm per blow.

It is preferable to em ploy the heaviest hammer practicable and to limit the stroke, s o as not to
damage the pile. Pile hammers shall be classified as given in the Table below:

Table No. Classification of Pile Driving Hammers

S. No. Class Weight Kg
(1) (2) (3)
(i) Light Hammers Up to 500
(ii) Medium Hammers Over 500 and up to 2500
(iii) Heavy Hammers Over 2500

The r ecommended s izes ( weight of r am o r s triking pa rt) an d s troke of di fferent t ypes s hall b e as
given in Table below:

Sizes (Weight of Ram or the Striking Part) and Stroke of Different Types of Hammers
S. Type of Light (up to 500 Kg) Medium (over 500 up to Heavy (over
No. Hammers 2500 kg) 2500 kg)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Drop Hammer 250 to 500 kg at multiples of 750 to 2500 kg at multiples 2750 to 4500 kg
125 of 250 at multiples of
2 Single acting (a) 25 to 100 kg at multiples 750 to 2500 kg at multiples 3000 to 7500 kg
capable of of 25 kg at maximum of 250, at maximum stroke at multiples of
working on stroke of 20 cm of 90 cm. 500 kg at
steam or air at (b) 100 to 500 kg at multiples maximum stroke
5.5 kg/cm2 at of 100 kg at maximum at 120 cm.
the hammer stroke of 40 cm.
3 Double acting (a) 25 to 100 kg at multiples 750 to 2500 kg at multiples
capable of of 25 kg at maximum of 500, at maximum stroke
working on stroke of 20 cm of 45 cm.
steam or air at (b) 100 to 500 kg at multiples
5.5 kg/cm2 at of 100 kg at maximum
the hammer stroke of 25 cm.
4 Diesel 500 kg at maximum stroke of Over 500 up to 2500 kg at
Hammer 250 cm multiples of 500 kg at
maximum stroke of 250 cm.

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Sl. No. Brief Description Page No.
List of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Codes 334

21.0 Terminology 335

21.1 Aluminium 336

21.2 Paneling Material 337

21.3 EPDM Gaskets 341

21.4 Sealant 341

21.5 Reflective Glass 342

21.6 Door, Window, Ventilator and Partition Frames 343

21.7 Door, Windows and Ventilator Shutters 344

21.8 Fittings 361

21.9 Louvers 361

21.10 Hermetically Sealed Unit 361

21.11 Brass Lock 362

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Sl. No. IS Code Subject

1. IS 733 Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys, Bars, Rods and Sections
(For General Engineering Purposes) -Specification
2. IS 737 Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium alloy sheet and strip for general
engineering purposes -Specification
3. IS 1285 Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloy, Extruded Round Tube and
Hollow sections (For General Engineering Purposes) - Specification
4. IS 1868 Anodic coating on Aluminium and its Alloys-Specification
5. IS 1948 Specification for Aluminium Doors, Windows and Ventilators
6. IS 3908 Specification for Aluminium equal leg angles
7. IS 3909 Specification for Aluminium unequal leg angles
8. IS 3965 Dimensions for wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys bars, rods
and sections.
9. IS 5523 Method of testing anodic coating on aluminium and its alloys.
10. IS 6012 Measurement of coating thickness by Eddy Current Method
11. IS 6315 Floor springs (Hydraulically regulated) for heavy doors-Specifications
12. IS 6477 Dimensions of extruded hollow section and tolerances
13. IS 12823 Wood products- Pre-laminated particle board -Specifications.
14. IS 14900 Transparent Float glass- Specifications.

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Any solid section, other than round, with at least one dimension of 10 mm or more.

Any round solid section with a diameter of 10 mm or greater.

Extruded Round Tube

A circular hollow extrusion of uniform wall thickness not subjected to cold drawing.

Hollow Section
An ex truded s hape ot her than round t ube, t he cross s ection of w hich c ompletely enc loses a v oid or
voids and which is not subject to cold drawing.

Anodized Aluminium
Aluminium w ith an a nodic c oating, pr oduced b y an e lectrolytic ox idation pr ocess, i n w hich t he s urface
of the aluminium is covered with a coating, generally an oxide, to give protective and decorative properties.

Pre-laminated Particle Board

A particle board laminated on both surface by synthetic impregnated base papers under the
influence of heat and pre ssure w ith f inished f oil un der t he pres sure or pres sure and heat dependi ng o n
type of binder used.

Floor Spring (Hydraulically Regulated)

A device used to close the door so as to slow down its speed before it reaches its closed position.

Single Action Floor Spring (Hydraulically Regulated)

A device used to close the door in one direction only so as to slow down its speed before it reaches to
its closed position.

Double Action Floor Spring (Hydraulically Regulated)

A device used to close the door in both directions so as to slow down its speed before it reaches its
closed position.

The device fixed to the bottom of the door leaf in order to hoist it to the floor spring.

Top Centre Pivot

The device to secure the upper portion of the door leaf and the door frame above.

Right Hand Floor Spring

A f loor s pring s uitable f or us e on an ant iclockwise door ; an ant iclockwise d oor i s one w hich w hen
viewed from above, rotates in anticlockwise direction about its hinge while opening.

Left Hand Floor Spring

The floor s pring s uitable for us e o n c lockwise d oor a clockwise door i s one which, w hen v iewed from
above, rotates in clockwise direction about its hinge while opening.
It is a complete window unit whether fixed or open type.
Composite Window
Window unit having two or more sashes joined together with one or more coupling members.

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Centre - Hung Ventilator
A v entilator horizontally pivoted at t he centre on both s ides. Top half opens inwards and bottom half
opens outwards.


21.1.1 Aluminium Sections

Aluminium sections us ed f or fixed/openable w indows, v entilators, par titions, frame work & door s e tc.
shall be suitable for use to meet architectural designs to relevant works and shall be subject to approval of
the E ngineer-in-Charge f or t echnical, s tructural, f unctional and v isual c onsiderations. The al uminium
extruded sections shall conform to IS 733 and IS 1285 for chemical composition and mechanical
properties. The stainless steel screws shall be of grade AISI 304.

The per missible di mensional t olerances of t he ex truded s ections s hall be as pe r I S 6477 an d s hall be
such as not to impair the proper and smooth functioning/operation and appearance of door and

Aluminium glazed doors, windows etc. shall be of sizes, s ections and details as s hown in the
drawings. The details shown in the drawings may be varied slightly to suit the standards adopted by the
manufacturers of t he al uminium w ork, w ith t he ap proval of E ngineer-in-Charge. B efore proc eeding w ith
any f abrication work, th e co ntractor sh all pr epare an d submit, complete f abrication and i nstallation
drawings for ea ch type of glazing do ors, w indows, ventilators an d p artition e tc. for the ap proval of t he
Engineer-in-Charge. If the sections are varied, the contractor shall obtain prior approval of Engineer-in-
Charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

21.1.2 Anodising
Standard al uminium ex trusion s ections a re m anufactured i n v arious s izes an d s hapes i n w ide ra nge
of s olid a nd hollow p rofiles with d ifferent f unctional shapes f or ar chitectural, s tructural glazing, c urtain
walls, d oors, w indow & ven tilators an d va rious o ther purposes. T he an odizing of th ese pr oducts is
required to be done before the fabrication work by anodizing/electro coating plants which ensures
uniform c oating i n uni form c olour and shades. T he extrusions are ano dized u p t o 30 m icron in di fferent
colours. The anod ized extrusions are t ested regularly under s trict quality c ontrol a dhering t o I ndian

21.1.3 Powder Coating Material: The powder u sed f or powder co ating s hall b e Epoxy/polyester p owder of make
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall give detailed programme for powder coating in
advance, to facilitate the inspection by Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative. Pre-treatment: Each a luminium al loy ex trusion o r pe rformed s ection s hall b e tho roughly
cleaned by al kaline or acidic s olutions under t he c onditions specified by c hemical c onversion c oating
supplier and t hen r insed. A c hemical c onversion c oating s hall be appl ied by t reatment w ith a s olution
containing essentially chromate ions or chromate and phosphate ions as the active components as
applicable. T he am ount o f t he c onversion coating d eposited d epends on t he t ype u sed b y t he
conversion c oating c hemical s upplier. The c onversion c oating s hall be thoroughly ri nsed either w ith t he
solution specified by the conversion coating chemical supplier or with de-mineralized water and then
dried at the temperature for the time specified by the conversion coating chemical supplier. The
contractor s hall s ubmit t he det ail s pecifications an d ap plication proc edure f or appl ication of c onversion
coating for appr oval of E ngineer-in-Charge. T he m etal s urface after the c onversion c oating pretreatment
and prior to the application of the coating shall be free from dust or powdery deposits.

336 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013 Process: The pol yester po wder shall be ap plied b y el ectrostatic po wder s pray m ethod. B efore
start o f po wder coating t he contractor shall submit det ail s pecification for app lication o f pol yester po wder
from manufacturer of the polyester powder for approval of Engineer-in-Charge. The powder coating shall be
applied as per the specification approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Thickness: The thickness of the finished polyester powder coating measured by micron meter
shall not be less than 50 micron nor more than 120 micron at any point. Performance Requirements for the Finish

(i) Surface appearance: The finish on significant surfaces shall show no scratches when illuminated
and is examined at an oblique angle, no blisters, craters; pinholes or scratches shall be visible
from a distance of about 1 m. There shall not be any visible variation in the colour of finished
surfaces of different sections and between the colours of different surfaces of same section.

(ii) Adhesion: When a coated test piece is tested using a spacing of 2 mm between each of the six
parallel cuts (the cut is made through the full depth of powder coating so that metal surface is
visible) and a piece of adhesive tape, approximately 25 mm x 150 mm approved by the
Engineer-in-Charge i s ap plied f irmly t o t he c ut area and t hen rem oved rapi dly by pul ling at ri ght
angles to the test area, no pieces of the finish other than debris from the cutting operation shall be
removed from the surface of the finish. Protection of Powder Coated / Anodizing Finish : It i s m andatory t hat al l al uminium

members shall be wrapped with self adhesive non-staining PVC tape, approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Measurement: All the aluminium sections in cluding s nap beading fix ed in place s hall be
measured i n runni ng m eter al ong t he out er peri phery of c omposite s ection correct t o a m illimeter. T he
weight calculated on the basis of actual average (average of five samples) weight of composite section in
kilogram correct to the second place of decimal shall be taken for payment. (Weight shall be taken after
anodizing). T he w eight of c leat s hall be added f or payment. N either any de duction nor any thing extra
shall be paid for skew cuts. Rate: The rate shall include the cost of all the materials, labours involved in all the operations as
described in nomenclature of item and particular specification.


21.2.1 Pre-laminated Particle Board

A par ticles boar d laminated on bot h s urfaces b y s ynthetic resin impregnated bas e paper s under heat
and pressure. Pre-laminated particle boards shall be of t wo grades, namely, Grade I and I I
corresponding to IS 3087 & 12823. Each of the grades specified shall be of four types, namely, Types-I, II,
III, and IV classified by the surface abrasion characteristics specified in Table 21.1. The grade and types
of pre-laminated particle board shall be represented by symbols as follows:

Grade Type Designation

Grade I Type I PLB-11
Type II PLB-12
Type III PLB-13
Type IV PLB-14
Grade II Type I PLB-21
Type II PLB-22
Type III PLB-23
Type IV PLB-24

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TABLE 21.1
Physical and Mechanical Properties
(Para 21.2.1)
Sl. Properties Flat Pressed Three Layer,
No. Multilayer and Graded
Grade-I Grade-II
(i) Density variation (Max.) Percent + 10 + 10
(ii) Water absorption (Max )
(a) 2 hours 7.0 15.0
(b) 24 hours 15.0 30.0
(iii) Thickness swelling (Max.), percent, 2 hours 5.0 8.0
(iv) Modulus of rupture (Min) N/mm2
(a) Up to 20 mm thickness 15.0 11.0
(b) Above 20 mm thickness 12.5 11.0
(v) Tensile strength perpendicular to surface (Min.)
(a) Up to 20 mm thickness 0.45 0.3
(b) Above 20 mm thickness 0.4 0.3
(vi) Tensile strength perpendicular to surface (Min.)
(a) After cyclic test* 0.2 -
(b) After accelerated water resistance test** 0.15 -
(vii) Screw withdrawal strength (Min.), N:
(a) Face 1250 1250
(b) Edge 850 750
(viii) Abrasion resistance (Min.) in number of revolutions
(a) Type I 450 450
(b) Type II 250 250
(c) Type III 80 80

* Cyclic Test at : Specimen are immersed in water at 27±2o C for a period of 72 hours, followed by
drying in air at 27 ± 2o C for 24 hours and then heating in dry air at 70o C for 72 hours. Three such
cycles are to be followed and t hen s pecimens are t ested f or t ensile s trength per pendicular to t he
surface. These tests are to be conducted at manufacturer place.

** Accelerated Water Resistance Test: Specimens are immersed in water at 27±2o C and water is
brought to boiling and kept at boiling temperature for two hours. Specimens are then cooled in
water to 27±2o C and tested at manufacturer place for tensile strength perpendicular to the surface. Particle Board: Synthetic resin bonded f lat pr essed t hree l ayers, multilayer and gr aded par ticle
board def ined i n I S 3087 having superfine s urface shall b e us ed f or produ ction of prel aminated part icle
board. F or E CO M arks t he part icle board s hall al so c onform t o t he requirements of E CO M ark s pecified
in IS 3087. Impregnated Base Paper: Printed or plain coloured absorbent base paper having a weight of 60-
140 g /m 2 impregnated i n a suitable s ynthetic resin a nd dr ied t o a v olatile content o f 4 -8 per c ent s hall be
used for pre-lamination on both surfaces of particle board. Impregnated Overlay: An absorbent tissue, paper having a weight of 18-40 g/m2 impregnated in
a s uitable s ynthetic r esin an d dr ied t o a v olatile c ontent of 4 -8 pe r c ent s hall be us ed f or t he
manufacture of pre-laminated particle board.
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Vol-2 , 2013 Manufacture: Particle boards h aving s uperfine and c losed s urface with hi gh f ace s trength a nd
steep density gradient across t he t hickness is used f or m aking prelaminated particle boards.
Impregnated base papers rich in a s ynthetic resin are placed on ei ther side of the particle board and t he
assembly is taken inside a short cycle single opening lamination press or a multi day light press. Under
heat and pressure the resin flows and forms a permanent bond with particle board.

The top surface of impregnated paper comes in contact with special surface chromium plates or
steel caul plates and takes the impression of surface finish of these cauls. Hot boards are extracted out of
the short cycle press and cooled in air, whereas cooling of boards is done inside the dress in multiday light
type. Care should be taken to keep cycle times low in the press to avoid heat penetration to the centre
of the boar edge.

The i mpregnated ov erlay paper may be u sed b y pl acing it ov er the impregnated bas e paper ( IBP) on
one s urface while us ing a n ormal IBP on the o ther s urface and pr essure. The impregnated ov erlay
becomes transparent after pressing. Such boards are used for high surface abrasion application.

In case of finished foil par ticle boards, the finished foil is pa sted on bo th surfaces of particle board after
spreading suitable s ynthetic gl ue on board’s surface and pas sing the assembly i n a roller press or a f lat
press under the influence of pressure and/or heat depending on the type of binder used. Finish: The finish o f the pap er ov erlaid boar d depe nds on the s urface o f c aul p lates us ed.
Common s urface f inishes i n us e are gl ossy, m att t extured ( soft, S wede, w ood por e and l eather), et c.
The surface finish of the foil finished boards depends on the original finish of the foil used. Dimensions and Tolerances: Dimensions and tolerances shall conform to IS 12049. Testing: One sample for every 100 sqm. or part thereof shall be taken and testing done as per IS
12823. F or quantity less than 100 sqm, the test certificate from manufacturer shall be relied upon. The
Engineer-in-charge may ask for testing even if the quantity is less than 100 sqm.

21.2.2 Aluminium Sheet Aluminium Sheets f or us e a s panel s s hall be 1. 25 m m t hick aluminium al loy s heet conforming
to I S 73 7. A luminium al loy s heet f or u se i n general pan eling w ork shall be of t ypes a nd t hickness a s
specified and c onforming t o t he requirement o f I S 7 37. A luminium s heets shall be o f appr oved make and
manufacturer. Aluminium panel may be prefabricated units m anufactured on modular or non-modular
dimension. Fixing: The req uired s ize of panel , k eeping s ufficient m argin t o be i nserted i nside t he s ection,
shall be c ut to correct size and f ixed firmly in the frame with CP brass or al uminium or stainless steel
screws o f star head ed, counter sunk and matching size gr oove. Joints s ealed with epox y r esin o r s ilicon
sealant to make the unit water proof.

21.2.3 Float Glass The glass shall be clear float glass and should be approved by the Engineer in Charge. It shall be
clear, f loat t ransparent and f ree from cracks s ubject to a llowable defects. T he fl oat glas s shall
conform to the IS 14900. Thickness : The t hickness of f loat gl ass s hall depend on t he s ize of panel . T he t olerance i n
thickness shall be as under:
TABLE 21.2
Nominal Thickness (in mm ) Tolerance (in mm )
4.0 ± 0.3
5.0 ± 0.3
6.0 ± 0.3
8.0 ± 0.6
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Vol-2 , 2013 Allowable Defects: The allowable defects shall be as per Table 21.3 below:

TABLE 21.3

Sl. Defects Central Outer Remarks

1. Gaseous inclusion. Max 3.0 6.0 Separated by at least 30.0 cm
size, mm
2. Opaque gaseous inclusion. 3.0 6.0 Separated by at least 60.0 cm
Max size. mm
3. Knots, dirt and stones, Max 1.0 1.0 Separated by at least 30.0 cm
size. mm
4. Scratches, Rubs and Crush Faint Light Separated by at least 30.0 cm
5. Bow, percent. Max 0.5 0.5 See
6. Reams, Strings and lines Light Light See
7. Waviness Nil Nil See
8. Sulphur stains Nil Nil
9. Corner breakage and chip Not more than nominal
thickness of float glass Allowable Cluster of Defects: The allowable cluster of defects mentioned under Sl. No. 1, 2 &
3 of Table 21.3 shall be as per IS 14900.

21.2.4 Tests Thickness: The thickness of float glass shall be measured with micrometers or a c aliper which is
graduated to 0.01 mm or with a measuring instrument having an equivalent capacity. Scratches, Rubs and Crush : Place the sample of float glass in a vertical position
approximately 50 c m from the v iewer’s position and look through it using either day light w ithout direct
sunlight or a background light suitable for observing each type of defect.

Intensity of Scratches, Rubs, Crush Intensity Distance Limit

Faint Shall not be detectable beyond 50 cm
Light Detectable between 50-100 cm and not beyond 100 cm. Bow : Depending on the side on w hich bo w i s pr esent, stand t he sample v ertically on a wooden
plank. Stretch a thread edge to edge. Measure the longest perpendicular. Distance from the thread to
the surface of float glass facing the thread and express it as percentage of the length of float glass from
edge along the thread. Reams, Strings and Lines : Focus a light projector with a 500 W lamp and an objective lens with
an approximate 5 cm aperture and about 30 cm focal length on a flat white projection screen placed about
760 cm from the light source in a dark room. Place the float glass in a vertical position parallel to the
screen be tween t he l ight and t he s creen. M ove the gl ass s lowly t owards t he s creen with a v ertical
oscillating motion. The s hadowgraph read out i s t he distance at w hich the di stortion just bl ends w ith t he
general shadow of the glass on the screen.

TABLE 21.4

Intensity of Reams, Strings and Lines Intensity Distance Limit

Light 7.5 cm
Medium 5.0 cm
Heavy 2.5 cm

340 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013 Perspective Distortion: When tested a s per t est pr ocedure d escribed be low it s hall n ot gi ve
distorted vision of straight stripe pattern.

Test Procedure for Perspective Distortion

Perspective distortion shall be examined by looking through the specimen glass which may be
placed at about 4.5 m distance in such a direction that the incident angle to it is 50 degree (4 mm or
above) and by observing a screen set up perpendicularly to the line of vision about 4.5 m further ahead of
the specimen over the total width of about middle part of the specimen from the horizontal direction. The
specimen gl ass shall be kept with the dr awn di rection at manufacture v ertical and, on the s urface o f the
screen, t he strip pattern of w hite a nd bl ack p arallel s traight l ines of 25 mm w idth a nd i nclined 45
degrees from the vertical shall be provided and its surface shall be luster less.


The EPDM G askets shall be of size and profile as shown in dr awings and as c alled for, to render the
glazing, door s, w indows, ventilators et c. ai r and water t ight. S amples of g askets s hall be s ubmitted f or
approval and the E PDM gas ket appr oved b y Engineer-in-Charge s hall onl y be used. The c ontractor shall
submit documentary proof of us ing t he ab ove m aterial i n t he w ork t o t he ent ire s atisfaction of E ngineer-

The EPDM gasket shall meet the requirements as given in Table 21.5 below:

TABLE 21.5

Sl. No. Description Standard Follow Specification

1 Tensile strength Kg.f/cm2 ASTM-D 412 70 Min.
2 Elongation at break % ASTM-D 412 250 Min.
3 Modulus 100% Kgf/cm2 ASTM-D 412 22 Min.
4 Compression set % at 0o CC 22 Hrs. ASTM-D 395 50 Max.
5 Ozone resistance ASTM-D 1149 No visible cracks

21.4.1 The sealants of approved grade and colour shall only be used. The silicone for perimeter joints
(between A luminium s ection an d R CC/Stone m asonry) shall be of m ake approved by the E ngineer in

21.4.2 Method of Application

Surface Preparation : Clean all joints and glazing pockets by removing all foreign matter and
contaminants such as gr ease, oi l, dus t, w ater, frost, surface di rt, ol d s ealants or gl azing c ompounds and
protective coatings.

21.4.3 Masking
Areas a djacent t o j oints shall b e m asked t o ensure neat s ealant l ines. M asking t ape s hall not be
allowed t o t ouch clean surfaces t o which the silicone sealant i s to adhere. Tooling shall be c ompleted i n
one continuous stroke immediately after sealant application and before a skin forms and masking shall be
removed immediately after tooling.

21.4.4 Application
Install bac ker r od of appr opriate s ize and appl y s ilicone s ealant i n a c ontinuous oper ation us ing a
positive pressure ad equate to properly fill and seal the joint. T he silicone sealant shall be t ooled with
light pressure to spread the sealant against backing material and the joint surfaces before a skin forms. A
tool with convex profile shall be used to keep the sealant within the joint. Soap or water shall not be used
as a tooling aid. Remove masking tape as soon as silicone joint is tooled.

Tolerance: A tolerance of + 3 mm shall be allowed in the width of silicone joints. The depth of the joints at
throat shall not be less than 6 mm.

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Vol-2 , 2013

21.5.1 Definitions
(i) Shading Coefficient: The shading coefficient is the ratio of total solar transmittance to the
transmittance through 3.2 mm (1/8”) clear glass. Windows with low shading coefficient values
improve comfort for building, lower the total cooling load of the building and help smooth out of
the difference in cooling loads between perimeter & core zones.

(ii) Luminous Efficacy Constant (Ke) indicates a windows relative performance in rejecting solar
heat-while transmitting day light. It is the ratio of the visible transmittance to the shading coefficient;
clear glass which lets in roughly equal amounts of visible light and solar near-infrared energy has a
Ke close to 1.0. The solar radiation contains about 50% invisible near-infrared & ultra violet light.
Therefore, a perfectly selective glazing, which would all allow visible light pass through while
blocking all of the invisible near-infrared & ultraviolet light, would have Ke of about 2.0.

(iii) Resistance to Heat Conduction (R-valve): It is a measure of resistance to heat flow that occurs
because of temperature difference between the two sides of the windows. The inverse of R-value
is termed as U-value.

21.5.2 Reflective Glass

This is an ordinary float glass with a metallic coat to reduce solar heat. Clear glass transmits most of the
sunlight that shines upon it, and most of t he solar heat as well; t he metallic coated glass i.e.
reflective gl ass h as be tter s hading c oefficients because t hey ref lect rat her than abs orb infrared energy.
However, most of reflective glazing blocks day light more than solar heat. Types of Coatings: There ar e t wo t ypes of reflective gl ass, P yroltic ( Hard) coated and v acuum
(soft) coated.

(i) Pyroltic : It is a c oating applied during glass m anufacture. The coating is fused into the g lass a t

(ii) Vacuum Coated Glass: It involves the deposition of metal particles on the glass surface by a
chain reaction in a vacuum vessel. It is often called a soft coat; because the coating is more
susceptible to damage than hard coat glass. Where toughening of product is required, the
product must be toughened first & then vacuum coated. Vacuum coated products have better
shading coefficient values than pyroltic products. Performance of Reflective Glass: The pe rformance of r eflective g lass 6 mm of nominal

thickness is given below:

Sl.No. Parameter Threshold Ratio In %age

1. Visible Light
- Transmittance (%) 15-46
- Reflectance (%) 12-24
2. Total Solar Energy:
- Transmittance (%) 16-24
- Reflectance (%) 8-12
3. Ultra Violet Rays:
- Transmittance (%) 2-10
4. U-Value
- Summer 0.58
- Winter 0.45
5. Shading Coefficient 0.25-0.35
342 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013 Testing: The reflective glass shall be tested for the followings:
(i) Physical/Field Test: In a t rue re flective glass, when a pointed p encil is placed, then tip of pencil
(physical) & image should coincide.

(ii) Lab. Test: In the lab, the reflective glass shall be tested for the parameter specified in
above. Fixing of glass shall be done as specified.


21.6.1 Frame Work

First o f a ll the s hop d rawings for each type of d oors/windows/ventilators e tc. s hall b e prepared by
using suitable sections based on architectural dr awings, adequate t o meet t he requirement/
specifications and by taking into consideration varying profiles of aluminium sections being extruded by
approved m anufacturers. T he s hop d rawings s hall s how f ull s ize s ections of gl azed do ors, w indows,
ventilators et c. T he s hop dra wings s hall al so s how t he d etails o f f ittings and j oints. Before s tart o f t he
work, all the shop drawings shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge.

Actual measurement of openi ngs left at site for different type of door /window etc. shall be taken. The
fabrication of t he i ndividual door /windows/ventilators et c. s hall be done as per t he ac tual s izes of t he
opening left at site. The frames shall be truly rectangular and flat with regular shape corners fabricated to
true right angles. The frames shall be fabricated out of section which have been cut to length, mitered and
jointed m echanically us ing appropriate m achines. M itered j oints s hall be c orner crimped or f ixed with
self t apping stainless s teel s crews u sing ex truded al uminium c leats of req uired l ength and prof ile. All
aluminium w ork shall provide for replacing da maged/broken gl ass panes w ithout hav ing to remove or
damage any member of exterior finishing material.

21.6.2 Fixing of Frames

The hol es i n c oncrete/masonry/wood/any ot her m embers f or f ixing anc hor bol ts/fasteners/screws
shall be d rilled w ith an appr opriate el ectric dr ill. Windows/doors/ventilators e tc. shall be pl aced i n c orrect
final position in the opening and fixed to Sal wood backing using stainless steel screws of star headed,
counter sunk and matching size groove. of required size at spacing not more than 250 mm c/c or dash
fastener. All joints shall be sealed with approved silicone sealants.

In t he case of composite windows a nd doors, t he diff erent units are t o b e ass embled first. The
assembled composite units shall be checked for line, level and plumb before final fixing is done.
Engineer-in-Charge i n hi s s ole di scretion may al low t he uni ts t o be as sembled in their final l ocation i f the
situation so warrants. S nap beadings a nd EPDM gasket shall be f ixed as per the detail shown in the
shop drawings.

Where al uminium c omes i nto c ontact w ith s tone m asonry, b rick w ork, c oncrete, pl aster or di ssimilar
metal, it shall be c oated with an appr oved insulation lacquer, paint or plastic tape to ensure that
electrochemical c orrosion i s av oided. Insulation material s hall be trimmed off t o a clean f lush l ine o n

The contractor shall be responsible for the doors, windows etc. being set straight, plumb, level and for
their satisfactory operation after fixing is complete.

21.6.3 Measurements
All t he aluminium s ections i ncluding s nap b eadings f ixed in pl ace s hall b e m easured in r unning m eter
along the outer periphery of c omposite section c orrect to a millimeter. T he weight calculated on the basis
of ac tual a verage ( average of f ive s amples) w eight of c omposite s ection i n k ilogram c orrect t o t he s econd
place of decimal shall be taken for payment (weight shall be taken after anodizing). The weight of cleat
shall be added for payment. Neither any deduction nor anything extra shall be paid for skew cuts.
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Vol-2 , 2013
21.6.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the materials, labour involved in all the operations as described in
nomenclature of item and particular specification.


Material, fabrication and d imensions o f al uminium d oors, windows and v entilators manufactured from
extruded al uminium al loy s ections of s tandard s izes and des igns c omplete with f ittings, rea dy f or bei ng
fixed into the building shall be as per IS 1948.

21.7.1 Terminology
The components of doors, windows and ventilators shall be defined as in Figure 21.1 below.

Head of Frame
Lintel Level


Meeting Glass Glazing

Stile Pane Bar
Overall Height
Lock of Window
Plate Frame
Overall Height
of Door Lock

Sill Level
Lugs Mullion Sill
Kick Plate Bottom Rail

Floor Level

Sill Bottom Rail

Hinges Glass Pane Lug

Overall Width Overall Width

of Door of Window


Fig. 21.1 : Terminology for Aluminium Doors, Windows and Ventilators

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21.7.2 Standard Sizes, Tolerances and Designations
The t ypes a nd t he o verall s izes of al uminium doors, w indows and ventilators s hall be as gi ven i n
Figure 21 .2. T heir siz es are de rived aft er allowing 1.25 m m clearances on all the four sid es for th e
purpose of fitting the doors, windows and ventilators into modular openings .
57.5 97.5 117.5 147.5 177.5

6 HF 6 10 HF 6 12 HF 6 15 HF 6 18 HF 6

6 HT 6 10 HT 6 12 HT 6 15 HT 6 18 HT 6

6 HC 6 10 HC 6 12 HC 6 15 HC 6 18 HC 6

6 HF 9 10 HF 9 12 HF 9 15 HF 9 18 HF 9 57.5

6 HS 9 10 HS 9 12 HS 9 15 HS 9 18 HS 9 6 HT 9

6 HF 12 10 HF 12 12 HF 12 15 HF 12 18 HF 12

6 HS 12 10 HS 12 12 HS 12 15 HS 12 18 HS 12

6 HF 15 10 HF 15 12 HF 15 15 HF 15 18 HF 15

6 HS 15 10 HS 15 12 HS 15 15 HS 15 18 HS 15

77.5 77.5 77.5

8 HF 6 8 HT 6 8 HC 6

6 HF 21 8 HS 21 12 HS 21

No te : 1 .Windows without horizontal glazing bars shall be designated by 'N' in place of 'H' in the range shown.
No te : 2. Doors and side lights shall only be coupled with 12 module (117.5 cm) high windows.

All dimensions in centimetres

Fig. 21.2 : Types and Size of Aluminium Doors, Windows and Ventilators

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21.7.3 Tolerances
The sizes for doors, windows and ventilators frames shall not vary by more than ±1.5 mm.

21.7.4 Material
Aluminium alloy extruded sections used in the manufacture of extruded window sections shall
conform t o IS 7 33. H ollow al uminium alloy s ections u sed sh all c onform t o IS 12 85. D imension and
weight per metre run of the extruded sections shall be as given in Figure 21.3.
46.0 20.6

3.2 3.2 3.2 120°





4.8 12.7

3.2 3.2 3.2

19.0 22.2 25.4 3.2 20.6 12.7 33.3

0.306 kg/m 0.334 kg/m 0.363 kg/m 0.837 kg/m 0.614 kg/m

15.9 3.2 9.5 15.9 3.2 9.5 19.0 3.2 28.6 3.2

2 3.2 3.2

2 2 29.0




2 8.4 8.4

R R 3.2 3.2

12.7 22.2 12.7 22.2 3.2


22.2 9.5 22.2


44.4 44.4 44.4 44.4

0.73 kg/m 0.73 kg/m 1.033 kg/m 1.033 kg/m

3.2 20.6 6.4 22.2 15.9 15.9

3.2 3.2 4.8


8 R 3.2 R

4.8 R 3.2




R 3.2


120° 3.2


3.6 22.2 R 38.1

R 50.8
25.4 42.9 25.4

0.614 kg/m 0.805 kg/m VENTILATOR AI-F8 1.15 kg/m BAR AI-HK12B
0.63 kg/m 1.61 kg/m
Note 1 : All radii R = 1.6 mm
Note 2 : The weights of sections per metre length as indicated are nominal.
All dimensions in millimeters

Fig. 21.3 : Extruded Aluminium Sections for Doors, Windows and Ventilators

21.7.5 Glass Panes

Glass panes s hall w eigh a t least 7 .5 kg/m2 and shall be f ree f rom flaws, s pecks or bubbles. All panes
shall have properly squared corners and straight edges. The sizes of glass panes for use in doors,
windows and ventilators shall be as given in Table 21.6.

21.7.6 Screws
Screws threads of machine screws used in the fabrication of aluminium doors, windows and
ventilators shall conform to IS 1362.

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TABLE 21.6
Glass Sizes (Clearance Allowed)
(Clause 21.7.5)

Designation Quantity Glass size Width X Designation Quantity Glass size Width X
Height cm Height cm
No Glazing Bar Fixed Type No Glazing Bar Centre-Hung Type
6NF6 1 53.0 x 53.0 6NC6 1 46.0 x 46.0
10NF6 2 45.0 x 53.0 10NC6 2 42.5 x 46.0
12NF6 2 55.0 x 53.0
12NC6 2 52.5 x 46.0
15NF6 {2 45.0 x 53.0
{1 47.5 x 53.0 15NC6 {2 45.0 x 53.0
18NF6 {2 55.0 x 53.0 {1 43.5 x 46.0
{1 57.5 x 53.0 18NC6 {2 55.0 x 53.0
6NF9 1 53.0 x 83.0 {1 53.5 x 46.0
10NF9 2 45.0 x 83.0 8NC6 1 66.0 x 46.0
12NF9 2 55.0 x 83.0 No Glazing Bar Side-Hung Type
15NF9 {2 45.0 x 83.0 6NS9 1 50.0 x 80.0
{1 47.5 x 83.0 10NS9 2 43.5 x 80.0
18NF9 {2 55.0 x 83.0
{1 57.5 x 83.0 12NS9 2 52.5 x 80.0
6NF12 1 53.0 x113.0 15NS9 {2 43.5 x 80.0
10NF12 2 45.0 x 113.0 {1 47.5 x 83.0
12NF12 2 55.0 x 113.0 18NS9 {2 52.5 x 80.0
15NF12 {2 45.0 x 113.0 {1 57.5 x 83.0
{1 47.5 x 113.0 6NS12 1 50.0 x 110.0
18NF12 {2 55.0 x 113.0 10NS12 2 43.5 x 110.0
{1 57.5 x 113.0 12NS12 2 52.5 x 110.0
6NF15 {1 53.0 x 27.0 15NS12 {2 43.5 x 110.0
{1 53.0 x 113.0
{1 47.5 x 113.0
10NF15 {2 {45.0 x 27.0
{2 {45.0 x 113.0 18NS12 {2 53.0 x 27.0
12NF15 {2 55.0 x 27.0 {1 50.0 x 110.0
{2 55.0 x 113.0 6NS15 {1 53.0 x 27.0
15NF15 {2 45.0 x 27.0 {1 50.0 x 110.0
{1 47.5 x 27.0 10NS15 {2 45.0 x 27.0
{2 45.0 x 113.0 {2 43.5 x 110.0
{1 47.5 x 113.0 12NS15 {2 55.0 x 27.0
18NF15 {2 55.0 x 27.0 {2 52.5 x 110.0
{1 57.5 x 27.0
{2 55.0 x 113.0 15NS15 {2 45.0 x 27.0
{1 57.5 x 113.0 {1 47.5 x 27.0
8NF6 1 73.0 x 53.0 {2 43.5 x 110.0
6NF21 {1 53.0 x 84.5 {1 47.5 x 113.0
{1 53.0 x 27.5 18NS15 {2 55.0 x 27.0
{1 53.0 x 56.0 {1 57.5 x 27.0
No Glazing Bar Top-Hung Type {2 52.5 x 110.0
6NT6 1 50.0 x 50.0 {1 57.5 x 113.0
10NT6 2 44.5 x 50.0 8NS21 {1 66.0 x 81.0
12NT6 2 54.5 x 50.0 {1 56.0 x 27.5
15NT6 {2 45.0 x 53.0 {1 66.0 x 56.0
{1 45.5 x 50.0
18NT6 {2 55.0 x 53.0 12NS21 {2 50.5 x 81.0
{1 54.5 x 50.0 {2 50.5 x 56.0
8NT6 1 70.0 x 50.0 {1 50.5 x 27.5
6NT9 {1 50.0 x 51.5 {1 40.5 x 27.5
{1 53.0 x 27.5

347 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

Vol-2 , 2013
Designation Quantity Glass size Width X Designation Quantity Glass size Width X
Height cm Height cm
Horizontal Glazing Bar Fixed Type Horizontal Glazing Bar Centre-Hung Type
6HF6 2 53.0 x 26.0 6HC6 2 46.0 x 22.5
10HF6 4 45.0 x 26.0 10HC6 4 42.5 x 22.5
12HF6 4 55.0 x 26.0 12HC6 4 52.5 x 22.5
15HF6 {4 45.0 x 26.0 15HC6 {4 45.0 x 26.0
{2 47.5 x 26.0 {2 43.5 x 22.5
18HF6 {4 55.0 x 26.0 18HC6 {4 55.0 x 26.0
{2 57.5 x 26.0 {2 53.5 x 22.5
6HF9 {2 53.0 x 27.5 8HC6 2 66.0 x 22.5
{1 53.0 x 26.0 Horizontal Glazing Bar Side-Hung Type
10HF9 {4 45.0 x 27.5 6HS9 3 50.0 x 26.0
{2 45.0 x 26.0 10HS9 6 43.5 x 26.0
12HF9 {4 55.0 x 27.5 12HS9 6 52.5 x 26.0
{2 55.0 x 26.0 15HS9 {6 43.5 x 26.0
15HF9 {4 45.0 x 27.5 {2 47.5 x 27.5
{2 45.0 x 26.0 {1 47.5 x 26.0
{2 47.5 x 27.5
{1 47.5 x 26.0 18HS9 {6 52.5 x 26.0
{2 57.5 x 27.5
18HF9 {4 55.0 x 27.5
{2 55.0 x 26.0 {1 57.5 x 26.0
{2 57.5 x 27.5 6HS12 {2 50.0 x 26.0
{1 57.5 x 26.0 {2 50.0 x 27.5
6HF12 4 53.0 x 27.5 10HS12 {4 43.5 x 26.0
10HF12 8 45.0 x 27.5 {4 43.5 x 27.5
12HF12 8 55.0 x 27.5 12HS12 {4 52.5 x 26.0
15HF12 {8 45.0 x 27.5 {4 52.5 x 27.5
{4 47.5 x 27.5 15HS12 {4 43.5 x 26.0
18HF12 {8 55.0 x 27.5 {4 43.5 x 27.5
{4 57.5 x 27.5 {4 47.5 x 27.5
6HF15 {1 53.0 x 27.0 18HS12 {4 52.5 x 26.0
{4 53.0 x 27.5 {4 52.5 x 27.5
10HF15 {2 45.0 x 27.0 {4 57.5 x 27.5
{8 45.0 x 27.5 6HS15 {1 53.0 x 27.0
12HF15 {2 55.0 x 27.0 {2 50.0 x 26.0
{8 55.0 x 27.5 {2 50.0 x 27.5
15HF15 {2 45.0 x 27.0 10HS15 {2 45.0 x 27.0
{1 47.5 x 27.0 {4 43.5 x 26.0
{8 45.0 x 27.5 {4 43.5 x 27.5
{4 47.5 x 27.5 12HS15 {2 55.0 x 27.0
18HF15 {2 55.0 x 27.0 {4 52.5 x 26.0
{1 57.5 x 27.0 {4 52.5 x 27.5
{8 55.0 x 27.5 15HS15 {2 45.0 x 27.0
{4 57.5 x 27.5 {1 47.5 x 27.0
8HF6 2 73.0 x 26.0 {4 43.5 x 26.0
6HF21 6 53.0 x 27.5 {4 43.5 x 27.5
Horizontal Glazing Bar Top-Hung Type {4 47.5 x 27.5
6HT6 2 50.0 x 24.5 18HS15 {2 55.0 x 27.0
10HT6 4 44.5 x 24.5 {1 57.5 x 27.0
12HT6 4 54.5 x 24.5 {4 52.5 x 26.0
15HT6 {4 45.0 x 26.0 {4 52.5 x 27.5
{2 44.5 x 24.5 {4 57.5 x 27.5
18HT6 {4 55.0 x 26.0 8HS21 {1 66.0 x 24.0
{2 54.5 x 24.5 {4 66.0 x 27.5
6HT9 {1 50.0 x 26.0 {1 56.0 x 27.5
{1 50.0 x 24.5 12HS21 {2 50.5 x 24.0
{1 53.0 x 27.5 {9 50.5 x 27.5
8HT6 2 70.0 x 24.5 {1 40.5 x 27.5

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21.7.7 Fabrication
Frames: Frames shall be square and flat, the corners of the frame being fabricated to a true right angle.
Both the fixed and ope ning frames s hall be cons tructed of sec tions which have been c ut t o lengt h,
mitered and we lded at the corners. Where hollow sections are used with we lded joints, argon-arc
welding or flash butt w elding sha ll be emplo yed (gas welding or bra zing not to be done). S ubdividing
bars of units shall be tenoned and riveted into the frame.

The location of the parts and det ails of construc tion of the doors, windows and v entilators are
indicated in Fig. 21.4 to 21.11.

For Detail See Fig. 21.6

For Detail See Fig. 21.5
Type 12 HS 12
Type 15 HS 12

Fig. 21.4(a) Fig. 21.4(b)

For Detail See Fig. 21.7

Type 6HF6/8HT6 For Detail See Fig. 21.8
Type 6HT9

Fig. 21.4(c) Fig. 21.4(d)

For Detail see Fig. 21.9
For Detail See Fig. 21.10

Type 6HF6/6HS12 For Detail See Fig. 21.11

Fig. 21.4 (e) Fig. 21.4(f) Fig. 21.4(g)

Fig. 21.4 : Location of Parts of Aluminium Doors, Windows and Ventilators for which Details are

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Fig 21.5 : Mullion with Fixed Glass on one Side and Side Hung on Other Side

Fig 21.6 : Mullion with Side Hung Shutter Both Sides

25 mm

Putty Mastic

Fig 21.7 : Coupling Section Extruded for Coupling Windows Side by Side


Extruded Coupling

25 mm

Mastic Cement

Weather Bar Between

Ventilatior and Window

Fig 21.8 : Detail Through Bottom of Fig 21.9 : Coupling Section Extruded having Weather
Top-Hung Ventilator Bar Fitted with Ventilators on top of Windows

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50 mm

0.90 mm

Push Fit Al-F4B

Weather Bar


Fig 21.10 : Weather Bar over Extruded Opening Shutter with Fixed Light Above



Glass Pane


Vertical Section of Door

Putty Outside Glass Pane

Horizontal Section of Door

Fig 21.11 : Detail of Aluminium Double Shutter Door

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21.7.8 Side-hung Shutters
For fixing aluminium alloy hinges, slots s hall be cut in the fix ed frame and the hinges inserted inside and
may be riv eted to the f rame. The hinges shall normally be of the p rojecting type 67 m m wide (Fi g. 21.12).
The aluminium alloy for cast hinges shall conform to IS Designation A-5-M of IS 617. S pecification for
Aluminium and Aluminiu m Alloy Ingots a nd Castings f or Ge neral Engineering Pu rpose and for ex truded
section of h inges to IS Designat ion HE10-WP or HE30-WP of I S 733. The pins for h inges sh all be of
stainless steel of non-magnetic type or aluminium alloy HR30. Irrespective of hinges being anodized or not,
the aluminium alloy pins shall be anodized to a minimum film thickness of 0.025 mm shall be sealed with oil,
wax or lanolin. Non- projecting types of hinges may also be used where ever required. (Fig. 21.13).

Frictions hinges may be provided for side-hung shutter windo ws, in which case peg st ay may not be
required. The working principle of the friction hinges is illustrated in Fig. 21.14.

The handle for side-hung shutters shall be of cast aluminium conforming to IS Designation A-5-M of
IS 617 and mounted on a handle plate welded or riveted to the opening frame in such a way that it could
be fixed before the shut ter is glazed. The handle should have anodized finish with minimum anodic film
thickness of 0.015 mm. The handle shall have a two points nose which shall engage with an aluminium
striking plate on the fixed frame in a slightly open position as well as in a fast position (Fig. 21.15). The
height of th e handles in eac h t ype of side-hung sh utters shall be fixed in approximate po sition a s
indicated in Fig. 21.16.

22 mm
67 mm Welded

Welded or Welded

Fig. 21.12 : Typical Projecting Type Hinge

for Side-Hung Shutters
Fig. 21.13 : Typical Non-Projecting Type Hinge
for Side-Hung Shutters

Locking washer Grips under Stainless Steel Washer

side of Hinge and Prevents in Pairs Back to Back
Nut form Working Loose with Serrated Surfaces

Fig. 21.14 : Illustration Showing Working Principle of Friction Stay

352 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

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Fixing Screw
33 mm
Shake Proof

3 mm

Wedge Shape
Striking Plate

11 mm Round
or Square Hole

4 mm
10.3 mm

Fig. 21.15 : A Typical Handle for Side-Hung Shutter

87.5 cm

117.5 cm

9 Module (87.5 cm) 12 Module (117.5 cm)

High Windows High Windows

Fig. 21.16: Position of Handle Plates in Relation to Heights of ‘HS’ Type Windows

73 mm 80 mm to Web
30 mm

22 mm

20 mm

8 mm PIN
Locking Bracket
18 mm

75 mm 65 mm 65 mm 75 mm

300 mm

Fig. 21.17 : A Typical Peg-Stay for Side-Hung Shutters and Top-Hung Ventilators

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The peg stay shall be either of cas t aluminium conforming to IS 617 or folded from IS Desi gnation
NS4 a luminium a lloy sh eet c onforming to I S:737 s pecification for wrou ght al uminium and a luminium
alloys, Sheet and s trip. I t s hall be 3 00 mm long , c omplete wi th peg an d locking brackets (Fi g. 21.17).
The stay shall have holes for keeping the shutt er open in three different positions. The peg and locking
bracket shall be riveted or welded to the fixed frame.

Alternatively, and i f specifically required by the purchaser, side-hung shutters may be fitted with a n
internal removable fly screen of 0.375 mm wire and equivalent to IS Sieve 100 in a 0.900 mm aluminium
alloy sheet conforming to IS Designation NS3-1/2H of IS 737 applied to the outer frame of the shutter
by case or extruded alumin ium a lloy turn-buckle at the jambs (F ig. 2 1.18) and by aluminium or p lated
bronze shoes at the sill to allow of the screen being readily removed, and with a rotor operator at the sill
to permit the operation of the shutter through an angle of 90º (Fig. 21.19). On fly-screened shutters the
peg stay is omitted and the normal handle shall be replaced by a locking handle to hold the shutter in the
fast position.

Fig. 21.18 : Detail Through Jamb Fig. 21.19 : Typical Rotor Operator for Side-Hung
Showing Turnbuckle Shutters Fitted with Fly Screens

21.7.9 Top-Hung Ventilators

The al uminium hing es for top-hun g v entilators shall be either c ast or fabricated out of ex truded
sections and shall be riveted to the fixed rail after cutting a slot in it. The aluminium alloy for cast hinges
shall conform to IS Designation A-5-M of IS 617 and the e xtruded se ction of hinge to IS Designation
HE10-WP or HE30_WP of IS 733

The pegs stay sha ll be 300 mm lon g as in side-hung shutter (Fig. 21.1 7). The l ocking bracket shall
be fixed to the fixed frame.

21.7.10 Centre-Hung Ventilators (Fig.21.20)

Centre hung ventilators shall be hung on two pairs of cup pivots of aluminium alloy to IS Designation
NS-4 of IS 737 and IS Designation A-5-M of I S 617 or on brass or bronze cup pivots which should be
either chromium or cadmium plated and riveted to the inner and outer frames of the ventilators to permit
the ventilator to swing through an angle of approximately 85º. The opening portion of the ventilator shall
be so balanced that it remains open at any desired angle under normal weather condition.

Cast aluminium conforming to IS Designation A-5-M of IS 617 or bronze which shall be either chromium-
plated or cadmium-plated spring cat ch shall be fitted in th e centre of t he top b ar of the v entilators fo r th e
operation o f the v entilator. This s pring catch shall be secured to the frame a nd sh all c lose into aluminium
catch plate riveted or welded to the outside of the outer ventilator frame bar (Fig. 21.21).

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Below Pivot Above Pivot

Fig. 21.20 : Detail of Horizontal Centre-Hung Ventilator


34 mm Gap Starike Plate

5 mm

17 mm 17 mm Drill and Spring Catch

Tap M 6

Fig. 21.21: Spring Catch for Centre-Hung Ventilator

Aluminium or cadmium plated brass cord pulley-wheel in an alumin ium bracket shall be fitted at the
sill of the ventilator with aluminium or galvanized or cadmium plated steel screw or, alternatively, welded
together with an aluminium cord eye riveted or welded to the bottom inner frame bar of the ventilator in a
position corresponding to that of pulley (Fig. 21.22).

Cord Eye
10 mm
Drill for Rivets

6 mm
8 mm

15 mm 15 mm Drill and
Tap MS

Fig. 21.22 : Cord Eye and Pulley Arrangement for Centre-Hung Ventilator
21.7.11 Doors
The outer fixed frame shall be of section A1-FX8. The shutter frame shall be of either hollow sections
A1-HFX5 and A1-HFX6 (Fig. 21.3 and Fig. 21.11).

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The kick panels shall be of 1.25 mm aluminium alloy sheet conforming to IS De signation NS3-1/2H
of IS 737 s pecification for Wrought Aluminium and Al uminium A lloys, S heet and strip and shall be
screwed to the frame and the glazing bar.

Hinges –Cast of extruded aluminium alloy hinges for doors shall be of the same type as in the windows
but of larger size. The hinges shall normally be of the 50 mm projecting type (Fig. 21.23). Non-projecting
type of hinges may also be used (Fig. 21.24).

The handle for doors may be of the design indicated in Fig. 21.25.

A suitable lock for the door operable either from inside or outside shall be provided.

Note: From the point of view of security, the lock wh ich is operable from only one side is better and in
the case of such locks, a bolt shall be provided to make them inoperable from the other side.

Projecting Hinges
50 mm (Welded or Riveted)
to allow Door to Fold
Back against the wall

Fig. 21.23 : Typical Projecting Type Hinge for Door

Plain Hinge

Fig. 21.24 : Typical Non-Projecting Type Hinge for Door

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Outside View Inside View

Fig. 21.25 Typical Door Handle

In double shutter doors the first closing shutter shall ha ve a c oncealed al uminium alloy bo lt at top
and bottom (Fig. 21.26). It shall be so constructed as not to work loose or drop by its own weight.

Single and double shutter doors may be provided with a three-way bolting device (Fig. 21.27). Where
this is provided in the case of double shutter door, concealed aluminium bolts may not be provided.

90 mm

87 mm

24 mm


Fig. 21.26 : Typical Vertical Bolt for Double Shutter Door

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Upper Locking Strip ‘A’ Riveted to
Strip Locking Strip
Tee Bars


Slot for Lever


70 mm

Door Section
Guide Pin Riveted
to the Section
at the Bank

25 mm Long
Slot in the
Locking Strip

100 mm

Lower Locking
Strip Tee B ars

Strip ‘B’ Riveted to

Locking Strip

Fig. 21.27 : Typical Three-Way Bolting Device for Doors

21.7.12 Composite Units

The doors shall be c oupled to windows or side-light s by ex truded aluminium se ctions made from
aluminium alloy conforming to IS Designation HE9-WP of IS 733. The coupling me mber should conform
to the dimensions indicated in Fig. 21.28.
25 mm Side Light


Fig. 21.28 : Coupling Section Extruded for Coupling Door to Window or Side Light
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21.7.13 Weather Bar
Where a coupling member is fitt ed o ver an external opening shutter, t he coupling membe r s hould
incorporate an integrally extruded weather bar (Fig. 21.9).

21.7.14 Position of Bolts, Fixing Screws and Lugs

Outer fra mes shall be p rovided with fixing holes centrally in the web of the se ctions in the position
(Fig. 21.29). Moreo ver, any steel lugs coming in c ontact with al uminium should be either galvanized or
given one coat of bituminous paint.
57.5 97.5 117.5 147.5 177.5
19.1 19.1 19.1
54.6 54.6 69.7 69.7











19.1 19.1 19.1

57.5 77.5 117.5

All Dimensions in Centimetres.

Fig. 21.29 : Chart Showing Approximate Position of Fixing Holes and Number of Fixing Lugs

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The fixing screws and lugs shall be as given in Table 21.7

TABLE 21.7

Sl. No. Place of Fixing Size of Screw or Lug

(i) To wooden frames rebated on the outside 30 mm x No. 10 galvanized wo od-
(ii) To plugs in concrete, stone or brick work -Do-
rebated on the outside
(iii) To plugs in concrete, stone or brick work 45 mm X No. galvanized wood-screws
not rebated on the outside (that is plain or
square jambs)
(iv) Direct to brick wor k or masonry (th at is Slotted steel adjustable lugs (natural
plain or square jambs) finish) not less than 100 x 16 x 3 mm
countersunk galvanized machine
screws and nuts 19.0 X 6.3 mm
(v) To steel work Standard clips and 8 mm galvanized
bolts with hexagonal nuts.

21.7.15 Finish
Alumiumum doors, windows and ventilators may be supplied in either matt, scratch-brush or polished
finish. The y may, additionally, a lso be anodized, if so re quired by t he Engi neer-in-charge. If co lour
anodizing is to be done then only approved light-fast shades should be used.

A thick la yer of clear transparent lac quer based on meth acrylates or ce llulose b utyrate, shall be
applied on aluminium d oors, windo ws and ventilators b y t he supplier to protec t t he surface f rom wet
cement during installation. This lacquer coating shall be removed after installation is completed.

21.7.16 Glazing
Glazing shall be provided on the outside of the frames

If required, glazing clips may be provided a s extra fittings. Four glazing c lips may be provi ded per
glass pane, except for door type 8HS21 where t he glazing clips shall be six per glass pane. In cas e of
doors, wi ndows and ve ntilators without horizontal glazing bars the glazing clips sha ll be spaced
according to the slots in the vertical members, otherwise the spacing shall be 30 cm.

Note: Glazing clips are not usually pro vided for normal size glass panes. Where large size glass panes
are required to be used or where the door or the window is located in heavily exposed situation,
holes for g lazing clips have to be dri lled prior to fabricat ion and cannot be done at any late r
stage. Use of glazing clips, where necessary, shall be specified while placing the order.

21.7.17 Packing
All doors, windows and ventilators shall be dispatched with the opening parts su itably secured to
preserve alignment when fixing and glazing.

Fixing lugs, coupling fittings and all hardware shall be dispatched separately.

Composite windows shall be dispatched uncoupled.

21.7.18 Marking
All doors, windows and ventilators shall be suitably marked on the frames with a mark identifying the
manufacturer and the type.

The units may also be marked with the BIS Certification Mark.
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21.8.1 Stainless Steel Friction Stay

The s tainless steel friction stays o f make appr oved b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge shall be us ed. The S S
friction stays shall be of grade AISI-304 and of sizes specified in nomenclature of item.

21.8.2 Lockable Handles

The l ockable handle s hall be of make approved by the E ngineer-in-Charge and of required colour to
match the colour of powder coated /anodized aluminium window sections.

21.8.3 Hydraulic Floor Spring

The hy draulic f loor s pring s hall be heav y dut y dou ble a ction f loor s pring of make approved by t he
Engineer-in-Charge s uitable f or d oor l eaf of weight m inimum 100 k g. T he t op cover plate shall b e o f
stainless steel, f lushing with floor f inish level. T he contractor shall cut the floor pr operly with s tone cutting
machine to exact size & shape. The spindle of suitable length to accommodate the floor finish shall be
used. T he c ontractor s hall gi ve t he guara ntee duly supported by t he c ompany f or pro per f unctioning o f
floor spring at least for 10 years.

21.8.4 Tubular Handle

The t ubular ha ndle b ar shall be aluminium polyester powder c oated minimum 50 m icron t o required
colour/anodized AC 15. Outer dia of tube shall be 32 mm, tube thickness 3.0 mm and centre to centre
length 2115 mm + 5 mm.

21.8.5 Measurement
Refer Para 21.6.3.

21.8.6 Rate
Refer Para 21.6.4.

Aluminium extruded sections (anodized or power coated) are used for providing Louvers in
aluminium door, window & partition for ventilation.

21.9.1 Fabrication
Refer Para 21.6.1.

21.9.2 Measurements
Refer Para 21.6.3.

21.9.3 Rate
Refer Para 21.6.4.


Insulating glass shall be a double glazed unit comprising two sheets of float glass panes separated by
a s pacer, her metically s ealed us ing p rimary and s econdary s ealants. The design of i nsulating gl ass
system shall consist of:
(a) Hollow Spacer Bar
The hollow aluminium s pacer bar shall be of required size and shape and shall be c olour
anodized. The spacer bar shall have two lines of perforations in the inner surface.

(b) Desiccant
The desiccant shall be Neftomol 3 A Chemetall or equivalent.

361 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

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The desiccant filled in the al uminium s pacer b ar s hall be s ynthesized crystalline compounds of
Aluminium H ydroxide, Caustic Soda and S odium Silicate which a bsorbs w ater m olecules. T he
desiccant shall be of 3 A size ( A means Angstrom). T he qua ntity of de siccant used shall not be
less t han 35 gm/m l ength of s pacer b ar. F illed spacer b ar f rame s hall n ot be s tored f or m ore
than 6 hours before a ssembly a nd sealing of t he unit t o ensure proper f unctioning of the
desiccant. The contractor shall submit documentary proof of using the above material in the

(c) Primary Sealant

The primary sealant s hall be single c omponent a pproved b y the E ngineer in C harge, thermo
plastic s olvent f ree s ealing c ompound bas ed on pol ysosutylene. T he s ealant s urface s hall b e
free from cavities, depression and other defects. The contractor shall submit documentary proof of
using the above material in this work.

(d) Secondary Sealant

The secondary sealant in double glazed unit shall be silicone sealant approved by the Engineer in
Charge. The contractor shall submit documentary proof of using the above material in this work
to t he ent ire s atisfaction o f E ngineer-in-Charge. B efore appl ication o f s ilicone/ pol ysulphide, t he
surface must be cleaned and free from oil, grease, dust and other loose matter. The surfaces shall
be cleaned with a lcohol o r other suitable solvents. Detergent or s oap shall n ot be us ed to clean
the surfaces. The polysulphide shall be mixed and applied mechanically using automatic mixing
machine in the manner approved by Engineer-in-Charge.

The hei ght an d w idth of do uble gl azed/single glazed unit (the area of gl ass uni t out side the s nap
beading s hall onl y b e measured) as fixed i n pl ace s hall be measured c orrect to one c entimeter and ar ea
calculated in sqm. correct to second place of decimal shall be taken for payment.

The rate shall include the cost of all the materials, labours involved in all the operations as described in
nomenclature of item and particular specification.


This s hould generally conform t o I S-2209. The s ize of t he l ock shall be denoted by t he l ength of t he
body towards the face and it shall be 100 m m. the measured length shall not vary more than 3 m m from
the specified l ength. O rdinary l ever mechanism with no t l ess than 2 l evers shall be p rovided. False l ever
shall no t be us ed. Lev er shall be f itted w ith one s pring o f phos phor-bronze or s teel w ire and s hall
withstand the t est as p rovided i n I S-2209. Loc king-bolt s pring an d s trike plate s hall c onform t o I S 22 09.
Two keys shall be provided with each lock.

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22.0 : WATER


363 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
Clause No. Brief Description Page No.
List of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Codes 366

22.0 Terminology 367

22.1 Integral Cement based Treatment for Water Proofing on 367

Horizontal Surface of U/G Structure at all depths - DELETED

22.2 Integral Cement based Water Proofing Treatment on the Vertical Surface 367
of Under-Ground Structures - DELETED

22.3 Water Proofing Treatment to Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces of 367

Depressed Portion of WC, Kitchen and the like

22.4 Providing Water Stops 368

22.5 Water Proofing Treatment in Sunken Portion of WCs, Bathrooms etc. 370

22.6 Water Proofing Treatment on Roof Slabs - DELETED 371

22.7 Integral Cement based Water Proofing Treatment with Brick Bat Coba 371

22.8 Water Proofing Treatment with Bitumen Felt 373

22.9 Grading Roof with Cement Concrete 1:2:4 378

22.10 Grading Roof with Cement Mortar 379

22.11 Water Proofing Treatment with APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymeric) 380
Membrane - DELETED

22.12 Five Layered Water Proofing treatment with Atactic Polypropylene 380
Polymer Modified Prefabricated Membrane

22.13 Extra for Covering of Atactic Polypropylene Modified Prefabricated 383

Membrane with Geotextile

Appendix A Bitumen Felts (Fibre Hessian Base) 385

Appendix B Glass Fibre Base Bitumen Felt 387

Fig. 22.1 Waterproofing of Horizontal Surface of a U.G. Structure 388

Fig. 22.2 Water Proofing Horizontal Surfaces from Inside of a U.G. structure 388

Fig. 22.3 Waterproofing on Vertical Surfaces of Under Ground structures 389

Fig. 22.4 Position of Horizontal and Vertical Waterproofing Treatment in Sunken 389
Portion of W.C./Kitchen and the like

Fig. 22.5 Typical Cross-Section of PVC Water-Stop 390

364 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013
Fig. 22.6 Integral Cement based Waterproofing Treatment with Brick-bat Coba 390
Over a RCC Slab

Fig. 22.7 Water Proofing 391

Fig. 22.8 Grading Roof Slab with Cement Concrete 391

Fig. 22.9 Grading Roof with Cement Mortar 1:3/1:4 392

Fig. 22.10 Grading Chhajja with Cement Mortar 1:3/1:4 392

Fig. 22.11 Five Course Water Proofing Treatment with APP Modified Polymeric 393

Fig. 22.12 Five Layer Water-Proofing Treatment with APP Modified Prefabricated 393

365 | P a g e H O C i v i l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s Volume -2....

Vol-2 , 2013

SI. IS No. Subject

1. IS 73 Paving Bitumen Specifications
2. IS 702 Specifications for Industrial Bitumen
3. IS 1322 Specifications for Bitumen felts for Water Proofing and Damp Proofing.
4. IS 2645 Specifications for Integral Cement Water Proofing Compounds
5. IS 3370 (Part -1) Code of Practice for Concrete Structures for the Storage of Liquid: Part -1
General Requirements.
6. IS 3384 Specifications for Bitumen Primer for Water Proofing and Damp Proofing
7. IS 7193 Specification for Glass Fibre Bitumen Felts
8. IS 12200 Provision of Water Stops at Transfers Construction Joints in Masonry and
Concrete Dams - Code of Practice.
9. IS 12432 (Part-3) Application for Spray Applied Insulation - Code of Practice Part-3
Polyurethane/ Polyisocyarurate

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Water Bars
Water bars are preformed strips of impermeable materials which are embedded in the concrete
during construction.

Low Partition Walls

Parapet walls of height less than 45 cm.

Expansion Joints
Joints provided in the structure to allow for thermal expansion/construction.

Blended Cement
Cement mixed with water proofing compound in liquid or powder form.



22.3.1 Before the Water Proofing Treatment

Before the w ater proofing t reatment, t he i nternal plaster of c eiling and w alls of W C bl ock l eaving t he
portion f or dado/skirting s hould be c ompleted. G rooving / c hasing f or doi ng t he concealed work of GI/CI
pipes/Electrical c onduits s hould be c ompleted. C leaning the depr essed/sunken por tion o f W C o f a ll
debris, ex tra mortar s ticking t o t he v ertical and horizontal s urface et c. N ecessary hol es for ‘ P’ t rap / Nhani
trap/Water escape pipe etc should be completed.

22.3.2 Preparing Surface and Fixing Pipes and Fittings

Before t he w ater proofing t reatment w ork, pr oper key i n t he c oncrete surface s hould b e p rovided.
The d epressed/sunken portion s hould be h acked by a ha cking tool, af ter t he c oncrete s lab i s c ast and
when this concrete is still green.

The vertical s urfaces of t he d epressed / sunken p ortion should be hacked with a h acking t ool j ust
after the shuttering is removed.

In c ase of ol d w ork, the w ater pr oofing t reatment on s uch s urfaces s hall b e permitted af ter m aking
proper spatter dash key.

Fixing the ‘P’ trap in po sition and all o ther pipes work including the water escape pipe shall b e fixed
properly and the holes should be plugged carefully before taking up the water proofing work.

22.3.3 1st Course

Cement duly bl ended w ith w ater proofing compound as explained in clause 22.1 s hall be used f or
preparing the cement slurry.

The c onsistency o f the s lurry s hould be s uch that 4.4 k g. o f b lended c ement w ith w ater pr oofing
compound is used per sq. m etre area of s urface to b e t reated. T he slurry should be started f rom the
vertical faces towards the bottom of the floor as shown in Fig. 22.4. Particular care should be taken to
see that the slurry is applied to corners without leaving any gap.

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22.3.4 2nd Course
Immediately on ap plying the b lended c ement s lurry on t he s urface to be treated c ement pl aster 20
mm thick in CM 1:3 (1 blended cement: 3 coarse sand) shall be applied both on vertical and horizontal
surfaces t aking pa rticular care t o c omplete t he ent ire depres sed/ s unken port ion of W C within a day s o
that the plaster can be done without any joint. Junctions shall be properly rounded. The surfaces of the
plaster shall be left rough but finished in one plain and cured for a week.

On c ompletion of t he c uring period bot h ho rizontal and v ertical s urfaces s hall be c leaned p roperly
and gently and allowed to dry.

22.3.5 3rd Course

Only af ter the surface i s completely dr ied the bl own or residual bi tumen s hall be appl ied @ 1.7 kg. o f
bitumen per sqm area.

22.3.6 4th Course

PVC s heet 4 00 m icron t hick s hall be spread evenly w ithout a ny k ink i mmediately, s o that t he P VC
sheet sticks to the surface firmly. PVC sheet shall be continued to be laid over the main slab upto 100
Overlapping o f PVC s heet s hould be do ne w ith a minimum overlap o f 100 mm, duly pas ting the
overlapped sheet with an application of bitumen @ 1.7 kg./ sqm.

The projections of pipes and ‘P’ trap outlet etc. inside the depressed/sunken portion of WC shall also be
cladded with water proofing treatment layer upto a height of 150 mm, using a coat of bitumen with PVC
sheet complete.

The s urfaces of d epressed/sunken portion of WC s hall not be l eft w ithout covering w ith specified
filling m aterial and bas e concrete, ot herwise the PVC sheet layer m ay be t ampered by th e labour
working in the vicinity.

Fixing up of WC pan, filling specified material and the top base concrete should be done as early as
possible and the top horizontal layer of water proofing may be taken up later i.e. just before laying the
floor tiles.

22.3.7 Measurement
Length and breadth shall be m easured al ong t he f inished surface correct to a c m. and area shall be
worked out to nearest 0.01 sqm. No payment however shall be m ade for the 100 m m overlap of PVC
Sheet over the roof slab.

22.3.8 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of labour and materials involved in all the operations described above.


22.4.1 Water stops conforming to IS 12200 for construction/expansion joints should be fabrication from a
plastic c ompound, the b asic r esin of w hich s hall be pol yvinyl c hloride. T he c ompound s hall c ontain
additional re sin/ plasticizer i nhibitors or other m aterials such t hat when t he m aterials i s c ompounded i t
shall meet the requirement given in IS 15058.

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22.4.2 Type of Joints for which Water Bars are Provided
The water bars are provided only for the movement of joints in a water retaining structure.

Different types of movement joints are as described below:

Complete Contraction Joint: This i s a m ovement j oint w ith del iberate di scontinuity b oth i n c oncrete a s
well as the reinforcement but no initial gap is maintained between the c oncrete on either s ide of the joint.
This joint is intended to accommodate the contraction of the concrete.

Partial Contraction Joint: This i s a m ovement j oint w ith d eliberate discontinuity i n c oncrete b ut n o
water bar i s prov ided and no di scontinuity i s prov ided i n s teel. N o i nitial gap i s m aintained bet ween t he
concrete on either side of joint.

Expansion Joint: This i s al so a m ovement j oint w ith c omplete di scontinuity i n bot h rei nforcement an d
concrete. It is intended to accommodate either expansion or contraction of the structure.

In ge neral s uch joint requ ires the prov ision of an initial gap betw een the adjoining pa rts o f the
structure which accommodates expansion or contraction of the structure.

22.4.3 Types and Performance of Water Bars

Water ba rs a re per formed strips o f i mpermeable material which ar e e mbedded i n t he c oncrete dur ing
construction s o as t o s pan ac ross t he j oints and pr ovide a perm anent water tight s eal duri ng t he w hole
range of joint movement.
The most usual form of water bars are strip with a longitudinal corrugation as shown in Fig. 22.5. Another
form of water bar of metallic type is Z shaped strip.

Water bars of c opper, sheet l ead, n atural or s ynthetic r ubber a nd plastic such as p olyvinyl c hloride
(PVC) ar e al so used. T hese bar s c omprise of c entral l ongitudinal hol low t ube w ith t hin w alls and s tiff
wings of about 150 mm width.

Out of the m etals available c opper is m ost s uitable as r egards ductility, r esistance t o c orrosion i n air,
water a nd concrete. H owever, i t m ay be at tacked by s ome w astes. I f s heet l ead i s u sed i t s hould b e
insulated f rom c oncrete b y a good c oat of bituminous or suitable c omposition. N atural s ynthetic rubbe r
and plastics have very considerable advantage in handling, splicing and in making intersections.

Galvanized iron s heets m ay also b e used w ith the s pecific permission of the Engineer-in-charge
provided the liquid stored or the atmosphere around the liquid retaining structure is not excessively
corrosive i.e. sewage.

The strip water bars described as above, while placing in position has to be passed through the end
shutter of the first placed c oncrete with t he result the shuttering at t his point s hould be perfectly water
tight ot herwise c ement s lurry m ay e scape f rom t he c oncrete bei ng l aid and w ill ultimately w eaken t he
structure. Therefore to avoid the above problem one can prefer moulded type of water bar.

The des ign of the m oulded w ater bar w ith s everal pr ojections need t o be p assed t hrough t he end
shutter w hile pl acing the same in pos ition. A nother m ain adv antage o f this w ater bar is that s ince it
occupies bigger proportion of t he t hickness o f t he joint i t would l engthen t he s hortest al ternative water
path through the concrete.

22.4.4 It is important to ensure proper compaction of concrete around the water bar. Proper cover to all the
reinforcement shall be maintained. Sometimes to increase the bond the holes are provided in the
copper w ater bars but in the long run it proves to be disadvantageous as it shortens the path of water
through concrete. Water bars should be pl aced at the centre of the wall or if it is to be pr ovided away
from the centre its distance from either face o f the wall shall not be less than h alf o f the width o f water
bar or as specified/directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

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22.4.5 Covers Plates for Joint
Sometimes joint cover plates have to be used for expansion joints mainly to avoid the risk of a fault
in the water bar which is embedded. T he plates to be us ed should be ei ther copper or sheet lead. In
case the copper plates are to be us ed, it should b e clamped to the concrete face on eac h side of the
joint. T o ens ure w ater t ightness s uitable gas ket s hall be us ed. J oint c over pl ates of s heet l ead are al so
used and fixed on the joints. In this case the edges may return into grooves formed in the concrete and
can be m ade completely water tight by lead caulking. Faces of the concrete to which sheet lead is to be
fixed s hould be pa inted w ith b ituminous or o ther s uitable c omposition and the lead s heet s hould be
similarly coated before fixing.

22.4.6 Spacing of Joints

In R einforced C oncrete floors movement joints should be s paced at not more than 7. 5 m ap art in two
directions at right angl es. T he w all and f loor j oints s hould oc cur at t he bas e of t he w all i n w hich c ase
corresponding vertical joint is not important.

In concrete walls, the vertical movement joints should normally be placed at a maximum spacing of
0.75 m i n reinforced w alls. The maximum l ength des irable bet ween v ertical movement joints will depe nd
upon the tensile strength of the walls and may be increased by suitable reinforcements.

Amongst t he m ovement j oints i n f loors a nd walls as m entioned above, e xpansion j oint s hould be
normally be pr ovided at spacing o f not more than 30 m be tween s uccessive ex pansion joints or bet ween
the end of the structure and the next expansion joint, all other joints being of the contraction type.

In case of e xpansion joints the filling of these with bitumen filler, bitumen felt or any such m aterial
etc. s hall b e pa id f or separately i n r unning m etre. The m easurement shall b e t aken upto t wo p laces of
decimal stating the depth and width of joint.

In case joint cover plates either of copper or sheet lead with ancillaries are provided, these shall be
measured and paid for separately.

22.4.7 Measurement
Length shall be m easured c orrect t o a c m and net quant ities s hall be c alculated upt o t wo p laces of

Each c ategory of w ater s tops/bar s uch a s P VC, c opper s pecifying w idth, t hickness s hall be
measured and paid for separately.

22.4.8 Rate
The rate shall include all labour and materials in all the operations described above.


22.5.1 Preliminaries to be Attended

The preliminaries shall be attended as described in clause 22.3.1.

22.5.2 Preparing Surface, Fixing Pipes and Fittings

In t his c ase, u nlike as described i n c lause 2 2.3.2, no hacking of s urface need be m ade, b ut onl y
extra m ortar sticking t o t he s urface s hould b e r emoved and t he surface s hould be cleaned t horoughly.
Fixing ‘P’ trap etc. shall be done as described in Clause 22.3.2.

22.5.3 Providing and Laying of Slurry for First Layer

The consistency o f th e s lurry sh ould be s uch a s t o co ver th e d esired area by u sing 0 .488 k g o f
blended cement per sqm of area.

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On d eciding t he correct quantity o f w ater re quired pe r sq m. area th e re quired q uantity of slurry
should be prepared which can be applied over the desired surface within half an hour of mixing with
0.488 kg. of grey c ement + 0.253 k g. water proof ing c ompound as per m anufacturer specifications + x
litres of w ater per s qm. area a nd t he required qu antity of s lurry thus prepared s hould on ly be us ed for
first application.

The first l ayer shall b e applied with painting brushes over t he specified and dampened area
carefully including the corners, holes on the s urfaces and joints o f p ipes in concrete etc. and the
application s hould continue a t least upto 150 m m he ight o f fixtures o f pipes from the s urface. T he
surface on application shall be air cured for 4 hours.

22.5.4 Providing and Laying of Slurry for Second Layer

The quant ity of s lurry r equired f or s econd app lication t o be c overed within a n h our of mixing s hall be
prepared with 0.242 kg. cement + 0.126 kg. water proofing compound + y litres of water per sqm. area and
the required quantity of slurry thus prepared should only be used for second application.

The application of 2nd layer of slurry is same as for first layer as detailed in clause 22.5.3.

The applied surface shall be allowed to air cure for 4 hours and thereafter water curing shall be done for
full 48 hours.

In c ase no f urther w ork a s des cribed abov e i s t o b e t aken up i mmediately on c ompletion of w ater
proofing tr eatment du e t o an y re ason it i s re commended t o pr otect t he t reated portion w ith c ement
plaster 1:4 as a protective layer for which separate payment shall be made to the contractor.

22.5.5 Measurement
Length and breadth shall be m easured al ong the f inished surface correct to a c m and area shall be
worked out to nearest 0.01 sqm.

22.5.6 Rate
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd materials i nvolved i n al l t he operations described
above. The cost of plastering shall be measured and paid for separately.




22.7.1 Before taking up the work the preliminaries to be attended shall be exactly same as described in
clause 22.6.1.

22.7.2 Preparing the Surface

The s urface of t he slab should be roughened by scrapping when t he s lab c oncrete i s s till gr een,
however, t he surface nee d not be hacked. In case the slab i s already cast and surface fairly finished, the
same shall be cleaned neatly of all mortar droppings, loose materials etc with brooms/cloth.

22.7.3 Providing and Laying of Slurry under Base Coat

The quantity of water required to prepare the slurry with 2.75 kg. of blended cement to be pai nted
over an area of 1 sqm. shall be calculated exactly as described in clause 22.5.3.

Depending upon t he ar ea o f surface t hat has t o be c overed, t he required q uantity of slurry s hould be
prepared using 2.75 kg. blended cement + water per sqm. area to be covered, taking particular care to
see that onl y that m uch quantity of slurry shall b e prepared w hich c an be used within half a n h our of
preparation i.e. before the initial setting time of cement.

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The prepared slurry shall be applied over the dampened surface with brushes very carefully,
including t he j oints b etween t he f loor s lab a nd t he parapet wall, h oles on t he s urfaces, j oints of p ipes,
masonry/concrete etc.

The application of the slurry should continue upto a height of 300 mm on the parapet wall and also the
groove as s hown i n F ig. 22.6. T he s lurry s hould a lso be appl ied upt o a hei ght of 150 m m ov er pi pe
projections etc.

22.7.4 Laying Base Coat 20 mm thick

Immediately af ter t he a pplication of s lurry an d when t he ap plication i s s till gr een, 20 m m t hick c ement
plaster as base coat with cement mortar 1:5 (1 blended cement : 5 coarse sand) shall be ev enly applied
over the c oncrete surface t aking par ticular c are to s ee t hat al l t he corners and joints ar e p roperly p acked
and the application of the base coat shall be continued upto a height of 300 mm over the parapet wall.
22.7.5 Laying Brick Bat Coba
Brick bat of size 25 mm to 115 mm out of well burnt bricks shall be used for the purpose of brick bat
coba. The brick bats shall be properly dampened for six hours before laying.

Brick bat s shall be l aid t o required slope/gradient ov er the bas e coat o f mortar leaving 15 -25 m m gap
between two bats. Cement mortar 1:5 (1 bl ended cement: 5 c oarse sand) shall be poured ov er the brick
bats and joints filled properly. Under no circumstances dry brick bats should be laid over the base coat.

The haunc hes/gola at t he j unction of parapet w all and t he roof s hall be f ormed onl y w ith brick bat
coba as shown in Fig. 22.6.

In case the brick bat coba is laid on the base coat immediately on initial set there will be no necessity of
applying cement slurry over the base coat before laying the brick bat coba. However, if the brick bat coba
is to be laid on the subsequent day, cement slurry prepared as described in clause 22.7.3 shall be applied
over the top surface of the base coat, then only the brick bat coba shall be laid.

22.7.6 Application of Slurry over Brick Bat Coba

After two days of cu ring of bri ck ba t coba ce ment slurry prepared as per cla use 22.7.3 shall be
applied on the s urface o f brick ba t c oba T he a pplication o f s lurry s hall be the s ame as des cribed in
clause 22. 5.3 w hich s hould c over t he haunc hes/gola, and t he r emaining s mall por tion of par apet w all
and also inside the groove as shown in the figure.

22.7.7 Laying Finishing Layer (Protective Coat)

Immediately on appl ying t he c ement slurry ov er the surface o f t he br ick bat coba and when t he s lurry
applied is still green, the fibre glass cloth as specified in clause 22.6.4 s hall be spread e venly on the
surface without any kink & pressed to see that no air spaces exist. The fibre glass cloth shall be taken up
to a hei ght of 300 m m on parapet walls & tucked in the groove specially prepared at that height. 20 mm
thick l ayer of cement pl aster, w ithout l eaving a ny j oints s hall b e applied with cement m ortar 1: 4 (1
blended cement: 4 coarse sand) over the entire fibre glass cloth including the haunches/gola and the small
portion on the parapet wall. The groove in the parapet wall over the haunches shall also be filled neatly
packing the mortar firmly in the groove.

The surface of the finishing layer (protective coat) shall be neatly finished with cement slurry
prepared as per clause 22.7.3. The finished surface shall be allowed to dry for a while and then pattern of
300 mm x 300 mm groove, 8 mm deep shall be made over the entire surface.

22.7.8 Curing and Testing the Treatment

The e ntire s urface t hus t reated s hall b e f looded with w ater by m aking k iaries w ith w eak cement
mortar, for a minimum period of two weeks.
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22.7.9 Measurement
The m easurement s hall b e t aken a long t he finished s urface o f t reatment i ncluding t he rounde d and
tapered po rtion at j unction of p arapet w all. Length an d br eadth s hall be m easured c orrect to a c m an d
area shall be worked out to nearest 0.01 sqm. No deduction i n measurement shall be made for openings
or recesses or chimney stacks, roof lights or khurras of area upto 0.40 sqm., nor anything extra shall be
paid for making s uch openi ngs, recesses e tc. F or ar eas ex ceeding 0. 40 sqm., deduc tion w ill be made i n
the measurements for the full openings and nothing extra shall be paid for making such openings.

22.7.10 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd materials i nvolved i n al l t he operations d escribed


22.8.0 Water proofing treatment with self finished felt shall be four courses or six courses as described in
the i tem. F our c ourse w ater p roofing treatment w ith s elf f inished felt is a no rmal du ty treatment
suitable for buildings where the cost of roof treatment is required to be restricted.

Six c ourse w ater proofing tr eatment with s elf fi nished felt i s a heavy d uty tre atment su itable f or
important structures.

22.8.1 Materials Self finished felt (Appendix A and B) shall conform to the type and grade given in the
description of the item. This shall be one of the following types:
(i) Type 3 grade 1 hessian base felt conforming in all respects to IS 1322.
(ii) Type 2 grade 1 fibre base bitumen felt conforming to IS 1322.
(iii) Type 2 grade 2 glass fibre base felt conforming in all respects to IS 7193. Bonding Materials: This shall consist o f b lown type pet roleum bi tumen c onforming t o IS 702 or
residual petroleum bitumen conforming to IS 73. The bonding material shall be so s elected as t o
withstand t he local c ondition o f temperature and gr adient satisfactorily. The penet ration o f bi tumen us ed
shall not exceed 40 i n any c ase. S uitable residual type petroleum bi tumen o f penetration 30/40 (IS g rade
S-35), r esidual t ype p etroleum bi tumen w ith higher penetration a nd l ow softening point an d s uitable
blown type petroleum bitumen of IS grade 85/25 or 90/15 of approved quality shall be used.

Where p roprietary brands of bonding m aterials are p roposed t o be used t hey s hall c onform i n all
respects to the specifications in the preceding paras.

1st course 3rd course 5th course

kg/sqm kg/sqm kg/sqm
I. Four course treatment: 1.45 1.45 —
II. Six course treatment: 1.45 1.20 1.45
(a) With type 3 grade 1 hessian base self
finished bitumen felt.
(b) With felts other than type 3 grade 1 hessian 1.45 1.20 1.70
base. Stone Grit and Pea-sized Gravel: Stone grit s hall b e 6 m m and d own s ize. Where pea -sized
gravel is used it shall be hard, round and f ree from dust, dirt etc. The stone grit or pe a-sized gravel shall
not b e s pread ov er v ertical and s loping faces o f f lashings a nd a t d rain m ouths. A t these p laces t he
surface shall be painted with two coats of bituminous solution.

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The quantity of stone grit or pea -sized grav el required for the final c ourse of four or s ix c ourse
treatment with hessian base self finished bitumen felt type 3 grade 1 shall be 6 cubic decimeter/ sqm.

22.8.2 Preparation of Surface The surface to be treated shall have a m inimum slope of 1 i n 120. This grading shall be c arried
out with cement concrete or cement plaster with coarse sand, as per direction of Engineer-in-charge, to the
average thickness required and finished smooth. Such grading shall be paid for separately. Junctions bet ween t he roof and v ertical faces o f par apet walls, chimneys et c. s hall be cased b y
running triangular f illets 7 .5 x 7. 5 c m s ize, i n c ement c oncrete. A t t he dr ain m ouths, t he f illets s hall b e
suitably cut b ack a nd ro unded o ff f or easy application of w ater proofing treatment an d ea sy flo w o f
water. Cement co ncrete w here used sh all be 1:2:4 m ix (1 cement: 2 co arse sa nd : 4 gr aded st one
aggregate 20 m m nom inal size). The provision of fillets shall be deem ed to be c overed by the item of
water proofing and shall not be measured or paid for separately. In existing roof where gola and drip course are provided at the junction of roof and vertical face of
parapet w all, chi mney stacks etc ., these sh all b e dressed suitably an d fini shed sm ooth so as to
ensure an easy and gradual turning of the flashing. Any dismantlement or forming and finishing smooth the
junction f or f orming t he base of t he f lashing s hall not be measured o r pai d f or separately an d s hall be
deemed to form part of the preparation of the surface in the water proofing treatment. While the grading of roof surface is being done, it shall be ens ured that the outlet drain pipe
have been fixed and mouth at the entrance have been eased and rounded off properly for easy flow of
water. When any pipe passes through the roof to be treated, angular fillet of shape shown in Fig. 22.7
shall be bu ilt ar ound it for the w ater p roofing treatment to b e taken ov er it. These fillets s hall no t be
measured or paid for separately. For c arrying ov er and t ucking i n t he w ater proof ing f elts i nto t he parapet w alls, c himney s tacks
etc. a ho rizontal groove 6.5 cm deep, 7.5 cm wide section with its lower edge at not less than 15 cm
above the graded roof surface shall be left on the inner face of the same during construction if possible.
When such gr oove has not been left, the same s hall be c ut out neatly and t he base at rear of the gr oove
shall be finished smooth with cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand). Such cutting of the groove
and its finishing smooth shall be deemed to be part of the water proofing item and shall not be measured or
paid for separately. No deduction shall be made either for not making the groove or when the later has
already been left in the masonry by the construction agency. Tucking in the water proofing felt will be required where the parapet wall exceeds 45 cm in the
height from the graded surface. Where the h eight is 45 cm or l ess, n o g roove will b e required a s the
water proofing treatment will be carried over the top of the parapet wall to its full thickness. In the case of
low dividing walls of height 30 c m or less, outlets therein shall be c ut open for full height and the bottom
and sides shall be r endered smooth and c orners rounded and such treatment shall not be measured an d
paid for separately. Where expansion j oints ar e l eft i n t he slab, t he provision of d warf w alls a nd/or RCC slabs f or
covering them and finishing the surface smooth shall be the responsibility of the construction agency,
which had laid the roof slab and will not be included the operation of water proofing. The graded surface of the roof and concrete fillets and the faces of walls shall be thoroughly
cleaned with wire brushes and all loose scales etc. removed. The surface shall then be dusted off. Any
crack in the roof shall be cut to ‘V’ section, cleaned and filled up flush with cement mortar slurry 1:4
(1 cement: 4 coarse sand) or blown type petroleum bitumen of IS grade 85/25, or approved quality
conforming to IS 702. Such cleaning of the surface or treating the cracks shall not be paid for separately.

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22.8.3 Priming Coat
Where s o s pecified, or r equired by t he E ngineer-in-Charge f or ex ample u nder s lightly dam p
conditions a pri ming c oat consisting of a b itumen p rimer c onforming t o I S 33 84 s hould be appl ied with
brush on the roof and wall surface at 0.24 litres per sqm to assist adhesion of the bonding material (i.e.

Such app lication o f pr imer s hall b e paid for s eparately, un less s pecifically included in the w ater
proofing item.

22.8.4 Underlay
Where a f loating t reatment of water proofing w ith s elf f inished bi tumen f elt i s required i .e. where
water pro ofing t reatment i s requi red t o be i solated f rom t he ro of s tructure, a l ayer of bitumen s aturated
felt ( underlay) s hall be s pread ov er t he r oof s urface and t ucked i nto the flashing gr oove. N o bondi ng
material s hall be us ed below t he under lay i n order t o k eep t he under lay f ree of t he s tructure.
Theadjoining strips of t he underlay shall ov erlap t o a minimum of 7.5 cm at sides and 10 c m at ends.
overlaps s hall b e s ealed with t he s ame b onding material a s u sed f or t he self f inished f elt t reatment.
Unless specifically included in the water proofing item, the underlay treatment shall be paid for

The underlay shall be of type 1 saturated felt conforming to IS 1322 i n all respects and having a total
minimum weight of t he f inished bi tumen f elt i n dry condition w ith m ica dus ting pow der @ 6. 8 k g per 10
sqm. The roll shall not be damaged or crack on being unrolled on a fairly smooth and flat surface.

22.8.5 Treatment The water proofing shall consist of a f our or s ix course treatment, as given in the description of
the item, ea ch layer o f bond ing m aterials, s elf finished b itumen felt or s tone grit or p ea s ized gr avel
being counted as a course. The choice of a four or six course treatment will depend on the climatic condition, the
importance of the building, the durability required, cost and other relevant considerations. A four course treatment shall consist of the following layers:

(a) Initial layer of bonding material applied hot at specified weight per unit area.
(b) 2nd l ayer o f s elf finished bi tumen felt conforming t o t he type and gr ade gi ven i n t he description of
the item.
(c) Third layer of bonding material.
(d) Final layer of stone grit of pea sized gravel spread at specified volume of material per unit area. In a six course treatment, the first, second and third layer shall be of the same as in the four
course treatment. The fourth and fifth layer shall consist of self finished felt and bonding material
respectively. The sixth layer shall consist of stone grit or pea sized gravel. The p rimer or underlay w here required t o be pr ovided s hall not c ount agai nst t he num ber of
courses specified.

22.8.6 Laying Bitumen bonding material of required grade shall be heated to the working temperature
specified f or t he part icular grade by t he bi tumen m anufacturers and conveyed t o t he roof in bu ckets or
pouring canes in weighed quantities.

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Suitable working temperature for different grades of bitumen are as under:
(i) Blown type petroleum bitumen of IS grade 85/25 or 90/15 - 180 degree C.
(ii) Residual type petroleum bitumen of penetration 30/40 - 180 degree to 190 degree C (IS grade S-35). Drain outlets s hall be given a four or six c ourse treatment as specified for the roof in the
description o f the i tem i n the manner specified for t he flat r oof s urface. Water pr oofing treatment s hall b e
carried i nto t he drain pipe o r o utlets b y at l east 10 c m. The w ater p roofing t reatment l aid on t he roof
surface shall overlap the upper edge of the water proofing treatment in the drain outlets by at least 10 cm. The self finished felt shall be cut to the required length, brushed clean of dusting material and
laid out f lat on t he roof t o el iminate c urls and s ubsequent s tretching. T he f elt s hall normally be l aid i n
length at right angl es t o the direction of the slope an d laying s hall be commenced at the lowest level an d
worked upto crest. T he f elt shall not be l aid i n single piece of very long l engths as t hey are likely to
shrink; 6 t o 8 m are suitable lengths. The roof surface shall be c leaned and dr ied before the felt
treatment i s be gun. E ach l ength of f elt s hall b e l aid i n po sition and r olled u p f or a distance of h alf i ts
length. The hot bonding material shall be poured on the roof across the full width of the rolled felt as the
latter is steadily rolled out and pressed down. The pouring shall be so regulated that the correct weight of
bonding material per uni t ar ea i s spread uni formly ov er the surface. E xcess bondi ng material t hat ge ts
squeezed o ut at the ends shall be levelled up as laying proceeds. When the first half of the strip of felt
has be en bo nded to the roof , the other half sh all be rolled up an d then un rolled on the ho t bonding
material i n t he same way. S ubsequent s trips shall al so b e l aid i n t he same m anner. Each s trip shall
overlap th e pre ceeding o ne by a t lea st 7. 5 cm a t the lo ngitudinal e dges a nd 1 0 cm at t he e nds. All
overlaps s hall be f irmly b onded w ith hot bi tumen. Streaks and t railings of b itumen near edges of l aps
shall be levelled by heating the overlap with a blow lamp and levelling down unevenness.

The t hird la yer o f b onding m aterial i n t he fo ur course tr eatment s hall b e carried o ut in a similar
manner after the flashing has been completed. In a six course t reatment the third and f ourth layers of bon ding m aterial and s elf finished felt
shall be laid in the manner already described, taking care that laps in the felt are staggered from those in
the s econd l ayer. T he f ifth l ayer of bo nding material s hall be c arried out af ter t he f lashing i s done ( See
Fig. 22.7). High Parapet Walls, Chimney Stacks etc.: Felts shall be laid as flashings wherever junctions of
vertical and horizontal surfaces occur. Longitudinal laps shall be 10 cm. The lower layer of flashing felt in a
six course treatment shall overlap the roof water proofing by not less than 20 cm while the upper layer
shall ov erlap the r oofing felt by 10 cm. T he minimum overlap of t he f lashing f elt i n f our course
specification over the roofing felt shall be 10 cm.

The flashing shall consist of the same four or six course treatment as for the roof except that the final
course of s tone g rit o r p ea-sized g ravel s hall be replaced b y an application of bi tuminous solution of
approved quality in two coats on the vertical and sloping faces only, of the flashing. The overlap along
the length of flashing shall stagger with those in the second layer of flashing felt (in a s ix course
treatment and with the joints in the roof felt).

The upper edge of t he f lashing f elt shall b e well t ucked i nto t he f lashing gr ooves i n t he pa rapet,
chimney s tacks et c. t o a depth of not l ess t han 6. 5 c m. C orresponding appl ications of bond ing m aterial
shall also be made. The flashing treatment shall be firmly held in place in the grooves with wood edges at
intervals an d the gro oves shall be f illed up w ith ce ment m ortar 1: 4 (1 ce ment: 4 coarse sa nd) or
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 6 mm nominal size) and
surface finished smooth with the rest of the wall. The cement work shall be cured for 7 days. When dry, the
exposed plaster joints of grooves shall be painted with bitumen and two coats of bituminous solution shall
be applied on the vertical and sloping surface of flashing (see Fig. 22.7).

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After th e to p fl ashing f elt l ayer h as been f ixed, t he pe nultimate l ayer of bonding m aterial s hall b e
applied ov er the roofing felt and t he hor izontal ov erlaps and v ertical and sloping surfaces o f the flashings
at the specified rate. Stone grit or pea sized gravel shall then be spread uniformly over the hot bonding
material o n the horizontal roof s urface at the s pecified qu antity p er un it ar ea and pr essed into it w ith a
wooden roller. Low Parapet Walls: Where pa rapet walls are of height 45 c m or less, bitumen felt flashings
shall be provided in the same manner as for flashings in the case of high parapet walls except that the
upper edge shall be carried upto the full height of the wall and taken right a cross the top of the parap et
and down on the external vertical faces to a minimum distance of 5 cm (see Fig. 22.7). Low Dividing Walls: Where l ow dividing walls or i nverted b eams a re m et w ith, t he s ame s hall
be covered with a four or six layer treatment as for the main roof, the l atter bearing c arried dow n both
sides of the wall and overlapping the roofing treatment as in the case of flashing of high parapet walls
(see Fig. 22.7).
Drain outlets where formed in the low dividing walls, shall be given water proofing treatment of the
same number of courses as specified for the flat roof surface. The bottom and sides shall be so treated
that all overlaps are in the direction of flow of drainage. Expansion Joints: Where the expansion joints are provided in the slabs, the joints and their
cover s labs s hall be s uitably t reated w ith w ater proof ing. A t ypical s ketch of an ex pansion j oint w ith t he
RCC slabs on either side of the joint turned vertically up and covered with precast RCC cover slabs as
given in Fig. 22.7. The cover slabs shall cover the vertical turned up dwarf walls by not less than 7.5 cm
and ar e pr ovided w ith t hroatings on their un derside along t heir l ength. T he water proofing t reatment s hall
be t aken up t he s loping j unction f illets and t he vertical f aces of t he walls t o t he u nderside of the c over
slabs. The c over s labs ar e gi ven t he w ater pr oofing treatment like the roof s labs, after the cr oss j oints
between adjacent cover slabs are first sealed with 15 cm width of roofing felt struck to them with
bitumen. T he w ater p roofing t reatment s hall be c arried down t he s ides of t he cover slabs t o t heir f ull
thickness. C are shall be t aken to see that overlaps if any in the r oofing over the cover s labs s tagger with
the joints between cover slabs.

The f ormation of the ex pansion j oints an d provision of cover s labs s hall b e t he responsibility of the
construction agenc y. The formation o f t he junction fillets and the water proofing treatment of the joint and
cover s labs s hall be carried o ut by t he w ater p roofing a gency. N o e xtra s hall be p aid f or t he j unction
fillers or for the sealing of the cross joints in the cover slab with 15 cm width of bitumen strips. Pipes: Where vertical pi pe outlets are met with 7.5 x 7.5 cm fillets of lime or cement concrete of
the t ype a nd section shown i n F ig. 22.7 shall b e p rovided a nd f lashing o f f our or six c ourse t reatment,
same as for the roofing treatment shall be laid.

The u pper edge o f t he f lashing shall be l aid sloping d own f orward and butted a gainst t he pipe and
annular depression so formed shall be filled with hot bitumen. A circular metal collar in the shape of an
inverted truncated c one shall be fixed on t he pi pe to throw off the rain water clear of the flashing and this
shall be paid for separately. Terrace: Where r oof s urfaces ar e ex pected t o be us ed pr ecast c ement c oncrete t iles or 40 mm
thick c ement c oncrete s hall b e l aid o n t he water p roofing t reatment. I n s uch c ases, t he f inal course o f
stone gr it or pea sized gr avel s hall not be l aid i n the water pr oofing treatment. S uitable ad justment i n t he
rates will be effected for not providing the s tone gr it or p ea s ized gr avel layer. C ement c oncrete in situ
flooring s hall be l aid i n p anel not e xceeding 0. 4 s quare m etres e ach. P recast t iles o r i n s itu c oncrete
flooring where laid shall be paid for separately unless included in the description of the water proofing item.

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22.8.7 Measurements Length and breadth shall be m easured correct to a c m. The area s hall be calculated in square
metres correct to two places of decimal. Measurements shall be taken over the entire exposed area of roofing and flashing treatment
including flashing over low parapet walls, low dividing walls and expansion joints and at pipe projections
etc. Overlaps and tucking into flashing grooves shall not be measured. Vertical and sloping surfaces of water proofing treatment shall also be measured under the four or
six course treatment as the case may be, irrespective of the fact that the final course of grit or pea sized
gravel is replaced by bitumen primer. Primer or saturated felt underlay, where provided, shall also be measured in the same manner as
the w ater pro ofing t reatment and pai d f or s eparately. N o de duction i n m easurements s hall be made for
either openings or recesses f or c himney s tacks, roof l ights and t he l ike, for areas up to 40 square
decimetre (0.4 sqm) nor anything shall be paid for forming such openings.
For s imilar ar eas ex ceeding 40 s q. dec imetre d eductions w ill be m ade in measurements for full
opening and nothing extra shall be paid for forming such openings.

22.8.8 Rate
The r ate shall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd m aterials i nvolved i n al l t he operations described
above and the particular specifications given un der the di fferent i tems, w ith the c orrections noted in t he
relevant sub-paras.


22.9.1 Materials
Cement, coarse s and and graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size, shall be used as s pecified in
the i tem. The s pecifications f or t he m aterials an d m ethod of preparat ion of c oncrete s hall c onform i n
general to the specification described in sub-head 4.0 of Specifications. Laying: Before laying cement concrete for grading, the level markings to the required
slope/gradient s hall be made o nly with c ement concrete on t he s urface of t he slab at suitable s pacing
with the h elp of string a nd steel tape (Measuring t ape) so that the m ason can lay the concrete to the
required thickness, slope / gradient easily in between the two level markings.

On g etting t he l evel m arking ap proved b y t he S ite E ngineer t he s urface should b e s prinkled w ith
thick cement slurry and the concrete should be laid carefully, without throwing from height, in
predetermined strips.

The concrete should be consolidated by specially made wooden tamping. After the tamping is done the
surface s hould be f inished t o req uired s lope/gradient with w ooden t rowels w ithout l eaving any s pots of
loose aggregates etc.

The m ixed cement concrete m ust be l aid in position, within half an hour of its m ixing. In case any
quantity of c oncrete remains unus ed fo r m ore than hal f an h our the s ame s hould be rejected and
removed from the site. Finishing: The slope of finished terrace shall not be more than 1 in 120 unless a steeper slope is
desired by the Engineer-in-Charge.

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The m inimum thickness of t he c oncrete at i ts j unction w ith K hurra or par apets s hall be 5 c m. T he
concrete s hall be r ounded a t t he j unction o f r oof s lab a nd pa rapet. I t i s des irable t o pr ovide a
haunch/gola/filler at the junction of the parapet wall and the roof slab as shown in Fig. 22.8.

The finished concrete surface shall present a smooth surface with correct slopes and uniform
rounding. The concrete should be free from cracks. Excess trowelling shall be avoided. Thickness: Average thickness shall be as per clause as shown in Fig. 22.8. Curing: Curing s hall be don e ei ther by s preading s traw/Hessian c loth ov er t he g raded s urface,
keeping the same wet for full 10 days or flooding the graded area with water by making kiaries with weak
cement mortar, for 10 da ys. Occasional curing by simply s praying water n ow and t hen s hall not be
permitted under any circumstances. Measurement: Length and b readth shall be measured correct to a cm. Area shall be worked out to
nearest 0.01 sqm. and the cubical contents shall be worked out to nearest 0.001 cum.

No de duction sh all be m ade for either op ening or recesses for chi mney sta cks, roof lig hts etc.,
Khurra for area upto 0.1 sqm. Nothing extra shall be paid either for any extra material or labour involved in
forming s uch open ing or re cess or in round ing the concrete func tion of r oof with parape t walls,
chimney stack, khurra etc. Rate: The rate shall include the cost of all the materials and labour involved in all the operations
described above.


22.10.1 Materials
Cement and coarse sand shall be a s specified i n t he i tem o f w ork o r as des cribed i n sub-head 3. 0 o f
Specifications. Cement Mortar : Cement m ortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) /1:4(1 cement: 4 coarse sand)
specified i n t he i tem of w ork s hall conform t o t he s pecification des cribed i n s ub-head 3 .0 of
Specifications. Preparation of the Surface: The surface shall be cleaned properly with brooms bruch, cloth to
remove all dirts, dust, mortar droppings. Laying: Same as des cribed i n c lause 22. 9.1.1, ex cept t hat c ement m ortar s hall be t amped
with wooden and steel trowels and surface finished with steel trowel. Finishing
(i) T he slope of finished surface shall not be m ore than 1 i n 120 unl ess a s teeper slope is specified
in the item of work.
(ii) The finished surface of the grading shall present a smooth surface with correct slopes and
uniform roundings wherever they are provided. The mortar surface shall be free of cracks.
Excess trowelling shall be avoided. Thickness: The minimum thickness of cement mortar grading at the junction with khurra or
parapet w all s hall be 20 m m. T he cement m ortar s hall be rounded at the junction of roof slab and
parapet. It is desirable to provide a haun ch/gola/filler at the junction of parapet wall and t he roof slab.
The maximum thickness t hat shall be adopted for grading with cement mortar shall be 50 mm. It is not at
all desirable to lay the cement mortar grading for greater thickness and in that case it is advised to go in
for grading with Cement Concrete. The average thickness shall be as shown in Fig. 22.9 and 22.10.

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Curing for the grading with cement mortar shall be done exactly as described in clause Measurement:

Same as specified in clause Rate:
The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described



22.12.1 Atactic Polypropylene Polymer modified prefabricated five layer water proofing membrane shall be
of thickness as specified. In selecting thickness of membrane due consideration shall be given to the type
and construction of building, climate and atmospheric condition and permanence required. Five layered
treatment 2.00 mm thick with glass fibre is with a normal duly treatment suitable for pitched roofs. Five
layered 3.00 mm thick with glass fibre matt treatment is suitable for moderate condition of rainfall (50 to
150 mm) and five layered 3.00 mm thick with non-woven polyester matt treatment is suitable for heavy
condition of rainfall. Materials
Bitumen pr imer for bi tumen membrane shall hav e d ensity at 25°C i n t he range o f 0. 87 - 0.89 k g./litre
and viscosity of 70-160 CPS primer shall be applied @ of 0.40 litre/sqm. Atactic Polypropylene Polymer Modified Prefabricated Membrane:

It is a polymeric water proofing membrane. This shall be one of the following types:
(i) 2 mm thick with glass fibre matt.
(ii) 3 mm thick glass fibre matt.
(iii) 3 mm thick with non-woven polyester matt.

It is prefabricated five layered black finish water proofing membrane comprising of centre core of
50 gsm. Glass fibre matt/170 gsm nonwoven polyester matt sandwiched on both sides by APP
polymer m odified bi tumen w hich i s pr otected on bot h s ides by 20 m icron thermofusible pol yethylene
sheet. Composite thickness of t he membrane including a ll five layers s hall be 2/3 mm with glass
fibre matt and 3 mm with non woven polyester matt. It is available in 1 m width and variable lengths.

Physical and chemical parameters of the membrane shall be as given in Table 22.2.

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TABLE 22.2

SI. No. of Layers Thickness Elongation at Joint Tear strength Softening Cold
No. 23° C in strength in in longitudinal Point flexibility
longitudinal longitudinal Transverse
transverse and direction
direction Transverse
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Five Layered 2 mm 3 N/5 cm. 350/300 60/80 N 150° -2°C
reinforced with N/5 cm.
fibre glass
2 Five layered 3 mm 3.3 N/5 cm. 350/3000 60/80 N 150° -3°C
reinforced with N/5 cm.
fibre glass
3 Five layered 3 mm 40/50 N/5 650 N/450 300/250 N 150° -2°C
reinforced with cm. N/5 cm.
polyester matt.

When tested Atactic polypropylene modified black finished is proposed to be used shall conform in all
respects t o the s pecification i n t he pr eceding par as. The w ork should be got done t hrough aut horized
applicator/specification agency. Surface: The surface to be treated shall have a minimum slope of 1 in 120 or as sp ecified,
provision s pecified i n c lause 2 shall ap ply f or preparation of s urface e xcept f or pitched r oof
where s urface s hall be c leaned of f an y l oose m aterial dust et c. To ensure g ood a dhesion be tween t he
surface and water proofing treatment suitable method to dry the s urface s hall be adopt ed. A ll hai r l ine
cracks in the surface should be filled with approved sealant. Preparation of Surface: The s urface t o be t reated s hall h ave a minimum slope of 1 t o 12 0.
This grad ing s hall be c arried out with c ement c oncrete or c ement p laster with c oarse s and, as desired,
to the average thickness required and finished smooth. Such grading shall be paid for separately.

Junctions bet ween t he r oof and v ertical f aces of par apet w alls, c himneys et c. s hall be c hased by
running t riangular f illets 7. 5 x 7. 5 c m. s ize, c ement c oncrete. A t t he d rain mouths, t he f illets s hall b e
suitably cut back and rounded off for easy application of water proofing treatment and easy flow of
water. Cement concrete where shall be 1:2:4 mix (1 Cement: 2 Coarse sand: 4 Graded stone aggregate
20 mm. Nominal size). The provision of fillets shall be deemed to be covered by the item of water
proofing and shall not be measured or paid for separately.

In existing roof where gola and drip course are provided at the junction of roof and vertical face of
parapet wall, chimney stacks, etc. These shall be dressed suitably and finished smooth so as to ensure an
easy and gr adual t urning of t he f lashing. A ny di smantlement or f orming and f inishing s mooth t he
junction for forming the base of the flashing shall not be measured or paid for separately and shall be
deemed to form part of the preparation of the surface.

While the grading of roof surface is b eing done, it shall be ens ured that the outlet drain pipe have
been fixed and mouth at the entrance have been eased and rounded off properly for easy flow of water.
When any pipe passes through the roof to be treated, angul ar fillet of shape shown in Fig. 22. 11 shall be
built around it for the water proofing treatment to be taken over it. These fillets shall not be m easured or
paid for separately. For carrying over and tucking in the water proofing felts into the parapet walls,

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chimneys stacks etc. a horizontal groove 6.5 cm. deep, 7.5 cm. wide section with its lower edge at not
less than 15 cm. abov e the graded roof s urface s hall be left on the inner face of the s ame; during
construction if possible. When such groove has not been left, the same shall be cut out neatly and the
base at rear of the groove shall be finished smooth with cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand).

Such cutting of the groove and its finishing smooth shall be part of the water proofing or paid for
separately. N o deduction shall be m ade ei ther f or not m aking t he groove or w hen t he l atter has al ready
been left in the masonry by the construction agency. Tucking in the water proofing felt will be required
where the parapet wall exceeds 45 c m. in the height from the graded surface. Where the height is 45
cm. or less, no groove will be r equired as the water proofing treatment will be carried over the top of the
parapet wall to its full thickness. In the case of low dividing walls of height 30 cm. or less, outlets therein
shall be cut open for full height and the bottom and sides shall be rendered smooth and corners rounded
and s uch treatment shall not be m easured and paid for separately. Where expansion joints are l eft in the
slab the provision of dwarf walls and/or RCC slabs for covering them and finishing the surface smooth
shall be the responsibility of the construction agency, which had laid the roof slab and will not be
included i n the operation of w ater proofing. T he gr aded s urface of the ro of an d c oncrete f illets an d t he
faces of w alls shall be t horoughly cleaned w ith w ire b rushed and a ll l oose s cales etc. removed. T he
surface shall then be dusted off. Any crack in the roof shall be cut to V section, cleaned and filled up
flush w ith c ement m ortar s lurry 1: 4 (1 c ement : 4 c oarse s and) or b lown t ype pe troleum bi tumen of IS
grade 85 /25, o r app roved qua lity c onforming to IS 702 . S uch c leaning o f t he s urface or treating the
cracks shall not be paid for separately. Treatment: The water proofing shall consist of prefabricated five layered 2 mm / 3 mm
membrane as shown in Fig. 22.12. The choice of 2 mm or 3 mm membrane will depend on the type of
roof i.e. pitched or flat and importance of building, durability, cost and rainfall etc. Laying: Bitumen primer @ 0. 40 l ts/sqm s hall be appl ied t o t he prepared roof, dr ain and all
other surfaces where polymer modified membrane is to be laid. The five layered water proofing
membrane s hall be l aid us ing B utane t orch and s ealing al l j oints and pr eparing the s urface c omplete.
Drain outlets shall be given same treatment as specified for the roof in the description of the item in the
manner s pecified f or t he f lat r oof s urface. Water proofing treatment s hall be carried into t he drain pipe or
outlets b y a t l east 10 cm. T he w ater proo fing t reatment l aid on t he roof surface s hall ov erlap t he upper
edge of the water proofing treatment in the drain outsets by at least 10 cm.

The APP polymer modified pre fabricated w ater proofing m embrane sh all be cut to th e required
length. Water proofing membrane shall normally be laid in length in the direction of the slope and laying
shall be c ommenced a t t he l owest l evel a nd w orked upt o c rest. A PP w ater pr oofing membrane s hall be
laid in 6 t o 8 m lengths. The roof s urface shall be cleaned a nd bitumen primer shall be a pplied in the
correct quantity, ov er t his s pecified w ater p roofing m embrane s hall be laid w ith bu tane to rch a fter
allowing 24 hours for primer to dry. Each strip shall overlap the preceding o ne by at least 10 cm. at the
longitudinal ed ges and 15 c m. at t he ends . A ll ov erlaps s hall be f irmly bo nded w ith bi tumen pri mer an d
levelled by heating the overlap with butane torch.

If the roof is accessible the treatment is protected by brick tiles laid over 12 mm thick cement mortar
of specified grade bedding and joints sealed with cement mortar of which shall be measured and pai d for

APP water proof ing m embrane s hall be l aid as flashing w herever junction of v ertical and hori zontal
surfaces oc cur. Longi tudinal l aps s hall be 10 c m. The upper edge of f lashing m embrane s hall be well
tucked into the flashing grooves in the parapets, chimney stack etc. to a depth of not less than 6.5 cm;
corresponding applications o f primer coat s hall also be m ade. T he f lashing t reatment s hall be f irmly held
in the grooves and it shall be sealed with the approved sealant after terminating the membrane.

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Where p arapet walls a re of h eight 45 c m o r l ess AP water proofing m embrane f lashing shall b e
provided in the same manner as for splashing in the core of high parapet walls except that upper edge
shall be c arried out the full height of the wall and t aken right across the top of the parapet and d own on
the external vertical faces to a minimum distance of 5 cm.

Where l ow di viding w alls or i nverted b eams are m et w ith, t he s ame t reatment s hall b e prov ided a s
for the m ain roof, the lateral bea ring c arried dow n both s ides o f the w all and ov erlapping the roof

Drain outlets where formed in the low dividing walls, shall be given water proofing treatment same as
for the main roof.

Where the expansion joints are provided in the slabs, the joints and their cover slabs shall be
suitably treated w ith water proofing t reatment. A t ypical s ketch of an ex pansion j oint w ith the R CC s labs
on ei ther s ide of t he j oint t urned v ertically u p a nd covered w ith precise RCC co ver sl abs a s g iven i n
Fig. 22.7. The cover slabs shall cover the vertical turned up dwarf walls by not less than 7.5 cm and are
provided with t hroatings on t heir underside al ong their l ength. T he water p roofing t reatment s hall be
taken u p t he s lopping j unction f illets a nd t he v ertical f aces of t he walls t o the u nderside of t he c over
slabs are gi ven t he w ater proof ing treatment l ike t he roof s labs, after t he c ross j oints b etween ad jacent
cover s labs ar e first s ealed w ith 15 c m. w idth of r oofing felt s truck to them w ith bi tumen. T he w ater
proofing t reatment s hall be c arried do wn t he s ides o f the cover slabs to their f ull thickness. C are s hall be
taken to see that ov erlaps if any i n t he roofing ov er the cover slabs stagger with the joints between c over

The f ormation o f t he e xpansion j oints a nd pr ovision of c over slabs s hall be t he re sponsibility of

construction ag ency. T he f ormation of t he junctions f illets and t he water p roofing t reatment of t he j oint
and c over slabs shall be c arried out b y t he water pr oofing agenc y. N o ex tra shall be pai d for the junction
fillets or for the sealing of the cross joints in the cover slab with 15 cm. width of bitumen strips. Measurements: Length and br eadth s hall be m easured c orrect t o a c m. T he ar ea s hall b e

calculated in square metres correct to two places of decimal.

Measurement shall be taken ov er the ent ire ex posed ar ea o f roofing and flashing treatment i ncluding
flashing over l ow p arapet walls, l ow di viding w alls a nd ex pansion j oints at pi pe proj ections et c. ov erlaps
and tucking into flashing grooves shall not be measured.

No ded uction in m easurements s hall be m ade f or either ope nings or rec esses for c himney s tacks,
roof l ights a nd the l ike, for are as u pto 4 0 square decimeter (0. 4. sqm.) n or any t hing s hall be p aid f or
forming such openings. For areas exceeding 0.40 sqm. deductions will be made in measurements for full
opening and nothing extra shall be paid for forming such openings. Rate: The rates shall include the cost of all labour and materials involved in all the operations
described above.



22.13.1 If the water proofing treatment of flat roof has been done with APP modified five layered
membrane and t he roof i s ac cessible, a s eparation layer on t op of membrane s hould be l aid before any
protected treatment i s done. B rick t iles i n c ement mortar or 25 m m t hick cement concrete 1:2:4 shall be
laid as final layer as shown in Fig. 22.12.

Geotextile 120 gm. Non woven 100% polyester of thickness 1.0 to 1.25 mm manufactured by a
company of repute shall be used.

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Geotextile of the specified thickness is bonded to the water proofing membrane with intermittent
touch by heating the membrane by Butane torch as per manufacturing recommendations.

22.13.2 Measurements: Length and breadth shall be measured correct to two places of decimal,
measurement shall be taken over the entire exposed area of roofing.

22.13.3 Rate: The rate shall include the cost of all labour and material involved in al l the operation
described above. Final layer of brick tiles or 25 mm thick cement concrete shall be measured and paid for

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A-1 Weights
The weights of the ingredients used in the manufacture of bitumen felts per 10 sqm shall be not less
than those specified in Table A-I

Minimum Weights of Bitumen Felts

S. No. Type of felt For 10 sqm

Untreated Saturant Coatant Bitumen Total weight of the
Base content finished bitumen felt
in dry condition with
mica dusting powder
Kg Kg Kg Kg Kg
Fibre Base
(i) Type 2 gr ade 1 5.0 4.5 12.9 12 22.6
Hessian Base
(ii) Type 3 Grade 1 2.3 1.8 17.7 12.1 23
(iii) Type 3 Grade 2 2.3 1.8 31.8 20.2 37.1

1. The weight of the untreated base shall be taken as in the dry condition.
2. Includes allowance for 1.2 kg minimum mica dusting powder in dry condition.

A-2 Testing

A-2.1 Frequency of test sha ll be d ecided by t he E ngineer-in-charge d epending o n quantum of work.

From each of the rolls one piece 3 m l ong and the ful l width of the felt shall be cut out for preparing test
specimens. The first 2M. of the roll shall not be selected for this purpose. The lengths of felt so selected
shall be free from abnormal defects and shall be tru ly repres entative of the whole con signment. The
selected p ieces of felt shall be dispatched without break age or dis tortion, wrapped up in water pro of
paper or other simil ar materi als s o as to c ause no damag e to th e material during transit. I n case the
material has stuck together, no heat shall be applied to separate the layer but the whole roll shall be sent
for testing and the fact shall be reported.

The samples, when tested as per IS1322 shall conform to the requirements given in Table A-II.

385 | HO Civil Specifications Volume - 2

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SI. Type of Breaking Pliability Test Storage Heat Pressure Water

No Felt strength sticking tests Resistance head test absorption
kg Test test Max.
1. Type 2 95 / 60 (i) The roll The test The test The test 5.0%
(all shall not show pieces shall pieces shall pieces shall
grades) cracks on be examined show no show no
unrolling after cooling sign of sign of
melting of leakage
the bitumen

(ii) Consider After release - - -

any surface of the load,
rupture the layers of
exceeding 5 felt shall be
mm in length capable of
as failure being
the coatant
in any way
2. Typ e3 135/90 (i) The roll The test The test The test 2.0%
(all shall not show pieces shall pieces shall pieces shall
grades) cracks on be examined show no show no
unrolling after cooling sign of sign of
melting of leakage
the bitumen

(ii) Consider After release - - -

any surface of the load,
rupture the layer of
exceeding 5 felt shall be
mm in length capable of
as failure being
damaging the
coatant in any

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B-1 Weight
The weight of the ingredients used in the manufacture of glass fibre felts for 10 square metre shall be
not less than those specified in Table B-I.

Minimum Weight of Bitumen Glass Fibre Base Felt

For 10 Square Metre

S. No. Type of Felt Untreated Treated Base Coatant Total weight in
Base dry condition
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
1. Type 2 Gr. I - 0.4 15.3 18.0

B-2 Tests
The sample, when tested as per IS 7193 shall conform to the requirements given in Table B-II

Requirements of Glass Fibre Felts

SI. Properties Requirements

(i) Breaking strength, (a) Warp 50
Min kg (b) Weft 30
(ii) Pliability test (a) Roll shall not show cracks on unrolling
(b) Consider any surface rupture exceeding 5 mm in length as failure.
(iii) Storage sticking The test pi eces shall be ex amined after cooli ng. After release of load, the
layers of felt be capable of being separated without damaging.
(iv) Pressure head The test pieces shall show no sign of leakage.
(v) Heat resistance The test pieces shall show no sign of melting of bitumen compound.
(vi) Water absorption 2 per cent

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Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment
Clause : 22.1

10mm to 12mm Aggregate

Embedded in Top Course
RCC Slab
22mm to 25 mm thick Rough Kota
Stone (Joints sealed with Cement
Slurry Mixed with WPC)
25 mm thick Cement
Mortar 1:3 Mixed
with WPC
25mm thick Base Course of C.M.
Plain Cement Concrete as 1:3 Mixed with Water Proofing
Levelling Course Compound
C.C. 1:3:6/CC 1:5:10

Fig. 22.1 : Waterproofing of Horizontal Surface of U.G. Structure

RCC Side Wall

22 to 25 mm Thick Rough
Kota Stone
10-12 mm Stone Aggregate
Embedded in C.M. 1:3
25 mm Thick Top
Course of C.M. 1:3
25 mm Thick C.M. 1:3
R.C.C. Floor Slab

Plain Cement Concrete 1:3:6/1:5:10

Fig. 22.2 : Water Proofing Horizontal Surfaces from Inside of a U.G. Structure

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Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment
Clause : 22.2

22 to 25 mm Thick Rough
Kota Stone Slabs

RCC Side Wall

20 mm Thick Cement
20 mm Thick Cement
Plaster 1:3 Finished with Slurry mixed with WPC
Neat Cement Punning
Internal Horizontal
RCC Floor Slab

Plain Cement Concrete as Horizontal Waterproofing

Levelling Course Treatment

Fig. 22.3 : Waterproofing on Vertical Surfaces of Under Ground Structures

Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment

Clause : 22.3

Flooring Filling Material (Lime Conc./Khangar)


Vertical Water ‘P’ Trap

Proofing Treatment

Water Escape Pipe

Horizontal Water
Proofing Treatment Junctions to be Rounded

Fig. 22.4 : Position of Horizontal and Vertical Waterproofing Treatment

in Sunken Portion of W.C./Kitchen and the like

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Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment
Clause : 22.4

300 mm

15 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm
φ 25

3 6 φ 12.5

All dimensions in millimeters

Fig. 22.5 : Typical Cross-Section of PVC Water-Stop

Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment

Clause : 22.7

Jointless Cement Plaster Coba with Tucking in
Haunch in B.B. parapet wall
with C.M. 1:4, 20 mm thick 120mm A Coat of coba for
Average slurry with rounding at
thickness Cement @ junctions
2.75 kg/sqm
Parapet Wall
300 mm


20 mm Thick A Coat of Slurry with

Cement Plaster Cement @ 2.75 kg/sqm
RCC Slab Mixed with W.P.C.
with C.M. 1:5
mixed with W.P.C.

Fig. 22.6 : Integral Cement based Waterproofing Treatment with Brick-bat Coba
Over a RCC Slab

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Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment
Clause : 22.8

α B
Groove Parapet Wall

B. Dividing Wall (Parapet) - Low

A. Parapet Wall – Low B
A Cement Mortar for Fix-
Projecting Pipe C ing Precast Cement
C Concrete Top Cover on one edge
Metal Collar Bitumen Crout Bitumen Coat for Fixing other C Stone Grit 6 mm Nomi-
end of R.C.C Top Cover C
C C nal Gauge or Pea Sized
Cement Concrete Angle Fillet 12 mm Expansion
Joint with Bitumen D Gravel
Copper Grade R.C.C Beam

C. Roof with Projecting Pipe Four Course Treatment D. Raised Type Expansion Joint Six Course

A Bitumen at 1.45 kg/m 2 B Membrane α Bitumen at 1.20 kg/m 2

C Bitumen Primer 8 coats D 75 x 75 Angle Fillet Lime Concrete/Cement Concrete

Diagrams Not to Scale

All dimensions are in mm
Fig. 22.7 : Water Proofing

Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment

Clause : 22.9

Parapet Wall

Grading with Cement

Slope 1 in 120 116 mm
50 mm

8000 mm
Roof Slab
16000 mm

Fig. 22.8 : Grading Roof Slab with Cement Concrete

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Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment
Clause : 22.10

Haunch/ Cement
Parapet Wall Fillet Mortar

50 mm

Roof Slab

Fig. 22.9 : Grading Roof Slab with Cement Mortar 1:3/1:4


35 mm 25 mm Minimum

RCC Chajja

Fig. 22.10 : Grading Chajja with Cement Mortar 1:3/1:4

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Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment
Clause : 22.11

Fifth & Final Layer with brick Cement Mortar 1:3

tiles over a layer of 12mm (1 Cement : 3 Coarse Sand)
thick cement mortar 1:3 12mm thick as base for
Brick tiles of fixing brick tiles
100 grouted 7.5x7.5 cm
with C.M 1:3
groove to tuck
(1 Cement : water proofing
3 Fine Sand) layers
Groove filled with
C.M 1:4 or cement
concrete 1:2:4

RCC Slab
Haunch/Fillet out
of grading Layer
T hir d La yer of
APP modi fied First Layer Bitumen Primer
polymeric mem-
Grading w ith brane of specified
Cement Concrete/C.M thickness, weight Second Layer with Bonding Materials
Fourth Lay er w ith Bonding

Fig. 22.11 : Five Course Water Proofing Treatment with APP Modified Polymeric Membrane

Sub Head : Water Proofing Treatment

Clause : 22.12

Roof covering to be A separation layer on top of

provided only if the APP Membrane with 1 to Flashing with Waterproofing
roof is accessible 1.25 mm thick geotextile Layer

Brick Tiles laid on

geotextile layer &
fixed with cement
mortar 1:3 7.5 x 7.5 cm
groove to tack
Groove water proofing
filled with Layers
concrete 1:2:4
or cement
mortar 1:4

APP Modified Five with Grading
First Layer Layered Prefabricated Grading with
Bitumen Primer Waterproofing Membrane Cement Concrete

Fig. 22.12 : Five Layers Water-Proofing Treatment with APP Modified Prefabricated Membrane

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Clause No. Brief Description Page No.
23.0 Horticulture Work 396

23.1 Trenching in Ordinary Soil 396

23.2 Good Earth 396

23.3 Oil Cake 397

23.4 Supply and Stacking of Sludge 397

23.5 Supply and Stacking of Manure 397

23.6 Rough Dressing of the Trenched Ground 397

23.7 Uprooting Weeds from Trenched Areas 398

23.8 Fine Dressing the Ground 398

23.9 Spreading Good Earth 398

23.9A Spreading Sludge/Manure 398

23.10 Mixing of Good Earth and Sludge/Manure 399

23.11 Grassing with Select Grass No. 1 399

23.12 Renovation of Lawns 399

23.13 Uprooting Rank Vegetation and Weeds and Preparing the Ground 400
for Planting ‘Select Grass No. 1’

23.14 Excavation and Trenching for preparation of Beds for Hedge and 400

23.15 Digging Holes for Planting Trees 401

23.16 M.S. Flat Iron Tree Guard 402

23.17 Filling Mixture of Earth and Sludge over Manure 402

23.18 Excavation of Dumped Stone or Malba 402

23.19 Excavation in Bajri Path 403

23.20 Excavation of Water Bound Macadam 403

23.21 Flooding the Ground with Water and Making Kiaries 403

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Horticultural operations shall be started on ground previously levelled and dressed to required
formation levels and slopes.
In case where unsuitable soil is met with, it shall be either removed or, replaced or it shall be covered over
to a thickness decided by the Engineer-in-charge with good earth.
In t he c ourse of ex cavation or t renching during ho rticultural op erations, a ny walls, fo undations, e tc.
met with shall not be dismantled w ithout pr e-measurement an d p rior t o t he w ritten pe rmission o f t he


23.1.0 Trenching is done in order to loosen the soil, turn over the top layer containing weeds etc. and to
bring u p t he l ower l ayer of g ood earth t o f orm a proper medium f or g rassing, r egrassing, h edging a nd
Trenching shall be done to the depth ordered by the Engineer-in-charge. The depth is generally 30 cm
for grassing and 60 cm for regrassing in good soil.

23.1.1 The trenched ground shall, after rough dress, be f looded with water by m aking small kiaries to
enable t he soil t o s ettle d own. Any l ocal dep ression une venness e tc. s hall be made good by dressing
and/or filling with good soil.

23.1.2 Weeds or ot her v egetation w hich a ppear on t he g round a re t hen uprooted a nd r emoved a nd
disposed off and paid.

23.1.3 Trenching
Trenching shall consist of the following operations:
1. The whole plot shall be divided into narrow rectangular strips of about 1.5 m width or as directed
by the Engineer-in-Charge.
2. T hese s trips s hall be sub-divided l engthwise i nto about 1 m l ong sections. S uch s ections s hall
be excavated serially and excavated soil deposited in the adjacent section preceding it.
3. In excavating and depositing care shall be taken that the top soil with all previous plant growth
including roots, get buried in the bottom layer of trenched area, the dead plants so buried
incidentally being formed into humus.
4. The excavated soil shall be straight away dumped into the adjoining sections so that double
handling otherwise involved in dumping the excavated stuff outside and in back filling in the
trenches with leads is practically eliminated.

23.1.4 Measurements
Length an d b readth of t he pl ot s hall b e t aken c orrect t o 0. 1 m a nd de pths c orrect t o c m. C ubical
contents shall b e calculated i n cubic m eters, correct t o t wo places of decimal. N o d eduction s hall be
made nor ex tra pai d for removing s tones, br ick bats and o ther f oreign m atter m et with during excavation
upto initial lead of 50 m and stacking the same.

23.1.5 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of al l labour and material i nvolved i n the operations described above,
including c ost of al l precautionary measures t o be t aken f or pro tections a nd supporting al l s ervices etc.
met with during trenching. It does not include the cost of mixing of earth, sludge/manure.


23.2.1 The earth shall be stacked at site in stacks not less than 50 cm high and of volume not less than
3.0 cum.

23.2.2 Measurements: Length, br eadth and hei ght of s tacks s hall be m easured c orrect t o a c m. T he
volume of the stacks shall be reduced by 20% for voids before payment, unless otherwise described.

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23.2.3 Rate: The rate s hall include the c ost of excavating the earth from a reas lying at distance not
exceeding one km. from the site, transporting the same at site breaking of clods and stacking at places
indicated. The rate shall also include royalty if payable.


23.3.1 Neem/Castor: The cake shall be f ree from grit and any other foreign matter. It should be
undecorticated and pul verized. T he m aterial s hall be pac ked i n ol d s erviceable gunny bags of 50 k gs
capacity appro ximately. T he w eight of gun ny bag shall be de ducted @1 k g per bag and pa yment shall
be made for net quantity. The quality of cake should be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge before

23.3.2 Measurements
The a rrangement f or w eighing s hall be m ade at s ite of w ork by t he d epartment. T he gunny b ags
shall be the property of the government.

23.3.3 Rate: The rate shall include the cost of labour and material involved in all operations described
above, including carriage up to site of work with all lead and lifts, weighing etc.


23.4.1 It s hall be t ransported t o the s ite i n l orries w ith e fficient arrangement to p revent s pilling enr oute. It
shall be stacked at site. Each stack shall not be less than 50 cm height and volume not less than 3 cum.

23.4.2 Measurements
Length, br eadth and depth of s tacks s hall b e m easured c orrect t o a c m. T he v olume of t he s tack
shall be reduced by 8% for looseness in stacking and to arrive at the net quantity for payment.

23.4.3 Rate
The rate s hall i nclude t he c ost of l abour a nd m aterial i nvolved i n al l operations d escribed above,
including carriage up to one km. The rate shall also include royalty if payable.


23.5.1 Farmyard Manure: Same as 23.4.1.

23.5.2 Measurements: Same as 23.4.2.

23.5.3 Rate : Same as 23.4.3.


23.6.0 Rough dressing of the area shall include making kiaries for flooding.

23.6.1 The trenched ground s hall be levelled and rough dressed and if there are any hollows and
depressions resulting from subsidence which cannot be so levelled, these shall be filled properly with
earth brought from outside to bring the depressed s urface to the level of the adjoining land and to
remove d iscontinuity o f s lope a nd t hen ro ugh dressed again. T he s upply and s preading of soil i n such
depressions is payable separately. In rough dressing, the soil at the surface and f or 75 m m depth below
shall be broken down to particle size not more than 10 mm in any direction.

23.6.2 Measurements
Length, breadth of superficial area shall be measured correct to 0.1 metre. The area shall b e
calculated in sqm. correct to two places of decimal.

23.6.3 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described

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23.7.1 After 10 da ys and within 15 day s of f looding t he rough dres sed t renched ground w ith w ater, t he
weeds appearing on the ground shall be rooted out carefully and the rubbish disposed off as directed by the

23.7.2 Measurements
Length, breadt h of superficial area shall be m easured c orrect t o 0. 1 m eters. Superficial area of the
weeded ground shall be measured for purpose of payments.

23.7.3 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described


23.8.1 Slight unev enness, ups , and dow ns and shallow depressions resulting from the s ettlement of the
flooded ground, in drying and from the subsequent weeding operations, shall be removed by fine
dressing t he s urface t o t he f ormation l evels of t he adjoining l and as directed by t he E ngineer-in-charge,
and by adding suitable quantities of good earth brought from outside, if necessary.

23.8.2 Measurements
Length, breadth and depth of stacks shall be measured correct to a cm. The area shall be calculated in
sqm. correct to two places of decimal.

23.8.3 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described


23.9.1 Good earth shall be removed from stacks b y head l oad and spread evenly over the surface to the
thickness o rdered by t he E ngineer-in-charge. I t s hall be spread with a t wisting m otion t o a void
segregation and to ensure that spreading is uniform over the entire area.

23.9.2 Measurements: The quantity of good eart h spread s hall be determined by the d ifference in t he
volume of go od earth i n stacks bef ore a nd after s preading d uly reduced f or l ooseness i n s tacking by
20% of good earth.

23.9.3 Rate: The rate shall include of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described
above, but does not include the cost of the good earth which shall be p aid for separately unless
specifically described in the item.


23.8.A.1 Good earth s hall be thoroughly m ixed w ith s ludge or m anure in specified proportion as
described in the item or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. The mixing shall be spread as described in
23.9.1 to the thickness ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge.

23.9.A.2 Measurements
The quantity of good earth and sludge or manure mixed shall be determined by the difference in the
volume of g ood e arth an d s ludge or m anure i n s tack, bef ore an d af ter s preading dul y ac counted for
voids and looseness in stack.

23.9.A.3 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude of all t he labour a nd material i nvolved i n all t he operations described above,
but does not include t he cost of good earth s ludge or manure which shall be paid for separately, unless
otherwise described in the item.

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23.10.1 The stacked earth shall, before mixing be broken down top particle of sizes not exceeding 6 mm in
any di rection. G ood e arth s hall b e t horoughly mixed w ith s ludge or manure i n s pecified p roportion a s
described in the item or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

23.10.2 Measurements
The quantity of good earth and sludge or manure mixed shall be determined by the difference in the
volume of good earth, s ludge or manure in s tack, be fore a nd after s preading duly accounted f or v oids
and looseness in stack.

23.10.3 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude t he c ost of all l abour a nd materials i nvolved i n al l t he operations described
above, but does not include the cost of good earth sludge or manure which shall be paid for separately,
unless otherwise described in the item.


23.11.0 The area from where the grass roots are to be obtained shall be specified by the Engineer-in-
Charge at t he t ime of execution of t he w ork and no royalty s hall be c harged on t his ac count f rom the
contractor. Grass is to be arranged by contractor (cost of grass to be paid separately).

23.11.1 The soil shall be suitably moistened and then the operation of planting grass shall be
commenced. The grass shall be dibbled at 10 cm, 7.5 cm, 5 cm apart in any direction or other spacing
as described i n the i tem. Dead gr ass and weeded shall not be pl anted. The contractor shall be
responsible for watering and m aintenance of levels a nd the lawn for 30 days or till the grass forms a
thick lawn free from weeded and fit for moving whichever is later. Generally planting in other direction at
15 cm, 10 cm, spacing is done in the case of large open spaces, at 7.5 cm spacing in residential lawn
and at 5cm spacing f or T ennis Court and sports ground l awn. Rates a re including c ost of labour a nd
material (grass shall be paid separately.)

23.11.2 During the maintenance period, any irregularities arising in ground levels due to watering or due to
trampling by labour, or due to cattle straying thereon, shall be constantly made up to the proper levels with
earth as available or brought from outside as necessary, Constant watch shall be maintained to ensure
that dead patches are replanted and weeds are removed.

23.11.3 Measurements
Length, br eadth of t he l awn gr assed s hall be measured c orrect t o 0. 1 m eter an d t he a rea s hall b e
calculated in sqm. correct to two places of decimal.

23.11.4 Rate
The r ate s hall i nclude of all t he labour a nd material i nvolved i n all t he operations described above,
excluding s upply of the requisite quant ity o f good e arth and gr ass so needed for pr operly maintaining t he
levels of the lawns. (payment of grass to be paid separately).


23.12.1 The area s hall be first weeded out of all undesirable growth. The entire grass shall be s crapped
(cheeled) w ithout dam aging roo ts and level of the g rounds. S light irregularities in s urface s hall be
levelled off and the area shall then be forked so as to aerate the roots of the grass without, however up-
rooting them.

Specified quantity of s ludge or m anure s hall t han be s pread uniformly w ith wooden s traight edge
(phatti) as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The area shall then be slightly sprinkled with water so as to
facilitate proper integration of the manure or sludge with the soil and later flooded. The contractor shall
be responsible for watering, proper m aintenance and tending of the lawn for 30 days or till the grass
forms a lawn fit for mowing, whichever is later.
During t he ab ove operations, al l und esirable growths s hall be c onstantly w eeded out and al l rubbish
removed and disposed off as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
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23.12.2 Measurements
Length, breadth of t he l awn renovated s hall be m easured c orrect to 0. 1 meter and t he area shall be
calculated in sqm. correct to two places of decimal.

23.12.3 Rate
The r ate shall include of al l the labour an d T& P ( excluding RH pipe/grass) involved in al l t he
operations des cribed abov e, e xcluding the s upply of the requisite quant ity o f good ear th i f so need ed for
proper maintenance of the levels of the lawns. The cost of the sludge or m anure shall be m easured and
paid for separately, unless its supply is specifically included in the description of the item.

23.13.1 Initially the area shall be dug up to a depth of 30 cm. and weeds and rank vegetarian with roots
removed thereon by repeated forking. The whole area then shall be retrenched to a depth of 60 cm in
the same manner as described in 23.1. Clods of excavated earth shall then be broken upto the size not
more than 75 m m in an y direction. T he a rea s hall then be flooded with w ater and after 10 day s an d
within 15 days of flooding, weeds shall be uprooted carefully. The rubbish arising from the above
operations shall be r emoved and di sposed of f i n a m anner di rected b y t he E ngineer-in-charge, aw ay
from the site. The earth shall then be rough dressed and fine dressed as described in 23.6 & 23.8.

23.13.2 Measurements
Length, breadth of upr ooted are a shall be m easured c orrect to 0 .1 meter and th e ar ea s hall b e
calculated in sqm. correct to two places of decimal.

23.13.3 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described

23.14.1 Beds for hedges and shrubbery are generally prepared to width of 60 cm. to 125 c m. and 2 t o 4
meters respectively.

23.14.2 Beds f or hedge s and s hrubbery s hall be pr epared i n t he f ollowing m anner. T he bed s s hall f irst
be excavated to a depth of 60 cm. and the excavated soil shall be stacked on the sides of the beds. The
surface o f the excavated bed shall then be trenched to a further d epth of 30 cm, in or der to loosen the
soil, in the manner de scribed in 23.1. No flooding will be done at this stage but the top surface shall be
rough dressed and l evelled. The excavated soil from the top 60 cm depth of the bed s tacked at the site
shall then be thoroughly m ixed with s ludge ov er manner i n the p roportion 8: 1 b y r atio or o ther pr oportion
described in the item. T he m ixed ear th a nd m anure s hall be r efilled ov er the trenched bed, levelled
neatly a nd p rofusely f looded s o t hat t he w ater r eaches ev en t he b ottom most l ayers of t he t renched
depth of t he bed. T he surface after f ull s ubsidence s hall a gain b e refilled with t he earth a nd m anure
mixture, w atered and al lowed to s ettle and finally f ine dressed to the level of 50 m m t o 75 mm below the
adjoining gr ound or as di rected b y t he E ngineer-in-Charge. S urplus ear th i f an y, s hall be di sposed o ff as
directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Any surplus earth if removed beyond initially lead shall be paid
separately. S tones, bri cks bat s and ot her f oreign m atter i f m et w ith duri ng e xcavation or t renching s hall
be removed and stacked w ithin i nitially l ead & l ift, s uch m aterial as i s declared u nserviceable b y t he
Engineer-in-charge shall be disposed by spreading and levelling at places ordered by him. If disposed
outside the initial lead & lift, then the transport for the extra leads will be paid for separately. If a large
proportion o f m aterial unsuitable f or the h edging a nd shrubbery operations is met with and earth f rom
outsides is required to be brought in for mixing with manure and filling, the supply and stacking of such
earth will be paid for separately.

23.14.3 Measurements
Length, b readth and dept h of t he pi t ex cavated and t renched shall be m easured correct to a cm. T he
cubical contents shall be calculated in cubic meter correct to two places of decimal.

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23.14.4 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described
above. The rate shall not include the cost of supply & stacking of the manure unless the same is
specifically included in the description of the item.


23.15.1 In ordinary soil, including refilling earth after mixing with oil cake, manure and watering. Holes of circular shape in or dinary soil shall b e excavated to the dimensions described in the
items and excavate soil broken to clods of size not exceeding 75 mm in any direction, shall be stacked
outside t he ho le, s tones, brick ba ts, un suitable e arth and ot her rubbi sh, al l root s and ot her un desirable
growth m et w ith d uring ex cavation s hall be separated o ut a nd unserviceable m aterial re moved f rom the
size a s directed. Useful material, if any, shall be s tacked properly and separately. Good earth i n
quantities as required to replace such discarded stuff shall be brought and stacked at site by the
contractor which shall be paid for separately.

The tree holes s hall be manured w ith powdered N eam/castor oi l cake at t he s pecified rate al ong w ith
farm y ard m anure o ver s ludge s hall be uni formly mixed w ith t he ex cavated s oil af ter t he m anure ha s
been broken down to powder, (size of particle not be exceeded 6 mm in any direction) in the specified
proportion, the mixture shall be filled in t o t he hol e up to the level o f adj oining gr ound and t hen pr ofusely
watered an d ena ble the s oil to s ubside the r efilled s oil s hall then be dr essed ev enly w ith its s urface
about 50 to 75 mm below the adjoining ground level or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Measurements : Holes shall be enumerated. Rate: The rate shall include the cost of all the labour a nd material involved in all the
operations described above, e xcluding the c ost of s upply and s tacking the r equisite qua ntity of
manure/sludge and oil cake.

23.15.2 In Soil other than Ordinary Soil Where hol es are d ug in ( a) H ard s oil ( b) Ordinary r ock or (c) H ard ro ck, the a bove s oils
occurring independently ov er in conjunction w ith each other and /or ordinary soil in any hole, the
different ex cavated s oil s hall be s tacked s eparately. E xcavation in har d rock s hall be c arried ou t by
chiseling only. The stack measurement of ordinary rock and hard rock shall be reduced by 50% and of soil by
20% to arrive at the excavated volume. This excavation shall be paid for as extra over the rate for holes
dug in ordinary soil above, at rate appropriate to particular soil concerned. Sufficient quantity of good s oil to replace the solid volume of stones, brick bats, unsuitable
earth and othe r rubbish, all roo ts and o ther undes irable grow th, ord inary and ha rd s tacks s hall be
brought and stacked at site but the supply and stacking of such shall be paid for separately. The useless excavated stuff shall be di sposed off by spreading at places as ordered by the
Engineer-in-charge. If s uch pl aces are outside i nitially l eads, c arriage f or t he extra l ead s hall be paid for
separately. The ordinary s oil excavated from the hole and the earth brought f rom outside shall then be
mixed w ith m anure screened t hrough s ieve of I S designation 1 6 m m in t he pro portion s pecified in t he
description of the item and filled with the pit and the same watered and finally dressed. Measurements: The pit s hall be enumerated. T he volume of excavation i n s oil a nd other
than a or dinary soil s hall be det ermined b y r educing t he stack volume o f t he r elevant s oil w ith respective
percentage for voids specified in Rate: The rate shall include the cost o f all the labour an d material involved in all the
operations described above, including mixing refilling, watering, dressing etc. but shall not include
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(a) cost of manure over sludge (b) cost of supplying and stacking of good earth for replacement and (c) the
cost of carriage beyond i nitial l ead for di sposing of f useless materials. The excavation other t han that of
ordinary soil shall be paid extra over and above the rate if excavation in ordinary soil.


23.16.1 M.S. Iron Riveted Tree Guard The tree guard shall be 600 mm in diameter and 2 meter high above ground level and 25 cm in
below ground level. The tree guard shall be f ramed of 4 n os. 25 x 6 m M.S. flat 2 meter long excluding displayed
outward at lower and upto an extent 10 cm and 8 nos. 25 x 3 mm vertical M.S. Flat Rivetted to 3 Nos.
25 x 6 mm Flat iron rings in two halves, bolted together 8 mm dia and 30 mm long M.S. bolts and nuts.
The ent ire tree guar d s hall be given t wo c oats of synthetic enamel paint of approved br and a nd
manufacturer of re quired shade ov er a priming c oat of rea dy m ixed s teel primer o f app roved br and a nd
manufacturer. The design of tree guards shall be shown in the drawing. Measurement : The tree guard shall be enumerated. Rate: The rate shall include the cost o f all the labour an d material involved in all the
operations described above.

23.16.2 M.S. Flat Iron Welded Tree Guard The tree guard shall be 600 mm in diameter and 2 meter high above ground level and 25 cm in
below ground level. The tree guard shall be f ramed of 4 n os. 25 x 6 mm MS. Flat 2 metres long excluding
displayed outward at lower and upto an extent 10 cm and 8 Nos. 25 x 3 mm vertical M.S. Flat Riveted to
3 nos. 25 x 6 mm flat iron rings in two halves, bolted together 8 mm dia and 30 mm long M.S. Bolts &
nuts. T he ent ire t ree guard s hall be gi ven t wo c oats of s ynthetic enam el pai nt of approved brand and
manufacturer of required shade brand and m anufacturer of required s hade over a pri ming c oat of ready
mixed steel primer of approved brand and manufacturer. The design of tree guards shall be shown i n the
drawing. Measurement : The tree guard shall be enumerated. Rate: The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the
operations described above.


23.17.0 The separately specified earth and sludge shall be br oken down t o par ticles of size no t
exceeding 6 mm in any directions before mixing. Good earth shall be thoroughly mixed with sludge over
manure in s pecified pro portions as directed b y O fficer-in-Charge. During the process of preparing the
mixture as above, trenches shall be flooded with water and levelled.

23.17.1 Measurements
Measurement s hall be m ade in (Length, breadth and h eight o f stacks) c ubic m eter. The c ubical
contents shall be worked out to the nearest two places of decimal in cubic meter.

23.17.2 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described
above, but do not include the good earth, sludge or manure which will be paid separately.


23.18.1 Excavation operations shall include excavation and getting out water if required. During the
excavation stone, brick bats and other foreign material if met shall be removed and stacked within 50m
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leads and lifts. Such material as is declared unserviceable by the Engineer-in-Charge be disposed within 50
m. The excavated surface shall be neatly dressed and levelled.

23.18.2 Measurements
Measurement shall be made in (Length, breadth and height of stacks) cu bic m eter. The cu bical
contents shall be worked out to the nearest two places of decimal in cubic meter.

23.18.3 Rate
The ra te shall i nclude t he c ost of all the l abour and m aterial i nvolve i n a ll t he operations d escribed


23.19.1 All e xcavated ope rations shall i nclude ex cavation and s tacking o f s erviceable and uns erviceable
material. E xcavated s urface of B ajri path s hall b e removed and s tacked upto 50 meter l ead and
disposed material neatly dressed.

23.19.2 Measurements
Same as 23.18.2.

23.19.3 Rate
Same as 23.18.3.


23.20.1 All excavated operations shall include excavation, stacking of serviceable and unserviceable
material. Excavation shall be straight and uniform in width. Soling stone and aggregate obtained from
excavation of W.B.M. shall be stacked separately and unserviceable material disposed off with lead upto
50 meter and lift upto 1.50 meter and neatly dressed.

23.20.2 Measurements
Measurement s hall be m ade in (Length, breadth and h eight o f stacks) c ubic m eter. The c ubical
contents shall be worked out to the nearest two places of decimal in cubic meter.

23.20.3 Rate
The rate shall include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all the operations described


23.21.1 The water for flooding shall be of soft water and free from chemical and good for growing the
trees and shrubs etc. B efore flooding the k iaries s hall be m ade in required s ize and s hape as per
directions o f Officer-in-charge. After uproot ing w eeds f rom t he trenched are a and uproot ing v egetation,
kiaries shall be dismantled.

23.21.2 Measurements
Measurement shall be made in sqm. of area.

23.21.3 Rate
The rate shall be for 100 sqm of area and include the cost of all the labour and material involved in all
the operations described above.

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