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Name: G1.Køthigeyon

Roll no 202202039
Dept. EcE
Pnepesitiond: C. kaanthigegon

The phoneis Placed next t o lamp.

2. L am waitirg hone Sotn Cun houO

8 L haue mot them beßene.

You may go gfteL I t e l geu

It u hot he frent side of

at the uidirg.
6. There we tmee gitls esides he 3euen o g .
7. We Suam QCeis3 h e nivo
3. He baellod eund tre uONld
q. The COD1 knocked
againat the lctoy
wen Scheol
11 The land uos akeve the Sky
12 My heue slocaka wnclo11 a hilocK.
13 The jockot itoo big, een with a swake undonath
l4 The plane wil lard whin
1 I
1pkaco my Deck Inaido the deauweh
l6. The teo ahauld: e put Stait jnt Bhe pot.
I7 The enop w open unt
The phaye Sobion wu
be od 0
19. H2 the SKy BrrDugn Pricaya
the teloscepe
20 He Fel Foum he biCycle
21 May went aknoad
22. Bhe came och a whiue
23. T ive
naa tne sea
24. My home2 cebuiean Scheol and liramy
25 The's a bird out&ic oU1 neuse
Prefix PheFix suffix
.Counsiact 1 awaihble
2. anti biotic
2. fomal
3. biucle
. CO uwovkS1
4 importante
6. Centraband
5. domant
6. atoxiC
6. hi101Chy
7. ambivalent n. activare
8. deactiNake 8. noUOLette
9. disappas .veferere
lo.enable l. FaithfuL
I1. enloge pantlal
2 muaicjan
12excarge 13. atomic
13. fore heod H4. Ciicise
illegal S Foolsh
16. imnmonal
i6. nooism
16. inaccLpe I7. a i s b
17. intoMATE
L8. vegun 13 abi liy
19. mauFuction. 9pasive
20. oDkgb
0. misguide
|24 multitask l2 hopeles
22. non violenc b2. hirelirg 1

23 Zeolegy
23. Vtlook
24 uicKly
24 pre plan 26 illnos.
25 proclaum

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