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Volume 10, Number 4, 2010

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089=ast.2009.0423

Stromatolites in the *3400 Ma Strelley Pool Formation,

Western Australia: Examining Biogenicity
from the Macro- to the Nano-Scale

David Wacey

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The 3426–3350 Ma Strelley Pool Formation (SPF) is a silicified, dominantly sedimentary unit within the Pilbara
Supergroup, Western Australia. It is found widely across the East Pilbara Terrane, and it forms a prominent
marker horizon and separates the largely volcanic 3520–3427 Ma Warrawoona and 3350–3315 Ma Kelly groups.
It has become one of the key formations for study by astrobiologists, following reports of some of the world’s
oldest stromatolites.
Abundant contextural and morphological evidence has been presented over the last decade in support of a
biological role in SPF stromatolite formation. This evidence is reviewed here, and additional data are presented
from recent fieldwork carried out across the *25 km of SPF outcrops in the East Strelley greenstone belt of the
East Pilbara Terrane. In addition to contextural and morphological evidence, a compelling claim for early life
requires geochemical evidence for biological cycling. A potential avenue of approach to obtain such evidence
for the SPF stromatolites (and other ancient examples) is discussed in the context of a pilot study in which
nano-scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) was used. Key Words: Biogenicity—Archean—
Stromatolites—Strelley Pool Formation—NanoSIMS. Astrobiology 10, 381–395.

1. Introduction surface of initiation’’ (Semikhatov et al., 1979). This distinction

is vital, especially when considering structures that formed on

O ne of the most intensely studied expressions of mi-

crobial mat activity is that of stromatolites. But what
exactly is a stromatolite? The term stromatolite can mean
early Earth or may have formed in extraterrestrial environ-
ments where the participation of biology cannot be assumed.
A comprehensive review of the history and usage of the term
different things to different researchers. Many automatically stromatolite can be found in Riding (1999, 2008). Bearing this
associate the term stromatolite with the activities of microbial in mind, it is not surprising that the earliest stromatolitic
mats. This is understandable based on present-day analogues structures in the Archean rock record (reviewed in Hofmann,
and given that the earliest use of the word stromatolite ap- 2000) have proved contentious in debates concerning the
peared in a description of laminated organic structures earliest evidence of life on Earth.
thought to be produced by ‘‘simple plant-like organisms’’ Brasier et al. (2006, and references therein) suggested that
(Kalkowsky, 1908). This led to a genetic definition of the term three independent and mutually supporting lines of evidence
stromatolite: ‘‘organogenic, laminated calcareous rock struc- are required to substantiate any case for early life and to
tures, the origins of which is clearly related to microscopic life, falsify the ‘‘null hypothesis’’ of a nonbiological origin for
which in itself must not be fossilized’’ (Krumbein, 1983), any candidate structure: (1) evidence for a well-constrained
which was cited as a translation from Kalkowsky (1908) but age and plausible geological context; (2) evidence for a
was actually a misquote (Riding, 2008). Others understand the morphology unique to biology; (3) geochemical evidence
term stromatolite in the nongenetic sense, that is, as a de- for metabolic cycling. Here, evidence for age, context, and
scription of the key textural and morphological characteristics biological morphology applied to the *3400 Ma Strelley
of the structure without the implication of biological in- Pool Formation (SPF) stromatolites is reviewed. New data
volvement: ‘‘an attached, laminated, lithified sedimentary are presented from the East Strelley greenstone belt, where
growth structure, accretionary away from a point or limited stromatolite diversity and morphology is compared and

Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis, and the School of Earth and Environment, The University of Western Australia,
Crawley, Australia.


contrasted to that observed at the more widely studied from the domal granitic complexes; dips gradually decrease
Trendall locality in the Panorama greenstone belt. Nano- with time, which suggests deposition as thickening wedges
scale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) data adjacent to the growing granitic diapirs (e.g., Hickman, 1984;
from stromatolites of Holocene to Archean age, including an Van Kranendonk et al., 2002). The Strelley Pool Formation
example from the Trendall locality, are also presented, which previously widely termed the ‘‘Strelley Pool Chert’’ occurs
highlight the technique as a promising new tool to obtain across 11 greenstone belts and a depositional area in excess
evidence for metabolic cycling within stromatolites. of 30,000 km2 in the East Pilbara Terrane. It comprises a
distinctive assemblage of sedimentary facies within the oth-
2. Regional Geology of the Pilbara erwise predominantly volcanic Pilbara Supergroup, and the
most recent review of mapping and lithostratigraphic evi-
The Pilbara Craton of Western Australia (Fig. 1) contains
dence established the SPF as an important marker formation
some of Earth’s best preserved stratigraphic successions of
between the Warrawoona and Kelly groups (Hickman,
early Archean rocks, including some of the oldest indisput-
2008). In addition to the stromatolites of the SPF, older ca.
able carbonates and sandstones (e.g., Lowe, 1983). The craton
3490 Ma stromatolites occur in the Dresser Formation of the
comprises an Archean proto-continent (Smithies et al., 2005),
Pilbara Supergroup (Walter et al., 1980; Van Kranendonk
which was formed by mantle plume events and consists of
et al., 2008). These structures were reviewed by Buick et al.
granitic bodies emplaced into and overlain by the Pilbara
(1981) in a study that attempted to define universal stro-
Supergroup (Van Kranendonk et al., 2001). The oldest part of
matolite biogenicity criteria and concluded that the Dresser
the craton is the East Pilbara Terrane, which comprises
stromatolites were ‘‘probable or possible’’ biogenic stromat-
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*3650 to *2850 Ma granitic bodies and an almost contem-

olites. These structures will not be discussed further here.
poraneous *3520–3000 Ma volcanogenic carapace and
associated sediments (Pilbara Supergroup) now preserved as
3. SPF Stromatolite Pioneers
several greenstone belts (Van Kranendonk, 2006).
The Pilbara Supergroup contains four unconformity The SPF stromatolites came to prominence with the de-
bound stratigraphic groups—the *3520–3427 Ma Warra- scription of conical forms by D. Lowe in 1980 from the
woona Group, *3350–3315 Ma Kelly Group, *3240 Ma ‘‘Strelley West’’ locality (now formally named McPhee Creek,
Sulphur Springs Group, and the *3200–3000 Ma Soanesville Wacey et al., 2010) of the East Strelley greenstone belt (ESGB)
Group (Fig. 2). Each of these groups consistently dips away (Fig. 3). These structures were originally interpreted as bio-

FIG. 1. Geological map of the Pilbara Craton in Western Australia (modified from Van Kranendonk et al., 2007). The best-
preserved stromatolite outcrops are found around McPhee Creek in the East Strelley greenstone belt and around the Trendall
locality in the Panorama greenstone belt. Color images available online at
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FIG. 2. Stratigraphy of the Pilbara Supergroup within the East Strelley greenstone belt (left), showing its relationship with
the East Pilbara Terrane as a whole (right) (data from this study; Van Kranendonk, 2006; Hickman, 2008). Color images
available online at

logical stromatolites that are very similar to common Prote- laminae, the absence of fine-scale crinkly laminae, paucity of
rozoic examples called Conophyton and formed in a shallow detrital material, absence of an axial zone, lack of fenestrae or
marine, evaporitic setting (Lowe, 1980). Their primary, gas bubbles together with the inferred evaporitic setting,
synsedimentary origin is not in doubt, and secondary were more consistent with a nonbiological origin through
mechanisms for cone formation, such as post-depositional evaporitic precipitation (Lowe, 1994). There ensued a lively
deformation structures, can be discounted in the field (dis- back-and-forth between Buick et al. (1995a) and Lowe (1995),
cussion detailed in Hofmann et al., 1999). In 1994 however, by which they debated the biogenicity of the SPF stromato-
Lowe rescinded his biogenic interpretation for the stromat- lites and other examples older than 3200 Ma. This served to
olites, arguing that the extreme continuity of the stromatolite highlight the challenges that persist when investigating
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FIG. 3. Geological map of the ESGB indicating the position of the logged sections shown in Fig. 4. Mapping and sampling
was performed along approximately 20 km of ridge outcrop of the SPF (white). The four areas of McPhee Creek, Perfect
Stranger, Strelley Pool, and Sulphur Springs Creek are named after geographic features found on the 1:100,000 North Shaw
topographic map and have been formalized by the Western Australia Geographic Naming Committee and the Shire of East
Pilbara. Color images available online at

heavily silicified carbonates in which any microbial micro- PGB and ESGB. This conclusion was consistent with the
textures that may once have been present are destroyed. sedimentological observations of Lowe (1983) and Hofmann
Discussions concerning the SPF stromatolites were re- et al. (1999), and enabled Van Kranendonk et al. (2003) to
ignited in 1999 by the publication of field observations of refute an abiotic hydrothermal formation mechanism for SPF
stromatolites from the Trendall locality (see Fig. 1) in the stromatolites (cf. Lindsay et al., 2005). Van Kranendonk et al.
Panorama greenstone belt (PGB) (Hofmann et al., 1999). This (2003) also provided additional morphological observations
site was discovered by A.F. Trendall in 1984, and initial in- that pointed toward microbial mediation rather than stro-
vestigations suggested a nonbiological origin for the struc- matolite formation as rigid, presumably abiological, seafloor
tures (Grey, 1984). However, a re-examination of the site, crusts (cf. Lowe, 1994). In particular, Van Kranendonk et al.
and especially the discovery of much larger (decimeter- (2003) cited pockets of thin, flat pebbles in troughs between
sized) coniform and branched pseudocolumnar stromatolites the coniform stromatolites that may be reworked microbial
that were more morphologically diverse than any previously mat material and examples of sand-sized carbonate sedi-
described, lead Hofmann et al. (1999) to reassert a biogenic ment, a ready source of loose detritus to be trapped and
origin for these SPF stromatolites. The morphological evi- bound by microbial mats.
dence used to imply biological participation was substantial:
(1) combination of steeply conical forms modified by second-
4. Detailed Field Studies—Trendall Locality
order corrugate lamination; (2) co-existence of cones with
branching pseudocolumns and the continuation of laminae In recent years, a series of papers by Allwood et al. (2006,
across these different forms; (3) juxtaposition of uniform 2007a, 2007b, 2009) described in detail what they interpreted
laminae in the conical forms with uneven wispy laminae in to be a stromatolite reef developed on a peritidal carbonate
the inter-cone areas; (4) close comparison to younger forms platform in the vicinity of the Trendall locality. Allwood et al.
of accepted biological origin such as Jacutophyton. (2006) described seven distinct stromatolite morphotypes
Van Kranendonk et al. (2003) followed up these observa- that occur over several kilometers of outcrop around and
tions with geochemical data (REE þ Y) from relatively well- along strike from the Trendall locality. By relating changes in
preserved SPF carbonates, which indicated an anoxic, shallow the morphology of these structures to changes in the sedi-
marine depositional environment for the SPF in both the mentary facies and inferred water depth, they argued that

the stromatolites were likely biogenic structures. Allwood is given here so that they may be compared to those found
et al. (2006) highlighted one of the seven morphotypes for around the Trendall locality in the PGB. Full details can be
specific attention (the large complex cones previously de- found in McLoughlin (2006) and Wacey et al. (2010), and a
scribed by Hofmann et al., 1999). For this morphotype, All- further detailed field study of this greenstone belt can be
wood et al. (2006) presented the following geometric, found in Barnes (1983). A regional map of the greenstone belt
textural, and geochemical arguments for biogenicity: the (Fig. 3) highlights the key field areas of McPhee Creek, Perfect
geometry of conical pseudocolumns shows that the stro- Stranger, Strelley Pool, and Sulphur Springs Creek.* Within
matolites underwent preferential vertical growth that can be the ESGB, the SPF consists of east-west trending, steeply
most plausibly explained by upward-migrating microbial southward–dipping, fault-segmented ridges that lie uncon-
colonies at the sediment-water interface; differences in lam- formably upon the *3515 Ma Coonterunah Subgroup (Buick
inae textures between the cones and the inter-cone areas in- et al., 1995b), a series of basalts, andesites, and intercalated
dicate changes from mechanical deposition (inter-cone areas) chert and banded iron formation ridges, and the *3470 Ma
to biologically influenced chemical deposition (cones); a 250- Carlindi granitic complex (Nelson, 1999). The SPF is overlain
fold enrichment in rare earth elements in relict carbonate by the 3350–3325 Ma Euro Basalt, a thick succession of tho-
laminae compared to chert laminae is consistent with leitic and high-Mg basalts, minor felsic tuffs, and thin chert
younger microbial carbonates. ridges. The stratigraphy in the ESGB differs somewhat from
Allwood et al. (2007a) repeated and expanded upon ob- that seen in many other greenstone belts in the East Pilbara
servations made in their 2006 study, which highlighted the Terrane, including around the Trendall locality, PGB; most
occurrence of multiple stromatolite morphotypes within notably, much of the Warrawoona Group is absent with the
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one paleoenvironmental facies, the presence of grains that SPF sitting unconformably on only the lowermost members of
were likely trapped and bound by microbial mats, macro- this Group. Throughout the ESGB, the SPF has experienced a
morphological comparisons to known younger stromatolite maximum of lower-greenschist–grade metamorphism (Van
taxa, and a strong ecological control on stromatolite growth. Kranendonk, 2000), which allows relatively good preserva-
Additionally, they showed that chemical precipitation played tion of original sedimentological features.
an important role in SPF stromatolite genesis, highlighted by Detailed mapping of the SPF along some 20 km of strike in
abundant evaporite crystal pseudomorphs in close associa- this greenstone belt confirms the subdivision of the forma-
tion with stromatolite laminae. Allwood et al. (2007a) also tion into 5 members (cf. Lowe, 1983). In stratigraphic order
commented on the type of organisms responsible for con- these are the basal sandstone (1), which correlates with a
structing the stromatolites, citing (1) the close spatial corre- breccio-conglomerate in other greenstone belts—these are
lation of stromatolites and evaporites as evidence that any overlain by gray-white cherts (often laminated) (2); then
organisms must have tolerated high salinity, (2) the lack of stromatolite-bearing cherts (3) that are interbedded with
correlation between stromatolites and hydrothermal deposits crystal fan pseudomorphs; these cherts are followed by di-
as evidence that the organisms were not thermophilic, and verse upper cherts (4); and finally the upper clastics (5).
(3) vertical stromatolite growth as evidence for biological Frequent discordant dykes have also been identified but are
response to either sunlight (phototropism) or some chemical not classed as a lithological member of the SPF. Figure 4
gradient (chemotropism). highlights the lateral variation in these members along the
Allwood et al. (2009) continued their investigations of the *20 km of strike. Members 2 and 3 in the ESGB correlate
Trendall stromatolites at a finer scale and identified micro- with the stromatolite-containing Member 2 of Allwood et al.
textural evidence from coniform and domical morphotypes (2006) in the PGB.
that appear to strengthen the case for a biological component The environment of deposition can be constrained by field
to SPF stromatolite genesis. In particular, Allwood et al. observations, and several lines of evidence suggest shallow-
(2009) identified organic laminae within the domal mor- water, high-energy conditions for Member 1 in the ESGB
photype that has a texture, Raman spectrum, and micro- (Wacey et al., 2006). These include cross-bedding, arranged in
spatial distribution consistent with both a syndepositional truncated sets; relatively shallow scour-and-fill channel
and in situ origin. In the coniform morphotype, Allwood et al. structures, possibly produced by rip currents; textural
(2009) again found significant, highly localized contrasts maturity shown by moderately sorted to well-sorted, sub-
between the microfabrics in the cone areas (indicative of rounded to well-rounded grains; compositional maturity
deposition of clastic sediment from agitated water) and those shown by the quartz-dominated grains, resulting from pro-
in the inter-cone areas (indicative of precipitated layers), longed mechanical and chemical breakdown; and, lastly,
which they interpreted as microbially mediated. However, localized conglomeratic lag deposits that contain large clasts
the organic laminae found in the domal stromatolites were of the basement rock. The sandstones and conglomerates
not replicated in the coniform examples. From several years appear, therefore, to have been deposited during a shallow
of detailed field and microtextural work, these authors con- marine transgression across a terrestrial unconformity sur-
clude that the data appear much more consistent with a face. This depositional interpretation is in broad agreement
biological mediation of SPF stromatolites than with purely with that of Lowe (1983) and the evidence for a rocky
physicochemical processes. shoreline at the base of the SPF presented by Allwood et al.
(2006, 2007a, 2007b) in the PGB. Putative biogenic features
5. Detailed Field Studies—East Strelley Greenstone Belt
The author has been part of investigations of the SPF in the *These names originate from key geographic features and have
ESGB for the last five years. A summary of the geological been formally approved by the Western Australia Geographic
context and stromatolite morphologies in this greenstone belt Naming Committee.
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FIG. 4. Stratigraphic logs of the SPF from west to east across the ESGB, showing the lateral variations of each of the
members along almost 20 km of strike. Members 2 and 3 in this greenstone belt correspond to Member 2 of Allwood et al.
(2006) in the PGB. Color images available online at

have been observed in Member 1 (Wacey et al., 2008a, 2008b, carbonaceous grains. Member 3 in the ESGB contains the
2008c), which indicates that the depositional environment of stromatolites and is described in detail below.
the SPF was likely habitable to life prior to deposition of the Member 4 includes fine-grained black-white-jaspilitic
carbonate=stromatolite members. There is also evidence chert with rare crystal fan horizons that are now pseudo-
within Member 1 of modern microbial processes, in the form morphed by megaquartz. These are primary seafloor pre-
of microtubular structures that show no substratum prefer- cipitates that lack undulose laminae, which suggests
ence and have been interpreted as endolithic fungal hyphae low-energy conditions and further deepening of the water
(Wacey et al., 2008b). It is likely that similar modern con- column. Overlying gray-green silicified ashes (tuff ) suggest
tamination is present in the stromatolite-bearing Member 3, an increase in the relative contribution of windblown vol-
so great care must be taken not to confuse biological signals caniclastics, perhaps due to increased volcanic activity or
from such contamination with truly ancient signals. chemical inhibition of carbonate precipitation, or both. It is
Following deposition of Member 1, clastic sedimentation notable that soft sediment deformation and brecciated hori-
ceased, as the ocean inundated the low-lying land surface. zons are more abundant lower in the SPF section, which
Supersaturation of the water column, perhaps initially aided likely record storm events that did not affect the deeper-
by hydrothermal fluids, induced carbonate precipitation water sediments preserved in the upper parts of the SPF. The
(Members 2 and 3). At the outcrop scale, the laminae of upper clastics of Member 5 serve as evidence for a return to
Member 2 exhibit a spectrum of morphologies from gently higher-energy conditions and the possible progradation of
undulose to ripploid surfaces to angular, corrugated sheets. sediment fans on the flanks of a volcanic landmass. A green
Disruption of the laminae by brecciated horizons, soft sedi- tuff, often found directly above Member 5 of the SPF, marks
ment slumping, and dewatering features is commonly the base of the Euro Basalt and represents an initial explosive
observed. In places, this disruption results in a massive event prior to the extrusion of lava flows.
megaquartz-rich chert, in which the original laminae are Discordant black chert veins originate in the underlying
barely recognizable. These features suggest deposition by bi- Coonterunah Subgroup and possibly also the Carlindi
directional currents, with subsequent recrystallization and granitic complex, and are typically <15 m wide and extend
dewatering, plus sediment expansion and aggressive silici- to over 200 m depth. They often interfinger with the upper
fication. Polished slabs of Member 2 show a complex history parts of the SPF facies, causing local thickening over strike
of recrystallization, silicification, and fracturing of the chert. distances of *50 m and some local brecciation, but neither
In thin section, these cherts lack both clay minerals and appear large enough nor frequent enough to be feeder

material for the stratiform chert members (Wacey et al., relief and are unbranched, with apical angles of 70–808, and
2010). those that occur in bedding plane exposures (n ¼ *50) are
ovoid in plan section with their long axes parallel to strike
(Fig. 6 top image). The laminae are between 1 and 3 mm thick
5.1. The stromatolites of Member 3 in the ESGB
and show no fine-scale crenulations. Near McPhee Creek,
Member 3 of the SPF in the ESGB is up to 15 m thick and these coniform structures appear to grade into linear current
comprises gray-white laminated chert and cream-brown ripples and undulose bedding (e.g., Fig. 6 middle and lower
dolomitized carbonate that is best preserved in creek sec- images), both along strike and down section, although lack
tions. Coniform structures (Figs. 5b–d, 6) are the defining of continuous outcrop prevents detailed analysis of this
feature of this unit and can be traced along strike for over pattern. The cones tend to be best developed higher in
500 m in the vicinity of McPhee Creek (Fig. 5a; this equates to Member 3 with inheritance of coniform shapes over 50 cm or
‘‘Strelley West’’ of Lowe, 1980), where they are best devel- more. The cones lack a distinct axial zone and sometimes
oped. The most regularly spaced coniform structures, or so- display a small trough at the base. They may be upright or
called ‘‘egg carton’’ horizons (Figs. 5b, 5d, 6 upper image) are inclined by up to 208 to the paleo-vertical, although the
best exposed in the upper part of Member 3 here. Previous majority are not strongly inclined.
reports of conical stromatolites (Lowe, 1980) require some In contrast, when traversing east toward Strelley Pool
qualification, as not all the structures that appear peak- (type locality for the SPF) and Sulphur Springs Creek, we
shaped in cross section are conical in three dimensions. Ra- find undulose chert laminae, but coniform structures are
ther, the majority of the SPF structures in the ESGB are rare. Throughout the mapped area, the Member 3 cherts
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noncircular in plan section, have inclined axes, and are thus also contain linguoid ripples (e.g., Fig. 6 lower images)
described as coniform. The cones have 20–60 mm of synoptic and extensive undulatory laminae. The dome-shaped and

FIG. 5. Stromatolites of the ESGB at McPhee Creek. (a) View looking east from the McPhee Creek area showing east-west
trending ridges of the SPF and occasional large black silica dykes perpendicular to them. The McPhee Creek area contains the
most extensive outcrops of SPF Member 3 in this greenstone belt. (b) Plan view of a typical ‘‘small coniform laminite’’
stromatolite morphotype (cf. Allwood et al., 2006) from McPhee Creek, showing linked conical pseudocolumns only a few
centimeters in height. Pencil for scale is 14 cm long. (c) Vertical cross-section view through a typical ‘‘large complex cone’’
stromatolite morphotype (cf. Allwood et al., 2006), McPhee Creek. Some of the coniform shape towards the bottom of the
image has been obliterated by secondary silicification. This is common throughout the greenstone belt. (d) Horizontal cross
section through a typical ‘‘egg carton laminite’’ stromatolite morphotype (cf. Allwood et al., 2006), showing closely spaced
circular to elliptical cones <5 cm in width. Color images available online at

FIG. 6. Line drawing and ac-

companying photographs to show
the range of bedforms from ripploid
to coniform preserved in Members
2 and 3 of the SPF. These are ar-
ranged stratigraphically to show
the transition in the predominant
bedforms observed up section. Pen
for scale in lower photograph—all
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photographs at same scale. Line

drawing courtesy of Martin Brasier.
Color images available online at

pseudocolumnar structures that are best exposed in the vi- genicity of the Strelley Pool stromatolites have largely fo-
cinity of the Trendall locality, where the largest and most cused upon the rheology of the primary sediment as inferred
morphologically diverse stromatolites occur (Hofmann et al., from the laminae geometries and especially the relative
1999; Allwood et al., 2006, 2007a, 2007b, 2009), are not contribution of precipitated carbonate crusts (Riding, 2008)
present in the ESGB. versus trapped and bound detrital sediment in their con-
The stromatolite-bearing cherts in the ESGB are inter- struction. For the coniform morphotypes at the Trendall lo-
bedded with crystal fan pseudomorphs (and cavity fills) that cality, a principal feature that has been argued to support a
occur both as beds up to 2 m high and extend hundreds of biogenic origin is that many of the coniform flanks are
meters laterally, and as pods or lenses less than 0.5 m across. steeper than 458 and up to 758, which far exceeds the angle of
The laterally extensive crystal fan beds appear to represent repose of detrital sediment. From this, chemical or biological
primary seafloor precipitates, because they are commonly binding of the sediment, or both, has been inferred (e.g.,
draped by ripploid black cherts, and some of the crystal Hofmann et al., 1999; Allwood et al., 2006). Previous inves-
terminations show evidence of localized dissolution (Wacey tigators have also emphasized the absence of any literature
et al., 2010). Occasionally, they can be preserved in ash but that describes nonbiological, chemically precipitated cones
are most commonly preserved as megaquartz. These are and have therefore invoked cohesive microbial mats in the
distinguished from the smaller lenses that represent sec- formation of these SPF structures (Buick et al., 1995a; Hof-
ondary diagenetic precipitates formed within the sediment mann et al., 1999; Van Kranendonk et al., 2003; Allwood et al.,
pile and are widely associated with solution collapse, soft 2006).
sediment deformation features, and agate-like mega-quartz The presence of a detrital ‘‘trapped and bound’’ sediment
(Wacey et al., 2010). component associated with the SPF stromatolites at the
Trendall locality was shown by Allwood et al. (2007a, 2007b,
2009), but this component is absent in the ESGB. Putative
6. Comparing Stromatolites of the ESGB
microbial mat rip-up clasts are also reported from the
and PGB—Implications for Biogenicity
Trendall locality (Van Kranendonk et al., 2003). No such
A summary of the key differences between ESGB and PGB microbial mat rip-ups have been found in the ESGB; there
stromatolites is given in Table 1. Evaluations of the bio- are lenses of silicified carbonate breccia within the laminated
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Table 1. A Summary of Stromatolite Occurrence in the East Strelley Greenstone Belt (ESGB) Compared to the Panorama Greenstone Belt (PGB)

ESGB stromatolites PGB stromatolites

Paleoenvironmental setting Shallow marine, periodically hypersaline. Stromatolites are associated Peritidal carbonate platform. Stromatolites occur in three
with linguoid ripples and silicified evaporite crystals. regressive cycles within an overall shallow marine
transgressive sequence.
Morphological diversity Low: Unbranched conical columns, mostly equivalent to ‘‘egg carton’’ High: Seven morphotypes recognized:
and, rarely, ‘‘large complex cone’’ morphotypes in the PGB. (Flat (1) Large complex cones; (2) Coniform ‘‘egg carton’’
and undulose laminite is common, but no evidence exists to support laminite; (3) Small crested=coniform laminate; (4)
classification as stromatolite morphotypes). Encrusting=domical laminite; (5) Coniform cuspate swales;
(6) Wavy laminite; (7) Iron-rich laminite.
Environmental distribution indicates some ecological control.
Geographical extent Common over *500 m around McPhee Creek; rare over remaining Span *10 km along strike from the Trendall locality. Multiple
*25 km of greenstone belt. morphotypes found within one paleoenvironmental facies.
Size Small, mostly <10 cm width, <10 cm of synoptic relief, with vertical 1–20 cm width, up to 20 cm of synoptic relief, up to *1.5 m high
inheritance over a maximum of *70 cm. (coniform morphotypes). Domical morphotypes reach over
2 m in height. Other morphotypes show little synoptic relief.
Mineralogy Chert with subordinate carbonate. Partly silicified dolomite.
Laminae Fine, even and continuous across cone and inter-cone areas; cones Often anisopachous; uniform laminae in cones, uneven wispy
show no obvious axial zones indicative of upwards motility of laminae in inter-cone areas; some modification by second-
filaments; no second-order crinkly or wavy modification of laminae. order corrugate lamination; axial zones absent (coniform
morphotypes). Crinkly laminae with several orders of
curvature (domical morphotype).
Continuous laminae across different, closely adjacent

Detrital component Rare to absent. Sand-sized carbonate grains and flat pebbles of possible
reworked microbial mat in the inter-cone areas (coniform
morphotypes); granular sediment possibly within laminae
(domical morphotype).
Fenestrae No. Yes (domical morphotype).
Organic component Rare to absent. Rare laminae (domical morphotype) and carbonaceous
particles (coniform morphotypes).
Biogeochemistry No. Co-occurrence of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur with black
organic particles aligned with laminae. 250-fold enrichment
of rare earth elements in carbonate over chert laminae
(coniform morphotypes).
Younger analogues Coniform stromatolites such as Conophyton. Jacutophyton, Conophyton, and Thyssagetes (coniform
Conusella (for domical morphotype).
Irregularia (for wavy laminite morphotype).
Thesaurus (for cuspate swale morphotype).
Likely formation mechanism Chemical precipitation, possibly with some biological mediation. Combination of mechanical deposition, chemical
precipitation, biological trapping/binding, and biologically
induced precipitation. Evidence for biology is strongest
in coniform and domical morphotypes.

PGB data from Hofmann et al. (1999), Van Kranendonk et al. (2003), Allwood et al. (2006, 2007a, 2007b, 2009), and this study. ESGB data from Lowe (1980, 1983, 1994), Wacey et al. (2006), McLoughlin
(2006), and this study.

horizons but no morphological or textural evidence that stromatolite morphologies are much less diverse than they
these are anything other than brittle fracturing of carbonate are around the Trendall locality in the PGB, there is no evi-
crusts (Wacey et al., 2010). Furthermore, the reported rip-up dence for granular sediments or trapping and binding by
clasts of Van Kranendonk et al. (2003) are straight rather than microbial mats, and there is a close association with struc-
curved, so these too may represent intraclasts of precipitated tures that indicate strong physical (ripploid bedforms) and
crusts rather than microbial mats. chemical (crystal fans) controls on growth. In laboratory
Many of the stromatolite laminae from the PGB have been experiments, McLoughlin et al. (2008) highlighted the role
reported to be finer and more uniform within the cones or that diffusion-limited aggregation of colloids in a turbulent
columns and coarser, less regular, in the inter-cone areas, flow regime, a purely physicochemical process, plays in the
which enhances the view that more variable environmental formation of wrinkle structures and domal and columnar
conditions and detrital sediment prevailed in the inter- stromatolites. Such colloids, in the form of silica and car-
stromatolite areas (Hofmann et al., 1999; Van Kranendonk bonate gels, may have been widespread in the early Archean
et al., 2003; Allwood et al., 2009). Precisely the converse ob- environment; it is notable, however, that coniform stromat-
servation of remarkably continuous laminae within and be- olite morphologies have not been reproduced in this manner.
tween the stromatolites at the McPhee Creek site was argued It is tempting to invoke a biological formation mechanism for
by Lowe (1994) to support their nonbiological origin. Dif- all SPF stromatolites based on morphological similarities in
ferential silicification, which modifies the preservational closely adjacent greenstone belts. However, in the early Ar-
windows between the two greenstone belts, cannot account chean caution must be advised, and the null hypothesis (cf.
for these differences alone. Grotzinger and Rothman, 1996) of a nonbiological mecha-
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One of the criteria outlined by Buick et al. (1981) by which nism for the stromatolites of the ESGB, and some of the
to establish the biogenicity of a putative stromatolite was morphotypes in the PGB, cannot yet be falsified.
that the stromatolite should exhibit wavy or crinkly laminae
with several orders of curvature. This has been shown, in part, 7. Preservation of Biochemical Signals
in the case of one very-well-preserved domical morphotype in Stromatolites
from the Trendall locality (Allwood et al., 2009). Regionally, Regardless of the conclusions drawn from morphological
however, wavy or crinkly laminae (and indeed organic lam- and contextural studies, the case for biogenicity of the SPF
inae) are absent. This has been attributed to poor preservation stromatolites would become more compelling with geo-
and extensive recrystallization (Van Kranendonk et al., 2003), chemical evidence for biological cycling. This evidence may
yet such laminae are absent in coniform morphotypes close to be in the form of specific isotopic signatures that indicate
the Trendall locality (Allwood et al., 2009) and at McPhee fractionation by biological metabolisms, or enrichments=
Creek, which are equally well preserved as the domical specific patterns of suites of elements that are essential for
example of Allwood et al. (2009). biological function. NanoSIMS is one technique that pos-
In the ESGB, there is a closer relationship between ripploid sesses both the spatial resolution and detection sensitivity to
bedforms and coniform stromatolites (Fig. 6) than in the advance our knowledge in this area; the ability of NanoSIMS
PGB. There are rare surfaces near McPhee Creek on which to detect biologically important elements and isotopic frac-
linguoid ripples and small coniform stromatolites co-occur. tionations in micron-sized objects has been shown in a series
There is also a broad transition from corrugated and ripploid of recent reports in the field of Archean paleobiology (Ras-
cherts in the lower SPF up into cherts with coniform struc- mussen et al., 2008; Wacey et al., 2008a, 2008b; Kilburn and
tures (again, best displayed near McPhee Creek where the Wacey, 2010).
silicified carbonate units are thickest). In some instances, it
appears that the coniform structures inherit the topography 7.1. Materials
of underlying ripploid bedforms and that their subsequent
distribution and accretion were also strongly controlled by In the present study, three samples were chosen to inves-
multidirectional currents. tigate the capability of NanoSIMS to map biologically im-
The so-called ‘‘egg carton’’ horizons of regularly spaced portant elements within stromatolites: (1) a modern (<1500
cones accrete in many cases shortly above (a few laminae years before present) lacustrine stromatolite from Lake Thetis
above) crystal fan horizons in the ESGB. These cones inherit in Western Australia (Fig. 7a) to act as a baseline where
the topography and spacing of the underlying crystal fan ar- biological participation in the formation of the stromatolite is
rays, and the ‘‘egg carton’’ regularity may reflect the nucle- undoubted (Grey et al., 1990); (2) an ancient stromatolite from
ation pattern of the underlying crystal fans. Unfortunately, the 2720 Ma Tumbiana Formation of Western Australia
this relationship is somewhat obscured by the thin chert layers (Fig. 7b), an example of a well-preserved ancient stromatolite
that drape the crystal fans; nonetheless, the comparable where a biological formation mechanism is almost univer-
spacing and predominance of both crystal fans and ‘‘egg sally accepted (Walter, 1972; Buick, 1992; Lepot et al., 2008);
carton’’ cone horizons toward the top of Member 3 are con- (3) A moderately well-preserved *3430 Ma coniform
sistent with this hypothesis. Elsewhere, in the PGB, the con- stromatolite from the PGB (Fig. 7c) that most closely corre-
verse relationship is also observed with crystal fans capping sponds to the ‘‘large-complex-cone’’ morphotype described
coniform stromatolites, which confirms that carbonate su- by Allwood et al. (2006).
persaturation and chemical precipitation were prevalent
7.2. Methods
during accretion of the stromatolites (Van Kranendonk et al.,
2001; Allwood et al., 2007a). Details of NanoSIMS methodology for qualitative
Viewed in isolation, evidence for biological participation elemental mapping are given in Wacey et al. (2008a) and
in stromatolite formation in the ESGB is equivocal. The Kilburn and Wacey (2010). Briefly, a primary ion beam (Csþ

FIG. 7. Samples used to investi-

gate the applicability of NanoSIMS
elemental mapping to stromato-
lites. (a) Modern (<1500 years be-
fore present) domical stromatolites
from Lake Thetis, approximately
200 km north of Perth in Western
Australia (photograph courtesy of
Ruth Ellison). A disc, 10 mm in
diameter, is required for Nano-
SIMS analysis. This was cut from a
standard thin section, and lami-
nations within a microstromatolite
(arrowed) were targeted for Na-
noSIMS investigation. (b) Small
columnar stromatolites from the
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Meentheena Carbonate Member of

the *2720 Ma Tumbiana Forma-
tion, Western Australia. Again,
specific laminations (arrowed)
within a 10 mm diameter disc
were targeted for NanoSIMS
analysis. (c) Coniform stromatolite
from the *3430 Ma Strelley Pool
Formation, Western Australia.
Due to sampling restrictions in this
heritage-listed area, NanoSIMS
analysis was conducted on a thin
section from a loose piece of ma-
terial pulled off of a fixed outcrop.
Nevertheless, it is clear that this
material is identical to that found
in situ. NanoSIMS analysis tar-
geted small black carbonaceous
grains that occur along poorly
defined laminations (arrowed).
Color images available online at

or O) is scanned across the surface of the sample, and the for images produced via the Csþ primary beam, the maxi-
sputtered ions are extracted to a double focusing mass mum resolution is defined by the pixel size (as the primary
spectrometer. Lateral resolution under 50 nm is achievable ion beam is smaller than the pixel). Samples were coated
for elemental mapping with use of the Csþ primary beam. In with a thin (5 nm) layer of gold to provide conductivity, and
the Cameca NanoSIMS 50, five elements or isotopes can be each analysis area was presputtered for at least 5 minutes to
mapped simultaneously with one fixed and four moveable remove surface contaminants and implant Csþ ions into the
detectors. Fortuitously, elements commonly representative of sample matrix.
organic material—C, N, O, S—have relatively high negative
secondary ion yields when sputtered with a Csþ primary ion
7.3. Results
beam due to their high electron affinity. Although N does not
readily ionize during SIMS sputtering, it does have a par- NanoSIMS ion images of the Lake Thetis stromatolite
ticularly strong emission when coupled to C as the CN ion. (Fig. 8a) show very closely correlated distributions of carbon
Images were typically acquired over a 50–60 mm field of view (12C), nitrogen (26CN), and sulfur (32S), both spatially and
with a 2–4 pA beam current, an acquisition time of 20 min- in terms of qualitative intensity (i.e., a number of very bright
utes, and an image resolution of 256256 pixels. In a 50 mm areas in the carbon map correlate with very bright areas in
field of view, each square pixel measures 195 nm in width, so the nitrogen and sulfur maps). These elements pick out
Downloaded by from at 08/27/20. For personal use only.

FIG. 8. NanoSIMS elemental maps from modern and ancient stromatolites. (a) Top row, elemental maps of 12C, 26CN,
and 32S from the modern Lake Thetis stromatolite. (b) Center row, elemental maps of 12C, 26CN, 32S, and 28Si from the
*2720 Ma Tumbiana Formation stromatolite. (c) Bottom row, elemental maps of 12C, 26CN, 32S, and 28Si from the
*3430 Ma Strelley Pool Formation stromatolite. See text for details; dashed ellipses refer to areas highlighted in the text.
Color images available online at

organic laminations that run from top left to bottom right Additionally, it is very difficult to obtain meaningful ratios of
across the field of view. The chemical laminations correlate elements present in a sample. For example, the N=C ratio
with dark laminations visible in optical light microscope of the microbial material would be of great interest in order
images (Fig. 7a). Given that the dark laminations persist to provide information about the parts of microbes that are
below the sputtered area of sample surface, they are unlikely preserved in stromatolites. However, the apparent N=C ratio
to be an artifact of sample preparation. Since modern stro- of a sample in SIMS is controlled not only by its true N=C
matolites are known to form from microbial trapping and ratio but also by SIMS instrumental parameters that control
binding of sediment or microbially induced precipitation, or CN and C ion yields and by the matrix that the N- and
both (e.g., Walter, 1976; Riding and Awramik, 2000), the C-rich material lies in. These variables are not yet fully
logical conclusion is that these organic laminations are bio- understood, so quantitative N=C ratios were not attempted
logical and the covariance of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur here.
represents a biochemical signal that can be preserved during The 2720 Ma Tumbiana Formation stromatolite was ana-
stromatolite lithification. The NanoSIMS maps also indicate lyzed under identical conditions to that of the Lake Thetis
that these laminations are not simple structures; they com- example. Once again, results for carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur
monly comprise networks of anastomosing microbial mate- show a very close correlation and highlight, in particular,
rial together with occasional larger clumps. Individual a number of laminations running from left to right across the
microfossils cannot be identified in these chemical images. It field of view (Fig. 8b). As with Lake Thetis, the laminations
is also worth noting that NanoSIMS images give only the are not simple structures; of particular interest here is the
relative concentrations of each of the elements within each relationship of the organic material to silica (28Si), especially
pixel; it is not possible to obtain an absolute concentration. in the center of the images (dashed oval in 8b), where an area

rich in silica is enclosed by organic material. This could case, biology represents the most likely mechanism for co-
represent original trapping and binding of a detrital silica occurrence of these elements in organic material.
grain, most likely volcanic ash (Buick, 1992), by a microbial
mat. Alternatively, it may represent a fenestral gas escape 8. Summary
structure that has been subsequently infilled with silica (cf.
The study of SPF stromatolites in two adjacent greenstone
Allwood et al., 2009), although it is somewhat smaller than
belts (ESGB and PGB) highlights significant differences in
typical fenestrae.
stromatolite morphology and microstructure (Table 1).
Stromatolites in the PGB comprise seven morphotypes that
7.4. Discussion occur over several kilometers of semi-continuous outcrop
(Allwood et al., 2006), with coniform and domical morpho-
Although the elemental patterns observed here are very
types possessing microstructural features consistent with
similar to those in the modern Lake Thetis example, it is not
biological mediation (Allwood et al., 2009). In contrast,
straightforward to attribute them to biology. The presence of
stromatolites in the ESGB are less morphologically diverse,
nitrogen alone cannot be used to infer biogenicity, but a close
comprising mostly small coniform varieties, lack obvious
correlation on a submicron scale of nitrogen with carbon
biologically mediated microstructures, and highlight the in-
has been used as an indicator of biological processing in well-
fluence of both chemical and physical sedimentary processes.
preserved carbonaceous microfossils from both the *1900 Ma
NanoSIMS was used to investigate the possibility of ob-
Gunflint Chert of Canada (Robert et al., 2005) and the
taining evidence for biological cycling from stromatolites of
*850 Ma Bitter Springs Chert of central Australia (Oehler
Downloaded by from at 08/27/20. For personal use only.

different ages. NanoSIMS elemental mapping by no means

et al., 2006), where the carbon and nitrogen chemical maps
offers conclusive proof as far as determining the biogenicity
show direct correlation with optical images of the microfos-
of stromatolites is concerned. It does, however, reveal ele-
sils. An abiogenic source of nitrogen in organic matter is
mental patterns that are consistent with biology at a scale
possible but requires specific conditions and reactants, for
and sensitivity ideally suited to the search for very miniscule
example, high-temperature Fischer Tropsch synthesis, which
traces of life. These signals can be traced from the youngest
requires CO, H2, NH3, and a metal catalyst (Hayatsu et al.,
to some of the world’s oldest stromatolites. Future work will
1972; Kung et al., 1979). Field observations of the Tumbiana
incorporate in situ isotopic analysis at the same scale to in-
stromatolites indicate deposition in a lacustrine or shallow
crease our understanding of the micro- to nano-scale pro-
marine environment with little hydrothermal influence (e.g.,
cesses responsible for the formation of stromatolites still
Lepot et al., 2008), which is inconsistent with conditions re-
further. As with any new technique, caution must be exer-
quired for such abiogenic nitrogen synthesis. Sulfur is also
cised, and limitations must be recognized. Chemical signals
commonly concentrated by biological fixation processes
should, whenever possible, be matched to morphological
(Frausto Da Silva and Williams, 2001); and, while its mere
information from petrographic thin sections to guard against
presence may, of course, be due to both biological and
contamination, and careful attention must be paid to stan-
abiological concentration, a positive correlation with carbon
dardization and instrumental artifacts when attempting to
and nitrogen supports a biological formation mechanism in
obtain any quantitative chemical information.
this case.
The weight of paleoenvironmental, morphological, mi-
The SPF stromatolite is much more difficult to evaluate
crotextural, and geochemical evidence points toward bio-
because much of the original carbonate mineralogy has been
logical participation in the formation of the PGB coniform
replaced by silica, and any organic material present is almost
stromatolites and likely also the PGB domical stromatolites.
750 Ma older and more metamorphically altered than even
For the ESGB and remaining PGB stromatolite morphotypes,
the Tumbiana example. Again, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur
the evidence for biogenicity remains equivocal.
can be mapped in this sample (Fig. 8c), and they correlate with
black carbonaceous particles observed in transmitted and
reflected light microscope images dotted sporadically along
laminations (Fig. 7c). In the SPF sample, carbon is more The author is grateful to the Geological Survey of Western
prevalent than nitrogen or sulfur, as may be expected in pu- Australia for extensive logistical support of the ongoing field
tative biological material of this age and metamorphic grade. program and, in particular, to Arthur Hickman, Martin Van
While the correlation between carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur is Kranendonk, and Kath Grey for generous advice and assis-
less well defined than in the younger stromatolites, there are, tance; to Owen Green, Cris Stoakes, and the late John
nevertheless, numerous areas (dashed ovals in Fig. 8c) where Lindsay for field assistance; and to Matt Kilburn for assis-
close spatial and intensity correlations are observed. Overall, tance with NanoSIMS analysis and image processing. Martin
preservation of the organic material shows an inverse rela- Brasier and Nicola McLoughlin are thanked for provision of
tionship to the degree of silicification (Fig. 8c). Whether these Tumbiana and SPF stromatolite samples and numerous
elements represent degraded microbial material in rocks of discussions of previous versions of this manuscript. NERC
this age depends very much on the interpreted environment and the Geological Society of London provided financial
of deposition. Carbon and nitrogen have been shown to co- support for fieldwork. The author was supported by NERC
occur in organic material from hydrothermal veins in the SPF grant NE=C510883 and is now supported by a Postdoctoral
(Oehler et al., 2009), presumably synthesized by high- Research Fellowship from The University of Western
temperature Fischer-Tropsch–like processes. In contrast, the Australia. The author also acknowledges the facilities and
coniform stromatolites of the SPF are interpreted to have scientific and technical assistance of the Australian Micros-
formed on a shallow marine carbonate platform without copy & Microanalysis Research Facility at the Centre for
hydrothermal influence (Allwood et al., 2006, 2007a). In this Microscopy, Characterisation & Analysis, The University of

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