Bs Physics 6th pp 2018

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Answer Sheet provided. Section-II (Short Questions) WS S 1, The functions a(x) and va(2) are eigenfunctions of the sane Hermitian operator AS. distinct eigenvalues A, and Az. Prove that u(r) and u(x) are linearly independent. 2. A different sawtooth wave is described by ro={ qh asst Show that f(z) = $$ sus, 2. Show that 7 [B00] = [Sr] = curr ve)=cior stoi" 4. Use mathematical induction to show that Jal) = (=) (3g) 20 5. Show that es ; / ie * Hy (a) Hg(a}dr = n!O%nIin + 4) Section-III Marks=30 i GS) L. Find the Green's funetion for ie FH eo H10), Subject to the initial conditions y(0) = y'(0) = 0, and solve this ODE for > 0 given f(2) = exp(~2) 2. A function f(2) is expanded in a Legencire series f'2) = “4 oo (f(a) Pde = ay 3. Show that att [Fert tu(2) nl eho = bs where Li(2) and Lm are Laguerre’s polynomials. Desive the recurrence relations Pe +1) = P(e), [lover from the Euler integral TQ) where 2 is a positive real nuraber. Show that vi, Pkt, re +ur(5 +k) where é is an integer. PAPER: Mathematical Methods of Physics-II TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints. “s._ Course Code: PHY-307_Part —1 (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Each MCQ carries 1 Mark. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above. Section-I (Objective) Marks=10 Fill in the blank or answor true/false. 1. (f)? + #? is a linear operator (True/False) 2. (k+ I= P(k-1) (Tme/Palse) 3. FEF) = ole) (Drue/False) If x is a solution of Laplace's equation V?x = 0, then x,y = 6% is also a solution. (True/False) Hermite equation (y”"~2ay'-+2ay = 0) has no singularity other than an inregular singularity at = co (CTrue/False) 6, $2 ~ 22 + (x+y) y= Ois a linear partial differential equation. (True/False) 1 Ie)= & anPa(e), where oy = r(1/2) = 9 FUME = 10. £ (Jo(ot)} = PAPER: Solid State Physics-II TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints. Course Code: PHY-308 _ Part-II MAX. MARKS: 50 Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Question No.2: Answer the following short questions. (10x2=20) ti vi What factors affect the resistivity of metals. What is Bloch function? What does it represent physically. Differentiate between direct and indirect band gap materials What is the origin of energy gaps. What type of changes appear in band structure of semiconductor after doping with pentavalent impurity State wiedeman Franz law and also write down expression for Lorentz. number. vii. Plot the optical absorption curves for the direct gap and indirect gap materials. viii. Plot the distribution of probability dens:ty ’p' in the lattice for |W —|?, | +|?and for a pure travelling wave ix. What are significances of Hall co-efficien . x. What is cyclotron resonance and how it can be measured experimentally. Section-III Question No.3: Answer the following questions. Gx10=30) Show that the effective mass of an electron in a crystal depends on the curvature of energy band. Discuss the physical basis for the effective mass of an electron in a crystal. Derive the energy expressions for the electron in one dimensional potential hax and discuss the important conclusions from :his equation. What are intrinsic semiconduetors and drive an expression from intrinsic carrier concentration in a semiconductor. PAPER: Solid State Physics-II TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints. Course Code: PHY-308 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Phe \cirele the correct option. Each MCQ carries 1 Mark. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above. 1. Eneirele the best answer for each question. (10) i Ohm's law selates to the electric field “E” conductivity “8° and current density ‘J’ as a Jae c Jat b. J = 08? 4. J =0E ii, The eyclotron frequency is 2. w= Unf aad b. em eB 4. None iii, In anintrinsic semiconductor, the Fermi level lies elmost midway inthe forbidden gap. a. True b. False iv. Relaxation time for the electron is independent of a. Amplitude of electron ©. both b. Velocity d. None of these v. Lhe wave vector “k’ 1s related to wavelength °A a K=2m yee a A Pte a kao Vi The classical value of molar lattice speci 3R tR ©. 3R a & 4 vii, At lower temperatures, the lattice specific heat varies as aT eT 1 i a3 at w vill. est point in the conduction band is ealfed the conduction band edge a. True b. False ix. and ‘As’ are added in silicon to make it a, Petype 4. conductor b, NeType c. Insulator x. The value of effective mass is Lee _ ee hake. o Re aK 1d7z », #2 a -222 hake wan PAPER: Quantum Mechanics-II TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints. Course Code: PHY-309 Part-II MAX. MARKS: 50 Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Q7 Give short answers to the following questions (435-20) i. Prove tht [7 Pij]+0, interpret your results ii, Defines tater determinant? Writ it for N-partice system iii. Define “Exchange Symmetry’ and “Exchange Degeneracy’ iv, What is the Solid angle? Write its physical interpretation in scatesing scference ¥. What is boson-Einstein condensation? Give one exemple 3 Write Detail Description of Time-independent perturbation theory up to first order Correction (10) Q4 Explain the theory of sattering? write a noteon potential seatering. (10) Q5 Briefly describe +5) 8) Bor Approximation b) Check validity of WKB method. Course Code: PHY-309_ Part—I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Each MCQ carries | Mark. This Paper will be collected back aftor expiry of time limit mentioned above, QU: Choose (encirele the hes stile answer fron the given fiat. 1 ‘The operator which cannes the Hilbert 8) Creation operator 1) Annihilation operator ). Moraentum operator 4) Rothe & 2 Wemily, which san eppeoximation method? 4) Tim dapondontpstrbaton theory b) Time independent perturbation theory 6) Variational tetniqne @) Allabove at 03) Spin angular momentum is quantized by quantum numbers? a3 2 oe a6 5) demi fermion panicle Photon Dy gravis 8) Neutron 6 The particles composed of two or more identical elementary particles ae 8) Quarks 8) Composite paroles ©) Photons 4) Graviteos| 7 Forantesymmetic wave function te vale of permutation operator is act bt ©) aor 8 dere 8 Condition for he validity of WKH apprcsimation is a ate er nie 6) Rane of above bose 9 Taetotal no of collisions over the dovatvn of sateing experiment is proportions 0 8) Noof particles in incident beam 1) No of target paticls per unit area ©) Botha eb @) Allofsbove 10 The Frame in which both colliding paicies has equal an opposite 2) Cente of mass Frame 1b) eta rare PAPER: Digital Electronics TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints. Course Codi 22 Write short anssw 1 I 0. Iv. v wi vil vit a3. a4 2.5 Write shorcaote an any two. HY-310 _Part— I MAX. MARKS: 50 ‘Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. of eueth (2«10)=20 Write the Gray equivalent of (78). Fad the bex suum of (93 + 9DE)i« [plain haw aw D type FeV can work V. hat tolifference bawwen Asy ns What isa D/A converter? What is digital computer? Wiha are the semiconductor memories? ‘What Is the difference between the Boolean algebra & K-map in sequential circuits? Solve (7-110) yp with 2’s compliment. ‘ihat are the applications of Gray and Excess Code? ‘onous and Synchronous count Draw the diagram of JK master Salve Flip Flop, explain its function with truth table. 10 Siniply the Boolean function and solve with SCP and draw the logic diagram with NAND gates. F(A8,C,0) = 2 (1,3,4,56,7,9,12,13) 10 55 a) Pal bb} Parallel counter ©) Digital Clock PAPER: Digital Electronics TIME ALLOWED: 15 Mints. *s,_ Course Code: PHY-310 Part-I (Compulsory) MAX. MARKS: 10 . Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Each MCQ carries 1 Mark. This Paper will be collected K iry of time limit mentioned above. 1 Select the rorreet answer and encirele it. (10) 1. Haw wv any flip flyps are required to construct a rpple counter of Mod-10? i 3 ua uz + any f/f required constructing a Synchronous mod-24 counter? 7 a6 bia ds dia 1. A@evimial nuvnber 246 be written in BCD as: aj beta. b) 0x0 0101 110 1001010110 d)nonof them AAR gate b input A and b and its output is being written as: aba Wy Aten ©) A B+ABT d) AB+A‘S” i. The cede where all successive numbers differ from th preceding nurnber by single bit is A} Binary cod b) eco. +e) Excess 0) Gray, 6. hich of [he followings are kuown as Universal gate? ay HAND & NOR D)AND&OR c)XORBOR —_d) None. 2. Udhich uf the following, prensories stare the most aumnber of bits? 8) Gale meinury — W}AMxB memory —«) 32Mx8 memory _d) 64*6 memory 8. fw ett oF aiding hesadeetenal number AG to 3A is a) 09 wee ro det 9. The excess-3 code of decimal 7 Is represented by a) 1100 b) 1001 c) 1011, d) 1010 10. Uhw ou iput af SH E/E when SL, Re O is ab 1 b)O <) NO change d) High Impedance PAPER: Computational Physics-I TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Course Code: PHY-311__ Part — II MAX. MARKS: 50 ‘Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. [OT Write short answers of the following Questions: T \ i. | Explain with example the following terms in C+: \ a) data type (b) user-funetion (c) /* and */ (d) getch() | Gi. | Write syntax with example the following in Cr+ 4 | (a) for () loop (b) switehQ) iii, | Discuss arithmetic logical operators in C++? 4 Hest | iv. | Write C++ program code segment for the following: 8 | (a) to calculate and print equivalent of two capacitors connected | in series, read capacitances ‘tom the user | | (b) toprint x, y against f(x,y) for the equation | S(x,y) 220 + 77xy~y" read x and y from user (c) to calculate and display minimum of f(x,y) in above | |w C7 program to evaluate the [(r? +4¥x +7Ktr by 4 \ Trapeoidat’s rule or by Simpson's (1/3) rule due to optlons 1 ur 2 | | respectively (use n=6). Report ertor message for any other option | j | pressed by the user. | Suppose A and B be 3x3 matrices. Write C"" program which reads in entries of A and B and prints out the entries of matrix which is La c= Ae48 Gi) p= A~B'-3 and (iii) 10 print off diagonal ) | | as { \ elements of C. (iv) maximum of the elements of matrix A. (¥) | square of the clements of matrix B L { on 6H |G) | Write © program forthe simple harmonic motion (S-1.M) of @ | mass attached with a spring using Euler's method under the | | following conditions: (@9.8 mis, initial position zero and velocity | | (5 m/s, time sep 0.1 see. and masimum time 15 sec., k= 1 Ném, | m=1kg.). Caletlate and print values for time, position and velocity Give comment that how you sen change the same program for forced H.M. Write a function circle () which reads in radius values and print out | area and circumference values of the circle, Execute the program i | ) ' iteratively for 5 values. | i WED: 15 Mints. PAPER: Computational Physics-I ‘TIME ALLO’ ‘Course Code: PHY-311__ Part —I (Compulso: MAX. MARKS: 10 Attempt this Paper on this Question Sheet only. Please encircle the correct option. Each MCOQ carries 1 Mark. This Paper will be collected back after expiry of time limit mentioned above. QI: Each question has FOUR poss le answers, Sefect the correct answer and encircle it Ix 10-10 i. C++ program statement that is not included in code compilation: «) “welcome” (b) cout<<"weicome”, (c) /* (d) void ii, In C+ what is not a repetition structure: a) if-else-if (b) while (c) for (d) do-while iii, C++ language, HEADER TYPE that prwvides user read from keyboard is called: (a) iostream.h (by conioh (c) math.h (a) both (a) & (by iv. Which of the following is not a compar'son operation in C—+? (a) X°¥ (b)X Kuowir a (@) Micro Canonical (b) Grand canonical (© Canonical (@) both b and ¢ 5. Free electrons in metals obey + (a) Bose-Binstein statistics (b) Fermi-Dirac statistics (©) Gibbs statistics (d) Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics 6. Photons are described by (@) Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics (b) Bose-Einstein statistics (©) Fermi-Dirac statistics (@) Allof these 7. Which can be determined from canonical Partition function? (a) Free energy (b) Average energy (c) entropy. (d) All of these 8. For indistinguishable particles (2) wave functions overlap (b) no wave functions. (¢) Pauli exclusion always hold (4) both a and ¢ 9. No two electrons can exist in same quantum state. This is known as (a) Heisenberg Principle (b) Pauli exclusion Principle (c) Bohr principle (d) None of these 10, The entropy of a system in a single pure quantum state is zero. This is known as, (@) first law of thermodynamics (b) third law of thermodynamics (c) second law of thermodynamics (@) zeroth law of thermodynamics

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