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Course instructor – Dr. A.P.


Unit: 1 Sociology and Rural sociology: Definition and scope

The concept of Sociology

The term sociology is derived from two words i.e., Latin word „Socious‟ means society
and Greek word „logos’ means study or science. Thus sociology is the science of society which
aimed at the interpretation of social life. Society is a group of people who have lived together
long enough, sharing common values and general interests, to be considered as a social unit.

However, it has been defined in different ways by different sociologists

1. Max Weber defined sociology as a science which interprets social behaviour with the aim
of arriving at causal explanation of human behaviour.

2. According to Rogers, sociology is defined as a study of ways in which social experiences

function in developing, maturing, refreshing human beings through interpersonal
stimulation. Some important definitions of sociology have been given by different
sociologists are as follows.
3. Kimball young defines sociology as a systematically and orderly study of man in society
that is of group life and of the customs, traditions, institutions, and ways of thinking and
living which are linked to group life.
4. R. M. Maclver has defined sociology as the study of the nature of the human relationship.
It is the study of human relationship between the individuals. It aims at the discovery of
the principles of cohesion and harmony in a social structure, which conditions the
activities of social individuals.
5. J. B.Gitter has defined “Sociology as the study of forms and processes of human
togetherness”. Sociology studies basic principle of human associations.
6. According to F.H. Fiddings "Sociology is the science of associations of minds, sociology
tries to explain the origin growth and structure of society.

All the definitions of sociology emphasize on the point that sociology is the
comprehensive science of society and explain social relationships.
Course instructor – Dr. A.P. Singh

Meaning of Rural Sociology

The nomenclature „Rural Sociology‟ indicates that it is the scientific study of Rural Society.
Broadly speaking, it deals with the systematic study of Rural Society, its institutions, activities
interactions, social change etc. It not only deals with the social relationship of man in rural
environment but also takes urban surroundings into considerations for a comparative study. So
Rural Sociology primarily deals with the description and analysis of groups of various kinds as
they exist in rural environment.


Different sociologists have defined Rural Sociology in different ways. The tone of these
different thinkers varies but the whole essence is same.

1. According to A.R. Desai, “The prime objective of Rural Sociology should be to make a
systematic, scientific and comprehensive study of the rural social organisation, of its
structure function and objective tendencies of development and on the basis of such a
study to discover the laws of is development. Since every science social or natural, has for
its aim the discovery of the hither to hidden laws of development of a domain of nature or
society, the basic task of Rural Sociology, they unanimously declare, is to discover the law
of development of Rural Society.”

2. T.L. Smith has defined Rural Sociology as some investigators study social phenomena
that are present only in or largely confined to the rural environment, to persons engages in
agricultural occupation. Such sociological aspects and principles as one derived from the
study of rural social relationship may be referred to as Rural Sociology.

3. According to F. Stuart Chapin Rural Sociology is “the sociology of rural life, a study of
rural population, rural social organisation and the social process.”

4. Bertrand has defined Rural Sociology. In the broadest definition Rural Sociology is the
study of human relationship in rural environment.

From the above definitions, it is revealed that Rural Sociology deals with the study of
rural environment, rural social facts and interactions, rural populations, rural social
organisation, rural social processes etc. It studies the whole structure and functions of rural
Course instructor – Dr. A.P. Singh

social organisation and institutions. It is a holistic study of rural social setting. It provides us
valuable knowledge about the rural social phenomena and social problems which helps us in
understanding Rural Society and making prescription for its all round progress and prosperity.

Scope of Rural Sociology in India

India is an agricultural country and village is a basic and important unit of the society. After
independence the process of rural reconstruction was started and importance of the rural
sociology was recognized. The need of development of the villages and speed of education in the
villages were understood and to achieve this community development programme was started. It
can be achieved when the planners and administrator correct knowledge of the rural life.

1. It is very essential to develop village because India‟s development depends upon the progress
of the villages.

2. India is agriculture country and poverty can be removed through improvement in agriculture.

3. Solutions of rural problems can bring the change in the rural society.

4. The country and its society can be reconstructed only through rural developments.

5. For successful implementation of democratic decentralization the village community is to be

studied in detail.

6. Rural sociology can help to organize the disorganized Indian in detail.

7. The extension worker must know the rural culture, rural institutions, problems, resources etc.
for successful transfer of technology for improvement of agriculture. It can be achieved through
the study of rural sociology.

8. Through the technology and communication methods are known to the extension workers. The
study of rural sociology helps the extension worker to transfer the technology.

9. For successful implementation of the community development programmes the knowledge of

rural sociology is very essential.
Course instructor – Dr. A.P. Singh

Importance of rural sociology in agricultural extension

The knowledge of rural sociology is very important in agricultural extension for the
following reasons:
 The basic purpose of agricultural extension is changing the behaviour of farmers as
desired. Therefore, knowledge and understanding of rural people (farmers) is essential. It
is the rural sociology which provides this knowledge and understanding about the farmer
vis-à-vis rural social system in which he lives.

 It helps in devising an agricultural extension plans for farmers.

 It helps in identifying the groups, individuals, organisations and leaders.

Besides this, the interrelationship between agricultural extension and rural sociology also
highlights the importance or rural sociology in agricultural extension.

The Interrelationship between Sociology and Agricultural Extension

Agricultural extension and rural sociology are extremely close to each other. Both fields are
greatly concerned with the study of rural life. However, following are the major points which
clearly indicate the relationship.
 Rural sociology is the scientific study of rural man‟s behaviour in relationship to other
groups and individuals with whom he interacts. Agricultural extension is a non-formal
education for farmers (rural people) with a view to develop rural society on desirable

 Rural sociology studies the attitude and behaviour of rural people whereas agricultural
extension seeks to modify or change the attitude and behaviour of farmers.

 Rural sociology studies the needs and interests of rural society and agricultural extension
helps farmers to discover their needs and problems and build educational programmes
based on these needs and wants.
Course instructor – Dr. A.P. Singh

 Rural sociology analyses rural social relationship or group or organisation and leaders in
rural areas. Agricultural extension utilizes the knowledge pertaining to groups,
organisations and leaders to achieve the objective or agricultural development.

 Rural sociology studies social situation s and collects social facts of rural society.
Agricultural extension makes uses of such social data as basis for building up extension
programmes for farmers.

 Rural sociology investigates the social, cultural, political and religious problems of rural
society. Agricultural extension also studies these problems with special reference to their
impact on agricultural extension work in the village.

From the above interrelationship between the rural sociology and agricultural extension, one
could understand that rural sociology will help the extension agent to identify problems of
farmers and develop an extension programme to help in solving the problems of farmers. Thus it
can be concluded that both sciences are closely related and benefited with each other by sharing
the knowledge of each other.

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