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Fourth Periodic Examination TVE IV (FISH CULTURE) Name:_______________________________ Yr. & Sec._________________ Score______Equi.

__________ Date_____________________

I.Multiple Choices: Choose the correct answer. Write only the letter on the space provided before each number. ____1. Which of the following is not a parameter useful for fish diagnosis? a. Patterns of mortality c. external appearances of the fish b. Behavioral changes d. environmental stress ____2.These is a pattern of mortalities associated with acute environmental problem a. Abrupt mortalities c. gradual mortalities b. Mass mortalities d. all of the above ____3. Which of the following is a pattern of mortalities caused by infectious disease agents and nutritional disorder? a. Abrupt mortalities c. gradual mortalities b. Mass mortalities d. sudden mortalities ____4. All are stress factors that can cause fish diseases except one. Which is not? a. Chemical stress c. biological stress b. Environmental stress d. emotional stress ____5. How are fish diseases diagnosed? a. Check and record water condition c. evaluate sanitation practices b. Recognize early signs of diseases d. all of the above ____6. In diagnosing fish diseases using live samples, which of the following should be undertaken? a. Use layers of ice c. use aerated and lean water b. Use 10% formalin solution d. use a disinfectant ____7. Which of the following is an example of bacterial disease? a. Hemorrhagic septicemia c. furunculosis b. Pancreatic necrosis d. whirling disease ____8. Any change on the normal state of the body of the fish is called_____ a. Environmental stress c. nuisance b. Physical injury d. fish disease ____9. The presence of bulging eyes because of infection is called_______ a. congestion c. exopthalmia b. hemorrhage d. rotten eye ____10.Hemorrhage in the operculum and the eye is caused by bacteria known as______. a. Pseudomonas anguliseptica c. Pseudomonas neolotica b. Pseudomonas leeri d. Pseudomonas aurea ____11. Which of the following is a symptom of infectious abdominal dropsy? a. Bloody area of the body c. swelling of the belly b. Fish starts jumping d. all of the above ____12. What species of fish is usually infected with infectious abdominal dropsy? a. carp c. mudfish b. trout d. catfish ____13. How does an antibiotic be used as an effective treatment against bacterial diseases? a. By injecting c. by mixing in the food b. By mixing in a bath d. all of the above ____14. If bloody boils of various size is found on the body of the fish, it is a sign of _____ a. Whirling disease c. furunculosis b. costiasis d. enteritis ____15. What is found under the skin of the fish if infected with furunculosis? a. Bloody boils c. hemorrhage b. Small lumps d. exopthalmus ____16. Furunculosis can be treated by applying_______ a. antibiotics c. chemical baths b. salt baths d. all of the above ____17. All are signs and symptoms of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia except one. Which is not? a. Erratic behavior c. pale gills b. Developed exopthalmus d. sores on the skin

____18. The pathogen viral haemorrhagic septicaemia enters the body of the fish because of_______. a. Poor water quality c. physical injury b. High stocking density d. decomposition of organic matters ____19. What is the other name of the viral haemorrhagic septicaemia? a. Redness of the skin c. costiasis b. Whirling disease d. erythema ____20. When the fish swim around rapidly in a disorder fashion, it is a symptom of_______. a. Infectious pancreatic necrosis c. Whirling disease b. Saprolegnia infection d. furunculosis ____21. If a fish is infected with infectious pancreatic necrosis, what internal organ shows severe necrosis? a. liver c. gall bladder b. spleen d. intestine ____22. Which of the following pathogens cause infectious pancreatic necrosis? a. bateria c. fungi b. virus d. parasites ____23. What kind of fish disease is saprolegnia disease? a. Bacterial disease c. fungal disease b. Viral disease d. disease caused by worms ____24. Fishes are usually affected with saprolegnia infection because of __________. a. Brutal handling c. feeding error b. Poor water quality d. temperature variation ____25. When salt bath is used to treat saprolegnia infection, the dosage should be______ a. 25 grams/liter of water c. 45 grams / liter of water b. 35 grams/ liter of water d. 50 grams /liter of water ____26. If a fish have pale gills, it is a symptom of______ a. Gill rot c. costiasis b. Whirling disease d. saprolegnia infection ____27. What is the other name for gill rot? a. branchiomycosis c. costiasis b. enteritis d. ligulosis ____28. What is the dosage of the Copper sulfate in killing the pathogen of gill rot? a. 1 gram in 10 liters of water c. 3 grams in 10 liters of water b. 2 grams in 10 liters of water d. 4 grams in 10 liters of water ____29. Which of the following is a symptom of costiasis? a. Liver and spleen are pale c. fish have pale gills b. Light brown patches on the skin d. fish are weak and loss appetite ____30. Which of the following pathogens will cause costiasis? a. bacteria c. virus b. fungi d. protozoans ____31. What organ of the fish is usually affected with costiasis? a. gills c. intestine b. epidermis d. jaw ____32. All are microorganisms under protozoans that cause fish diseases except one. Which one is not? a. paramecium c. amoeba b. vorticela d. arachnide ____33. When the fish whirl round and round then fall in the bottom, it is a symptom of______. a. Whirling disease c. costiasis b. Ligulosis d. branchiomycosis ____34. All are malformations that are noticeable when a fish is infected with whirling disease except one .Which one is not? a. Deformation of the spine c. small cavities in the head b. Shortening of the jaws d. boils on the skin ____35. What should be undertaken in order to get rid of the pathogen of whirling disease? a. Avoid infection c. prevent starvation b. Disinfect fishpond d. eliminate water fowl ____36. White spot disease is sometimes known as ______. a. Costiasis c. ligulosis b. Ichthyopthiriasis d. branchiomycosis ____37. What organ of the fish is usually affected by white spot diseases?

a. Gills c. skin b. Fins d. intestine ____38. Which of the following is a pathogen of Ichthyopthiriasis? a. Ichthyopthirius indicus c. Ichthyopthirius neoloticus b. Ichthyopthirius multifilis d. Ichthyopthirius necatrix ____39. All are fish diseases caused by worms except one. Which one is not? a. Fish leeches c. ligulosis b. Gill fluke d. costiasis ____40. Fish leeches attach and sip blood of the fish by means of a powerful organ known as_____ a. Cilia c. gills b. Sucker d. rostrum ____41. Which of the following solution is an effective bath in order to rid of fish leeches attached to the body of the fish? a. Formalin solution c. Lysol solution b. Salt solution d. Copper sulfate solution ____42. What kind of parasite is ligulosis? a. Permanent parasite c. external parasite b. Temporary parasite d. internal parasite ____43. What organ of the fish is infected by ligulosis? a. Gills c. intestine b. Fins d. skin ____44.The scientific name of the pathogen that causes ligulosis is ______. a. Ligula mecatrix c. Ligula muefitilis b. Ligula intestinales d. Ligula parasitica ____45. The best method to prevent ligulosis is _________. a. Give enough food c. maintain water temperature b. Eliminate water fowls d. freshen the water ____46. When the gills of the fish swell and turn gray at the edges nit is a symptom of ______. a. Gill rot c. enteritis b. Gill fluke d. costiasis ____47. Which of the following is an effective method of removing gill flukes? a. Salt bath c. Lysol bath b. Formalin bath d. Copper sulfate bath ____48. A gill fluke is a disease caused by _______. a. Worms c. crustaceans b. Protozoans d. fungi ____49. Which of the following is a fish disease caused by crustaceans? a. Gill rot c. argulus b. Costiasis d. enteritis ____50. If the fish shows a sign of nervousness, it is a symptom of _______. a. Gill fluke c. costiasis b. Argulus d. fish leech ____51. In treating fish with argulus, use 1 gram per liter of Potassium permanganate solution bath for____. a. 20 minutes c. 40 minutes b. 30 minutes d. 50 minutes ____52. All are environmental diseases except one. Which of the following is NOT? a. Too alkaline water c. temperature variation b. Lack of oxygen d. decomposition of organic matter ____53. Which of the following is affected when too alkaline and too acidic water occurs in the fishpond? a. Oxygen of the water c. temperature of the water b. pH of the water d. salinity of the water ____54. When the fish secretes a lot of mucus, it is a symptom of _______. a. Too alkaline and too acidic water c. sudden change of water temperature b. Lack of oxygen d. high salinity of the water ____55. What should be done if the pond water is too acidic______. a. Broadcast lime c. disinfect fishpond b. Broadcast fertilizer d. broadcast chopped rice straws ____56. What is the desirable temperature of the water for all cultivable species of fish? a. 10 C c. 20 C b. 15 C d. 25 C

____57. Which of the following is the best way of maintaining a high level of dissolved oxygen of pond water? a. Give plenty of food to the fish c. freshen the water b. Allow the growth of aquatic vegetation d. stock plenty of fish ____58. The main cause of nutritional diseases is ________. a. Presence of parasites c. feeding error b. Presence of worms d. feeding frequency ____59. All are examples of nutritional diseases except one. Which one is NOT? a. Lipoid hepatic degeneration c. enteritis b. Hepatoma d. costiasis ____60. When external tumor is present behind the pectoral of the fish, it is a sign of ______. a. Lipoid hepatic degeneration c. ligulosis b. Hepatoma d. enteritis ____61. What organ of the fish is affected by lipoid hepatic degeneration? a. Intestines c. spleen b. Liver d. stomach ____62. It is a method of treating fish diseases by using bath solutions. a. Immersion c. Swabbing b. Systemic treatment d. Injection ____63. Which of the following method of treating fish diseases where the drug to be used is added to the food of the fish? a. Immersion c. Swabbing b. Systemic treatment d. Injection ____64. It is a method of treating fish when using antibacterial agents, hormones and vaccines. It refers to ________. a. Immersion c. Swabbing b. Systemic treatment d. Injection ____65. Which of the following is used in order to avoid fish diseases? a. Disinfection c. Prevention b. Immunization d. Injection ____66. All are basic approaches in preventing and controlling fish diseases except one. Which is NOT? a. Sanitation and hygiene c. Avoidance of stress b. Stock healthy fish d. Environmental management ____67. How do you fortify the resistance of the culture fish? a. Adoption of strict quarantine c. disinfect aquaculture facilities b. Select strong and healthy fry d. control wild fishes and pests ____68. Stress is a factor in weakening the fish. Which of the following should be done to avoid stress? a. Do not overstock fishponds c. provide fish with balanced diet b. Maintain water flow d. all of the above ____69. How are wild fish, pest, and other animals in the cultured pond controlled? a. Poison them during pond preparation c. remove trees around the pond b. Scare them especially birds d. all of the above ____70. What is the most enjoyable part in aquaculture activity? a. Stocking c. feeding b. Harvesting d. stock sampling ____71. The method of harvesting fish by taking advantage on water current is _____. a. Draining c. trapping b. Freshening d. seining ____72. How are marketable size fishes harvested in the cages? a. By removing the net cage c. by putting a bamboo under the net and lift b. By putting the cages on land d. by containing them in the catch basin ____73. What are the three cardinal rules in handling fresh fish? a. Conserve, consider, and counter b. Cleanliness, care, and cooling c. Calculate, catch, and count d. Classify, compare, and cut ____74. What is the fish and ice ratio when icing fish? a. 1:1 c. 1:3 b. 1:2 d. 1:4 ____75. Post-harvest handling is necessary in order to ____. a. Prevent fish from spoilage b. Ensure a good quality of fish for the market

c. Have a high demand of fish products d. All of the above Prepared by: MR. SALVADOR A. NAVARRO Master Teacher II Checked by: MRS. EVELYN P. RAPACON Head Teacher III TABLE OF SPECIFICATION TVE IV (FISH CULTURE) T. Time % of T. (min.) Time 120 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 120 60 60 60 60 60 1,380 .086 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043 .086 .043 .043 .043 .043 .043


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Test Placeme nt

1. Diagnosing Sampled Infected Fish 2. Bacterial Diseases 3. Infectious abdominal dropsy 4. Furunculosis 5. Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia 6. Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis 7. Saprolegnia Infection 8. Gill Rot 9. Costiasis 10.Whirling Disease 11.Ichthyopthiriasis 12.Fish Leeches 13.Ligulosis 14.Gill Flukes 15.Argulus 16.Environmental Diseases 17.Nutritional Diseases 18.Treatment Methods 19.Disease Prevention and Control 20.Methods of Harvesting Fish 21.Cardinal Rules in Handling Fresh Fish

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