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RY 2024-25

Rtr. Rtn.
Abhay Lohia
District Rotaract
RI DISTRICT 3191, RY 2024-25

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 2

2. District Rotaract Secretary (Administration & Operations) ........................................................ 3

3. District Joint Secretary .......................................................................................................................................... 4

4. Zonal Rotaract Representative ....................................................................................................................... 5

5. District Treasurer ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

6. District Sergeant at Arms .................................................................................................................................... 7

7. Resources & Operations Director .................................................................................................................. 8

8. Club Service Director ............................................................................................................................................. 9

9. Community Service Director ........................................................................................................................... 10

10. International Service Director .......................................................................................................................... 11

11. Professional Development Director ............................................................................................................ 12

12. Editor ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13

13. Next Gen Director...................................................................................................................................................... 13

14. Outreach & Partnerships Director ................................................................................................................ 14

15. Social Media Director ............................................................................................................................................ 16

16. Tech & Web Services Director ......................................................................................................................... 17

17. PR / Design & Visual Communications Director ................................................................................. 17

18. Rotaract Training Facilitator ……….................................................................................................................... 18

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 1

We're excited to announce nominations for roles in the Executive
Council for the Rotary International Year 2024 - 2025.

Here are the key details:

Nominations for various roles and responsibilities in the Executive Council for the
Rotary International Year 2024 - 2025 are now open.
Nominations for the Executive Council shall remain open till April 12, 2024.
The District Rotaract Representative has the flexibility to adjust roles or their
descriptions if needed.
While we've outlined some general roles and responsibilities, specific roles may
vary based on confirmation from the District Rotaract Representative.
While previous experience in each role is acknowledged, what truly matters are
passion and confidence in fulfilling the responsibilities.
Remember, applying for a position doesn't guarantee confirmation.
After applying, you'll have a one-on-one discussion with the District Rotaract
Representative to understand the goals and objectives for the Rotary International
Year 2024 - 2025. Details will be communicated through the registered email
Decisions on selections will rest solely with the District Rotaract Representative, and
no disputes regarding the same will be entertained.
This isn't a competition and there are no winners or losers. We're focused on
selecting individuals who can work together seamlessly. Selections are not a
reflection of any candidate's superiority or inferiority, rather the aim is to choose
team players who can collaborate effectively for the smooth functioning of the
District Council.

To be part of Executive Council for RI District 3191 for the Rotary

Year 2024-25
To Apply visit:

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 2

District Rotaract Secretary (Administration &
Data Management and Calendar Coordination:
1. Keep accurate and up to date track of reports, events, and resources for the
Rotaract District Council and Rotaract District Organization.
2. Create and share the Rotaract District Council's yearly, quarterly, and monthly

Communication and Coordination:

1. Be the main point of contact for Zonal Rotaract Representatives to help with club
reporting and event coordination.
2. Act as a bridge between the District Rotaract Representative (DRR), Executive
Council, District Committees, and the Rotaract community to facilitate
communication and collaboration.

Supporting the DRR and District Operations:

1. Assist the DRR during Rotaract Club installations, project visits, and DRR’s Official
Visits (DOV’s).
2. Support District Meetings by creating, sharing and maintaining agendas, minutes,
and reports.

Strategy Formulation and Implementation:

1. Work with the Rotaract District Council to plan and carry out their activities and

Continuous Improvement:
1. Collaborate with the Rotaract District Council to identify the opportunities to
improve the Council's functioning, ensuring smooth and efficient service to the
Rotaract District Organization.

Supporting the DRR and District Operations:

1. Assist the DRR during Rotaract Club installations, project visits, and DRR’s Official
Visits (DOV’s).
2. Support District Meetings by creating, sharing and maintaining agendas, minutes,
and reports.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 3

District Joint Secretary
Communication and Coordination:
1. Primary Point of Contact: Act as the central point of contact for the District Rotaract
Secretary (DRS) and Zonal Rotaract Representatives, facilitating communication
and collaboration for club reporting, event coordination, and record-keeping.
2. Operational Assistance: Offer support to the DRS to ensure the efficient functioning
of the Rotaract District Council.
3. Data Tracking and Management: Work with the DRS to keep track of reports, events,
and resources related to the District Council and District Organization.
4. Continuous Improvement: Work alongside the District Council to identify areas for
enhancement, striving to improve service delivery to the Rotaract District

Club Reporting and Assiatance:

1. Communication with Clubs: Assist in maintaining communication between the DRS
and Rotaract Clubs regarding reporting deadlines and updates.
2. Reminder Issuance: Send timely reminders to Rotaract Clubs about their reporting

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 4

Zonal Rotaract Representative

Club Empowerment and Growth:

1. DRR Representative: Represent the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) at events
and activities of assigned Rotaract Clubs when they are unavailable.
2. Club Success Advocate: Guide and assist assigned Rotaract Clubs in setting and
achieving their goals and aspirations.
3. Zonal Administration: Ensure seamless communication and administrative
processes among clubs within the designated zone.

Effective Communication and Collaboration:

1. Feedback and Assistance: Offer constructive feedback and support to streamline
administrative procedures and support Rotaract Clubs.
2. Issue Resolution: Address and resolve any concerns or grievances raised by
Rotaract Clubs.
3. Joint Project Promotion: Encourage collaborative projects among Rotaract Clubs
within the zone.
4. Facilitating District Initiatives: Assist in facilitating potential collaborations between
Rotaract Clubs for District Council activities and events.

Zonal Networking and Engagement:

1. Zonal Gatherings: Arrange regular meetups to enhance connections and
collaboration among Rotaract Clubs within the zone.

Effective Communication and Collaboration: Powered by Innovation

1. Workshops to Empower: We offer workshops on in-demand topics like creative
fundraising, project management best practices, and mastering social media
2. Knowledge Exchange Hub: Share your club's success stories, lessons learned, and
best practices! We'll provide a platform for presentations, online forums, and
mentorship programs to foster knowledge exchange.
3. Collaboration Catalyst: Looking to tackle larger projects or explore new initiatives?
We'll connect you with clubs boasting complementary skillsets, turning
collaboration into impactful service.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 5

District Treasurer
Financial Management:
1. Supervise District Funds: Take charge of all financial resources of the Rotaract
District Council and Rotaract District Organization.

Budgeting and Planning:

1. Develop Budgets: Strategize and maintain annual, event, and operational budgets
that effectively support the activities and plans of the District Council.

Financial Recordkeeping:
1. Detailed Record-Keeping: Maintain accurate and detailed records of all income
and expense transactions, documenting financial activity before, during, and after
each event with precision.

District Dues and Fees:

1. Recommend Dues Structure: work with the DRR, DRS, and DJS to propose the
optimal District Dues structure for Rotaract District Council members and Rotaract
Clubs within the District Organization.
2. Dues Collection: Manage the collection of District Dues from Rotaract District
Council members and Rotaract Clubs of the District 3191.
3. Manage Rotary International Dues: Keep track of Rotary International (RI) Dues for
Rotaract Clubs.

District Payments and Reimbursements:

1. Handle Payments and Reimbursements: Manage payments and reimbursements
related to Rotaract District Council activities, ensuring compliance with established
District protocols.

Financial Reporting and Auditing:

1. Prepare Financial Statements: Maintain balance sheets and transaction
statements for the Rotaract District Organization.
2. Coordinate Audits: Facilitate bi-annual audits of the Rotaract District 3191's

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 6

District Sergeant at Arms

Event Coordination and Stakeholder Engagement:

1. Collaborative Planning: Work closely with key stakeholders to secure resources and
ensure the seamless organization and execution of District meetings and events.

Attendance Management:
1. Attendance Monitoring: Track and maintain attendance records for participants at
District meetings and events.
2. Follow-up with Absentees: Reach out to participants who are absent to understand
their reasons for not attending.

Continuous Improvement:
1. Feedback and Enhancement: Identify potential areas for improvement in future
meetings and activities to enhance participant involvement and attendance.

Rotaract Etiquette:
1. Promoting Professionalism: Encourage participants and members of the Rotaract
District Council to maintain respectful and professional behavior during all
2. Advocating Club Decorum: Encourage Rotaract District Council members to
uphold proper conduct within their respective Rotaract Clubs

Rotaract Identity and Engagement:

1. Displaying Rotaract Pins/Badges: Ensure all participants proudly wear Rotaract pins
or badges to promote the Rotaract identity.

Time Management and Efficiency:

1. Adhering to the Agenda: Strive to keep meetings and activities running on time and
focused on the established agenda.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 7

Resources & Operations Director

Event Coordination and Management:

1. Collaboration with Event Chairs: Work closely with Rotaract District Council's
Event Chairpersons to plan and execute events smoothly, making the
Rotaractor experience better.

Resource Handling:
1. Procurement and Allocation: Manage the sourcing and responsible distribution of
resources needed for Rotaract District Council activities and events.

Financial Management:
1. Budget Planning Together: Collaborate with the DRR, Secretaries, and District
Treasurer to ensure funds are used wisely for District Council activities, meetings,
and events.

Supporting Rotaract Clubs:

1. Assistance with Resource Procurement: Offer guidance and help Rotaract Clubs in
getting resources or items they need.

Rotaract Merchandise Handling:

1. Merchandise Management: Plan, set up, and manage resources with Rotaract
merchandise for Rotaractors within RI District 3191.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 8

Club Service Director
Rotaract District Community Building:
1. Organise fun Activities: Plan and host enjoyable team building activities to build
friendships and strengthen connections among Rotaract District Council members
District Unity:
1. Collaborative Events: Organize activities that bring Rotaract Clubs together
at both District and Zonal levels, promoting unity and teamwork.

Event Entertainment:
1. Creating a Festive Atmosphere: Manage the entertainment and social aspects of
Rotaract District Council events, ensuring a lively and enjoyable environment.

Rotaract Club Support:

1. Guiding Club Service Projects: Provide guidance and assistance to Rotaract Clubs
in organizing meaningful Club service projects that engage club members.
2. Joint Projects: Encourage collaboration between Rotaract Clubs on Club service
initiatives to amplify their impact.

Club Service Director Coordination:

1. Building Collaboration: Arrange regular meetings with Club Service Directors from
all Rotaract Clubs in the District, promoting communication and cooperation on
club service initiatives.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 9

Community Service Director

District-wide Service Projects:

1. Planning Impactful Projects: Develop meaningful service initiatives that can involve
and benefit Rotaract Clubs throughout the District.

Resource Management:
1. Identifying Resources: Locate and secure the necessary resources for community
service projects, aiming to make the most significant positive difference.

Supporting Rotaract Clubs:

1. Guidance on Community Service: Provide guidance and assistance to Rotaract
Clubs in creating and executing successful community service projects that
address local needs.
2. Collaborative Projects: Encourage and assist Rotaract Clubs in working together on
community service projects, increasing their effectiveness.

Community Service Director Collaboration:

1. Working Together for Service: Arrange regular meetings with Community Service
Directors from all Rotaract Clubs in the District to promote communication and
teamwork on community service initiatives.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 10

International Service Director

Rotaract District Exchanges:

1. Managing RIDE Activities: Plan, organize and oversee Rotaract Inter-District
Exchange initiative with various Rotary International (RI) Districts, promoting
cultural exchange and cooperation.

Engagement with Other Districts:

1. Innovative Connections: Create new and exciting ways to interact with other RI
Districts, sharing Rotaract programs and cultures for mutual learning.
2. Building Relationships: Maintain positive and cooperative relationships with other
District Rotaract Representatives from other RI Districts.

Multi-District and RI Events:

1. Promoting Event Participation: Encourage Rotaractors to take part in Multi-District
and Rotary and Rotaract International events actively.

Support for International Service:

1. Guiding International Projects: Provide guidance and assistance to Rotaract Clubs
in planning and carrying out impactful International Service initiatives addressing
global issues.
2. Collaborating on Global Projects: Support Rotaract Clubs in partnering on joint
International Service projects to extend their impact worldwide.

International Service Directors Network:

1. Coordinated Global Efforts: Arrange regular meetings among International Service
Directors from all Rotaract Clubs within the District to encourage communication
and teamwork on international service endeavors.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 11

Professional Development Director
Rotaractor Skill Enhancement:
1. Skills Building Programs: Assist clubs in arranging skill development activities
addressing professional growth needs of Rotaractors.

Exploring Entrepreneurship:
1. Entrepreneurship Initiatives: Create programs to nurture entrepreneurial talents
among Rotaractors, providing them with essential knowledge and support.

Supporting Rotaract Clubs:

1. Career Growth Assistance: Provide guidance and support to Rotaract Clubs in
executing effective Professional Development projects that enhance Rotaractors'
skills and job prospects.
2. Collaborative Learning: Encourage Rotaract Clubs to team up on Professional
Development projects, maximizing learning opportunities and outcomes.

Professional Development Network:

1. Collective Learning Efforts: Coordinate regular gatherings among Professional
Development Directors from all Rotaract Clubs within the District to promote
communication and collaboration on professional growth initiatives.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 12

District Communication Strategy:
1. Newsletter Coordination: Coordinate the creation and distribution of newsletters or
bulletins for the District, keeping members informed about District activities and

Content Oversight:
1. Editorial Management: Ensure the quality and coherence of all communications
from the Rotaract District Council across different platforms.

District Directory Maintenance:

1. Directory Updates: Manage and update the District Directory for the Rotaract
District Organization, ensuring its accuracy and completeness.

Rotaract Club Communication Network:

1. Collaborative Engagement: Facilitate regular gatherings with Editors from all
Rotaract Clubs within the District Organization, encouraging cooperation and
communication on District-wide communication efforts.

Next Gen Director

Intergenerational Collaboration:
1. Partnership Building: Work together with the District Rotaract Representative (DRR),
District Interact Representative (DIR), District Rotaract Committee (DRC), and
District Interact Committee (DIC) to find opportunities for cooperation and
involvement in shared plans and activities.

Joint Project Coordination:

1. Collaborative Projects: Encourage and assist in creating partnerships between
Rotaract and Interact Clubs to develop and carry out projects together.

Rotaract Awareness and Membership Growth:

1. Interact Engagement: Spread awareness about Rotaract and its advantages
among Interact members, encouraging them to consider joining Rotaract after
their Interact experience.

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Outreach & Partnerships Director
Community Engagement and Partnerships:
1. Building Relationships: Connect with various community stakeholders like local
businesses, nonprofits, government bodies, schools, and community leaders.
2. Cultivating Collaborations: Foster partnerships with stakeholders that align with the
Rotaract District's mission and objectives.

Networking and Outreach:

1. Event Participation: Attend community gatherings, networking events, and
conferences to establish connections.
2. Digital Engagement: Use social media and professional platforms to expand the
District's network and connect with potential partners.

Partnership Development:
1. Exploring Collaboration: Look for opportunities to work together with external
groups on projects and events.
2. Negotiating Partnerships: Start discussions with potential partners to find common
ground and formalize agreements, like MOUs, or sponsorship arrangements to
support District activities.

Community Involvement:
1. Assessing Needs: Talk to local communities to understand their challenges and
2. Outreach Activities: Organize events and projects to address community needs
and foster goodwill.
3. Collaborative Initiatives: Collaborate with other Rotaract District officers and
committees to ensure that District activities are responsive to community needs
and priorities.

Promotion and Awareness:

1. External Communication: Share the District's mission, activities and impact with
external stakeholders.
2. Advocating Rotary and Rotaract: Raise awareness about Rotary and Rotaract
initiatives in the community.
3. Leverage partnerships and collaborations to amplify the District's visibility and
impact in the community.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 14

Fundraising and Sponsorship:
1. Sponsor Identification: Identify potential sponsors and donors from the District's
2. Fundraising Proposals: Create proposals to secure financial backing for District
3. Donor Cultivation: Cultivate relationships with sponsors and donors to secure
ongoing support for District initiatives and events.

Event Collaboration:
1. Partner-Driven Events: Work with partners to plan and execute District events,
fundraisers, and community outreach activities.
2. Coordinating Resources: Manage logistics and support from partners for
successful event execution.
3. Post-Event Evaluation: Conduct post-event evaluations and feedback sessions
with partners to assess event outcomes and identify areas for improvement.

Advocacy and Public Relations:

1. Community Advocacy: Advocate for Rotary and Rotaract initiatives to external
2. Public Representation: Act as a representative of the Rotaract District in community
forums and campaigns.
3. PR Strategies: Implement strategies to promote the District's partnerships and
collaboration with external organizations.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 15

Social Media Director

Rotaract District Social Media Management:

1. Managing Channels: Oversee Rotaract District Organization 3191's social media
platforms, ensuring consistent branding and engaging content.
2. Social Media Strategy:
3. Outreach Planning: Develop and execute a social media strategy to expand the
District's online presence and engagement.

Event Promotion:
1. Help promote District Initiatives: Work with Rotaract District Council's respective
event Chair- Persons to create effective branding and outreach strategies for
events on social media.

Engagement Campaigns:
1. Create innovative Campaigns : Design engaging social media campaigns to
connect Rotaractors with the Rotaract District Organization 3191 brand and its

District Branding:
1. Building a Brand: Contribute to building a positive brand image for Rotaract and
Rotary International District 3191 within and outside the District.

Membership Growth:
1. Youth Outreach: Develop plans to attract young people to join Rotaract and get
involved in its initiatives.

Club Support:
1. Social Media Tips: Provide guidance to Rotaract Clubs on improving their social
media presence and guide them wherever necessary.

Public Relations:
1. Conduct Meetings: Organize meetings with Public Relations Directors from Rotaract
Clubs to coordinate public relations efforts.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 16

Tech & Web Services Director

Website Management:
1. Develop and Maintain Website: Design, develop, and maintain the Rotaract District
3191 website, ensuring it is informative, user-friendly, and up-to-date.

Data Management System:

1. Develop and Maintain Reporting System: Develop and maintain a user-friendly and
efficient District Reporting System to streamline data collection and reporting

Technology Optimization:
1. Technology for Efficiency: Identify and implement technological solutions to
simplify the functioning of the Rotaract District Council and enhance operational

Public Relations Network:

1. Collaborative Communication: Participate in regular meetings with Public Relations
Directors from all Rotaract Clubs within the District Organization, fostering
communication and collaboration on technology-related initiatives.

PR / Design & Visual Communications

Rotaract District Identity:

1. Creative Design: Develop visual assets and materials to showcase the identity of
Rotaract District Council 3191 and its events.
2. Brand Guidelines: Establish clear guidelines for using Rotaract District and Rotary
International logos and branding elements.

Supporting Rotaract Clubs:

1. Branding Support: Offer guidance to Rotaract Clubs on maintaining a strong and
unified brand identity.
2. Brand Compliance: Ensure Rotaract Clubs adhere to Rotary International brand
guidelines in their promotional materials.

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 17

Public Relations Collaboration:
1. Communication Coordination: Engage in regular meetings with Public Relations
Directors from all Rotaract Clubs within the District to coordinate public image
efforts effectively.

Rotaract Training Facilitator R&R

Training Collaboration:
1. Collaborate with the District Rotaract Representative (DRR) and Professional
Development Directors to plan and execute comprehensive training programs
(Annual Rotaract Training, PETS, SETS, DOTS, etc.) designed to equip Rotaract Club
leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their roles.

Rotaract Trainer Training:

1. Plan and execute a Train-the-Trainer program to develop and empower the
District Orientation Team to effectively deliver leadership training to Rotaract Clubs.

Rotaract Knowledge Development:

1. Knowledge Hub & Learning Center: Support the creation and ongoing development
of a Rotaract Knowledge Hub and Rotaract Learning Center for Rotaract District
3191, providing Rotaractors with a centralized resource for ongoing learning and
professional development.

To be part of Executive Council for RI District 3191 for the Rotary

Year 2024-25

Nominations for the Executive Council shall remain open till April 12, 2024.

To Apply visit:

Rtr. Rtn. Abhay Lohia | +91 7829860055 | 18

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