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Movements (आं दोलन)

Imp Movements of History Top MCQ

👉 Home Rule Movement — 1916
👉 Champaran Satyagraha — 1917
👉 Rowlatt Act Satyagraha — 1919 ह ंदी + Eng
👉 Non Cooperation Movt. — 1920
👉 Civil Disobedience Movt. — 1930
👉 Quit India Movement — 1942

When did the Swadeshi movement start ?

स्वदे शी आं दोलन कब शुरू हुआ?

a) 1905 • In 1905, during the time of Viceroy

Curzon, Bengal is partitioned, after
b) 1906 which the Swadeshi Movement is
started from the Town Hall of
c) 1907 Kolkata on 7 August 1905, its
purpose was to boycott foreign
d) 1909 goods, hence Handicraft Day is
celebrated on 7 August.
Option : A
When did the Home Rule Movement happen?
ोमरूल लीग आं दोलन कब हुआ?

a) 1915 • The Home Rule movement was

influenced by the Home Rule
b) 1916 movement of Ireland.
• Started in India in 1916 by Bal
c) 1917 Gangadhar Tilak and Annie Besant.
• Its purpose was to lead the
d) 1919 national demand for self-
government in India.
Option : B
When did Champaran Satyagraha take place?
चंपारण सत्याग्र कब हुआ था ?

a) 1915 • Started on 10 April 1917.

• led by Gandhiji.
b) 1916 • It was when Gandhi started
the indigo movement
c) 1917 against indigo cultivation
from Champaran in Bihar.
d) 1919
Option : C
Rowlatt Act Satyagraha happened in which year?
रॉलेट एक्ट सत्याग्र हकस वर्ष हुआ?

• The Rowlatt Act came into

a) 1915 force on March, 1919.
• This was the black law under
b) 1916 which any person could be
c) 1917
arrested on the basis of
suspicion, it was called “the
law of neither lawyer nor
d) 1919 appeal nor argument”.
Option : D
When did the Jallianwala Bagh massacre happen?
जहलयांवाला बाग त्याकांड कब हुआ?

• On the day of Baisakhi on 13 April 1919,

a) 13 April 1919 the Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place
b) 14 April 1919 in Amritsar, Punjab in protest against the
Rowlatt Act.
c) 13 April 1922 • In this movement, General Dyer opened
fire, in which many people were injured.
• In protest against this incident, Mahatma
d) 20 April 1922 Gandhi returned the title of Kesar-e-Hind
in this movement & Rabindranath Tagore
Option : A gave up the title of knighthood.

In which year the Khilafat Movement started ?

खिलाफत आं दोलन की शुरुआत हकस वर्ष हुई ?

a) 1916 • Khilafat Movement started in

1919 This movement was a
b) 1917 movement against Britain in
support of the post of Caliph in
c) 1919 Turkey, Shaukat Ali and
Mohammad Ali started the
d) 1920 Khilafat movement in India,
they are also called “Ali
Option : C brothers”.

When did the non-cooperation movement happen?

अस योग आं दोलन कब हुआ?

a) 1916 • Mahatma Gandhi started

the non-cooperation
b) 1917 movement on 5 Sept 1920,
against the tyranny of the
c) 1919 British.
d) 1920 • The Viceroy of India at this
time was Chelmsford.
Option : D
When did the Chauri Chaura incident happen?
चौरी चौरा घटना कब हुई?

• On 4 February 1922, participants of

a) 1920 the non-cooperation movement
clashed with the police at Chauri
b) 1921 Chaura in Gorakhpur district in the
United Provinces (present-day Uttar
c) 1922 Pradesh), resulting in the death of
about 22 policemen and 3 civilians.
d) 1923 • After this incident the non-
cooperation movement was called off.
• UP government renames Kakori kand
Option : C to Kakori train action

When did the Kakori train robbery happen?

काकोरी टर े न डकैती कब हुई?

a) 5 August 1919 • This incident is related to the

robbery of a train at Kakori place
b) 5 February 1922 near Lucknow, UP, which left Kakori
on August 9, 1925. The agitators
c) 9 August 1925 had made a plan to rob this train.
On 9 August 2021, the UP
d) 13 April 1922 government changed its name to
Kakori Train Action.
Option : C
When did the Civil Disobedience Movement start?
सहवनय अवज्ञा आं दोलन की शुरुआत कब हुई?

a) 1930 • Gandhiji started the Civil

Disobedience Movement with the
b) 1931 Dandi March on 12 March 1930.
• Dandi Yatra was a 24-day journey
c) 1932 from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi
from 12 March 1930 to 6 April
d) 1942 1930.
• The Viceroy of India at this time
Option : A was Lord Irwin.

When was the first Round Table Conference held ?

प्रथम गोलमेज सम्मे लन कब हुआ था ?

a) 1930 • The first Round Table Conference was

held in London on 12 November 1930.
b) 1931 • The Congress was boycotted in this
conference. In this the leaders of the

c) 1932
Muslim League, Mohammad Ali Jinnah
Aga Khan and Mohammad Ali were
included and along with them
d) 1942 Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar also
participated in this conference.
• The Viceroy at this time was Lord Irwin.
Option : A
• Second Round Table Conference (1931) at St Paul’s Palace,London
• The Viceroy of India at this time was Lord Linlithgow.
• In this, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar and
Mahatma Gandhi from Congress participated in this writing Muslim.
• Third Round Table Conference (1932) at St. Paul’s Palace in London.

When was the Gandhi-Irwin Pact done ?

गांधी-इरहवन समझौता कब हुआ था ?

a) 1930 • On March 5, 1931, before the

Second Round Table Conference
b) 1931 of London, a political agreement
between Mahatma Gandhi and
c) 1932 the then Viceroyald Irwin, called
the Gandhi-Irwin Pact.
d) 1942
Option : B
When did the Puna Pact happen?
पूना पैक्ट कब हुआ ?

a) 1930 • The Puna Pact, or the

Poona Pact, took place
b) 1931 on 1932, between
c) 1932 Bhimrao Ambedkar and
Mahatma Gandhi in the
d) 1942 Yerawada Central Jail in
Option : C
When did the Quit India Movement happen?
भारत छोडो आं दोलन कब हुआ?

a) 1930 • On 8 August 1942, Gandhiji started

the Quit India Movement.
b) 1931 • Its goal was to achieve complete
independence from British rule and
c) 1932 gave the slogan 'Do or Die’.
• This movement is also known as
d) 1942 'August Revolution'.
Option : D
Mountbatten plan is related to which year?
माउं टबेटन योजना का सम्बन्ध हकस वर्ष से ैं?

• On 3 June 1947, the last Viceroy of India,

a) 1946 Mountbatten, announced the partition
of India.
b) 1947 • Which is also known as June 3 plan.
• On 15 August 1947, India became
c) 1949 independent.
• Radcliffe line drawn between India and
d) 1950 Pak
• Mountbatten was the last Viceroy of
India and the first general governor of
Option : B independent India.
When did the Bhoodan movement happen?
भूदान आं दोलन कब हुआ था ?

a) 1946 • The Bhoodan movement

b) 1947 was started by Saint Vinoba
Bhave in the year 1951.
c) 1948 • It was a voluntary land
reform movement.
d) 1951
Option : D
Question for You
Who among the following established Tattvabodhini
Sabha ?
हनम्नहलखित में से हकसने तत्वबोहधनी सभा की स्थापना की ?

a) Raja Rammohan Roy

b) Debendranath Tagore
c) Keshub Chandra Sen
d) Dwarkanath Tagore
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