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An exploratory study on the implementation of Stationery vending machine in educational institution

Ms. Mansi Wilkinson, 2Hemanth Samdaria, 3Nirav Chachan, 4Pragya, 5Priyanshi Raj, 6Rudra Agarwal, 7Shreya


Assistant Professor, Center for Management Studies, Jain (Deemed-to-be-University),

BBA Strategic Finance (CMA) students, Center for management Studies, Jain (Deemed-to-be-University)


Vending machine are the latest trend now a days but when come to vending machine people think of snacks

vending machine however having a stationery vending machine will enable student to access stationery items

easily and it will also help in cost-cutting of stationery items. According to a survey by the national retail

federation (NRF) in 2018, families with school children spend a lot on stationery items. That being said it will

help in cost-cutting as it cost more when we buy from a retailer or from shop as compared to a vending

machine. This research investigates the feasibility and potential benefits of introducing Stationery vending

machines in various educational institution to make it more convenient for students to access any stationery

item easily. Having a stationery vending machine within campus will ensures student have easy access to

stationery items whenever necessary.

This study employs mixed approach to collect data from students through interviews, surveys and

questionnaire. This study focused on getting preferences and concerns of those for whom this stationery

vending machines are being implemented. Initial findings suggest a strong demand for a stationery vending

machines within campuses among students of various educational institution and as well as demand among

faculty members. The majority of the participants expresses favourable attitudes towards the implementation of

vending machines.

Overall, this research provides a deep insight into the potential of stationery vending machine as a convenient

and efficient solution for meeting the stationery needs of students and faculty members on campus.

Key words:

Stationery Vending Machine, Cost-Cutting, Inbuilt printer, Contactless exchange, technology integration.

In today's fast-paced world, the demand for innovative solutions to simplify essential tasks has increased.

Getting stationery for work or study, though crucial, often proves to be very time-consuming and inconvenient.

Acknowledging this challenge, the integration of vending machines into various aspects of daily life has gained

popularity, with stationery vending machines emerging as an efficient means for individuals to access essential

supplies that one may need for work.

This research undertakes a comprehensive exploration into the introduction of stationery vending machines in

India, investigating their impact, feasibility, and implications within public spaces, educational institutions, and

workplace. By exploring potential benefits, challenges, and consumer needs, the research sheds light on how

stationery vending machines can redefine conventional retail experiences.

India is a place that's always changing with more people moving to cities and using more technology so the

introduction of stationery vending machines in India could have several significant impacts on various aspects

of daily life, business, and education. This paper carefully looks at what's happening now with these machines,

who's doing it well, and what we can learn from them. We're diving deep into real stories to understand how

these machines could be super helpful in India.

Furthermore, the research delves into the technological aspects, exploring the integration of smart technologies,

inventory management systems, and user interfaces. Imagine a vending machine that's not just for getting

stationery but also has a built-in printer. You can use an app to upload your documents, pay for them, and then

get them printed right from the vending machine. It's like magic, but with stationery! This is especially

beneficial for students, professionals, and individuals residing in both urban and rural areas. The introduction of

stationery vending machines will help individuals save time who would otherwise need to visit traditional

stores. Stationery vending machine showcase the integration of technology in everyday life. This research aims

to give a clear picture of how stationery vending machines can make a difference.

Literature review:

1. (Pehlke, T., Schaap, R., & Knudson, K. (2011) The study conducted by Pehlke, Schaap, and Knudson in

2011 investigates the potential for waste reduction in vending machine distribution of pens, pencils, and

highlighters. The researchers explore methods to minimize waste associated with these commonly used

stationery items. The investigation aims to identify strategies that can be implemented in vending
machines to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability. The study's findings and

recommendations could provide valuable insights for improving the ecological footprint of vending

machine operations for stationery products.

2. (Matthews, M. A., & Horacek, T. (2015). Conducted a systematic review to assess vending machine

methodologies. The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of various approaches used in assessing

vending machines, particularly in relation to dietary choices and nutritional content. By examining

existing research in this area, the authors aim to identify strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in current

vending machine assessment methods. Their findings provide insights into how vending machine

assessments can be improved to better understand their impact on consumer choices and overall health


3. (Thompson, O. M., Yaroch, A. L., Moser, R. P., Rutten, L. J. F., & Agurs‐Collins, T. (2010). This study

investigates school vending machine purchasing behaviour using data from the 2005 Youth Styles

survey. The research explores the factors influencing students' purchasing habits regarding food and

beverages from school vending machines. The findings contribute to understanding the dynamics of

vending machine usage among school-age children, which is essential for promoting healthier dietary

choices in educational settings.

4. (Athir Jaafar Ali Ali Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 2020) The paper "Smart Vending Machine

Counter Using IoT" describes the development of a vending machine system integrated with IoT

technology for real-time inventory monitoring. The system utilizes an ESP8266 NodeMCU, IR

proximity sensor, and DC motor as hardware components, along with the Thing Speak platform for data

storage and analysis. Through real-time sales tracking and inventory management, the system aims to

optimize vending machine operations by ensuring product availability and reducing expenses.

Additionally, the paper discusses the development of a mobile application for monitoring and receiving

alerts regarding product stock levels. Overall, the project successfully demonstrates the effectiveness of

IoT technology in enhancing vending machine management and customer satisfaction.

5. (Rusdiansyah, A., & Tsao, D. (2005). This study presents an integrated model addressing the periodic

delivery issues within vending machine supply chains. It explores optimization strategies to enhance
delivery efficiency, considering factors such as inventory management, routing, and scheduling. The

research aims to improve the overall performance and effectiveness of vending machine supply chains.


1.Users don't need to travel till stores or wait in lines to purchase stationery items, especially university

campuses, libraries, or office buildings.

2.Using stationery vending machines helps save money for suppliers and operators because they don't need big

stores or lots of staff. This means they spend less on rent, wages, and other expenses related to running a regular


3.Stationery vending machines make sure that pens, paper, and other supplies are easy to find in places like

schools, offices, and public areas. This way, people can get what they need quickly and conveniently.

4.By incorporating innovative technology, it helps to transform and modernize the traditional retail experience

making the access of stationery supplies more in line with the fast-paced lifestyle and technological

advancements of contemporary society.

5.To ensure that individuals have access to a wide range of products without the constraints of traditional

supply chain limitations by establishing an efficient distribution channel for stationery supplies.

6.To integrate smart technologies, such as app-based transactions and inventory management systems,

enhancing the overall user experience by making it convenient and quick. It showcases the seamless integration

of technology into daily life.

Research gap:

1. Consumer adoption and usage pattern -The success of a stationary vending machine with a built-in

printer depends on factors such as convenience, product variety, and pricing. To enhance consumer

adoption, it's important to understand the target audience, provide a user-friendly interface, and ensure a

smooth payment process. Regularly updating product options and ensuring the printer's functionality are

vital for long-term usage. Optimizing the vending machine's performance in the market involves

analysing customer feedback and adapting to their preferences.

2. Safety and liability are crucial when it comes to a stationary vending machine with a built-in printer. It's

vital to meet electrical and fire safety standards to prevent accidents and liabilities. Measures should be
taken to protect users from potential issues like paper jams or malfunctioning components. Liability

concerns may arise if the printer malfunctions, leading to damage to a customer's device or mishandling

of sensitive information.

3. Unlock our Student Rewards Program! Earn points and discounts for every purchase. Plus, refer friends

for mutual discounts, and enjoy savings with our discounted bulk printing packages for all your

academic needs. There will be an app for college students where they can pay online and get discounts

and for school students a card will be given to them with the credit points which they can use to buy

stationary. Make sure there's a dependable power source for the vending machine and printer, a stable

internet connection for real-time monitoring, enough space for easy access without obstructing

walkways, and accessible areas for routine maintenance. Ensure there's ample space for organized

stationery storage in the vending machine, making restocking and maintenance hassle-free. Additionally,

have a nearby location for easy access to printer paper and ink refills based on the vending machine's

printer type.

Scope of the study:

The scope of a study on stationary vending machines could encompass factors like consumer behaviour, market

analysis, technological advancements, operational efficiency, and potential for expansion. It may also explore

the impact of external factors such as economic trends and public health considerations on the vending machine

industry. Additionally, examining sustainability aspects and regulatory implications could contribute to a

comprehensive study. Consumer Behaviour: Investigate purchasing patterns, preferred products, and factors

influencing consumer choices at stationary vending machines.

Market Analysis: Explore the current market size, potential growth areas, and competitive landscape for

stationary vending machines.

Technological Advancements: Assess the latest technologies integrated into vending machines, such as

contactless payment options, interactive displays, or inventory management systems.

Research methodology:

1)Research design: Exploratory research.

2)The size of Study: The target audience or respondents for this questionnaire were school students and college

students between age of 14 to 23 and above, basically those who are studying at any institution. The sample size

from where we collected information was 50 students including students of college, school and any educational


3)Research instruments: Questionnaire, interview and survey methods.

4)Sources for data collection: The data is collected through primary and secondary sources of data collection.

The primary data was collected through a questionnaire. The secondary data is collected from the published

information from the articles, research papers and the internet. questionnaire consisted of 5 questions

Sampling technique:

We used a Simple random sampling method to gather data for our study on Stationary vending machines. To

understand the exact needs and preferences of the customers we surveyed over 100 students. By using a simple

random sampling method we made it sure that every participant gets an equal and fair chance to raise their

concerns and issues. To ensure our study reflects various perspectives, students from colleges and schools and

other educational institution were involved in the survey. This helped us to know various perceptions. By using

this method we avoid biases and aim for a better understanding of how various students find the idea of a

stationary vending machine with inbuilt printer.

Data Analysis:

Stationery vending machines are a convenient option for people who need to purchase writing supplies, sticky

notes, or other office essentials on the go. They are often found in schools, offices, libraries, and airports.

Here's some data about the stationery vending machine market:

The global stationery vending machine market is expected to reach USD 1.2 billion by 2027, growing at a

CAGR of 7.5% from 2022 to 2027 [Source: Expert Market Research].

The Asia Pacific region is expected to hold the largest market share due to the increasing demand for

convenience and the growing number of educational institutions and office spaces in the region [Source: Expert

Market Research].

The increasing popularity of cashless payments is also driving the growth of the stationery vending machine

market, as it allows for quick and easy transactions [Source: Expert Market Research].

Location: These machines are commonly placed in high-traffic areas with a constant demand for stationery

supplies, such as schools, offices, libraries, and transportation hubs.

Products: They typically offer a variety of essential stationery items, including pens, pencils, erasers,

notebooks, sticky notes, and binders.

Benefits: They provide convenience and accessibility to customers, allowing them to purchase needed items

quickly and easily.

Industry trends: The market for stationary vending machines is expected to grow in the coming years, driven

by factors such as increasing urbanization and rising demand for convenience.

1.On a s cale of 1 to 5, how m uch do

you r ate the need of availablity of a
s tati oner y vending m achine within
cam pus ?
1 2 3 4 5

34% 15%


2.Does the In-built pr inter with the
vending m achine will com e in help?
Yes no May be



3. Would you pr ef er the convenience
of pur chas ing s tati oner y item s f r om a
vending m achine r ather than vis iti ng
a phys ical s tor e?
Stationery shop Vending machine



4. How acces s ible do you think a s ta -

ti oner y vending m achine would be f or
s tudents , cons ider ing their typical
r outes ar ound cam pus ?

Highly accessible Not accessible



5. How oft en do you exper ience the

inconvenience of f or getti ng to br ing
es s enti al s tati oner y item s to cam pus ?
Most often not really


Findings say about 34% students rate 5 and 25% students rate 4, the availability of stationery vending machine

within campus on a scale of 1 to 5

About 70% students finds presence of the in-built printer in the vending machine really helpful

About 77% students prefer stationery vending machine over physical stores

About 90% students finds stationery vending machine highly accessible

About 63% student often forgets to bring essential stationery items to colleges and schools

Stationary vending machines offer a convenient way to purchase everyday office and school supplies. They are

often found in places with high foot traffic, such as schools, office buildings, and transportation hubs.

some key findings about stationary vending machines:

Market: The market for stationary vending machines is expected to grow steadily in the coming years, driven

by factors such as increasing demand for convenience and the growing popularity of unmanned retail solutions.

Benefits: Stationary vending machines offer several benefits for both consumers and businesses. For

consumers, they provide a convenient and easy way to purchase needed supplies, often 24/7. For businesses,

they can be a source of additional revenue and can help to reduce the need for on-site inventory management.

Types: There are a variety of stationary vending machines available, offering different features and product

selections. Some common types of stationary vending machines include:

Basic vending machines: These machines dispense a limited selection of basic office supplies, such as pens,

pencils, and paper clips.

Expanded Stationery vending machines: These machines offer a wider variety of supplies, such as

notebooks, binders, and calculators.

Specialty vending machines: These machines dispense specific types of supplies, such as art supplies or

computer accessories.

In summary, stationery vending machines are a great solution for people in schools, universities, offices, and

public places. They offer convenience and are easy to use because they're available all the time and provide

essential stationery items like pens, notebooks, and other supplies. These machines help save money and time

for schools and businesses by making it easier to get the things they need. As we keep using more technology,

stationery vending machines are a useful way to make sure people always have what they need, when they need

it. From this idea we have decide that, The Automatic

stationery Vending machine delivers different miscellaneous of items available at any time through scanning the

QR code. The particular QR code resembles the kind of payments wallets like Google pay, Phone pay etc. the

machine can be implemented in the Scholl, College, Shopping malls etc. This is machine is time saving,

portable, dense and consumes less power so that this machine is used everywhere in this digital world. As

society continues to embrace automation and innovative technologies, stationery vending machines represent a

practical and effective approach to fulfilling the stationary needs of modern-day consumers.

1. Pehlke, T., Schaap, R., & Knudson, K. (2011). An investigation into waste-reducing vending

machine pens, pencils, and highlighters. Stationery Vending Machine.

2. Matthews, M. A., & Horacek, T. (2015). Vending machine assessment methodology. Appetite, 90,


3. Thompson, O. M., Yaroch, A. L., Moser, R. P., Rutten, L. J. F., & Agurs-Collins, T. (2010). School

vending machine purchasing behaviour: Results from the 2005 Youth Styles survey.

4. Ali, A. J. (2020). Smart vending machine counter using IOT. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia.

5. Thompson, O. M., Yaroch, A. L., Moser, R. P., Rutten, L. J. F., & Augurs-Collins, T. (2010). School

vending machine purchasing behaviour: Results from the 2005 youth Styles survey.

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