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E sys Chapter 1 Chapter 1 GENERAL ELECTRIC SYSTEM 1.1. Constituent Parts of an c ; 1,2. Current Flow in a Circuit 1,3 Electromotive Force and ference Sue 3 1.4 Electrical Units . ‘i 3 1.5. Ohm's Laws g ey! 1.6. Resistance, Resistivity and Co ©. Be iat 17. Temperature Rise and Temperature Coefficient of Resistance... 9 1.8. Voltage and Current Sources. 13 1.8.1 Independent Sources. 13 1.8.2 Source Transformatt 1.1 Constituent Parts of an Electrical Circuit A circuit is a close path through which an electric current either flows or tends to flow. Circuit consists of active and passive elements in it — eo Figure: An Following are the various consistent parts of an electrical circuit. () Source: Which supply energy ic., battery, generator, etc. (i) Conductor: Used to carry current through circuit ie., wire plete Manus of Basie Electrical Enpineesig 076, _ a Load: That utilizes electrical energy and convert into different ‘bulb, TV, fan, ee (w) _ Safety devices: Fuse, et i) usable form. (oi) Controlling devices: Switeh 4.2. Current Flow in a Circuit “The ate of flow of electric charge in an electri circuit is known as electric ‘Curent Itis denoted by ‘land its unt is Ampere (A) eles Miles Consider in a given conductor, ‘n= numberof free electron per m? of the conductor sal drift velocity {x= distance travelled in small time dt ‘A =cross-sectidnal area of conductor Then, Volume of conductor = A dx = Av dt Ife is the charge of each electron then total charge which crosses the section in time dt is dq =neV PV=Adtu, or, dq=ne Av at Since, rate of flow of charge is current, aq _neavdt imQn at o, (ven) Also, the current per unit cross-sectional area of the conductor is called current density tis a vector quantity. Itis denoted by j. Mathematically, f= [LTA] unitor7 is ampere perm? ven A to, 7-24 = ven . For an irregular area, TELE LE A 4.3 Electromotive Force and Potential Difference The fore called. electromoti elivered by the b battery supplies 10 joule emf, of battery i 10 volts Fs o points in an electric circuit is the between two poins in an electric circuit i ‘ificonoe of electrical pressure or voltage, which cause electrical current to fass hat points In above figure, the potential difference between two pints fhrough A and Bis V. The unit of emf. and potenti differences volt, aa] at 1.4 Electrical Units al E wet Watt Resistance ‘Ohm. | Capacitance Farad | Tnductane TT Henery Example 14 Find the velocity of charge, when 1A current cross-sectional area 1 em? and 1 km length. Num tm is 85 * 10% Also calculate the time required 1 charge to 1 km length? flows in a conductor of bet of free electron per avel an ele Solution: Given that, [=1A 5 * 10% per m? 221x104 ne mnductor of length 1 km is, taken by the charge to travel co 1x10 Again, time distance sista 46 « 10" second velocity ae 1.5 Ohm's Law : Under given condition of temperaturerthe ratio of p ts on a conductor to the current ‘I tent Statement difference (V) between any two poin flowing between them is constant. Mathematically, Vel or, V=IR where, R=\/= constant of proportionality, which is also called resistanc of a conductor between two pois. Consider a electrical circuit, as shown in figure below. -®@ + Je | fr ® Sa Figure: Arrangement for verification of OHM’ Law From experiment av At = constant = R ‘The conductor for which voltage current graph is linear is called ohmic conductor. Foresamle all metallic conductor. The conductor for which voltage. current graph is non linearis called no" ohmic conductor. For example diode semiconductor, et. 1.6 Resistance, Resistivity and Conductance Resistance of a conductor may be defined as the property of conduc Which opposes the flow of current through it. If is denoted by letter ‘and its units ohm (0), Resistance is measured by-ohm meter. eS ae a Law of resistance The resistance of tor ina circuit depe nth @) nature of conductor materials directly propor length ofthe con (Gi) inversely pro section 2 Ret (iv) temperature Mathematically Where, p is a constant depending upon the nature of the conductor ‘material and is known as specifi resistance or resistivity of conductor. Wehave, BL gehen, a= 1 mi and I= 1m then R=. specific resistance of material may be defined as the resistance offered by unit length and having unit cross-sectional area of conductor. NOTE ‘Canal ictaice se RipRSEA WE reRBtaRCe Conductance measure the tease of flow of current through the conductor. Conductance => G Unit = moh (B) eile Cross-Sectional area of an aluminium wire is 0.009 99. resistance is 269 % 10 ohm-meter. Potential difference between points ofthe conductor is 20V. If 2A current i flowing through this, what isthe length ofthe conductor? rm, and specific po end «1 Complete Solution: Given that, Area Specific resi Potential difference (V) = 20 Current ()=2A 009% 104 m? of cross section (a) = 0.009 em? = 2.69 «10 ohm =m (2.-m) ance () Now. x Resistance RT Again, Example 3 1Lkm of wire having a diameter of 117, Grawn so that its diameter becomes 5 mm. become? Solution: Given that Length of wire () = 1m Initial diameter of wine (2) = 127 mm = 11.7 * 104 m und of resistance 0.081 2 is What does its resistanc 1m 1 n=peu7 Final diameter (€:) =5 mm =5* 10m And, Initial resistance (R We know that where, volume 0) =a Since, volume of material remains constant, as we know that, Nssane is inversely proportional fo the cross section ares of nora Electric System ©Chapter 1 or, [where a= 20°] Now, putting values of Rr, 1 we get x10) 107 ) empleo ‘An aluminium wire 75 m long is connected in parallel with a copper wire ‘6m long, When a current of 5A is passed throiigh the combination, itis is3 A. The diameter of the found that the current in the aluminium » aluminium wire is 1 mm. Determine the diameter of the copper wire Resistivity of aluminium is 0028 p.--m and tha of copper is 0.017 pft~-m Solution: Let the subscript 1 denote aluminium and subscript represent copper. Since, =3 A h=5-3-2A IE Vis the common voltage across aluminium and copper wires then, V= R= LR: » a3 Now, substituting all the values of Rp and L: we get 20017 6 mn aX3* 9.028 "75 o, Sa. F cose or, a= (x 0.3038 or, dh =0569 mm Diameter of the copper wire = 0.569 mim, i Electrical Engineering for 8.6 | Complete Manual Banplers ‘A lead wire and an iron wire are connected in parallel. Their respectiv specific resistance are in the ratio of 49 : 24. The former caries 80% mor current than the letter one, and the latter is 47% longer than former one Determine the ratio of their cross sectional area. Sotution: For iron (suffix For lead (suffix x= 1) e = Krthen Ps h=1+08-181 Also, if =1then f= 1.471 Now, lt Since, both wires are in parallel, V remains constant. WR and V= LR (c)-Ga) Sts Gari @) samplers ‘A rectangular metal strip has the dimension x = 10 em, y = 05 em, z= 02 ‘cm Determine the ratio ofthe resistance R, Ry Rs between the respective pair of opposite faces, And R= Solution: Given tha, the various values of length and ‘ross section area along x/y/z direction are 5 05* 02" 01cm? eee y= 10*02=2em? i = 4 =10*05=5.em? Electric System Chapter 1 Now, using the relation for RI and a, for x,y and 2 direction, we get R nope Combining all three ReiRy:Re 1.7 Temperature Rise and Temperature Coefficient of Resistance Effect of temperature on resistance is The effect of temperature on resistance is al like copper, iron, etc. From this, we can understand that pure metals have positive temperature coefficient. G@ In alloys like magnesium and Eureka, resistance increases is (The resistance increases when temperature increases in relatively small with increase in temperature i) In electrolyte, mica, glass, insulator and rubber, decreases with increase in temperature, Hence they have negative temperature coefficient of resistance. ‘Temperature coetticient of resistance ‘The difference in resistance while increasing temperature from 0 °C to 1°Cis called temperature coefficient of resistance, Let, R, is the resistance of conductor at 0 °C and R, is the resis conductor at °C then change in resistance is found to be: @ directly proportional tots initial resistance (Le. Re) @) directly proportional to rise in temperature (Let) (i) depends upon the nature of the conductor material fe, Ry-Ryec Re At combining all three, Weget, ee o Where, « = is constant and known as temperature coefficient of resistance nce of Engineering 10" BE comple Manual of Basic Elst su | compte Manual of Basie racial En Now RoR Rat WR. 1Mandat ieee Hence, the temperature coefficient of 1 fncrence in resistance per crise in temperature. Also, from equation (2); we have, 41°C; then, sistance is also defined is the R=R (raat) NOTE es tL the rtance of @ condaGior BRIE °C ahd RIRRIGE such that te> bthen, : e R(t on (4) 2 thea isthe temperature coefficient of resistance of conductor af NC then temperature cooficient of resistance al "Cis given a Tae Bampletz ‘A platinum coil has resistance of 3.146 9 at 40°C and 3.767 9 at 100 °C. Find the resistance at 0° and the temperature coefficient of resistance at 40°C. Solution: ‘ALAD°C, Re "31460. At100°C Rig) =3767 0 Then, we know R= RCl ta) Re ota) 370711004, 34a" Tralee or, a= 001379 per“ ‘ain, 100°C ‘3767 = Re (8+ 0.00379 « 100) or, .Ro=27320 [Now, Temperate coefficient of resistance at 408 aa Toad" Ta 005 00329 per °C, es DB ‘examples ‘coil has a resistance of 40 © when its mean temy 45 0 when its mean temperature is 60 °C, find its hen its resistance i 47 0 and surrounding temperature is Solution: Let Reis the resistance and ais the temperature coeffi then, R=R, (+001) -R(1+30a) 1 45=R(1+ 600.) @ Solving equation (1) and (2), 1 or, a= 345 Per"C Ift°Cis the temperature of col when its resistance i Tact) a-R(1+39) rom (i) ana (i), t=36°C, Rise in temperature SanpEL The filament of «240 V metal filament lamp isto be constructed from ¢ wire having a diameter of .02 mum an a resistivity at 20 °C of 43 micn ‘hm cm. Ifa = 0.005 per °C. What length of filament is necessary ifthe lamp isto dissipate 60 watts at a temperature of 2420 °C Solution: °% ew Power ()=PR=12 wat Now Z.. W/Z. 2 | Complate Manus ot Basic EloeelEnninesring for BE or, R=9602 “Thi esktne at 2500 Can bea laATpate'O|W power at that temperature “ Now, Race = Raf + (2420 ~20) x 0.005] or 960= Ros(1 +12) or, Run 73850 ‘Again: we have, 'A 60 W, 240 V filament lamp is switched on at 20 °C. The operating temperature ofthe filaments 2000°C. Determine the current taken by the lamp at the instant of switching on. The temperature cocficient of resistance of flament = 0085 per °C Solution: We know that, E o, 2 R 08 Rem =p = 9002 Then, Roms = Ras {1+ a (2000 -20)) 60 = Rs (1+ 0.0085 x 1980) or, Ry=9690 Therefore, the curent taken by the lamp is ve 200 4.8 Voltage and Current Sources es Sige a a 3 fa) Valage | { Cureat cee] Jideat eee voltage sources [Practical L voltage sources | 1.8.1 Independent Sources The sources (voltage and current sources) which do not depends on any other quantity in the circuit, then it is called independent source, Following are two types of independent source A. Voltage sources (Ideal voltage source ‘An ideal voltage source is that which produces a constant voltage across its terminal (V'= E), no matter what current is drawn from it Terminal voltage is dependent of load resistance connected across, the terminals, The circuit diagram and terminal I ~ V characteristics of ideal voltage source is shown in figure below L ‘The current flowing through the terminal is, WV I From figure (b), we can see that, the terminal voltage Vi remains constant and equal to the source voltage Ve irrespective of load ‘current is small or large. 4 | Conpete Manual o aie Electial Engineering for BE w Practical voltage source rectal voltage source do not exhibit characteristics similar to rea toltage source. The circuit connection and V ~ I characteristic ‘shown in figure below [aceeereee From figure, we cbserve across the sour. = de increases, wile ‘al the corresponding load current voltage across the source decrease “This voltage drop across verusnals with increase in current can be realized from figure (). “The terminal V =| characteristics ofthe practical voltage source can bbe described by an equation, Vi=Ve-bRs In practi when load resfitance be 100 times larger than the source resatance Re then its approximately considered as an ide When, snd when Re=0,then Vi=Vs ReeRe vio Current source (a, ‘An ideal coment source Am decent ouch whch delves constant cares any Toad resistance connected across it. Nov matter what te terminal vlinge developed actos the lod Ly independ & the voltage across its emia across the terials Figure Ci diagram at asthe load resistance Ry connected From figure, it can be observed thatthe current flowing from the Source to the load i always constant for any load resistance Getether the Rss small (Vc is small) oF R. is large (Vis lage Practical current source When a load Rr is connected across a practical current source, we an cboerved thatthe current flowing in load resistance is reduced So the volage across the current sources terminal is increased, by increasing the load resistance R ce | Now, when a source resistance Re is connected in parallel then, the Gisbibution of source current in parallel paths, depends upon the value of Re Now, applying KCL, we get Ve k= b- or, Var keRe-Rel or, Vi=Voc— Rel, ‘where, Vocis the open circuit voltage. Now: when, Rid, when, Ry = vino 0 and = then, Vi= ERs 1.8.2 Source Transformation (Conversion of voltage source to current source The circuit digram is shown inthe figure below: From figure, the load current is calculated as, of Basi Electrical Engnedriog for BE. 6 | Complete Manu Now, the maximum current delivered by source only when {under short circuited condition) and is given as, or Ven Ise, ‘Now, putting value of Vsin above equation By this equation, A simple current divider cet having (vc ral branche shown in ig () canbe rain Nore [A practical Vallage source with a Voge VE and a Heap cially sealer onto, Ge ee eee (Gi) Current source to voltage source For the ccut shown in igure below, the load voltage, Vis given by Tm -( pm ‘This equation represents the output from the voltage source across load resistance ad ths act as voltage divider circuit figure (a. Figure) eat Ss From fi ‘it shows the situation that a voltage : with © ccinge ra rides en see cch ont ase net ea ee 7 fpereetm ine ¥ SS liExaminallon Question Solutions) 1m long is connected in parallel with a Mena current of 5A is passed through the ‘ezallel combination, i found that the current in he aluminium Pee is 3 A. The diameter of aluminium wie is 1 mm, Determine the diameter of copper wire, The resistivity of copper is 0.017 x2. fas Kat oe 1. Am aluminium wire mand that of aluminium i 0.028 u.-_m. Solution: See the example 14 + of 1.7 mm and of resistance 0.51 “Lm of wire having adi 2 is drawn 50 th ebtnes becomes Solution: See the example 13, and practical voltage and current sources. {267 Asad, 206 Mah ‘diameter becomes 5 mm. What does its (abe Kate 3.,/ What are the ideal Explain, Solution: See the definition pat at 18. 4 AThe temperature ise of the machine field winding was determined ‘by the measurement of winding resistance. At 20 °C the field Resistance was 150 1. After running the m/c for 6 hours at fall Jood, the resistance was found to be 175 02 If the temperature Coefiient of resistance ofthe copper winding is 157 * 10° per °C ‘determine the temperature ris of the machine. a Asa Solution: Given Resistance at 20°C (Ra) = 1500 Resistance at full oad (R) = 175 Temperature coefficient of resistance (2,)= 157 Temperature rise (At) =? x 109 perC Weknow that, ou" Trait sy 108 a= TF TST « 10x OO oe on9 = 1568 * 109 por *C Now. Re=Re [lan (60) or, 175= 150 (1+ 1569 «105 at) on, At=106224°C Now, increase in temperature is % 106224 - 20 86224 °C 40 | Complte Manat of Basic lactic Engineering for BF 1 cols connected across a constant dc source of 120V. It draws 5/ AS of A at room temperate of 25°C. After 5 hours of (2000 -20)] for, Row =792.667 0 Now, wattage ofthe lamp (power) 307 a = SER - 06.7368 Wate = 6674 watt AA lead wire and an iron wite are connected in parallel. Their sp speific resistance ae in the rat of 4924, The former cries 80 more current than the leter and the latter is 47 ‘% longer 1 former, Determine the ratio of ther cross-sectional area, (2069 Askadh Solution: See the example 15. 10. Explain the method for converting practical current source in practical voltage source. 206 Solution: See the theory part 1.82 11, The resistivity of metal alloy is $0 x 104 A1-'m. A sheet of metal 15 cm long, 6 cm wide and 0.014 em thick. Calculate the resistance in the direction (@) along the length and (©) along the thickness Solution: (@) Resistance along the length Length = 15m Width = 6 cm. ‘Thickness = 0.014 em Therefore, cyoss-sectional are = 0014 x 0,06 = 844 x 10m? a9 co owen | ——e = Now, ib 015 R=p3=50% 10x or, 928 «103.0 =893% 1090 (b) Resistance along the thickness A=0.06 015 =9* 10° m? Laxi0+ R=p7p~50% 108 se or, x10 ceonductor material has free electron density of 10 electrons per ‘a? When a voltage is applied, a constant drift velocity of 15 » 102 sm per secis attained by the electrons Ifthe cross-sectional area of the material is I cm calculate the magnitude ofthe current? [2070 Asha] Solution: Given that 10" 1.6% 10°C 15% 102 mper sec (em? = 1104 me Now, For magnitude of current; we know, 15 102* 1.67% 10 x 104 x1 104 02514 13, _-A piece of resistance wire 156 m long of cross-section area 12 mmm? ~~ at a temperature of °C passes a current of 79 A. When connected todc supply at 240 V. Calculate () resistivity of the wire (i) The current when temperature rises to 55 °C. The temperature coefficient of wire is 0.00029 per "C270 Mah] Solution: Given, Length of wire = 15.6 em=0:156m 12 mun? = 12« 104m? a2 \ complete Maat of asi eerie! Eneieerog fr BE Resistance at 0°C v_ 240 Ran 7 973038 (9 Now, togetresistivity of wire, we know a q 30.38 « 12 « 104 Ae = 24x 10° 0-m op (Again, Re =Re(l taal] on, Roy=3038 {1+ 000029 « (65-0) or, Rys=30860 ‘Now, valu of current when its temperature ses to Vv _ 240. ‘Rss 30.86 Two resistor made of different material have temperatur Car coefficients of resistance a = 0.004 °C and os = 0.0005, SSanected in parallel and consume equal power at 15°C. What is {he rato of power consumed in resistance Ry to that in Ry at 70° {2070 Chai 55°Cis Current (1 78.0. Ue Solution: For parallel combination, voltage remains same through two resistors Now, v Power (P) = |At15 °C, both resistor consumes equal powers, let P, and Pz be the powe! consumed by resistor then, But, we know that, when Ry i resistance of 1 resistor at 0°C. © temperature coefficient or resistance, then at 15°C: ‘Therefore resistance i given as Ri=Ry (lta =) oR RA+ a) ry, RaRi + axa) Since, R= Re Ra+ax19 Ra tonxi5 ee Again, at 70°C, similarly Ri=Rj (1+ 700) R=Ri0+700) Now, taking the ratio ofP; and P; 7) and R) pply of 100 V draw a current of 13, Ate sto 85 A. Find the current it will °C. Also find the wy A coil connected to con ‘A at room temperature of 25 °C increased to 70 °C and current fe draw, when its temperature will farther rise to 80 temperature coefficient of resistance of th Sofution: Fiest port Supply voltage (V) = 100 V At temperature 25°C, I=BA 7.6920 100 es After sometime; resistance at 70 °C 100 R 117650 85 Second part: Same as Q. No. 5, 2067 Mangshir: US Hig os the termina otgs of a voltage source decreases with increase in load current? Explain how a practical voltage Source can be converted into a practical curfent source. (271 seh] Solutjon: See the definition par A ‘A coil has resistance of 18 © when its mean temperature is 20°C ‘and of 20 © when its. mean temperature is 50 °C. Find its ment when iis resistance is 21-92 and the ambi [aan Bhs temperature rise temperature is 15°C. Solution: See the example 18. ELEM A Teat Now, replacing atte attet Then; we get Hence, proved. 1 ae Solution: See the definition port 11 \O_Atroom empeatare of 20°C the curentwing atthe iss switching of 40 lament lamp with 220 V supply is 24 TS resistance temperature coefficient of 0.005 per °C: 87 °C. Calculate the worki ie working temperature of filament and ake by turing workgeondten, Derive the formula I= ven A. Where, the symbols have their si sing, rane se & 19 Show that if ay is the resistance temperature. coeffici é = m esistance temp sention: ee 7 = Se x ta conto of rablance Ro at 0°C i heed 10 1 °C era Rr=R (1+ at) ees Z S a om ge, we havea condor of sestance Re at temperate £°.U this conductor be called from t °C to.0 °C. Then final resistance decreas Now, from Ry to Ry is given as eee ma 2 nots 8 or, Ree Ri{l- aut] a eal From equation (2) = a et ER atoning ano fom eration} 1) Ort Rol + aot) KL + Got) Solution: See the definition port Fine temperature coefficient of resistance, The resistance of a certain length of wire is 4 at 20°C. Determine {@) __ the temperature coefficient of resistance ofthe wire at °C rer Kaeih) (©) theresistance of the wire at 60 °C Solution: For first part: See the theory portion. For the second port: See the example 17 Discuss voltage and current source in brief. Also justify the Satement “Terminal voltage goes on decteasing on increasing load current’ {a Csi Solution: See the theory part. 24. The field winding of de motor connected across 230 V supply 1268 7 115 A at room temperature of 20 °C. After working for Soe hows, the current falls to 0.26 A, the supply voltage remainit reeint, Calculate the final working, temperature of the fel’ finding, Resistance temperature coeficent of copper at 20 °C Bs i 2 | Complete Manual of Basic Electrical Engineering for 8. Solution: Here, Supply, voltage (V) = 230 Current at 20°C = 115 A Therefore, resistance at 20°C v_ 230 Ro= 7" Tis ‘Temperature coefficient of resistance at 20 = 2000 4 ~ Bapper’c Final working temperature (T) Here, axis given. So we don't need to calculate it Now, Final resistance of relay = 257 = 884.60. Now; we know, Two conductors one of copper and other of iron are connected in parallel and at 20 °C carry equal currents, What proportion of “Ae current will pass through if the temperature is raised to 100 °C ‘Assume temperature coefficient of resistance at 20°C for copper « 0.0042 per degree and for ion as 0.006 per °C [207 Coat Solutior Since, they carry equal currents at 20°C, the copper two conductors have the same resistance at r 20 °C. As temperature is. raised their resistances increase through tnequally for, waa Cu fe Ruw = Raf + (100 ~ 20) « 0.0042] =1.336 Ri a For iron Raw» = Rofl + (100 20) x 0.006] = 1.48 Roy Now? using current divider rule, Current through copper conductor is Raw 148 R, 148, fete Se ers a a 9528 Riso Ri! "1356 Rig + 148; "2816 Rs” 057° 2.56 % of 052561 047441 7.441% zw eneral Elec 26. Define the terms of source transformation with suitable example (2074 Bhd Solition: See the theory port 182. The curent inthe fd winding of moto ot 20°C is 2A. After running the motor for 6 hours at full load, the current falls to 1.75 A. If the voltage applied across the field winding is 240 V determine the temperature rise of the winding’ The temperature coefficient of resistance ofthe copper winding at 0*C is 4.28 » 102 K [ane Asha) Solution: See Q. No. 4 Hint: Use, V=IR and get Rs and R, 28, Define the terms of source transformation with suitable example a (2074 Bhar Solution: See the theory port ‘The current in the field winding of a motor at 20 °Cis 2 A, Aft the current falls to 17 running the motor for 6 hours at ful A IE the voltage applied across the field winding is 240 V, determine the temperature rise ofthe winding, The temperature coeficent of resistance of the copper winding at 0°C is 4.28 10° K (a made Solution: Same Q. No, 27 (80. Derive a relation between the known resistance Ry at ty °C and the unknown resistance Re att: °C, when dis not known, [73 Basha] Solution: For deviation, see See part. REkiree-a) 31/ Explain the process of source conversion. How is it helps solving electrical network? pas Solution: For first part See the theory. For second part: Source transformation is the process of simplifying a circuit solution, specially with mixed sources, by trandforming voltage sources into current sources, and vice versa, using Thevenin's theorent and Norton's theorem. Source transformation methods are used for circuit simplification to ‘modify the complex circuits by transforming independent current source Into independent voltage sources and vice versa, After transformation, we ‘an analyze the circuits by applying a simple voltage and current divider rules. This source transformation method can also be used 0 convert @ circuit from Thevenin’s equivalent into Norton's equivalent, So it & helpful in solving electrical networks za | Complete Manual of Basic Electrical Engineering for B’E 3. Additional Question Solutions L_Acurrent of 5 A flowing through a conductor for 4 minutes havin, resistance 10 0. Determine @)How:many columbs of charge flow? (i) How many electrons pass through any section of th resistor? 2 ‘Take charge of electron e= 1.6% 10°C Solution: Given that; Current (1) =5 A, time of flow Resistance (R) = 100 (@=16*10%C min = 4 60 seconds. Now, ("Charge (Q) =i t=5% 4% 60=1200C (i) Fornumber of electrons ve know Q=ne _Q_ 1200 Ce 6 “Tex 108, ot, n= 75% 10% electrons 2 A piece of silver wire has resistance of 1. What will be th resistance of magnesium wire of one-third length and one-thied th diameter? The specific resistance of magnesium is 30 times that silver wire? For magnesium wire T length =3 Diameter = d Resistance = 10 Diameter = $ Resistance = R Now, we know that al nan sno, my Bl Q Suffoc1for silver and 2 for magnesium, aay Now, Ri aAt,b 24 Sh RAL” ph” Re a XP ELE A Given, temperature ‘at 50°C their resistance can be calculate as at50°C, ‘The resistance of 600.0 conductor on = R=02 ‘Two coils connected in series have resistance of 600 @ and 300 2 with temperature coefficient of 11% and 0.4 % respectively at 20°C Find the resistance of the combination at a temperature of 50°C What is the effective temperature coefficient of combination Solution: R= RP (1+ a4 9 =600[1 +455 60-20) J= 6180 and, Resistance of 300 2 conductor RE=R*(. +00 at) =200[1 +495 60 2) |-s960 18 + 536.0 = 9540 00 = 5002 Therefore, total combined resistance at 50°C ‘Again, combined resistance at 20°C = 600 + IB be the combined effective temperature coefficient at 20°C, then Re = R™ (1+ Bat) or, 954 = 900 [1 + 8(60- 20)] or, = 0.002 4 Twowire A and B are connected in series at °C and resistance of B {s 10 times that of A. The resistance temperature coefficient 04% and that of combination is 01% find the resistance temperature coefficient of B? Solution: This question can be solved by using equation of resistan temperature. But, if may be lengthy A quick solution is described here as; 2 and Mareral-» 8 ‘Temerature coefficient resistance + 0004 ate) ee ‘Combined temperature Sia CCoeffvent of resistance -> Difference value -» (0001-25 0008 -0001=3 se Manual of Basic Elettcal Engineering for BE Compie [Nowe from question: R 10 Ra Aso, from figure; Ry __ 0.008 Ton 0.003 "Don =a = 0.00143 a= ose 5. A Resistor of 80 © resistance having « Ry 0.0021/°C is to be constructed. Wires of two materials of suitable cross-sectional ares are available. For material A, the resistance is 80 & per 100 m an¢ 1008/°C. For mate per meter and 0.0015 Crtculate suitable length of wires |B, the corresponding values are 60 9. materials A and B to be connected in series to construct thy requited resistor. Assume temperature to be same in each case. Solution: Let Ra and Ry be the two resistance values of materials A and 5 respectively. Also, the combination has, combined resistance (R) = 809 combined temperature coefficient of resistance (a) = 0.0021/°C Let the final temperature be °C Now a final temperature the resistance becomes; Ry =Ra(l + al) =Ra (1+ 0003.) and that of wire B, Rj = Ral + 0.00159) Now, combined resistance at temperature tis, ox, Ra(l +0.0031)+ Ry (1+ 0.00151) Noir fr combination = 0.0021, R= Rq+ Re and find temperature or, a + Ry) (+ 0.00211) Now, equation 1) = equation 2, Ri(1 + 0.0038) + Ral + 0.00159 CL a+ Rs) (1 + 0.0021 t) 0 eneral Elect Systom Chapter 1 | set By Bais Now, Ry+Re=80 or, Rat 1S or, 25Ra or Ran320 and Ro=48 Now, if La and Ls are ther lengths, then (La) (Ry Joni La) _ (100) oe (Ban (0 Ju (100; or, ta (Sy)*3 or Lan dm Simiaely, Ly = 807m Hence, length required for wire A = 40 mand wire B= 80m. 6 Thwee resistor are connected in series across 12 V battery. The first resistor has a value of 1 ©. Second has voltage drop of 4 V and the third has power dissipation of 12 W. Calculate the value of creuit current Solution: Now, from figure: Vv=nR (d+ R+R) 0 ® Also, PRy= 12 “This is quadratic equation, by solving we get T=2A and 1= 6A Convert the voltage shown in the figure below into an equivale fa ae Solsition: Current following! if we joined terminal A and B princes Now, to convert into current source, place $0 resister in parallel current 24 Find the equivalent source for the circuit shown in the go Fad th the fg Solution: The open circuit voltage across A and Bis Vas=510=50V Now, By adding a battery of 50 V, with a resistor of {Orin serie, the source can be converted int equivalent valtag. given figure Replace the given network by A sin current source in parallel with resista Solution: For loop, equivalent voltage VaIR=10x6=60V Now, redrawing figure eas Here, the curent fA owing side the loop which doesnot affect the terminal voltage between AB, So, we omuited this resistor Now, >————— cat Engineeting for BE. 44 |_ Complete Manual of Basic Elect 430, Find the equivalentcurrent source forthe circuit shown in figure on ee Chapter 2 Pg DC CIRCUITS Te total voltage source in the circuits V=in=6+20-10=16V and aa Now, Now, to convert above circuit into equivalent P** | & Zi_Infroduction of an Elect ft = ae current source, place a resistance of 8 © in parallel 22 series Ckcuts * # with 2A current source ————** * 23 Parallel Networks al 11, Convert the following circuit nto single voltage source. (2wotor) 24 _‘Kichhoff's Law. 46 — 25 _ Power and Enexgy 48 [sees 2.1 Introduction of an Electrical Circuit : Electrical circuit isthe closed path in which the current floes from the Sotition supply points through the load to complete path, Its interconnection of reaper teidesees circuit elements. In this chapter we have to study about various types of ‘ . electrical circuit. Following are three types of electrical circuit y oa x 1. Closed circuit en Bo aap oa Ean 2 Opencircuit z 3. Short circuit ee _ Feemy Sua > F 4. Closed circuit Qua Sen wa Sin a cc When a load i= connected between two ‘ pan terminals of an electrical supply in such a Pee s] ue ae the load is said to be closed circuit Inf! 0) closed circuit current flows through and Bi] Voltage drops across. resistor are re Proportional to their resistance. "tf ii A 2. Open circuit Inc circuit if there is no way to the flow of current due to disconnection of wire or if the switch i off state then the circuit i said to be open circuit. If cicuit becomes open anywhere, following two effects are produced. Since, open offers infinite resistance, @ circuit current becomes zero and hence there is no vol across resistors (@) Whole of the apply voltage is felt across the open. ie, across terminal aand b 3. Short circuit When the wire contacts each other and supply is on then short circu ‘occurs. Here, two terminals of the supply is connected directly with the load and the current flow in the’circut is infinite because it Short in series circuit Et Et ‘be Z20 Ak Ge ing Since, at short circuit, there is almost zero resistance and hence, it 3 flow of excessive current to the loads. Due to this power dissipation load increase many times and load burn out, For more clear, see examl¢ below; ample For above circuit diagram, what wil be effect on power dissipation #h* (2) 3 resistors shorted (b) when both 3.0 and 2.0 resistor is shorted Solution: From given figure (a, its normal circuit. where, V=12V, Ry=1+2+3=60 Viv 1 2A a 24 Watt Now. from figure (b), © resistor has been shorted out by joining where, inal C and D by copper coire Resistance between CD ferminal beco Power dissipated (P) =F R = (4)!x3 = 48 Watt From figure (), When both 2©.and three £1 resistor is sRorted then, R=1+0+0=10 And, v2 Eo Ze1a Power dissipated (P) = P R= (12)? 1 = 144 Watt Comment Die to flow of this excessive curtent, connecting wires and other circuit ‘components can become hot enough to ignite and burn out Short in parallel circuit 1m igure (a); here, not only R, is shorted but also R: and Ry are shorted out ke, in parallel circuit, short across one branch means short across all branches. There is no current in the shorted resistors. If there were thee Dalts then they will not glow. + The shorted components are not damaged. If short circuit is removed, then they will work properly. + In figure (b), a short circuit across Rs may short out Rs but not Ry since it is protected by Ry ical Engineering for BE Manual of Basie Elect 38_| Compte Basic circuit parameters i) Parameters: The various creuit A ‘elements are called, parameter. i. resistance, capacitance, etc fi) Linear circuit It is one whose = parameters are constant with times, they do not change with voltage and current and obeys ohm law. ‘Non linear circuit: It’s that circuit whose parameters are changed with voltage and current and do not obey ohm law. Bilateral circuit: This is one, whose characteristics are same in both directions. Transmission line is its example. Unilateral circuit: It is that circuit whose properties change wit their direction of operations, For example; diode, rectifier, et. Electric network: A combination of various electric elemen's ‘connected in any manners is called an electric network. Passive network: Itis one which contains no source of em. in it ‘Active network: It is one which contains one or more than one source of e-m. along with passive element. ‘Active element: An active element is one which supplies electrics energy to the circuits, For example; voltage and current sources. x) Passive clement: Its one which receives electrical energy and the cither converts it into heat or store in electric or magnetic field, fo ‘example; resistor, capacitor and inductor. vii) iil) ») xi) Node: It is point in a circuit where two or:more circuit elements a connected together at equipotential. In figure (a), (b) and (©) s* node NOTE (A wen WwHbse evry POIRLY aS PUNG)|SAG|pPOFERLHAl is called = equipotential region, xii) Junction: It is a point in a network where three or more circ! elements are joined xii) Branch: Itis that path of network which lies between two nodes xiv) Loop: Itis a closed path in a circuit in-which no element or nod * encountered more than once xv) Mesh: [tis a loop that contains no other loop within it. Classification of Electrical Circuits ‘An electrical circuit can be classified as; i) Series circuit ii) iit) Parallel circuit Series parallel circuit Mesh of network iv) uts Shapter2 | 39 2.2 Series Circuit When resistance are so connected such that same current passes each resistance, then they are said to be feonnected in series circuit. Here, the resistance R, Ry and Ry are | feonnected in series with each other. ‘Also, the current flows through each emer resistor is in same direction: Let, I be the amount of current, that flows in ‘cuit. Then, by ohm's law, each resistor has voltage drop across it; given Vie IRV IR The total drop in three resistors put together is, V=VitVi+ Vs where, V=IR or, + IR: + IRs or, ++ Rs o (Rey = Equivalent Resistance) Hence, equivalent resistance of the circuit is the sum of individual resistance connectedt-in series. Voltage Divider Rule Since,-in series circuit, same current flows through each of the given resistor, voliage drop varies directly with its resistance in above figure, voltage across the individual resistor is, wien-R<() : Ri RRR = v ik RRR Similarly, v Vir R*RTRFR v "RX RTReR If there is conductance (G) given inthe circuit; then use, and Wd secal Engineering for BE Solution: ample? ‘What is the value of unknown resistor R in the figure below; i Fe rectancs torreon A and Arop across 5000 resistor is 25 vols Ra ={6 16) + 18) 5 ($+18)u5+ +8=120 pitt ‘Total current flowing in circuit ort ee aes ety ie Salton Reve * Gl 6) +18 = 200 he ; ‘Current flowing in this branch = 5 « . Voltage drop across 52 =5-1=20V Now, Voltage drop across 550.0, 18x1=18V Vso = 12- (25 +025) =925V Voltage drop across 8 = 8x 5= 40 V Hence, current flowing through 550 2s, Voltage drop across 3 0 and 6 1= 12 Ves 50% 0.005, Voltage drop across 18.0 2.3. Parallel Network When resistors are connected across one another so that the same voltage is applied So, current flowing through branch R i, I= 1- f= 0.0168 0.05 = 0.118 A between the end points of each then they Now, using, are said to be in parallel circuit. The current v=IR in each resistor is different and the current We get, taken from the supply is divided among the From above parallel circuit, Teh+h+h amples Now, from ohm's lw, Calculate the effective resistance of the following circuit and the vol Using V=1, i, V= la Roand V= IRs 2h-3h= On solving from equation (1), (2) and (3); we get a aR *: 5A x dank Itmeans 1, is anticlockwise direction, ‘Applying KVL in loop (i) ate atec eee 3. Find the.current through 4 0 resistance, (2088 had Anticlockwise sin loop (2) Now, Viv= Va- Ve Solution: (Current direction is shown below; 2 8 ot, Vat 3x345-3 x8 ot, Yx-Ww pee 2 Caleuate the curtet tough the'galvanometer in the Bs z Sa 3 circuit as shown in figure given below using Kirchhoff law, J 007 Mane st _| come! Manual of Basie Electrital Engin “The equivalent resistance of circuit is calculated by using series, para combination as (Se4 Nees (Haris) tse16 R= (64) +16) 16416" x6 46416-2284 16-40 ‘Now, current supplied by battery v_40 OA ‘Now, using current divider rule curent through 7.6 resistors, 10 0 oxd,,.\ on Ged 6+\ erat 15) Nov, current through 4 esistris agigx6=36A k x6=6A 4 Determines the current supplied by the battery inthe circuit shy in the figure below. 0s mad i [accopie Sotution: ‘This equation can also be solved by using star-delta transform. Ths figure can be re-drawn as; a con) os Schapter2 1 55 From loop (i); writing KVL =500(x -2) + 100(y + z) +3002=0 = 500x + 500z + 100y + 1002 +300: ge, ~ 50x + 100y + 9002 =0 on x-¥-% x rom loop EADCE, = 100(x + y) ~ 100x - 500(x- 2) + 100= 0 or, &ty)-x+5(x-2) +1= on 7ety-5z=-1 Solving by calculator; we get, 1 a b yatpend ei Tienes — as Beda I rs cinerea bab ad owe Peeenaesa con aS a es ifitre | pe The Equivalent resistance between resistances between two terminals is given by using series-parallel combination as: = Ra1+p1e+o1s}+6=1+(22215) u te \ sie =7+(H1s)=7- 3 esis ae ‘Again, total current supplied by the battery is, v2 Tap" DORA Now, using current division rule, we get. Current through 5 9 resistance is ese Ree 2x7 20: BERR ROY RST REE RG * |" Ex742e DATES = 0.0957 A Now, power dissipated in 50 resistor is PHPR=(06957)*5 ciectrcal Engineering for BE wyn resistor R'in the circuit belo 6 Determine the value of unk ae jstor is 2 the voltage drop across 500 Sresi8! r son. Solution: ‘ br Using direct estimation method eam Tj Ver= IR= 0.005 « 50=025¥ “Therefore, total voltage drop across Cl Now, total current supplied by battery te con aaa ake view za oR 7. ‘Whatis the total cost of using the following at Rs. 7 per kilowatt ho (@)-A1200W toaster for 30 minutes {G)Six50W bulbs for hours (Gi) A400 W washing machine for 45 minutes (Gv) A.4800'W electric clothes dryer for 20 minutes a Solution: ‘Total energy consumption is equal to energy consumed by A toast" bulbs + A washing machine +A lect elothes dryer. 0 = 120x384 635054 + 0S agog x 22 @ 4-400 + 3800 «3 3700 watt-hour m0, = STB kilowatt hour =37 Klowatthour 6 ow total cost for consumptions are Rs, 25.900 (Hosa oie = cost per evi] Find the current h, hy lb using Kirchhoff’ law and also find the Power outputof each voltage source of igure below. ci 3 dow Solution: ‘The figure can be redrawn as,

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