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M y f avo u r i t e f i t n e s s m e a l !

Cook yourself into shape – with

Paulaner 0,0% and the stars of
FC Bayern!

Paulaner and FC Bayern

München – a perfect team,
even in the kitchen

We think that anybody who is expected to

play well on the pitch certainly needs to eat
and drink well off it, too. This is why our
mouths are watering right now: The stars of
FC Bayern have accepted our invitation to
cook their tasty fitness meals for you.

Niklas Süle, Joshua Kimmich, Marcel Sabitzer

and Sven Ulreich have whipped up some
magical culinary treats that include pasta,
bowls, pumpkin chips and much more.
Always on hand by the stove: fresh Paulaner
wheat beer 0.0%, the beverage with
absolutely no alcohol and the unbelievably
great taste!

In a series of videos, the stars of Germany’s

record champion football team cook for you
and share their very personal kitchen secrets
with you. You will not only work up one
hearty appetite, but you may also end up
having a belly laugh or two as the stars
bungle these culinary challenges a time or


If you want to give the players’ favourite

fitness meals a try yourself, you will find the
recipe beside the video – clearly structured
and, naturally, with a list of ingredients.

Have fun watching the videos and cooking

the meals to your heart’s content. Please
enjoy your meal.

E r i c M a x i m C h o u p o - M o t i n g u n d Sve n
Ulreich present Matthijs de Ligt their
f avo u r i t e f i t n e s s m e a l :


At an evening barbecuing together at

Paulaner am Nockherberg, Sven Ulreich and
Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting introduce their
new teammate Matthijs de Ligt to the art of
Munich living. They prepared their favourite
fitness meal together and had great fun at
the Bavaria Check.

In the video, you can see which of the three

did the best job, how the typical Bavarian
speciality “Ochsenfetzensemmel” becomes a
real fitness meal, and what Mathijs especially
likes about his new hometown.

Have fun grilling at home and joining in the

guessing game with a fresh Paulaner 0.0%!



T h o m a s M ü l l e r p r e s e n t s h i s f avo u r i t e
fitness meal:

Thai Beef Salad

Together with Florian Lechner, owner and

chef of the Paulaner am Nockherberg,
Thomas Müller presents one of his favorite
fitness dishes: high-quality vegetables, a
variety of spices and a lean piece of meat –
the Thai beef salad is ready.

Find out in the video whether Thomas Müller

prefers cooking or baking, why Florian
Lechner wants to poach him for the Paulaner
am Nockherberg and for what reason the
meat still has to be turned regularly after

Have fun with the great soccer player and

cook Thomas Müller and enjoy cooking with
a fresh Paulaner 0.0%!



Sve n U l r e i c h p r e s e n t s h i s f avo u r i t e
fitness meal:

Chicken bowl with chickpeas,

quinoa and vegetables.

Zero is the most important number in a

goalkeeper’s life. When Sven Ulreich ventures
into the kitchen and begins to whip up his
legendary chicken bowl, it’s all about 0.0.
With quinoa and chickpeas. And edamame.
Now you’re talking!

If you look closely, you will learn not only

that Sven loves the aroma of roasting foods
and that his household should never ever run
out of cashews, but also why it makes more
sense to use rapeseed oil than olive oil at
times. Have fun and enjoy your meal!



S e r g e G n a b r y p r e s e n t s h i s f avo u r i t e
fitness meal:

Venison loin on glazed root


Just in time for Christmas Serge Gnabry is

presenting to you a very special fitness
favourite: Venison loin with BBQ varnish on
glazed root vegetables. Together with Florian
Lechner, cook and managing director of
Paulaner am Nockherberg, Serge does
cooking magic in a festive setting at the grill.

Why you should bring the meat to room

temperature before grilling and mountain
pine goes perfectly with deer - and what
Swabians don't save on, you can find out in
the video. Have fun cooking with a fresh
Paulaner 0.0%!



Marcel Sabitzer presents his

f avo u r i t e f i t n e s s m e a l :

Salmon with ginger-lemon

marinade, lamb's lettuce and
pumpkin chips.

Marcel launches a real aroma offensive when

he starts to cook his favourite fitness meal:
garlic, ginger and roasted pumpkin seeds are
simply must-have ingredients in the kitchen.
And also a touch of his native country:
pumpkin seed oil from the Austrian state of
Styria – and from his home, of course.

In the video, you can discover all of Marcel’s

tips and learn why you should eat a balanced
diet. Have fun trying Marcel’s dishes and
enjoying a fresh Paulaner 0.0%!


Learn more
pl unterseiten teaser wb com mob

Joshua Kimmich presents his

f avo u r i t e f i t n e s s m e a l :

Taste-Tempting spinach

So easy and oh sooo delicious: Joshua is a

star on the pitch and cuts a pretty good
figure in the kitchen as well. Spinach,
tomatoes, avocados, cream, garlic – and: the
top secret Joshua Kimmich special ingredient.

You’ll have to wait until the end of the video

to hear all about it – settle in, pour yourself a
fresh Paulaner wheat beer 0.0% and let one
of the world’s best footballers strut his stuff
in the kitchen.


Learn more

N i k l a s S ü l e p r e s e n t s h i s f avo u r i t e
fitness meal:

Chicken cashew pan with rice

Cashew nuts are not only healthy, but also

one of the favorites of Niklas Süle's kitchen
team. Roasted crispy and served with chicken,
quinoa and vegetables, they make an ideal
fitness dish.

Find out in the video why athletes should eat

a lot of vegetables and how Niklas integrates
a range of colors into the food. Have fun
cooking with a fresh Paulaner 0.0%!



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