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INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions in a 20 leaf exercise book.

1. The distance a body falls from rest varies directly as the square of the time it falls (ignoring
air resistance). If a ball falls 144 feet in three seconds, how far will the ball fall in seven

2. Hooke’s Law for an elastic spring states that the distance a spring stretches varies directly as
the force applied. If a force of 160 Newtons stretches a spring 5 cm, how much will a force
of 368 Newtons stretch the same spring?

3. The number of minutes needed to solve an exercise set of variation problems varies directly
as the number of problems and inversely as the number of people working on the solutions.
It takes 4 people 36 minutes to solve 18 problems. How many minutes will it take 6 people
to solve 42 problems.

4. The electrical resistance of a wire varies directly as its length and inversely as the square of
its diameter. A wire with a length of 200 inches and a diameter of one‐quarter of an inch
has a resistance of 20 ohms. Find the electrical resistance in a 500 inch wire with the same

5. y is partly constant and partly varies as x2. When x = 3, then y = 8, and when x = 4 then y =
22. Find
(a) the equation connecting x and y
(b) the value of y when x = 12.

6. If A is partly constant and varies partly with B, and A=15 when B=2, and A= 27 when B= 5.
Find (i) the equation connecting A and B (ii) A when B=10

7. The electrical current, I ampere in a wire is inversely proportional to the resistance, R Ohms.
When the resistance is 80 Ohms, the current is 1.5 amperes. Find the
(a) equation connecting I and R
(b) resistance when the current is 1.8 amperes

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