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Extrinsic variable: having to do with light, change from outside (ex.

Planet covering)
Intrinsic Variable: having to do with light, change within star (ex. Pulsating, shrink, swell)
Spectral star types (hot→cool): O, B, A, F, G, K, M (Oh be a fine girl, kiss me)

Bok globule: Bok globules are isolated and relatively small dark nebulae, containing dense
cosmic dust and gas from which star formation may take place. Bok globules are found within H
II regions.
Hydrogen fusion: nuclear reaction, H + H → He + ENERGY
E=mc^2 (E is energy, m is mass, c is speed of light)
Speed of light: 299,792,458 m/s (meters/second)
A protostar becomes a main sequence star when its core temperature exceeds 10 million K.
Main sequence: the middle line on below plot of brightness Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (the
main part of a star’s life)
Wien’s law: black body radiation has different peaks of temperature at wavelengths that are
inversely proportional to temperatures.

Exoplanet detection methods-

Direct imaging: taking pictures of exoplanets by blocking out the light from their host star. It's
best for detecting exoplanets that are far from their host star.
Microlensing: measuring the change in the brightness of a star as an object passes in front of it.
Transit: watching for a periodic drop in the intensity of light.
Radial velocity: observing a star's Doppler shift and small orbit deviations over time. This
suggests that an orbiting mass has gravitational effects on the star.
Astrometry: precise measurements of a star's position to detect the tiny wobble caused by an
orbiting planet.
Parsec: used to measure the large distances to astronomical objects outside the Solar System
Force= mass x acceleration (2nd law Newton)

The Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism is an astronomical process that occurs when the surface of
a star or a planet cools. The cooling causes the internal pressure to drop, and the star or planet
shrinks as a result. This compression, in turn, heats the core of the star/planet.

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