Quantitative charts 2022

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A known Diabetic patient on insulin was brought to the hospital in a semiconscious

state. History from the patient’s relatives revealed that at morning 8 AM he had his
insulin injection & failed to have his breakfast. He was sweating profusely & had
tremors of hands. His BP was 100/60 mmHg.

II. A 54-year-old executive working in a MNC attended the outpatient clinic with the
chief complaints of fatigue, weight loss despite increased appetite, thirst and
frequency of urination. He was well until 6 months prior to the visit. He attributed
these symptoms to the stress contributed by heavy work load.

III. An 8year old girl was admitted to hospital with complaints of generalized edema for
the past 15 days. She was investigated. Blood and urine samples were collected. Her
urine appeared frothy and turbid and serum appeared lipemic.

IV. A 65-year-old female presented with history of back pain for past 6 months. On enquiry
she also had complaints of fatigue and difficulty in micturition. Her doctor found lytic
lesions in her spine from her X rays.

V. A 30-year-old male who had his lunch in a restaurant the previous day presented with
history of watery stools about 8-10 times from 6am that morning. On enquiry he
admitted that his urine output was reduced.

VI. A 50-year-old labourer was admitted to the ward with complaints of vague abdominal
discomfort and distention for the past 4 months. History revealed loss of weight and
appetite. He was an alcoholic for the past 30 years. Examination revealed yellowish
discoloration of sclera and nail beds and purpuric spots were found distributed on trunk
& extremities.

VII. A 60-year-old man, a known Diabetic & Hypertensive for the past 20
years, was admitted to medicine ward with complaints of pedal edema &
puffiness of face. History revealed that he was suffering from oliguria &
edema for the past 1 year.

VIII. A previously healthy 45-year-old male complained about a mild

discomfort in the epigastric region for 1 day which got relieved on
consuming a Ranitidine tablet.

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