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seuuessues BY smireacnce sts 645 WRITING AND LANGUAGE TEST 35 Minutes—44 Questions ‘Tuam o Section 2 of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this scten, Directions: Each passage below is accompanied by « numberof questions. For some questions you will consider how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas. For fther questions you will consider how the patsage night be edited to coreterors in sentence ‘teucture, usage, or punctuation, A passage or a question may be accompanied by one ot more {rapes Guchasa table or graph thst you willconsier a you make revising and editing decisions. Some questions wil direct you to an underlined portion ofa passage. Other questions wil diet you toa locaton in a passage or ask you to think about the passage ata who ‘After reading each passage, choose the answer to each question that most effectively improves the quality of writing inthe pasage or that makes the passage conform tothe convention of standard written English, Many questions include a "NO CHANGE" option Choose that option {fy think the bes choice is oleve the relevant potion ofthe passage ast i ‘Questions 1-1 are bated onthe following passage From Here to the Stars (Gee Kian had et in ages @ Te gh itso ping 1. A) NOCHANGE 1B) Theflgharectr paced (©) The pacing fight director D) Theflgh director pacing en emf mani n NASAS Mision Control Cntr an imposible robin weighing hey ais weary min: Tre aronais wee peng pled pacer eal 20000 mls rom Earth And ine ws runing ot 2. A) NOCHANGE rae was nosragerto@ aes After lainghistherstaneaty ®t ©) deslines Renz tune othe asf gidance—and found inpition ae ‘sigh hol hess wt about the poly of © paceman. ‘eat prompted Kran ttt pth rhe stare Kraaporveds 3.) NOCHANGE: eqcin seroma engineering aie igh coal ration ati 1) pce tavel a den (©) spe travel a iden 1) space travel Aa idea ‘th Weight other had ponered powered cote ight nly alt + cen eal aviation milestone ie reking the sound Basie snd Word War I change the fur of fight. Aeronautic engineering 646 sarrmscrce sre required though undenandig of @ psc. an dragon. nga wallace in mathe determine ani ‘wight onan ara Aer rating om Sait Lois iver ‘aks Cale of Enginsring, Aviation a Technology Kranz led jes forthe A Force Reserve blr performing sec and ewlpreton mises ad rockets. Krasner joined NASA and lected the ccnp 1 misono mon in 198. [Eilon year te ood had desta aerate Mision ‘Contra ene Tere were cheers no celebeatry pat on teak teary eyed congtultions. Caer ndaceine id he ett md ‘ines communicating with he srs Aol 1.@ Keane ‘sy 4osptamong the malinche a mvingbodies and sig ape, NO CHANGE, Phys ike it and ag on ‘wings a well roiceney (© phys ke and drag 08 ings s wel proficiency ) hs: ike it and drag on venge— wellasproficncy ‘Which sentence mt efetely ‘tublihes the man ides of he agp 8) Without his was ve, 1 ne wo ae atid Kean inthe com 38) Kranz soo ot a pil of siren inthe chaos of te command cents, Daring tbe Ape 11 mison, rane earned the badges of enor hat now done hit Kana posesl more of experience than anyone in ‘he contol cen. ‘amScanner a 9 A) NO CHANGE Among the ava of ‘moving bodies sod siting papers is ey spo Kran. (©) Kranz eal pte the valance of moving bodies od shifting per D) Keane is easy pot among the stalanche of moving odie and shiing paper. seuuessues BY Headed tenes inh spare hand ves. 2 raz, Mat ad ben making vss aris equestin the ey @ Twas poner ifr, something Kran des fom he ee serving vers he ves servd not fan stort mark or @ sari i bat defining smb fo bis ‘eam oly bind Dring rt asa te Apo 18 crow, ram wore is wht et around the clock perspiration ate mor (@ Aang rigs nalts, Kran andthe NASA sal ch il pln By sing he rant fc ofthe moon, it oul sgh he injured pcr bck oan eartibound core ws alngahot fem bata estan only one Ar. deo the ies orf apportion cath an he inrep iit oh Ap ew woe dpe tbl te toss ped down ‘synthe Pci Osan, sareeacnceresre 647. Wich sexence provides fective rence support hems focus fe prsrapht ” ° >) a » ° > » ° > » gos » ° > ‘The engineers loked tothe calmman inthe homemade ‘Many ofthe meni th Misson Cont Cent Iengthy mltary ares. ‘Kran’ thoughts returned 0 ‘the many tuations he had cexpeienced Seve engines ined topeter as bastion fem Ines of uncertain NO CHANGE Theyre was ‘They were [NO CHANGE ala sacl NO CHANGE Insite of Amit NO CHANGE ry (Question 12.2 are based onthe fllowing pasage ‘The UK and the Euro 1) he Utd Kngom es lngstanding member othe Exon ‘Union (5) mination plc ornizston nd conosco ‘eae @ dover te cour ote pat haf etary [2] Howe theese ey tr ofthe EU in which te UK dos ot @ pate, ‘hemanzry nin now the Faoso, coin of ote hat shat scarey 8] Whiethe ator publi pain bas ‘emia! perl spot of hat econ, evidence sage hl the ‘rc bess fr the UK might ough he ids] When the EU Gitinplemene the euro in 198, nding to sega cet ‘conosco the union, ean wa permite ecaon and continued ‘ing the pourdnsead (5 Th, UKCeades hoped, wold shld Britain om fancinldanges tha the cr might safer: Proponents fo Imposed cone that mayb son towtnde ome vay. evening ats sien epoca lt den lynch ne deity oon ila cape nd pelos A) NO CHANGE 8) determined ©) advanced D) bait A) NO CHANGE 3B) partite the monetary ©) participate, the monetary D) partie. Th monetary “To preset he eas this ara gal oder the ot sprint or setece Somer A) where i nom 1) fer setece © alter sentence D) after sentence § ‘amScanner a Wich cic bet completes te 1) NO CHANGE 3B) to fering economies ‘hroughoat he rove © tofaerng economies in mot int all Earrone D) to fering economies fn Boronone counties throughout Euope seuuessues &BY ‘ut complains om the UK caren EU stats nay be tse, nest er, eer ee ted to wanton al ‘member @ soa the aorons. for mane ass this acton specs secs fo protecting nator eve and ensuing the monetary i ang em ssc. Thee canton may potent force the UK ocho her he seca of ts muhiecade BU member, o¢ the pnd ad allt ental for Bean economy Enjoying both may ot enain possible Wile stare most clas emma the main dim of ‘he paragaph onthe previous page? » ° » > ‘The UR table wealth would decrease ii aasinted Impotershed counties consi independence from imporeribed counties eld be pes ‘The UK woald take on signcant economic ik {ti odopted the euro asi carey aro adoption woud requlre baaguent economic tancc on the UX heal No CHANGE towed the Barone For toad the Burovone, or toma the Barone For Wich choice test summaries eas ht support the main lem i sparen » ° > “The UE wate to muita the ound asi crzeney AILEU members may soon avo accept the evo. “The UK face cfieat Acido reparding te EU members. All member nations want 0 ene the succes ofthe EU. [Repent ite prt fom the Eun ». sxonan dager hishope ever gute materia TheUK cma: dots fon ring the tc blemish fu [2] Many asin the UK largo pay thin tee high tan sens nempoyment rs tsenetat eget 20, harley the ccna eta is Barzan ghost ly inno fr ne ena unscatelbyater Ferhapthisqeton conic city as een the wrong ne eet rita lcton an lng-stnding trade elton wih eghbors, economies wl est tobe somewhat ion ech othe, cro or ot. Eutermare, poi ecu, power nd protection ‘bear more sgncance or the ature Ube UC hope to manna and a. ‘and is iatent presence in wa ender, teases and se invavemest wih preter Europea Copier that 2 ‘he ear probably oes lover sk magi thn many ave spp, ‘hebeneits of ewe adoption @ to secure EN member and. sung cause, bl Bean areal econ Questions 2-3 are based on the flowing pasage Coffee: The Buzz on Beans Ares ince @ Suu das you an fd see op ely very Amen ly But this walt Haw dai wich as fis gov a Aa oe Sv handed er apc tn Aca? 7 “Teco plant en wich ner gt thee tht @ indi. nda ito wat wean, tpn Et Aan coat Bhp. athe province oa From thesis the Abin Penola, whee he fhe or ahah Kh Arb, sey popu Likespces and th oferta interatnly » » ° > [NO CHANGE Aspe tential relat ‘Which sentence islent eleva fo ‘he cent en ofthis page a 5 © > ” » o » » » ° » ° ” » °) setene Sentence 3 ‘amScanner No CHANGE Ate, a No CHANGE to secure BV memberiip sod strengthen cae to cure EU membership ad strengths is ease io secute EU membership and strengties is case, The Thee te bing diel ond roasted tne dried andeoeted ls being dian rns’ seuuessues BBY aroun exlorr enced ands nd @ sling shiping ote. “Theft European cfehouse open in Ven, ay 1689, and round that tine odo @ dpe oe tre handed calluses ‘Therein end of coffe eing amongst the cargo af the Mayflower nich reached the New Worn 1620.1 nt wat 16 tat he fit writen efrence to coffee in America was made beverage wat being made fom roasted bean 2ndavored with gar hone, and clanamon, Cote was then described ia the New ‘England colony ofc rcord of 167. a 1653, Willa Pen, whol in stem onthe Delaware Rives, wrote of buying supple of cole in « Nev York:makt. he pid eightcen shiligs and nin pence per pound EXE * ° > smpeacncerest= 651 No CHANGE cette ava established sea etbishing NO CHANGE: raged igh ited oat NewYork mate and ‘witam Penn ‘New York market 0 he pal New ere mare, eying Which ice mat tty stable a mummate condaig sentence othe paragraph a Coffe’ appearance inthe ‘stil record hows was decoming more and ‘more establihed in the New Wort “The colonies probaly used moe tee than coe since ther ae records of beng imported rom England Wiliam Pena founded Peoayvania Colom. which Iecime the tate of Penasyvanin after the eylationary War with Englund ended ‘The Mayflower dl carey ‘crumb fers hat the ‘olan nested for sete ‘et, icing animals and took Cofeoake hose a Europe were o0n eased in American colonies and ae Ameria expanded westvar oe consumption gr Inthe element dy, @ Chicago St. Loic and ‘New Oransech had famous aeons By the went centr cofechouses wee sundance ke New Yr apd San ranch became conf with cortersar a lice where Inet and artis atered ohare as In Ameren homes, ‘ote was soc hbict,einging pope ose to sci sflernon tet nd done ia Egle: With the nverion of the ecto pt it became x coro corey atk gust fhe wate oo ta” a, >) » » ° > Wich choice moat civ ‘Chicago, St. Lis and New Ouse ‘Chicago, St. Lai and, New Oren ‘Chcago St Laisa, New tiene [NO CHANGE related stil coupe ‘amScanner a ‘stables the mua op ofthe argraph? » o ‘Thre were many coer shops in New tk Chee lec fe machines changed how geople serait tame (rer tine, cafe became & prt of eseryy America Iie People went tcafleboues 6 cus major ues seuuessues BY Hwee bythe 18505 US. nictrng i cor wt tad one @ athe oo grat cep smart and lone the gut Coe wa ron nd groin manusicrng anand recede for long storage which compromised is arr An “rap panting bck haga cng. dak roel te fot an sped othe st ofthe woe @@ ner mae ‘hed oiaesamund he wd eapesttabealetagaban, lice Sesh. and ins cop fsae—and ty an » o a NO CHANGE other foods produced ter foods, produced ter ood: produced Now sees, in vey aor tye the worl around the world expect tobe able rab upliig fesh and detcbus cup of eafoeand they en Now in every major city of the word travers around the word expect tobe ale ab an upliing eh ad dkticbus cup of afore they an. No ravers around the vor expect oe able gab an wpiing res, tnd lions cup of ofee {a evey major ety ofthe srosli—and they cn (Quetians 4-44arebosed onthe following pasa Predicting Nature's Light Show ‘One fat mat beau plays the arr ora, om mont aowa atthe Notbern Lights. As @ thin ame this phenomenon best viewed in nat. How far north onenceds tobe to wits arose, deers nto conto ere on arth, baton he an ES -Aswith hurricane stton on Earth the sun @ ase aye of orm activi calle the solr yl, which Iss approcinatly 1 year. Abo fered io asthe sunspot his period ies by ‘heamoant of mgnetic x that ses tothe sure ofthe ue Ing sunspots or aes of inese magic actin, The magnetic nergy esometies ogre that ase arms that explode aay fo he susie nar a ° >) Wich ofthe fteving would mos strengthen he pasa ‘ntodacton? » ® goue NO CHANGE North Ameria. the Artic Ciel the Northern Hemishen. ‘amScanner e A statement oat the Kprinder and other nceary ‘racking oo sens use ‘A mention ht he Nations ‘Oceanic and Ntmowperc ‘Administration monitors solar flares ‘An explant shoot wy ‘ondions onthe sun rather ‘thar on Hart fet he Northern Lights an pedi te best ine and locaton tse the Nether Ligh by ying the san [NO CHANGE experiences peeves (worremenerRa > seuuessues BY ‘Ths wef mgt traci speed ens and rotons ino space Cle corona sean his dese fi mor power ho perth sn conta ents The speed at eee stom are shot any fom th sn iat he ine tata oma ar wind Rakes thst energy ont tne dys tate Eas upper atmosphere. Once aie tiscaptae by Eat own apt singe Nartbers igh ES (@ cet an inns ames in the Northen Hemisphere (© uso wai arlene a pais the Htod of esingarra at specif ine and lace One such ol the Kp Index, aber that determines the ptetl sity fan aurora “The Kpnder messes the energy aed to Ears mgt eld om ‘the runon scleof 09 with eprseating sl cal. and more indi magnetic toro sl ae The magnetic actions sre esr in tre hour interral (12 M03 04,3460 6 and 10 on) that deviations can beard in and accurate data canbe pected Magma tht metus the rng of arth magnetic fel oad roan he wold. Whe the nee rom slr ares reaches Eat the strengh and ection ofthe energy @ econ by thee land analy cette who cla the diferenc be tenth verge tegth fhe magnet fl and pie eo oar flares. They plo this information onthe Kp-nder a up the publicaithnfrmation an wing he aurora wl her impacts ole ae uy ave o on Barth What ft mid from this poragrap hat woud hep support {he autos expanton of lar farest ” » 9 >) " » 9 » 0 a » © » 8 “The ped of normal sla “The erngth of Barth magi eld ‘The umpertare of noel sired The cefinton of oro mass ection NO CHANGE: Intersects and Selenite and smateurs lotro Scents interes and NO CHANGE ose tol for pedition te cf tol to predict, se tol eval valable to prt NO CHANGE: a een INO CHANGE pda aurora viewing information cp infrntion on wing the sora pda aurora viewing Information fo he pole (@ Whe sol dares can oretines have egies om ot eoowouncaons stems and weather puters hemos common ect Isao he mos enhansing a eat ight show Potential Vist ofa Aare Kplader Se9— Sepl0— Sepll— Sepl2— Sep Bach bat = Shout ae Reseach abr aniciart Eee A) NOCHANG: 1) However, ©) Since Dy Wheres Using the grapicand the nor mation inthe pase ei the ‘complet time pes when solar Aare tok place 1A) Sam 0 6 9m0m September B) 12 awon Stember tt 6 Santo Sepember 2 © 9x om Sepember 1010 12 mon Sepenber 12 D) asc on Sepember 1116 12 aw on Setmber 12 ‘amScanner e

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