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Department of Petroleum Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004

VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
Lecture 1 / 2023-224
(For internal circulation only)


Prof. A.K.Pathak
Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad
E-mail: akhilendra56@iitism.ac.in


(a). Offshore Field Development. (b) Drilling under the geological faults and folds.
(c). Drilling through inaccessible or restricted areas.
(d). Drilling for side tracking obstructions and straightening the well path.
(e). Drilling to bypass the big sat dome.
(f)). Drilling of a relief wells for fire fighting jobs in oil fields.


i. Location of target and surface drilling point and their coordinates: (Es,Ns) and (Et,
Nt). This is used to calculate the horizontal displacement and the azimuth of the
profile as follows:
Ht = [(Nt – Ns)2+ (Et – Es)2 ]0.5,  = tan-1 [ (Et – Es) / (Nt – Ns)}
ii. Lithology of the drilled path.
iii. Vertical and horizontal displacements
iv. Available deflection tool and its build up capacity (ф): This decides the radius of the
curvature as- R = 18000/ л ф
v. Selection of the kick off point and the required inclination.
vi. Geometry of the well profile.

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24

Natural Bit Deflection in Natural Bitt Deflection in

Low Formation Dip High Formation Dip

STABILIZERS: stabilizers are subs or adapters which have blades attached to their external
surface. By placing stabilizers at certain points within the BHA the trajectory of the wellbore can
be controlled.
Welded Stabilizers Integral blade Stabilizers
Sleeve Stabilizers Non rotating stabilizers
Stabilizers can be installed just above the bit (near bit stabilizer) or at any point within the
BHA (string stabilizers). Two stabilizer can also be run in tandem (piggy back). Stabilizers are
inserted at drill collars connections. This limits their spacing to 30 ft. or multiple of 30 ft. Closer
spacing can be achieved by using shorter drill collars of 10-15 ft. The Monel (non-magnetic
collars can be used to house down hole magnetic surveying instruments.
In a deviated well the drill collar makes contact with the low side of the hole. If no
stabilizers are included in the BHA the collar makes contact with the bore hole at a distance of
tangent length (L) from the bit. The unsupported drill collar below the tangent point creates the
pendulum effect and exerts a slid force at the bit.
F = (L W C Sin  ) / 2

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24

Drill String Stabilizers

The placement of the stabilizer in the BHA effects the size of the side force and hence
dictates whether the BHA will build or drop the angle. A stabilizer placed just above the bit acts as
the fulcrum. The weight of the collar above the stabilizer acts as the lever to make the build angle.
As the distance between the bit and the stabilizer increases the upward force on the bit is
reduced. Using the concept the BHA can be designed for the required purpose in the bore hole.
i. Building Assembly ii. Holding Assembly ii. Dropping Assembly.

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24

Deflection through Stabilizers positioning



Tapered edge shape removable/ non-removable type whipstock. Can be attached with
the drill string and can run in condition of pre set direction. Drill string is rotated through
the fixed collar keeping the whipstock in fixed position till the efficient length of the dog
leg is drilled.

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
Suitable for soft medium formations of low
compressive strength. It is a special
modified bit having one nozzle bigger than
other two. A two cone bit with a large eye
may also be used. The side of the eye is
the direction of the well profile. Once the bit
is at the bottom the maximum circulation is
used to being washing without rotating the
string. The pipe is worked out for up &
down while jetting is continued till a pocket
is washed away. At this stage the drill
string can be rotated to ream out the
pocket and continues building the angle in
proper direction.

Jet Deflection Bit

The most common technique is to use
a PDM and bent sub to deflect the well
path without rotating the drill string. The
bent sub is a short length of drill collar
adapter of about 2 ft. length. The axis of
the lower pin is machined slightly off
vertical. The amount of this offset angle
vary 0.50 to 30. The bent sub forces the
motor and the bit to drill in a specific
direction which is determined by the
tool face.

Bent Sub

A down hole turbine can be used in the same way as a PDM to deflect the well. The
shorter length of the PDM gives a greater advantage over turbine for kicking off the well
under control mechanism. It is possible to steer the turbine by means of the stabilizers.

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24

Offset stabilizers are the stabilizers in which one fin is larger than other two and
the stabilizer provides the eccentric drilling in the direction of the tool face. The
offset stabilizer can be oriented in the required direction the drill string is not
rotating and the turbine drives the bit along the desired course.


S=E.I I = (π / 64) (de4 – di4)


F = L . wC . Sin α / 2

S = Stiffness of drill collar in lbs.-inch2, E = Modulus of elasticity in psi.

Δβ = Change in azimuth. DL = Dog leg circle. TFS = Tool face setting
α1 = initial inclination α2 = Final inclination after correction.
F = Maximum side force acting on bit in lbs. L = Tangent length in ft.
W c = linear weight of drill collar in ppf α = angle of inclination.

Build up curvature drilling for inclination interval of α

VC’ = VB + R Sin α’
HC’ = HB + R (1 - Cos α’)
MDC’ = MDB + 100 . α’ / Φ
Build up curvature drilling for drilled depth interval of L
α’ = L . Φ / 100
VC’ = VB + R Sin α’
HC’ = HB + R (1 - Cos α’)
MDC’ = MDB + 100 . α’ / Φ
Tangential drilling for drilled depth interval of L after curvature
VD’ = VC + L Cos α
HD’ = HC + L Sin α

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
Selection criteria: used in the targets where a large horizontal displacement is required at
relatively shallow depth. Shallow kick off point is selected. Under normal conditions, 15o – 55o
inclination can be achieved. Although greater inclinations have been drilled in required cases.
Information required: a). Vt, Ht, Vb & ф
X = tan-1 [ (Ht – R) / (Vt – Vb)], Y = sin-1 [(R cos x) / (Vt – Vb), α=X+Y

Points Vertical Depth Horizontal displacement Measured drilled depth
A Va = 0 Ha = 0 MDa = 0
B Vb = Vb Hb = 0 MDb = Vb
C Vc = Vb + R sinα Hc = R (1- cosα) MDc = MDb + (α / ф) 100
T Vt = Vt H t = Ht MDt = MDc + (Vt – Vc)/ cosα

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
Selection criteria: used in the targets where a smaller horizontal displacement is required at
relatively deep vertical depth as compared to type-1 profile. In first build up attempt, the required
inclination is achieved. Then the well is drilled tangentially for constant inclination and while
approaching the pay zone the inclination is drop out so that the target can be penetrated.
Information required: . Vt, Ht, Vb, Ve, ф1, ф2 & α2

OQ = Ht – R1 – R2 cos α2 – (Vt – Ve) tan α2 , OP = Ve – Vb + R2 sin α2
QS = R1 + R2 . PS = (PQ2 – QS2)0.5 . PQ = (OP2 + OQ2)0.5
X = tan (OQ / OP), Y = tan –1 (QS / PS), α1 = X + Y, CD = PS
Points Vertical Depth Horizontal displacement Measured drilled depth
A Va = 0 Ha = 0 MDa = 0
B Vb = Vb Hb = 0 MDb = Vb
C Vc = Vb + R sin α1 Hc = R1 (1- cosα1) MDc = MDb + (α1 / ф1) 100
D Vd = Vc + CD cosα1 Hd = Hc + CD sin α1 MDd = MDc + CD
E Ve = VD + R2(Sin α1-Sin α2) He = Hd + R2 (cos α2-cos α1) MDe = MDd+ 100(α1 – α2
i. Vt, Ht and Vb are known data.
Inclination α2 = 2 tan-1 ( Ht / (Vt – Vb),
R = (Vt – Vb) / Sinα2
And the buildup rate ф = 18000 / п R

ii. Vt, Ht and ф are known data:

Inclination α2 = Cos-1 [(R – Ht)/R],
Vb = Vt – R Sinα2

iii. Vt, Ht and α2 are known data

R = Ht / (10Cos α2), Vb = Vt – R Sinα2

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
Points Vertical Depth Horizontal displacement Measured drilled depth
A Va = 0 Ha = 0 MDa = 0
B Vb = Vb Hb = 0 MDb = Vb
T Vt = Vb + R sinα2 Ht = R (1- cosα2) MDt = MDb + (α2 / ф) 100


Selection Criteria: This type of

profile can be drilled using the slanted
rig that provides initial inclination at
the time of spudding of the well profile
by slanted position of the rig at the
surface. This profile is beneficial to
provide extension in the horizontal
displacement, and is useful to
penetrate the targets located at a far
distances which are unable to be
drilled by conventional well profile.

Information required: Vt, Ht, MDb, α1

&, ф

Pseudo vertical plane coordfinates: Vt’ = AQ, Ht’ = QT
AQ = AN + NQ, AN = Vt / Sin (90 - α1), NQ = QT/ tan (90 - α1),
QT = NT Sin (90 - α1) NT = Ht - Vt tan α1.
Inclination: X = tan-1 (Ht’ – R) / (Vt’ – MDb). Y = Sin –1(R Cos X) / (Vt’ – MDb),α2 = X + Y,
αT = α 1 + α2 CM = R(1 – cosα2)/ cosα1 AD = MDb + R sin α2,
DM = R(1-cos α2). Tan α1 AM = AD – DM,
Pseudo vertical plane coordfinates: Vt’ = AQ, Ht’ = QT
AQ = AN + NQ, AN = Vt / Sin (90 - α1), NQ = QT/ tan (90 - α1),
QT = NT Sin (90 - α1) NT = Ht - Vt tan α1.
Inclination: X = tan (Ht – R) / (Vt – MDb). Y = Sin (R Cos X) / (Vt’ – MDb),α2 = X + Y,
-1 ’ ’ –1

αT = α 1 + α2 CM = R(1 – cosα2)/ cosα1 AD = MDb + R sin α2,

DM = R(1-cos α2). Tan α1 AM = AD – DM,
Points Vertical Depth Horizontal displacement Measured drilled depth
A Va = 0 Ha = 0 MDa = 0
B Vb = MDb cos α1 Hb = MDb Sin α1 MDb = MDb
C Vc = AM cosα1 Hc = AM sinα1 + CM MDc = MDb + (α2 / ф) 100
T Vt = Vt Ht = Hc+(Vt–Vc) tan αT MDt = MDc+ (Vt – Vc)/ cos

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
Type 5a: Single Build up Horizontal Well SINGLE BUILD UP PROFILE: In this profile
complete 90o inclination is achieved in one
attempt of build up. This profile is useful in the
fields where the drainage area is quite near to
the vertical locus point of the surface drilling
point i.e. not far than the radius of the
Calculation: R = Ht – L, ф = 18000/ π . R


Points Vertical Depth Horizontal displacement Measured drilled depth

A Va = 0 Ha = 0 MDa = 0
B Vb = Vt - R Hb = 0 MDb = Vb
C Vc = Vt Hc = R MDc = MDb + (90 / ф) 100
T Vt = Vt H t = Hc + L MDt = MDc + L

Type5b: Double Buildup Horizontal Well In this profile the 90o inclination is
achieved in two attempts of build up.
This profile is selected in the fields
where the target reservoir drainage
area is far and is beyond the reach
of the single build up profile.

Information required:
Vt, Ht, Vb, Vd, L, α1, ф1

CD = (Vd – Vc) /cos α1,
R2 = (Ht – Hd – L) / cos α1
ф2 = 18000/ π . R2

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
Points Vertical Depth Horizontal displacement Measured drilled depth
A Va = 0 Ha = 0 MDa = 0
B Vb = Vb Hb = 0 MDb = Vb
C Vc = Vb + R1 sinα1 Hc = R1 (1- cosα1) MDc = MDb + (α1 / ф1) 100
D Vd = Vc + CD cosα1 Hd = Hc + CD sin α1 MDd = MDc + CD
E Ve = Vt (Known) He = Hd + R2 (90 - α1) MDe = MDd+ 100(90- α1)/ ф2
T Vt = Vt Ht = Ht MDt = Mde + L

Short Answer Questions

1. Name five applications of Directional Drilling.
2. What are the surface coordinates of a Directional Well?
3. What are the sub-surface coordinates of a Directional Well?
4. What are three dimensional coordinates of a Directional well?
5. What is azimuth and how it is different than Direction?
6. What is TVD and how it is measured?
7. What is Horizontal drift and how it is measured?
8. What is Well inclination and how it is different than azimuth?
9. What is Build up rate and how it is different than drop off rate?
10. What is radius of curvature (ROC) and how it is measured?
11. What is EOC point and how it is decided?
12. What is Well kick off?
13. What is difference between well kick off and well kick?
14. What are the criteria to select a Kick off point of a Directional well?
15. What are different sections of a directional well?
16. What are the methods used to drill curvature section of directional well?
17. What are methods used to drill a tangential section of a directional well?
18. Why it is essential to complete well kick off operation in soft formation?
19. Name the reasons of unwanted deflection in well profile?
20. What is Dip angle and how it is different than inclination angle?
21. How the dip angle can lead the deflection in a well path?
22. What is a Dog leg?
23. Name any four problems those can be created by a Dog leg?
24. Name four type of stabilizers used in drill string of a directional well.
25. What is stiffness of a drill collar?
26. Name five tools use to deflect a well path.
27. What is different between a Jet deflection Bit and a TCR bit?
28. What is a Bent Sub and how it is different than a normal box-pin sub?
29. Name five profiles of directional well.
30. What are conditions for selection of Build & Hold Profile for a well.
31. Explain how the KOP is decided in Build & Hole Profile?
32. Explain how the EOC is decided in Build & Hole Profile?
33. What are conditions for selection of Build, Hold & Drop Profile for al well.

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
34. Explain how the first KOP is decided in Build Hole and Drop Profile?
35. Explain how the second KOP is decided in Build Hole and Drop Profile?
36. Explain how the final inclination is decided in Build Hole and Drop Profile?
37. Explain how the second curvature drilling is decided in Build Hole and Drop Profile?
38. Explain how the first EOC point is decided in Build Hole and Drop Profile?
39. Explain how the second EOC point is decided in Build Hole and Drop Profile?
40. Why to go for Drop off drilling in Build, Hold and Drop profile well?
41. What are conditions for selection of Deep KOP Profile for a well.


Q.1: Surface coordinate: 15.32 ft. N, 5.06 ft. E
Target Coordinate: 1650 ft. N, 4510 ft. E
VT = 9880 ft. VB = 1650 ft. ɸ = 1.5 o / 100 ft.
Work out the trajectory of Type 1 profile well.

Q.2: MDB = 3000 ft. MDT = 15500 ft. ɸ = 2o / 100 ft. αmax = 500
Work out the trajectory of Type - 1 profile well.

Q.3: VT = 7000 ft. HT = 8000 ft. MDB = 1500 ft. ɸ = 2o / 100 ft.
Work out the trajectory of Type 1 profile well.

Q.4: VT = 12000 ft. HT = 6000 ft. VB = 1500 ft.

ɸ1 = 2o / 100 ft. ɸ2 = 1.5o / 100 ft. Ve = 11000 ft. α2 = 200
Work out the trajectory of Type 2 profile well

Q.5: VT = 10000 ft. HT = 4000 ft. Ve = 9000 ft.

ɸ1 = 2o / 100 ft. ɸ2 = 2o / 100 ft. α1 = 500 α2 = 00
Work out the trajectory of Type 2 profile well.

Q.6: VT = 9500 ft. MDT = 12500 ft. MDe = 11000 ft.

ɸ1 = 2o / 100 ft. ɸ2 = 2o / 100 ft. α1 = 500 α2 = 200
Work out the trajectory of Type 2 profile well.

Q.7: VT = 10000 ft. HT = 1500 ft. VB = 7000 ft.

Work out the trajectory of Type 3 profile well.

Q.8: VT = 7000 ft. HT = 8000 ft. MDB = 1500 ft. ɸ = 2o / 100 ft. α1 = 300
Work out the trajectory of Slanted profile well.

Q9: MDB = 3000 ft. MDT = 15500 ft. ɸ = 2o / 100 ft. α1 = 200 αmax = 500
Work out the trajectory of Slanted profile well.

Q.10: VB = 1500 ft. VT = 8000 ft. ɸ = 2o / 100 ft. α1 = 200 αmax = 650
Work out the trajectory of Slanted profile well.

Q11: VB = 1500 ft. VT = 7000 ft. ɸ = 2o / 100 ft. α1 = 200 αmax = 650
Work out the trajectory of Slanted profile well.

Q.12: MDB = 2500 ft. MDT = 12500 ft. ɸ = 2o / 100 ft. α1 = 200 αmax = 500
Work out the trajectory of Slanted profile well.

Department of Petroleum Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad – 826004
VI Semester B.Tech Petroleum Engineering 2023-24
Q.13: VT = 6000 ft. HT = 5000 ft. ɸ = 2o / 100 ft.
Work out the trajectory of Single Build up Horizontal Profile well.

Q.14: VT = 6000 ft. HT = 5000 ft. L =2000 ft.

Work out the trajectory of Single Build up Horizontal Profile well.

Q. 15. Vt = 9000 ft. Ht = 12000 ft. Vb = 2000 ft.

Φ1 = 20/100ft. Φ2 =20/100ft. α2 = 300
Work out the trajectory of Double Build up Horizontal Well.

Q. 16. Vt = 9000 ft. Ht = 12000 ft. Vb = 2000 ft.

Φ1 = 20/100ft. α2 = 300 Vd = 8500 ft.
Work out the trajectory of Double Build up Horizontal Well.

Q. 17. Vt = 9000 ft. Ht = 12000 ft. Vb = 2000 ft.

Φ1 = 20/100ft. α2 = 300 L = 2000 ft.
Work out the trajectory of Double Build up Horizontal Well.

Q.18: A directional well is going to be drilled to 10,000 ft TVD under the following conditions.
Evaluate the plan for 20 and 40/100 ft. build up rates by computing final inclination angles through
build up curvature from 3000 ft KOP.
Surface location: Ns = 0 ft, Es = 0 ft.
Target Coordinates: NT = 2500 ft., ET = 2800 ft.

Q.19: A target exists at 10,000 ft TVD 2000 ft north and 2800 ft east. If a buildup rate is 3 0/100 ft
calculate the maximum inclinations to be achieved from 1500 ft, 2000 ft, 2500 ft, 3000 ft, 3500 ft,
4000 ft and 4500 ft KOP depths

Q.20: A target exists at 10,000 ft TVD 2000 ft north and 2800 ft east. If a buildup rate is 3 0/100 ft
calculate the curvature length to be achieved from 1500 ft, 2000 ft, 2500 ft, 3000 ft, 3500 ft, 4000
ft and 4500 ft KOP depths

Q.21: A target exists at 10,000 ft TVD 2000 ft north and 2800 ft east. If a buildup rate is 3 0/100 ft
calculate the Total drilled depths to be achieved from 1500 ft, 2000 ft, 2500 ft, 3000 ft, 3500 ft,
4000 ft and 4500 ft KOP depths

Q.22: VT = 12000 ft. HT = 6000 ft. VB = 1500 ft.

ɸ1 = 2o / 100 ft. ɸ2 = 1.5o / 100 ft. Ve = 11000 ft.
Using type 2 profile determine the profile penetration angle to the target zone and work out the
trajectory of the well


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