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Unit 6 Name:__Kovács Borbála

__________________________ Mark: ___/70

1 Listen to three adverts and complete the Chemists can suggest which medicine or
sentences. painkillers you should take.
Vitabix is good for you if you do a lot of 1 They can tell you if you should __stay at home
exercise. and see a
1 You should take it when you go to the doctor____________________________.
___gym___________. 2 Chemists sell medicines and other things like
2 You should take it when you feel ___tired ____shampoo, perfume and
___________. ___soap____________________.
3 You can get headaches when you spend too 3 Some chemists have notices about ____local
much time on your ____computer_________. exercise classes and
4 A VitB bar will help your ____headaches clubs__________________________.
_________ disappear. 4 After 5.30 in the afternoon, most chemists are
5 This cream can take the pain away and it ___closed________________________.
___smells__________ good. 5 Sometimes chemists close for one ___afternoon
6 You _should_____________ buy some of this during the week
cream and give it to your mum. ___________________________.
7 The cream is called _____magic_________ 6 If you need a chemist on Sunday, look ______at
Cream. the list in your chemist’s
_____ 14
7 You must see a doctor if your health
_____problem is

2 Read the text and answer the questions.

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High Street Help
What do you do when you wake up and you
don’t feel well? You’ve got a sore throat and
a headache. You feel sick and you can’t go to
school. Well, you don’t always have to go to
the doctor for help. First, you should visit your
local chemist. You can go to them and ask
for advice. Chemists will listen to you and
suggest what pain killers or medicine you
should take. They can tell you if you should
stay at home or if you should see a doctor.
They sell all kinds of painkillers and medicine
so they should have something that you

Chemists don’t only sell medicines. They also

sell products such as shampoo, soap and
perfume. They sometimes have a notice
board on the wall where you can read notices
about local exercise classes and clubs. We
all know that we should eat healthy food and
that we should exercise regularly, but we
don’t always do it!

Most chemists are open from Monday to

Saturday from nine in the morning until 5.30
in the afternoon. They sometimes close for
lunch from one until two, and in small towns
they often close for one afternoon a week.
But there’s always a chemist open in your
area. Phone 098 558723 to find out which
chemist in your area is open in the evening
and on Sunday. Or you can look at the list in
your chemist’s shop window.

Chemists are qualified professionals. They

can give you professional advice and save
you a trip to the doctor. However, they aren’t
doctors and if a baby is ill, or you have a
serious health problem, you must call your
doctor immediately.

_____ 14

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3 Complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn’t
and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Children should eat (eat) a lot of fruit and
1 You ___shouldn’t go_____________________
4 You must / mustn’t 5 You must / mustn’t
(go) to bed late. turn right. stop.
2 When it’s cold you _________should
wear_______________ (wear) a warm coat.
3 We _______should get_________________
(get) a taxi because we’re late.
4 You ______shouldn’t
6 You must / mustn’t use 7 You must / mustn’t
spend__________________ (spend) all day at
your mobile phone here. wear a seatbelt.
the computer.
5 I _______should visit_________________ _____ 7

(visit) the dentist every six months.

6 Paul _______should do_________________
(do) some exercise.
7 You ______shouldn’t
swim__________________ (swim) in the sea in
December. It’s too cold!

_____ 7

4 Choose the correct words.

You must / mustn’t 1 You must / mustn’t

stay out of this room. touch the statue.

2 You must / mustn’t 3 You must / mustn’t

take off your shoes. play football here.

5 Write the words under the correct heading.

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be rude to people be polite to your teachers
be late for school tidy your room every day
park your car on the pavement
touch paintings in art galleries
eat lots of fruit and vegetables
go to hospital if you have a cold

must mustn’t don’t have to

Be polite to be rude to Tidy your room

your people, be late every day, go
teachers, eat for school,park to hospital if
lots of fruit your car on the you have a
and pavement, cold
vegetables touch paintings
in art galleries

_____ 7

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6 Complete the words.

She’s got a s o r e 1 He f _eel _ _ _ s _ick _

t h r o a t. _.

2 He’s got a s _ ore_ _ 3 She’s got

k _nee _ _. t _oothache _ _ _ _ _ _

4 His back h urts_ _ _ _. 5 I don’t f eel _ _ _ w ell_

_ _.

6 He’s t _hirsty _ _ _ _ _. 7 She’s t _ired _ _ _.

_____ 7

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7 Match phrasal verbs 1–7 with words A–H.

get off A something you’ve lost

1 look for B a train
2 sit down C a book from your bag
3 take out D the phone
4 pick up E a sweatshirt
5 look at F the television
6 switch off G a painting
7 try on H on a chair

_____ 7

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8 Complete the sentences. Choose from these
meet get be have enjoy put run eat

Finn I want to join the swimming club. You

don’t have to be a good swimmer but you
must (1) _enjoy__________________
Molly I love swimming. What do we have to do?
Finn Well, we must
(2) __put_________________ our name on
this list. And then we should
(3) ____meet_______________ at the
swimming pool at 6.00 on Thursday.
Molly Are there any rules?
Finn Let’s see. You mustn’t (4)
____run_______________ along the side
of the swimming pool. You mustn’t (5)
eat___________________ or drink in the
pool, of course. And you must
(6) ___have________________ a shower
when you come out of the pool. That’s
normal. Oh, and you must
(7) _____get______________ a key for
your locker.
Molly Great! That’s fine. Let’s join.

_____ 7

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