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Name : Hassan Mehboob

Class: LLB-1A
Write detailed paragraphs, with proper
key statement/agenda, supporting
sentences and conclusion, on the
following topics
1. Free speech should have
2. My experience of living at home
during COVID-19

Paragraph writing
Starting with what is free speech;Freedom of speech is the basic right of any individual to
express and articulate his certain ideas, opinions and gestures without any fear of
cencorship,sanctions and retaliation.It can also be described as the right to seek and impart
information and ideas of all kinds by any means.So as we understand what is freedom of speech
we will move to the importance of free speech.
Why is free speech so important;It is a basic fundamental human right.It reinforces all other
rights,allowing society to develop and flourish on equal humanitarian bases without
biases.Freedom of speech is inextricably linked to prosperity,afterall prosperity comes from
ideas and free ideas can only thrive in societies which are free from any kind of suppressions.The
reason being it is an invaluable cornerstone of the society and is worth fighting to protect it.After
this we will discuss freedom of speech in legal jurisprudences.
What does law state about freedom of speech;“Under the Article 19 of The Constitution of
Pakistan,1973,every citizen shall have the freedom of expression,freedom of speech and freedom
of press subject to any “reasonable restriction”imposed by law in the interest of the glory of
Islam or the integrity, security or defense of Pakistan.”So the law provides and protects the right
of freedom of speech.After this we will discuss the international law.
Standards of International Law with respect to freedom of speech;The United Nations
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, provides, in Article 19, that:Everyone
has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions
without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media
and regardless of frontier.Article 13 states that
“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression. This right includes freedom to
seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally,
in writing, in print, in the form of art, or through any other medium of one’s choice.”Hereby are
the interpretations of law now we will move on to the most important question of the discussion.
Free speech should have some or limitations at all; Out and loud everything has a certain limit
and excess of everything is bad,So is the case with freedom of speech.As a general rule,
limitations on free speech preclude speech that is harmful to others, threatening, or generally
repulsive and reviled. Legal systems sometimes recognise certain limits on or to the freedom of
speech, particularly when freedom of speech conflicts with other rights and freedoms, such as in
the cases of libel, slander, pornography, obscenity, fighting words, and intellectual property. In
some European countries, blasphemy is a limitation to free speech. For example, in some
countries defaming Muhammad the Prophet of Islam does not fall under free speech. Limitations
to freedom of speech may occur through legal sanction or social disapprobation, or both.Certain
public institutions may also enact policies restricting the freedom of speech, for example speech
codes at state schools.So free speech should never be offensive and harmful to one’s set of
beleifs and personal life.Last but not the least is the conclusion of the discussion
In the end I would conclude the adding that freedom of speech is the birth, fundamental and
democratic law of every citizen.It uplifts the society through entering various diverse ideas into
the main stream develops and nourishes and ultimately leads to the prosperity of the nations.
But still on the other hand can be very offensive create reactions of hatred and agony if directed
towards one’s belief and can lead to sectarian violence and extremism.Issues like hate speech,
equal access to genders,Biased narrations and many more like these.Freedom of speech should
be free from racism, sectarianism and extremism and should be free from all the biases in the real
sense.It should promote love,peace and prosperity.It should serve as the most powerful weapon
for bringing different communities together and eliminating all differences creating spirits of
global harmony and companionship.Lastly I would like to quote the words of Justin martin
luther king “Our lives begin to end the day we start becoming silent about things which matter.”

My Experience of living at home during Covid-19

Introduction of Covid-19;The outbreak pandemic of the virus known as Covid-19 which caused
serious respiratory disorder along with other complications to the victims started in December
2019 in the city of China called wuhan.Later in january thw World health organization called a
public health emergency of International concern due to its outspread and disastrous
consequences across the world.As to the day it has attributed to 54.4 million cases with more
than 1.31 million death.After the introduction of this deadly virus we will move to see how it
Modes of transmission of covid-19;COVID-19 mainly spreads through the air when people are
near each other long enough, primarily via small droplets or aerosols, as an infected person
breathes, coughs, sneezes, sings, or speaks. It can spread as early as two days before infected
persons show symptoms , and from no symptoms individuals. People remain infectious for up to
ten days in moderate cases, and two weeks in severe cases.Now we will discuss the symptoms of
Symptoms of covid-19; Common symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue breathing difficulties
and loss of smell and taste. Complications may include pneumonia and acute respiratory distress
syndrome. The incubation period is typically around five days but may range from one to 14
days. There are several vaccine candidates in development, although none has completed
clinical trials.As we understand the symptoms we should also know about certain preventive measures.

Preventive measures against Covid-19;Recommended preventive measures include hand washing,

covering one's mouth when sneezing or coughing, social distancing, wearing a face mask in public,
ventilation and air-filtering, disinfecting surfaces, and monitoring and self-isolation for people exposed
or symptomatic. Authorities worldwide have responded by implementing travel restrictions, lockdowns,
workplace hazard controls, and facility closures. Many places have also worked to increase testing
capacity and trace contacts of the infected.Now moving on to the effects of the covid-19 pandemic.

Effects of covid-19 across the world;The responses have caused global social and economic disruption,
including the largest global recession since the Great Depression. It has led to the postponement or
cancellation of events, widespread supply shortages exacerbated by panic buying, famines affecting
hundreds of millions of people, and decreased emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases.
Educational institutions have been partially or fully closed. Misinformation has circulated through social
media and mass media. There have been incidents of xenophobia and discrimination against Chinese
people and against those perceived as being Chinese or as being from areas with high infection rates.[

My peronal experience at home during the pendamic;To start the description of my very
experience it was very important to tell that how the pendamic started for me.I was in university
hostel when I heard from my brother who was in China at that time.At that time the virus was
only limited to China rather Wuhan and I didn’t take it that seriously because I thought it had
nothing to do with me and is some thing very normal limited to China only which is far away
from my zone of concerns.Starting of these normal circumstances things begin to change
catastrophically.After this sort of beginning in the next paragraph i will illustrate the sudden
Sudden outbreak of the pandemic;In January things became worse day by day as the pandemic
which started from a city of China begin to have it’s impact far behind the borders and ultimately
spreading across the whole world.In the beginning as the world was in the grip of the virus
Pakistan coped it very well but suddenly after some mass movements in large numbers caused
the transmission of virus vulnerable and the daily case index along with the death toll begin to
increase exponentially day by day.After these consequences of the outbreak it was the time for
our departure from the hostels
Departure from the hostels;It was Saturday night when suddenly I heared some loud voices
filled with joy and happiness and I was very shocked that what happened and suddenly my
roomate came and congratulated me.Still I was blank and then he told me that the institutions are
being closed and we are going home.As everyone was happy to go to home,I was filled with
sorrow as my parents were abroad in those days.So I had no idea whatsoever where to go and
what to do.But I bucked myself up as well as my friends did and I also started preparations like
packing and getting ready for the departure.There was dillema yet I had to cope with it its time to
go home
Way to home; I decided to go to my relatives house and live there for somedays as everyone
thought it would be over soon and then we will be back to work.My cousins and other relatives
warmly welcomed me as first time ever in history there were vacations without any deadline.The
starting days were fine covid was not prominent in our area so we chilled out.After a week or so
we heard about the first case in our city,then second,third and so on.It was the very time we the
administration announced complete lockdown.We were shocked as it was catastrophic vhange to
everyone’s busy routine life and no one had any clue what to do.Starting days were difficult to
manage everyone ran out of a activities and stuff.At the veey time I was already missing my
parents very badly.So during this stay I enjoyed but missed my parents.Now we will discuss the
activities during the pandemic
Activities during the pandemic; Everyone’s life became very restricted and limited due to the
lockdown and complete stay at home.So it was the need of the hour to involve themselves into
some kind of activities.As far as I was concerned along with cousins we indulged ourselves into
indoor activities like badminton,ludo and playing cards.
Me and pandemic period;The pandemic period was no less than a nightmare for me because I
was away from my family.I missed my parents day night and in real sense I know the real worth
of family.I just prayed that for once things get back to normal and I get my family back with
me.I had to wait and wait was even more difficult because it had no time and date
mentioned.After 5 months of patience,prayers and perseverance when I heard the news of flights
being opened I was filled with so much happiness that I can’t describe along with the gratitude to
the Almighty.
Finally meeting my family;After a long period like centuries the wait came to an end and My
family was infront of my eyes,At first I couldn’t believe whether it was a dream or reality.But
the joy and satisfaction wa out of the world.Covid-19 wasn’t over but for me I had no fear of
anything anymore as my family was with me.After that in the real sense I enjoyed the covid
vacations and it helped our family bonding grew even more stronger as we spent more and more
time together.After all these illustrations last but not the least I would conclude my experience
during the pandemic time.
In the end I would sum up the discussion by saying that;The covid-19 pandemic has shaked
the world and gave everybody a wake up call.Before the covid-19 everyone was so busy in their
personal life that no one cared about what others are doing whether someone is living, dying,
happy,sad nothing used to bother anyone.But in the covid-19 period where our personal routines
were disturbed the family bonding became stronger.People once again started interacted with
each other societies became united.People became more physically active and mentally
creative.Everyone got a chance to rest for a while and understand the real meaning of this
ordinary life and prepare for the life which has far more importance then this temporary
life.People understood the values of relations,a sense of care and love developed in everyone.At
the very time Covid-19 caused serious implications across the world’s many people lost tye lives
of there beloved one’s and suffered unbearable loss.Human intellect and technological
advancement were also questioned once again as nobody had any answers.But things are getting
better day by day, scientists are working on vaccines, Russia has launched and trialed their
vaccine on successful terms.Let us all hope and pray to the Almighty that this covington
pandemy is completely over very soon so that the life gets back to routine and once again people
live their lives without restrictions with a new and better mindset

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