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3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020


Son / Daughter of : ENAMUL MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830001 Registration No : 202301027687 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ABUL HASNAT MOLLA Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SARIFUJAMAN MOLLAH


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830002 Registration No : 202301027691 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ADITYA ADHIKARI Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : ASHIS ADHIKARI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830003 Registration No : 202301027693 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : AJAPA DUTTA Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SOUVIK DUTTA


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830004 Registration No : 202301027694 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

MUSIC MDC/IDC MUSC1031 Different Type of Songs

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : AKTARUL SEKH Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SAMSUL SEKH


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830005 Registration No : 202301027696 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ALISHA KHATUN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SK JAHIR RAIHAN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830006 Registration No : 202301027698 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ANKITA BHUIMALI Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : AMAL BHUIMALI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830007 Registration No : 202301027707 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

HISTORY MDC/IDC HIST1031 History of India (1757-1857)

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ANKITA MONDAL Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : ATUL KUMAR MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830008 Registration No : 202301027708 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : AREFA PERVIN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : MD AZFAR HOSSAIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830009 Registration No : 202301027712 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ARITRA MANDAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : BARUN KUMAR MANDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830010 Registration No : 202301027716 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020


Son / Daughter of : BISHNU CHAKRABORTY


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830011 Registration No : 202301027717 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : AROBINDA MAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : TARUN KUMAR MAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830012 Registration No : 202301027718 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ARSE AJAM Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SAKHI AJAM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830013 Registration No : 202301027721 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ATANU MONDAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SANKAR CH MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830014 Registration No : 202301027724 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : AYON SAHA Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : PARTHA SARATHI SAHA


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830015 Registration No : 202301027727 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : BANDANA DUTTA Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SUKUMAR DUTTA


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830016 Registration No : 202301027728 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020




Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830017 Registration No : 202301027729 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : BIPADH KUMAR DAS Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SANAT KUMAR DAS


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830018 Registration No : 202301027730 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : BIPASHA SWARNAKAR Gender: Female



Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830019 Registration No : 202301027731 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : BRISTI DALUI Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : AMAR NATH DALUI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830020 Registration No : 202301027733 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : BRISTI PRAMANICK Gender: Female



Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830021 Registration No : 202301027734 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : DEBARUPA GHOSH Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : UDAY GHOSH


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830022 Registration No : 202301027737 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : DEBJIT LET Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : KRISHNA KUMAR LET


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830023 Registration No : 202301027738 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : DEBOLINA PRAMANICK Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SUSANTA PRAMANICK


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830024 Registration No : 202301027739 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

MATHEMATICS MDC/IDC MATH1031 Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020


Son / Daughter of : LATE SWAPAN BANERJEE


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830025 Registration No : 202301027743 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : DISHA MONDAL Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : CHANDAN MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830026 Registration No : 202301027744 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : DIYASA MONDAL Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : ASHIS KUMAR MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830027 Registration No : 202301027745 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ESHITA NASIPURI Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : NITESH NASIPURI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830028 Registration No : 202301027747 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

MATHEMATICS MDC/IDC MATH1031 Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : IKBAL HOSSAIN Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : ASGAR ALI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830029 Registration No : 202301027753 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : JAYANTA KONAI Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : TARANI KONAI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830030 Registration No : 202301027756 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : JOY MONDAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : JAGAT MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830031 Registration No : 202301027759 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : JUNAYED AHAMED Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SAMSUL HUDA


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830032 Registration No : 202301027760 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : KHUSI KHATUN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : MD KUTUBUDDIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830033 Registration No : 202301027762 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : LALITA DUTTA Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SUBRATA DUTTA


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830034 Registration No : 202301027765 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MAHABUB ALAM Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : HABIBUR RAHAMAN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830035 Registration No : 202301027766 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MAHASEBA KHATUN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : AZIZUL ISLAM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830036 Registration No : 202301027768 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MAIJUL SK Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : NURUL HOQUE


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830037 Registration No : 202301027769 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MASAMATH RONAK JAHAN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : RAJU SK


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830038 Registration No : 202301027771 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MASUD HASAN MOLLA Gender: Male



Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830039 Registration No : 202301027772 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MD ABU TALEB Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MD ABU TAHER ALI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830040 Registration No : 202301027773 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MD AMIRUL ISLAM Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MD NAZRUL ISLAM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830041 Registration No : 202301027776 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MD MEHEDI HASSAN Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MD GIYASUDDIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830042 Registration No : 202301027777 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MD REZANUZZAMAN Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MD NUREZZAMAN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830043 Registration No : 202301027778 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MD ROHAN SEIKH Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MD JAHANGIR KABIR


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830044 Registration No : 202301027779 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MD SABBIR ALI Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MD SHER ALI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830045 Registration No : 202301027780 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MD ZAHIDUDDIN Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : JAKIRUDDIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830046 Registration No : 202301027783 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MD ZISHAN Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MD MAMUD HOSSAIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830047 Registration No : 202301027784 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MEHEBUB ISLAM Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : OARESHUDDIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830048 Registration No : 202301027785 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution


MDC/IDC PEDS1031 Fitness and Wellness

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MEHEFUZ ALAM Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : ABU RAIHAN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830049 Registration No : 202301027789 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MISBAHUL HAQUE Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : NAKIMUL HAQUE


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830050 Registration No : 202301027790 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MOBARAK SEKH Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : JAMAL SEKH


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830051 Registration No : 202301027791 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MOHINI MAL Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : ASIT MAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830052 Registration No : 202301027793 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MONIRA KHATUN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : JAWAHAR ALI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830053 Registration No : 202301027794 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MONOMOY BHUIMALI Gender: Male



Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830054 Registration No : 202301027795 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020


Son / Daughter of : MD NAIMUDDIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830055 Registration No : 202301027797 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MOUMITA NASIPURI Gender: Female



Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830056 Registration No : 202301027798 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MOUMITA SINGHA Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SUPRASANNA SINGHA


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830057 Registration No : 202301027799 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : MUSLEMA AKTARA Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : MD MONAYEM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830058 Registration No : 202301027801 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : NASRIN SULTANA Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : LUTFUL HAQUE


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830059 Registration No : 202301050284 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : OSMAN GONI Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SOFIULLAH SK


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830060 Registration No : 202301027812 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020


Son / Daughter of : MOSARAF HOSSAIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830061 Registration No : 202301027815 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : PIU DAS Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : PRADIP DAS


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830062 Registration No : 202301027816 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RAFIKUL ISLAM Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : KABIRUL ISLAM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830063 Registration No : 202301027819 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RAJ KUMAR KONAI Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : ANANTA KONAI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830064 Registration No : 202301027820 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RAJ NARAYAN MISHRA Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SISIR KUMAR MISHRA


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830065 Registration No : 202301027821 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

COMPUTER SCIENCE Major COMP1011 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

COMPUTER SCIENCE SEC COMP1051 Python Programming

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RAKI PAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : BHAGIRATH PAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830066 Registration No : 202301027824 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : REBA MONDAL Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : RADHA MADHAB MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830067 Registration No : 202301027826 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RENU LET Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : MAHADEB LET


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830068 Registration No : 202301027827 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

HISTORY MDC/IDC HIST1031 History of India (1757-1857)

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RESHMI PRAMANIK Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : DILIP PRAMANIK


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830069 Registration No : 202301027828 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RIMPI MAHALDAR Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : BIKASH MAHALDAR


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830070 Registration No : 202301027831 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RINKI DAS Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SANJOY DAS


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830071 Registration No : 202301027833 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RISHI PANDEY Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : ANANTA PANDEY


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830072 Registration No : 202301027834 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ROKY MAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : UTPAL MAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830073 Registration No : 202301027839 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

MUSIC MDC/IDC MUSC1031 Different Type of Songs

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : ROMINA ISLAM Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : RABIUL ISLAM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830074 Registration No : 202301027840 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : RUPSENA KHATUN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : WAJBUR RAHAMAN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830075 Registration No : 202301027841 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SACHIN MAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : JAHAR MAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830076 Registration No : 202301027844 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I


MDC/IDC PEDS1031 Fitness and Wellness

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAHANAJ PARVEEN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : MD ABU TAHER ALI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830077 Registration No : 202301027846 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

MUSIC MDC/IDC MUSC1031 Different Type of Songs

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAHANAZ KHATUN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : MOKAM ALI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830078 Registration No : 202201032107 of 2022-23 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAHANAZ PARVIN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : MD ISMILE


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830079 Registration No : 202301027847 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAHIL AHAMMED SK Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MANIRUDDIN SK


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830080 Registration No : 202301027849 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

Value Education in Indian Tradition - I : Swami Vivekananda and Sri


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAHIN PARVEEN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : FARID ANSARI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830081 Registration No : 202301027851 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAHINUL ISLAM Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SARIFUL ISLAM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830082 Registration No : 202301027853 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

COMPUTER SCIENCE Minor COMP1021 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAILEN DAS Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : GANESH CHANDRA DAS


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830083 Registration No : 202301027854 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAKIR AHAMMED Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MD OBAIDULLAH


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830084 Registration No : 202301027856 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAMPA MONDAL Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SHYAMAL MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830085 Registration No : 202301027857 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates


BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SANCHITA DAS Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SUKHENDU BIKASH DAS


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830086 Registration No : 202301027858 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SANIA ARJUMAN KABIR Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : HUMAYUN KABIR


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830087 Registration No : 202301027859 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SANIUL ISLAM Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SOFIQUL ISLAM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830088 Registration No : 202201032248 of 2022-23 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

CHEMISTRY Major CHEM101-1 Basic Chemistry-I

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

CHEMISTRY SEC CHEM105-1 Drugs and pharmaceuticals

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAYAN GUPTA Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : LATE DEBABRATA GUPTA


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830089 Registration No : 202301027864 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SAYANI MONDAL Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : UJJWAL MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830090 Registration No : 202301027866 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SHARMISTHA KONAI Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : MOHANLAL KONAI


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830091 Registration No : 202301027872 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SHIPRA MONDAL Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : RAJYADHAR MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830092 Registration No : 202301027874 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SOUMAJIT ROY Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SUJIT ROY


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830093 Registration No : 202301027877 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

PHYSICS Minor PHYS1021 Mathematical Physics-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020


Son / Daughter of : SIBARAM CHATTERJEE


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830094 Registration No : 202301027881 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SUBRATA MONDAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : SUNIL MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830095 Registration No : 202301027885 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SUHANA PARVEEN Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : NAWSAD ALAM


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830096 Registration No : 202301027887 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SUJOY KUMAR DEY Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : ARUN KUMAR DEY


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830097 Registration No : 202301027891 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SUMAN SEKH Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : AZIM SEKH


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830098 Registration No : 202301027892 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

GEOGRAPHY MDC/IDC GEOG1031 Physical Geography

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SUPRIYA ROY Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : LATE BIJOY ROY


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830099 Registration No : 202301027899 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

PHYSICS Major PHYS1011 Mathematical Physics-I

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

BENGALI MDC/IDC BENG1031 Kabita, Natak, Golpo, Probandha

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

PHYSICS SEC PHYS1051 Renewable Energy and Energy Harvesting

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : SUSMITA DAS Gender: Female

Son / Daughter of : SUBHENDU MOHAN DAS


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830100 Registration No : 202301027901 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

ZOOLOGY Major ZOOL1011 Non-Chordates

BOTANY Minor BOTN1021 Plant Diversity and Evolution

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

ZOOLOGY SEC ZOOL1051 Apiculture

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : TOUFIKUDDIN Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : AFTABUDDIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830101 Registration No : 202301027904 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

COMPUTER SCIENCE Major COMP1011 Computer Fundamentals & Digital Logic

MATHEMATICS Minor MATH1021 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

EDUCATION MDC/IDC EDUC1031 Great Educators

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

COMPUTER SCIENCE SEC COMP1051 Python Programming

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : UDAY MONDAL Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : ASIT MONDAL


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830102 Registration No : 202301027905 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

MATHEMATICS Major MATH1011 Calculus, Geometry & Vector Calculus

CHEMISTRY Minor CHEM102-1 General Chemistry-I

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar


VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order
3-Year Degree Programme under CCFUP of NEP 2020

Name : YASHIR AHAMID KHAN Gender: Male

Son / Daughter of : MOJAMMEL HOSEIN


Chance Count :1

Roll No : 230630830103 Registration No : 202301027906 of 2023-24 Examinee Category : Regular

Subject Course Type Course Code Course Title

BOTANY Major BOTN1011 Plant Diversity and Evolution

ZOOLOGY Minor ZOOL1021 Non-Chordates

ENGLISH MDC/IDC ENGL1031 Communication Skills

BENGALI AEC BENG1041 Sahityer Bodh O Bichar

BOTANY SEC BOTN1051 Biofertilizer

VAC CVA1061 Environmental Science / Education

**MDC/IDC : Multi/Interdisciplinary Course

Date of Commencement : 03.07.2024



● An examinee must produce the valid Admit Card in the Examination Centre as and when asked for. Without the valid Admit Card no examinee will be allowed to enter into the
Examination Centre.
● An examinee shall take his/her seat at least ten minutes before the commencement of the examination. In exceptional cases, the Centre-in-Charge may grant special permission to an
examinee to enter into the Examination Centre after the commencement of the examination but in no case an examinee will be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after twenty
minutes of the commencement of the examination. However, no extra time will be granted to such examinee.
● No examinee will be allowed to leave the examination hall till an hour has elapsed from the commencement of the examination. The examinee must hand over his/her answer-script, even
if blank, to the Invigilator before leaving the examination hall.
● An examinee shall provide the relevant information only on the space provided in the answer script. Any additional information (viz. Candidate’s name/College name etc.) shall lead to
cancellation of examination of the paper/course concerned and/or the entire examination.
● An examinee is forbidden to carry into the examination hall or to have in his/her possession any book, note, paper, writings, scribbling or other electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones /
Cellular Phones / Satellite Phones / Pagers / Digital Diaries / Programmable Calculators / Smart Watches. He/she will carry his/her Admit Card, Registration Certificate, pen or the like.
Any article found in the possession of an examinee in contravention of these instructions shall be liable to be seized by the Invigilator/ Officer-in-Charge.
● An examinee shall neither help / try to help any other examinee nor obtain / try to obtain any help from any examinee or person inside the examination hall. Communication of any nature
between an examinee and another examinee or any person during the examination, whether inside or outside the examination hall, is strictly forbidden.
● An examinee shall not write any objectionable or improper remark in his/her answer-script. He/she must not write anything on the question paper.
● An examinee is warned that adoption of unfair means or an attempt to adopt such means during the examination or any breach or attempt to breach any of these instructions or other
examination regulations or any type of tampering with the Admit Card, will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination or to be reported against by the Centre-in-Charge.
● A warning bell shall be rung fifteen minutes before the completion of the examination when the doors of the examination hall(s) shall be closed. Thereafter the examinees shall remain in
their seats and must not leave the hall till the invigilators allow them to leave.
● Notwithstanding the issue of this Admit Card, the University shall have the right for any reason which may appear to be sufficient to cancel the admission of any examinee to any
Examination Centre, whether before, during or after the examination. The University may also debar an examinee from appearing at any subsequent University examination(s) and the
decision of the University in all such cases shall be final and binding.
By Order

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