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II PLAYER ACTIVATIONS 5 A • A Desperate Gambit ......................................... 8

B • The Heart of Cerberus ..................................10
III WINNING THE GAME 5 C • The I nfernal R ace ............................................ 12


A • C ooperative C ampaign .................................... 5 A• S olo Skirmish....................................................14

B • Nemesis Skirmish ............................................... 5 A• Partner Skirmish..............................................15
C • Table setup ........................................................... 6 B• Olympus in Ruins.............................................16
C• Minos ’ L abyrinth.............................................. 17
V PLAYING THE GAME 6 D• Styx R iver............................................................18
E• Tartarus ...............................................................19
A• Player Turn sequence...................................... 6 F• Thermopylae...................................................... 20
B• Troop recall....................................................... 6
C• A ctivation limit .................................................. 6 XI NEMESIS ARMIES 22
D• Deck ....................................................................... 6
E• Destroyed Omphalos....................................... 6 XII APPENDIX 26
F• Nemesis Turn Sequence...................................7
G• Nemesis A ctivation Rules...............................7 A • Divinity powers ................................................ 26
H• Nemesis Attack R esolution............................7 B • M onster powers .............................................. 26
I• Nemesis Targeting Priority............................7 C • Hero Powers ..................................................... 28
J• A dditional Decisions ....................................... 8
A• Hephaistos ......................................................... 30
A • A rcher , B olster , Close C ombat, Close B• Hera..................................................................... 34
Protection, Phalanx, Sneak Attack , C• Poseidon............................................................. 38
Torment ......................................... 8 D• Titans................................................................... 42
B• Block .......................................................... 8
C• Climb .................................................................... 8
D• Force of Nature ............................................... 8
E• Gem Collector, I nitiative ............................. 8
F• Guard ................................................................... 8
G• L eader .................................................................. 8
H• Mobility ............................................................... 8
I• Monster Slayer ................................................ 8
J• Mighty Throw ................................................... 8


A• Rock .......................................................... 9
B• Forest/Ruins/Stairs/C age............................ 9
C• L ava ....................................................................... 9
D• Swamp, Water .................................................... 9
E• Polar .................................................................... 9

I • INTRODUCTION standalone scenario using the special rules found in
the scenario.

2 • Recruitment
These Solo and Cooperative Game Mode rules assume
that players have a thorough knowledge of how to play The scenario will indicate whether the recruitment
Monolith’s Mythic Battles boardgame. Those rules are process for players is Draft Pool or Limited. The Nemesis
not reprinted here but are referenced herein, so prior process is always Limited.
experience playing the game is required. Solo and Draft Pool - Players use recruitment points to add units
Cooperative rules allow one or more players to play to the Draft Pool. When drafting units at the begining
through specially designed skirmishes or scenarios of a scenario, players may freely choose any or all units
that eliminate the need for a human opponent. Instead, from the Draft Pool to build their three armies. Units
the players themselves will control the Nemesis’s in the Draft Pool are not bound to specific players. As
dashboards and miniatures. By using a system of players progress through the campaign, they will gain
targeting priorities, the players move the pieces and recruitment points to add units to their Draft Pool.
roll the dice against their own units. The players do Note: Since recruitment points are not used to draft
not need to think or strategize for the Nemesis units. armies for a scenario, players’ armies do not have to be
There will be instances where players will need to the same size (in terms of RP).
understand the Nemesis unit’s Talents and Powers
to make the most of their activation, but the rules on Limited - The armies are dictated by the scenario.
Talents, Powers, and Terrain will guide the players on
how to proceed. 3 • Turn Order
For multiplayer games, players must determine their
II • PLAYER ACTIVATIONS turn order before the game begins. This turn order
cannot be changed for the rest of the game.
Gameplay for the player won’t change, although some The game starts with a player’s turn (player’s choice).
of their units’ powers might behave differently. Players Every time a player’s turn ends, Nemesis activates.
will draw and activate as usual. They will draft units as In a single player game, the turn order is:
the scenario or skirmish dictates. The only difference • Player 1 > Nemesis
is strategic. It will require a slightly different approach In a multiplayer game, the turn order is:
when battling against the pre-determined commands • Player 1 > Nemesis
of this non-player Nemesis than it does against a • Player 2 > Nemesis
human opponent. • Player 3 > Nemesis


Each scenario states its own victory conditions. In
1 • Nemesis Choice
Cooperative Mode, players all win or lose together.
During a game, when two rules contradict each other, The player chooses which god to battle and selects
the rule with the higher priority takes precedence. one of their armies from the preconstructed list.

2 • Board Choice
The player chooses which board to play on and which
side of the board they will deploy on.
Every game of MYTHIC BATTLES: PANTHEON is set up
according to the game mode selected by the players: 3 • Recruitment
Skirmish and Adventure are player vs. player modes
covered in the main rule book, while Cooperative The player may draft any units not currently in the
Campaign and Nemesis Skirmish are player vs. the opponent’s army. They are limited to the recruitment
game itself and are covered in this rule book. points allowed in the Solo Skirmish scenario rules.
• Restricted Draft (Optional) - When a player drafts a
A • COOPERATIVE CAMPAIGN unit, roll a die. On a 0-1, that unit is unavailable.
• Limited Draft (Optional) - Using the draft cards,
1 • Scenario Choice players are limited to a draft pool of 5 random
divinities and 40 RP worth of Monsters/Heroes/
If playing a campaign, players begin with the first
scenario. Players may also choose to play it as a Troops.

After the player builds their deck, build the deck for When a player’s deck runs out:
Nemesis by shuffling together all the unit cards, all Art 1. Only THAT player shuffles their discard pile to form
of War cards provided by units, plus three additional a new deck.
Art of War cards. Place the deck near the area with the 2. If necessary, THAT player draws a card (or cards) in
Nemesis dashboards. order to have a hand of 3 cards.
Follow the standard setup for the gameboard by placing 3. Add an Art of War card to the top of the Nemesis’s
any required 3D elements and Troop units. deck so it is the first card drawn during the Nemesis’s

V • PLAYING THE GAME When Nemesis’s deck runs out:

1. Shuffle the Nemesis discard pile to form a new deck.
Do not include any Destroyed units.
Solo/Cooperative Mode is played in a series of rounds.
During each round, a player takes a turn followed by a E • DESTROYING OMPHALOS
Nemesis turn. The round starts with the lead player’s
turn, and continues clockwise around the table until Nemesis treats Divine Stones differently than players.
each player/Nemesis turn has occurred. If all of a Instead of the divinity absorbing an Omphalos, Nemesis
player’s units are eliminated from play, the player’s turn units destroy them. Any Nemesis unit can destroy an
(and subsequent Nemesis turn) is skipped. Omphalos, but to do so requires a Complex Action. No
roll is required, and even a unit with an Offense Value
of 0 can destroy an Omphalos.
When a Nemesis unit activates in an area without an
The player turn sequence is identical to Skirmish or Omphalos, it will move towards the nearest Omphalos
Adventure Mode. if it is unable to attack a Player unit. It will use a Walk
action if it can reach the desired area, or a Run action if
B • TROOP RECALL it cannot. (See Gem Collector for exceptions.)
When a Nemesis unit activates in an area with an
Players Omphalos, use the Targeting Priority to determine if the
A player cannot recall a Troop unless that player controls unit destroys the Omphalos.
a Divinity (or certain Heroes such as Circe). A Divinity When Nemesis destroys an Omphalos:
cannot recall allied Troops owned by other players. In 1. Add an Omphalos card to the top of the Nemesis deck.
addition, Troops are never considered a Destroyed Unit,
even if there is no Divinity to recall them. When Nemesis draws an Omphalos card:
1. All injured Nemesis units regain 1 health.
Nemesis 2. Nemesis gets a second activation.
• Troop recalls happen at the end of the Nemesis’ 3. Nemesis performs a Troop recall at the end of the
turn if an Art of War/Omphalos card was drawn activation.
during the turn, the Troop is not at full vitality, AND 4. Remove the Omphalos card from the game.
the Nemesis divinity is on the game board.
• An asterisk (*) indicates which Troop will be
recalled. If a Troop unit does not have an asterisk, it
is considered a Destroyed Unit when killed.
• Troops associated with with a specific unit (Circe,
etc.) are recalled according to the rules in the

Players may activate a maximum of 2 different units
from their own army in each of their turns. Nemesis
may activate a maximim of 2 units (see Leader talent
for exceptions), but the same units are allowed to
activate twice per turn.

Nemesis takes a turn after each player. Draw one card When a Nemesis unit attacks, proceed as follows:
from the Nemesis deck.
1. Roll the dice for the attacking Nemesis unit
• If it is an activation card for a Destroyed Unit, 2. If the attack is against a unit with a defense
remove the card from the game and draw a of 6 or less, optimize the results to reach that
replacement card. number.
• If it is an activation card for a Living Unit, activate 3. Otherwise, get as many 5s as possible from the
the unit following the Activation Rules. first assault and retain any unused spare dice
• If it is an Art of War/Omphalos card, Nemesis will to boost the totals in the second.
activate 2 units this turn (and may also Recall a 4. In the second assault, get as many wounding
unit depending on the scenario). hits as possible.
» Draw a card and activate the 1st unit
» Draw another card to activate the 2nd unit
» If a second Art of War/Omphalos card is drawn, I • NEMESIS TARGETING PRIORITY
discard it and draw a replacement card.
When choosing a Target, Nemesis unit will always
choose based on the list below, with Player divinities (if
G • NEMESIS ACTIVATION RULES applicable) being the highest priority.
Players must take the time to evaluate the Nemesis
unit’s options by reviewing their Talents, Powers, Move, 1. Player Divinity with the lowest defense.
and Range stats. By following the rules below, the 2. Hero or Monster with the lowest defense who
Nemesis units will act aggressively but not necessarily is carrying an Omphalos.
wisely. Players should use this to their advantage, 3. Troop with the lowest defense who is carrying
especially since these modified rules make the Nemesis an Omphalos.
more powerful than a human player. 4. Destroy unclaimed Omphalos in its area.
5. Hero or Monster with the lowest defense.
6. Troop with the lowest defense.
1. Determine all of the Player units the activating
unit can possibly attack (by using Ranged, Melee,
How to Handle Decisions
Walk, Climb, or Powers).
If there is a tie between multiple Target units at the
Š Area Attack (Multiple Targets) - If the activating
unit has an Area attack and can use it to attack
same priority level (for example, two heroes with 7
multiple units, choose the location and attack defense), or if there are multiple destination zones for
that targets the MOST enemy units. Perform movement, Nemesis will choose the one that enables
each attack in reverse order of the Targeting it to take advantage of Talents (such as Block, Torment,
Priority (starting with 6 and ignoring 4). Force of Nature, Leader, or the attack bonus from an
• Nemesis units do not require Art of War cards elevated area).
to use their powers. If this does not resolve the decision, Nemesis will
• Nemesis units do not suffer “friendly fire” from choose the one that enables it to take advantage of
area attacks or power effects (Petrify, etc.). Terrain (Rock, Forest, Ruins).
Š Melee/Ranged Attack - If the activating unit If this does not resolve the tie, the player may select the
cannot attack multiple enemy units, use the choice that is most beneficial to them.
Targeting Priority to perform a Melee or Ranged
Š Area Attack (Single Target) - If the unit cannot J • ADDITIONAL DECISIONS
perform a Melee or Ranged attack, use the Sometimes the players must make a decision for
Targeting Priority to perform an Area attack Nemesis units that is not covered in these rules. In
power against a single unit.
these circumstances, the players may select the choice
2. If the activating unit cannot attack any enemy that is most beneficial to them.
units, or has an Offense Value of 0, it will Walk
or Run towards the nearest Omphalos (see
Destoying Omphalos).

activate the Troop after the unit finishes activating. No
VI • TALENTS card is required for this Troop activation, and it does
not count towards the Nemesis activation limit.

Archer, Bolster, Close Combat, Close Protection, Mobility

Phalanx, Sneak Attack, Torment Nemesis units with this Talent will move away from the
Nemesis units will position themselves to take area with their Target (if possible) after they attack.
advantage of these Talents if possible, unless this Monster Slayer
prevents them from making an area attack against Nemesis units with this Talent will reroll the 2 lowest
the largest number of units or attacking their chosen numbers unless they are 5s.
Mighty Throw
Block A Nemesis unit will only use Mighty Throw in the
Nemesis units with Block will move into the zone with following circumstances:
their Target if possible (unless that prevents them from
• If the target has Guard.
making an area attack against the largest number of
• If their target is carrying an Omphalos.
units). Nemesis units without Block will avoid zones
where they would suffer from Block unless a) there is no In either case, if the Nemesis unit rolls such that Mighty
other way to attack their chosen Target, or b) entering Throw is possible, it will throw the unit one zone closer
the area provides them with an offensive or defensive to the player starting zones (if possible). If multiple
bonus and there are no other areas that would provide zones exist, choose one that does not give an Offensive
an offensive or defensive bonus. or Defensive bonus. If multiple zones meet this criteria,
choose one that is empty. If none are empty, or multiple
Climb are empty, the player may choose.
Nemesis units with Climb must take into account
the extended reach when determining Player units
to attack. Nemesis units will take advantage of the
attack bonus from elevated zones if possible (unless
the Block or Torment rules come into play).
Force of Nature
Nemesis units with this Talent will use Force of Nature
whenever possible.
Gem Collector
Nemesis units with Gem Collector who are targeting,
and moving towards, an area with an Omphalos will
use this Talent from an adjacent area rather than
enter the area with the Omphalos. After moving and
claiming the Omphalos, this unit will immediately
drop it.
Nemesis will not use this Talent unless otherwise
indicated in a scenario or the appendix.
A Nemesis Troop with this Talent will use it to guard
their divinity or associated unit (Circe, etc.). Non-
troop units do not use this talent.
If a Nemesis unit with Leader shares an area with
a friendly Troop at any point during its activation,


Many of the powers work the same for players and

Nemesis. Other powers, however, are either modified
or ignored based on these modified rules. Units and
their powers are listed in the appendix.
Nemesis Powers do NOT require Art of War cards.


When choosing a Target or Targets, a Nemesis unit
with Climb will enter a Rock zone if it enables the unit
to reach its Target or roll additional dice for its attack
(unless the Block or Torment rules come into play).
Forest, Ruins, Stairs, Cage
When moving towards its Target, if a Nemesis unit has
a choice between entering a zone with a defensive
bonus and one without, it will choose the zone with the
defensive bonus.
Nemesis units that are not Fireproof will avoid Lava
unless there is no other option to reach their Target. If
they enter Lava, they will exit in the direction of their
intended destination.
Swamps, Water
Nemesis units that are not Aquatic will avoid Swamps
and Water unless there is no other option to reach their
Nemesis units that are not Boreal will avoid Polar zones
unless there is no other option to reach their Target.

Scenario 1
Place the Nemesis units in the areas on the map
A DESPERATE as indicated. The Nemesis units include: Python,
Dragon of Thebes, Lycaon, Infernal Warriors, and
3 GAMBIT Infernal Hounds.

Zones with the or icons are the player

Board: Olympus in Ruins deployment zones.

The zones with the icons are where the players

Monsters roam the lands, and the gods no longer
must gather Omphalos as offerings to the gods.
heed our prayers. Some say the gods have abandoned
us, while others claim they are so weakened that they
cannot answer our pleas for aid.
Scouts have reported a cluster of those glowing
spheres in the old ruins to the north. Wisdom says to
avoid those areas, since they seem to be a beacon for
vile creatures and their infernal minions. But we are Victory
running out of options.
The players win if at any time the zones with the icon
Perhaps if we can gather enough of those Omphalos, contain 4 Omphalos OR if all N emesis units are
the gods will consider us worthy enough to aid. And destroyed.
if they are too weak, as the naysayers claim, then
perhaps these spheres can help them reclaim their The players lose if all their units are killed or they are
unable to accomblish the victory condition.
former glory.

Forces Achilles
Atalanta Hector
Bellerophon Heracles
For this campaign, the players are limited to
Cecrops Hippolyta
the units listed here. Each player drafts their
Circe Jason
starting army. Drafted units are entered into
the Draft Pool, which are available for the rest
of the campaign. 2 • TROOPS
Amazons Hoplites Spartans
Player 1
Toxotai Centaurs Circe’s Wolves
3 RP for recruiting a Hero or Heroes
Myrmidons Argonauts
and 2 RP for recruiting Troops.
Player 2 3 • GODS
3 RP for recruiting a Hero or Heroes Ares Artemis Persephone
and 2 RP for recruiting Troops. Athena Pan Zeus
Player 3
3 RP for recruiting a Hero or Heroes
and 2 RP for recruiting Troops.


Nemesis units are bloodthirsty and will not attempt to destroy Omphalos in this scenario.

If the players win the scenario If the players lose the scenario
At least one of the gods has taken notice of your deeds, The gods ignore your efforts, but word of your
either for good or ill. The players gain 8 Recruitment courage reaches the nearby village. The players gain
Points that may be spent to draft additional Heroes or 4 Recruitment Points that may be spent to draft
Troops into the Draft Pool for future scenarios. additional Heroes or Troops into the Draft Pool for
future scenarios.

Scenario 2
THE HEART OF Each player builds their deck by selecting units from
the Draft Pool created in the previous scenario.
3 CERBERUS Players must agree on how to divide the units.

Board: Styx River Setup

The monsters are getting bolder. No settlements Nemesis units are placed on the map as indicated
are safe anymore. Cerberus, the guardian of the except for Apollo, who must deploy as usual.
underworld, seems to be the smartest and the most Nemesis units include: Apollo, Cerberus, Hydra,
vicious. Scouts followed the beast to its lair, which is Infernal Warriors, and Infernal Hounds*.
none other than the ruins of Hades itself.
The elders have suggested slaying Cerberus and Zones with the icons are the player deployment
burning its heart on an altar in sacrifice to Zeus. zones.
Perhaps then the gods will come to our aid!
Shuffle the 1-4 tokens and place them randomly
Although we don’t know who controls the vile creature on the board as indicated.
lurking in the depths, surely Cerberus is being guided
by a powerful entity who has taken up residence in
the Underworld. We must be careful!

The players win if they burn the Heart of Cerberus.
Non-Campaign The players lose if all their units are killed or they are
unable to accomplish the victory condition.

From the units listed in Scenario 1 - A Desperate

Gambit, players may spend 6RP for Troops and
15RP for Heroes or Troops to build a Draft Pool.
Players may freely choose any or all units from the
Draft Pool to build their three armies. If the players win the scenario
Zeus approves of the offering. The players gain 6
Player 1 Recruitment Points that may be spent to draft a
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool. God, Heroes or Troops into the Draft Pool for future
Player 2
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool. If the players lose the scenario
Player 3 Zeus does not reward failure. Or else he doesn’t even
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool. notice. In any case, your efforts are inspring warriors
to your cause. The players gain 6 Recruitment Points
that may be spent to draft additional Heroes or
Troops into the Draft Pool for future scenarios.





Special Rules
Apollo Buried Altar
Apollo does not move. If attacked with a Range 0 attack, The tokens represent piles of rubble. To clear a
Apollo will always Retaliate with Initiative and without rubble pile, a player unit in the zone with a rubble pile
playing an activation card. He uses Lyre and Golden may attack it. Rubble piles have 6 armor and 3 vitality.
Arrows (if possible) every activation. Remember, Once cleared, flip the token. If the token has 1 on the
Nemesis units can use their Powers without playing an back, the players have found the altar.
Art of War card. If Apollo is killed, immediately return
him to the game board in his starting zone. Burning Heart
If at any point the Heart of Cerberus is in the same
Cerberus zone as the altar and there are no Nemesis units in the
When Cerberus dies, place an Omphalos in the zone zone, the Heart of Cerberus is burned.
where he died to represent the Heart of Cerberus.

Scenario 3
THE INFERNAL Each player builds their deck by selecting units from
the Draft Pool created in the previous scenario.
3 RACE Players must agree on how to divide the units.

Board: Tartarus Setup

We’ve gotten word that there are powerful stones Nemesis units are placed on the map as indicated.
deep beneath Hades, in the Hell known as Tartarus. Nemesis units include: Arachne, Campe, Griffon,
Whoever is trying to prevent Zeus from returning to his Phoenix, and Giant Spiders*.
former glory has sent his fastest monsters to destroy
those divine stones. Zones with the icons are the player deployment
We cannot let that happen! zones.

With luck, we can reach Tartarus before those fiends, Shuffle numbers 1-8 of the tokens and randomly
and then we can collapse the ceiling on them. place 4 of them facedown on the board as indicated.

The players win if they destroy pillars with a collective

Non-Campaign value of 10.

The players lose if all their units are killed or all 3

omphalos are destroyed.

From the units listed in Scenario 1 - A Desperate

Gambit, players may spend 6RP for Troops and
21RP for Heroes, Troops, and 1 God to build a Draft
Pool. Players may freely choose any or all units from
the Draft Pool to build their three armies. If the players win the scenario
Zeus is able to recover the divine stones. The players
Player 1 gain 12 Recruitment Points that may be spent to
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool. draft Gods, Heroes, or Troops into the Draft Pool for
future scenarios.
Player 2
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool. If the players lose the scenario
Zeus is weakened, but at this point fully supports
Player 3 your cause. The players gain 12 Recruitment Points
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool. that may be spent to draft additional Heroes,
Troops, and up to 1 God into the Draft Pool for future



Special Rules
Cursed Chains
Nemesis units cannot Walk, Run, Fly, Attack, or use
Gem Collector across the Chain boundary border, even
if they have Climb.

The tokens represent pillars. To destroy a pillar, a
player unit in a zone with a pillar may attack it. Pillars
have 8 armor and 2 vitality. To destroy a pillar, vitality
must be reduced to 0 with a single attack.

Scenario 4
THE BEAST Each player builds their deck by selecting units from
the Draft Pool created in the previous scenario.
3 Players must agree on how to divide the units.

Board: Minos’s Labyrinth Setup

Zeus has revealed his plan to us, and now we have Nemesis Troops and Minotaur are placed on the
learned that Hades, Hermes, and Hecate have formed map as indicated. Nemesis gods deploy as usual,
an alliance against the god of thunder. They have in the specified area. Nemesis units include: Hades,
banded together to make the ultimate weapon in the Hecate, Hermes, Infernal Hounds, Infernal Warriors.
form of a terrible beast. Each of them tied a portion of
their life force to the Minotaur, a ferocious oppenent Zones with the icons are the player deployment
under normal circumstances. Now the creature is zones.
unstoppable! Weapons have no effect against this
creature, and it moves faster than ever. Place both tokens on the board as indicated.
The seers have discovered a possible weakness in the
form of statues located within the Minotaur’s lair. It
will take all the effort of our brave soldiers and heroes,
and maybe even the aid of the gods themselves.
To arms!

The players win if they kill the Minotaur.
Non-Campaign The players lose if all their units are killed.

From the units listed in Scenario 1 - A Desperate

Gambit, players may spend 6RP for Troops and
33RP for Heroes, Troops, and up to 3 Gods to build
a Draft Pool. Players may freely choose any or all
units from the Draft Pool to build their three armies. If the players win the scenario
Zeus is returned to his throne in Olympus to rebuild
the pantheon. This new pantheon rewards mankind
Player 1
with a plentiful bounty and a generation of peace.
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool.

Player 2
If the players lose the scenario
Dark days fall upon mankind as Hades ushers in
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool.
a new era of beasts, let by the immortal Minotaur.
Player 3 Cities turn into farms, with humans as the cattle to
Choose desired units from the Draft Pool. feed the monstrous armies serving Hades.







Special Rules
Invulnerable Beast Divine Pawns
The Minotaur is invulnerable to any attack unless he This scenario does not end when a Divinity from either
only has 1 Vitality. side is killed. Nemesis units do not use the Leadership
Taming the Beast Raging Bull
When a Nemesis God is killed, reduce the Minotaur’s
Vitality by 1. At the end of every Nemesis turn, if only 1 unit
activated, activate the Minotaur. This does not require
The tokens represent statues where the gods have an activation card or Art of War card.
stored the Minotaur’s vitality. To destroy a statue, a
player unit in a zone with a statue may attack it. Pillars Persistent Troops
have 8 armor and 1 vitality. When a statue is destroyed, At the end of the Nemesis turn, if an Art of War card
reduce the Minotaur’s Vitality by 2. was drawn, recall any Troop units back to their starting
location if they are not at full vitality.

SOLO The player first chooses which Nemesis army to
battle using the Solo Skirmish Armies chart.

1 SKIRMISH Then the player recruits forces for their own army
per the standard rules except for units in the
Nemesis’ force.
Since the fall of Olympus, there has been nothing but
battle. Gods and Titans roam the shattered lands, each 1 Player: 18 RP
gathering warriors of all races to their side in order to
acquire as much omphalos as they can, and carve out
an empire for themselves. Deployment
While most of the few mortal survivors struggle to eke
out a tenuous survival amid the chaos, the legends The numbers in the hexagons correspond to the
of old stride into battle once more. For the first time same numbered unit in the selected Nemesis army.
in generations, fabled monsters prowl the night, and When that unit is deployed during play, place unit #1
these legendary heroes will have to recreate their fa- in the area with hexagon 1, etc.
mous exploits to defeat once more the monsters they
had thought long-vanquished. Place Nemesis Troop units in their assigned
deployment areas.
This is the story of one such skirmish.
After this is done, the Player places any of their
Troop units in the deployment areas shown on the
Boards game board.
The Skirmish scenarios can be played on any board. The
following maps show the different setups on the four
boards in the core box. The Omphalos are placed as in-
dicated on the maps.
Place a the number of trees per forest area equal to the Victory
area’s capacity divided by two and rounded up. Place 1 There are two ways to win a Solo Skirmish. When
ruined column in each ruins area. one of these is true, the game ends immediately.
• When all Nemesis units have been destroyed,
the player wins.
• When the player’s divinity absorbs a fourth
divine stone, the player wins.
• Hard Mode: When the player’s divinity
absorbs a fifth divine stone, the player wins.

Olympus in Ruins Styx River

There are two ways to lose a Solo Skirmish.
• When the player’s divinity is destroyed, the
player loses.
• When Nemesis destroys the fourth divine
stone, the player loses.

Minos’ Labyrinth Tartarus

PARTNER The players first choose which Nemesis army to
battle using the Solo Skirmish Armies chart.

2 SKIRMISH Then the players recruit forces for their own army per
the standard rules except for units in the Nemesis’
Since the fall of Olympus, there has been nothing but
battle. Gods and Titans roam the shattered lands, each
Player 1: 15 RP
gathering warriors of all races to their side in order to
acquire as much omphalos as they can, and carve out Player 2: 15 RP
an empire for themselves.
While most of the few mortal survivors struggle to eke
out a tenuous survival amid the chaos, the legends
of old stride into battle once more. For the first time The numbers in the hexagons correspond to the
in generations, fabled monsters prowl the night, and same numbered unit in the selected Nemesis army.
these legendary heroes will have to recreate their When that unit is deployed during play, place unit #1
famous exploits to defeat once more the monsters they in the area with hexagon 1, etc.
had thought long-vanquished.
Place Nemesis Troop units in their assigned deploy-
This is the story of one such skirmish. ment areas.
After this is done, the Players place any of their
Boards Troop units in the deployment areas shown on the
The Skirmish scenarios can be played on any board. The game board.
following maps show the different setups on the four
boards in the core box. The divine stones are placed as
indicated on the maps.
Place a the number of trees per forest area equal to the
area’s capacity divided by two and rounded up. Place 1 Victory
ruined column in each ruins area. There are two ways to win a Partner Skirmish.
When one of these is true, the game ends
immediately. Either:
• When all Nemesis units have been destroyed,
the players win.
• When the players’ combined divinities absorb
a fourth divine stone, the players win.
• Hard Mode: When the player’s combined
divinities absorb a fifth divine stone, the
players win.
Olympus in Ruins Styx River
There are two ways to lose a Partner Skirmish.
• When one player’s divinity is destroyed, both
players lose.
• When Nemesis destroys the fourth divine
stone, the players lose.

Minos’ Labyrinth Tartarus

Setup A Setup B
7 2 1 5 3 4 2
6 7


1 or 2

Setup C Setup D
2 5 4 6 2 7
7 1

1 or 2 1

Setup A Setup B
2 7 4 5 1 3 2

1 or 2 1

7 3

Setup C Setup D
1 7 6 4 3 7

1 or 2


Setup A Setup B
24 1 3
7 6 53

1 or 2 7 5

Setup C Setup D
5 1 6 7 3
2 4

1 or 2 6

Setup A Setup B
1 6 4 7 2 5 3 2

1 or 2 1 3

Setup C Setup D
2 6 5 3 7 4 2
1 7

1 or 2


Setup A Setup B
6 15 7 2

1 or 2

Setup C Setup D
2 4 1 5 3 3 7
7 6


1 or 2 6


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Aphrodite 1. Aphrodite 1. Aphrodite 1. Aphrodite 1. Aphrodite 1. Aphrodite
2. Campe 2. Dragon of 2. Hydra 2. Cerberus 2. Griffon 2. Nemean
3. Eurytion Thebes 3. Medusa 3. Hercules 3. Medusa Lion
4. Minotaur 3. Eurytos 4. Jason 4. Aegisthus 4. Cecrops 3. Bellerophon
5. Hoplites* 4. Atalanta 5. Spartans* 5. Hoplites* 5. Hoplites* 4. Achilles
6. Infernal 5. Hoplites* 6. Centaurs 6. Marsyas 6. Circe 5. Medea
Warriors 6. Infernal Hounds 7. Circe’s Wolves


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Apollo 1. Apollo 1. Apollo 1. Apollo 1. Apollo 1. Apollo
2. Tityos 2. Orion 2. Colchidian 2. Stheno 2. Python 2. Cerberus
3. Odysseus 3. Hector Dragon 3. Lycaon 3. Heracles 3. Orion
4. Lycaon 4. Circe 3. Phoenix 4. Bellerophon 4. Campe 4. Jason
5. Toxotai* 5. Hoplites* 4. Cecrops 5. Spartans* 5. Eurytos 5. Hoplites*
6. Spartans 6. Amazons 5. Argonauts* 6. Infernal 6. Echo
7. Circe’s Wolves 6. Infernal Hounds*


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Ares 1. Ares 1. Ares 1. Ares 1. Ares 1. Ares
2. Medusa 2. Minotaur 2. Griffon 2. Campe 2. Nemean Lion 2. Hydra
3. Eurytion 3. Python 3. Heracles 3. Cerberus 3. Jason 3. Python
4. Eurytos 4. Cecrops 4. Hector 4. Infernal 4. Colchidian 4. Lycaon
5. Infernal 5. Hoplites* 5. Argonauts* Artillerymen* Dragon 5. Achilles
Warriors 6. Infernal 5. Achilles 5. Atalanta
6. Amazons* Hounds


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6

1. Artemis 1. Artemis 1. Artemis 1. Artemis 1. Artemis 1. Artemis
2. Stheno 2. Bellerophon 2. Eurytos 2. Griffon 2. Echidna 2. Orpheus
3. Hector 3. Cecrops 3. Colchidian 3. Aegisthus 3. Cerberus 3. Python
4. Circe 4. Lycaon Dragon 4. Jason 4. Achilles 4. Hydra
5. Hounds of 5. Hoplites* 4. Atalanta 5. Hounds of 5. Hounds of 5. Icarus
Artemis* 6. Hounds of 5. Medea Artemis* Artemis* 6. Hounds of
6. Campe Artemis 6. Amazons* 6. Medusa Artemis*
7. Circe’s Wolves 7. Hounds of 7. Eurytos


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Athena 1. Athena 1. Athena 1. Athena 1. Athena 1. Athena
2. Leonidas 2. Hydra 2. Nemean Lion 2. Python 2. Stheno 2. Orion
3. Minotaur 3. Cecrops 3. Eurytion 3. Achilles 3. Medusa 3. Lycaon
4. Hector 4. Hippolyta 4. Campe 4. Phoenix 4. Eurytos 4. Bellerophon
5. Spartans* 5. Centaurs* 5. Hoplites* 5. Argonauts* 5. Heracles 5. Aegisthus
6. Infernal 6. Echo 6. Toxotai 6. Icarus


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Hades 1. Hades 1. Hades 1. Hades 1. Hades 1. Hades
2. Phoenix 2. Achilles 2. Bellerophon 2. Medusa 2. Griffon 2. Echidna
3. Stheno 3. Circe 3. Hydra 3. Dragon of 3. Campe 3. Heracles
4. Aegisthus 4. Arachne 4. Marsyas Thebes 4. Python 4. Aegisthus
5. Echo 5. Giant Spiders* 5. Hoplites* 4. Hector 5. Jason 5. Toxotai*
6. Centaurs* 6. Lycaon 6. Infernal 5. Spartans* 6. Argonauts* 6. Infernal
7. Myrmidons 7. Circe’s Wolves Hounds 6. Infernal Hounds


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Hecate 1. Hecate 1. Hecate 1. Hecate 1. Hecate 1. Hecate
2. Cerberus 2. Cecrops 2. Odysseus 2. Arachne 2. Nemean Lion 2. Leonidas
3. Hippolyta 3. Minotaur 3. Colchidian 3. Achilles 3. Tityos 3. Griffon
4. Circe 4. Hector Dragon 4. Python 4. Orpheus 4. Bellerophon
5. Hoplites* 5. Centaurs* 4. Eurytos 5. Giant Spiders* 5. Heracles 5. Hoplites*
6. Lycaon 6. Amazons 5. Infernal 6. Medea
7. Circe’s Wolves Warriors*
6. Icarus


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6

1. Helios 1. Helios 1. Helios 1. Helios 1. Helios 1. Helios
2. Eurytion 2. Hydra 2. Tityos 2. Medusa 2. Bellerophon 2. Eurytos
3. Orion 3. Hector 3. Marsyas 3. Orion 3. Phoenix 3. Arachne
4. Hippolyta 4. Atalanta 4. Colchidian 4. Jason 4. Heracles 4. Cerberus
5. Infernal 5. Centaurs* Dragon 5. Spartans* 5. Hoplites* 5. Giant
Hounds 6. Spartans 5. Orpheus 6. Icarus Spiders*
6. Toxotai* 6. Amazons* 6. Cecrops


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Hermes 1. Hermes 1. Hermes 1. Hermes 1. Hermes 1. Hermes
2. Hippolyta 2. Medusa 2. Echidna 2. Orion 2. Nemean Lion 2. Phoenix
3. Lycaon 3. Jason 3. Eurytos 3. Stheno 3. Marsyas 3. Griffon
4. Hector 4. Circe 4. Python 4. Heracles 4. Bellerophon 4. Icarus
5. Centaurs* 5. Circe’s Wolves* 5. Hoplites* 5. Toxotai* 5. Cecrops 5. Infernal
6. Minotaur 6. Odysseus Hounds*
6. Achilles


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Pan 1. Pan 1. Pan 1. Pan 1. Pan 1. Pan
2. Aegisthus 2. Cecrops 2. Jason 2. Hydra 2. Echidna 2. Griffon
3. Arachne 3. Eurytion 3. Cerberus 3. Tityos 3. Eurytos 3. Bellerophon
4. Orion 4. Nemean Lion 4. Echo 4. Heracles 4. Medusa 4. Colchidian
5. Giant Spiders 5. Amazons* 5. Satyrs* 5. Satyrs* 5. Atalanta Dragon
6. Satyrs* 6. Satyrs 6. Dragon of 6. Satyrs* 5. Satyrs*
7. Orpheus Thebes


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Persephone 1. Persephone 1. Persephone 1. Persephone 1. Persephone 1. Persephone
2. Achilles 2. Eurytos 2. Arachne 2. Python 2. Icarus 2. Stheno
3. Circe 3. Orpheus 3. Cecrops 3. Bellerophon 3. Echidna 3. Jason
4. Hydra 4. Tityos 4. Medusa 4. Lycaon 4. Phoenix 4. Marsyas
5. Circe’s Wolves* 5. Centaurs* 5. Hector 5. Myrmidons* 5. Heracles 5. Aegisthus
6. Toxotai 6. Spartans 6. Giant Spiders* 6. Echo 6. Cerberus


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6

1. Zeus 1. Zeus 1. Zeus 1. Zeus 1. Zeus 1. Zeus
2. Eurytion 2. Orion 2. Dragon of 2. Medusa 2. Achilles 2. Nemean
3. Minotaur 3. Hippolyta Thebes 3. Python 3. Phoenix Lion
4. Leonidas 4. Odysseus 3. Hector 4. Eurytos 4. Hydra 3. Heracles
5. Centaurs* 5. Spartans* 4. Lycaon 5. Giant Spiders* 5. Orpheus 4. Griffon
6. Hoplites 6. Infernal 5. Orpheus 6. Arachne 5. Marsyas
Artillerymen 6. Argonauts*


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Hades 1. Hecate 1. Artemis 1. Aphrodite 1. Zeus 1. Ares
2. Ajax 2. Ajax 2. Paris 2. Griffon 2. Dragon of 2. Python
3. Paris 3. Campe 3. Eurytos 3. Penthesilea Thebes 3. Ajax
4. Lycaon 4. Agamemnon 4. Nemean Lion 4. Stheno 3. Diomedes 4. Agamemnon
5. Myrmidons* 5. Argonauts* 5. Hounds of 5. Infernal 4. Bellerophon 5. Hoplites*
6. Infernal Hounds Artemis* Warriors* 5. Spartans* 6. Lycaon
7. Centaurs 6. Medusa 6. Toxotai


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Hermes 1. Artemis 1. Athena 1. Aphrodite 1. Zeus 1. Apollo
2. Teumessian Fox 2. Chimera 2. Basilisk 2. Orion 2. Echidna 2. Bellerophon
3. Basilisk 3. Odysseus 3. Chimera 3. Teumessian 3. Basilisk 3. Chimera
4. Orpheus 4. Dragon of 4. Achilles Fox 4. Chimera 4. Basilisk
5. Hoplites* Thebes 5. Centaurs 4. Eurytos 5. Echo 5. Hoplites
6. Lycaon 5. Hounds of 5. Toxotai 6. Graea
Artemis* 6. Icarus


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Persephone 1. Hermes 1. Ares 1. Zeus 1. Helios 1. Aphrodite
2. Python 2. Lycaon 2. Dragon of 2. Hydra 2. Minos 2. Echidna
3. Minos 3. Aeacus Thebes 3. Griffon 3. Aeacus 3. Rhadamanthus
4. Achilles 4. Circe 3. Rhadamanthus 4. Aeacus 4. Bellerophon 4. Arachne
5. Hoplites* 5. Circe’s Wolves* 4. Jason 5. Argonauts* 5. Toxotai* 5. Giant Spiders*
6. Nemean Lion 5. Spartans* 6. Echo 6. Medea
6. Myrmidons


Army 1 Army 2 Army 1 Army 2 Army 1 Army 2
1. Pan 1. Athena 1. Persephone 1. Athena 1. Helios 1. Apollo
2. Sphinx 2. Echidna 2. Typhon’s 2. Ketos 2. Manticore 2. Python
3. Achilles 3. Oedipus Herald 3. Odysseus 3. Circe 3. Jason
4. Bellerophon 4. Hector 3. Cecrops 4. Tityos 4. Medea 4. Manticore
5. Satyrs* 5. Spartans* 4. Atalanta 5. Toxotai* 5. Circe’s 5. Spartans*
6. Infernal 5. Amazons* Wolves*
Hounds 6. Campe 6. Minotaur

This section provides clarifications on unit powers for the core box, stretch goal box, and small expansions. If a
specific power is not mentioned, it works as usual.
1• DIVINITY POWERS Player: Revealing Light has no effect on Nemesis.
Nemesis: Helios will use the extra range from the Whip
of Helios when evaluating Targeting Priority. Move
Player: Irresistable has no effect on Nemesis.
the target into the same area as Helios if the Whip of
Nemesis: No Change.
Helios is required to attack the highest priority target.
Aphrodite (Paulo Parente)
Player: Irresistable has no effect on Nemesis.
Player: Kerykeion has no effect on Nemesis.
Nemesis: Always use Payback.
Nemesis: Hermes uses Kerykeion if any player has
Apollo more than five cards in their hand. Kerykeion has no
Player: No Change. effect on Nemesis.
Nemesis: Apollo uses both Golden Arrows and Lyre
every activation (if applicable).
Player: No Change.
Ares Nemesis: Only use Panic if there is an area with 2 or
Player: No Change. more player units. If there is more than 1 area, choose
Nemesis: After Ares activates, determine if Ares’ Wrath the area with the most units. Nemesis units do not
would affect 2 or more targets. If so, use it and Ares suffer the effects of the area attack, and do not count
ends his turn. If not, use Frenzy instead. Frenzy does towards the effective offense. When the Satyr unit is
not require an activation card. destroyed, use a Divine Shepherd token to recall them.

Artemis Persephone
Player: No Change. Player: No Change.
Nemesis: No Change. Nemesis: Persephone does not use Spring Growth.
When Queen of the Underworld activates, the players
Athena must discard the top card of their deck, but Nemesis
Player: No Change. does not draw a card.
Nemesis: If Athena was the first unit activated during
Nemesis’s turn, she uses Strategist to activate two Zeus
additional units after her activation ends. Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Zeus does not use Patriarch.
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: No Change.
Hades Arachne
Player: No Change. Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Use Inferno if it allows Hades to attack Nemesis: Use Arachne’s Web only if 2 or more enemy
multiple units. Soul Culling allows Hades to regain lost units can be targeted. When an Art of War card is
vitality, but does not draw additional cards. drawn, also recall Giant Spiders if they are not at full
Player: No Change. Basilisk
Nemesis: Hecate uses Nightmare Shadows every time Player: Petrify token is removed after the petrified
she activates. unit’s activation ends without needing to discard an
Art of War card.
Nemesis: Petrify is used before any Melee 0 attack.
Place tokens in the order of Targeting Priority.

Campe Lycaon
Player: No Change. Player: No Change.
Nemesis: At the end of every Campe activation, use Nemesis: No Change.
Campe’s Sting.
Cerberus Player: No Change.
Player: No Change. Nemesis: Always use Scorpion’s Sting if applicable. Vile
Nemesis: Use Three-Headed Bite instead of a standard Presence does not affect Nemesis units.
Melee attack.
Chimera Player: Petrify token is removed after the petrified
Player: No Change. unit’s activation ends without needing to discard an
Nemesis: Always use Chimera’s Bite and Fiery Breath Art of War card.
if applicable. Nemesis: Petrify is used before any Melee 0 attack.
Place tokens in the order of Targeting Priority.
Colchidian Dragon
Player: No Change. Minotaur
Nemesis: Vigilance is not used unless a scenario Player: No Change.
provides specific rules for retaliation. Nemesis: Charge is used if it allows Minotaur to attack
multiple units. Use Bloodthirst to reroll 1, 2, or 3 (in
Dragon of Thebes that order).
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: No Change. Minos
Player: No Change.
Echidna Nemesis: Always use Tribute of Minos if applicable.
Player: Echidna’s Poison is removed after the poisoned Use Deception if it can redirect an attack from a non-
unit’s activation ends without needing to discard an Troop unit to a Troop unit.
Art of War card.
Nemesis: No Change. Nemean Lion
Player: No Change.
Graeae Nemesis: No Change.
Player: Guardians of the Gorgon has no effect on
Nemesis units. Orion
Nemesis: Instead of moving to attack, Graeae moves Player: No Change.
to have the most number of friendly Monsters in their Nemesis: Reroll blanks using Hunter (except any that
surroundings. will be used for Mighty Throw) and never use Tracking.
Griffon Phoenix
Player: No Change. Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Use Swift Talon to retaliate whenever Griffon Nemesis: If the Ash token is on the board, when the
is the target of a Range 0 attack. next Art of War card is drawn, use Out of the Ashes
instead of performing a second Nemesis activation.
Hydra Use Flames of the Phoenix if it allows the Phoenix to
Player: No Change. attack multiple units. The Phoenix is the only Nemesis
Nemesis: No Change. unit to suffer damage from this area attack.
Ketos 1.0 Python
Player: If a Nemesis unit has a Devour token, Ketos Player: No Change.
becomes number 1 on the Targeting Priority. Nemesis: No Change.
Nemesis: No Change.
Ketos 1.5
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Ketos will increase movement using one or
more tentacles from Tentacular Miracle to reach its

Sphinx Aeacus
Player: If the Sphinx uses Intellectual Superiority on a Player: Jailer of the Underworld does not affect
Nemesis unit, draw 2 cards from the Nemesis deck and Nemesis units.
place them in the discard pile. If either one is an Art Nemesis: Never use Sentence of Exile.
of War or Omphalos card, the Nemesis unit takes no
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Use Intellectual Superiority according to
Nemesis: Always use Poisoned Dagger if the target is
Targeting Priority. For Riddle of the Sphinx, whenever
a Hero.
there is a tie in the Targeting Priority, Sphinx will choose
the one with a lower strategic value. Agamemnon
Player: No Change.
Stheno the Gorgon
Nemesis: Never use Commander. If Agamemnon was
Player: Petrify token is removed after the petrified
the first unit activated during Nemesis’s turn, he uses
unit’s activation ends without needing to discard an
Sceptre of Hephaistos to activate two additional units
Art of War card.
after his activation ends.
Nemesis: Petrify is used before any Melee 0 attack.
Place tokens in the order of Targeting Priority. Use Ajax
Blood of the Gorgon on an available enemy target to Player: No Change.
attack (using the Target Priority) if possible. Otherwise, Nemesis: Ajax never loses vitality from The Shame of
use it to heal an allied unit (player’s choice) if possible. Ajax. However, if Ajax destroys a hero or monster, use
The Shame of Ajax to shuffle an Ajax activation card
Teumessian Fox
from the discard pile into Nemesis’s deck.
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Always use Uncatchable when applicable. If Atalanta
there is an unclaimed Omphalos in its starting area, Player: No Change.
move it to the same area as the Teumessian Fox. Nemesis: Always use Dodge.
Tityos Bellerophon
Player: No Change. Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Use Rock and Roll if it enables Tityos to attack Nemesis: Never use Friend of the Muses.
multiple units. Always use Earthquake, but it does not
affect Nemesis units. Cecrops
Player: No Change.
Typhon’s Herald 1.0 Nemesis: When using Worship, place the Art of War
Player: No Change. card on top of the deck. When using Choice of Cecrops,
Nemesis: Always use Fury when applicable, and it does choose +1 movement unless +1 range will enable him
not cost an Art of War card. Use Bloodlust to reroll the to reach a higher Target Priority.
lowest numbered die or dice.
Typhon’s Herald 1.5 Player: No Change.
Player: No Change. Nemesis: No Change.
Nemesis: Never use Frenzy.
Player: No Change.
3• HERO POWERS Nemesis: For Pack Leader, when an Art of War card
is drawn, also recall Circe’s Wolves if they are not at
Achilles full vitality. Always use Metamorphosis if possible, and
Player: No Change. always recall Circe’s Wolves when using it.
Nemesis: Use Achilles’ Prowess on all blanks not used
for Mighty Throw (if applicable).

Leonidas Marsyas
Player: No Change. Player: Nemesis will not remove a Challenge token by
Nemesis: Use Wall of Shields if possible (players choose spending an Art of War card.
Troop unit if there are multiple available). Always use Nemesis: Use Marsyas’ Challenge if he has a Challenge
Born Leader to activate a friendly Troop unit if possible token. Marsyas does not move when using Marsyas’
(without using an activation card). If Leonidas is the Challenge. If he has no Challenge tokens left, he will
second unit to activate, this allows a third activation. only attempt to destroy an Omphalos.
Echo Medea
Player: Distraction cannot be used against Nemesis Player: A Stun token is removed after the stunned
units. unit’s activation ends without needing to discard an
Nemesis: Use Distraction every activation using the Art of War card.
Targeting Priority until the Distraction tokens are all Nemesis: Use Stun unless Medea has no Stun tokens.
Eurytion Player: No Change.
Player: No Change. Nemesis: If Odysseus ends his turn in the same area as
Nemesis: Never uses Taunt. a non-Troop ally, use Subterfuge to activate that unit.
No card is required for this activation, and it does not
Eurytos count towards the Nemesis activation limit. Cunning
Player: No Change. has no effect for Nemesis.
Nemesis: No Change.
Hector Player: If a Nemesis unit with no strategic value attacks
Player: No Change. Oedipus and deals damage, draw two cards from the
Nemesis: Uses Hector’s Bravery to activate the nearest top of the Nemesis deck and place them in the discard
friendly Troop unit after Hector’s activation ends pile. If neither card is an Art of War or Omphalos card,
without using an activation card. If Hector is the second Oedipus may use The Answer to ignore the damage.
unit to activate, this allows a third activation. Nemesis: Never use Repentance.
Heracles Orpheus
Player: No Change. Player: A Lyre of Orpheus token is removed from the
Nemesis: Use Heraclean Strength if it allows him to game after the affected unit activates. The unit does
perform an area attack and there is available terrain nothing during this activation.
elements. Use Heraclean Feat to reroll the lowest 3 Nemesis: Use Lyre of Orpheus and Rapture (if possible)
numbers unless they are 5s when attacking and only using the Target Priority. If no Rapture tokens are
5s when defending. available, perform a standard attack (if possible).
Hippolyta Paris
Player: No Change. Player: No change.
Nemesis: Never use Queen of the Amazons. Use Nemesis: Never use Judgement of Paris.
Hippolyta’s Belt every time she suffers wounds.
Icarus Player: No change.
Player: No Change. Nemesis: No change.
Nemesis: Use Wings of Daedalus whenever Icarus is
attacked. Rhadamanthus
Player: No change.
Jason Nemesis: Always use Chain Strike when applicable.
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Never use Golden Fleece. Use Good Fortune Sisyphus
if Jason deals 0 wounds when attacking or suffers 3 or Player: Nemesis will not attack Sisphyus unless he is
more wounds when being attacked. carrying an omphalos.
Nemesis: Nemesis should not use this unit.


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Hephaistos 1. Hephaistos 1. Hephaistos 1. Hephaistos 1. Hephaistos 1. Hephaistos
2. Atalanta 2. Heracles 2. Medusa 2. Caucasian 2. Prometheus 2. Caucasian
3. Colchidian 3. Acamas 3. Talos Eagle 3. Achilles Eagle
Bull 4. Lycaon 4. Cecrops 3. Bellerophon 4. Griffon 3. Acamas
4. Jason 5. Lava Golems* 5. Lava Golems* 4. Eurytos 5. Lava Golems* 4. Nemean Lion
5. Lava Golems* 6. Infernal 6. Pandora 5. Lava Golems* 5. Lava Golems*
6. Hippolyta Hounds 6. Medea 6. Odysseus
7. Amazons

1• DIVINITY POWERS Caucasian Eagle

Player: No Change.
Hephaistos Nemesis: Always use Eagle’s Quarry.
Player: No change.
Colchidian Bull
Nemesis: Use Flames of the Forge for every attack.
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Use Charge or Devastating Fire, whichever
2• MONSTER POWERS allows Colchidian Bull to attack more units.
Player: When Primeval Fire is used, Nemesis takes all
Player: No Change.
Art of War cards from the discard pile and shuffles
Nemesis: Always use Molten Metal.
them into the deck.
Nemesis: Never use Primeval Fire.
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: No Change.

Player: Evils of Mankind does not affect Nemesis.
Nemesis: Always use Evils of Mankind. Change Pandora’s
Hope to each Art of War card in the discard pile.

Setup A Setup B
7 5 4
1 6 3
2 2

1 or 2


Setup C Setup D
6 4 5 1 3 7
7 3

1 or 2
1 5

Setup A Setup B
4 6 1 2 7
5 3
4 3

2 6
1 or 2

Setup C Setup D
2 1 7 3
4 5 6

4 7
1 or 2 1 5

3 6


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Hera 1. Hera 1. Hera 1. Hera 1. Hera 1. Hera
2. Chiron 2. Autolycus 2. Ladon 2. Stheno 2. Bellerophon 2. Veteran
3. Calydonian 3. Veteran 3. Jason 3. Perseus 3. Veteran Achilles
Boar Heracles 4. Echidna 4. Python Heracles 3. Geryon
4. Hydra 4. Chiron 5. Eurystheus 5. Spartans* 4. Python 4. Colchidian
5. Argonauts 5. Toxotai* 6. Jason 5. Spartans* Dragon
6. Infernal 6. Stymphalian 6. Echo 5. Hoplites*
Artillerymen* Birds
1• DIVINITY POWERS Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Always use Immortality. For determining
Hera victory conditions, Chiron is considered “dead” when
Player: Perfidious token is removed after the unit’s at 1 vitality.
activation ends without needing to discard an Art of
War card. Eurystheus
Nemesis: No change. Player: Nemesis units will not attack Eurystheus unless
the unit for Labour of Eurystheus has been destroyed.
Nemesis: For Labour of Eurystheus, choose unit number
2• MONSTER POWERS 2, 3, or 4 from the army list (in that order) depending
on if they are deployed. If none are deployed, set aside
Calydonian Boar Eurystheus until one of them is deployed, and deploy
Player: No change. him at the same time. Instead of moving to attack,
Nemesis: Use Charge is if it allows Calydonian Boar to Eurystheus moves to have the most number of allies
attack multiple units. Always use Noxious Breath. in his surroundings.
Geryon Perseus
Player: No Change. Player: Petrify token is removed after the petrified
Nemesis: No Change. unit’s activation ends without needing to discard an
Art of War card.
Nemesis: Petrify is used before any Melee 0 attack.
Player: No Change.
Place tokens in the order of Targeting Priority.
Nemesis: No Change.
Veteran Achilles
Player: No Change.
3• HERO POWERS Nemesis: Always use Master of Battle if possible.
Veteran Heracles
Autolycus Player: No Change.
Player: No Change. Nemesis: Use Heraclean Feat to reroll the lowest 3
Nemesis: Never use numbers unless they are 5s when attacking and only
King of Thieves. 5s when defending.

Setup A Setup B
7 2 6 4 5 1 3 2


1 or 2 4


Setup C Setup D
6 4 5 1 3 3 7

1 or 2
1 5

Setup A Setup B
4 1 5 7 3 3
6 2

1 or 2 7


Setup C Setup D
2 6 1 7 4 3
5 2

1 or 2 1

4 7


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Poseidon 1. Poseidon 1. Poseidon 1. Poseidon 1. Poseidon 1. Poseidon
2. Theseus 2. Minotaur 2. Echidna 2. Polyphemus 2. Charybdis 2. Scylla
3. Hydra 3. Antaeus 3. Periphetes 3. Heracles 3. Odysseus 3. Achilles
4. Sirens 4. Odysseus 4. Aegisthus 4. Medea 4. Tityos 4. Cerberus
5. Hoplites* 5. Spartans* 5. Infernal 5. Toxotai* 5. Centaurs* 5. Tentacles
6. Andromeda 6. Sirens Warriors
6. Lycaon


Poseidon Andromeda
Player: No change. Player: No Change.
Nemesis: When using Divine Storm on allied units, Nemesis: Use Andromeda’s Sacrifice when possible.
determine where the unit would go if it were their turn Do not target a Troop unit with Andromeda’s Chains.
and they had one extra movement point. Then move When Andromeda has no chains left, she will attempt to
them one zone in that direction. Use Divine Storm on destroy an Omphalos.
enemy units if it allows Poseidon to move units with Anteus
Guard away from units higher on the target priority. Player: No change.
Nemesis: No change.
2• MONSTER POWERS Player: No change.
Charybdis Nemesis: Brigand makes the unit drop the Omphalos.
Player: No Change. Theseus
Nemesis: Always use Groundswell to move. If any units Player: No change.
are displaced, move them one area closer to the closest Nemesis: When attacked, use Ariadne’s Thread if it
unit with the highest target priority. allows Theseus to avoid the attack OR if it allows him
to move to an area that provides a defensive bonus.
Always use Shining Strike when Theseus is attacked.
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Refer to the Mighty Throw talent for rules on
when to use Polyphemus’ Anger.
Player: No Change.
Nemesis: Always use Scylla’s Fury at the end of her
activation. Replace losses to existing units before
creating new units.

Setup A Setup B


1 or 2 4 6
6 1 7
5 3

Setup C Setup D
1 5

1 or 2 2

3 5
3 6 1 2

Setup A Setup B
6 4 1 7 3
2 3

1 or 2 5 1


Setup C Setup D
6 2 7 1 5 4 3 6

1 5
1 or 2c


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Atlas 1. Atlas 1. Atlas 1. Atlas 1. Atlas 1. Atlas
2. Cecrops 2. Odysseus 2. Bellerophon 2. Nemean Lion 2. Eurytos 2. Orion
3. Eurytion 3. Arachne 3. Lycaon 3. Aegisthus 3. Echidna 3. Colchidian
4. Lycaon 4. Eurytion 4. Medea 4. Jason 4. Circe Dragon
5. Hoplites* 5. Giant Spiders* 5. Toxotai* 5. Infernal 5. Circe’s Wolves 4. Orpheus
Artillerymen* 6. Icarus 5. Echo


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Enceladus 1. Enceladus 1. Enceladus 1. Enceladus 1. Enceladus 1. Enceladus
2. Atalanta 2. Arachne 2. Nemean Lion 2. Campe 2. Medusa 2. Heracles
3. Leonidas 3. Cecrops 3. Odysseus 3. Achilles 3. Jason 3. Bellerophon
4. Hippolyta 4. Stheno 4. Lycaon 4. Medea 4. Colchdian 4. Echo
5. Hoplites* 5. Giant Spiders* 5. Spartans* 5. Infernal Dragon 5. Infernal
6. Amazons Hounds* 5. Myrmidons* Warriors*


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Gaia 1. Gaia 1. Gaia 1. Gaia 1. Gaia 1. Gaia
2. Hydra 2. Lycaon 2. Minotaur 2. Cerberus 2. Griffon 2. Echidna
3. Hector 3. Circe 3. Heracles 3. Hippolyta 3. Achilles 3. Jason
4. Infernal 4. Bellerophon 4. Medea 4. Leonidas 4. Arachne 4. Medusa
Warriors 5. Circe’s 5. Hoplites* 5. Centaurs* 5. Giant Spiders*
5. Myrmidons* Wolves*


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6

1. Kronos 1. Kronos 1. Kronos 1. Kronos 1. Kronos 1. Kronos
2. Dragon of 2. Minotaur 2. Atalanta 2. Griffon 2. Cerberus 2. Colchidian
Thebes 3. Leonidas 3. Bellerophon 3. Cecrops 3. Achilles Dragon
3. Eurytion 4. Aegisthus 4. Lycaon 4. Circe 4. Phoenix 3. Stheno
4. Echo 5. Spartans* 5. Hoplites* 5. Circe’s Wolves 4. Odysseus
5. Centaurs* 6. Myrmidons* 5. Infernal


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Typhon 1. Typhon 1. Typhon 1. Typhon 1. Typhon 1. Typhon
2. Arachne 2. Tityos 2. Phoenix 2. Stheno 2. Bellerophon 2. Heracles
3. Aegisthus 3. Circe 3. Marsyas 3. Eurytion 3. Lycaon 3. Nemean Lion
4. Atalanta 4. Echo 4. Cecrops 4. Icarus 4. Orpheus 4. Toxotai*
5. Giant Spiders* 5. Circe’s Wolves* 5. Infernal 5. Centaurs*


Army 1 Army 2 Army 3 Army 4 Army 5 Army 6
1. Ymir 1. Ymir 1. Ymir 1. Ymir 1. Ymir 1. Ymir
2. Colchidian 2. Lycaon 2. Medusa 2. Python 2. Cerberus 2. Griffon
Dragon 3. Heracles 3. Eurytos 3. Achilles 3. Leonidas 3. Bellerophon
3. Jason 4. Atalanta 4. Eurytion 4. Medea 4. Aegisthus 4. Icarus
4. Marsyas 5. Amazons* 5. Toxotai* 5. Hoplites* 5. Circe’s Wolves* 5. Infernal
5. Argonauts* 6. Circe Warriors*

Player: No change.
Nemesis: No change. Reminder: Fists of the Titan does
not affect Nemesis units.
Player: No change.
Nemesis: No change.
Player: Root tokens are considered number 7 on the
Targeting priority list.
Nemesis: No change.
Player: No change.
Nemesis: If Tyrant applies to multiple units, choose
according to the highest in the Targeting priority.
Player: No change.
Nemesis: Psychopath does not apply. Typhon does not
use Tempest unless an Art of War or Omphalos card
was drawn before Typhon activated this turn.
Player: No change.
Nemesis: No change.


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