DMA group ass (1)

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In your group, plan and implement a digital marketing campaign for company that you
researched at DMS301m class.

The assignment is divided into two parts:

1. Group presentation (maximum ~30 minutes/group) in which you will present the
results of your campaign implementation
2. Group report (~20 pages) with a comprehensive description of your campaign
3. Due date:
Report + Presentation file: Week 9

Below is the suggested outline for your group report:

Table of contents
Executive summary
1. Introductionaav
1.1. Brief background of the organization/brand
1.2. Relative position of the organization in the market
1.3. Media presence and visibility of the organization
1.4. Digital Readiness
2. Key marketing communication problem(s) to be solved
3. Customer analysis
3.1. Primary Research of the target consumer (Research on Sampling. Describe current
organization’s customer)
3.2. Key Insights
3.3. Customer persona
3.4. Customer buying journey
4. Key strategic campaign decisions
4.1. The communication model - "Who", "What", "In Which Channel", "To Whom",
and "With What Effect” (5W communication model)
4.2. Performance goals and KPIs
5. Campaign analysis
5.1. Media channels (In details with explanations)
5.2. Content strategy (In details with explanations)
5.4. Budgeting
5.5. Evaluation of effectiveness (Which digital tools used to measure the KPIs)
References and Appendices
- Cite all sources according to the APA7 referencing style.
- Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. If any plagiarism is detected, 50% of the mark will be deducted
Report submission requirements:
- Font: Times New Roman
- Font size: 12

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