Science Life cycles Lesson 1

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Your guide to this lesson

Year 5 Summer Term 2 Science

New topic: Living things and their habitats – Life Cycles

Over the next few weeks we are going to be looking at the life
cycles of living things.

In this lesson, follow the slides in order, reading each one carefully.
Try to answer each question before reading the answers on the
next slide.
Copy and paste the video links in your browser when you see them.
For the task: Print off the activity sheet or create your own on
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

Watch this video to get an idea of what our new topic is about:
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

How would you define the term life cycle?

LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

How would you define the term life cycle?

A life cycle is the different

stages that a plant, animal or
human goes through during its
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

What stages might a life cycle include?

LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

What stages might a life cycle include?

The different stages include:

* germination or birth
* development
* reproduction
* ageing and death
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

There are many different species groups on our

planet and each one goes through a life cycle.

How many different species groups can you name?

LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

What are invertebrates?

LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

What are invertebrates?

LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.
During this topic, we will be looking closely at the life cycles of
these four species groups:
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.
The life cycle of mammals
Most mammals have very similar life cycles to each other:

* Females give birth to live young (instead of eggs)

* Females provide milk for the young to grow and develop

* The young look like a miniature version of the adults

* The adults take care of the young by protecting them

and finding food for them

* A male and a female are needed to reproduce

LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.
The life cycle of reptiles
Most reptiles have very similar life cycles to each other:

* Females lay eggs

* The young look like a miniature version of the adults

* Generally, the parents do not look after the young

(Sea turtles lay their eggs on land and return to the

sea immediately afterwards, leaving the eggs to hatch
by themselves. However, a female crocodile will often
guard her eggs and young from predators)
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

What are the similarities and differences between the

life cycles of mammals and reptiles?

You may want to take some notes about the

similarities and differences at this point in
preparation for your task as there are no
answers for this question on the next slide.
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.
The life cycle of amphibians
Most amphibians have very similar life cycles to each other:

* Most females lay eggs

* After hatching, the young go through a stage of

looking very different to the adults (e.g. a tadpole
and a frog)

* Generally, the parents do not look after the young

* A male and a female are needed for reproduction

LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.
The life cycle of plants
Plants have very different life cycles to the ones we have looked at so far:

* Flowers are male AND female. Pollen is transferred from the stamen
(male part) to another flower. This can be done by animals like bees or
by wind dispersal.

* When the pollen lands on a new flower it travels to the carpel (female
part) of the new flower. This is called pollination and creates a seed.

* The seeds are then scattered. Again, this can be done by animals or by wind dispersal.

* When the dispersed seeds reach the ground, they germinate and a new plant will grow.
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

What are the similarities and differences between the

life cycles of amphibians and plants?

You may want to take some more notes about

the similarities and differences at this point in
preparation for your task as there are no
answers for this question on the next slide.
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

As always, there are exceptions to the rules...

Although MOST members of each species group go through the same life cycle, there are some
examples where this does not happen:

*The platypus is a mammal that lays eggs rather than giving birth
to live young.

*Marsupials give birth to young that

are not yet fully formed. The young
are transferred to a pouch where they
finish developing.
LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.

As always, there are exceptions to the rules...

The gastric brooding frog did not lay frog spawn. Instead, the young frogs
developed fully inside the mother and were born through her mouth.

This species lived in Australia and became extinct in the 1980s.

LO: I can compare the life cycles of different species groups.
Your task for this lesson ...

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