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UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council) Agenda: An Assessment of the Gendered
Impacts and Dynamics of Armed Conflict. for Uruguay

To address the agenda item "An Assessment of the Gendered Impacts and Dynamics of
Armed Conflict" at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) on behalf of
Uruguay, you could consider the following points:

1. Introduction of the Issue: Start by acknowledging the devastating impact of armed conflict
on all individuals, especially focusing on the unique challenges and vulnerabilities faced by
women, girls, men, and boys.
2. Uruguay's Commitment to Gender Equality and Human Rights: Highlight Uruguay's
strong commitment to gender equality and promoting human rights. Mention specific
policies, initiatives, and legislation that Uruguay has implemented to support gender equality
in conflict and post-conflict settings.
3. Efforts to Protect Women and Girls in Conflict Zones: Discuss Uruguay's efforts to
protect women and girls in conflict zones. This could include participation in peacekeeping
missions, providing support for survivors of gender-based violence, and ensuring access to
essential services for women and girls in conflict-affected areas.
4. Promoting Women's Participation in Peacebuilding: Emphasize Uruguay's support for
increasing the participation of women in peacebuilding and conflict resolution processes.
Highlight specific initiatives or programs aimed at empowering women to have a seat at the
table in decision-making processes related to conflict resolution and peacebuilding efforts.
5. Challenges and Recommendations: Address the challenges faced in addressing the
gendered impacts and dynamics of armed conflict and provide recommendations for the
UNHRC to consider. This could include advocating for increased funding for programs that
support gender equality in conflict zones, strengthening accountability mechanisms for
perpetrators of gender-based violence, and promoting women's participation in conflict
prevention and peacebuilding efforts.
By addressing these points, Uruguay can contribute to the discussion at the UNHRC on
assessing the gendered impacts and dynamics of armed conflict and advocate for meaningful
action to support the rights and well-being of all individuals affected by conflict.
How does Uruguay acknowledge the devastating impact of armed conflict on all individuals,
especially focusing on the unique challenges and vulnerabilities faced by women, girls, men,
and boys?

Uruguay acknowledges the devastating impact of armed conflict on all individuals by

recognizing the unique challenges and vulnerabilities faced by women, girls, men, and boys
in conflict-affected areas. Here are some ways in which Uruguay addresses these issues:

1. Inclusive Policy Framework: Uruguay has established a comprehensive policy framework

that recognizes the specific needs of different population groups affected by armed conflict.
This includes provisions to ensure the protection and support of women, girls, men, and boys
in conflict zones.
2. Gender-Sensitive Approaches: Uruguay implements gender-sensitive approaches in its
humanitarian and peacebuilding efforts. This involves considering the different needs, roles,
and experiences of women, girls, men, and boys in conflict situations to provide tailored
support and protection.
3. Support for Vulnerable Groups: Uruguay provides targeted support for vulnerable groups,
such as survivors of gender-based violence, internally displaced persons, and refugees.
Special attention is given to the needs of women and children who are often
disproportionately affected by conflict-related violence and displacement.
4. Promotion of Gender Equality: Uruguay actively promotes gender equality as a
fundamental human right. This includes efforts to challenge gender stereotypes, promote
women's empowerment, and ensure equal access to services and opportunities for all
individuals, regardless of gender.
5. Engagement in International Initiatives: Uruguay participates in international initiatives
aimed at addressing the gendered impacts of armed conflict. This includes supporting United
Nations resolutions and programs that focus on women, peace, and security to enhance the
protection and empowerment of women and girls in conflict settings.
By acknowledging these challenges and vulnerabilities faced by different populations in
conflict-affected areas and taking proactive measures to address them, Uruguay demonstrates
its commitment to promoting human rights and gender equality in the context of armed
How does Uruguay address the specific needs of different population groups affected by
armed conflict?
Uruguay addresses the specific needs of different population groups affected by armed
conflict through various measures and strategies. Here are some key ways in which Uruguay
takes action to support and protect vulnerable populations in conflict-affected areas:

1. Gender Mainstreaming: Uruguay integrates a gender perspective into all aspects of its
policies, programs, and initiatives related to armed conflict. This ensures that the specific
needs and experiences of women, girls, men, and boys are taken into account in decision-
making processes and service delivery.
2. Protection of Civilians: Uruguay prioritizes the protection of civilians in conflict zones,
including women, children, and other vulnerable groups. This may involve supporting safe
spaces, providing protection for internally displaced persons, and advocating for the rights of
marginalized populations.
3. Humanitarian Assistance: Uruguay provides humanitarian assistance to populations
affected by armed conflict, including access to food, shelter, healthcare, and other essential
services. Special attention is paid to the needs of women and children, who may face
increased risks and vulnerabilities during conflict.
4. Psychosocial Support: Uruguay offers psychosocial support and mental health services to
individuals affected by armed conflict, including survivors of violence, displaced persons,
and families who have experienced trauma. This support is tailored to meet the specific needs
of different population groups.
5. Legal Protections: Uruguay works to ensure that the rights and protections of all individuals,
regardless of gender or age, are upheld in conflict situations. This may involve advocating for
legal reforms, supporting accountability mechanisms for human rights violations, and
ensuring access to justice for victims of conflict-related abuses.
6. Participation and Inclusion: Uruguay seeks to promote the meaningful participation and
inclusion of all population groups in decision-making processes related to conflict resolution,
peacebuilding, and humanitarian assistance. This includes efforts to amplify the voices of
women, youth, and other marginalized groups in shaping policies and programs.
By addressing the specific needs of different population groups affected by armed conflict
through these targeted initiatives, Uruguay works to ensure the protection, support, and
empowerment of all individuals impacted by conflict.
What measures does Uruguay prioritize for the protection of civilians, including women,
children, and other vulnerable groups, in conflict zones?

Uruguay prioritizes the protection of civilians, including women, children, and other
vulnerable groups, in conflict zones through a range of measures aimed at ensuring their
safety, well-being, and rights. Here are some key initiatives and strategies that Uruguay
implements for the protection of civilians in conflict-affected areas:

1. Peacekeeping Missions: Uruguay actively participates in UN peacekeeping missions and

other international efforts to protect civilians in conflict zones. This involvement may include
providing security, monitoring human rights violations, and supporting efforts to create a safe
environment for all individuals, especially women and children.
2. Prevention of Gender-Based Violence: Uruguay works to prevent and respond to gender-
based violence in conflict settings, including sexual violence, domestic abuse, and
exploitation. This includes training peacekeepers and humanitarian personnel on how to
effectively prevent and respond to gender-based violence.
3. Child Protection: Uruguay prioritizes the protection of children in conflict zones by ensuring
their safety, access to education, healthcare, and protection from various forms of violence
and exploitation. Uruguay supports initiatives that aim to prevent the recruitment of children
as soldiers and provide psychosocial support for child survivors of conflict.
4. Safe Access to Humanitarian Aid: Uruguay facilitates safe and unhindered access to
humanitarian aid for all civilians in conflict zones, including women, children, and vulnerable
groups. This includes ensuring that aid reaches those most in need and that humanitarian
workers can operate safely and effectively in volatile environments.
5. Support for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and Refugees: Uruguay provides support
for internally displaced persons and refugees who have been forced to flee their homes due to
conflict. This support may include shelter, food, healthcare, psychosocial services, and legal
assistance to help these vulnerable populations rebuild their lives.
6. Promotion of Human Rights and Accountability: Uruguay advocates for the protection of
human rights in conflict settings and supports accountability mechanisms for perpetrators of
human rights abuses. This includes efforts to investigate and prosecute crimes against
civilians, ensure access to justice for victims, and promote respect for international
humanitarian law.
By prioritizing these measures for the protection of civilians, particularly women, children,
and other vulnerable groups, Uruguay demonstrates its commitment to upholding human
rights, promoting peace, and supporting the well-being of all individuals affected by armed
In what ways does Uruguay support the protection of human rights and accountability in
conflict settings?

Uruguay supports the protection of human rights and accountability in conflict settings
through various initiatives and actions aimed at upholding international norms, ensuring
justice for victims, and holding perpetrators of human rights abuses accountable. Here are
some key ways in which Uruguay contributes to promoting human rights and accountability
in conflict settings:

1. Advocacy for Human Rights: Uruguay actively advocates for the protection of human rights
in conflict settings at the national, regional, and international levels. This includes supporting
resolutions and initiatives that promote respect for human rights and compliance with
international humanitarian law.
2. Support for International Mechanisms: Uruguay participates in international mechanisms
and institutions that monitor and investigate human rights violations in conflict zones. This
may involve cooperation with UN bodies, international courts, and regional organizations to
ensure accountability for perpetrators of atrocities.
3. Training on Human Rights: Uruguay provides training and capacity-building programs on
human rights, international humanitarian law, and conflict resolution for military personnel,
peacekeepers, and humanitarian workers deployed to conflict zones. This training helps to
raise awareness and ensure compliance with human rights standards.
4. Investigation and Prosecution: Uruguay supports efforts to investigate and prosecute
individuals responsible for human rights abuses and violations of international law in conflict
settings. This includes cooperation with international tribunals, national courts, and other
accountability mechanisms.
5. Protection of Journalists and Civil Society: Uruguay advocates for the protection of
journalists, human rights defenders, and civil society organizations working in conflict zones.
This includes efforts to uphold freedom of expression, ensure their safety, and prevent
reprisals against those who document human rights abuses.
6. Transitional Justice Initiatives: Uruguay may support transitional justice processes in post-
conflict settings, including truth commissions, reparations programs, and initiatives to
promote reconciliation and healing for victims of human rights violations. These efforts aim
to address the legacy of past atrocities and promote accountability.
By supporting the protection of human rights and accountability in conflict settings through
these various measures, Uruguay contributes to upholding the rule of law, promoting respect
for human dignity, and fostering conditions for lasting peace and reconciliation in conflict-
affected regions.
What international mechanisms and institutions does Uruguay participate in to monitor and
investigate human rights violations in conflict zones?

Uruguay participates in various international mechanisms and institutions to monitor and

investigate human rights violations in conflict zones, demonstrating its commitment to
upholding international human rights standards and ensuring accountability for perpetrators
of atrocities. Here are some key mechanisms and institutions in which Uruguay is actively

1. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC): Uruguay is a member of the UNHRC,
which plays a crucial role in promoting and protecting human rights globally. Uruguay
actively participates in the Council's sessions, resolutions, and initiatives related to human
rights violations in conflict zones.
2. UN Peacekeeping Operations: Uruguay contributes personnel to UN peacekeeping missions
in conflict-affected areas around the world. These missions often have human rights
components aimed at monitoring and reporting on human rights abuses, supporting
accountability mechanisms, and providing protection to civilians.
3. International Criminal Court (ICC): Uruguay is a state party to the Rome Statute of the
ICC, which is the first permanent international court established to prosecute individuals for
genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and aggression. Uruguay supports the ICC's
mandate to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the most serious international
4. Organization of American States (OAS): Uruguay is a member of the OAS, which has
mechanisms for monitoring and addressing human rights violations in the Americas. Uruguay
engages with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Inter-
American Court of Human Rights to promote human rights protection in the region.
5. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): Uruguay collaborates with the ICRC,
an independent humanitarian organization, to ensure respect for international humanitarian
law in conflict situations. The ICRC monitors compliance with the Geneva Conventions and
works to protect and assist victims of armed conflict.
6. Regional Human Rights Mechanisms: Uruguay participates in regional human rights
mechanisms, such as the Inter-American System and the African Commission on Human and
Peoples' Rights, to promote and protect human rights in conflict-affected regions.
By actively engaging with these international mechanisms and institutions, Uruguay plays a
vital role in monitoring and investigating human rights violations in conflict zones,
advocating for accountability, and supporting efforts to address and prevent human rights
abuses worldwide.
What role does Uruguay play in promoting and protecting human rights globally?

Uruguay plays a significant role in promoting and protecting human rights globally through
its active engagement in international forums, support for human rights initiatives, and
commitment to upholding human rights norms both domestically and internationally. Here
are some key ways in which Uruguay contributes to the promotion and protection of human
rights on the global stage:

1. Advocacy for Human Rights: Uruguay is a vocal advocate for human rights in various
international forums, including the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and
other multilateral bodies. Uruguay actively supports resolutions and initiatives that advance
human rights, address human rights violations, and promote accountability for perpetrators of
2. Participation in Human Rights Mechanisms: Uruguay participates in human rights
mechanisms and institutions at the international and regional levels, such as the UN Human
Rights Council, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, and the International
Criminal Court. Uruguay's engagement in these forums allows it to contribute to monitoring
human rights situations, addressing violations, and supporting accountability measures.
3. Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution: Uruguay contributes troops to UN peacekeeping
missions in areas affected by armed conflict, where it plays a crucial role in protecting
civilians, promoting human rights, and supporting peacebuilding efforts. By engaging in
peacekeeping operations, Uruguay helps create a safe environment for vulnerable populations
and works to prevent human rights abuses.
4. Support for International Treaties and Conventions: Uruguay is a party to key human
rights treaties and conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Convention against Torture. By
ratifying and implementing these instruments, Uruguay demonstrates its commitment to
upholding human rights principles and obligations.
5. Protection of Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Uruguay provides protection and support to
refugees and asylum seekers fleeing persecution and conflict in other countries. By offering a
safe haven and assistance to those in need, Uruguay upholds the rights of refugees and
contributes to global efforts to address refugee crises.
6. Promotion of Gender Equality and Women's Rights: Uruguay has been actively engaged
in promoting gender equality and women's rights globally. The country supports initiatives
that empower women, address gender-based violence, and promote women's participation in
peacebuilding and conflict resolution efforts.
Through its active involvement in promoting and protecting human rights globally, Uruguay
plays a crucial role in advancing the universal values of human dignity, justice, and equality
on the international stage.
What international forums does Uruguay participate in to advocate for human rights?

Uruguay actively participates in various international forums and organizations to advocate

for human rights and contribute to global efforts to promote respect for human dignity,
justice, and equality. Here are some key international forums in which Uruguay engages to
advocate for human rights:

1. United Nations: Uruguay is a member state of the United Nations and participates in various
UN bodies and forums dedicated to human rights, such as the UN Human Rights Council, the
General Assembly's Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural), and the UN
Commission on the Status of Women. Uruguay uses these platforms to raise human rights
concerns, support resolutions promoting human rights, and contribute to discussions on key
human rights issues.
2. Organization of American States (OAS): As a member of the OAS, Uruguay actively
engages in the Inter-American System for the promotion and protection of human rights.
Uruguay participates in the meetings of the OAS General Assembly, the Inter-American
Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to
advocate for human rights in the Americas.
3. Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC): Uruguay is a member of
CELAC, a regional bloc that aims to promote cooperation and integration among Latin
American and Caribbean countries. Uruguay participates in CELAC meetings and initiatives
that address human rights challenges and promote respect for human rights in the region.
4. Union of South American Nations (UNASUR): Uruguay is a member of UNASUR, a
regional organization in South America that promotes political dialogue and cooperation
among its member states. Uruguay engages with UNASUR to address human rights issues in
the region and contribute to regional efforts to strengthen human rights protection.
5. International Criminal Court (ICC): Uruguay is a State Party to the Rome Statute of the
ICC and actively participates in discussions and meetings related to international justice and
accountability for human rights violations. Uruguay supports the ICC's mandate to
investigate and prosecute individuals responsible for the most serious international crimes.
6. Global Summits and Conferences: Uruguay participates in global summits and conferences
on human rights, such as the UN World Conference on Human Rights, the UN Summit on
Sustainable Development Goals, and the International Conference on Population and
Development. Through these platforms, Uruguay advocates for human rights, gender
equality, and social justice on the global stage.
Through its active participation in these international forums and organizations, Uruguay
amplifies its voice and contributes to advancing the protection and promotion of human rights
at the global level.
In which global summits and conferences does Uruguay advocate for human rights and social

Uruguay participates in various global summits and conferences to advocate for human
rights, social justice, gender equality, and sustainable development on the international stage.
Here are some key global summits and conferences in which Uruguay actively engages to
promote human rights and social justice:
1. United Nations General Assembly: Uruguay participates in the annual sessions of the UN
General Assembly, where world leaders gather to address pressing global issues, including
human rights, peace and security, sustainable development, and social justice. Uruguay
utilizes this platform to advocate for human rights principles and promote its commitments to
international cooperation and solidarity.
2. UN Human Rights Council Sessions: Uruguay takes part in the sessions of the UN Human
Rights Council, a key intergovernmental body responsible for promoting and protecting
human rights worldwide. Uruguay engages in discussions, resolutions, and initiatives related
to various human rights issues, including civil and political rights, economic, social, and
cultural rights, and the rights of vulnerable populations.
3. UN Women Conferences: Uruguay participates in UN Women conferences and events
focused on advancing gender equality, women's rights, and the empowerment of women and
girls. Uruguay advocates for the inclusion of a gender perspective in all aspects of
development and promotes initiatives to address gender-based violence and promote women's
leadership and participation.
4. UN Climate Change Conferences (COP): Uruguay attends UN Climate Change
Conferences, such as the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention
on Climate Change, to advocate for climate action, environmental protection, and sustainable
development. Uruguay highlights the link between climate change, human rights, and social
justice, emphasizing the importance of addressing climate impacts on vulnerable populations.
5. International Labour Organization (ILO) Conferences: Uruguay participates in ILO
conferences focused on labor rights, decent work, and social justice. Uruguay advocates for
fair labor practices, workers' rights, and social protection measures to ensure a more equitable
and just society.
Global Summits on Sustainable Development: Uruguay engages in global summits and
conferences focused on sustainable development, such as the UN Sustainable Development
Summit and related events. Uruguay advocates for the implementation of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) to address social, economic, and environmental challenges and
promote human rights and social justice for all.
Through its active participation in these global summits and conferences, Uruguay highlights its
commitment to human rights, social justice, gender equality, and sustainable development, and
contributes to shaping international agendas and policies that prioritize the well-being and rights
of all individuals

Some people call it the “Scandinavia of the South”. The greatest achievement of Uruguayan
society in its 200 years of history is leading all continental and world rankings which
guarantee the quality of life of its people It leads to all freedom, individual rights, gender
equality, social mobility, social inclusion, protection, health, and education coverage
rankings. Moreover, it is at the top of the ranking concerning equality and income distribution
and it has the lowest poverty rate.

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