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SECTION 3 Questions 21-30

Questions 21-23

Choose THREE letters,A-H.

Which THREE aspects of her assignment caused Lena to lose marks?

A choice of company
B accuracy of information
C lack of research
D late submission
E poor planning
F presentation
G repetition
H writing style

Questions 24-26

Choose the correct letter,A,B or C.

24 Lena should have added that JustCoffee offers

A technical help.
B financial aid.
C agricultural advice.

25 JustCoffee pays its suppliers

A standard market rates.
B twice as much as other companies.
C three times the global average.

26 Lena should have found out more about

A farming methods.
B market expansion.
C producer countries.
Questions 27-30

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Follow-up work

27 The tutor asks Lena to write a.....................document for the university’s


28 Lena should describe the company's eight......................

29 Lena will state that some of the profit is spent on equipment such
as………… for the community.

30 Lena will add that what is known as'.....................'is the most significant
benefit to JustCoffee's suppliers.
SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Insects as a food source

Why insects should be considered as a food source

* They have a lot of protein and contain 31...................

* Their waste products don't harm the soil or the 32………….on
* Their production requires less expense and little 33…………..
compared to other animals.
* Some can be added to animal feed as a kind of 34………………….

Sourcing insects as a food supply:the wild versus farming

If insects are taken from the wild:

* it could lead to the loss of a species
* people may be harmed by the 35.....................they contain.
When insects are bred on insect farms:
* this can supply the growing demand in the 36…………………of
some countries
* the 37.....................of the insects may be affected.

The challenges facing insect farmers

* Different kinds of insect require a different temperature to breed.

* Farmers and researchers are unclear how to deal with 38................
* Better tanks need to be developed so faster.
* Farmers need to develop a strategy for 40.....................the insects.

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