Một số mệnh đề hữu ích trong ielts writing task 2

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I. Mệnh đề chỉ mục đích (clauses of purpose) (answer the WHY-questions in "WHEE")

1. to + infinitive
Farmers usually use chemical fertilisers to grow their crops.
2. in order to/so as to (more emphatic and more formal than "to")
He had to wear warm clothing in order to/so as to endure the Arctic temperatures.
3. so that/in order that + will/can/may/should
He wrote his instructions down in order that he will/can/may/should be understood better.
4. for + noun
I went to the shops for some milk.
5. for + gerund
Glasses are devices used for improving your sight.
6. in case + present tense/should
Buy your tickets now in case they sell out.
7. nevgative purpose (để không...)
Ngoài dùng thể phủ định của những mệnh đề trên, còn có thể dùng:
7.1 for fear that + clause" hoặc "for fear of + noun/Ving".
He saved the address on his phone for fear that he might forget them/for fear of forgetting them.
7.2. prevent sb from doing sth
Stricter regulations should be introduce to prevent people from sabotaging natural ecosystem.
7.3. avoid + Ving
In order to create a healthier lifestyle, each individual should be resposible for their own eating hatbits to
avoid an unblanced dietary regimen.

II. Mệnh đề chỉ lý do (clauses of reason) (answer the WHY-questions in "WHEE")

1. because + clause
2. for (= because but more formal)
Note: "Because" and "for" can both be used to introduce a clause of reason. However, "for" CAN'T be
used at the beginning of a sentence, or as an answer to a why-question. When used, there is always a
comma before it in written speech, or a pause in oral speech.
I didn't want to go canoeing because I can't swim.
I didn't want to go canoeing, for I can't swim. (when asked "why didn't you want to go canoeing?", don't
use "for" to answer, we use "because" instead).
3. as/since + clause
As/Since the prices of houses or flats in urban areas are inflating, the authorities should issue some
initiatives to mitigate its effects on the low-income.
4. The reason for + noun/Ving
The reason for her applying was that she'd always wanted to work in advertising.
5. the reason why + clause
The reason why governments want to establish more animal shelters is that they want more endangered
species to be protected from illegal hunting, poaching or sabotaged natural habitats.
6. because of/on the account of/due to + noun/Ving
7. in view of/with view to + noun/Ving/the fact that...
Governments established more animal shelters in view of/with view to protecting more endangered
species from illegal hunting, poaching or sabotaged natural habitats.
8. given that/considering/seeing that (căn cứ/xét thấy...)

Given that there is a drastic increase in the number of people going into the city centre in search of a job,
the authorities should work out feasible schemes to construct more social housing to minimise the
possibility of slums and homelessness, which are often considered an eyesore for the city lanscape.
9. out of + noun
They wanted to know about your stories just out of curiosity.
They acted out of sympathy.
Some students merely attend university out of family and peer pressure.

III. Mệnh đề chỉ kết quả (clauses of result) (answer the HOW+EXPLAIN-questions in "WHEE")

1. as a result/therefore/consequently/as a consequence
On the other hand, social welfare could cause a sense of over reliance for the unemployed and as a
result/therefore/consequently/as a consequence, they will lose the motivation to join the workforce again.
2. so/such + that
It is such a detrimental habit that it could eventually result in obesity or diabetes.
3. so many/few + countable noun + that
There are so many cars on the road nowadays that we have constant traffic jams.
4. so much/little + uncountable noun + that
She has eaten so much sugary food that she is becoming overweight.

IV. Mệnh đề nhượng bộ (clauses of concession) (answer the HOW+EXPLAIN-questions in

1. but (only used in the middle of the sentence in formal writing, not at the beginning of a sentence)
2. although/even though + clause
Although the policy may have several shortcomings, it cannot be denied that it is still necessary to
maintain a stable society.
3. while/whereas/whilst (very formal)
While other solutions should also be taken into account, this scheme still proves noteworthy.
4. however/nevertheless (followed by a comma)
The policy may have several shortcomings, however/nevertheless, it is undeniable/indisputable that it is
still necessary to maintain a stable society.
5. Yet (formal)/Still (preceded by a comma when in the middle of the sentence and followed by a comma
when at the beginning)
Stringent as it may seem, yet a radical ban on smoking would prove beneficial for the whole community
in the end.
Protecting every kind of animals may sound expensive. Yet/Still, if not, the price humankind will pay
could be much higher.
6. In spite of/Despite + noun/Ving/for the fact that + clause
In spite of /Despite the fact that environmentalists are campaigning relentlessly against poaching, the
numbers of tusks smuggled are uncontrollably increasing.
7. No matter how + adjective/adverb + clause
No matter how relentlessly the environmentalists are campaigning against poaching, the numbers of tusks
smuggled are significantly increasing.
8. However + adjective/adverb + subject + (may) + verb (tham khảo, ít dùng khi viết)
However difficult the challenge is/may be, we can find ways to succeed.
9. Adjective/adverb + though + subject + may + verb (tham khảo, ít dùng khi viết)
Hard though I tried, I couldn't find out the answer to the question.
10. Adjective/adverb + as + subject + verb (tham khảo, ít dùng khi viết)
Hard as he looked, he couldn't find his phone anywhere.
11. Infinitive form + as + subject + may/might (tham khảo, ít dùng khi viết)
Try as you may/might, you won't persuade Jim, he's very stubborn.
12. Adjective + as it may/might seem + clause
Effective as it may seem, the policy cannot eradicate all the issues caused by vehicle emissions.

V. Một số từ nối hữu dụng khác

1. In other words,/It means (that) (Give explanation)

The governments should take action to deal with the shortage of skillful workers for menial jobs. In other
words,/It means that there should be more vocational programmes which are suited for those who do not
want to proceed to join in higher academic education.
2. For example/For instance/Take sth for example (Examples)
The statement cannot be applied to everyone. Take myself for example, despite the fact that I have to use
technology on a daily basis out of my job, I will not consider it an indispensable part of my life.

- Không phải lúc nào cũng cần dùng từ nối ở đầu mỗi câu. Cố gắng dùng các loại mệnh đề khi viết
sao cho câu sau có liên kết với câu trước. Cách làm này khiến văn phong tự nhiên và advanced hơn.
- Đối với writing task 2, ĐỌC KỸ ĐỀ BÀI và LẬP DÀN Ý là 2 việc quyết định điểm số.

Useful paraphrasing:
- important: vitally/significantly/greatly important, crucial, essential, indispensable, vital, pivotal.
- plan: scheme, initiative, measure, action.
- government: the authorities, those who have/wield legal/political power.
- laws: regulations, disciplines, law and order, rules.
- ban: prohibit, forbid, outlaw.
- significantly: enormously, immensely, greatly, hugely, to a great extent.
- undeniable: cannot be denied, indisputable, without a doubt that, undoubtedly, doubless, cannot be
doubted that, cannot be questioned that, unquestionable.

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