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Army Public Schools and Colleges System

SOW Summary
Academic Session 2024-2025
First Term

Subject: English Language Class: III

Content Page No. Total Teaching Weeks: 18 (Cold Region) / 18 (Warm Region)
Prescribed Textbook:
Scope and Sequence 02
· Cambridge Global English APSACS edition, Learner’s Book 3,
Progression Grid 03 Third edition
· Cambridge Global English APSACS edition Activity Book 3,
Teachers Instructions 06
Third edition
Unit 1: Working together 15 · Cambridge Global English APSACS edition Teacher’s
resource 3, Third edition
Unit 2: Family and memories 21
Unit 3: The desert 26 Resources:
· APSACS English Language Development (ELD) Programme
Unit 4: Look again 33
(Ref to Curriculum Implementation Guide)

Prescribed Notebooks:
· APSACS English four-lined notebook (small)

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Army Public Schools & Colleges System
Scope and Sequence
Subject: English Language
Total teaching weeks: 18 Class: III
Week Unit/ Chapters Topics
1. · Working together
2. · Let’s play
Unit 1: · Team activities
3. Working together · Performing a play
4. · Following the team rules
· Revision (Reflect on your learning)
6. · Family and memories
7. · Wedding customs
Unit 2: · When I was young
8. Family memories · Birthdays
9. · Special memories
· Revision (Reflect on your learning)
11. · The desert
· Desert animals
12. Unit 3: · Desert plants
13. The desert · Friendship
· A Mexican folk tale
14. · Revision (Reflect on your learning)
15. · Look again
· That’s impossible!
16. Unit 4: · Very strange
17. Look again · Hidden pictures
· Animal camouflage
18. · Revision (Reflect on your learning)

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Army Public Schools & Colleges System
Progression Grid
Session 2024 – 2025

Vocabulary & Grammar

Grade II Grade III Grade IV
· Singular/plural nouns in sentences There · Present continuous to describe events · Present Simple
is/are…. · Question words: where, what, how, who · Adverbs of frequency play/go/do
· Present simple · Gerund: be good at+ noun/ -ing · Verb + Infinitive/…ing
· Possessive pronouns (mine, yours) · Adverbs of sequence: first, next, then · Phrasal verbs both/too/whereas
· Using have got + noun, like + -ing which · Prediction: will · Expressing time
one? I ____ one · Statements and questions with was/were, · Comparatives
· Present Continuous question forms could/couldn’t · Superlatives
· Present simple 3rd person endings: -s, es · Comparative and superlative adjectives · Adjective order
· Irregular plurals · Understanding subject pronouns, it and · Modals of probability
· Prepositions of location they within texts · Question tags
· Imperatives · Past simple: regular and irregular forms · Present perfect for life experience
· Can/can’t for ability · Adverbs of frequency · Zero conditional
· Adverbs: slowly, quickly · Object pronouns: him, her, it, them, me · Past continuous
· Conjunctions: and, but, or · How to say years (e.g. 2020, 1995 etc.) · Preposition of direction get (travel) / get +
· Determiners: all, most, some · Relative clause with who and which adj / get + to + verb
· I like/ I don’t like + verb + ing · Indirect object pronouns · Some and any
· Past simple regular (-ed) and irregular · Present perfect for experiences · Made of/ made from
forms · Irregular past participles · Quantifiers
· Past simple of be · Present continuous for future · Linkers of purpose: so, that, so as not to,
· Past simple question forms arrangements in order to
· Time expressions: in the morning/ · Comparative adverbs: more quickly/ more · Infinitives of purpose
afternoon/ evening; at night slowly · Past and present actions
· Past simple regular and irregular forms · Verbs of movement
· Countable and uncountable nouns with · Quantative pronouns
some, a/an · Phrasal verbs: crime
· What (a) + adj. + noun · Future prediction with will
When Clause · Going to for future plans

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Oral Communication
Grade II Grade III Grade IV
· Listen for information · Listen and identify · Strategy: Prediction
· Follow instructions · Give opinions: easy or difficult · Talk about families and activities
· Ask and answer questions · Describe what people are doing · Ask about relationship
· Collaborative problem solving · Picture description · Comprehension questions
· Memory games · Make suggestions, give encouragement, · Talk about people
· Ask about an unknown word apologise · Listen for specific information
· Ask for, give and follow directions · Listen and discuss an extended narrative · Description of homes and strange
· Roleplay + guessing game · Talk about family and family celebrations buildings
· Interviews · Ask and answer questions · Talk about where they’d like to live
· Listen to and give instructions · Perform dialogue · Talk about maps
· Discuss likes and dislikes · Follow aural instructions · Follow the topic
· Discuss and act out poems, song and play · Describe and compare · Description of people
· Partner interviews · Roleplay asking for things · A description of a thief
· Discuss and act out poems, song and · Interview about experiences · Talk about traditional dances
stories · Express preference · Interviews
· Talk about school
Reading and Writing
Grade II Grade III Grade IV
· Letter names and sounds · Rhyming words · Capital letters
· Vowels and consonants · Common homonyms · Rhyming words
· Sounds: sh, ch, th · Identify action verbs · Intonation: Question tags
· Short vowel sounds in initial and middle · Spelling rules for words ending in -ing · -ed endings
position · Borrowed words in English language · Connected speech
· Compound words · Create picture glossary · Homophones
· Occupation words ending with -er: singer, · Write compound sentences using but · Speech marks
writer etc. · Write a letter of apology · Exclamation marks
· Prefix un- · Autobiographies · Sentence correction
· Long vowel sounds and spellings: ai, ay, · Scan text for information · Write a letter
silent e · Describe people in photo · Make connections
· Long i spellings: i, igh · Combine sentences with and · Statements about different types of books
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· Rhyming words · Write about a memory · How to draw a cartoon
· Spelling dictation · Write a chart using given information · Read for gist
· Homophones · Turn notes into full sentences · Write about a superhero
· Poems /songs · Draw and label a picture · Make a story plan
· Information text · Write and punctuate dialogue · Write a quiz
· Write personal information · Write description of a picture · Write an animal fact life
· Write about your school · Write sentences using list commas · Read for information
· Write an original song verse · Draw and write about your own invention · Organise information
· Use a capital letter and full stop · Describe a room in a dream house · Write about a strange building
· Write a friendly letter · Create similies with as · Write about a famous person in history
· Report information from an interview · Describe an imaginary dinosaur · Read for details
· Write instructions collaboratively · Link sentences using but · Write about how a food item is produced
· Write information about birds · Write activity instructions · Make notes
· Write informational sentences · Make a poster about caring for your teeth · Read and write a newspaper article
· Report interview information (past tense) · Write a plan for making healthy choices · Identify difficult words
· Write a new verse · Write about a giant food item · Write a blog about a trip
· Write instructions for an experiment · Write an email invitation
· Informal writing

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APSACS Scheme of Work
General Instructions for Teachers

1. APSACS Scheme of Work:

· The SOW is a road map to guide teachers to develop their daily lesson plan. SOW has brief teaching methodology which
connects to the SLOs. It enables teachers to be more flexible in choosing teaching methodologies, suggested learning activities
and AFL strategies. It is a living document that is easy, convenient and simple to use.

2. Scope and Sequence:

· A scope and sequence is a commonly used term in education when talking about a curriculum, books or courses. It is a list of the
concepts, topics and material that is covered in a book, course or the lesson plans of a particular curriculum. A scope refers to
the topics and areas of development within a curriculum and the sequence is the order in which those skills are taught.

3. Student Centered Activities:

· Student centered Activities are suggested in SOW, incorporate the activities in lessons or conduct your own activities related to
the Learning Outcomes. Use teaching aids to relate the topic to daily life. Vary teaching strategies – encourage students to ask
questions, enquire and develop critical thinking and decision-making skills. Have discussions related to the topic to help students
learn from the ideas and issues raised during the lesson. The discussion can create an interest and enhance students learning
and understanding. It also helps the teacher to assess students’ knowledge (AFL).

4. Assessment for Learning (AFL):

· Assessment for learning is an approach to teaching and learning designed to improve students’ performance and create effective
feedback. The main aim of AFL is to close the gap between the learners current learning and where they need to be for their
summative assessment.
· Below are some of the assessment strategies that can be used to get effective results.
Ø Application cards
Ø Muddiest Point
Ø Brainstorming
Ø Chain Notes
Ø Exit cards
Ø Gallery walks
Ø Hand Signals

5. Weblinks:
· Weblinks are divided into two parts namely digital resources and digital tools.

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Ø Digital Resources: Digital learning resources are learning resources that aid students and teachers in the educational
process. The intent is to increase student engagement, in the learning process, provide access to instructional content and
increase student achievement. Digital resources include
· Educational videos
· Blogs
· Lectures
· Learning games
· Audio Readings

Ø Digital Tools:
· Digital tools are the softwares, programs or applications that provide readily available online assessment or content
creation opportunities to design quizzes as per the required complexity level. Digital tools not only enhance the teaching
quality by facilitating collaboration and evaluation but also provide prompt feedback. These tools help teachers, students
and parents in monitoring the learning progress.

6. Progression Grid
· Progression grid is a visual representation, giving interconnection of concepts, content and skills across different levels of
proficiency. It enables a teacher to evaluate individual learner’s progress against the objectives and identifies the next steps in
learning, which are working towards expectation, meeting the expectation and exceeding the expectation.

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Instructions for Teachers

APSACS SOWs are a basic guideline that should be followed by all teachers. A detailed set of instructions to teach comprehension,
vocabulary, creative writing, grammar is provided to ensure that the teaching learning process is made uniform throughout the system
and students get an equitable standard in education. These instructions must be discussed in detail by the Section Heads with Subject
Coordinators and English Language teachers. Teachers may modify the pedagogical practices and strategies according to their class
Following steps to be applied while teaching English lessons:-
- Introduce the topic in an interesting manner.
- Share the objectives on a daily basis with the students instead of simply writing them on the board.
- The pictures, illustrations and images, in the Textbooks are informative sources and must be discussed during lessons.
- Success Criteria must be discussed with students and their input taken before assigning the written task.
- Provide constructive written feedback in notebooks to enable students to improve upon the written task.
- Ensure that a conducive and interactive learning environment prevails in the classroom, so that students feel comfortable while
asking questions.
- Closely monitor and facilitate ‘Low Readiness Learners’ and ensure that they complete the class work during the allotted time.
- Check Points should be planned with the Subject Coordinator during the Coordination Meeting and should be taken during regular
- Skills are indicated in the objectives column of the syllabi. These skills are expected to be developed as a result of that lesson. These
are NOT to be shared with the students. This identification of Skills is for the guidance and facilitation of the teacher. Teachers may
choose sub skills, keeping in mind the lesson objectives. The acquired skills can be tested through Assessment plan of the daily
lesson i.e oral discussion, activities, written and project work.
- Theme related vocabulary, grammar concepts and values must not be taught in isolation. Opportunities for revising and using them in
meaningful ways should be woven into the activities and lesson plans.
- The difficult and unfamiliar words must be written on the board or displayed on flash cards. The key words must be read aloud so as
to make students learn the correct pronunciation.
- Use of Graphic Organizers is mandatory during lessons’ discussion and explanation. Teachers must pick the most relevant organizer.
- CW/HW to be decided by the teacher during the Subject Coordination Meeting as per the APSACS HW Policy. Assignments given for
C.W. or H.W. to be thoroughly explained and discussed in class along with the relevant topics. A few Online / e-assignments are also
mentioned in the H.W column to be uploaded on AIS for teachers to check and return to the students. H.W uploading procedure has
been shared by APSACS IT Dept. (Ref. APSACS General Instructions)
- All the questions and activities suggested for written work should be done in Textbooks, Workbooks/ Activity Books and Notebooks
as specified in the SOW.
- Independent reading of the Textbook content must be ensured and monitored by the teacher prior to written work

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- In the SOW Summary, each Unit has been given x number of weeks. It is the teacher’s discretion to utilize and distribute the x
number of weeks to a topic / concept according to class needs. The Class work and Homework should be judiciously spread over the
allocated time.
- Grammar topics and tenses must be reinforced frequently. Teachers may prepare short practice exercises or topic related
Worksheets for Revision. Teachers can benefit from websites providing free worksheets e.g.
- Cambridge Global English based on Single National Curriculum 2020 has been customized. There is an access code is provided with
each Textbook that contains listening tracks. The Teacher’s Resource contains the detailed planning of each lesson that has been
referred to in the SOW.
- It is mandatory for language teachers to get a copy of the Teacher’s Resource from the Section Head or the Subject Coordinator.
Only suggested activities have been added with each lesson where required. Teachers are not bound to follow each and every
activity. Once conceptual clarity is ensured, some of the suggested activities may be used for consolidation of lesson or concept
check i.e., ongoing AFL. Some of the Activities / Exercises have been excluded and mentioned in the Syllabus.
- Following the guidelines given inside the title page of the Textbook, teachers can be registered so as to access the downloadable
Audio tracks. It is suggested to use the cell phone/laptop/smart board, e - gadget attached with speakers as and when the listening
icon appears in the Textbook/Syllabus document. The Section Head must be informed prior to conducting the Listening Activity.
- Students must get the opportunity to listen to the audio tracks at least once a week. Teachers may read the poem / script or engage
students in role play where content is in the conversational style. Photocopies of the script can be shared along with highlighting the
assigned roles.
- The reading material in each Unit is age appropriate and can easily be covered in a single period. Teachers must focus on in-built
grammar concepts, vocabulary, language practice and creative writing as per teaching methodology.
- Teacher Talk Time should be simple, short, precise and succinct. It is Student Talk Time that is the priority so as to allow learners
ample opportunities to speak, communicate and learn.
- Teachers must not ask the students to open the Textbooks during Warm up / Starter Activities to keep their interest, curiosity and
element of surprise alive.
- Teachers’ assistance must not be provided during written tasks.
- Each student will be assigned 1xProject per Term. It is at the teachers’ discretion to plan and distribute the projects in such a way that
maximum number of projects are prepared by each class.
- At the end of each unit, there is a Quiz lesson in the Activity Book (Look what I can do!) where students must be encouraged to
identify and demonstrate skills they have acquired during the course of the Unit.
- Suggested videos may be shared as per available time, otherwise these may be utilized as teachers’ resource.
- Conceptual clarity is of prime importance in every lesson.

Instructions for Project Work:

Steps for Projects must be succinct and precise. The students must be clearly guided about basic details including group formation prior
to the project. Each student will choose 1xProject per Term as per their choice and deliberate decision, keeping in mind the following:
- Essentials of Project Work: Surveys, Research, Display, Role play, Power Point etc
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- Time allowed for group presentations
- Submission date
- Sharing of Project Rubrics as assessment criteria with students and parents.

Managing Group Work

For successful Group Work, the entire class must be disciplined and onboard about the task assigned. Weak classroom management is
the strongest hurdle in accomplishment of task. Ensure that when students are seated in a group, they should face the teacher and
maintain eye contact for any oral or verbal instructions.
Following are basic classroom management techniques:

1. Flexible Student Grouping

a. Whole-class Instruction
b. Small –group Instruction
c. One-to-one Instruction
2. Peer Teaching
a. Small Cooperative Groups
b. Homogenous Groups
c. Independent Learning
d. Mixed Readiness Groups
e. Multi-level Groups
- Pair: 2 per group
- Triad: 3 per group
- Quad: 4 per group

Differentiated Instructions in Group Work

Differentiation refers to adapting and modifying instructions so as to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content,
process, products or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping turns it in to a effective approach
towards instruction.
Teachers to ensure that Low Readiness Learners write less but coherent and meaningful.

Types of Learners
a. Low Readiness Learners (LRL)require maximum teacher’s guidance thus, teachers must tailor and alter their work accordingly e.g.
they must be assigned less written work
b. Medium Readiness Learners (MRL) are able to complete their work in the given time frame

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c. High Readiness Learners (HRL) extra work must be planned by the teacher for this group as they generally manage to complete
tasks earlier than others. This group may require extra engagement as they can cause disturbance in the class once their work is

Suggested Activities:
1. Talking Chips*:
Teacher will issue two or three talking chips to each student in a group. Students will hold the talking chips in their hands which they
have to use during discussion. Every time a verbal contribution is made to group discussion or the student speaks,they place the
talking chip in the centre of table, indicating that they have participated in the discussion. Hence, all students get many chances to
speak during group discussion. Teacher will prompt those students who do not contribute during the discussion as they will still be
holding on to their Talking Chips.
* Talking Chips are small laminated cards prepared by the teachers. Sample template is given below. The actual size can be 2”x 2”.

- The suggested weblinks provide free educational games, topics related activities and printable Worksheets that can be used in class
and should be recommended for home practice under parents’ supervision. Teachers to show theme related Documentaries
wherever needed. All the video clips and documentaries must be checked for any cultural or religious offensive material. The material
must be sifted prior to sharing it with the students.

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- Khan academy kids

Skills Specific Instructions

1. Listening Skills
Listening means paying attention not only to what is said, but how it is spoken, the used language intonation and actions. Teachers
must utilize learning opportunities i.e storytelling, role play, reading & recitation, listening comprehension, Q & A sessions in the
syllabus to derive maximum benefit. Teachers must keep the following points in mind:-
- Ask open ended questions that make students think out of the box.
- Try not to ask questions that have single word or ‘Yes/ No’ answer
- Present new words to the students for vocabulary enrichment
- Repeat the questions and let the students take the conversational lead

2. Speaking Skills
- The primary role of effective communication is to encourage students to communicate in English. The Cambridge Global English
and English Ahead Series provide ample opportunities to think critically, listen, speak, read, write, present and debate in class.
- Reading and recitation are a powerful tool to practice the language and remove inhibitions. Interactive story telling sessions can
be another practical technique. The list of Readers is attached in Literature SOW. The teacher must direct concerted effort to
integrate the 4Cs into the lessons and help students develop language skills. It is advised that the teachers, being role models,
should converse in English themselves.
- For ‘Speaking Lessons’ in the Textbook, teachers will divide the class in 2-3 major groups according to class strength.
- Teacher will maintain a log, ensuring every child in the group gets an opportunity to speak for 1 min at least.
- Teacher should be patient and support students with we weak spoken skills and ensure that they get an equal chance to
- For mispronounced words, the teacher will draw the attention of the whole class and have them repeat the word correctly.

3. Reading Comprehension Skills

Comprehension of any text ensures language development and acquisition. In language classes the students’ language proficiency
and command is assessed through reading and listening comprehension exercises, speaking and writing assignments. Therefore,
plenty of tasks based on comprehension work are made part of routine language lessons.
The comprehension work not only helps a student to process, analyze and organize the information given in the text, it also helps
them to learn and revise the grammar concepts in a systematic manner. All Exercise work is designed to achieve certain objectives,
which, if met successfully by the teachers and students make a sound basis for language development.
Broadly speaking, by the end of the lesson students should be able to:-
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- read and complete the written work of the comprehension passage independently
- listen to and focus on information according to given instructions
- do a variety of reading exercises e.g. model reading by the teacher or student, shared/ group reading, independent silent reading
- identify the grammar, vocabulary and punctuation in the assigned passage.

4. Strategies for Reading and Listening Comprehension Passage

Teacher to:
- read the text with correct pronunciation, intonation and pauses
- play audio a second time for further clarity
- read the text again for achieving the given objectives
- Students to:
- read turn by turn and the teacher plays the audio script at the end
- read silently and listen to the audio being played
- listen to the audio only with the textbooks closed

5. Group Chain Reading

- Divide the class into groups of six. Students to read the passage taking turn. Each student gets to read one sentence. The next
student reads from where the last person left off. Teacher to go around the class providing guidance where required, correct
pronunciation or explain the passage. This strategy ensures that all students get a chance to read in the shortest possible time.
Since they are just reading a sentence, they have to remain focused and wait for their turn to read.

6. Creative Writing
- The teacher plays a vital role in developing the creativity of students and dealing with children with varied interests and
backgrounds. Creative writing activities should take place in class and NOT assigned as Homework. Corrections and final drafts
of writing can be given for Homework. Students should be encouraged to write independently.

7. Teachers to:
- use a Graphic Organizer for brainstorming, do not discourage any student, write everything that they wish to contribute. Let them
read and analyze all points and cross out those found irrelevant.
- organize the information on the web into introduction, middle and conclusion by numbering the points on the board i.e all points
with number 1 are for introduction, those with number 2 are for second paragraph and so on. This is a whole class activity and
provides guidelines for independent work.
- edit the work for proper paragraphing, grammar, spelling and punctuation etc.
- peer/self-edit the first draft for essays, blogs, emails, letters, dialogue writing, story reviews etc in pencil.
- hand over the first draft to teacher for checking and giving constructive feedback. The teacher to check, identify errors and return
the corrected draft to the students to incorporate suggested changes.
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- second and final draft to be given for Homework to be rewritten.
- teachers to select the best writing for the Publishing Board. Other pieces of creative writing e.g. email, blog, essay, dialogue
writing, story to be displayed on the soft board in the class and in the corridors.
- students to write the final drafts in the Notebooks and teacher to sign and date the draft.

NOTE: For Junior level learners, short and simple sentences are to be left written on the board around the web/ organizers. For middle
level learners, single word/phrases to be written and for senior level learners, the information is mutually shared, discussed and then
rubbed out so they can work on their own.

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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06


Note: CW/HW to be decided by the teacher during the Subject Coordination Meeting, as per the APSACS HW policy.
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning

Unit 1: · Activity:
Working together eo&oq=explaining+ramadan+to+kids+video&aqs=chrome..69i57.1023
Lesson 1: Talk about it 8#kpvalbx=_i6dtZOzoBtGH9u8P3ZiD-Ao_27
· Students to watch the video about Ramadan (teacher to play the relevant
Students will be able to: part) and discuss what the people are doing. Students are to use Present · Brainstorming
· describe the big Continuous Tense while describing the activities.
picture · Students to look at the pictures given in the LB and ask Qs about people,
· use present places, and happenings in the picture.
continuous tense to · Discuss the big Question: What is happening in the pictures? What
talk about people celebrations do they see? Students to identify whether it is Eid ul Fitr or
· listen for specific Eid ul Azha. · Qs & Ans
information and Read
answer the Qs · Students to read the text and relate it to the video they watched. Ask
· read and comprehend relevant Qs based on the text to assess students’ comprehension levels.
the text Word Study
· practice topic Activity: (Mime the actions)
vocabulary · Students to listen to action words and perform the actions. The class will · Mime the action
· have a discussion guess the actions/verbs.
about the festivals and Let’s do it!
customs of Islam · Students to stand in pairs and follow the commands as in ‘Simon says’.
· use present simple Students to follow the instructions and afterwards create more on their · Simon says
tense to write about own.
Eid Festival Creative writing: Eid-ul-Fitr Celebrations
· recognize expressions · Brainstorm ideas about Eid activities with students’ help, write them in a · Graphic organizer
· follow and give web organizer. Students are to write a paragraph about their Eid
instructions celebration after a comprehensive class discussion. Provide only the word
· write about what we bank through board work.
think and what we like
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
· read and talk about a Wrap up · Beach ball activity
story Activity: · Follow up Qs
· answer the questions · Use the beach ball game to recapitulate Simple present and Simple
Continuous Tense. Paste some questions related to the topic on the ball.
Circulate the ball randomly among students and let them answer the
question that is close to their right thumb.
Use of English: (Present Continuous Tense)
· Students to write in their notebooks about the tasks given in Ex 5, whether
they are easy or not.
· Use the following Digital Tool for assessment and reinforcement of verbs · Digital tool
and tenses.

Class / Home Work

· Write a paragraph about Eid-ul-Fitr celebration
· Write sentences (use of English)
· Ex 1, 2 & Challenge to be done on Pg.4 - 5, AB

Unit 1: Recapitulation through a short quiz. · Short Quiz

Talk about it:
Working together · Students to discuss the games/activities which they like to play/do with · Class Discussion
their classmates/friends.
Lesson 2: Let’s play · Students to read the text and then play the games mentioned in the text for
that give clear instructions to play the games. Initially, volunteers to play · Act it out
Skills the games by taking turns, and then involve the rest of the class.
· Speaking Values
· Listening · Introduce the encouraging expressions and emphasize the importance of
· Reading supporting peers. Encourage students by saying Don’t give up! Let’s try
· Writing again, that’s good, we’ve done it! etc. while students are doing Ex 2, LB.
· Recalling Explain the connotation/meaning of each expression. Students to give
· Identifying these expressions to each other while playing the games.
· Collaborating Listen
· Creativity · Listen to the audio track 4 at least twice and guide students to clap when
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
they listen to any expression learned in Ex 3 LB.
Let’s Find out!
· Students are to be seated in groups. Distribute A4 paper to each group.
Students to draw the given table on the A4 paper. Demonstrate on board · Graphic organizer
how the table is to be filled. Nominate one student in each group who will
interview his/her group members and fill out their group chart. · Interview
Challenge (Pg. 7, AB)
· Brainstorm ideas about the things usually found in a playground. Using
imagination and creativity students to draw a playground on an A4 size
paper and write a few sentences about the things in that playground. Help
students with vocabulary.
· Place the drawings for gallery display. · Gallery walk
Class / Home Work
· Ex 1- 4 & Challenge to be done on Pgs. 6 – 7, AB
· Write instructions (as given in the text)

Unit 1: · Students to name some activities/ games they like to play as a group or
Working together Read
· Look at the big picture, read the instructions and match them with the right · Picture description
team which is performing it.
Lesson 3: Team Use of English (Ex 3 Talk merged) (Present Continuous Tense) · Discussion
activities · Discuss the Qs given in Ex 2 as a class to reinforce Present Continuous · Act it out
Tense. To give real-life examples speak a few sentences about the
ongoing activities in the classroom.
Word study
· Prepare some flashcards with pictures of things that could be pushed,
climbed, or carried. Show them to different students on their turn, and ask
them to say push, carry, or climb when the picture is shown to them. · My turn your turn
Practice this with maximum students to promote critical thinking.
· Focus on the title of the rhyme. Read and listen to the poem from audio
track 5 and relate it to the picture. Focus on sounds to find out the words · Read along
that rhyme. Students to find out from the rhyme the synonyms of the words
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
given in the box and write both in notebooks.
Note: Ex 6 Learner’s Book is excluded.
Word study
· Read pgs. 10 & 11 again to list down verbs from the text. Students to list
down more verbs on the board by taking turns. Nominate some students to
use these verbs in sentences as an example. Students to write the action
verbs and sentences in notebooks.
Class / Home Work
· Ex 2, 5 & 7 to be done from LB
· Ex 1- 6 to be done on Pg. 8 – 9 AB
· Sentence making to be given.

Unit 1:
Working together · Show a video about animal classification, from the given digital resource
and briefly discuss how different the animals are from one another in · Discussion
different groups.
Lesson 4: Performing a Pre-Reading
play · Students to look at the picture closely to describe what people shown in · Picture description
the picture are doing and describe the situation.
· Read the text and answer the related Qs. Encourage students to relate the · Qs & Ans
text to the video they have watched.
· Students to listen to audio track 6 and fill in the missing words in the LB.
Listen to the track again and answer the question based on the listening · Fill in the blanks
· Students to perform this activity in groups of four members each. Imagine
to take part in a role-play, decide what animal they want to be. Why? Ask
three friends what they want to be and why? Repeat the practice by taking · Role play
turns to ensure the participation of all the students in each group. · My turn your turn

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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
· Listen to the audio track 7; it will be followed by the Qs and Answer · Follow up Qs
session and write them in notebooks.
Over to you
· Students to come in pairs and speak to their partners about what are they · Interview
good at doing and what are they not good at. Discuss the Language
Detective box and elicit answers. Explain for further clarity with the help of
examples and board work.
Let’s do it
· Divide the class in small groups. Prepare some cards with animal names. · Name cards
Each group to show a card to the opposite group and they will name the
animal group it belongs to, e.g. birds, mammals, etc.
Class / Home Work
· Ex 1, 2 to be done from LB
· Ex 1- 6 to be done on Pgs. 10 – 11, AB
· Ex Challenge Pg. 10 AB to be given as a group work project

Unit 1: · Students to speak about their favourite games and sports. They will use
expressions that are learnt in the previous lesson to talk about what are · Brainstorming
they good at playing and what they find difficult to play.
Working together Talk about it
· Students to look at the pictures and make speculations about the
Lesson 5: Following the characters and play. Students discuss the play and some rules of their · Picture association
team rules favourite game.
Listen and read
· Students to listen to the play and read along listening. They will underline
the vocabulary related to sports, following teacher’s guidance.
· Discussion about the characters and theme of the story to be done. · Discussion
Students to imagine if they had to play with birds and mammals, which
team would they like to join. Which animal or bird character would they like
to play beside? Why?
· Discuss the given questions to assess the comprehension level of
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Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
students. Elicit answers and note down the main points on the board for
students to elaborate in their notebooks. · Follow up Qs
· Discuss the rules and talk about sportsman spirit;
· Sportsmanship or sporting spirit means the right spirit in which a game
is played. An ideal sportsman plays a game for the sake of the game. He
is neither puffed by a victory nor depressed by a defeat. He remains ever
the same both in misfortune(hardship) and fortune(ease), keeping the best
of principles in mind.
Let’s do it!
· Divide the class into groups according to number of characters they have
chosen to act out a role-play. Teacher to facilitate students with stage · Role play
directions and dialogues. Students to learn the dialogues by doing practice
and perform the role play.
Word Study
· Students to infer meanings of the words written in blue using textual and
picture clues. Students to use some of the words to write sentences.
Provide on-spot help.
· Discuss contractions used in informal writing through board work also
explain how words are contracted using an apostrophe. Let students
practice a few more in their notebooks. Following Digital Tool can be used
for reinforcement. · Digital tool
Words with more than one meaning
· Discuss Homonyms with examples. Students to complete the sentences
using the given homonyms in Ex 8, LB. They will seek help from pictures
to decide the correct word.
· The bat wants to play with mammals. Let students predict what they would · Quick write
write. Seek help from Ex 4 in the Activity book (Ref. Pg. 13).
Class / Home Work
· Ex 3, 6, 7& 8, to be done from LB
· Ex 1 - 4, to be done on Pgs. 12-13, AB
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Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
· Quiz to be done on Pgs. 14 – 15, AB
· Reflect on your learning, LB
Project work (Pg. 18- 19 LB, & TR pgs. 24 – 25) to be assigned in light of Instructions for Teachers

Unit 2: Activity:
· Show pictures of different Pakistani family celebrations. Students are to · Brainstorming
Family and memories discuss about some family celebrations. Discuss the Big Question: How
do families celebrate? Students to share their own thoughts and
Lesson 1: Talk about it experiences. · Discussion
Talk about it
Students will be able to: · Discuss the given Qs and infer answers. Show the pictures of some
· listen for specific Pakistani weddings. Let students compare and discuss the wedding
information customs of Pakistani weddings with the one, shown in the picture.
· describe a wedding Activity:
· practice topic · Learners to locate Greece on the world map and discuss its geographical
vocabulary position, with the help of teacher.
· talk about family Listen
celebrations from · Students to read the question before listening to the audio track 9. Focus
around the world on the questions while listening to get specific information. Students will · Qs & Ans
· compare and contrast then discuss answers.
the wedding customs Word Study
of Pakistan with other · Play the audio track 9 again and focusing on the word box explain what
countries are syllables, give examples. Afterward, students will practice breaking the
· write a description given words into syllables. Students will then use any five (teacher’s
· talk about and name discretion) words in sentences in notebooks.
family members Write
· understand a poem · Students to write the picture description in their notebooks, seeking help
about growing up from the vocabulary given in the word box. · Picture description
· read about child Let’s make it!
memories and write Activity:
their own · Students to follow the instructions given on Pg. 21 Learner’s Book to fold a
Skills napkin for dinner table. Discuss the use of sequence marks. Ask students
· Speaking to recap the steps to fold the napkin using the sequence of numbers.
· Reading Read (Activity Book Ref. Pg. 17)
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
· Listening · Read the text and answer the Qs. Initiate discussion about the European
· Writing and Pakistani wedding customs to make comparison and contrast. Ask
· Describing pertinent questions to promote critical thinking of students. Highlight · Follow up Qs
· Critical thinking Pakistani culture by asking students to share customs of a Pakistani
· Creativity wedding.
· Imagination

Class / Home Work

· Ex 3 & 4, to be done from LB
· Ex 1 – 6, to be done on Pgs. 16 – 17, AB

Unit 2: Activity:
· Students to speak about some of the wedding customs of Pakistan · One sentence
Family and memories discussed in Lesson 1. Elicit some more customs and list them down on summary
the board.
Read and talk about it:
Lesson 2: Wedding · Listen to audio track 10 and read about the wedding customs in different
customs countries. Let students describe the pictures on LB ref Pg. 22 and make · Brainstorming
speculations about the text.
Read and Listen
· Students to listen to the audio track 10 and while listening discuss the
wedding customs of different countries. Talk about some of the wedding
customs in our country and make a comparison and contrast of the
wedding customs. Afterwards students to answer the text-based Qs. · Follow up Qs
Listen & Use of English (merged)
· Listen to the information about the name cards that are being made for a
wedding. Listen to the audio and answer the Qs.
· Listen to the audio track 11 and discuss the naming conventions or titles
used for male and female. Let students practice it through role play. · Role play
· Students to discuss how they address their elders at home, and outside,
and how disrespectful it is to call any elder by name.
· Students to be seated in groups. Imagine having a dinner party and draw a
big table on an A4 size paper and write names of the group members on · Act it out
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Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
the table. Who will sit next to whom? Students will explain their picture to
the class.
Class / Home Work
· Ex 1 – 4 to be done on Pg. 18-19, AB
Online assignment:
· Choose any wedding ceremony and write 2 fun facts about it. Submit it online.

Unit 2: Read
· Students to read and listen to the poem from audio track 12 and answer
the Big Qs about the boy using their comprehension. Read the poem again · Brainstorming
Family and memories to identify the words that rhyme.
Lesson 3: When I was · Students to work in pairs and match the column in a way that Student A
young will say one word from the list and Student B will call out its rhyming word. · My turn your turn
· Audio track 13 to be listened to by students to learn about a special custom
in South Korea and in light of the information given in the audio text match
the column.
Watch the video:
· Watch the video about the first birthday of a Korean child to learn more
about the Korean special custom.
Listen & Use of English (merged)
· Listen to the audio track 14 carefully to get the required information.
· Read the Qs and match them to the correct answers given in the next · Follow up Qs
· Highlight and explain the use of Past simple tense.
Use of English
Simple Past Tense
· Revise the Simple Past Tense with help of examples and board work
· Use the following digital tool to assess and reinforce the concept. After that
students to form some sentences using the past form of the verb. · Digital tool

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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
Talk Activity:
Reinforcement of Simple Past Tense:
· Students to form some Qs in their notebooks to interview their partner
about his/her last birthday. Be creative and imaginative to form interesting · Students Generated
Qs about the venue, menu, costumes presents and games. Student A will Qs
interview Student B then they will swap the role to repeat the same. · Interview
Teacher to provide support to each pair.
Class / Home Work
· Ex 5, to be done from LB
· EX 1 – 5, to be done on Pgs. 20 – 21, AB
Online Assignment:
· Write2 sentences about the profession of your father/mother. Draw props related to their professions or Paste pictures related to
his/her profession.

Unit 2:
Family and memories · Show pictures of some birthday props and symbols and students to predict · Brainstorming
the topic. Initiate discussion about birthday celebration. Students to share
Lesson 4: Birthdays how they celebrate their birthday.
· Read and listen to the audio track 15 to answer the related Qs. Discuss · Follow up Qs
the word piñata and explain about the origin of this word. Students to
attempt Ex 6 as an Activity for further practice. Students can be asked to
share some more borrowed words commonly used in English e.g.
- Safari (Arabic)
- Cartoon (Italian)
- Cookie (Dutch), etc.
· Students to listen to audio track 16 to find out how sweets are taken out of
a piñata.
Word Study and Talk (merged)
· After listening to audio track 17, students while working in groups, to ask
each other about their birthday month. Each group leader to share the · Interview
name and birth date of his/her group members. Reinforce Proper nouns by
giving examples and emphasizing the use of initial capital letter. Elicit more
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Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
examples from students to assess their comprehension level.
Use of English
· Read the language tip and practice saying the numbers by telling their
· Ordinal numbers are used to define position. The numbers 1st (First), 2nd · Muddiest point
rd th th th th
(Second), 3 (Third), 4 (Fourth), 5 (Fifth), 6 (Sixth), 7 (Seventh), 8 th

(Eighth), 9th (Ninth) and 10th (Tenth) tell the position of different floors in
the building. Hence, all of them are ordinal numbers.
· Students to share if they have any difficulty in understanding the taught
· Students to write a diary page as written by Maria in the text.
Class / Home Work
· Ex 1 – 6, to be done on Pgs. 22 – 23 AB
· Write a diary page

Unit 2: Activity:
Talk about it
Family and memories · Discuss the language detective box and discuss the meaning of memory.
Discuss the synonyms and antonyms of memory. some volunteers to · Brainstorming
share any happy, sad or interesting memory related to the picture, by
Lesson 5: Special taking turns. Model the activity for students’ understanding.
memories Activity:
Read (Chain Reading)
· Students to be divided in three groups. Assign A sad memory text to
group A. A proud memory text to group B and A happy memory text to
group C. Students to listen to the audio track 19 and then read the text and · Chain reading
do the following:
Ø identify and underline the past form of verb
Ø find answer to the Qs given in Read and talk · Follow up Qs
Ø discuss the meanings of difficult words
· Students to read and discuss the language detective box and write few
examples of possessive adjectives in their notebooks in form of
Write & Use of English (merged)
1. (Conjunctions)
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
· Briefly discuss the joining words. Explain, with examples, the use of and to
join sentences. Give the concept of a compound sentence. Assign some
practice pair work for further clarity to use and for joining sentences. One · Think-Pair-Share
pair to write two sentences and next pair to join them using the word and.
2. Modal verbs (can, could and couldn’t)
· Explain could and couldn’t is the past form of the verb can and can’t.
Ø Could is used to talk about the ability to do anything in the past.
Ø Couldn’t is used to show inability to do anything in the past.
Note: Prepare practice exercise and write it on the board. Students to attempt
it independently in their notebooks.
· Students to recall a happy, sad or proud memory and write a paragraph
about it. They may paste or draw a picture related to their memory. Ask
them to write the memory in simple past tense practiced in the class.
Teacher to help students with vocabulary and ideas.
Class / Home Work
· Ex 6 & 7, to be done from LB
· Ex 1 – 5 & Challenge to be done on Pg. 24-25 AB
· Quiz Pgs. 26 – 27 AB
· Reflect on your learning, LB
Project work (LB pgs. 32 – 33 & TR pgs. 39 – 40) to be assigned in light of Instructions for Teachers

Unit 3: Brainstorming:
The desert · Use pictures to introduce the topic. Focus on the topic related vocabulary.
Talk about it · Brainstorming
Lesson 1: Talk about it · Discuss the questions related to the big picture. Students to share their
knowledge about deserts and desert life.
Students will be able to: · Introduce the big Question: What are the special features of deserts? What
· listen to a description animals live there?
of a desert/specific Listen · Qs & Ans
information/story · Choose one question and ask students to focus on the audio track 20 to
· speak about deserts extract the specific answer.
and their weather Let’s find out:
· use topic vocabulary · Guide students to work in groups and use a map/globe to locate the
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
· read and write about continent they live in and the deserts that are located in that continent. · Group work
desert plants and Listen
animals · Students to listen to audio track 21 and after discussion answer the Qs
· use quantifiers about the largest, tallest, wetter and colder deserts.
· use superlatives and · Reinforce degrees of adjective by giving examples from real life situation. · Follow up Qs
comparatives Elicit example from students to assess their comprehension after teaching
· observing and finding the concept.
similarities & Use of English
differences · Read and write some sentences on the board. Explain the meaning of
· write descriptions quantifiers by giving examples and assess the understanding through this
· speak about making digital tool
friends · Digital tool
· read a story school/quizshow.php?title=mja0otazmgug8y&q=1
ask and answer Word study
questions Activity:
talk about happenings · Show a thermometer to students and explain how to read temperature in
act out stories Celsius scale (the centigrade scale). Write the symbol on the board.
Read: (Activity Book pg 29)
Skills · Students to read the temperature shown in the chart ref Ex 4 AB pg 29.
· Reading They will read the weather forecast of Kuwait City for one day and night in
· Writing September. Also explain am and pm followed by questions to check if they
· Listening have understood the difference between am & pm. Students to share if
· Speaking any point is not well understood.
· Use the following digital resource to reinforce telling time in am and pm. · Muddiest point
· Identifying
· Comparing
· Contrasting
· Critical Thinking

Class / Home Work

· Write adjectives along with degrees in notebooks
· Ex 1- 5, to be done on Pgs. 28 – 29 AB
· Words (teacher’s discretion) to be given for dictation

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Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning

Unit 3: · Follow up of dictation words.

· Discuss fiction and non-fiction with examples. Students to identify to which
The desert category the given text belongs.
Activity: · RSQC2
· Recapitulate the physical features of a desert for reinforcement. List down
Lesson 2: Desert the answers on board. Brief discussion about desert animals will take
animals place.
Talk about it
· Students to look at the picture of the camel and focus on the labelling.
Discussion about the parts of body of a camel to take place.
Read · Muddiest point
· Chain reading of the text to be done after listening to audio track 23.
Discuss the text and ask relevant Qs. Let students highlight any points that
they deem difficult.
· Revise Pronouns by discussing the Language tip
· Watching the video is followed by class discussion. Read the information
in Ex 3 and relate it to the video.
Do you know these interesting facts about camel? | #Camel facts for · Follow up Qs
kids | Learn #animalfacts - Bing video
· Ask questions based on the text and video to assess students’
Read · Discussion
· Students to look at the pictures of animals given along the text in LB and
tell their names. Read the text and answer the questions. Students to
discuss if they can compare both the animals; find and write the · Compare & contrast
similarities and differences.
Use of English (Activity book)
· Reinforce the use of personal pronouns. Write some sentences on the
board and students to use pronouns where needed. Attempt Ex 1 in
Activity Book on Pg.30 for further practice.
· Students to recall and organize facts about any one of the desert animals
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Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
they read about, to write a descriptive paragraph. Guide students to use · Quick write
adjectives to describe the features of that animal.
Read (Activity Book)
· Read the text about Rattlesnakes and answer the related Qs.Reinforce the
use of commas to separate the list of things before assigning the written · Follow up Qs
Wrap up
· Students to speak some sentences to recap personal pronoun.
· Board practice to be done to revise the use of capital letter and comma.

Class / Home Work

· Ex 4 & 5, to be done from LB
· Descriptive paragraph in notebook
· Ex1- 3, to be done on Pgs. 30 – 31, AB
Online Assignment:
· Find one more desert animal and write its fact file.

Unit 3: Activity:
· Students to discuss what type of plants are found in deserts. Elicit answers · Brainstorming
The desert and write them on the board. A cactus plant may be shown to students if
Lesson 3: Desert plants Read and listen
· Read the text The Cactus along with listening to audio track 24. Discuss · Discussion
the Qs given above the text after discussion.
· Focus on Why and because. Explain with examples that "Why" questions
ask for reason of something. We usually answer the Why Qs with
"Because" to tell the reason.
Use of English
· Read the Language detective box and recapitulate the degrees of
adjectives; Comparatives and Superlatives.
· Show some examples from classroom to reinforce degrees of adjectives
(Compare and contrast activity to recognize the difference).
­ desk: big, bigger, biggest, · Compare & contrast
­ boy/girl: tall, taller, tallest,
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
­ pencil: small - smaller, smallest etc.
Students to write more in the notebooks
Read and talk
· Students to listen to the audio track 25 and read the poem about desert.
Focus on the names of animals while reading the poem. Students to
answer the comprehension Qs based on the poem in their notebooks. · Follow up Qs
Note: Add Qs given in Ex 10, Read and Talk on pg. 43 LB.

Class / Home Work

· Ex 2 & 3,to be done from LB
· Ex 1 – 4, to be done on Pgs. 32 – 33, AB
· Write opposites of the following in notebook: wet, hate, day, unhappy, tired, scared

Unit 3:
The desert · Students to discuss if they like making friends. Why? Ask them to predict · Brainstorming
the topic of the day.
Lesson 4: Friendship Read and Listen
· Students to listen to the audio track 26 along with reading the text of the
· Students to discuss the setting, characters and theme of the story. · Discussion
· Discuss that stories are mostly told in past tense. Students to focus on the
use of Simple Past Tense.
Chain reading
· Students to be seated in four groups. Ask them to do the following
Ø chain read the story
Ø discuss the story, characters, values and the moral
Ø use contextual clues to guess the meanings of the words written in · Guess the meaning
Ø use the contextual clues to find the meanings of the words
· Discuss the answers with class after this group activity.

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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
Use of English: Simple Past Tense (regular and irregular verbs)
· Students to observe verbs of past tense used in the story. Discussion on
regular and irregular verbs to be carried out. Students to read the
Language tip box for clarity. Students to underline the regular and irregular
verbs used in the text. And write the second and third form of verbs given
in Ex 2 LB in their notebooks.
· Discuss the sentence structure of the Past Simple Tense. Write some
sentences on board using verbs in the present form and students to
convert them into Past Simple tense using the second form of verbs. · Follow up Qs
Talk and write
· After a comprehensive discussion about the text students to write answers
to the Qs given on pg 41.
WH words · Graphic organizer
· Discuss the question words or WH words. Students to look at the
questions ref LB pg. 4. Discuss the use of WH words to form Questions.
Students to discuss the use of WH words with the help of a table by
quoting examples.
· Students to discuss in pairs and quote examples from their life about
values of kindness, empathy, forgiveness and honesty.
Word study
· Students to read the word box and after discussion with teacher write the
opposites of the words given in the word box in their notebooks.
· Recapitulate action verbs with students’ input, further ask them to identify
nouns in the box as well as the words which serve as noun and verb both. · Think-Pair-Share
· Revise compound words with examples on whiteboard. Students to work
in pairs and first match the words in columns to form compound words
then suggest a few more compound words.
Use of English
· Discuss Past Continuous Tense with examples. Write the sentences given
in Ex 8, LB and ask students to discuss which two tenses are used in it.
Discuss the Language tip box for explanation.
Talk and write · Think-Pair-Square
· Students to read the story again and after discussing with their partners
share their answers with other pairs or class. Students to write the final
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Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
flawless answers on board and write them in their notebooks.
Read and talk · Follow up Qs
· Students to read the poem given on pg. 39 LB and discuss it. Afterwards
students while working in pairs to answer the given Qs.

Class / Home Work

· Ex 2 & 5, to be done from LB
· Ex 1 – 4 to be done on Pgs. 34 – 35, AB
· Write WH questions

Unit 3: Talk about it

· Discuss the difference between fiction and non fiction. · Discussion
The desert · Discuss which tense is mostly used in the stories and why.
· Students to discuss if they are familiar with the word folktale. Explain with
examples if students are not well aware of the term.
Lesson 5: A Mexican Activity: (Map reading)
folk tale · Students to discuss if they have heard about Mexico. They will locate · Locate the place
Mexico and Sonoran Desert on the map of the world. Guide students to
locate it in North America from Atlas.
· Students to be divided into 5 groups. They will listen to audio track 27 and
read the story. Pause the audio or reading at mentioned intervals for
students to predict the next happenings. Discuss the story after reading for
comprehension and to identify the values and moral of the story. · Brainstorming
· Students to quickly write their answers to the given Qs in rough notebooks
or loose sheets and then discuss in groups to know the exact answers.
Use of English · Guided reciprocal
· Students to read and discuss the given Qs and work in pairs to make questioning
similar Qs about the story using Simple Past Tense.
· Discuss the Qs given in Ex 5. Let students discuss if it is fair or unfair to · Discussion
play tricks on others. Encourage them to justify their opinion.

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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
Word study
· Students to focus on the meaning of sentences and match them with the
sentences having the same meaning.
· Students to come forward turn wise and act out the given words. Make · Act out
sure students enjoy enacting these words.
Let’s do it · Role play
· Students to act out the story in a trio by taking turns.
· Students to write down in notebooks about their favourite character in the · Character
story and also write why they liked that character best. Emphasize description
justifying their answer with reasoning.
Wrap up · Toss the ball
· Toss a ball randomly at students and ask them to narrate the story using
the Simple past tense.
Class / Home Work
· Ex 4,to be done from LB
· Ex 1 - 5, to be done on Pg. 36 – 37, AB
· Quiz to be done on Pgs. 38 – 39, AB
· Reflect on your learning, LB
Project work (LB pgs. 48 – 49 & TR pgs. 54 – 55) to be assigned in light of Instructions for Teacher

Unit 4: Showing video clipping

Look again · Show the video clip to students about optical illusions to generate
interest. Students to answer the relevant questions after watching the · Discussion
Lesson 1: Talk about it video. Revise topic vocabulary.
Students will be able to OR · Picture description
· listen and respond to · Show pictures of optical illusions using the internet. Students to describe
the information what they see.
· speak about optical · Introduce the big question: · Brainstorming
illusions How can our eyes trick us?
· practice topic
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
vocabulary Talk about
· read and follow · Students to look at the pictures on Pg. 50 LB and discuss how they
instructions perceive them. Discuss how optical illusions trick the human eyes. Help
· write a description students with additional vocabulary as needed. · Think-Pair-Share
· do experiments and · Students to work in pairs to do the activities A- C ref Ex 1 pg. 50 LB.
discuss the results Discuss the results as a class.
· speak about animal Word study
characteristics, · Play the audio track 28, students to listen to the definition and match it
impossible situations with the shapes given in Ex 2 LB ref pg. 51. Students to attempt Ex 1 in
· read about an the AB ref pg. 40.
impossible picture Let’s find out!
· use adverbs of · Divide the class either in small groups or pairs to do the experiment.
frequency Students to read the instructions, think critically and solve the problem.
· compare and describe Ask them to look and say what they find out.
things Let’s make it!
· talk about where · Students while working in pairs will draw two pictures of the same size of
things are two pieces of paper as shown in the book ref Ex 4 LB pg 51, and make
· learn about animal the same tricky illusion.
camouflage Challenge (Activity Book)
Skills · Students to work in groups and look at Ex 4 AB.They will cut out 8
· Identifying triangles as shown in the picture and make a bigger triangle. Read all the
· Comparing given instructions and follow them accordingly.
· Contrasting Wrap-up
· Creativity · Call students randomly and tell them to draw different shapes they have
· Critical Thinking learnt from this lesson. They will describe the shapes.
· Decision Making

Class / Home Work

· Ex 4 to be done from LB
· Ex 1-3 & Challenge, to be done on Pgs. 40 – 41 AB

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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning

Unit 4: · Discussion about some impossible/idealistic missions that can be

accomplished in fantasy only but are impossible in real life; for example, · Discussion
Look again walking on the walls like a spider man, jumping from one building to
another, becoming very big or small in size by eating or drinking
Lesson 2: That’s · Explain that a thing that can't occur or can’t be accomplished in real life is
impossible! called impossible.
Talk about it
· Look at the pictures and identify impossible occurrences. Elicit more
examples of impossible things from students and list down some on the · Brainstorming
· Students to read the text and relate it to the pictures. Count the legs of the
elephant and discuss if they find it easy or difficult to count the legs of the
elephant. Tell them the easiest way to count the legs.
· Look at the people walking on the stairs in the given picture and tell who is
going upwards and who is going downstairs. Involve all students in · Debate

Word study
· Introduce the term suffix and prefix. Give examples for clarity.
· Introduce negative prefixes un and im. Students to read the text and focus
on the words written in bold. · Exit cards
· Students to observe the situation in the pictures closely and tell who is
kind/unkind, tidy/untidy, patient/impatient, polite/impolite by looking at
the expressions and afterwards check from the text if their guess is
Let’s do it!
· Students to work in groups and enact the given sentences for others to · Act out
guess which one is being acted out. Meanwhile emphasize the good
values of kindness, keeping tidy, being patient & polite.

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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
· Discussion about adverbs of frequency usually, sometimes, always,
never, often & always to be done. Speak few sentences to explain the
use of these adverbs.
· Students to use the adjectives learnt in Ex 4 alongwith adverbs of
frequency and write a few sentences about themselves in notebooks.
Use of English: Adverbs of frequency · Quick write
Activity: (Card game)
· Write the following adverbs of frequency on the board
always, usually, often, sometimes, never
Prepare a pack of cards. Write some home chores on the cards. For
example; wash the dishes, lay the table, feed the animals, water the
plants, etc.
One home chore to be written on each card. Call some students randomly.
They will pick a card, read it and make a sentence using the adverbs of
frequency written on the board.

Class / Home Work

· Ex 4 & 6,to be done from LB
· Ex 1 – 5, to be done on Pgs. 42 – 43 AB

Unit 4: Activity:
Let’s find out
Look again · Play the audio track 30 and do the following activities to check if they see · Act out
the same with each eye. The activities may be performed either in groups
or pairs. Students will record the result and observe with peers closely.
Lesson 3: Very strange! Then swap to reciprocate the Activity.
­ The jumping finger
­ The floating finger
­ Tell me Why
· After listening to the audio track 31, students to find their strong hand.
They are to check if they are right handed or left handed. So that they can
get to know which one is their strong hand. Record through the hand · Hand signals
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
signals the findings and then write on whiteboard i.e., how many students
have a right strong hand or left. And likewise they determine their strong
Use of English (Prepositions of place/location) · Think-Pair-Share
· Students to work in pairs. They will look at the pictures and tell where the
people and things are using the preposition of location i.e,
under, next to, in front of, behind etc.
· Play a game by placing things at different positions in the class e.g., on the
chair, under the table, before and behind the door etc. to practice the
prepositions of location.
· Students to make some sentences using the prepositions of location given · Quick write
in the vocabulary box
· Students to write five sentences in their notebooks describing where the
students in their class are sitting. Use different prepositions
· Examples:
­ Ali is sitting behind Amir.
­ Huma is sitting next to Salma.

Class / Home Work

· Ex 3 & 4,to be done from LB
· Ex 1 - 4, to be done on Pg. 45 AB
· Write sentences in notebook

Unit 4: Activity:
· Show some pictures of people/scenes or look outside the class window
Look again and describe what they can see. · Brainstorming
Use the expression I can see…to describe the picture.
· Model the activity for clarity. Explain that can shows our physical or
Lesson 4: Hidden mental ability to do something. Then students to tell if they can see that
pictures too using the pronouns as done in LB examples. · Act out
Use of English (Activity Book)
· Students to look at the picture on pg. 46 Activity Book and use pronouns
instead of the names of the people and animals they have found. They will
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
attempt Ex 1 & 2 in the Activity Book.
· Students to observe the two-in-one pictures in pairs from different angles
to explore the hidden pictures and share with their partner what they see · Think-Pair-Share
first in each picture.
· Students to look at the pictures and find the hidden faces in the tree
picture. Make sure that each student participates.
· Students to look at the painting of Oleg Shuplyak. They will see two
different pictures in it. Ask them to describe what they can see in the · Picture description
· Students to read the Writing Tip box and use comma in the description in

Class / Home Work

· Ex 4, to be done from LB
· Ex 1 - 4, to be done on Pgs. 46 – 47 AB
· Write picture description

Unit 4: Activity:
· Students to discuss if they like to play hide and seek? Discuss the rules to · Group discussion
Look again play hide and seek. Students to be seated in 4 groups. Discussion to be
conducted on the following points.
­ what makes easy to hide
Lesson 5: Animal ­ easy way to find the person who is hiding
camouflage ­ where do the students enjoy/like to play hide and seek
Talk about it
· Students to look at the pictures and tell if it is easy to see the animals in · Discussion
the pictures and discuss with reasoning. Introduce the word camouflage.
Read and Listen
· Students to read and listen to the audio track 33 about the animals.
Discuss the pictures and relate them to the text. And share their
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
experience if they have observed some animals that camouflage in real life · Brainstorming
and discuss how, when and where.
Word study
· Students to focus on the words written in blue. Tell them to use the
contextual clues to understand their meanings and read them aloud and
match with their meaning in Ex 3, pg. 60.
· Students to answer the comprehension Qs in their notebooks and Activity · Follow up Qs
Book, when the reading is over.
· Play the audio track 34 and discuss the language detective box to explain
the difference in British and American spellings and pronunciation.
Hidden words
· Write few words on board and explain how the same spellings can change
into some other word. Write examples.
· Students to work in pairs and guess two possible words from the given
jumbled up letters and share with the class. · Think-Pair-Share

Read and Listen

· Students to read the given poem after listening to audio track 35.
Encourage and guide students to discuss the main idea of the poem. · Class discussion
· Discussion points for students with the help of teacher;
- picture on Pg. 61
- language of the poem
- vocabulary/challenging words
- theme of the poem
- rhyming words
- best part of the poem · Qs & Ans
- write the last words of the poem
- Qs and answers (Talk)
Class / Home Work
· Ex 6 & 8, to be done from LB
· Ex 1 - 3, to be done on Pgs. 48 – 49 AB
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Subject & Class: English Language – III First Term (2024 – 2025) No. of Periods per Week: 06
Teaching Strategies and Assessment for
Content, SLOs & Skills
Suggested Learning Activities Learning
· Quiz to be done on Pgs. 50 – 51 AB
· Reflect on your learning, LB
Online assignment
· Challenge Pg. 49 AB to be done as online assignment.
Project work (LB pgs. 62 – 63 & TR pgs. 68 – 69) to be assigned in light of Instructions for Teacher

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