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The Unknown Reality

On a beautiful morning in the city of Boston, the alarm clock shrills, and loud noise was coming
from a mansion on Beacon Hill. Inside the house there was a man walking around. He is a well-known
medical laboratory scientist with many awards, and he is very well known under his name, Dr. Eric Ignites.

It's 8:45, Eric runs to his car, toast in mouth and keys in hand. He gets in his car and drives as fast as
he can. It was 9 o’ clock when he saw the clock. The ceremony starts in 10 minutes, so he drives as fast as
he can and arrives just in time, 2 minutes before the ceremony starts. Moments later, Sara, Eric's best friend
and CEO of a spy company, walks in. The two greet each other and sit down together. After talking briefly
with Sara, the host of the ceremony comes on stage and asks for everyone's attention. The host thanks
everyone's presence and welcomes them. He would now like to ask Pfizer CEO Stanley Yelnats to announce
the Employee of the Year, the host said. The Employee of the Year goes to Dr. Eric Ignites, so Eric goes on
stage to accept the award. After a couple of hours, the ceremony is over and Eric heads home, but before that
he wants to visit a very special person, Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith is a well-known professor who helped to find the vaccine for smallpox and has also been
paralyzed for 17 years. Eric arrives at Mr. Smith’s house; the door was already open. He saw gold blocks
around the house. Eric looks everywhere, but Mr. Smith is nowhere to be found. When Eric was looking for
a clue on the wall, he pressed on a button when a loud noise came from the wall and part of the wall opened
automatically. Eric looked inside, and it was a secret underground tunnel. Eric went down the tunnel, and he
saw Stanley and Mr. Smith smuggling gold in a huge bunker type area. Mr. Smith was not in his wheelchair.
Eric was shocked and he immediately reached for his phone to call the police, but he didn’t have his phone.
Eric sees a phone in the distance, so he stealthily tries to approach the phone. He almost gets caught by the
employees and bodyguards, but he makes it to the phone. He realized it's Mr. Smith’s phone when he picked
up, and Eric hears Mr. Smith calling Stanley as his son. Eric quickly opens the phone's contacts, saw "son"
and the description said Stanley Yelnats.

Mr. Smith noticed that his phone was not on the table and instructs his bodyguards to look
everywhere. Eric immediately calls the police before he is caught, and the cops arrived and arrested
everyone for gold smuggling. Mr. Smith flees but is caught after a few days. After a few days, Stanley and
Mr. Smith are trialed, and the court sentences Mr. Smith and Stanley to 7 years in prison under section 545.

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