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Sarah Chen, Ava Reene, Angeline Joji, Ridhima Mitra, Precious Ukah, Zoe Bertulfo

Mr. Ibarra, Stephen F. Austin High School


23 February 2024


The Impact of Social Media on the Rate of Maturity
This lesson is mainly targeted towards awareness and encouraging prevention of early exposure to social
media and educating the students on the dangers that may be attached.

Before we teach, it’s important for the students to understand how important a children’s development is,
especially during their early years. This includes being having exposure to certain ideas and how easily
influenced they are. It would also be beneficial for them to know about what Sephora kids are or closely
related topics to give them context or at least a basic understanding of our main topic.
This lesson will allow students (and us) to explore new topics they may not have heard of before and
think critically for themselves on their stance on this situation. Not only that, but it will allow them to get
brainstorming and explore other points of views they might not have considered.
Sephora kids are the result of young kids using social media, causing them to become influenced by
creators and brands to purchase items such as skincare or makeup at an early age. This may result in
future issues, such as skin damage or mental health issues. If numerous young kids are developing similar
issues because of social media, are the parents or companies responsible? Whoever is responsible must
take accountability rather than blaming the other for the children’s outcome.

Understand – How early exposure to social media effect children’s development, the importance of proper
learning environments (good influences)
Know – What are Sephora kids, how does this occur? Why are children growing up so fast nowadays?
Do – Assess whether parents or social media companies should be responsible for this effect on the
children, understand the reasoning behind both standpoints. Understand why the overuse of social media
has more reprucussions than just damaged skin.

What will your students do and say, specifically, that indicate every student has achieved your objectives?
Remember – every objective must be assessed for every student!

Students will be able to communicate properly their stance on the debate, listen to all side’s defense and
viewpoints, come to their own conclusions on who should be responsible, participate in brainstorming
sessions while remaining respectful to others
 26 individual packs of Goldfish (Ava + Ridhima)
 26 color coded notecards with roles (whatever group we put ourselves in they are responsible for
making that groups cards and each group has a different color for better distinction)

 Assign the students an article on Sephora kids to read beforehand. Having students gain a
background knowledge of what Sephora kids are will help them form their own opinions and
stance on the matter. If they already knew of what they are, it will provide additional information
that will provide a better understanding.
 Opening -Introduction of the lesson – Warm up discussion and pass out goldfish with notecard
roles. Once we wrap up the warm up discussion, we are thinking of a digital idea board, then we
will start going through the more informative parts of our presentation and present our slideshow
as well as provide more information for the next activity.
 Activity for the lesson – Divide up the classroom into four groups. Each group will introduce a
important figure to the topic (Parents, Influencers, Kids, and Businesses) A debate/trial will take
place between the groups about who is to blame but from the standpoint their character on their
card would support. This will tie into our later explanation about Blame vs. Accountability.
 Change to a “Why This Matters” slide explaining the negative effects of being exposed to social
media/maturing faster. Zoe will provide the statistics and evidence of mental health being
impacted by frequent use of social media, and Angie will describe either her own or others
personal experiences from this.
 Closing – Introduce the CER question for homework. Include the extra credit opportunities.
 Clean-up when class ends (if required)

Think about this! It may help you avoid an embarrassing situation.

If the debate doesn’t go as expected, our group members and moderators will step in to join
certain groups so they can start conversations and help guide the others to a good argument.

If students didn’t read the article before class, provide a brief explanation/summary of the
general topic during the beginning of the lesson to ensure everyone is on the same page

In case of the debate (or any part of the lesson) running on for too long, one person will set
alarms or keep track of time to ensure we are on track

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