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Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry

DGCN College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

CSK HPKV, Palampur
Course Outline: Veterinary Physiology Credit Hours: 4+1
Course Instructors: Dr Anjali Somal, Dr Nipuna and Dr R Kumar
Academic year: 2022-23
Unit- 1 Blood, Cardiovascular, Nervous and Muscular systems: 43
S.No. Topic LS LD Name of
Introduction to Blood, Properties of blood as a body fluids Dr Anjali
Synthesis, metabolism and fate of R.B.C, Hemoglobin-chemical structure, synthesis, 3 Dr Anjali
physiological functions anditsderivatives
3 WBCs and Platelets and their function Dr Anjali
Heart-morphological characteristic, systemic excitability conduction and transníssion. 2 Dr Anjali
5 Cardiac Cycle: Regulation of cardiac output; coronary circulation 2 Dr Anjali
6 Properties of pulse; metabolismand energetic of working myocardial cel! 2 Dr Anjali
Extrinsic and Intrinsic regulation, Electro Cardio Graph and its significance in 2 Dr Anjali
Veterinary Sciences - Echocardiography.
Haemorrhage, haemostasis, Haemodynamics of circulation, circulatory mechanics,2 Dr Anjai
resistance to flow, vasoconstriction,
Regulation of blood pressure, neurohormonal control of vascular smooth muscie. Dr Anjali
10 Circulatory controls- shock stresses, Regional and fetal circulation. 2 Dr Anjai
11 Capillary exchange, control of blood pressure, Adjustment of circulation during Dr Anjali
Muscle Physiology- Basic muscle unit characteristics and functional; Properties of Dr Nipura
excitable tissue, excitability, conductivity; Contractile mechanism- excitation
contraction coupling
Neuro-muscular transmission, Electrical phenomenon in skeletal muscie cell, action 2 Dr Nipuna
potential, excitation and propagation of impulse characteristics
14 Types of muscle contraction, Latent period, refactory period, threshold level, all and 2 Dr Nipuna
none characteristics phenomenon of fatigue, rigor mortis in skeletal muscle.
15 Basic properties of Smoothmuscle and cardiac muscle, action potential.
16 Organization and general functions of nervous systen (sensory, consciousness, Dr Nipuna
emotion, motor and visceral control;, Mechanism of information processing,
hierarchical cantrol, Development of nervous system, Major functional divisions of
nervous System
17Neuron structure, Dypes of neurons, functional characteristies of sub-units of neuron
Dr Nipuna
19 Membrane potential-ionic basis of resting mernbrane potential (RP), excitation and Dr Nipuna
propagation of impulse, latent period, refractiveness, threshold level, all and none law.
20 Nerve fiber: classification(Histological, functional, chemical, electrophysiological and Dr Nipuna
physio-amatomical, Somatosensory system and sensory receptors.
21. SyTaptic and junctionaltransmission, Degeneration and regeneration of nerve fibre Dr Niguna
22, Futctiors of nervous system: Reflexes: reflex arc, Reflexes of brainsten and spinal Dr Nipuna
cord, Control of posture and movements.
23. Dr NipuTa
Hgher hunction of ervous systen (brain parts and functions: cerebral cortex,
cerebellum, pons and medulla, hypothalamus, limbic system etc)
24. Wakefalness, sleep, electroencephalography, Learning,
2S.Atonomic nervous system: functional and anatomical division, difference between Dr Nipua
Sypathetic and parasympathetic division; Functions of ANS (visceral control)
sense orgABS and receptors physiology of special senses taste, olfaction, Eye and ea 5 Dr Nipusa
(Hearing end equilsbrin)
seautu o)

Unit- 2
Digestive and Respiratory Systems : 22
Topic LS LD
1 Morphological characteristic of mono gastric and poly gastric digestive system, 2 Dr Anjali
2 Rumination, defecation; vomition, Regulation of secretory function of saliva, stomach, 3 Dr Anjali
intestine, pancreas; bile secretion.
3 Hunger, appetite control, developmental aspects of digestion; luminal, membranous 2 Dr Anjali
and microbial digestion in rumen and intestine;
4 Permeability characteristics of intestine, forces governing absorption, control of 4 Dr Anjali
intestinal transport of electrolyte and water. Enzymatic digestion in monogastric and
fermentative digestion in rumen and modification of toxic substances in rumen
Digestion in birds Dr Anjali
6 Functional morphology of respiratory apparatus. Mechanics of breathing. 1 Dr Anjali
Transport of blood gases, foetal and neonatal oxygen transport, Dr Anjali
dissociation curves, pressures, recoil tendency, clasticity, surfactants, pleural liquid, 2 Dr Anjali
9 Exchanges of gases in lungs and tissues, neural and chemical regulation of breathing, 1 Dr Anjali
diffusion, perfusion, hypoxia.
10 Frictional resistance to air flow, airways snooth muscle contraction,
muscle work, panting respiratory2 Dr Anjali
11 Adaptation of respiration during muscle exercise, high altitude hypoxia, Non-2 Dr Anjali
respiratory lung functions.
Unit- 3 Excretory and Endocrine systems :31
Topic LS LD Name of
1 Kidney- Functional morphology of nephrons
2 Factors determining filtration pressure, determination of giomerular filtration rate Dr Nipuna
(GFR) and renal plasma flow Dr Nipuna
Re-absorption mechanisms for glucose, protein, anino acids, electrolytes, ammonium 2 Dr Nipuna
mechanism, glomerulo-tubular balance, methods of study ing renal function
Urine concentration; micturition, uremia
2 Dr Nipuna
Fluid, water balance, fluid therapy, dehydration, water
Acid base balance and H+ regulation, correction andconcentration mechanisms. 2 Dr Nipuna
osmotic pressure evolution of imbalances, total 2 Dr Nipuna
7 Avian excretion
2 Dr Nipuna
Cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluids - composition, formation and flow 1 Dr Nipuna
Regulation of bone metabolisn and homeostasis, joints. Dr Nipuna
10. Physiology of hormones: Historical
background, Definition, classification (according
to source of secretion,chemical nature),
Hormone cell
interaction (autocrine, paracrine
etc.); Methods of study of endocrine system and
concentration. measurement of hormone
Hormone receptors, sub-cellular mechanism of action (steroid, peptide, Dr Nipuna
Synthesis and regulation of hormones thyroid),1
secretion, metabolism of hormones, biological
12 half-life, clearance from blood.
Hypothalamus, Hypothalano- hypophyseal axis; hypothamalo-hypohyseal portal2 Dr Nipuna
System, development -of pituitary gland, location, cells, hormones, target orgals,
13 physiological actions, dysfunctions.
Lnyroid gland (location, development, cells, chemistry of hormones, biosynthesis, 2 Dr Nipuna
Control of secretion and circulation of thyroid hormones,
physiological actions,
dysfunctions (hypo, hyper, goiter).
Ktion, phy(location, cells, synthesis and control of
Adrenal siological actions,
cortex: layers, dysfunct ions diabetes hormone secretion,
chemistry hormones, synthesis
physiological actions, dysfunct of mellitus).and mechanism of 2 Dr Nipuna
ions (Cushing syndrome, Addison'
Fo17 rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone
Calcium rmedulla: location, cells,mechanistn,
regulating hormones-
chemistry hormones,
of natriuretic factor
control of secretion, 2
s disease etc.),
gland physi ological actions
18 sfunction);
Pineal Calcitonin and Vitamin-DParathyroid
gland (location, (location, cells, actions,2
Thymus gland, (secretion,
synthesis and secretion physi
of hormones,olo gi cal actions, disorders).
20 hormones and other
Hormones male
hormones. Local hormones
ndins),ological actions) 2
of and female reproductive sy stem, pheromones, GI
Unit- 4 Placenta.
S.N Reproduction, lactation, growth and

1 Topic environmental physiology 34

Genetic and endocrine control of LS LD Name of
Modification of gonadal development Instructor
dynamics, endocrine and receptor release, ovarian functions, follicular Dr R Kumar
Sexual receptivity, ovarian cycle,profiles
post-partum ovarian activity, ovum
development,2 Dr R Kumar
4 capacitation, fertilization transport, 2
Reproductiveandcycles in farm animals- hormones present in the Dr R Kumar
pregnancy their uses for the diagnosis of biological fluids during 3
Maternal foetal placental participation pregnancy Dr R Kumar

gestation, preparturient endocrine status. in pregnancy and parturition, immunology of 3 Dr R Kumar
Spermatogenic cycle and
composition- evaluation. wave- function of sertoli cell-leydig cell-semen 2 Dr R Kumar
of androgens,
- function and
regulation - cryptorchidism. Puberty -
progestogens, estrogens. photoperiod - uses 2 Dr R Kumar
Functional and metabolic organization of mammary glands
9 development structure and
Dr Anjali
Mammary gland structure and development. Effect of
hormonal control of mammary growth; lactogenesis and estrogens and progesterone; 2 Dr Anjali
Biosynthesis of milk constituents. Secretion of milk,galactogenesis.
lactation cycle. metabolism, prolactin and Dr Anjali
Biochemical and genetic determinants of growth, regulation of
Metabolic and hormone interactions, factors growth Dr Anjali
production ruminants and single stomach animals.
in affecting efficiency of growth and Dr Anjali
13 Growth in meat producing animals and birds,
Recombinant gene transfer technologies forgrowth growth
curves. 1 Dr Anjali
limitations. Protein deposition in animals and poultry. manipulation- advantages and Dr Anjali
Climatology- various parameters and their importance. Effect of
environmental variables like temperature, humidity, light, radiation, altitude ondifferent3 Dr Nipuna
performance. animal
16 Heat balance, heat tolerance, hypothermia,
animals role of skin, responses of animals tohyperthermia,
heat and
thermo-regulation in farm 3
cold, fever, body temperature
Dr Nipuna
and hibernation. Temperature
17 regulation in birds.
Adaptation (morphological, physiological), Acclimation, acclimatization - general 1 Dr Nipuna
ådaptive syndrome.
18 Clinical aspectsof endocrine - reproductive functions, circadian
19 rhythm. Learning and Dr Nipuna
Neurophysiology of behaviours, types of behaviour, communication, Dr Nipuna
memory behavioural plasticity.

Unit- 1 Blood, Cardiovascular, Nervous and Muscular systems: No

Topic Name of
S.N Instructor
bleeding 2 Dr Anjali
1 Collection of blood samples, Separation of serum and plasma, coagulation time,
- Dr Anjali
Enumeration of erythrocytes, leucocytes differential leucocyte count platelet count /Dr Nipuna
estimation of hemoglobin 3 Dr Anjali
3 Haematocrit, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, Packed cell volume /Dr Nipuna
Blood grouping and recording of ECG 2 Dr Anjali
/Dr Nipuna
Measurement of arterial blood pressure (Sphygmomanometer). Dr Nipuna
Simulation experiments on Nerve- Muscle and heart physiology. 2 Dr Nipuna

Unit-2 Digestive and Respiratory Systems

No Name of
S.N Topic Instructor
1 Counting of rumen motility Dr Nipuna
2 Estimation of volatile fatty acids Dr Anjali
3 Aminonia nitrogen in rumen liquor Dr Nipuna
4 Bacterial and protozoal count Dr Anjali
In-vitro action of proteolytic enzymes- Amylase, pepsin and trypsin. Dr Anjali
Dr Anjali
6 Recording of respiration, spirometry
Recording of volume and capacities in different physiological states including determination Dr Anjali
of vital capacities
Unit-3 Excretory and Endocrine Systems
No Name of
SNo. Topic
Urine analysis-physiological constituents and pathological determinates Dr Nipuna
Determination of Glomerular Filtration Rate Dr Nipuna
Determination of inorganic phosphorus, urine ammonia nitrogen and creatinine in urine Dr Nipuna
Demonstration of hormone estimation. 1 Dr Nipuna

Unit-4 Reproduction, Lactation, Growth and Environmental Physiology

No Name of
S.No. Topic Instructor
Behavioural signs of |1 Dr Anjali
Oestrus and phases of oestrous cycle in animals (vaginal mucus) and
count. 3 Dr Anjali
2 Sperm motility,sperm concentration -live and dead - abnormal sperm Dr Anjali
3 Measurement of growth in various species Dr Anjali
Measuring surface area of animals respiration and heart rate
1 Dr Nipuna
Health parameters of animals- body temperature, pulse, 1 Dr Nipuna
6 Measurement of animal environmental conditions. Dr Nipuna
behaviour (live or video graphic or
Behaviour of animals- mating behavior, feeding
computer simulated demonstration).
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