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Living Way

Hospitality True love is often expressed in hospitality. As we open our hearts and homes in genuine love and charity, we begin to Whats Happening in Pennsylvania break down cultural barriThrifty Threads Grand Opening! ers that often We are very happy to announce. sponsored by Grove City Chamber of Our desire is that both ministries hinder our On Tuesday, August 16, 2011, Commerce and was held on the side- would be greatly blessed with continattempt at ued success and much community Root International representatives, walk in front of both ministries with witnessing. support in their new locations. Jim and Karen Bennington and Vicki approximately 60 in attendance. The mark of Narlee, attended the ribbon cutting Root International has been able to ceremony held for Thrifty Threads, as partner with Thrifty Threads thanks to the Early well as the new location for the Grove your generous donations. We have Church was gently used clothing & shoes its hospitality. City Community Food Bank. These provided to resell. The proceeds go to ministries are now located side-byfor them Genuine love side at 114 S. Center St., Grove City, help support the Grove City Commugives without Pa. They were previously located in nity Food Bank. This is a wonderful Thrifty Threads Ribbon Cutting Grace United Methodist church, example of three ministries working any thought Grove City, Pa. together to help others. of return. The occasion opened with prayer. Traci Turner, Executive Director Not only is Speakers included representatives of Thrifty Threads, along with other hospitality a from the Grove City Chamber of volunteers, has also helped Root at fundamental Commerce, United Way, Mercer their Mercer location with the sorting, boxing and labeling of donations. Her expression of County Board of Commissioners & others. willingness to volunteer has blessed Christian Thrifty Threads Store Front The ribbon cutting ceremony was the Root International ministry. faith, it is also a Bloomsburg Disaster Relief fundamental Bloomsburg was one of the towns Bloomsburg. This church is within the Thank you to everyone who gave, outworking of along the Susquehanna River that was Synod of the Trinity. Root Internaand thank you to Steve, Jim, David, love (Ibid., flooded due to tropical storm Irene tional is very grateful to have been Ariel, Karen and Vicki for the part 505). The and then Lee. Over a hundred homes chosen to be the 2012 grant recipient they played in accomplishing this were destroyed or damaged. from the Synod of the Trinity Presby- mission. God bless you all. connection On September 20th Steve Vaden terian Women. drawn beand Jim Bennington, two of our minJanet Locke, also a member of the tween brothistry workers, pulled into the waresame church, had contacted us to inerly love and house of Agape Ministry in Blooms- form us of a project they had started hospitality in burg, PA. Our 24ft. trailer was filled for ROOT International. She was not to the brim with bedding, linens, soaware at that time that we were planthe NT is fas, kitchen tables, desks, chairs, asning a disaster relief trip to Bloomsstriking. In sorted kitchen ware, personal hygiene burg. I am always amazed how God Paul, we find Bloomsburg Storm Damage items, coupons for free and disputs things together! This was no cothe two in the counted dog food and Christian tracts. incidence; this was Gods timing. same context The donations came from the They gave us 75 hand-knitted baby churches in the Shenango Presbytery caps to give to Kayenta & Mexico. of Romans as well as from many individuals and Thank you ladies. We appreciate 12:10-13
Dads Pet Foods. Upon arriving Steve and Jim were greeted by Christine Fuller, Aileen Sorber, and Arlene Johnson, members of the First Presbyterian Church of your servants hearts. This trip couldnt have been made possible without the financial support we received from several churches as well as individuals.

Spreading Roots

Publication Fall 2011

Vol. 12 11

Unloading Root Trailer

Events and Gatherings

Romans 12:10 -13 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. Hospitality, for Paul as for Jesus before him, is not just a practical issue. It is a fundamental expression of the gospel: a response to Gods hospitality to humankind in providing Christ as the paschal lamb (1 Cor 5:7) and an outworking of what it means to be members of the one body of Christ (Ibid., 503; emphasis added). See also: I Peter 4:7-11

The Shenango Presbyterian Womens Fall Gathering

The Presbyterian Women of the Shenango Presbytery met Saturday, October 15, 2011, at the First Presbyterian Church, Greenville, Pa. The theme was God's Mission Matters. Root International had a display table set up to help the participants get to know Root International a little better and to introduce Roots new recipe book. The Root trailer was also there to receive donations. The trailer was manned by Root ministry workers, Steve Vaden and volunteer, Jim Bennington. We are so grateful for the donations for the Navajo mission church, Kayenta Presbyterian, in Arizona. The donations will surely brighten their Christmas. Thank you for being part of the Root system that nourishes their church. An overview of Root International's ministry was given by Root board member, Karen Bennington. A Root power point presentation followed an explanation of the need for more trailers. Root International is the Synod of the Trinitys grant recipient for 2012. The grant will be used to purchase additional trailers. Karen Gadson, Regional Development Manager, East, Presbyterian Church USA World Mission, spoke and did a power point presentation on Presbyterian missions. Workshops in the afternoon included, Conversations with Karen Gadson, a study of the Beatitudes, Operation Christmas Child, and Our Mission for Sudan. Our host church was very accommodating and served a delicious soup and salad luncheon. A devotional by the host church Pastor, music, business meeting, and announcements were a part of our day of fellowship together, which concluded with a benediction. Above all, Root International is always grateful for the generosity and gracious hospitality of the Presbyterian Women. Root International returned to Mercer with a trailer full of donations that will go far to share the love of Christ with those in need.

Karen at the Display Table

Steve and Jim Loading Trailer

Macys.This year Macys moved Shop for a Cause to August. Normally its in October and so it came at a
very busy time of the year for us. Even so, with the help of the board members, family, and friends, we were able to sell 150 tickets, and at $5 dollars a piece, we raised $750. We thank everyone that bought a ticket, and we thank those who helped sell them. Next year our goal is to double that amount.

Root Recipe Book

Just a reminder about our Root Recipe Book. This would make a great stocking stuffer and a creative way to spread the word about Root and what we do. All the recipes represent some of the many areas Root has been blessed to serve. They can be enjoyed for a contribution of only $5.00

Some recipes included are

Hearty Root Soup & Sweet Potato Carrot Cake Mexican Rice Pudding & Huevos Rancheros Native American Fry Bread & Navajo Mutton Stew New Orleans Gumbo & Baked Vidalia Onions Ramp Burgers & Hunters Venison Stew Pa. Dutch Chicken Pot Pie & Haluski Scripture Cake & Elephant Stew Just call: Vicki at 724-301-1677 or e-mail your order and address to

Ministry Worker
Its not often we get the opportunity to give details of our workers. This month we would like you to meet Bruce Miley. He has been with ROOT International since 2004 and works primarily in Mexico but also helps in Pennsylvania and El Paso. He is from Louisiana and attended Miracle Place Church, Baton Rouge. It was through Bruce we met Charles & Judy Dillon who worked in the 9th ward in New Orleans helping rebuild one home at a time that

had been hit by hurricane Katrina. In 2009 Bruce married Araceli and instantly became a family man and the father of three children. Together they work with pastor Hosea Muniz in his church. Bruce has been invited to preach and sing in several churches in Juarez. This month he attended a three day missionary conference, and was ordained as pastor by Miracle Place Church, Baton Rouge, LA. We want to thank Bruce for his dedication in serving the Lord.

Please enter into prayer and supplication for the protection of Bruce and his family as they live and work for the Lord in Juarez.

Bruce and Araceli Miley

El Paso Update:
Christmas in July
The Ladies association of El Divino Salvador Presbyterian church (my home church in El Paso) provided much needed help in sorting and counting Christmas gifts that we received in July. Yes, it was Christmas in July for us because we received a wonderful surprise. Don Newburry, our friend and the head of His Storehouse Ministry, called us and asked if we wanted any toys. The answer of course was, yes! Little did we know these were all brand new items wrapped and marked by age and gender. It was wonderful and an answer to prayer. Every year we collect toys for We also thank, Josefina, Carolina, the Christmas season and for the Day of Linda and Celia, the precious ladies the Child which comes in April. from my church. Thanks to the ladies and my husband, Art, we were able to organize the boxes and found that we had a total of 959 shoeboxes, plastic tubs and cloth bags with all kinds of goodies in each one. Isnt God awesome! The icing on the cake was that we received even more boxes but have not had a chance to count them. We are over the 1,000 mark. We thank the churches who sent the toys, and the only information we have Thank You! is that they came from Wisconsin.

Manhattan Presbyterian Church, El Paso, TX

Over a year ago Manhattan Presbyterian church opened their doors and provided us with much needed office space. Well, the office space has become more of a warehouse. When the boxes of toys arrived from Compassion Shoebox Ministry, we had to ask Katherine, the pastor of the church, if we could use one of the rooms inside the church. We were very grateful when she said, yes! This has brought us face to face with the fact that we need a larger place. ROOT International is growing, and so again we are at a crossroads. We need more funds and more volunteers both in El Paso and in Pennsylvania to keep up with this growth. We have been in prayer and supplication, and we are looking for a larger place, but it still boils down to resources. As you can see, your monetary donations are crucial. Please consider helping us, and when you do, you will not just be helping Root, you will also be helping all the other organizations we support. them with food. We are at a crisis; we do not have enough food coming in or the money to buy more food. The dining facilities resumed feeding the children in late We need your help. Please consider becoming a monthly August. Every summer a short break is taken to give the vol- contributor, or even giving a one-time donation. If everyone unteers a rest as well as to prepare for the coming year. Our who received this newsletter would donate just $5 a month, director, Javier, works hard doing on-site visits, distributing we would receive $2,500 a month! Wow, the things we could food, and collecting lists with the name of the children from accomplish with that. To those who are already giving, we each dining facility. As I mentioned in one of our previous say, Thank you and God bless you. In our next newsletter newsletters, ROOT International is in the process of becomI will give you more information about our Mexican board ing a civil association in Mexico. members. We now have our board members and are ready to turn in Please keep in mind we are also preparing for Christmas in the paper work needed to make it official. There is a cost inMexico. Root International sponsors yearly Christmas parties volved, and we are asking for your financial help. We need to at the individual dining facilities where we provide gifts and take this step so the Mexican government will recognize us food for more children each year. This year we are expecting and give support to the work we are doing in Mexico. (We to feed as many as 1,000 children and family members. If you need all the support we can get!) would like to help us with the purchase of hot dogs, hot dog As the killings and economic troubles continue in the city buns, drinks, candy, Christian Gospel tracts, etc., please call of Juarez, we are receiving requests from more pastors to help Becky at 724-699-1182.

Mexico Update:

Navajo Update:
As always, Root International has experienced generous donations for our Navajo friends, which include much needed gifts of winter hats, gloves, and mittens, including a donation of 75 beautiful hand-knitted baby caps for Kayenta and Mexico. In preparing for Christmas and the cold winter months, there is always a need for blankets, tube socks, personal hygiene products, kitchen items, and school supplies.

Donations to help with gas, heat, and the electric bill are always appreciated. Because the members of Kayenta Presby. Church live well below the poverty level, their resources for community outreach are limited. Because of their love for God, and their desire to show that love, they like to provide a community Christmas dinner. If you would like to help them share the love of Christ and spread the Gospel in their community, you can send donations to: Rev. Norma McCabe, Kayenta Pres. Ch., P.O. Box 277, Kayenta, AZ, 86033.



CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: See what Root has been doing. We have lots of new info and pictures for you to see! CONTACT US: We need your e-mail address. We hope at some point to have enough e-mail addresses to save some time and money by sending our newsletter to you via e-mail. Root International does not share your personal information.

Add Good Search to your tool bar:

GoodSearch is a search engine which donates 50 percent of its sponsored search revenue to the charities and schools designated by its users. You use GoodSearch exactly as you would any other search engine. Because it's powered by Yahoo!, you get proven search results. The money GoodSearch donates to your cause comes from its advertisers. The users and the organizations do not spend a dime! We need 100 supporters (more would even be better) to use Good Search as their web browser. If each one uses it at least twice a day, ROOT International could raise $730 in one year. That amount of money can buy 365 Bibles, or 73 50 lb. bags of beans and help buy the fuel needed to deliver it. So far this year we have raised $4.17. I know we can do much better than that!!! Spread the word to family and friends. When you shop at Good Search, we receive a percentage of your purchase amount. You can do this from the comfort of your home. Please sign up today; go to and designate Root International as your charity. Thank you for your support!

Prayer requests:
It would be our privilege to enter into prayer and supplication for you. Please feel free to contact us with your needs at, or you may contact Vicki Narlee, the Root International prayer and supplication director, at All requests are kept confidential.
Php 4:6-7 KJV Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (7) And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 1Pe 5:7 KJV Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

ROOT INTERNATIONAL Art and Becky Vogan P.O. Box 26812 El Paso, Texas 79926


Publication Fall 2011

Vol. 12


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