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Rumus Umum kalimat tanya :

1. Nominal Form
Kata Tanya + Tobe + object / complement (pelengkap)...?
2. Verbal Form

Kata Tanya + Auxiliary Verb + subject / complement ...?

What ( apa)
- What is your name?
- What do you do?
- What is your job?
- What does he say?
- What is your occupation ?
- What is her name ?
- What did you see?
- What is her job?
- What is your school name ?
- What is your mission in aceh ?

Who (siapa)

- Who is that guy?

- Who is the actor ?
- Who did you know?
- Who has broke the window?
- Who are they?
- Who is the principal of SMAS Darussa’adah?
- Who is the founder of YPI Darussa’adah?

Where ( dimana)

- Where are you now?

- Where did the story happen?
- Where do you stay here?
- Where is your home?
- Where is the place?
- Where your possition?
- Where do you spend your holiday?
When ( kapan)

- When did the story happen?

- When did he run ?
- When does holiday begin?
- When did you stop smoking first time?

Why (mengapa)

- Why did the home fired?

- Why do you look so sad?
- Why do you cry?

How ( bagaimana)

How biasanya di ikuti kata sifat sepeti long,many, much dll.

- How did the story happen?

- How many people save ?
- How long distance lamlo to tangse?
*When, why, dan How secara umum tidak di gunakan dalam kalimat nominal.
When biasanya di gunakan dalam kalimat verbal.

Buat lah kalimat tanya dalam bahasa inggris dng menggunakan 5W1H sesuai dng
jawab yg telah tersedia
Question: what is you occupation?
Answer: I am a teacher
1. What______________?
My name is fauzan
2. What_______________?
I do my home work
3. What _____________?
My father’s name is Lukman
4. Where_____________?
I live in Teupin raya
5. When__________?
The story happen is two years ago

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