CGL Week 1-2 Arithmetic IV

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PRCM{IAGE Fractional of o'b

The word "per cent" is derived from the latin words "per
centum", which means "per hundred". M=J- ..1"

A percentage is a Aaction with denominatorhundred. 100 33 =-

It is denoted by the symbol %.

Numerator ofthe fraction is called the rate per cent.
L /O
-50 5

Value of percentage always depends on the quantifyto which it 4% =f-
)) :
Consider the statement,*65yo of the students in this class are s%:L. 66- o/o
boys". From the context, it is understood that boys form 65% of 20 JJ
the total number of students in the class. To know the value of
s\y,=L 60%=1
65Yo ,the value ofthe total number of student should be known.
416 5
Ifthe total number ofstudents is 200, then,
200 x 65
rc%=L 7s%=1
:130; l0 4
* 117 A
It can also be written as (200) x (0.65): 130. I I-
o ',O
3 -
Note that the expressions 6%,63Y",72qb. 155o,'o etc. do not have
any value intrinsic to themselr-es. Their r.alues depend on the 11
11'1 96oh=1
quantities to u hich thev refer. ]S 25
To express the fraction equitalent to %o : 4
160/0 - 100%:1
Express the liaction with the denominator i 00. then the numerator -25
is the answer.
Example I: rc?v"=! fi5%=?
36 20
Express the liaction -!-l in,o the per cent.
20%=! ntLy,=!
5 JJ

llxl0o sr? z5%=!

11 12 = 3=qi 2 o/o

t2 100 100 3
Increase %o =
Increase value
x 100
To express o/o equivalent to fraction Original value

a Example 3:
- Rent ofthe house is increased from< 7000to t 7700. Express
Exqmple 2: the increase in price as a percentage ofthe original rent.
5 Solution:
Express 45:% intofraction. Increasevalue =7770A -< 7000:<700
Solution: . Increase value 700
lncrease%: x lOFl0
Origrnal value 7000
451 .'.
qs1y,: 6 275 11 Percentagerise: l0%.
6 100 6x100 24 Decrease value
Decrease 9/o = x 100
Original value
Percentage e47
Example 4 :
The cost ofa bike last year was < 1 9000. Its cost this year ' Income: : <4800'
is t I 7000. Find the per cent decrease in its cost. (rooLixloo-lri)
Solution: Ifthe price of a commodity increases byr oZ, then reduction
19000-r7000 in consumption, so as not to increase the expenditure is
,zdecrease _/ I00 /\ t
1 9000 [- xloo]0,n.
\ 100+r )
2000 :
I - x I00 10.5 %. If the price of a commodity demeases by r %r, then the
increase in consumption so as not to decrease the
.'. Per cent decrease: 10.5 o.o.
/\ t
okofCandBisv% ofC.thenAis I , exnenditurei.{
' rlool%.
lfAisx 100%of \ I00-r )
ts.y Example 7:
Example 5 : If the price of coal be raised by 20o/o, thm find by how
A positive nurnber is divided by 5 instead of being multiplied much a householder must reduce his consumption of this
by 5. Bywhat per cent is the result of the required correct commodity so as not to increase his expendirure ?
value ? Solution :
Let the number be l. then the eorrect answer: 5 Reduction in consumption : _ 20 o/
" 1(x) /o
The incorrect ans\\'er that u,as obtained: -5 .

_l0 \ l(xi % -16.67 %

.. ThcruqurrcJ ,- ;.,:'t -L POPTL{TIO\FOR\tTL{
If thc trrrginai pLrpulatirrn ol a toun ts P, and the annual
If two numbe.. u.. ...O..Urely -x9o and y9u urore than a
rncrease is r'ro. then the population after n years is

third number. then the llrst number is

, Itoo+ryrool,r"
,uu ,' nP
[ffi ,' ) e{ f + -L I and-poputation -
\ loo) beibre n years
[,, ,
100+ v \ 100/]''
ofthe second and the second is ( %o ofthe
100+x Ifthe annual decrease ber oh, then the population after n
-xt(x) , -\n
If two number arerespectivleyxli andf/o less than a third vears is Pl l-a Lna
' \ t00/
100 -.t 'lul "o
number. then the t'irst numbe ii r(xt_r of the
prrpul3tirrn betbre n )ears: --=
second and the second 9^i00 ) oo of the iirst.
is \100-.t \ lr 100/
Example I:
x of a quantityis taken bythe first, yolo ofthe remaining The population ofa certain town increased at a cefiain rate
is taken bythe second and z 0Z ofthe remaining is taken by per cent per annum. Now it is 45697 6. Forr years ago, it
third person. Now, ifA is left in the fund, then the iqitial was 390625. What will it be 2 years hence ?
amount Solution :
Ax100x100x100 Suppose the population increases at r0Z per annum. Then.
: inthebegining.
(100-xXl00-y)(100-z) . .4
x o/o
of a quantity is added. Again, y of the increased o/o 3e06tslr*-ll :4s6s76
i quantity is added. Again z Yo of the increased quantity is \ r00/
added. Now it becomes A, then the initial amount 2
456916 676
Axl00xl00x100 ( 1+r 100 390625 625
(100 + x)(100 + y)(100 + z)
Example 6:
3.5 % income is taken as tax and 12.5 % of the rernaining is Population 2 years hence:45697U
sa.,'ed. This leaves Rs. 4,053 to spend. What is the income
Solution: :456976 x 676 : 494255 approximately.
By direct method. -
B48 Percentage

Example 9 : Example 11 :
The population ofa city increases at the rate of 4o/o per The price of a car is decreased by l0 % and 20 % in two
annum. There is an additional annual increase of I %ointhe successive years. What per cent of price of a car is
population due to the influx ofjob seekers. F ind, percentage decreased after two years ?
increase in the population after 2 years. Solution:
Solution: Put x: - 10 and y: - 20, then
The net annual increase: 5ol0.
Let the initial population be 100. _
(_t ox_20)
lo_20+ :_)Rot^
Then, population after 2 -vears: 100 x 1.05 x 1.05 100
:110.25 .'. The price ofthe car decreases by 289n.
Therefore, o/o
increase in population STIIDENTANDMARI(S
: (1 10.25 - 100) : 10.150 o The percentage of passing marks in an examrnation is xolo.
If a number A is increased successively bv x0o follorr'ed Ifa candidate who scores ymarks fails byz marks. then the
by yo/o ar.dthen zoA, then the final r,'alue of A sill be
loo(Y + z)
( .-\/ ..\r maximummarkr, -
, ^ ll r+-l ll r--
loo,t 1oo" loo' A candidate scoring x oh
in an examination fails by 'a'
In case given value decreases by an percentase then u e
a marks, while another candidate who scores /zi, marks gets
will use negative sign before that. 'b' marks more than the minimum required passing marks.
First Increase and then decrease :
1oo(a + b)
Ifthe value is first increasedby x9/o and then decreased by Thenthemaximum marks, - .

/\ y-x
y % then there is I *
( -r-4 loo)l% in.."ur" or decrease, In an examination x 7o and y o/o
students respectively fail in
two different subjects while z 7o students fail in both
according to the +ve or *ve sign respectively.
subjects. then the %o age ofstudent who pass in both the
lfthe value is first increased byx% and then decreased by
subjects will be { i00 - (x+ y - z)}Yo

Example 12 :
x %o then there is only decrease which is.O"r, ,"
[,of,.) Vishal requires 40oh to pass. If he gets 185 marks, falls
Example 10: short by l5 marks. what was the maximum he could have
A number is increased br' I 00 o. and then it is decreased b1
109.. Find the net increase or decrease per cent. Solution :
Solution: If Vishal has l5 marks more. he could have scored 400lo
-- -- Now, 15 marks more than I 85 is i 85 + I 5 : 200
Tochanse: =l%o
' 100
Let the rraximum rrarks be x, then
i.e 1%o decrease. 40Yoofx:200
Average percentage rate ofchange over a period.
(New Value-Old Value) 100 = r00 = x=2ooxloo-ro,
: ufiere n: Period' 40
old v'l* " ;o/o
Thus. maximum mark:500
The Error Alternate method :
The percentage error: x 100%o
T*. V"l* 100(185+15) 100" 200
\laximumma.or- : = soo.
If the value is increased successively by x V" and "v-
7o Example 13 :
then the final increase is given by
I 57o and fails by 30 raarks, while another
-\ candidate scores
/ x-Y- xv\
-' loh candidate who scores 40%o marks, gets 20 marks more than
\ 100) the minimum required marks to pass the examination. Find
oh the maximum marks ofthe examination.
Ifthe value is decreased successively by xoh and y
then the final decrease is given by Solution:
By short cut method
/| xv\

r-x-v -
Marimummarks -
I oo(30 + 2o)
- roo
Percentage e49

2.DIMENSIONAL FIGURE AND AREA B's salary is less than A's salary by
Ifthe sides ofa triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus or (''?--- *roo)%=l9o = 33.33%
radius ofa circle are increasedby ao/o, its area is increased \1.5x ) 3
b, a(a+200), .
100 B's salary is less than A's salary by [( 100+50
'o ,.,00)*
Ifthe sides ofa triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus or )
radius of a circle are decreased by a oh then its area is 50
= 150 "t00 % :33.33%.
decreased aY 4Qo0 - a)
, . Example 17:
Example 14: Ravi's weight is 25% that of Meena's and 40% that ofTara's.
What percentage ofTara's weight is Meena's weight.
Ifthe radius ofa circle is increased by l0%o, what is the
percentage increase in its area ? Solution:
Solution : Let Mecna's weight be x kg and Tara's weight be y kg.
Let Rbe the radius ofcircle. Then Ravi's weight= 25%o of Meena's weight
Area of Circle, A: zrR2 :
100 'x
Now, radius is increased by 107o
Also, Ravi's weight:40%,=ofTara's weight
Newradius, R':R+ l0%ofR= 1.1R
Neu'Area. A' : n (l.lR)2 : l.2l r* : 'v ....(ii)
1.1l;R: - aR2 From (i) and (ii). ue eet
7o increase rn area: xl0tJ:2lo/o
,rR, ---:- 40
Shortc'-t Nlethod: t00 \ 100

Radius is increased by l0%. - 15r:ag'

So, Area is increased by lql0l290) :21%. = 5x:8y= *=|y
' 100 Meena's weight as the percentage of Tara's weight
If the both sides ofrectangle are changed by xoh andf/o 8
_. )_Y xl00
respectively. then % effect on area x+y+ fl100 :1x100=
' v v
(+/- according to increase or decrease)
Example 15 : :q x 100: 160
If the and u'idth of a rectangular garden r+'ere each
Hence, Meena's weight is 160% of Tara's weight.
increased b1'20o o. then uiat u.ould be the per cext increase
Example 18:
in the area of the garden il
Solution : The monthly salaries of A and B together amount to
<50,000. A spends 80% of his salaryand B spends 70o/oof
81'direct formula his salary. If now their saving are the same, then find the
20(20+ 200\ salaries ofA and B.
7o increase in area = -tl*- = 44o/o
IfA's income is r %o morethan that ofB, then B's income is Let A' s salary by x, then B' s salary (5 0,000 - x)
less than that ofA by
A spends 80% ofhis salary and saves 200lo
' ,lo0l%
I(100+r B spends 70% ofhis salaryand saves 30o%
) Giventhat
IfA's income is r o/o less than that of B, then B's income is 20Yo ofx: 30Yo of(50,000 - x)
more than that of A by
/-\ 2* !9 ,159,600-x)
I ' rl00l% r00 *= 100
[too-r ) 50x 30 x 50,000
Example 16:
If A's salary is 50 o/o more than B's, then b1 what percent 100 100
B's salary is less than A's salary ? 30 x 50.000
Solation: + r= 166-:30,000
Let B's salary be {x A's salary{30,000
Then, A's salary: x + 50% ofx : I .5x
B's salary = {50,000 - {30,000 = t20,fi)0
B-50 Percentage'

1. A sum of ( 4558 is divided among A, B ar,d C such that
I reqeives 20o/o more than C, and C receives 25% less (a) nlN a,t.rcN (b) 1g' an1ttL%
than B. What is A's share in the amount ?
(a) <1s48 (b) <1720 (c) T12e0 (d) <1345 I
2. The digit at unit place of a twodigit number is increased (c) Bothl0% (d) 3s16 11:%
by 100% and the digit at ten places ofthe same number is
increased by 50%. The newnumber thus formed is 19 more
10. There is an increase of 30o/, in the prrduction of milk
chocolates in Amul Dairy in one month. If now it is 9, 100
than the original number. What is the original number?
milk chocolates per month, what was it one month ago?
(a) D (b) 63
(a) l0,000chocolates (b) 9000chocolates
(c) 24 (d) None of these (c) 8000 chocolates (d) 7000 chocolates
3. The owner of a boutique decides to calculate the per ll. In a college election between two rivals, a candidate who
centage ofcustomers who purchase hats. If40 per cent of got4Oo ofthe total votes polled, was defeated by his rival
the store's customers deciale to purchase iterns, and of by 160 votes. The total number of votes polled was
those customers 15 percent purchase hats, then what per (a) e00 (b) 8m (c) 1ffi (d) 600
cent of the store's customers purchase hats ? 12. The income ofl is 150% of the income ofB and the income
(a) 4% (b) 6%(c) ts% (d) 24% of C is l20o/o of the income ofl. Ifthe total income ofl, -&
4. Groundnut oil is nowbeing sold at ( 27 per kg. During last and Ctogether is t 86000; what is C's income ?
month its cost was 7 24 per kg. Flnd by how much %o a (a) <30000 (b) <32000 (c) t20000(d) <36000
family should reduce its consumption, so as to keep the 13. A student X passes his examination with 515 marks, having
expenditure same. scored 37o above the minincum-IfY had ohained 710 marks,
what would have been above the minimum?
(a) 1.l.% @ r,f,u, (c) rrfrzral n** (a) 4ff/o {b) 4}o
l0% ofthe inhabitants ofa village having died ofcholera-
(c) 5ffo (d) Cannot be determined

a panic set in, during ,lich 25Yo of the remaining 1.1. In a shipment of ll0 machine parts. 5 per cent were
inhabitants left the village. The pcpuiation is then reduced defectire. In an another shipment of 80 machine parts, 10
to 4050. Find the number of original inhabitants. . per cetrt wcre also defective. For the two shipments
(a) 5000 (b) 60m (c) 7000 (d) combined, what per cent of the machine parts were
"80m defective ?
6. When the price of a pressure cooker was increased by
(a) 6.5% (b) 1.U/o (c) 1.s% (d) 8.U
l5%, the sale ofpressure cookers decreased b-r l5%. Wrat
was the net eflect on the sales?
15. In a class, of the students are boys. On a particular
day 80oh of girl students were present. What was the
(a) lS%decreise O) no effect
fraction 9f boys who were present that day if the total
(c) 2.21%oincrease (d) Z.2lYodeuease number of students present that day was70o/o?
7. When the price of sugar was increased by 32Yo, a family
reduced its consumption in such a way that the expendirure ^- 28 5 ..- qz

on sugar was only l0o% more than before. If 30 kg were 3O)6'65

consumed per month before, find the new monthly 16. In a competitive examination in State A, 67o candidates got
consumption. selected from the total appemed candidates. State B had an
(a) 20kg (b) Z5kg equal number ofcandidates appeared andTo/o candidates
got selected with 80 more candidates got selected than A.
(c) 30kg (d) None of these
What was the number of candidates appeared from each
8. A's income is 60%o of B's income, and A's expenditure is
70oh of B's expenditure. If As income is 75% of B's
expenditure, find the ratio of A s savings to B's savings.
(a) 7ffi (b) 80m

(a) I 5 (c) 3.5: I (d) 2:7 (c) 8400 (d) Data inadequate
5: G) I :
17. By reduction of 20%o in the price of oranges, one can
9. The ratio of salary of a worker in July to that in June was
purchase 5 oranges more for t 2.50. Find the reduced price
,,I , ,i,
-l by what % the salary of Julymore than salary of ofthe oranges per dozen and also the original price.
(a) l20paise, l40paise (b) <0.8,T1.5
June. Also find by what o/o, salary of June was less than (c) <1.0,{1.s (d) t1.2.,(l.s
that of July.
Percentage a-51

18. From the salary ofan ofiicer, 10% is deducted as house manufacturer raises his selling price by 10%, his percentage
rent, 20Yo of the rest, he spends on conveyance, 20oh of profit is [SSC CGL, Tier-II-2015]
the rest he pays as income tax and 10% ofthe balance, he
spends on clothes. Then , he is left with { 15,552. Findhis (a) 3s% (b) xlN (c) 281% @) :olx
total salary.
(a) {25,000 O) <30,000 28. 300 grams of sugar solution has 40o/o of sugar in it. How
(c) < 35,000 (d) < 40,000 much sugar should be added to make it 50% in the solution?

19. Anthonygot 30% ofthe maximum marks in an exatnination ISSC CGL, Tier-tr-20151
and failed by 10 marks. However, Amar who took the same
(a) 60grns (b) l0gms (c) 8Oerus ($
examination, got 40%o of the total marks and got l5 more
29. In a motor of 120 machine parts, 5olo parts were defective.
than the passing marks in the examination. What were the
In another motor of 80 machine parts, l0o/o parts were
defective. For the two motors considered together, the
passing marks in the examination ?
percentage of defective machine parts were
(a) 35 (b) 250 (c) 75 (d) 8s
ISSC CGL, Tier-I-20161
20. What is the total number ofcandidates at an examination,
(a) 7 (b) 6.s (c) 7.5 (d) 8
if 3lYo fail, and the number of those who pass exceeds the
30. A boy found the answer for the question "Subtract the
number of those who failby 247?
sum of ll4 and l/5 from unity and express the answer in
(a) 605 (b) s60 (c) 6s0 (d) 1,6s0
decimals" as 0.45. The percentage of error in his answer
21. In the month of January the Railway Police caught 4000 was [SSCCGL,Tier-tr-20161
ticketless travellers. In February the humber rise by 5%. (a) (t00t1t)% (b) 50Plo
However. due to constant vigil by the Police and the Railway (c) ttr/o (d) Q00/1r)%
staff, the number reduced b.v -50./o and in April it further

'2 7;%
reduced by 7Ao/o. The total number ofticketless travellers 31. A man spend ofhis moneyandafter spendingT5Yo
caught in the morrth ofApril was:
(a) 3tN O) 32s5 (c) 3575 (d) 3sel ofthe remaining he had t 370 left. How much moneydid
D. The total population of a village is 5000. The number of he have [SSC CGL, Tier-II-2016]
males and females increases by l0% and 15%o respectively (a) Dn O) 1600 (c) ls00 (d) 1400
and consequently the population of the village becomes 32. On a certain date, Pakistan has a success rate of 60%o
5600. What was the number ofmales in the village? against India in all the ODIs played between the two
(a) 2000 (b) 2s00 (c) 3000 (d) aOt^; countries. Theylost thenext 30 ODIs in arowto India and
23. An empty fuel tank of a car was filled with A type petrol. their success rate comes dorryn to 30%. The total number
then the tant uas half-empty, it was filled with B type of ODIs played between the two countries is
petrol. Again rvhen the tank i,!-as half-empty, it was filled ISSC CGL, Tier-tr-20161
*'ith A rype petrol. \\hen the tank uas half-empty again. it
(a) s0 (b) 45 (c) 60 (d) 30

rvas filled sith B type petrol. \\hat is the percenta-ee of-A.

33. The cost price of an article is ? x. It is marked up by 200%.
It is sold at { 540 after giving 25% discount. What is the
tlpe petrol at present in the tank?
(a) 33.s% b) 37.s% @) a0% (d) s0%
value of;r (in {)? [SSCCGL, Tier-tr-20lfl
24. 40yo of the students in a college play basketball, 34oh of
(a) K) O) 2s0 (c) 300 (d) 24
y. The selling price ofan article is t 816 ifthe discount
on itis
the students play tennis and the number of students who
playboth the games is 234. The number of students who
15%. What would be the selling price of the article (in ()
onitis25%o? ISSCCGL,Tier-II-20171
neither play basketball nor tennis is 52o/o. Determine the (c) 800 (d) 7m
(a) 7s0 (b) 720
total number of students in the college.
35. 40o/o are the passing marks. A student gets 250 marks.yet
(a) 7s0 (b) %0 (c) 900 (d) 850
fails by 3 8 marks. What is the maximum marks? =
25. The population ofa town increases by 5olo everyyear. If
- ISSC CGL, Tier-tr-20171
the present population is 9261, the population 3 years ago (a) n0 (b) 7s0 (c) 800 (d) 840
was [SSC CGL, Tier-I-2015] 36. A man's annual income has increased by { 5 lakhs but the
(a) s7m (b) 60m (c) 7s00 (d) 8000
tax on income that he has to pay has reduced fuom l2Yo to
26. In an office, of the staffis female. '10o/o of the fernale
40o/o l|Yo.He now pays ( I 0,000 more income tax. What rs his
staffand 50% ofthe male staffare married. The percentage increased income (in ( lakhs)? [SSC CGL, Tier-Il.20l7l
ofthe unmarried staffin the office is (a) n (b) 25 (c) 15 (d) l0
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20l 5l 37. IfA is 28% more than B and C is 25o/o less than the sum ofA
(a) 42 O) 60 (c) 54 (d) & and B, then by what percent will C be more than A (correct
n. A manufacturer fixes his selling price at 33olo over the cost place)?
to one decimal [SSC CGL, Tier-II-20181
ofproduction. Ifcost ofproduction goes up by 12o/" ar,d (a) 32.2% (b) 28% (c) 43% (d) 33.6%
B-52 Percentage

38. Raghav spends 80% ofhis income. Ifhis income increases 41. An item costs {400. During a festival sale, a companyoffers
by 12% and the savings decrease by lUYo,ther, what will be a sale discount that offers x7o offon its regular price along
the percentage increase in his expenditure? with a discount coupon of llok. The price ofthe item after l
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20181 using both the sale discount and the discount coupon, is
(a) 20.s (b) t6 (c) 17.s (d) D t216. What is the value ofr? [SSC CGL, Tier-I-2021] i

39. A number is first increased by 16% and then (a) % (b) 10

i4creased by l4%. The number, so obtained, is now (c) 30 (d) 35
decreased by 30%. What is the net increase or decrease 48. Salaries of B,C,DandE are inrhe ratioof I :3:4:5
percent in the original number (nearest to an integer)? respectively. Their salaries are increa-red br'10 percent. 30
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20181 percent, 40 percent and 50 purcent respectively. If the
(a) 60Z increasp (b) 7% decrease increased salary of D is { -s6tt. then uhat is the sum of the
(c) Noincrels6ordecrease(d) 9o/odecrease .F{ original salaries ofB. C. D and E l
q. Radha marks her goods 25% above the cost price. Sdvbels
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20211
35% ofgoods at the marked price,40o/o at l5%o discount (a) t1400 rbl t1560
and the remaining at 20yo discount. What is her overall (c) t1820 1d) t1260
percentage [SSC CGL, Tier-II-2018]
19. The cost of a ciiarn.rnd is directlyproportional to the square
(a) tt.2s (b) l0 (c) 11.75 (d) 12.7s
of its ueight.The cost of a 14 gm diamond is { 2560. This
41. When the price of an item was reduced by 25oh, then its
diamond sLrI broken down into two pieces in the ratio of
sale was increased by r%io. lf ther e is an increase of 20o/o in
the receipt ofthe revenue, then the value ofx will be:
-i :9. Hou rnuch loss percent is incurred due to this
breakagelr (Correct to two decimal places)
ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20181
(a) 50 (b) fl) (c) 45 (d) ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20211
42. In a constituency, 550/o of the total number of (a) 53.47percent (b) 4g.7lpercent
voters are males and the rest are females. If 40% of the (c) 45.92percent (d) 55.41percent
males are illiterate and40P% ofthefemales are literate, then 50. Raju spends 10 percent and 20 percent ofhis rncome on
bywhat percent is the number of iiterate males more than transport and food respectivel),. He spends 30 percent of
that of illiterate females? [SSC CGL Tier-tr-20lE] the remaining iilctme on clorhins . He saves rest olhis
inc..m:. Iihrs :ar.rn_c is t lt,-160. rhen u'hat u'il1 be total
(a) 22:- fb) 18: (c) 22: (d) J8: erpendrture rrn trrod and clothing together'?
il 9 9 11

43. An article is sold for {288 after successir.e discounts of

ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20211 T
25%o and x%o.If the marked price of the article is {480, what
\a) <2&20 (b) <24480
ofx? (c) 722140 (d) <23440
is the value [SSC CGL, Tier-I-2018]
(a) n 0) rc (c) 15 (d) l8 51. Rohit's income is t 32000. If his expenses is 30 percent of
4. The price of sugar is increased by l7%. Aperson wants to total income, then what what be the saving of Rohit'?
increase his exper:diture by 5% only. By approximatelywhat ISSC CGL, Tier-II-20211
percent should be decrease his consumption? (a) {224N (b) <19200
ISSC CGL, Tier-I-20181 (c) t2a600 (d) T18600
(a) 10.3 (b) 10.7 (c) l0.e (d) e.e 51. .An article is sold for < 54 1 20 after two successive discounts
45. An article is sold for {528 after successive discounts of of 1I percent and 18 percent. \\hatis the marked price of
- 20o/o ard l2%. What is the marked price of the article? theaniclel [SSC CGL. Tier-II-20211
ISSC CGL, Tier-I-20181 lar {-5r_){-rf.r rb,r t-Sr,xx_r
(a) <760 (b) <740 (c) {7s0 (d) {780 (c) {-lt)ur) ,di {sl(,}l,xl
4. The price of sugar is increased by 20%o. A person wants to
53. Salary of irloirit is 6tl percent more than Yr.1ay. Salary of
increase his expenditure by 8oh only. By what percent should
Vrjay is hou,'muc}r percent less than \lohit?
he decrease his consumption? [SSC CGL, Tier-I-20181
(a) t0% (b) 11% CGL, Tier-II-20211
(c) 9/o (d) t2% ISSC
@) a2.s (b) .17.5

(c) 45 (d) 37.s

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