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Ecological Developmental Biology: Integrating

Epigenetics, Medicine, and Evolution

Author: Schlichting, Carl D.

Source: BioScience, 59(11) : 1000-1001
Published By: American Institute of Biological Sciences

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An Uneven Guide to Eco-Devo

Ecological Developmental Biology: overviews of what we know about leave out discussion of an extensive lit-
Integrating Epigenetics, Medicine, phenotypic and molecular responses to erature on the complexities of pesticide
and Evolution. Scott F. Gilbert and “normal” environmental factors, and and herbicide effects (e.g., Relyea 2005,
David Epel. Sinauer, 2008. 459 pp., illus. each topic is supported by both classic 2006).
$49.95 (ISBN 9780878932993 paper). and new examples, as well as cases from The keystone chapter in section two
human biology. Two subsequent chap- is titled “The Epigenetic Origin of Adult
cott Gilbert, professor of biology at ters present focused treatments of plas- Diseases.” Its first half deals extensively
S Swarthmore, has been at the fore-
front of efforts to distinguish eco-devo
ticity in relation to symbiosis and to
defenses of eggs and embryos. These
with the relatively recent burst of re-
search on how maternal effects can af-
(ecological developmental biology) from offer excellent examples of the authors’ fect offspring phenotypes well into the
evo-devo, writing a number of papers intentions to expand readers’ perspec- offspring’s life. The authors begin this
promoting it and sponsoring a sympo- tives on the scope of eco-devo. The sym- section with a misstep when they say,
sium (with Jessica Bolker). So I was biosis chapter makes clear that many “Mammals developing within the uterus
excited to hear that he had written a examples of symbiosis can best be under- can fine-tune their phenotypes to suit an
book on eco-devo, with David Epel, stood as not just ecological interactions, expected future environment” (p. 247).
professor of biological sciences at Hop- but as examples of codevelopment as Although there are those who would
kins Marine Station, Stanford University. well. Their unfurling of the complexity agree with this statement, for most bio-
The resulting volume, Ecological Devel- and implications of healthy microbial logists the idea has not risen above the
opmental Biology: Integrating Epigenet- communities in the human gut is a su- level of an interesting hypothesis yet.
ics, Medicine, and Evolution is hand- perb example of the reach of eco-devo. The literature in this area is indeed
somely produced and lavishly illustrated. The chapter on embryonic defenses was intriguing, but the jury is still out on
The authors have two goals in mind. less successful, in my view; my qualms both the “thrifty phenotype” and “pre-
Their first is to introduce the excite- started when the authors suggested that dictive adaptive response” models. Wells
ment of the developments in this new robustness/canalization of development (2006, 2007), who has extensively re-
field to advanced undergraduates and is an embryo defense mechanism. The viewed these ideas, concludes that the
beginning graduate students. The second organization seemed a bit jumbled to evidence can be interpreted parsimo-
is to weave a new conceptual synthesis me: A section on strategies of defense niously as supporting a view of “mani-
for researchers working in this and (polyphenism, parental effects, diapause, pulation of offspring phenotype for the
related fields; I will comment on the and physiology) was followed by one on benefit of maternal fitness,” a far cry
success of each of these. Their subtitle mechanisms of defense, which focused from preparing the offspring for a harsh
conveys their intention, to explicitly on protection against particular types of future. Nevertheless, in this chapter
unite research initiatives in several environmental insult. Gilbert and Epel offer a nice introduc-
emerging fields: evo-devo, environ- The second section focuses on envi- tion to the literature in this field in this
mental origins of human disease, and ronmental effects leading to disease. chapter. I was surprised that there was no
the epigenetic modification of gene Here, disease is intended sensu lato, mention of the field of evolutionary
expression patterns. The glue to bind including not just ill-health but also medicine, however (e.g., Trevathan
them together is the phenomenon of development gone awry. Starting such a 2007).
phenotypic plasticity, and the scaffold on discussion with a chapter on teratogen- The third section of the book begins
which this union will be built is the esis seemed to me a bold move (which with an overview of modern evolution-
process of development. is another way of saying that I would ary concepts, followed by a chapter on
Ecological Developmental Biology have covered the eco-devo link between evolutionary developmental biology,
focuses on animal development; syn- normal and abnormal development focused largely on how changes in gene
theses for plants and plasticity of brain later). The chapter ends with an unsat- regulation can produce evolutionary
development are explicitly excluded— isfying section on the phenomenon of change. Concepts and mechanisms of
“these fields have their own books” deformed frogs: too short and missing the evolution of development via gene
(strangely, citations directing the inter- key aspects of the story. They return to regulation are generally well covered.
ested reader to these texts are missing). frog deformities in the following chap- Gilbert and Epel discuss the idea that the
Gilbert and Epel divide their treatment ter on endocrine disruptors (atrazine origins of macroevolutionary change
into three sections. The first begins with effects on immunity in frogs), but it can be seen in the changes in amount,
doesn’t make sense to separate elements timing, and location of gene expression.
doi:10.1525/bio.2009.59.11.12 of a first-rate eco-devo case study, nor to Up to this point, we have nine chapters

1000 BioScience • December 2009 / Vol. 59 No. 11

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written mainly to achieve goal one— to it (Odling-Smee et al. 2003, West- ———. 2006. The effects of pesticides, pH, and
that is, to convey enthusiasm for the Eberhard 2003, Jablonka and Lamb predatory stress on amphibians under meso-
new field and its way of looking at the 2005), the new synthesis must be in their cosm conditions. Ecotoxicology 15: 502–511.
world—and the book is fully successful combination, but in the end Gilbert and Schlichting CD, Pigliucci M. 1998. Phenotypic Evo-
at this level. Although I have some quib- Epel are not able to tie them together in lution: A Reaction Norm Perspective. Sinauer.
bles, the material is generally well pre- new ways. Trevathan WR. 2007. Evolutionary medicine. An-
sented and should capture the attention nual Review of Anthropology 36: 139–154.
and interest of biologically savvy stu- Wells JCK. 2006. Is early development in humans
dents. I note that although the illustra- a predictive adaptive response anticipating the
tions are generally excellent, the captions adult environment? Trends in Ecology and Evo-
accompanying them are too often lution 21: 424–425.
inadequate. Many figures are poorly ———. 2007. The thrifty phenotype as an adaptive
described—axes on graphs are sometimes maternal effect. Biological Reviews 82: 143–172.
lacking and legends are incomplete. In West-Eberhard MJ. 2003. Developmental Plasticity
chapter 5, for example, several compari- and Evolution. Oxford University Press.
sons of normal and abnormal develop-
ment are presented (e.g., figures 5.3 to
5.6), but insufficient detail is presented for Ecological Developmental Biology also
the reader to conclude much more than has a coda on philosophy and eco-devo, DEFINING CULTURE IN ANIMALS
that the examples look different. and four text appendices. Appendix B
This brings us to the final chapter, expands on topics covered less fully in The Question of Animal Culture.
and to goal two of forging a new con- the text (e.g., epigenetic mechanisms Kevin N. Laland and Bennett G.
ceptual synthesis. You may have already such as methylation). Appendices A, C, Galef, eds. Harvard University Press,
mused, “This idea of merging develop- and D offer some historical context for 2009. 351 pp., illus. $49.95 (ISBN
ment and plasticity sounds familiar,” the progress of evo-devo and eco-devo. 9780674031265 cloth).
and asked yourself, “Hasn’t this been I found these sections very uneven—
done already (with the exception of in- interesting observations alternate with ver since a troop of Japanese
corporating human health)?”And you’re
right—books by both Schlichting and
purple prose, and the failure of plastic-
ity studies to gain a foothold in Western
E macaques began washing sweet
potatoes in a stream, scientists have
Pigliucci (1998—way back in the 20th science is all Lysenko’s fault. Overall, I described, argued, and marveled at the
century, but not cited by Gilbert and have to deliver one thumb up and an- degree of culture demonstrated by non-
Epel) and West-Eberhard (2003) under- other down. The book succeeds in its humans, and wondered what these ob-
took the melding of plasticity, develop- goal to provide a taste of the excitement servations had to say about human
ment, and evolution. So it is a fair and intrigue of viewing organismal culture. The Question of Animal Cul-
question to ask what, with the exception biology through the lens of plasticity. ture, edited by Kevin N. Laland and
of incorporating human health, the However, for me at least, it does not de- Bennett G. Galef, is the first, most sci-
authors add to the previous syntheses. liver on its promise of a new synthesis. entific, and challenging look at what
Does eco-devo add significantly to our culture means for animals ranging from
views of how evolution operates? CARL D. SCHLICHTING birds to nonhuman primates.
Gilbert and Epel suggest that eco- Carl D. Schlichting (carl.schlichting The question of whether the tradi-
devo upends three supports of the mod- is a professor with the tions of animals and cultures of humans
ern synthesis: that only heritable Department of Ecology and Evolutionary are similar is very contentious, and this
variation is important, that organisms Biology at the University of Connecticut. book is an excellent, timely compendium
are unitary, and that the environment’s of the thoughts and research of the best
only role is as a selective agent. They References cited scientific minds as they address this is-
argue that eco-devo, in contrast, shows Jablonka E, Lamb MJ. 2005. Evolution in Four sue. The approach is one of rigorous
that both epigenetic and environmen- Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, scientific inquiry and dialogue, with the
tally induced variation are important, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life. recognition that this is an important,
and that organisms are more like eco- MIT Press. viable, and expanding field that has ma-
systems. In their view, eco-devo’s key Odling-Smee FJ, Laland KN, Feldman MW. 2003. tured to develop paradigms, methods,
innovations are epigenetic inheritance, Niche Construction: The Neglected Process in and theories to describe and categorize
heterocyberny (an appalling new term Evolution. Princeton University Press. behavioral patterns that might repre-
for genetic accommodation), and niche Relyea RA. 2005. The impact of insecticides and sent culture in animals. Also up for con-
construction, and each receives treat- herbicides on the biodiversity and productivity sideration is the question of whether
ment in the final chapter. Since each of of aquatic communities. Ecological Applica-
these has had a major book devoted tions 15: 618–627. doi:10.1525/bio.2009.59.11.13 December 2009 / Vol. 59 No. 11 • BioScience 1001

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